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Craft of

Whiskey Distilling
Craft of
Whiskey Distilling
Published by
The American Distilling Institute (ADI)
The American Distilling Institute is the collective voice of a new generation of artisan distillers.
We are dedicated to disseminating essential information regarding the art and science of distilling.
Bill Owens
All rights reserved
ISBN 978-0-9824055-1-2
For permission to reproduce any part of this book
please correspond directly with
White Mule Press
PO Box 577
Hayward, CA 94543
Visit the American Distilling Institute website
vii Preface
ix Introduction
xii Glossary
Chapter 1 Distillation principles
Chapter 2 Mashing
Chapter 3 Distilling procedures
Chapter 4 Barrel aging
Chapter 5 Bottling
Chapter 6 How to make moonshine
A To-do list
B Formulas
C Licensing
E CRF Standards of Identity
F Down and Dirty Business Plan
G Resources
Recommended reading
H Quiz
I Essential Logs
J Floor Plan
The new generation of artisan whiskey distillers, whenever possible, use local ingre-
dients to reect the region of the country where they are located. They also look to nearby
microbrewers as a source of inspiration and sometimes wash. Brewing and distilling go
hand in hand because the mash-tun can produce wort for brewing or wash for distilling.
To distill whiskey you rst have to make beer. Beer is a technical term for whiskey
wash, regardless of the type of raw ingredients used. The microbrewer uses a mash-tun to
produce a sweet barley water called wort. The same mash-tun can also be used to make
wash for whiskey distillation. The difference is that distillers wash is un-hopped, contains
no solids and most importantly, it will ferment in less then a week.
The new generation of craft whiskey distillers, like Scottish distillers, will use a mash-
ton to produce all malt whiskies. They will use numerous beer recipes to produce a new
generation of barley, rye and wheat whiskies. These whiskies will have avor and character
not found in commercial corn whiskies. I also think that well soon see a new generation of
whiskies infused with wood (apple, cedar, birch) and spices.
Craft distillers dont need a column still with two dozens of plates to make whiskey.
Visit any small whiskey distillery and you will see that most have a still without column and
plates. And, if they do have a column still, it will be used to make stripping runs with plates
open. Then they make heads and tails cuts on the second spirits run using one plate. Every
distillery works differently. The key is to make head tail cuts that save congeners (avors)
that dene the style of whiskey you are distilling.
Special thanks to Ian Smiley, who wrote the heart of the book, Distillation Principles.
Also thanks to contributing writers Alan Dikty, George Ferris, Eric Watson, Zac Triement,
Bill Smith, and Attorney Robin J. Bowen. Artwork is by Catherine Ryan and layout is by Uri
Korn. To learn more about craft distilling, join the American Distilling Institute (ADI) at Member support helps educate the public about craft distilling.
Bill Owens, President
American Distilling Institute
This manual is intended for the craft whiskey distiller who aims to make excellent-
quality malt whiskey through artisan distillation methods. This manual describes, at the
craft level, the process of making whiskey. It gives detailed instructions on how to distill
one barrel (53 gallons) of 120-proof malt whiskey.
The reader learns about the principles of distillation, types of stills, and the process of
distillation. The manual also goes into detail about how-to make head and tails cutsthe
elusive operation that a distiller needs to learn in order to create a world class whiskey.
Most important is the chapter on mashing and creating a barley wash for fermenta-
tion. The all-grain recipes in the manual are adapted from the mashing (brewing) process
used by commercial malt whiskey distilleries. Finally, the wash will be distilled using the
double-distillation method employed by most of the renowned malt-whiskey producers.
The quantities in this manual are stated in Standard American Weights and Measures,
and temperatures are in degrees Fahrenheit.
Craft distillers produce alcoholic beverage spi rits by distillation, or by infusion
through distillation or re-distillation. Maximum production for a craft or artisan
distiller should not exceed 250,000 proof gallons per year. The craft or artisan dis-
tiller utilizes a pot still, with or without rectication columns, for distillation of beverage
spirits. A distiller starting with neutral spirits produced by others, who redistills without
substantially altering the neutral character of the spirit may not be said to be a craft or
artisan distiller.
The purpose of this manual
a barrel a week
abv Alcohol by Volume.
Aldehyde A volatile impurity found
in heads; often redistilled separating
it from alcohol.
Barrel (Wooden) 53 U.S. gallons,
44 Imperial gallons or 200.6 liters.
Barrel (Beer) 31 gallons.
Beer Stripping The process of run-
ning wash through a still (no head or
tail cuts) to remove alcohol that will
be re-distilled. A stripping run usu-
ally starts at 170 proof and ends at
70 proof .
Beer Stripper A large pot still, with-
out plates, used to strip wash for a
second distillation.
Bubble Caps Caps sit on trays over
vapor tubers in the column still
(sprits still). Caps provide contact
between the rising vapors and de-
scending reux crating a distillation
cycle and enriching the alcohol.
CFR Code Federal Regulations; U.S.
Government regulations, Type of
Denition for example: rye whiskey
must be fermented mash of not less
that 51% rye and stored in a new oak
Charge The volume of wash to be
Condensor The apparatus, often a
tube in shell, in which a vapor con-
denses to liquids.
Congeners Impurities. This minor
chemical gives liquor (spirits) a dis-
tinctive character and avors. Its
found in both heads and tails,
Dephlegmator A chilling apparatus
(condenser) at the top of the reux
column. It is comprised of a bank
of tubes with cold water running
through them. This increases reux,
and the purity of the distillate.
Dextrose Basic sugar know as corn
sugar. A base for distilling whiskey
DSP Distilled Spirits Plants; a feder-
ally licensed distillery.
Double Distilling A process where
the distillate is distilled twice. The
rst time to remove alcohol and the
second distillation is make cutting
the head and tail cuts.
Fractional Distillation Done in col-
umn still using plates and bubble
caps. The process separates spirits
into different volatility.
Heads Is the rst spirits off the still,
contain several undesirable chemi-
cal such as aldehydes. Heads are
collected and then often re-distilled
as distillers try remove the avorful
Mash Is produced by mixing hot wa-
ter and grains.
Mash-Lauder A process that me-
chanically mixes barley and water.
Mash Tun A double jacketed tank
in which hot water and grains are
mixed. The tank (mash-tun) has a
false bottom (a screen or slotted
tubes) allowing the sweet barley
water to drain. Distiller collects the
barley water for fermentation. After
fermentation it becomes wash that
is then distilled
Moors Cap A still with a at top
(hat) The cap catches reux, sending
it back to the kettle for re-distillation.
NGS Neutral Grain Spirits. (190+
Alcohol) In the USA it is produced
from corn. NGS I used by distilleries
around the world for blending, vod-
ka, gin, whiskey etc. It is the work-
horse of the distillation industry and
used by all many distilleries produc-
ing 100s or products.
pH A measure of the acidity or al-
kalinity of a solution, equal to 7 for
neutral solutions, increasing with
increasing alkalinity and decreasing
with increasing acidity. The pH scale
used ranges from 0 to 14.
Parrot A device that looks like a
parrot, the bird, with a long beak.
It holds the hydrometer collects
and cools alcohol running from the
still. This allows the distiller to know
the percent alcohol owing from the
Proof An American term used to de-
termine the strength of the alcohol.
For example; 120 proof is 60% alco-
hol or abv.
Relfux When vapors in the still are
cooled they fall back into the still as
liquid. The amount of the reux ob-
tained depends on the shape of the
still and the angle of the lyne arm.
Reux Column A column which
cycles liquids through two or more
distillations. Used to make NGS.
Spirit Still A still designed to do the
nal distillation producing nished
Spirit Run The nal distillation that
produces the nished whiskey.
TTB Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
formerly BATF. It licenses and col-
lects taxes from U.S.distilleries.
Tails Alcoholic distillate containing
a high percentage of fusel oil.
Tote A large stainless steel tank for
transporting and storage of spirits.
Wash Fermented barley water.
Distillation Principles
Distillation is a physical process where compounds are separated by virtue of their differ-
ent boiling points and vapor pressures.
The separation in distillation occurs when a mixture of compounds in the still is brought
to boil. As a simplication, assume that the still contains only ethanol and water. Ignoring
the azeotrope discussed below, for every mix ratio of ethanol to water there is one and
only one new boiling point that lies between the boiling point of either. Conversely, for
each boiling point, there is one and only one ratio of ethanol in the kettle, and an enriched
ratio in the vapor and the distillate. If you know the temperature in the kettle, you can look
up the exact ethanol ratio both in the kettle and in the vapor/distillate, in a simple table
[gure 1/page 5].
Assume a mixture of 90% water and 10% ethanol (by volume) is to be separated by dis-
tillation. Water has a boiling point of 212F and ethanol has a boiling point of 173F, but
this 10% ethanol mixture will boil at 197F; it will not boil at 173F. The vapor above the
liquid will be 61% ethanol, as will the distillate. In a simple kettle, the ethanol percentage
will drop during the boil because more ethanol than water is being removed, and neither
are being replenished. This alone accounts for the increase in boiling point from start to
nish the ratio changes, so the BP changes.
Note that we started with 10% ethanol in the kettle, and now have a distillate at 61%
ethanol, a 6-fold increase in strength. Referring to the table and graph below, if we now
distill this condensate again, the new distillate will be 86%, and if we distill that, we will
have a 91%, and again 92%, and again 93% and after six distillations, we may get 94%. As the
concentration of the impurity (water) decreases, it becomes more difcult to remove. This
Most artisan stills are of the reux or pot column
design because of the inherent exibility that they offer.
notion is very important for other products of fermentation in our wash. No matter what
the concentration and boiling point of a given impurity, some of it will escape the kettle
and nd its way to the distillate throughout the distilling run. This means that head cuts
can never be precise because these lighter impurities do not all vaporize before the hearts
begin. Likewise, some tail impurities manage to vaporize well before they are expected.
Compounds with boiling points between water and ethanol, such as diacetyl at 190F may
be impossible to remove by distillation. Therefore, distilling a bad wash never makes a
good whiskey and a good whiskey always starts with a good wash.
High-separation vodka stills employ a reux column with many plates where vapors can
condense, then like small kettles, re-vaporize the new enriched liquid, further enriching the
vapor. Multiple cycles of condensation and re-boiling, one cycle per plate, occur in a single
pass as vapors rise through the column before distillate is drawn from the still near the
top. Even these stills can not enrich beyond 96.5% ABV because ethanol and water form an
azeotrope where some mix ratios have a boiling point not between the boiling points of the
constituents. This prevents complete distillation. Nonetheless, reux columns attached to
pot still can sharpen separation, making head and tail cuts easier, but most believe that
this leads to a lesser whiskey because the cleaner separation strips away character. Artisan
distillers want to preserve the character of their whiskey, so if a column is employed, the
plates are opened to reduce reux and more closely match the results from the neck and
arm of a traditional whiskey still.
If your kettle temperature is 198.5F then your kettle contains 9% ethanol and the vapor
contains 59% ethanol. As the run goes on, ethanol is removed from the kettle, the kettle
temperature rises toward 212F and the vapor concentration decreases.
There are a number of different designs of stills. The most basic design is a pot still,
with a pipe leading from the lid into a condenser coil. The condenser coil can either be long
enough to air cool the vapors or it can be shorter and immersed in a water jacket. Such a
still affords minimum separation since there is almost no separation of the vapors once
they leave the boiler. Although this design of still is not suitable for producing beverage
alcohol by modern standards, it will still concentrate an 8 or 10% abv wash to 60% in a
fairly fast run.
The next type of still is the whiskey still, sometimes called a gooseneck still. This
design is technically a form of pot still and has been in use for centuries for commercial
whiskey production, and is just as popular today in modern whiskey distilleries as it has
ever been. A whiskey still has a large boiler with a long broad neck rising from it. The
neck bends at the top and leads to a condenser coil immersed in water. This design is very
similar to the crude pot still, except the tall broad neck affords enough separation to hold
back most of the fusel alcohols from the distillate while retaining the desired avors in the
nished spirit. They are suited to the production of whiskey, brandy, rum, schnapps, and
other non-neutral spirits, for which they are very widely used commercially. However, the
whiskey still is not suitable for the production of vodka, gin, or other spirits derived from
neutral alcohol, which requires a high-separation still capable of producing pure ethanol.
This brings us to the high-separation still design called a column still or a fractionat-
ing still. A fractionating still is used to produce pure ethanol by fractional distillation for
vodka and gin, or for pharmaceutical and laboratory use.
[Figure 1] This is a table and graph of boiling points for ethanol/water mixtures
by volume. (Hint copy this and paste it onto your still).
In smaller fractionating stills the vapors emerging from the boiling mixture pass up a
column packed with small pieces of glass, ceramic, stainless steel, copper or other material,
inert to the process. This material is called the column packing. In larger fractionating
stills, the columns have bafe plates with holes or bubble caps instead of packing material.
Each piece of packing, or bubble cap, can hold a small amount of liquid, either internally
(if they have internal crevices) or in the interstices between adjacent particles. At the top
of the column, the emerging vapor is condensed into a liquid by means of a heat exchanger
with cold water running through it. The condensed liquid runs back down the column
until it reaches the boiler where it is reheated, converted into vapor once more, and once
again moves up the column.
At equilibrium, which takes about an hour to achieve in the case of pure-ethanol produc-
tion, the system consists of vapor rising up the column meeting a ow of liquid running
down the column from the heat exchanger. At each vapor-liquid interface on the packing
material within the column, a partial separation occurs wherein the more volatile compo-
nents of the mixture go into the vapor phase and rise while the less volatile components go
into the liquid phase and are carried down toward the boiler. At equilibrium, the various
components in the mixture become stacked up in the column in the order of their boiling
points, the most volatile at the top and the least volatile at the bottom.
Theres a variation of fractionating still called the continuous-run still. With the con-
tinuous-run design of fractionating still, the fermented wash is fed into a small boiling
chamber from a reservoir and is vaporized immediately upon entry to the chamber. The
different components of the mixture are drawn off at various heights along the column,
and the spent residue is drained off at the bottom. This process can continue indenitely
as long as fermented wash is fed into the boiling chamber. Acetone, for example, would be
continuously drawn off from the top of the column while ethanol would be continuously
drawn off from a point a little further down.
The last still design to be discussed in this text is the reux still. A reux still is very
similar in design to the fractionating still except it doesnt have a heat exchanger at the top
of the column forcing a complete condensation of all the vapor that reaches the top. It has
a packed column like a fractionating still, but the vapor that reaches the top exits to the
condenser and is received as output. While a reux still benets by the purifying process
of the redistilling at the packing surfaces like a fractionating still does, without the forced
reux of a top heat exchanger it doesnt produce as pure a neutral ethanol as a fractionat-
ing still. However, reux stills are very commonly used in the artisan distillation of whiskey,
and other non-neutral spirits, and its this type of still that will be discussed in the rest of
this text.
Most artisan stills are of the reux or pot column design because of the inherent ex-
ibility that they offer. The best known manufacturers of pot and reux stills are: Vendome,
Holstein, Christian Carl, and Forsyth. The Index contains a complete list of manufactur-
ers. These brands of still come with multiple bubble-cap trays, and each tray can be by-
passed by operating a lever. These stills can also be purchased with a dephlegmator, which
is a chilling apparatus at the top of the column comprised of a bank of tubes with cold
water running through them to increase the reux, and therefore the purity of the distil-
late. The still can be operated with the dephlegmator disabled, or with cold water running
through it at whatever rate the operator chooses. Between the variability of the dephlegma-
tor and the ability to bypass, or not, the multiple bubble-cap trays, just about any level of
separation can be achieved with these artisan stills. Thats why they make such excellent
whiskey stills.
The whiskey still has four parts: pot, swan neck, lyne arm, and condenser. The shape of
each section affects rectication and the taste of the spirits. Ther eated (to 172). It can be
heated by direct re, steam, gas, or wood. All systems have advantages and disadvantages.
There is no right way to heat wash. Most manufacturers, however, prefer a double-jacketed
steam-water system that provides a gentle heat to the wash. Mainly, you dont want to
burn the wash. Most pots have a sight glass so the distiller can check for foaming during
the distillation process.
! The swan neck sits on top of the pot. It can be tall, short, straight, or tapered. Often the
swan neck is connected to the pot via an ogee, a bubble-shaped chamber. The ogee allows
the distillate to expand, condense, and fall back into the pot during distillation. Most pot
stills have a tapered swan neck, allowing for better separation and better enriching of the
spirits during distilling.
