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United States

of Agriculture
Wildland Fire in
Forest Service

Rocky Mountain
Research Station
General Technical
Report RMRS-GTR-42-
volume 3 Effects of Fire on Cultural
May 2012
Resources and Archaeology
Ryan, Kevin C.; Jones, Ann Trinkle; Koerner, Cassandra L.; Lee, Kristine M., tech. eds. 2012. Wildland fire in
ecosystems: effects of fire on cultural resources and archaeology. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3.
Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 224 p.

This state-of-knowledge review provides a synthesis of the effects of fire on cultural resources, which can be used
by fire managers, cultural resource (CR) specialists, and archaeologists to more effectively manage wildland vegeta-
tion, fuels, and fire. The goal of the volume is twofold: (1) to provide cultural resource/archaeological professionals
and policy makers with a primer on fuels, fire behavior, and fire effects to enable them to work more effectively with
the fire management community to protect resources during fuels treatment and restoration projects and wildfire
suppression activities; and (2) to provide fire and land management professionals and policy makers with a greater
understanding of the value of cultural resource protection and the methods available to evaluate and mitigate risks
to CR. The synthesis provides a conceptual fire effects framework for planning, managing, and modeling fire effects
(chapter1) and a primer on fire and fuel processes and fire effects prediction modeling (chapter 2). A synthesis of the
effects of fire on various cultural resource materials is provided for ceramics (chapter 3), lithics (chapter 4), rock art
(chapter 5), historic-period artifacts/materials (chapter 6), and below-ground features (chapter 7). Chapter 8 discusses
the importance of cultural landscapes to indigenous peoples and emphasizes the need to actively involve native
people in the development of collaborative management plans. The use and practical implications of this synthesis
are the subject of the final chapter (chapter 9).

Keywords: cultural resources, heritage resources, archaeology, fire regime, fire environment, fuels management,
fire management, fire planning, wildfire, prescribed fire, First-Order fire effects, Second-Order fire effects,
Third-Order fire effects, Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation (BAER), fire severity, traditional cultural
knowledge (TKE), cultural landscapes

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RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 1. Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on fauna.

RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 2. Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on flora.

RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on cultural resources and archaeology.

RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 4. Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on soil and water.

RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 5. Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on air.

RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 6. Wildland fire in ecosystems: fire and nonnative invasive plants.

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Wildland Fire in Ecosystems
Effects of Fire on Cultural Resources and Archaeology
Technical Editors
Kevin C. Ryan, Research Forest Ecologist, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,
Fire Sciences Laboratory, Missoula, Montana.
Ann Trinkle Jones, Cultural Resources Coordinator, U.S. National Park System,
Colorado Plateau Cooperative Ecosystem Study Unit (CP CESU), Flagstaff, Arizona.
Cassandra L. Koerner, Graduate Student in Environmental and Natural Resources Policy
and Administration, Department of Public Policy and Administration, Boise State University,
Boise, Idaho.
Kristine M. Lee, Supervisory Biological Scientist and Deputy Program Manager for the
Fire, Fuel, and Smoke (FFS) Science Program; Director of the Fire Modeling Institute, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Fire Sciences Laboratory, Missoula, Montana.

Authors Daniel F. McCarthy, Tribal Relations Program Manager,

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, San
Krista Deal, Pacific District Archaeologist, U.S. Depart-
Bernardino National Forest, Supervisors Office, Heritage
ment of Agriculture, Forest Service, Eldorado National
Resources, San Bernardino, California.
Forest, Pollack Pines, California.
Elizabeth Oster, Archaeologist, Jemez Mountain Re-
Leonard DeBano, Adjunct Professor, School of Renew-
search Center, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
able Natural Resources, University of Arizona, Tucson,
Arizona. Trisha Rude, Macrobotanical Specialist, Aztec Archaeo-
logical Consultants, Aztec, New Mexico.
Michael L. Elliot, Archaeologist, Santa Fe National Forest
Mountain Heritage Associates, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Samantha M. Ruscava-Barz, Staff Attorney, WildEarth
Guardians, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Charles Haecker, Archaeologist, National Park Service
Intermountain Region, Heritage Partnerships Program, Kevin C. Ryan, Research Forest Ecologist, U.S. De-
Santa Fe, New Mexico. partment of Agriculture, Forest Service, Fire Sciences
Laboratory, Missoula, Montana.
Ann Trinkle Jones, Cultural Resources Coordinator, U.S.
National Park System, Colorado Plateau Cooperative Nelson Siefkin, Archeologist/BAER Coordinator, Fire
Ecosystem Study Unit (CP CESU), Flagstaff, Arizona. & Aviation Management, National Park Service-Pacific
West Region, Oakland, California.
Roger Kelly, National Park Service (retired) and Ex-
ecutive Director (retired), Benicia Historical Museum, Rebecca S. Timmons, Forest Archaeologist, U.S.
Benicia, California. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Kootenai
National Forest, Libby, Montana.
Kristine M. Lee, Deputy Program Manager for the Fire,
Fuel, and Smoke (FFS) Science Program; Director of the John R. Welch, Canada Research Chain, Indigenous
Fire Modeling Institute, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Heritage Stewardship, Department of Archaeology, Simon
Forest Service, Fire Sciences Laboratory, Missoula, Frasier University, British Columbia, Canada.

The Rainbow Series was completed under the sponsorship of the Joint Fire Sciences
Program, a cooperative fire science effort of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service and the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of
Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, and National Park Service.
The authors are grateful for reviews of the manuscript from: Anne Baldwin, Mike
Bremer, J. Claire Dean, Cathy Gilbert, Cari Goetcheus, Rob Jackson, Jane Kolber,
Steve Lentz, Tom Origer, Jim Reardon, Doug Scott, Nelson Siefkin, and George Teague.
The reviews added substantially to the document. We are thankful to Emily Schembra
for her library work and pulling together all the pieces of the final document; Brook
Easterday for editing and working with authors to get their contributions electronically;
Denny Simmerman and Kelsi Plante for graphics support; Larry Bradshaw for provid-
ing weather and fire danger rating for sidebars; and, Miguel Cruz for radiant energy
calculations and graphs. We also appreciate photographic contributions from Sharon
Waechter and Tammara Norton of Farwestern Anthropological Research Group; Don
Bragg, Sally Crum, Clay Johnson, Lee Johnson, David Jurney, Rhonda Kimbrough,
Patricia Lacey, Chris Lydick, Neil Weintraub, and Linda Pollak from CalFire.

Cultural resources refer to the physical evidence of human occupations that
cultural resource specialists and archaeologists use to reconstruct the past. This
includes the objects, locations, and landscapes that play a significant role in the
history or cultural traditions of a group of people. Cultural resources include artifacts
of historical significance left by prehistoric aboriginal peoples . Archaeological con-
stituents, the basic units of archaeological analysis, consist of artifacts and features.
Artifacts include carved objects, pottery and ceramics, flaked and ground stones,
faunal and floral remains, glass, and metal. Features include earthen works, rock
art (e.g., petroglyphs and pictographs), midden soils, and structures (e.g., buildings,
monuments, etc.). Cultural resources are at risk of being damaged by wildfires as
well as active natural resource management. In Canada and the United States,
managers have legal requirements to protect cultural resources during fuels treat-
ments, restoration activities, wildfire suppression, and post-fire rehabilitation. The
successful implementation of prescribed burning and wildfire suppression in cultural
resources sensitive areas requires integration of cultural resources and wildland
fire science. Knowledge of the local archaeology, artifact materials, site types, and
context is essential to minimizing the negative impacts of all management activities.
Likewise, understanding fuels, fire behavior, and heat transfer mechanisms is key
to predicting, managing, and monitoring the effects of fire on cultural resources.
This volume of the Rainbow Series synthesizes the relationships between fire and
cultural resources. It presents the reader with the context of contemporary fire use
and how these fire management tactics may affect prehistoric and historic cultural
resources. It synthesizes the impacts of fire and fire management on various types
of cultural resources and identifies management strategies to minimize negative
impacts on cultural resources.
Chapter 1 provides basic definitions of wildland fire, the categories of cultural
resources (including basic operational definitions), and the legal framework for both
the United States and Canada for resource protection. It provides a framework
for classifying fire effects by direct versus indirect effects into First-Order (fire-
caused changes), Second-Order (post-fire biophysical changes), and Third-Order
(human actions/reactions). Chapter 2 provides an overview of the various spatial
and temporal scales of fire analysis and their relationship to the effects on cultural
resources. It includes a primer on the biophysical processes that couples fuels and
fire behavior to the observable effects on cultural resource types, and identifies a

number of fire behavior and effects models useful for fire planning and prescription
development. Chapter 3 summarizes fire effects on prehistoric ceramicswhich
in North America are primarily earthenware, a porous ceramic, fired at a relatively
low temperatureincluding the direct effects of heating and sooting on the visual
and physical characteristics that affect archaeological dating and sourcing as well
as the indirect effects on the depositional environment and its impact on interpre-
tation. Chapter 4 describes common lithic artifacts, including flaked and ground
stone objects, and the effects of fire on archaeological interpretation including
obsidian hydration, thermoluminesence, and archaeo-magnetic dating. Chapter 5
describes the effects of fire and fire management on petroglyphs and pictographs
(rock art) and the significance of these resources in understanding the history and
culture of the site. Chapter 6 describes historical sites and artifacts in the context
of their material makeup, their susceptibility to fire, and the types of fire damage. It
also stresses the need to move beyond describing historic resources solely on the
basis of their material properties and physical boundaries, but to asses them in the
context of the landscape in which they occur. Chapter 7 focuses on the effects of
fire on subsurface archeological deposits: the matrix containing post-depositional
fill, artifacts, ecofactual data, dating samples, and other cultural and non-cultural
materials. In order to provide a context for understanding these data, this chapter
provides a summary of previous research about the potential effects of fire on
subsurface cultural materials. Chapter 8 describes the significance of wildland fire
and fire management to contemporary communities and provides a clear distinc-
tion between the definitions of tangible and intangible resource components. It also
challenges us to go beyond the tangible materials science and regulatory compli-
ance measures of cultural resources and begin to integrate the formal, historical,
and relational aspects of landscapes into planning and management of cultural
resources. It emphasizes the need to develop and implement programs that are
integral to the landscape through consultation with affected communities. Finally,
chapter 9 presents a framework for integrating cultural resource and wildland fire
management, provides practical applications for situations mentioned throughout
the text, and clearly defines management roles in fire situations. It also elaborates
on the process of identification, evaluation (documentation), and mitigation in both
planned (prescribed) and unplanned (wildland) fire situations.
The Editors
July 2007


Chapter 1: Effects of Fire on Cultural ResourcesIntroduction..................... 1

by Kevin C. Ryan, Cassandra L. Koerner, Kristine M. Lee, and Nelson Siefkin


Cultural Resources................................................................................................................2

Legal Protection....................................................................................................................6

Cultural Resources Categorized.........................................................................................10

Tangible and Intangible Cultural Resources...............................................................10

Fire Management................................................................................................................10
Categories of Effects...................................................................................................11

What is the Objective of This Volume?................................................................................13

Chapter 2: Fire Behavior and Effects: Principles for

Archaeologists............................................................................................ 15
by Kevin C. Ryan and Cassandra Koerner

Fire Basics...........................................................................................................................16
Heat Transfer..............................................................................................................18
Fire Behavior Principles..............................................................................................20

The Many Scales of Fire.....................................................................................................22

Fire Behavior and Effects: Concepts and Models...............................................................23

Fire Environment.........................................................................................................23

Fire Intensity, Depth of Burn, and Fire Severity...................................................................37

Fire Intensity...............................................................................................................37
Depth of Burn..............................................................................................................39
Fire Severity................................................................................................................40

Integrating Fire Severity With Cultural Resources..............................................................41

Fire Regime.........................................................................................................................45

Fire Planning.......................................................................................................................48
Fire Planning Software................................................................................................52


Appendix 2-1A Field Guide to Fire Severity Terminology and Classification...................56

Fire Characteristics: Fire Intensity Classes.................................................................56
Fire Characteristics: Depth of Burn Classes...............................................................67
Fire Severity Matrix.....................................................................................................75

Chapter 3: Fire Effects on Prehistoric Ceramics............................................. 85

by Trisha Rude and Anne Trinkle Jones

Materials and Mechanics of Pottery Construction...............................................................86

Pottery as Raw Material..............................................................................................87
Vessel Formation and Preparation for Firing..............................................................87
Clay Firing...................................................................................................................88


Firing Effects on Non-Clay Inclusions..................................................................................89

Pottery Use and Post-Depositional Changes..............................................................90

Fire Effects Research..........................................................................................................91

Fire Effects on Appearance.........................................................................................92
Fire Effects on Analytical Properties...........................................................................93


Chapter 4: Fire Effects on Flaked Stone, Ground Stone, and

Other Stone Artifacts..........................................................................................97
by Krista Deal


Lithic Artifacts and Fire........................................................................................................98

Some Caveats............................................................................................................98

Flaked Stone.......................................................................................................................99
Chert: Flint, Jasper, Chalcedony, and Related Silicates.............................................99
Quartz, Quartzite, Mudstone, Rhyolite, Siltstone, Slate, and Vitrified and Welded Tuff......105

Ground Stone....................................................................................................................106

Thermal Effects on Rock Used as Heating or Cooking Stones.........................................108

Other Stone Artifacts.................................................................................................109

Implications for Cultural Resource Protection and Fire Planning......................................110

Chapter 5: Fire Effects on Rock Images and Similar

Cultural Resources................................................................................... 113
by Roger E. Kelly and Daniel F. McCarthy

Setting and Placement..............................................................................................116

Heritage And Research Values..........................................................................................117

Fire Effects........................................................................................................................117

Field Examples..................................................................................................................122
Field Examples: Observations..................................................................................127

Mitigation and Protection...................................................................................................127

Restoration and Stabilization.............................................................................................130

Resources Available..........................................................................................................130


Chapter 6: Fire Effects on Materials of the Historic Period.......................... 131

by Charles Haecker

Types of Fire Damage.......................................................................................................132

Historic Structures.............................................................................................................132
Native Materials Structures.......................................................................................132
Structures Using Manufactured Materials.................................................................136

Historic Artifacts.................................................................................................................137
Miscellaneous Artifacts.............................................................................................142


Chapter 7: The Effects of Fire on Subsurface Archaeological Materials.... 143

by Elizabeth A. Oster, Samantha Ruscavage-Barz, and Michael L. Elliott

Fire and Cultural Sites.......................................................................................................143

Fire Effects and Subsurface Cultural Resources: Previous Research..............................144

Post-Fire Studies of Archaeological Sites.................................................................145
Experimental Studies Dealing with the
Effects of Heat on Artifacts, Ecofacts, and Datable Materials...................................146
Thermal Alteration of Cultural Materials and Features..............................................147


Radiocarbon Dating (14C)..................................................................................................150

Archeomagnetic Dating.....................................................................................................150

Obsidian Hydration............................................................................................................150

Case Study: Investigation of Subsurface Heating Effects at Bandelier National

Monument, NewMexico..............................................................................................151
Thermal Alteration of Ecofacts and Cultural Materials..............................................152
Correlation Between Heating Effects on Archaeological Materials and Visible
Changes in the Surrounding Matrix..........................................................................153
Correspondence Between SHE Study Fire Effects and Effects Noted in
Experimental Fires....................................................................................................154
Alteration of Datable Materials..................................................................................154
Potential for Detecting Ancient Fires, and Correspondence of Surface
and Subsurface Burn Severity Data..........................................................................155

Summary and Conclusions...............................................................................................155


Chapter 8: Effects of Fire on Intangible Cultural Resources:

Moving Toward a Landscape Approach................................................. 157
by John R. Welch

Fire Policy and Standard Practice in Cultural Resource Management.............................158

Approach, Scope, and Goals....................................................................................159

Why Consider Fire Effects on Intangible Cultural Resources?..........................................161

Cultural Resources in Local and Management Community Context.................................163

Local Communities...................................................................................................163
Management Communities.......................................................................................163


Landscapes as Common Ground......................................................................................164

Beyond Compliance and Materials Science......................................................................165

Steps and Stumbling Blocks in Inter-Community Collaboration...........................................166

People First...............................................................................................................167
One Local Community at a Time...............................................................................167
Deal Face Up............................................................................................................167
The Sooner the Better...............................................................................................168
Go to the Source.......................................................................................................168
Respect Tribal Sovereignty.......................................................................................168

Summary and Recommendations.....................................................................................168

Concluding Thoughts.........................................................................................................170

Chapter 9: Implications of Fire Management on Cultural Resources......... 171

by Rebecca S. Timmons, Leonard deBano, and Kevin C. Ryan


Risk Management.............................................................................................................175

Wildland Fire Management Recommendations................................................................180

Prescribed Fire..................................................................................................................182
Prescribed Fire Management Recommendations.....................................................185

Fire Rehabilitation.............................................................................................................186
Fire Rehabilitation Recommendations......................................................................186

Fire Use.............................................................................................................................186
Fire Use Recommendations.....................................................................................186





Kevin C. Ryan
Cassandra L. Koerner
Kristine M. Lee
Nelson Siefkin

Chapter 1:
Effects of Fire on Cultural
The worlds diverse cultures have their varying bands of hunter-gatherers roamed the land following the
creation stories (Moyers and Campbell 1988; UGA rhythms of the seasonsripening of plant resources
2000). Many of these stories contain physical fea- and animal migrations. The advent of agriculture
tures: the mountains, hills, plains, and rivers of their roughly 8,000 years ago is widely understood to have
native lands that are integral components of cultural caused major changes in land use (c.f., Diamond 1997,
traditions (Berkes and others 2000; Goetcheus 2005; Thomas 1956). In recent years there has been
2002; King 2003; Martin 2002; Parker 1993; Parker considerable debate as to the role of aboriginal people in
and King 1990; Smythe and York 2009; Stoffle and altering the landscape (c.f., Boyd 1999; Denevan 1992;
others 1997). Fire figures prominently in the tradi- Stewart 2002; Vale 2002). It is, however, increasingly
tions of most cultures, both in their beliefs and their understood that those who came before uswhether
practices (Lewis and Ferguson 1988; Stewart 2002; hunter-gatherer or agricultural-urban dwellerhave
Williams 2001, been major agents of land change through their burning
biblio_indianfire.htm). Before modern civilizations practices (Abrams and Nowacki 2008; Fesenmeyer and
developed, early civilizations existed for millennia Christensen 2010; Nowacki and Abrams 2008; Scharf
sometimes in urban settings, sometimes in pastoral 2010a,b; Springer and others 2010; Thomas 1956). It
or agrarian settings, and sometimes in hunter- is becoming increasingly apparent that the combined
gather settings, but always in close association with effects of agriculture and fire have affected not only the
fire as a fuel for light, warmth, cooking/food preserva- vegetation but also atmosphere and climate ( Carcaillet
tion, security, and industry (Arnold 1961; Brown and and others 2002; Ruddiman 2003, 2007). Thus, fire
others 2009; de Lumley 2006; Gowlett 2006, 2010; and culture are inexorably intertwined, all part of the
James 1989; Webb and Domanski 2009). Indeed, it human experience. We are a fire people and this is a
is argued that before there were hunter-gatherers fire planet (Pyne 1982, 1995, 2001, 2004).
there were gatherers. Human physiology and anatomy
scholars have wasted (in my view) too much time
suggest that mastery of fire must have predated
and effort on a science versus traditional knowledge
specialized hunting (Sussman and Hart 2008). To
debate; we should reframe it instead as a science and
early cultures, control and use of fire increased their traditional knowledge dialog and partnership. (Fikret
survival through manipulation of habitats to promote Berkes 2009)
desired foods, materials, and medicines. For millennia,

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 1

Aboriginal people adapted their tools and fire use its development. Cultural resources are important
to meet the needs of their environment. The details of resources that bind those of us living today with our
fire use by various Native people are beyond the scope ancestors, traditions, and histories. They are generally
of this volume. Readers are directed to the archaeo- viewed as non-renewable resources. They are often
logical libraries for exploration of those relationships. fragile tangible objects susceptible to thermal damage
However, cultural resource management in fire prone during wildland fires (wildfires and prescribed fires),
environments requires knowledge both of the people and physical damage from management-related dis-
who inhabited those lands, historic fire regimes, and turbances. Others, in particular indigenous peoples,
current fire activity (fig. 1-1). view cultural resources as encompassing all the ele-
Knowledge about the role of fire in the earths ments of the environment that sustain culture. From
vegetation-climate system and of peoples use of fire this perspective, living organisms (plants, animals,
for a variety of cultural purposes has grown tremen- fungi, etc.) and the condition of sites or areas are con-
dously in the past two decades. Much of this new knowl- sidered as potential cultural resources. Ethics argue
edge stems from the innate desire to understand our that cultural resources should be protected for their
origins and more recently from the quest for greater value to this and future generations, and they are
understanding of climate change science and feedback protected by numerous laws. Discussion of the many
mechanisms within the climate system, including the laws is beyond the scope of this review. A primer on
role humans have played in affecting vegetation and the important laws for the United States and Canada
climate (Brown and others 2009; Carcaillet and oth- may be found at
ers 2002; Ruddiman 2003, 2007). The recognition of and,
fires integral role in the maintenance of many fire respectively. Specific laws will be mentioned as needed
dependent plant communities (Brown and Smith by the chapter authors.
2002) and the development of healthy landscapes In the United States, cultural resources generally
has also fueled recent research, and led to greater un- fall into three types:
derstanding. The preponderance of evidence suggests
1. PrehistoricAs defined in the 1979 Archaeologi-
that the role and use of fire in the United States and
cal Resources Protection Act (ARPA), the term
Canada have changed markedly since Pre-Columbian
archaeological resources means Any material
times (Abrams and Nowacki 2008; Fesenmeyer and
remains of past human life or activities which are
Christensen 2010; Nowacki and Abrams 2008; Scharf
of archaeological interest and include human
2010a,b; Springer and others 2010; chapter 2; and remains; burial sites; weapons, tools, vessels
many others). The 20 centurythe era of wide spread (baskets, ceramics, etc.); lithic scatters; milling
cessation of aboriginal burning practices, landscape and quarry sites; refuse or debris piles; middens;
fragmentation and fire suppressionis the most rock shelters; temporary camp sites; house, vil-
recent human influence on fire as a natural process lage, ceremonial sites; and sacred places.
in the development of vegetation. The area burned
th 2. HistoricAs defined in the 1976 National
declined for decades in the 20 century (Agee 1993; Historic Preservation Act, historic includes
Leenhouts 1998) but has been increasing since about buildings (cabins, houses, barns, businesses,
1970 (Agee 1993; Westerling and others 2006) (fig. 1-2). churches); settlements; improvements (corrals,
With this increase in area burned comes an increased water works), sites of important events (e.g.,
risk of damage to cultural resources. Further, public battlegrounds, treaties); passageways (canals,
concern for the impacts of increasingly large (fig. 1-2), trails, roads, railroads, tunnels); refuse piles;
damaging, and costly fires has led to greater emphasis cemeteries; distinct districts or communities; and
on fire management programs, particularly fire use. unique landscaping, architecture or construction.
Wildfires, as well as suppression efforts, hazardous 3. ContemporaryNational Register of Historic
fuels treatments, and post-fire restoration projects all Places has guidelines and procedures for deter-
differentially pose a risk to cultural resources (mechani- mining places that qualify for inclusion. These
cally, chemically, functionally, and aesthetically).
include traditional cultural properties (Parker
and King 1993); locations of important events;
Cultural Resources_______________ traditional resource collection locations; religious
or spiritual sites; sacred places; sites with valued
What are cultural resources and why should we be vistas; recreation sites; and cemeteries.
concerned about protecting them during fire manage-
ment activities? Cultural resources are material and Similar criteria apply in the Canadian Provinces with
non-material items that represent physical and spiri- local variations.
tual presence and practices of society throughout

2 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012


Figure 1-1(a) Early Indian tribes, cultural areas, and linguistic stocks (Sturtevant 1967) and (b) current probability of fire occurrence (shown on next page) (Finney

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 3

and others 2011).

Figure 1-2Observed and reconstructed area-burned comparison. Time series of observed total wildre area burned for 11
western U.S. States for the period 19162009 (bars, adjusted for area reporting bias) (from Littell and others 2009).

4 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

The term cultural resource is used throughout this Berkes and others 2000; Kimmerer and Lake 2001,
volume because it is the common vernacular used by 2007). Current research has also shown a close link
Federal or State/Provincial land management agencies between the frequency and intensity of anthropogenic
in the United States or Canada, respectively. Other and lightning caused fires and the amount of woody
organizations, governmental bodies, and individuals fuel accumulation. For example, in long-needled
also use the terms heritage resources or archaeologi- coniferous forest, particularly in the southeastern and
cal resources. The three termscultural resources, western United States, these frequently recurring fires
heritage resources, and archaeological resourcesmay thinned out the trees, pruned the survivors, and kept
have some unique legal implications but from a fire and fuel load low, leading to open grasslands and park-like
materials effect perspective they are indistinguishable tree stands (Brown and Smith 2002).
and are synonymous herein unless specifically noted In 1905, the United States Congress created the
by an author. United States Forest Service (USFS). Several large
From an ecological perspective, fire is a process fires early in the century put fire suppression in the
necessary for the maintenance of viable populations forefront of Forest Service fire management. Following
of many species because of its direct effects, as well severe fires in Idaho and Montana, the Chief of the
as the creation of landscape mosaic of essential habi- Forest Service established in 1935, a 10 a.m. policy
tat conditions (Brown and Smith 2002; Smith 2000). ( The
Although fire is a vital ecological process, the histori- goal of the 10 a.m. policy was to plan and manage each
cal archaeological record of many tribes cultural and fire so as to control the fire by 10 a.m. of the next day
social achievements is increasingly threatened by (Pyne 1982). The 10 a.m. policy became the dominant
recent increases in fire intensity, frequency, size, and strategy during much of the rest of the 20 century.
subsequent management activities. Although somewhat less aggressively due to limited
Pre-historically, landscapes typically experienced resources, other State and Federal agencies also at-
systematic fire return intervals and fires were routinely tempted to implement this strategy. In a parallel way,
set by indigenous people worldwide for various reasons Canadian managers sought to limit fire in much of
(Denevan 1992; Kay and Simmons 2002; chapter 2). Canada. This effort across North America effectively
Research has documented the wide ranging use of fire lengthened the fire return interval and fostered the
by Native Americans to manipulate the landscape, accumulation of fuels for many forests, woodlands,
prepare open areas to plant crops, and increase forage shrublands, and grasslands. The results of this fire
for roaming megafauna, such as buffalo, elk, and deer exclusion policy unwittingly led to hazardous fuel
(Stewart 2002; Williams 2000). In both written and levels, fires of ever increasing size and severity, and
oral histories of many tribes, fire is spoken of as an a general decline in ecosystem health (Kaufmann and
instrument in bringing in animals and new growth, others 2004; Keane and others 2002).
thus helping to increase food availability and economic Although the attempted exclusion of fire was debated
security. throughout the 1940s and 1950s, particularly in the
academic literature, it was the dominant philosophy.
Indigenous peoples detailed traditional knowledge
In 1963, the Leopold Committee issued its report to
about fire, although superficially referenced in various
the U.S. National Park Service regarding wildfire
writings, has not for the most part been analyzed in
detail or simulated by resource managers, wildlife
management issues (Leopold Report,
biologists, and ecologistsInstead, scientists have
developed the principles and theories of fire ecology, htm). This report identified the importance of fire in
fire behavior and effects models, and concepts of restoring and maintaining habitat for several species.
conservation, wildlife management, and ecosystem Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, research continued
management largely independent of native examples. to define the importance of fire in ecosystems and the
(in Stewart 2002:4) Congress passed several environmental and cultural
resource protection laws.
Studying ancient cultures and their practices may
The 1960s and 1970s began a period of transition
help to identify fire use tactics and recognize pres-
in fire policy. Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park
ervation techniques of both tangible and intangible
in California created the first prescribed natural fire
resources that have stood the test of time. Only by
program in 1968 (Stephens and Ruth 2005). In
looking to the past, can we truly prepare for the future
1977, the Forest Service changed their fire policy to
by ensuring that history does not repeat itself through
emphasize a balanced fire control program, provide
catastrophic events that could be prevented. Thus, the
for natural and planned prescribed fires, and to in-
study of traditional cultural knowledge and its integra-
corporate fire planning into the land management
tion into land and resource management is increasingly
planning process (Nelson 1979). Forest managers, on
recognized as a valuable contribution (Berkes 2009;
the other hand, were fighting a battle against fire

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 5

and major fuel accumulation from over half-a-century passed the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
of suppression efforts on Federal, tribal, and private in 1966. Although not the first Federal historic pres-
lands (Nelson 1979; Stephens and Ruth 2005). It wasnt ervation law in the United States, the NHPA, unlike
until years later after several catastrophic fire events earlier legislation, such as the Antiquities Act (1906),
that the Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy Historic Sites Act (1935), and Reservoir Salvage Act
was adopted in 1995 (amended in 2001). The Policy, (1960), very specifically defined what forms cultural
its 2001 revision, the 2003 Healthy Forests Restora- resources can take and criteria by which their signifi-
tion Act, and the sequence of costly fire seasons that cance is measured (King 2008; National Park Service
spurred these developments made it clear that fuels 2006).
reduction would remain the driving issue in forest Section 101 of the NHPA authorized creation of a
management in the United States for the foreseeable National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), the official
future (Franklin and Agee 2003). Finally, fire man- list of significant cultural resources in the United States
agement included more agencies than just the Forest worthy of preservation. The NRHP includes criteria to
Service; the National Park Service, Bureau of Indian evaluate properties for the National Register (http://
Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, United States These consist of the
Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Biologi- following:
cal Service all became active participants under the
The quality of significance in American history,
Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy. Addition-
architecture, archaeology, engineering, and culture
ally, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) (e.g. The
is present in districts, sites, buildings, structures,
Nature Conservancy) developed national, regional, and
and objects that possess integrity of location, de-
local programs to address the need for increased fire
sign, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and
use for protection of lives, property, and to promote
association and
resource benefits ([email protected]).
Under this new policy, managers are expected to (a) that are associated with events that have
reintroduce fire on millions of acres per year to reduce made a significant contribution to the broad
hazardous levels of fuel throughout the landscape and patterns of our history; or
create healthy ecosystems with fire-adapted species. (b) that are associated with the lives of persons
The central message embedded in this policy shift significant in our past; or
is that the foregoing century of fire suppression and (c) that embody distinctive characteristics of a
other management practices have disrupted the bal- type, period, or method of construction, or that
ance between land and resource use and have also represent the work of a master, or that possess
changed peoples sense of place and their reliance on high artistic values, or that represent a significant
public and tribal lands for their livelihood (see Karjala and distinguishable entity whose components
and Dewhurst 2003; Moseley and Toth 2004). It is may lack individual distinction; or
ironic that, in many cases, frequent past burning may (d) that have yielded, or may be likely to yield,
have helped preserve artifacts in the cultural context, information important in prehistory or history.
while todays wildland fires and prescribed burns are To become a historic property, a cultural resource must
impacting and destroying the artifacts and evidence satisfy several requirements:
of their cultural significance.
Classifiable as a site, building, structure, object,
or district (aggregates of one or more of these
Legal Protection_________________ categories) (table 1-1);
Except under unique circumstances, achieved
The Federal/Provincial, tribal/First Nations, and
significance 50 or more years ago;
local governments in the United States and Canada
Assigned definitive geographic boundaries;
have played a major role in determining the legal pro-
Meet one or more of four NRHP criteria for
tections given to the many different classes of cultural
resources. Cultural resource specialists, with the help
Possess and exhibit integrity of location, design,
of local communities, can interpret and apply these
setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and
legal protections using standards recognized in both
the United States and Canada. Tribal governments
primary role in the creation of legal protection for Section 106 of the NHPA requires U.S. federal
cultural resources is to be consulted by government agencies to take into account the effects of their
officials for establishing proper means of protection, management actions on historic properties. Simply
conservation or mitigation (for the United States see put, without a historic property designation, a po-
E.O. 13175: Consultation and Coordination with Indian tential cultural resource is not provided assurances
Tribal Governments). The United States Congress by Federal policy as an important cultural resource,

6 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Sidebar 1-1La Mesa Fire Study
La Mesa Fire, Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico, June 1622, 1977
References: Traylor and others (1990)

General Information
Elevation: 1,981.2 to 2,743.2 m (6,500 to 9,600 ft)
Vegetation: 75% ponderosa pine or spruce fir and aspen forest; 25% pinyon-juniper
Topography: canyons, drainages and mesas
Type of study: post-fire qualitative analysis of surface materials

Fire Description
Temperature range: temperature not recorded but may have reached a maximum of 800
C (1472F). Estimated temperature of top 2inches (5.1 cm) of soil: well below 100C
(212F) with maximum temperature. Fire sustained for 10 to 15 minutes.
Duration: 7 days
Relative humidity: 8 to 25%
Fuel: variable
Type of fire: wildland
Energy release component (ERC): 74 to 80
Burning index (BI): 60 to 104

The La Mesa Fire study in Bandelier National Monument was the first major post-fire
investigation of fire effects on heritage resources. The La Mesa Fire started June 16, 1977,
and burned uncontrolled for 7 days. This was a high intensity wildfire, burning more than
60 km (15,000 acres) of forest and pinyon-juniper woodland. It was the first burn in which
archaeologists were enlisted to help firefighters avoid damage to archaeological sites.
After the fire, archaeologists surveyed handlines and bulldozer lines to record site dis-
turbances caused by the fire suppression activities. Pre-burn wildlife transects were also
surveyed archaeologically to evaluate fire effects on sites within a variety of ecological zones.
Post-burn surveys covered only a small sample of the previously unsurveyed burn area.
Survey crews encountered 99 archaeological sites, 54 of which were burned (Traylor and
others 1990). Fire effects were recognized at 51 of these 54 sites (Traylor and others 1990).
Major impacts of the fire included spalling and crumbling of tuff masonry. Increased soil
erosion was also recorded as a major indirect fire impact. Fire effects on surface artifacts
included color change, breakage, and the adherence of residues and sticky adhesions.
Four prehistoric sites, consisting of small (1 to 2 room) masonry structures were excavated
to further assess fire effects on artifacts, architecture, plant and animal remains, and date-
able materials. Two of the sites were moderately burned and two had been burned severely.
Structures were excavated to a floor-depth of about 30 cm (11.8 in). Sub-floor test pits were
also excavated inside the rooms. Laboratory analyses of macrobotanical remains, pollen, soil,
and faunal remains were conducted to assess fire effects at surface and subsurface levels.
Samples for obsidian hydration, tree ring dating, archeomagnetic dating, and radiocarbon
dating were also collected and analyzed (Traylor and others 1990).
In addition to fire impacts, damages caused by fire suppression and rehabilitation activi-
ties were also common. Forty-four of the sites surveyed exhibited some suppression impact
(Traylor and others 1990:100). Bulldozer impacts to archaeological sites were the most severe.
Although archaeological monitors worked with hand crews and bulldozer operators during
the fire suppression, miscommunications caused some sites to be damaged. Fire lines were
sometimes widened and large safety areas bladed without archaeological consultation. Also,
bulldozers used for rehabilitation work were not monitored by archaeologists. Due to these
problems, bulldozers completely leveled eight sites and caused significant architectural
damage to seven sites (Traylor and others 1990).

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 7

Table 1-1Comparability of U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service,
National Register of Historic Places and Canadian Register of Historic Places
Cultural Resource Categories.
National Register of Canadian Register of
USDI, National Park Service Historic Places Historic Places
Archeological resources Site Archeological site
Structure District
Structures Building Building
Structure Structure
Object District
Cultural landscapes Site Landscape
District District
Ethnographic resources Site Archeological site
Building Building
Structure Structure
Object District
Museum objects N/A N/A
Adapted from USDI, National Park Service (1997), National Register of Historic Places (NRHP);
Parks Canada 2003.

and therefore afforded no consideration under the Historic Places Initiative in 2000 (
NHPA. However, as seen in table 1-2, museum ca/progs/plp-hpp/plp-hpp1_E.asp). Two important
objects, though not on the list of NHPA approved consequences of this initiative were the Canadian
fields, contain elements of other entities and are Register of Historic Places (
often considered outside of their NPS grouping as and Standards and Guidelines for the
a structure or object. Conservation of Historic Places in Canada (Parks
Owing to the circumstances of history and the bene Canada 2003). The Canadian Register lists those
fits of hindsight, historic preservation in Canada has cultural resources, called historic places, formally
taken a different trajectory than in the United States. recognized as significant by Federal, Provincial,
Only recently has the Canadian Federal government territorial and local governments. The Standards
taken a major role in establishing uniform nation- and Guidelines define historic places as structures,
wide preservation standards. Rather, it is provincial buildings, groups of buildings, districts, landscapes,
and territorial governments that have the most explicit and archaeological sites possessing heritage value.
laws related to historic preservation, albeit they vary In some respects, the Canadian concept of cultural
from one another and are restricted to archaeological resources, as portrayed in law, policy, directives,
resources (Parks Canada 2000). The Canadian Fed- guidelines, and philosophy, is what many practitio-
eral government currently has no umbrella legislation ners of cultural resources management in the United
akin to the NHPA, relying instead on various policies States wish was more explicitly reflected in the NHPA,
and directives that support the preservation of cultural NRHP, and other key components of historic preserva-
resources, as well as the Canadian Environmental tion. For example, cultural landscapes are recognized
Assessment Act (CEAA) (Canadian Environmental as a formal resource type in Canada, whereas in the
Assessment Agency 1996), which is effectively the United States the nexus between landscapes and the
counterpart of NEPA. NRHP can be awkward, particularly with respect to
In an effort to promote a standardized approach those associated with traditional socio-cultural groups
to cultural resources management, Federal, Provin- (for example, Evans and others 2001; Goetcheus 2002;
cial, territorial and local governments launched the King 2003).

8 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Table 1-2Cultural resource categories of the United States.
Category Definition Examples
Archeological The material evidences of past human Prehistoric: structural remnants, burials, fire
resources activities. hearths, midden (Ch 7), storage facilities,
flaked and ground stone tools (Ch 4), ceramics,
Comprised of materials of prehistoric and caves and rock shelters, rock images (Ch5),
historical origin deposited by individuals of and raw material sources (such as lithic
any ethnic affiliation, indigenous and other. quarries or culturally modified trees).

Classified and managed as discrete Historic (Ch 6): structural ruins, minor
archeological sites comprised of a features, artifacts and ecofacts associated
combination of artifacts, ecofacts and/or with homesteads and other occupation sites;
features. industrial complexes related to mining, logging,
fishing, and agriculture; battlefields, refuse
dumps, trails, roads, and railroad grades.
Structures Constructed and usually immovable works Dams, millraces, ditches, canals, reservoirs,
intended to serve human activities in bridges, roads, trails, forts, defensive works,
prehistory and history. fences, corrals, rock cairns and earthworks.

Prehistoric and some historic structures are *Some publically-accessible prehistoric cliff
also archeological resources, the structural dwellings in the American Southwest.
designation often being applied in cases
where a structure is actively maintained to a See also Ch 6
pre-determined condition*
Cultural Geographic areas containing both cultural Historic sites or landscapes (cemeteries,
landscapes and natural resources associated with battlefields, rural communities); historic
events, activities, or people that reflect designed landscapes (gardens, parks, estates);
human social and ecological adaptations vernacular landscapes (farming, ranching,
and perceptions. mining, and ethnic districts, ghost towns);
ethnographic landscapes (massive geologic
Characterized by the way humans settle, structures; festival, spiritual, ceremonial
divide, utilize and circulate through them. grounds; sacred sites).
Ethnographic Variations of natural resources, standard With regard to tangible manifestations, in
resources cultural resource types, and intangible addition to landscapes, ethnographic resources
attributes assigned importance by traditional are comprised of culturally-important objects,
users and seen as vital for cultural plants and animals, archeological sites and
perpetuation. structures.
Museum objects Comprised of prehistoric and historic Museum objects include specimen, archival,
materials obtained from archeological and manuscript collections relating to
investigations, natural resources such as archeology, ethnography, history and natural
plant specimens and geological samples, history.
and archival documentation such as
field notes and maps, photographs, and
electronic files.

Displayed or stored in facilities where

environmental conditions are strictly
regulated, such as public museums and
curation buildings or may be found in
outdoor exhibits, historic structures, or
exposed through excavation and left in
Modified from USDI National Park Service (1997a).

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 9

Cultural Resources historicand it is those materials and their spatial
associations, or context, that are altered by direct,
Categorized_____________________ independent, and operational effects. Importantly, as
The USDI National Park Service (1997a,b) employs described in subsequent chapters, cultural resources
a classification system for cultural resources that is, display different vulnerability to those effects.
with some clarification, well suited for the purposes Traditional Cultural Properties (TCPs) are places
of this volume. Specifically, five categories of cultural eligible for inclusion on the NRHP based on associa-
resources are recognizednone of which is mutually tions with traditional living communities, and spe-
exclusive. cifically those historically rooted in and important for
Canada has a similar system to categorically divide maintaining the cultural identity of such communities
its resources, which is represented in table 1-3. We will (Parker and King 1990). TCPs were devised to account
use the NPS system described above for the purposes for the nexus between the tangible and intangible
of this volume. For both United States and Canadian aspects of cultural resources that had generally been
workers, it is important to understand the connections ignored, and included places of spiritual power, tra-
between the two groupings of historic places that are ditional practices, stories, therapeutic qualities, and
represented in table 1-1. remembrances (King 2003). The importance of such
places was reconfirmed with the issuance of Executive
Tangible and Intangible Cultural Order (EO) 13007 in 1996, which explicitly addresses
Resources American Indian sacred sites, and requires Federal
agencies to accommodate access and ceremonial use
While both tangible and intangible cultural resources of such sites to religious practitioners, avoid physical
can be affected by wildland fire and fire management impacts to these sites, keep the locations of sacred
actions, it is the culturally independent (not necessarily sites confidential, and ensure consultation with tribal
identified with a specific group of individuals) tangible governments regarding sacred sites.
attributes that are the primary focus of this volume
(culturally dependent intangibles are addressed in
chapters 8 and 9). Intangible resources are often over- Fire Management_________________
looked because they are not clearly defined, may be In the United States, the 2001 Federal wildland fire
difficult to place value on, and, therefore, are often management policy recognizes three types of wild-
given only limited protection. land fire: wildfire, prescribed fire, and wildland fire
All tangible cultural resources are ultimately use (National Wildfire Coordinating Group 2006,
comprised of materialsraw and synthetic, singular
and composite, inanimate and living, prehistoric and Wildland fires are non-structure fires that occur in

Table 1-3Cultural resource categories of Canada.

Category Definition
Archeological sites Physical evidence of past human activity found in a
specific location on or below the ground, or underwater.
Landscapes Exterior spaces that have been assigned cultural
including spiritualmeaning or have been deliberately
altered in the past for aesthetic, cultural or function
reasons. Landscapes include land patterns, landforms,
spatial organization, vegetation, circulation systems,
water features, and viewsheds.
Buildings Constructed works created in the past to shelter
activities related to habitation, business or social
Structures Engineered works created in the past primarily
for purposes other than habitation, including
transportation, energy development, communications,
industry, resource extraction and processing, flood
control and irrigation, and defense.
Adapted from Parks Canada (2003).

10 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

wildlandstracts with few or no developments Traditional Cultural Property (TCP). Likewise it may
ranging from remote wilderness to the interface with be instrumental in the application of Traditional
suburban and urban areas (Canadian Council of For- Ecological Knowledge (TEK) in the maintenance or
est Ministers 2005; National Wildfire Coordinating restoration of cultural traditions (c.f., Kimmerer and
Group 2006). Wildland fires can result from natural Lake 2001; Lake 2007; Stewart 2002). The purpose of
phenomena such as lightning, accidental or inten- the following classification is to attempt to develop an
tional human sources, or when managed wildland objective, non-value-laden perspective on fire effects.
fires escape or exceed predetermined parameters. The classification attempts to isolate observable, mea-
Wildfires are unplanned, unwanted wildland fires sureable effects (i.e., tangible fire effects) from those
where the management objective is to suppress or that involve ones inner relationship with the cultural
extinguish the fire. Wildland fire use refers to natu- resource (i.e., intangible fire effects) (fig. 1-3).
rally ignited (lightning-caused) fires managed to The classification emphasizes the distinction between
accomplish specific resource management objectives biophysical processes and human actions/reactions.
within predetermined locations. Prescribed fires are Biophysical processes are further distinguished by
intentionally ignited to meet specific management the time of occurrence: those that occur at the time
objectives. These firesusually set in the late fall or of the fire (First-Order) vs. those that act upon the
early spring, or when seasonal conditions are moist fire-altered biophysical system after the fire (Second-
and relatively stableare a primary means for fuel Order). The classification is intended to emphasize
reduction. In addition to prescribed fire and wildland the interdisciplinary nature of the relationship of
fire use, other techniques such as mechanical thin- cultural resources to fire and fire management. It is
ning and chemical treatments are also employed to recognized that the classification stems from a western
achieve fuel reduction and resource management scientific perspective. It is argued, however, that the
objectives. knowledge, skills, and methods applied to understand
In 2008, the Fire Executive Council (FEC), which is each component of the classification are substantially
charged with providing interagency Federal executive- independent. Earlier volumes of the Rainbow Series
level wildland fire policy leadership, direction and provide substantial synthesis and review of tangible
program oversight in the United States, unveiled fire effects on fauna (Smith 2002), flora (Brown and
modifications to the 2001 policy to allow wildland fires Smith 2002), air (Sandberg and others 2003), soils and
on Federal lands to be managed with a full spectrum water (Neary and others 2005), and exotic-invasive
of response alternatives (also known as appropriate plants (Zouhar and others 2007).
management response or AMR) (Fire Executive Council The effects of wildland fire, prescribed burning,
2009). The changes include removing the distinction and related fire management actions on cultural
between wildfires and wildland fire use, calling both resources are divided into two major categories, direct
wildfires, and allowing all naturally ignited wildfires and indirect:
to be simultaneously managed for multiple objectives
Direct effects are those caused by fire and its
(for example, protection and resource benefits). Federal
byproducts, such as smoke and ash. Direct effects
wildland fire policy will now recognize two, rather than
result from the physical state of the fire environ-
three, categories of wildland firewildfires (unplanned
ment (fuels, weather, terrain) and the ignition
ignitions) and prescribed fires (planned ignitions). The
pattern (heading-fire, flanking-fire, backing-fire)
Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (2005) also rec-
(chapter 2). Direct effects are the result of com-
ognizes these two terms and uses similar definitions.
bustion and subject to all the laws of physics and
chemistry. Because temperature is a readily mea-
Categories of Effects surable metric, many direct effects are described
For the purposes of this volume, the term effects as functions of the temperature and duration of
simply refers to the observable alterationsperma- heating (chapters 2, 3, 4, and 6). However, in
nent or temporary, reversible or irreversibleto the most cases fire and cultural resource material
tangible or intangible attributes of cultural resources temperature histories are unknown. Thus fire
resulting from wildland fire or fire management ac- severity and direct effects are observed ex post
tions. In most contexts, observable changes will have facto. Cracking, crazing, spalling, pot-lidding,
a negative connotation with respect to the pristine melting, smudging, and sooting are all direct
pre-disturbance conditions where an artifact, feature, effects that result from combustion, combustion
site, or landscape presumably had its maximum byproducts, and heat transfer mechanisms

value as a cultural resource for purposes of meeting acting upon various material artifacts, features,
the intent of various laws. However, in some cases sites, or landscapes (table 1-4). Regardless of what
fire or fire management may play a positive role in role humans may have had in creating the fire
restoring or maintaining a cultural landscape or environment (e.g., past cultural and management

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 11

Figure 1-3Fire impacts on cultural resources. Direct, First-Order effects result from biophysical processes
related to the local combustion environment as it is juxtaposed to cultural resources and the physical properties
of the resource. Indirect effects derive from biophysical processes following the fire (Second-Order effects) or
human responses to fire (Third-Order effects) (synthesized from numerous sources).

practices), the direct effects would occur regard- If fire occurred in the absence of human observation
less of whether or not people were there to observe. or intervention, post fire biophysical processes, such as
The term First-Order Fire Effects is frequently erosion, weathering, succession, and herbivory would
applied to describe the direct effects, particu- still take place following the laws that govern such pro-
larly in National Wildfire Coordinating Group cesses. These effects are referred to as Second-Order
(NWCG) sponsored fire effects training courses Fire Effects. Humans are affected by, and respond to,
in the United States, (e.g., Rx-310 and Rx-510). fire and the threat of fire in various ways that are as
Indirect effects are those effects that are de- complex as the human experience. The impacts of fire
rived from or dependant on the fires occurrence. on the human environment are defined as Third-Order
If the fire had not occurred indirect effects could Fire Effects. Third-Order effects may be tangible or
not occur. Indirect effects are of two types: intangible. Tangible effects are the purposeful, inten-
biophysical processes acting on the fire-altered tional, observable, measurable human responses to the
environment and human responses. Indirect ef- perceived risks or opportunities presented by fire.
fects occur when wildland fire or associated fire
management actions change the context in which
a cultural resource is found, leaving it vulnerable
to impacts. Common examples of indirect effects 1
include post-fire erosion, carbon contamination in The concept of Third-Order fire effects developed from discus-
sions with Frank K. Lake while Ryan and Lake were on the Rx-510
archaeological deposits, disturbances from fire-
Advanced Fire Effects Course cadre at the National Advanced Fire
killed tree-fall (see for example sidebars on tree and Resource Institute, Tucson, AZ. Lake (2007) discusses Third-
root burnout and retardants in chapter 9), and Order effects in the context of traditional ecological knowledge
vandalism/looting (Christensen and others 1992). (TEK).

12 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Table 1-4Common nomenclature to describe the first order fire effects of fire on archaeological
resources (adapted from Buenger 2003).
CB = Combustive Residue The presence of tar deposits on the surface of a specimen
formed as a by-product of the pyrolysis and combustion of organic materials. The residue is
a by-product of combustion and is not composed of pure carbon, nor is it an intact organic
compound (DeBano 1998). It is a highly nitrogenous condensate tar substance (Yokelson
et al. 1997). The residue can be tacky or semi-solid immediately post-fire and generally
appears as dark brown to black droplets on the surface of a specimen, may give artifacts a
blackened appearance if sufficiently combusted.

CC/OX = Color Change/Oxidation (1). An overall darkening or reddening of a specimen

from its original color. It is generally the result of exposure to temperatures sufficient enough
to alter the mineral composition of the specimen (this definition used to code sandstone
blocks within architectural sample units) (i.e., Cliff House Formation Sandstone changing
from its original orange-buff to a deep red color).

(2). The presence of and orange/brown discoloration on an artifact. It is generally due to the
presence of oxidized sediment on a specimen where sediment had adhered to its surface
prior to exposure to heating. Heating of the sediment results in discoloration that adheres or
permeates the surface of a specimen.

POX = Paint Oxidation The oxidation of pigment (organic or mineral) on decorated ceramic
specimens. Alterations can include a change in color from the original pigment (black to
red), or the combustion of the pigment entirely.

CC = Color Change (lithic specimens only) An observable color change of a specimen

from original, pre-fire, color. Generally due to an alteration in the mineral composition of a
specimen during exposure to heat.

CZ = Crazing The presence of fine, non-linear or latticed cracks on the surface of a


SP = Spalling The exfoliation of a portion of the original surface of exposed rock or a

specimen due to differential heating and pressure release. It is generally the result of steam
buildup in areas of the specimen that have impurities or elevated moisture content.

SPS = Spall Scars The presence of concave depressions on the surface of a specimen
where it is evident that a portion of the surface was exfoliated due to spalling, but the actual
spall was not observed in situ. Over time, associated spalls have weathered or eroded.

PL = Potlid Fracturing (lithic specimens only) Similar to spalling, but specific to lithic
artifacts manufactured from cryptocrystalline silicate rocks such as chert. The fracture is
characterized by a circular pit on the surface of the specimen. The pit represents the area in
which the original portion of the surface has been exfoliated due to differential heating and
pressure release. The exfoliated section is generally circular, flat on the dorsal side, and
convex on the ventral side (resembling the lid of a cooking pot).

FR = Fracturing The fracturing of a specimen into multiple pieces, and/or the presence of
fractures or fissures that penetrate deeply into a specimen.

WFR = Weathered Fracturing The fracturing of a thermally altered architectural block over
time due to mechanical weathering. Fine cracks or fracture lines induced by exposure to
heat become exacerbated due to mechanical weathering processes. Fracturing is often
patterned and affects a large portion of the specimen.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 13

These include suppression, rehabilitation, and miti- during their planning processes. The intended audi-
gation about which volumes are written. These real- ence includes resource and fire managers employed by
time active management-related effects are often public, tribal, and private land management agencies,
referred to as Operational Effects because they are non-governmental organizations, private contractors,
associated with typical fire management operations. historic preservation officers, and researchers. Par-
Changes in recreational use, hunting, and gathering, ticular emphasis is given to providing guidance for
for example, are observable and measurable and those in the realm of cultural resource management
are, therefore, also tangible Third-Order effects. In (often called CRM), individuals actively engaged in
contrast, the effects of fire, fire suppression, or fuels identifying and managing cultural resources before,
treatment-restoration activities on humans spiri- during, and after wildland fires, and preparing and
tual or emotional sense of well being are intangible reviewing fire-related environmental compliance and
Third-Order fire effects. These intangible effects land management documents (for example, land and
are a reflection of humanitys complex co-evolution fire management plans, prescribed fire burn plans,
with fire. Traditional Cultural Properties (TCP) are and community wildfire protection plans).
identifiable and documentable places and as such We hope to inform the reader not only of the sub-
are tangible cultural resources (King 2003; Parker ject matter, but provide meaningful examples, legal
1993; Parker and King 1990), but how a person or implications, and a well defined connection between
group of people feel about the impacts of fire or fire the effects of fire and cultural resources. In addition to
management on a TCP is an intangible fire effect. understanding these connections, the reader can also
The development of intangible Third-Order fire ef- understand their role in both planned and unplanned
fects knowledge can only be obtained through close fire situations. Each chapter provides basic information
communication and collaboration with cultural lead- and discussion that could be used for public education
ers of affected communities (chapter 8). on the subject. This volume is also intended to provide
Material effects receive greater attention than direction for protection of cultural resources within the
operational and intangible effects in this Volume, legal framework. Our hope is to bring both cultural
particularly in chapters 2 through 7. The processes resource and fire managers to a clear understanding
influencing direct effects are presented in chapter 2, of their mutual legal responsibility for the protection
while chapters 3 through 7 address those impacts with of cultural entities. Above and beyond legalities, this
respect to specific materials. Operational effects result- volume highlights the importance of working together
ing from activities associated with managing wildland with local communities.
fires, such as the construction of firelines, application This is the first comprehensive summary of fire and
of fire retardants, and vegetation clearing are discussed cultural resources inclusive of Canada and the United
in Management Implications, chapter9. States, covering a wide range of cultural resource
categories as well as describing the variability of fire
on different landscapes. The United States Depart-
What is the Objective of This ment of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service, Rocky
Volume?________________________ Mountain Research Station has produced a series
of documents that assimilate current knowledge of
The main objective of this volume is to define cultural
wildland fire effects relevant to the management of
resources, provide information about the mechanisms ecosystems, including fauna (Smith 2000), flora (Brown
that affect cultural resources, and identify management and Smith 2000), air (Sandberg and others 2002), soil
alternatives to prevent (or limit) adverse impacts within and water (Neary and others 2005) and non-native
the proper legal framework. This basic information cre- invasive plants (Zouhar and others 2008). Many of
ates a level playing field in fire situations, where fire these same topics were addressed in the first version
managers value cultural resources, cultural resource of this Rainbow Series volume that was published
specialists understand fire, and both management in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The Rainbow Series
groups comprehend what effects could occur without volumes encompass the United States and Canada in
proper mitigation. Chapters 8 and 9 also identify geographic coverage, but many of the principles can be
techniques to facilitate better communication between applied to other regions of the globe where wildland
groups to improve protection through consultation. fires occur.
This volume is intended to be used as a reference for
both cultural resource specialists and fire managers

14 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Kevin C. Ryan
Cassandra Koerner

Chapter 2:
Fire Behavior and Effects:
Principles for Archaeologists

Fire is a natural component of earths ecosystems. content, atmospheric humidity, wind speed, and ter-
Fire has impacted most landscapes of the Americas, rain. The spread and behavior of each fire is fairly
having left evidence of its passing in trees, soils, fos- unique, which can make fire seem both mysterious
sils, and cultural artifacts (Andreae 1991; Benton and and unpredictable at times. However, the process
Reardon 2006; Biswell 1989; Bowman and others is a fairly well understood phenomenon. Wildland
2009; Boyd and others 2005; Cochrane and others fire is predictable in so far as both the current and
1999; DeBano and others 1998; Jurney and others antecedent weather conditions are reasonably well
2004; Kilgore and Taylor 1979; Moore 1972; Nevle known. The state of the pre-burn fuels and weather
and Bird 2008; P ausas and Keeley 2009; Scott are highly variable both spatially and temporally.
2000, 2009; Swetnam and Anderson 2008; Swetnam The largest source of variation in fire behavior is lo-
and Betancourt 1990, 1998). Fires burn throughout cal variation in the vegetation/fuel distribution (Ryan
a range of intensities from smoldering flameless fires 2002; Turner and others 1999). It is this variability
producing little if any smoke to creeping fires with that most limits our ability to predict a fires effects
short, thin flames to raging crown fires with walls of on cultural resources. This is why it is desirable to
flames 50meters (164feet) high, or more. The duration have local fuels and weather data when planning,
of a fires passing may be as short as tens-of-seconds implementing, monitoring and reconstructing a fire.
in the case of a fast moving surface or crown fire or as In the case of wildfire, pre-burn conditions often must
long as a day in smoldering ground fire. As fires burn be inferred from post-fire proxy data, for example in-
throughout this range of intensities and durations the ferring preburn conditions from those in a similar
impact on the environment and the cultural resources near-by unburned area. Predicting fire behavior and
therein varies tremendously. understanding its effects requires knowledge of the fire
Wildland fire behavior is highly varied due to such environment, heat transfer principles, the responses
factors as the type of vegetation/fuel and its moisture of various artifact materials to heat, and to a lesser

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extent, the chemicals released by fire (such as ash or
smoke) or used in fire suppression (such as retar-
dants or foams). Models exist to predict fire behavior
and its effects through interpreting weather and fuel
conditions. It is important for managers to recognize
that some factors cannot be controlled; there will
always be spatial variation, adverse environmental
conditions, and complex vegetative structures that
make prescription development an inexact science. As
we gain a better understanding of the effects of fire on
cultural resources, we must take appropriate action
to reduce and manage risk to these assets.
The fire science literature includes a broad spectrum
of interrelated topics. Terminology within the field
varies in part because of the varying space and time
scales. For example, spatial scales vary from individual
fuel particles to landscapes, and time scales vary from
fire residence times measured in seconds to fire return
intervals measured in years to fire regimes measured
in centuries, depending on the authors subject mat-
ter. Numerous previous authors have described fire
processes at multiple scales from combustion funda-
mentals to broad-scale ecological interpretations. The
reader interested in more fully understanding the
field of wildland fire science is referred to those texts
(see Agee 1993; Chandler and others 1983a,b; DeBano
and others 1998; Gill and others 1981; Johnson and
Myanishi 2001; Omi 2005; Pyne and others 1996; Figure 2-1The multiple scales of fire (adapted from Scott
Sugihara and others 2006; Wright and Bailey 1982). 2000; Reinhardt and others 2001; Moritz and others 2005;
The purpose of this chapter is to provide cultural Cochrane and Ryan 2009).
resource specialists with a primer on fuels and fire to
enable them to work more effectively with fire man-
agers in developing fuel treatment and restoration
plans, managing wildfires, and conducting post-fire fuel (for example fireline construction and burnout),
rehabilitation. This chapter provides a scientific foun- remove oxygen (for example to smother with dirt or
dation for predicting the potential impacts of fire on foam) or reduce heat (for example to quench with water
cultural resources. It also defines terms and concepts or retardants).
and identifies their practical implications to cultural Fire affects biophysical processes across multiple
resources. Prescribed fire and wildfire conditions temporal and spatial scales from micro-scale phenom-
associated with damage to cultural resources are dis- enon (e.g., an effect on an individual plant or single
cussed, as are ways to integrate planning measures cultural resource) to broad landscape patterns and
to mitigate fires effects on cultural resources. processes. The fire triangle (fig. 2-1 lower left) is
appropriate at the combustion scale, a small localized
area where fuels making up the fuel bed are relatively
Fire Basics______________________ homogeneous. The fire environment scale (fig. 2-1
To either predict or assess the effects of fire on cultural second from bottom) is appropriate at the scale at which
resources, it is necessary to understand a few basic fire fuels treatment and restoration projects are planned
concepts. There are three essential conditions that must and implemented. The fire regime scale (fig. 2-1
be present for a fire to ignite and continue burning; second from top) is appropriate for describing the role
these three factors comprise the fire triangle (fig.2-1 of fire in shaping ecosystem structure and function.
bottom left). There must be fuel to burn, a supply of Archaeologists, paleontologists, and those who study
oxygen to support combustion, and sufficient heat to human development and migration often consider a
cause successive ignition of fuel particles. Without higher, paleo-fire scale (Rickards 2010; Ruddiman
all three components, fire cannot exist. Indeed, fire 2003, 2007; Scott 2000, 2009) (fig. 2-1 upper right)
suppression tactics rely on this fundamental principle (adapted from Cochrane and Ryan 2009; Moritz and
and design suppression strategies to either remove others 2005; Reinhardt and others 2001; Scott 2000).

16 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Combustion If the decomposition rate is fast enough to form a
combustible mixture of vapors (carbonaceous gases),
Combustion is a physical process involving the rapid flaming combustion results.
oxidation of fuels releasing carbon dioxide, water, Flaming combustion, the second phase where
mineral ash (e.g., Ca, Mg, K) and numerous other nearly all destructive fires occur (DeHaan 1997;
compounds, the chemistry of which varies with the Williams 1982), is an exothermic process. Flaming
type of fuel burning and the efficiency of combustion. involves the combustion of gases (gas-phase) evolved
The rapid oxidation of fuels also produces detectable from the preheating of the solid fuel. This energy is
heat and light. critical to the preheating of adjacent fuel particles and
Combustion is divided into four phases: preheat- sustaining the chain reaction. In wildland fuels where
ing (or preignition), flaming, smoldering, and glow- oxygen is not usually limiting, fuel particles burst into
ing (DiNenno and others 1995; Grishin 1997; Pyne flame at around 325 C to 350 C (617 F to 662 F)
and others 1996; Williams 1982). The fires phase (ignition temperature) with a rapid rise in the local
is dependent on the nature and condition of the fuel temperature. During the flaming phase, luminescent
and oxygen availability. Wildland vegetation burns flames are produced as a flame envelope develops above
by turbulent diffusion flames in successive interac- the solid fuel. Theoretically, temperatures are much
tions between combustion gases and unburned fuel. higher, 1800 C to 2200 C (3272 F to 3992F) where
Energy released by combustion of gases is absorbed chemical bonds are being broken and flames cant exist
by solid fuel particles in the preheating or first phase below around 1300 C (2372 F) (Satio 2001). However,
of combustion. as the flame envelope includes many products of
Preheating is an endothermic or energy absorbing incomplete combustion, noncombustible particles, and
phase. As the flame front approaches a fuel particle cooler air entrained into the combustion zone from
its temperature increases, gradually at first, then the surrounding area, measured flame temperatures
more rapidly. At about 100 C (212 F), free water are usually between 500 C and 1000 C (932 F and
begins to rapidly boil leaving an outer shell of dry fuel 1832F) (Butler and others 2004; DeBano and others
(table2-1). The amount of energy needed to vaporize 1998; Pyne and others 1996; Sullivan and others 2003).
water contained in the fuel increases with the moisture Solid fuels burn at high temperatures, distilling vola-
content of the fuel. In the case of live, actively growing tile substances while creating charcoal. To continue
fuels the moisture content may be quite high (100 to to burn, fuels must continue to produce energy faster
200 percent on an oven dry basis). As the particle con- than it is lost to the surrounding environment. When
tinues to absorb heat, bound water and low molecular the energy release rate drops before all volatiles have
weight volatile compounds (such as waxes, terpenes, been liberated, flames become discontinuous and the
and resins) vaporize, and decomposition (pyrolysis) of fire transitions into the smoldering phase (Bertschi
solid fuel (principally composed of cellulose) begins. and others 2003).

Table 2-1Temperatures associated with phases of combustion.

Temperature C Effect
0-100 Preheating of fuel: free water is evaporated
100-200 Preheating of fuel: bound water and low molecular weight compounds
volatilized, decomposition of cellulose (pyrolysis) begins, solid fuel is
converted into gaseous vapors
200-300 Preheating of fuel: thermal degradation continues more rapidly
300-325 Ignition temperature in well aerated wildland fuels: transition to flaming
325-400 Flaming phase: rapid increase in decomposition of solid fuel
400-500 Flaming phase: gas production rate peaks around 400 C and declines
between 450 C and 500 C as all residual volatile compounds are
500-1000 Flaming phase: Maximum flame temperatures within flames may approach
1600 C in deep flame envelops but temperatures of 500 C to 1000 C
are more typical.
500-800 Glowing phase: residual carbonaceous fuel (charcoal) burns by glowing
combustion. The combustion of charcoal is associated with the
liberation of CO and CO2

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Smoldering combustion is often characterized by Heat Transfer
a complex suite of carbon-rich compounds produced
by incomplete combustion including large amounts The three primary mechanisms of heat transfer are
of hydrocarbon-rich (e.g., tars) smoke (Bertschi and radiation, convection, and conduction. All bodies emit
others 2003; Urbanski and others 2009; Yokleson radiant energy as a function of their surface tempera-
and others 1997). Smoldering fire often occurs when ture. Radiation is the flow of electromagnetic energy
oxygen depletes during flaming combustion. The fire through space at the speed of light. The radiant energy
still emits high temperatures but produces no visible received at the surface of a body (for example, a fuel
flame. Once the entire fuel particle has been heated to element, artifact, or rock art) decreases rapidly with
around 500 C (932 F) the volatile compounds neces- distance from the heat source or flame and increases
sary to support flaming (gas-phase) combustion have rapidly as the temperature of the emitting source in-
been exhausted, smoke ceases to rise from the charcoal, creases (that is, as fire intensity increases as exhibited
and the remaining charcoal burns by glowing (solid- by the size or temperature of the flames) (sidebar 2-1)
phase) combustion. This phase continues until either (Butler and others 2004; Pyne and others 1996; Sullivan
all the fuel becomes non-combustible ash and the fire and others 2003). The emissivity of a flame increases
goes out, or until the fuel is quenched or cooled leaving with the depth of flaming zone and approaches unity
charcoal residues. Until the latter cool-down stage of (i.e., the maximum possible for a black body emitter
a fire, flaming and smoldering occur simultaneously at around 1 meter (3.28 feet) (Butler 1993; Butler and
to some degree as evidenced by the flickering flames others 2004). The actual distance depends somewhat
of a dying campfire, for example. on the efficiency of combustion. Beyond this distance
Fires vary in their combustion efficiency. Combustion deeper flame zone depths do not emit more radiation.
efficiency is the ratio of heat released to the maximum Deeper flame zone depths are, however, associated
heat that could be released in complete combustion with taller flames that can heat bodies at somewhat
in a well ventilated dry environment (Urbanski and greater distances. Larger flames also are associated
others 2008; Ward 2001). This is a function of the with greater convective heat transport.
fuels chemistry, principally its moisture content and
the fuel bed packing ratio, which affects the flow of
air to the combustion zone. The packing ratio is the
proportion of the fuel bed volume that contains fuel
particles (fuel volume + air volume = total fuel bed
volume). It is a measure of how tightly fuels are packed
together, which affects air flow into the fuel bed dur-
Sidebar 2-1Impact of Flames on
ing combustion. To illustrate the influence of packing Rock Art
ratio, consider the spatial distribution of needles in Cultural resources may be directly or indirectly im-
a conifer tree vs. those same needles compacted in pacted by the passage of a wildland fire. Direct or first
the forest floor duff after a number of years on the order impacts include the effects of heat (fig. S1.1); the
ground. The former burns rapidly and efficiently by deposition of combustion products (e.g., tars, soot and ash);
flaming combustion whereas the latter burns slowly and the exposure of cultural resources to discovery. The
and inefficiently by smoldering combustion. Combus- latter may lead to increased vandalism. Cultural resources
tion efficiencies range from as high as 95 percent to may also be indirectly impacted by fires. Indirect or second
as low as 50 percent (Grishin 1997; Pyne and others order effects include the destruction or redistribution of
1996; Urbanski and others 2009). Flaming, the sec- artifacts due to accelerated erosion of the burned site. Of
ond phase, which is gaseous combustion, is the most the direct impacts, the effects of exposure to high heat are
efficient. Products of incomplete combustion include the most critical concern. Elevated temperature during
carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides, sulfurous oxides, wildland fire is the issue of greatest concern. Above ground
hydrocarbons, and solids (soot). The darker the smoke, cultural resources may be bathed in flames where they
the more unburned carbon particles (soot) are present are exposed to both high convective and radiant heating
and the lower the combustion efficiency (Bytnerowicz (fig. S1.2). Resources may be exposed to the smoke and
and others 2008; Urbanski and others 2009). Light hot gasses above the flames where convective heating is
colored smoke indicates more complete combustion of the dominant source of damage. The potential for dam-
fuel elements, lower production of soot and, therefore, age increases with the intensity or energy release rate
higher combustion efficiency. If pyrolysis occurs in the of the fire as is visually apparent by larger flames. The
absence of oxygen, such as may occur in buried wood distance at which damage can occur increases with the
or organic artifacts, destructive distillation occurs at size of the flames (fig. S1.3).
higher temperatures (600 C (1112 F)).

