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Bradley Wiggins The moment I realised Id won the Tour de France In Sport

Wednesday 07.11.12 Published in London and Manchester 1.20 Soe Grabl on the end of Sarah Lund Inspiration for your winter wardrobe City facing Champions League exit Its a mix of great pain and great relief Supersize coats and haute cowboy style Mancinis men need Madrid meltdown It s great relief

Americas verdict on Obama

President hails spirited Romney campaign $2bn election most expensive in history
Ewen MacAskill Washington
Long queues formed across the United States from early morning yesterday as tens of millions of Americans lined up to deliver their verdict on Barack Obamas presidency, four years that have left the country more polarised than it has been for decades. While the 2008 vote was historic in putting an African-American into the White House, the 2012 race has had more impact, deepening the divide in the US to a level not seen since the battles over civil rights and the Vietnam war in the 1960s. Final estimates show the election was the most expensive in US history, with Barack Obama having raised close to $1bn and Mitt Romney more than $800m. When gures for spending by supporters, mainly the super-political action committees, are thrown in, the total is well over $2bn. The campaign almost throughout has been a referendum on Barack Obama. Both he and Republican challenger Mitt Romney repeatedly said this election would set the direction of the country for a generation, with consequences for the economy, healthcare and immigration as well as foreign policy. Romney broke with convention to continue campaigning into election day, voting early in the morning near his home in Belmont, Massachusetts, before heading for Ohio and Pennsylvania. Obama, taking a more relaxed view of the day, visited campaign volunteers in his hometown Chicago before playing a game of basketball with friends and sta in a stadium in Chicago that can seat 1,000 people but was booked for the exclusive use of the president on this occasion. One of Obamas advisers, Robert Gibbs, denied that Obamas decision to avoid the campaign trail yesterday reflected complacency. Some Democrats argued that when Romney decided to continue on campaigning, Obama should have followed suit. Obama did give about a dozen inter-


At the polls: Oliver Burkeman on the voters verdict Page 2

Gary Younge on anticipation and nerves in Obamas Chicago Page 3 From the snow of New Hampshire to superstorm Sandy, Jonathan Freedland traces the most expensive campaign ever Page 4 Picture special: the best images of the day Pages 6-7 On Up-to-the-minute news, analysis and results, plus the full story of a historic night told by our unrivalled team of US correspondents

views for television and radio stations, mainly with those from the swing states. In one of his interviews, with the syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Show, Obama said: I feel optimistic, but only cautiously optimistic. At the volunteer centre, Obama said: The great thing about these campaigns is after all the TV ads and all the fundraising and all the debates and all the electioneering, it comes down to this one day. In a gracious gesture, he congratulated Romney on a spirited and hard-fought campaign. But he indicated he expected still to be president today. We feel condent weve got the votes to win, that its going to depend ultimately on whether those votes turn out. Vice-president Joe Biden continued on the campaign trail, stopping in Ohio. Both teams have made more visits to the state than any other, seeing Ohio as holding the key to the White House. While Romney was waiting on board his campaign plane on the airport at Cleveland for his running mate, Paul Ryan, Bidens plane also landed. Ohio has chosen the winner of the last 12 presidential elections, and no Republican has ever won the White House without carrying it. There were sporadic reports of problems over polling-machine break-downs, election fraud and issues with voter IDs. Florida, as has become usual, was the scene for some of the most chaotic election scenes, with queues two hours long. There were also reports of misleading recorded calls suggesting the vote would be today rather than yesterday. But the long lines were in predominantly Republican districts in Florida as well as Democratic-leaning ones. There were long queues too in Virginia, Barack Obama makes a call in the last hours of campaigning in the race for the White House Photograph: Jason Reed/Reuters Continued on page 2

Im a Conservative and they got me out of there

Hlne Mulholland Political reporter
The Conservative party has suspended Nadine Dorries after it emerged she is to take time o from parliament to be a contestant in ITVs jungle-based reality show Im a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here. The decision by the MP for Mid Bedfordshire to become the rst serving MP to take part in the show, which features famous faces performing in stunts that in the past have included being smothered in insects and eating a kangaroos penis, could keep her from parliamentary and constituency business for a month. Colleagues reacted with surprise and the MP faced a barrage of criticism. By early yesterday evening, the Conservative party had conrmed that the chief whip, Sir George Young, had withdrawn the party whip from Dorries, who did not ask him for permission to take part in the show. Her constituency chairman also said he had been unaware of her involvement in the show. A party spokesperson said: George Young will have an urgent meeting with Nadine Dorries said the reality show would be a platform for her to publicise her campaign to reduce the abortion limit her when she gets back. The concern is that she will not be doing parliamentary or constituency business in the meantime. Labour branded the Tory MP shameless over her decision to appear on the show. Dorries, who is paid 65,738 a year as an MP, will be paid up to a maximum of 40,000 for taking part in the show, which runs daily from Sunday. Dorries, who has own to Australia to prepare for the show which is set in an outdoor studio in the Queensland jungle tried to justify the decision by saying the programme would act as a platform to reach the public and raise awareness about issues such as a reduction in the abortion limit from 24 weeks to 20. She told the Sun: Im doing the show because 16 million people watch it. If people are watching Im A Celebrity, that is where MPs should be going. Im not going in there to upset people, but I have opinions. Pressed on her fellow Torys forthcoming appearance on the programme, the home secretary, Theresa May, said: Frankly, I think an MPs job is in their constituency and in the House of Commons. Labour accused the prime minister, who is on an ocial visit to the Middle East, of showing weak leadership earlier in the day when he refused to be drawn into the fray. He said: Nadine Dorries can speak for herself on this issue. Dorries has repeatedly clashed with the Continued on page 15


The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

US election

Close of polling might just be the beginning of hostilities

Legal challenges in Ohio as irregularities reported Complaints and confusion in Florida and New Jersey
Oliver Burkeman New York
On Staten Island, amid the wreckage of their homes, people voted in tents, illuminated in the early-morning darkness by power from portable generators. In Brooklyn, they queued for hours outside polling stations as they had queued, just a day or two earlier, outside petrol stations. In Florida, voters reported discovering that their assigned voting locations didnt exist, while in the make-or-break state of Ohio, the inevitable legal challenges had already begun. But despite some extraordinary obstacles, by no means all of them attributable to superstorm Sandy, Americans voted in their tens of millions yesterday, as the focus of the most expensive presidential campaign in history turned abruptly local, and the tallying of the knife-edge race threatened to stretch far into the night. Even by the standards of election days past, yesterday seemed peculiarly suused with anxiety the culmination of an exhausting battle in which Democrats and Republicans had often seemed not merely to hold dierent beliefs, but to inhabit dierent realities. For all the sense of denouement , though, more than 31 million Americans had already voted including roughly half of those deemed likely to vote in the toss-up state of Florida and there were ominous predictions that the contest might be far from over. Thousands of lawyers were scrutinising the voting processes across the country the Obama campaign reportedly had 2,500 in Ohio alone while activists from the rightwing organisation True The Vote, which opposes voter fraud but which critics charge with voter suppression, were barred from some polling stations there. Ohios secretary of state, Jon Husted, found himself on the receiving end of a lawsuit claiming that last-minute changes made to voting software might permit ballots to be manipulated. The atmosphere grew more fervid by mid-morning, with the emergence of a YouTube video showing a voting touchscreen in Pennsylvania apparently recording a vote for Romney after the user pressed Obamas name. A Philadelphia judge ordered election workers to cover a vast mural of Obama that adorned a school being used as a polling place. The Republican party in Michigan claimed one of its poll-watchers had been threatened with a gun. And irregularities aside, the automatic-recount laws in several swing states meant close results might see the race stagger on, zombie-like, for weeks. Among supporters of the president, the elation of election day 2008, by which time an Obama victory seemed all but certain, was replaced by a nervous determination. Some Floridians had waited an astonishing seven hours to cast an early vote last week. Yesterday, at the C Blythe Andrews Jr Library in a drizzly Tampa, Larry du Pree, who wore a large, glitzy watch bearing a picture of Obama, said: In our community we kind of take this election personally. Being African American, for me to vote for Mitt Romney is like a chicken