! The lyne arm sits on top of the swan neck. It can be tilted up or down, and it can be
tapered or straight. Most arms are tapered down. Often pot stills are tted with a dephleg-
mator, or what the Scots call a purier. The dephlegmator is tted with bafes that use
water plates or tubes to cool the distillate, sending 90 percent of it back to the pot. Its main
purpose is the enrichment of the spirits before theyre sent on to the condenser.
! The condenser, or worm is used for cooling the spirits and providing a small stream to a
collection tank or pail.
In distilling parlance, the compounds in the wash that are not ethanol or water are called
congeners. Some congeners such as acetaldehyde, methanol, and certain esters and alde-
hydes, have boiling points lower than ethanol, while certain other esters, the higher al-
cohols (fusel alcohols), and water, have higher boiling points than ethanol. This means
the lower-boiling-point congeners come out in high concentration at the beginning of the
distillation run, and the higher-boiling-point ones come out in high concentration towards
the end of the run, leaving the ethanol as the most abundant compound during the middle
of the run.
So, when distillation takes place in an artisan still, such as the reux stills discussed
above, the distillate that comes out is divided into three phases called: heads, hearts and,
tails. The heads contain the unwanted lower-boiling-point congeners that come out at the
beginning of the run, and the tails contain the unwanted higher-boiling-point congeners
that come out at the end of the run. And, the hearts are the desired spirit.
Since whiskey is not distilled at a high-separation level, it means that each phase bleeds
into the adjacent phase. That is to say, theres a considerable amount of ethanol in the
heads phase, and there are late heads congeners at the beginning of the hearts phase. Simi-
larly, there s a signicant amount of early tails congeners at the end of the hearts, and there
s a considerable amount of ethanol in the tails phase. The hearts are the whiskey, and while
they are comprised mostly of ethanol and water, they have a delicate balance of late-heads
and early-tails congeners that make up the avor prole of the whiskey.
Since both the heads and the tails contain a lot of ethanol and residual desirable avor,
they are mixed together and saved for future recovery. The heads and tails when mixed to-
gether are called feints. They can be distilled separately to produce another whiskey run, or
they can be mixed in with a future spirit run, where their ethanol and avors are recovered
as a part of that run. However, each subsequent distillation produces its own set of heads,
hearts, and tails, and the feints from those runs are also saved for future recovery.
When whiskey is made, its usually done in two distillation runs: a beer-stripping run;
and, a spirit run. The beer-stripping run is generally done in a larger, high-volume pot
still called a beer stripper. The beer stripper is used to distill the fermented mash and con-
centrate the ethanol and all the impurities into a distillate of about 35% ethanol, called
low-wine. The spirit-run is done in a smaller whiskey still, either a gooseneck or an artisan
reux still, called a spirit still. The spirit still is used to distill the low-wine and rene
them into the nished spirit. There are the two outputs retained from the spirit-run: the
nished spirit; and, the feints
For a beer-stripping run, the fermented mash, which is typically about 8% abv, is loaded
into the beer-stripper, and the contents are brought to boil. Since this run is just a primary
distillation, the heads, hearts, and tails are not separated out. The entire output from this
run is collected in a single lot, and the run is continued until the aggregate percent alcohol
is down to 35% abv. This distillate is the low-wine, which is the input to the spirit run.
To produce the nished whiskey, the spirit still is lled with the low-wine from the beer-
stripping run, and often a measure of feints from previous spirit-runs. The spirit still is
then brought to boil. It is with the spirit run that the distiller adjusts the boil-up rate to
achieve a gentle, slow ow of distillate and carefully separates out the heads, hearts, and
Some whiskey distilleries produce their whiskey in one single distillation. In effect, they
do a spirit run directly from the wash. The artisan reux stills discussed above are excel-
lently suited to doing this type of whiskey distillation, but operationally its very labor in-
tensive and a lot of attention must be paid by the distiller to numerous smaller runs rather
than one larger run.
Some people nd the whiskey from a single distillation run to be richer and to have a
more natural avor, while others nd it to be harsh and unrened. In this text, the more-
common double-distillation method is used.
Probably the most elusive part of the distilling process for making whiskey, is making
the cuts from heads to hearts and then to tails. Making a cut from one phase to the next is
the point where the distiller switches the output so that its collected in a different receiver
than the previous phase. At the end of the spirit run, the heads will be in one container,
the hearts in another, and the tails in a third one. The question is, when to switch from one
phase to the next?
Experienced distillers do this by taste. Even though there are measurable parameters
like still-head temperature and percent alcohol of the evolving spirit that can be used to
judge when to make the cuts, taste and smell still remain the most reliable method of de-
termining them.
The empirical parameters for judging the cuts are: the percent alcohol of the spirit thats
owing out of the still (i.e. the evolving spirit); and, the still-head temperature. However,
these vary from one still to the next, and vary based on the properties of the low-wine (e.g.,
percent alcohol, and quantity). It is possible to develop a consistent process using the same
still and the same quantity and a formulation of low-wine, such that the parameters remain
the same for each run. For example, if a spirit run is being done in an artisan reux still
with low-wine that is 35% abv, the begin-cut (i.e. the cut from heads to hearts) is usually
done when the evolving distillate is at about 80% and when the still-head temperature is
about 180 degrees. And, the end-cut (i.e., the cut from hearts to tails) is often done at about
65% and when the still-head temperature is about 200 degrees. However, a spirit distilled
from a straight malt wash, can often be end-cut as low as 60%. Its because of these nuances
that smell and taste become the only truly reliable indicators of when to make the cuts.
When making the begin-cut, the taste characteristics that the distiller is looking for are
as follows. When a spirit run comes to boil and the rst d istillate starts owing from the
still, this is the beginning of the heads phase. The distiller can collect a small sample of the
distillate on a spoon or in a wine glass and smell it. At this stage, the distillate will have the
sickening smell of solvents like nail polish remover or paintbrush cleaner. However, before
long this solvent smell will diminish, and even when a sample is tasted these compounds
will be very faint. As the solvent character disappears completely, the distillate will start to
take on a hint of whiskey avor. This avor will increase until it becomes very pronounced
and highly concentrated. Its when this avor is clearly evident (i.e., more than just a hint)
but is still increasing in intensity that the distiller cuts to the hearts phase.
To make the end-cut the distiller needs to monitor the avor of the hearts through the
following changes in taste. At the beginning of the hearts phase, the intensity of the whis-
key avor will still be increasing, and will continue to do so until it becomes very strong.
However, as the hearts continue, the intense whiskey avor will fade into a smooth, sweet,
pleasant avor that will persist for most of the hearts. The avor will change slightly as the
hearts progress but it will remain sweet and pleasant. Towards the end of the hearts, the
avor will start losing its sweetness and a trace of harsh bitterness will being to appear in
the avour. This harsh, bitter avor is the onset of the tails. While a small amount of this
bitterness is considered to contribute to the bite character of the whiskey, the distiller
should cut to the tails receiver before mush of it is allowed to enter the hearts.
The tails can be collected until the evolving distillate is down to about 10% and the still-
head temperature is about 210 degrees. The reason for doing this is to render all the re-
sidual alcohol thats left in the still at the end of the hearts phase. This alcohol can then be
recovered in a future spirit run.
The tails phase starts out bitter, and the bitterness becomes more intense as the tails
continue, but as the tails progress, the bitterness subsides and gives way to a sweet-tast-
ing water. This sweet water is called backins.
Malt Mash for Whiskey Production
250 Gallons for Stipping
With the new artisan distilling movement in the US, the availability of hand crafted
super premium spirits has resulted in an impressive array of locally and regionally pro-
duced spirits for consumers. Although there are artisan spirit producers that have been
around for close to 30 years now, the rapidly growing interest in entering this exciting in-
dustry segment started to occur about 5 years ago.
In the last couple of years the interest has swung towards producing darker spirits,
particularly whisky, which conveniently is mirroring consumer trends. So far, unfortunate-
ly, most of those entering this industry do not have a brewing background. Due to the lack
of experience and/or training in the art and science of brewing, there is a void that must
be lled to be successful in making a whisky that meets and hopefully exceeds consumer
This chapter is intended to introduce the concepts of mashing malted barley for the
production of single malt whisky without becoming too technical, but rather to introduce
the fundamentals required to successfully produce a wash that once distilled can become
a great dram.
Before getting into the details, it is necessary to dene some basic terms. All of these
terms are dened as they relate to the production of single malt whisky using profession-
ally designed and built equipment:
Combi-Tun A single vessels that combines both the functions of a mash tun and a
lauter tun. Although a cheaper option and a space saver, the use of a single vessel for both
functions can limit your production capacity since you cannot lauter and mash at the same
there are two schools of thought in the artisan segment
regarding how a whisky wash should be distilled.
Doughing In Term for mixing water and malt together when preparing a mash.
Foundation Water This is the water that is initially introduced into the mash tun
to both warm it up and to ll the combi-tun with water to a level 1 to 2 inches above the
lauter screen. This ll level prevents the malt from clogging the mash screen while you are
doughing in.
Grist The ingredients used to make a mash.
Grist Hydrator A device used to spray hot water into the crushed malt as it enters
the mash tun which aides in proper hydration which is required for effective and efcient
starch conversion.
Hot Liquor Tank A fancy name for a giant water heater. This tank is used to heat the
dough in water that you will introduce slowly into your grist and later to raise the tempera-
ture of the water to sparge with.
Lauter To separate the liquid wort from the malts after mashing has been completed.
Lauter Tun Term for a vessel where a completed mash is transferred to to allow for
the separation of the malt grains (draff ) from the liquid portion which is known as wort
(pronounced wert) or in distilling terms, wash. The name of this vessel comes from the
German word lautern which means to lter.
Lauter Screen Also known as a false bottom, this wedge wire screen rests above the
bottom of the lauter tun to allow the wort to run off while leaving the grains behind.
Malted Barley The seed of the barley plant, which is a type of grass, that has been
soaked in water and allowed to germinate just until the sprout is visible at the top of the
seed and small rootlets develop. The germinated barley is then kilned to stop the germi-
nation process. This kilning keeps the embryonic plant from consuming too much of the
starch as its energy source for growth. It is this starch that we wish to harness for conver-
sion into fermentable sugar which is made possible through the development of enzymes
during the malting process. In addition to making starch accessible, the kilning process
also develops the malt avor we associate with whiskey.
Mash The mixture of malted barley and water prior to fermentation.
Mashing The process whereby hot water is mixed with malted barley and held at a
temperature which will allow the enzymes created during the malting process to convert
the starches in the malt to sugars that are fermentable, which in this case is mostly maltose,
hence the origin of the word malt.-
Mash Tun Term for a vessel where the malted barley and hot water are mixed and held
at a certain temperature to allow for the conversion of the starches to fermentable sugars.
Mash Tun Thermal Mass This is a fancy term for heat that is lost through a mash tun.
If you pre-heat the mash tun with hot water to above the temperature of that which you
intend to mash prior to doughing in, the thermal mass is 0. In the interest of simplicity, I
am using the assumption that you are following this common practice. If you are not, then
some more elaborate calculations are required to determine this loss because every mash
tun varies in its ability to hold heat. To determine thermal mass of a cold vessel requires
empirical data specic to the subject vessel from which you can then derive the factor to
use in calculations. This topic is beyond the scope of this chapter.
Sparge To introduce hot water beyond that of the water used to complete the mash-
ing process with the purpose of rinsing as much sugar as possible from the mash. The use
of this technique reduces the size of the vessel required to complete the mashing process
which is a cost and space saver.
Tincture of Iodine Used to test for the presence of starch in a mash runoff. Place
ltered runoff on a white plate in a thin layer, put a small drop of iodine in the layer. If the
color changes little, there is no starch left in solution. If the color changes to blue or black,
you need to rest the mash further.
Wash This term denotes a fermented solution which may or may not include solids
that is placed in the still for distillation.
Before continuing into the technical details of mashing it must be noted that there
are two schools of thought in the artisan segment regarding how a whiskey wash should
be distilled. There are some that believe a greater character can be derived by charging
the still with the whole wash without separating the grains from it. One positive attribute
of this is that if fermentation is undertaken on the whole mash, the resultant wash will
yield slightly more alcohol due to continuing conversion during fermentation. The nega-
tive impact of this practice is that by not separating the wort from the grains, your still
charge will be signicantly reduced versus just lling it with the wort. It is interesting to
also note that all Scotch distilleries lauter their wort. This is not mandated by law like
many of their practices so it is either a historical practice or they feel that there are benets
to separating the grain from the wort. So, this is a subjective choice rather than a objective
technical mandate.
Lautering the Wort
The below details are based upon lautering the wort. If you intend to not lauter, ignore
the lautering instructions, but all of the other concepts still apply.
Single malt whisky can be made from a blend of many types of malted barley but most
are made from a single type. That being stated, I am of the belief that blending malt types
such as 2 row pale, Munich, aromatic and biscuit for example, is an under explored topic
that could offer a substantial level of differentiation. Presently there are a few artisan dis-
tilleries that are sourcing their wort from a brewers regular wort stream (not custom made
for the distillery) that is part of their usual beer production and can serve as an illustration
of this concept.
For the greatest depth of avor, ease of starch conversion and the highest yield, it is
best to use a 2 row pale ale malt that is fully modied. This is the malt most commonly used
by craftbrewers and is readily available. If a phenolic note is desired in the nished whisky,
that effect can be realized by blending in either peat smoked malt (Hugh Baird from the
UK is a leading supplier to distilleries) or for a more subtle effect, rauchmalt from Germany
may be used. You could also smoke your own malt with wood blends that could become
a signature note to your whisky! This is done to produce the much lauded Smoked Porter,
a beer produced by Alaskan Brewing Co. They smoke their own alder wood at a salmon
smokery near the brewery.
Before mashing the malts must be crushed. To properly crush malt requires a mill that
is specically designed for crushing malt. The use of other types of mills will grind the grain
and pulverize the husks. Maintaining husk integrity is crucial because it helps to clarify the
lauter runoff and keeps the lauter screen from plugging up. A proper grist has little our
and could be described as somewhat grit like with mostly intact husks.
There are many topics that can be discussed when addressing water used in mashing.
Rather than go into detail regarding water chemistry, I am going to assume that the water
you plan to use is low in iron, contains no sulfur and meets potability standards for drink-
ing water. If you are going to be using municipal water, you will need to pre-lter the water
to remove any chlorine, chloramines or other chemicals that are either volatile or could
compromise fermentation. It is best to have an independent lab test your water rather than
using an average water analysis from the local water department. They can test for dimen-
sions that are important for brewing that water departments have no need to test for.
It is crucial for proper starch conversion to make sure the pH of your water is below 7.
The optimal pH of a mash is 5.2. You can adjust the mash directly, but it is safer to adjust
the dough in water in case you undershoot the pH which could compromise the mash.
To start, adjust the pH of the dough in water to 6 and then see what the pH of the mash
is once doughed in. The two best agents to adjust pH are food grade phosphoric or lactic
acid and are inexpensive. For those who do not want to use these naturally derived acids,
you can use sauermalz which is an acidied malt made in Germany which brewers there
use because they are not allowed to use acids to lower pH.
Another method to adjust pH would be to make a small soured mash by using lactic
acid producing bacteria to ferment it. This technique is in essence how the aforementioned
sauermalz is made. Attempting to use this technique would require a lot of experimenta-
tion and may take a while to reach the desired result consistently. Another concern if this
method is employed is that you run the risk of contaminating the pure yeast cultures used
in regular fermentation or/and cross contamination of your plant.
You could also use the set back which is the wash that is left in your still after a run.
The concentration process of distillation also concentrates the acidic nature of wash. But,
this concentration can vary from time to time so developing a consistent dosing into a
mash might prove difcult.
To test pH of mashes, paper test strips should not be used because of lack of range and
the darkness of the mash makes readability difcult. It is best to get a lab grade pH meter
from a scientic supply vendor. Make sure to get one that is automatically temperature
compensated (ATC) and has a replaceable probe that is high temperature rated and will
work properly in protein containing solutions. Do not use a pH meter designed for garden-
ing. A pH meter requires calibration before each use. Purchase a meter that calibrates using
two buffer solutions, one that is pH 4 and the other, pH 7.
The following example involves using a combi-tun which is the most common mash/
lautering system. In some plants, a mash mixer and a lauter tun are used. This type of sys-
tem increases plant efciency because while the rst mash is being lautered, you can begin
making another mash. In this style of system, the mash mixer is usually directly heated via
low pressure steam. The downside is the additional expense of having two separate vessels
and the additional space that is required.
The below example also utilizes a hot liquor tank for the preparation and introduction
of water for both the dough in and sparging steps. This is preferred so that you can mix the
water with the malt directly into the combi-tun. A grist hydrator is also used so that you
can slowly mix the water with the malt to produce a uniformly hydrated and smooth mash.