18 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Figure S1.1. Spalling of rock art fol-
lowing the 2003 Hammond Fire, Manti
LaSal NF, Utah (Johnson 2004). Pic-
tograph damaged by heat from forest
fire (photo Clay Johnson, Ashley NF).

Figure S1.2. Convective and radiant

heat from fires are a major source
of damage to above ground cultural
resources such as rock art.

Figure S1.3. Radiant heat flux

received by a rock surface or a
log cabin wall decreases with
distance from the flame enve-
lope and increases with the size
of the flame envelope. The more
intense the fire, as exhibited by
the larger the flame, the greater
the distance that damage can

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Convection is the transfer of energy within liquids has been driven off at around 100 C (212 F) (Albini
and gases from a heat source (flame) to a cooler area and others 1996; Campbell and others 1994, 1995;
by transport of energy in the form of heated molecules. Massman and others 2010).
In contrast to the typical lay use of a fluid as describ- Under suitably severe conditions, fire may spread
ing a liquid, gasses behave as fluids in a physics and beyond a fires perimeter by spotting, the lofting and
engineering context, that is gasses flow from places of transporting of burning embers or sparks through the
high temperature towards places of lower temperature. convection column and wind thereby initiating new
Convective heat transport is a result of the fluid mo- fires up to 1 km (0.6 mi.) or more (Albini 1981b, 1983).
tion of gases and particulates (Cheney and Sullivan This fourth mechanism, a special case of convective
2008; Cochrane and Ryan 2009; DeBano and others heat transfer, is referred to as mass transport and is of
1998; Pyne and others 1996; Van Wagtendonk 2006). particular concern to the protection of organic cultural
Flame and billowing smoke above a wildland fire are resourcesfor example, cabinsat some distance from
the most visible examples of convective heat transport. a fire (see chapter 9).
Radiation and convection can only heat the surface The practical significance of heat transfer mecha-
of an opaque substance (for example, fuels or artifacts). nisms to cultural resources will be discussed in sub-
The heating of the interior of the substance occurs sequent sections.
through conduction. Conduction is the transfer of
energy through a substance by the direct imparting Fire Behavior Principles
of heat from molecule to molecule without appreciable
movement of molecules within the substance, which Fires in wildland fuels are predominantly free burn-
is extremely important for heat transfer within solids ing, that is they expand or propagate by successive igni-
such as fuel particles. Likewise, conduction is critical tion of fuel elements along their perimeter. Figure 2-2
for transferring heat to artifacts buried in the soil illustrates combustion zones and flame characteristics
profile. The rate of heat movement within objects de- commonly found in the fire science literature. Prior
pends on the temperature gradient across the object to ignition, fuels must be raised to ignition tempera-
and its thermal conductivity. Metals generally are ture. Fuels ahead of the spreading fire are preheated
great conductors but wood, forest litter, and air are by radiation and convection (fig. 2-2a). The radiative
poor. power of the flame approaches unity, the theoretical
Spatial and temporal variation in fire behavior, maximum, as the depth of the flame zone approaches
variations in the exposure of cultural materials, and 1 m (3.28 feet) as illustrated by yellow in the flame.
the thermal properties of those materials all interact Radiation from deeper flames, as illustrated in red,
to influence how fire affects cultural resources. From no longer contributes to preheating of fuels ahead of
a small fire that could be considered a point source, the fire. Energy from larger flames does contribute to
radiation decreases with the square of the distance. increased turbulence and convective heat transport
However, in wildland fires where flame fronts approxi- thereby increasing the likelihood and effectiveness of
mate two-dimensions (for example a line of surface flame contact with unburned fuels ahead of the fire as
fire burning through a fuel bed) or three-dimensions well as the lofting of embers. Flames typically pulsate
(for example a wall of flames from a crown fire) ra- with the local wind and the flame tilt angle varies,
diation decreases much more slowly with distance periodically bathing fuels ahead of the fire in flames.
(sidebar2-1). This helps explain, however, why two Thus both radiation and convection are important for
surfaces or surface artifacts in close proximity might preheating and igniting fuels ahead of the fire. Flame
experience different degrees of damage. If two nearby zone temperatures are variable depending on the rate
artifacts see significantly different flame emissivities of spread and type of fuel burned but are typically in
owing to their particular viewing of the fire, they will the 325 C to 800 C (617 F to 1472 F) range. The
be differentially affected. Most substances found in deeper the flame zone, the higher the temperature.
nature as well as most human-made materials consist Where the human eye sees the visible flame tip de-
of mixtures of compounds each with their own ther- pends somewhat on local lighting conditions. Flame
mal properties. Differences in thermal conductivity tip temperatures are in the 500 C to 600 C (932 F
and thermal expansion of various compounds within to 1112 F) range. Flame length is the best visual in-
a material lead to variable heat transfer rates and dicator of the fires energy release rate (fig. 2-2b). The
internal stresses. These forces can cause structural depth of burn is illustrated by the reduced thickness
failure such as exfoliation or spalling of rock (lithic) in the fuel bed plane with the passage of the fire (fig.
materials, fracturing of ceramic artifacts, and shatter- 2-2a,b). Flames at the head of an advancing fire lean
ing of glass. Because soils are porous, multiple heat into unburnt fuel preheating it. Fireline intensity, as
transfer mechanisms occur simultaneously in soils, manifested in the length of flames as well as the flame
but conduction dominates, particularly after moisture zone depth (fig.2-2), is at its maximum at this location
on the perimeter (Cheney and Sullivan 2008) (fig. 2-3).

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Figure 2-2Stylized flame zone characteristics (a), combustion phases, and dominant
heat transfer mechanism (b) (adapted from Rothermel 1972; Pyne and others 1996; Cochrane
and Ryan 2009).

Figure 2-3The parts of a moving fire (from Cheney

and Sullivan 2008).

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Here heat transfer by radiation and convection are also ignite, burn, and transfer energy to their surround-
at their maximum. Likewise, the potential for lofting ings at the combustion scale. This is the scale of the fire
burning embers and downwind spotting is maximized triangle familiar to all fire fighters. At this scale, heat,
at the head of a fires perimeter (fig. 2-3). At the rear of oxygen, and fuel are the important elements. At this
the fire, where the fire is backing either into the wind microsite scale, combustion events range on the order
or down-slope, flame length is at its minimum and of several seconds for the passage of a flaming front to
flames typically lean over the burned fuel, reinforcing a few days in the case of smoldering peat fires. Their ef-
the smoldering phase. The flame zone depth is also at fects are monitored at the small sample plot or quadrat
its minimum but, particularly in fine surface fuels, the scale. The next higher scale is the scale of the fire envi-
slower advance of the fire (termed spread rate) is also ronment. The fire environment is the summation of all
associated with more complete burnout and greater the combustion environments within an individual fire.
duration of surface heating (Cheney 1981; Cheney and At this scale, fire behavior monitoring and modeling are
Sullivan 2008). On the flank, the fireline intensity and used to evaluate fire as fuels, heat, and oxygen vary with
flame length are intermediate. Flames may lean either terrain and weather within individual fires. Temporal
over the unburned fuel or the burned fuel depending variations of individual fires range from hours to days as
on local variations of in-drafts or wind. The effect can fires spread across landscape-scale land areas. Their ef-
often be seen in char marks on tree trunks or physi- fects are assessed by stand and community-level surveys.
cal structures, which indicate the direction of wind at At the next higher spatial and temporal scale, fire regime
that point in time when a fire passed. It is common concepts describe the modal fire type that occurs at stand/
to find char marks that indicate local winds at right community, landscape, and biome levels across decadal
angles to the prevailing spread direction. Fires often to century-long time-scales. At these scales, broad class
pulsate, surging forward at several areas along the descriptors of impacts on major processes are inferred
fires perimeter, and fireline intensity increases where from dendroecological and paleoecological techniques. At
adjacent flanks of the fire converge. Thus, there can the fire regime scale, fire characteristics vary between
be considerable variation in fire behavior and effects successive fires on the same site as the time since, and
even within relatively homogeneous fuels (Catchpole severity of, the last disturbance varies. Site productivity,
and others 1982, 1992; Cheney and Sullivan 2008; disturbance history, periodic weather anomalies (such as
Finney 1998, 1999; Ryan 2002). Fire intensity, flame drought), and variations in climate cycles all contribute
size, and temperatures within a fire generally vary to fires variability in time and space (Clark 1989; Clark
within a fires perimeter. Head fires are more intense and Royall 1995; Kitzberger and others 2007; Morgan
overall but backfires can be more effective at heating and others 2001; Power and others 2008; Swetnam and
the ground surface (Fahnestock and Hare 1964; Hare Betancourt 1990).
1961; Lindenmuth and Byram 1948; Martin and Fire affects societies and natural biophysical pro-
Davis 1960; Stinson and Wright 1969; Trollope 1978). cesses in numerous ways. As such, it has attracted
For example, in light surface fuels Lindenmuth and scientists from fields ranging from combustion sci-
Byram (1948) found head-fires were hotter at heights ence to ecology, hydrology, geosciences, anthropology,
above 0.5 meters (~18 inches) whereas backing-fires and archaeology. At the combustion science scale,
were hotter below 0.5 meters (~18 inches). the physics and chemistry of fuels and heat transfer
There are numerous decision support tools that en- mechanisms predominate in the study of small scale
able managers to predict and manage fire behavior and fire phenomenon on the order of seconds to minutes.
effects whether in planning fuels treatment or restora- This is the fundamental scale at which fires burn. It is
tion projects or suppressing and rehabilitating wildland at this scale that investigators study stationary fires
fires. The succeeding sections provide cultural resource and their impacts on organisms and individual cultural
specialists with additional knowledge and background resources. At the fire behavior scale, the spatial and
necessary to work effectively with fire managers in temporal variability in fuels, weather, and terrain
order to predict and manage fire effects on cultural dominate in the evaluation of fire potential within and
resources. Principles and models commonly used by between stands and across landscapes on the order
fire managers in the United States and Canada are of hours to weeks. This is the scale at which actively
described. spreading individual fires are studied and their effects
understood on multiple processes (for example plant
community dynamics, erosion, or hydrologic effects).
The Many Scales of Fire___________ This is also the scale at which most fire manage-
The characteristics of fire vary within individual fires ment projects occur. At the even higher scale of land
as fuel and environmental conditions vary in time and management planning, managers are concerned with
space (fig. 2-1). Fire concepts change across spatial and broad-brush differences in fuels and fire potential for
temporal scales. At the finest scale, individual fuel beds large planning areas on the order of multiple seasons

22 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

to centuries. At these spatial and temporal scales, ground, the surface, and the canopy stratum and come
scientists synthesize patterns of fire occurrence to in many shapes, sizes and varieties (fig. 2-4).
better understand the relationship of fire to numer- Fire managers have long recognized that weather
ous ecosystem properties that occur on the order of conditions, terrain steepness, and the amount of avail-
years to centuries. This scale of wildland fire science able fuel have a dominant effect on a fires energy
is the fire regime scale (fig. 2-1). Above the fire regime release characteristics (Albini 1976; Grishin 1997;
scale is the paleo-fire scale. Understanding fire at this Pyne and others 1996; Rothermel 1972; Stocks and
longer scale is important for understanding climate- others 1989; Wotton and others 2009). Of more inter-
vegetation-human interactions (Boyd and others 2005; est in bioconservation and restoration studies is the
Pausas and Keeley 2009; Power and others 2008). There understanding that the energy released by fire has
is some interaction between scales. Insights from one the potential to do ecological work, that is, to change
scale inform our understanding of fire phenomenon a host of ecosystem state variables (Dickinson and
at the next higher scale. For example, conceptually, Ryan 2010). Thus, quantification of the energetics
fuel particles aggregate up to make fuel beds and fuel of fires is desirable in ecological studies (Butler and
beds aggregate up to make fuel complexes necessary Dickinson 2010; Johnson 1992; Johnson and Miyanishi
for predicting behavior of individual fires. 2001; Kremens and others 2010; Massman and oth-
As each discipline has studied fire phenomena, ers 2010). Likewise the energy released during a fire
theyve focused on their particular disciplinary aspect of has the potential to directly impact cultural resources
fire and each has developed their own concepts, terms, through the thermal effects on artifacts and the cultural
and sets of measures. As one describes fire at finer landscape. However, fire behavior is highly variable
scales, terms and illustrations are based on precisely in non-uniform fuels, instrumentation is costly, and it
measured biophysical parameters that typically require is often impractical to sample fire behavior except on
specialized instrumentation (such as, fireline intensity small experimental plots, making it difficult to quantify
and heat transfer mechanisms). As one describes fire the magnitude of fire treatments in ecological studies
at successively broader temporal and spatial scales, or restoration projects.
illustrations rely more on broad concepts and general
WeatherWeather generally refers to the day-to-
trends and tendencies based on outcomes (for example,
day temperature, relative humidity, wind, cloudiness,
fire periodicity and severity) and less on the physics
and precipitation activity. Meteorology is the interdis-
and chemistry of specific fire events (fig. 2-1). The
ciplinary scientific study of the atmosphere. It focuses
use of similar terms developed by specialists who are on weather processes and forecasting. In contrast,
focused on one discipline or scale vs. another leads climatology is the study of climate, which is scientifi-
to confusion, which can be particularly difficult for cally defined as weather conditions averaged over a
professionals from quite dissimilar disciplines such as period of time. By convention the climate of an area is
cultural resources. It is, however, important to consider as the average weather for the preceding 30 years, but
the purpose for which an investigation was conducted, also includes data on extreme events. Climatology is
or a model constructed, when applying concepts and an important consideration in the study of fire regimes
models to fire and cultural resource problems. (fig. 2-1). As the fire environment is concerned with
the behavior of an individual fire on a specific site,
Fire Behavior and Effects: Concepts fire weather is the meteorological process of concern
for predicting and understanding fire behavior and
and Models______________________ effects.
Fire Environment Weather is a set of all atmospheric phenomena oc-
curring at a given time. Weather phenomena occur in
An essential element of wildland fire is the bio- the lower atmosphere, the troposphere, an air layer
physical fire environment, which is composed of three varying from roughly 7 km (4.3 mi) thick in Polar
factors: weather, terrain, and fuels. Each of these var- Regions to 20 km (12 mi) thick in the tropics. The
ies in both time and space (fig. 2-1). Weather is the troposphere contains approximately 75 percent of the
state of the atmosphere surrounding the earth. The atmospheres mass and 99 percent of its water vapor
primary weather factors affecting wildland fire are and aerosols. Weather patterns result from differ-
temperature, wind speed, wind direction, humidity, ences in atmospheric density caused by differences in
precipitation, and sky condition (dark vs. cloudy vs. temperature and moisture content of the atmosphere
sunny). Terrain is the shape of a particular landform in one region of the globe versus another. Short term
on the earths surface and is often described by slope, weather, hours to days, is most critical for determining
aspect, elevation, and drainage properties. Fuels are the fire environment. However, longer term weather,
fires source of energy released in combustion. Fuels seasonal patterns, and periodic wet or dry cycles (e.g.,
are comprised of living and dead biomass from the drought) have major effects on the moisture content

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Figure 2-4Fuel elements by stratum (a) (from Sandberg and others 2001) aggregate to make a fuel bed
(b) (from Barrows 1951).

24 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

of large logs and duff (Deeming and others 1977; Van as a percent. In the field, slope is typically measured
Wagner 1987) as well as live fuel moisture. These fuel over a distance of 30 meters (98 feet) or calculated
moistures also affect the amount of available fuel and, from contour lines on a map. The steepness of a slope
therefore, the fire environment. Those readers inter- influences fire behavior through convective preheat-
ested in more details about fire weather are referred ing fuels thereby increasing a fires intensity and rate
to the classic Fire Weather Handbook (Schroeder of spread. Because heat rises, fuels on steeper slopes
and Buck 1970) or subsequent fire science texts (see above fires dry quickly and ignite faster than fuels on
for example Chandler and others 1983a,b; Flannigan relatively flat slopes. The direction a slope is facing is
and Wotton 2001; Gill and others 1981; Lawson and called the aspect. Aspect is most commonly expressed
Armitage 2008; Minnich 2006; Omi 2005; Pyne and as one of the four cardinal directions and their bisec-
others 1996). tors (e.g., N, NE, E, SE, etc.) and occasionally as the
Weatherspecifically temperature, relative humid- compass azimuth in degrees. The shape of the terrain
ity, wind, and droughtdefines the fraction of the influences wind speed and direction as solar radiation
total fuel that is available to be consumed in a given differentially heats the ground on varying aspects
fire. The short-term weather history is the primary throughout the diurnal cycle. In addition to slope and
determinant of the flammability of the moss and lichen aspect, elevation affects both the temperature and
layers, loose litter, foliage, and fine twigs (Albini 1976; humidity of the air and, therefore, vegetation/fuels
Stocks and others 1989; Wotton and others 2009). The and fire potential. Slope also interacts with subsurface
moisture content of fine fuels is reflected in the U.S. geology resulting in moist microsites (e.g., seeps and
National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) 1- and springs) that affect vegetation/fuels and fire potential.
10-hour time-lag fuel moistures (Deeming and others Gravity, through its influence on erosion and ground
1977) and the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating water, affects hill-slope hydrology (Neary and others
System (CFFDRS) fine fuel moisture content (FFMC) 2005; Potts and others 1986; Swanson and others
(Stocks and others 1989; Van Wagner 1998; Wotton 1988; Wohlgemuth and others 2006) leading to spatial
and others 2009). Long-term weather determines differences in soil water content. These microsite dif-
the moisture content and combustibility of deeper ferences also directly affect surface and ground fuel
organic layers and dead logs. The moisture content moisture contents (Hatton and others 1988; Samran
of these fuels is reflected by the NFDRS 1,000-hour and others 1995).
time-lag fuel moisture (Deeming and others 1977), The influence of terrain and landform on surface
Canadian Duff Moisture Code and Drought Code energy and water budgets follows physical laws and
(Hirsch 1996; Stocks and others 1989; Van Wagner is, therefore, well known (Kunkle 2001; Schroeder
1987, 1998; Wotton and others 2009), Keetch-Byram and Buck 1970). However, due to the sparse cover-
Drought Index (Burgan 1988, 1993; Fujioka and others age of weather stations, a lack of good spatial data
2008), or Palmer Drought Index. Wind is perhaps the on weather often leads to considerable uncertainty in
single most important cause of spatial and temporal predicted fire weather. This is particularly true for
variation within boreal forests. Fires often pulsate winds (Butler and others 2006). For fuels treatment
between intense surface fires and crown fires with and restoration planning, reasonably robust models are
only modest changes in wind speed (Finney 1998; available for extrapolating weather and fuel moisture
Scott 1998; Scott and Reinhardt 2001; Van Wagner from weather stations to the fire environment (e.g.,
1977, 1993). The result is a mosaic of small crown fire FireFamilyPlus
patches instead of the large expanses that occur in national-systems/firefamilyplus).
sustained wind-driven fires. FuelsFuel is the burnable organic biomass on a
TerrainTerrain refers to the general relief or site. Fuel is the source of energy that does the work of
topography of an area. Terrain is the most constant change, whether it is a change in the state of various
factor in the fire environment. It strongly influences ecosystem components or damage to a cultural resource.
fuels and weather. The earth has been shaped through The most important aspect of fuels is to understand
millennia by wind, water, and tectonic forces creating that fuels can ignite and burn only when a certain
mountains, valleys, plains, and canyons. The resulting combination of conditions is met. These conditions
landforms affect the amount of solar radiation incident are described in this section. Fire influences fuels in
on a site, precipitation patterns, wind flow patterns, three ways. First, fire consumes fuel. Second, it creates
and evaporation, all of which affect the frequency dura- fuel by killing vegetation. Third, it indirectly affects
tion of flammable periods and a sites ability to grow fuels by altering the site, thereby influencing post-fire
biomass. Slope steepness and aspect are important vegetation dynamics, the resultant fuel complex, and
terrain features affecting the fire environment. Slope is the potential for future fires (Ryan 2002).
measured as the increase or decrease in elevation over Wildland fuels are all chemically similar. Vegeta-
a fixed horizontal distance and is usually expressed tive biomass fuels are of a class of chemicals called

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 25

olymers consisting of cellulose (41-53%), hemicellulose
p content is valid for dead fuels over the range of about
(15-20%), and lignin (16-33%), with lesser amounts of 2 percent up to the fiber saturation point of 30 to 35
secondary plant metabolites (for example fats, oils, percent, depending on the species characteristics and
waxes, resin), and minerals (calcium, potassium, the degree of rottenness. Above this point, free water
magnesium, silica) (DeBano and others 1998; Grishin begins to form in intra- and inter-cellular spaces of the
1997; Pyne and others 1996; Ward 2001). Wildland fuel. It takes approximately five time-lags for a fuel
fuels are described by their physical and chemical particle to come into equilibrium with the atmosphere.
properties when modeling fire danger or potential fire The atmosphere is not often stable for five time-lags so
behavior in the United States (Albini 1976; Andrews fuel moisture is almost constantly changing. Relative
2005; Deeming and others 1977; Rothermel 1972), but humidity changes throughout the day as the tempera-
in Canada they are described by a vegetation-based ture rises and falls through its diurnal cycle. Relative
physiognomic nomenclature (for example, dominant humidity also changes when weather fronts bring in a
species composition and stand structure) (Hirsch 1996; new air mass to a site of interest. However, the time-
Stocks and others 1989; Wotton and others 2009). lag concept is useful not only because it describes the
Likewise, field ecology studies primarily rely on veg- direction of moisture change (drying or wetting) but
etative physiognomic characteristics to characterize also how fast fuels respond to weather changes. It is
fuels and fire potential. also related to how fast particles ignite and burn in
At the finest scale, fuels are characterized by their wildland fires. For fire modeling purposes, the size class
physical and chemical properties as they affect com- is expressed as a function of the surface-area-to-volume
bustion. More specifically, fuels are described by their ratio (SAV, often represented by the Greek in U.S
particle size and chemical composition (for example, fire modeling literature). Commonly, downed woody
heat and moisture contents). For modeling purposes in debris in the 1-, 10-, and 100-hour time-lag classes (i.e.
the United States and elsewhere where the Rothermel woody fuels less than 7.6 cm diameter (< 3.0 in.)) are
(1972) model and its variants are used, the commonly referred to as fine woody debris (FWD) whereas logs
recognized particle sizes are broken down based on the greater than 7.6 cm diameter (> 3.0 in.) are referred
time-lag equilibrium moisture concept (Schroeder and to as coarse woody debris (CWD) (Sikkink and others
Buck 1970) (table 2-2). Biomass fuels are hygroscopic, 2009). CWD typically includes all logs both sound and
meaning that they absorb or lose moisture in response rotten. The time-lag concept is a useful one for describ-
to changes in atmospheric moisture, which is generally ing fuel properties but cannot be interpreted rigidly.
defined in terms of the relative humidity (Deeming and Fine-fresh needles from conifer and schlerophoulos
others 1977; Nelson 2001; Schroeder and Buck 1970). (i.e., waxy evergreen) broadleaved species have longer
As humidity rises or falls, so does fuel moisture. One time-lag responses than weathered needles and non-
time-lag is the time it takes for a fuel element to change schleropholous species (e.g., pine needles) (Anderson
approximately 63 percent from its initial moisture con- and others 1978). Lags larger than 20 cm (~8 in.) and
tent to its new equilibrium following an atmospheric rotten logs have longer time-lags than 1,000 hours
humidity change. The concept of equilibrium moisture (Deeming and others 1977).

Table 2-2Fuel moisture time lag, size class and description (Schroeder and Buck 1970). These size classes are commonly
used in fire danger rating (Deeming and others 1978), fire behavior prediction (Rothermel 1972, Albini 1976, Andrews
2008), and fuel consumption calculations (Reinhardt and others 2005, Ottmar and others 2007).
Size class,
area/volume (range), Common surface
Time lag cm (in) m1 (ft 1) Fuel description
1 hour <0.64 cm (<0.25 in) 630 to 10,800 m lichens, mosses, weathered pine needles,
(192 to 3300 ft1) loose leaf litter, grass straw

10 hour 0.64 - <2.54 cm (0.25 - <1.0 in) 157 to 629 m1 fresh pine needles, twigs
(48 to 192 ft1)

100 hour 2.54 - 7.62 cm (1.0 - <3.0 in) 52 to 156 m1 branch wood
(16 to 48 ft1)

1,000 hour 7.62 - 22.86 cm (3.0 - 9.0 in) 17 to 51 m1 sound logs

(5.3 to 16 ft1)

26 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Finely divided (small) fuel particles have high SAVs, Fuel compactness refers to how tightly packed fuel
wet and dry quickly, and ignite and burn out quickly. particles are within the fuel bed. Compactness is de-
The larger the SAV, the faster particles ignite and scribed as a weight of fuel per unit volume of the fuel
burn (table 2-2). Anderson (1969) determined that bed. It is estimated by measuring depth and loading of
the duration of flaming was a function of particle fuel by a standard methodology. The most commonly
diameter. Fuel pieces burn at an approximate rate of used technique in the United States is the planar inter-
3.15 minutes per centimeter of diameter (8 minutes sect (Brown 1974; Brown and others 1982). Increasing
per inch). Similarly, Harmathy (1972, 1976) found density of fuels like grasses, woody debris, shrubs and
that the duration of smoldering was approximately forbs increases the amount of available fuels. Compact-
as long as that of flaming. Thus the total duration of ness influences drying rate and heat transfer during a
fuel burnout, flaming plus smoldering, is around 6.3 fire. The more compact the fuels, the slower the drying
minutes per centimeter (15.75 minutes per inch) of rate. Maximum combustion occurs when particles are
fuel diameter consumed (Peterson and Ryan 1986). close enough together to effectively transmit heat by
Thus, for example, if woody fuels up to 3 cm (1.2 in) radiation and convection but far enough apart to not
in diameter were consumed on an area then a rough restrict oxygen flow to burning fuels.
estimate of the duration of heating would be about 19 It is important to understand that the emphasis
minutes. As available fuels in wildland fires burn at for focusing on surface fuels is a reflection of the
a relatively fixed rate, increasing the rate of spread historic need to predict fire behavior for fire control
also increases the depth of the flame zone in addition purposes. Operational fire behavior prediction systems
to increasing the length of the flames (fig. 2-2). This in the United States are based on the semi-empirical
translates directly into higher fireline intensity, greater Rothermel (1972) mathematical model and in Canada
radiative heat flux, and an increased potential for on empirical field data (Stocks and others 1989; Hirsch
damage to exposed cultural resources (sidebar 2-1). 1996). These were developed to predict fire potential for
Fuel particle characteristics vary continuously in strategic and tactical fire planning and management,
space and time. In all but the most homogeneous of not for predicting fire effects. One problem with using
fuel-beds (e.g., productive grasslands), the mass and current fire behavior prediction systems in ecological
size distribution of fuels varies across an area with studies is that they do not predict all of the combus-
varying height as the physiognomy of the vegeta- tion and, therefore, all of the energy released over the
tion changes. Fuel particles change moisture content duration of the fire (c.f. Johnson and Miyanishi 2001;
as a function of their size, relative humidity, and Ryan 2002). In particular they are insufficient for un-
temperature (Sandberg and others 2001; Schroeder derstanding below-ground effects. Thus, other fuel bed
and Buck 1970; Van Wagtendonk 2006) (table 2-3) descriptors are common in the fire science and ecology
(fig.2-4a). That variation is large relative to the literature (for example, see Barrows 1951; DeBano
spatial and temporal scales over which fires burn and others 1998; Ottmar and others 2007; Pyne and
in natural communities. Thus, in practice, fuels are others 1996; Sandberg and others 2001, 2007). These
not described on the basis of individual fuel particle fuel bed components are described on the basis of the
attributes, rather they are described in aggregate at physiognomic characteristics (tree, shrub, grass, forb,
the next higher scale as an agglomeration of several moss, etc.) (figs. 2-4a,b). Fuels are described typi-
types of fuel (fig.2-4b), referred to as a fuel complex cally on the basis of the stratum in which they occur
or a fuel bed. In the Rothermel model and its variants (ground, surface, canopy) (table 2-3), how the type of
(Andrews 2005; Deeming and others 1977; Finney 1998; fuel burns, (the dominant combustion characteristic
Rothermel 1972; Scott 1998), fuel beds are described in such as smoldering vs. flaming), and potential dura-
the form of stylized fuel models (Albini 1976; Anderson tion of burnout during severe fire weather (Ottmar
1982; Scott and Burgan 2005) that describe the mass and others 2007; Sandberg and others 2001, 2002).
per unit area, physical distribution (weighted particle Conventional nomenclature defines fuels based on
size, fuel bed depth, bulk density), and chemistry whether they are alive or dead, their availability for
(heat, moisture, and mineral content) of the surface burning, their physical size, and chemical properties.
fuels. Common U.S. terminology is the Anderson-13 Conceptually, total biomass is the sum of all plant
(Anderson 1982) and the Scott and Burgan-40 (Scott material on the site and includes both above-ground
and Burgan 2005). In contrast, the Canadian Forest and below-ground carbon. Historically, little organic
Fire Behavior Prediction System (FBP) organizes fuel mass within the mineral soil burns; therefore, the fire
types into 16 discrete fuel types where the user selects literature typically ignores the below-ground fraction.
the fuel type that best fits a particular situation. Fuel However, buried soil wood (e.g., rotten roots) may be
types in the FBP system are described qualitatively, of concern in some archaeological contexts (see chap-
rather than quantitatively (Forestry Canada 1992; ter7). Total aboveground biomass is the sites total
Wotton and others 2009). dry mass of living and dead plant tissue found above

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 27

Table 2.3Fuel bed strata and categories, and their physiognomic and gradient variables (from
Ottmar and others 2007).

Fuelbed strata Fuelbed categories Physiognomic variables Gradient variables

Canopy Tree Canopy structure Canopy height
Crown type Height to live crown
Percentage cover
Snag Snag class Diameter
Snags per acre
Ladder fuels Vegetation type Significance
Shrub Shrub Foliage type Percentage cover
Growth habit Height
Accelerant potential Percentage live vegetation
Needle drape Significance
Low vegetation Grass/sedge Leaf blade thickness Percentage cover
Growth habit Height
Percentage live vegetation
Percentage cover
Forb Height
Woody fuel Sound wood Size class Loading (tons/acre)
Fuelbed depth
Rotten wood Size class Loading (tons/acre)
Stumps Decay class Stems/acre
Woody Piles, windrows or Height
accumulations jackpots Width
Clean or dirty Length
Moss/lichen/litter Moss Moss type Percentage cover
Lichen Percentage cover
Litter Litter type Percentage cover
Litter arrangement Depth
Ground Fuel Duff Character Depth
Percentage rotten wood
Basal accumulation Accumulation type, e.g. Depth
litter, bark slough Trees per acre affected

the mineral soil. Above-ground biomass is further under drought conditions, to a rain forest where an
divided based on whether it is alive or dead. Live and initial fire leaves substantial unburned biomass in the
dead fuel may be broken down into total and avail- stems and canopy. The magnitude of these inequalities
able fuel, as illustrated in the Venn diagram (fig. 2-5). varies with the physiognomic structure of the biome
Total fuel is the total amount of biomass capable of and the prevailing moisture and wind at the time of
burning in a given area under a worst-case scenario. the fire. Differences are small in grasslands and large
Available fuel is that biomass that actually burns in a in long undisturbed forests. The total amount of fuel
specific fire. Total above ground biomass ( total fuel available on a site depends on the stand structure and
available fuel) is the total of all carbon stored on plant composition as well as the sites disturbance his-
the site above the mineral soil including such things tory (Graham and others 2004; Peterson and others
as living tree boles that are not consumed by surface 2005). Structure includes the quantity, distribution,
or crown fires. In figure 2-5, the degree to which the and horizontal and vertical arrangement of live and
Venn areas represented by the biomass classes are dead trees, understory vegetation, woody debris, lit-
similar or different varies with the biome ranging ter, and humus (Artsybashev 1983; Brown and Bevins
from a tall grass prairie, where available fuel, total 1986; Johnson 1992; Ryan 2002).
fuel, and above ground biomass are essentially equal

28 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

moisture contents approaching 300 percent early in
the growing season, and rarely drop below 80 percent
prior to senescence. In contrast to woody fuels, dead
herbaceous fuels are typically less dense, have more
pore space, and are thus capable of holding more free
moisture at saturation. However, they are invariably
much dryer than when they were alive. Fuels in an
advanced state of decomposition, such as rotten logs
and organic soil horizons, can hold much more moisture
(up to 250 percent moisture content and occasionally
higher). Rotten fuels can also ignite and burn at much
higher moisture contents, approaching 200 percent un-
der ideal burning conditions. The transition from solid
fuel to rotten is a gradual process, often characterized
by decay classes (Marcot and others 2004). Often, only
a portion of the total above-ground biomass is capable
of burning. In forests, for example, solid tree boles are
too widely spaced to mutually reinforce each others
combustion. Even in the most destructive fires the
Figure 2-5Venn diagram schematic representation of classes trunks and most branches on standing live trees are
of biomass and their potential availability for combustion in a not consumed. In contrast, in grasslands, virtually all
wildland fire. The degree to which live vs. dead fuel (black line) of the above-ground biomass is available fuel under
dominates a fuel complex varies by the biome, site disturbance severe burning conditions.
history, seasonal phenology, and climatic cycles (e.g., drought The fire environment concept can be extended from
vs. wet). its suppression-derived simplicity to a more ecological
construct (fig. 2-6a). Fire behavior varies in time and
space with changes in the terrain, weather, and vegeta-
tive structure and whether or not the area experiences
a head fire, flank fire, or backing fire. As the fire be-
havior changes so do the effects (fig. 2-6b) (from Ryan
Fuel moisture is the single most important factor 2002).The extension of the fire environment concept to
determining how much of the total fuel is available ecological studies requires that fuels be considered in
for combustion (Albini and others 1995; Nelson 2001). the broader context of the structure of biomass on the
Moisture content is expressed as a percentage of water site. Structure defines the total amount of biomass
to the dry weight of fuel. that can be burned and, therefore, the total energy
that can be released from all combustion phases in a
{[(wet dry)/ dry] x 100} = mc% [1]
fire. The size distribution of the structural components
The moisture content of fine fuels is critical because defines the rate at which energy will be released during
they are the primary carriers of fire. Increasing mois- favorable burning conditions. The rates at which fuels
ture content reduces the likelihood that an ignition will wet, dry (Nelson 2001), and burn (Anderson 1969) are
lead to a propagating fire, and reduces the available functions of particle surface-area. These rates can be
fuel fraction. Within the range of moistures where fires approximated from diameter for most dead fuels above
can spread, increasing moisture content increases the the ground fuel stratum (i.e., above the duff layer)
duration of burning, and possibly leads to more emis- (table 2-2).
sive flames due to less efficient burning (Thomas 1970). Given that the various components of a fuel bed
Once conditions for fire spread are met, the moisture have rather unique burning characteristics, fires burn
content of longer time-lag fuels becomes important to throughout a continuum of energy release rates and
predicting below-ground fire effects. Wind increases durations depending on the complexity of fuel elements
the burning rate and decreases the duration of burnout present (appendix) (Artsybashev 1983; Rothermel
(Cheney 1981; Miyanishi 2001). 1991; Rowe 1983; Van Wagner 1983).
The primary factor distinguishing living fuels ver- Ground fuel includes organic matter below the loose
sus dead fuels is their moisture content. Dead woody surface litter including deep duff (fermentation and
fuels (twigs, branches, logs) rarely exceed 30 to 35 humus soil horizons), tree roots, decomposing buried
percent moisture, the fiber saturation point on a dry logs, duff mounds around tree bases, and rodent mid-
mass basis, but may be as low as 2 or 3 percent during dins (fig. 2-4). Peat and organic muck soils are also
extended dry spells. In contrast, live fuels may have ground fuels. Because of the lack of aeration, ground

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 29



Figure 2-6Fire environment, behavior, and effects (from Ryan 2002).

fires burn these densely compacted organic soil horizons buffer mineral soil (Bradstock and Auld 1995; Valette
primarily by smoldering combustion (fig. 2-7). Such and others 1994) and artifacts from significant heat-
fires typically burn for hours to weeks, exhibit forward ing associated with the passage of the flaming front.
rates of spread in the range of a few decimeters to a few This is because the energy lost from the duff surface
meters (feet to yards) per day, and exhibit temperatures exceeds that produced by burning duff and the fire self
at a point in excess of 300C (572 F) for several hours extinguishes after the passage of the flaming front.
(Agee 1993; Frandsen and Ryan 1986; Grishin and The occurrence of ground fires is strongly dependent
others 2009; Hartford and Frandsen 1992; Ryan and on the moisture content of the organic horizon (Brown
Frandsen 1991) (e.g., fig.2-8). Burning rates and in- and others 1985; Frandsen 1987, 1997; Grishin and
tensities of organic soils vary somewhat with moisture others 2009; Hawkes 1993; Hungerford and others
content and availability of air. Frandsen (1991a) found 1995; Lawson and others 1997a,b; Miyanishi 2001;
the rate of spread in laboratory analysis of duff fuels Miyanishi and Johnson 2002; Reardon and others
to be on the order of 3 cm (1.2 in) per hour. The condi- 2007, 2009; Rein 2009; Reinhardt and others 1991;
tions necessary for ground fires are organic soil depth Sandberg 1980; Van Wagner 1972). In particular, peat
greater than about 4 to 6 centimeters (1.6 to 2.4 in.) and organic muck soils fuels, which require extended
and extended drying (Hawkes 1993; Miyanishi 2001; drought or disruption of ground water flow, reach mois-
Miyanishi and Johnson 2002; Palmer 1957; Reinhardt ture contents low enough to burn (Grishin and others
and others 1997). Duff thinner than this can actually 2009; Hungerford and others 1995; Reardon and others

30 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

Figure 2-7Smoldering combustion in ground fuels (a) creeping surface fire igniting duff mound beneath old growth western larch,
Larix occidentalis in the 2005 Girard Grove prescribed burn, Seely Lake Ranger District, Lolo National Forest, Montana; (b)burnout
of smoldering duff mound in (a); (c) burnout of organic muck soil on the 1994 Fish Day wildfire, Croatan National Forest, North
Carolina; and (d) smoldering duff from squirrel midden in jack pine forest, Northwest Territories, Canada. ,

Figure 2-8Example of temperatures

associated with smoldering ground fire in
western larch Larix occidentalis duff, Lolo
National Forest, Montana. Duff depth =
6.5 cm (2.6 in.), moisture content = 18.3%
(from Hartford and Frandsen 1992).

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 31

2007, 2009; Rein 2009; Rein and others 2008). Ground which is a legacy from previous disturbances (e.g.,
fuels are good insulators and protect deeper organic logging slash, insect and disease epidemics, or storm
strata and the mineral soil from heating during the damage). Even in such situations, CWD rarely covers
passage of surface and crown fires (fig. 2-9). However, more than 10 percent of the surface area of the forest
when ground fuels are dry enough to burn, they are floor, which is small in comparison to that covered by
ignited by the passage of the flaming front. Surface organic soil horizons such as duff (Albini 1976; Albini
fire penetrates the litter and fermentation layer where and Reinhardt 1995, 1997; Peterson and Ryan 1986).
pine cones, branches, or rotten wood create a localized Thus burnout of ground fuels is the primary source of
hot spot. Once ignition is established in the humus deep heating in mineral soils. When duff is too wet to
or peat soil, the fire propagates laterally evaporating burn, heating from above is negligible except under
moisture and raising dry organic soil up to combustion heavy concentrations of burning CWD.
temperatures (endothermic phase) where smoldering Surface fuels are those fuels that support surface
combustion occurs (exothermic phase.) (Grishin and flaming: recently fallen, partially decomposed loose lit-
others 2009; Hungerford and others 1991, 1995; Rein ter (dead leaves and conifer needles), mosses, lichens,
2009; Rein and others 2008). Ground fuels have a slow grasses, forbs, low shrubs, arboreal regeneration, fine
burning rate and burn independently from surface woody debris (FWD), CWD, and stumps. The surface
and crown fires, so most ground fuels are consumed fuel stratum is defined as those being above the ground
after the flaming front has passed, often some hours fuels (i.e., organic soil horizons) and below the canopy
after passage of the flaming front (Artsybashev 1983; stratum, and is normally <2.0 m, (~6 ft)) (fig. 2-4b).
Hungerford and others 1995; Rowe 1983; Van Wagner The intensity of a surface fire depends on the mass and
1983). An exception occurs when surface fires are burn- type of total fuel and prevailing moisture, wind, and
ing in heavy loadings of coarse woody debris (CWD), slope conditions on the site (i.e., the fire environment).

Figure 2-9Schematic of duff burnout (adapted from Hungerford and others 1991, 1995).

32 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

As the vegetative physiognomy of forests, woodlands, As fuel, weather, and terrain conditions become more
shrublands, grasslands, and wetlands vary across the favorable for burning, surface fires become progres-
landscape surface, fires are likewise highly variable. sively more active with spread rates ranging from tens
Surface fires in light flashy fuels, such as grasslands, of meters to kilometers (yards to miles) per day. The
have a broad range of intensities often producing sur- duration of forest surface fires is on the order of 1 to
face temperatures in excess of 300C (572 F), but be- a few minutes (Butler and others 2004; Cruz and oth-
cause of the high surface-area-to-volume ratio of grass ers 2006a,b; Despain and others 1996; Frandsen and
fuels and the relatively low fuel bed compactness burn Ryan 1986; Hartford and Frandsen 1992; Vasander
durations last only for 1 to 2 minutes (fig. 2-10). Under and Lindholm 1985) except where extended residual
marginal burning conditions, surface fires creep along secondary flaming (fig. 2-2a) occurs beneath logs or in
the ground at rates of decimeters (~1/3 foot) per hour concentrations of CWD where flaming combustion may
with flames less than 5 decimeters (<2 feet) (appendix). last a few hours resulting in substantial soil heating

(a) (c)



Figure 2-10Surface fire in grasslands (a) backing fire in short-grass prairie (photo M. Lata); (b) strip head fires in short-grass
prairie (note range of flame lengths, fire intensities from the back, flank, and head of the fires) (photo M. Lata); (c) intense head-fire
in heavy grass fuels; and (d) temperatures associated with surface fire a in grass fuel bed (from Ryan 2002).

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 33

(Hartford and Frandsen 1992; Monsanto and Agee branches and foliage of trees and tall shrubs, snags,
2008; Odion and Davis 2000; Werts and Jahren 2007). epiphytes, hanging mosses and lichens (figs. 2-12a,b),
If canopy fuels are plentiful and sufficiently dry, surface (table 2-2). While surface fires are the dominant type
fires begin to transition into crown fires (Scott and of wildland fire, ground and crown fires commonly oc-
Reinhardt 2001; Van Wagner 1977). Given that fine cur. The prediction of crown fires is an active area of
surface fuels burnout quickly by flaming combustion, fire research (see Cruz and Alexander, 2010, for recent
it follows from the fireline intensity equation (eqn. 2, review). Critical gaps in our understanding include
discussed in the Fire Intensity section), that increas- (1)how moisture content affects the fraction of the
ing the available fuel loading (mass per unit area) will crown biomass burned during a crown fire, (2)how to
increase the intensity of the fire as reflected both in the define crown volume, (3) how to define the distribu-
size of the flames and the temperatures experienced tion of biomass within that volume, and (4)how to
at the soil surface (Stinson and Wright 1969; Wright define the continuity between surface fuels and canopy
and others 1976) (fig. 2-11). The considerable varia- fuels. The height, shape, and density of crowns vary
tion in surface temperatures reported from burning from tree to tree; trees are not uniformly distributed
fine surface fuels (see Wright and Bailey 1982, ch. 2 in natural stands. Surface fuels are of an irregular
for review) reflects the complexity of free-burning fires height; likewise the base of the crown (i.e., height of
where local variations in fuel load and wind result in lower branches) varies from tree to tree, thus, the gap
flames of varying emissivity and, therefore, potential between surface and canopy fuels is often difficult to
damage to cultural resources. define. The following paragraphs are intended to inform
Aerial or crown fuels include live and dead burn- cultural resource specialists about these important
able biomass in the forest and woodland canopy stra- concepts.
tum above the surface fuels (>2 m, ~ 6 ft.) (fig. 2-4b):

Figure 2-11Variation in temperature history (maximum temperatures and

durations) associated with increasing amounts of available fuel in a Texas
grassland. Environmental conditions during the experimental burns were
air temperatures, which varied from 21 C to 27 C (70 F to 80 F); rela-
tive humidity, which ranged from 20 to 40 percent; and wind speed, which
varied from 13 to 24 km/hr (8 to 15 mph) (From Wright and others 1976).

34 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012



Figure 2-12Crown fire in coniferous forest (a) example of temperatures associated with a crown fire in jack pine (Pinus
banksiana) in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Such fires typically produce temperatures in excess of 1000 C (1832 F)
for about 1minute (from Ryan 2002); (b) photograph of crown fire associated with (a).

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 35

Canopy fuels are predominantly fine fuels and others 2004; Peterson and others 2005) (fig. 2-13). For
are quickly consumed. Thus crown fires exhibit the example, stands with a high open crown (canopy) and
maximum energy release rate but are typically of short understory fuels have poor vertical fuel continu-
short duration, 30 to 80 seconds (fig. 2-12b). On rare ity. Such stands will frequently carry a surface fire due
occasions, under specialized conditions, crown fires to increased sunlight and wind at the surface (Albini
can occur without the support of a surface fire. Such 1976; Kunkel 2001; Stocks and others 1989; Wotton
fires are referred to as independent crown fires and others 2009) but have a low crown fire potential
(Van Wagner 1977). More commonly, crown fires are because of the large gap between surface aerial fuels
tightly coupled with the surface fire in a continuous (Artsybashev 1983; Grishin 1997; Scott 1998; Scott and
three-dimensional involvement of surface and crown Reinhardt 2001; Van Wagner 1977, 1993). In contrast,
fuels advancing as a unified flaming front referred to forest stands with a dense understory of shrubs or
as an active crown fire. Commonly, individual trees immature trees have relatively high vertical fuel con-
and clumps of trees experience torching in association tinuity. Such stands can support intense surface fires
with the passing of a surface fire. This is referred to leading to crowning and torching of the tree canopy
as a passive crown fire (Van Wagner 1977). stratum. If the canopy stratum is a patchy over-story,
As a fire burns across the landscape, it encounters then the stand has poor horizontal fuel continuity in
different communities with varying site productivity the canopy layer. Such stands readily support passive
and differing disturbance histories that result in vary- crowning (torching) and spotting under low relative
ing stand structures and flammability (Graham and humidity, especially when surface fuels are in an

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

Figure 2-13Fuel continuity. Increasing stand density on a site as a function of natural succession leading to an increase in
horizontal and vertical fuel continuity. Illustrated are 170 trees per acre (420 trees per hectare) in 1900 (a), 409 trees per acre
(1010 trees per hectare) in 2000 (b), 547 trees per acre (1351 trees per hectare) in 2050 (c), and horizontal fuel continuity from an
overhead view of frames a-c (d). Crown cover is expected to increases to 80 percent by 2050 leading to a significant increase in
crown fire potential (from Smith and others 2000). Simulations were done using FFE-FVS (Crookston and others 2000, i.e., prior
to the 2002 Hayman Fire) with data from Cheesman Reservoir, Pike National Forest, Colorado.

36 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

advanced state of curing. Stands with high vertical stand structure, and weather leading to a mosaic
and horizontal fuel continuity are less likely to burn of fire treatments at multiple scales in the ground,
because of the typically moister microenvironment, surface and, canopy strata. Crown fires are of high
but such stands have the highest crown fire potential intensity (energy release rate) and of short duration.
when fires burn under drought, low relative humid- Ground fires are of low intensity and long duration.
ity, or high wind conditions (Alexander 1998; Cruz Surface fires are intermediate to crown and ground
and Alexander 2010; Finney 1998, 1999; Scott 1998; fires and cover a wide range of intensities and duration
Scott and Reinhardt 2001; Van Wagner 1977, 1993). depending on the amount of available fuel loading and
The availability of fuels varies not only in space, but its particle size distribution. Heavy concentrations of
also in time with changes in weather (principally rela- coarse woody debris can result in long duration high
tive humidity, temperature, and drought) (Bessie and intensity heating of the soil. However, such concen-
Johnson 1995; Flannigan and Wotton 2001; Johnson trations typically cover only a small proportion of the
1992; Schroeder and Buck 1970). Spatial variation in surface of the ground (Albini 1976; Brown and others
the fire environment leads to varying fire severities 2003; Peterson and Ryan 1986). In most forests, either
and burn mosaics as fire spreads across the landscape. duff or peat covers a much greater proportion of the
Ignition: How Fuel is Ignited Affects Fire Be- surface than FWD and CWD combined. The burnout of
havior and EffectsTaken collectively, the vegeta- these organic soil horizons by smoldering combustion
tion structure, weather, and terrain constitute the is the primary source of mineral soil heating. During
biophysical fire environment (DeBano and others 1998; crown and surface fires the majority of heat released
Pyne and others 1996) (fig. 2-6a), which describes by combustion is transferred to the atmosphere and
the potential fire behavior and effects. Actual fire surrounding exposed surfaces by radiation and con-
behavior varies with how the specific area is burned. vection. During ground fires, much of the heat that
Independent of the biophysical environment in which is released is transferred into the soil by conduction.
the fire is burning, major differences in fire behavior When crown fires or intense surface fires occur over
are associated with the location on the fires perim- dry organic soil horizons these layers can continue to
eter, that is, whether an area is burned by a heading, burn for several hours after the passage of the flam-
flanking, or backing fire (Catchpole and others 1982, ing front leading to high heat release both above and
1992; Cheney and Sullivan 2008; Ryan 2002) (figs. 2-3, below ground (fig. 2-14). The practical significance of
2-6b). The heading portion of the fire burns with the ground, surface, and canopy fires to cultural resource
wind or upslope. The backing fire burns into the wind management will be discussed in subsequent sections.
or down slope. The flanking fire burns perpendicular to
the winds or slopes axis. The direction of fire spread Fire Intensity, Depth of Burn, and
is a function of the slope and wind vectors, with the
latter dominating except at low wind speeds (Albini Fire Severity_____________________
1976; Finney 1998; Rothermel 1972). The intensity Fire intensity and fire severity are terms that are
of both heading and backing fires are dependent on often used in fire literature; however, there is con-
the strength of the wind and steepness of a slope. siderable confusion about their use (see Keeley 2009
Commonly, fireline intensity in a backing fire is on for discussion). Part of the confusion in their use
the order of 0.1 to 0.2 times that of a heading fire in a stems from the fact that the terms may be used both
given biophysical environment, while flanking fires are informally, as a normal matter of discourse, or they
about 0.4 to 0.6 times the head-fire intensity (Catchpole may be used formally as terms defined by the user.
and others 1992). Variations in the fire environment Definitions vary somewhat depending on the scale of
and location on the fire perimeter lead to significant the fire being investigated.
variations in the fire behavior and effects (fig. 2-6b).
For example, it is common to see fires spread across Fire Intensity
a slope running with the wind when the vegetation
structure is not sufficient and continuous enough for Fire intensity is used by researchers in the United
the fire to carry up the slope. Thus the ignition pattern States and Canada to describe the amount of energy
that is used in a restoration burn can also be expected released in a given area during the passage of a fire
to affect the pattern of fire behavior and the resulting front (Alexander 1982; DeBano and others 1998;
effects. Kaufmann and others 2007; Pyne and others 1996;
In summary, fires burn in varying combinations of Rothermel and Deeming 1980; Van Wagtendonk 2006;
ground, surface, and crown depending on the local Wotton and others 2009). This measurement relates the
conditions at the specific time a fire passes a point. length and depth of a fire front to the amount of heat
Changes in surface and ground fire behavior occur in energy being released (Byram 1959) (Equation 2, and
response to subtle changes in the microenvironment, fig. 2-6). In turn, these values are used to understand

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 37

Figure 2-14Temperatures associated with a high intensity, long duration
fire in a whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) stand, Clearwater National Forest,
Idaho. Passive crowning (torching) was followed by sustained flaming in a
cluster of logs.

fire potential and level of fire suppression difficulty Byrams fireline intensity is usually calculated from
(Alexander and Lanoville 1989; Andrews and others empirical observations of the rate of spread (R), weight
2011). Byrams (1959) definition of fireline intensity of fuel consumed (W) and the heat content (H), which
has become a standard quantifiable measure of inten- is normally taken from typical published approximate
sity (Agee 1993; Alexander 1982; DeBano and others values, or it is predicted by fire behavior models (Albini
1998; Johnson 1992; Rothermel and Deeming 1980; 1976; Alexander 1982; Rothermel 1972; Rothermel
Van Wagner 1983; Van Wagtendonk 2006). Fireline and Deeming 1980). The challenge in managing fire
intensity is the product of the fuel value (i.e., the fuels is to determine how much, and what type of fuel will
heat content, the mass of fuel consumed, and the rate of burn, and by what type of combustion. In Byrams
spread (m/s)) (Byram 1959). It is a measure of the rate (1959) equation (eqn. 2), the value of W is the weight
of energy release per unit width of the flaming front of fuel consumed in the active flaming phase of the
of the spreading fire. It does not address the residual fire. W approaches the value for available fuel in
secondary flaming behind the front nor subsequent fires where only fine dead fuels are consumed (such
smoldering combustion (fig. 2-2a) (Alexander 1982; as the grass fire mentioned above) (fig. 2-11), or when
Albini and Reinhardt 1995, 1997; Johnson and Miya- coarser fuels are too sparse or wet to be ignited by the
nishi 2001; Rothermel and Deeming 1980). Fireline passing flame front. When these conditions are not
intensity can be written as a simple equation: satisfied, a portion of the available fuel is consumed
in the secondary flaming and smoldering combustion
I = HWR [2] phase. The burnout of these residual fuels does not
where contribute to the forward propagation of the fire (R
in equation 2), but is often important for predicting
I is Byrams (1959) fireline intensity (kW/m/sec or fire effects related to soil heating (Busse and oth-
BTU/ft/sec), ers 2005; Hartford and Frandsen 1992; Hungerford
H is the heat content of the fuel (kW/kg or BTU/lb and others 1991; Monsanto and Agee 2008; Odion
or of fuel), and Davis 2000). Figure2-15 illustrates the total con-
W is the weight of available fuel burned in the ac- sumption of 1-, 10-, and 100-hour time-lag fuels as a
tive flaming (spreading) fire front (kW/kg of fuel function of fuel moisture content. In practice, because
or BTU/lb), and all combustion phases occur simultaneously (Urbanski
R is the forward rate of spread (m/sec or ft/sec). and others 2009), it can be difficult to clearly identify
which portion of the available fuel is burned in the

38 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

associated with fire intensity classes (table A-1, fig.
A-1.1 to A-1.5, appendix) (Ryan 2002).
Rothermel (1972) defined a somewhat different mea-
sure of fire intensity, the Reaction Intensity, which is
the heat per unit area. This is commonly used in fire
danger rating (Deeming and others 1977) and fire
behavior prediction (Albini 1976; Andrews 1986; Scott
1998; Scott and Reinhardt 2001) in the United States.
In contrast, the Canadian forest fire danger rating
system (Stocks and others 1989) and the Canadian
Forest Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) System (Hirsch
1996; Taylor and others 1996; Wotton and others 2009)
calculate the intensity of surface fires using Byrams
(1959) equation.

Depth of Burn
Although infrequent, fire is capable of burning inde-
pendent of surface fuels. When it moves through the
crown alone (independent crown fire), there is often
Figure 2-15Fuel consumption and a function of the fuels little surface and subsurface effect because of the short
fractional fuel moisture content (Mf) and the fractional mois- burning duration of canopy fuels. More commonly,
ture content beyond which fuels typically no longer sustain crown fires and torching are associated with active
combustion (Mx) except at very high packing ratios. The ratio or running surface fires (appendix table A-1). If the
mf/mx for 1-, 10-, and 100-hour fuels is 0.73, 0.51, and 0.38, duff is dry, it is ignited by the passage of a surface
respectively (from Peterson and Ryan 1985). fire. Then, duff greater than about 4 cm deep (1.6 in)
can burn independently without continued flaming
in surface fuels (Frandsen 1997; Lawson and others
1997a; Urbanski and others 2009) (fig. 2-16). During

active flaming vs. residual secondary flaming and

smoldering, but fuel consumption (Albini and Rein-
hardt 1995, 1997; Albini and others 1995) and smoke
production (Bytnerowicz and others 2008; Sandberg
and others 2002; Urbanski and others 2009) programs
can be used as a guide. Alternatively some field stud-
ies measure flame length (Finney and Martin 1992;
Deeming 1980; Rothermel and Deeming 1980; Ryan
1981; Simard and others 1989) to estimate fireline
intensity (Albini 1981a; Byram 1959; Fernandes and
others 2009; Nelson 1980). Flame length (fig. 2-2)
is proportional to fireline intensity in a spreading
fire and is a useful measure of the potential to cause
damage to aboveground structures (Alexander 1982;
Ryan and Noste 1985; Van Wagner 1973). Actual field
measurement of fireline intensity requires sophisti-
cated instrumentation (Butler and Dickinson 2010;
Butler and others 2004; Kremens and others 2010).
Thus field observers often calculate fireline intensity
from ocular estimates of flame length, simple flame
Figure 2-16Illustration of duff consumption, percent of total
height sensors (Finney and Martin 1992; Ryan 1981; duff available (%), as a function of lower duff (humus) moisture
Simard and others 1989), or vegetation damage indi- content for common forest conditions where duff is greater than
cators (Norum 1977; Ryan and Noste 1985) and use 4 centimeters deep and able to burn independent of a surface
known relationships between fireline intensity and fire if dry enough to burn. Shaded area represents the range of
flame length (Albini 1981a; Byram 1959; Fernandes consumptions found in the literature. Deeper layers and those
and others 2009; Nelson 1980). The appendix contains with less mineral content tend toward greater consumption for
photographic examples of a range of flame lengths given moisture content.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 39

glowing and smoldering combustion of surface and Trees of later successional, shallow-rooted species
ground fuels, residence time is prolonged. The dura- often topple or are left on root pedestals. Fine dead
tion of smoldering can range from as little as 2 hours twigs are completely consumed, larger branches
to more than 30 hours in deep organic soil horizons and rotten logs are mostly consumed, and logs
(Grishin and others 2009; Hungerford and others 1995; are deeply charred. Burned-out stump holes and
Reardon and others 2007, 2009; Rein and others 2008) rodent middens are common. Leaves of understory
(fig. 2-8). Given longer durations, heat may penetrate shrubs and trees are completely consumed. Fine
deeply into the soil profile. The term commonly used twigs and branches of shrubs are mostly consumed
to describe the degree to which surface and ground (this effect decreases with height above the ground),
fuels are consumed is depth of burn. and only the larger stems remain. Stems of these
Ryan and Noste (1985) summarized literature on plants frequently burn off at the base during the
depth of burn and charring of plant materials and ground fire phase, leaving residual aerial stems
developed descriptive characteristics. Their original that were not consumed in the flaming phase lying
descriptions were revised to reflect subsequent work on the ground. In non-forest vegetation, plants are
(DeBano and others 1998; Feller 1998; Moreno and similarly consumed; herbaceous plant bases are
Oechel 1989; Prez and Moreno 1998; Ryan 2002) and deeply burned and unidentifiable. In shrublands,
were published in the Rainbow volume on the Effects charring of the mineral soil is on the order of 1.0
of Fire on Soil and Water (Neary and others 2005). A centimeter (0.4 in.) but soil texture and structure
description of the characteristics that they developed are not clearly altered.
is provided for clarification of subsequent discussion
Deep: In forests growing on mineral soil, the sur-
of fire effects. The appendix includes several examples
face litter, mosses, herbaceous plants, shrubs, and
of depth of burn classes.
woody branches are completely consumed. Sound
Unburned: Plant parts are green and unaltered; logs are consumed or deeply charred. Rotten logs
there is no direct effect from heat. and stumps are consumed. The top layer of the
mineral soil is visibly oxidized, reddish to yellow.
Scorched: Fire did not burn the area but radi-
Surface soil texture is altered and, in extreme
ated or convected heat caused visible damage.
cases, fusion of particles occurs. A black band of
Mosses and leaves are brown or yellow but species
charred organic matter 1 to 2 centimeters (0.4 to
characteristics are still identifiable. Soil heating
0.8 inches) thick occurs at variable depths below the
is negligible.
surface. The depth of this band is an indication of
Light: In forests, the surface litter, mosses, and the duration of extreme heating. The temperatures
herbaceous plants are charred to consumed but the associated with oxidized mineral soil are associated
underlying forest duff or organic soil is unaltered. with flaming rather than smoldering. Thus, deep
Fine dead twigs are charred or consumed but larger depth of burn typically only occurs where woody
branches remain. Logs may be blackened but are fuels burn for extended duration, such as beneath
not deeply charred except where two logs cross. individual logs or in concentrations of woody debris.
Leaves of understory shrubs and trees are charred In areas with deep organic soils, deep depth-of-burn
or consumed but fine twigs and branches remain. In occurs when ground fires consume the root-mat or
non-forest vegetation, plants are similarly charred burn beneath the root-mat. Trees often topple in
or consumed; herbaceous plant bases are not deeply the direction from which the smoldering fire front
burned and are still identifiable, and charring of approached.
the mineral soil is limited to a few millimeters
(fractions of an inch). Fire Severity
Moderate: In forests, the surface litter, mosses, Fire behavior refers to the manner in which a spe-
and herbaceous plants are consumed. Shallow duff cific fire burns the fuel bed (fuel complex) in a given
layers are completely consumed and charring occurs terrain with the prevailing weather conditions at the
in the top centimeter (0.4 in.) of the mineral soil. time. Fire behavior prediction is concerned primarily
Deep duff layers or organic soils are deeply burned with the characteristics contributing to the advance of
to completely consumed, resulting in deep charcoal a free-burning fire. This issue is more directly related
and ash deposits but the texture and structure of to fireline intensity (Alexander 1982; Byram 1959;
the underlying mineral soil are not visibly altered. Ryan and Noste 1985). One problem with applying
Deep ash deposits are sometimes confused with fireline intensity in ecological studies is that it does
oxidized mineral soil. Ash is fine and powdery when not predict all of the combustion or quantify all of the
dry, slick and greasy when wet, whereas oxidized energy released during a fire (Johnson and Miyani-
soil retains pebbles and granularity and feels gritty. shi 2001; Ryan 2002; Keeley 2009). In contrast, fire

40 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

severity is concerned with both the characteristics of Integrating Fire Severity With
the free burning fire as it spreads across an area and
the characteristics of the stationary fire as it resides
Cultural Resources_______________
at a site (i.e., duration of burning), because it is the In short fire return forests where duff accumula-
latters characteristics that primarily determine how tion is restricted, the burnout of CWD is the primary
deep into the soil profile fire and heat can penetrate source of deep soil heating (Monsanto and Agee 2008).
(Frandsen and Ryan 1986; Hartford and Frandsen In forests with long fire return intervals, the buildup
1992; Ryan 2002). Fire severity is a construct that of duff covers most of the forest floor surface. Logs,
describes the change in site properties/conditions due even at high fuel loadings, rarely cover more than 10
to fire. Fire severity describes the outcome rather than percent of the soil surface area (Albini 1976; Brown
the process and is thus useful for understanding the and others 2003; Peterson and Ryan 1986). Thus, the
ecological effects of fire on an ecosystem: the amount most common source of deep soil heating is the burnout
of organic matter lost from a location, vegetation of the duff. Equations exist to predict duff consump-
mortality, and soil transformations (Feller 1998; Jain tion in the United States (Brown and others 1985,
and others 2008; Kaufmann and others 2007; Keeley 1991; Ottmar and others 1993, 2005; Reinhardt 2003)
2002; Ryan 2002). The same principles apply when and Canada (Chrosciewicz 1968, 1978a,b; de Groot
considering the impacts of fire on cultural resources and others 2009; Muraro 1975; Van Wagner 1972).
found within the soil profile. Predictions are available using both actual measured
Following a fire, researchers are able to better un- moisture contents (fig. 2-16) or more readily available
derstand fire dynamics by quantifying fire intensity fire danger rating indices (figs. 2-17, 2-18). Users are
and duration (Neary and others 2005; Ryan 2002; Ryan referred to equations in the CONSUME (Ottmar and
and Noste 1985). Several authors have quantified the others 1993, 2005, accessed November 13, 2009) and
depth of burning into the ground (DeBano and others FOFEM (Reinhardt 2003) publications as a means of
1998; Feller 1998; Jain and Graham 2007; Jain and predicting expected duff, FWD, and CWD consumption
others 2008; Morgan and Neuenschwander 1988; Ryan in wildfires or prescribed fires.
and Noste 1985), and consumption (fig. 2-15) and depth In addition to the burnout of duff and woody fuels,
of char in FWD and CWD (Albini and Reinhardt 1995, there are a number of other means by which buried cul-
1997; Costa and Sandberg 2004). When depth of burn/ tural resources can be heated. One of the most common
char measurements are coupled with estimates of flame is the burnout of stumps and dead roots. Commonly at
length and fire spread direction, it is possible to recre- cultural sites, logs and building materials are buried
ate a fires movement through a stand. By combining
flame length and depth of burn/char measurements,
researchers are able to create a two-dimensional matrix
of fire severity, which may be a useful classification
of the level of fire treatment for comparative analysis
of fire effects within and between fires. For example,
Ryan and Noste (1985) (appendix table A-3) assessed
the effects of fire on tree crowns and ground fuels by
visiting burned sites and measuring scorch heights and
using them to back-calculate fireline intensity using
Van Wagners (1973, 1977) crown scorch model. Depth
of burn/char measurements can be used to estimate
residence time in surface fuels and soils. Wildland
fuels are poor conductors of heat. Due to heat transfer
constraints, fuels burn at relatively constant rates
(Anderson 1969; Frandsen 1991a,b). A fire can be
very intense, as exhibited by long flame lengths, but
its duration within the forest strata most determines
the depth of burn/char. Readers are referred to the
recent review by Keeley (2009) for further discussion
on the topic of fire intensity versus fire severity. A Figure 2-17Illustration of duff consumption, percent of total
more in-depth discussion of the differences between fire duff available (%), as a function of U.S. National Fire Danger
intensity and fire severity can be found in the Effects Rating System (NFDRS) (Deeming and others 1977) thousand
hour moisture content for common forest conditions where duff
of Fire on Soil and Water volume (Neary and others
is greater that 4 centimeters deep and able to burn independent
2005), and Ryan 2002. Field guidance on determining of a surface fire if dry enough to burn (equation from Brown
fire severity may also be found in the appendix. and others1985).