Voters voices
I came from a communist country, I dont want America to become one. Thats Obamas attitude. Take away from the rich. Why he want to do that? Rich people give us jobs. Its just like in Hungary: rst they take away from the rich, then they come after you. George Mittermann, 82, Greenville, Ohio I cant vote for a platform that sees women as second-class citizens Obama has fought for us and kept unemployment levels down, whereas Romney would ban abortions and that would lead to twice as many deaths as women would keep having them. Christie Marie, 34, Cheviot, Ohio I have been so anxious about being able to vote ... Its such a relief. This is the happiest vote I ever cast. Annette DeBona, 73, New Jersey, an area hit hard by superstorm Sandy We take this election personally. Being African-American, for me to vote for Mitt Romney is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Larry du Pree, Tampa, Florida If Romney wins, Ill be bummed out but thats OK, you cant win them all. Lisa Burkheimer, 44, Lakewood, Colorado If going to the bank or the grocery store was this easy, Id do it every day. Issac Holmes, 52, Las Vegas

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voting for Colonel Sanders. Changes to Florida election law, such as limiting the number of days of early voting, amounted to voter suppression, he said. They want to take us back to the slavery days. Voting was obstructed for a different reason in the north-east, where last weeks storm left thousands in evacuation shelters or staying with friends far from home. New Yorks governor, Andrew Cuomo, signed a last-minute executive order allowing New Yorkers to vote for national and state-level races at any polling station. In New Jersey, the governor, Chris Christie, allowed voting by email and fax but at least one county clerk was reduced to using Facebook to tell voters they could use his personal Hotmail address instead. In Midland Beach, on largely Republican Staten Island, a 33-year-old police ocer, Gabriel Rivera, just seemed glad to be alive to vote, even if in a makeshift tent. His home had been ooded and his family evacuated to New Jersey, said Rivera, who declined to reveal his presidential preference. But property can be replaced, he said. Loved ones cannot. Of all the cliches incessantly parroted by pundits over recent months, the most clearly accurate, judging from the comments of swing-state voters yesterday, was that economic matters would determine the presidents fate. Romney. The economy, one smalltown schoolteacher from Iowa, Carleen Coppock, responded without hesitation when asked who she had voted for and why. As a female registered independent, and an Iowan who voted for Obama in 2008, Coppock is as close to a demographic nightmare for the president as it was possible to get. Its the children thing, mainly, she said. I have a daughter about to go to college, and I want her to have a job when she comes out. She had started drifting towards the Republican over the summer, she said, and then the rst debate had settled her mind. That about did it, she said. I started leaning Romney. Everywhere, Americans seemed determined to vote, no matter the obstacles, but the rst prize surely went to Galicia Malone, a pregnant 21-year-old from Chicago, who cast the rst vote of her life while her contractions were ve minutes apart, then drove herself to hospital. Meanwhile, the Detroit News reported that an elderly Michigan man appeared to die while lling out his ballot; having been revived with CPR, he asked: Did I vote yet? As Americas news networks geared up for a long night, there was far less sign than in previous years of partisan commentators willing to concede, in the closing hours, that their side might have lost: the nasty, toxic campaign would be fought to the bitter end. And so it was refreshing to nd, among the divided electorate, voters like Daniel Taylor, 56, and Philip Neuhring, 52, friends on opposite sides of the political divide, creating an oasis of civility and perspective over morning coee in a restaurant in Jeerson County, Colorado. I dont think business people should be in government running it for prot, said Taylor, a lawyer. Neuhring, an insurance analyst, said he backed Romney because he has business experience whereas Obama has just theory and college experience. Both sides have some merit, Taylor conceded. Very true, Neuhring agreed. Then he added, with a smile: Though of course, my side is right. A few Americans seemed even more blissfully at peace despite the hostilities unfolding around them. At one point yesterday, Obama stopped at a eld oce in Chicago to make get-out-the-vote calls to voters in Wisconsin. One woman he reached appeared not to know who he was. This is Barack Obama, he had to explain, twice. You know. The president. Looking two months ahead from that moment, though, Obama would have been forced to concede that even he couldnt tell you what the presidents name would be. Leader comment, page 32

Americas verdict on Obama

continued from page 1 super-political action committees, are thrown in, the total is well over $2bn. The campaign almost throughout has been a referendum on Obama. Both he and Romney repeatedly said this election would set the direction of the country for a generation, with consequences for the economy, healthcare and immigration as well as foreign policy. Romney broke with convention to continue campaigning into election day, voting early in the morning near his home in Belmont, Massachusetts, before heading to Ohio and Pennsylvania. Obama, taking a more relaxed view of the day, visited campaign volunteers in his hometown of Chicago before playing a game of basketball with friends and sta in a stadium in Chicago that can seat 1,000 people but was booked for the exclusive use of the president on this occasion. One of Obamas advisers, Robert Gibbs, denied that Obamas decision to avoid the campaign trail yesterday reflected

Reporting team
Alex Hotz in New York, Chris McGreal in Florida, Ed Pilkington in Ohio, Paul Harris in Iowa and Rory Carroll in Colorado

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

Big news, small screen Live US election results and commentary on your mobile device

Patrick Kingsleys election night diary

It was a day in which backs of heads became the focus of elite journalism. For nothing much happens once polls open: people have either voted or are queuing to do so and so many of the worlds nest newshounds were reduced to recording said queues (specically, the backs of the queuers noggins). Item A: Jamie Dupree, seasoned Washington correspondent, who spent much of the morning collating images of scalps. Item B: the New Yorker, which ran a rolling blog of voters photos of other voters behinds. Rarely has the dandru of ordinary Americans been so well documented. There was space for ashes of serious reportage. For instance: thanks to his bag-carrier Garrett Jackson, who was recording his masters big day via Twitter, we learned not only what Mitt Romney had for breakfast peanut butter and honey toast but what he did once he got down from the table. Starting as he hoped to nish, Romney cleared out the trash. Quite literally. Romney or as David Lynch, below right, recently renamed him, R-Money was snapped shovelling kitchen detritus (full disclosure: a plastic receptacle rammed with what looked like teabags and half a boiled egg) into a black bin-liner. Whether or not it was collected is, however, open for question. Last month his binman Richard Hayes released a video decrying R-Moneys notorious rejection of the 47%. You know, he doesnt realise, you know, that the service we provide, you know if it wasnt for us, you know, thered

be a big health issue. You know, us not picking up trash, quoth Hayes, whose hour may just have come. And what of the comforter-in-chief? Well, what with all the trash talk, El Presidente was struggling to get his voice recognised. Again, literally. At a Democrat hideout in Illinois, Obama started showing o for the cameras, calling a supporter to thank her for her hard work. Hello, its Barack Obama, said Barack Obama, before apparently being asked to hold. He looked up: I dont think she knows its me yet. Rightly so, perhaps. For today was not just about the president. Also listed on ballot papers were candidates for state elections and referenda on serious local issues. Take Los Angeles, where voters deliberated over an antiAids law that would force porn actors to wear prophylactics. Known to locals as Measure B, and to your diarist as the Rubber Referendum, the ballot has incensed certain sections of the adult industry. Not least Tera Patrick, pictured left, and Ron Jeremy porn legends who recently released a video slamming the Condom Covenant. A mandatory condom law will NOT make our workplace any safer, argued Patrick, but it will drive our $20bn industry and 10,000 jobs out of LA county. Sport, it seems, is a great unier. In Chicago, the president was knuckling down to a game of basketball with his staers. Its an election tradition for Obama, apparently. We made the mistake of not playing basketball once, said Robert Gibbs, Obamas former press secretary. We wont make that mistake again. Dancing will have to wait, however. Asked whether he could mimic the moves in Gangnam Style, a YouTube hit, the commander-in-chief nay, dancer-in-chief said that he probably could, just not tonight: Maybe [Ill] do it privately for Michelle.

