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Recommended Books tcover#v=onepage&q&f=false Fundamentals of Human Nutrition 1. Whitney E. N. and Rolfes S.R. 2008.

Understanding Nutrition, Thomson Hig her Education. 2. Wardlaw G.M. and Kessel M.W.2002. Perspectives in Nutrition, McGraw-Hill . 3. Awan J.A.2000. Elements of Food and Nutrition. Preston University, Pakis tan MACRONUTRIENTS IN HUMAN NUTRITION 1. David L. N Lehninger A.L. and micheal M.C. 2008 .lehninger principles of bioc hemistry .W.H. Freeman and company 2. wardlaw G.M. and Kessel M.W.2002. Perspectives in nutrition, McGraw-Hill. FUNDAMENTALS OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION 1. Awan, J.A. 2007. Food Processing and preservation , Unitech communication, Fa isalaabad- Pakistan . 2. Potter N.N. 2006. Food Sciences. 5th edition, Springer NY. USA 3. Zeuthen P. 2003. Food Preservation Techniques. Woodhead publishing, CRC press , England Vitamins in Human Nutrition 1. Gordon M. W.and hampl J. S. 2007. Perspective in nutrition , McGraw - Hill publishing company limited New York , USA. 2. sareen S. G; Jack L.S; and james L.G. 2009. Advanced nutrition and human me tabolism, 5th ed. Wadsworth cengage learning, USA. 3. Lindsey A; Benosite B-de; dary o.and hurrell R. 2006 .GUIDLINE ON FOOD forti fication with micronutrients . copy writes, FAO/WHO Meal Planning and Management 1. whitney E. and Rolfes S. 2005 . understanding nutrition , wadsworth 2. wardlaw G.M. and Kessel M.W. 2002 Perspective in nutrition McGraw -Hill . s 3. Bogert D.J. 2001 . Nutrition and physical fitness , W B .Saunders Co.philadelphia London GENERAL 1. umphary 2. ndon. 3. 4. ANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY Romanes G.J.,1996. Cunninghams Manual of practical anatomy .3rd volume.H Kalfom, Oxford, Oxford University Press, London. Gray H.1996. Anatomy, Descriptive and Applied. Londmans Green and Co, Lo Cormack H.D.1993.Essential Histology,J B Lippincott Co Philadelphia .

Physiology-2 1.Widmaier, Raff , and strang. vander,s human physiology . the mechanisms of bod y functions,12th edition, McGraw hill ,2008 . ISBN978-0-07-337810-7 2. McArdle,Katch and katch ,edition , exercise physiology; nutrition ,energy , and human performance,seven edition, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ,2010. ISBN 978-0-7817-97818 Medical Biochemistry 1. Bayness,J. and Dominiczak . 1999. biochemistry . 1th edition .Mosby , london . 2. Devin , T.M .and 2005 .texbooks of biochemistry with clinical correlation . 6th ed. Wiley -liss, inc 3. kent ,T.H. and M.N. Hart. 1998 . introduction of human diseases .4th ed. app letion and langes .stamford . 4. Meisenberg, G. and W.H. Simmons .1998 principles of medical biochemistry Har court braces and company ltd.

Gernal Pathology 1. kumar cotran Robins, Basic pathology , 6th ed. WB Sunders company philadelp hia 1992 2. walters and isreal , gernal pathology , churchill ,london 1998 3. peter S Macfarlane , Robins Reeid ,Robin collander , pathology illustrate , churchill livingstone ,London 1998 Walter G B , GERNAL Pathology , churchill liv ingstone , New York Medical Microbiology 1. Levison W .E.and E.Jaketz . medical microbiology and immunology .2000. M cGraw Hill books Co., New york 2. Murray P.R., K.S . Rosenthal, G.S Kobayashi and M.A. Pfaller. Medical m icrobiology .2001 . Mosby year book, inc 3. Patrick R,K.S . Murrary , G.S Rosenthal and M.A.P. Kobayashi medical mi crobiology .2002. Mosby , USA.

Basic of computer 1. Long 1., long N. Fundamentals of computer ,6th edition . 2. Courter , G,Marquis A,1999, Microsoft office 2000,BPB Publication 3. Shelly C, 2011. Discovery of computer. Mathematics 1 thomas, G.B. Jr. and finney, R.L Addission-wesley. Calculus and analytical geo metry, 10th Ed. 1. Smith, K.J. Trignometry for college students . 4th Ed. Brooks\cole publi shing company ,pacific grove, California. 2. Abraham, S., Scott. Analytical Geomatry, Foresman and company. 3. Chatterjee, D., Anaiytical Geomatry, of Two Dimension, Narosa Publishing House,New Delhi,1999. Biostatistics 1. Zar,J.H . Biostatistics analysis .2003.4th edition ,pearson education prenti ce hall international limited. london , UK . 2. Muhammad F.Statistical method and data analysis.2000.kitab markaz ,bhawana b azar faisalabad , pakistan 3. Choudry ,M.R. Modern statistics 2001. polymer publication ,urdu bazar ,lahor 4. steel R.G.D, Torrie J.H. and Dickey D.A. Principles and procedure of statis tic .A biometrical approach.1997.3th edition . WBC Mc .Graw Hill,New york , USA . English Comprehension: a).Grammar 1. Practical English Grammar by A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet. Exercises 1 . Third edition. Oxford University Press. 1997. ISBN 0194313492 2. Practical English Grammar by A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet. Exercises 2 . Third edition. Oxford University Press. 1997. ISBN 0194313506 a). Writing 4. Writing. Intermediate by Marie- Christine Boutin, Suzanne Brinand and Fr ancoise Grellet. Oxford supplementary skills .fourth impression 1993.ISBN0194534022. BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL ENGLISH WRITING

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