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 41

burn, more heat is released for a longer period of time
and the distance between the combustion zone and a
buried artifact is reduced as organic soil horizons are
consumed. The primary factors determining the depth
of burn are long-term drying and the depth of organic
material available on the site (fig. 2-19). The primary
factor determining the temperatures reached in the soil
is the depth of burn whether resulting from increased
duff consumption (fig. 2-20) or increased burnout of
coarse woody debris (fig. 2-21). The depth of burn and
the temperatures reached in the soil determine the
damage to subsurface cultural resources.
In their work on classifying fire severity, Ryan and
Noste (1985), Ryan (2002), and Neary and others
(2005) stressed the concept that one needs to look
independently at the heat pulse above the fire as well
as the heat pulse in the ground. For practical reasons,
it is often impossible to adequately instrument a
site in order to get definitive measures of the energy
Figure 2-18Illustration of duff depth reduction (in.) as a func- release characteristics or temperature history across
tion of varying initial duff depths (in.) and U.S. National Fire a burned area of interest. The spatial variability of
Danger Rating System (NFDRS) (Deeming and others 1977) fuels and fire behavior within most fires precludes
thousand hour moisture content based on Brown and others actual quantification in most cases. Classification of
1985. (1 in. = 2.54 cm.) the level of fire treatment has considerable pragmatic
utility. While remote sensing of fire characteristics is
becoming increasingly common (Kremens and others
2010; Lentile and others 2006, 2007, 2009) and real-
or partially buried. Once ignited these burn slowly, time monitoring from remote platforms such as air-
deeply heating lower layers in the soil profile. Another craft or satellites shows great promise for the future,
mode of subsurface heating is when soil is interspersed most cultural resource specialists will have to rely on
with organic material in old middens and dump sites proxy data to reconstruct and classify the level of fire
where fire can freely move throughout the strata. For treatment associated with observed fire effects. In the
further discussion of these unique fire environments case of unplanned fires, ex post facto measures are
see chapters 6, 7 and 9. all that is available to ecologists and archaeologists
The conceptual model of fire severity developed by alike. The fire severity matrix (appendix table A-3)
Ryan and Noste (1985) defines severity as the union of describes a classification of fires in a 6 by 4 matrix
the heat pulse above the site and the heat pulse in the with six classes of heat pulse above the ground and
ground (heat pulse up heat pulse down) (appendix four classes of depth of burn including the unburned
table A-3). As the mass of fine fuel increases, so does case. In addition, figures 2-16 through 2-21 can help
the potential for a high intensity surface fire or crown inform burning prescriptions designed to manage the
fire. The primary weather factors that determine how effects of fire on cultural resources during fuel reduc-
intensely that fine fuel mass will burn are the wind tion and ecosystem restoration treatments. Buenger
speed and short-term drying (i.e., low relative humid- (2003) presented data and synthesis of the effects
ity). Canopy fuels readily torch at relative humidity of high temperatures on various archaeological and
less than 20 percent. As fire intensity increases, so does historically significant materials. Data are also pre-
the above-ground heat pulse. Likewise, the potential sented on temperature effects on ceramics (chapter 3),
for fire to damage surface and above-ground cultural lithics (chapter 4), and historic era materials (chapter
resources also increases. The increased radiant flux 6) in this publication. Ryan (2010) summarized these
associated with large flames more effectively heats temperatures and discussed the importance of the du-
surfaces at greater distances than is possible with ration of exposure to high temperatures (sidebar 2-2).
small flames (see sidebar 2-1). Also, as fire intensity These temperatures can be compared to representative
increases, fires become more uniformly severe as more temperature histories of fires (e.g., figs. 2-8, 2-10, 2-11,
surface and canopy fuel is consumed. As the depth of 2-12, 2-14, 2-19, and 2-20) to bound expected fire ef-
burn increases the potential to damage surface and fects when planning prescribed burns or post wildfire
sub surface resources increases. With greater depth of rehabilitation and stabilization.

42 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Figure 2-19Representative temperature histories for fires of varying severity: (a) crownfire/low depth of burn (DOB), (b) crownfire/moderate DOB, (c) ac-
tive surface fire/low DOB, (d) creeping surface fire/moderate DOB. (See text and appendix for fire intensity and DOB descriptions.) Differing combinations of
high temperature and duration of heating lead to fires of different severity. Changes in site variables, including terrain and vegetative structure, and weather
variables lead to fires of differing peak temperature and duration. Broad arrows indicate increasing site and weather potential. Both site and weather conditions
must be met to affect fire severity (adapted from Ryan 2002).

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 43

Figure 2-20Temperature ranges associated with various biophysical fire effects
(top) (modified from Hungerford and others 1991) and cultural resource fire effects
(center) compared to the depth of heat penetration into mineral soil (bottom) for
a crown fire over exposed mineral soil (observed in jack pine Pinus banksiana in
the Canadian Northwest Territories) or for ground fire burning in 5-, 15-, and 25-cm
of duff (predicted by Campbell and others1994, 1995). Conditions are for coarse
dry soil, which provides the best conduction (i.e., a worst-case scenario) (adapted
from Ryan 2002).

44 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Figure 2-21Maximum soil temperatures predicted by the soil heating model in the
First Order Fire Effects Model ( FOFEM) (Reinhardt and others 2005) for varying
loadings of coarse woody debris (CWD (from Brown and others 2003). Solid lines
depicting 1, 3, 5, and 9 cm below the soil starting from top to bottom.

Fire Regime_____________________ the use of fire regime concepts has increasingly been
used in the fire ecology and management communi-
In current fire management, the highest spatial and ties, particularly in the context of the Coarse-Scale
temporal fire scale of interest is described by the fire Assessment of Fire Regime Condition Class (FRCC)
regime (fig. 2-1). Scott (2000) refers to the paleo-fire (Schmidt and others 2002) (table 2-4) and because its
trianglean even higher scale represented by atmo- use is mandated under the Healthy Forests Restora-
sphere, vegetation, and climatewhich recognizes that tion Act of 2003 (H.R. 1904). Fire regime refers to the
terrain and atmospheric chemistry are variable over general nature of the type of fire that most commonly
geologic time frames. This longer term perspective occurred over long time periods (Agee 1993; Brown
may not seem too relevant to fire managers; however, 2000; Hardy and others 1998; Sugihara and others 2006).
in the study of climate-vegetation-fire relationships
that affected ancient cultures, it is germane to many
reconstructions of archaeological information. Under-
standing climate-vegetation-fire interactions is likely
to become of greater importance in formulating future
Table 2-4Historical natural fire regimes from Coarse-Scale
fuels treatment and restoration policies under climate Assessment of Fire Regime Condition Class
change scenarios (Lovejoy and Hannah 2005). (Schmidt and others 2001).
Fire regime concepts emerged in the fire ecology
literature with the early work of Heinselman (1978, Code Description
1981) and Kilgore (1981). In recent years there has I 0-35 year frequencya, low severityb
been considerable refinement in fire regime concepts as II 0-35 year frequency, stand replacement severity
ecologists have investigated more ecosystems and have III 35-100+ year frequency, mixed severity
developed a greater appreciation for how fire regimes IV 35-100+ year frequency, stand replacement severity
vary over time. At the same time, ecological theory
V 200+ year frequency, stand replacement severity
has matured to recognize the importance of periodic
disturbance to the maintenance of ecological integrity b
Fire frequency is the average number of years between fires.
Severity is the effect of the fire on the dominant overstory vegetation.
(Agee 1993; Hardy and others 2001; Morgan and others
2001; Sugihara and others 2006). In the United States,

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 45

Sidebar 2-2Impact of Temperature and Duration of Heating on Lithics
It is common knowledge that many material transitions occur as complex functions of temperature and duration of
exposure. Such functions are often described by Arrhenius functions (fig. S-2.1) (Ryan 2010). Few time-temperature data
are available (e.g., Bennett and Kunzman 1985; Buenger 2003), and those that do exist are not robust enough to calculate
actual Arrhenius functions but they are adequate to illustrate their potential use. The following example uses data from
Bennett and Kunzman (1985) to illustrate the principle. (Bennett and Kunzmans work is unpublished but widely cited
and sometimes misinterpreted because the results of laboratory muffle furnace results are difficult to extrapolate to field
burning situations.)

General Information:
Type of research: Laboratory experiment
Purpose: Heating experiment was designed to mimic a range of wildland fire situations
Experimental heating of artifacts conducted by Bennett and Kunzman, Western Archeological and Conservation
Center, National Park Service, Tucson, Arizona
Heating description:
Temperature range: 200 to 800 C (392 to 1472 oF)
Duration: 3,000,000 degree-minutes for temperatures between 200 and 600 C (392 and 1112 oF); 1,345,000 and
1,400,000 degree-minutes for two trial runs of 800 C (1472 oF) max temperature.
Equipment used:
Electric thermolyne-type 1400 muffle furnace; temperature measured by a Weelco controller
Temperatures of heated specimens measured by 36 gauge iron-constantan (type J) thermocouples
Perkin Elmer 599 infra-red spectrometer used to measure bound water loss

Peter Bennett and Michael Kunzmann (1985) conducted experimental heating of artifacts in the materials and eco-
logical testing laboratory of the Western Archeological and Conservation Center in Tucson, Arizona. They used a muffle
furnace to assess potential damage to artifacts heated at prescribed burn temperatures. In their experiments, Bennet
and Kunzman examined specimens of chert, flint, chalcedony, obsidian, prehistoric earthenware, and historic to modern
bone, glass and enameled tinware. Separate samples of specimens were heated in the furnace to different maximum tem-
peratures. Duration of heating was measured in degree-minutes. Degree-minutes of heating were equal to the maximum
temperature reached minus 100 C (212 oF) multiplied by the time in minutes: (max. temp. 100 C (212 oF)) (minutes
heated). Duration of heating in degree-minutes was generally kept standard.
Color change and other visual alterations to the surface of items were recorded. Heating effects to artifact structure
were identified in terms of chemically bound water loss and weight loss due to causes other than evaporation of free wa-
ter. Free water evaporation was measured by heating specimens in a drying oven at 100 C (212 oF). Loss of chemically
bound water was determined with the use of an infrared spectrometer on ground-up pieces of specimens before and after
furnace heating. Weight loss not accounted for by free or bound water loss was attributed to other causes.
Specimens were also heated and plunged into cold water to test for thermal shock. The rate of cooling in water was
judged to be greater than 500 C (932 oF) per minute. Although this test was not carefully controlled, a minimal amount
of observed cracking and spalling led Bennett and Kunzman to conclude that thermal shock was not a major concern in
prescribed burns.
Given estimates of the Arrhenius functions for various cultural materials provide a means to compare expected tem-
peratures and durations of fires to assess the likelihood of CR damage. Such assessments require applying knowledge of
the CR material type and its location (for example, exposed above ground versus insulated by unburnable mineral soil),
the combustion characteristics of nearby fuels, and the heat transfer mechanisms coupling fire behavior to the CR. In
practice, many cultural materials including lithics are composed of various elements, often in layers, and each with their
own thermal properties. Rapid heating or cooling can create internal stresses that cause materials to fracture (e.g., pot-
lidding, spalling). Such mechanical failures are difficult to explain with Arrhenius functions; however, time-temperature
relationships help to explain why an artifact of a given material type might display similar damage over a range of fire
behaviors. Likewise, they help explain why two different material types might display very different effects from a given
fire behavior.

46 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Figure S2.1. Time-temperature relationships for four lithic materials (from Bennett and Kunzman 1985).

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 47

The actual terms used and the concepts they describe and others 2005; Clark and others 1997; Delacourt
vary somewhat and this can result in confusion. Fire and Delacourt 1997; Levine 1991; Levine and others
regimes include descriptions of the frequency and 1995, 1996a,b; Power and others 2008). Determining
severity of the fire. Older literature often referred to whether or not these fires are natural or were started
the effects of the fire as intensity but common usage by aboriginal people is often problematic (Anderson
in current North American literature favors the term 2005; Barrett and Arno 1982; Bonnicksen 2000; Boyd
fire severity as a description of the effects of fire (Agee 1999; Denevan 1992; Vale 2002). Throughout the
1993; Brown 2000; Hardy and others 1998; Keeley period of human occupation of North America, ab-
2009; Neary and others 2005; Ryan 2002). Readers original people are widely believed to have extensively
are referred to the Effects of Fire on Flora (Brown burned the landscape (Bonnicksen 2000; Boyd 1999;
2000) for a description of various early uses of the fire Delacourt and Delacourt 1997; Delacourt and others
regime concept. There is a large body of more recent 1998; Erickson 2008; Gavin and others 2007; Hallett
fire regime-related literature, the review of which is and others 2003; Jurney and others 2004; Kay 1994,
beyond the scope of this chapter. Interested readers 1998, 2007a,b; Keeley 2002; Leenhouts 1998; Lewis
are invited to type the words fire regime into their 1989; Moore 1972; Nevle and Bird 2008; Pausas and
favorite internet search engine. Keeley 2009; Stewart 1956, 1982; Williams 2000). Use
The following terms are commonly encountered in of fire by aboriginal people was pervasive (Anderson
the fire regime literature. Understory fire regime, 2005; Barrett and Arno 1982; Boyd 1999; Kay 1994;
surface fire regime, low severity fire regime, and Denevan 1992; Kay and Simmons 2002; Williams
non-lethal fire regime are terms used to describe fires 2000). Infrequent fires can have long-lasting effects on
that are generally non-lethal to the dominant vegeta- species composition and stand structure (Brown and
tion and do not substantially change the structure of others 1999; Frost 1998; Kaufmann and others 2000,
the dominant vegetation (Brown 2000). Such descrip- 2004).
tions apply to forests and woodlands. As originally
defined by Brown (2000), approximately 80 percent or
more of the dominant vegetation must survive to be Fire Planning____________________
deemed non-lethal. In the FRCC field methods used The careful planning and implementation of fuel
by Federal land management agencies in the United treatment or restoration projects can go a long way
States, the cut-off is 75 percent or more (Hann and toward minimizing the potential impacts on cultural
Bunnell 2001). In either case, most of the dominant resources (see chapter 9). Well executed projects can
arboreal vegetation survives. A stand replacement greatly reduce the impacts of subsequent wildfires.
fire or lethal regime is one that either consumes or Also integrating fire behavior and effects concepts
kills 80 percent or more of the above-ground dominant with an understanding of how cultural resources are
vegetation (Brown 2000), or 75 percent or more ac- impacted by fire (fig. 2-20) can aid in the planning and
cording to FRCC field methods ( implementation of post-fire restoration and monitoring.
(Hann and Bunnell 2001). Stand replacement fire Planning fuels treatments, restoration projects, or
regimes apply to forests, woodlands, shrublands, and suppression activities requires that cultural resource
grasslands (Brown 2000). In the case of grasslands, specialists collaboratively plan activities with fire
the post-fire community often recovers quickly from management personnel (see chapter 9). In addition to
surviving meristematic tissues, such as rhizomes the graphical aids in this chapter (figs. 2-15 through
and bulbs. Intermediate regimes, or those between 2-21), there are numerous software decision support
understory and stand replacement fire regimes, are tools, databases, and syntheses available to resource
generally referred to as mixed severity fire regimes. professionals. There are a number of agency-developed
Mixed severity fire regimes can occur due to variation software programs that can be used to predict fire
in space or time. However, some forest types tend to go behavior and to project probable effects at both the
through cycles wherein the series of low severity fires site and landscape levels. These predictive tools,
is periodically punctuated with stand replacement fires used by managers to support planning and decisions,
as long-term climate trends oscillate between warm- vary in their inputs, outputs, and uses. The following
dry and cool-moist climate periods. Brown (2000) and discussion identifies a few commonly used by the fire
several other authors also recognize a non-fire regime management community. For more information please
where there is little or no occurrence of natural fire. visit, the Fire Research and Management
This description may be useful in discussions of veg- Exchange System (FRAMES,
etation types where fire is rare. However, upon close portal/, or use an internet search engine to
inspection, evidence of past fires is found in virtually search each program individually. Additional resources
all non-marine vegetation types (Andreae 1991; Bond are listed in table 2-5.

48 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Table 2-5Annotated list of fire effects resources for planning and evaluating fuel treatment and restoration projects and surveying
and monitoring wildland fire management activities (adapted and modified from Kelly Pohl, TNC Global Fire Initiative,
LANDFIRE Program).
Type of tool
ecology Resource Monitoring/
Resource/Tool Description resource search Modeling
Smith, J.K., ed. 2000. A volume from the Rainbow Series that X
Wildland fire in ecosystems: outlines the effects of fire on North American
effects of fire on fauna. fauna.
Brown, J.K.; Smith, J.K., eds. 2000. A volume of the Rainbow Series that outlines X
Wildland fire in ecosystems: historical and current fire regimes and fire
effects of fire on flora. effects organized by Kuchler Natural Potential Vegetation Types.

Neary, D.G.; Ryan, K.C.; DeBano, A volume from the Rainbow Series that X
L.F., eds. 2005. outlines the effects of soil and water. The
Wildland fire in ecosystems: volume: 1) defines fire severity as it affects
effects of fire on soil and water. soil and water resources, 2) synthesizes the state of knowledge on the effects of fire
pubs/20912 on the physical, chemical and biological
properties of soil; and water quality; and 3)
summarizes erosion models and burned area
rehabilitation practices
Sandberg, D.V.; Ottmar, R.D.; A volume from the Rainbow Series that X
Peterson, J.C.; Core, J. 2002. outlines the effects of fire on air quality to
Wildland fire in ecosystems: the assist managers with smoke planning.
effects of fire on air.
Zouhar, K.; Smith, J.K.; Sutherland, A volume from the Rainbow Series that X
S.; Brooks, M.L. 2008. outlines the effects of fire on exotic and
Wildland fire in ecosystems: fire invasive weeds
and non-native invasive plants.
Grissino-Mayer, H.D. 2003. A searchable database of tree-ring literature, X
Dendrochronology Literature including many fire history studies. This
Database literature can provide information about fire effects, fire history, fire regimes, and
wald_gesellschaft/forstgeschichte/ disturbance interactions, among other topics.
ESSA Technologies Ltd. A spatially explicit, landscape-level model X
TELSA: Tool for Exploratory of forest dynamics to help assess the
Landscape Scenario Analysis. consequences of alternative management scenarios. Used with VDDT and ArcView
index.html 3.X. Software and training are available upon
ESSA Technologies Ltd. Public domain state-transition modeling X
VDDT: Vegetation Dynamics software that provides functions for natural
Development Tool. vegetation succession and natural and human disturbances. Resulting models
index.html can help create estimates of percent cover
for different vegetation types (states) and
important drivers in landscape change
(transitions). Models are not spatially
explicit and do not account for biophysical

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 49

Table 2-5Continued

Type of tool
ecology Resource Monitoring/
Resource/Tool Description resource search Modeling
U.S. Department of Agriculture A complete database of the effects of fire on X
Fire Effects Information System plant and wildlife species and communities
(FEIS) in North America, searchable by species or Kuchler Potential Natural Vegetation Type.
Contains sections on distribution, botanical
and ecological characteristics, succession,
fire ecology and effects, management
considerations, and case studies.
U.S. Department of Agriculture A searchable database of all of the X
Fire Effects Information System references cited in the Fire Effects
(FEIS) Citation Reference System Information System (FEIS). Searchable by
(CRS) subject, year, author, or any combination thereof. A complete fire history literature
U.S. Department of Agriculture & A standardized, interagency protocol for X X
The Nature Conservancy assessing the departure of current conditions
Fire Regime Condition Class from historical reference conditions.
Guidebook and Reference Information and methodology are available
Conditions at the web address listed. National training events are held regularly. Reference
Conditions for potential natural vegetation
groups across the U.S. are described,
including reference mean fire intervals and
successional stages.
The Northwest and Alaska Fire A web-based data center providing X
Research Clearinghouse. documentation and data on fire science and
FIREhouse technology relevant to Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska.
Fire Sciences Laboratory Sampling protocol, sources, and forms X
FIREMON: Fire Effects Monitoring for determining current conditions.
Protocol Methodologies can be used directly or serve as templates.
FRAMES: Fire Research and A suite of software developed for fire X
Management Exchange System management professionals, including modeling programs like BEHAVE and
FARSITE. Also an information exchange
with bulletin boards and notice pages
that facilitate collaboration among fire
management professionals.
Interagency Research Partnership The Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) funds X X
Joint Fire Sciences Program research and development projects focused on improving the knowledge available for
management and policy decisions to support
federal, tribal, state, and local agencies and
their partners. JFSP provides access to
reports of past projects and links to related
U.S. Department of Agriculture, LANDFIRE is a wildland fire, ecosystem, and X X
U.S. Geological Society, The Nature fuel assessment-mapping project designed
Conservancy, U.S. Department of to generate consistent, comprehensive,
the Interior landscape-scale maps of vegetation, fire, and
LANDFIRE fuel characteristics for the United States.

50 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Table 2-5Continued

Type of tool
ecology Resource Monitoring/
Resource/Tool Description resource search Modeling
Systems for Environmental Systems for Environmental Management X
Management provides downloadable versions of public Public Domain Software domain software for predicting fire weather,
for the Wildland Fire Community behavior, and effects ass well as links to other sources of fire information.
Schmidt, K.M.; Menakis, J.P.; Hardy, A national-scale mapping of fire regime X
C.C.; Hann, W.J.; Bunnell, D.L. data, including potential natural vegetation
2002. groups, current cover types, and historical
Development of coarse-scale and current fire regime condition classes. GIS
spatial data for wildland fire and data layers are available. Note that this data
fuel management. is at ecoregional scales and not suitable for project scale.
Tall Timbers Research Station and A searchable database of literature on fire X
Land Conservancy ecology, prescribed fire use, and control of
Tall Timbers Library fires. Has an international scope with a focus on the southeastern U.S.
The Nature Conservancy A resources site that describes how to use X X X
Global Fire Initiative the ESSA VVDT successional models in the LANDFIRE Vegetation Model Library, and
landfire_techTransfer.htm contains many other fire resources designed
to help land managers.
Forest Service Research and A searchable database of all USDA Forest X
Development Service publications online. Searchable by
Treesearch author, year, and region.
USDA Natural Resources A comprehensive database that provides X
Conservation Service standardized information on the vascular
The PLANTS Database plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the US and its territories. PLANTS
includes names, photos, checklists, and
automated tools.
USDI National Park Service Outlining the National Park Services X
National Park Service Fire standardized fire effects monitoring protocol,
Monitoring Handbook including setting goals and objectives, designing pre- and post-burn sampling, and
fir_eco_FEMHandbook2003.pdf data analysis. Also includes useful field
forms, checklists, and additional reading lists.
Wildland Fire Lessons Learned A web-based clearinghouse of information, X
Center case studies, and lessons learned to improve performance, safety, efficiency, and
organizational learning in the interagency
wildland fire community.
Gassaway, L. A site designed to disseminate information X
Fire Archaeology on the effects of fire to cultural resources, both historic and prehistoric. Includes
Arch/Home.html information on protection, policy, and
Federal Preservation Institute Portal with information in the field of historic X X
Historic Preservation Learning preservation that covers and allows users
Portal to search for laws, policies, literature, news, case studies, training, and best practices.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 51

Fire Planning Software 2000), natural resources, and cultural resource sites.
FlamMap creates raster maps of potential fire behavior
Behave-Plus, v 5.0 (Andrews 2008; Heinsch and characteristics (spread rate, flame length, and crown
Andrews 2010) predicts wildland fire behavior for fire fire activity) and environmental conditions (dead fuel
management purposes. Behave-Plus is used for real- moisture, mid-flame wind speeds, and solar irradiance)
time fire prediction of fire behavior on a specific site over the entire landscape. Unlike FARSITE, there is
for a specific set of burning conditions, and as a treat- no temporal component in FlamMap although they
ment planning tool. This software uses the minimum use the same spatial and tabular data as input. This
amount of site-specific input data to predict fire for a input includes a landscape file, initial fuel moistures,
given point in time and space. Behave-Plus is useful custom fuel models, as well as optional conversion
for gaming a proposed treatment by allowing users weather and wind files. Many fire behavior models are
to quickly test the effect of changes in fuel moisture, incorporated into FlamMap ranging from Rothermels
wind, and fuel loading on predicted fire behavior and 1972 surface fire spread model to Nelsons 2000 fuel
effects, thereby allowing the user to hone in on a favor- moisture model. In addition to technical knowledge of
able prescription window. fire, FARSITE and FlamMap may require geographic
FARSITE (Finney 1998) is a landscape-level fire information system analyst assistance to obtain spatial
growth simulation model for forecasting fire growth and landscape information for input to the program.
intensity and requires the input of topography, fuels, FireFamily Plus, v.4 (
and weather and wind files. This software incorporates index.php/national-systems/firefamilyplus, accessed
existing models for surface fire, crown fire, spotting, May 5, 2011) is a software package that quickly sum-
post-frontal combustion, and fire acceleration in a marizes historic weather patterns for local manage-
two-dimensional fire growth model. It was developed ment planning in the United States. Fire Family Plus
initially as a tool for managing fires in wilderness areas combines fire climatology and occurrence analysis
where fire often burns for several weeks. FARSITE was capabilities of the PCFIRDAT, PCSEASON, FIRES
developed to predict how far a fire could spread over and CLIMATOLOGY programs into a single package
long periods of time under changing fire environment with a graphical user interface. This software package
(fuels, terrain, and weather). Thus it requires land- is valuable for designing burning prescriptions that
scape maps of fuels and terrain along with predicted are operationally feasible by letting the user determine
weather over the simulation period. In the modeling the frequency and timing of suitable burning weather.
framework, fuels are digital representations of fuel-bed In particular, users can analyze historic drying trends
properties using either the Anderson 13 fire behavior critical for achieving cultural resource objectives in
fuel models (Anderson 1982), the 40 Scott and Burgan prescribed burns.
fuel models (Scott and Burgan 2005), or user-defined NEXUS, v. 2.0 (Scott and Reinhardt 2001) is crown
custom fuel models (Burgan and Rothermel 1984). While fire hazard analysis software that links to separate
FARSITE does not explicitly require fuels data at any models of surface and crown fire behavior to compute
particular spatial resolution, analyses are typically relative crown fire potential. This software is used to
at 30-meter pixel (900 m2) (0.22 acre). This spatial compare crown fire potential for different stands and
resolution is based on analysis of readily available compare the effects of alternative fuel treatments on
LANDSAT TM-7 data. In the United States, FARSITE crown fire potential. NEXUS updated its previous
fuel and vegetation inputs are freely available through model from an Excel spreadsheet to a stand-alone
the standardized LANDFIRE national data product program in 2003. The information may be combined
( (Rollins 2009; Reeves and others with other program output in the future to better
2009; Rollins and others 2006; Ryan and others 2006). understand crown fire development and behavior.
Digital terrain is routinely available from a variety of Operators of this program should be familiar with
sources (e.g., USGS), including LANDFIRE. Weather BehavePlus (Andrews 2008; Heinsch and Andrews
input is provided by the user either from predicted 2010) and be familiar with crown modeling techniques
weather or historic climate/weather data. FARSITE to fully comprehend the simulations in NEXUS and
is spatially explicit and predicts fire spread and in- their respective meanings.
tensity for every place on the perimeter at every time Behave Plus, FARSITE, and FlamMap are all
step. Thus, as fires grow in size the model becomes meant for users trained in fire planning, behavior,
increasingly computationally intensive. Guidance and effects. This group of users should be familiar
for inputting fuels data and analyzing potential fire with fuels, weather, topography, wildfire situations,
behavior are contained in Stratton (2006). and associated concepts and terminology. Use of these
FlamMap is a related model that looks at the spa- programs is strictly intended to provide information
tial pattern of fire potential under static, user-defined to trained professionals to make educated land and
weather conditions. Thus it is useful for determining fire management decisions.
the fire potential in the vicinity of infrastructure (Cohen

52 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Prometheus, v. 5.3 ( The First Order Fire Effects Model (FOFEM)
com/) is a deterministic fire growth simulation model (, accessed May5,
(Tymstra and others 2010). It uses spatial fire behav- 2011) (Reinhardt 2003) is used by managers and plan-
ior input data on topography (slope, aspect, and eleva- ners to predict and plan for fire effects. FOFEM is used
tion) and Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction for impact assessment and for long range planning
(FBP) System fuel types, along with weather stream and policy development; it helps quantify predictions
and FBP fuel type lookup table files. Prometheus needed for planning prescribed fires that best accom-
uses the simple ellipse as the underlying template plish resource needs. FOFEM inputs are divided into
to shape fire growth, and simulates fire growth us- four geographic regions of the United States, thereby
ing the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System adding resolution through built-in forest cover types.
(CFFDRS)Fire Weather Index (FWI) and Fire FBP Outputs include tree mortality; smoke emissions;
Sub-Systemsto model fire behavior outputs. It uses consumption of duff, FWD, and CWD; mineral soil
Grid ASCII, Generate files, and Shapefiles. Prometheus exposure; and soil heating. Users refer to FOFEM out-
is a national interagency project endorsed by the Ca- put to set upper and lower fuel moisture limits when
nadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC) and writing prescriptions for conducting prescribed burns
its members. to manage vegetation injury and particulate emissions
The Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction from a projected fire area. FOFEM can also be used
(FBP) System ( to assess the effects of wildfire. This information is
background/summary/fbp, accessed February 5, potentially valuable for designing post-fire surveys and
2010) (Hirsch 1996) provides quantitative estimates rehabilitation projects. The list of output variables are
of potential head fire spread rate (ROS), total fuel (1) fuel consumption (percent consumption for these
consumption, and fire intensity. With the aid of the components: fine woody, coarse woody, and duff); (2)
Prometheus elliptical fire growth model, it gives esti- smoke (kg km2 for these emission classes: PM2.5, CO2,
mates of fire area, perimeter, perimeter growth rate, CH4, and NOx); (3) tree mortality (% mortality); and
and flank and back fire behavior. Descriptions of the (4) soil heating (e.g., depth in cm at which temperature
primary outputs follow: is 60 C (140 F) for 1 min (lethal) or 275 C (527 F)
(irreversible damage to organics)).
1. Rate of Spread (ROS) is the predicted speed
Consume, v. 3.1 (
of the fire at the front or head of the fire (where
the fire moves fastest). It takes into account
pdf, assessed May 5, 2011), (Ottmar and others 2007)
both crowning and spotting and is measured in
predicts the amount of fuel consumption and emissions
meters per minute based on the Fuel Type (FT),
from burning logged units, piled debris, and natural
Initial Spread Index (ISI), Buildup Index (BUI),
fuels. The required inputs include weather data, the
and several fuel-specific parameters, such as
amount and moisture content of fuels, and other factors.
phenological state (leafless or green) in deciduous
Resource managers can accurately determine when and
trees, crown base height in coniferous trees, and
where to conduct prescribed burns to achieve desired
percent curing in grasses.
objectives while reducing impacts on other resources.
2. Total Fuel Consumption (TFC) is the predicted
This software may be used for most forests, shrubs and
weight of fuel consumed by the fire both on the
grasslands in North America (adapted from abstract
forest floor and in the crowns of the trees. It is
from Consume 2.0 user guide).
measured in kilograms per square meter of ground
Weather is the most variable element in the fire
surface and is based on Foliar Moisture Content
environment. While antecedent and current weather
(FMC), Surface Fuel Consumption (SFC), and
are the primary considerations for predicting or docu-
menting the direct effects of a specific fire on cultural
3. Head Fire Intensity (HFI) is the predicted in-
resources, climate analyses are important for planning
tensity, or energy output, of the fire at the front
fuel treatment and restoration projects (Cerd and
or head of the fire. This is one of the standard
Robichaud 2009; Neary and others 2005; Pannkuk
gauges by which fire managers estimate the dif-
and others 2000; Robichaud and others 2007) as well
ficulty of controlling a fire and select appropriate
as in assessing the potential impacts of a fire on sub-
suppression methods. It is measured in kilowatts
sequent erosion (Johnson 2004a,b). Post-fire erosion
per meter of fire front and is based on the ROS
often poses a greater threat to cultural resources than
and TFC.
the direct effects of heat and smoke. The potential for
4. Crown Fraction Burned (CFB) is the predicted
post-fire erosion increases with increasing fire severity
fraction of the tree crowns consumed by the fire
(Cerd and Robichaud 2009; Neary and others 2005;
based on BUI, FMC, SFC, and ROS.
Robichaud and others 2007) (fig. 2-22).
5. Fire Type (FT) is a general description of the
fire based on the CFB.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 53

Figure 2-22Site and weather factors associated with increasing fire severity and erosion
potential. Increasing erosion potential increases the risk of damage to cultural resources (from
Neary and others 2005).

Basic knowledge of climate, particularly seasonal culation patterns, recognized patterns emerge. These
patterns, can be used within shorter term weather patterns, referred to as teleconnections (Dixon and
forecasting to refine management prescriptions
others 2008; Heyerdahl and others 2008), identify lags
(Bowman and others 2009; Brown and others 2005; between ocean and atmospheric measurements and
Heyerdahl and others 2008; Kitzberger and others subsequent probable weather in various parts of the
2007; Littell and others 2009; Morgan and others 2008; globe. These teleconnections are improving our ability
Preisler and Westerling 2007; Skinner and others to predict fire potential for fire planning purposes.
2006; Swetnam and Betancourt 1990, 1998; Trouet and Climate, vegetation/fuels, and fire are dynami-
others 2009; Wang and others 2010; Westerling and cally coupled (fig. 2-1); any change in one will lead
others 2006). Climate models are used for a variety of to changes in the others (Ryan 1991) with numerous
purposes, from study of the dynamics of the weather inherent feedbacks (Running 2008). There is near
and climate system to projections of future climate. universal agreement in the science community that
Major recognized weather patterns include the anthropogenic activitiesprincipally the burning
North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) (Ambaum and others of fossil fuelsis changing atmospheric chemistry
2001); the Northern Annular Mode (NAM) (McAfee (Pachauri and Reisinger 2007). These changes are
and Russell 2008), ( expected to result in numerous climate-vegetation-
ao/introduction.html, assessed May 5, 2011); the disturbance changes with complex and incompletely
Arctic Oscillation (AO); Madden-Julian 30 to 60 Day understood interactions (Grulke 2008; Running 2008)
Intra-seasonal Oscillation (MJO); The Indian Ocean including increased tree mortality (Allen and others
Dipole (IOD), which is linked to the 3- to 7-year El 2010; McKenzie and others 2008), major shifts in fire
Nio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) (Izumo and others regimes (Flannigan and others 2009; Krawchuk and
2010; Kurtzman and Scanlon 2007); the Pacific Decadal others 2009a,b; Le Goff and others 2009; Liu and oth-
Oscillation (PDO) with a 20- to 30-year oscillation ers 2010; Wotton and others 2010), and complex social
(MantuPachauria 2002); a 20- to 40-year Atlantic reactions.
Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO); and the Interdecadal The activities of man are strongly tied to regional
Pacific Oscillation (IPO) with a 15- to 30-year cycle. As climatology. Throughout the development of civiliza-
climatologists improve our understanding of global cir- tion, the people inhabiting the land have responded to

54 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

climate-vegetation shifts by changing land practices time closely coupled to the climate and vegetation.
and migrating as productivity and disturbance patterns Humans have affected vegetation/fuels through use of
changed (Carto and others 2009; Dillehay 2009; Gupta fire as a land management tool. Fires have impacted
and others 2006; Tipping and others 2008). Evidence cultures for millennia and fire will continue to impact
suggests that human activities have strongly influenced contemporary cultures as well as the remnants of past
vegetation (Anderson 2005; Betancourt and Van Dev- cultures. The challenge is to manage vegetation/fuels
ender 1981; Bond and others 2005; Moore 1972; Stewart to minimize damage to contemporary cultures as well
1956, 1982; Vale 2002) and likely climate (Ruddiman as the cultural resources left by those who once lived
2003, 2007), and populations and burning practices on this land. Fires are highly variable both spatially
have ebbed and flowed (Carcaillet and others 2002, and temporally, but the principles that govern fire are
Nevle and Bird 2008; Ruddiman 2003, 2007; Ruddi- well known. Application of these principles can help
man and Ellis 2009) over the millennia. Humans are to minimize the negative impacts of fuels treatment
dynamically coupled to their environment, climate, and restoration activities as well as inform post-fire
and vegetation. Fire is mans first tool. As we move inventory, monitoring, stabilization and rehabilitation
forward, cultural resource specialists and fire manag- plans. Critical to achieving this is the application of
ers will need to plan and adapt to meet the challenge good local, site-specific knowledge about the combustion
to manage fire and protect cultural resources. and fire environments juxtaposed to cultural resources.
Currently, the application of fire principles to the
wise management of cultural resources in fire prone
Conclusions_____________________ environments is largely qualitative. We can bound
Vegetation/fuels, climate, and disturbance processes the conditions where problems are more versus less
are dynamically coupled. Any change in one has feed- likely to occur but we cannot predict them with accu-
backs to the others. The vegetation/fuels on a site reflect racy because of the wide variation in field conditions.
the history of climate and terrain influences as well as Research is needed to improve our ability to predict
past disturbances. The character of vegetation/fuels energy release and temperature histories associated
affects the potential occurrence and severity of future with burning of various fuel beds. Improved fire sci-
fires. Vegetation has developed throughout time with ence, when coupled with knowledge about the location
fire as a periodic disturbance agent, and fires will con- and material characteristics of cultural resources, will
tinue to occur, likely at an increased rate under a warm- lead to refined predictions and improved guidance for
ing climate. The human family has developed through management of cultural resources.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 55

Appendix 2-1A Field Guide to kilometers (miles) per day. The duration of surface fires
is on the order of one to a few minutes (Frandsen and
Fire Severity Terminology and Ryan 1986; Hartford and Frandsen 1992; Vasander
Classification____________________ and Lindholm 1985) except where extended residual
burning occurs beneath logs or in concentrations of
Fire Characteristics: Fire Intensity Classes heavy woody debris. Here flaming combustion may
Fires burn throughout a continuum of energy release last a few hours resulting in substantial soil heating
rates (table A-1) (Artsybashev 1983; Rothermel 1991; (Hartford and Frandsen 1992). However, the surface
Rowe 1983; Van Wagner 1983). Ground fires burn in area occupied by long-burning woody fuels is typi-
compact fermentation and humus layers and in organic cally small, less than 10 percent and often much less
muck and peat soils where they spread predominantly (Albini 1976; Albini and Reinhardt 1995; Dyrness
by smoldering (glowing) combustion and typically and Youngberg 1957; Ryan and Noste 1985; Tarrant
burn for hours to weeks. Forward rates of spread 1956). If canopy fuels are plentiful and sufficiently dry,
in ground fires range on the order of several inches surface fires begin to transition into crown fires (Scott
(decimeters) to yards (meters) per day. Temperatures and Reinhardt 2001; Van Wagner 1977). Crown fires
are commonly in excess of 300 C (572 F) for several burn in the foliage, twigs, and epiphytes of the forest
hours (Agee 1993; Frandsen and Ryan 1986; Hartford or shrub canopy located above the surface fuels. Such
and Frandsen 1992; Ryan and Frandsen 1991). The fires exhibit the maximum energy release rate but
conditions necessary for ground fires are organic soil are typically of short duration, 30 to 80 seconds. Fires
horizons greater than about 4 to 6 cm (1.6 to 2.4 in) burn in varying combinations of ground, surface, and
deep and extended drying (Brown and others 1985; crown fuels depending on the local conditions at the
Miyanishi 2001; Reinhardt and others 1997). Surface specific time a fire passes a given point. Ground fires
fires spread by flaming combustion in loose litter, burn independently from surface and crown fires and
woody debris, herbaceous plants and shrubs, and trees often occur some hours after passage of the flaming
roughly less than 2 m (6 ft) tall. Under marginal burn- front (Artsybashev 1983; Hungerford and others 1995;
ing conditions, surface fires creep along the ground Rowe 1983; Van Wagner 1983). Changes in surface
at rates of <1 m/hr with flames less than 0.5 m high and ground fire behavior occur in response to subtle
(table A-1; fig. A-1.1). As fuel, weather, and terrain changes in the microenvironment, stand structure,
conditions become more favorable for burning, surface and weather, leading to a mosaic of fire treatments
fires become progressively more active with spread at multiple scales in the ground, surface and, canopy
rates ranging on the order of tens of meters (yards) to strata (Ryan 2002).

Table A-1Representative ranges for fire behavior characteristics for ground, surface, and crown fires (from Ryan 2002).
Dominant Flame Fireline
combustion Rate of spread length intensity
Fire type phase General description (meters/minutes) (meters) (kW/meter)
Ground Smoldering Creeping 3.3E-4 to 1.6E-2 0.0 <10
Surface Flaming Creeping <3.0E-1 0.1-0.5 1.7E0-5.8E1
Active/Spreading 3.0E-1 to 8.3E0 0.5-1.5 5.8E1-6.3E2
Intense/ Running 8.3E0-5.0E1 1.5 to 3.0 6.3E2 to 2.8E3
Transition Flaming Passive crowning Variablea 3.0 to 10.0 Variablea
Crowning Flaming Active crowning 1.5E1 to 1.0E2 5.0 to 15b 1.0E4 to 1.0E5
Independent crowning Up to ca. 2.0E2 Up to ca.70b Up to ca. 2.7E6
Rates of spread, flame length and fireline intensity vary widely in transitional fires. In subalpine and boreal fuels it is common for surface fires to
creep slowly until they encounter conifer branches near the ground, then individual trees or clumps of trees torch sending embers ahead of the
main fire. These embers start new fires, which creep until they encounter trees, which then torch. In contrast, as surface fires become more intense,
torching commonly occurs prior to onset of active crowning. SI units to English units conversions: meters/minute x 3.28 = feet/minute, meters x
3.28 = feet, kW/meter x 0.2891 = BTU/ft.-s.
Flame lengths are highly variable in crown fires. They commonly range from 0.5 to 2 times canopy height. Fire managers commonly report much
higher flames but these are difficult to verify or model. Such extreme fires are unlikely to result in additional fire effects within a stand but are com-
monly associated with large patches of continuous severe burning.

56 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

A number of authors have broken the fire intensity boundaries. Also, it is important to recognize that
continuum into classes typically for purposes of clear there can be considerable variation in fire intensity
communication in the context of fire suppression activi- across small spatial distances as elements in the fire
ties (Alexander and Cole 1994; Alexander and de Groot environment change or multiple fire fronts converge.
1989; Andrews and Rothermel 1982; Rothermel and The appropriate use of a classification depends on the
Reinhardt 1983; Roussopoulos and Johnson 1975; Van spatial and temporal scale of concern (fig. 2-1). The
Wagner 1982). For similar reasons it is useful to break first-order effects on an artifact or feature depend on
the fire intensity continuum into classes for document- the intensity and depth of burn immediately adjacent
ing and communicating the effects of fire on ecosystem to the artifact or feature. The first-order effects to a
components (Ryan 2002) and cultural resources. Table site depend more on the modal fire intensity and depth
A-1 provides a descriptive classification of fire inten- of burn in the general area. The second-order effects
sity. Figures A-1.1 to A-1.5 provide a visual reference depend not only on the intensity and depth of burn
for intensity classes. As with all classifications, it is at the site (i.e., first-order drivers) but also the modal
important to recognize that there is some subjectivity condition of the surrounding landscape (e.g., erosion
when placing fires into a class, particularly near class potential) (fig. 2-22).


Figure A-1.1Fire intensity class 1: Creeping surface fires. Examples include: A. aspen, B. longleaf pine, C. ponderosa pine, spruce (note: fires often creep in black spruce forests igniting and torching trees leading to localized higher intensity and
spotting but the area is burned predominantly by creeping surface fires until the fire environment becomes dryer or windier).

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Figure A-1.1 (Continued)

58 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012


Figure A-1.2Fire intensity class 2: Active/Spreading Surface Fires. Examples include: A. southern pine
oak, B. ponderosa pine, C. jack pine, and D. mixed conifer (Douglas-fir ponderosa pine).

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Figure A-1.2 (Continued)

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Figure A-1.3Fire intensity class 3: Intense/Running

Surface Fires. Examples include: A. lodgepole pine,
B.mountain big sagebrush, C. Southern pine oak, and
D. pocosin pond pine woodland.

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Figure A-1.3 (Continued)

62 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012


Figure A-1.4Fire intensity class 4: Passive Crowning/Torching. Examples include: A. black

spruce, B. mixed conifer (lodgepole pine, ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir), C. individual lodgepole
pine tree torching, and D. clump of ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir trees torching.

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Figure A-1.4 (Continued)

64 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012


Figure A-1.5Fire intensity class 5:Active Crowning. Examples include A. Douglas-fir,

B.jack pine/black spruce, C. crown-fire in heavy chaparral, and D. black spruce white spruce.

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Figure A-1.5 (Continued)

66 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Fire Characteristics: Depth of Burn Classes areas caused visible damage. Mosses and leaves
are brown or yellow but species characteristics
Numerous authors have used measures of the depth of are still identifiable. Soil heating is negligible.
burn into the organic soil horizons or visual observation Scorched areas occur to varying degrees along the
of the degree of charring and consumption of plant ma- edges of more severely burned areas. As it occurs
terials to define fire severity for interpreting the effects on edges, the area within the scorched class is
of fire on soils, plants, and early succession (Conrad typically small (Dyrness and Norum 1983). Soil
and Poulton 1966; DeBano and others 1998; Dyrness effects are typically similar to those in unburned
and Norum 1983; Feller 1998; Johnson 1998; Miller areas. The scorched class may, however, have
1977; Morgan and Neuenschwander 1988; Ohmann utility in studies of micro-variation of fire effects.
and Grigal 1981; Rowe 1983; Ryan and Noste 1985; Light: In forests, the surface litter, mosses, and
Schimmel and Granstrm 1996;Viereck and Dyrness herbaceous plants are charred-to-consumed
1979; Viereck and Schandelmeier 1980; Zasada and but the underlying forest duff or organic soil is
others 1983). Depth of burn (DOB) is directly related unaltered. Fine dead twigs up to 0.6 cm (0.2 in)
to the duration of burning in woody fuels (Albini and are charred or consumed but larger branches re-
Reinhardt 1995; Anderson 1969) and duff (Frandsen main. Logs may be blackened but are not deeply
1991a, b; Johnson and Miyanishi 2001). In heteroge- charred except where two logs cross. Leaves
neous fuels, depth of burn can vary substantially over of understory shrubs and trees are charred or
short distances (e.g. beneath a shrub or tree canopy vs. consumed but fine twigs and branches remain.
the inter-canopy area, or beneath a log vs. not) (Ryan In non-forest vegetation, plants are similarly
and Frandsen 1991; Tunstall and others 1976). At the charred or consumed; herbaceous plant bases
spatial scale of a sample plot within a given fire, depth are not deeply burned and are still identifiable.
of burn can be classified on the basis of visual observa- Charring of the mineral soil is negligible. Light
tion of the degree of fuel consumption and charring DOB is associated with short duration fires either
on residual plant and soil surfaces (Ryan 2002; Ryan because of light fuel loads (i.e., low fuel mass per
and Noste 1985). unit area), high winds, moist fuels, or a combina-
Ryan and Noste (1985) summarized literature on tion of these three factors. Typical forest-floor
the relationships between depth of burn and the char- moisture contents associated with light DOB are
ring of plant materials. An adaptation of their table 2, litter (Oi) 15-25 percent and duff (Oe+Oa) greater
updated to reflect subsequent literature (DeBano and than 125 percent. Impacts on infiltration and
others 1998; Feller 1998; Moreno and Oechel 1989; runoff are typically minimal. Reduction in leaf
Prez and Moreno 1998) and experience, particularly area may decrease interception and evapotrans-
in peat and muck soils, is presented in table A-2. This piration but, as most soil-stored seeds, rhizomes,
table can be used as a field guide to classifying depth and other underground plant structures survive
of burn on small plots (e.g., quadrats). The larger the (Miller 2000; Ryan 2000), hydrologic recovery is
plot area being described by a single class, the more typically rapid. Other names associated with this
the rating will approach the modal condition for the class include low depth of burn and low soil burn
area and the less it will reflect finer scale variation, severity. Figure A-2.1 illustrates light depth of
which may be important for understanding the fire burn characteristics.
treatment effects on a particular cultural feature. A Moderate: In forests, the surface litter, mosses,
brief description of depth of burn characteristics is and herbaceous plants are consumed. Shallow
provided for clarification of subsequent discussion of duff layers are completely consumed and charring
fire effects: occurs in the top 1.2 cm (0.5 in) of the mineral
Unburned: Plant parts are green and unaltered; soil. Where deep duff layers or organic soils o ccur,
there is no direct effect from heat. The extent of they are deeply burned to completely consumed
unburned patches (mosaics) varies considerably resulting in deep char and ash deposits but the
within and between burns as the fire environ- texture and structure of the underlying mineral
ment (fuels, weather, and terrain) varies. Un- soil are not visibly altered. In uplands, trees of
burned patches are important rufugia for many late-successional, shallow-rooted species often
species and are a source of plants and animals topple or are left on root pedestals. Fine dead
for recolonization of adjacent burned areas. Soil twigs are completely consumed, larger branches
organic matter, structure, and infiltration rate and rotten logs are mostly consumed, and logs
are unchanged. are deeply charred. Burned-out stump holes and
Scorched: Fire did not burn the area, but radi- rodent middens are common. Leavesof under
ated or convected heat from adjacent burned story shrubs and trees are completely consumed.

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Table A-2Visual characteristics of depth of burn in forests, shrublands, and grasslands from observations of ground surface characteristics,
charring, and fuel consumption for unburned and light (Part A), moderate (Part B) and deep (Part C) classes (modified from Ryan
and Noste 1985; Ryan 2002; Neary and others 2005).

Vegetation type
Depth of burn Class Forests Shrublands Grasslands
Surface characteristics Fire did not burn on the surface.
Fuel characteristics Some vegetation injury may occur from radiated or convected heat resulting in an increase in dead fuel
Occurrence: A wide range exists in the percent unburned in natural fuels. Under marginal surface fire conditions, the
area may be >50%. Under severe burning conditions, <5% is unburned. Commonly, 10-20% of the area
in slash burns is unburned. Unburned patches provide refugia for flora and fauna.
Surface characteristics Leaf litter charred or consumed. Leaf litter charred or consumed, Leaf litter is charred or consumed
Upper duff charred but full depth but some leaf structure is but some plant parts are
not altered. Gray ash soon discernable. Leaf mold beneath discernable. Herbaceous stubble
becomes inconspicuous leaving shrubs is scorched to lightly extends above the soil surface.
a surface that appears lightly charred but not altered over its Some plant parts may still be
charred to black. entire depth. Where leaf mold standing, bases not deeply
is lacking, charring is limited to burned, and still recognizable
<0.2 cm (0.1 in) into mineral soil. Surface is black after fire but this
Some gray ash may be present soon becomes inconspicuous.
but soon becomes inconspicuous Charring is limited to <0.2 cm
leaving a blackened surface (0.1) into the soil.
beneath shrubs.
Fuel characteristics Herbaceous plants and foliage Typically, some leaves and twigs Typically, 50 to 90% of
and fine twigs of woody remain on plants and <60% herbaceous fuels are consumed
shrubs and trees are charred of brush canopy is consumed. and much of the remaining fuel is
to consumed but twigs and Foliage is largely consumed charred.
branches >0.6cm (0.2 in) remain. whereas fine twigs and branches
Coarser branches and woody >0.5 cm (0.2 in) remain.
debris are scorched to lightly
charred but not consumed. Logs
are scorched to blackened but
not deeply charred. Rotten wood
is scorched to partially burned.
Occurrence Light DOB commonly occurs on In shrublands where fine fuels Burns are spotty to uniform,
10-100 percent of the burned are continuous, light DOB occurs depending on grass continuity.
area in natural fuels and 45- on 10-100% depending on fine Light DOB occurs in grasslands
75% in slash fuels. Low values fuel moisture and wind. Where when soil moisture is high, fuels
are associated with marginal fine fuels are limited, burns are are sparse, or fires burn under
availability of fine fuels whereas irregular and spotty at low wind high wind. This is the dominant
high values are associated with speeds. Moderate to high winds type of burning in most upland
continuous fine fuels or wind- are required for continuous grasslands.
driven fires. burns.

Surface characteristics In upland forests, litter is In upland shrublands, litter is In upland grasslands, litter is
consumed and duff deeply consumed. Where present, consumed. Charring extends to
charred or consumed, mineral leaf mold deeply charred or <0.5 cm (0.2 in) into mineral soil,
soil not visibly altered but soil consumed. Charring 1 cm (0.4in) otherwise soil not altered. Gray
organic matter has been partially into mineral soil, otherwise soil or white ash quickly disappears.
pyrolyzed (charred) to a depth not altered. Gray or white ash In grasslands, sedge meadows
>1.0cm (0.4 in). Grey or white quickly disappears. In shrub- and prairies growing on organic
ash persists until leached by rain scrub wetlands growing on soils moderate DOB fires partially
or redistributed by rain or wind. In organic soils, moderate DOB fires burn the root-mat but not the
forests growing on organic soils, partially burn the root-mat but not underlying peat or muck.
moderate DOB fires partially the underlying peat or muck.
burn the root-mat but not the
underlying peat or muck.

68 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Table A-2Continued

Vegetation type
Depth of burn Class Forests Shrublands Grasslands
Fuel characteristics Herbaceous plants, low woody Herbaceous plants are consumed Herbaceous plants are consumed
shrubs, foliage and woody to the ground-line. Foliage and to the ground-line.
debris <2.5 cm (1 in) diameter branches of shrubs are mostly
consumed. Branch-wood 2.5to consumed. Stems <1 cm (0.4 in)
7.5 cm (1-3 in) 90+ percent diameter are mostly consumed.
consumed. Skeletons of larger Stems >1 cm (0.4 in) mostly
shrubs persist. Logs are deeply remain.
charred. Shallow-rooted, late
successional trees and woody
shrubs typically topple or are left
on pedestals . Burned-out stump
holes are common.

Occurrence Moderate DOB occurs on Moderate DOB varies with shrub Moderate DOB tends to occur
0-100% of natural burned areas cover, age, and dryness. It when soil moisture is low and
and typically 10-75% on slash typically occurs beneath larger fuels are continuous. Then
burns. High variability is due to shrubs and increases with shrub burns tend to be uniform. In
variability in distributions of duff cover. Typically, burns are more discontinuous fuels high winds
depth and woody debris. uniform than in light DOB fires. are required for high coverage in
moderate DOB.
Surface characteristics In forests growing on mineral soil, In shrublands growing on mineral In grasslands growing on mineral
the litter and duff are completely soil, the litter is completely soil, the litter is completely
consumed. The top layer of consumed leaving a fluffy consumed leaving a fluffy
mineral soil visibly altered. white ash surface that soon white ash surface that soon
Surface mineral soil structure disappears. Organic matter is disappears. Charring to depth of
and texture are altered and soil consumed to depths of 2-3 cm 1 cm (0.4 in) in mineral soil. Soil
is oxidized (reddish to yellow (0.8-1.2 in). Colloidal structure of structure is slightly altered. In
depending on parent material). surface mineral soil is altered. In grasslands growing on organic
Below oxidized zone, >1 cm shrub-scrub wetlands growing on soils, deep DOB fires burn the
(0.4cm) 2of mineral soil appears organic soils deep DOB fires burn root-mat and the underlying peat
black due to charred or deposited the root-mat and the underlying or muck to depths that vary with
organic material. Fusion of soil peat or muck to depths that vary the water table.
may occur under heavy woody with the water table.
fuel concentrations. In forests
growing on organic soils, deep
DOB fires burn the root-mat and
the underlying peat or muck to
depths that vary with the water

Fuel characteristics In uplands, twigs and small In uplands, twigs and small All above ground fuel is
branches are completely branches are completely consumed to charcoal and ash.
consumed. Few large, deeply consumed. Large branches and
charred branches remain. stems are mostly consumed. In
Sound logs are deeply charred wetlands twigs, branches, and
and rotten logs are completely stems not burned in the surface
consumed. In wetlands twigs, fire may remain even after
branches, and stems not burned subsequent passage of a ground
in the surface fire may remain fire.
even after subsequent passage
of a ground fire.

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Figure A-2.1Light depth of burn. A. sagebrush-grass (mixture of light depth-of-burn (DOB) beneath sagebrush and unburned
grass), Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest, Montana; B. ninebark mountain shrub community (mixture of light with some
moderate under denser shrubs), Lolo National Forest, Montana; C. pocosin pond pine woodland, Dare County Bombing Range,
North Carolina; D. feather moss, Tetlan National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska (transitions to moderate DOB on left); E. glacier lilies
growing from just beneath lightly charred lodgepole pine duff, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (lethal heat penetration into soil
<5 mm (0.2 in.) as evidenced by tissue regrowth); F. sagebrush grass, Bridger-Teton National Forest, Wyoming; G. ponderosa
pine (note litter charred but underlying fermentation uncharred; H. following crown fire in jack pine-black spruce in Northwest Ter-
ritories, Canada (note logs not charred on bottom, surface needles blackened but not consumed); I. light logging slash, Mt. Hood
National Forest, Oregon (note logs and surface litter blackened but not deeply charred, much fine woody debris was unconsumed).

70 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Figure A-2.1 (Continued)

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Figure A-2.1 (Continued)

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Figure A-2.1 (Continued)

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Figure A-2.1 (Continued)

to yellow. Surface soil texture is altered and, in

Fine twigs and branches of shrubs are mostly con-
extreme cases, fusion of particles occurs. A black
sumed (this effect decreases with height above the
band of charred organic matter 1 to 2 cm (0.4 to
ground), and only the larger stems remain. Shrub
0.8 in) thick occurs at variable depths below the
stems frequently burn off at the base during the
surface. The depth of this band increases with the
ground fire phase leaving residual aerial stems
duration of extreme heating. The temperatures
that were not consumed in the flaming phase
associated with oxidized mineral soil are typical
lying on the ground. In non-forest vegetation,
of those associated with flaming >500 C (>932
plants are similarly consumed, herbaceous plant
F) rather than smoldering <500 C (<932 F).
bases are deeply burned and unidentifiable. In
Thus, deep depth of burn typically only occurs
shrublands, average char-depth of the mineral soil
where woody fuels burn for extended duration
is on the order of less than 1 cm (0.4 in) but soil
such as beneath individual logs or concentrations
texture and structure are not noticeably altered.
of woody debris, and in harvester ant mounds and
Charring may extend 2 to 3 cm (0.8 to 1.2 in)
litter-filled burned-out stump holes. Moisture
beneath shrubs where deep litter and duff were
content of logs >3 in (7.6 cm) diameter is typically
consumed. Typical forest-floor moisture contents
<10 percent. Representative forest-floor moisture
associated with moderate DOB are litter (Oi) 10 to
contents associated with deep depth of burn are
20 percent and duff (Oe+Oa) less than 75 percent.
litter (Oi) less than 15 percent and duff (Oe+Oa)
The depth at which plant tissues are killed and
less than 30 percent. In areas with deep organic
hydrophobic layers are formed increases with
soils, deep depth-of-burn occurs when ground
the depth of the organic horizon, or log diameter,
fires consume the root-mat or burn beneath the
consumed. Ash depth also increases with depth of
root-mat. Trees often topple in the direction
duff consumed. Figure A-2.2 illustrates moderate
from which the smoldering fire front approached
depth of burn characteristics.
(Artsybashev 1983; Hungerford and others 1995;
Deep: In forests growing on mineral soil, the
Wein 1983). Other names associated with this
surface litter, mosses, herbaceous plants, shrubs,
class include high depth of burn, severe burn,
and woody branches are completely consumed.
and high soil burn severity. We prefer the term
Sound logs are consumed or deeply charred. Rot-
deep as it better reflects the physical process
ten logs and stumps are consumed. The top layer
of heat penetration into the soil. Figure A-2.3
of the mineral soil is visibly oxidized, reddish
illustrates deep depth of burn classes.

74 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

The moderate depth of burn class is a broad class. an approach to classifying the level of fire treatment
Some investigators have chosen to divide the class into or severity for ecological studies at the scale of the
two classes (c.f. Feller 1998). In practice we have found individual and the community. The approach has
it difficult to do so on the basis of post-hoc examination been used to interpret differences in plant survival
of the mineral soil alone, but rely on the preponder- and regeneration (Smith and Fischer 1997; Willard
ance of the evidence, which includes reconstructing and others 1995) and to field-validate satellite-based
the prefire vegetative structure. The depth-of-burn maps of burned areas (White and others 1996). The
characteristics are appropriate for quadrat-level de- matrix has been used to develop a conceptual model
scriptions. At higher spatial scales, logic needs to be of post-fire regeneration potential (Ryan 2002) and
developed for defining fire severity on the basis of the potential impacts on soils and watersheds (Neary and
distribution of depth of burn classes (c.f. DeBano and others 2005). The Ryan and Noste (1985) conceptual
others 1998; Ryan and Noste 1985). model of fire severity can also be used and as a means
of documenting the level of fire treatment in prescribed
Fire Severity Matrix fires and wildfires for the purposes of evaluating the
effects of fire on cultural resources (table A-3). Other
Ryan and Noste (1985) combined fire intensity investigators have developed similar classifications
classes with depth of burn (char) classes to develop (c.f., DeBano and others 1998; Jane and others 2009)
a two-dimensional matrix approach to defining fire with somewhat different class definitions. However,
severity. The basis for these characteristics is that they all employ similar logic in that the rate of organic
fire-intensity classes qualify the relative energy re- matter consumption (represented by rate of energy
lease rate for a fire, whereas depth-of-burn classes release in fire intensity classes) and the magnitude
qualify the relative duration of burning. Their concept of organic matter consumption (represented in depth
focuses on the ecological work performed by fire both of burn classes) affect numerous ecosystem states and
above ground and below ground. The matrix provides processes.

Figure A-2.2Moderate depth of burn. A. complete duff consumption aspen-mixed conifer Bridger-Teton National Forest,
Wyoming; B. complete duff consumption aspen, Caribou National Forest, Idaho; C. complete duff consumption beneath white ash,
light DOB in blackened areas, Douglas-fir, Lubrecht Experimental Forest, Montana; D. Sagebrush grass Yellowstone National Park,
Wyoming (moderate DOB mid ground, elsewhere lite DOB and unburned); E-F. following a crown-fire in jack pine black spruce
Northwest Territories, Canada (note litter consumed to white ash but underlying fermentation and humus not altered (light DOB)
except where residual burning of crossed logs (E) resulted in moderate DOB (F) where duff and logs were completely consumed
at their intersection; G. moderate depth of burn on an extremely fragile high elevation site (obsidian-derived soil, no vascular plants
survived or colonized 1 year after 1988 North Fork Fire, a crown-fire/moderate depth-of-burn fire, Moose Creek Research Natural
Area, Targee, National Forest, Idaho); H. Douglas-fir duff mostly consumed but underlying mineral soil not visibly altered and logs
charred, Willamette National Forest, Oregon.

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Figure A-2.2 (Continued)

76 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Figure A-2.2 (Continued)

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Figure A-2.2 (Continued)

78 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Figure A-2.2 (Continued)

Figure A-2.3Deep depth of burn class. A. charred, black layer beneath oxidized soil and ash; B. charred, black layer
beneath oxidized soil and ash plus deeply charred log; C. charred, black layer beneath oxidized soil; D. 20 cm (8 in.) duff
pin (nail) documented duff consumption next to a partially rotten log that burned out. Deep ash deposits are occasionally
mistaken for oxidized mineral soil. Ash is fine and powdery when dry and slick and greasy when wet whereas oxidized
soil retains pebbles and granularity. The black zone corresponds roughly with the depth at which 250 C (482 F) was
maintained in the soil profile. E. deeply burned soil and western larch stem resulting from burnout of heavy concentration
of coarse woody debris, Lolo, National Forest, Montana; F. reburned forest (note: second fire consumed logs created by
first fire leading to deep DOB (light color) whereas intervening areas had little residual fuel and less soil heating (dark
color); G. ponderosa pine stump-hole and log burn-out (note: localized deep DOB where stump and log burned out,
otherwise light DOB and unburned except moderate DOB where duff mounds burned-out beneath old pine (not shown).

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Figure A-2.3 (Continued)

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Figure A-2.3 (Continued)

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Figure A-2.3 (Continued)

82 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Table A-3Fire severity matrix for evaluating and documenting the effects of fire on cultural resources. Fire intensity classes relate
to the heat pulse up and the potential to damage above ground cultural resources (artifacts) and those exposed on
the pre-fire surface of the ground. Depth of burn classes relate to the heat pulse down and the potential to damage
cultural resources in the soil.a
Fire severity matrix for cultural resources
Depth of burn class
Fire intensity
class Unburned Light Moderate Deep
Crowning Limited to transition Common occurrence in Common occurrence in Common in forests
zone between early-season fires when forests with moderate with deep duff (>10cm
burned and humus is wet (>120%), duff depths (5 to 10cm [3.9in]) or heavy CWD.
unburned. Above in undisturbed wetlands [2-3.9 in]) and duff High energy release
ground resources with high water table, and moisture <50%. Above- rate and long residence
may be damaged in areas with exposed ground CR exposed to time associated with
by radiant heat or mineral soil. Above-ground high temperatures for short deep depth of burn
combustion deposits and surface CR exposed duration and combustion leads to maximum
(tar, soot, etc.). to high temperatures deposits. Severe damage potential damage to
for short duration and is common to all exposed both above and below
combustion deposits. CR and artifacts in top ground CR. Available fuel
Damage restricted to 5cm (2 in) of the ground. approximately equals
exposed CR and top 1 cm total fuel. Damage may
(0.4 in) in soil. extend to artifacts in top
10 cm (3.9 in) of mineral
soil. Loss of canopy
interception, deep soil
heating, and heavy ash
increase potential for post-
fire erosion.

Torching See above See above. The primary See above. The primary See above. The primary
distinction is in the spatial distinction is in the spatial distinction is in the spatial
scale uniformity of heating scale uniformity of heating scale uniformity of heating
to exposed CR. to exposed CR. to exposed CR.