in Billings, Montana. More than 31 million Americans had already voted before yesterday Photo: Jae C Hong/AP


Bravado and fear in presidents hometown

Gary Younge Chicago
Election day in Chicago four years ago felt like Christmas Eve. The polls so favoured Barack Obama by that stage that, in his heavily Democratic hometown, it seemed as though the gifts were already wrapped and all that remained was delivery a collective suspense that time alone would eventually satisfy. His victory seemed simultaneously inevitable and unbelievable. People couldnt wait because they wanted to see it happen. Yesterday felt like just one more damp day in November, with a sprinkling of anxiety that Christmas, this year, could be cancelled. They know they can elect a black president; the question was could they reelect him. Their complacency was so dented after his rst debate performance that their condence could never bounce back quite so convincingly as his poll numbers did. Few would even contemplate defeat; few were completely condent of victory. People couldnt wait because they wanted it to be over. Thanks to Obamas cosmopolitan upbringing which took him from Hawaii to Indonesia and back there are many places he can call home. But he claims Chicago and Chicago claims him. When hes back in town the trac clogs with pride. At Yours in the Grove, a shop that sells Obama T-shirts and hats round the corner from the presidents local polling station, the owner thought those who were disappointed in Obamas performance needed to put his record into perspective. You have to remember that he did not create this situation, she said. Hes just trying to deal with it in the best manner. So I think he deserves another chance. The further south you go in the city, the more condent people got. In the playground at my sons school in the northern neighbourhood of Edgewater, many parents (almost all Democrats) were nervous. Its just too close, said one mum. I have a really bad feeling about it. But down on the mostly African American southside, Melvyn , who owns the Presidents Lounge bar, could not have been more bullish. Hes got it, he said. He knows it. Romney knows it. We just have to watch it play out.

Its just too close. I have a really bad feeling about it

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

US election

Gaes and a storm called Sandy: where the race was won and lost
At the outset it looked easy for Obama. Then came that debate. Jonathan Freedland looks back at a tight, absorbing contest

Electoral college votes. The total stays the same, but population changes mean states have gained or lost votes since 2008. Republican Texas has gone up by four, for instance, while Democrat New York has gone down by two


Amount raised by Barack Obamas campaign by mid-October this year

Amount spent by Barack Obama and his supporters on his campaign, according to Average donation by each of Barack Obamas supporters to his campaign


he 2012 campaign began before the campaign of 2008 had nished. In February of that year, while Barack Obama was still locked in an epic struggle for the Democratic nomination against Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney summoned his closest allies to a Boston oce to work out why his eort to be the Republicans standard-bearer of 2008 had failed so badly. He handed out a memo he had written about himself, detailing his strengths and weaknesses, assessing his own defeated candidacy as if it were one of the businesses he once assessed as a hotshot management consultant. This was no mere exercise in navel-gazing. Romney was determined to learn the lessons of defeat in 2008 to win in 2012. Thus began a long march that ended yesterday. The visible miles came last winter, when Romney trudged through the pig farms of Iowa and the snows of New Hampshire in his search for the Republican nomination. But that followed an invisible primary, an endless round of closed-door fundraisers to ll up a war-chest he hoped would scare o the most fearsome potential rivals. Whether money was the explanation or not, Romney was indeed rewarded by the decision of several big-beast Republicans not to challenge him for the nomination. The New Jersey governor Chris Christie, Indianas Mitch Daniels and others, including Sarah Palin, skipped the race, leaving the path open for Romney. When ambitious politicians duck a presidential contest, thats usually because they suspect the incumbent will be too hard to dislodge. In the summer of 2011, that looked like the smart decision. For Obama had just done what George W Bush had failed to do: he had removed killed Osama bin Laden. Many Republicans concluded that, given the US economy was bound to at least slightly improve by November 2012, the scalp of Bin Laden made the president tough to beat. The course for Romney ran anything but smooth. Instead of warming to the former Massachusetts governor as the obvious choice a successful businessman who looked like Hollywoods idea of a president Republican primary voters seemed ready to fall in love with almost anyone but him. The rivals included outlandish characters who seemed absurd to outsiders: pizza magnate Herman Cain, evolution-denying congresswoman Michelle Bachmann, Texas governor Rick Perry, who could not remember which three government departments he planned to shut down. Former McCain campaign manager Steve

Schmidt said: The Republican primary resembled a reality-TV show. All these guys might as well have been living in a tree house with Simon Cowell. And yet each of those candidates enjoyed a moment in the sun, a surge in support that made them rather than Romney the frontrunner. It was as if Republicans were desperate to nd someone else to nominate. Accordingly, former senator Rick Santorum and the former House speaker Newt Gingrich won enough states between them to ensure the primary race dragged on. That long, bruising primary battle cost Romney dear, and not just nancially (it forced him to spend money defeating his fellow Republicans rather than saving it for the ght against Obama). The greater cost was political. It exposed the future Republican nominee to sustained attack from his own side. The notion of Romney as a ruthless plutocrat, coldly laying o American workers, did not come from the Democrat attack machine. Romney was not seen as embodying the 1% because of the Occupy movement.

Amount spent on advertising during the campaign up from $2.5bn in 2008


Number of general election TV ads by both campaign teams and outside backers by late October, according to Kantar Media/CMAG Spend on Spanish-language ads this campaign - eight times more than the previous general election. 10% of eligible voters are Hispanic

$11m 131 33

Number of eld oces the Obama campaign has up and running in Ohio

In the rst debate, Americans saw a president looking exhausted, listless and disengaged
Rather, that portrait was drawn by Gingrich, who aired an extended commercial, When Mitt Romney came to Town, that tore apart Romneys tenure at the helm of the private equity rm Bain & Co. It depicted him as a corporate raider, willing to shutter factories and shatter working lives if it made him richer. That critique lingered all year, eagerly picked up and advanced by the Democrats. But it originated with the Republicans. Still, the damage of the primaries went deeper. To push aside Santorum, Bachmann and the others, Romney was obliged to adopt positions that would endear him to the Republican faithful but which stored up trouble for later. So Romney reversed his previous support for abortion rights and gun control, called on undocumented migrants to self-deport and rebranded himself from a Massachusetts moderate, who as governor had passed healthcare reform,

US senate seats being contested; 435 members of the House of Representatives are up for election

Dierent ballot measures are being voted on by Americans in 39 states, in addition to voting for president; eight of these propose borrowing money through government bonds, which could be worth up to $3.9bn (2.44bn)


Cost of preparations for the presidential debate held at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida. Other debates cost host universities between $1.65m and $4.5m


Electoral college versus popular vote

Electoral vote

Democratic win Franklin Roosevelt
Popular vote: 60.80%

Democratic win Franklin Roosevelt
Popular vote: 54.74%

Democratic win Franklin Roosevelt
Popular vote: 53.39%

Democratic win Harry Truman
Popular vote: 49.55%

Republican win Dwight Eisenhower
Popular vote: 55.18%

Republican win Dwight Eisenhower
Popular vote: 57.37%

Democratic win John F Kennedy
Popular vote: 49.72%

Democratic win Lyndon Johnson
Popular vote: 61.05%

Republican win Richard Nixon
Popular vote: 43.42%


Democratic win Franklin Roosevelt

Popular vote: 57.41%



The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

Results on the go State-by-state US election results in our iPhone and Android apps and on
The long game Romney v Obama

Americans registered to vote. The total is down 5% on 2008s 187m Raised by Mitt Romneys campaign over the same period

