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Issue: Autumn 2012


The Artisan

Issue: Autumn 2012

Quarterly Newsletter by Northland Wealth Management

The Markets:
Update & Outlook
Deleveraging Slowly Making Progress

Deleveraging Slowly Making Progress

In previous issues of the Artisan the problems of an over leveraged Western World were outlined. The process of deleveraging, paying down excessive debt, and its impact on economic growth were described. Consumption must be reduced to match actual income, or below it, if debt is to be repaid. In the U.S., individuals have in the last four years paid down debt, with credit card debt balances reduced and mortgage debt either paid down or defaulted. In Canada individuals have increased their debt loads a cause for concern. However the Canadian Government is expecting to have a balanced budget in 2015 which means no more increases in debt. While the U.S. Governments stimulation programs have kept economic momentum going in the U.S., they have been financed by increased government deficits - that is more debt with no firm plans for reduction. The upshot of this is that four years into this deleveraging process only minimal progress has been made in both the U.S. and Europe and real solutions are still lacking. The only conclusion one can reach is that years of further restructuring remain ahead. While Canada has so far avoided the worst effects of this major economic dislocation, our major trading partner, the U.S., is still experiencing significant difficulties. Canada is too closely tied to the U.S. to be unaffected by economic problems there. The present situation the Western World faces is not unsolvable. Canada in the early 1990s faced a huge government debt problem. At that time projections showed that if government spending continued at the current rate of that time, and revenues were unchanged in five years, the annual interest payable on government debt would be in
(continued on page 2)

numbers seem to be signaling better economic growth ahead

Whats New:
Origins & Understanding 2

Northland welcomes Victor Kuntzevitsky

Brush Strokes:
Northland Wealth has relocated
... 8965 Woodbine Avenue, Markham, Ontario

Planning Files:
Education Savings
What are your options?


What you need to know about Converting your RSP to a RIF

For the majority of readers who are not yet 71 years old, this information will prove valuable to you some day, so it is definitely worthwhile reading it. For those who currently have an RSP account, one day you will probably have a RIF account so it makes sense to understand all the rules and options available to you. There are many similarities between an RSP and a RIF. The main difference between the two is that the RSP is used to accumulate money via contributions, whereas the RIF disburses money via withdrawals. Rules for converting RSP to RIF
You have until December 31st of the year you turn 71 to convert

help loved ones avoid the onerous costs of post-secondary education

each RSP to a RIF.

(Continued on page 5)

Issue: Autumn 2012

The Artisan

excess of 50% of government revenues. Draconian measures were put in place. Government expenses and government jobs were cut and the Canadian public was handed the much hated G.S.T. Fortunately it all worked and in five years Canada was in good economic health. It should be recognized that while Canada was restructuring, the rest of the world was in much better shape than it is today. Once we accept that we are in an economic restructuring that will take years, the next step is to attempt to predict what this means for financial markets and individual investors. Deleveraging is not uncommon - as pointed out earlier, Canada went through such a process some twenty years ago. The world has seen the process at work in recent years in Central and South America, and historically in the Western World in the Great Depression. Once it became apparent that deleveraging was in process it became the focus of many economists and financial market theorists. From a historical standpoint some common threads emerge. The first, which we have already mentioned, deleveraging, to completion takes three to four times as long as a typical recession. Eventually governments offset this long and arduous process by printing money, which creates inflation and results in devaluation of currency. There is a transfer of wealth from the wealthy to the less wealthy as savers earn little on their investments and borrowers pay little on their loans. In describing deleveraging there can be good deleveraging or bad deleveraging. This is not to say that the so called good deleveraging is without pain, it is just that a bad deleveraging can be economic catastrophe. In a good deleveraging, governments move in early to stabilize a collapsing financial system, injecting capital where
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Whats New:
Origins & Understanding
Northland Wealth Management is pleased to announce the addition of Victor Kuntzevitsky to our team. Victor joined Northland Wealth in August 2012 as an Associate. His primary role is to support Portfolio Managers with trading and research functions, and assist with projects to improve efficiency and client reporting. Bringing knowledge well beyond his years, Victor will most definitely prove to be an asset in many facets of our firm. Armed with an Honors Bachelor of Commerce degree from McMaster University, Victor has also completed the Canadian Securities Course (CSC) and is a Level 1 CFA Candidate. While at McMaster, Victor was the lead supervisor at the Allen H. Gould Trading Floor and Senior Trader with the McMaster Investment Club. Victor is an avid sports fan and his passion for philanthropy is highlighted as the Founder of Get Swabbed, an annual bone-marrow drive held in Canadian Universities in partnership with Canadian Blood Services (CBS). As we continue to expand the breadth of our services, new additions such as Victor, will enable us to maintain the high standards of service and efficiency our clients have come to appreciate.