Intense See above. Common in fire Common in fire Common in fire

running Damaging distance environments where heavy environments where heavy environments where heavy
surface fire from burned edge surface fuel loadings burn surface fuel loadings surface fuel loadings burn
is less due to lower under low humidity and burn under low humidity under low humidity and
intensity. moderate to strong winds and moderate to strong moderate to strong winds
and when duff is shallow winds and where duff is and where duff is deep
(<5 cm [2 in]) or moist moderately deep (5 to (>10 cm [3.9 in]) and dry
(>120%) and where over- 10cm [2-3.9 in]) and dry (duff moisture <80 %, once
story stratum is sparse or (duff moisture <50 %). ignited peat soil and deep
vertical fuel continuity is Often occurs in head-fires organic soils may burn up
poor due to high crown and on the flanks of crown to 120% moisture content),
base height. Effect of CR fires. Damage common to and beneath rotten logs.
similar to above except exposed CR <5 m (16ft) Often occurs in head-fires
that height of thermal above the ground and and on the flanks of crown
damage restricted to < 5 artifacts in top 5 cm of fires. Damage common
meters (16 feet) above mineral soil. to exposed CR <5 m
ground. Damage restricted (16ft) above the ground
to exposed CR and top and artifacts in top 10 cm
1cm in soil. (3.9in) of mineral soil.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 83

Table A-3Continued
Fire severity matrix for cultural resources
Depth of burn class
Fire intensity
class Unburned Light Moderate Deep
Actively Edge effect Common in numerous Common in numerous Common in numerous
spreading intermediate fire environments where fire environments where fire environments where
surface fire between above and surface fuels support surface fuels support surface fuels support
below active burning. Effects on active burning. Effects on active burning and duff is
CR intermediate to above CR intermediate to above deep (5-to-10 cm deep
and below. Less thermal and below. Less thermal (>10 cm [3.9 in]) and
effects than above, residue effects than above, residue moderately dry (<80%
deposits possible to deposits possible to once ignited peat soil
exposed CR at the surface exposed CR at the surface and deep organic soils
or <4 meters (13 feet). or <4 meters (13 feet). may burn up to 120%
Thermal damage restricted Thermal damage restricted moisture content), and
to exposed CR near the to exposed CR near the beneath rotten logs.
surface (<2 meters [6.5 surface (<2 meters [6 feet] Thermal damage common
feet] above ground) and above ground) and top 5 to exposed CR near the
top 1 cm (0.4 in) in soil. cm (2 in) in soil. surface (<2meters [6
feet] above ground) and
artifacts in top 10 cm (3.9
in) of mineral soil.

Creeping Edge effect on Common under marginal Common under marginal Common under marginal
surface fire exposed surface burning conditions due to burning conditions due burning conditions due to
artifacts limited to a sparse fine fuels or high to sparse fine fuels or sparse fine fuels or high
few millimeters. humidity, and in backing high humidity, and in humidity, and in backing
fires. Thermal damage backing fires where duff is fires where duff is >10
restricted to exposed CR intermediate (5-to 10 cm cm (3.9 in) deep and
near the surface and top 1 deep [2-3.9 in]) and dry moderately dry (<80%),
cm in soil. (<50%). Thermal damage and beneath rotten logs.
common to exposed CR Thermal damage common
near the surface and to exposed CR near the
artifacts in top 5 cm (2 in) surface and artifacts in top
of soil. 10 cm of mineral soil.

Unburned No direct effect of NA NA NA

fire on CR at the
fine scale. Isolates
unaffected. The burn
mosaic may alter the
visual character and
experience of the
cultural landscape
Typically, the burn- no-burn boundary is mineral soil surface in upland forests, woodlands, shrublands, and grasslands. In wetlands and temperate old-growth forests
with deep organic soils, fires may burn vertically until they reach a moisture limit around 100% on an oven dry basis.

84 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Trisha Rude
Anne Trinkle Jones

Chapter 3:
Fire Effects on Prehistoric Ceramics

In North America, prehistoric pottery is primarily

earthenware (a porous ceramic, fired at a relatively
low temperature). It is not glass-like or dense like
other kinds of pottery such as stoneware and por-
celain (see chapter 6).
Instead of looking at whole vessels (fig.3-1), archae-
ologists often examine broken pieces of pottery called
sherds (fig.3-2) to gain information about people who
lived in the past (Colton 1953; Rye 1981; Shepard
1956). Fire can affect prehistoric ceramics in a variety
of ways. Archaeologists are primarily concerned with
fires effects on the information value of these arti-
facts. Such damages include physical degradations
such as spalling and crumbling, as well as changes
to surface color and design (fig. 3-3). These effects
can hamper identification of pottery types. Fire
may also affect certain laboratory analyses, such as
petrography, and dating by thermoluminescence.
The extent to which sherds are affected by heat
and flame depends on fire intensity, duration, and
a number of environmental factors. The materials
from which ceramics are created, the ways in which
clay vessels are produced, and the uses to which they Figure 3-1Complete, intact pitchers such as this are typi-
are put also affect the reaction of pottery to fire. The cally found in museum settings or archaeological excava-
depositional environment of discarded pottery plays tions and unlikely to be exposed at the surface and subject
a final important role in influencing fires impact. to damage from fire.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 85

Most research on fire effects on ceramics focuses
on the visual appearance of potsherds. Less work has
been done to determine the range of fire effects on
analytical properties. Most studies are conducted
in the aftermath of wildfires without the benefit
of pre-burn comparative data. Still, work that has
been done suggests that fire can affect the appear-
ance of potsherds without preventing identification.
Fire effects on various technical analyses are not well
understood. More controlled and comparative research
is needed to predict fire effects on the identification
and analysis of various earthenware ceramics.

Materials and Mechanics of Pottery

To understand the effects fire can have on pottery,
one must consider how pottery is made, what material
it is made from, how it is used, and in what environ-
ment it is eventually deposited. Fire may differently
affect pottery that is made from various clay types or
built and fired by different methods. Certain kinds of
decorative paint may be more vulnerable to fire than
others. Ceramic vessels used for cooking may be dif-
ferently affected than other kinds of pottery. The soil
conditions to which discarded potsherds are exposed
can influence potential fire effects.

Figure 3-2Typical pottery sherds that might be found in

surface deposits and subject to thermal alteration, sootting, or
mechanical damage during fire or fire management activities.

Figure 3-3Pottery sherds including a ladle handle (above ruler) and bowl
fragments found at the surface following the 2002 Long Mesa fire, Mesa Verde
National Park, Colorado (Buenger 2003).

86 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Pottery as Raw Material Prehistoric potters added sand, ground rock, shell,
or crushed pottery sherds to the clay they used. These
The primary raw material of pottery is clay (sedi- additives, known as temper, had the same benefits
ments eroded from silicate rocks). Clays can be col- as naturally occurring non-clay inclusions: they mini-
lected as sedimentary rock (shale or mudstone) or loose mized stickiness, increased strength, and decreased
sediment. Both types of clay are commonly ground shrinkage. Some clays (self-tempered clays) contained
into a fine powder before being used for pottery. They enough non-clay inclusions that pottery makers did not
can exist in situ, in the area of their parent rock, and need to add temper. Variations in clay raw material,
called primary clays (Rice 1987). Clays can also exist natural inclusions, and the make-up of added temper
ex situ, carried by wind or water and redeposited in are important factors in understanding potterys reac-
areas such as riverbeds. These clays are called second- tion to heat and open flame.
ary or transported clays (Rice 1987). Clay particles
also can be re-cemented to form sedimentary rocks.
Shales and mudstones are examples of sedimentary
Vessel Formation and Preparation for
rocks that may contain a percentage of re-cemented Firing
clay sediments. Shepard (1956: appendix E) discusses prehistoric
Clay particles are extremely small in size, generally methods of vessel formation in North America. She
less than two microns in diameter. Most clays have writes that potters shaped vessels by modeling, mold-
specific mineral structures, categorized as hydrous ing, piece building, or a combination of techniques.
aluminum silicates. The mineralogy and small par- Potters wheels were not used prehistorically. Modeled
ticle size of clays make them workable (Rice 1987). pottery could be crafted from a single lump of clay or
This means that, when mixed with water, clays can shaped from one thick clay ring. Molded pottery was
be formed to a shape that holds upon drying. formed by shaping clay around a certain form, such as
Non-clay materials such as sand, silt, organic matter, an already fired vessel. Piece-built pottery, on the other
and mineral impurities are generally found mixed with hand, was made by adding together coils or patches of
clay sediments. Organic materials are more common clay (fig. 3-4). Such vessels could be smoothed with a
in transported clays than in primary clays. Primary stone or a paddle-and-anvil tool. Coil-built pots could
clays may contain more coarse-grained fragments of be corrugated, their coils left unsmoothed. Vessel-
the parent rock (Rice 1987). A potter may sieve or sort forming techniques could be combined in a number
through the clay collected to remove coarse-grained of ways. For example, a vessels base could be molded
sands and gravel, as well as visible organic matter. while its walls were formed with coils. The way in
Fine-grained sands, silts, organics, and mineral inclu- which pottery was made may affect how it is altered
sions, however, generally remain with the clay used by fire. For example, fire sometimes separates the coils
for pottery production. These can benefit the pottery- in corrugated pottery sherds (Lissoway and Propper
making process by preventing clays from becoming 1990; Switzer 1974).
sticky and difficult to work. These non-clay inclusions The shape and thickness of vessels varied somewhat
can also decrease shrinkage upon drying, increase the according to the potters intended use. Vessels used for
strength of a vessel, and provide pottery with color.

Figure 3-4Schematic illustrating the making of a clay pot from ribbons.

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cooking needed to survive continual exposure to small amount of available oxygen will fluctuate; temperature
cooking fires. Thin-walled vessels were more suited to will rise quickly and fall quickly. The heating atmo-
the task; they could withstand thermal shock, a stress sphere and temperature of pottery fired in a pit are
caused by heating and cooling (Rice 1987). When ex- more constant, and firing lasts longer than it does in
posed to flame, the outer walls of a pot would heat more open flame. Kilns, not as frequently used in prehistoric
quickly than the inner walls and expand at a faster North America, provide the steadiest, hottest, and
rate. In thin walled vessels, differential expansion was longest lasting firing conditions.
minimal and damage less likely to occur. Thin-walled The type of fuel used for firing also influences the
vessels also conducted heat well and allowed food to firing environment. Grass, for example, burns more
be cooked more quickly. Vessels exclusively used for quickly than most types of wood; wood, in turn, burns
storage, however, did not need to withstand continual faster than coal. Slow-burning fuels may hold high
thermal shock and could be made thicker. Since sherds temperatures for longer time periods, allowing clay to
of differing thickness react differently to thermal shock, react more fully to heating conditions. Depending on
fire may affect sherds from storage vessels differently firing methods and fuels used, firing can last as little
than sherds from cooking pot ceramics. as an hour or as long as a week.
Variation in wall thickness may also occur within a The composition of clay material and the proportion
single vessel. This is particularly true of paddle-and- of clay to additives, also influence clays reaction to
anvil shaped pottery. Since thermal shock is caused by firing. In extreme circumstances, clay cannot survive
differential rates of heating and cooling, paddle-and- firing; it will crack, bloat, or spall. This may be caused
anvil shaped vessels may be particularly vulnerable by a flaw in the clay material, vessel form, or firing
to fire. atmosphere. Changes to pottery, including damaging
Variables other than wall thickness may affect pot- effects, occur at certain temperatures, dependant on
terys vulnerability to fire. Culinary sherds, often more clay composition, firing environment, and duration of
coarsely tempered than other ceramics, may become heat.
friable when exposed to flame (Pilles 1984). One of the first changes to pottery during intentional
firing is water evaporation, often referred to as wa-
Decoration ter smoking. When heated to 100 C (212 F), water
loosely bound to the surface of clay particles begins
Pottery can be decorated before or after firing with to evaporate. Between 300 and 800 C (572-1472 F),
the use of organic or mineral paint. Organic or carbon- depending on clay type, water chemically bound to
based paints are generally derived from plant extracts, clay molecules also evaporates. If water loss occurs too
while mineral paints include iron oxides, manganese quickly, the force of water that escapes as steam may
ores and some clay minerals (Shepard 1956). Pottery cause a vessel to crack or explode. Sometimes potters
can also be intentionally smudged black with exposure preheat their vessels to avoid rapid water loss during
to smoke. Before firing, a slip (a coating made from a open firing (Rye 1981).
thin solution of clay and water) can also be added to The next stage in the firing process is the burning
the surface of a vessel. Pieces of clay can be attached off, or oxidation, of organic matter in the clay mate-
to pottery as appliqu designs or to create legs and rial. This reaction, in which carbon joins with oxygen
handles. Glaze paints (substances that vitrify when to form carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gas,
fired and turn to glass) were also used for decoration begins to occur between 200 and 350 C (392-662 F).
prehistorically. Glazes, however, were not used as The length of time it takes for all organic material to
sealants to coat vessels. oxidize depends on the temperature, the amount of
Fires impact on pottery decoration is of concern to carbon present, and the availability of oxygen in the
archaeologists who use decorative design as a criterion firing atmosphere. Often some carbon is left unoxidized
for identifying potsherds. This impact of fire can vary by firing. The dark core, known to some archaeologists
according to the way in which clay vessels have been as a carbon streak, is visible in cross-sections of
decorated. some pottery sherds. It testifies to incomplete carbon
oxidation during intentional firing, although it may
Clay Firing be produced by later wildfires (Ryan, personal com-
munication, 4/4/2001).
Ceramics are the products of heating clay in an open
Between 400 and 850 C (752-1562 F), clay minerals
fire, firing pit, or kiln. By looking at changes that oc-
are heated nearly to their melting point. During this
cur to clay during heating, one can infer what changes
stage of firing, water chemically bound to clay is lost
may later occur to pottery exposed to fire (table 3-1).
and clay particles ionically adhere to each other. This
The way in which clay is fired determines the at-
irreversible process of adhesion, known as sintering,
mosphere, temperature, and duration of heating to
causes pottery to become hard and dense. It is the
which pottery is subjected. In open firing (fig. 3-5), the

88 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Table 3-1Stages of firing and other changes due to heating.
Temp (C) Temp (F) Changes to ceramics
100-200 212-392 Evaporation of loosely bound water.a
200-350 392-662 Decomposition of organics.b
300-800 572-1472 Water chemically bound to clay molecules evaporates. c
350 662 Carbon paint burns off (Bennett and Kunzmann 1985).
400-850 752-1562 Clay minerals undergo sintering.a
500 932 Organic matter oxidizes.c
500-800 932-1472 Minimum temperature for effective firing of pottery
(varies according to clay type).a
573 1063.4 Molecular change: Alpha-beta inversion of quartz,
causing quartz inclusions to expand slightly;
couldtheoretically cause structural damage.c
800 1472 Most iron minerals will oxidize by the time this
temperature is reached.d
750-870 1382-1598 CaCO3 (calcium carbonate) dissociates to form CO2 gas
(carbon dioxide) and CaO (calcium oxide). CaO bonds
with water to form Ca(OH)2 (quicklime).a,c
870 1598 Mineralogical change: Beta quartz becomes tridymite, a
very slow reaction that rarely occurs in clay firing.c
900-1100 1652-2012 Clay begins to vitrify, melting and forming glass. This
process is often aided by fluxing agents. Vitrification
creates loss of pore space and a glassy texture. a,c
Above 1200 Above 2192 Gases formed during vitrification (without fluxing agents)
will restore pore space and may cause bloating.c
Rye (1981)
Ryan (2001)
Rice (1987)
Shepard (1956)

Figure 3-5Firing of a clay pot over an open fire.

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most essential reaction for making pottery; without 4/4/2001). Thus, wildfires may cause more damage
it, clay can regain water and lose its shape. The exact to pottery sherds than prehistoric firing of vessels,
temperature required for sintering to occur varies ac- but it seems unlikely due to the short duration. This
cording to clay type and duration of firing. may warrant some additional research.
If firing temperature exceeds 900 C (1652 F), clay Calcium carbonate (CaCO3), in the form of crushed
minerals can melt to form glass. Glass is a material shell or limestone, is sometimes added to clay as tem-
with no molecular structure, formed from a molten per. This mineral also naturally occurs in some clay
solid. The process in which clay melts and becomes deposits. At temperatures between 750 and 870C
glass is known as vitrification; it is often aided by (1382-1598F), calcium carbonate disassociates to
inclusions that lower clays melting point (Rice 1987). form carbon dioxide gas (CO2) and calcium oxide
Such inclusions, known as fluxing agents, are present (CaO). Once this reaction occurs, CaO, also known
in most raw clays and include alkaline earths, alkalis, as lime, bonds with water to form calcium hydroxide
and ferrous oxides (Shepard 1956). With vitrification, (Ca(OH)2), a large crystal known as quicklime. The
ceramics lose their porosity, shrink, and obtain a glass- formation of quicklime may cause miniature spalling
like texture. As temperatures increase above clays in the walls of a vessel (Rye 1981).
melting point, new minerals crystallize from molten Iron occurs naturally in many types of clay. At about
clay (Rice 1987). If very high temperatures are reached, 600 C (1112 F), iron may react with oxygen to form
vitrified pottery can appear bloated or warped, with a new compounds that make pottery red in color. This
sponge-like texture and blistered surface (Rye 1981). reaction, called oxidation, occurs only when sufficient
oxygen is available in the firing environment. At about
900 C (1652 F), if oxygen is not significantly present,
Firing Effects on Non-Clay iron takes on a reduced form, turning black or gray
Inclusions_______________________ (Rye 1981). Post-firing exposure to heat in the absence
of oxygen may cause iron reduction in pottery sherds.
Firing changes non-clay particles in ceramic mate-
However, this temperature is rarely reached during
rial. These may be naturally occurring inclusions in
wildfire, except under certain conditions (for example,
clay raw material, additives, or temper for example.
the burn-out of a stump) (Ryan, personal communi-
Common inclusions consist of quartz (often sand tem-
cation, 4/4/2001). Post-firing exposure to heat in the
per), calcium carbonate (CaCO3, often crushed shell or
presence of oxygen may cause additional oxidation
limestone), iron (generally naturally occurring), and
and reddening of ceramics.
crushed pottery sherds (as temper).
At about 573 C (1053.4 F), quartz undergoes a
change in molecular structure that causes it to expand Pottery Use and Post-Depositional Changes
by 2 percent volume (Rice 1987; Shepard 1956). This Once a vessel survived firing, it could be used to
alteration is known as the inversion from alpha to beta meet a variety of needs. Utility vessels could be used
quartz. Rice (1987) writes that quartz expansion does for cooking food, storing water, keeping dry goods, or
not often cause damage to pottery because it occurs boiling pigment for dye. Ceramic bowls could be used
simultaneously with water loss, which creates more as dishes, and clay ladles used for serving food. The
pore space. Damage is more likely to occur during later specific use of pottery may have changed its appear-
cooling when beta quartz reverts to its original form. ance. Painted decorations could fade with continual
As this happens, quartz particles sometimes shatter use. Storage pots accrued traces of the materials they
and cause tiny cracks within the pottery. These small held. Vessels used for cooking accumulated carbon on
cracks decrease the strength of the fired vessel, making their exterior surface and possibly carbonized food
it easier to break. remains within their interiors (Rye 1981).
The temperature required for quartz inversion Carbonization caused by cooking fires resembles in
(573C, 1063 F) is certainly within the range tentional smudging for decoration and post-depositional
obtained by prehistoric firing. However, Shepard smudging caused by wildfires and prescription burns.
(1956) writes that she never observed shattered Decorative smudging may only be distinguished from
quartz grains in her petrographic analyses of other types of smudging if striations caused by the
North American pottery sherds. She suggests that use of a polishing stone are present on top of the layer
temperatures were not maintained long enough for of carbon. Smudging caused by cooking fires may be
the reaction to occur or that the softness of heated indistinguishable from smudging caused by wildfires
clay prevented quartz from shattering. Wildfires or prescription burns.
may subject pottery sherds to this temperature or After pottery is used and discarded, it is exposed to a
higher, but the duration will most likely be of very variety of factors that cause change (figs. 3-6, 3-7). These
short duration (Ryan, personal communication, post-depositional changes include the accumulation

90 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Figure 3-6Corrugated vessel illustrating natural weathering and cracking.

Figure 3-7Neck of a broken vessel naturally weathered.

of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) on the surface of pot- Exposure to acidic soil and plant roots can cause cer-
sherds; whether or not CaCO3 collects within the tain elements, such as alkali metals, calcium, sodium,
pore space of sherds is still debated (Rice 1987). If zinc, cobalt, and barium, to leach from ceramics (Rice
wildfires reach temperatures over 750 C (1382 F), 1987). In some environments, sherds might also accu-
the possible dissociation of calcium carbonate and the mulate a layer of adhering salt. These post-depositional
formation of quicklime may cause structural damage changes to pottery may be the final alterations that
to ceramics. affect wildfires influence.

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Fire Effects Research_____________ when heated to temperatures above 350 C (662 F) in
a laboratory experiment; mineral paint requires higher
Research concerning fire effects on ceramics falls temperatures to burn off. Shepard (1956) discusses an
into two categories: fire effects on appearance and oxidation test for distinguishing between black organic
fire effects on analytical properties. Fire can change and iron paints on potsherds. In this test, hydrofluoric
the visual appearance of pottery in a number of ways, acid is applied to loosen the paint from clay. Sherds
including smoke-blackening, spalling, oxidation and are then heated to 800 C (1472 F). According to
burn-off of decorative paint. Archaeologists are most Shepard, organic paint will burn off in this test while
concerned with how visual impacts may affect pottery iron paint will oxidize and turn red. Wildfires and hot
identification, although lab processing and analysis prescription burns may have similar effects, turning
may correct for these. Fire effects on analytical proper- iron-based paints red and burning off carbon paints
ties may not be visibly noticeable and include effects (as observed by Gaunt and Lentz 1996).
to ceramic temper identification, thermoluminescence Studies of fire effects have found that smoke black-
(TL) dating, and residue analyses. Archaeologists will ening, or sooting, is the most common fire effect on
be concerned if ceramic analyses needed to answer ceramics. Jones and Euler (1986) note that soot was
specific research questions are foreclosed by this type the only fire effect they observed on ceramics from the
of effect, which cannot be compensated for in the lab. Dutton Point Wildfire (fig. 3-8). Gaunt and Lentz (1996)
Literature describing fire effects has mainly con- recorded soot on 23 percent of all sherds collected for
sisted of post-fire qualitative observations for which the Henry Fire study (57 percent of all burned sherds)
pre-burn data are not available (Eininger 1989; Pilles and Ruscavage-Barz (1999) found that smoke blacken-
1984; Switzer 1974). Only a small number of studies ing was the most common effect of the Dome Fire on
(such as Gaunt and Lentz 1996; Jones and Euler 1986; ceramics.
Ruscavage-Barz 1999) have attempted to quantita- In the Dutton Point Fire study, smoke blackening
tively record fire effects on ceramics; few have compared rendered five sherds (21 percent of the sample) un-
pre-fire data with post-burn observations,as do Picha identifiable (Jones and Euler 1986). This soot could
and others (1991). not be washed off completely, even with the use of
hydrochloric acid. Observing unblackened sherds at
Fire Effects on Appearance earlier burned sites in Mesa Verde, Jones and Euler
(1986) proposed that cumulative rainstorms and ex-
Burgh (1960) introduced the idea that wildfires may
posure to the elements would cause soot to eventually
affect the visual identification of potsherds. Since that
deteriorate. Gaunt and Lentz (1996) found that soot
time, most fire effects research on ceramics has focused
was easily washed off sherds in the lab and that it
on alterations to the visual appearance of sherds (for
did not impede identification. More permanent smoke
example Gaunt and Lentz 1996; Jones and Euler
blackening, however, was observed and not recorded
1986; Picha and others 1991; Ruscavage-Barz 1999).
because it was assumed to be a product of earlier
Fire may visually affect ceramics by causing surface
fires. Ruscavage-Barz (1999) noted that most ceram-
spalling, altering painted decoration, changing sherd
ics were still identifiable, even when they had been
color, and depositing soot on sherds. The adhesion of a
fire-blackened over both sides.
dark sticky substance is possibly residue from burned
In their study of prescribed fire effects, Picha and
pine pitch. These tar-like substances are sometimes
others (1991) had no difficulty identifying burned
also noted on burned sherds (Gaunt and Lentz 1996;
sherds. The ceramics underwent only minor changes,
Pilles 1984). Ceramic slips and glazes may undergo
exhibiting soot and becoming darker or lighter in color.
cracking and vitrification. Appliqu designs may break
After the high intensity Dome Fire, Ruscavage-Barz
off under the pressure of heating and cooling. Such
(1999) found that most sherds could still be identified.
changes are significant when the visual characteristics
Gaunt and Lentz (1996) found that the Henry Fire
used to identify pottery are affected.
vitrified a number of sherds that were misidentified
Depending on the presence of non-clay inclusions
in the field as glazewares. Oxidation, vitrification, and
such as iron and carbon, sherds may undergo color
crackling of slip also hampered field identification of
change when exposed to fire (see above). Different
some Henry Fire sherds. All sherds misidentified in
kinds of paint and glaze will also react differently to
the field, however, were later correctly identified in
fire. Sherds decorated with organic paint are more
the lab (Gaunt and Lentz 1996). This is not an unusual
vulnerable than ones decorated with mineral paint.
occurrence. Even unburned sherds can be misidenti-
Paints added to ceramics after firing are also likely to
fied in the field, and Gaunt and Lentz (1996) do not
burn off more easily than paints that have survived the
indicate whether all sherds at their unburned control
firing process (Shepard 1956). Bennett and Kunzmann
site were identified correctly.
(1985) observe that organic paint begins to burn off

92 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Figure 3-8Dutton Point fire, Grand Canyon National Park archaeological site burned by
wildfire (Jones and Euler 1986).

A few attempts have been made to correlate fire ef- Generally, if potsherds can still be identified after
fects on ceramics with burn severity. Gaunt and Lentz a fire, visual changes are not of much concern to ar-
(1996) found that fire effects were more severe at heavily chaeologists. The few studies that examine fire effects
burned sites but the relationship between fire effects to on pottery show that most sherds can be identified in
ceramics and burn severity was not statistically predict- the lab, even after intense wildfires. The most com-
able. Areas of burned logs in one moderately burned mon effect on pottery is smoke blackening. Soot can
site caused fire effects to be more severe than those sometimes be washed off (Gaunt and Lentz 1996) and
observed at heavily burned sites (see also chapter 7). might otherwise dissipate with exposure to rain and
Picha and others (1991) found the effects of grass fire weather (Jones and Euler 1986). Potential effects on
on ceramics to be minimal in prescribed burn plots; pottery vary according to fire intensity, environment,
however, there was a range of severities. and ceramic type. Practical consideration of local
While studies indicate that fire will generally have pottery characteristics should reveal ceramic types
minimal impacts on pottery identification, this may vulnerable to fire damage. Loss of information due
not be the case for all types of pottery. Switzer (1974) to adverse fire effects may be overcome by increasing
described fire effects to potsherds in the 1972 Moc- the sample size of sherds collected for archaeological
casin Fire at Mesa Verde National Park. He noted study.
that spalling was quite common and that the coils of
corrugated potsherds became separated. Carbon paint Fire Effects on Analytical Properties
burned off decorated sherds, and organic matter (called
carbon streaks by archaeologists) within the body Fire effects on the analytical properties of ceramics
of grayware sherds oxidized, causing these sherds to have been studied less than fire effects on appearance.
turn light gray or white in color. Such dramatic fire Technical analysis of pottery may include microscopic
effects may have impeded pottery identification and identification of temper, petrography, analysis of pol-
affected the durability of potsherds. However, fire len or protein residue on ceramics, neutron activation
effects such as these have not been recorded in any analysis (NAA) to determine clay source, and dating
controlled study. They occurred primarily to pottery by thermoluminescence. The importance of different
that was corrugated, carbon painted, and/or made of analytical properties depends on local research needs.
paste with a high organic content.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 93

Sidebar 3-1Henry Fire Effects on Ceramics
Henry Fire, Holiday Mesa, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico, June 2729, 1991
References: Lentz and others 1996

General information:
Elevation: 2,438.4 m (8,000 ft)
Vegetation: second growth ponderosa pine
Topography: mesa top delineated by canyons on three sides
Type of study: post-fire study of surface and subsurface fire effects

Fire description:
Temperature range: 25-28.3 C (77-83 F)
Duration: 3 days
Relative humidity: 14-36%
Fuel: dense ponderosa pine saplings and dry fuels
Type of fire: wildland
Energy release component (ERC): 64-72
Burning index (BI): 55-67

The Henry Fire occurred in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico in June, 1991, burning approxi-
mately 3 km2 (800 acres). After the fire, archaeologists resurveyed the burn area, relocating 45 out
of 52 known sites and encountering nine previously unrecorded sites.
In 1992, archaeologists from the Museum of New Mexicos Office of Archaeological Studies (OAS)
and the U.S. Forest Service conducted fieldwork for Phase 1 of a post-fire study. Their purpose
was to record fire effects on surface and subsurface archaeological resources and to investigate the
relationship between fire effects and fire severity. Their work included preliminary investigations
at seven prehistoric sites and analysis of fire effects on ceramics, lithics, groundstone, architecture,
and obsidian hydration dating. Phase 2 of the project included more detailed research and controlled
experiments, the results of which remain to be published.
The seven archaeological sites investigated during Phase 1 of the study included two lightly burned
sites, two heavily burned sites, two moderately burned sites, and one unburned control site. All sites
had masonry structures made up of volcanic tuff. Surface artifacts were collected from the southeast
quadrant of each site. Test units (1- by 1-m) were then established in the southeast quadrant of each
site and excavated to a depth of 20 cm (7.9 in). Subsurface artifacts were compared to the surface
collection. Additional excavations were conducted in burned log areas within architectural remains.
Fire effects on architecture were recorded in the field while effects on ceramics and stone artifacts
were assessed in a laboratory setting. Categories were developed to identify fire effects on different
artifact types. Fire effects categories for ceramics included portion affected by fire (the percentage
of a sherds surface area), sooting, spalling, oxidation, modification of pigment, and other physical
alterations (Lentz and others 1996). Fire effects on lithics included portion affected by fire, sooting,
potlidding, oxidation, reduction, crazing, and other physical alterations (Lentz and others 1996).
Groundstone fire effects were similar to those for lithics, excluding potlidding and crazing (Lentz
and others 1996).
The study found that most fire effects on artifacts occurred at the surface. A direct relationship
between fire effects and burn severity was established, although dramatic fire effects were observed
in all severities. In lightly burned areas, artifacts near burned logs were highly affected. In Phase 1
of the project, archaeologists recorded fire effects without attempting to measure the loss of archaeo-
logical information. They stressed that not all fire effects recorded could be considered damage. In
Phase 2 of the project, fire damage to archaeological information was to be assessed separately from
general fire effects on heritage resources. Through controlled burn experiments, Phase 2 was also
planned to distinguish the effects of recent fire from impacts of earlier burning.

94 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

In most cases, for example, thermoluminescence dat- tree roots or logs that conduct heat may also be affected.
ing is not conducted on ceramics because with fewer Fire effects on blood residue and animal protein have
resources we can use design type and cross-dating not been studied.
materials with known dates to define properties of In summary, fire effects on a number of technical
the item in question. analyses have yet to be examined. Potential effects
Pilles (1984) writes that fire can alter temper, com- on petrography and visual temper identification are
promising its identification. He notes that inability to probably of the most concern to archaeologists. Ar-
recognize temper can make identification of undeco- chaeological studies of fire effects on less commonly
rated sherds impossible. Identification of temper is also used analyses such as blood residue and neutron acti-
important because it provides information about the vation are also called for. The importance of different
origins of materials used to create pottery. Archaeolo- analytical properties varies according to local research
gists routinely carry out microscopic identification of needs. Most studies show that subsurface sherds will
sherds for temper identification. Petrography, a spe- be subjected to less heat and be less affected by fire
cialized geological analysis of sherds in thin sections, than surface-level ceramics. Technical analysis of
is a more detailed method of examining temper. subsurface ceramics might, therefore, be reliable even
Fire may alter organic temper, calcium carbonate or when the analytical properties of surface-level sherds
shell more easily than some types of mineral temper. are held in question.
Identification of these types of temper may, therefore,
be more easily compromised by fire. However, no study
has yet investigated fire effects on petrography or on Conclusions_____________________
the routine identification of temper in the lab and Few studies have evaluated fire effects on prehistoric
field. Gaunt and Lentz (1996) and Ruscavage-Barz ceramic artifacts. Most studies are conducted in the
(1999) do not mention any adverse effects on laboratory aftermath of wildfire when pre-burn comparative data
identification of temper in their archaeological studies are not available. These studies present a problem, as
of sherds recovered from the Henry and Dome fires. discussed by Gaunt and Lentz (1996), in distinguish-
Microscopic identification of temper was conducted ing recent fire effects from the effects of prior burn-
for archaeological study and not included in the fire ing. Because fire behavior also affects the impacts to
effects studies mentioned above. They do not indicate ceramics, studies need to record fire temperature and
whether or not temper could be recognized using a 10X duration of heating to which sherds are exposed.
hand lens, an instrument archaeologists can carry into Experimental studies focus mainly on the visual
the field. impacts of fire on potsherds. Fire effects on analyti-
Rowlette (1991) discusses fire effects to thermolu- cal properties of ceramics are less understood. Smoke
minescence (TL) dating of nine potsherds recovered blackening of sherds located at the ground surface is
from the 1977 La Mesa Fire excavations. TL dating the most common fire effect noted. The permanency
detects the amount of time passed since a crystalline of smoke blackening on sherds remains a significant
material was exposed to high temperatures. When a research question. Soot that cannot be washed off and
ceramic vessel is initially fired, its clay releases energy other effects such as spalling, vitrification, oxidation,
in the form of light. After firing, this energy begins to and crackling of slip can lead to the misidentification
re-accumulate and can be measured by a TL special- of some sherds. However, studies have found that
ist to determine how long ago the vessel was made. potsherds affected by fire can most often be correctly
Rowlette (1991) writes that TL measurements can be identified in the lab.
altered if a material is subjected to heat over 400 C In the absence of definitive research findings, re-
(752 F). In his analysis of La Mesa pottery sherds he source managers should consider research needs and
finds that the fire affected TL readings for ceramics the characteristics of local pottery when evaluating
located less than 10 to 15 centimeters (3.9-5.9 in) below potential fire effects. Local environment and expected
ground surface. Rowlette (1991) notes, however, that fire behavior should also be considered (see chapter2).
due to standard procedure for TL dating, materials Managers need to evaluate how differences in clay
located at the surface are routinely avoided. paste and temper might influence fire effects. The
Animal proteins, blood residue, and pollen found different ways pottery was constructed, decorated,
on ceramics may be altered when subjected to high fired, and used by prehistoric people are also important
temperatures. Identification of these residues can considerations. Finally, post-depositional changes to
sometimes yield important information about past potsherds may influence fire impacts.
food resources and processing methods. Fish (1990) Fire impacts on ceramic artifacts will not always
observed that fire can make pollen near to the ground result in loss of archaeological information. Sherds
surface unidentifiable. Subsurface pollen located near that are smoke blackened or oxidized might be iden-

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 95

tifiable in the lab if not in the field. Loss of analytic effects on ceramics are of much higher concern when
properties for surface sherds may not be of concern if sherds are less abundant, subsurface sherds are not
subsurface sherds are available and can be reliably present, high intensity wildfire can be expected, or
analyzed. When a large number of sherds are present local ceramics have properties specifically vulnerable
at a site, increasing the sample size in a study may to heat and flame.
compensate for damage done to a few sherds. Fire

96 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Krista Deal

Chapter 4:
Fire Effects on Flaked Stone, Ground
Stone, and Other Stone Artifacts
Although the action of fire upon building slate, siltsone, mudstone, quartz, quartzite, obsidian,
stones is well understood by engineers and basalt, metamorphic rocks, and vitrified and welded
insurance specialists, it is commonly sup- tuff.
posed that its effect upon rocks in nature is Ground stone distinguishes items used to pound,
only of minor consequence... on the contrary, mash, crack, pulverize, grind or abrade minerals or
plant and animal products, and includes such objects
fire is in some regions very important; and,
as metates, millingstones, manos or handstones,
under suitable conditions, it overshadows
pestles, portable mortars, abraders, hammerstones,
all the other factors [of weathering]combined mullers, polishing stones, and paint palletes. Ground
(Eliot Blackwelder 1927). stone was often fashioned of granite, diorite, gabbro,
gneiss, basalt, andesite, rhyolite, greywacke, steatite,
dolomite, limestone, slate, shale, sandstone, schist and
quartzite, among other types of rock.
Introduction_____________________ All other stone artifacts, including a wide range of
ornamental and utilitarian items made from numerous
Lithic artifacts can be divided into two broad classes,
material types, are grouped and discussed separately
flaked stone and ground stone, that overlap depending
from flaked and ground stone.
on the defining criteria. For this discussion, flaked stone
Data and research potentials associated with
is used to describe objects that cut, scrape, pierce, saw,
flaked stone objects include information related to
hack, etch, drill, or perforate, and the debris (debitage)
technology, subsistence, economic exchange, and site
created when these items are manufactured. Objects
chronology. Obsidian, basalt, tuff and chert can be
made of flaked stone include projectile points, knives,
subjected to geochemical analysis to identify their
drills, scrapers, planes, burins, gravers, spokeshaves,
geographic source of origin, thus yielding informa-
choppers, saws, cores, flakes, fish hooks, hoes, and hand
tion on material acquisition, economic exchange and
axes, among others. These were commonly made from
trade networks. Obsidian and chert artifacts can also
chert, flint, chalcedony, petrified and opalized wood,

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 97

be dated, providing manufacturing and site occupa- often allows more accurate recording of site features
tion dates. The presence of particular artifact types and constituents (Biswell 1989; Blakensop and others
or the selection and/or relative frequency of certain 1999; Davis and others 1992b; Hester 1989; Likins,
stone material types may reflect social stratification, personal communication, 1999; Moskowitz 1998; Pilles
or ethnic, linguistic, and tribal affiliations. Plant and 1982 and 1984; Racine and Racine 1979; Romme and
animal residues on stone tools may yield information others 1993; Silvermoon 1987; Switzer 1974).
about tool function, food processing and consumption. Overall, relatively little is known or reported in
It has also been speculated that some data resident in the literature about thermal effects on most types of
lithic artifacts may be useful in landscape reconstruc- stone artifacts, primarily because most research has
tions, fire histories, and determining past fuel loads. been conducted in the aftermath of wildfires. With-
out pre-fire information on the material affected, or
Lithic Artifacts and Fire___________ collection of standardized data concerning the fire
environment, fire history, fire behavior, temperature,
Artifacts made of stone are generally the best pre- burn intensity, or ground charring, no inferences may
served of all material types in the archaeological record, be made about fire-caused damage to artifacts. This
often providing the only evidence of where people lived lack of information makes it difficult to compare or
and worked in the past. Despite its durability, stone meaningfully summarize effects. The data on effects
can be affected by fire, as well as by efforts to suppress that is available is heavily weighted to flaked stone,
wildfires and to rehabilitate burned areas following and primarily to obsidian and chert.
fires. Another difficulty in assessing fire effects on stone
Reported fire effects on stone artifacts include tools results from reports lacking explicit descriptions
breakage, spalling, crenulating, crazing, potlidding, of criteria used to measure effects. Many articles lacked
microfracturing, pitting, bubbling, bloating, smudging, methodology of both temperature collection and how
discoloration, adhesions, altered hydration, altered specimens were heated, making it difficult to assess
protein residue, and weight and density loss. Surface if reported temperatures could be comparable. Other
artifacts tend to be altered more than those located reports clearly indicated techniques, but were lacking
in subsurface contexts, with protection often afforded important fire related information, such as weather
by even a few centimeters of soil. Fewer negative ef- conditions and fuel type. Yet another problem is the
fects are noted in light fuels, with increasing effects variability of methods used to collect temperature data.
in moderately and heavily fueled fires, or at specific Sayler and others (1989), and Picha and others (1991)
locations within fires where fuels are heavy, such as used a suite of temperature sensitive crayons, which
near or under logs. Most researchers suggest that effects change color according to the maximum temperature.
in heavier fuels are a result of the increased amount Some researchers have used temperature sensitive
of time artifacts are exposed to heat (see, for instance, pellets, lacquers and pyrometric cones (Halford 2002;
Benson 2002; Buenger 2003; Deal 2002; Gaunt and Kelly and Mayberry 1980; Solomon 2002) and others
others 1996; Linderman 1992). In general, the higher used no temperature measurement at all. Pellets,
the temperature and the more severely charred the lacquers, and crayons generally provide few tem-
ground surface, the greater the reported effect. peratures per measured plot, present no timeframe
of when the maximum temperature was reached, or
fire residence time within a site. Another problem
Some Caveats
with pellets is related to their placement and where
Despite the long list of effects that can occur to stone the pellets should be placed to appropriately measure
artifacts in fires, it should be noted that not all effects temperature affecting cultural materials. In Solomon
are adverse, nor does a single effect, even if adverse, (2002), pellets were placed below the artifact; whether
necessarily limit the recovery of all data resident in the pellet measured the temperature of the artifacts
the artifacts. For example, discoloration may hinder underside, the heat flux surrounding the artifact or
identification of material type, but have little impact on the soil surface temperature is unknown. In Bennett
the recognition of artifact type or other macroscopic in- and Kunzmann (1985), the team heated artifacts in a
formation, such as manufacturing technique. Likewise, muffle furnace, a controlled and consistent environ-
few or no visible effects to artifacts may be present, but ment where temperature change is gradual. Several
microscopic data associated with these objects, such as others (Biswell 1989; Hemry 1995; Solomon 1999)
plant protein, blood residue or hydration rinds, may be placed artifacts within a prescribed fire management
altered or destroyed. Some effects can be both adverse area, where heating is rapid, uneven, and temporally
and beneficialfor instance, the increased visibility variable. These researchers measured pre- and post-
afforded after fires can lead to vandalism and illegal fire conditions of the pieces and the incongruence be-
collecting, although for archaeologists, this condition tween studies was likely due to burn location, seasonal

98 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

weather patterns, fuel composition, and fuel loading occurring at more extreme temperatures in shorter
differences. Buenger (2003) assessed effects using periods of time.
a combination of field-based and laboratory experi- Further, many reports cite the critical temperature
mentation, combined with a sampling of burned-over threshold for effects without defining exactly what it
archaeological sites. Buengers prescribed burn experi- is that is being critically altered. For instance, these
ments were conducted in a variety of fuel types, and his reports often lump all lithic items together, and often
lab experiments were conducted by heating artifacts without discussions of artifact-stored information
in a muffle furnace, and in wildland fire simulations (Bennett and Kunzmann 1985), such as obsidian hydra-
within a large combustion chamber/wind tunnel. tion, pigments or protein residues. In these instances,
Buengers wildland fire simulations, conducted at the effects statements are based on visual observations
USDA Rocky Mountain Research Stations Fire Sci- alone, without attempts to discern whether other data
ences Laboratory in Missoula, Montana, are especially potentials have been affected. In addition, few studies
relevant, as he was able to simulate fires of variable have looked at the effects of slow versus rapid cooling.
intensities, while recording both time and temperature
data, as well as heat flux data. In addition, Buenger Flaked Stone____________________
placed thermocouples, set to record temperatures every
second, on the upper and lower surfaces of artifacts Much of the research and available data on thermal
in order to assess temperature differences on artifacts effects on flaked stone has been categorized by toolstone
as they were burned over (2003). Buengers study and type, with most research focused primarily on chert
others using thermocouples and data loggers indicate and obsidian.
that this is at present the best method of temperature
assessment. Temperatures are collected periodically
Chert: Flint, Jasper, Chalcedony, and
during heating and provide maximum, average, and
minimum temperatures and duration of heating. The Related Silicates
collection of data is systematic and different studies Chert was sometimes deliberately heated during
may be compared to show variability of effects between the prehistoric manufacture of tools in order to im-
sites and artifacts. prove its flaking characteristics. Researchers have
Even when the data collection criteria are stated, found that slowly heating chert can improve flaking
results can be misinterpreted. For instance, one widely characteristics and enhance workability. Replicative
referenced source (Bennett and Kunzmann 1985) states studies of heat-treating techniques have provided
severe alteration of inorganic materials is not to be substantial data relating temperatures and duration
expected at temperatures below 400 to 500 C (752to of heating to changes in chert (Bleed and Meier 1980;
932 F). This temperature range has been cited in Griffiths and others 1987; Luedtke 1992; Rick 1978).
training documents and prescribed burn plans as a The temperature range that improves flaking charac-
critical temperature threshold below which few, if teristics for most chert is from 250 C to 450C (482F
any, effects are expected. Bennetts and Kunzmanns to 842F) when heated and cooled slowly, with the
(1985) primary criterion for determining effect was a length of exposure to heat varying from 30 minutes to
change in weight, and they qualified their statement as long as 72 hours (Luedtke 1992). Several research-
with if [burned for] less than 1/2 hour. Reported ers report similar effects from heating chert at lower
critical threshold temperatures for inorganic materi- temperatures for an extended period of time, or from
als vary widely, ranging from a relatively cool 200 C heating at higher temperatures for a shorter amount
(392 F) (Silvermoon 1987), to 300 C (572 F) (Hemry of time (Griffiths and others 1987; Rick 1978). Chert
1995; Lissoway and Propper 1988), to 400 C (752 F) has a temperature range below which there will be
(Biswell 1989), to between 400 and 500C (752to no improvement to flaking, no matter how long it is
932F) (Bennett and Kunzmann 1985), to 426C exposed to heat, and above which the chert becomes
(800F) (Linderman 1992), to a hotter range of 500 unworkable, probably due to impurities, water content,
to 600 C (932 to 112 F) (Kelly 1981). and grain size (Luedtke 1992). Compositionally dis-
In addition to the wide range of temperatures re- similar chert will react differently to heat.
ported, another problem with using the critical tem- The most obvious changes to heat-treated cherts
perature approach is that it implies that temperature are in color and internal luster. In areas where chert
alone accounts for the effects, without consideration sources vary by visible characteristics such as color
of other critical elements, such as heating methods, (seeLuedtke 1992), external color change can make
temperature measurement mechanisms, burning con- visual source determinations difficult or impossible
ditions, fuel loading, or residence time. In fact, if the (Perkins 1985), or lead to misidentification as another
duration of heat is extended, some effects can occur type of toolstone (Anderson and Origer 1997). Although
at dramatically lower temperatures, similar to those not all cherts change color when heated, most will

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 99

change luster on the interior, often going unnoticed when the upper surfaces are precipitously heated to
until a flake is removed after heat treatment. Tem- approximately 550 C [(1022 F)] for 20 seconds, and
peratures at which color and luster are altered vary by when the temperature between the upper and lower
chert source. Color changes have been noted between surfaces approaches or exceeds 60 percent (2003).
240 C (464 F) and as high as 800 C (1472F), and After direct contact with flames, chert can become
luster between 121 C (249.8 F) and 400 C (752 F) calcinated to the point of being easily crushed (Luedtke
(Mandeville 1971; Perkins 1985; Picha and others 1992; Weymouth and Williamson 1951).
1991; Purdy 1974; Purdy and Brooks 1971). Cherts altered in wildland and prescribed fires
Internal change in luster is often the best indication have suffered external color changes, patination,
that artifacts have been thermally altered, although cracking, crenulated breaks, potlidding, fracturing,
distinguishing between deliberate cultural heat exploding, shattering, crazing, reddening, blacken-
treatment and the effects of fires can prove difficult ing, sooting, smudging, and vitrification (see fig.4-1)
(Luedtke 1992; Rogers and Francis 1988; Rondeau (Ahler 1983; Bayer 1979; Benson 1999; Buenger
1995). When heated, the external surfaces of cherts 2003; Eisler and others 1978; Gaunt and others 1996;
tend to become optically dull (that is, non-reflective Katz 1999; Lentz and others1996; Likins, personal
of light). Bennett and Kunzmann (1985) found this communication,1999; Lissoway and Propper 1998;
occurred at temperatures of 600 C to 800 C (1112 F Patterson 1995; Picha and others 1991; Tremaine and
to 1472 F), whereas Buenger (2003) first noted this Jackson 1995). These modifications have occurred
effect at 300 C (572 F). Perkins (1985) suggested the in low to high intensity fires of varying duration,
presence of lustrous and relict dull flake scars on the temperature, and ground surface damage severities.
same piece is a good indication the object was delib- In general, the longer and/or hotter fire burns, the
erately heat-treated, and not subsequently altered in greater the reported damage. Leudtke (1992) reports
a fire. Complete artifacts displaying all optically dull that the most common type of thermal damage to
surfaces, combined with potlidding and crazing, are chert is fracture, either in blocky, angular chunks
likely to have been subjected to a post-manufacturing
Chert from different sources will fracture at differ-
ent temperatures, although most reportedly fracture
between 350 C and 550 C (662 F and 1022 F)
(Buenger 2003; Luedtke 1992; Purdy 1974; Rick 1978;
Schindler and others 1982). At temperatures between
350 C and 400 C (662 F and 752 F), chert can
become distorted or brittle in as little as 20 minutes
(Luedtke 1992; Purdy 1974). Some chert will explode
when raised to these temperatures rapidly, but not
when temperatures are elevated slowly (Luedtke
1992; Purdy 1974). Impurities in chert can result in
alterations at temperatures as low as 150 C (302 F),
or as high as 650 C (1202 F), with recrystallization
causing chert to coarsen, appear foliated, and take on
a sugary appearance (Luedtke 1992).
Heating or cooling chert rapidly or unequally can
cause fracturing and breakage from thermal shock
(Buenger 2003; Luedtke 1992). Thin flakes are less
susceptible than bulkier cores and cobbles to thermal
shock (Bennett and Kunzmann 1985; Buenger 2003;
Perkins 1985; Picha and others 1991). Once heated,
rapidly cooled chert will break (Luedtke 1992). Fine-
grained cherts become altered at lower temperatures
and suffer more thermal shock than coarse-grained
ones (Mandeville 1971). Chert protected from direct
heat, even if insulated by as little as one to two cen-
timeters of sand or other material, is less susceptible
to thermal shock than unprotected pieces (Flenniken Figure 4-1Potlidding, crazing and cracking on chert ther-
and Garrison 1975; Perkins 1985). Buenger found mally damaged during a heat-treatment replication experiment
that chert nodules were prone to thermal fracturing (sample courtesy of Rob Jackson).

100 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

with no bulbs of percussion, or more distinctively, Anderson and Origer (1997) reported the exterior
in pot lid fractures, which are small, circular, surface of some obsidian was altered enough to make
convex fragments that have popped off flat surfaces sourcing via macroscopic attributes difficult one year
(table4-1). after a wildland fire.
Other data associated with chert artifacts can be The temperatures and duration of heating reported
extracted using laboratory techniques such as protein to affect obsidian varies widely. It has been sug-
residue analysis, sourcing through macroscopic fossil gested that some component of the fire environment
content and trace element analysis, and dating via ther- (such as wood ash, soil chemistries, or soil moistures)
moluminescence (TL) or electron spin resonance (ESR) may be contributing to observed changes (Deal 2002;
spectroscopy (Julig 1994; Luedtke 1992; N ewman Nakazawa 2002; Steffen 2002; Trembour 1979). Varia-
1994). Fire impacts some artifacts to the point where tion in heating within respective fires (chapter 2) may
these laboratory techniques cannot be used, or the explain some of the differences in reported effects. Dif-
data gathered using these techniques is suspect. TL ferences in water content in obsidian might be causing
and ESR spectroscopy have been used to determine divergent heat effects (Steffen 2002). Some apparent
if chert has been previously heated (Luedtke 1992; inconsistencies may be due to observer technique, or the
Melcher and Zimmerman 1977; Robins and others result of various source materials reacting differently
1978). Unfortunately, we do not yet know at what tem- to thermal environments because of unique chemical
perature the ability to use these analytic techniques compositions (although Steffen 2002 documented
on chert from different sources are lost. variations in heat effects on obsidian from the same
Obsidian Obsidian is thermally affected at varying tempera-
tures and at differing lengths of exposure to heat.
Obsidian from distinct volcanic flows has unique In field and lab fire experiments, obsidian has been
chemical compositions, allowing researchers to de- reported to fracture, crack, craze, potlid, exfoliate,
termine the source of obsidian tools and debris left shatter, oxidize, pit, bubble, bloat, melt, become
on sites in prehistoric contexts (Bowman and others smudged, discolored, covered with residue, or rendered
1973). Few studies analyzed whether fires affect the essentially unrecognizable (see fig. 4-2) (Anderson
sourcing potential of obsidian, but several studies and Origer 1997; Bayer 1979; Buenger 2003; Davis
used X-ray fluorescence and were successful in obtain- and others 1992b; Deal 2002; Eisler and others
ing source information from surface samples subject 1978; Gaunt and Lentz 1996; Hull 1991; Johnson and
to intense fires (Davis and others 1992b; Keefe and Lippincott 1989; Kelly and Mayberry 1979; Lentz and
others 1998; Skinner and others 1995, 1997; Steffen others1996; Likins, personal communication, 1999;
2002; Tremaine and Jackson 1995). However, Shackley Lissoway and Propper 1988; Nakazawa 1999, 2002;
and Dillian (2002) reported potential problems with Origer 1996; Pilles 1984; Rogers and Francis 1988;
sourcing thermally altered obsidian artifacts, noting Skinner and others 1997; Steffen 1999, 2002; Steffen
that bonding of melted sand to the obsidian surface and others 1997; Stevenson and others 1985; Traylor
could create sourcing errors. Steffen (2002) observed a and others 1983; Trembour 1979). Buenger (2003)
slight increase in trace elemental values with heating, found that some of these effects could be produced
although none to the extent that sourcing was affected. when temperatures peaked between 500and 600
Skinner and others (1997) noted problems using X-ray C (932and 1112F) within 40 to 50 seconds, and
fluorescence on fire-affected obsidians that had a dark when the temperatures were sustained within 100 C
patina believed to be a silica-based encrustation. (212F) for as little as 5 to 32 seconds. Steffen (2002)

Table 4-1Some reported thermal effects on chert.

Temperature (C) Temperature (F) Effect a
150 302 Impurities may result in fractures
121 - 400 249.8 - 752 Change in interior luster
240 - 800 464 - 1472 Change in color on external surface
350 - 400 662 - 752 Becomes distorted, brittle, or explosive
350 - 550 662 - 1022 Fractures
600 - 800 1112 - 1472 Optical dulling of external surface
a Note: Cherts from different sources react differently to heat. Some effects can occur at lower tempera-
tures if duration of heat is long enough. Not all cherts change color or luster when heated. Temperatures
for other effects summarized in text are unknown, or variable from Luedtke (1992).

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 101

Sidebar 4-1Stone Artifacts
Yellowstone Fires, Yellowstone National Park, 1988
References: Ayers (1988); Connor and Cannon (1991);
Connor and others (1989); Davis and others (1992b)

General Information:
Elevation: about 1,830 m (6003.9 ft) above sea level
Vegetation: mostly forested areas of mixed lodgepole
pine and Douglas Fir
Topography: mountainous
Type of study: post-burn assessment

Fire Description:
Temperature range: 32.2C (90F)+ temperatures
Figure 4-2Obsidian flake altered in a prescribed fire on June 24 and July 21, 25, 26, 30.
experiment displaying adhesions, smudging, and light Relative humidity: dry
surface pitting. Fuel: high fuel load
Type of fire: wildland (about 8 separate fires)
Energy Release Component (ERC): July, August,
and early September saw ratings of 22 and 23.
Burning Index (BI): values in July and August
noted the need for a standardized set of definitions to reached 90-105
describe heat effects to obsidian, and offered (in part)
the following: Discussion
In the summer of 1988, a series of wildfires burned
Matte finish: A dulling of the surface resembling approximately 6070 km2 (1.5 million acres) of Yellow-
weathering or a lusterless patina; stone National Park and surrounding forestland. The
high intensity wildfires created a mosaic burn pattern
Surface sheen: A metallic-like luster, with a reported
of severely burned areas and spots of land that had not
gun-metal sheen attributed to organic buildup on been affected (Connor and Cannon 1991; Connor and
the surface of obsidian, and a silvery, reflective others 1989).
sheen attributed to shallow microscopic crazing After the Yellowstone fires, researchers from the Mid-
and the formation of small bubbles; west Archeological Center of the National Park Service
Fine crazing: A delicate network of very shallow excavated archaeological sites in the burned area and
surface cracks (similar to, but contrasted with, the assessed fire effects to the soil matrix (Connor and Can-
internal crazing observable on fire altered chert) non 1991; Connor and others 1989). Fire was found to
have burned the surface layer of duff, leaving a 5-10 cm
that form a network of closed polygons, probably
(2-3.9 in) thickness of burned material. The soil beneath
caused by differential thermal expansion and/or this burned material was generally unaffected. The
cooling; researchers also observed heavily oxidized soil beneath
Deep surface cracking: Shallow crevices splitting deadfall trees. They noted that similar lenses of burned
the surface, probably due to the continued expan- and oxidized soil were found in the local archaeological
sion and stretching of finely-crazed surfaces; record and interpreted as cultural features.
In 1989, Montana State University researchers, under
Fire fracture: Fracture initiating from within the a contract with the National Park Service, conducted
object, resembling deliberate reduction, but lack- fieldwork at Obsidian Cliff lithic procurement site (Davis
ing bulbs of percussion, and often resulting in the and others 1992b). Two thirds of this lava flow had been
complete fracture of the artifact; burned severely during the 1988 fires. The researchers
Incipient bubbles: Individual bubbles developing recorded information necessary to nominate the site as
below the surface; and a National Historic Landmark, taking advantage of the
increased ground visibility to record 59 obsidian procure-
Vesiculation: Abundant, interconnected bubbles on ment loci. The researchers observed site erosion caused
the surface and interior resulting in the puffing by vegetation loss and noted that soil loss had caused
up of thermally altered obsidian; in its extreme trees to fall and upturn several cubic meters of sedi-
form, vesiculation can transform artifacts into a ment. They also described visual fire effects to obsidian
frothy, Styrofoam-like mass. and compared geochemical analyses of obsidian collected
before and after the fire (Davis and others 1992b).

102 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Minor vesiculation has been reported on obsidian noted in a backfire, a prescribed fire, and a campfire
heated for one hour to 700C (1292F) (Shackley and (Steffen 2002). Some of the most severe fire effects
Dillian 2002). Obsidian has melted at 760C (1400F) have been noted at quarry sites and source areas, such
(Trembour 1979), or suffered extreme vesiculation as those reported from the Dome Fire in New Mexico
between 815C and 875C (1499F and 1607F) (Steffen 1999, 2001, 2002).
(Steffen 2001, 2002) to 1000 C (1832 F) (Buenger Obsidian is particularly valued for its dating poten-
2003) (figs. 4-3, 4-4). Extreme vesiculation has been tial. Over time, freshly exposed surfaces on obsidian
absorb atmospheric moisture, creating distinct hydra-
tion bands (Evans and Meggers 1960; Friedman and
Smith 1960; Michels and Tsong 1980). After certain
variables such as the obsidian source, soil moistures,
soil pH, and temperatures have been accounted for,
the thickness of the hydration band can indicate how
long a surface on a piece of obsidian has been exposed
to atmospheric moisture, offering a means for estab-
lishing prehistoric site chronologies and depositional
integrity. A major factor influencing the integrity of
hydration bands is elevated temperature, which forces
resident moisture within the hydrated layer further
into, as well as out of, the obsidian, creating wide,
diffuse bands with unreadable or blurred margins
(Jackson, personal communication 1997; Trembour
1979, 1990).
The percentage of obsidian with measurable bands
recovered after wildland fires varies widely, from a low
of only 9 percent to as high as 71 percent (Jackson and
Figure 4-3Bloated and melted obsidian, oven heated others 1994b; Pilles 1984; Skinner and others 1995,
to 800 C (1472 F) (sample courtesy of Anastasia 1997; Trembour 1990). Obsidian located in lightly

Figure 4-4On right: Extreme vesiculation in obsidian oven heated to 800 C (1472 F);
sample also suffered severe weight and density loss. On left: Unheated obsidian from same
source (samples courtesy of Anastasia Steffen).

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 103

fueled areas is more likely to retain hydration than have been reported by Trembour (1979, 1990) and
those burned under moderate or heavy fuels (Benson Stevenson and others (1989b).
2002; Deal 2002; Green and others 1997; Linderman Steffen (2002) demonstrated that intact hydration
1992; Origer 1996). Obsidian located on the ground could exist on portions of fire-affected obsidian arti-
surface is more likely to be altered, although Skinner facts where hydration was erased from other areas
and others (1997) reported that hydration was erased of the artifacts, when objects were partially buried
on obsidian at depths of 6 cm (2.4 in.) in one high in- during a fire, or various surfaces experienced dif-
tensity fire. ferential exposure to intense heat. She suggests that
Preliminary results of lab and prescribed fire experi- better recognition of fire effects to obsidian could aid
ments indicate, even at very low temperatures, extended in selecting specific surfaces of artifacts on which to
exposure to heat can alter hydration bands (Benson 2002; focus hydration analysis. For instance, Steffen (2002)
Deal 2002; Linderman 1992; Solomon 2002). Hydration notes that the surface of artifacts displaying crazing or
bands can become too diffused to accurately measure vesiculation may have been exposed to heat sufficient
after 2 hours at 200C (392F) and after 1 hour at to alter measurable hydration (table 4-2).
300C (572F) (Solomon 2002). Hydration bands Since high temperatures and smoldering fires of
have been erased completely after 12 hours at 200C extended duration can destroy hydration bands, Deal
(392F), and after 1 hour at 400C (752F) and 432C (2002) speculated that intact obsidian hydration data
(809.6F) (Skinner and others 1997; Solomon 2002). could be used as an indicator of the absence of fire or
As part of a post-fire hydration study, Skinner with heavy fuel loads in past landscapes. Many areas of the
others (1997) conducted an experiment to determine continent bear evidence of past fire return intervals
heat effects to hydration on obsidian from a single shorter than those expected from lightning (Abrams
source. Skinner and others (1997) used a single flake 2000; Agee 1993; Anderson 1993, 1999; Anderson and
of obsidian cut into six pieces, with each piece heated Moratto 1996; Barrett 1980; Barrett and Arno 1999;
for one hour at temperatures of 100C to 600C Blackburn and Anderson 1993; Bonnicksen 2000; Boyd
(212F to 1112F), in 100C (212F) increments. 1999; DeVivo 1990; Hicks 2000; Johnson 1999; Kay
At 100C (212F), the hydration bands were still 2000; Komarek 1968; Lewis 1973, 1980; MacLeery
distinct. At 200C (392F), band width had increased 1994; Pyne 1982; Olson 1995, 1999; Turner 1999; Van
slightly, but was still visible and measurable. At Lear and Waldrop 1989; Yarnell 1998). In landscapes
300C (572F), the band was difficult to measure, due with frequent, periodic fires, such as areas that Native
to diffuse and indistinct diffusion fronts. At 400C Americans were managing with fire, fuels would have
(752F), the diffusion front was gone and the band been reduced to the point that areas burned at fairly
was not measurable, but a slight bluish tint marked low temperatures with very restricted fire residence
where the band had been. At 500C and 600C times (Deal 2002). When obsidian is found in these
(932F and 1112F), there was no sign of a hydra- areas, the presence of numerous hydration readings
tion band. Skinner and others (1997) concluded, in from surface settings could help support fire history
dating obsidian, interpretation problems may occur reconstructions based on ethnographic accounts of
in cases of lower temperature exposures when band deliberate burning (Deal 2002). However, if further
width is not completely erased, and the hydration research indicates hydration is re-establishing rela-
age may be misread indicating an artifact is older tively quickly on fire altered obsidian (see Anderson and
than it really is. Conversely, with high temperature Origer 1997), the potential to use obsidian hydration
exposures, the band may be read to date an artifact to date past fires or to indicate prior fuel conditions
as younger than it is. Similar interpretive problems may be compromised.

Table 4-2Thermally altered hydration bands on obsidian from a single source; subjected to varying temperatures
for 1hour (source: Skinner and others 1997).
Temperature C Temperature F Change to hydration band a
100 212 Band still distinct
200 392 Band width increased slightly, but still measurable
300 572 Band diffuse and difficult to read
400 752 Band no longer visible; faint blue tint present where band was
500+ 932+ No sign of hydration band
Note: Changes in hydration bands can occur at lower temperatures if exposure time is long enough. For instance, hydration
bands have been erased after heating for 12 hours at 200 C (Solomon 2002).

104 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Several researchers have suggested past fire events recent than expected, due to fires (see also Rowlett and
are discernible on obsidian through retained al- Johannessen 1990).
terations such as surface crazing, bubbling, partial In lab experiments, Blackwelder (1927) reported 12
vesiculation, diffused hydration bands (Friedman and periods of rapid heating and cooling of a small piece of
Trembour 1983; Steffen 2002), or re-established hydra- basalt resulted in no effects, although a similar piece,
tion bands (Green 1999; Linderman 1992; Trembour heated to 300 C (572 F) showing no visible effects,
1979, 1990). Some obsidian samples sent to labs for fractured after being rapidly cooled in cold water only
hydration studies display wide, unreadable, diffuse twice. Another specimen was heated to 300 C (572 F)
bands, with a second distinct, readable band retained for 30 minutes with no visible changes, but when the
on the surface of the sample (Jackson, personal com- temperature was raised to 325 C (617 F), the basalt
munication 1997; Origer, personal communication lost a few thin flakes... from the sides (Blackwelder
1997), suggesting that the bands may have rehydrated 1927). After heating basalt pieces to 375 C (707 F)
after fires. Labs usually note the presence of diffused for 30 minutes, a fourth sample broke violently into a
bands, and provide a micron reading on the intact, considerable number of pieces while still in the oven
thinner, secondary hydration band, if one is present (Blackwelder 1927). A block of basalt (presumably a
(Jackson, personal communication 1997). This micron cube about 7.6 cm (3 in) to a side) was heated to 150C
reading may prove to mark a past high intensity fire (302 F), with no visible changes. The temperature was
event, rather than a past cultural (manufacturing)
then raised to 400 C (752 F), and after 10 minutes,
event, as has often been assumed. If one could use data
flakes began to spall off, continuing until the block
from rehydrated obsidian to determine a site had been
was almost wholly reduced to fragments. Another
previously subjected to a fire, this could help explain
7.6cm (3 in) basalt cube was placed in a furnace at
why other data (pigments, protein residues, organic
600C (1112 F), resulting in small scales breaking
material) were missing.
off after 3 minutes, and continuing for another 10 min-
Steffen (2002) makes the intriguing suggestion that
utes (Blackwelder 1927). Blackwelders experiments
multiple hydration rim measurements from single
suggest that basalt may be extremely susceptible to
specimens may provide the heat exposure history
thermal damage in fires.
of the specimen, allowing for reconstructions of fire
histories. Researchers in northeastern California are
plotting the distribution of what are believed to be Quartz, Quartzite, Mudstone, Rhyolite,
rehydrated Archaic points as an indicator of where Siltstone, Slate, and Vitrified and Welded Tuff
fires may have occurred in the past, and are using this
Very little data is available on other kinds of tool-
data to reconstruct landscape-level fire histories (Green
stone. Quartz is an excellent thermal conductor and
1999). Should it prove possible to secure dates for past
expands first in one direction, then another, which
fires from obsidian rehydration, these approaches could
adds stress to the rock and leads to fractures (Luedke
potentially extend fire history data well beyond the
1992). Thermal expansion in quartz crystals, compared
limit of several centuries reached when dating fires
as a percent increase from the volume recorded at
from tree cores.
20 C (68 F), is noted as a 0.36 percent increase at
100 C (212 F), 0.78 percent at 200 C (392 F), 1.9
Basalt percent at 400 C (752 F) and 4.5 percent at 600 C
Lentz (1996a) noted sooting, potlidding, oxidation, (1112 F) (Dane 1942). Quartz undergoes changes in
reduction, crazing, luster changes, and adhesions on crystalline structure at 573 C (1064 F), and liqui-
lithic material, including basalt that had been in a fies beyond the range of temperatures experienced in
wildfire. Eisler and others (1978) found basalt to be wildland fires, at 1723 C (3133.4 F) (Luedtke 1992).
covered with a shiny, smooth, tar-like, brittle residue, In lab experiments, Bennett and Kunzmann (1987)
with basalt boulders fractured into angular chunks, detected no weight loss to cryptocrystalline quartz at
possibly due to rapid cooling. Tremaine and Jackson temperatures of less than 500 C (932 F), and Purdy
(1995) reported thermal fractures on basalt bifaces. (1974) found only 0.01 percent weight loss in a quartz
Tremaine and Jackson (1995) were able to secure crystal after 24 hours at 350 C (662 F). In areas with
sourcing information on basalts using X-ray fluores- moderate to severe ground charring within one fire in
cence after a high intensity fire (see also Skinner and the Sierra Nevada Mountains, milky and crystalline
others 1995 for similar results from another moder- quartz was often covered with a black, shiny residue
ate to severe wildland fire). Blood residue analysis on all surfaces except those in contact with the ground,
has been successful on basalt artifacts burnt at high making it extremely difficult to identify material type
intensities (Newman 1994; Tremaine and Jackson during post-fire archaeological investigations (Deal
1995). Pilles (1984) noted that thermoluminescence 1995, 2001; Tremaine and Jackson 1995). In less severe
dates from basalt could be as much as 24 percent more cases, quartz was blackened and discolored.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 105

Lentz (1996a) reported wildland fire effects (soot- fire-affected mano and millingstone. Buengers ex-
ing, potlidding, oxidation, reduction, crazing, luster periments showed sandstone blocks exhibiting color
changes, and adhesions) to several different toolstone change and minor surface spalling at 200 C (392 F),
materials, including rhyolite, quartz, and quartzite with spalling becoming more extensive in the 400 to
sandstone. Most of these effects occurred on sites that 500 C (752 to 932 F) temperature range (2003).
experienced moderate and heavy charring. Fracturing, Outcrops and boulders containing mortars and mill-
spalling, sooting, discoloration or oxidation has been ing features have been blackened, sooted, cracked,
reported on mudstone, quartzite, rhyolite and vitric spalled, and exfoliated as a result of wildland fires
tuff (Buenger 2003; Deal 1995; Hemry 1995; Lentz (figs. 4-7, 4-8, 4-9) (Deal 1995, 2001). High fuel loading
and others 1996). Surface-collected vitric tuff artifacts around boulders and rock walls has been reported to
from a high intensity fire were successfully sourced
using X-ray fluorescence (Jackson and others 1994b),
and were found to retain immunological data in the
form of protein residues (Newman 1994).

