U Pravom Testu Nema Ponudjenih Reci (BEEN, YOU ) Vec Mozete Upotrebiti Bilo Koje, Ali Recenica Treba Da Ima Smisla I Da Ne Promeni Znacenje

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I Choose the correct answer

1. How old is he? A. He has 21 years old B. He is 21 years old C. He has 21 years. D. He have 21 years

2 A. What do you have got?

B. What do have you?

C. What has you? D. What have you got?

3. A. The exam is in Sunday. B. The exam is at Sunday. C. The exam is on Sunday. D. The exam is Sunday. 4. Did she have lunch before she left yesterday? A. No, she haven't B. No, she hadn't C. No, she didnt

D. No, hasnt. C. What will you

5. A. What would you do if you saw a robbery ? B. What do you do if you saw the robbery ? do if you saw the robbery ? D. What will you do if you saw the robbery? 6. I've __________ finished the job. A. yet B. still C. ever D. already 7. ____________ is it from Belgrade to Nis? A. How far B. How long C. How much

D. How many

8. I ______________ getting up getting up early. A. used to B. used C. am used to D. would

9. Well, thats not quite exactly what happened, I _________________ some details. A. made in B. brought in c. brought up D. made up

10. She can't fix the car herself, so she _______________ at an auto-repair shop. A. will have it fixed B. will it fix C. would it fix D. will fixed

II Rephrase the following sentences, so that their meanings dont change ( use the highlighted words where offered without changing them) U pravom testu nema ponudjenih reci ( BEEN , YOU) vec mozete upotrebiti bilo koje, ali recenica treba da ima smisla i da ne promeni znacenje.
1. The last time I saw him was 10 days ago. ( 2 ways to start the sentence) BEEN I _____________________________ for 10 days / Its _____________________________ since I last saw him .

2. Fortunately you remembered to bring the credit card, or else we wouldnt have been able to pay for the meal. YOU We wouldn't have been able to pay for the meal_________________________ to bring the credit card.

3. I think that you shouldnt do that. I If ________________________________________ I wouldnt do that. 4. She didnt allow me to speak. LET She ______________________ speak. 5. He is shorter than me. AS He is not __________________________ me . 6. I shouldnt have phoned, it was very early and everyone was sleeping. WISH I ______________________________________ because it was early and everyone was sleeping. 7 "Did you see that man" I asked SHE I asked my sister __________________________________________________________________. 8. I didnt invite them. ME It ________________________________________________________ invited them.

9. Although the task was easy, it required a great deal of knowledge. Despite _________________________________________________________________.

10. It makes no difference if you didnt read the book - we can still discuss the topic. NO MATTER / EVEN IF We can still discuss the topic ________________________________________________.

III Translate into English 1. Oni su ga optuzili da laze. ___________________________________________________ (accuse) 2. Ona podize decu sama. ______________________________________________________ 3. Rekli smo mu da cemo doci____________________________________________________ 4. Rekao sam mu da sam zavrsio sav posao. _____________________________________________ ( all the work) 5. Koliko dugo cekas ovde? ___________________________________________________________ 6. Zelim da Vi to uradite. _____________________________________________________________

Resenja I 1. B, 2.D, 3.C, 4C, 5A, 6D, 7A, 8C, 9D, 10A

II 1. I havent seen him for 10 days. / Its been 10 days since I last saw him. It has been 2. We wouldnt have been able to pay for the meal if you hadnt remembered to bring the credit card. 3. If I were you I wouldnt do that. 4. She didnt let me speak. 5. He is not as tall as me. 6. I wish I hadnt phoned because it was very early and everyone was sleeping. 7. I asked my sister if she had seen that man. ( obavezno menjajte Past Simple u Past Perfect) 8. It wasnt me who invited them. 9. Despite being easy, the task required a great deal of knowledge. 10. We can still discuss the topic, no matter if you didnt read the book. ,even if

III 1. They accused him of lying. 2. She is bringing up the children by herself/ on her own/ all alone. She is raising the children 3. We told him (that) we would come. 4. I told him that I had finished all the work. 5. How long have you been waiting here? 6. I want you to do that/ it. ( NE I WANT THAT YOU DO IT)

Obratite paznju na ovo- I have been learning English for 2 years, NE I HAVE LEARNED English for 2 years. ( zato sto radnja traje, ovakvi detalji su vazni na ispitu) When I went out the sun shone ( sunce je sinulo) / was shining (sunce je sijalo) , birajte was shining prevod zvuci prirodnije zato sto

Test se sastoji od 49 pitanja koja se rade po principu zaokruzivanja, i 7 recenica koje treba preformulisati.

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