It is possible to dough in without one, but starch balling is inevitable if you simply dump
Mash-Lauder Tun: A double jacked tank equipped with a raking arm that
mixes barley and water together producing a sweet barley water that
distillers call wash. The tun has a slotted metal false bottom allowing the
wash to be separated (drain away) from the grains. It is then sent on to
fermentation. The mash-tun rakes now push the grain out of the ton and
sent for disposal (pig or cattle farm). Finally, spray balls are used to clean
the tun.
the crushed malt into the hot water. Visually it can appear that you have broken up all of
the starch balls with a mash paddle, but in truth there will still be small clumps that encap-
sulate the starch which reduces extraction efciency. A grist hydrator is easy to purchase or
build and is worth the effort and expense.
The formulation of the grist is based upon targeting an ABV of 8%. The example uses
a 8 barrel brewing system which will yield 250 gallons of lautered wash. The extract yield
was calculated at a 75% mash efciency which is the average for professionally built and
operated combi-tuns. It is possible that before maximizing your mashing practices that the
efciency may be lower and therefore you may not collect 8 bbl. of wash at 1.074 SG (17.87
Plato, 18.7 Brix). If that is the case, you can use more malt to make up for the difference.
ALWAYS REMEMBER: It is the starting gravity of the wash that determines when to stop
lling a fermenter, not the total volume. The experience and empirical data gained through
subsequent batches will allow you to maximize the yield at the proper gravity.
So, lets get mashing!
1he grist to water ratio lor this example is 1.3 quarts ol water to 1 pound ol grist.
(1.23 l water to .45 kg.grist). I have chosen this ratio to ensure that both the malt and the
hot liquor can t in the combi-tun. Since beer brewing equipment is made with the knowl-
edge that the mash will be sparged, this ratio is close to the maximum of what a combi-
tun can accommodate. A thicker mash would serve as a buffer for enzymatic activity and
therefore limit starch to sugar conversion which in the case of producing a distillers mash
would be counterproductive.
In making washes for distilling we are more concerned with a maximum amount of
yield per pound of grist since we are not targeting the contribution of un-fermentable com-
ponents that are important for avor and body in the wort as is the case in brewing beer. If
you are fortunate enough to be able to use a thinner ratio you will still have to keep in mind
that you will need to make sure that you still will use enough water to sparge the mash
properly otherwise you will leave extract behind.
ll your water chemistry requires it, nlter through carbon media and/or treatment
equipment recommended, installed and maintained by a professional water treatment
Adjust the pl ol the water to 0.
Set the temperature controller to heat the water to dough in temperature. 1his tem-
perature needs to be set so that once your mash is doughed in you will be at the proper
temperature for conversion as combi-tuns are rarely directly heated. To determine the
proper temperature you need to take into account heat losses through piping and pumps
as well as determine how much temperature is lost due to the starting temperature of the
malt comprising the grist. These losses will vary from plant to plant. In this example I have
used 12 deg. F which is the loss I experience at my facility.
Below are the inputs used to calculate the requirements of the mash:
Grist Temperature 75 degrees F. (24 C)
Ingredients 690# 2 Row Great Western Malt (Canada)
Targeted Mash Temperature 155 deg. F (62.8 C)
Dough In Water Volume 227.7 gallons
(861.9 l, 7.34 US bbl.)
Mash Tun Thermal Mass 0 (assumes no heat loss to the mash tun)
Heat Loss Due to Piping/Pumping 12 deg. F (-11.11 C)
Heat Loss to Grist .017 deg. F per pound of grist at 75 deg. F. (-17.76 C
per .45 kg grist)
Water Volume Lost to Grist 690 # Grist X .12 Water Loss per #
= 82.8 gallons (313.4 l)
Grist Heat Loss .017 X 690 pounds grist @ 75 deg. F = 11.7 deg. F
(-11.27 C)
Piping Plumbing Heat Loss = 12.0 deg. F (-11.10 C)
Total Heat Loss = 23.7 deg. F ( -4.61 C)
Targeted Mash Temperature = 145.0 deg. F ( 62.80 C)
+ Total Heat Loss = 23.7 deg. F (-5.4 C)
Dough In Hot Liquor Temperature = 168.7 deg. F (75.94 C)
So, for this example, you would set the hot liquor temperature to dough in at 169 deg.
F (76.1 C)
Sparge Water Beyond the 228 gallons that needs to go into the mash, you will also
need to know how much sparge water you will need to make up for the water that was
absorbed by the grain (82.8 gallons) and that to reach a fermentable volume of 250 gallons.
Dough In Water Volume 227.7 gallons (861.9 l, 7.34 US bbl.)
\ater Loss to Crain 82.8 gallons (313.! l) = Mash 1un \ort
Volume: 144.9 gallons (548.49 l, 4.67 US bbl.)
Fermentable Volume Targeted: 250.0 gallons
Mash 1un \ort \olume: 1!!.9 gallons = Makeup Sparge
Water Required: 105.1 gallons (397.83 l, 3.39 US bbl.)
Now, I wish this calculation was that easy, but it is not. This does not take into account
how much foundation water you put in the mash tun prior to doughing in. It also does not
take into account how much loss to deadspace that is present in your vessel nor the pip-
ing leading to the hydrator and sparge mechanism. These variables are different for every
system and must be accounted for to achieve consistent results. The biggest thing that this
calculation does not account for is the water that remains after you have stopped sparging.
To sparge properly you must maintain the 1.5 to 2 of sparge water above the top of the
grain bed to ensure that all of the mash is rinsed equally. Since the geometry of mash tuns
can vary, the amount of additional sparge water you will need to prepare will also vary
from system to system. The rst time you produce a mash, make sure to have more water
prepared than you will need. Take detailed water usage notes from that session and then
you will know the right volumes of water for subsequent batches.
The above calculations can be done for you using inexpensive software that also helps
with formulation and fermentation tracking. The best one is ProMash which has a very
robust set of tools that is well suited to mashing and fermentation for a distillery. ($24.95,
lntroduce the loundation water through the grist hydrator. 1his pre-heats the mash
tun. Stop the ll when the water level is 1 to 2 above the mash screen.
8egin introducing the hot liquor and grain simultaneously through the grist hydrator.
Control the introduction of both water and malt so that while constantly stirring the two
with a mash paddle, you can produce a smooth mash with no lumps. For a seven barrel
mash, this should take at least 30 minutes.
0nce dough in is complete, put the mash tun cover back on to help retain heat. 1ake
a temperature and pH reading to see how close you came to the target of 145 deg. F (62.8
C) and pH 5.2. If you did not nail these targets, make a note of how far you were off so you
can determine what adjustments are required for subsequent batches.
ke-set the hot liquor tank's temperature controller to 190 deg. l (19 deg. l - my
12 deg. F temperature loss would result in a 183 deg. F sparge water temperature. This is
to prepare the water for sparging. If you have a recirculation loop (hopefully!) serving the
hot liquor tank, make sure it is operating to prevent temperature stratication. The reason
for the high temperature is to reduce the viscosity (thickness) of the mash liquid so it runs
off freely. Although viscosity reduction is desired in runoffs for beer production, this high
of a temperature is not used because it would carry over tannins into the nished product
rendering it harsh. Since we are distilling off the liquid, this is not a concern.
Alter the mash has set lor ! minutes, take a small sample ol the runoll, nlter it
through a coffee lter to remove any grain specks and test it for conversion using tincture
of iodine. (see procedure in denitions section). If the test is negative, you can begin sparg-
ing, otherwise, you must continue mashing until you reach a negative result.
Alter the mash has passed the iodine test, introduce the sparge water slowly and in-
directly so that it does not channel the mash. Allow the water level to rise 1.5 to 2 inches
above the mash bed before starting the runoff. Slowly allow the wort to runoff at the same
rate as you are introducing the sparge water. Doing so any faster will run the risk of plug-
ging up the mash screen or channelizing the mash which will leave extract behind. A lauter
time of 60 to 90 minutes is normal.
How do you know when to stop running off?
Contrary to what you might think, it is not when the fermenter is full. It is when
the contents of the fermenter are at the target gravity. We are targeting an 8% ABV in our
fermented wash.
The formulation above should yield a starting gravity of 1.074 SG (17.87 Plato/18.7
Brix) and if fermented properly will nish at 1.012 SG (3 Plato, 8.95 Brix). Reaching these
targets will yield a wash with 8.16% ABV.
Note: Brix readings are typically taken using a refractometer due to accuracy and ease of use.
Once a solution begins fermenting the alcohol in solution changes how light is re-
fracted. The Brix gures for nishing gravity above are corrected for this refractive differ-
ence. The aforementioned software, ProMash, has a built in calculator to accomplish this
As the wort is running off, take frequent measurements at the fermenter to make sure
that you reach the target SG.
It is important to make sure that the wort is aerated with either sterile air or pure
oxygen as it is being sent to the fermenter. Yeast require oxygen to prepare for their repro-
ductive phase. After that point, the environment must be kept anaerobic. NEVER intro-
duce oxygen after fermentation has started! Aeration is typically accomplished through an
in-line air stone that is attached to the outlet of the heat exchanger. A stone can also be
installed in the fermenter to achieve the same result. Simply bubling oxygen or sterile air
into the fermenter without a stone will not be very effective because the bubbles must be
quite small to go into solution. If you use pure oxygen to aerate, it is very important to not
use too much oxygen as it is toxic to the yeast and will lead to poor fermentation results.
If you use an oil less compressor equipped with an air drier and a sterile air lter, it is not
possible to over aerate the wort.
Make sure to only pitch yeast after the wort is 70 - 72 deg. F (21 - 22 C). During fermen-
tation yeast produce a good bit of heat which can raise the temperature of the wort up to 12
degrees F or more. If the wort is cast into the fermenter at a higher temperature than that
and the yeast is added, it can seriously affect the fermentation outcome and possibly kill
enough yeast that it barely ferments. For whisky, make sure to set the temperature controls
no higher than 80 deg. F to maintain a proper fermentation.
! Mash-Lauter tun, 2,000 lbs of barley malt, producing
33 barrels of 9% wash. (Just under 1,000 gallons).
" Fermentation tank should yield 950 gallons of wash.
The F-2 secondary tanks, hold bight beer wash prior
to distilling.
# The 450 gallon wash still now makes two stripping
runs. (No plates).
$ Collection tank now holds 290 gallons of 35% low
wines or 70 proof spirits.
% In the 90 gallon (340 liter) pot-column still. (Plates
open). Make 3 spirit runs doing head and tails cuts.
Final yield, 100 gallons of hearts at 60% avb. (120
proof). For barreling.
& Barrel six months to two years, dilute whiskey to
40% abv. or 80 proof for bottling.
The aim of this chapter is to provide detailed instructions on how to distill the 945
gallons of malt wash produced in C hapter 3 to produce 53 gallons (1 barrel) of 120 proof
(barrel strength) malt whiskey. The instructions are based using the 240-gallon copper pot
still to do the primary distillation, and the 90-gallon German pot still to do the second
(nal) distillation.
Whiskey in North America is distilled in two different ways. One is by continuous distil-
lation in a column still, and the other is by an intermittent process in batch stills. Batch
stills are stills that have a pot that is lled with a xed quantity of the substrate to be dis-
tilled (i.e. a batch). There are basically two methods of pot distillation.
Method One Two distillation runs are done using the same still for both runs. The
spirit still is run with the plates open, and a primary distillation is done on all the wash.
This run produces a low wine of 25 to 55% abv depending on the alcohol of the wash and
speed of the run.
Then a spirit run is done on the low wine produced by the primary distillation using the
same still with one plate down to produce a yield 70 to 75% abv. This is watered back to
60% abv and barreled.
Whiskey in North America is distilled in two different ways.
One is by continuous distillation in a column still, and the
other is by an intermittent process in batch stills.
Method Two The two distillations are done in separate special-purpose stills, namely
a wash still and spirit still. The wash is distilled in the wash still to produce a low wine
of 25 to 55% abv. The low wine is then distilled in the spirit still to 70 or 75% abv. This is
watered back to 60% abv for barreling.
The rst step in distilling whiskey is to do a crude primary distillation of the wash called
a beer-stripping run. The output of a beer-stripping run is called low-wine, and the low-
wine is the input to the nal distillation (i.e., the spirit run), which produces the nished
whiskey. The beer-stripping runs will be done in a larger still of 240-gallons capacity. Since
there are 945 gallons of wash to be stripped and the capacity of this still is only 240 gallons,
the wash will be stripped in four 235-gallon runs.
The purpose of the beer-stripping is to concentrate the alcohol and the congeners in the
wash into a substrate of about 35% abv.
To do a beer-stripping run, the 240-gallon still is loaded with 235 gallons of wash, and
the steam heat is applied to the boiler. When the wash comes to boil, the heat should be
adjusted to deliver a fast ow rate into the receiver. For a stripping run, there s no need to
separate out heads, hearts, and tails. The idea is to simply do a fast, crude primary distilla-
tion on the wash.
Initially, the percent alcohol of the aggregate distillate in the receiver will be well over
80% abv, but as the run progresses, the percent alcohol will drop. The beer-stripping is to
be continued until the percent alcohol of the aggregate distillate is down to 25% abv. At this
point, the still-head temperature will be close to 212 degrees.
Note: The percent alcohol to be monitored here is the entire aggregate of distillate in the receiver,
and not the percent alcohol of the evolving spirit as measured at the parrot.
When the distillate is down to 25% abv, the still can be shut down and the residue
drained. Repeat this process on the remaining three quarters of the wash.
When the entire 945 gallons of wash has been stripped, you will have a total of about 300
gallons or more of 35% abv. low-wine, and you will be ready to proceed to the spirit-run
The spirit run is the nal distillation that produces the nished whiskey. Its done in a
spirit still, and must be performed carefully at the proper heat level and ow rate, with the
correct bubble-cap trays selected, and with special attention being paid to the begin- and
end-cuts to ensure a proper separation of heads, hearts, and tails. Since there are 300 or
more gallons of low-wine and the capacity of the spirit still is only 90 gallons, the low-wine
will be distilled in four 75-gallon runs.
! Mash- lauter 2,000 lbs of barley grain. Fermentaion producing 33 barrels of 9% was. (Just under
1,000 gallons).
" Strip the wash making ten, 90 gallon fast runs with the plates open. No heads or tail cuts. Total
collection from runs, 120 gallons of 35% abv. (140 proof).
# Two spirits run, making head and tail cuts. Yield 100 gallons of 70% abv. (140 proof).
$ Barrel age. To bottle, dilute whiskey to 40% abv.
% Note, becauase the still is small it takes 12 runs (at least two days) to produce 100 gallons of
whiskey. Solution to the problem is using a large still for stripping and small still for teh spirits run.
! Mash- lauter 2,000 lbs of barley grain. Fermentaion producing 33 barrels of 9% was. (Just under
1,000 gallons).
" With to top plate close make 11 runs making head and tail cuts. Yielding 100 gallons of 65% abv.
(140 proof).
5 Barrel age. To Bottle. diute whiskey to 40% abv.
Note: It would be very interesting to taste a whiskey that has been double distilled and a whiskey that was
produced using single pass.
To do a spirit run, the 90-gallon spirit still is loaded with one quarter (approx, 75 gallons)
of 25% abv low-wine, the required bubble-cap trays are enabled, steam heat is applied to
the boiler, and the ow should be set to the heads receiver. When the wash comes to boil,
the steam pressure should be adjusted to the correct level for running whiskey.
Initially, the percent alcohol of the distillate at the parot will be close to 90% abv and
the spirit run will be in its heads phase. The distillate will be set to ow into the heads
receiver at this point. As the run progresses, the percent alcohol at the parot will decrease.
Its important that the distiller takes a small sample of the distillate every few minutes and
smells and tastes it. At rst, the distillate will smell of acetaldehyde and other pungent
chemical-like smells. When such smells are evident, its not necessary to taste the spirit. As
the distillation continues, this chemical-like smell will diminish and the percent alcohol at
the parot will decrease.
After a short while, the chemical-like smell will no longer be evident, and there will only
be a faint taste of it. A little while longer, the distillate will smell and taste almost neutral.
Shortly after this, the distillate will begin to taste of whiskey, and this avor will become
quite intense. This is the point where the distiller must begin-cut to the hearts phase, and
set the ow into the hearts receiver. The percent alcohol at the parot at the begin-cut will
be about 80% abv, and for a distiller not yet familiar with judging the begin-cut by taste,
80% abv at the parot is a good empirical measurement with which to judge the begin-cut.