Issue: Autumn 2012

The Artisan

needed, and managing the takeover of failing financial institutions by more viable counterparts. Interest rates are driven lower and held low. Once the financial systems are stabilized, a combination of economic fiscal stimulus (paid in part by tax increases) and austerity measures (to reduce government costs) eventually brings government deficits under control. However the fiscal stimulus must be aimed at creating real assets that have lasting economic value. Simply handing out these funds for social programs, while politically attractive, will have little long term positive effect on economic progress. In time this approach will bring the economy back to a condition where normal balanced growth can begin. It is in this latter period where governments historically still faced with large debt loads, turned to the printing presses. There can be two types of bad deleveraging. In the first type, austerity alone is used to fight government deficits. Government cutbacks further add to economic woes and a depression occurs. In the second type, governments react by printing money immediately to solve their deficit problems and allow the excess funds to stimulate the economy. The inflation caused is at first seen in a positive light as the economy begins expanding. Inflation then accelerates to the point that the currency becomes worthless and economic collapse occurs. The U.S. and Great Britain have accomplished the first part of the good deleveraging. The U.S. is now at the point where the politicians must construct a program of fixed stimuli, tax increases and government austerity. The upcoming elections will decide who will carry this out and how. In Europe the lack of a truly empowered central banking system is hampering progress and so far only austerity measures are being implemented. This may well lead to political upheaval and social problems only time will tell! What does this all mean for financial markets? With Central Banks holding down interest rates, and slow economic growth, interest rates will remain low.

Speaking Engagements
Arthur Salzer, Chief Executive Officer & CIO, will be a speaker at the upcoming North American Family Office Conference Creating a New Generation of Wealth held at The Taj, Boston, Massachusetts on the 13th & 14th of November. Arthur will be sharing his professional insights on the panel discussion of The State of the Family Office in Canada. This exclusive and private meeting organized by Campden Conferences and The Institute of Private Investors is considered to be one of the pinnacle global events for families of substantial wealth and their trusted advisors to learn from each other in the areas covering family business, family office and wealth management issues. Fixed income investors will find returns on fixed income portfolios will fall to prevailing coupon yields as capital gains no longer occur. This means returns in the 2% to 3% range on an annual basis - hardly enough to cover inflation. This is an example of savers transferring wealth to the borrowers. In this type of environment the secure high quality dividend stocks, income producing real estate, infrastructure and opportunistic credit trading strategies become even more attractive. With economic uncertainty a worldwide fact of life, equity market volatility will remain with us to test the courage of equity investors. With the U.S. pledging to hold interest rates down until 2015 the pattern of financial markets today is likely to continue at least until then. Painfully slow economic growth, relatively high unemployment, low interest rates, and volatile sideways equity markets will be the order of the day. This dictates investment strategies that emphasize secure cash flows from high quality sources. A moderate investment should be deployed in gold bullion funds or gold stocks as insurance against any
(continued on page 4)

Important Notice
December 31st marks the deadline for RSP conversions for those turning 71, 2012 RESP contributions, 2012 TFSA contributions and the end of the 2012 tax year. Act now to ensure your financial plan is in order.

Issue: Autumn 2012

The Artisan

Brush Strokes:
We have relocated!
In an effort to become accessible to more of our clients and professionals we work with, Northland Wealth Management is moving to new premises. Effective October 1st, 2012 our head office will be located at 8965 Woodbine Avenue, Markham ON, L3R 0J9 (Located on Woodbine Avenue between Hwy 7 and 16th Avenue). What Will NOT Change: Our main phone number 416 360-3423 Our toll free number 1 (888) 760-6596 Email addresses Website addresses Employee extension numbers We encourage you to visit our new location and join us for a cup of coffee in our lounge area. This new location provides us with ample space for meetings, future growth, and our own private parking lot (access from Buttonville Crescent East) for staff and guests. We are thrilled with our new home and look forward to greeting you there.

unforeseen significant economic trauma in the U.S. or in Europe. For investors the environment described is hardly encouraging. However there are bright spots. So far for North America the deleveraging has been handled successfully. In Canada we have experienced only a mild recession, no housing meltdown and confirmation that our banking system is one of the best in the world. In the U.S., the added weight of sub-prime mortgages and financial institution misdeeds caused considerably more economic damage. However recent signs of revival in the U.S. housing market and improving employment numbers seem to be signaling better economic growth ahead. Another significant difference in this deleveraging process is that a major part of the economic system the corporate sector - is in excellent shape with flush balance sheets. Many corporations, with markets outside Europe and North America that are growing rapidly, are still showing increasing earnings. Hopefully the positive influence of the corporate sector health will soften the negative elements of deleveraging for individuals and governments. David Cockfield, MBA, CFA Managing Director & Portfolio Manager

8965 Woodbine Avenue is located 1.0 km south of 16th Avenue accessed from Buttonville Crescent East.

Issue: Autumn 2012

(Continued from Page 1)
You can convert your RSP to a RIF any time prior

The Artisan you to take advantage of the $2,000 per annum pension credit by means of withdrawal. One of the main differences between a RIF and an RSP is that you have to make at least one withdrawal per year from your RIF account starting in the year you turn 72. To make that happen you have to select a payment option. The government rules say that you have to withdraw the mandatory amount from your RIF by Dec 31st of that year. There is a lot of flexibility in how this can be set up:
Payment frequency What frequency of payment is most efficient for your situation? Payment form Funds can be deposited directly to your bank account. You can also have the payment transferred to your nonregistered account or TFSA account at the same institution as long as you have contribution room. Withholding tax There is no minimum withholding tax on the mandatory annual minimum withdrawal amount. If you take more than the mandatory amount then the withholding tax levels applied are the same as for RSP withdrawals. In either case you can (and probably should) ask the institution to withhold a higher percentage. The amount withheld will create a tax credit on your next tax return but you could still owe more money especially if you have other income sources.