Real Clear Politics poll average

49 48 47 46 45

Obama (D) 48.8%

$389,088,268 $1.02bn $617

44 43

Romney (R) 48.1%

8 6 4 2 0

Jan 2012






Amount spent by Mitt Romney and his supporters on his campaign

Average donation by each Mitt Romney supporter to his campaign

Campaign ads shown in swing state Nevada in the nal weeks of the campaign, at a rate of 10,000 a week


days it would take to watch one million 30-second commercials

347 21

into the severe conservative who now promised to repeal Obamacare. Those reverses left him doubly wounded. For one thing, he could now be slammed as a serial ip-opper, just another politician who believed in nothing and would say whatever it took to be elected. For another, he had been boxed into positions bound to alienate core blocs of the electorate that had long been tough for Republicans to reach the young, Latinos and suburban women among them. Sure enough, through the summer months he was on the receiving end of an air assault from Obama, in the form of saturation TV ads in key states, which portrayed Romney as part boardroom vulture, part unprincipled phoney. Obama, who had faced no primary challenge of his own, had the money to do it dening Romney before he had a chance to dene himself. Yet Romney could not just blame Obama. Much of his trouble was of his own making. He helped colour in the cartoon of himself as an out-of-touch one percenter when he boasted that his wife had a couple of Cadillacs or when

Record number of percentage points Obama has lagged behind Romney among white voters, according to a Washington Post/ABC News tracking poll. Obama has 80% of nonwhite voters; Romney about 18%

That it had seemed like a cakewalk for Obama attested to Romneys deeply awed candidacy
his tax returns showing that he paid a meagre 14% had to be dragged out of him. In July, he botched an overseas tour meant to boost his credentials as a potential world leader by oending Americas most easily pleased ally, Britain, when he suggested the London Olympics could be a op and by travelling to Jerusalem to oer his view that cultural inferiority might be the cause of Palestinian suering. What should have been a moment to relaunch his candidacy and make Americans look at him anew his party convention in Tampa in August also had little eect. His speech was overshadowed by a moment of Dadaist theatre, as Clint Eastwood harangued an empty chair standing in for an imaginary Obama. Romney was on his way to becoming a joke gure. In September, he went from being ridiculed to being hated. A leaked video showed him addressing fellow millionaires at a fundraising event in May, where an unplugged Romney candidly wrote o 47% of the electorate as parasites, non-taxpaying dependents who would never vote Republican because they would not take responsibility for their own lives. Even many on his own side believed it was an act of self-destruction so complete that no candidate could possibly survive it. But Romney had one more chance. The rst TV debate in Denver in October was, for many Americans, the rst time they had paid close attention to the election. What they saw was an incumbent who looked exhausted, listless and disengaged. With his head down, his answers sluggish, it seemed he either was too tired to be president or no longer really wanted the job.

State or territorial governor elections take place too as well as numerous state ocials and local mayors

13 5

Number of eld oces the Romney campaign has in Ohio


States Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Montana and Wyoming see votes to prohibit forced participation in health care systems or Obamacare. Florida and Montana also have proposals which would introduce new restrictions on abortion

number of points Romney rose in the polls following the rst debate a dramatic bump


Romney, by contrast, was spirited and energetic. Above all, he came across as a human being rather than the caricature of Obama propaganda: all he had to do was not seem like a rapacious capitalist bloodsucker and, in an instant, he had broken the core message of the Obama campaign. The immediate bounce that Romney enjoyed in the polls suggested that a small chunk of the electorate, disenchanted with the president, had been waiting to see if the Republican was a plausible replacement. In Denver Romney crossed that threshold. That change revealed what had always been the structural reality of this race. By rights, it should always have been close. Here was an incumbent president who had struggled to lift his approval rating above 50%, who had seen the number of Americans saying the US was on the wrong track become a majority and, most crucially, had watched as the unemployment rate had remained stuck at 8% for almost his entire presidency, shifting below that gure only a matter of weeks ago. The last president to be re-elected with a jobless percentage that high was Franklin Roosevelt in 1940, in what were rather dierent circumstances. So the election should never have been a cakewalk for Obama. That it had seemed that way, until Denver, attested to the deeply awed candidacy of Romney. By raising his game at that rst debate, he restored politics to something like normal service. Obama conceded that he had messed up, joked that he had been napping in the rst encounter and sharpened up for the next two, where he remained clear, focused and unafraid to confront his opponent: in Denver he had failed even to mention Romneys 47% remark. Now he made it his closing argument. But October was a tough month for the president. He was hobbled by accusations that he had bungled or even deceived the public over the September killing of four US diplomats in Benghazi, an issue unlikely to go away. Still the end of the month brought some unlikely and helpful allies. The rst was a former nemesis, Bill Clinton, who in 2008 had dismissed Obamas presidential bid as a fairytale. In the campaigns closing days, Obama let the man they call the big dog run as the countrys most beloved Democrat grew hoarse making the case for his successor. Obama didnt just exploit Clintons ability to connect to the white, male blue-collar Americans who remain beyond the current presidents reach he all but ran on Clintons record, arguing that We know my plan works because weve tried it, referring to Clintons success in the 1990s. The second ally was a genuine surprise. Some pollsters doubt that Superstorm Sandy really made a big dierence for Obama, noting that Romneys surge, Mittmentum, had already stalled before the weather changed. But few deny that Obama beneted from the chance to be seen doing the job of president, while Romney was sidelined, and proted especially from the bearhug he received from the Republicans rising star, Chris Christie. His gushing praise for Obama, and refusal to campaign at Romneys side in Pennsylvania, was precious validation for the president and it came at just the right time. And so the two men duelled to the very last, Romney making two campaign convention-breaking stops on election day itself. The campaign had nished, but the politics is anything but over.

Republican win Richard Nixon
Popular vote: 60.67%

Democratic win Jimmy Carter
Popular vote: 50.08%

Republican win Ronald Reagan
Popular vote: 50.75%

Republican win Ronald Reagan
Popular vote: 58.77%

Republican win George Bush Senior
Popular vote: 53.37%

68. 8%
Democratic win Bill Clinton
Popular vote: 43.01%

Democratic win Bill Clinton
Popular vote: 49.23%

Republican win George W Bush
Popular vote: 47.87%

Republican win George W Bush
Popular vote: 50.73%

Democratic win Barack Obama
Popular vote: 52.87%



The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

US election News

Derrick Banks leaves the polling station in Chicago yesterday morning

Jaime Lea and her two children cast a vote in Nevada, one of the swing states

The 2012 election on

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Children from Kingdom Kinds child development centre march past a polling station during a get-out-the-vote eort in Washington DC Photograph: Brendon Homan/Getty

The 10 registered voters in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, wait to vote. The village split 5-5 for each candidate Actor Sarah Jessica Parker declares her allegiance

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012


In pictures America votes Images that sum up the worlds biggest election with our live picture blog

Barack Obama makes some last-minute campaign calls from his Chicago HQ

Election workers try to start an optical scanning machine in a tent in Staten Island. The original polling site, a school, was damaged by Hurricane Sandy

Voters walk past the signs outside a polling station in Manchester, New Hampshire

in New York yesterday

Obama supporters in a get-out-the-vote operation on the south side of Chicago yesterday morning

Mitt Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan in Richmond Heights, Ohio