As the distillation progresses, the intense whiskey avor will subside and the distillate
will take on a smooth, pleasant sweetness. This pleasant sweetness will continue but as the
percent alcohol decreases, it will become more diluted tasting. And, as the tails phase ap-
proaches, a bitterness will begin to creep into the avor, and past a certain point, although
the distillate will still have a sweetness to it, it will no longer taste pleasant. Its around this
point that the distiller should end-cut to the tails phase, and set the ow into the tails re-
ceiver. At the end-cut, the percent alcohol at the parot will be between 60 and 65% abv. An
all-malt whiskey will usually end-cut a little lower than a corn or rye whiskey. Its quite com-
mon for a corn whiskey to end-cut at 64 or 65% abv, and for an all-malt whiskey to end-cut
at 60 or 61% abv. Again, this empirical measurement is a good indicator by which a distiller
can judge the end-cut if they are not yet familiar with judging by taste. At the end-cut, the
distiller must set the ow into the tails receiver
The tails phase should be continued until the percent alcohol at the parrot is about 10%.
The still-head temperature will be about 212 degrees, and the still can be shut down and
the residue drained. At this point, the heads and the tails can be combined and stored as
feints for future processing. Repeat this process on the remaining three quarters of the
After the completion of the spirit runs, you will have close to 60 gallons of hearts at be-
tween 68 and 72% abv, and about 105 gallons of about 40% abv feints. Of course, these pro-
portions can vary from one spirit still to another. Keep in mind, a subsequent batch made
by this same formulation, would have the 105 gallons of feints added to the low-wine going
into the spirit run, and would yield considerably more hearts than the 60 gallons from this
very rst run where there was no feints.
The 60 or so gallons of hearts are the nished malt whiskey and you will be ready to
proceed to the barrel-aging step.
Barrel Aging
When new whiskey is freshly distilled, its colorless and possesses only the avor and
aroma of the grain and the alcohol. Its from aging in charred oak barrels that the whiskey
acquires its color, complexity, and richness of avor. The aim of this chapter is to give an
understanding of the barrel-aging process and its importance to the production of ne
whiskey, and to provide detailed instructions on how to age the 53 gallons (one distillery
barrel) of malt whiskey distilled in Chapter 4, and produce the nal spirit.
Its still a mystery as to how the barrel confers its lubricious effect on the aging spirit.
We do know that aging is related to the chemical changes that take place as a result of
reactions with the alcohol and congeners in the spirit through oxidation and extraction of
chemicals from the oak. Factors affecting this aging process are: percent alcohol of the spir-
it; the level of charring of the oak; the temperature and humidity in the aging warehouse;
the size of the barrel; and of course, the length of time the aging takes place.
Percent Alcohol of the Spirit: The level of lignin fractions, lignin derivatives, vanillins,
and tannin extracted from the oak, as well as the amount of congeners formed, are depen-
dent on the alcohol concentration.
While a high-alcohol concentration, such as 80%, extracts more of the benecial com-
pounds and color, it can also extract more tannin, which imparts too much astringency
and harshness to the avor. Additionally, the higher the alcohol content, the more water
that has to be added to dilute it to bottling strength when the aging is nished. This also
dilutes the barrel contribution. So, it has been determined that for whiskey aging in new
barrels, 55 to 65% abv is the optimum strength to achieve a balance of barrel extraction and
color, with lower tannins. It also reduces the dilution of the barrel compounds at bottling
We do know that aging is related to the chemical changes that take
place as a result of reactions with the alcohol and congeners in the
spirit through oxidation and extraction of chemicals from the oak.
time. However, this lower alcohol concentration also results in slower aging as the rate of
chemical change and barrel extraction is reduced. Barrels that are used more than once can
age stronger spirits since the harsh tannins have been diminished by the previous contents.
At 55 to 65% abv, barrels were found to have a greater porosity for water, with the fusel
alcohols, acids, esters, aldehydes, and furfural being retained. Further studies conrmed
that these lower strengths result in an increase in alcohol content after aging, whereas a
decrease in strength is found when spirits are aged at higher alcohol concentrations.
Temperature and Humidity: The humidity in the warehouse also plays a signicant
role. High humidity usually results in a decrease in alcohol strength, and dry warehouses
usually have the opposite effect. Humidity also affects the character of the nal spirit. It has
been found that the extraction of vanillin is better at low humidity. Low-humidity aging
does generally result in spirits that have a better sensory quality.
The temperatures in the warehouse affect the oxidation reactions that take place in the
spirit, and higher temperatures accelerate these reactions. Since these are great contribu-
tors to the aging of the spirit, its obviously advantageous to age at higher temperatures. Ac-
ids and esters increase due partly to the oxidation of the ethanol to acetic acid via acetalde-
hyde which is then partially converted to ethyl acetate (an ester). Therefore, a consequence
of aging is an increase in the concentration of acids, esters, furfural, tannins, and aromatic
compounds as a result of oxidation, condensations, and other interactions with the wood.
Tropical temperatures, especially when there are variations between night and day, are
ideal for faster aging, and it has been found that aging may not take place during the winter
in temperate climates if the warehouse is not heated. Movement of barrels during the aging
period will also help, but this is obviously not a practical approach.
The type of oak also plays a role. European oak is not as dense as American white oak,
so you get a higher color but some harshness. It is also interesting to note that once-used
bourbon staves shipped to Scotland are rebuilt with new, larger heads so that the 53-gallon
barrels are rebuilt into 63-gallon hogsheads. The prior-contents of the barrel also inuence
the taste of the product to be aged. A sherry cask will give the spirit a more fruity character
than a bourbon barrel, and if it was an Oloroso sherry, color development will be faster.
New barrels will impart a darker color and richer avor, but the more delicate spirits take
on more harshness after aging.
Spirits aged in charred barrels mature faster than those aged in toasted or non-charred
barrels. The charring process for new barrels denitely contributes to the aging of a spirit.
It acts like an activated-carbon lter to adsorb sulfur compounds and it provides a passage
for the spirit into the pores of the oak. In the United States a full-depth charring of barrels
(i.e., 1/8 inch) used to age American straight whiskey is predicated by law. This is in spite
of the fact that over-charring can actually destroy some of the avors that are needed to
develop the nish of the spirit. This is why toasting, or even a light char, may be a better
route, but it is illegal in the United States to age straight whiskies, such as bourbon, in any-
thing but fully-charred barrels. A medium-depth char is required just to crack the wood,
and a heavier char burns up wood compounds that would only be caramelized by a low- or
medium-level char.
Charred barrels produce a deeper colored spirit (temperature is also a contributor)
and there is a greater production of esters.
It has been found that the more delicate-avored spirits like malt whiskey, Canadian
whisky, and rum are overpowered by the oak contribution of new charred barrels, so these
spirits are aged in once-used bourbon barrels, among other types of used barrels, to give a
much more balanced avor prole.
Toasted oak chips (or staves) can be added to a barrel to provide additional lignin and
vanillin, this can augment the aging effect of a barrel. They do provide a signicantly differ-
ent congener prole than that produced by a once-used charred barrel. And, since putting
toasted staves in whiskey barrels is legal in the United States, they are often used by bour-
bon distilleries to contribute an additional mellow sweetness to whiskey that would not
normally benet by this as much since the bourbon barrels are fully charred as per US law.
In summary, a charred barrel contributes color, vanillin, honey, spice, viscosity, and a
myriad of other avors to a whiskey that can be detected by the experienced taster.
As spirits age in barrels, the porosity of the wood results in a certain amount of evapo-
ration. In a standard distillery barrel (i.e. 53 gallons) about 10% of the remaining spirit in
the barrels evaporates each year. And, its not unusual for a barrel of ne 15-year-old single
malt Scotch whisky to be less than half full when its ready to be bottled.
This loss of spirit due to evaporation is affectionately known as the angels share.
Depending on the temperature and humidity conditions, discussed above, the evaporation
will result in an increase in percent alcohol or a decrease. The actual increase or decrease
is really a function of more water evaporating than alcohol, or vice versa. For example,
high-humidity warehouses result in a decrease in percent alcohol, and lower-humidity ones
result in an increase.
All of the prior discussion on barrel aging and its associated properties has been based
on aging spirits in a standard 53-gallon distillery barrel. For example, a top-quality bour-
bon is aged until its ready. Because bourbon, like all American straight whiskies, is aged
in new charred oak barrels, theres a point in the aging process when the oak contribu-
tion can go too far, and the whiskey takes on a cloying, overpowering astringency. This is
why bourbon distilleries monitor the taste of their aging whiskies frequently past a certain
point to determine when its ready. And, this point tends to fall between six and eight
years in the barrel. With bourbon, the saying the older, the better simply doesnt apply.
However, this six-to-eight-years applies to 53-gallon barrels. If a different sized barrel
is used then the dynamics change, and values like length of time in the barrel, the rate at
which lignin and vanillins are extracted, etc are completely different. The reason for this
is volume increases by a power of 3 relative to the dimensions, while surface area only in-
creases by a power of 2 relative to the dimensions. That is to say, the amount of surface area
of wood per gallon of spirit is greater in a smaller barrel and less in a bigger barrel.
So, if a distiller aged his/her whiskey in 5-gallon barrels rather than 53-gallon ones,
there would be a considerably greater surface area of wood exposed to a gallon of spirit
than in a 53-gallon barrel. And, the whiskey ages much faster.
Smaller barrels age the whiskey faster and impart lignin and vanillin, and also tannin,
faster as well. And, a good-quality bourbon can be aged out in only three to six months in
a 5-gallon barrel. In fact, any longer and the whiskey would go over the top and become
astringent and bitter.
Its important to note that the avor prole is a little different for a whiskey aged in a
smaller barrel, but not a difference that is necessarily inferior or superior. Also, the angels
share is greater for a smaller barrel, but this is amply mitigated by the dramatically shorter
aging time.
Smaller barrels are much more expensive and take up more space in the warehouse
than larger ones per unit capacity. For example, ten 5-gallon barrels would take up a lot
more warehouse space than one 53-gallon barrel, and they would cost a lot more.
However, theres an increasing trend among small, start-up whiskey distilleries to use
smaller barrels while they are getting established in the market place due to the fast turn-
around on aging. The one aspect of starting up a new whiskey distillery that impedes most
entrepreneurs is the long aging period of six to eight years before being able to start selling
their product. Even the minimum of two years predicated by law is too long for most start-
ups, and after only two years of aging, the product would be substandard and not likely to
market well anyway.
However, with small barrels turning out an excellent product in only three to six
months, starting up a whiskey distillery is feasible. And, after a distillery is well established,
it makes sense to go to the standard 53-gallon barrel to realize the economies of scale.
As mentioned above, American straight whiskies are aged in new charred oak bar-
rels, while more delicate avored spirits like the malt whiskey produced in the previous
chapters are aged in used-once barrels, such as used bourbon barrels. So, to age our malt
whiskey, an empty bourbon barrel is required.
If the barrel was recently emptied and there are no visible signs of major leakage any-
where on the barrel, then its ready for lling. However, if the barrel has been empty for
awhile, and the wood has dried out, the barrel will leak between its staves. So, it will have to
be rehydrated to swell out the wood to close all the leaks. This is done by placing the barrel
near a drain and lling it full of water with a hose. The barrel will leak so adjust the water
ow so that the barrel stays full. It typically takes 24 to 48 hours for the barrel to seal itself,
and the rate of lling can be turned down every few hours. If after rehydrating the barrel
for 48 hours, theres still a leak between two staves, nd where along the staves the water is
leaking, and take about a 1/2 inch wood chisel and hammer it into the oak about a inch
deep, and about a 1/2 inch from the seam between the staves. Do this on both staves on
each side of the leak. Then take two small wedges of cedar and hammer one into each slit
made with the chisel. This will tighten the seam between the two staves and seal the leak.
Do this for all leaks between the staves. Once the barrel is sealed, it should be kept full of
water until the whiskey is ready to go in.
As explained above, 55 to 65% abv is the optimum range of percent alcohol for barrel-
aging whiskey, so for our malt whiskey were going to dilute it to 60% abv.
In a vat capable of containing at least 53 gallons, prepare a 53-gallon quantity of 60%
malt whiskey by diluting the hearts from the spirit run in Chapter 4 to 60% abv with pure
water (i.e. distilled or RO water).
The dilution calculation should be done using the following formula:
Quantity of hearts = 53 X 0.6 / percent alcohol of hearts
Quantity of pure water = 53 - Quantity of hearts
Example: Say, the hearts were 70% abv
Quantity of hearts = 53 X 0.6 / 0.7 = 45.43 gallons of heart
Quantity of pure water = 53 - 45.43 gallons = 7.57 gallons of pure water
Of course, you may chose to dilute the entire quantity of hearts to 60% abv, and to do
so, you would use the following formula to calculate the amount of pure water to add:
Quantity of pure water = Quantity of hearts X percent alcohol of hearts / 0.6 - Quantity
of hearts
Example: Say, there was 60 gallons of hearts at 70% abv
Quantity of pure water = 60 gallons X 0.7 / 0.6 - 60 gallons = 10 gallons of pure water
On the other hand, you may not want to bother with calculations, so you could simply
dilute the hearts to 60% abv by judiciously adding small amounts of pure water and mixing
thoroughly until the alcoholmeter reads 60% abv.
Next, make sure all the water has been emptied out of the barrel and then ll the bar-
rel with the 60% abv whiskey. Hammer a beech wood or poplar bung into the bung hole.
Then, place the barrel where it can be easily observed over the next couple of weeks.
This is a period where the barrel is proofed to make certain it doesnt have any residual
leaks. After the barrel is proofed and its clear that the barrel is not going to leak, it should
be placed in the location where its going to be aged for a number of years.
As was pointed out above, hot places that experience temperature swings are the best
locations to situate barrels with aging spirits, so the barrel should be situated bearing this
in mind.
Also, if the barrel can be shaken or jostled back and forth periodically, this will speed
up the aging process.
If the barrel is placed in a hot, reasonably dry location, and can be shaken occasionally,
the whiskey will age out nicely in about three years. So, its important that the whiskey be
sampled every few weeks or every month after the rst 18 months of aging.
To sample the whiskey, remove the bung and draw up about an ounce of it with a glass
wine thief or a large pipette, and empty it into a wineglass. Take a nose and taste of the cask-
strength whiskey, and then dilute it half-and-half with water and nose and taste it again.
While the whiskey is still immature, it will have an unbalanced avor of straight wood and
a burnt taste. When the whiskey is ready, itll have a smooth, rich, balanced avor with
characteristics of the wood and char, but the raw woody, burnt taste will have subsided.
After determining that the whiskey is mature, monitor the development of the whis-
key each week for several more weeks to make sure the whiskey has reached a mature, rich
avor, but where you sense that any more oak contact may take it over the top. Its best to
have several people make these nal evaluations.
At this point, the barrel should be emptied into glass or stainless-steel containers to
halt the aging process. The container, or containers, should not have a lot of air space,
and should be sealed up tight to prevent evaporation. The whiskey is now aged and ready
for diluting, ltering, and bottling. The exact volume and percent alcohol of the whiskey
should be measured and noted. You are now ready to proceed to the diluting, ltering, and
bottling step. Both these methods involve double distilling, which gives smoother results,
and is therefore whats recommended in this text.
After the whiskey in the barrel has nished aging and is ready to be packaged, it must
be prepared for bottling, and bottled.
The aim of this chapter is to explain the processes involved in the preparation of whis-
key for bottling, and to give instructions on how to bottle the whiskey in the barrel from
Chapter 5.
Throughout the barrel-aging process, the whiskey will have been tasted periodically
so as to determine when its ready for drinking. When the whiskey has a nice balance of
caramels, lignins, vanillins, tannin bitterness, and the smell and taste of burnt wood has
mellowed out into the rich and elegant avor of good whiskey, its time to take the whiskey
off the oak, prepare it for bottling, and then bottle it.
When whiskey in a barrel has reached its peak, its important that the whiskey be tak-
en off the wood even if the facility is not ready to bottle it. If a whiskey is aged too long in
the barrel, it will become astringent and bitter, and the avor will lose its balance. So, when
the whiskey is ready it must be moved out of the barrel and into containers made of inert
materials such as glass or stainless steel. As long as the containers are tightly sealed so no
evaporation can take place, the whiskey will keep indenitely.
Volume and Percent Alcohol: The rst thing that needs to be done when preparing
the whiskey for bottling is to measure its exact volume and percent alcohol. The barrel will
have started out with 53 gallons, but over the aging period, a certain amount of the whiskey
will be lost due to evaporation, the angels share.