to the deadline, although documents should be submitted for processing by early December of the year you turn 71. The rollover from an RSP to a RIF is usually to meet retirement income needs and/or for tax planning purposes. Mandatory or minimum payments payments begin the year after you set up your RIF account. There is a minimum percentage amount that must be withdrawn each year and this is calculated using a government formula. The withdrawal amount increases as you get older. Maximum withdrawal amount only applies to locked-in plans which are usually the result of a pension plan payout. All withdrawals from RSP or RIF accounts are considered taxable income. A RIF account can hold the same investments as an RSP account. Assets in a RIF account are still registered so you dont pay tax on the income and there are no capital gains or losses. Once you have converted an RSP to a RIF you can no longer make contributions to the plan. Investments can be transferred in-kind from a RIF to a non-registered account or to a TFSA account. You dont need to sell the actual investments in your RIF to complete a withdrawal. You can have more than one RIF account, however consolidation at conversion is suggested. You can make multiple transfers to the same RIF account from your RSP account. Opening a small RIF account at age 65 can allow

Please feel free to contact our office to discuss your options in further detail.

Planning Files:
Education Savings What Are Your Options?
With household debt growing to record levels, student borrowing has emerged as a special concern for Canadians -with good reason. Average student debt on graduation grew to $18,800 in 2005, up from $15,200 a decade earlier, and more than one in four borrowers -- some 27% --had debt loads of at least $25,000 by the time they finished school.

There are several ways you can help loved ones avoid the onerous costs of post-secondary education. The first option for most people should be the registered education savings plan (RESP). In fact 52% of families have already started RESPs for their children/grandchildren. RESPs are simple to open. Once you obtain a social insurance number for your child/grandchild and choose a plan provider, you are on your way. As a subscriber to an individual or family RESP, you control the assets inside the plan, much as you would your holdings in your RSP or TFSA. (continued on page 6)

Issue: Autumn 2012

Also, as with other registered accounts, contributions inside an RESP grow without attracting any taxes. What is most appealing about RESPs are the government grants they attract. Over the lifetime of a plan, each child is eligible for Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG) of up to $7,200. That's calculated as 20% on the first $2,500 contribution to an RESP and allocated each calendar year, with unused annual CESG room accumulating until the end of the year in which a child turns 17. An RESP may have a single beneficiary or, in the case of a family plan, multiple beneficiaries who are in the same family and related to the subscriber by blood or adoption. In cases when the plan beneficiary does not pursue postsecondary education, subscribers of individual and family RESPs have several options. For example, funds can be allocated to a sibling who is also part of the plan or has been added to the plan. Or, if contribution room is available, the subscriber could choose to transfer to his or her RRSP or a spousal RRSP up to $50,000 from an RESP. Even without RRSP room, the accumulated income from an RESP can be paid to the subscriber. In this case, payments are subject to regular income tax and an additional tax of 20%. This does not include grants made to the plan. Those have to be paid back to the government. Other ways to save for your child's education If you're looking for alternatives to an RESP, you may wish to consider other savings options to provide additional flexibility and growth potential. (Government grants do not apply.) In Trust Accounts A simple way to save for future education costs is to open a regular (non-registered) investment account as an "in trust" (informal trust) account. Two features of an "in trust" account can make it an excellent savings vehicle for a child's education:

The Artisan
Unlike RESPs, there are no restrictions on the amount you can contribute Also, unlike RESPs, if the child does not pursue postsecondary education, the child may use the money for another purpose Family Trusts / Educational Trusts A family trust or educational trust is a trust arrangement typically established by a formal trust agreement drafted by a lawyer. A formal trust allows you to specify exactly how your funds are to be invested and exactly how and when the trust will pay out to your beneficiary. There are no contribution limits, however a tax return must be filed for the trust annually. Although certain preferential tax treatment for such trusts has been eliminated in recent years, some advantages still remain. How do other education savings options differ from RESPs? Unlike Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs), the government does not add grants to your savings. Keep that in mind as you choose how you will choose to save. There are no rules about what your child does with the money when they reach legal age. They can use the money to pay for their education, but they might also decide to use it for a first home, or keep it for other purposes. Tip: For some families, having fewer rules is a good thing. For others, it could lead to problems. Suppose your child decides to use the money in some way you dont approve of, such as buying a new sports car instead of going to university? If this worries you, look for savings plans that offer ways to keep control of the money. Education savings is an important component of the Northland Wealth Planning Process. If you are interested in completing your own personalized Northland Wealth Plan, please contact our office. Jeff Sproul, PFP, BBA Vice President, Wealth Management

Europe Today and Tomorrow by Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI

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8965 Woodbine Avenue Markham, Ontario L3R 0J9 (888) 760-6596 (NLWM) 6

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