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012


Handling of Welsh childrens home abuse allegations to be reviewed

Victims say police did not take 80s claims seriously May indicates new public inquiry could be held
Steven Morris Juliette Jowit Patrick Butler
Victims of abuse at childrens homes in north Wales have given a cautious welcome to the governments announcement of two new reviews of the way their complaints were dealt with by police and subsequently during an inquiry into the scandal. The incoming director general of the new National Crime Agency, Keith Bristow, will head a team looking at how police investigated allegations of child abuse in the 1970s and 1980s, amid claims that they failed to take complaints seriously. A high court judge, Mrs Justice Julia Wendy Macur, will examine the scope and conduct of the previous Waterhouse inquiry into the abuse. One of the main issues will be why 28 alleged abusers, including a very inuential ally of Lady Thatcher, were identified during the inquiry but their names protected. The man who triggered the inquiries, Steve Messham, who claims he was abused by a senior Tory gure while he was a resident of one of the homes, said: I certainly have condence that theyre taking us seriously. But he added: I havent got condence that its going to be done properly yet, Ive got to be convinced of that. After alls said and done, when the [Waterhouse] inquiry was announced, that was a Tory government. Were back to a Tory government. Lets just see how it goes. Speaking after a meeting with the Welsh secretary David Jones, Messham said: We discussed what went on in the past, what was covered up, what shouldnt have been covered up and what were going to do in the future. Asked about how he felt that the politician he claimed had abused him had not been named, he said: I think once hes been arrested and interviewed and charged, then he will be named. A second former resident of one of the homes, who was not abused, told Channel 4 News he recalls seeing Peter Morrison Margaret Thatchers parliamentary Exploitation and Online Protection centre. It would act as the single point of contact for fresh referrals relating to historic abuse. An initial report was expected by April. She said the government had been absolutely clear that if there are people who should be pursued for prosecution, that then takes place. May indicated that the government was still considering a wider public inquiry into all the issues, not just taking in allegations in north Wales but in other cases such as revelations about Jimmy Savile, and the treatment of victims of the sex ring preying on children in care in Rochdale. May addressed the fact that MPs could use parliamentary privilege, without fear of prosecution for defamation, to name one or more of the public gures alleged on the internet to be involved in the abuse in north Wales. She warned they risked any future trial if they named names. No individuals were identied. But the Labour MP Susan Jones said if any member of the House of Lords was found to be involved in child abuse they should be stripped of their peerage. Meanwhile, the Commons education committee said the child protection system should be overhauled to ensure vulnerable teenagers were taken seriously when they reported allegations of abuse. The committee said events in Rochdale, where girls were sexually exploited and allegations about Jimmy Savile typied how safeguarding services too often failed to properly investigate reports made by teenagers. Its chairman, Conservative MP Graham Stuart, urged the government to review safeguarding for teenagers. They are let down too often, frequently ignored or not listened to, can be pushed out of care too young and insuciently prepared and supported, he said. Eileen Fairweather, page 30 Leader comment, page 32

Simon Hoggarts sketch Inquiring minds cry cover-up

Steve Messham talks to reporters after meeting the Welsh secretary yesterday

private secretary at the care home ve times. Morrison, who died in 1995, has previously been publicly linked to abuse at the care home though he is not the Tory that Messham alleges abused him. A third victim of the abuse, Keith Gregory, now a councillor in Wrexham, also said he was pleased that the scandal would be looked at again. But the problem is its police investigating police and a judge investigating a judge. Will it be any dierent or do they all stick together? The Tory politician rumoured to be at the centre of the abuse allegations, who lives overseas, was visited by the Guardian yesterday but he declined to speak, stating through an intermediary that he was unwell, and resting. It emerged last night that the childrens commissioner for Wales, Keith Towler, has been approached by a number of other people wishing to talk about abuse at the homes. Solicitors and local councillors are also receiving complaints from people who say they were abused at the homes. Earlier, in the House of Commons, the home secretary, Theresa May, said the government was treating the allegations with the utmost seriousness. Announcing details of the police inquiry, May said Bristow would head a team which would include officers from the Serious and Organised Crime Agency and the Child

heresa May announced several new inquiries into child abuse yesterday, including an inquiry into an earlier inquiry on the same topic. It had better be a good inquiry because if it isnt someone will demand an inquiry into that inquiry, and before you know it, half of the country will be serving on inquiries into the other half. The Commons was in sombre mood. MPs were warned by the home secretary that they should not think of using parliamentary privilege to utter any of the various names of possible abusers that are swirling around pubs, bars, and the internet. It would prejudice any future trial, she said, so denying justice to their victims. Not even the most publicity-hungry MP would want to be accused of getting a paedophile o, so members with previous (I name no names either, but John Hemming knows who he is) did as they were told. MPs vied to produce the most ferocious condemnation of child molesters. They love saying something with which all right-thinking people agree. May said it was a hateful, abhorrent and disgusting crime and then, covering a wider eld, said that Britain as a whole had an appalling and shameful record of how we deal with children in care, across a range of issues. Labour MPs were fazed by the number of inquiries. A single, overarching inquiry was suggested by Mays shadow, Yvette Cooper. (Intriguing sidelight: not only do we now have a female home secretary and shadow home secretary, but both are being described by what the late Alan Watkins called the Great Mentioner as future leaders of their parties.)

Keith Vaz, the great Vaz of Vaz, chairman of the home aairs committee, called for a single super-inquiry. Basically Labour wants a hyper-inquiry into every paedophile and every single victim going back to well, into the distant past. Up sprang Tom Watson, one of the heroes of the phone-hacking saga and the man whose question to David Cameron last month reopened this particular can of squirming horrors. A series of independent inquiries created the building blocks of a coverup, he said. Separate inquiries into Jimmy Savile and the Welsh care home would continue to protect the despicable paedophiles who had already been protected by the establishment for years. Then he threw in a paedophile cabinet minister something he mentioned on Monday but which was new to the House and, I suspect, to most of the pub gossips and tweeters.

e nished with: Can she live with what she has announced the next stage of a cover-up? One or two people said shame! at this, but they muttered rather than shouted, since Watson has a fearsome track record of being right and not letting go of the bone. Soon afterwards there was a brief debate on Denis MacShane, who has already quit. It was non-contentious, until Labours Michael Connarty wanted to know how it was that David Laws had purloined 60,000 and was back in the cabinet, whereas Denis MacShane It was a very good point, so the Speaker shut him up.


Original inquiry incorrectly said Tory accused of assaults had died

David Leigh
Discrepancies have been identified between the testimony given to the Waterhouse inquiry into an alleged paedophile ring in north Wales during the 1970s and 1980s, and last weeks TV claims about a living Conservative politician that have led to a new inquiry being announced. The senior Tory alleged to have sexually abused young men was said to be dead when the report was published in 2000, but the ex-politician is still alive today. A second, supposedly corroborative, witness was considered by Waterhouse to be talking about a dierent individual. And the report raised the possibility that the Tory named by a former resident of Bryn Estyn childrens home had been confused with a family member. A relative of the Tory lives in the same area. Steve Messham, who gave an interview to BBC Newsnight on Friday, was Witness B when he testied to Waterhouse, while the alleged Tory abuser was X. Waterhouse accepted that Messham had been repeatedly abused but concluded that Messhams evidence on Mr X was inconclusive. He said: He has been described also as manipulative and there are many matters on which he is particularly vulnerable in cross-examination. X has the surname of a well known and large non-Welsh family and he is said to be dead now. Waterhouse recorded: B alleged that he was buggered by X on four or ve occasions ... [he] was, however, very reserved about these allegations when he gave oral evidence ... He said, for example, that he knew the Christian name of X but that he was unwilling to disclose it. Waterhouse said a 2nd witness, C, failed to corroborate the identity of X: It is clear that he was referring to a dierent person from the man of whom B spoke. Waterhouse concluded: It is obvious on this evidence that we cannot be satised that any member of the X family was involved in paedophile activity. However, the claims by both witnesses were repeated in last Fridays Newsnight. Angus Stickler, the reporter who has investigated the story for more than 20 years, said yesterday: Steve has always maintained the same story and has named the same person. He said it was only Waterhouses opinion that the two witnesses were describing dierent individuals: My view is that these are allegations that werent investigated by Waterhouse.


Steve has always maintained the same story and has named the same person
He said they needed to be investigated in the light of the new public mood after the Jimmy Savile revelations. Richard Scorer, Messhams solicitor at the Waterhouse inquiry, said that inquiry had been constrained by its terms of reference. The inquiry was set up to examine the abuse of children in the care system It meant it couldnt and it didnt look beyond the care system. He said: What I think was really required once the report came out was for the police to follow up potential lines of inquiry that had been identied particularly about wider paedophile networks. The problem at that stage is that by the time the inquiry was set up there was a complete breakdown in trust between many victims and North Wales police.