When whiskey in a barrel has reached its peak, its impor-
tant that the whiskey be taken off the wood If a whiskey is
aged too long in the barrel, it will become astringent and
bitter, and the avor will lose its balance.
The rate of evaporation is typically about 10% of the remainder per year. So, it would
be quite normal for a barrel thats been aging for seven years to be down to 48% full
The formula for calculating angels share is as follows
Final volume = Original volume X (1 percent lost per year)number of years age
For 53 gallons aged for 7 years at 10% loss per year it would be
Final volume = 53 gallons X (1 - 0.1)^ = 53 gallons X 0.9^7 = 53 gallons X 0.47
= 25.3 gallons
However, if the whiskey is aged in a hot climate, the lost will be more like 15% per
year, but it will age out in only 3 years. The angels share under those conditions would be
calculated as follows
Final volume = 53 gallons X (1 0.15)^3
= 53 gallons X 0.85^3
= 53 gallons X 0.614
= 32.5 gallons
Clearly, aging faster in a hotter climate reduces the loss due to angels share.
Of course, the nal volume must be measured empirically. The calculation is only used
to determine if the empirical measurement is roughly where it should be. For example, if a
barrel had a slow leak, more whiskey would be lost than would be by angels share alone.
The calculation would help to spot this inconsistency.
Also during this metamorphosis, the percent alcohol will change. Itll increase or de-
crease depending on the ambient temperature and humidity of the barrel warehouse, so
the percent alcohol must be measured as well.
Vatting is when a distiller blends various proportions of the same whiskey from dif-
ferent barrels to achieve consistency of quality and avor. Different barrels will age the
whiskey a little differently, and blending the whiskey from numerous barrels is a good way
to maintain a uniform brand. Also, the whiskey will vary slightly from batch to batch, and
vatting will even out those variations as well.
Vatting is not to be confused with the term blending, where the distiller mixes vari-
ous different types of whiskey, invariably from different distilleries, to achieve a unique
avor and brand of its own, different from any of the whiskies used in the blend. Also,
such blends are often made using Grain Neutral Spirits (GNS) and other types of raw (i.e.
un-aged) whiskies in the mix. Some whiskey blenders dont distill whiskey at all, and just
buy whiskey from many dozens of distilleries that they blend together to make their own
specic brands. Vatting is only the mixing of the same brand of whiskey from different
batches and barrels within the same distillery.
If the distiller is going to vat his/her whiskey, the proportions from each barrel in the
mix need to be worked out in small quantities by a panel of tasters. Once the proportions
of each barrel of whiskey have been decided, the large quantities must be poured into a vat
and mixed thoroughly. If the whiskey is not going to be vatted, then it can just be placed in
the vat, ready for diluting.
Diluting: The whiskey straight out of the barrel will be between 55 and 65% abv, and
it will require diluting to bottling strength. Whiskey is diluted to somewhere between 40
and 50% abv for bottling.
Before the distiller dilutes the whiskey right down to bottling strength, it must be de-
cided whether the whiskey is going to be treated with activated carbon or not. Most whis-
kies are not treated with carbon, but if one is, it must only be diluted to 4% above the nal
bottling strength. It is further diluted after the treatment to the exact nal percent alcohol.
This is because the carbon treatment lowers the percent alcohol slightly, so there needs to
be some leeway to take this into account.
If the whiskey is not going to be treated with activated carbon, but is going to be l-
tered, it should only be diluted to 2% above the nal bottling strength. This is because the
whiskey could pick up a small amount of water in the ltering process. Again, the nal
dilution to the exact bottling strength is done after. Diluting should be done with distilled
or Reverse Osmosis (RO) water to avoid the water imparting any taste, and to prevent any
mineral precipitation in the bottles.
Activated-Carbon Treatment: Most whiskies are not treated with activated carbon, but
some are characterized as very mild, and a certain amount of this mildness is achieved
by exposing the whiskey to activated wood charcoal. Incidentally, other types of activated
carbon would strip too much avor and aroma out. Thats why wood charcoal is the type
of carbon used. In some cases, the whiskey is poured through a deep bed of carbon, and in
others the carbon is added to the vat, and its gently agitated every few hours.
The optimum percent alcohol for carbon to work most efciently is 38% abv. However,
thats too low for any whiskey so the whiskey is diluted from its barrel strength to bring it
closer to optimum, without going too low, before any activated-carbon treatment is done.
As mentioned above, the action of the carbon on the whiskey lowers the percent alco-
hol slightly so its important that the whiskey not be diluted to its exact bottling strength
before carbon treatment. Keeping it at 4% above the nal bottling strength ensures it
doesnt drop too low as a result of the carbon. After the carbon treatment and the ltering,
the percent alcohol can then be adjusted to the exact nal value
Filtering: Whiskey doesnt need much in the way of ltering. Its simply a matter of
removing the wood and char particles picked up from the barrel during the years of aging.
Its purely for aesthetic reasons, as having a bottle of whiskey that was slightly cloudy from
suspended burnt oak particles would not be very appealing.
Most distilleries use a plate lter with coarse lter media to take out the particles. Its
important to lter after diluting, and not before, to make sure any turbidity in the diluting
water is removed as well. Also, the receiving tank for the ltered whiskey and all its tubing
must be completely lint free, or particles could be re-introduced to the whiskey.
Bottling: The bottling of whiskey doesnt require the same level of sterilization as for
bottling wine or beer. At 40 or more percent alcohol, whiskey is itself a disinfectant. How-
ever, its very important that all the equipment and the bottles used are very clean.
A good type of bottling machine for spirits is an inline overow ller. This type of
ller is suited to lling containers where a specic visible ll level is required. The overow
mechanism enables the device to ll the bottles much faster since theres a provision to
return overowing liquid to the reservoir, thereby eliminating the need for a slow ll to
achieve a specic level. Small inline overow llers are available at a very reasonable price
that can ll several thousand bottles per day. Most craft distillers use a four head gravity
lling machine or an enolmaster vacuum lling machine. These lling machines are read-
ily available from winer equipment companies such as G.W. Kent ( or St.
Pats (
Once the whiskey is diluted and ltered, it can be placed in the product tank of the bot-
tling equipment, and bottled. Its interesting to note that once a spirit is diluted to bottling
strength, it will actually improve with age for a few weeks. The reason for this is not fully
understood, but recent research indicates that it takes a few weeks for all the different types
of molecules to completely mix and diffuse themselves evenly throughout the substrate.
And, this has a benecial effect on mellowing and bringing out the complexity of the avor.
This section describes how to bottle the fully-aged malt whiskey from Chapter 4. There
should be about 30 gallons of cask-strength whiskey at about 60% abv.
53-gallon barrel of malt whiskey from Chapter 4
Distilled or RO water
50-gallon tote
Measuring equipment (thermometer, alcoholmeter
graduated cylinders)
Plate lter with coarse-grade media
Bottling machine and ancillary equipment
First, the barrel is emptied into the vat and the exact quantity and percent alcohol of
the whiskey is measured. Since theres only the one barrel, there wont be any vatting done.
Malt whiskey aged in a once-used barrel is not normally treated with activated carbon,
so we wont be doing an activated-carbon treatment on the whiskey.
The target bottling strength is 43% abv, and since the whiskey is not going to be acti-
vated-carbon treated, but it is going to be ltered through a coarse plate lter, the initial
dilution should be 2% above the nal bottling strength (i.e. 45% abv). Knowing the exact
volume and percent alcohol of the whiskey, dilute it to 45% abv using the following formula
Quantity of pure water = volume of whiskey X %abv of whiskey / 0.45 - vol-
ume of whiskey
Example: Say, there were 30 gallons of whiskey at 60% ab
Quantity of pure water = 30 gallons X 0.6 / 0.45 - 30 gallon = 10.0 gallons of
pure water
After diluting the 30 gallons of 60% whiskey with 10.0 gallons of pure water, there
would be 40 gallons of 45% whiskey. Next, the whiskey is ltered through a coarse plate
lter to remove the tiny particles of wood and char. The plate lter should be set up with
coarse lter pads that have been thoroughly wet with water. Before ltering the whiskey,
run about 10 gallons of tap water through the lter to eliminate any cardboard-like avor
from the pads. Try and empty as much water as possible out of the lter unit after rinsing
with the 10 gallons of water before running the whiskey through. Its important to make
sure the receiving container is clean and lint free.After the whiskey is ltered, it can be
diluted to its nal bottling strength (i.e. 43% abv). To do this, its best to run the diluting
water through the lter after the whiskey to make sure its completely particle free. This
will also serve to rinse the last traces of whiskey left in the lter into the diluting water.
At this point, there should be more than 41 gallons of 43% whiskey ready to be bottled,
Prepare the bottling machine and bottle the whiskey. This should produce well over 200
750ml bottles of malt whiskey. Thats about 17 cases.
To-Do List
for starting a craft distillery
Get to know the other players in the market and become knowledgeable
in the spirits market as a whole The American Distilling Institute is a
good place to start (
Learn how to properly distill There are books and equipment
manufacturer sponsored training courses as well as the American
Distilling Institute hands on class.
Determine what types of sprits that you would like to manufacture and
visit similar type distilleries.
Spend a signicant amount of time on a business plan Statistics show
that businesses that begin with a well thought out business plan have a
signicantly higher rate of success The process of writing the business
plan will force you to dig deeper into the industry and the business
When you are planning your nancing, raise at least 25% more than you
think you will need.
Determine your distillerys location, work with the local and state re
marshals, building inspectors and any local environmental agencies
These groups can stop your business in its tracks; its better to nd out
that a particular location will not work sooner than later
Order/purchase your distilling equipment. If you are buying new
equipment, plan on 6-12 months from down payment to receipt
Begin developing your brand (s) keeping TTB guidelines in mind www.
Complete your Federal TTB and State liquor control commission
licensing. Work on getting your bond rst as that can take some time.
Start with your insurance agency; they may work with a surety company.
Get to know the people in your state tourism ofce. This can be a good
resource to build awareness about your new business
Develop a list of contacts at local newspapers and media outlets; use this
group every time you send out a press release.
Determine the bottle/package that you plan to use. The glass market
is tight at the moment; nd a supplier and learn their ordering
Have a good attorney and accountant at the ready.
So You Want to Be a Micro-Distiller?
Then you need to know about formulas.
Robin Bowman
You have your federal and state licenses so whats next. Before you re up your
still, you should determine whether the distilled spirits product you intend to produce
requires a formula approval by the Alcohol & Tobacco Tax & Trade Bureau (TTB). Federal
law requires domestic distillers to submit formulas for certain distilled spirits products to
TTB for approval before production can begin. Formula approvals are required in order to
ensure that the products meet federal food safety requirements, are taxed appropriately,
and bear labels that are not misleading to consumers.1
To begin, not every distilled spirit requires a formula approval by TTB. TTBs formula
regulations do not clearly identify which distilled spirits require formula approval. Rather,
they state a general rule that requires distillers to obtain formula approval if they add
In order to import certain foreigh-produced distilled spirits into the United States, importers must obtain a pre-import approval from
TTB by submitting an ingredient list and quantitative formula for the product signed by the foreign manufacturer. This information can be
submitted on TTB From 5100.51 or in letter form on the foreign manufacturers letterhead.
ingredients or use production processes that would change the character, composition,
class or type of a distilled spirit. TTBs application of this rule uctuates over time.
Nevertheless, a few generalizations can be drawn from TTBs long-term practices. Products
of distillation alone (e.g., whiskey, brandy, vodka, rum) generally do not require a formula
approval. On the other hand, TTB currently requires formula approvals for the following
classes and types of distilled spirits:
Liqueurs and cordials
Gin, if botanicals are added after distillation
Vodka subject to carbon ltration
Flavored distilled spirits like avored vodka, rum, brandy or whisky
Any distilled spirit specialty product, which includes any distilled spirit that
does not t into a TTB-recognized class and type designation
In order to obtain a formula approval, a distiller must complete a formula application
on TTB Form 5100.51, available at In boxes 6 and
7, the distiller must include a simplied recipe of a single batch that lists each ingredient
along with a quantity or range of the ingredients use in the batch, the alcohol content of
any ingredients that contribute alcohol to the nished product, and a brief description
of the production process. If the product contains avors, the application should identify
the TTB or ATF approval number for the avor and include a Flavor Ingredient Data sheet,
also called a FID sheet, completed by the avor manufacturer that identies the amount of
certain ingredients that are subject to use limits in nished products.
TTB requires the submission of two executed formula applications to its Advertising,
Labeling & Formulation Division (ALFD) located at its headquarters ofce in Washington,
D.C. TTB does not impose fees on the submission of formula applications. Applications
can be led by mail, overnight delivery, or in person by the applicant or via several trade
associations, law rms and consultants. In person delivery often saves time and reduces
the risk that information might be lost as the application winds its way through the general
mail and TTBs internal mail-routing system. During regular business hours, ALFDs
customer service team is available for questions by industry members (202.927.8140).
Upon receiving a formula application, the assigned ALFD formulation specialist
reviews it for compliance with federal law. Among the issues that a formulation specialist
examines are whether: (1) the listed ingredients are generally recognized as safe (GRAS)
under the standards enforced by the federal Food & Drug Administration, (2) the listed
ingredients and processes can be used in the production of the class and type of distilled
spirit identied on the formula application; and (3) TTB has approved the use of the
particular ingredients and processes listed. Processing times for formula applications
vary depending on ALFDs work-load, the complexities of the formula, and other factors.
Currently, it can take ALFD three to four weeks to review a formula application and issue
an approval or rejection. Delays of several months, however, are not uncommon. If ALFD
issues a formula rejection, additional time is required for the distiller to modify and re-
submit the formula until ALFD issues an approval. As a result, a formula rejection can be
quite costly as a distiller cannot produce that distilled spirits product until ALFD approves
the formula.
As with licensing, distillers must do their research before submitting a formula to TTB
in order to reduce the risk of costly delays or at-out rejections. Key research items include
the class and type designation standards applicable to the distillers product, whether or
not the products ingredients meet GRAS standards, and if TTB has a policy that addresses
any ingredient or process to be used in the products manufacture. Even if a distiller believes
that a formula is a slam-dunk for approval, the distiller should incorporate sufcient
time into its production plans to accommodate potential delays in ALFDs processing of
that formula.
Distilled spirits permits
Distilled Spirits Laws and Regulations
The (CFRs) styles of whiskey
TTB statistics on distilling go to then to spirits and then the year.
State Alcohol Boards
So You Want to Be a Micro-Distiller?
Then lets start with licensing issues
Robin Bowman
If your version of the American dream is to operate your own distillery, you will need
more than just a good distilled spirits recipe to make that dream a reality. The production
and sale of distilled spirits is heavily regulated by the federal government and the states, so
getting into the distilling business takes thoughtful and thorough planning. This article
addresses the rst major phase of becoming a distiller, the licensing process.
Before you even start the license application process, you should consider some basic
business matters:
What kind of business structure will best suit your needs - a sole proprietorship, a
corporation, a limited liability entity?
Where will the distillery be located? Will local zoning, environmental and other
ordinances accommodate your distillery?
What state business and tax registration requirements will apply to your business?
Dont forget to apply for your Federal Employer Identication Number (FEIN).
What labor, employment, occupational safety or other regulatory standards will apply
to your business
What type of distilled spirits do you intend to produce? What equipment, production
methods and ingredients will your product(s) require?
Once you have your business model in mind, you will need to complete two license
application processes, federal and state, in order to operate a distillery. At the federal level,
the Alcohol & Tobacco Tax & Trade Bureau (TTB) handles licensing for alcohol production.
Before a drop of distilled spirits can be made, all distillers, regardless of size, must apply
to TTB for a federal basic permit and plant registration for their distilled spirits facility.
TTB requires the submission of several application forms and a bond, but there is no
application fee. You can review a basic distilled spirits plans application on TTBs website
at Based on the distilled spirits
products that you plan to produce and other factors, you may need to submit additional
information and forms to TTB. As part of the application process, TTB also may require
an on-site inspection of your distilling facility.
Simply submitting the required application forms to TTB is no guarantee that you
will receive approval to operate a distillery. TTB has broad discretion in deciding whether
to approve or deny a would-be distillers application. Among the many factors that TTB
considers, two of the most crucial are whether the distiller applicant or its owners have a
criminal history or have violated a federal or state law relating to alcohol or its taxation.
You also should keep in mind that processing times can vary considerably depending
on several factors, such as whether the would-be distiller already holds a federal brewers
notice or another type of basic permit, or if TTB identies a skeleton in the applicants
closet. It often takes TTB several months to issue a basic permit and registration approval.
