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This RENTAL AGREEMENT is made and executed on this 1st day of March between: 2011, (01-03-2011)

Sri.Macherla bhoomaiah, aged about 42 years, S/o Sri.Parshaiah, 4079, Amosway, San Jose, CA 95135, USA. Represented by his GPA Holder Sri.Parandam, aged about 61 years, S/o Sri.Chandraiah, No.7-2-853, Mankamma Thota, Karim Nagar, Andhra Pradesh. Hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR of the one part, which terms shall mean and include his heirs, successors, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns of FIRST PART, AND Sri Durga Prasad Akkala, aged about 39 years, S/o Sri A.R. Prasad R/o 9-7-14, Near Pedda Radham, Perala, Chirala - 523157 Hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE of the other part which expression unless repugnant to the context shall mean and include her heirs, successors, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns of the OTHER PART. Whereas the LESSOR owns and possesses the residential bearing Flat No.210, SVR FLORA, KudluHarlur Road, Somasundarapalya, HSR Layout Extn, Bangalore 560 102. The LESSEE desired to take on rent Two Bed Room Flat on the said property along with fixtures and furniture (hereinafter referred to as the Schedule Property) more fully described in Schedule herein below, the LESSOR has agreed with the following terms and conditions. Now this indenture of tenancy entered in between the parties witnesseth as follows:1. The LESSOR hereby demise unto the LESSEE and the LESSEE hereby takes on rent from the LESSOR the Schedule property more-fully described herein below along with fixtures and fittings.

2. The period of tenancy shall be for 11 (Eleven) months only from 1st of March 2011. 3. The LESSEE shall pay to the LESSOR a sum of Rs 23,000/- (Rupees Twenty Three Thousand
only) as monthly rent (excluding maintenance charges) for 11 months on or before 5th of succeeding month to the LESSOR. The agreement can be renewed further with 5% increase in rent once in Eleven months. 4. The LESSEE shall not sublet or part with possession of premises demised of any portion thereof without the written consent of the LESSOR. 5. The LESSEE agrees to pay the charges for the electrical energy consumed as per the reading of separate electric meter provided, to the concerned authorities directly and shall produce the paid receipt at the time of vacating the Schedule Property.

6. The LESSEE agrees to pay the apartment building maintenance charges every month directly to the
apartment building association to meet maintenance of the building with security services. 7. The LESSEE hereby agrees and undertakes to keep the Schedule Property and all the fixtures and fitting therein belonging to LESSOR, in a good condition. 8. The LESSEE agrees and undertakes not to make any alteration and not to cause any damages to the Schedule Property or to the fixtures and fittings therein.

9. The LESSEE agrees to permit the LESSOR or her authorized person/s to inspect the Schedule Property at all reasonable times with prior information. 10. The LESSEE agrees and undertakes to use the Schedule Property only for residential purposes and not for the use of commercial purposes.

11. In the event of LESSEE contravening any of the terms aforesaid or keeping the rent in arrears for any
two months, then the LESSOR after giving notice to the LESSEE, shall terminate the agreement and the LESSOR shall there upon be entitled to re-enter the demised Schedule Property and to take possession thereof together with the fixtures and fittings installed by the LESSOR.

12. The LESSEE has paid to the LESSOR a sum of Rs.1,30,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Thirty
Thousands only) shall be paid on or before 1/3/2011(1st March2011) and March rent Rs.13,000/(Thirteen thousand only) as interest free advance under this indenture towards deposit which will be kept by the LESSOR during the subsistence of the tenancy. This amount of advance is to be returned to the LESSEE after adjusting arrears of rent or dues if any, at time of the LESSEE handing over vacant possession of the Schedule Property together with fixtures and fittings installed therein. 13. The LESSEE/LESSOR shall be entitled at any time to terminate the agreement by giving two (2) months prior notice to the LESSOR/LESSEE in writing according to the English Calendar. In such event the LESSOR/LESSEE shall be entitled to adjust/recover any rent and other dues if any from out of the advance amount aforesaid and repay the balance to the LESSEE. 14. On the expiry of termination of the tenancy period the LESSEE shall surrender the possession of premises as detailed in together with fixtures and fittings in good working condition (subject to the normal wear and tear) with internal walls duly painted to the LESSOR without fail. If the LESSOR finds any damages the cost of such damages shall be deducted in the advance amount paid by the LESSEE. SCHEDULE The Three Bed Room on Second Floor of the residential apartment building belonging to the LESSOR Flat No.210, Second Floor, SVR FLORA, Sy. No. 32/11, Harlur Main Road, HSR Layout 2nd Sector, Bangalore 560 102. Consisting of Three bedroom, hall, dining and kitchen with common and attached bath with Indian and western closet. Fixtures and Fittings:(1) Built-in ward robes in two bedrooms, kitchen and dining (2) Windows provided with pelmet rods (3)1 nos wash basins (4) 6 nos ceiling fans, 0 nos exhaust fans (5) 7 nos tube light sets, 7 nos tubes (6) 1 no calling bell (7) 2 nos geysers IN WITNESSES WHEREOF the parties hereunto set and subscribed their respective hands on the day, month and year above written. Appendix:There are 2 minor physical damages in the house, 1 on wall of hall and 1 patch on tile in hall.

WITNESSES: 1. (Macherla Bhoomaiah Rep. by his GPA Holder P.Parandham) LESSOR 2. (Durga Prasad Akkala) LESSEE 2

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