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The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

assembly and association because he was sacked only because of his membership of a political party. The seven judges reached their decision on a 4-3 majority. The court said it was struck by the fact that he had been summarily dismissed following complaints about problems which had never actually occurred, without any apparent consideration being given to the possibility of transferring him to a noncustomer facing role. It added: In fact, prior to his political aliation becoming public knowledge, neither service users nor colleagues had complained about Mr Redfearn, who was considered a rst-class employee. It said the right to freedom of association must apply not only to people or associations whose views are favourably received or regarded as inoensive, but also to those whose views oend, shock or disturb. The judgment also criticised the fact Redfearn could not bring a case of unfair dismissal against Serco in 2004 because UK law said he had not worked long enough for the rm. The driver was forced to claim race discrimination, which was dismissed by an employment tribunal. PA

GCSE grades row gets urgent court hearing

A high court judge has ordered an urgent hearing of a legal challenge over the summers GCSE English controversy mounted by an alliance of pupils, schools and councils. Almost 400 individual cases are involved in the bid for a judicial review. Mr Justice Cranston decided there should be an open court hearing after privately considering the merits of the application for permission to seek a review. A two-day court hearing is expected to be xed for the near future. The alliance recently announced it had served court documents on Englands exams regulator Ofqual, as well as the AQA and Edexcel awarding bodies. The documents set out their case for a regrading of GCSE English papers taken by pupils this summer. The alliance is challenging a decision by the exam boards to raise the boundary needed to get a grade C between January and June, as well as what they claim was a failure by Ofqual to address the situation. It claims that as a result of the decisions an estimated 10,000 pupils who took their English GCSE exam in June missed out on a C grade. The alliance includes 167 pupils, as well as 150 schools, 42 councils and six professional bodies. Ofqual responded to a pre-action letter sent by the alliance, vowing to rigorously defend its decisions over the exam results. Ofquals initial inquiry into the controversy, published in August, concluded Januarys GCSE English assessments were graded generously but the June boundaries were properly set and candidates work properly graded. PA



Fewer dying from heart disease and strokes

The number of deaths from heart disease, strokes and other circulatory diseases is falling in England and Wales as medical advances and healthier lifestyles take eect. Mortality rates in these areas are down by nearly half in a decade, the Oce for National Statistics (ONS) said yesterday. Although coronary artery disease is the biggest single killer roughly one in six men and one in nine women cancers as a group now account for most deaths, 30% across both sexes. Deaths from respiratory disease have fallen too, but dementia, including Alzheimers disease, is responsible for a rising proportion, one in 10 among women and one in 20 among men. Decades of campaigning for people to stop smoking and other public health measures appear to be having an eect. Death rates from cancer in the UK are improving slowly but are still worse than in other parts of Europe. The ONS says there were 484,367 deaths from all causes registered in the two countries last year, a fall of 1.8% on the previous year, and the third year running with fewer than 500,000 deaths. Using mortality rates adjusted for comparison with other EU countries, the ONS says deaths from strokes and heart disease have fallen 44% in men and women, and from cancers 14% in men and 10% in women. James Meikle and Denis Campbell

Rats night at theatre disrupts hospital ops

Dozens of surgical procedures had to be postponed after a rat was found in a hospital operating theatre. Kings Mill hospital in Manseld, Nottinghamshire, said it took immediate action after the rodent was discovered in a decommissioned operating theatre in the early hours of Monday last week. About 40 operations were rescheduled while the theatre area was cleansed and pest controllers were called in. Karen Tomlinson, director of operations at the hospital, said: We were extremely shocked to learn that there was evidence of a rodent having entered a decommissioned operating theatre during the night, at a time when the department was not in use. As soon as we became aware of this fact the following morning, we immediately took steps to thoroughly clean and sterilise the entire theatre area and called in external pest control experts to completely eradicate the problem. While this work was under way, all surgical procedures were halted for one day and just over 40 patients had their operations rearranged. We have apologised to any patients aected for the inconvenience caused. I would like to reassure any concerned patient or relative that this was a minor, one-o incident that occurred over a week ago. We took immediate and comprehensive action to rectify matters and to restore services with the minimum of disruption. We are fully operational again. There is no cause for concern. PA


Poor receiving worst GP care, study shows

Londoners and people in deprived areas receive the lowest-quality care by GPs, according to research that has prompted fresh concern about postcode lotteries in NHS care. A study by the Kings Fund health thinktank found that family doctors surgeries in London and Englands poorest areas operate in the least patientfriendly ways and their patients experience the smallest improvements in their condition. About half the weakest-performing practices (40%-60%) are in London and about 40% in the poorest areas, based on how they look after patients with conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease, the researchers found. Their analysis of NHS performance data at more than 8,000 surgeries reveals stark geographical inequalities in the quality of primary care. The conclusions came from examining which practices fared best and worst in delivering good healthcare under the NHSs quality outcomes framework and patient satisfaction ratings. With some exceptions, the high-performing practices are predominantly located outside London and in more auent areas, the study says. Denis Campbell

Human rights

Bus driver sacked for being in BNP wins case

The sacking of a bus driver for being a member of the far-right BNP was a breach of his human rights, the European court of human rights has ruled. The decision by judges in Strasbourg follows a long legal battle by Arthur Redfearn, 56, who was sacked in 2004 from his job in Bradford, West Yorkshire, driving mainly Asian adults and children with disabilities. The court ruled the actions of Serco breached Article 11 the freedom of

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The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012



Sellaeld audit shows safety costs spiralling

Plans for storage of ageing radioactive waste delayed Critical projects 900m over budget in 10 months
Rajeev Syal and Fiona Harvey
The projected cost of safely storing radioactive material at Britains largest nuclear site in Sellaeld has increased by more than 900m in 10 months, the National Audit Office says in a report released today. Plans to replace the ageing nuclear waste facilities in Cumbria have suered severe delays, auditors said. Twelve out of 14 of the major projects launched last year to build facilities to store material safely are over budget, they have concluded. The findings have been described as dire by MPs. It is the rst ocial audit of the Cumbrian site since a consortium of private companies was brought in to oversee safety in 2008. Margaret Hodge, who chairs parliaments public accounts committee, urged the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) to get a grip on the spiralling costs. My concern is that unless the authority holds Sellafield Limited [the company responsible for the site] to a clear and rigorously benchmarked plan, timetables will continue to slip and costs spiral. It is totally unacceptable to allow todays poor management to shift the burden and expense of Sellaeld to future generations of taxpayers, she said. In 2008, the authority appointed a consortium of private sector companies URS, AMEC and Areva as a parent body of the site to bring in outside expertise. The authority plans to clear up the site over the next 108 years. Progress in 12 of the 14 buildings and equipment projects considered critical for reducing risk, and costing from 21m to 1.3bn, failed to achieve what they were supposed to and had not provided good value for money, auditors said. A long-term plan to clean up the site was agreed last year after an earlier one stalled because it was unrealistic. Sellaeld stores enough high and intermediate level radioactive waste to ll 27 Olympic-sized swimming pools. For more than 50 years operators failed to plan how to dispose of the radioactive waste and some of the older facilities have deteriorated so much that their contents pose signicant risks to people and the environment, the report said. The highest risks are posed by ponds and silos built during the 1950s and 1960s to store fuel for early reprocessing operations and radioactive waste, according to the report. About 240 of Sellaelds 1,400 buildings are nuclear facilities and so far, 55 buildings on the site have been decommissioned. The management of the authority and Sellaeld have often been criticised for being a closed group of insiders insuciently transparent to outside scrutiny. Critics say this has led to poor decisionmaking. Next year, a major industry shake-up could occur as the authority will have to make a decision on whether to review or renegotiate the Sellaeld safety contract. A spokesman for the authority said that the report has provided a useful external check on their progress. The NAO has recognised the progress made by the NDA in developing a plan to tackle this hazardous legacy, he said. A spokesman for Sellaeld Ltd said: We have already taken steps to strengthen our approach, both in terms of how we manage projects as a whole and how we develop better, more benecial, relationships with the supply chain.

