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SLC (HR) Title Ref #

Standard Operating Procedure SOP on Hiring of Contractual Manpower within KSA SOP/HRS/-/GEN/001/01 Issue Date Total Pages
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Date Hassan Ali Khalid Name Title Assistant Manager HR Engr Shahid Mehmood Deputy General Manager Lal Hussain

General Manager

Copy # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Distribution Location Human Resources Section (Master Copy) GM Office Administration Wing Finance Section O&M Wing Transport Wing Banban Camp

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SLC (HR) Title Ref # 1.

Standard Operating Procedure SOP on Hiring of Contractual Manpower within KSA SOP/HRS/-/GEN/001/01 Issue Date Total Pages
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1.1. The hiring of contractual employees is very critical and un-substitutable for the growth and profitability of SLC. The purpose of this SOP is to streamline the procedure for hiring of contractual manpower; to comply with the rules and regulations of the host country and to ensure consistent hiring procedure across SLC.


2.1. All members of the recruitment & selection body for any wing / section and the contractual employees must follow this SOP.



3.1. Medical test for the selected candidates is encouraged.


4.1. This is the first issue of this SOP.


5.1. Recruitment and selection has a strategic significance in SLC. Therefore, responsible hiring practice is encouraged for all wings / sections; keeping in perspective the financial effects of decision for hiring.


5.2.1. The wing / section is required to submit a clearly defined manpower requisition form contained in Appendix A and CVs of potential candidates; (if any at the time of requisition) to the HR Section. A specimen of CV is contained in Appendix B 5.2.2. HR Section in collaboration with Administration Wing has to maintain a record of the following:(i) (ii) Surplus SLC Manpower (Due to project closure) Inter wing transfer request by wing Incharge (for employees unable to work on specified jobs as designated by wing/sec/camp Incharge can be transferred on other jobs within SLC upon request of wing/sec/camp Incharge.) The vacancy can then be filled in by internal/external staffing.

SLC (HR) Title Ref #

Standard Operating Procedure SOP on Hiring of Contractual Manpower within KSA SOP/HRS/-/GEN/001/01 Issue Date Total Pages
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5.2.3. The HR Section in collaboration with Administration Wing has to identify and internally staff a suitable potential candidate as per the requirement of the wing/sec/camp; from within SLC as mentioned in serial 5.2.2. 5.2.4. In case manpower with requisite trade / skill is not available within SLC, the manpower requisition and CVs of potential candidates (if any) will be sent to General Manager through Deputy General Manager for approval of external staffing. 5.2.5. After approval of requisition form by GM through Dy GM, the wing is authorized to hire a potential candidate for a specific job. 5.2.6. Approved requisition form will be sent back to the wing / section. 5.2.7. The activities mentioned in 5.2.2 and 5.2.4 must be furnished in five working days. 5.2.8. The approved requisition form is valid up to forty working days and will expire upon its maturity. 5.2.9. In case the requisition is expired, the process will be reinitiated from serial 5.2.1.


5.3.1. The wing managers are encouraged in general to keep track of potential candidates for a specific job from the external environment for future needs cost effective and efficient hiring procedure. 5.3.2. The wing manager along with the support of his wing will short list the potential candidates. 5.3.3. A board constituting on three members is required to be brought in place for interviewing the potential candidates:(i) (ii) (iii) President 1st Member 2nd Member = = = Wing Manager From Supervisory Position From Supervisory Position preferably the immediate supervisor of the potential candidate being hired. 5.3.4. The board is required to select a suitable candidate along with a reserve candidate as contingency. (i) The candidate selected should be directed to obtain NOC (No Objection Certificate) from sponsor. Specimen of NOC is contained in Appendix C.

SLC (HR) Title Ref #

Standard Operating Procedure SOP on Hiring of Contractual Manpower within KSA SOP/HRS/-/GEN/001/01 Issue Date Total Pages
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5.3.5. After provision of NOC, a board proceeding contained in Appendix D is required to be sent to GM Office along with NOC and valid requisition form attached, through HR Section for final approval. 5.3.6. After approval of board proceeding by the GM Office, the wing manager is authorized to offer probation period of three months to the selected candidate, while ensuring serial 5.4.

SLC (HR) Title Ref # 5.4.

