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Exam 2011: Question 2 a) Internet protocol is a process that allows communication between Internet sites and controls how

w data is formatted, transmitted and received. This process is reliable due to it guarantees the delivery of all packets to the destination. A file transfer protocol is used by organization on the IP network to control the ability of third party users access organization data. It is used to transfer organization data and programs to remote computers. Reducing the business associated with the organization does this for a example, IP protocol has control over third party users gain unauthorized access to a web server of a organization by IP spoofing. IP Protocol control the total number of packets transmitting between the Internet servers to ensure unauthorized users is not IP spoofing to gain fraudulent or unfair advantage. Another example is Denial of service attack. b) Question 3: c) ERPs and DBMS

An ERP is a collection of DBMSs. You can create DBMS to manage one aspect of your business. For example, a publishing house has a database of books that keeps information about books such as Author Name, Title, Translator Name, etc. But this database app only helps enter books' data and search them. It doesn't help them, for example, sell books. They get or develop another DBMS database that has all the Books data plus prices, discount formulas, names of common clients, etc. Now they connect the Books database to Sales database and maybe also the inventory database. Now their DBMS slowly turning into an ERP. They may add payroll database and connect it to this ERP. They may develop sales staff and commissions database and connect it to this ERP and so on. Oracle is one provider of ERP systems. I think they have ready-made databases for common businesses.
e) Flowchart vs Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

The terms flowchart and data flow diagram (DFD) are related to software engineering describing the path of process or data step by step. Although flow chart is used in almost all the fields of education and engineering data flow diagram is mainly used is the software industry. Both the diagrams are made to make the process simple to understand. A flow chart provides the steps needed to reach the desired results and

a data flow diagram describes the source from which data is coming, the change that occurs in the system and the source at which it ends. Both these diagrams provide a very easy way to understand the way a process is taking place or data is being processed from the beginning till the end. Flowchart A flowchart is made to break down a process into simple steps by writing down the steps in boxes that are connected with arrows. A flow chart starts from the first step and ends at the last step with all the actions to be performed in middle. Flow chart also trouble shoots the problems by providing solution if an error occurs during any step. The biggest advantage of a flow chart is that it gives an overall view of the process at a single glance, to understand it better. There are different types of flowcharts like System flow chart Data flow chart Document flow chart Program flow chart Data Flow Diagram A data flow diagram is a representation of data flow through a system during which it is processed as well. The flow of data from an external source or internal source to its destination is shown by a diagram. Where the data will end up after being processed is also shown in a data flow diagram. The processes through which data will go through are shown in these diagrams. These processes can be a sequence or act simultaneously while data is going through the system.

Flowchart vs Data Flow Diagram (DFD) The main difference between flow chart and data flow diagram is that flow chart presen to complete a process where as data flow diagram presents the flow of data. Flow chart does not have any input from or output to external source whereas data flow describes the path of data from external source to internal store or vice versa. The timing and sequence of the process is aptly shown by a flow chart where as the pr of data is taking place in a particular order or several processes are taking simultaneous described by a data flow diagram. Data flow diagrams define the functionality of a system where as flow diagram shows h make a system function. Flow charts are used in designing a process but data flow diagram are used to describe of data that will complete that process.
H) GANTT Charts and PERT Charts

A main difference between Gantt Charts and PERT charts is that Gantt is a bar chart, while PERT is a flow chart. Also, Gantt charts emphasize the time it takes to complete tasks, while PERT charts emphasize relationships between tasks.

Time and Relationships

Gantt charts emphasize the time it takes to complete tasks,

while PERT charts emphasize relationships between tasks.

Linear Vs. Interconnecting

A PERT chart might have several parallel or interconnecting

networks of tasks, while a Gantt chart is linear. Any relationships between tasks on a Gantt chart are depicted with arrows.

Straightforward Vs. Complex

PERT charts often are designed for only parts of projects and

end at the major review points. Gantt charts, on the other hand, work well for more straightforward projects that most likely will not require mid-stream changes.

Project managers often use both types because Gantt charts

do not effectively illustrate the dependency of one task upon another, while PERT charts can be complicated and confusing.

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