Though you may nd aspects of the application process confusing or frustrating, you
should always deal with TTB in a respectful and reasonable manner. As you may recall
from meeting your signicant others family for the rst time, rst impressions do matter
and you will be dealing with TTB regularly once you start operations.
In addition to federal license procedures, you must apply to the alcohol beverage
authority in the state where your distilling facility will be located for the type of license
or permit that applies to your business operation. Several states have different licensing
options for distillers based on production levels, use of in-state agricultural products,
and other factors. States often require applicants to provide a copy of their federal basic
permit. The fact that an applicant has a federal basic permit, however, is no guarantee that
a state will issue the applicant a license or permit. States will conduct their own criminal
background checks to see if the applicant and its owners have any cross-ownership
relationships with other alcohol beverage licensees that prohibit the issuance of a state
distillers license. Restrictions that may prevent the issuance of a state distillers license
vary considerably among the states, so you are best served to identify these potential road-
blocks early in your planning process. Also, many states require both a bond and payment
of an application fee. To access information on the state alcohol beverage authorities and
some basic license information, you can go to the National Conference of State Liquor
Authorities website,
As you may have gathered, licensing a distillery is an involved and time-consuming
process. Planning ahead and knowing the rules will help you reduce the risk of expensive
delays and successfully navigate the complexities of federal and state licensing procedures.
Learn about COLAs
So You Want to Be a Micro-Distiller?
Then you need to learn about COLAs
Robin Bowman
As a micro-distiller, you want to distinguish your distilled spirit from competitors
in the marketplace. So youve come up with a great idea for creating a distilled
spirits label that is unique and sure to attract consumer attention. Before you invest
a lot of money in expensive plates and reams of labels, you need to learn about
the federal label approval process administered by the Alcohol & Tobacco Tax &
Trade Bureau (TTB) and how it might impact that unique label design you want
to use.
Under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act, TTB requires alcohol beverage
producers, including distillers, and importers to obtain pre-approval of label designs
before the labels are used on alcohol beverages sold in interstate commerce (e.g., across
state or national borders). Federal law requires label pre-approval for several reasons,
including to ensure that labels are not misleading to consumers with regard to an alcohol
beverages class and type, quantity and method of manufacture and that they include the
required mandatory information. Certain aspects of mandatory label information vary
depending on the class and type of the distilled spirit, but the following elements are
required for all domestically produced distilled spirits: brand name, alcohol content, net
contents, class and type designation, name and address of the distiller/bottler/packer, and
the government warning statement. Mandatory label information also is subject to rules
governing font size, legibility and placement.
TTB administers label pre-approvals through its Certicate of Label Approval (COLA)
system. To obtain a COLA for a distilled spirits product , the distilled spirits plant that
bottles or packs the distilled spirit must submit two completed COLA forms bearing the
entire proposed label design to the Advertising, Labeling and Formulation Division (ALFD),
a division of TTB located at its headquarters in Washington, D.C. Copies of blank COLA
forms, TTB Form 5100.31, can be found on TTBs website at
f510031.pdf. Certain information or items may need to accompany the COLA application.
If the distilled spirits product requires a formula approval from TTB, the COLA application
should include a copy of the approved formula so that TTB can determine if the class and
type description and other information on the label is truthful and not misleading. If
the label will be painted-on or applied with a translucent label to the bottle, the COLA
application must include a real labeled bottle lled with appropriately colored liquid or
a photograph or computer generated image of a lled, labeled bottle so that ALFD can
examine the legibility and contrast of the mandatory label information. In addition, some
COLA applications must include a request for a distinctive liquor bottle approval if the
product will be bottled in an opaque or unusually shaped container that does not reveal
the products actual ll level.
COLA applications can be submitted to ALFD by mail, overnight delivery, in person
delivery, either by the applicant or an agent such as a trade association, law rm or
consultant, or electronically through TTBs COLAs Online system. In person delivery or
use of the COLAs Online system are the preferred options for submitting COLAs as they
reduce the risk that COLA forms or key information may be lost or destroyed in delivery.
Processing times for COLAs by ALFD can vary from about fourteen days to several weeks
depending on the complexity of the label design, the back-log of applications and whether
the COLA is rejected. In special circumstances, a COLA applicant can request expedited
review of a COLA if the applicant presents ALFD with a clear written request describing
the reasons the applicant needs expedited review along with supporting documentation
for the request.
ALFD can approve, reject or qualify a COLA application. If ALFD rejects a COLA
application, it provides the applicant with an explanation of the reason(s) for rejection. The
applicant then may resubmit corrected COLA application forms, including revised labels if
necessary, along with ALFDs rejection sheet. ALFD also may issue a COLA approval with
qualications, such a COLA that only be used for a limited period and for a maximum
amount of product (commonly referred to as a use-up COLA) or a COLA approved subject
to specic restrictions. If an applicant believes that ALFD rejected or qualied the use of a
COLA in error, the applicant can seek to persuade ALFD to change its position through an
informal review process. Many labeling disputes are resolved through this informal review
process between ALFD and COLA applicants or their attorney or consultant. TTB has a
formal appeals procedure for COLA disputes, but the length of time required to complete
this process limits its usefulness.
Having an approved COLA for a distilled spirit allows the distiller or bottler to
bottle or pack that product in containers bearing the approved label for sale in interstate
commerce. If a distilled spirit will be sold only within the state where it is bottled and not
in interstate commerce, TTB requires the submission of a COLA application marked in box
18 to request a certicate of exemption from label approval. All exemptions issued by TTB
bear the qualication For sale in [state] only.
It is important that a distiller or bottler only uses those labels that have an approved
COLA. If an approved label design is modied, a new COLA must be obtained unless the
change ts within the limited exceptions allowed by TTB. Label changes that can be done
without a new COLA application are listed on the back of TTB Form 5100.31. Using an
unapproved label can have serious consequences. TTB possesses broad powers to punish
distillers for bottling prior to obtaining a COLA, including the authority to rst suspend,
then revoke, a distillers federal basic permit, which is the federal license needed to distill.
TTB often compromises mislabeling charges for monetary nes, which can be quite large
in extreme circumstances. On the other hand, an approved COLA generally precludes
TTB from punishing a distiller that is using an approved label if that label accurately
reects the contents of the container. TTB may revoke a previously-approved COLA, but
the revocation procedure permits the continued use of the label until TTB completes the
revocation process, which might take a year or longer if the COLA holder exercises its
rights to contest and appeal the revocation.
To avoid costly problems, it is important to keep the following points in mind. First,
when planning any product launch, anticipate the formula and COLA processes and build
in plenty of time for these applications into your schedule. Second, check and double
check how TTB labeling legalities might impact your label design. Third, to avoid wasting
valuable time and money, do not order production labels until you have secured COLA
approval from TTB. If you follow these rules, youll nd label pre-approval to be simply a
necessary process to complete rather than a potential business disaster.
Robin J. Bowen is Alcohol Beverage Counsel at the law rm of McDermott Will & Emery LLP, based in the rms Washington, D.C.
ofce. She is a member of the rms Alcohol Beverages and Products Group where her practice focuses on regulatory, distribution and customs
issues facing the alcohol beverage industry.
McDermott Will & Emery LLP, 2008. The author grants permission for the reprinting of this article only on the express condition
that attributions be given.
CRF (Code of Federal Regulations)
Standards of Identity
5.22 The standards of identity.
Standards of identity for the several classes and types of distilled spirits set forth in
this section shall be as follows (see also 5.35, class and type):
(a) Class 1; neutral spirits or alcohol. Neutral spirits or alcohol are distilled spirits
produced from any material at or above 190 proof, and, if bottled, bottled at not less than
80 proof.
(1) Vodka is neutral spirits so distilled, or so treated after distillation with charcoal
or other materials, as to be without distinctive character, aroma, taste, or color.
(2) Grain spirits are neutral spirits distilled from a fermented mash of grain and
stored in oak containers.
(b) Class 2; whiskey. Whiskey is an alcoholic distillate from a fermented mash of
grain produced at less than 190 proof in such manner that the distillate possesses the
taste, aroma, and characteristics generally attributed to whiskey, stored in oak containers
(except that corn whiskey need not be so stored), and bottled at not less than 80 proof,
and also includes mixtures of such distillates for which no specic standards of identity
are prescribed.
(1)(i) Bourbon whiskey, rye whiskey, wheat whiskey, malt whiskey, or rye
malt whiskey is whiskey produced at not exceeding 160 proof from a fermented mash of
not less than 51 percent corn, rye, wheat, malted barley, or malted rye grain, respectively,
and stored at not more than 125 proof in charred new oak containers; and also includes
mixtures of such whiskies of the same type.
(ii) Corn whiskey is whiskey produced at not exceeding 160 proof from a fermented
mash of not less than 80 percent corn grain, and if stored in oak containers stored at not
more than 125 proof in used or uncharred new oak containers and not subjected in any
manner to treatment with charred wood; and also includes mixtures of such whiskey.
(iii) Whiskies conforming to the standards prescribed in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (ii)
of this section, which have been stored in the type of oak containers prescribed, for a period
of 2 years or more shall be further designated as straight; for example, straight bourbon
whiskey, straight corn whiskey, and whiskey conforming to the standards prescribed
in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, except that it was produced from a fermented mash
of less than 51 percent of any one type of grain, and stored for a period of 2 years or more
in charred new oak containers shall be designated merely as straight whiskey. No other
whiskies may be designated straight. Straight whiskey includes mixtures of straight
whiskies of the same type produced in the same State.
(2) Whiskey distilled from bourbon (rye, wheat, malt, or rye malt) mash is whiskey
produced in the United States at not exceeding 160 proof from a fermented mash of not
less than 51 percent corn, rye, wheat, malted barley, or malted rye grain, respectively, and
stored in used oak containers; and also includes mixtures of such whiskies of the same type.
Whiskey conforming to the standard of identity for corn whiskey must be designated corn
(3) Light whiskey is whiskey produced in the United States at more than 160 proof,
on or after January 26, 1968, and stored in used or uncharred new oak containers; and also
includes mixtures of such whiskies. If light whiskey is mixed with less than 20 percent
of straight whiskey on a proof gallon basis, the mixture shall be designated blended light
whiskey (light whiskey a blend).
(4) Blended whiskey (whiskey blend) is a mixture which contains straight whiskey or
a blend of straight whiskies at not less than 20 percent on a proof gallon basis, excluding
alcohol derived from added harmless coloring, avoring or blending materials, and,
separately, or in combination, whiskey or neutral spirits. A blended whiskey containing
not less than 51 percent on a proof gallon basis of one of the types of straight whiskey shall
be further designated by that specic type of straight whiskey; for example, blended rye
whiskey (rye whiskey a blend).
(5)(i) A blend of straight whiskies (blended straight whiskies) is a mixture of straight
whiskies which does not conform to the standard of identify for straight whiskey.
Products so designated may contain harmless coloring, avoring, or blending materials as
set forth in 27 CFR 5.23(a).
(ii) A blend of straight whiskies (blended straight whiskies) consisting entirely of one
of the types of straight whiskey, and not conforming to the standard for straight whiskey,
shall be further designated by that specic type of straight whiskey; for example, a blend
of straight rye whiskies (blended straight rye whiskies). A blend of straight whiskies
consisting entirely of one of the types of straight whiskey shall include straight whiskey of
the same type which was produced in the same State or by the same proprietor within the
same State, provided that such whiskey contains harmless coloring, avoring, or blending
materials as stated in 27 CFR 5.23(a).
(iii) The harmless coloring, avoring, or blending materials allowed under this section
shall not include neutral spirits or alcohol in their original state. Neutral spirits or alcohol
may only appear in a blend of straight whiskies or in a blend of straight whiskies
consisting entirely of one of the types of straight whiskey as a vehicle for recognized
avoring of blending material.
(6) Spirit whiskey is a mixture of neutral spirits and not less than 5 percent on a
proof gallon basis of whiskey, or straight whiskey, or straight whiskey and whiskey, if the
straight whiskey component is less than 20 percent on a proof gallon basis.
(7) Scotch whiskey is whiskey which is a distinctive product of Scotland,
manufactured in Scotland in compliance with the laws of the United Kingdom regulating
the manufacture of Scotch whiskey for consumption in the United Kingdom: Provided,
That if such product is a mixture of whiskies, such mixture is blended Scotch whiskey
(Scotch whiskey a blend).
(8) Irish whiskey is whiskey which is a distinctive product of Ireland, manufactured
either in the Republic of Ireland or in Northern Ireland, in compliance with their laws
regulating the manufacture of Irish whiskey for home consumption: Provided, That if such
product is a mixture of whiskies, such mixture is blended Irish whiskey (Irish whiskey
a blend).
(9) Canadian whiskey is whiskey which is a distinctive product of Canada,
manufactured in Canada in compliance with the laws of Canada regulating the manufacture
of Canadian whiskey for consumption in Canada: Provided, That if such product is a
mixture of whiskies, such mixture is blended Canadian whiskey (Canadian whiskey a
(c) Class 3; gin. Gin is a product obtained by original distillation from mash, or by
redistillation of distilled spirits, or by mixing neutral spirits, with or over juniper berries
and other aromatics, or with or over extracts derived from infusions, percolations, or
maceration of such materials, and includes mixtures of gin and neutral spirits. It shall
derive its main characteristic avor from juniper berries and be bottled at not less than 80
proof. Gin produced exclusively by original distillation or by redistillation may be further
designated as distilled. Dry gin (London dry gin), Geneva gin (Hollands gin), and
Old Tom gin (Tom gin) are types of gin known under such designations.
(d) Class 4; brandy. Brandy is an alcoholic distillate from the fermented juice,
mash, or wine of fruit, or from the residue thereof, produced at less than 190 proof in
such manner that the distillate possesses the taste, aroma, and characteristics generally
attributed to the product, and bottled at not less than 80 proof. Brandy, or mixtures
thereof, not conforming to any of the standards in paragraphs (d) (1) through (8) of
this section shall be designated as brandy, and such designation shall be immediately
followed by a truthful and adequate statement of composition.
(1) Fruit brandy is brandy distilled solely from the fermented juice or mash of whole,
sound, ripe fruit, or from standard grape, citrus, or other fruit wine, with or without the
addition of not more than 20 percent by weight of the pomace of such juice or wine, or
30 percent by volume of the lees of such wine, or both (calculated prior to the addition of
water to facilitate fermentation or distillation). Fruit brandy shall include mixtures of such
brandy with not more than 30 percent (calculated on a proof gallon basis) of lees brandy.
Fruit brandy, derived from grapes, shall be designated as grape brandy or brandy,
except that in the case of brandy (other than neutral brandy, pomace brandy, marc brandy
or grappa brandy) distilled from the fermented juice, mash, or wine of grapes, or the
residue thereof, which has been stored in oak containers for less than 2 years, the statement
of class and type shall be immediately preceded, in the same size and kind of type, by the
word immature. Fruit brandy, other than grape brandy, derived from one variety of fruit,
shall be designated by the word brandy qualied by the name of such fruit (for example,
peach brandy), except that apple brandy may be designated applejack. Fruit brandy
derived from more than one variety of fruit shall be designated as fruit brandy qualied
by a truthful and adequate statement of composition.
(2) Cognac, or Cognac (grape) brandy, is grape brandy distilled in the Cognac
region of France, which is entitled to be so designated by the laws and regulations of the
French Government.
(3) Dried fruit brandy is brandy that conforms to the standard for fruit brandy
except that it has been derived from sound, dried fruit, or from the standard wine of
such fruit. Brandy derived from raisins, or from raisin wine, shall be designated as raisin
brandy. Other brandies shall be designated in the same manner as fruit brandy from the
corresponding variety or varieties of fruit except that the name of the fruit shall be qualied
by the word dried.
(4) Lees brandy is brandy distilled from the lees of standard grape, citrus, or other
fruit wine, and shall be designated as lees brandy, qualied by the name of the fruit from
which such lees are derived.
(5) Pomace brandy, or marc brandy, is brandy distilled from the skin and pulp of
sound, ripe grapes, citrus or other fruit, after the withdrawal of the juice or wine therefrom,
and shall be designated as pomace brandy, or marc brandy, qualied by the name of
the fruit from which derived. Grape pomace brandy may be designated as grappa or
grappa brandy.
(6) Residue brandy is brandy distilled wholly or in part from the fermented residue
of fruit or wine, and shall be designated as residue brandy qualied by the name of the
fruit from which derived. Brandy distilled wholly or in part from residue materials which
conforms to any of the standards set forth in paragraphs (d) (1), (3), (4), and (5) of this
section may, regardless of such fact, be designated residue brandy, but the use of such
designation shall be conclusive, precluding any later change of designation.