Standard Operating Procedure SOP on Hiring of Contractual Manpower within KSA SOP/HRS/-/GEN/001/01 PRE REQUISITS
5.4.1. The final step in selection before contract is provision of the following documents by the potential candidate:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) No objection certificate by Sponsor (KAFEEL) (Mandatory) Copy of Iqama (Mandatory) Copy of Drivers Licence (if any) Copy of Passport Passport size photographs x 1 Medical Certificate (Optional)

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5.5.1. The wing Incharge along with two witnesses will get the employment contract signed along with thumb impression by the selected candidate (specimen of the contract is contained in Appendix E:(i) In case the selected candidate is illiterate, the wing Incharge or his designee must translate and explain the clauses of the contract in such language which is comprehensible by the selected candidate. 5.5.2. Contract is required to be countersigned by GM through Dy GM, and will be returned to the concerned wing / section / camp. 5.5.3. Employee bio data form contained in Appendix F is required to be filled by the Document Controller or any employee designated by the manager:(i) Valid information must be recorded on the form.



5.6.1. After completion of all the documentation of the probationer, a compressed digital folder in win zip format containing the following items is required to be sent to the sections mentioned in 5.6.2 via e-mail on official address:(i) (ii) Employment Contract Joining Report contained in Appendix G (Signed by Employee on first day at work) (iii) (iv) Employee Bio Data Form CV

SLC (HR) Title Ref #

Standard Operating Procedure SOP on Hiring of Contractual Manpower within KSA SOP/HRS/-/GEN/001/01
(v) (vi) (vii)

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NOC signed and stamped by sponsor (KAFEEL) Copy of Iqama Copy of Driving Licence (if any)

(viii) Copy of Passport (ix) (x) Passport size photographs x 1 Medical Certificate

5.6.2. The digital folder containing probationers information is required to be sent to the following sections for their further necessary action:(i) (ii) Administration Section HR Section

5.6.3. The Administration Wing and HR Section will incorporate the information of the probationer for record keeping in their respective records as required. 5.6.4. The HR Section will inform the finance section regarding the hiring of probationer along with the following documents for smooth release of salary:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) NOC by sponsor (KAFEEL) Iqama of the employee Contract Agreement Board Proceeding of Contractual Employee/s Joining Report


5.7.1. The wing manager is required to initiate a case for disbursement of salary of the probationer on Minute Sheet to GM Office through Finance Section. 5.7.2. The date on joining report signed by the employee on first day at work will be considered as first day on payroll. 5.7.3. After approval of the case mentioned in 5.7.1 the wing is authorized to release the salary of the probationer. 5.7.4. The Finance Section is required to inform the concerned wing/section/camp, and the HR Section regarding the approval of release of salary by GM office.

SLC (HR) Title Ref # 5.8.

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5.8.1. A probation period report of a probationer contained in Appendix H is to be submitted to HR Section at the end of third month of probation, within 6 working days. 5.8.2. The probation report is required to be Recommended / Not Recommended by the Manager and will be put up for scrutiny of GM through Dy GM to extend the contract for one complete year from the date of initiation of contract, thus ensuring consistency in hiring of contractual manpower. 5.8.3. Sanctioned probation report is to be sent to HR Section to be kept in record. 5.8.4. HR Section will send an appointment confirmation letter to (wing / section / camp) and finance section for seamless release of salary of the employee. A copy of the same letter is to be given to the appointed employee by the (wing/sec/camp) manager.



5.9.1. The contractual employee can be terminated from job by issuance of a termination letter with following terms:(i) (ii) (iii) Letter must be approved by GM through Dy GM The letter must explain the reason of termination The issuance date of termination letter to the employee shall be one month in advance from the actual date of relieve from duty. (iv) Termination as per clause 4b & 4c of the contract contained in Appendix E. (v) Serial 5.9.1 (iv) supersedes 5.9.1 (iii) in case of a discipline violation or criminal act performed by the employee.


5.10.1. The General Manager has the right to supersede serial 5.3.3 and 5.3.4 by nominating the members of selection board from multiple wings or sections. 5.10.2. In case 5.10.1 is effective, board proceeding process in serial 5.3.5 is responsibility of the president of the board.

SLC (HR) Title Ref #


Standard Operating Procedure SOP on Hiring of Contractual Manpower within KSA SOP/HRS/-/GEN/001/01 Issue Date Total Pages
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KEY WORDS 6.1. Working Day One business day. In SLC there are six working day in one week and 25 or 26 working days in one month. 6.2. External Environment Environment outside SLC but within KSA especially in context of manpower acquisition. 6.3. Internal Staffing Hiring employee from within SLC for a new appointment. 6.4. External Staffing Hiring contractual employees from outside SLC.


APPENDIX 7.1. APPENDIX A Requisition 7.2. APPENDIX B CV 7.3. APPENDIX C No Objection Certificate 7.4. APPENDIX D Board Proceeding 7.5. APPENDIX E Employment Contract Agreement 7.6. APPENDIX F Bio Data Form 7.7. APPENDIX G Joining Report 7.8. APPENDIX H Probation Report

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