Ground Stone____________________
As discussed in the introduction, ground stone objects
were used to pound, mash, crack, pulverize, grind or
abrade minerals or plant and animal products. Little
information regarding thermal effects to ground stone
artifacts or the effects of fire on use-wear patterns is
available in the literature (Adams 2002), although
field observations and experiments indicate that ob-
jects manufactured of different materials will react
differently to heating and cooling. For instance, Pilles
(1984) reported sandstone manos that were severely
cracked in wildfires, where basalt manos were only
blackened. Lentz (1996) indicated that all five metates
in a wildfire were affected by sooting, spalling, dis-
coloration and/or adhesions, but the single mano was Figure 4-6Millingstone altered in a wildland fire; note discol-
not altered. Portable mortars were rendered nearly ored areas and potlidded milling surface.
unrecognizable due to extreme fracturing in one se-
vere wildfire (Likins, personal communication, 1999),
and in another, trough metates were broken in half
(Jones and Euler 1986). Effects noted to pestles have
included spalling, and blackening and discoloration
to the point of obscuring material type identification
(Deal 1995, 2001; Foster 1980; Tremaine and Jackson
1995). See figures 4-5 and 4-6 for illustrations of a

Figure 4-7White granitic bedrock mortar outcrop showing

discoloration and spalling following a wildland fire. Spalling
can be severe at rock outcrops where the fuels are heavy and
Figure 4-5Granitic mano partially buried in allowed to radiate heat for extended lengths of time. This is
soil within an area of intense ground charring graphically illustrated by the damage underneath the 24-inch
from a wildland fire. Upper portion of mano is dbh ponderosa pine that fell and smoldered on this bedrock
covered with a black, baked-on residue. mortar outcrop.

106 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

contribute to extensive damage (Blakensop and oth-
ers 1999; Hester 1989). In one fire, major impacts on
mortar outcrops resulted in the exfoliation of large
sheets of rock from the intense heat (Deal 1995).
Blackening of mortar rock outcrops often hampered
positive identification of the material type, although
soil in mortar cups protected the grinding features from
damage (Deal 1995, 2001). Additional effects expected
at bedrock milling features would probably be simi-
lar to those reported elsewhere for boulders and cliff
faces (Blakensop and others 1999; Eisler and others
1978; Gaunt and others 1996; Hester 1989; Johnson
and Lippincott 1989; Noxon and Marcus 1983; Roger
1999; Romme and others 1993; Switzer 1974). Rock
faces at petroglyph and pictograph panels can also be
extensively damaged by spalling in fires. Removing
fuels near rock outcrops and rock art panels can help
Figure 4-8Note that the burning in the thicker butt-end of the
limit these types of effects.
log shown in figure 4-7 caused the most damage.

a b

Figure 4-9(a) Heavy brush (manzanita) growing at the base of this granite face resulted in severe localized spalling. (b) Spalled
fragments remaining attached to this granite face were easily removed by the touch of a finger.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 107

Thermal shock, reportedly from as little heat as that Occasionally, ground stone was used as cooking
generated by sunlight, and particularly when coupled stones in stone-boiling, which often led to discoloring,
with the freezing of water in cracks and pores of rock, cracking or fracturing (although some pieces may have
can lead to fracturing, exfoliating and degrading of already been broken and only served a second career as
granite, basalt and limestone (Schiffer 1987). Based a cooking stone; Johnson 1993). Conditions for stone-
on field observations and experiments, Blackwelder boiling are similar to burning situations in wildland
(1927) concluded that in many forested areas of the or prescribed fires where fuels are heavy, the duration
western United States, fire was the primary agent of of heat is extended, and cold water, foam or retardant
fracturing, spalling, and weathering in boulders and is dropped on heated stone. Post-fire studies in Mesa
rock outcrops, rather than diurnal changes in tempera- Verde National Park (Corbeil 2002) have shown that
ture. Blackwelder defined fire weathering features at surfaces on porous rock like sandstone are vulnerable
boulders and outcrops as resembling curved wedges, to damage from retardant and gel; phosphates in re-
plates or scales, 1 to 5 cm (0.4-2 in) thick, which often tardant can penetrate the rock and crystallize, turning
taper to a thin edge (1927). Based on experiments, the surface into a fine powder, and gel can dry and peel
Blackwelder (1927) reported many igneous rocks (ba- grains off of rock surfaces. In addition, retardant and
salt, andesite, porphyry) will withstand rapid heating gel entrap or absorb water, which can contribute to
and cooling up to 200 C (392 F) without any damage, spalling. Distinguishing stone that has been fractured
but will begin breaking and fracturing when cooled after by wildland or prescribed fires from those previously
being heated to higher temperatures, while granites fractured during stone-boiling or cooking hearths has
and quartzites tolerate slow temperature changes to proved problematic (Lentz and others 1996; Tremaine
as high as 800 C (1472 F). and Jackson 1995). Several researchers have suggested
Pollen, phytolyths, starches, ochre and other pig- ways to differentiate between cultural heating and
ments, and protein residues from plants and the blood natural burning based on fracture patterns, location
of small mammals have been detected on ground stone within particular fuel loading situations, analysis of
(Johnson 1993; Mikkelsen 1985; Traylor and others organic residue, or luminescence analysis of mineral
1983; Yohe and others 1991). These remains can be constituents (Hemry 1995; Kritzer 1995; Picha and
used to infer tool function, as well as the time of year others 1991; Rapp and others 1999; Seabloom and
a site was occupied. Fire and fire retardant can be ex- others 1991).
pected to negatively impact these data types, although Experiments with rock types used in stone-boiling,
Tremaine and Jackson (1995) retrieved a granitic roasting and oven pits, hearths, and sweat lodges have
handstone from the surface of a severely burned site produced information concerning how various stone
that yielded positive residue reactions for cat and acorn. behaves when subjected to heat (Brink and others
Several other ground stone objects from this fire tested 1986; Kritzer 1995; McDowell-Loudan 1983; Pierce
positive for acorn, deer, and rabbit (Newman 1994). 1983, 1984; Wilson and DeLyria 1999;). Topping (1999)
Animal proteins can survive temperatures to at least found that granitic rocks used to line fire pits cracked
800 C (1472 F) (Thoms 1995). Pollen is destroyed along the axis parallel to the fire, while those embed-
at temperatures over 300 C (572 F) (see Lentz and ded in the soil did not crack. Of the rocks that cracked,
others 1996; Romme and others 1993; Timmons 1996). those with multiple breaks were subjected to the most
violent temperature shock, whereas those subjected
to the least amount of temperature shock were only
Thermal Effects on Rock Used as cracked roughly in half (1999). Blackwelder (1927)
Heating or Cooking Stones________ reported that a 2.7 kg (6 lbs) cobble of andesite, rapidly
heated to 200 C (392 F) in an electric furnace, then
Stone slabs were sometimes placed over fires or rapidly cooled nine separate times, suffered no visible
hearths and used for cooking. The slabs were often effects. A greywacke river pebble 7.6 cm (3 in) thick
shaped, and sometimes prepared by the application of had thin slabs split off along almost imperceptible
oil onto the cooking surface (Adams 2002). With use, planes of stratification while still in the oven at 350C
cooking slabs became oxidized and blackened; with (662 F) (Blackwelder 1927). Heating a piece of fine-
repeated heating and cooling, some slabs became grained granite slowly for 2 hours to a temperature
friable and sloughed off on the underside (Adams 2002). of 880 C (1616F), and then cooling it slowly for 10
Adams (2002) reports that the oil-saturated surfaces hours, resulted in a darkening of its pink shade, and a
are sometimes the only part of these cooking stones single small crack on the surface (Blackwelder 1927).
recovered in archaeological sites. Stone pot rests used
Wilson and DeLyria (1999) determined that andesite
to support cooking vessels in fires and hearths also
and basalt rocks were more durable than quartzite
became blackened and fractured from heat (Adams
in replicative studies with camas ovens/roasting pits.

108 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

During three successive firings, several rocks exploded releases it slowly, making it a good choice for cooking
within the first hour at temperatures between 150 C stones and cooking vessels. Steatite has been success-
and 425 C (302 F and 797 F). Most damage to the fully sourced using instrumental neutron activation
rock occurred during the initial firing, with each suc- analysis (Truncer and others 1998), the accuracy of
cessive firing resulting in additional damage. Rocks which might be impacted by high temperature fires.
in the oven were fractured by spalling off thin flat Catlinite, kaolinite, and chalk, used to make pipes or
potlids, or by breaking into blocky chunks, with block cooking vessels, have limited effects at low tempera-
breakage more common to quartzite than to igneous tures, often only discoloring and hardening. Little is
rocks, probably due to bedding planes in quartzite. known about the effects of fire on artifacts made of
How certain rock reacted to different rates of heat- the other material types, although physical constants
ing and cooling was undoubtedly well known by people have been recorded for some with respect to thermal
in the past, as particular types of stone were selected expansion, density at high temperatures, thermal
for different thermal applications. Pierce (1983, 1984) conductivity and diffusivity, weight loss from heat-
found that quartzite cooking stones heated quickly, ing, melting and transformation temperatures, heat
boiled water quickly, fractured often when heated, fusion, and heat capacity (Birch and others 1942; Dane
but rarely fractured when placed in water. Sandstone 1942). Some of these materials turn color when heated.
also heated rapidly, did not fracture when heated, For instance, azurite and malachite turn black when
but became so friable that large quantities of sand heated, slate often whitens, gypsum becomes cloudy
were dislodged from the exterior of the stone (Pierce and opaque, magnesite turns a pinkish-brown or cream
1983), and the more often sandstone was heated, the color (and was deliberately heated in the past to make
more it crumbled. Vesicular basalt took longer to beads more colorful), and turquoise turns white (Miles
heat, requiring twice the fuel of either quartzite or 1963; Mottana and others 1977). Magnesite bubbles
sandstone, but retained heat longer than either stone and releases gases prior to decomposing at 1000 C
(Pierce 1984). Basalt tended to fracture when heated, (1832 F), and calcite dissociates at 1000C (1832F)
more often than when cooled rapidly. Due to these (Mottana and others 1977).
different capacities for the storage and transfer of Coal is a sedimentary rock, vulnerable to fire and
heat, as well as the friability of various rock types readily combustible. In some areas in the past, coal was
when heated, Pierce concluded that certain stones ground and polished into a variety of shapes including
would more likely be selected for stone-boiling foods, bear teeth, elk teeth, bird heads, bird claws, animal
while others, such as sandstone, were more suitable effigies, gorgets, beads, ornaments, pendants and dis-
for hearth stones (1983). coidals (Cowin 1999; Fogelman 1991; F undaburk and
Foreman 1957; Graybill 1981; Griffin 1966; Redmond
Other Stone Artifacts and McCullough 1996; Turnbow 1992). Cannel coal is
highly volatile, ignites easily, burns with a luminous
Vessels, cooking pots, lamps, clubs, atlatl weights, net flame, and was once used as a substitute for candles
weights, loom weights, digging stick weights, pump drill (Bates and Jackson 1984; Yarnell 1998). Lignite, a soft
weights, plummets, bolas, pipes, gamestones, chunkey brownish-black coal that becomes pasty when heated,
stones, charmstones, pendants, ornaments, balls, and jet, a dense, black lignite that can be highly pol-
beads, earspools, lip plugs, rings, bracelets, gorgets ished, were used as inlay on shell (Miles 1963), or made
and effigy figurines are found in various archaeological into animal forms. In the ground, coal veins ignited
contexts throughout North America. Relatively little during wildfires can smolder for years after ignition
research has been conducted on thermal effects on these (Wettstaed and LaPoint 1990), and several coal mines
objects, although it can be expected that they would have been burning for more than a century (Maclean
be affected much like ground stone, as they were often 1999; Pyne 1997).
fashioned of the same materials. In addition, plant, Minerals such as mica and copper were also used
animal and mineral residues on any of these could be prehistorically. Sheet mica was cut and crafted into
affected by fire. spectacular shapes, such as bird talons, serpents,
Some additional stone material types used to make hands and bear claws, and was overlain decoratively
the above objects include agate, alabaster, aragonite, on a variety of ornaments (Jennings 1974; Prufer 1964;
argillite, azurite, calcite, catlinite, chalk, fluorite, Peschken 1998). Some mica objects were decorated with
galena, gypsum, hematite, jasper, jade, kaolinite, mag- incising and painting; fire can smudge and destroy
nesite, malachite, selenite, serpentine, slate, steatite pigments on these delicate objects. When heated, mica
and turquoise. Of these, agate and jasper, which are loses water, becoming more friable and less flexible.
varieties of chert, can be expected to react to fires in the Although little else is known about fire effects to mica,
same manner described previously for chert. Steatite the thermal expansion of muscovite mica has been
can be heated to high temperatures; it stores heat and measured at increasing temperatures. Compared to its

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 109

size at 20 C (68 F), it expands 0.03 percent at 100C Implications for Cultural Resource
(212 F), with expansion to 0.15 percent at 200 C
(392F); 0.37 percent at 400 C (752F); 0.66 percent
Protection and Fire Planning_______
at 600 C (1112 F); 1.3 percent at 800 C (1472 F); The key factors that seem to affect the nature and
and 1.55 percent at 1000 C (1832F) (Dane 1942). extent of fire damage to archaeological resources,
Expansion can lead to exfoliation of mica. including lithic artifacts, are fire intensity, duration
Native copper melts at 1082 C (1979.6 F) (Mottana of heat, and penetration of heat into soil (Traylor and
and others 1977). Copper was quarried prehistorically, others 1983). Research shows that as temperatures
and in some regions, fire and cold water may have increase, so do effects, and that effects increase as the
been used to separate copper from the surrounding length of time exposed to heat increases; if exposure
rock overburden (Quimby 1960), after which it was time is long enough, effects can occur to stone tools
cold-worked and heated prior to shaping (Farquhar even at reduced temperatures. Buengers fire simula-
and others 1998; Jennings 1974). Copper nuggets were tions show that the two most important components
hammered into thin sheets, which were beaten together of the fire environment resulting in thermal effects to
to make thicker objects, and shaped by abrading (Lewis surface artifacts are fuel loads and wind velocity (2003).
and Kneberg 1958) into awls, punches, chisels, flakers, Increased fuel loads offer longer heating times, and
harpoons, spear points, knives, adze bits, panpipes, increasing winds bend the flames closer to the ground
bells, plaques, rings, effigies, breastplates, beads, ear where surface artifacts are located. Insulation from
spools, headdresses and hair ornaments. Copper was heat, even with a few centimeters of soil or incompletely
also used to overlay wooden and shell objects such as consumed fuel, is often adequate in reducing impacts
gorgets, pendants and earspools. Thin sheets were (Anderson and Origer 1997; Buenger 2003; Lissoway
sometimes embossed by pressing the copper over a and Propper 1988; Picha and others 1991; Pilles 1984;
carved wooden die, painted, or decorated with feathers Seabloom and others 1991). The mass of lithic artifacts
or fabric (Burroughs 1998; Fundaburk and Foreman is another factor determining the nature of thermal
1957; Lewis and Kneberg 1958; Prufer 1964). Fire can effects. More massive artifacts are more susceptible
be expected to distort, obscure or destroy decorative to fracture from thermal shock than thin ones, due to
elements on copper. uneven heating and cooling (Bennett and Kunzmann
Corrosion and oxidation often provide a protective 1985; Luedtke 1992; Perkins 1985).
surface on copper at archaeological sites, unless heating Surface artifacts generally suffer the most damage in
cracks the corrosive film and allows it to grow inward fires, although many will often retain data potentials,
(Schiffer 1987). As temperatures increase, corrosion even on sites burned numerous times in the past, or that
rates increase, with wood ash accelerating corrosion have recently been subjected to wildfires or prescribed
(Schiffer 1987). Copper used in modern applications burns. Some lithic and ground stone scatters, as well as
discolors with a dark red or black oxide that thickens other types of archaeological sites, are strictly limited
under higher heating conditions and with longer heat to surface contexts, due to shallow soils or depositional
exposures (NFPA 1998). Prior to melting, copper history. These sites are obviously more threatened by
blisters, exhibits surface distortions, and forms blobs fire than those with deep subsurface deposits. Since
and drops on its surface (NFPA 1998). After melting, even shallow soils offer some protection to artifacts,
the copper re-solidifies, forming irregularly shaped one can conclude that subsurface materials will gener-
and sized globules that are often tapered or pointed ally retain the most data potential following wildfires.
(NFPA 1998). Several techniques have recently been However, the surface of a site at any given point in
used to source copper, including neutron activation time can change as a result of numerous agents,
(Julig and others 1992), X-ray fluorescence (Wager including deflation, erosion, deposition, windthrown
and others 1998), and thermal ionization mass spec- trees, animal burrowing and human activities. These
trometry (Woodhead and others 1998). It is probable alterations in site stratigraphy are often not obvious,
that fire would affect the accuracy of these analytical even when the site is excavated. In areas of the country
techniques. where bioturbation and windthrown trees commonly
Native American objects made with smelting and mix soil deposits, the material on the surface has often
casting techniques adopted from French, English, and been found to reflect the full temporal range of site oc-
Spanish colonists include lead, pewter and brass pipes; cupation, providing a snapshot of the sites chronology
silver bow guards and other silver work; and steatite (Jackson 1999; Jackson and others 1994a).
and catlinite pipes inlaid with pewter and lead. These Prescribed burning will result in some predictable
would be thermally altered in fires in the same man- loss of various types of data associated with stone
ner as materials described in the chapter on historic artifacts. Losses can be anticipated to be the greatest
artifacts (chapter 6). These objects date from the late for prescribed burns planned in areas that have not
1600s through the present (Furst and Furst 1982). had prior fuels management projects. However, if

110 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

fuels can be reduced on sites prior to burningeither 1990). Since fire suppression activities usually result
through hand removal of downed fuels or hand thin- in the greatest disturbance and data loss on sites, it
ning (Siefkin 2002), or by mechanical means when is imperative that we work toward removing fuels
appropriate (see Jackson 1993; Jackson and others proactively to reduce these effects. It is ironic that in
1994a)data loss will be reduced. Collecting surface many cases, and for several artifact classes including
samples prior to burning would secure the data pos- stone tools, frequent past burning may have helped
sibly impacted by the prescribed burn. However, in preserve certain types of data resident in artifacts,
many areas, fuels are now so dense that the pres- while todays wildland fires and prescribed burns are
ence and nature of surface artifactual materials are impacting and destroying the same data, because of
unknown. Burn prescriptions can also be designed higher fuel loading.
to reduce potential effects. For example, a head fire Future studies need to explicitly state what criteria
might cause fewer effects to artifactual materials are being used to determine effects, and what is not
on the ground surface than a cooler, slower-moving being analyzed. Attempts should be made to standard-
backing fire, due to the increased fire residence time ize data related to effects, including fire environment
of the latter (Smith 2002). and fire severity, as well as alterations to artifacts.
Since fire suppression and exclusion began, many Prescribed fire experiments need more stringent
areas of the country have lost numerous fire cycles. methods for monitoring and reporting burn tempera-
These lost fire cycles represent a tremendous fuel tures, relative humidities, fuel and soil moistures, fuel
buildup, with a resultant increase in fire intensity, loading, fire intensity, fire severity, ground charring,
burn times, and fire severity (USDA 1995), and in- and the length of time that various surface and buried
creased threats to cultural resources (Benson 1999; artifacts are subject to heat. Effects that now appear
Blakensop and others 1999; Gaunt and others1996; inconsistent or contradictory might be found to align
Hester 1989; Kelly 1981; Kelly and Mayberry1980; more closely, if we can understand how the variables
Lentz and others 1996; Lissoway and Propper 1988; present in the fire environment affect lithic artifacts
Pilles 1984; Siefkin 2002; Wettstaed and LaPoint and other cultural resources.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 111

Roger E. Kelly
Daniel F. McCarthy

Chapter 5:
Fire Effects on Rock Images and
Similar Cultural Resources
may also be worked to produce bedrock mortars (BRM)
Introduction_____________________ and concave milling surfaces for processing food mate-
Throughout human global history, people have rials. Stones may be moved to form images, patterns,
purposely altered natural rock surfaces by drilling, complex designs or mounds. Some researchers use
drawing, painting, incising, pecking, abrading and the term geoglyph to refer to these human changes
chiseling images into stone. Some rock types that to ground surfaces, often as very large and striking
present suitable media surfaces for these activities are images when visualized from above (fig. 5-4). In arid
fine-grained sandstones and granites, basalts, volcanic lands, stony ground surfaces were altered to achieve
tuff, dolomites, and limestones. Commonly called rock a contrasting image to lighter colored soils below dark
art, depiction of patterns, images, inscriptions, or desert gravels. These cultural activities are best consid-
graphic representations might be considered today ered as patterned behavior, not aimless or haphazard
as artistic as is Old World Paleolithic cave art for in terms of placement, pictorial content, and variety
example, but most of those early originators attached through time and space. Important evidences of image
different cultural values to these expressions. Historic chronologies may result from re-use of rock surfaces,
rock inscriptions made by literate persons are also of re-painting, and younger designs superimposed over
high value as documents. earlier ones (Hedges 1990).
Images on rock are subject to natural weathering We distinguish between pictographs (painted expres-
by several processes: freeze/thaw, wet/dry, heat/cold, sions using mineral colors or charcoal, often with a
wind-carried erosion materials, natural salts and min- binder material) and petroglyphs or images made by
erals, ultraviolet rays, direct moisture and atmospheric pecking, carving, abrading, scratching, and incising, or
conditions (fig. 5-1). Vandalism to these resources is a combinations of these methods. Petroglyphs are usu-
very serious threat in many areas (fig.5-2). Rock sur- ally created with these methods to remove darkened
faces may also exhibit numerous small, shallow pits or appearance of naturally weathered stone surfaces to
cupules, formed by pecking, chipping or abrading, or expose lighter colored rock matrix to achieve a con-
pecked curvilinear nucleated cupules (PCN) (fig. 5-3). trasting image. Both types of images may occur in
The cupules may be in clusters or patterns on vertical mixed expressions or only one technique may appear
or horizontal rock surfaces. Accessible rock surfaces dominant.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 113

Figure 5-1Natural weathering processes in action. Top: Exfoliation on granite. Bottom: Natural
spalling at the Tate Site, Lincoln National Forest (photos, Forest Service, Lincoln National Forest).

114 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

a c

b d

Figure 5-2(a,b) Natural weathering and vandalism at Inscription Canyon, San Bernardino County, California, 1971. a) Lichen
growth beginning to obscure petroglyphs. b) Vandalism, attempt to remove the petroglyphs. (c,d) Vandalism, defaced petroglyph
panel at Keyhole Sink on the Kaibab National Forest (photos, Forest Service, Southwestern Region, Kaibab National Forest).

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 115

Figure 5-3Cupule boulders, both examples from Riverside Figure 5-4Examples of intaglios or geoglyphs. Top: Blythe
County, California. (California) Intaglios along the Colorado River at site CA-
RIV-14. Bottom: Close-up of one of the figures.

Setting and Placement Many examples of complex rock images are asso-
ciated with topographic features, such as canyons,
The setting and placement of these cultural resources draws, and ridges that support growth of potential
are often away from customary habitation and may fuels today and provide access routes across terrain
be seen at almost any location. Rock images may be into higher elevations. Some examples will be found
within caves, rock shelters, or overhanging cliffs where in isolated spots, often with a landscape view, but oth-
vegetation may flourish as potential fuels. Images or ers are within modern urban/suburban environments
patterns may be on above-grade outcrops, vertical sur- (Bostwick 1998). In some western States, circular rock
faces, or at-grade horizontal locations, on expanses of alignments indicate temporary shelters and would not
exposed bedrock found along drainages, ridgelines, or be called geoglyphs. Images or inscriptions on tree
topographic features related to water sources. In some trunkssometimes called dendroglyphsare unique
locations, pecked handholds, steps, or trail markers historic resources documenting historic land uses in
may exist with modern hiking trails and other access timbered regions (chapter 6; Coy 1999). Recognized
routes. Since bedrock-milling mortars are associated historic trails are sometimes documented by travel-
with food gathering and processing, evidence of tem- ers names and dates on trees or rocks that may be
porary camping may also be present in surrounding absent in historical records but may be accompanied
mineral soils. by historical archaeological materials at campsites.

116 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Heritage and Research Values______ Whitley 1994, 1996b). Rock art sites and obsidian
artifacts are potential sources for collaborative
Heritage and research values of rock images, geo- ethnographic studies regarding Native American
glyphs, and other associated prehistoric or historic uses of fire for manipulation of environments
visual depictions are characterized by the following (Arguello and Siefkin 2003; Keeley 2002; Loyd
values that justify active preservation and conserva- and others 2002; Underwood and others 2003;
tion management: Williams 2001).
Cultural values for contemporary tribal com- Native and non-native inscriptions, trail mark-
munities as spiritual places where ancestral ers, and food preparation stations have values for
practitioners conducted necessary ceremonies, interpreting environmental history, landscape
noted astronomic observations, or recorded past change, travel prior to modern methods, and ad-
tribal events (for example, Writing-on-Stone aptation of subsistence practices by inhabitants
Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada; Saddle Rock through changing land use patterns.
Ranch Pictograph Site within the Santa Monica
Mountains of California illustrating Spanish Inclusion of rock image resource in Federal or
horsemen; Cave of Life petroglyphs in Petrified State historic property registers as significant
Forest National Park, Arizona). public heritage sites denotes official recognition
that triggers specific preservation compliance ac-
Design elements indicate past land use by tions required by legislation, as well as defining
ancestral social units who marked places on public education values (Marymor 2001).
customary lands by producing visual signs (for
example, Newspaper Rock petroglyphs of Hopi Dating of rock art through scientific methods
clan symbols in Petrified Forest National Park, depends on assessing the integrity of the resource
Arizona; Hawaiian ahupuaa or land use unit in terms of contamination, physical damage and
boundaries (Cox and Stasack 1970)). presence of datable organic materials. Notable
successes have been developed to give radiocar-
Rock image elements distributed over an area or bon age determinations as numerical values as
region indicate connections by past native peoples well as relative (older than or younger than)
to lands their descendants may not occupy today. ages (Chaffee and others 1994; Dorn 1994, 2001;
Traditional leaders who attribute sacred values Francis 1994).
to lands as witnessed by rock art sites consider
these resources as very special identifiers. Such
places are included in the May 1996 Presidential Fire Effects______________________
Executive Order 13007 Sacred Places, directing
Some major rock image examples and related ar-
Federal agencies to preserve such locations as
chaeological resources clustered together on public
public heritage values to all citizens.
land areas may be described or formally documented
Most serious researchers use non-destructive in existing technical reports, electronic or paper
and detailed photographic and other methods of archaeological site inventory records, or summaries
recording, assessing, and describing rock images of resources in a protected status (Labadie 1990; Mc-
and geoglyphs, which recognize the complexity Carthy 1990). But often, essential information about
and variety of these cultural expressions over time location, characteristic, and existing condition is not
and space (Bock and Bock 1989). American Rock readily available during emergency situations. Field
Art Research Association (ARARA) members, crews will probably encounter isolated, poorly known,
affiliated local interest groups, and professional or undocumented rock art on vertical or ground sur-
researchers need to follow high standards of face outcrops that may also include bedrock mortars
field work and publications. Previous methods or grinding surfaces. Protection actions such as those
such as chalking, rubbings, crayon use, castings suggested in the Mitigation and Protection section
or applications of latex coatings, even kerosene should be taken in these situations, under guidance
washes and other embellishments should always from a fire management trained Cultural Resource
be avoided (Labadie 1990; Lee 1990; Whitley Specialist. Some effects are short term while others
1996a). are longer duration; temporary changes such as soot
Use of ethnological information by some leading deposits may be removed naturally. Untrained persons
researchers has produced innovative studies that should not attempt direct conservation measures.
link stone images to native belief systems, phi- Rock shelters, overhangs, and vertical rock faces
losophies of life, individual expressions, and past containing rock image panels may suffer two types
intergroup events (Crotty 1990; Robbins 2001; of damage from wildland fires: thermal effects from
energy (heat) absorbed and depositional damage from

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 117

exposure to smoke, soot, ash, smudging, and tars as Illegal campfires in spaces such as rock shelters or
combustion products (Loyd and others 2002). The caves 30.5 meters (100 feet) or less from images can also
energy may result from either radiation or convec- produce extensive spalling, sooting, or other damage
tion but higher temperatures are associated with the to natural rock surfaces, but restoration is possible in
former (chapter 2). Common results are discoloration, some cases (fig. 5-6). Prevention of such illegal camping
exfoliation or spalling, and heat absorption (fig. 5-5). should be a management and enforcement priority.
Smudging occurs when combustion products precipi- Wildland and prescribed burn suppression activi-
tate on or adhere to exposed rock surfaces. Chemical ties including use of heavy equipment has resulted in
and physical changes are probably caused by heat severe damage to ground level rock art made upon
penetration and charring of organic pigment binder exposed bedrock formations (fig. 5-7, 5-8, 5-9). Foam,
materials of painted elements. Spalled or pot-lidded fire retardant, or water applied during mop up opera-
surfaces or the forming of minute cracks in fine grained tions to still hot rock surfaces can also cause spalling.
rock types occur when normally absorbed moisture Organic materials in some retardant gels remain on
becomes heated, causing rock grains and moisture image surfaces or fertilize micro or macro-plant growth.
molecules to expand and lose normal adhesion.

Figure 5-5Spalling and exfoliation caused

by fires. Top: Spalling of rock art following
the 2003 Hammond Fire, Manti LaSal NF,
Utah (Johnson 2004). Pictograph damaged
by heat from forest fire (photo Clay Johnson,
Ashley NF). Bottom: Typical exfoliation of
granitic rock where fuels are nearby and
burning very hot. No cultural features were

118 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Figure 5-6Examples of graffiti and illegal campfire built at the base of a rock painting
at site (CA-RIV-45) in Tahquitz Canyon, Riverside County, California.

Figure 5-7Fire-damaged petroglyph in Hawaii.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 119

Figure 5-8Fire-affected milling equipment noted after the Louisiana Fire Incident in 2002. Top: Granite
handstone. Note most of the upper worn, polished surface has weathered away. Bottom: Schist metate
surface with only small worn and polished areas remaining.

120 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Figure 5-9Cupule boulder damaged during the Louisiana Fire Incident in 2002. Top: View showing
the north rock exposure. Cupule Panel 1 shown by arrows and extent of damage to rock surface.
Bottom: Detail of damage to panel.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 121

Certain types of lava flows are thinly covered by frag- with numerous native Hawaiian petroglyphs, de-
ile silica coatingswhich native peoples removed to stroying and severely damaging scores of unrecorded
produce petroglyphsthat are very easily damaged elements (Lee and Stasack l999). Burning of private
by foot traffic, hose lines, or hand tool use. Stone ar- sugar cane fields prior to harvesting resulted in gen-
rangements or geoglyphs can also receive damage eration of high heat from long flame length fires and
from machinery, hand lines, fire camps, heliopads, accumulation of ash and soot on rock art examples
and vehicle parking. (J. Mikilani Ho, personal communication; NPS 1999);
the use of bulldozers for this activity also resulted in
damage to basalt outcrops with rock art. Examples of
Field Examples__________________ increased visibility for rock art, as well as covering by
Over the past two decades, at least 20 examples of fresh flows, ash, or acidic moisture are documented for
rock art resources impacted by wildland fires or van- Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (Edward and Diane
dalism have been reported within several States (Kelly Stasack, personnel communication, 1999).
and McCarthy 2001, 2002). While these examples are
only a few from an unknown number of rock art re- Arizona
sources impacted by fires, they illustrate fire-generated
Within Coconino National Forest, the Deadman Wash
impacts on different rock types and images, issues of
locality contains 48 rock art sites, which were partially
fuel loading near archaeological resources, and post-
subjected to a wildland fire in 1996 (fig. 5-10) (Kolber
fire observations.
l998). One site was heavily damaged by high heat on
basalt surfaces, causing exfoliation and substantial to
Hawaii total loss of element clusters (fig. 5-11).
On the Island of Hawaii, brush firefighting in March
1990 included zig-zag dozer tracks over aa lava flows

Figure 5-10Lava flows on the Island

of Hawaii are often exposed to damage
from fire, fire suppression, and other
cultural practices (a) Puuloa Petroglyphs
(b) Puuloa Petroglyphys; (c) Puako

122 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Figure 5-10(Continued)

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 123

Figure 5-11Heavy fuel accumulation and consumption around basalt outcrops at the Deadman Wash
site Coconino National Forest, Arizona.

Texas California
Hueco Tanks State Historical Park near El Paso Within Cleveland National Forest, a single picto-
contains spectacular American Indian rock art dating graph panel of an anthropomorphic figurea rake
from Archaic period to historic Mescalero Apaches, Kio- patternand other images were subjected to a high
was, and Comanche tribes. Guided visitor tours and a temperature fire from nearby fuels (Cavaioli 1991).
management program, including conservation projects, Only two elements were undamaged and red hematite
are positive steps ensuring preservation and study of elements were discolored and altered from rock sur-
these well-known examples. Soot coatings and sprayed face spalling and high temperatures. In 1982, another
graffiti at one site were treated with mixed results, but rock art site was damaged from spalling due to burn-
more elements were revealed after smoke blackening ing of heavy fuels nearby and target shooting later.
was removed (Ronald Ralph, personal communication, At Vanderburg Air Force Base, burning of brush in
2000). A recent fast-moving fire at the Alibates Flint proximity to a major rock image site caused spalling of
Quarries National Monument near Amarillo caused rhyolite surfaces and loss of painted design elements
spalling of dolomite outcrops and boulders, some of (Hyder and others 1996). In the 1999 Willow Fire
which contained rock art; no images were damaged. in San Bernardino NF, intense heat caused blistering
Whether high heat caused micro-fracturing of stone of two unrecorded painted panels and loss of details
surfaces near petroglyphs or not is unclear but may (McCarthy 2000).
increase deterioration of the images in the future (Dean In the southeastern California Mojave Desert, Bu-
1999). reau of Land Managements Black Mountain locality,
fast-burning grass fires did not alter rock art on basalt

124 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

outcrops but did result in greater visibility and light
smudging, which faded with time. An intentional
Sidebar 5-1Rock Art
campfire set in the early 1990s near a small rock art Chapin 5 Fire, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado,
panel on local granite resulted in significant spalling August 1724, 1996
and blackening, which faded later. Damage to rock References: Floyd-Hanna and others (1997); Ives and
art on granite surfaces depends on fire heat, nearby others (2002)
fuels, and rate of ignition (Sally Cunkleman, personal
communication, 1999). General Information:

Colorado Elevation: 2,078.7 m (6,820 ft) at the south

end canyon to 2,561.8 m (8,405 ft) in the north
Mesa Verde National Park contains superlative
rim of the mesa
ancestral Pueblo rock art associated with village com-
munities occupied between the 12th and 14th centuries. Vegetation: Ranges from shrub communities,
During the 1996 Chapin 5 wildfire (Sidebar 5-1), three to pinyon-juniper woodland, to semi-desert
panels on the sandstone of Battleship Rock sustained vegetation on shale outcrops at the lower
discoloration and extensive spalling (Cole 1997; Floyd- south end of the mesa; riparian vegetation in
Hanna and others 1997-98). This significant rock art canyon bottoms
site had been documented several times since 1989 by Topography: Chapin V Mesa slopes from north
chalking, photography, and written descriptions, trac- to south and is cut by canyons
ings, and replication for Visitor Center display. Of the
three major panels, two sustained extensive damage Type of study: Post-fire assessment
as compared to earlier documentation. Standing trees,
brush, and considerable duff fuel loading indicated Fire Description:
absence of fire until 1996 in the vicinity of Battleship
Rock. A monitoring program has been instituted to Temperature range: 15.5-29.4 C (60-85 F)
watch further changes since Park management, in Duration: 7 days
consultation with local tribal authorities, decided not
to attempt stabilization or restoration of damaged Relative humidity: 23-85%
surfaces (Desert News Archives, AP: December 1, Intensity: 23% of area burned at high intensity,
1996). 55% at moderate burn intensity, and 18% at
A 9,000-acre fire occurred in 1996 within Comanche low burn intensity; 4% unburned area
and Cimarron National Grasslands, near La Junta.
A Volunteer in Time project revisited 19 of 77 sites Type of fire: wildland
to assess any fire damage (Mitchell l997). About 16 Energy Release Component (ERC): 39-70
unrecorded rock art panels were observed but only
Burning Index (BI): 19-67
two sustained damage. Close proximity of standing
The Chapin 5 fire occurred in August of 1996 and
trees as fuels to rock surfaces (0.3 to 0.6 meters [1 to
burned 19.3 km (4,781 acres) of Mesa Verde National
2 feet]) accounted for spalling of sandstone rock faces,
Park. Red-carded archaeologists worked closely with
fortunately without images. Spot fires and light ground
firefighters and monitored fire suppression impacts to
fuels resulted in minimal damage to sites and rock
heritage resources. About 150 sites, including 75 previ-
art panels but exposed additional sites for recording
ously unknown sites, were encountered during suppres-
(Mitchell 1997).
sion activities. About 295 sites were known to exist in
the burn area and an additional 366 unrecorded sites
Utah were located after the burn (USDI 1999). Sites included
In 1981, Canyonlands National Park sustained a numerous masonry pueblos, 27 cliff dwellings, pithouse
200-acre wildland fire named for a petroglyph panel complexes, agricultural features, burial sites, historic
called Four Faces (Noxon and Marcus l983). While not summer shelters, hogans, and sweat lodges (USDI 1996).
damaging the four elaborate anthropomorphic figures The fire burned two of the four Battleship Rock petro-
directly, nearby sandstone exposures sustained smoke glyph panels, causing extensive damage (figs. 5-S1, 5-S2).
blackening and extensive exfoliation due to moisture Following the fire, the ground surrounding the petroglyph
expansion within the local type of sandstone. Pinyon- panels was covered with ash. Spalling and discoloration
juniper fuels in quantity and short distances from the (reddish, black, and gray areas were noted) affected some
Four Faces panel provided sufficient heat source for glyph elements to the point that they could not be recog-
convection transfer to sandstone cliff faces at a height nized as complete forms. Fragments of spalled sandstone
of 12.2 meters (40 feet) above ground surfaces. lay at the base of panels (Ives and others 2002).

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 125

Immediately after the fire, a Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation (BAER) team assessed the extent of burn dam-
age. They submitted an emergency treatment plan in September of 1996 and fieldwork began shortly thereafter. Teams
of archaeologists and hydrologists worked for over three field seasons to assess archaeological sites and establish erosion
control. They adapted new methods of damage assessment from methods established at Bandelier National Monument
after the 1996 Dome Fire. Hazard trees were cut down, water-bars constructed and excelsior strips laid over the ground
to prevent soil erosion and promote vegetation growth. Much of the burned area was also seeded with grass. A 1999
assessment (USDI 1999) found the project successful. Significant damage to sites had been avoided, 661 sites had been
assessed and 333 had been treated to prevent damage.

a b

Figure 5-S1Direct effects of the 1996 Chapin-5 Fire, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado on the Battleship Rock petroglyph;
Panel 3R, before (1989) (a) and after (2006) (b) (compliments of S.J. Cole).

a b

Figure 5-S2Direct effects of the 1996 Chapin-5 Fire, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado on the Battleship Rock petroglyph
Panel 2L, before (1989) (a) and after (2006) (b) (compliments of S.J. Cole).

126 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Washington parison show extensive discoloration, exfoliation,
and greater exposure of the cultural resource for
In 1997, Horsethief State Park at Dallesport, sus- potential vandalism. When heat levels or duration
tained a fire caused by a train spark. Images on basalt times were comparatively mild, soot deposits were
outcrops along the northern shoreline were damaged successfully removed and the resource returned
and the glassy or silica-like surfaces were exfoliated to pre-fire condition.
by heat.
Sandstone, granite and rhyolite parent rock types
Kentucky suffered damage from high levels of energy re-
leases from nearby fuels and fire behaviors, but
In Daniel Boone National Forest, a wildland fire images on basalt or lava rock types sustained
extensively damaged one rock art site (site number only light soot deposits and temporary increase
15Ja234). to visibility. Rock art on Hawaiian lava flows,
however, often sustains considerable damage
Nevada from ash, toxic moistures, soot deposits from
fresh flows, and use of fire-fighting equipment
In eastern Nevada, a rock art site composed of sev- during periodic field fires (fig. 5-12) (Kelly and
eral panels within a series of overhangs at Reed Cabin McCarthy 2001).
Summit was totally destroyed by brush fueled fires.
Rhyolite rock surfaces exfoliated, spalled, and were Useful site inventories of rock art resources ex-
smoke-blackened, obscuring or rendering the images ist at some institutions (for example, Rock Art
destroyed. Some informal documentation had been Archive of UCLAs Institute of Archaeology; Sink
done earlier but was not systematic. An arson fire 1998) and compiled bibliographies have been
in Condor Gulch also impacted known rock art sites annotated (McLane l993). Specific management
in similar ways (Mark Henderson, Bureau of Land plans for rock art resources are few but offer better
Management, personal communication, 2001). stewardship regarding public access, fire man-
agement, preservation, and research (Labadie
1990; Lee 1990; Marymor 2001; Whitley 1996b).
Field Examples: Observations
Preservation strategies such as removal of poten-
Major fire damage to these resources and natural tial fuels, documentation of major at-risk sites by
stone used in the production of the cultural images skilled specialists, and use of GIS overlay maps
is usually left untreated and unrestored. Decisions during a suppression campaign by Incident Com-
not to carry out conservation or restoration actions mand staff are recommended. NPS Pacific West
seem based on assumed lack of fiscal resources, Region archaeological staff works with prescribed
incorrectly assuming that such damage cannot fire specialists to conduct pre-burn terrain and
be treated or restored, and that loss of resource archival records checks to avoid inadvertent
integrity is an acceptable consequence of a natural impacts to undocumented sites (Malony and
process for wildland fires. Some technical studies Zimpel 1997).
on chemical and physical applications to damaged
rock art show that conservation and treatment
are possible (Dean 1999; Grisafe and Nickens Mitigation and Protection__________
1991a, b; Ralph 1990; Silver 1982). Funds for Specific fuel removal will lessen potential smoke
mitigation of fire damage to cultural resources damage and heat impacts to rock surfaces (fig. 5-13).
are included in the Burned Area Emergency Black line, protective foam barriers, fire resistant
Response (BAER) program. Reprogramming of tarps, hand-lines, and hose lays around known sites
fiscal year funds to meet specific cultural resource or fire resistant tarps can be deployed with resource
preservation needs should be considered. In some advisors participation. Technical documentation by
cases, a professional conservators assessment to skilled specialists can establish a photographic, video,
let natural processes clean images temporarily narrative, and graphic record prior to a local fire event;
obscured may be the best decision. this record provides a baseline condition assessment
Some reported field examples describe post-fire for monitoring activities later. Increased visibility may
characteristics of a rock image resource, without also prompt unwanted visitation.
comparison to pre-fire condition or estimates of Preventing loss of color, design elements, complexity
convection-radiation energy levels reached, or of panel or cluster relationships to outcropping con-
other fire behavior data at the location. Those figuration may be impossible. Through documentation
field reports that offer a before and after com- using ARARA accepted techniques and approaches we
may preserve rock art characteristics (Dean 1999).

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 127


Figure 5-12Sooting (a) and exfoliation (b) of rock art images on basalt outcrops at the Deadman
Wash site Coconino National Forest, Arizona.

128 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

a b

Figure 5-13Vegetation surrounds cultural features, posing a threat from fires. Top: Example of a bedrock mortars surrounded
by grasses, at risk from a fire. Bottom (a,b): Fire effects after Piute Fire (photo, Mark Howe 2008). Many milling features are likely
in poor condition due to past fires dispelling the notion that stone artifacts are not perishable. Repeated fires over time along with
seasonal freeze and thaw cycle contribute to destruction of milling features uncommonly faster by accelerating exfoliation of the
rock layers.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 129

Prescribed fire plots may include rock art sites, so in a ketone fluid medium. Bonding of sand grains with
management of nearby fuels would be required in the no change in appearance or permeability resulted from
burn plan. Malicious damage during fire suppression is their experiments. Turner and Burkes (1976) study
subject to law enforcement, either using Archeological used stone samples from Davis Gulch in Lake Powell
Resources Protection Act l979 (amended l988), Code of near known rock art sites and from Natural Bridges
Federal Regulations regarding Federal property dam- area of northern Arizona. The most successful mate-
age, State resources codes, or local county ordinances. rial was a polymerized methyl methacrylate, applied
Post fire suppression reports, rehabilitation plans, and in a wet method to sandstone samples. These early
other incident reports should include details regarding efforts may not be allowed in current times because of
rock art and other archaeological sites within burned recognized hazardous nature for some chemicals used
terrain. Expert advice from an experienced conserva- and absence of monitoring data over time regarding
tor will be necessary. weakening or disintegration of applied materials.

Restoration and Stabilization_______ Resources Available______________

Major damage to significant rock art, geoglyphs, The American Rock Art Research Association website:
or related modifications of natural stone is often left
unrestored. Pioneering studies of chemical stabiliza- University of California, Los Angeles Institute of Archeology
tion of porous stone types such as sandstone have been Rock Art Archive. Information available:
performed (Grisafe and Nickens 1991a, b; Turner and
Burke 1976). These authors used experimental stone
samples to determine effectiveness of various chemi- International Newsletter on Rock Art (INORA), sponsored
cal materials to artificially strengthen weakly bonded by UNESCOs International Council on Monuments and
stone without changing color, porosity, or permeability. Sites (ICOMOS). Information available:
Grisafe and Nickens (1991a) studied a Kansas rock
art site and found stone samples taken nearby were newsletter-on-rock.html.
strengthened by an organo-silicon compound dissolved

130 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Charles Haecker

Chapter 6:
Fire Effects on Materials of the
Historic Period
In a literal sense historical artifacts and historical There are countless historical sites that have been
sites are all artifacts and sites dating after the intro- continuously occupied up to present-day, resulting
duction of written history in any region. For example, in an even greater variety of building materials and
in New Mexico, these would be sites dating after AD artifacts of varying degrees of combustibility. For ex-
1540, the year of the first Spanish entrada into what ample, a cabin built in 1870 might have the original log
would later become the State of New Mexico. In many walls exposed in the interior rooms, its exterior walls
instances, historical sites can also include those sites lined with turn-of-the-century clapboards, which in
created by American Indians who possessed at least turn are overlaid by aluminum siding installed in 1955.
some Euro-American objects, and/or whose methods The nearby trash dump might contain fragments of ca.
of construction were influenced to some degree by 1870 whiskey bottles, parts from a ca. 1900 wood stove
Euro-Americans. The National Historic Preservation alongside 1930s automobile tires, all capped over by a
Act defines antiquities as over 50 years old; therefore, 1968 Avocado Green refrigerator. A grass fire might
even late 20th century historical sites may be considered not affect the house, but the 1930-vintage tires could
eligible to the National Register of Historic Places. catch fire, resulting in destruction of the historic dump.
(It is important to note that only cultural resource A review of the literature regarding effects of fire on
specialists can make a determination regarding the cultural resources indicates an explicit bias in favor of
eligibility of a cultural resource to the National Register studying the effects of fire on prehistoric resources, as
of Historic Places; see chapter 1.) Given this time depth opposed to studying these effects on historic structures
and regional/ethnic diversity there exists a wide variety and artifacts. Consequently, the following information
of historic architectural designs made of materials such is based in part on unpublished, anecdotal observa-
as adobe, sod, logs, planks, firebrick, formed concrete tions, conjoined with empirical data obtained from
and, quite often, combinations thereof. Artifacts pres- experiments conducted by arson investigators. The
ent at even the most humble of historical sites can latter data contain a wealth of information that should
number into the thousands; virtually anything listed be consulted by cultural resource managers and fire
in a nineteenth century mail-order catalog could be managers when considering the effects of fire on the
found on a frontier ranch. wide array of historic period materials.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 131

Types of Fire Damage_____________ Historic Structures_______________
Distortion happens when materials change shape, Native Materials Structures
temporarily or permanently, during fires. Nearly
all materials expand when heated, affecting the American Indians traditionally used readily ob-
integrity of solid structures when they are made tainable raw materials from the land around them,
from several materials. If one material expands fashioning structures from wood, bark, leaves, grass,
more than another material, the difference in reeds, earth, snow, stone, skin, and bones. Their
expansion can cause the structure to fail. principal types of construction were (1) tensile or bent
Spalling is a condition associated with masonry frame with covering for example, wigwam, wickiup;
plaster and concrete building materials and some (2) compression shell, for example, hogan, tipi; and (3)
artifacts. The primary mechanism of spalling is post-and-beam wood frame with various walling mate-
the expansion or contraction of the surface while rials, for example, earth lodge, plank house (Nabokov
the rest of the mass expands or contracts at a dif- and Easton 1989). Such structures usually were not
ferent rate. Spalling of concrete, masonry, or brick conceived as articles of permanent craftsmanship;
usually occurs due to high temperatures from an once abandoned they quickly deteriorated. However,
accelerant, for example, creosote-soaked railroad aboveground remnants of late prehistoric and historical
ties used as building material (NFPA 1998). An periods combustible structures exist in the arid and/
example of spalling on artifacts occurs when the or high-elevation regions of the United States and
colorless glaze on historic ceramics separates Canada.
from the underlying ceramic paste. American Indians sometimes incorporated build-
Charring is the carbonization of a fuel during ing materials of Euro-American origin since at least
heating or burning. The rate of charring is non- the mid-19th century. Such a structure might follow
linear and varies with wood density, a property the traditional building form yet be constructed of
that varies with species and growing conditions, an amalgam of native and Euro-American building
and with the duration of heating. An often-quoted materials. Euro-American building materials are
simple rule of thumb for pine is that charring intended to last for many years even after structural
occurs approximately at the rate of 3.5 cm (1.4 abandonment and collapse; therefore, such objects as
in) per hour at 750 C (1382 F) (DeHaan 1991). firebrick, milled lumber, and corrugated roofing may
Calcination refers to the various changes that oc- also be the surface indicators of an American Indian
cur in cement- and gypsum-based plasters during historical site.
a fire. Calcination involves driving the chemically AdobeSoil for the making of adobe bricks or for
bound water out of the plaster, turning it into a use in rammed earth walls is available in virtually
crumbly solid (NFPA 1998). Charring of organic unlimited quantities almost everywhere. Proportions
binder, if present, will also weaken the plaster. of sand, silt, and clay vary in the ground. If these
Build-up of hazardous, highly flammable vegeta- proportions are unsuitable, the soil is tempered or
tion within abandoned/collapsed structures is a balanced by the addition of another material, such as
common occurrence at historic sites. Collapsed, straw, hay, or other fibrous vegetal matter. Earth-wall
rotted roof beams can catch fire quickly, especially structures can be found from high mountain passes to
if dry vegetation, for example, tumbleweed, has the humid lowlands of the eastern seaboard. Its basic
piled up within or adjacent to the structure. form of construction consists of a solid, load-bearing
Once ignited, the building materials become the wall built up of sun-dried bricks molded into flat lay-
primary fuels that will dictate severity of the fire ers, with adobe mud used as mortar (fig. 6-1). Surfaces
and the resulting effects on its contents. are then smoothed with adobe plaster, which is a thin
Fighting the fire may cause some site damage. For mixture of water and clay mixed with gypsum (calcium
instance, use of water to fight a fire on a historic sulfate). For roof construction, closely spaced beams in
trash dump could crack super-heated artifacts; the form of round logs are laid transversely on the tops
use of a fire rake over a trash dump could damage of the walls. Thin branches, sticks, or reeds, laid in a
the artifacts; and chemical fire retardants may dense mass over the logs, support a thick blanket of
alter the surface appearance of artifacts. clay that makes a durable roof slightly pitched toward
Removal of vegetation by a fire may result in ero- drain spouts outside the walls.
sion of the site, and exposure of surface artifacts Susceptibility to Fire: Walls of an intact, well-built
might lead to site vandalism. and maintained adobe structure will resist damage
from an external fire source. Fire damage, however, can

132 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Figure 6-119th century Hispanic structure, New Mexico; constructed of sandstone,
adobe plaster, and log roof beams.

occur from even a low temperature fire if (1) vertical

wooden support posts and lintels are in an advanced
state of decay; (2) the wooden roof support posts have
collapsed, exposing the vegetal roof material; or (3) the
roofless structure contains an accumulation of dry and
decayed material that is highly flammable. Gypsum
plasters will calcinate when exposed to sufficient heat,
resulting in spalling. Plaster spall, in turn, may expose
otherwise protected vertical posts, which may also burn
when exposed to fire. Adobe bricks, mud mortar, and
plaster may be weakened by fire if the straw binder
Hogan, Tipi, WickiupThe hogan, a traditional
Navajo dwelling, is susceptible to fire. Thousands have
been recorded as historic archaeological features; 4,510 Figure 6-2Remains of a 17th century Navajo Hogan, New
hogans have been recorded in New Mexico alone, with Mexico. These wood remains were later collected by fuel
thousands more in Colorado, Arizona, and Utah. It was, wood gatherers.
and still is, a permanent single family house, built to
retain heat in the winter and to keep cool in the sum-
mer (fig. 6-2). Earlier hogans began as a framework
of five heavy poles set up in a cone shape, like the tipi
(fig. 6-3), but with a small vestibule entrance. It had in part, the log technology of Euro-American pioneers
a smoke hole and was insulated with a heavy layer of to build the hogan walls. But furniture arrangement,
sod. It was known as the forked stick hogan because roof construction, lighting, interior functioning, and
of the shape of the poles that held up the structure. the overall shape of the building remained the same.
The surface remains of 389 forked-stick hogans have Other American Indian combustible structures in-
been recorded in New Mexico. Some of these remains clude Shoshone semi-standing log structures in eastern
date as early as A.D. 1550, up to the early 1800s. Nevada (Simms 1989), tipi-like structural remains in
Eventually, stone-walled hogans and the present- eastern California (Bettinger 1975, 1982), and brush
day log wall hogan evolved because of the influence wickiup (fig. 6-4) remains in Death Valley National
of Euro-Americans. By 1850 the Navajo had adopted, Monument (Deal and DAscenzo 1987; Wallace and

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 133

Wallace 1979). Other combustible features sometimes
found on historical period American Indian sites are
ramadas, which are sun shades constructed of verti-
cal posts with a pole-and-brush roof; livestock pens
constructed of brush and poles; and firewood piles.
Susceptibility to Fire: Hogans have been and are
constructed of a variety of materials, including adobe
and logs (see Susceptibility to Fire for adobe and
log cabins). Sandstone is a common hogan building
material. When exposed to sufficient temperatures,
the surface of sandstone oxidizes, turns color, and
spalls. The remains of forked stick hogans are espe-
cially susceptible to fire since the wood can be quite
oldsome have been dated to over 350 years oldand
very dry. Many of these remains have the appearance
of firewood piles and are in danger of being burned or
hauled out by prescribed fire burn crews and firewood
cutters. Given their construction materials and col-
lapsed appearances, wickiups, tipi poles, forked-stick
hogans, and ramadas are likewise in danger of being
mistaken for hazardous fuel loads.
MonumentsThis category includes grave mark-
Figure 6-319th century tipi poles, Yellowstone National Park.
ers, shrines, and cairns, the latter defined as a pile
These poles were later destroyed in a forest fire.
of stones used to denote a specific location. Varieties

Figure 6-4Remains of an early 20th century wickiup, Death Valley, California.