(7) Neutral brandy is brandy produced at more than 170 proof and shall be
designated in accordance with the standards in this paragraph, except that the designation
shall be qualied by the word neutral; for example, neutral citrus residue brandy.
(8) Substandard brandy shall bear as a part of its designation the word substandard,
and shall include:
(i) Any brandy distilled from fermented juice, mash, or wine having a volatile acidity,
calculated as acetic acid and exclusive of sulfur dioxide, in excess of 0.20 gram per 100
cubic centimeters (20 C.); measurements of volatile acidity shall be calculated exclusive of
water added to facilitate distillation.
(ii) Any brandy which has been distilled from unsound, moldy, diseased, or
decomposed juice, mash, wine, lees, pomace, or residue, or which shows in the nished
product any taste, aroma, or characteristic associated with products distilled from such
(e) Class 5; blended applejack. Blended applejack (applejacka blend) is a mixture
which contains at least 20 percent of apple brandy (applejack) on a proof gallon basis,
stored in oak containers for not less than 2 years, and not more than 80 percent of neutral
spirits on a proof gallon basis if such mixture at the time of bottling is not less than 80
(f ) Class 6; rum. Rum is an alcoholic distillate from the fermented juice of sugar
cane, sugar cane syrup, sugar cane molasses, or other sugar cane by-products, produced
at less than 190 proof in such manner that the distillate possesses the taste, aroma and
characteristics generally attributed to rum, and bottled at not less than 80 proof; and also
includes mixtures solely of such distillates.
(g) Class 7; Tequila. Tequila is an alcoholic distillate from a fermented mash derived
principally from the Agave Tequilana Weber (blue variety), with or without additional
fermentable substances, distilled in such a manner that the distillate possesses the taste,
aroma, and characteristics generally attributed to Tequila and bottled at not less than 80
proof, and also includes mixtures solely of such distillates. Tequila is a distinctive product
of Mexico, manufactured in Mexico in compliance with the laws of Mexico regulating the
manufacture of Tequila for consumption in that country.
(h) Class 8; cordials and liqueurs. Cordials and liqueurs are products obtained by
mixing or redistilling distilled spirits with or over fruits, owers, plants, or pure juices
therefrom, or other natural avoring materials, or with extracts derived from infusions,
percolation, or maceration of such materials, and containing sugar, dextrose, or levulose,
or a combination thereof, in an amount not less than 21/2percent by weight of the nished
(1) Sloe gin is a cordial or liqueur with the main characteristic avor derived from
sloe berries.
(2) Rye liqueur, bourbon liqueur (rye, bourbon cordial) are liqueurs, bottled at
not less than 60 proof, in which not less than 51 percent, on a proof gallon basis, of the
distilled spirits used are, respectively, rye or bourbon whiskey, straight rye or straight
bourbon whiskey, or whiskey distilled from a rye or bourbon mash, and which possess
a predominant characteristic rye or bourbon avor derived from such whiskey. Wine, if
used, must be within the 21/2percent limitation provided in 5.23 for coloring, avoring,
and blending materials.
(3) Rock and rye, rock and bourbon, rock and brandy, rock and rum are
liqueurs, bottled at not less than 48 proof, in which, in the case of rock and rye and rock
and bourbon, not less than 51 percent, on a proof gallon basis, of the distilled spirits used
are, respectively, rye or bourbon whiskey, straight rye or straight bourbon whiskey, or
whiskey distilled from a rye or bourbon mash, and, in the case of rock and brandy and rock
and rum, the distilled spirits used are all grape brandy or rum, respectively; containing
rock candy or sugar syrup, with or without the addition of fruit, fruit juices, or other
natural avoring materials, and possessing, respectively, a predominant characteristic rye,
bourbon, brandy, or rum avor derived from the distilled spirits used. Wine, if used, must
be within the 21/2percent limitation provided in 5.23 for harmless coloring, avoring,
and blending materials.
(4) Rum liqueur, gin liqueur, brandy liqueur, are liqueurs, bottled at not less than
60 proof, in which the distilled spirits used are entirely rum, gin, or brandy, respectively,
and which possess, respectively, a predominant characteristic rum, gin, or brandy avor
derived from the distilled spirits used. In the case of brandy liqueur, the type of brandy
must be stated in accordance with 5.22(d), except that liqueurs made entirely with grape
brandy may be designated simply as brandy liqueur. Wine, if used, must be within the
21/2percent limitation provided for in 5.23 for harmless coloring, avoring, and blending
(5) The designation of a cordial or liqueur may include the word dry if the sugar,
dextrose, or levulose, or a combination thereof, are less than 10 percent by weight of the
nished product.
(6) Cordials and liqueurs shall not be designated as distilled or compound.
(i) Class 9; avored brandy, avored gin, avored rum, avored vodka, and avored
whiskey. Flavored brandy, avored gin, avored rum, avored vodka, and avored
whiskey, are brandy, gin, rum vodka, and whiskey, respectively, to which have been added
natural avoring materials, with or without the addition of sugar, and bottled at not less
than 60 proof. The name of the predominant avor shall appear as a part of the designation.
If the nished product contains more than 21/2percent by volume of wine, the kinds and
precentages by volume of wine must be stated as a part of the designation, except that a
avored brandy may contain an additional 121/2percent by volume of wine, without label
disclosure, if the additional wine is derived from the particular fruit corresponding to the
labeled avor of the product.
(j) Class 10; imitations. Imitations shall bear, as a part of the designation thereof, the
word imitation and shall include the following:
(1) Any class or type of distilled spirits to which has been added coloring or avoring
material of such nature as to cause the resultant product to simulate any other class or type
of distilled spirits;
(2) Any class or type of distilled spirits (other than distilled spirits required under
5.35 to bear a distinctive or fanciful name and a truthful and adequate statement of
composition) to which has been added avors considered to be articial or imitation. In
determining whether a avor is articial or imitation, recognition will be given to what is
considered to be good commercial practice in the avor manufacturing industry;
(3) Any class of type of distilled spirits (except cordials, liqueurs and specialties
marketed under labels which do not indicate or imply, that a particular class or type of
distilled spirits was used in the manufacture thereof ) to which has been added any whiskey
essense, brandy essence, rum essence, or similar essence or extract which simulates or
enhances, or is used by the trade or in the particular product to simulate or enhance, the
characteristics of any class or type of distilled spirits;
(4) Any type of whiskey to which beading oil has been added;
(5) Any rum to which neutral spirits or distilled spirits other than rum have been
(6) Any brandy made from distilling material to which has been added any amount of
sugar other than the kind and amount of sugar expressly authorized in the production of
standard wine; and
(7) Any brandy to which neutral spirits or distilled spirits other than brandy have
been added, except that this provision shall not apply to any product conforming to the
standard of identity for blended applejack.
(k) Class 11; geographical designations. (1) Geographical names for distinctive types of
distilled spirits (other than names found by the appropriate TTB ofcer under paragraph
(k)(2) of this section to have become generic) shall not be applied to distilled spirits
produced in any other place than the particular region indicated by the name, unless (i)
in direct conjunction with the name there appears the word type or the word American
or some other adjective indicating the true place of production, in lettering substantially
as conspicuous as such name, and (ii) the distilled spirits to which the name is applied
conform to the distilled spirits of that particular region. The following are examples of
distinctive types of distilled spirits with geographical names that have not become generic:
Eau de Vie de Dantzig (Danziger Goldwasser), Ojen, Swedish punch. Geographical names
for distinctive types of distilled spirits shall be used to designate only distilled spirits
conforming to the standard of identity, if any, for such type specied in this section, or if
no such standard is so specied, then in accordance with the trade understanding of that
distinctive type.
(2) Only such geographical names for distilled spirits as the appropriate TTB ofcer
nds have by usage and common knowledge lost their geographical signicance to such
extent that they have become generic shall be deemed to have become generic. Examples at
London dry gin, Geneva (Hollands) gin.
(3) Geographical names that are not names for distinctive types of distilled spirits,
and that have not become generic, shall not be applied to distilled spirits produced in any
other place than the particular place or region indicated in the name. Examples are Cognac,
Armagnac, Greek brandy, Pisco brandy, Jamaica rum, Puerto Rico rum, Demerara rum.
(4) The words Scotch, Scots Highland, or Highlands and similar words
connoting, indicating, or commonly associated with Scotland, shall not be used to
designate any product not wholly produced in Scotland.
(l) Class 12; products without geographical designations but distinctive of a particular
place. (1) The whiskies of the types specied in paragraphs (b) (1), (4), (5), and (6) of this
section are distinctive products of the United States and if produced in a foreign country
shall be designated by the applicable designation prescribed in such paragraphs, together
with the words American type or the words produced (distilled, blended) in __, the
blank to be lled in with the name of the foreign country: Provided, That the word
bourbon shall not be used to describe any whiskey or whiskey-based distilled spirits
not produced in the United States. If whiskey of any of these types is composed in part of
whiskey or whiskies produced in a foreign country there shall be stated, on the brand label,
the percentage of such whiskey and the country of origin thereof.
(2) The name for other distilled spirits which are distinctive products of a particular
place or country, an example is Habanero, shall not be given to the product of any other
place or country unless the designation for such product includes the word type or an
adjective such as American, or the like, clearly indicating the true place of production.
The provision for place of production shall not apply to designations which by usage and
common knowledge have lost their geographical signicance to such an extent that the
appropriate TTB ofcer nds they have become generic. Examples are Slivovitz, Zubrovka,
Aquavit, Arrack, and Kirschwasser.
Down & Dirty Business Plan
Assumption One You will keep you day job during planning and building of a craft
distillery. (One-Three years)
Assumption Two The rst year to will be spent thinking about nancing the
distillery. Year two, nding a location then obtaining all the permits necessary to build a
craft distillery. Next obtain City, Country Use permits to build a distillery. Then order your
equipment. After the distilling equipment is installed apply for a DSP from TTB. Finally
obtain COLA and Label approval for products.
Assumption Three It will cost over $350,000 to open a distillery capable of producing
3,000 to 5,000 cases / year.
Assumption Four Income from your rst year of production will come from distilling
gin and then whiskey. (Gin take two days to produce from NGS. Malt whiskey should be
aged from six months to two years.)
Year Two / The Build Out
Building Improvements
Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection,
General Construction $50,000
One year rent $2,500 x 12 $30,000
Build out Expenses $80,000
Brewing Equipment (New and Used)
To Create Whiskey Wash
Boiler, Mash Tun, Two Fermentation Vessels 70,000
(Save $70,000 by buying wash from a craft distillery)
Distilling Equipment
(A simple pot still from Portugal or USA)
350 Gallon Wash Still $35,000
100 gallon Spirits Still $12,000
Pumps, Hoses and Filtration System ,000
Hydrometers, Thermometers & Ebulliometer $600
Ofce furniture, computers, phones $4,000
(Legal Fees, Trademark etc.) $5,000
Total $15,600
Year One T otal of Cash Out $227,000
(Start-up cash from saving or investor money. At this point do not borrow cash)
Cash in the bank for things not planned $47,000
Total $274,600
Year Three
You have your DSP. Distilling three days and marketing two days of the week
Gin re-distilled or blended from NGS 60% of production
Whiskey, from Malt 40% of production
Annual Output, (Year Two)
Gin 2,000 Cases
Whiskey 30 barrels 660 Cases
(In reserve (aging) 15 barrels, 330 cases of whiskey.)
-Develop plan to sell whiskey futures to investors.
Total Production (cases) Year One 2,300
Best case scenario with 100% sell through. The numbers or gross income before
production expenses, taxes. etc.
Retail Sales
Gin 2,000. Cases at $260 / Case $520,000
NGS Costs $330 for a 55 gal. drum.
One Gallon of 95% NGS produces over two gallons of 40% abv gin.
Total cost: $3/ bottle includes: product bottle carton and label but not marketing and
The $3 Bottle of gin at retail is $21.67
Whiskey 330 Cases at $350 / Case $115,500
Total sales at Retail / Gin and Whiskey $636,500
Distillery gross income, 50% to wholesale, retailer $317.750
Excise Taxes $60,394)
Federal Tax: 1 gal of NGS =1.9 proof gallon @ $13.50
Net Sales [Income] $280,461
Direct costs of goods ($3/bottle in the case) $83,880
Gross Prot $173,476
Marketing Cost ($2/bottle) $55,920)
Operational Prot $117,556
Fixed Costs
Rent, Utilities, Insurance and travel $61,000
*Income at the end of year three $56,556
(If you have no employees)
*Im unable to determine if you are a break even point.
Recommended Reading
US and Canada Distilleries
Over 350 DSP licenses exist, of which 151 are craft distilleries. The rest
of the companies on the list are industrial distilleries, rectiers and
importers. If someone claims to be a distillery check their website. If it
doesnt show a still most likely they dont own one they purchase NGS
and repackaging the products.
Distilled spirits permits
Distilled spirits Laws and Regulations
(CFRs) Styles of whiskey
TTB statistics on distilling
then to spirits then to the year.
State Alcohol Boards
The Brewer & Distiller,
Malt Advocate,
Whiskey Magazine,
Nightclub & Bar,
Bourbon County Reader,
American Distilling Institute Trade Show
Whiskeyfest w
Whiskey Live
Tales of the Cocktail
New York Bar Show
Wine & Spirit Wholesalers of America annual convention
Worldwide Distilled Spirits Conference
Forsyth 44-1340-831-787
Bavarian-Holstein Partners 310-391-1091
B&D Technologies 215-242-6806
Vendome Copper & Brass Works 501-587-1930
Kothe Distilling Technologies 571-278-1313
Chalvignac Prulho Distillation 33-6-22-15-22-15
Mueller Brennereianlagen 250-503-4731
Adrian Edelbrande GmbH 208-455-8386
Copper Moonshine Stills 479-414-3220
Hoga Company 351-226-062430
Iberian Coppers S.A. 351-251-823370
Amphora Society 206-527-5520
Oregon Copper Works 541-485-9845
Revenoor 503-662-4173
Dynamic Alambic 509-398-3321
Copper Alambic USA 503-872-8772
Anchor Distilling Old Potrero Single Malt
Belmont Farms Virginia Lightning Whiskey
Big Rock Distillery Rye, Wheat & Corn
Moonshine, Rum & Whiskey
Clear Creek Distillery McCarthys Oregon Single
Malt Whiskey
Cold Smoke Distillery Last Best Whiskey
(Bryan Schultz)
Copper Fox Distillery Single Malt Whiskey
(Rick Wasmund)
Domain Charbay Charbay Whiskey
(Marko Karakaesvic)
Dry Fly Distilling Dry Fly Single Malt Whiskey
Dan Garrison Borhers Texas Bourbon Whiskey
High Plains Pioneer Whiskey (Seth Fox)
High West Distillery Rendezvous Rye Whiskey
(David Perkins)
House Spirits Distillery Oregon Pure Malt Whiskey)
Isaiah Morgan Distillery Southern Moon
and Rye Whiskey
McMenamins Edgeeld
Distillery Hogshead Whiskey
New Holland Rye Whiskey
Nashoba Distillery Single Malt Whiskey
Pioneer Spirits Whiskey (Dave Robinson)
Piedmont Distillers Catdaddy Carolina
Prichards Distillery Sweet Lucy Bourbon Liqueur
St. George Spirits St. George Single Malt
St. James Spirits Peregrine Rock Pure Malt
Colorado Whiskey Stranahans Colorado Whiskey
Templeton Rye Rye Whiskey (Scott Bush)
Triple Eight Distillery Notch Whiskey (Jay Harman)
Tuthilltown Spirits Hudson Baby Bourbon
West Virginia Distilling Mountain Moonshine
Woodstone Creek
Distillery Single Barrel Single Malt
C&C Shine Corn and Rye Whiskey
(Craig Pakish)
Peach Street Distillers Bourbon (Rory)
Rogue Distillery Whiskey
House Spirtis Whisk(e)y (Lee Medoyeff )
Yellowstone Valley
Distilling Whiskey (George Moncure)
High West Distilling Rye Whiskey (David Perkins)
Kittling Ridge
Wine & Spirits Forty Creek Whiskey
Winchester Cellars Single Malt Whiskey
(Ken Winchester)
Glenora Inn & Distillery Glen Breton Rare Canadian
Single Malt Whiskey,
Cape Breton Silver
(un-aged whiskey)
1. Whiskey: Technology, Production and Marketing, edited by Inge Russell,
Charles Bamforth, and Graham Stewart; ISBN 9780126692020. (Highly
2. Fermented Beverage Production, Second Edition (paperback);
by Andrew G.H. Lea, editor and John R. Piggott, editor.