A National Trust appeal raised 1.2m to buy one of the last stretches of the clis held in private hands Photo: David Caulkin/AP

Laureates tribute to coasts glittering breastplate

Maev Kennedy
The marvellous geology of the white cliffs of Dover has been celebrated by the poet laureate Carol Ann Duffy in a poem published for the rst time by the Guardian. The poem was commissioned by the National Trust to mark the success of a public appeal to buy one of the last stretches of the famous landmark that was still in private ownership. Duy describes the towering chalk clis as a glittering breastplate, and references literary antecedents such as the Fool in Shakespeares King Lear, who describes the dreadful trade of the samphire pickers clinging to the cli face, and Matthew Arnold, who wrote of the eternal note of sadness sounded by the waves and shingle in Dover Beach. The National Trust appeal raised 1.2m

White clis
Worth their salt, Englands white clis; a glittering breastplate Caesar saw from his ship; the seas gift to the land, where samphire-pickers hung from their long ropes, gathering, under a gull-glad sky, in Shakespeares minds eye; astonishing in Arnolds glimmering verse; marvellous geology, geography; to time, deference; war, defence; rst view or last of here, home, in painting, poem, play, in song; something fair and strong implied in chalk, what we might wish ourselves. Carol Ann Duy 2012

in just 133 days after more than 16,000 donations from organisations and individuals. The target was reached before the December deadline, with a large donation from the Dover harbour board. Julian Baggini was appointed the clis rst philosopher-in-residence last summer as part of the appeal. The success is a parting triumph for the trusts director, Dame Fiona Reynolds, who leaves her post this week after 11 years to become the rst female master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. The trust now owns more than 7km of the coast between the South Foreland lighthouse and the visitor centre on Langdon Clis. The appeal was supported by celebrities including Dame Judi Dench, the singer Joss Stone, and Dame Vera Lynn, whose 1941 recording of (Therell Be Bluebirds Over) The White Clis of Dover became her greatest hit.


The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012


Britain to launch talks with armed Syrian opposition groups

Cameron willing to agree safe exit for president Fears UK statement gives Assad licence to kill
Nicholas Watt Amman
Britain is to break new ground in its response to the crisis in Syria by opening talks with armed opposition groups, as ministers acknowledge that militants are increasingly setting the agenda. The foreign secretary, William Hague, will announce the move today at a conference in Doha. David Cameron will give his blessing when he visits Syrian refugees at a camp in Jordan on the nal day of his Middle East and Gulf tour. More than 360,000 Syrian refugees are registered in neighbouring countries, 110,000 in Jordan. The prime minister earlier signalled Britains growing concerns at the appalling slaughter in Syria when he declared he would be prepared to allow President Bashar al-Assad to be given safe passage to a third country. The move was criticised by human rights groups, who warned that it might increase the violence. Kenneth Roth, the director of Human Rights Watch, tweeted: PM Cameron, be careful: oering immunity gives Assad licence to kill as many as needed, leaving only if he loses power. Cameron, who will announce an extra 14m in humanitarian aid for Syrian refugees, has sanctioned a change of tack in contacts with opposition groups amid fears a prolonged conict will fuel extremism. The longer this goes on, the more that it can promote and drive extremism and well see instability in the region as well, Cameron told al-Arabiya television in an interview released as he arrived in Saudi Arabia for a short visit yesterday. Ocials talking to opposition groups, led by Britains special representative John Wilks, are not in contact with extremists seeking to exploit the conflict in Syria. Wilks is only talking to groups that would play a key role in the transition to a new government before joining a new administration in Damascus. One source said: This is not a ratcheting-up and it is certainly not a precursor to arming anyone. This is reinforcing an existing dialogue. Cameron has authorised discussions with militants after Wilks advised there was uidity between political and military opposition leaders. The source said: authorised by Dominic Grieve, the attorney general, using the UN security council resolution. This permitted military force to protect the civilian population from Muammar Gaddas forces. It is understood Grieve has not had to authorise the contacts with armed Syrian groups. No security council resolution has been agreed on Syria because Russia and China oppose any such move. Cameron who will announce that a third of the extra 14m in aid will be spent feeding 23,000 Syrian refugees in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey made clear that Britain needs to intensify its response to the crisis in Syria. He told al-Arabiya: We must ask ourselves what more can we do? How can we help the opposition? Asked whether Britain would help arm the rebels, he said: We are not currently planning that. We are a government under international law and we obey the law. More than 30,000 people have been killed in Syria since the conict started 19 months ago. More than a million have been displaced internally and 2.5 million are in need of humanitarian assistance. The extra 14m will take Britains contribution to the Syrian crisis to 53.5m. This makes Britain the second largest national donor after the US. The prime ministers remarks were released as he arrived in Jeddah. Saudi Arabia supports the Syrian opposition. The Foreign Office played down his pronouncement that Britain might agree to allowing Assad safe passage. We have been clear that Assad should face justice and that it is for the Syrian people, including the opposition, to decide the details of a transition including the options for Assad. The longer the killing goes on, the fewer options Assad will have. Seumas Milne, page 30


Amount of extra aid David Cameron announced for Syria yesterday taking Britains contribution to 53.5m

They tend not to have the distinction we have between the prime minister and the chief of the defence sta. Hague will make clear today, when he announces the contacts at a conference in Doha hosted by the Qatari government, that Britain will tell the armed opposition groups they must respect human rights and co-operate with aid agencies to improve access for humanitarian aid. Ocials are playing down parallels with the Libyan conict, when Britain provided non-lethal military equipment, such as communications equipment, to the opposition groups. We eectively provided the air force, one source said. Help for the Libyan opposition was

Media restrictions

Westminster journalists complain of snub

Dan Sabbagh
Downing Streets decision to restrict the number of reporters travelling with David Cameron as he tries to sell arms to the Middle East this week has prompted a series of complaints from Westminster journalists, including the BBC political editor, Nick Robinson. No 10 granted access to Frank Gardner, the BBC security correspondent, who travelled with Cameron to the United Arab Emirates, prompting speculation that the prime ministers team are trying to secure better coverage by offering individual journalists scoops on trips abroad. Westminster correspondents are routinely invited to travel on the prime ministers plane whenever the head of government goes abroad on ocial business but were surprised to be told in the runup to the Middle East visit that it would not be possible to join him and that there would be little or no access for reporters prepared to travel independently. Cameron arrived in Saudi Arabia yesterday, as he sought to advance arms deals and repair political relationships. Lobby journalists who were contemplating following him over from the UAE concluded they may struggle to clear immigration by the time his meetings were completed. Much of the lobby community is reluctant to criticise No 10 in public, but Robinson told the Guardian that he believed Downing Street had gone too far, adding: For years No 10 has dreamed of stopping journalists travelling on prime ministerial trips. It is important that they remain just that dreams. Others say these eorts are symptomatic of short-term political considerations, where an under-pressure No 10 is struggling amid claims of policy drift and is reeling from its failure to close down stories such as the Andrew Mitchell plebgate row. But the sensitive nature of the trip to Dubai and Riyadh, whose regimes are not used to explicit media criticism, also provides a cover for greater restraint. Coincidentally, on this trip, Cameron has had to be active on unrelated domestic issues. On Monday he announced an inquiry into whether a previous investigation into allegations of the sexual abuse of children in care homes in north Wales properly did its job. With an allegation that a senior Thatcher-era politician may have been involved in the abuse, the PM may have welcomed the opportunity to stay in touch with a wider section of the media. But Alastair Campbell, Tony Blairs former director of communications, said this was a dicult situation where there is a bit of right on both sides. He said if the clampdown on the Gulf trip was a rare case in which using pooled coverage was more appropriate it could be justied, but added: If it is part of a broader strategy to limit numbers and cut the media out of access on trips, Nick and others might be more justied in their concerns. Close observers also believe Cameron has become impatient about devoting a signicant proportion of his time giving interviews while abroad, when so much of the resulting coverage is critical of him and unrelated to the trip itself. No 10 sources indicated that it was not possible to hire a plane large enough to accommodate the media on the Gulf trip and because of the logistics of the visit, in particular its short duration and the number ights involved.