134 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

of materials are used to construct
grave markers, ranging from
commercially manufactured and
inscribed marble or cement slabs,
crossed pieces of wood, or simply
upright boards and unmodified
stones. Although typically grouped
within a community cemetery,
grave markers can be found in
association with homesteads, and
even alongside roads and trails
(fig.6-5). Shrines usually incor-
porate an icon or symbol that is
typically, but not always, religious
in nature. Like grave markers,
shrines may be constructed from
a variety of materials, and also
can be found virtually anywhere.
Cairns, which are of ancient origin
in concept and are easily con- th
structed, can demarcate boundary Figure 6-519 century Russian grave, Nelson Island, Alaska. Note potential fuel load
corners, a trail route, a place of of cured grasses that surround the grave.
significance in history or prehis-
tory, a cache of trade goods, or a burial. Some cairns
hold significance that is sacred to American Indians;
therefore, cairns should be given consideration as
cultural resources, unless identified otherwise.
Culturally Modified TreesCulturally modified
trees in various regions of the western United States
and Canada are important archaeological and ethno-
graphic resources (White 1954). As examples, there
are bow stave junipers in the Great Basin (Wilke
1988); bark peel ponderosa in Montana and New
Mexico (fig. 6-6) (Swetnam 1984); and Northwest red
cedars, from which bark was harvested for making
containers (Schlick 1984), or planks extracted from
still-living trees (Hicks 1985; Stewart 1984). These
culturally scarred trees are part of the landscape and
are important cultural resources and, as such, should
be given the same regard as hogans, wickiups, monu-
ments, etc.
Log CabinSwedes who settled along the Delaware
River in 1638 introduced the log cabin in America. It
was not until around 1700 that non-Swedes built log
cabins (fig. 6-7). By the mid-1700s, the log cabin had
become the standard frontier dwelling, inhabited by
all nationalities, as well as by American Indians. The
log cabin had many features desirable to the early
settlers and later pioneers moving westward. It was
quickly built from indigenous materialstrees and
rocks cleared from land to be used for farming. It
was easy to build because it did not require an extra
framework to hold up the walls. The fireplace was Figure 6-6Ponderosa bark peel tree on a Mescalero
made of large stones and the chimney of sticks lined Apache camp site, Guadalupe Mountains National Park,
with mud. The floor was tamped earth and the roof Texas.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 135

extreme care had to be taken with cooking and heat-
ing. Plastering is a necessity for a hay bale structure,
perhaps less so with a sod structure. A cement-based
plaster was commonly used to protect the hay from
moisture and as a fire retardant.
Sod bricks were made from ground plowed into 30.5
to 35.6 cm-thick (12 to 14 in) strips. These strips were
cut into two-foot lengths and then placed lengthwise
with the green grass facing down, making a wall two
feet thick. When the desired height was reached, huge
cedar ridge pole and cedar rafters were placed on the
top of the walls to support a willow brush matting and
sod roof. More affluent settlers built their sod houses
with a wood frame roof covered with sheeting boards
and tarpaper to support the sod.
Figure 6-719th century log cabin, Colorado. Susceptibility to Fire: Due to their high organic dust
content, hay bales are far more susceptible to fire than
the straw bales commonly used today. If the plaster
of a historic hay bale structure is partly missing, then
the fire hazard is much greatereven a minor grass
fire or an ember could ignite the structure.
split cedar shingles. Early log cabins were sometimes
erected close to each other inside a log palisade to make
a protected community.
Structures Using Manufactured Materials
Susceptibility to Fire: It is safe to say there is a As compared with structures of native materials,
close correlation between the presence of historic log structures of this category include a much greater
structures and the abundant availability of trees. variety of construction materials. For example, a
There are numerous examples of forest fires that have homestead might have fieldstone floor support columns,
destroyed such structures. The primary cause of fire cement-mortared log walls, a stick-and-mud chimney,
damage to a log structure is the general fire regime milled wood rafters, and corrugated steel roofing.
of the region, not of the logs themselves. All cabins, Metal fasteners such as nails, bolts, and wood screws,
when made of the same materials, essentially have the are also present in relative abundance. Each of these
same flammability potential. Yet there are also some building materials has its own rate of decomposition/
contributing factors to consider as well: condition of oxidation, with a concomitant variation to its suscepti-
the logs, for example, dry rot; average relative humid- bility to fire. As another example, a cement-plastered,
ity of the region (log cabins in the Northwest Coast adobe-walled structure could have creosote-soaked
region have a far less chance of burning than cabins railroad ties employed as corner posts. If the plaster
found in the Southwest high desert); flammability of has spalled off from the railroad ties due to differing
roofing material (wood shingles versus corrugated steel expansion rates, the structure is in much greater
roofing); and accumulation of flammable materials danger of burning from even a low-temperature grass
such as moss, pine litter, vegetative growth, and any fire. This is because creosote, used as a preservative on
chemical accelerants that may be within and around railroad ties, is an accelerantand if the railroads tie
the cabin. has dry-rotted, the fire hazard would be even greater.
Baled Hay and SodThe High Plains prairie lacks Frame StructuresWood was the obvious choice
trees, stone, or fuels for firing bricks. Euro-American for most early buildings and bridges. The introduction
settlers may first have lived in quickly-built dugouts of the nail- and spike-cutting machines after 1790
carved from small ravines or south-facing hills. Like the and of the power-driven circular saw in 1814 greatly
American Indians who constructed lodges from earth, increased the production of boards and heavy timbers.
the pioneers also used wild grasses and domestic hays Mass production of cut nails by the early nineteenth
baled into large building blocks to construct substan- century permitted the development of light, or bal-
tial, well-insulated homes. The front of the dugout was loon frame building construction during the 1830s.
usually walled with sod bricks into which a door and Such inexpensive structures could be built where
window were cut. Baling machines were introduced in wood was not abundant, for example, the prairie and
the 1850s and, by 1890, settlers were using hay bales desert region of the American West. The advance of
as a construction material for houses and barns. Fire the railroad network throughout the West after the
was a particular hazard to the baled hay house and Civil War greatly increased the availability of milled

136 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

lumber. This building material provided an alternative are locally available, or acquired from manufactur-
to native materials such as adobe, sod, and logs. ers. Cinder block has been a building material since
Susceptibility to Fire: A strong likelihood exists that around 1920. Cementmade of crushed and slaked
a dilapidated, unoccupied historic frame structure limestone or crushed and slaked oyster shell, the
eventually will be destroyed by fire. A dry-rotted latter used along the coastal regions of southeastern
frame structure, especially one in close proximity to United Stateshas been a common building material
an abundance of wildland fuels and other flammable mainstay for hundreds of years in the United States
materials (for example, Russian thistle, manure, ac- and Canada.
celerants such as rubber tires, and creosoted railroad Susceptibility to Fire: Low-fired, relatively porous
ties), can quickly burn. Corrugated sheet metal, firebrick, which is typical of non-commercial, locally
introduced as a fire retardant during the late 19th made brick used at many historical sites, can weaken
century, may still protect the historic structure when and crumble if the fire is hot enough. Lime-based mortar
used as roofing and wall sheathing. However, if the can be affected by fire. It can calcinate and crumble
structure is on piers, a grass fire could spread under under sufficient heat, thereby loosening the firebrick
it and ignite any dry-rotted floorboards. and, if not replaced, causing the brick wall to eventu-
ally collapse. Cinder block and masonry surfaces may
ShacksThese structures are small, temporary,
spall, which appears as distinct lines of striation and
and crudely built, with walls perhaps made from tree
loss of surface material resulting in cracking, breaking,
limbs, recycled boards, doors, and railroad ties; the
chipping, and formation of craters on the surface.
roof might be made of large pieces of bark, tar paper,
corrugated metal, tarpaulin, rubberized cloth and, by
the mid-twentieth century, sheet plastic (fig. 6-8). Historic Artifacts_________________
Susceptibility to Fire: Being of an impermanent
nature, shacks as archaeological features are usually The great majority of historic artifacts can be as-
totally or partially collapsed. Wood, when present, is signed to three materials categories: glass, metal, and
in various stages of decomposition, with other building ceramic. A fourth materials category of Miscellaneous
materials, for example, tarpaper, also deteriorated. Materials includes objects of leather, rubber, wood,
Even low temperature grass fires can ignite and de- plastics, bone and shell.
stroy these remains. The building material might be
especially combustible due to accelerants, for example, Glass
creosote-soaked railroad ties, and glue used to make
Glass is a combination of soda, lime, and silica, a
composition that appears colorless. Glass color is the re-
Cement-Mortared Fieldstone, Firebrick, Cin- sult of several factors, including both intentionally and
der Block, Cement AggregateStructures utiliz- unintentionally added chemicals in the glass formula.
ing these building materials are, in varying degrees, Glass articles and fragments constitute a significant
resistant to fire. Fieldstone, that is, unmodified native portion of most historic artifact collections. These items
rock, is most resistant to fire damage. Firebrick is a represent common household foods, beverages, medi-
common building material if good clay and fuel sources cines, cosmetics, cleaners, windows, and lamps. Their
evolution includes many manufacturing changes, some
of which are useful dating aids. Period of use/disposal
and function of a glass container can be determined
by its shape, color, method of closure and, if present,
its label, the latter made of paper, enamel paint, and/
or raised lettering. If present, alpha/numeric codes on
glass containers can also provide the year and place
of manufacture, and the company that manufactured
it, as opposed to the company that sold the contents
of the container. Windowpane fragments are clues
regarding the architectural layout of a structure, and
the socioeconomic status of the original owners of the
structure. In addition, the mean thickness of a window
pane fragment can be used to derive a relatively ac-
curate initial construction date for a dwelling (Moir
Figure 6-8Late 19th century homestead, South Susceptibility to Fire: Glass can be affected by heat
Dakota. Note heavy grass fuel load. buildup, smoke, and flame. Smoke staining and melt-

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 137

ing of glass items tend to occur in direct relation to hot enough to melt glass artifacts into unrecognizable
the heat buildup, the intensity of the fire, the speed of lumps.
fire spread, and nearness to the fire. Soda lime glass
contains a mixture of alkali and alkaline earth to make Ceramics
it more durable and easier to produce. For hundreds of
years this family of glass has been used for containers, Ceramic materials from the historic period have long
window glass, pressed- and blown-ware, and lighting been used by archaeologists for a variety of purposes,
products where exceptional chemical durability and from dating the period of a sites occupation to under-
heat resistance is not required. Its melting temperature standing the role played by a sites occupants in a wider
is 695 C (1283 F). Lead glass contains lead oxide socioeconomic network. There is a vast body of infor-
(and, sometimes, lead silicate) and melts easily. Solder mation that deals with the various historic ceramics
and glazes for decorating enamels on tableware are pastes, glazes, decorations, and shapes (Majewski and
based on these low melting lead glazes. Their melting OBrien 1987); however, little quantifiable information
temperature is 380 C (716 F). exists regarding the effects of fire on historic ceramics,
An increase in the temperature of a glass object relative to the fire studies conducted on prehistoric
causes a proportional increase in that objects molecular ceramics.
activity. The hotter the object the greater the molecular Ceramics can be divided into four primary categories
activity on its surface, which inhibits the amount of that are based on the character of the ceramic fabric,
smoke staining that will form. A glass object heavily or body, of the object:
stained by smoke and soot was, therefore, cooler than Unrefined Earthenwarethe body is made of
one with a light buildup of soot. A heavy soot buildup coarse-grained clays; fired between 500-900C
on a glass surface suggests that the item was far from (932-1652 F); body is easily scratched and
the fires point of origin. However, a light soot buildup broken, absorbs moisture; body is thick relative
suggests that the item may be at or near the point of to refined earthenware. Unrefined earthenwares
origin. may also be glazed using powdered tin as a flux
Checkering of glass refers to the half-moon shapes in the glazing process. These ceramics, called
that are sometimes seen on the surface of glass majolica, faience, or delft, are typically found on
items. These half-moon shapes result after drop- North American sites dating prior to circa 1780,
lets of water (usually from fire fighting) land on and were quickly replaced in popularity by white-
a heated surface. bodied refined earthenwares.
Crazing refers to the cracking of glass into smaller Refined Earthenwarefine-grained clays;
segments or subdivisions in an irregular pattern. fired between 1100-1500 C (2012-2732 F);
The extent to which a glass object (for example, stronger, thinner body relative to unrefined
window pane, soda bottle) will crack or craze is earthenware; surface is sealed and protected
related to the type of glass involved, its thickness, with a translucent glaze. White-bodied refined
the temperature range to which it was exposed, earthenware is the ceramic most commonly found
and its distance from the point of origin. Craz- on nineteenth and twentieth century sites. These
ing into small segments or pieces suggests that ceramics are durable, inexpensive, and come in a
the item was subject to a rapid and intense heat wide variety of shapes and decorations.
buildup. It also suggests that the items may be Stonewarecoarse-to-medium grained clays;
at or near the point of fire origin (NFPA 1998). fired between 900-1100 C (1652-2012 F),
becoming non-porous; body is strengthened by its
On historic archaeological sites, glass artifacts, thickness and (usually) vitreous glaze. Popular
usually in the form of fragments, are commonly con- throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth
centrated within domestic trash dumps. Occasionally centuries, stoneware was usually reserved for
there is evidence indicating that the trash dump had making utilitarian vessels such as crocks, jugs,
been purposely burned during the period of site oc- and ale bottles.
cupation. Where such trash burning occurred, there Porcelainsuperfine-grained clays; fired be-
is sometimes evidence that glass artifacts melted or tween 1250-1450 C (2282-2642 F); vitreous,
shattered. Fire temperatures can easily be reached that translucent, extremely hard body. This is a high
would craze and/or heavily soot glass. Enamel paint status ceramic, thus rare on historic sites rela-
labels could oxidize, causing colors to change and the tive to the other ceramic types.
paint to flake off. It is less likely that a low temperature
We will make the assumption here that all unglazed,
fire, such as a grass fire, would reach the melting point
unrefined earthenware Euro-American ceramics, for
of glass, although whole objects, for example, bottles,
example, a flowerpot, have essentially the same chemi-
might crack or even shatter from the heat. Fires hav-
cal and physical properties as prehistoric ceramics. All
ing heavy fuel loads can reach temperatures that are

138 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

unglazed, unrefined Euro-American earthenware that characteristics of the paste, glaze, painted decoration
are exposed to wildfire, therefore, should exhibit if present, and temperature of the fire. The alkaline
essentially the same physical and chemical transfor- glaze that is typically used on high-fired refined white
mations exhibited by unglazed prehistoric ceramics. earthenwares (also known as ironstone, hotel ware,
Susceptibility to Fire: All earthenwares are af- and semi-porcelain) can crackle even in a low tem-
fected by fire to varying degrees, depending on the perature fire, and the underlying ceramic body of the

Sidebar 6-1Cultural Landscape Restoration

Prescribed burn experiment, Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site, North Dakota
Oct. 15th, 1988 and Nov. 2nd, 1988
References: Picha and others 1991

General Information:
Elevation: 506-572 meters (1660-1878 feet)
Vegetation: prairie grassland
Topography: level plains
Type of study: prescribed burn experiment

Fire Description:
Temperature range:
oo Maximum temperature reached: 316 to 399 C (600-750 F)
oo Soil temperature (recorded by Tempilstick crayons)
oo Plot 1-3 soil temp: 6.1 C (43 F) pre-burn, 8.8 C (48 F) post-burn
oo Plot 4 soil temp: 14.1 C (57 F) pre-burn, 18.0 C (64 F) post-burn
Duration: Plot 1-3: 1 minute; Plot 4: 30 sec.
Relative humidity: Plot 1-3: 54%; Plot 4: 78%
oo 2 plots = mixed grasses and buckbrush
oo 1 plot = mixed grasses with much less buckbrush
oo 1 plot = mixed grasses, buckbrush and added clippings
Type of Fire: Prescribed burn

In 1991, researchers conducted a prescribed burn experiment at Knife River Indian Villages Na-
tional Historic Site in North Dakota (Picha and others 1991). They recorded effects of prairie fire
on a variety of artifact material types. Specimens included non-flint cobbles, chunks and cobbles
of knife-river flint, flaked flint, potsherds, cow rib-bone fragments, mussel shell fragments, wood,
charcoal, lead pieces, and glass beads.
Researchers placed specimens in four adjacent burn plots, each measuring 10 m2 (12 y2). Fire
temperature was measured with heat-sensitive crayons, and soil temperature was recorded by use
of a temperature probe before and after each burn (Picha and others 1991:16). Specimens were
placed at the surface of two plots (one with light fuel and one with heavy fuel) and 2 cm (0.8in)
below the surface of the other two (one heavy and one light fuel) plots. No unburned control and no
replication of burn plots were included in this study. The maximum fire temperature reached during
the experiment was 399C (750 F), and heating duration was estimated to be about 1 minute.
The specimens were collected after the first precipitation and examined for change in color, shape,
and size. No effects to charcoal could be observed. Pottery and large natural cobbles were only mini-
mally affected. Most fire effects occurred to items that had been at the surface. All material types
besides charcoal exhibited some color change due to smoke blackening or scorching. Other effects,
such as fracture and deformation, were most severe to small thin items. Organic materials were
found specifically vulnerable to fire.
Several of the observed effects to surface artifacts represented potential loss of archeological infor-
mation. Flaked stone and animal bone were altered to resemble intentionally heat-treated flint and
bone exposed to cooking fire. Mussel shell disintegrated and the wooden objects partially combusted.
Glass beads were partially melted and discolored by soot, and small pieces of lead had melted.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 139

softer-paste white earthenwares can oxidize and turn having a relatively low melting point may drip onto
yellowish brown. Majolica glaze is fragile; its body is or come into contact with other metals that do not
soft and porous, and can absorb water. Thus, majolica often melt in fires. This phenomenon can also occur
glaze will crackle and spall even in a low temperature when component parts of a heated object are in contact
fire (Haecker 2001). with each other. That mixture (alloy) will melt at a
If the ceramic decoration is an overglaze paint, temperature less than the melting temperature of the
that is, lying on the surface of the glaze, the paint higher-melting-temperature metal and, in some cases,
will be damaged to some degree. If the fire reaches less than that of either metal. Examples of relatively
temperatures higher than that used to manufacture low-melting-temperature metals are aluminum, zinc,
the ceramic it is possible that the glaze will oxidize or and lead (table 6-1). Metals that can be affected by al-
burn, and the whole vessel or vessel fragment (sherd) loying include copper and iron (steel). Copper alloying
might split laterally in places. Water droplets hitting is often found, but iron (steel) alloying might be found
the surface of a super-heated ceramic can crack and in only a few cases of sustained fire. Even if the metal
shatter it (Haecker 2001). Porcelain melts at around object does not melt it can warp out of shape (NFPA
1550 C (2822 F) (NFPA 1998). If its paint decoration 1998).
lies on the surface of the vessel, the paint could become Cans represent one of the more common types of metal
discolored and/or burn off at temperatures much lower artifact found on post-1850 sites. Like glass contain-
than this. ers, cans have been intensively studied by historical
archaeologists and, like glass containers, are most
Metal useful in dating sites and providing evidence about
subsistence and life ways. Information regarding date
The melting of certain metals may not always be and contents can be determined by the dimensions and
caused by reaching their melting points. Instead, it shape of the can, the techniques used to manufacture
may be caused by alloying. During a fire, a metal the can, and by the enamel paint or paper labeling.

Table 6-1Melting points of materials commonly found on historical sites (derived in part from NFPA 1998:28).
Material Temp.a (F) Temp.a (C) Artifacts

Plastics 167-509 75-265 Disposable containers, toys

Solder (tin-alloy) 275-350 135-177 Patch repair work on brass and iron objects
Tin 449 232 Kitchenwares, toys, can lining, building materials
Pot metal (copper-lead alloy) 572-752 300-400 Flatware, pots, faucets
White pot metal 572-752 300-400 Kitchenwares
Lead 621 327 Bullets
Zinc 707 375 Plating for iron objects, e.g., cans
Glass 1100-2600 593-1427 Bottles, window pane
Unrefined earthenware 1112-1832 600-1000 Flowerpots, some marbles, prehistoric ceramics
Aluminum 1220 660 Kitchenwares
Brass (yellow) 1710 932 Cartridge cases, military buttons and insignia
Silver 1760 960 Coins, jewelry
Stoneware 1832-2192 1000-1200 Crocks, jugs, ale bottles
Gold 1945 1063 Coins, jewelry
Copper 1981 1082 Kitchenwares, building materials, coins
Refined earthenware 2192-2912 1200-1600 Dinnerware ceramics
Cast iron 1920-2550 1350-1400 Kettles, Dutch ovens, wood stoves
Steel (stainless) 2600 1427 Eating utensils, kitchenwares
Nickel 2651 1455 Plating
Steel (carbon) 2760 1516 Heavy machinery parts
Iron 2795 1535 Tools, nails, horseshoes, cans, corrugated roofing
Porcelain 2822 1550 Dinnerware ceramics
Temperatures are approximate.

140 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Since cans are made of rolled tinned steel, they will kettles, have been popular household items since
eventually deteriorate if deposited in a moist, humid the late 19th century. Such objects are susceptible
environment. In the dry Southwest, however, cans to damage by low temperature fires: some of the
found on historic sites over one hundred years old may enamel can craze and/or pop off, exposing the
lack labels but are often in relatively good condition, underlying rolled metal to oxidation. Partial loss
albeit rusted. or discoloration of the enamel, however, should
Occasionally, there is archaeological evidence indicat- not affect the ability to date the artifact.
ing can/trash dumps were burned by the sites historic Steel utensils that are plated with tin, brass, or
occupants, as evidenced by layers of wood charcoal silver will have their surfaces discolored and
found within the dump. These wood fires would have possibly burned off in a fire (table 6-1).
been hot enough to destroy the labels; however, the Construction, transportation, and agricultural/
shape of the can usually remains the same. An exception ranching hardware items made of metal are often
might exist regarding fire damage on 19th and early present on historic sites. Such items are typically made
20th century lead-soldered cans (fig.6-9). Since solder of cast iron, wrought iron, and steel, and, due to their
melts at 135-177 C (275-350.6 F), it is likely that such sturdy construction, usually impervious to most fires.
cans would be damaged by low temperature fires. The However, their surfaces might become pitted; paint
resultant alloying of the solder with the tinned steel surfaces, if present, can blister and/or burn off; and
also could cause the latter to become fire damaged at enhanced oxidation of the surface of the object may
lower-than-normal temperatures. The tinned surface of occur if water used to extinguish the fire also rapidly
the can may also burn off, thereby increasing the rate cools the artifact.
of oxidation of the steel body and ultimately the loss
Copper and brass objects on historic sites are less
of diagnostic information (for example, can diameter,
common relative to steel and iron objects. Typical brass
stamped lettering).
artifacts found on historic sites are ammunition car-
Kitchenware includes an extensive array of objects tridge cases that have been fired; sometimes unfired
that can be found on the surface of historic sites and cartridges are also found. Cartridge cases are useful
can be affected by fire: in dating a site, with data obtained from the objects
Cast iron objects such as kettles, pans, Dutch dimensions and, if present, from its headstamp. Nor-
ovens, and wood stoves can crack if exposed to mally, cartridge cases are not seriously affected by fire,
temperatures above 1050 C (1922 F). Even at given the relatively high melting point of copper and
temperatures lower than this, if water is applied brass; discoloration might occur but dating information
to these objects, such as during the fighting of a is still present. However, there is one reported instance
fire, cast iron can crack from the sudden cooling. where fire has destroyed such artifacts. This occurred
Enameled ironware (also known as agate iron- on the Little Bighorn Battlefield when, in 1983, a grass
ware) objects such as plates, coffeepots, and fire burned over this site. Several unfired cartridges

Figure 6-9Lead soldered cans in a test fire using straw as a fuel

load. Note beads of melted solder.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 141

associated with the battlefield exploded. Also, several Summary_______________________
lead bullets found on the surface had partially melted
as a result of this grass fire (Richard Harmon, personal Historical sites that are eligible to be included in the
communication, 1999). National Register of Historic Places usually include
The burn-off of vegetation on a historic battlefield is a variety of materials not found on prehistoric sites.
an atypical situation. One must keep in mind, however, These materials vary widely in their susceptibility
that even a low-temperature grass fire could detonate to fire effects. To date, there is little empirical data
unexploded cannon ordnance, perhaps injuring mem- regarding the effects of fire on historic period materi-
bers of the fire crew. als. This dearth of information is offset somewhat by
data derived from arson investigations, which should
Miscellaneous Artifacts be consulted by cultural resource managers and fire
Leather is a material that is sometimes found on Types of fire damage include distortion, spalling,
the surface of historic sites. Such objects as shoes, charring, and calcination. Heat can be transferred
belts and horse tack become dry and brittle over within a structure by metal fittings such as nails
time. Leather will char in a grass fire, and will and bolts. The chemicals used in manufacturing cer-
be completely consumed at hotter temperatures. tain building materials (for example, plywood glues,
Rubber and rubberized objects are present on creosote-soaked railroad ties) are accelerants, which
many historic sites, some dating to the Civil War increase the risk of fire damage even when the fire
period and even earlier. Rubber can be ignited and source is of relatively low temperature, such as a grass
completely consumed at low temperatures such fire.
as those reached by grass fires (Haecker 2001). Artifacts are typically assigned to four material
Plastics can appear on historic sites that date to categories: glass, ceramics, metal, and miscellaneous.
the early 20th century, but is most common after Glass can be affected by heat build-up, smoke, and
circa 1950. Plastics have been used to manu- flame. Examples of low-temperature fire damage to
facture a wide variety of objects such as toys, glass include the loss of paper and enamel paint la-
buttons, tool handles, and containers. Various bels, soot staining, and shattering of glass containers.
plastics have varying melting points but most All ceramics are affected by fire to varying degrees,
plastic objects would be affected to some degree depending on the physical characteristics of a given
by a low temperature fire. ceramic, and temperature of the fire. A fire may result
Of course, artifacts made of wood are quite com- in crazing of glazes and spalling of the ceramic body,
mon on historic sites, and can include everything burn-off of some types of designs and, if the fire is hot
from buckboards and Model T car seat frames, enough, cause calcination, even melting. Sufficiently
to ox yokes and axe handles. When present on high temperatures may not always cause the melting
a site and in the open they usually have some of certain metals. Instead, alloying may cause it. A
rot, increasing their susceptibility to destruction low-temperature fire can completely destroy artifacts
by fire. made of such miscellaneous materials as rubber, plas-
Bone, especially if dry and porous, will char in a tics, shell, and bone.
grass fire, and will be completely consumed in a Exposure of a historic structure or object to fire,
high temperature fire (Haecker 2001). regardless of the temperature that is generated, does
Shell buttons will become discolored, flake not necessarily equate with destroying its value as a
and split laterally along the laminations, and cultural resource. For instance, a low-temperature
eventually turn to powder if subjected to a high prescribed fire that burns over a trash scatter may
temperature fire (Haecker 2001). This will also discolor fragments of ceramics and glass; however, the
occur at lower temperatures if the buttons are diagnostic aspects of these artifacts, such as decoration
very small and thin. and vessel shape, may still be recorded with accuracy.

142 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Elizabeth A. Oster
Samantha Ruscavage-Barz
Michael L. Elliott

Chapter 7:
The Effects of Fire on Subsurface
Archaeological Materials

Fire and Cultural Sites____________ burned over one or more times in the past. This fact
leads some to conclude that the impacts wrought by
In this chapter, we concentrate on the effects of fire contemporary wildland fires are negligible, ignoring
on subsurface archaeological deposits: the matrix a crucial element of the contemporary fire scenario
containing post-depositional fill, artifacts, ecofactual fire exclusion. Since the nineteenth century, most
data, dating samples, and other cultural and non- natural fires occurring in rural landscapes have been
cultural materials. In order to provide a context for suppressed as quickly as possible, while in the more
understanding these data, this paper provides a sum- distant past most fires were allowed to burn out natu-
mary of previous research about the potential effects rally. Fire suppression has led to large accumulations
of fire on subsurface cultural materials. of fuels and drastic alterations of vegetation patterns.
As a case study, the results of recent archaeologi- These factors, in turn, support fires that burn faster,
cal testing at six Ancestral Puebloan sites located in more intensely, and potentially wreak more damage to
Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico, are pre- cultural sites and materials than fires of the past. The
sented. The tested sites are all prehistoric structural impacts of contemporary wildland fires on archaeologi-
sites dating to the period A.D. 1200-1500. The specific cal sites are potentially profound.
focus of the study was to define the extent of alteration Available data, though scant, indicate that in addi-
to subsurface deposits when archaeological materials tion to causing the destruction of important sources of
experienced different burn severities. The results are information, such as organic materials, the catastrophic
discussed in terms of the current status of knowledge wildland fires of the modern era may confound chro-
about fire effects to buried cultural materials. nometric assays, technological analyses of ceramics
Investigation of the nature and extent of fire-related and lithics, and more. Understanding the role and
alteration of cultural materials represents a significant function of wildland fires in ecosystems past and
cultural resources management concern. Wildland fires present has broad implications for the interpretation
can be expected to occur naturally wherever there are of data from archaeological sites located in all areas
sufficient fuels. A field researcher could expect that a suspected to have been affected by fire. For managers
given archaeological site in a fuel-rich area has been

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 143

of cultural resources, evaluating the degree to which
buried archaeological materials have been adversely
Sidebar 7-1Subsurface
impacted by wildland fire is an essential part of post- Long Mesa Fire, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado,
fire assessment and treatment. July 823, 1989
For purposes of this discussion, the term surface is References: Eininger (1990); Fiero (1991); Fish (1990);
used in the manner commonly employed by archaeolo- Kleidon and others (2007)
gists. The surface of an archaeological site is generally
assumed to be the contemporary soil layer, generally General Information:
the uppermost stratum at which evidence of human
Elevation: 2,438.4 m (8,000 ft)
activity can be detected. Architectural stone, items such Vegetation: pinyon-juniper
as sherds and lithics, and other cultural materials are Topography: northern 6.44 km (4 miles) of Long
frequently present on a site surface and are considered Mesa and portions of adjacent canyons and
part of the sites contents. Vegetation, accumulations of drainages
soil and plant debris such as duff, and other materials Type of research: post-burn site assessment
deposited on the human activity surface following site
abandonment may obscure the archaeological surface Fire Description:
and frequently must be removed before the site can
be mapped or further studied. An archaeological site Temperature range: hot and fast burn with variable
surface is thus more-or-less analogous to the mineral intensities; 25.532.2 C (7890 F) range
Duration: 15 days
soil surface as the term is used by the fire community.
Relative humidity: 1585%
Frequently, reports of archaeological survey include a Fuel: high fuel loads with continuous ladder fuels;
discussion of the percentage of ground surface visible fire occurred after the dry season in pinyon-juniper
at the time the fieldwork was conducted, specifically vegetation interspersed by grassy clearings
describing the portion of the contemporary soil layer Type of fire: wildland
unencumbered by duff, snow, grass, or other materials Energy release component (ERC): 3970
that could obscure features and artifacts. Burning index (BI): 1967

Fire Effects and Subsurface Cultural
Resources: Previous Research_____ The 1989 Long Mesa Fire occurred in Mesa Verde
National Park, consumed about 12 km (3,000 acres) of
Previous investigations of the effects of fire on land and burned uncontrolled for 15 days. Damage as-
cultural resources have included both post-fire and sessments of known archaeological sites in the burn area
experimental studies. Post-fire studies are conducted were conducted directly after the fire. Twenty-three new
following a fire (either prescribed or wild), and involve sites were located and assessed; 165 of the 194 known
sites were successfully relocated.
collecting data from features and/or artifacts located
Field crews recorded the percentage of each site that
within the burn perimeter. Experimental studies have was affected by fire and described burn severity. They
been conducted in field settings as well as laboratory also noted vegetation loss and impacts to architectural
environments. Field experiments generally involve materials and artifacts. Suppression activities caused
burning a parcel of land or a smaller locationsuch minor damage to only two sites. This was due largely
as piles of slashand recording the effects on cultural to the work of archaeological monitors who assisted fire
materials, surrounding soils, etc. In laboratory envi- crews in avoiding damage to archaeological sites and to
ronments, fire effects studies involve heating different the fact that bulldozers and heavy equipment were not
artifact types (or raw materials) to varying tempera- used.
tures and recording thermally induced alterations. Fire effects on archaeological sites were ranked as low,
Experimental studies of the first type are primarily moderate, or high. High impacts included spalling and
oxidation of architectural stone, scorching of artifacts
concerned with replicating the effects of prescribed or
and complete loss of vegetation. Sites with low impacts
natural fires on surficial and buried archaeological exhibited little or no observable fire effects; these sites
materials, an endeavor with significant implications were either burned only over a small section of the site
for archaeological formation processes. Laboratory area or subject to low burn intensity. Of the 188 sites
research addresses fire effects from two perspectives: evaluated, 139 (74%) were burned; 36 (19%) were highly
(1) the effects of post-occupational fires on archaeologi- impacted, 32 (17%) were moderately impacted and 71
cal materials, and (2) the effects of human fire use to (38%) exhibited only low impacts (Eininger 1990).
modify materials.

144 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Grab samples of fire-affected and archaeologically In 1997, Bandelier National Monument conducted a
important artifacts were collected during site assessments study of subsurface heating effects (SHE) on archaeologi-
(Eininger 1990). The samples included 674 sherds and cal resources affected by the Dome Fire. Between May
172 lithics. Fire effects on these artifacts included fire- 13th and August 7th, archaeologists excavated five burned
blackening, cracking, change in luster, potlidding, and sites. Burn severity at each site had been recorded dur-
color change. None of these effects appeared to affect the ing earlier assessments. Two of the sites were heavily
artifacts information value (Eininger 1990). burned, one was moderately burned and two were burned
Soil samples were collected from excavated test units severely. A sixth site, excavated for emergency data
at two of the burned archaeological sites; a few test units recovery during June of 1997, was also included in the
were also excavated in non-archaeological burned and study. Data recovered from excavation of the unburned
unburned areas to provide control for analysis of fire portion of this site were used for statistical control.
effects on pollen (Eininger 1990; Fish 1990). Site reha- Subsurface artifacts, botanical specimens, pollen
bilitation, including erosion control, water diversion, and samples, and faunal remains were collected during exca-
ruins stabilization, was conducted during 1989 and 1990 vations and analyzed to assess fire impacts. Researchers
(Fiero 1991). examined the extent and depth to which fire affected
these subsurface cultural materials and analyzed data
Dome Fire, Bandelier National Monument and Dome to determine whether subsurface impacts reflected burn
Wilderness, New Mexico, 1996 severity. Subsurface fire effects were found only to be
References: Ruscavage-Barz (1999); Ruscavage-Barz and significant near to burned roots and to be independent
Oster (1999); Steffen (2005) of fire severity.

General Information:
Elevation: 1,7822334 m (5,8477,658 ft)
Vegetation: pinyon-juniper and ponderosa pine
Topography: Pajarito Plateau, on the east flank of
the Jemez Mountains Post-Fire Studies of Archaeological Sites
Post-fire studies conducted in the aftermath of a
Fire Description:
natural or wildland fire comprise a major focus of
Temperature range: 10.526.7 C (5180 F) research addressing fire effects on cultural resources.
Duration: 9 days A limited number of rigorous post-fire studies of sub-
Relative humidity: 314% surface archaeological materials and contexts affected
Fuel: The fire burned on the Pajarito Plateau, and by wildland fire events have been conducted prior to
in dissecting canyons, through pinion, juniper wood- the research reported here (Connor and Cannon 1991;
lands, ponderosa pine, and mixed conifer forests.
Connor and others 1989; Duncan 1990; Eininger 1990;
Energy release component (ERC): 4957
Burning index (BI): 3972
Fiero 1991; Fish 1990; Hull 1991; Lent and others
Type of fire: wildland 1996; Rowlett 1991b; Traylor and others 1990). In
general, these studies tend to describe subsurface
The 1996 Dome Fire1 started on April 25th and burned heating effects as negligible below certain depths.
more than 66.8 km (16,500 acres) of Bandelier National These statements are typically framed, however, in
Monument and the Jemez District of the Santa Fe National terms of visible evidence of fire damage to subsurface
Forest before it was controlled on May 3rd. Assessments
archaeological materials in comparison with surface
of archaeological sites were conducted immediately after
the fire in 1996 and in 1997. Sites were assessed for burn
materials. A subset of the post-fire studies do not deal
severity and potential heritage resource damage. Of the with archaeological sites, but instead focus on particu-
515 sites assessed, 276 were impacted by fire. No sites lar archaeological material types such as ceramics,
had been disturbed by fire suppression activities. Direct lithics, etc.
and indirect effects of fire included spalling, cracking, The post-fire studies of burned sites reported here
and oxidizing of stone architecture, and soil erosion due suggest that heating generally does not affect materi-
to vegetation loss. als at depths greater than 15 centimeters (6 inches)
below the ground surface, even at heavily burned sites.
The exception to this, as indicated by the subsurface
heating effects study described below, is the burnout
This case study refers only to the 1996 Dome fire, not the of tree roots, which can penetrate well below 15 cen-
1993 Dome Fire that occurred in the same area. timeters (6 inches) depending on the size of the root
(and the amount of available oxygen) and serve as a
conduit to carry heating effects to strata deep within

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 145

sites (also see Hvizdak and Timmons 1996; Timmons fires, and those that attempt to replicate the condi-
2000). Fire may also burn longer and deeper below tions found in wildland fires. Instances of the latter
the ground surface in organic sediments (including are extremely rare due to the danger of an experi-
cultural deposits), which contain more fuel. ment running out of control and becoming an actual
An additional issue of concern is whether fire creates wildland fire. For this reason, such experiments are
pseudo features that could be mistaken for cultural rarely conducted. The only case of an experimental
features (Connor and Cannon 1991; Conner and others wildland fire documented in the literature was car-
1989; Timmons 2000). Fire-created features can result ried out in a grassland environment, where the grass
from burning deadfall, which causes soil oxidation in was cut and the soil surface was exposed in an area
a pattern resembling a hearth or fire pit. In profile, surrounding the burning experiment to prevent its
these stains are crescent-shaped, with the thickest uncontrolled spread (Bellomo 1991). Such procedures
part of the crescent forming immediately underneath are less practical in forested areas, and experimental
the deadfall. Treefalls can also leave basin-shaped im- studies conducted under these conditions, while still
prints or displaced piles of rocks that resemble cultural very useful, inevitably produce results that reflect the
features. Differentiating fire-generated features from more sustained heat and longer burn times created
cultural features is particularly important for studies by slash piles (Sackett and others 1994), and may not
that deal with the earliest use of fire by humans (James actually reflect the conditions occurring in a wildland
1989), and some researchers are developing methods fire, except possibly in cases where large fuel loads
toward this end (Bellomo 1991). have accumulated.
Post-fire data particularly germane to the case study Both experimental and post-fire studies have dealt
results discussed below were collected from various with the effects of fire on various artifact types. The
prescribed fire burn units on the Kootenai National goal of the post-fire studies is simply to understand
Forest in Montana from 1996 to 1999 (Timmons and and recognize the effects of wildland and/or prescribed
others 2000). Monitoring data document a variety of fires on these materials. The goals of the experimental
potential and actual fire effects on cultural materi- studies, however, are not limited to the study of ef-
als and indicate that severity of effects results from fects from these two types of fires, but rather extend
the interplay of many factors, including material their breadth of inquiry to include understanding and
composition, provenience, fuel loads, duration and recognizing the effects of intentional heat treatment
intensity of fire, moisture levels, and degree of heat on archaeological materials. Flaked stone represents
penetration. Most important for consideration here the most common focus of the latter type of study, as
were data relating to stump burnouts, where the researchers have attempted to establish the means
most dramatic effects from the Kootenai monitoring for differentiating intentional from unintentional heat
projects were observed. In the Dodge Creek prescribed treatment and also to understand how heat treatment
burn unit, massive Douglas fir stumps that burned out changes the workability of particular types of stone.
left holes in approximately 0.4 percent of the burned Most experiments mimicking prescribed burns have
area, resulting in numerous stump cavities up to 1.5 attempted to replicate low-intensity fires rather than
meters (5 feet) in diameter and depth, with root cavi- the high intensities characteristic of wildland fires.
ties extending out 5 meters (16.4 feet) (Timmons and Comparisons of impacts between the two types of fires
others 2000). Within the boundaries of one 16-acre site are valid. When considering subsurface materials,
approximately 688 stumps were estimated to be pres- however, one must remember that soil serves as an
ent. The Kootenai data also indicated that the age of insulator to mitigate the effects of fire, even fires of
the stumps affected their susceptibility to fire. In the very high intensity. For this reason, even high-intensity
Green Basin prescribed burn unit, the older and drier wildland fires may not impact subsurface deposits
stumps were found to be more likely to burn out in a except in certain instances. Fires ranging from low to
single event, while green stumps only burned partially high intensity could yield similar subsurface effects
(Hemry 1996). due to this insulation.
Five experimental studies dealing with the effects
Experimental Studies Dealing with the of subsurface heating are particularly important for
Effects of Heat on Artifacts, Ecofacts, and consideration. One dealt specifically with prairie fires
(Picha and others 1991), two dealt with burning slash
Datable Materials piles (Hartford and Frandsen 1992; Sackett and others
Experimental studies of fire and heating effects 1994), and one dealt with moderate and high intensity
can be divided into laboratory and field experiments. fires (Pidanick 1982). The results of the prairie fire
The latter can be further subdivided into those that indicated negligible effects to subsurface artifacts be-
attempt to replicate the conditions found in prescribed cause of only minimal heat penetration to subsurface

146 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

deposits. The subsurface ground temperature showed blackening as the most common fire effect (Eininger
a 2 to 4 C (35.6 to 39.2 F) increase during the fire, 1990; Jones and Euler 1986; Lent and others 1996;
which would not be enough to damage archaeological Lissoway and Propper 1988; Picha and others 1991;
materials or soils. Pilles 1984; Schub and Elliott 1998; Traylor and oth-
A study by Hemry (1996) in the Green Basin pre- ers 1990). Those studies with a subsurface component
scribed fire unit attempted to assess the effects of note that subsurface ceramics are minimally affected
prescribed light intensity fire on groups of historic and by fire (Lent and others 1996), and that, in general,
prehistoric materials at varied depths and with expo- only those ceramics located immediately below the
sure to a variety of combustible surface materials. The surface are impacted. The studies suggest that surface
historic materials were placed in test holes designed to ceramics have the greatest potential for fire damage,
simulate a historic dump, while the prehistoric items and exhibit a range of effects including sooting, spall-
(consisting of replicated mudstone and quartzite tools, ing, cracking, and oxidation.
and antler) were placed in small groups at four differ- The direct effects of heating are not the only factors
ent depths and on the surface. A variety of fuel types to consider with regard to damage to ceramic artifacts.
were located on or over the cultural materials. Post-fire Chemical retardants are often used during fire sup-
surface observations and excavations documented a pression, and can have an effect on ceramic artifacts.
variety of fire effects on items located on the ground Oppelt and Oliverius (1993) carried out a study of the
surfaces and within the first 4 to 5 centimeters (1.6 effects of Firetrol on prehistoric ceramics. Firetrol
to 2 inches) below the surface. The most severe effects is a foaming detergent used to extinguish forest fires;
were noted where a stump had burned out completely, it is not the same chemical used in slurry. Ceramic
to a depth of 80 centimeters (31.5 inches). A week after sherds were placed in experimental fire plots and
the experimental fire, a tree root was observed, still covered with pine duff. As the plots burned, they were
burning, approximately 3 meters (10 feet) away from sprayed with different concentrations of the foam. The
its stump (Henry 1996). results indicate a negligible effect to sherds from the
foam. Sherds were primarily blackened from oxygen
Thermal Alteration of Cultural Materials depletion, which caused a reducing atmosphere. How-
and Features ever, the duff covering, and not the foam, may have
caused this condition. Sherds sprayed with a 1 percent
Both experimental and post-fire studies have inves- concentration of foam exhibited heavier smudging
tigated the effects of fire on various types of artifacts than those sprayed with a 0.3 percent concentration.
and raw materials. Post-fire studies generally focus on Sherds in the 1 percent foam group exhibited carbon
documentation and explanation of the effects of natural impregnation to depths of 0.5 millimeters (0.02 in.)
or prescribed fires on these materials. While providing into the sherds. The only potential problem with the
data that are useful in the interpretation of naturally use of foam is that it may give some ceramics the ap-
induced fire effects, experimental studies also include pearance of being smudged, which could be mistaken
investigation of the effects of intentional heat treat- for a product of the original firing process.
ment. Flaked stone, in particular, has been a primary
ChertChert has been the subject of numerous
focus of many experimental studies, as researchers
experimental studies, particularly because of its
have attempted to differentiate intentional from
abundance at many archaeological sites, its desirable
unintentional heat treatment and also to understand
flaking qualities, and the frequency with which it was
how heat treatment changes the workability of par-
intentionally heat-treated by prehistoric peoples. The
ticular raw materials. The results of previous studies
effects of heating on chert are discussed in detail in
that have considered the effects of heat on ceramics,
chapter 4. Post-fire studies that have considered lithic
chert, obsidian, ground and architectural stone, bone,
materials generally do not differentiate chert from
paleobotanical materials, and chronometric samples
other lithic materials. These studies have, however,
are briefly reviewed below.
produced some interesting observations that are ap-
CeramicsGiven that ceramics are produced by plicable to chert as well as other stone tool source
exposure to heat, any subsequent refiring of ceramic materials. Discoloration, fire blackening, and luster
materials may change attributes of appearance and appear to be the most common fire effects that have
technology. Refired ceramics may be difficult to analyze been noted on lithic artifacts (Lent and others 1996;
due to fire-induced changes. Schub and Elliott 1998). Patina develops on some
Studies of thermal alteration to prehistoric and materials (Traylor and others 1990), while other
historic ceramics are thoroughly discussed in chapters thermally altered materials exhibit crenated (potlid)
3 and 6, respectively. Post-fire studies that have con- fractures and crazing. Obviously any of these effects
sidered ceramic materials describe sooting or smoke could compromise interpretations of intentional ther-
mal pre-treatment.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 147

ObsidianThe effects of prescribed and natural Texas A&M University investigated fire effects as site
fires on obsidian have recently become a hot topic due formation processes on artificial rock features in sev-
to the concern with the reliability of obsidian hydration eral different settings on the Kootenai National Forest
as a dating technique. Thermal alteration of obsidian (Thoms 1996). Subsurface basin, platform, and pile
artifacts that have been through a fire is discussed in features intended to simulate thermal features typi-
chapter 4, including the implications of fire-damaged cal for cultural sites on the Forest were built around
obsidian for obsidian hydration. Unlike chert or other both young (10-centimeter [3.9-inch] diameter) and
cryptocrystalline silicates, thermal pretreatment of maturing (30+ years old) ponderosa pines; each feature
obsidian does not improve its workability. Thus any contained stream-worn cobbles and pseudo artifacts.
thermal effects observed on obsidian artifacts are pre- Surface observations following the treatment of the
sumed to be unintentional, resulting from accidental sites by fire included the creation of a tree well or hole
exposure to a heat source. where one of the older trees burned. Field observations
collected several months after the fire documented that
Ground Stone and Architectural StoneThe
rocks from the experimental feature were collapsing
appearance of ground stone and masonry can be signifi-
into the hole where they were redeposited in a pile
cantly altered by fire. These materials may take on the
some 40 centimeters (15.7 inches) below the surface.
appearance of fire-cracked rock (FCR), which results
The archaeologists interpreted their preliminary re-
when rocks are naturally or culturally exposed to high
sults as indicating that rock-rich features adjacent
temperatures resulting in thermal alteration, including
to burning trees or stumps may become disarticulated
spalling, fracturing, and discoloration. Concentrations
and redeposited as reconstituted features that may,
of archaeological FCR are often interpreted as thermal
however, retain potential information (Thoms 1996).
features such as hearths, stone boiling middens, or
roasting pits. Ground stone or masonry thermally al- BoneStudies that address the effects of heat on
tered by an intense fire may be mistaken for FCR from bones, both human and animal, are usually geared
thermal features. Stone from thermal featuressuch toward understanding the changes that occur in bone
as hearths or stone boiling featuresor other types of at different temperatures. Bone is significantly affected
features may also be displaced due to the creation of by heat, even at relatively low temperatures (Bennett
holes or pits resulting from stump burnouts. and Kunzmann 1985). Old bones (i.e., those likely to
Ground stone and masonry have been the subject be encountered at archaeological sites) exhibit a slight
of a limited number of experimental studies. Those darkening of the edges at 300 C (572 F), acquire a
that have been carried out, however, provide general chalky appearance at 400 C (752 F), and become
information regarding temperature thresholds for severely chalky at 500 C (932 F), resembling bone
damage and visible effects of fire. If the rocks contain exposed to arid conditions for a great length of time.
sufficiently high natural iron content and the right Shipman and others (1984) have noted changes in color,
chemical composition, oxidation of their outer layers microscopic morphology, crystal structure, and shrink-
by fire may produce a reddish halo effect (Peter Ben- age in bone exposed to fire. All three color components
nett, personal communication 1997). This effect may (hue, value, and chroma) become progressively more
be observed by breaking the rocks open, or by examin- diverse as temperatures increase; changes in low and
ing rocks already broken by thermal shock caused by neutral values begin to occur at 400 C (752 F).
exposure to heat. Evidence of thermal shock such as Because post-depositional processes can also affect
spalling and cracking is also an index of fire alteration bone color, changes in color cannot stand alone as
(Lissoway and Propper 1988). Damage of this type indices of the temperature to which archaeological
apparently does not occur until temperatures exceed bone has been heated in the past. Fortunately, how-
300 C (572 F) (Pilles 1984). ever, structural changes may be documented. When
A number of post-fire studies have documented examined microscopically, bone tissues appear normal
thermal alteration to ground stone and architectural at temperatures below 185 C (365 F). An increase in
stone attributable to fire (Eininger 1990; Elliott and tissue roughness occurs by 285 C (545 F), with tissue
others 1998; Lent and others 1996; Lissoway and Prop- becoming glassy by 440 C (824 F). Tissue becomes
per 1988; Schub and Elliott 1998; Traylor and others frothy by 800 C (1472 F), and the frothy areas co-
1990). Fire effects include smoke blackening, spalling, alesce into smooth-surfaced nodules by 940C (1724
cracking, discoloration, and oxidation of surface mate- F). Bone heated to temperatures higher than 645 C
rials. For architectural stone, the combination of fire (1193 F) tends to exhibit larger crystals than bone
effects and erosion may confound identification feature heated to temperatures below 525 C (977F). The
type and number of features from surface observation most ambiguous results occur for shrinkage, where the
(Lent and others 1996). mean percent shrinkage is not constant at different
An experimental study conducted by archaeologists temperatures.
from the Center for Environmental Archaeology and

148 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

These data indicate that heat effects on bone range consumption (as with any organic material, but less
from minimal to extreme. The rate of temperature likely in below-ground contexts) as well as thermal
increase also affects how quickly bone is broken down. alteration.
The more rapid the temperature increase, the faster Macrobotanical specimens analyzed by archaeolo-
bone is hydrolized, chemically altered, and destroyed. gists are preserved portions of plants. These can
One can infer from these studies that subsurface bone include pieces of formerly cultivated species such
probably will not be significantly altered due to the as corn, beans, squash, amaranth, and sunflowers,
insulating effects of the surrounding sediments. as well as other vegetative materials that were
economically important (such as fibers used for
Pollen and Other Botanical RemainsAnalysis
cordage, matting, and clothing). Such specimens
of fossil pollen grains, or palynology, can be used to
are extracted from soil samples collected during
reconstruct the vegetation history of an area. It thus
excavation, preferably from undisturbed features.
provides information about paleoecology that can be
The soil samples are processed by combining them
extremely useful for both cultural and natural resources
with water. The heavier soils and rock fragments
managers. It is also sometimes used for archaeological
sink, while the floating light fraction is skimmed
cross-dating (Michels 1973).
off with a strainer, placed on cheesecloth to dry, tied
Pollen analysis takes advantage of the fact that
off, and bagged in paper. Once drying is complete,
wind-pollinated species of trees, shrubs, and grasses
the specimens are classified according to species. In
release large quantities of tiny pollen grains (0.025-
some cases, the heavy fraction is screened and any
0.25 cm [0.01-0.1 in] diameter, less than 10-9 grams
identifiable botanical fragments are also identified.
in weight). The grains are propelled by winds up to
Macrobotanical specimens damaged by fire can be
distances of 100 to 250 kilometers (62 to 153 miles).
consumed or so altered by exposure to heat and soot
Throughout the year but especially during flowering
that identification is difficult or impossible.
season, pollen grains from the composite vegetation
of a region accumulate on the ground as pollen rain, The few fire studies that have been conducted on
depositing several thousand grains per square centi- botanical samples have documented minimal damage
meter. Stratified sediments of pollen rain constitute to subsurface materials (Fish 1990; Ford 1990; Scott
recoverable records of past vegetation and, considered 1990). Palynological analysis of subsurface samples
from the 1977 La Mesa Fire in Bandelier National
in sequence, can sometimes provide a relative dating
Monument indicates that pollen grains in these con-
technique for archaeological sites. Regional climatic
texts are not affected by even the most intense
change leaves traces in the pollen sequence by chang-
ground fires (Scott 1990). Fishs (1990) pollen study in
ing the relative composition of key floral species, thus
the wake of the Long Mesa Fire also attests that fires
each period in a pollen chronology has a signature
have minimal effects (if any) on subsurface pollen.
that can be compared to the regional pollen spectrum.
Although Fish concludes that the Long Mesa Fire
Archaeologists collect samples for pollen extrac-
event did not affect subsurface pollens, she provides a
tion during excavation. First, a control sample of soil
useful discussion of methods for evaluating potential
containing modern pollen rain is collected from a site
fire effects on pollen samples. According to her inter-
surface for comparative purposes. Subsurface pollen
pretations, intense heat can damage pollen grains to
samples are collected from undisturbed loci with clear
the point that their diagnostic morphological features
archaeological contexts, such as within defined features
are unrecognizable, thus analysis should include a
or beneath fallen building stones. Within stratified
calculation of the proportion of grains too damaged for
sites, samples are collected from each stratum or level,
identification. Fire-altered pollen grains may take on
highest to lowest, as pollen columns. Occasionally,
a dark yellow-brown color, will not absorb the stain-
artifacts such as metates are given a pollen wash to
ing agent (thus obscuring morphological attributes),
secure a sample.
and will have thickened or swollen walls. Finally,
In order to type pollen grains, numerous attributes
pollen samples from fire-affected sediments may ex-
of the size, color, and the precise shapes of the walls of
hibit high ratios of charcoal fragments, as occurred in
the grains are examined under binocular microscopy,
Fishs study. It is possible that charcoal generated by
at magnifications from 200 to 1000x. In the laboratory,
post-occupational fires may be indistinguishable from
samples are prepared for analysis in a variety of ways,
charcoal resulting from prehistoric cultural activities
depending upon the kinds of pollen anticipatedsome
as reflected in archaeological pollen samples.
species are more fragileand the kind of soil matrix
Fords (1990) study of subsurface flotation samples
the pollen is extracted from. Generally, the pollen is
from the La Mesa Fire sites demonstrates that these
sieved, washed, and stained. In order to be useful,
samples were not damaged by the fire, even though
pollen grains must be identifiable as to genus and,
the site surfaces had experienced intense heating.
if possible, species. Fire effects to pollen can include

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 149

Ford also notes that archaeological charcoal may be Archeomagnetic Dating___________
more friable than recent charcoal, a characteristic that
could potentially be used to differentiate fires result- This technique relies on the known variance of the
ing from prehistoric activities from those occurring as earths magnetic field through time (Michels 1973).
post-occupational natural fires. The magnetic minerals in clays orient according to
the polarity of the earths magnetic field when clay
is heated to a sufficient temperature, and retain this
Dendrochronology_______________ orientation when the material cools. This magnetic ori-
entation is compared to an independently established
Tree-ring dating, or dendrochronology, is a chrono-
known variation curve to derive a date for the sample,
metric technique that has been applied with great suc-
thus it is important to record the sample orientation
cess in the Southwestern United States and elsewhere
before collection, and to collect the sample from a non-
(Michels 1973; Smiley and others 1953). Because the
portable object (Rice 1987). Clay linings or hearth rocks
method involves counting the annual growth rings
containing magnetite and hematite in archaeological
and matching them to the known master sequence
hearths or kilns and burned wall or floor plasters are
for their species, the consumption of wood by fire may
ideally suited to this chronometric technique. The date
make it difficult or impossible to tabulate the rings.
obtained from the archeomagnetic assay reflects the
Robinson (1990) concluded that the La Mesa Fire did
last time that the sample was heated. The assumption
not significantly affect either of two tree-ring samples
for archaeological samples is that the last heating of
submitted for analysis from subsurface deposits. Un-
the material took place sometime during the occupation
less a wood specimen is sufficiently damaged by fire,
of the site, and that the date obtained thus represents
it still has the potential to yield an accurate date.
the date that pertains to the occupational history of the
site. Reheating clay-containing features at sufficient
Radiocarbon Dating (14C)__________ temperatures during post-occupational fire events
will reorient the magnetic minerals, thus significantly
This dating technique is one of the most common compromising the interpretive value of archeomagnetic
and useful in archaeology. Although charcoal is not samples taken from features in burned-over sites.
the only material that yields radiocarbon dates, it is Results from archeomagnetic dating of material from
certainly one of the most frequently available; other hearths excavated after the La Mesa Fire indicated that
suitable materials include bone, shell, wood, and iron although an erroneously young date was obtained from
(Michels 1973). Destruction of perishable materials is one set of samples, the problem could be compensated
the most harmful effect that fire can have on radio- for, and an apparently accurate date was obtained
carbon samples. Charcoal is often very fragile when from a second set of samples from the same feature
recovered from archaeological contexts, thus it is more (DuBois 1990). The subsurface heat probably did not
likely to be totally consumed during a later fire than reach a temperature that compromised the potential
other materials. As noted in Fishs 1990 study, however, of the hearth to yield a reliable archeomagnetic date.
mixing of modern and archaeological charcoal may
occur at fire-damaged sites. This mixing could result
in erroneously young dates for particular contexts if Obsidian Hydration_______________
charcoal from a post-occupational fire is submitted
Of all the dating techniques discussed thus far, ob-
for radiocarbon dating. Alternatively, contamination
sidian hydration (OH) has received the most attention
of the archaeological sample with modern charcoal
in terms of fire effects. Although OH is not a heat-
could simply confound the radiocarbon assay.
dependent dating method like archeomagnetism, the
Stehlis study of radiocarbon dates from sites burned
results can still be significantly affected by fire. This
over during the La Mesa Fire was inconclusive because
dating method measures the thickness of the hydra-
no control samples from unburned sites of the same
tion layer or band (sometimes referred to as a rind)
age were available for comparison (Stehli 1990). One
on the surface of obsidian artifacts, where water has
of three radiocarbon dates run on archaeological char-
been absorbed through a freshly broken surface (Beck
coal collected from one of the burned sites appeared to
and Jones 1994; Skinner and others 1997). The rate
be erroneously young (A.D. 1910). Without unburned
at which the hydration layer forms is influenced by
control samples, Stehli could not determine whether
several factors including chemical composition of the
this date reflected effects of the La Mesa Fire. The
obsidian, temperature, and relative humidity (see Beck
charcoal in the sample may, of course, have resulted
and Jones 1994 and Friedman and Trembour 1983
from a post-occupation fire event.
for a discussion of the effects of these variables). The

150 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

band can be measured and used to provide relative or, Case Study: Investigation of
more rarely, estimated chronometric dates for obsidian
artifacts1. It is, however, extremely vulnerable to the
Subsurface Heating Effects at
effects of fire. Bandelier National Monument,
Several experimental studies have examined the NewMexico_____________________
temperatures at which obsidian hydration bands are
modified in order to understand the effects of fire on The Dome Fire of 1996 at Bandelier National
band width (Bennett and Kunzman 1985; Green 1997; Monument provided an opportunity to investigate
Skinner, Thatcher, and Davis 1997; Trembour 1990). the impacts of catastrophic fire effects on subsurface
Trembours (1990) work with obsidian after the 1977 archaeological materials. The timing and duration of
La Mesa Fire is one of the earliest studies to address the wildland fire event were known. The severities at
the problem. He notes that the hydration band on which affected sites were burned were calculated using
obsidian becomes increasingly diffuse when heated, information collected during the post-fire assessment
starting at about 350 C (662 F), and eventually is of sites within the perimeter of the burn. These data,
lost at about 430 C (806 F). Although the band may in turn, were used to select a sample of sites burned
eventually reappear after cooling, it apparently does at varying severities (as well as an unburned control
not return to its original thickness, remaining deep site) for testing through excavation. The Subsurface
and somewhat diffuse. Other studies of the effects of Heating Effects (SHE) study examined the extent to
heat on hydration bands have yielded similar results which fire impacted subsurface archaeological materi-
(Green 1997; Skinner and others 1997). als, and whether burn severities were reflected in the
Obsidian artifacts deposited on or near the ground subsurface archaeological record.
surface are the most vulnerable to thermal alteration. The examination of subsurface materials from sites
Previous studies considering the effects of fire on hydra- systematically documented as affected by different
tion bands in subsurface contexts have recorded minor burn severities marked a significant departure from
damage, if any. Subsurface artifacts with damaged previously reported subsurface fire studies. Data from
hydration bands have generally been recovered from the post-fire assessment that began immediately fol-
strata occurring from 5-10 centimeters (1.97-3.9 in) lowing the 1996 Dome Fire allowed for classification of
below the ground surface (Skinner and others 1997). burned sites into light, moderate, and heavy categories;
Deal (1997) examined the effects of prescribed fire archaeological and ecosystemic data were collected
on obsidian hydration bands in an innovative field ex- and used in making site assessments. These data,
periment. Using obsidian artifacts that had previously in turn, were used to select sites for testing. Specific
been sourced and hydrated, she placed specimens at characteristics (such as stump burn-outs) that could
and below the ground surface in a variety of contexts have particularly serious implications for archaeologi-
with respect to the fuels present (light, woody, and cal sites were also examined. Tested loci within the
log) in two different prescribed burns. Temperature Dome Fire perimeter included one unburned control
and duration of heat were measured throughout site, one lightly burned site, one moderately burned
each fire event. Following the burns, the samples site, and two heavily burned sites. In addition, a site
were resubmitted for hydration measurements at that had been through a recent prescribed fire (as well
the same lab where the original measurements were as several natural fires) outside of the Dome Fire area
taken. The results indicated that both exposure to was selected for purposes of comparison.
elevated temperatures as well as long duration of heat The SHE study investigated a number of catego-
exposure, even at relatively low temperatures, affect ries of information related to thermal alteration of
obsidian hydration bands in similar ways. For the fall subsurface cultural resources:
burn, which had particularly significant results, Deal 1. Thermal alteration of soils and other ecofacts, ar-
recorded a maximum ground surface temperature of tifacts, and cultural features, including variations
523 C (973.4 F) 2-1/2 hours after the flaming front of observable changes at different intensities.
passed over the obsidian specimens. The temperatures 2. Correlation between measurable heating effects
for this sample declined slowly, finally reaching 46 C on archaeological materials and visible changes
(114.8 F) after 44 hours. in soil or rocks or other materials with which they
are associated.
3. Degree to which the subsurface heating effects
observed in the wake of a wildland fire correspond
to those reported from experiments that mimic
prescribed burns.
4. Datable materials compromised by thermal
An estimated date is derived from the width of the hydration alteration.
band combined with the rate of band expansion.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 151

5. Potential for detecting ancient fires in archaeo- Fire-affected samples were primarily recovered from
logical excavations by visible correlates and/or the upper fill of excavation units. Even though more
consistent heating effects that may skew the charred remains were found in samples from the upper
results of materials analyses. fill of moderately and heavily burned sites, however,
6. Correspondence of surface and subsurface burn these same samples still yielded fairly high proportions
severity data. of uncharred remains.
Faunal data were recovered from two of the project
Thermal Alteration of Ecofacts and sites. One site was unburned and served as the control
Cultural Materials site. The most severely burned bone in the project as-
semblage was recovered from the unburned site, and
Investigation of changes in soils, artifacts, ecofacts, most likely resulted from contact with either burned
and other cultural materials began with examination of roof material or a cooking fire.
the stratigraphic profiles from each excavation unit to At the second site (LA 3840), Dome Fire effects were
determine the depth of heat penetration from the Dome confined to the upper stratigraphic profiles, although
Fire. The fire, represented by Stratum I in all of the the site had been heavily burned. Faunal material was
soil profiles from the burned sites, was characterized first encountered 16 centimeters (6.3 inches) below
by a distinct layer of ash, charcoal, and burned organic the ground surface, well below the levels affected by
materials. The thickness of the burned layer for each the fire. Fire effects were noted on faunal materials
excavation unit varied from 2 to 15 centimeters (0.8 from this site, but they are attributable to contact with
to 5.9 inches), but exceeded 8 centimeters (3.2 inches) either burned roof material or a cooking fire.
at only one site, which also exhibited a small burned
Ceramics recovered from the burned strata exhibited
various degrees of sooting, spalling, oxidation, and
crackled slips. Flaked stone artifacts exhibited soot-
ing, spalling, crazing, luster changes, and residues.
All of the ground stone artifacts affected by the fire
were sooted except for one, which was oxidized. The
heaviest fire effects recorded for ceramics and flaked
stone were observed on artifacts recovered from LA
115152, a site that was moderately burned during the
Dome Fire (fig. 7-1). An alligator juniper growing inside
the structure at this site was completely consumed by
the fire, including the root system. The burning roots
allowed the fire to penetrate into subsurface deposits,
affecting subsurface archaeological materials deep
within the site.
Ecofactual data examined for the SHE study included
pollen, faunal, and macrobotanical samples. Exami-
nation of pollen samples from burned and unburned
contexts indicated that burned samples tend to have
higher percentages of degraded pollen compared to
unburned samples. A corresponding loss of pollen or a
bias to specific pollen types were not apparent, however,
in the burned samples. It was not possible to evaluate
whether surface pollen was completely consumed by
the Dome Fire because the surface pollen samples were Figure 7-1Burn-out of stumps leads to subsur-
collected 1 year after the fire, which allowed sufficient face damage on culturally sensitive sites. 1996
time for natural pollen to accumulate on the surfaces Dome Fire, Bandelier National Monument site
of the tested sites. LA 115152. Heavily burned site due to burn-out
of an alligator juniper stump. Effects noted more
Subsurface macrobotanical samples also exhibited
than 1 meter below ground surface (bgs): artifact
fire effects. The introduction of charred modern materi-
damage-smudging, etc., soil matrix oxidized
als into the archaeological record for macrobotanical and contaminated with modern charcoal, dating
materials was the primary effect of both the Dome Fire methods compromised, pollen and macrobotani-
and the prescribed fire. Samples from burned contexts cal specimens damaged (Ruscavage-Barz and
also exhibited higher frequencies of vitrified charcoal. Oster 1999).

152 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Correlation Between Heating Effects on from the tested sites indicated some correlation
Archaeological Materials and Visible between the two categories of materials in terms of
Changes in the Surrounding Matrix fire effects. Spalling and cracking of natural rock
generally accompanied spalling and cracking of
The matrices surrounding the cultural materials architectural material; fire-affected archaeological
recovered during the SHE study were examined to materials tended to co-occur with ashy soil, burned
determine whether observable fire effects could be cor- vegetation, and charred trees. Such co-occurrence
related with effects on associated non-archaeological vegetation and archaeological material damage is
materials, such as soil and rock. Comparison of burned common throughout the Southwest (fig. 7-2).
archaeological and non-archaeological materials

Figure 7-2Examples of spalling of sandstone due to heating during the 2002 Long Mesa Fire,
Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado: (a) panorama, (b) close up (from Buenger 2003).

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 153

Subsurface cultural materials and corresponding
matrices in the sample investigated for the SHE study
generally exhibited fire effects within the first 10 to
15 centimeters (3.9 to 5.9 in.) of fill. Root and stump
burnouts were the exception because they allowed the
fire to penetrate subsurface deposits and burn deep
underground. In these cases, the full range of fire ef-
fects were observed, including spalling and sooting of
rocks, accumulations of ash deposits in root pipes, and
damage to associated archaeological materials.

Correspondence Between SHE Study Fire

Effects and Effects Noted in Experimental
The results of the SHE study are consistent with
other post-fire studies that have determined that fire
effects are rarely found below the first 10 centimeters
(3.9 in.) of fill at archaeological sites (Conner and oth-
ers 1989; Hemry 1996; Lent and others 1996; Thoms
1996; Traylor and others 1990), unless a burned root
mass or stump is present. As described above, fire
effects were noted on materials within the first 10 to
15 centimeters (3.9 to 5.9 in.) of fill.
One site, LA 115152, proved the exception because
the root system of an alligator juniper burned into a Figure 7-3LA 118345, Bandelier National
structure during the Dome Fire (fig. 7-3). Fire effects Monument site LA 115152. Site burned during a
prescribed fire (Ruscavage-Barz and Oster 1999).
on natural and archaeological materials were noted
throughout the structure, with the burned root sys-
tem and ashy soil continuing well below the limits of
the excavation. The site (LA 118345) affected by the
prescribed fire, described in more detail below, also
provided evidence of deep subsurface penetration by The only samples for archeomagnetic dating were
fire, again due to the fact that an alligator juniper obtained from a hearth at LA 3840, located approxi-
provided a conduit. mately 1.11 meters (3.6 feet) below the ground surface.
Very few fire-affected artifacts were observed overall, Since the Dome Fire was evident only in the first 5
with most found on the surface. Most of the burned centimeters (2in.) of fill for this site, any anomalies in
subsurface artifacts from the SHE sites cannot attri- the archeomagnetic dates were not attributable to the
bute their alteration to the Dome Fire because they Dome Fire.
were recovered from levels too far below the ground Wood samples were collected from two sites for den-
surface to be impacted by natural or prescribed fires. drochronology. Two wood samples from one site were
Instead, these artifacts probably attained their burned recovered from deep levels unaffected by the Dome Fire.
appearance as a result of contact with burned roof The samples from the other site, located outside the
materials or hearths. Dome Fire perimeter but affected by a low-intensity
prescribed burn, were recovered from the lower fill of
Alteration of Datable Materials the structure and, likewise, were not impacted by the
prescribed fire.
Four different dating methods were tested for this Radiocarbon (14C) dates were obtained for four of the
project: archeomagnetism, dendrochronology, radio- project sites. The radiocarbon dates from three sites
carbon, and obsidian hydration. The results obtained were somewhat consistent with the ceramic dates, and
from these methods were compared with the ceramic were thus considered to provide reliable indications of
data to determine whether the dates obtained from the the approximate dates that the sites were occupied.
various methods are accurate or have been affected by The remaining site did not yield any ceramics, thus
the Dome Fire (or other post-depositional processes). the reliability of the radiocarbon dates could not be

154 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

assessed. Most significant, even where modern charcoal fire event. Two 14C samples were collected from the
had been mixed with archaeological deposits inside of earlier burned layer, producing calibrated dates of
a structure, the radiocarbon dates did not appear to A.D. 1025-1290 and A.D. 1290-1425, respectively.
have been compromised. These dates indicated that the fire event was not part
Twenty obsidian artifacts were submitted for ob- of the 200-year sequence already known but instead
sidian hydration (OH). Although no chronometric represented a much earlier fire event.
dates were obtained from the samples, the widths Based on the stratigraphic position discussed above,
of the hydration bands were compared to site dates the fire event appeared to have occurred after the
obtained from ceramics and 14C assays to determine structure collapsed. This interpretation conflicted
whether hydration band width was consistent with somewhat with the radiocarbon dates because the
site dates. The OH results are somewhat ambiguous dates from the fire event pre-dated radiocarbon dates
and in most cases do not agree with site ages based obtained from materials near the structure floor below
on other chronological data. Band widths obtained for the roof fall level. The later fire event was not visible
the samples range from 1.1 to 8.9 microns, which is in the stratigraphic profile, and no other fire events
a very wide range considering that most of the sites were evidenced above the level of the roof fall.
date to the A.D. 1300s and 1400s. The limited data from the SHE study suggested that
Band widths greater than five microns for obsid- ancient fires are difficult to detect from archaeological
ian artifacts from three of the sites suggested that contexts. No ancient fires were detected either during
the flaked edges of the samples were manufactured excavation or in stratigraphic profiles at the other
thousands, not hundreds, of years ago (Thomas Origer, study sites, and perhaps the only ancient fires poten-
personal communication 1998). If the obsidian samples tially recognizable in archaeological contexts would be
were affected by the Dome Fire, band widths should catastrophic wildland fires rather than low intensity
have been thinner rather than thicker or the hydra- periodic fires like those believed to have characterized
tion bands would be missing (Green 1997; Skinner the landscape prior to the late A.D. 1800s.
and others 1997; Trembour 1990). The second question considers whether the level of
Results obtained from dateable samples from the burn severity determined by surface observations is
project sites indicated very little impact to these ma- reflected in subsurface deposits. The answer is no. The
terials from the Dome Fire. Reliable dates, with the depths of penetration are similar at all sites, whether
exception of obsidian hydration, were obtained from lightly or heavily burned. The only exceptions are
most samples, including those derived from extremely attributable to the root burnout that occurred within
disturbed contexts. Thus the Dome Fire did not com- one structure, and near another.
promise the various dating methods employed, because At LA 115152, there was no clear break between
most of the samples came from subsurface contexts Dome Fire debris (e.g., ash, charcoal, burned organic
that were below the zone of effect for the Dome Fire. materials) and archaeological sediments. This condi-
tion was a direct result of the burning root system,
Potential for Detecting Ancient Fires, which carried the fire underground. If the root system
and Correspondence of Surface and had not ignited, then it is likely that only the surface
of the site would have been impacted, similar to an-
Subsurface Burn Severity Data other SHE site (LA 3840) that was heavily burned on
To address the issue of detecting ancient fires in ar- the surface but did not exhibit any fire damage to the
chaeological excavations, a structural site (LA 118345) structure interior. The evidence from LA 3840 indicates
located in an area for which a 200-year fire history was that surface burn severity is not reflected in subsurface
available was included in the SHE study sample. This archaeological contexts absent a root burnout.
site had been burned over during a prescribed fire in
The stratigraphic profile of LA 118345 was examined Summary and Conclusions________
for evidence of earlier fires. No evidence of previous One of the important lessons of the SHE study is
fires was apparent in either of the test units outside that a significant difference exists between potential
the structure. Within the structure, however, an oxi- fire effects to surface versus subsurface materials. The
dized soil layer containing burned duff below a level effects that fire can have on surface archaeological
of clean unburned fill was encountered. This burned materials ranges from negligible to extreme depend-
layer was encountered 20-26 centimeters (7.9-10.2 in.) ing on the severity and residence time of the fire on
below the ground surface, while the effects attribut- the site. This contrasts sharply with the range of fire
able to the prescribed fire effects ended 7 centimeters effects on subsurface deposits, which appear to be
(2.8 in.) below the ground surface. The lower burned relatively protected from fire effects below the first
layer was therefore assumed to represent an earlier few centimeters except when a burning stump and/or

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 155

root system provide a conduit for heat penetration to sites suspected to have been burned over in the past, as
subsurface cultural deposits. well as the management of cultural resources. Depend-
The potential for damage caused by such burnouts ing on the kinds of cultural materials and fuels present
was exhibited at two of the Bandelier SHE study sites at a given siteas well as the specific characteristics
impacted by wildland fire and prescribed fire, respec- of the fire or fires that have passed over itnot only
tively. In both cases, the stumps and roots of large the integrity of the site but the information potential
junipers ignited and burned underground causing of its contents may be destroyed or altered. Given
significant damage to subsurface deposits. An alliga- the right conditions, severe fire effects may include
tor juniper growing in a structure at LA 115152 was heavy damage to subsurface deposits, long thought
totally consumed during the Dome Fire. The burning to be insulated from thermal and other fire-caused
stump carried the fire into the root system inside the alteration.
structure, heavily impacting the structure fill. Most The accumulations of fuels on contemporary land-
of the root system was completely consumed, leaving scapes have reached historically unprecedented levels,
root cavities lined with ash and charcoal that later thanks to decades of aggressive fire suppression and
collapsed, resulting in mixing of archaeological fill exclusion. The potential for fires to destroy or seri-
and modern ash/charcoal. ously compromise the interpretation of the archaeo-
A less severe root burnout resulting from a prescribed logical record has correspondingly increased. Cultural
fire occurred at LA 118345. The root system of a cut resources managers and field archaeologists would
juniper stump ignited, even though the stump had been be well advised to include consideration of regional
cut to minimize fire effects to the site. The root cavity fire histories in environmental reconstructions, and
extended well below the level of the structure floor. data analyses. Understanding the role of fire as a
Fortunately, the stump was adjacent to the exterior site formation process is essential for every cultural
structure wall and, when it burned, did not impact resources specialist working in landscapes that have
the structure interior. The evidence from this site been touched by fire.
demonstrated that prescribed fires, as well as wildland
fires, can significantly impact subsurface archaeologi- Postscript
cal contexts. Even though the stump had been cut to
minimize potential fire impacts, it had been left as a These studies will be more than a decade old by the
stub rather than being flush-cut and/or treated to anticipated publication date of this volume. We believe
prevent ignition (for example, by covering with soil). that the results of this work stand the test of time quite
The evidence from the SHE study, and other fire well. We are proud of this pioneering effort. We hope
effects studies discussed here, has significant implica- it will be useful to future pyroarcheologists.
tions for the interpretation of archaeological data from

156 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

John R. Welch

Chapter 8:
Effects of Fire on Intangible Cultural
Resources: Moving Toward a
Landscape Approach

Long before the Secretaries of the Departments of As the implications of enabling fire to reclaim its
Agriculture and Interior signed the Federal Wildland roles in wildland ecosystems continue to unfold, we
Fire Management Policy in 1995, most land and re- are learning about how we value, view, and treat
source professionals in the United States had recog- public lands, forests, fire, archaeological and historical
nized unprecedented fuel accumulations in western sites, and associated human communities. The forest
forests as management priorities. The Policy, its 2001 and fire management reorientation underway in the
revision, the 2003 Healthy Forests Restoration Act, and United States opens a window for looking at whether
the sequence of costly fire seasons that spurred these commonly applied standards and protocols for cultural
developments made it clear that fuels reduction would resource conservation are adequate.
remain the driving issue in forest management in the This chapter examines intangible cultural resources
United States for the foreseeable future (Franklin and that are defined as conceptual, oral, and behavioral
Agee 2003). The central message embedded in this traditions providing the social context for artifacts
policy shift is that the foregoing century of fire suppres- and sites. Often derived from time-tested associations
sion and other management practice has disrupted the between ecosystems and human communities, intan-
balance among land, resource conditions and values, gibles are the fragile and often threatened or neglected
as well as the people who rely on public and Indian linkages among geography, cultures, forests, trees,
lands for livelihood, raw materials, and senses of place and people. Thus, intangible cultural resources war-
(see Karjala and Dewhurst 2003; Moseley and Toth rant careful consideration in all stages of forest and
2004). heritage policy and practice, including wildland and
prescribed fire and other fuels reduction programs.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 157

Fire Policy and Standard Practice in from the period of 2001 through 2009 (
Cultural Resource Management_____ healthyforests/2009/FY2009HFAccomplishments.
Translating fire management policy into effective pdf, accessed March 30, 2011. Through one of the doz-
and balanced practice requires detailed understanding ens of Healthy Forests Restoration Act subprograms, as
of local and regional ecosystems (Franklin and Agee of early 2006, one region of the U.S. Forest Service had
2003) as well as associated historical and prospective awarded about 130 stewardship contracts for fuels reduc-
human roles. Initial implementations of the 1995 Fire tion and other treatments on 665 km2 (162,000 acres)
Management Policy (updated in 2001) recognized the in the southeastern United States. Plans call for the
need for better coordination and collaboration with expansion of this and other HFRA programs as technolo-
the local communities directly affected by fire pro- gies and markets are developed to utilize the surfeit of
grams on public lands ( smaller diameter trees being removed through thinning.
ppm/fpc/archives/fire_policy/index.htm, accessed For the foreseeable future, legions of archaeologists will
March30,2011). By 2010, thousands of communities be engaged in cultural resource surveys covering terrain
had completed wildfire protection plans developed in likely to be affected by forest and fuels treatments.
collaboration with government agencies. These plans What are survey teams looking for and what are we
generally emphasize short- and mid-term fuels finding? More to the point, what are we failing to seek
reduction and incident management. Although and what are we missing? There are slight variations
there are notable exceptions in the form of in-depth from region to region and agency to agency, but the
consultations concerning landscape-level fire effects general protocol for addressing cultural resources
assessments as well as fire management planning threatened by land alterations have remained much the
(see Burns and others 2003), there are few indications same for the last three decades: identify, document, and
that consultation has widely permeated protocols and avoid or minimize effects. Tools for finding, recording,
practices for re-establishing or sustaining fire-land- and limiting impacts to tangible cultural resources have
community relations. become more sophisticated in the digital era (Banning
The lack of sustained or widespread consultation 2002). Legal, ethical, and practical developments
regarding local communities uses and values of have made it clear that intangible cultural resources
forests limits our understanding of the varied ways deserve and require consideration (UNESCO 2006;
in which human communities relate to wildland fire Wild and McLeod 2008). Nonetheless, on-the-ground
and public land management. Factors affecting rela- efforts to integrate wildland fire management and
tionships among communities, fire, and management the conservation of intangible cultural resources have
range from ecosystem processes, global timber mar- been limited and isolated.1 Fire policy has shifted em-
kets, and national policies to fuel models, community phatically away from knee-jerk fire suppression. Most
politics, and local patterns of forest utilization (Burns archaeologists and many other resource professionals
and others 2003). These relationships are becoming recognize that artifacts and built features are merely
more complicated in western North America because the tangible manifestations of the cultural traditions
of diminishing commercial timber reserves, increasing and community values that are our ultimate concerns.
fuel loads, surging human occupation in and use of Standard cultural resource management practice,
forests, global climate change, and escalating claims however, continues to equate to finding, document-
by Native Americans to government-to-government ing, and providing limited protection for the physical
consultation rights and other recognitions of sov- dimensions of cultural resources. In other words, the
ereignty (Field and Jensen 2005). This interplay of importance of intangible cultural resources and the
people, places, politics, lands, values, dynamics, and closely related needs for in-depth consultation are,
fire is attracting attention by researchers, managers, except in a few isolated instances, being either down-
local community advocates, and leaders throughout played or overlooked in a rush to reduce fuel loads
the world (for example, South Africa National Parks and accommodate other policy mandates. Most land
2006; Yibarbuk and others 2001). managers have started to see the forests through the
For cultural resources, the most immediate and appar- trees; however, to extend the metaphor, only a few
ent result of the policy shift has been a substantial increase have caught glimpses of the cultures through the sites
in the number of acres slated for clearance (that is, proj- (fig. 8-1).
ect compliance with relevant statutes and regulations)
in preparation for fuels reduction by prescribed burning,
hand, or mechanical thinning. Relevant measures are
difficult to come by, but the 2007 Healthy Forests Re- 1
USFS operations in California may qualify as an exception to
port indicates that fuels reduction treatments have been this general claim, but publications documenting these innovations
applied to more than 138,000km2 (34 million acres) have yet to appear.