3. Fundametal of Distillery Practice, by Herman F. Willkie and Joseph A.
Prochaska; published by Joseph E. Segram & Sons; 1943.
4. The Science and Technology of Whiskies, edited by J. R. Piggott, R. E.
Duncan, & R. Sharp. ISBN 9780582044289.
5. Distilled Beverage Flavour, edited by J.R. Piggott and A. Patterson;
Ellis Horwood Series in Food Science and Technology. (This isnt for
6. The Alcohol Textbook, is sold out. Order the CD
7. The Whiskey Distilleries of the United Kingdom, by Alfred Barnard; 1887.
This was reprinted in 1969 and again more recently.
8. The Manufacture of Whiskey and Plain Spirit, by J.A. Nettleton; 1913 and
his 8 other books published from 1881 to 1897.
9. Illicit Scotch, by S.W. Sillett; 1965.
10. The Scotch Whiskey Industry Record, by H. Charles Craig; 1994 ISBN 0
9522646 0 9.
1. Making Pure Corn Whiskey, by Ian Smiley. Ian also wrote the how to
section of this book. ISBN 0-9686292-1-0;
2. The Complete Distiller, by Mike McCaw;
3. Alcohol Distillers Handbook, Desert Publications; [email protected]
4. Distillers Manual, available from Old but a
good history read.
5. Practical Distiller, Samual MHarry;
( Reprint of 1809 distilling manual.
6. Cider, A Story Publishing Book; 800-793-9396
7. Whiskey, by Michael Jackson; 0-7894-9710-7;
8. Moonshine Made Simple, by Byron Ford; [email protected]
9. How to Brew, by John Palmer;
1 When setting up a new whiskey distillery, the minimum investment
in mashing and fermentation equipment is:
[ a ] $75,000 for a 1,100-gallon brewery
[ b ] $110,000 for a 3,000-gallon brewery
[ c ] $30,000 because whiskey-mashing equipment is less
complex and therefore less expensive than
brewing equipment
[ d ] $0 because a start-up whiskey distillery can contract a
local microbrewery to produce their wash for them
2 Starch is:
[ a ] a type of sugar
[ b ] a type of alcohol
[ c ] a long chain of sugar molecules
[ d ] an enzyme
3 The most widely used malted grain for producing whiskey is:
[ a ] barley
[ b ] corn
[ c ] rye
[ d ] wheat
4 The source-water mineral thats the most destructive to
the mashing enzymes is:
[ a ] calcium
[ b ] magnesium
[ c ] iron
[ d ] lead
5 The optimum pH range for mashing enzymes to convert
starches to sugars is:
[ a ] 7.4 7.8
[ b ] 3.3 3.7
[ c ] 5.2 5.5
[ d ] 5.8 6.0
6 To lower pH in a mash water:
[ a ] water salts are added
[ b ] acid is added
[ c ] alkali is added
[ d ] all of the above
7 The optimum temperature range for starch conversion in
a whiskey mash using malt enzymes is:
[ a ] 140F 151F
[ b ] 152F 160F
[ c ] 75F 85F
[ d ] 173F 176F
8 The mash strike temperature is:
[ a ] the temperature of the mash during conversion
[ b ] the temperature of the mash just after the grain is added
[ c ] the temperature of the mash water before its heated
[ d ] the temperature to which the mash water is heated
before the grain is added
9 Sparging is the process of:
[ a ] agitating the mash during conversion
[ b ] separating the liquid wort from the grain solids
[ c ] testing the mash for complete starch conversion
[ d ] force cooling the mash to fermentation temperature
10 Mashing is:
[ a ] the biochemical process of converting grain starches to
fermentable sugars
[ b ] the mechanical process of grinding the grain into a ne powder
[ c ] the process of blending the different grains of a particular
whiskey recipe
[ d ] the process of separating the grain from the husk
11 The target Originating Gravity (OG) of a whiskey mash is in the
range of:
[ a ] 1.090 1.100
[ b ] 0.996 1.004
[ c ] 1.060 1.070
[ d ] 1.075 1.085
12 The purpose of the yeast in fermentation is to:
[ a ] impart avor to the wash
[ b ] provide nutrients to the fermentation
[ c ] preserve the mash and prevent spoilage
[ d ] metabolize the sugars to alcohol and other organic compounds
13 The denition of mash is:
[ a ] the substrate during the mashing and fermentation stages
[ b ] the grain when its ready for the mashing process
[ c ] the spent grain after the mashing process is complete
[ d ] the substrate when its ready to go into the still
14 The denition of wash is:
[ a ] the liquid rinsed from the grain after the mashing is complete
[ b ] the spent liquid in the still boiler after the distillation is nished
[ c ] the mash after its fermented and ready to be distilled
[ d ] the hot water used to sparge the grain
15 Oxygen dissolved in the mash during aeration:
[ a ] supplies an important molecular building block of alcohol
[ b ] facilitates the break-down of sugar to alcohol
[ c ] is necessary for the yeast to reproduce during the aerobic phase
of the fermentation
[ d ] contributes to the avor prole of the whiskey
16 Distillation is a process whereby:
[ a ] a fermented substrate is left very still so the sediment can
separate out
[ b ] a chemical reaction takes place that produces a high
concentration of alcohol
[ c ] the alcohol is ltered out of the substrate
[ d ] the compounds in a substrate are separated based on their
different boiling points
17. The type of still most suited to producing whiskey is:
[ a ] a gooseneck still
[ b ] a high-separation fractionating still
[ c ] a continuous-run cracking tower
[ d ] none of the above
18 The packing in a reux column serves the purpose of:
[ a ] cooling the vapors as they rise up the column
[ b ] providing surfaces for a vapor-liquid interface that effects
hundreds of thousands of little mini-distillations
[ c ] ltering out impurities
[ d ] to slow the ow of vapor up the column
19 A dephlegmator is a component that:
[ a ] removes phlegm from the distillate in the column
[ b ] increases reux in a distillation column by force cooling the
vapors near the top of the column
[ c ] reacts out suldes in the alcohol vapor
[ d ] condenses the vapor back to a liquid as it exits the still
20 Spirits like vodka and gin are unique in that:
[ a ] they are made from pure ethanol
[ b ] they are simply whiskey that hasnt been aged in a barrel
[ c ] their avor is derived entirely from the feedstock from which
theyre made
[ d ] they are fermented at a lower temperature
21 Bubble-cap trays serve the purpose of:
[ a ] aerating the vapors in the column
[ b ] adding water to the distillate
[ c ] condensing the vapors
[ d ] creating reux the same as packing does in small columns
22 The shape of a still:
[ a ] has no effect on the avor of the nished spirit
[ b ] is for aesthetic appeal only
[ c ] plays a signicant role in the character of the spirit
[ d ] is purely a matter of operational preference
23 The shape of the pot affects:
[ a ] how the wash is heated
[ b ] the alcohol content of the nished spirit
[ c ] the boiling point of the wash
[ d ] the vapor pressure in the column
24 The length and shape of the swan neck of a pot still affects:
[ a ] the time it takes for the still to come to boil
[ b ] the boiling point of the wash
[ c ] the level of separation of the still
[ d ] none of the above
25 Shorter-necked stills yield spirits that are:
[ a ] fuller-bodied and creamier
[ b ] lighter, more fragrant
[ c ] more neutral in avor
[ d ] higher in alcohol
26 The ogee, or boil bowl, at the bottom of the neck of a still serves as:
[ a ] a trap to catch solids
[ b ] a chamber for rising vapors to heat up
[ c ] a chamber for botanicals
[ d ] an expansion chamber to increase separation
27 Heating a still with more heat:
[ a ] increases the throughput but reduces the degree of reux
[ b ] increases the degree of reux but decreases the throughput
[ c ] increases both the throughput and the degree of reux
[ d ] decreases both the throughput and the degree of reux
28 By extending the lyne arm at an upward incline, this:
[ a ] decreases reux
[ b ] increases reux
[ c ] chills the vapors
[ d ] has no effect
29 60% of the whiskeys avor proles is contributed by:
[ a ] barrel aging
[ b ] the type of yeast
[ c ] barley variety
[ d ] shape of the spirit still
30 When distilling whiskey, congeners are present in:
[ a ] heads
[ b ] hearts
[ c ] tails
[ d ] all of the above
31. The fusel alcohols, which are known for causing hangovers,
come out of the still in their highest concentration in the:
[ a ] heads phase
[ b ] hearts phase
[ c ] tails phase
[ d ] beer-stripping run only
32 Acetone and methanol, which is often present, comes out
of the still in their highest concentration in the:
[ a ] heads phase
[ b ] hearts phase
[ c ] tails phase
[ d ] beer-stripping run only
33 Feints are the compounds from a distillation that:
[ a ] make one light-headed and pass out
[ b ] occur in only tiny, trace amounts
[ c ] are the combined heads and tails
[ d ] are used in a subsequent sour-mash process
34 At the end of a spirit run to produce whiskey,
the actual whiskey is the:
[ a ] residue left in the boiler
[ b ] heads
[ c ] hearts
[ d ] tails
35 All of the avor in a whiskey, before its aged in barrels,
comes from:
[ a ] the congeners
[ b ] infusions added to the whiskey after its distilled
[ c ] botanicals placed in the still
[ d ] the alcohol
36 Low-wine is:
[ a ] another name for the fermented mash
[ b ] the output from the beer-stripping run
[ c ] a wine thats substandard and is distilled to recover its alcohol
[ d ] whiskey before its aged in barrels
37 Making the cuts refers to:
[ a ] the process of judging when to switch from heads to
hearts and from hearts to tails
[ b ] diluting the whiskey before it goes into barrels
[ c ] diluting the whiskey to its bottling strength
[ d ] judging which barrels of whiskey make the cut for
the best products
38 To measure the percent alcohol at the parot means:
[ a ] to measure the percent alcohol in the receiver
[ b ] to measure the percent alcohol that is presently
owing from the still
[ c ] to measure the percent alcohol in the barrel
[ d ] to measure the percent alcohol of the liquid
loaded into the boiler
39 During a whiskey distillation run, the percent alcohol of the
[ a ] increases as the distillation progresses
[ b ] uctuates at rst and then stays constant for the rest of the run
[ c ] varies with each phase of the distillation
[ d ] decreases as the distillation progresses
40 During the barrel-aging process, the whiskey can take on a
bitterness due to:
[ a ] lignins
[ b ] tannin
[ c ] vanillins
[ d ] oxidation
41 The optimum percent-alcohol range for aging whiskey in
a new barrel is:
[ a ] 85 95%
[ b ] 40 50%
[ c ] 55 65%
[ d ] 70 80%
42 A low-humidity barrel warehouse results in:
[ a ] an increase in percent alcohol
[ b ] a decrease in the amount of vanillin extraction, and generally
poorer whiskey
[ c ] an increase in vanillin extraction, and generally better whiskey
[ d ] a tendency for the barrel to leak
43 A higher-temperature barrel warehouse:
[ a ] results in a poor-quality whiskey
[ b ] decreases the rate of oxidation
[ c ] may result in aging not taking place at all
[ d ] results in faster aging of the whiskey and
is therefore advantageous
44 Most Scottish malt whiskies are aged in barrels made of:
[ a ] used American white oak staves
[ b ] European oak staves
[ c ] red oak staves
[ d ] dark oak staves
45 Under US law, bourbon must be aged in:
[ a ] toasted oak barrels
[ b ] new charred oak barrels
[ c ] lightly charred oak barrels
[ d ] heavily toasted oak barrels
46 The angels share is:
[ a ] the amount of whiskey lost due to evaporation
[ b ] the prots lost to excise tax
[ c ] the special casks reserved for nobility
[ d ] the whiskey consumed by the distillery workers
47 A standard whiskey barrel in the United States is:
[ a ] 40 gallons
[ b ] 53 gallons
[ c ] 31 gallons
[ d ] 45 gallons
48 Barrels that are smaller than the standard distillery size:
[ a ] age the whiskey slower
[ b ] impart a harsh avor to the whiskey
[ c ] age the whiskey faster
[ d ] make no difference to the aging process
49 A whiskey barrel thats been empty for a while will often:
[ a ] lose its ability to mature whiskey
[ b ] require re-charring
[ c ] impart an undesirable avor
[ d ] be dried out and leak between the staves
50 Before barrel aging, whiskey should be diluted to
the desired strength with:
[ a ] pure water
[ b ] feints
[ c ] tails
[ d ] low-wine
51 The best locations to barrel-age whiskey are:
[ a ] hot, dry places that experience temperature swings
[ b ] cool, humid places that maintain a constant temperature
[ c ] dark places, shaded from sunlight
[ d ] moist places that keep the barrels from drying out
52 After the whiskey has been aging for awhile, but is not yet mature,
the whiskey will:
[ a ] have a weak watery taste
[ b ] have a raw woody taste, and will have a burnt avor
[ c ] taste like nished whiskey, but will have no color
[ d ] taste like vodka, but will have a little color
53 When periodically tasting whiskey in the barrels to determine if its
mature, the taster:
[ a ] can judge by color development alone
[ b ] should taste the whiskey mixed with a drink mixer
like cola or inger ale
[ c ] should cleanse their pallet by biting on a slice of lemon rst
[ d ] should nose and taste the whiskey at full strength, and then
diluted half-and-half with water
54 The impurities that make up the avor of the whiskey:
[ a ] are basically a combination of late heads and early tails congeners
[ b ] come only from the tails
[ c ] come only from the heads
[ d ] are not present at all in the heads and tails.
55 Scottish and Irish style malt whiskies are aged in used barrels
[ a ] the staves are tighter and theres less chance of leakage
[ b ] they are cheaper than new ones
[ c ] new barrels would impart an overpowering oak character
to the delicate malt avor
[ d ] because used barrels age the whiskey faster
1. [ d ] 11. [ c ] 21. [ d ] 31. [ c ] 41. [ c ] 51. [ a ]
2. [ c ] 12. [ d ] 22. [ c ] 32. [ a ] 42. [ c ] 52. [ b ]
3. [ a ] 13. [ a ] 23. [ a ] 33. [ c ] 43. [ d ] 53. [ d ]
4. [ c ] 14. [ c ] 24. [ c ] 34. [ c ] 44. [ a ] 54. [ a ]
5. [ c ] 15. [ c ] 25. [ a ] 35. [ a ] 45. [ b ] 55. [ c ]
6. [ b ] 16. [ d ] 26. [ d ] 36. [ b ] 46. [ a ]
7. [ a ] 17. [ a ] 27. [ a ] 37. [ a ] 47. [ b ]
8. [ d ] 18. [ b ] 28. [ b ] 38. [ b ] 48. [ c ]
9. [ b ] 19. [ b ] 29. [ a ] 39. [ d ] 49. [ d ]
10. [ a ] 20. [ a ] 30. [ d ] 40. [ b ] 50. [ a ]
Date __________________________
Product ________________________
Number of Bottles _______________
Number of Cases ________________
Fill ____________________________
Alcohol Measure _________________
Notes __________________________
Filling done by
Volume of Wash ___________% Alcohol __________
Time to Alcohol Boil ____________________________
Temperature of Heads cut. _________ Alc. _________
Run time for the Hearts Start _______ Stop_______
Hearts Volume ______________ Alc. _____________
Temperature at Tails Cut ________________________
Total Time, Start to Finish _______________________
(signed) Distiller
to 60 proof 0.07463
to 120 proof 0.15776
to 70 proof 0.08764
to 82 proof 0.10362 Batch:
to 83 proof 0.10498
Reading Temp
Table 1 WT Tare Adj. WT
2 or 3
Table 7
PG Notes
#VALUE! ####
PG From
PG per
LB Table
per LB Notes
0 0 #DIV/0!
0 0 #DIV/0!
0 0 #DIV/0!
Extra Bottles:
Gauging Log
Bulk - Tables 1-2-3-7
Reduction Tables 2-4
Total Tank
Final Guage in Package
Lb of H2O
Date: _________________________
Distilling Wash: 40 gallons
Grains: 125 lbs.
80% 2-row barley
10% aked barley
5% 2-row Munich.
Strike Water: 40 gallons @ 170 degrees
Mash-in Temperature: 157 degrees
Sparge Water Temp: 170 degrees
Original Gravity: 1.068
Yeast Type: Ale yeast from White Labs
Fermentation: 72 Degrees
Days of Fermentation: 7 days
Final Gravity: 1.006
Wash Alcohol: 8.1%
Notes (or) wash evaluation
Distilling Logs to Maintain
Floor Plan

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