158 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Figure 8-1Tangible cultural resource threatened by fire.

Approach, Scope, and Goals dance grounds, village sites, and trailsparticularly as
these may be associated with deities, spirits, ancestors,
This chapter suggests that we can and should do or ceremonies. Intangible cultural resources include
a better job of considering the full range of cultural conceptual, oral, and behavioral traditions, most of
resources in fire-related management contexts and which overlap and are interdependent. Most tangible
offers some suggestions in this regard. The discussion cultural resources are finite and irreplaceable if lost
considers communities and landscapes as the sources or destroyed; intangible cultural resources, although
and repositories for values that drive management often vulnerable, are produced by each generation.
decisions and social systems. Communities and land- Intangible cultural resources may be renewed and
scapes, along with the specific places and associated expanded through intergenerational transmission and
intangible cultural resources from which we derive our various forms of creative endeavor (
distinctive and sustaining identities, are the primary gov/dsc/d_publications/d_1_gpsd_4_ch4.htm, accessed
cultural resources that deserve foremost management July21, 2010). Most or all tangible cultural resources
consideration. have intangible components in the form of associations
Cultural resources, the objects, places, and tradi- and significance; many intangible resources have
tions significant in culture and history, exist in both tangible components.
tangible and intangible forms. Tangible cultural re- Implicit in the above definitions, however, is the
sources include sites, structures, districts, artifacts, truth that many cultural resources, especially intan-
and documents associated with or representative of gibles, cannot be identified, fully documented, or have
cultures, processes, and events. Tangible cultural their significance assessed by archaeologists or other
resources also include plants, animals, and other professionals without engaging representatives of the
environmental elements as well as physical features, source culture (fig. 8-2).
such as caves, mountains, springs, forest clearings,

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 159

Figure 8-2Cultural resource protection crew assigned to the Cradleboard incident command team, White
Mountain Apache Tribe lands, Arizona.

Fire effects on cultural resources, tangible or in- the culture or cultures that create, use, and maintain
tangible, may entail consequences for personal and connections to the resources.
communal identities and their spiritual health. In- No systematic attempt is made here to review previ-
formation exchange is clearly implicated. Sustained ous studies on this subject. The reason for this is the
institutional and interpersonal relationships are an broad range of relevant issues and subjects including, in
essential basis for recognizing intangible cultural re- addition to those already mentioned, American Indian
sources, determining the best and most appropriate philosophy and pre-contact environmental stewardship
means for their conservation and, perhaps most im- (Pyne 1982, 1995; Williams 2000), disaster sociology
portantly, understanding these resources both in their (Quarantelli 1998; Stallings 2002), community forestry
own terms and in terms of management implications. (Baker and Kusel 2003), cultural property law (Hutt
Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) has justifiably and others 2004), etc.and the paucity of previous
attracted most of the research attention directed toward research focused on how and why fire mediates ties
the linkages among intangible cultural resources, fire between people and place.
ecology, and management (Berkes and others 2000; Instead of attempting to survey this vast terrain of
Raish and others 2005; Turner 1999). Identifying the concepts, practices, and policies, the primary objective
full spectrum of cultural resources associated with a of this chapter is to offer a framework of ideas and tools
project area and assessing the full range of effects on for supporting constructive interaction among repre
cultural resources potentially associated with a project sentatives of local and management communities
or program requires knowledge available only from groups that care about and have distinctive, yet often

160 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

complementary perspectives on this and other land steamrolling the often cumbersome issues linked to
management issues. The discussion focuses on how intangible cultural resources (Welch and others 2009b).
to approach the effects of fire on intangible cultural The second reason derives from common sense,
resources by engaging local communities in identifica- ethical concerns, and human rights issues. If these
tion and assessment. The ultimate goal is to enhance concerns seem at first beyond the scope of a NEPA
and expand land and fire management programs and analysis or NHPA compliance process, it is worth
policies respectful of and responsive to all pertinent recalling Congress explicit purpose for NEPA: to use
cultural resources, as well as to the social, spiritual, all practicable means and measures to foster and
scientific, economic, practical, and aesthetic values. promote the general welfare, to create and maintain
Community consultations concerning intangible cul- conditions under which man and nature can exist in
tural resources provide an excellent point of departure productive harmony, and fulfill the social, economic,
for broader agency/tribe/public discussions of common and other requirements of present and future genera-
goals, long-term plans, and best management practices. tions (Sec. 101 [42 USC 4331]). Similarly, NHPAs
first section aptly addresses tangible cultural prop-
erties as the physical manifestations of that which
Why Consider Fire Effects on NHPA was created to protect. To paraphrase NHPAs
Intangible Cultural Resources?_____ core principles (, accessed
July21, 2010):
There are at least two broad reasons for considering
the full spectrum of cultural resources in the context History and culture are the foundations for na-
of land and fire management: (1) statutes and regula- tional spirit, direction, and orientation.
tions most familiar to the management community; Cultural resources deserve conservation as a vital
and (2) common sense, ethical concerns, and human element of living communities.
rights issues. Legal mandates, especially as they relate Preservation of irreplaceable cultural heritage
to the complex relationships among Federal agen- serves national, educational, aesthetic, scientific,
cies and Indian tribes, were the original impetus for and economic interests.
including a chapter on intangible cultural resources Collaborative partnerships among governments
in this volume. Numerous Federal, tribal, State, and at all levels, corporations, institutions, and in-
local statutes, regulations, court decisions, and policies dividuals are required to expand and enhance
recognize cultural resource values and set standards cultural heritage conservation.
for their protection. These authorities generally require
the identification and assessment of cultural resource When management decisions affect cultural re-
values in the course of project planning and decision sources, they also affect people and local communi-
making (chapters 1, 9). The procedural requirements tiessometimes in direct and damaging ways. A
boil down to looking (and consulting) before you leap, combination of bureaucratic expediency and market
rather than specific protections (Zellmer 2001). forces has redirected NHPA purposes toward a compa-
Through four decades of experience with the National rably sterile cultural resource management emphasis
Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the National En- on buildings, sites, objects, and undertakings (King
vironmental Policy Act (NEPA), and other pertinent 1998:6-19). Nonetheless, cultural resourcesespecially
authorities, the parties involved in Federal land modi- those linked to or reflective of the spirits and vitalities
fication (legislators, applicants, land managers, over- of distinctive communitiesdeserve protection, or at a
sight agencies, tribes, stakeholders, and courts) have minimum, careful consideration before being burned,
negotiated widely recognized procedural standards altered, or appropriated for new uses. NHPA was
in order to expedite projects and program deliveries. not created specifically to protect intangible cultural
Although there are many good reasons for the use resources, but the view that conceptual, oral, and be-
of standard protocols, one drawback is the difficulty havioral traditions may be disregarded in the course
of effecting positive change once standardization is of government-sponsored projects and programs is
in place. In the case of the identify, document, and similarly indefensible. Both NHPA and NEPA provide
avoid or minimize effects protocol, the uniformity has conceptual and practical foundations for collaborations
given rise to a checklist approach to cultural resource to address intangible cultural resource issues and
management that generally discourages individual and concerns (table 8-1 lists pertinent Federal authorities
organizational sensitivities to novel or complicated requiring tribal consultations in the context of land
situations. Streamlining environmental and cultural and fire management).
resource compliance processes too often results in

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 161

Table 8-1Some Federal authorities requiring tribal consultation in relation to land and fire management
program planning and implementation.

Federal authorities

National Historic Preservation Act of 1966

(P.L. 89-665; 80 Stat. 915; 16 USC. 470; 36 CFR 800)NHPA Section 106 mandates
Federal agency consideration of effects of projects on historic properties (places,
structures, objects with historical significance). Requires Federal agencies to consult with
potentially affected tribes on the areas of effect of undertakings, on the identification of
properties, on whether an undertaking will affect a property, and on plans for avoiding or
reducing adverse effects. 1992 amendments recognize rights of tribes to assume State
Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) functions for Indian lands and sites of cultural and
religious significance as historic properties.

National Environmental Policy Act of 1969

(P.L. 91-190; 83 Stat. 852; 42 USC 4321; 40 CFR 1500, et al.)NEPA establishes
national policy for the protection and enhancement of the environment, including the
Statutes and Regulations

preservation of important historic, cultural, and natural aspects of our national heritage.
Requires Federal agencies to communicate with tribes on the significance of the impacts
of projects and programs on tribal lands and communities. NEPA is often overlooked as a
viable link between project planning, the human environment, and trust responsibility.

American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978

(P.L. 95-431; 92 Stat. 469; 42 USC 1996)AIRFA establishes federal policy for
preservation of American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut, and Native Hawaiian right of freedom to
believe, express, and exercise their traditional religions, including access to and use of
sacred sites and objects.
Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979
(P.L. 96-95; 93 Stat. 721; 16 USC 470; 43 CFR 7.5; 25 CFR 260)ARPA requires
Federal agencies to consult with tribes that may have cultural or religious ties to a site or
other resource that may be affected by issuance of an ARPA permit.

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990

(P.L. 101-601, 25 USC. 3001)NAGPRA requires issuance of ARPA permit for intentional
excavation of cultural items from Federal or Tribal lands and Indian involvement in permit
decision; Requires tribal involvement in event of inadvertent discovery of cultural items.

EO 13007 (5-24-96)Indian Sacred Sites

Requires Federal land managing agencies to (1) accommodate access to and
Executive Orders and Other Authorities

ceremonial use of Indian sacred sites by Indian religious practitioners and (2) avoid
adversely affecting the physical integrity of such sacred sites. Further requires tribal
consultation on policies and implementation.

EO 13175 (11-06-00)Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal

Establishes Federal policy of Regular and meaningful consultation and collaboration
with Indian tribal governments in the development of regulatory practices that affect
their communities and the avoidance of imposing unfunded mandates upon tribal
Requires Federal agencies to (1) be guided by principles of respect for Indian tribal
self-government and sovereignty, for tribal treaty and other rights, and for responsibilities
that arise from the unique legal relationship between the Federal government and
Indian tribes; and (2) maintain an effective process to permit elected officials and other
representatives of Indian tribal governments to provide meaningful and timely input;

162 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Cultural Resources in Local and trained and skilled professionalsmany of whom are
following in their parents footstepswith profound
Management Community personal attachments to public landscapes (Gartner
Context_________________________ 1999:2). These ties serve as powerful performance mo-
Recognizing and understanding the diverse values tivators for stewards and should not be trivialized. On
embedded in and ascribed to cultural resources is a the other hand, they should not be confused with the
critical first step in providing for their protection and sense of place or connection experienced by American
appropriate use. Putting this proposition into effect Indians and others to whom land and landscapes are
requires communication and cooperation among the inherited birthrights rather than acquired affinities.2
individuals and communities concerned with one or a Differences in perspectives and interests frequently
group of related cultural resources. Communities are constitute barriers to communication and collabora-
defined here as groups of people who share interests tion between local and management communities
and places. Two general community types merit dis- (Burns and others 2003). For better or worse, most
tinction, definition, and discussion. communication opportunities occur in the context of
management community planning driven by govern-
ment program mandates and policies. The compliance
Local Communities
checklist emphasizes quick planning and early project
Local communities are most American Indian tribes implementation. This expedited process may not al-
and other place-oriented groups that derive elements of low sufficient time to define the full range of cultural
their world view, identity, and value systems through resources or examine long-term means to safeguard
long-standing and ongoing attachments to their re- their values, much less to integrate management and
gion of current or previous occupation or use. Local community interests.
communities deserve attention because of growing Most chapters in this volume reflect the materials
recognition of management guidance and other ben- science approach that has dominated discussions on
efits derived from collaboration with those willing to the effects of fire on cultural resources. The discussion
share knowledge of intergenerational experience with here seeks to highlight prospects for transcending both
particular ecosystems. The place-based communities the compliance and the materials science emphases.
most relevant to this discussion are typically enclaves Although prioritizing consultation and collaboration
with variably porous boundaries defined by legal status, holds promise, it does not, by definition, predetermine
ethnicity, religious orientation, or some combination. outcomes. A local community, for example, might see
Prominent examples include tribes, Hispanic villages, prospective fire effects on a sacred site or other cultural
and communities defined by participation in irrigation resource with crucial intangible values primarily in
systems or religions. terms of threats to cultural traditions (Welch 1997).
This perception could, depending on the values at
Management Communities stake, translate into preferences that fire either be
excluded from the site in perpetuity or allowed to
Management communities are clusters of offices play its natural ecosystem role without regard to site
and individuals having designated regulatory, policy, contents or boundaries. Either approach would pose
program, and trust responsibilities for ecosystems, management challenges. Decision makers might see
public and Indian well-being as well as cultural the issue primarily in terms of the proposed treat-
resources. This community includes researchers, ments compliance checklistwhat needs to be done
decision makers, and implementation and enforce- to satisfy regulatory requirements? Researchers in the
ment teams. Community is a useful and appropriate management community might view the situation as
referent because these groups often have substantial an opportunity to either learn more about the cultural
interestspersonal as well as professionalin es- traditions or, if inclined toward materials science,
tablishing and sustaining constructive relationships about the physical and chemical impacts of fire on
both within their clusters and among people, forests, artifacts, petroglyphs, or other site elements.
fire management, and cultural resources in specific
geographical settings. Many biologists, hydrologists,
archaeologists, foresters, soil scientists, enforcement
officers, and decision makers develop and maintain
long and deep individual a ssociations with particular 2
Another discussion might include issue-oriented communities
regions that complement their professional associations as a third community type, defining these as individuals and orga-
(Welch 2000; Nicholas and others 2007). A culture nizations that derive their commonality from advocacy for one or
more stewardship goals or practices. Although issue communities
of professional stewardship is especially prominent are important stakeholders in resource management, advocacy
within the U.S. National Park Service and the U.S. for both preservation and consumptive use is beyond the scope of
Forest Service. Both agencies are staffed by highly further discussion here.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 163

Much work remains to be done if we are to balance Landscapes as Common
the compliance and materials science approaches to
fire effects with community-oriented efforts to manage
for the full range of fire effects on the full spectrum In accord with Haecker (chaper 6), a landscape ap-
of cultural resources. One low-cost starting point is proach to fire effects provides a flexible framework
attention to vocabulary used in communications with for identifying and evaluating the significance of
local communities. Bureaucratic and compliance jar- diverse cultural resources in ecological, historical,
gon such as undertaking, area of potential effect, and community context. Landscapes are defined here
and mitigation impede free flow of information from as constellations of physical elements and symbolic
non-specialists. Common binary terminologysuch associations with earth surfaces. Landscapes are cul-
as: site vs. non-site, prehistory vs. history, nature vs. turally constructed and thus constitute one type of
culturehas persisted beyond most analytic utility intangible cultural resource (Ashmore and Knapp
and also often hinders collaboration between manage- 1999). This definition is distinct from the common use
ment and local communities. These false dichotomies of landscape in forest and fire management planning
and their underlying concepts tend to constrain rather contexts to refer simply to regions or groups of timber
than enhance relationships between managers and stands (Finney 2001). As is true for cultural resources
landscapes, landscapes and local communities, de- in general, landscapes do not exist independently from
scendent communities and cultural resources, etc. Any local communities. In other words, without reference
language or program that defines cultural resources to historical and conceptual associations, landscape is
independently from local communities increases the space rather than place (Tuan 1977).
likelihood of misunderstanding and conflict (Welch Because the identification of landscapes requires
and others 2009a). local community engagement, the landscape approach
It is difficult to assess the depth or breadth of this invites detailed considerations of how people have
terminological issue, and many proactive fire manage- interacted with lands, plants, and animals through
ment programs are engaging local communities to systems of meaning as well as through behavior and
achieve in-depth understanding of cultural resource technology. Linkages among tangible cultural resourc-
issues. Nonetheless, two extensive bibliographies of es, local communities, ecosystems, and management
fire effects on cultural resources (Halford 2001; Rude initiatives, such as the Wildland Fire Policy, often seem
and Jones 2001) compiled into a joint publication of the elusive. Landscapes provide literal and figurative com-
Bureau of Land Management (Halford 2001) contain mon ground (Zedeo and others 1997). Concepts and
no uses of or references to intangible, sacred or tradi- vocabulary underlying landscape approaches achieve
tional ecological knowledge (TEK). Only one reference greater coherence and relevance when related to local
was made to tribal communities and two were made to community perceptions and values. Many cultural re-
traditional fire use. The point is that neither the details sources are intangible, and most occupy or play roles
of agency procedures for complying with statutes and in landscapes. A landscape approach thus provides
regulations, nor the degree of pitting, cracking, and tools for organizing and understanding intellectual
spalling on pot sherds are generally of interest to local and practical issues engaged by the topic of fire effects
communities. At the risk of oversimplification, what on cultural resources.
local communities care most about is the continued Zedeo and others (1997:126) suggest that landscapes
use and enjoyment of important places. In contrast are defined and characterized by three dimensions:
to compliance and materials science, however, project formal, historical, and relational. The formal dimension
and program planning are often important to local is what can be seen, heard, tasted, or feltthe physical
communities. Planning initiatives provide the basis characteristics and resource properties of a landscape.
for local community outreach on issues ranging from The historical dimension is what has happened on and
the protection of sacred sites to individual employment with a landscape through timethe sequential asso-
prospects. Landscape concepts and consultation pro- ciations among places, resources, and communities.
vide good points of departure for engaging local and The relational dimension is what links material and
management communities interests and goals along conceptual realitiesthe social and symbolic connec-
with those of multiple stakeholders (Burns and oth- tions that make landscapes meaningful and useful.
ers 2003). It bears mentioning, however, that in the Thinking about landscapes in terms of formal, histori-
absence of decision maker willingness to terminate or cal, and relational dimensions complements the more
modify a project or program that threatens intangible straightforward notion of landscapes as compilations of
cultural resources, consultation cannot be expected to spatial-temporal-symbolic layers that change through
either satisfy a community concerned with the protec- time in terms of formal and relational characteristics.
tion of the resources or lay the foundations for future This historical or developmental approach, which
collaboration. has become increasingly useful through geographic

164 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

i nformation systems (GIS), seeks to identify each layer of where one turns for help, consultation with local
in terms of places, resources, characteristics, values, community representatives remains one answer to
and meanings as they represent local community per- pressing questions. Core subjects include the effects
ceptions and interests (Corbett and others 2006). More that land management programs and projects may
than one layer may be required to portray a landscape have on cultural resources, as well as general interests
for a single community having evolving interests (for in building understanding and partnerships in public
example, pre-reservation vs. late 20th century formal land and resource management contexts.
and relational dimensions). In the context of land and Previous and ongoing research into the role of fire in
fire management, geography and local community- the American West prior to the establishment of land
based mapping offers the common ground required and fire management agencies and policies has pushed
to highlight connections among resource classes, local fire effects on cultural resources discussion beyond the
community resource uses, and prospects and limita- compliance and materials sciences approaches (Dods
tions for fuel treatments and other disturbances (Lewis 2002). Investigations of local communities uses of
and Sheppard 2006). If cultural resources are to endure burning and accommodations to wildfire (Blackburn
as functional pillars of community spirit and identity, and Anderson 1993; Pyne 1982; Raish and others 2005)
their values (religious, social, economic, educational, have highlighted the intimate links among cultures,
and management) must be recognized, incorporated landscapes, and fire. For example, according to Wuk-
into planning frameworks, and engaged in pursuit of chumni scholar Hector Franco (1993:19), landscape
common ground objectives (Welch and others 2009a,b). burning was integral to the Yokuts economic and
The fact that landscapes appear to easily accommo- religious life: Indian people, we talk to fire. Weve
date cultural, historical and management perspectives learned through religious teachings that fire lives
may also be a prospective stumbling block: landscapes inside of us. Fire was thought of in a very reverent
are difficult to define and delimit. Although never infi- manner. The abundant literature on American Indian
nite, landscapes often eschew specific boundaries. This use of fire also underscores the important point that
limitation raises philosophical questions, but these are landscapes are not today, and never have been in the
often easily, if not exhaustively addressed in landscape past, static entities that can be preserved without major
approaches to land and resource management. In these losses of resilience. Like the cultural resources they
contexts, geographical boundaries for plans, programs contain and sustain, the survival of many landscapes,
and actions are rigorously defined by pre-established including wilderness areas, as healthy and meaningful
jurisdictional and budgetary frameworks. If potential entities is dependent on respectful and considerate use
conflicts between local community landscape defini- by the communities of which they are a part.
tions and management community programs can be The Sonoran Desert oases of Quitovac and Quitoba
resolved, then applied research employing landscapes quito are good examples of complex habitats sustained
to integrate resources, communities, and values con- by and integral to American Indian communities.
tribute to landscape theory, as well as more immediate
Through burning, flood-irrigating, transplanting,
management objectives (Karjala and Dewhurst 2003).
and seed-sowingOodham families have nurtured a
diversity of plant and bird species far greater than that
Beyond Compliance and Materials for any areas of comparable size. Yet after the last
Oodham left Quitobaquito in the 1950s, a park super-
Science_________________________ intendent decided to deepen the oasis pond, eliminate
burning and irrigation for pastures and orchards, and
Applying a landscape approach to cultural resource halt any replanting of cottonwoods, willows, or other
issues in fire management requires a departure from wild plants, native or non-native. As the oasis lost its
previous emphases on mitigation of fire effects on dynamic nature, biologists began to notice declines in
cultural resources in which effects and resources are the endangered pupfish and mud turtle populations
defined primarily by the management community. there.Whereas disturbance was once equated with
Changes in laws, public opinion, and professional eth- threat by most conservation biologists and wilderness
ics have highlighted the inadequacies of compliance advocates, it is now recognized that some wild plants
and materials sciences approaches for addressing and animals require a certain level of exposure to
local community concerns. The statutory and policy fires, floods, or loosened soils (Anderson and Nabhan
1991: 29-30).
mandates relevant to these concerns reflect a growing
responsiveness to issues raised and emphasized by This account would be even more sobering if it included
American Indians and other local community repre- discussion of the effects of the disrupted management
sentatives. Gaps are likely to persist between statutory regime on the Oodham community for whom the oases
possibilities and management realities. Regardless are critical elements of group identity and history.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 165

Careful consideration of the pre-management roles cultural specialists holding location- or issue-specific
of fire in American Indian, Hispanic, and early Anglo knowledge or training are unavailable or unwilling
communities is required for several reasons. First, to consult with management communities, local com-
use of fire reflects culturally based conceptions of munity interests are valid sources of management
landscapes, fire, stewardship, and of the links among recommendations. The bottom line is that Federal
them. Such conceptions must be included in manage- and State lands are public lands, and wetrustees
ment vocabularies as bases for communications with and beneficiaries alikeare obliged to seek better
local communities and, perhaps more importantly, ways to balance, maintain, enhance, and perpetuate
to afford glimpses of landscapes from distinctive, the diverse values embedded in these lands.
time-tested viewpoints. Second, pre-industrial use of
fire has, in many world regions, profoundly shaped
ecosystems, landscapes, and community and inter- Steps and Stumbling Blocks in
community relations (table8-2 lists uses of fire). It Inter-Community Collaboration_____
should not be a surprise, then, that management
Each step in a landscape-oriented approach to the
community restrictions on burning have angered
identification and assessment of links between fire
local communities, alienated them from landscapes,
management and cultural resources involves, at a
and affected vegetation regimes, habitat, and other
minimum, an exchange between local and management
important resources. Management communities need
communities. Generalized steps in the Federal land
to know the full range of factors that have shaped cur-
management compliance process are outlined below
rent conditions and must, as complements to relevant
in terms of opportunities to recognize interests shared
research (for example documentary, tree ring, and land
use studies) consult local community representatives. by local and management communities and to engage
a landscape approach for exploring common ground
To focus and extend this line of argument, the history
and reaching agreement on management issues.
of Federal land management is too often a history of di-
viding people from places and resources critical in their Several principles that serve to facilitate and enhance
material and spiritual lives. There is value in building communications and collaborations deserve restate-
upon many excellent examples of local-management ment. Each local community is unique, existing in its
particular place and time because of historical processes
collaborations through holistic approaches to land
operating on distinctive cultural and geographical
and resource conservation. Decision makers and re-
substrata as well as current interests and goals. For
searchers who think that local communities cannot
this reason and because of the often contentious his-
be trusted stewardship partners are encouraged to
tory of relationships between local and management
review and emulate instances of community-focused
communities, there is ample potential for improved
efforts to sustain ecosystem health while providing
collaborations based on the specification of common in-
for human needs (Agrawal and Gibson 1999; Berkes
terests. Community forestry studies provide examples
2004; Coconino National Forest 1999; Maines and
and discussions of the needs and benefits of refocusing
Bridger 1992; Netting 1993). Even where elders and

Table 8-2Non-domestic uses of fire in pre-industrial communities (Raish and others 2005).
Non-domestic uses of fire

Clear land for agriculture fields and pastures

Replenish soil nutrients in agricultural fields
Kill woody species in rangelands and encourage grass growth
Increase wild seed production
Stimulate shoot formation the production of straight shoots for basketry and other implements
Improve growth of both wild and cultivated tobacco and other plants
Kill and control varmints, vermin and flying insect pests
Drive and hunt game
Create diversions to facilitate raiding of or escape from enemies
Destroy enemies food stores, agricultural fields, homes, hiding places

166 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

land and resource management through attention to (NATHPO 2005:26). Without a combination of
the interests and goals of local communities (Baker and personal and community investment, consulta-
Kusel 2003; Gibson and Koontz 1998; Henderson and tion is usually unsustainable.
Krahl 1996; Kelly and Bliss 2009; Kleymeyer 1994). Establish clear and open communications with at
Consultation is defined here as an exchange of in- least one duly designated representative from po-
formation and views as part of a good faith effort to tentially affected or interested local communities.
reach agreement. Many specific issues associated with Prioritize communications with representatives
fire effects on cultural resources and landscape-level of those communities most affected by the proj-
analyses have yet to be addressed. Stoffle (1998) pro- ect or program. In an ideal world, these will be
vides a nine-step consultation program developed in the representatives most interested in and well
the context of Department of Defense efforts to engage informed about the consultation topic.
Indian tribes in processes prescribed by the Native Empower representatives to help set the defini-
American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of tions, priorities, times, places, media, and agenda
1990 and the executive order on Sacred Sites (13007). for consultations. Document information for circu-
Burns and others (2003) offer a model for engaging lation to all consulting parties with a request for
diverse stakeholders, developing shared understand- assistance in assuring that the record is faithful
ings, achieving a convergence of goals relating to how to the proceedings.
fire-dependent landscapes should look and function, Designate at least one individual who is not an
and launching collaborations in pursuit of the goals. official community representative to serve as the
In November 2008, the Advisory Council on Historic official keeper of consultation records and notes.
Preservation (ACHP) released Consultation with
Indian Tribes in the Section 106 Review Process: A One Local Community at a Time
(accessed August 2, 2010). This addition to NHPA guid- Recognize commonalities and divergences among
ance includes issue-by-issue interpretations as well as local communities and consider employing these
four summative recommendations and numerous use- to structure consultation processes.
ful suggestions. The four principal points are Respect Make it possible for representatives of distinctive
Is Essential; Communication Is Key; Consultation: communities to have the exclusive attention of
Early and Often; Effective Meetings Are a Primary researchers and decision makers. Provide equal
Component of Successful Consultation. The National time for each local community in such settings.
Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers Avoid use of one community representative to
(2005) prepared Tribal Consultation: Best Practices assess or address issues of potential interest to
in Historic Preservation, which provides specific ap- a second, separate community.
proaches and tools for working with tribes within a Avoid pursuit or engagement of multiple points
NHPA framework. On the basis of these works and of contact in order to identify individuals or or-
experience linked to forest and fire management, the ganizations more likely to provide sensitive or
suggestions here may be useful to representatives of accommodating information. It is reasonable to
management and local communities. Communication expect, encourage, and even insist upon a single
and the prospects for constructive collaboration can be official position on a particular issue from each
enhanced by understanding and employing the follow- involved community.
ing principles in consulting or otherwise interacting
with local communities: Deal Face Up
In advance of face-to-face consultation, identify
People First and respect the authorities, responsibilities, and
Build trust through respectful relationships. Even goals of those participating in the communica-
in the context of government-to-government rela- tions. Avoid face-to-face meetings prior to the
tions, consultation occurs between individuals; disclosure of the purpose and scope of the consul-
there is no substitute for genuine personal atten- tation, including policy and schedule mandates
tion to other participants and their perspectives. or limitations.
On the other hand, a professional, transparent, Establish a respectful, but rigorous mutual
and respectful atmosphere for consultation understanding of mandates and prerogatives as-
based on a history of mutual trust is often more sociated with the consultation process and likely
important than either the individuals involved outcomes. Acknowledge the costs associated with
or whether communications are face-to-face consultation and collaborate on means to reduce
and share the financial and time commitments.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 167

Facilitate stakeholder access to all data being en- Respect Tribal Sovereignty
gaged in the decision process and in understand-
ing the full range of issues and values at stake. Recognize tribes rights and privileges, recognized
Avoid the creation of any obligation on the part of statutes, court decisions, and executive orders.
stakeholders to assume agency duties or respon- Acknowledge Federal trust responsibility for the
sibilities without compensation, or to otherwise welfare and advancement of individual Indians
participate in the interactions if they are not and Federally recognized tribes. Federal agencies
ready or willing to do so. do not have special fiduciary responsibilities to
Provide for the appropriate acknowledgement State-designated tribes.
typically from the head of the agencyfor any Honor tribal requests for government-to-
individual or community that assumes duties that government communications. A tribes elected
contribute to the achievement of management leadership may designate its representation and
community goals or mandates. insist upon documented delegations of authority
from the head of the management or program
agency. A Federal agency designee may, in turn,
The Sooner the Better request documentation for the delegation of
Engage stakeholders as early as possible in proj- authority from the tribes governing authority.
ect planning or decision making. Avoid eleventh Consider the benefits of developing memoranda
hour notifications and short time frame response of understanding or other agreements to guide
deadlines. consultations.
Request local community representatives assis-
The adoption and application of these principles
tance in establishing procedural time lines and
entails substantial investments in communications.
in anticipating likely contingencies.
Available resources may be inadequate, and any limit-
If the consultation requires additional time and
ing factors should be disclosed to the consulting parties.
a schedule extension is a possibility, collaborate
On the other hand, such communication promises to
in developing a new consensus-based schedule.
provide significant and largely unprecedented benefits
Until consultation is completed, make sure that
to those contributing to the dialogues, as well as to the
all parties are aware of the schedule for the next
ecosystems potentially affected by proposed programs
steps and of what actions will facilitate these
or actions. Experience and study of consultation ap-
pears to be converging on the general formula that
respect leads to trust, trust to collaboration, collabo-
Go to the Source ration to success, and success to additional success
Create opportunities for stakeholders to provide (NATHPO 2005; Welch and others 2009b).
first-hand accounts of the cultural resources they
care about, especially through the definition and
description of landscapes. Knowledgeable lead-
Summary and
ers or technical specialists should be engaged Recommendations_______________
as full partners or hired to assist in meeting the Approaching intangible conceptual, oral, and behav-
responsibilities of management communities in ioral traditions as cultural resources requires open and
relation to large, complicated, or controversial sustained consultations between land managers and
programs or activities. local communities having substantial experience with
Visits to project areas and other landscapes are the lands under management. Proper consultation can
useful contexts for consultation. facilitate identification of a full spectrum of values and
Avoid privileging publications, experts not rec- their associated cultural resources, thus enabling the
ognized by the local community, and stereotypes definition of landscapes and the assessment of fire ef-
about the local community over group memory, fects on regional, site, and artifact levels. The broader
self-perception, and self-representation. and deeper understanding produced by consultation of
Get help as necessary, through training in cultural this sortperhaps in conjunction with participatory
sensitivity or conflict resolution. If mistrust or GIS or other forms of community mappingpromises
conflict persists to the point of impeding com- to improve the planning basis for the conservation and
munications, consider changing the focus of a treatment of forests and woodlands where fire plays
consultation to procedural matters, such as the a role.
use of a professional facilitator or dispute media- Although much of this chapter may read like an
tor known or acceptable to the local communities. ambitious recommendation, the following ten points

168 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

summarize the discussion and offer specific guidance management plans, prescribed burn plans, best
for addressing the effects of wildland fire on intangible management practices for fire suppression, etc.).
cultural resources. Additional guidance concerning landscape-level
approaches to the identification and consideration
1. Unlike wildland fire, which exists independently
of cultural resources is available in National
from humans, intangible cultural resources at-
Register Bulletins 30 (Guidelines for Evaluating
tain definition and value only through and with
and Documenting Rural Historic Landscapes) and
groups that rely on them. The alteration or loss
38 (Guidelines for Evaluating and Documenting
of cultural resourceswhether through fire or
Traditional Cultural Properties).
another agentcan have profound and deleteri-
4. Decision makers and researchers should em-
ous effects on the resources themselves, as well
brace opportunities to serve local communities
as on groups and individuals deriving elements
in addition to scientific truths or management
of their identities and senses of place from these
objectives. Many of the sacrosanct and vitalizing
resources. It bears mention that many local
practices and meanings that once bound people to
communities regard wildfire effects on cultural
their lands and to one another have been lost or
resources as natural and often even preferable
degraded as local communities have been obliged
in comparison to prescribed burning or other
to interact with their lands according to alien and
management actions or land alterations. This
alienating rules and concepts imposed by man-
perspective acknowledges fire as a powerful
agement communities. Approaching fire effects
planetary element that demands respect and, in
on cultural resources through emphasis on either
many instances, deference. Human endeavors
compliance checklists or materials science typi-
and institutions, especially management com-
cally results in self-limiting perspectives, criticism
munities, seldom receive comparable deference
from local communities, and heightened potential
from local communities.
for conflict. The results of this alienation, coupled
2. A landscape approach offers potent and flexible
with global climate change, continental-scale pest
means for consultation, research, and planning
problems, and ever-increasing population pres-
in the broad context of fire effects. Applicable in
sure, are seen in the widespread disintegration of
both planning and post-fire incident scenarios,
ecosystems, local communities and links among
the landscape approach is intended to foster
them. Local communities and landscapes deserve
broadened, community-oriented consultation con-
consideration as management priorities.
cerning the conservation of cultural resources in
5. Wildland fires often create unique opportunities
the context of public land management in general
in cultural resource science, management, conser-
and fire and fuels management in particular (see
vation, and inter-community collaboration. These
Field and Jensen 2005). Management communi-
opportunities are typically short-lived, as fire
ties should make the most of landscapes and
and its indirect effects often elevate and escalate
other common ground with local communities.
the potential for vandalism and theft, watershed
The land and its health provide excellent points
destabilization and loss due to rehabilitation activ-
of departure and goals for stewardship collabora-
ity. In general, the more recently created or used
tions. One visionary collaborative model involves
the cultural resource, the greater the potential
local communities reclaiming their intrinsic roles
effects that fire may have on the resource. This
as creators and sustainers of cultural resources;
is true both because a more recently created or
research communities gathering information to
used site is more likely to contain fire-sensitive
assess ideas and provide new perspectives; gov-
items and features and because such a site is more
ernance communities of decision makers working
likely to be valuedin its immediate post-use or
for the long-term interests of their constituents;
pre-fire conditionby individuals and communi-
and land managers serving liaison roles by fos-
ties. This is not to suggest that truly ancient sites
tering beneficial ties among these communities
are disrespected by local communities or should
and the ecosystems that are the ultimate source
be disregarded by managers.
of our health, wealth, and happiness (Kelly and
6. The embeddedness of cultural resources in land-
Bliss 2009).
scapes is true both literally and figuratively.
3. Federal land managers statutory, regulatory and
Tangible cultural resources are very often located
trust obligations are generally met and exceeded
within, and sometimes fully encapsulated by,
by a common sense, good neighbor policy of com-
soil systems. Soil systems are components of wa-
munication and collaboration concerning the con-
tersheds, and watersheds are almost invariably
sideration of the full range of cultural resources
affected by post-fire processes involving sediment
and potential effects in the course of planning
relocations. Activities associated with wildland
for programs and projects (for example, forest

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 169

fire suppression, especially heavy equipment 2009b). American Indian communities and
operations, often have direct, indirect and cumula- individuals often depend on land-linked cultural
tive effects on cultural resources, the consequences heritage for everything from raw materials re-
of which too often include additional alienation quired for religious practices to the foundations
between places, people, and the cultural resources of group identity and moral guidance (Basso
that connect them. 1996; Friedlander and Pinyan 1980). This truth
7. There is value and unrealized potential in in- also applies to most place-based non-American
tegrative consultations and studies focused on Indian communities.
particular landscapes and ecosystems. Especially 10. NEPA, NHPA, and fiduciary principles converge
encouraging are efforts to connect or re-connect on the mandate for public land managers to
local communities to historical and manage- harmonize their programs with local interests
ment issues through research, education and and long-term ecosystem health. One criterion
outreach efforts focused on fire history, ecology, for assessing land management is the degree to
and management, as well as community response which policies and practices strengthen land-
to catastrophe. Research has been completed on linked communities and enhance their ties to
the use of fire by local communities, and this line lands and other resources. A second criterion is the
of inquiry should be expanded to examine the degree to which a management policy or practice
impacts of fire on local history and culture. results in the maintenance or enhancement of
8. Local and descendent community connections the value of lands as trust assets, as evaluated
to cultural resources should be fostered and by the beneficiaries. Fiduciary obligations to the
conserved for their intrinsic value, as well as for public at large and American Indians in particular
prospective management applications. It is argu- suggest the need for long-range planning and the
able that local communities and the intangibles identification and evaluation of all significant
that give them identity and vitality are more cultural resources potentially affected by man-
important than the artifacts and features that agement decisions and actions. There are, of
many of us think of as cultural resources. Local course, many regional and agency interpretations
communities are often endangered and require of what these obligations mean, and it is useful
support and conservation. Without people who for practitioners to understand both legislative
care about and sustain cultural resourcesinclud- intent and the political and bureaucratic forces
ing landscapesmanagers and researchers are that have shaped actual practice.
concerned with the relatively sterile enterprises
of minimalist compliance, materials science, and
management driven by either internal value Concluding Thoughts_____________
systems or second-hand interpretations of local Fire is a unique and powerful element of the Universe,
community interests and public values. The inclu- existing as both tool and symbol in all cultures. Given
sion of local communities and other stakeholders our interests in understanding the world, protecting
as partners in public land and fire management ourselves, and harnessing fire, the enduring fascination
opens the door to a search for understanding with fire is little wonder. Nonetheless, in the face of
and truths regarding the critically important countless lessons learned about fires destructive force,
relationships among landscapes, history, culture, and innumerable billions spent on subjugation cru-
and management. sades, fire continues to defy mastery. Fire thus serves
9. As one means for integrating practical and legal as a catalyst for change and a sometimes cataclysmic
mandates, fiduciary principles espoused by insti- reminder to local and management communities of the
tutional and financial trustees offer a guide for mandate to seek harmony with ecosystem processes.
expanding considerations of fire effects on cultural Many local communities have heeded this reminder,
resources beyond basic management and pro incorporated fires lessons into cultural resources, and
forma compliance, toward true stewardship. All embedded themselves in fire-dependent landscapes
employees of public land management agencies and ecosystems since time immemorial. Management
share the burden of upholding the public trust, community representatives and researchers are urged
the doctrine of fiduciary responsibility for the to consider the benefits of protecting local communi-
maintenance and improvement of the terrain ties and their landscapes as cultural resources. Once
and resources under their control (Dunning people and the places they care most about are safe,
2003). In addition to general duties as public the possibilities increase for learning what lessons
trustees, all U.S. Federal officials share specific they may offer concerning ecosystem disturbance,
fiduciary responsibility for the welfare of Ameri- resilience, and balance, as well as the consequences
can Indians (Chambers 1975; Welch and others when these are disregarded or exceeded.

170 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Rebecca S. Timmons
Leonard deBano
Kevin C. Ryan

Chapter 9:
Implications of Fire Management
on Cultural Resources
It is not what you find, but what you find out. Each resource was discussed in detail, identifying
David Hurst Thomas not only its physical properties but also its cultural
significance. The values of these resources were identi-
Previous chapters in this synthesis have identified fied through field surveys, georeferencing techniques,
the important fuel, weather, and fire relationships and consultations with local community members and
associated with damage to cultural resources (CR). tribal liaisons (chapter 8).
They have also identified the types of effects commonly What determines the value of each element? Through
encountered in various fire situations and provided evaluation, using the matrix process detailed later
some guidance on how to recognize damages and mini- in this chapter, we are able to define not only the
mize their occurrence. This chapter describes planning physical properties or significance of each element but
processes and actions that can be used to manage the also management and inventory techniques. These
effects on cultural resources in different fire and fire evaluations also often provide a context for future
management situations. desired conditions for the site as well as the priority
Three reoccurring themes have emerged in this for comparison to other elements. Specifically, the
synthesis: the need to identify, evaluate, and mitigate matrix identifies values at risk versus fire behavior
the impacts of fire and fire management activities and management actions. The Risk Management sec-
on cultural resources. The most critical point of this tion below and also the Introduction (chapter 1) define
approach is the need to identify the values at risk. direct and indirect effects of fire and operational ac-
The previous chapters have provided a clear idea of tivities on cultural resources. Other chapters allude to
the scope of cultural resource elementsboth tangible operational effects through examples. Simply stated,
and intangiblethat could be lost if not properly pro- operational effects are effects on cultural resources
tected and what may cause the most harmful effects to caused by fire suppression activities such as digging
each. This report has assessed fires effects on cultural line, dropping retardant, cutting down trees, or other
resources of many types, but for fire managers there tactics. In fire management activities, particularly fuel
may still be questions about what is actually at risk. treatments and restorations, the evaluation process

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 171

involves a number of iterations where expected fuel the mission and strategic direction for a unit of land.
consumption and fire behavior are evaluated for their These broad-scale plans typically identify the pertinent
potential impacts on CR and prescriptions are modified laws and authorities associated with the creation of the
to minimize adverse effects and the need for subsequent management unit, its geographical location, roles and
mitigation. responsibilities, stakeholders and partners, important
Mitigation is the final step in managing cultural laws governing the management of the unit (e.g., in
resources because it is not possible without identifi- the United States: National Forest Management Act,
cation and evaluation. Careful planning and advance Federal Land Policy and Management Act, Endangered
knowledge of the types of cultural resources commonly Species Act, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, National
encountered on a management unit can minimize nega- Historic Preservation Act, etc.), the resource goals to
tive effects to CR. However, new cultural resources are be promoted by the plan, the values at risk, and the
often discovered following fire. If we do not know what sources of those risks (fig. 9-1). Ideally, LRMPs also
is there, we cannot create a means to evaluate what is clearly describe the types of vegetation, the role of fire
important to preserve, or plan how to best protect these regimes, and the historic and prehistoric uses of the
resources from damage or destruction. Mitigation, in land. Similarly, cultural resource management plans
this context, are the preventative measures that both (CRMPs) identify the pertinent laws and policies gov-
cultural resource specialists and fire managers can erning the protection of historic and prehistoric heritage
use to limit direct and indirect effects of both fire and resources, roles and responsibilities, and key contacts
fire management activities. Mitigation of fire and sup- such as the State Historical Preservation Officer and
pression effects on CR has been discussed in previous indiginous community leaders. They also identify the
chapters and is discussed in the sections below as an cultural resources (CR) including cultural landscapes;
essential step for both planned and unplanned fires. the types of sites; known or probable resources and
The objective of this chapter is to provide an inte- their location, as appropriate; as well as the threats
grated summary of the potential impacts for fire-related or risks to the CR. Some sites may be well known
activities within a framework useful for managers. (lookouts, ranger stations), while locational informa-
It presents additional information for both cultural tion of other sites (prehistoric camp sites) is exempt
resource specialists and fire managers to help them from public disclosure to protect the resource from
understand the resources they are trying to preserve, vandalism (Christensen and others 1992). CRMPs also
how they are damaged, and to create processes to bet- identify the state of knowledge and the CR practices
ter preserve them. and standards for inventorying, monitoring, stabiliz-
ing, and restoring resources as well as measures for
minimizing and mitigating negative impacts associ-
Planning________________________ ated with other management activities. Likewise, fire
The management of cultural resources is becom- management plans (FMPs) define pertinent laws and
ing an increasingly important concern for managers policies, authorities and responsibilities, goals, op-
of Federal, State, and tribal lands. Numerous laws, tions, and constraints facing fire management. FMPs
regulations, policies, and guidelines that address typically include descriptions of historic role and use
cultural resource management have been developed of fire in the management unit; elements of the fire
over the last 100 years. Section 106 of the National environment including vegetation/fuels, terrain influ-
Historic Preservation Act (P.L. 89-665, as amended, ences, and historic fire weather; fire occurrence and
P.L. 91-423, P.L. 94-422, P.L.94-458 and P.L. 96-515), behavior; the values at risk; and resources protected.
along with its regulations (35CFR800), require cultural The standard focus of FMPs includes public and fire
sites to be evaluated for their potential to be eligible fighter safety; natural, air, and cultural resources;
for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. infrastructure, and wildland urban interface. FMPs
The law also directs Federal agencies to assess the describe appropriate actions for fuels treatment, res-
effects of a proposed project on any eligible proper- toration, and wildfire suppression based on current
ties. Past and potential fire impacts to artifacts and knowledge and practices. Both the cultural resource
features are critical in assessing both eligibility and management plan and the fire management plan pro-
effects. Managers must, therefore, be able to integrate vide direction to the LRMP and draw direction from it.
the application of an existing regulatory framework All three are part of an integrated approach to effective
with the knowledge of potential impacts to these ir- planning and stewardship of natural and cultural re-
replaceable cultural resources. sources. Fire management and cultural resource plans
Effective cultural resource management begins with are integrated with land and resource management
strong management commitment, good inventory data, plans to form the basis for proposed activities. Actual
solid planning, and effective monitoring. General or activity plans require interdisciplinary integration of
land and resource management plans (LRMP) define other resources and processes. Assessment of actual

172 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Figure 9-1Schematic of the planning process as it relates to cultural resource (CR) protection.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 173

and potential impacts on CR following action (fire) (Chapter 2 provides guidelines for evaluating fire
requires inventorying, monitoring, and interdisciplin- severity.) Fires impacts may be the direct result of
ary assessment. These support critical evaluation of heating or the deposition of chemicals released during
preexisting plans and procedures, documentation of the combustion process (soot, tars, adhesions, etc.).
lessons learned, and refined knowledge in support of Other chapters in this publication provide guidance
adaptive management. on determining the direct effects of fire on ceramics
Well written integrated LMPs, CRMPs, and FMPs (chapter 3), lithics (chapter 4), rock art (chapter 5),
provide a foundation for designing and implementing materials of the historical period (chapter 6), and
projects that achieve their shared-collective goals. subterranean structures (chapter 7). Evaluation of the
Integrated project planning addresses the effects of effects of fire on CR requires that the CR specialists
proposed actions on flora (Brown and Smith 2000; consider the combustion environment, i.e., the local
Steffan and others 2010; Zouhar and others 2008), small-scale environment juxtaposed around each site
fauna (Engstrom 2010; Smith 2000), air (Sandberg and or artifact as it is at this scale that the direct effects
others 2002), soil and water (Neary and others 2005), occur (chapter 2).
cultural resources (chapter 1), communities (Aplet and In addition to evaluating the direct effects of fire on
Wilmer 2006; Daniel and others 2005; Jakes and oth- cultural resources, CR specialists need to evaluate the
ers 2007; Shlisky and others 2007; Wells 2009), and impact of fire management activities (fig. 9-2b) (bro-
infrastructure. Integrated project planning involves ken bedrock mortar) and the potential for second- and
an iterative process of evaluating trade-offs between third-order effects such as the potential for post-fire
competing goals and objectives to arrive at the best erosion (Allen 2001; Lesko and others 2002; Johnson
alternative for a multiple of resources (fig. 9-1). It 2004; Kelly and Mayberry 1980; Neary and others
is an interdisciplinary collaborative effort involving 2005) and for vandalism (Christensen and others
stakeholders (Jakes 2008; Kaufmann and others 2009; 1992; Davis and others 1992a,b; Downer 1992; Higgins
McCaffrey 2006; Sturtevant and Jakes 2008). Fire 1992), respectively. Erosion potential is a function of
managers need to consider all significant and sensitive the terrain, geologic parent material, fire severity, and
CR and to be proactive to minimize potential damage. expected post-fire weather, principally precipitation
Active involvement of CR specialists in the planning (Neary and others 2005). Effective evaluation of ero-
and conducting of fire management activities is integral sion potential and the need for post-fire stabilization
to meeting CR goals and objectives (table9-1). and rehabilitation requires an interdisciplinary effort.
Following fire, CR specialists need to evaluate the Following planned (e.g., fuels treatment, restoration,
fires severity and its impacts on the cultural resources. prescribed burning, etc.) and unplanned (e.g., wildfire

Table 9-1Advance planningpreparedness: A U.S. Federal lands example.

Proper cultural resource planning is the best way to respond to any planned or unplanned
fire. There are several steps that can prepare for making decisions about cultural properties:

The Cultural Resource Specialist prepares a GIS layer with locations of known eligible
and unevaluated properties, where wildfire management decisions dictate necessary site

The Cultural Resource Specialist prepares a GIS layer based on the likelihood of cultural
properties using a predictive site model. In lieu of a GIS layer, the Forest will utilize a hard
copy map of site probability.

The Cultural Resource Specialist, in cooperation with a Fire Specialist, prepares Site
Protection Plans (SPPs) that identify the appropriate protection measures for various cultural
property types. As these plans are developed, they can be provided to the appropriate
Historic Preservation Office, either the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) or the Tribal
Historic Preservation Office (THPO) for their review and comment.

The Cultural Resource Specialist provides instruction during any forest Wildland Fire
Decision Support System (WFDSS) training on the Federal laws and Forest Service policies
regarding the protection of cultural resources. The training will include the procedures for
cultural resources protection.

174 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

suppression) actions, a formal review of the prescrip- changes in materials (spalling, charring, calcification,
tions, plans, and execution should be conducted. Les- crazing, melting, heat and chemical alteration). Direct
sons learned should be formally documented to provide effects are the result of the physical and chemical
a basis for a formalized adaptive management process processes associated with combustion. In contrast,
that leads to improved management of future projects indirect effects occur as a consequence of the direct
(fig. 9-1). effects, and are of two types: human responses and
biophysical responses (chapter 1). For example, from
April to June, 2007, a series of fires collectively named
Risk Management________________ the Bugaboo Fire burned over 600,000 acres (2,400 km2)
Cultural resource and fire managers should assess in the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Osceola
potential risks when evaluating the effects of wildland National Forest, and adjacent lands. Hundreds of miles
fire, prescribed fire, fire use and fire suppression on (kilometers) of fireline were dug by tractor-plow and
cultural properties. These risks include the direct, first hand crews, exposing and damaging numerous CR sites
order impacts from the fire itself as well as suppres- and features. Over 100 new sites were discovered on
sion activities, and the indirect effects such as erosion 407 kilometers (253 miles) of fireline on the Osceola
potential (chapters 1 and 2). National Forest alone (Lydick and Donop 2009). Cul-
Direct effects that occur as a result of the fire itself tural resources may be affected directly by suppression
include the combustion of burnable cultural materials activities (hand and mechanical fire line construction
(wood, shells, paints, glazes) and physical and chemical (figs. 9-2, 9-3), retardant use (Reed and others 2007)

Figure 9-2Dozer cat line on the 2001 Highway

88 Fire near Ione, California; (A) exposed unknown
bedrock mortar; and (B) damaged bedrock mortar
(photos by Sharan A. Waechter, Far Western Anthro-
pological Research Group, for CalFire).

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 175

A and rehabilitation activities. It is generally concluded
that fire suppression activities during wildland fires
and post-fire site rehabilitation treatments present the
most consistent adverse impacts and pose the great-
est risk to cultural properties. The indirect effects of
fire include exposure of surface cultural properties
to erosion and to increased visibility. The removal of
vegetation and surface litter can expose cultural prop-
erties formerly not readily visible to the eye, therefore
making them more vulnerable to looting (Christensen
and others 1992). Post-fire erosion on steep slopes of
severely burned areas can occur after intense wildland
fires have destroyed most of the pre-fire vegetative
canopy, causing the horizontal displacement of surface
cultural materials (Allen 2001; Johnson 2004; Lesko
and others 2002; Timmons and others 1996). A fire can
leave standing vegetation that becomes vulnerable to
blow down and can impact both surface and subsurface
cultural properties.
The elements of risk for adverse impacts to cultural
properties can only be assessed in a rather detailed
analysis that takes into account multiple factors. One
set of factors relates to the type of cultural features and
artifacts (elements) involved and the relative location
of those cultural properties on the landscape. Often the
locations of features or sites are known before hand.
Often such CRs are discovered through pretreatment
or post disturbance surveys,
B Usually the types of resources
to be expected in an area can
be anticipated, (sidebar 9-1),
but sometimes new discover-
ies are made. Another set of
factors relates to the interac-
tion of the environment with
fire. As the previous chapters
describe, not all cultural
properties will respond to
fire in the same way. How a
cultural property will react
to fire depends on its mate-
rial composition (organic/
inorganic), its provenience
(surface/subsurface), exist-
ing fuel loads (grasses/heavy
deadfall), fire intensity (high/
low), duration of heat, soil
heat penetration, and fuel,
soil, and duff moistures.

Figure 9-3(A) Fireline on 2007 Bugaboo Fire, Osceola National Forest; (B) Pottery
sherds impacted by tractor-plow fireline construction.

176 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Sidebar 9-1Observing and Conserving Cultural Features
Archaeologists become familiar with the types of resources in their particular area: the known sites, common features,
types of artifacts, and the raw materials used in their geographic area. When CR specialists are deployed on fire assign-
ments to new areas they need to come up to speed quickly by interacting with local specialists. Wildland fire suppression
forces commonly get deployed all around the country where they encounter historic and prehistoric cultural resources.
Old buildings, rock art panels, railroad trestles and other highly visible features are easily recognized as such and alert
firefighters to the need to take special caution and solicit input from CR specialists. However, many CR are subtle and
not easily recognized by the untrained eye. There have been instances where fire crews have collected artifacts and a
number of examples where CRs were inadvertently damaged. Education and training can minimize these damages. Line
scouts and crew bosses need to learn to spot features and minimize potential damage. The following examples illustrate
the types of CR one may encounter.

Figure 9S-1aPrehistoric hunting blind (photo

by Becky Timmons, USFS Kootenai National
Forest). The linear structure and stacked-rock
nature of this feature identify it as a cultural

Figure 9S-1bArchaic stone hearth (note circular pattern of rocks) revealed by for-
est floor consumption during prescribed burning (photo by Becky Timmons, USFS
Kootenai National Forest).

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 177


Figure 9S-1cA slab-lined basin (prehistoric

cooking pit), normally with just the tips of the
walls above the surface. Erosion post-fire par-
tially deflated the feature. The 2002 Mustang
Fire burned up to the edge of the feature, which
is now undergoing further deflating (lower right
area in photo) (photo by Clay Johnson, USFS
Ashley National Forest).

Figure 9S-1dTrash dumps are commonly

found in rural locations and may indicate a
historic site such as this garbage dump site
from a World War II prisoner of war camp near
Monticello, Arkansas (photo by Don Bragg,
USFS Southern Research Station).

Figure 9S-1eFeatures such as this hand-dug

well on an old homesite near Monticello, Arkan-
sas, are easily recognized as man-made. In old
mining districts such shafts are also common
features that should be avoided for both safety
and CR reasons but should alert fire fighters to
be aware that other CR may be near-by (photo by
Don Bragg, USFS Southern Research Station).

Figure 9S-1fThis rock circle on the south flank

of Grand Mesa in western Colorado was one
of three such rock circles on a very low ridge in
the pinyon-juniper. Rocks were cleared on this
lava rock ridge to make a circular space. An
excavation nearby showed occupation going
back about 5,000 years. One flake was found in
the interior (photo by Sally Crum, USFS Grand
Mesa-Uncompahgre National Forest).

178 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012


Figure 9S-1gOverhanging rock shelves such as this overhang-

ing sandstone on the Uncompahgre Plateau rock often formed
rock shelters for native people. Care should be taken to minimize
soil disturbance without guidance from a CR specialist (photo by
Sally Crum, USFS Grand Mesa-Uncompahgre National Forest).

Figure 9S-1hWickiups are common features through-

out the western United States. What may at first glance
appear to be a random jack-straw of natural fuels may
be an archaic hunting camp site (photos by Sally Crum,
USFS Grand Mesa-Uncompahgre National Forest).

The previous examples are but a few of the near infinite things fire managers may encounter in the field. The first and
foremost rule of fire is safety first. Next comes protecting the resource, including cultural resources. A few simple rules
can guide actions:

If it looks like a good place to camp then someone has likely camped there in the past, perhaps for hundreds of years.
If there is a majestic view, you are not the first to marvel at it.
If something looks out of place or unnatural, it may deserve greater scrutiny.

However, non-specialists should not pick up, overturn, dig at, or otherwise disturb suspected CR. Important archaeo-
logical information can be lost just by picking up an artifact, even if it is put back down afterward. There is a good chance
that he or she is on a previously recorded cultural site, where the artifacts have been recorded and are being monitored;
these sites also should not be disturbed. There is also a good chance that the site is previously unrecorded. It is common
to find previously unknown CR following a fire. If you find something that looks interesting:

Leave it right where it is;

Get a GPS location if possible;
Take a photograph if possible; and
Contact the local resource advisor or cultural resource specialist assigned to the fire.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 179

Wildland Fire Management from the direct onslaught of the fire. MIST (Minimum
Impact Suppression Techniques) suppression methods
Recommendations_______________ can help to minimize suppression activity impacts:
The protection of cultural resources during wildland
Cold trail and wet line versus mechanical and
fire is more challenging than for a prescribed burn.
hand line construction
Treatment options available to mitigate the direct
Alternative mechanized equipment (rubber tired
impacts from wildland fire include use of water,
skidders versus tracked skidders)
retardant, and fire shelter material. Retardant and
Minimal scraping and tool scarring during mop-
water drops on sensitive cultural sites are possible;
up activities
however, the use of retardant has some effects on
No piling of burned and partially burned fuels
cultural properties that should be considered (Reed
Avoidance of camping in meadows and along
and others 2007) (sidebar 9-2). Some areas can be
streams or lakes, as there is a high probability
protected by judicious backfiring operations that are
for buried cultural properties
designed to protect designated cultural properties

Sidebar 9-2Effects of Fire Retardants on

Cultural Resources
Fire retardants, particularly those dropped by aircraft, are an integral
tool in fire management. While retardants can be critical to fire suppression
success (fig. 9S-2a), they pose a threat to cultural resources (Reed and oth-
ers 2007) (fig. 9S-2b,c; table 9S-2.1). Retardants are fertilizer-based salts
(commonly diammonium phosphate or ammonium sulfate) that contain
corrosion inhibitors and, typically, iron oxide, which can be absorbed on
porous surfaces leaving long-term staining. The salts can alter moisture
relations causing shrinking and swelling that can damage the surface.
Phosphates in some retardants can affect archaeological analysis of
prehistoric occupation of a site. The fertilizer salts are corrosive to many

Figure 9S-2aAerial view of Mesa Verde National Park Head-

quarters and retardant drops (reddish area) used to protect cultural
resources and park infrastructure.

180 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012


Figure 9S-2bSpruce Tree House, Mesa

Verde National Park, illustrating effect of re-
tardant on sandstone cliff-face, note Burned
Area Emergency Rehabilitation (erosion mats)
to protect cliff dwelling from water and debris
coming over the overhanging edge of the alcove.

Figure 9S-2cClose up of sandstone wall,

showing the coverage of slurry coating. Dried
slurry is hard, difficult to remove, long lasting,
and accelerates weathering.

Table 9S-2.1Summary of findings on rehabilitation of sites impacted by fire retardant.a

Retardant cleaning procedures
Begin with least invasive method
Recommended NOT Recommended
Dry brushing Power washing
Hand brushing w/ water Sandblasting
Hand brushing w/blkaline surfactants Acid based washes
Sandstone Painted wood Metals, glass
Pre-soak w/ water Pre-soak w/water Wipe or sponge w/ mild detergent
10% borax solution (surfactant) Brushing w/ mild detergent Wipe dry
Gentle circular brushing w/ natural fiber Rinse
Rinse w/ water
Repeat where necessary
Summary of retardant investigations Strategies for retardant impacts mitigation
Retardants pose potential risks to health, safety & cultural Assess impact - resource type, retardant type
properties. Research retardant type and MSDS
Retardants will not wash off naturally; they require intervention to Evaluate risk to resources
remove, particularly on vertical surfaces Mitigate impacts where necessary
Mitigative measures were tested that effectively removed Map affected areas
retardants without further damage to cultural resources Establish monitoring system
Consider integrating potential suppression impacts
into Fire Management Plan
Corbiel, Don. 2002. After the fire: Investigating fire suppression impacts on historic resources. Lessons learned from the Long Mesa Fire
of 2002. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. PowerPoint presentation. 59 slides. Online: http://

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 181

In particular, some suppression tactics should be care- During fire suppression activities, several steps
fully considered in areas of known cultural properties can be taken to further protect significant cultural
as they have a greater potential for adverse impacts, properties. For example, in the United States when a
such as: fire has been declared on Federal land a wildland fire,
a Wildland Fire Decision Support System analysis is
Use of fire line explosives
prepared. This document addresses how specific fire
Allowing the burning of trees, snags and stumps
suppression tactics will meet the guidance provided in
Repair of soil compaction by scarification
the Fire Management Plans, including the following
Disturbance by fire suppression activities can be recommendations:
mitigated to some extent by conducting pre-fire cultural Using any cultural property information avail-
resource surveys and careful planning of fire suppres- able (GIS) to determine the cultural properties
sion strategies in areas of cultural properties. Fire within and adjacent to the fire. Identify and map
Management Plans are designed to analyze specific the location of significant cultural properties at
management areas/response zones in order to identify: risk for field reference. The status of eligibility
Appropriate management response strategies for each site should be tracked. Traditional cul-
for each fire management unit or fire manage- tural properties should also appear on the map,
ment area; if possible.
Acceptable fire suppression tactics; Immediately assigning trained cultural resource
Strategic priorities; specialist to fires where there are known cultural
Resource values and suppression cost factors; properties so that they can get out ahead of any
Must meet criteria; large equipment.
Fire intensity, size, duration, and seasonal Organizing cultural resource specialist teams
constraints; that are made up of qualified archaeologists and
Areas/conditions where firefighter safety is tribal representatives.
compromised; Using the local cultural specialists to advise the
Objectives/desired conditions/standards and archaeologist assigned to the fire if they are not
guides; and local.
Risk analysis process and parameters. Considering the location of fire camps to assure
that cultural properties are not impacted.
It is vital to integrate cultural resource values into Including cultural resource information as part
these plans by providing management level information of the Wildland Fire Decision Support System.
about cultural properties. Some general information Encouraging cultural resource specialists to work
to include in Fire Management Plans might be: with large equipment operators and line scouts.
Identification of significant cultural resource Encouraging cultural resource specialists to brief
values at risk on large-scale maps, along with suppression crews and other field personnel.
their National Register eligibility status; Ensuring that cultural resource specialists keep
Assessment of risks to cultural properties; detailed notes on areas covered and cultural
Options to reduce risks to vulnerable cultural properties located and damaged.
properties, such as reduction of fuel loads, careful Consulting with State historic preservation offices
construction of fire lines, etc.; following the protocol agreed upon.
Benefits and impacts on local cultural properties
as outlined in any fire guidelines, such as MIST,
that may exist;
Prescribed Fire__________________
Tribal communications protocol to be used during Prescribed fire is used to manage both vegetation and
wildland fire suppression; fuels for the purpose of restoring ecosystem processes,
Documentation of known issues as compiled with with several goals in mind: (1) biomass reduction, (2)
interested stakeholders; site preparation for regeneration of conifers and shrubs,
Identification of training courses recommended (3) rejuvenation of shrubs and grasses, (4) enhancing
for cultural resource specialists that would pre- germination and growth of forbs, and (5) suppression
pare them for fire positions such as fire line loca- of in-growth species. Prescribed fire may also be used
tors, heavy equipment supervisors, rehabilitation to reduce fuels that could endanger buried cultural
team members, and resource advisors; resources in the event of a wildland fire.
Outlining cultural resource training for site Prescribed fire severity varies depending on the
protection issues for fire suppression personnel; prescription (such as, whether the fire is intended

182 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

to be non-lethal, mixed-severity, or stand-replacing; western Montana. Stumps that were 30 years old did not
light, moderate, or deep depth of burn). An earlier burn, but the 45-year-old stumps burned completely.
section of this publication (chapter 2) describes the The older/drier the stump was, the more likely it was
physical process of combustion, the effect of different to burn out in a single event, whereas the green stumps
severities of burning on damage to vegetation, heat only partially burned (Timmons and others 1996). In
transfer to the soil surface, the subsequent transfer another study, observations at a prescribed burn in
of heat downward into the soil, and potential impacts northwestern Montana revealed many of the Douglas-
to cultural resources. It is the combustion process; fir stumps left from 80 years of logging were rotted
along with the subsequent generation of heat, that and massive in size. In a 1-acre sample plot placed in
directly damages cultural properties above, on, and a relatively open forested landscape, 43 stumps were
below the soil surface. Above-ground materials may counted. Around 688 stumps were estimated within
be directly consumed or irreversibly altered by the the boundary of a 16-acre (0.06km) buried prehistoric
heat produced by the fire. Cultural materials found on site. Even in the light intensity spring burn conducted
the soil surface are exposed and vulnerable. Cultural on the site, approximately 20 stumps within the 1-acre
resources within the soil are less likely to be changed plot burned out. The results were stump cavities as
unless heavy accumulations of surface fuels or organic large as 1- meters in diameter and depth, with root
soil are burned. Assessment of risks involved when cavities extending out 5 meters (16.4 ft). If there were
using prescribed fires includes not only the potential hearth or stone-boiling features that intermingled
damage of the fire to the cultural material, but also with the roots, the feature would collapse and artifacts
the trade-offs with other resources and the potential dropped in the profile (fig. S-3b,c). Holes created by
for escaped fires. the burned out stumps comprised approximately 0.4%
Cultural properties with heavy fuel loads in the of the burn area.
form of coarse woody debris (deadfall, stumps, logging/ In a field experiment, simulated fire-cracked rock
thinning slash), thick dry duff, and dense standing features were placed next to stumps in a prescribed
vegetation may be at risk from prescribed fire. All burn area. The lithic features located adjacent to
fuel elements in the fuel bed should be considered for burned out stumps were disarticulated and redeposited
their potential to cause damage. For example, rotten (Timmons and others 1996). It is also quite possible
and partially rotten logs easily sustain combustion that an artifact could be thermally altered if located
at moisture contents well above those of solid fuels. directly against the stump. However, as little as 0.8
In a study of fire in lodgepole pine forests in eastern centimeters (2 in.) of soil between the artifact and the
Oregon, Agee (1981, as cited in Agee 1993) noted that stump would likely insulate it from the heat given off
even under moderate fire weather, partially decayed from the burning stump. While we cannot rule out
logs (decay class 3-4) can be the primary corridors for the possibility of artifacts or even features being ad-
fire spread. Even logs with relatively high moistures versely affected by a burning stump, we have greater
(40%) will serve as corridors to carry a ground fire. The control of the percentage of stumps that are burned in
depth of heat penetration varies with the volume of a prescribed fire than we would if wildland fire burned
coarse woody debris, whether combustion is primar- through the accumulation of heavy fuel loads. Not only
ily by flaming versus smoldering combustion and soil would wildland fire impact a greater percentage of the
moisture (chapter 2). Temperatures associated with site, but would also increase the severity of impacts
flaming are often two- to three-hundred degrees higher to the artifacts (fig. S-3b,c).
than those of smoldering, and high soil moisture pres- A slow, creeping fire, smoldering in thick duff also
ents a barrier to high heat penetration (Campbell and has potential to adversely affect cultural properties,
others 1994, 1995). In one study research, Agee (1993) as does heavy accumulations of standing vegeta-
found that a log smoldering for 3 hours registered a tion. Total removal of duff may also expose surface
temperature of 100 C (212 F) at the mineral surface features and artifacts to erosion and vandalism, due
while the temperature of the soil under the log at 5cm to increased visibility. Careful planning and monitor-
(2 in.) was only 50 C (122 F). ing of prescribed burns will reduce the potential for
The most dramatic effects from fire will occur around adverse effects and identify the need for subsequent
stumps (sidebar 9-3). Thermocouple measurements rehabilitation measure, like those used following
confirm high temperatures from burning stumps at wildfires. Mitigation measures, such as mulching or
1500C (2732 F) (Traylor and others 1979). In one concealment may be required to reduce the potential
study Timmons and others (1996) observed burning for erosion and vandalism, respectively.
stumps in the Green Basin Prescribed Burn in north-

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 183

Sidebar 9-3Stump Burn-Out: Feature Damage
Stratigraphy, the laying down of layers over time, is an important factor in archaeological interpretation; undisturbed
artifact or feature depth is related to time since the cultural resource was last used or deposited. Trees often grow in close
association with cultural resources. Midden soils and wind-blown loess soils create favorable habitats for establishment
and growth of woody plants, which eventually die. Wind-throw trees can result in ripping the root ball out of the ground
creating a mound and depression microsite and redistributing cultural materials. The stump, whether occurring naturally
or because of historical logging, eventually decays (fig. 9S-3a) leading to a fuel capable of sustained flaming and smoldering.
The subterranean character of stump holes and root channels (fig. 9S-3b) creates the opportunity for sustained extreme
heating potentially damaging surface and subsurface artifacts and features. This can be a confounding site formation
effect for archaeologists (chapter 7; Conner and Cannon 1991; Conner and others 1989; Timmons and others 1996). The
residual hole left after burning can collapse, redistributing cultural materials (fig. 9S-3c). Mop-up during fire suppression
poses additional hazard to artifacts through rapid quenching or mechanical disturbance.


Figure 9S-3aRotten stump 40 years after partial cutting

of the forest.

Figure 9S-3cStump burn-out and cultural resource dam-

age. Trees commonly grow in or adjacent to features as in
this illustration of an archaic hearth. Root expansion during
the trees life can displace artifacts. Subsequent burn-out of
Figure 9S-3bBurned-out stump hole revealing collapsed
the stump and roots can cause collapse and redistribution
of artifacts as well as affect dating techniques.

184 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Prescribed Fire Management heavy brush, all of which have the potential to burn
Recommendations hot. Light fuels such as grasses and thin duff will
usually produce low heat and residence time result-
The risk of negative impacts from prescribed fire ing in minimal impact on the surface. Under common
to eligible or potentially eligible cultural sites can be prescribed burning conditions grass fires typically
minimized through proper planning. The planning, result in smoke-blackened artifacts and features,
implementation, and monitoring of prescribed burns which retain their interpretive potential after they are
are best accomplished through applying a team approach affected. While heavy fuels are the greatest threat to
of cultural resource specialists and fire managers. surface cultural materials, stumps and roots present
Cultural Resource Specialists: the greatest potential source of heat penetration into
Conduct project inventory to identify cultural undisturbed sub-surface cultural deposits. A trained
properties and obtain the necessary clearances cultural resource specialist should determine the best
(legal compliance) for the proposed burn area in treatment measures, which might include:
order to assess project effects to cultural proper- Avoid burning heavy fuel accumulations; if
ties. The inventory should include ethnographic present, remove the concentrated fuels from the
(tribal) information about cultural properties (as sensitive sites. Trees, snags, and large shrubs
associated with cultural sites) and treaty rights- should be removed from cultural resource sites
related resources (as associated with plants, etc.). when they are identified as having the potential
Consider all cultural sites with surface artifacts to adversely impact the resource. Particular care
or features as sites at risk and design specific should be directed to the location and burning of
protection measures accordingly. any slash piles.
Provide cultural information (location, prove- Hand removal of any fuel source may be neces-
nience, site description, areas of high potential sary. Some resource types such as pictographs,
for resources). petroglyphs, bedrock mortars, and milling fea-
Consult with American Indian Tribes and First tures may be damaged by the presence of even
Nations regarding the project intent and dates. light fuels.
Treat stumps by wrapping them with fire
Fire Managers:
resistant-reflective fabric; application of water,
Determine the type and loading of fuels in order
retardant, or foam; or bury stumps with soil, rocks,
to obtain estimates of potential fuel consump-
or similar material to prevent ignition during
tion and surface and subsurface temperatures
a fire. Accelerating stump decomposition with
and work with cultural specialists to determine
substances designed to accelerate decomposition,
how these combinations could affect cultural
or mechanical treatment of stumps by drilling
or scoring may be helpful. However, physical
Identify the fuel models and vegetation types to
removal of a stump by mechanical means could
help determine the potential heat that may be
have as much or more impact than the fire itself.
generated under different fuel moisture, weather
Remove standing, dead trees from sensitive cul-
variables, and ignition patterns.
tural resource sites to prevent tree tip-up.
Formulate a burning prescription and work with
Isolate vulnerable cultural properties from the
cultural specialists to ensure that all significant
fire by creating foam barriers, building carefully
cultural properties are protected. Carefully
prepared hand lines, and establishing hose-lays.
consider burning strategies that might reduce
Remove deadfall from sites, particularly from
potential effects. For example, a head fire might
surface features. When planning for prescribed
cause fewer effects to artifacts on the ground
fire, it is in the best interest of the resource to
surface than a cooler, slower moving backfire
minimize the ignition of trees, deadfall, and
with a longer residence time (chapter 2).
List all burn preparation needs in the burning
All trees, shrubs and brush growing in and near
plan and ensure that they are implemented
cultural features should be assessed and removed
before burning.
as appropriate. Planning for removal of live veg-
Brief all fire support personnel on the objectives
etation should include consideration of whether
of the burn and engage the cultural specialists to
erosion would be accelerated when trees and
discuss the proper protection of cultural proper-
large shrubs are removed or whether exposure
ties and materials.
of the feature to looting outweighs any potential
Removal of heavy fuels is the most useful preventive benefits. It would not be appropriate to worsen
measure for lessening the impacts of fire on surface erosion or looting hazards while attempting to
cultural materials. This includes deadfall, snags, and control potential fire impacts.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 185

Fire Rehabilitation________________ Fire Use________________________
Fire rehabilitation activities following the fire should In the United States, some naturally ignited fires are
receive the same level of attention as that used in allowed to burn under specified, prescriptive conditions
designing the implementation of a prescribed burn in order to meet resource objectives. As such these
(sidebar 4). A cultural resource specialist should be fires pose some challenges that are somewhat unique.
involved in the development of rehabilitation plans to Such fires are typically in more remote areas and of-
identify site-specific mitigation measures for cultural ten within legally designated wilderness areas where
properties. Mapping the location of post-fire treatment mechanized fire suppression is limited. In contrast to
areas and specific rehabilitation activities for cultural wildfires that are suppressed as quickly as practical,
sites will help assure avoidance of any further damage such resource benefit fires may be allowed to burn
to resources. Individual cultural resource site records for weeks or months. In such situations planning for
should be updated to reflect any changes that occurred cultural resource protection is more similar to that of
as a result of the rehabilitation activities. a prescribed fire in that there is a greater opportunity
for planning and coordination. The remoteness of the
Fire Rehabilitation Recommendations resource changes the risk factors, such as those posed
by heavy equipment, but also changes the monitoring
Caution should be exercised when implementing and rehabilitation opportunities requiring both fire
post-fire treatments (Robichaud 2009; Robichaud and managers and the cultural resource specialists to
others 2000) to avoid damage to cultural resource sites. adapt their practices (sidebar 9-5).
Physical treatments common as rehabilitation mea-
sures include aerial or ground application of mulches, Fire Use Recommendations
straw wattles, reseeding (preferably with native spe-
cies), mechanical revegetation, construction of contour The use of cultural resource data to support wildfire
trenches, and water barring. Recommendations for planning has traditionally been a management issue.
mitigating potential adverse effects during rehabili- The disclosure of cultural resource data has typically
tation should be specific to cultural sites, outlined in been such that the release or exchange of information
formal Determinations of Effects, and reviewed by the with wildfire staff is cumbersome and at times non-
State historic preservation office or the tribal historic existent. Protection of cultural site location information
preservation office. Recommendations should be imple- is mandated by the Archaeological Resource Protection
mented as soon as possible to prevent resource loss Act. It is exempt from public disclosure, but can be made
due to erosion and looting. Some recommendations to available to other agency personnel on a need-to-know
consider are: basis, which includes information needed to protect a
cultural site. The lack of information including site
Backfilling stump cavities to prevent collapsing of
location, site probability, and fire susceptibility can
sediments around features. The locations should
impact planning for wildfire decisions and prescribed
be carefully documented for reference by future
fire projects.
cultural resource specialists.
CR data, along with other datasets, are needed on
Reseeding of devegetated areas with vegetation
an interagency basis to support national applications,
that does not contribute to vertical displacement
planning, and wildfire suppression efforts. To facilitate
of buried cultural materials.
the collection and standardization of these datasets, the
Installing log diverters to redirect the flow of
Federal agencies are developing a wildfire geodatabase
water away from vulnerable areas of a site.
(Wildland Fire Distributed Information System) that
Removing standing, dead trees inside of features
would pull cultural resource data from various sources
to prevent tree tip-ups caused by falling and pos-
and make it available for wildfire response teams. This
sible later ignition by fire.
is not intended to store or create a national dataset
Consulting with a rock art conservation specialist
of site specific locations but provide generalized loca-
to assist in identifying appropriate treatment.
tions that include material types (for information on
In the United States, recommendation options may susceptibility to fire) and site depths.
be compiled and agreed to by the agency, the State In the United States, an application that will use
Historic Preservation Office, the Advisory Council on these data is the Wildland Fire Decision Support
Historic Preservation, and interested tribes in a Pro- System (WFDSS) (Noonan-Wright and others, in
grammatic Memorandum of Understanding (PMOA). press). WFDSS runs Finneys fire spread probability
A PMOA can be negotiated on a local forest or regional model (FSPro) (Finney and others 2011) that calculates
level as tiered to any national PMOA. At present there the probability that a given area will burn based on
is a multi-agency effort to produce a national PMOA on thousands of simulations of historic fire weather. This
Wildland Fire Management and Cultural Resources. probability layer is then intersected with multiple data

186 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Sidebar 9-4Protecting Cultural Sites From Erosion
Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation (BAER) is frequently used to protect cultural sites from further damage from
erosion. Fire management agencies have guidelines for BAER practices, which often need modification in cultural resource
areas. BAER teams working in CR areas should have CR specialist on the team to direct rehabilitation efforts and site
documentation for future monitoring.


Figure 9-S4.aBurned Area Emergency Rehabilita-

tion work to protect a rock shelter following the 2002 Figure 9-S4.cHand mulching with straw was effectively
Mustang Fire, Ashley National Forest, Utah. Straw used to protect an archaic pueblo site burned over in the
wattle (foreground) was used as a runoff barrier to 2002 Rodeo-Chediski Fire, Apache-Sitgreaves National
protect the rock shelter from water coming in from the Forest, Arizona (photo courtesy of Barbara Mills, University
side, which could result in erosion damage. An ero- of Arizona).
sion blanket (brown patch in mid-ground) was used to
protect the floor of the rock shelter from water flowing
off of the overhanging ledge (Johnson 2004a,b) (photo
August 2002, by Clayton Johnson, USFS Ashley Na-
tional Forest).

Figure 9-S4.bA prehistoric rock shelter shown in

figure S4.a with treatments to reduce further erosion.
Protection for archaeological sites must be designed to
keep erosive and debris flows away from the site, and to Figure 9-S4.dThe mulching was successful, as observed
reduce erosion on the site without further disturbing the in 2004 at the pueblo site, shown in figure S4.c, 2 years after
features. Log erosion barriers are not recommended on the Rodeo-Chediski Fire (photo courtesy of Barbara Mills,
a cultural site as they raise the risks additional damage University of Arizona).
due to mechanical disturbance and future fire damage.
Note deposited sediments against straw wattle erosion
barrier (lower right corner of photo) 10 months after BAER
placement (Johnson 2004a,b) (photo May 2003, by Clayton
Johnson, USFS Ashley National Forest).

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 187

Sidebar 9-5Structure Protection
Many cultural sites consist of stone, adobe, or wooden structures (log cabins, old barns, mining buildings, historic look-
outs, etc.). There are three main mechanisms whereby such structures may be damaged in wildland fires: ignition from a
wind-blown ember (fig. 9S-5a,b), flame contact from the burning of surface fuels too close to the structure (fig. 9S-5c), and
radiant heat from an intense surface or crown fire (fig. 9S-5d,e). Spotting distance increases with the intensity of the fire
and wind (chapter 2). Spotting up to a kilometer is common and spotting up 2 kilometers occurs under ideal conditions.
Sprinkler systems, fire retardants, and wrapping (fig. 9S-5f) are routinely used, often in combination, to protect historic
structures (fig. 9S-5g).


Figure 9S-5aHistoric cabin burned from ember-caused Figure 9S-5bOn the evening of July 29th, 2002, historic
ignition. residences burn during the Long Mesa Fire, Mesa Verde
National Park, Colorado. On the evening of July 29th, em-
bers from the blaze landed on rooftops and entered into
attic spaces. Three residences were lost along with other

Figure 9S-5cDamage to a sandstone wall caused by direct flame contact

during the 2002 Long Mesa Fire, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado.

188 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012


Figure 9S-5dThe radiant flux from

an intense crown fire decreases expo-
nentially with distance. Correspond-
ingly, the exposure time to ignition
increases exponentially with distance
from the flame-wall. Because fine can-
opy fuels burn out quickly (<2 minutes),
peak intensities can not be sustained
long enough to ignite wooden struc-
tures at a distance greater than about
30 meters (~100ft.) (Cohen 2000).

Figure 9S-5eModeling can be

used to predict the distance from
a structure that fuels need to be
treated to protect structures from
direct flame ignition.

Figure 9S-5fCrews commonly wrap back country Figure 9S-5gLittle Snowy Lookout following foil-
structures with fire shelter cloth to minimize structure wrapping and pretreatment with aerial retardants.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 189

layers such as structures, roads, ownership, and other possible risks directly or indirectly caused during and
significant values at risk in the Rapid Assessment of after management, ranging from artifact displacement
Values at Risk model (RAVAR) (Calkin and others to complete obliteration in some cases. The matrix also
2008, 2011; Thompson and Calkin 2011). A report is calls for inventories of sites and suggestions of future
generated detailing the probability that these resources inventory methodology, associating temporal data
will be impacted by the spreading fire. The fires risk with each resource. After compiling what resources are
to a cultural resource feature class can be a compo- within the specified area, land management decision
nent of this report. To support the WFDSS analysis, makers and cultural resource specialists collaborate to
the cultural resource layer will consist of several at- create appropriate management objectives to achieve a
tributes that provide basic information about sites so desired condition. When the objectives are established,
that fire staff will have a basic understanding about several treatment options are proposed to obtain the
the condition of the site, the fire sensitivity of the site, desired conditions, and managers use the best research
and possible management mitigations or avoidances available to choose the best treatment alternative to
to better protect the site. implement. Table 9-2 is a specific example of the matrix
Another tool for fire planning is a decision-making provided by Great Smokey National Park where cul-
matrix, developed for the National Park Service that tural resources from both the prehistoric and historic
is being used as a planning tool to convey essential periods and major resources which must be preserved
information regarding cultural resources, their con- in fire and vegetation management activities.
texts, values, and the activities needed to identify and
manage them within fire situations. Inventory strate-
gies, management objectives, and treatment options Summary_______________________
can be designed to plan for fire events by defining A large amount of data is becoming available
cultural resources and their components. This allows concerning various dimensions of cultural resource
specialists to see, at a glance, a summary of what re- management. These data include detailed informa-
sources are present and how they may be effectively tion on the different cultural resource materials and
managed and protected. By looking at the historical how they are changed by fire. The behavior of fire and
context of a landscape, surveyors are able to examine associated combustion processes are well understood,
historic techniques that may influence management as are impacts of fire on vegetation, soil, and water.
tactics for the future. By using generalized language The direct and indirect effects of activities associated
to describe resource types, security can be maintained with wildland fire have been well defined. There is
to protect actual site content while still giving enough immediate need to bring together the wide array of
information to allow for effective management deci- information into a format that managers can use
sions within and around the resource sites. while fighting wildland fire or for planning burns. The
In addition to categorizing resources, the matrix information should be synthesized into a workable
places resources in multiple contexts; defining what set of guidelines for protection of cultural resources.
elements are at risk, what needs protection, and the Integration of cultural guidelines with Fire Manage-
integral characteristics to be preserved. Creating a ment Plans, MIST Standards, emergency discovery
risk matrix also compels administrators to identify plans, and fire management handbooks is critical.

190 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Table 9-2Matrix for evaluating potential impacts of fire management activities on cultural resources. Example from the Great Smokey National Park. Matrix developed by Robert J. Jackson, Pacific

Historic Resource Inventory method Management objective Treatments

a b c d e f
context type Properties at risk Elements Risk conditions proposed desired condition alternatives/options
Documents search, predictive Map, maintain site stability
Res. procurement Lithic scatters/flaked Displacement from modeling, shovel tests in low and data potential of site
Archaic Prehistoric camp stone Chert ground disturbance slope areas and gaps components Remove heavy fuels

Breakage from Documents search, predictive

heavy equip./ modeling, shovel tests in low
Base camp Ground stone Quartz heating slope areas and gaps Maintain cool surface temp Reduce duff consumption
Confounding of Line w/o mineral soil
Fire cracked rock Granite thermal dating Avoid crushing artifacts disturbance

Mistaken raw
Charcoal Sandstone type/discoloration Maintain context No heavy equipment
Contamination from
Steatite vessels Steatite new charcoal Map locations Reduce subsurface burning
Displacement from
Charcoal erosion Avoid charcoal contamination Post burn stabilization

Houses, furniture and

household goods, Wood, stone, metal, Remove adjacent fuels,
outbuildings, apple rubber, plastic, maintain greenways, burn
houses/storage, glass, brick, cloth, 20 of the 30 known Case by case assessment during high soil moisture
yards, springhouses, cement, ceramic, Breakage from homesteads have been due to high number of sites season, engine nearby and
ornamental/food leather, living exotic heavy equipment/ recorded. The last 10 should and different mgt. objectives monitor during burn,
Euro American farming Homesteads plants, trash plants heating be revisited and recorded. by park district sprinklers, wrap in fs cloth
Case by case assessment
Fences, rock walls, Wood, stone, metal, due to high number of sites Mow and wet line fences,
cultivated species, rubber, living exotic Artifact displacement and different mgt. objectives monitor during burn and
Fields/Pastures trash plants from erosion by park district extinguish.
Wood, stone, metal,
rubber, plastic, Case by case assessment
Earthwork features, glass, cement, Loss of features/ Historic maps checked to due to high number of sites
rock walls, vehicles, ceramic, leather, Ground disturbance determine roads that have not and different mgt. objectives Fuel removal or monitor on
Roads bridges, trash living exotic plants
and erosion been recorded. by park district case by case basis
Case by case assessment
Fruit and nut trees, Wood, stone, metal, due to high number of sites
wooden fences, rock glass, living exotic Loss by burning of and different mgt. objectives Rake around trees, monitor
Orchards walls plants cultivated plant spp. by park district during burn

Historic contexts are the themes, activities, events or time periods that are represented by cultural properties.
Resource types are categories of physical objects or properties that share common attributes, elements, and usually functions.
Properties at risk are those that have cultural value and are likely to be damaged by fire activities.
Elements are the basic building blocks or constituents that make up a resource.
Risk conditions or activities are the project actions that could damage elements of resource types.
Inventory method is the manner in which these properties should be located and recorded or revisited.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 191

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Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines, series no. 16. Gland, burned upland black spruce/feather moss stands in Alaska. Ca-
Switzerland: International Union for Conservation of Nature nadian Journal of Forest Research. 13(5): 903913.
and Natural Resources. Zedeo, M.N.; Austin, D.; Stoffle, R. 1997. Landmark and landscape:
Wilke, P.J. 1988. Bow staves harvested from juniper trees by Indians a contextual approach to the management of American Indian
of Nevada. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology. resources. Culture and Agriculture. 19(3):123-129.
10(1):3-31. Zellmer, S.B. 2001. The protection of cultural resources on public
Willard, E.E.; Wakimoto, R.H.; Ryan, K.C. 1995. Vegetation recov- lands: federal statutes and regulations. Environmental Law
ery in sedge meadow communities within the Red Bench Fire, Review. 31:10689-10705.
Glacier National Park. In: Cerulean, S.I.; Engstrom, R.T., eds. Zouhar, K.; Smith, J.K.; Sutherland, S.; Brooks, M.L. 2008. Wildland
Fire in wetlands: a management perspective. Proceedings of the fire in ecosystems: fire and nonnative invasive plants. Gen. Tech.
Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference, No. 19. Tallahassee, FL: Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 6. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agri-
Tall Timbers Research Station: 10. culture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 355 p.

208 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

adaptive management. The process of implementing policy decisions as scientifically
driven management experiments that test predictions and assumptions in management
plans. Adaptive management provides for scientifically based decisions when the results
of management actions are uncertain.

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. (United States) An independent Federal

agency with statutory authority to review and comment on Federal actions affecting proper-
ties listed in or eligible for the national Register of Historic Places, to advise the President
and the Congress on historic preservations matters, and to recommend measures to coor-
dinate activities of Federal, State, and local agencies. Its members include Cabinet-level
representatives from Federal agencies and presidential appointees from outside the Federal

anthropology. The scientific study of the human condition, past and present, including
cultural, biological and physical adaptations over time and in various natural and social
environments. Anthropology includes the specializations of archaeology, cultural anthropol-
ogy (including ethnography, ethnology, and applied anthropology), linguistics, and physical
anthropology. An anthropologist is a scientist with advanced training in any of these sub

archaeological resource. Any material remains or physical evidence of past human life
or activities that are of archaeological interest, including the record of the effects of hu-
man activities on the environment. They are capable of revealing scientific or humanistic
information through archaeological research.

archaeological site. Any place where there is physical evidence of past human occupa-
tion or activity. Physical evidence may consist of artifacts, features such as agricultural
terraces and hearths, structures, trash deposits, or alterations of the natural environment
by human activity.

archaeological survey or inventory. Type of fieldwork used to discover and record sur-
face remains of cultural resources.

archaeology. The scientific study, interpretation, and reconstruction of past human cultures
from an anthropological perspective based on the investigation of the surviving physical
evidence of human activity and the reconstruction of related past environments. Historic
archaeology uses historic documents as additional sources of information. An archaeologist
is a scientist professionally trained to conduct such studies. Archaeology is a sub-discipline
of anthropology.

Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 (ARPA). Established antiquities

permit system for excavation of archaeological resources, and civil and criminal penalties
for illegal excavation.

artifact. Any object used or manufactured by humans. Archaeologists study artifacts cre-
ated or used by people who lived in the past.

aspect. The cardinal direction that the slope of a land surface faces.

association. The relationship between a historic event, activity, or person and a cultural

back fire. A fire set in front of an advancing wildfire intended to remove fuels meeting
management objectives to stop, turn or control the advancing front of the wildfire.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 209

biomass. The total quantity at a given time of the living or dead organisms on a unit land
area; often used synonymously to refer to the harvestable woody vegetation, especially when
considering the harvest of small diameter trees to be used as chips for fuel.

blackening. the presence of carbon deposits on the surface of a specimen formed as a by-
product of the pyrolysis and combustion of organic materials. Generally appears as fine
carbon particles adhering to the surface of a specimen giving it blackened appearance.

building. An enclosed structure with walls and a roof, consciously created to serve some
residential, industrial, commercial, agricultural, or other human use.

calcination. Loss of water of crystallization caused by heating resulting in reduction,

oxidation or desiccation by strong heat.

canopy. (1) The more-or-less continuous cover of branches and foliage formed collectively
by the crowns of adjacent trees in a stand or forest. (2) The stratum containing the crowns
of the tallest vegetation present (living and dead).

charring. Carbonization of fuel or organic artifacts during heating or burning; to make or

become black by burning, scorching.

color change. An observable color change of a specimen from original, pre-fire, color. Gener-
ally due to an alteration in the mineral composition of a specimen during exposure to heat.

combustion. The rapid oxidation of fuel in which heat and usually flame are produced.
Combustion in wildland fuels can be divided into four phases. pre ignition, flaming, smol-
dering, and glowing.

community values. Beliefs held in common by a group of people.

compactness. Spacing between fuel particles, fuel bed density.

compliance. The process of fulfilling ones legal responsibilities.

component. Culturally homogeneous stratigraphic unit within an archaeological site.

conduction. A heat-transfer mechanism through movement of gasses and liquids. Sub-

stances become heated and cooled through mixing or fluid motion.

context. The environment within which things (artifacts, archaeological sites and even
cultures) are found or within which they operate. Includes variables of time, space, and
human activities.

convection. A heating-mechanism through movement of gases and liquids. Substances

become heated and cooled through mixing or fluid motion.

cover type. The designation of a vegetation complex described by dominant species, ages
and form.

crazing. The presence of fine, non-linear or latticed cracks on the surface of a specimen.

creeping fire. Slow spreading surface fire with low flames; limited by fuel availability
either because of limited biomass on the site or limiting high moisture conditions.

crown. The upper part of a tree carrying the main branch system and foliage.

210 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

crown fire. A fire that advances through the canopy of trees or shrubs independently of a
surface fire, usually ignited by a surface fire, common in coniferous forests and chaparral

CR. see Cultural Resource.

cultural landscape. Associated with a historic event, activity, or person or exhibiting

other cultural or aesthetic values. A geographic area, including both cultural and natural
resources and the wildlife or domestic animals therein. There are four general kinds of
cultural landscape, not mutually exclusive. historic site, historic designed landscape,
historic vernacular landscape, and ethnographic landscape.

cultural resource (often abbreviated CR). An aspect of a cultural system that is valued
by or significantly representative of a culture or that contains significant information about
a culture. A cultural resource may be a tangible entity or a cultural practice (see tangible
cultural resource). Traditionally, this term refers to the physical evidence of past human
occupations archaeologists use to reconstruct the past. This term has also come to signify
objects, locations and landscapes that play a significant role in the cultural traditions of a
group of people. Artifacts, for example, pottery sherds, are one type of cultural resource.
Certain grasses used for traditional American Indian basketry are another. The remains
that compose our nonrenewable heritage from the past, including both the archaeological
and the historical records.

cultural resource management (CRM). Management and conservation of sites and

artifacts preserving their value for further generations.

cultural resource management. The range of activities aimed at understanding, pre-

serving, and providing for the enjoyment of cultural resources. It includes research related
to cultural resources, planning for actions affecting them, and stewardship of them in the
context of land and resource management. It also includes support for the appreciation and
perpetuation of related cultural practices, as appropriate as well as the conservation and
selective investigation of prehistoric and historic remains; specifically, the development of
ways and means, including legislation, to safeguard the past.

Cultural Resource Specialist. A person professionally trained in one of the cultural re-
source fields. Included are anthropologists (applied cultural anthropologists, archaeologists,
ethnographers, and ethnohistorians), architectural historians, architectural conservators,
archivists, curators, historians, historical architects, historical landscape architects, land-
scape historians, and object conservators.

culture history. See cultural chronology.

culture. A system of behaviors (including economic, religious, and social), beliefs (values,
ideologies), and social arrangements; the socially transmitted patterns of learned behavior;
a human means of adaptation.

data. Relevant observations made on objects, serving as the basis for study and discussion.

data potential. The ability of an artifact or resource class to provide data relevant to par-
ticular research objectives. Artifacts and other cultural resources might be affected by a
process or activity with, or without, loss of potential data. For instance, fires may discolor or
break artifacts without altering their data potential while other classes of materials may lose
their data potential with these types of alterations (e.g., technology involved in manufacture
of stone tools may still be present, even if the tools are broken or discolored; discoloration
of pottery sherds, however, may lead to their misidentification and loss of data potential).

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 211

direct effects: Those effects caused by fire and its byproducts, such as smoke and ash. Direct
effects result from the physical state of the fire environment (fuels, weather, and terrain)
and the ignition pattern (heading-fire, flanking-fire, or backing-fire). Direct effects are the
result of combustion and subject to all the laws of physics and chemistry, specifically heat
transfer mechanisms and physical chemistry.

documentation. Drawings, photographs, writings, and other media that depict cultural
and natural resources.

duff. The layer of partially and fully decomposed organic materials (leaves, pine needles,
etc.) lying below the new forest litter and immediately above mineral soil. It includes the
fermentation and humus layers of the forest floor (02 soil horizon or alternatively in some
classifications Oe + Oa horizons).

ecofact. Geological, biological, or botanical evidence used in deciphering the natural envi-
ronment of an archaeological site. It may involve inorganic material (minerals, soils, etc.)
or organic material (animal parts, such as bone, teeth, and antlers; plant parts, such as
pollen, seeds, and leaves; and human remains, such as bone, teeth, coprolites, and quids).

ecosystem. The living organisms of an area, the physical environment in which they live,
and the interactions between them; interrelated living entities, including humans, and
their physical environment.

ecosystem management. The use of an ecological management approach that blends

the needs of people and environmental values in such a way that the National Forests and
Grasslands represent diverse, healthy, productive and sustainable ecosystems. Healthy
ecosystems are those that maintain biological diversity, biotic integrity and ecological
processes over time.

edge. (1) The area where plant communities meet or where seral stages or vegetative
conditions within plant communities come together. (2) The boundary between two fairly
distinct fuel types.

effects. Changes incurred to resources as a result of exposure to heat or from activities

undertaken to prescribe burn, or to suppress fires and rehabilitate burned areas. Effects
may be adverse, beneficial, significant, insignificant, actual, potential, short or long term,
unavoidable or irreversible. In NEPA (United States) documents, effects are usually analyzed
in three categories direct effects (First-Order), or those occurring at the same time and
place as the triggering action; indirect effects, or those removed in time or distance from the
triggering action; and cumulative effects, which includes an assessment of the past actions
coupled with the proposed action and any reasonably foreseeable (i.e., planned) actions in
the area in the future.

ethnic. A group or category of people who share or believe they share similar characteristics
based on, for example, ancestry, language, and religion.

ethnographic group. Historically documented group or culture, usually meaning an

American Indian group or other group sharing a common history.

ethnographic resource. A site, structure, object, landscape, or natural resource feature

assigned traditional legendary, religious, subsistence, or other significance in the cultural
system of a group traditionally associated with it.

excavation. The scientific examination of an archaeological site through layer-by-layer

removal and study of the contents within prescribed surface units, e.g., square meters.

212 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

feature (archaeological). Nonportable object, located in an archaeological site, not re-
coverable from its matrix without destroying its integrity. Examples are rock paintings,
hearths, post holes, floors, and walls.

feature (historic). (1) A prominent or distinctive aspect, quality, or characteristic or a

historic property; (2) a historic property.

feeling. A propertys expression of the aesthetic or historic sense of a particular period of


fire. Rapid oxidation of biomass accompanied by the evolution of energy in the form of
sensible heat and light.

fire front. The moving region within which continuous flaming combustion occurs along
the fire perimeter (see flame depth).

fire intensity. Used in this volume as equivalent to fireline intensity.

fire regime. Description of the patterns of fire including the frequency, occurrences,
intensity, predictability size and seasonality of burns for a given location or ecosystem.
Information from the historic record is used to schedule fuel reduction treatments and
predict probably effects.

fire return interval (fire cycle or fire turnover time). The number of years between
fires in a given location.

fire severity. A relative term used to describe the effect of the fire on a sites biophysical
properties or cultural features; dependent on fireline intensity and residence time.

fireline. A constructed area around a fire that is dug to mineral soil to remove fuels and
thereby, control the fires spread. In general, for a fireline to be effective, it should be 1.5
times as wide as the height of the fuel that is burning. When fire lines are cut by crews
using hand tools, they are often referred to as handlines; when cut by equipment such as a
bulldozer, they are called dozerlines.

fireline intensity. The rate of heat energy released per unit length of the fire front, usu-
ally expressed as BTU/second/foot. Fire intensity or fireline intensity, is a meausre of the
difficulty of suppressing a fire, and helps project a fires potential for torching, spotting
and crowning.

First-Order Fire Effects. Biophysical changes that occur directly as a result of the fire
such as fuel consumption, smoke production, vegetation mortality, or soil heating; pro-
cesses modeled in the First-Order Fire Effects Model (FOFEM) (Reinhardt et al. 2007). See
Second-Order and Third-Order Fire Effects.

flame length. The length of flames in the propagating fire front measured along the slant
of the flame from the midpoint of its base to its tip. Mathematically related to fireline in-
tensity and the height of scorch in the tree crown, whereas flame height is not.

flaming combustion phase. Luminous oxidation of gases evolved from the rapid decom-
position of fuel. This phase follows the pre-ignition phase and precedes the smoldering
combustion phase, which has a much lower combustion rate. Water vapor, soot, and tar
comprise the visible smoke. Relatively efficient combustion produces minimal soot and tar,
resulting in white smoke; high moisture content also produces white smoke.

flank fire. Fire artificially created to achieve management objectives moving at right angles
or obliquely to the direction taken by the head fire, usually. Lines of fire set into the wind
that burn outward at right angles to the wind.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 213

forb. Any non-grasslike plant having little or no woody material on it. A palatable, broad-
leaved, flowering herb whose above ground stem does not become woody and persistent.

forest cover type. A classification of forest land referring to a group of timber stands of
similar development and species composition.

fracturing. The fracturing of a specimen into multiple pieces and/or the presence of frac-
tures or fissures that penetrate deeply into a specimen.

fuel bed. The entire biomass, live and dead, that is available to burn.

fuel continuity. A qualitative description of the distribution of fuels both horizontally and
vertically. Continuous fuels readily support fire spread. The larger the fuel discontinuity,
the greater the fire intensity required for fire spread.

fuel loading. The oven-dry weight of all existing fuels (may be available fuel or total fuel)
in a given area. Loading is further analyzed by fuel size. Loading or mass per unit is usu-
ally expressed in tons per acre.

fuel treatment. The rearrangement or disposal of natural or activity fuels to reduce fire
hazard or to accomplish other resource management objectives (e.g. lopping, chipping, pil-
ing, burning and crushing).

Fuels. (Wildland fire) Any living or dead vegetation that can be ignited and is capable of
sustaining or carrying a wildland fire. (Other) Chemical compounds capable of releasing
usable energy.

goal. In land planning, a goal is a concise statement that describes a desired condition to
be achieved sometime in the future. It is normally expressed in broad, general terms that
are timeless in that there is no specific date by which the goal is to be achieved.

ground fire. Fire that burns in the organic material below the litter layer, mostly by smol-
dering combustion. Fires in duff, peat, dead moss, lichens, and partly decomposed wood are
typically ground fires.

habitat. The sum total of environmental conditions of a specific place occupied by an organ-
ism, population, or community of plants and animals.

head fire. The fires most rapidly advancing edge; the forward movement of a flaming front.

heritage resources. A term adopted by the US Forest Service, more inclusive than the
traditional term, cultural resources. Heritage resources include objects, locations and land-
scapes that play a significant role in the cultural traditions of a group of people. Heritage
resources also include physical materials, such as artifacts, that may provide information
about people who lived in the past.

historic. The time period after appearance of written records. In North America, this period
begins with Spanish contact, after A.D. 1500. The wide-ranging influence of inter-cultural
contact during the historic period represents significant changes to the archaeological record.

historic landscape. A cultural landscape associated with events, persons, design styles,
or ways of life that are significant in American history, landscape architecture, archaeol-
ogy, engineering, and culture; a landscape listed in or eligible for the National Register of
Historic Places.

historic property. A district, site, structure, or landscape significant in American history,

architecture, engineering, archaeology, or culture; an umbrella term for all entries in the
National Register of Historic Places.

214 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

historic site. A landscape significant for its association with a historic event, activity, or
person. (Cultural Resource Management Guideline Glossary: 1997, p. 179 the site itself
possesses historical, cultural, or archaeological value apart from the value of any existing
structure or landscape); see cultural landscape.

historical archaeologist. Scientist with advanced training in historical archaeology and

in the use of historical documents in the reconstruction of the past (see anthropology).

historical archaeology. Sub-discipline of archaeology concerned with the remains left

by literate societies (in contrast to prehistoric archaeology, although the distinction is not
always clear-cut). In the United States, historical archaeology generally deals with the evi-
dences of Euro-American societies and of aboriginal societies after major cultural disruption
or material change from Euro-American contact.

history. Study of the past through written records, oral history, and material culture.
Evidence from these is compared, judged for veracity, placed in chronological or topical
sequence, and interpreted in light of preceding, contemporary, and subsequent events.

identification. Process through which cultural resources are made known.

indirect effects: Those fire effects that are derived from or dependant on the fires
occurrence, but that are not caused by the biophysical process of combustion. If the fire had
not occurred indirect effects could not occur. Indirect effects are of two types: biophysical
processes acting on the fire-altered environment and human responses.

infiltration. The passage of water through the soil surface into the soil.

integrity. the authenticity of a propertys historic identity, evidenced by the survival of

physical characteristics that existed during its historic or prehistoric period; the extent to
which a property retains its historic appearance.

intangible effects. The effects of natural disturbance, e.g., fire and epidemics, or active
management, e.g., fuels treatment and restoration on humans spiritual or emotional sense
of well being (sense of place).

inventory. A list of cultural resources, usually of a given type and/or in a given area.

Location. The place where the historic property was constructed or the place where the
historic event(s) occurred.

landscape. A region that includes a variety of plant and animal communities and environ-

litter. The top layer of the forest floor (01 soil horizon, alternatively the Oi horizon in
some classifications); includes freshly fallen leaves, needles, fine twigs, bark flakes, fruits,
matted dead grass, and a variety of miscellaneous vegetative parts that are unaltered by
decomposition. Litter also accumulates beneath rangeland shrubs. Some surface feather
moss and lichens are considered to be litter because their moisture response is similar to
that of fine dead fuel.

management area (MA). A contiguous area of land used in planning to which one or more
management prescriptions are applied. These areas have similar characteristics, similar
capability and common management direction. Management areas do not vary between
alternatives; however, the prescriptions applied to them may vary.

management practice. A specific activity, measure, course of action, or treatment.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 215

Management Prescription. Management practices and levels of intensity selected and
scheduled for application on a specific area to further forest goals and objectives.

mass transport (spotting). The dominating fire-propagating mechanism for high inten-
sity fires where burning embers are moved through the air far ahead of the flaming front
via surface winds.

material. The physical elements that were combined or deposited to form a property. His-
toric material or historic fabric is that from a historically significant period, as opposed to
material used to maintain or restore a property following its historic period(s).

midden. Layers of soil mixed with prehistoric or historic trash including broken pottery,
animal bones, discarded shell, charcoal, etc. ; an accumulation of debris, resulting from hu-
man disposal behavior, removed from areas of manufacturing and use; it may be the result
of one-time refuse disposal or long-term disposal resulting in stratification.

mitigation. Actions to avoid, minimize, compensate, reduce, eliminate, or rectify the ad-
verse effects of a management practice. Mitigation measures can include efforts to educate
governments, businesses and the general public on measures they can take to reduce loss
and injury and are often informed by lessons learned from prior incidents.

mechanical fire suppression. The use of machinery such as bulldozers to control and
extinguish fire following detection by removing available fuel and creating large lines of
exposed mineral soil.

mineral soil. The soil layer directly below the litter and duff layers composed of sand,
silt, clay and less than 20% organic matter. Its properties are predominantly determined
by inorganic matter.

mitigation. Actions to avoid, minimize, compensate, reduce, eliminate, or rectify the ad-
verse effects of a management practice.

moisture content. The amount of water contained by a fuel in relation to the weight of
the particle. Fuel moisture is directly correlated with fire propagation and is essential for
predicting expected fire behavior on a site.

monitoring. The formal evaluation, on a sample basis, of management practices to determine

how well objectives have been met, as well as the effects of those management practices on
the land and environment; a critical component of adaptive management.

mortality. Dead or dying vegetation resulting from forest fire, insects, diseases, climate
or other factors.

museum object. A material thing possessing functional, aesthetic, cultural, symbolic, and/
or scientific value, usually movable by nature or design. Museum objects include prehistoric
and historic objects, artifacts, works of art, archival material, and natural history specimens
that are part of a museum collection. Structural components may be designated museum
objects when removed from their associated structures. Large or immovable properties, such
as monumental statuary, trains, nautical vessels, cairns, and rock paintings, are defined
as structures or features of sites.

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 (NAGPRA)

(United States). The Act provides for the inventory and return of human remains, associ-
ated and unassociated objects from burial contexts, sacred objects, and items of patrimony
to the descendents. Cultural affiliation is to be determined by the Federal government.

216 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

National Register of Historic Places (United States). The comprehensive list of districts,
sites, buildings, structures, and objects of national, regional, state, and local significance
in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering, and culture kept by the NPS
under authority of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.

Native American. Pertaining to American Indian tribes or groups, Eskimos and Aleuts,
and native Hawaiians, Samoans, Chamorros, and Carolinians of the Pacific Islands. Groups
recognized by the Federal and State governments and named groups with long-term social
and political identities who are defined by themselves and others as Indian are included.

natural fuels. Fuels resulting from natural processes and not directly generated or altered
by management activity. This includes fuels that have accumulated because of deliberate
fire exclusion.

objective. In land planning, an objective is a concise, time-specific statement of measur-

able desired condition that responds to pre-established goals. An objective forms the basis
for further planning to define the precise steps to be taken and resources used in achieving
identified goals.

oxidation. The process in which an atom or ion combines with oxygen. Oxidation of iron
may cause pottery to turn red in color and metal to rust. The oxidation of pigment (organic
or mineral) on decorated ceramic specimens. Alterations can include a change in color from
the original pigment black to red), or the combustion of the pigment entirely. Oxidation of
carbon creates carbon dioxide gas.

patination. An alteration of rock surfaces by molecular or chemical change; cherts and

flints develop weathered surface.

pitting. Formation of depressed scars.

potlidding. The process of flakes popping off leaving irregular, pitted scar; result of dif-
ferential expansion of heated rock. It is similar to spalling, but specific to lithic artifacts
manufactured from cryptocrystalline silicate rocks such as chert. The fracture is character-
ized by a circular pit on the surface of the specimen. The pit represents the area in which the
original portion of the surface has been exfoliated due to differential heating and pressure
release. The exfoliated section is generally circular, flat on the dorsal side, and convex on
the ventral side (resembling the lid of a cooking pot).

potsherds. Broken pieces of ceramic vessels. Archaeologists collect data from potsherds to
learn about the lifeways of past peoples.

prehistoric. The time period before the appearance of written records. In North America,
the prehistoric period ends with Spanish contact.

prehistory. The course of events in the period before recorded history.

prescribed burn. Intentional use of fire under predetermined weather and fuel conditions
to achieve specific objectives, e.g., disposal of slash, control of unwanted vegetation.

preservation. The act or process of applying measures to sustain the existing form, integ-
rity, and material of a historic structure, landscape or object.

protection. Action to safeguard a historic property by defending or guarding it from further

deterioration, loss, or attack or shielding it from danger or injury. In the case of structures
and landscapes such action is generally of a temporary nature and anticipates future
preservation treatment; in the case of archaeological sites, the protective measure may be
temporary or permanent. Protection in its broadest sense also includes long-term efforts to
deter or prevent vandalism, theft, arson, and other criminal acts against cultural resources.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 217

provenience. The location of an artifact or structure described in terms of horizontal loca-
tion, distance and direction from a known point on a topographic or plan map and vertical
locations, e.g., surface or subsurface.

radiation. A heat transfer mechanism that relies on energy transmission through waves
or a stream of particles where though the energy is traveling through space, only the object
is heated and not the surrounding space.

Radiocarbon Dating (14C dating). An absolute or chronometric dating technique for

organic material applied by comparing its amount of 14C, a radioactive carbon isotope, to
that present in living material.

records. refers to all information fixed in a tangible form. Used by the National Archives
and Records Administration to refer to official records (q.v.).

rehabilitation. The act or process of making possible an efficient compatible use for a
historic structure or landscape through repair, alterations, and additions while preserving
those portions or features that convey its historical, cultural, and architectural values.

relative humidity. The ratio of the actual water vapor pressure at a given time to the
vapor pressure saturated air at the same ambient temperature is capable of carrying when
saturated; expressed as a percentage. The airs ability to hold moisture increases with air
temperature increasing.

repair. Action to correct deteriorated, damaged, or faulty materials or features of a struc-

ture or landscape.

restoration. Interventive treatment action taken to return an object to its original or former
appearance by removing accretions and later additions and/or by replacing missing elements:
(1) The act or process of accurately depicting the form, features, and character of a historic
structure, landscape, or object as it appeared at a particular period of time by means of the
removal of features from other periods in its history and reconstruction of missing features
from the restoration period; (2) the resulting structure, landscape, or object.

residence time (duration of fire). The length of time that combustion occurs at a given
point. Relates closely to downward heating and fire effects below the fuel surface, as well
as heating of tree boles above the surface. Also known as residence time.

return interval. The mean time between disturbances on any given piece of ground (some-
times known as a cycle or the turnover time). Fire return interval is the length of time
between fires.

risk. potential danger as measured by the probability of damages or losses and the mag-
nitude of the consequences.

Second-Order fire effects. Fire effects that result from the combined effects of post-fire
influences, e.g., drought, erosion, insect and disease attack acting upon the fire-altered
biophysical system.

Section 106 (United States): The section of the National Historic Preservation Act, as
amended in 1992, that requires consultation between an agency and the SHPO or THPO
when ground disturbance may occur on a Federal project or on any project that uses Federal
funding. Also requires Native American consultation. Term is often applied to the documenta-
tion that must be submitted. Section 106 requires Federal agencies to take into account the
effects of their proposed undertakings on properties included or eligible for inclusion in the
National Register of Historic Places and give the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
a reasonable opportunity to comment on the proposed undertakings.

218 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

setting. The physical environment of a historic property; the character of the place in which
the property played its historical role.

site preparation. Preparing an area of land for reforestation; may include removing un-
wanted vegetation and debris from a site.

size class. A standard size classification system used for fuel inventory or timber manage-
ment planning inventories.

State Historic Preservation Office or Officers for each state (SHPO). An official within
each State appointed by the governor to administer the state historic preservation program
and carry out certain responsibilities relating to Federal undertakings within the State.

sintering. In ceramics, the process by which clay particles adhere to one another when
heated close to but below their melting points. Sintering causes fired pottery to become
hard and dense.

slash. The residue left on the ground after timber cutting, or after storms, fire, etc. It includes
unutilized logs, uprooted stumps, broken stems, branches, twigs, leaves, bark, and chips.

smoldering. A slow spreading fire burning without flame.

smoldering combustion. Combined process of dehydration, paralysis, solid oxidation,

and scattered flaming combustion and glowing combustion, which occur after the flam-
ing combustion phase of a fire; often characterized by large amounts of smoke consisting
mainly of tars.

snag. A standing dead tree from which the leaves and some of the branches have fallen.
For wildlife purposes, one that is at least 15 inches DBH and 20 feet tall.

sooting. The carbon-based solid residue created by incomplete combustion of carbon-based

fuels, resulting in smudging and blackening of the surface.

spalling. the exfoliation of a portion of the original surface of a specimen resulting from
internal pressures associated with differential expansion or contraction upon heating or
cooling. Differential expansion or contraction results from internal variation in the miner-
alogy or moisture content. For example, an artifact may exhibit spalling when its surface
heats or cools more rapidly than its interior.

stabilization. Interventive treatment action taken to increase the stability or durability of

an object when preventive conservation measures fail to decrease its rate of deterioration
to an acceptable level or when it has deteriorated so far that its existence is jeopardized;
actions taken to render an unsafe, damaged, or deteriorated property stable while retain-
ing its present form.

stand. A community of trees or other vegetation sufficiently uniform in composition, consti-

tution, age, spatial arrangement, or condition to be distinguishable from adjacent communi-
ties and to thus form a management entity; the basic unit for silvicultural prescriptions.

stratigraphy. The layered geological and/or cultural sediments in a site, whose arrange-
ment allows interpretations of the sites cultural chronology.

structure. A constructed work, usually immovable by nature or design, consciously cre-

ated to serve some human activity. Examples are buildings of various kinds, monuments,
damns, roads, railroad tracks, canals, millraces, bridges, tunnels, locomotives, nautical
vessels, stockades, forts and associated earthworks, Indian mounds, ruins, fences, and
outdoor sculpture. In the National Register program structure is limited to functional
constructions other than buildings.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 219

subsistence. The traditional use of natural plants and wild animals for personal or family
consumption, for the making and selling of handicraft articles out of the non-edible byprod-
ucts of fish and wildlife resources taken for personal or family use or consumption, and
for customary trade. In Alaskan and Pacific parks, subsistence is the significant economic
and cultural dependence on the harvest of wild natural resources by local rural residents
through traditional hunting, fishing, and gathering activities. The legislation for some parks
defines what constitutes subsistence there.

succession. the gradual supplanting of one plant community by a higher ecologically

ordered one as a site changes over time, until a climax community is reached.

suppression. Actions taken to exclude, extinguish or confine a fire.

surface fire. A fire that burns in litter, dead branches, leaves and low vegetation at or near
the surface of the ground, mostly by flaming combustion but not reaching the crowns of trees.

tangible cultural resources. Resources that are categorized as districts, sites, buildings,
structures, and objects for the National Register of Historic Places and as archaeological
resources, cultural landscapes, structures, museum objects, and ethnographic resources
for management purposes.

tangible effects. The purposeful, intentional, observable, measurable human responses

to the perceived risks or opportunities presented by fire or resource management. These
include suppression, rehabilitation, mitigation, and exploitation.

temper. An archaeological term referring to non-plastic materials such as sand or crushed

potsherds that traditional potters may add to improve the properties of raw clay. Modern
ceramists use the term differently, referring to liquid additive; added to clay prior to pottery
manufacture to reduce shrinkage and breakage during drying and firing.

temperature. The degree of hotness or coldness of an object or environment. Temperature

can be measured using Fahrenheit (F), Celsius (C)or Kelvin (K) scales.

thermoluminescence (TL). An absolute dating method for objects that were heated dur-
ing manufacture or use. Measures the light energy released from an object when heated
to 500C under laboratory conditions; the amount of energy released depends on the time
passed since the object was last heated.

Third-Order effects. The impacts of fire on the human environment .Third-Order effects
may be tangible or intangible.

THPO. Tribal Historic Preservation Office or Officer.

threshold. The point or level of activity beyond which an undesirable set of responses
begins to take place within a given resource system.

torching. A surface fire that intermittently moves vertically, consuming individual tree
crowns, shrubs or small groups of trees as it advances through a forest stand; also termed
passive crown fire.

traditional. Pertains to recognizable but not necessarily identical cultural patterns trans-
mitted by a group across at least two successive generations. Also applies to sites, structures,
objects, landscapes, and natural resources associated with those patterns. Popular synonyms
include ancestral and customary.

220 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

traditional knowledge. The total understanding by indigenous people of their relation-
ship to the earth and the universe, and the knowledge inherent within that relationship.
This knowledge includes the spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental aspects of a person
and related components of the earth and universe to these aspects

traditional ecological knowledge (TEK). TEK refers to the ability of Aboriginal peoples to
comprehend local-ecosystem interrelationships and to achieve sustainable levels of resource
use with no or minimum disruptions to ecosystem functions. It is the evolving knowledge
acquired by indigenous and local peoples over hundreds or thousands of years through
direct contact with the environment. This knowledge is specific to a location and includes
the relationships between plants, animals, natural phenomena, landscapes and timing of
events that are used for lifeways. It is an accumulating body of knowledge, practice, and
belief, evolving by adaptive processes and handed down through generations by cultural
transmission, about the relationship of living beings (human and non-human) with one
another and with the environment. It encompasses the world view of indigenous people,
which includes ecology, spirituality, human and animal relationships, and more.

traditional cultural property (TCP). A property associated with cultural practices or

beliefs of a living community that are rooted in that communitys history or are important
in maintaining its cultural identity. Traditional cultural properties are ethnographic re-
sources eligible for listing in the National Register. A location significant for its value to a
community, based on traditional practices, beliefs, or customs, as long as the value extends
into the past for at least 50 years. TCPs may be unaltered landscapes or historic properties.

tree tip-up. A tree that falls, exposing the root structure and leaving a void in the soil.

understory. Low-lying vegetation (herbaceous, brush or reproduction) growing under a

stand of trees, i.e., the portion of trees in a forest stand below the overstory.

undertaking (United States). As referred to in Section 106 of the National Historic Pres-
ervation Act, any Federal, Federally assisted, Federally licensed, or Federally sanctioned
project, activity, or program that can result in changes in the character or use of historic
properties. Undertakings include new and continuing projects, programs, and activities that
are (1) directly undertaken by Federal agencies; (2) supported in whole or in part, directly or
indirectly, by Federal agencies; (3) carried out pursuant to a Federal lease, permit, license,
approval, or other form of permission; or (4) proposed by a Federal agency for congressional
authorization or appropriation. Undertakings may or may not be site-specific (see 36 CFS
800.2 [o] and Section 301[7] of the National Historic Preservation Act).

vegetation management. The practice of manipulating the species mix, age, fuel load, and
distribution of wildland plant communities within a management area. It includes prescribed
burning, grazing, chemical applications, biomass harvesting, and any other economically
feasible method of enhancing, retarding, or removing the above ground parts of plants.

vesiculation. The formation of abundant and interconnected bubbles throughout the

interior and at the surface of the glass object as a result of heating that, in turn, causes
deformation and increase in object volume size or size.

vitrification. Melting and fusion of glassy minerals within clay during high-temperature
firing of pottery (above 1000 C), resulting in loss of porosity; the process in which a sub-
stance melts and turns to glass.

water bar. A shallow channel or raised barrier used as an erosion control structure with
a cross drain to divert water to prevent gullying.

watershed. The total area above a given point on a stream contributing water to the flow
at that point.

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 221

wet line. A line of water, or water and chemical retardant, sprayed along the ground that
serves as a temporary control line from which to ignite or stop a low-intensity fire.

wildfire. An unplanned ignition of a wildland fire (such as a fire caused by lightning, vol-
canoes, unauthorized and accidental or human-caused fires) and prescribed fires that have
exceeded prescription parameters or otherwise meets the criteria for conversion to wildfires
(Guidance for Implementation of Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy. February, 2009).

wind direction. Compass direction from which wind is blowing, measured in 45 angles,
generally referencing the cardinal directions.

wind speed. Ratio of the distance covered by the air to the time taken to cover that distance.
Wind, in MPH, is measured at 20 feet above open, level ground or as adjusted to meet this
standard to compensate.

222 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

Index D
decision-making matrix 190191
fire spread probability model (FSPro)
fire suppression 6, 16, 38, 57, 111, 130,
Dome Fire 92, 95, 103, 145, 151, 152, 143, 147, 170, 171, 172, 175, 176,
154, 155, 156 177, 180, 182, 186
A Dutton Point Fire 92 fire triangle 16, 22
Advisory Council on Historic fire weather 23
F First-Order Fire Effects 12
Preservation 186
Antiquities Act 6 FARSITE 52 First Order Fire Effects Model (FOFEM)
Archaeological Resource Protection Act Federal Wildland Fire Management 45, 53
186 Policy 6, 157 FlamMap 52
artifacts 20 fire behavior 1584 fluxing agent 90
concepts and models 23 FMP. Seefire management plan (FMP)
B fire behavior software FOFEM 41. See alsoFirst Order Fire
BehavePlus 52 Effects Model (FOFEM)
BAER. SeeBurned Area Emergency
FARSITE 52 FSPro. Seefire spread probability model
Rehabilitation (BAER)
FireFamily Plus 52 fuel
Bandelier National Monument 7, 126,
FlamMap 52 consumption 53, 67, 172, 185
143, 145, 149, 151, 152, 154, 156
NEXUS 52 loading 37, 106, 108, 111, 122, 125
basalt 105, 109, 122, 124, 127
fire effects 11, 38, 1584, 53, 144, 152, models 27, 52
BehavePlus 52
153, 155, 156, 164 moistur 26
bone 142, 148, 152
below-ground 29 moisture 25, 29, 38, 52, 53
Bugaboo Fire 175, 176
concepts and models 23 treatment 2, 52, 165, 171
Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation
direct 11, 12, 18, 145 fuel consumption 39
(BAER) 126, 127, 187
first order 11, 13, 18 fuel loading 34
C indirect 12, 18, 145 fuel moisture 68
operational 14
calcium carbonate 90, 91, 95 second order 11, 12, 18 G
Canadian Environmental Assessment third order 12, 14 glass 90, 137138, 140, 142
Act (CEAA) 8 fire suppression 14
Canadian Forest Fire Behavior mitigation 14 H
Prediction System (FBP) 27, 39 rehabilitation 14
Canadian Register of Historic Places 8 restoration 14 Healthy Forests Restoration Act 6, 45,
CEAA. SeeCanadian Environmental fire effects on 157, 158
Assessment Act bone 148, 149 heat transfer 11, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 27,
ceramics 88, 91, 92, 94 ceramics 8596 41, 183
Chapin 5 Fire 125 cultural resources 44, 164 conduction 18, 19, 20, 37
charcoal 17, 18, 40, 113, 141, 149, 150 historical artifacts 131142 convection 18, 20, 27, 37, 118, 125
chert 98, 99, 99101, 147 historical sites 131142 radiation 18, 19, 20, 27, 37, 118, 189
clay 87, 89 intangible cultural resources 157170 mass transport 20
climatology 23 lithic artifacts 97112, 147 Henry Fire 92, 94, 95
combustion 11, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, obsidian 150151 historical artifacts 140
27, 29, 2937, 30, 31, 32, 40, 52, pollen 149 Historic Sites Act 6
5657, 174, 175, 183, 190 pottery 8696 hydration 94, 98, 99, 103, 104, 105
efficiency 18 rock art 18
flaming 17, 33 K
rock images 113130
glowing 40 subsurface archaeological deposits Knife River Indian Villages National
preheating 17 143156 Historic Site 139
smoldering 18, 37, 38, 40 fire exclusion 5, 143
Consultation and Coordination with fire frequency 45 L
Indian Tribal Governments (E.O. fire intensity 56
13175) 6 La Mesa Fire 7, 95, 149, 150, 151
fire management
consumption 177 lithic artifacts 46, 94, 97112, 110, 111
implications 171191
cultural resource 12, 177 flaked stone 97
fire management plan (FMP) 172, 174
categories 9, 10 ground stone 97
fire regime 16, 22, 45
protection 186 Long Mesa Fire 144, 149, 153, 188

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012 223

M RAVAR. SeeRapid Assessment of
Values at Risk
Mesa Verde National Park 93, 108, 125, reference fire regime. See baseline fire
144, 153, 180, 181, 188 regime
Minimum Impact Suppression rehabilitation 186
Techniques (MIST) 180, 182, Reservoir Salvage Act 6
190 retardant 12, 108, 118, 132, 136, 137,
MIST. SeeMinimum Impact 147, 171, 175, 180, 181, 185
Suppression Techniques (MIST) effects on cultural resources 180
mitigation 6, 14, 127130, 164, 165, Rodeo-Chediski Fire 187
172, 183, 186, 190
Moccasin Fire 93 S
Mustang Fire 178, 187
sedimentary rock 87
N sherd 85, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 144, 147,
164, 176
National Fire Danger Rating System Standards and Guidelines for the
(NFDRS) 41, 42 Conservation of Historic Places in
National Historic Preservation Act Canada 8
(NHPA) 2, 6, 8, 131, 161, 167, State Historic Preservation Office 186
170, 172
National Register of Historic Places T
(NRHP) 6, 8, 10
NHPA. SeeNational Historic temper 87
Preservation Act thermal effects 23, 47, 98, 99, 106,
NRHP. SeeNational Register of Historic 108109, 109, 110, 117
Places (NRHP) thermal fracturing 100
thermal shock 148
O thermoluminescence (TL) 85, 92, 93,
95, 101, 105
obsidian 98, 99, 101102, 103105, 117, traditional cultural properties (TCPs)
148, 150151, 154, 155 10, 11
oxidation 17, 88, 90, 92, 110, 136, 141, traditional ecological knowledge (TEK)
146, 148 11, 12, 160, 164
palynology 149 WFDSS. SeeWildland Fire Decision
pollen 7, 93, 95, 108, 145, 149, 152 Support System
post-fire treatment 186 Wildland Fire Decision Support System
pottery 85, 8696, 87, 88, 93, 95 (WFDSS) 186
prescribed fire 10, 11, 92, 98, 100, 104,
108, 111, 130, 139, 142, 146, 147, Y
151, 152, 154, 155, 156, 177, 182,
183, 185, 186 Yellowstone Fire 102
Yellowstone National Park 102
Rapid Assessment of Values at Risk
(RAVAR) 190

224 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 3. 2012

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