Midterm analysis

Coalition has deed the doomsayers, but faces dicult middle age

Lucy Cavendish The BrooksCameron texts give a glimpse of the sexualised shires guardian. comment isfree

As the coalition government reaches its halfway point, Patrick Wintour assesses how well this leap of faith has gone and sets out the possible pitfalls ahead

ritish governments historically do not have known midway points, but courtesy of xedterm parliaments, today marks the day when Britains rst postwar coalition government reaches ripe middle age. With the next election set for 7 May 2015, and Cameron being made prime minister by the Queen on 11 May 2010, 911 days in oce marks the halfway point, (even if others using dierent start dates might quibble). Middle age is a moment for regrets, pride in achievement and nervous testing of the muscles for signs of irreversible decay. There is also that nagging worry that decisions made in haste in youth will return to haunt. No 10 said nothing would be done to mark the moment: the grind of government would continue, and a midterm review, billed as a coalition 2.0 reboot, has been put back until January, partly reecting the need to give that review a decent interval from the bad news expected in the autumn statement on 5 December. The rst striking fact about the coalition has been its very survival in such perilous economic times. Repeated and much exaggerated reports of the coalitions imminent death have been made in the last two and a half years, including the latest over an obscure row concerning the date on which a constituency boundary review would come into force. Some ministers continue to say that if independent observers watched a departmental ministerial meeting, they would be hard pressed to distinguish the Tory from Liberal Democrat. The everyday business of government is as much administrative as a collision of

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012


Tories suspend Dorries over Celebrity jaunt

continued from page 1 Honoured guest David Cameron being presented with the King Abdullah Decoration One by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia on the second day of his bridge-building trip to the Gulf and the Middle East yesterday Photo: Stefan Rousseau/PA prime minister, most recently describing Cameron and George Osborne as two arrogant posh boys with no passion to want to understand the lives of others. Speaking before the whip was suspended from Dorries, the Labour MP Steve McCabe said: It is shameless that a Conservative MP thinks it is right to spend time boosting her own prole on a reality TV show in Australia instead of ghting for jobs and growth in Britain. David Cameron is so weak he cannot even stop his backbenchers appearing on TV when they should be standing up for their constituents. He should get a grip. There was similar controversy in 2006, when George Galloway, then MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, appeared on Celebrity Big Brother. Dorries will be absent for votes in the Commons and could miss Osbornes autumn statement on the economy on 5 December if she survives on the show long enough. Her constituency chairman, Paul Duckett, said he was surprised to hear Dorries was taking part and would consider further action depending on views within the local association. Duckett met his deputy chair on Tuesday to discuss the matter. Normally she would tell me and normally we would know because she is a very diligent MP, which is why it came as a bit of a surprise from the media that she is going o to do a TV programme. The former Tory MP Louise Mensch, who gave up her Corby seat in August to live with her husband in America, was among those who took to Twitter to criticise Dorriess decision. Nothing sadder than a politician, or ex-politician, on any of those shows, she said. Just imagining the scene in the whips oce if I said I wanted to skip parliament for weeks to go on a celebrity TV show. She added: Nadine pretending that a serious issue like abortion rights is why she did this is the lowest of the low. Indefensible stu. Other figures tipped to take part in this years show, hosted by Ant and Dec, include the Birds of a Feather actor Linda Robson and the former Coronation Street star Helen Flanagan, who played Rosie Webster. The former world darts champion Eric Bristow is also said to be taking part. ITV declined to comment on Dorries ahead of the ocial announcement of the shows lineup.

ideas. According to Robert Hazell, director of University College Londons constitution unit: Ocials say relations at the top of the pyramid remain harmonious. Gordon Brown was a great hoarder of information and sprung surprises, sometimes big ones. A working coalition means none of that happens. Unlikely allies have also emerged. Vince Cable, the business secretary, and David Willetts, his higher education minister, for instance enjoy and respect one anothers intellect. Some ministers have not rubbed along as well. Lynne Featherstone and Theresa May at the Home Oce, for instance, was an unhappy coupling. Sometimes the dispute has been political rather than personal. A rare intra-ministerial war has broken out in the energy department over windfarms requiring, No 10 to arbitrate. But neither team, around Clegg or Cameron, seriously contemplates an early election. The second striking fact has been the coalitions energy. Two-party government has not meant the kind of gridlock that dominates partisan Washington. Tory MPs have blocked few laws. The 2010-12 session, according to the Institute for Government, was one of the busiest of the past 15 years with 42 government bills passed into law. This gure is smaller than the session immediately after the Labour election victory of 1997, the last time that a new government with a reforming agenda took oce. The 1997/98 session saw 62 bills passed, but arguably the coalition legislation has been on a grander scale sweeping through every domestic department, often with uneven results. In its own terms, the education department has probably been the most successful, and unsurprisingly was highlighted by David Cameron in his age of aspiration conference speech.

The score at half-time

Child poverty
Children living below the poverty line*
5m 4m 3m 2011 2m 1m 2020 target 0 94

Renewable energy
Renewable energy consumption as a % of capped gross nal energy consumption



3.6m 2.4



2020 current trend

96 98 00 02 04 06







2020 target

*60% median household income


Budget decit
8.9 Structural decit 7.0
(public sector net borrowing), % of GDP

Student debt
Average student debt at the point of entering repayment
2015* 20k



15k 10k




4.1 2.9 1.9

5k 0

2009/ 2010 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17












Overseas aid
UK Ocial Development Assistance, as a % of GNI

0.5% 0.4% 2011 0.3% 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 96










The education secretary, Michael Gove, has assembled a handpicked team to drive reform relentlessly and take on what he calls the blob the education establishment. Similarly, Iain Duncan Smith, the work and pensions secretary, arrived in oce with a mission, the introduction of a universal credit that merges tax and benet and has overcome the institutional resistance of the Treasury. George Osborne has exacted a heavy price for his co-operation billions in cuts, with another 10bn yet to be sanctioned by the Liberal Democrats. Some of the announced cuts, such as the bedroom tax and benet cap do not come into force until April next year. Their impact could be severe, as would a botched introduction of Universal Credit. The stand-out political disaster has been the health reforms. Clegg remarked ruefully a year ago he had learned a lesson do not propose a solution until you have convinced the public there is a problem. His former director of strategy, Richard Reeves, was even more blunt in his vivid assessment for the thinktank Demos, describing the then health secretary Andrew Lansley as like a doctor operating without warning on a patient unaware they were sick, leaving his scalpel in their belly and then blaming them. The new health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, is gently removing the scalpel and trying to shift the debate to issues such as dementia, vital areas where the political divide is less raw. But Clegg himself can hardly give himself high marks in his area of direct responsibility. The AV referendum, Lords reform, political funding represent a trilogy of failure, sometimes Cleggs fault, sometimes Camerons. In related constitutional elds such as

open courts, the draft communications bill and even relations with Europe, more pain awaits the coalition. In the second half of the parliament Clegg hopes to revive reform through a dispersion of economic, as much as political power. But all this is dwarfed by fate of the economy, and the wisdom of Plan A. The half-term report card on growth is stark, made no easier by Lord Heseltines damning verdict last week that he could not yet detect a growth strategy. The economy has grown by 0.6% in two and a half years, instead of the 6% growth projected by the Oce for Budget Responsibility. Moreover the decit has only been cut by a quarter; the same amount the outgoing Labour government promised to achieve. The Treasury chief secretary, Danny Alexander, insists the government would have cut as it did in 2010, even if it knew then what it knows now about the rest of the economy. But the ght at the 2015 election will be about the metrics of success, including whether it was commodity prices, depressed European markets, or scal consolidation that blew the economy o course. For what its worth the National Institute of Economic and Social Research this week predicted UK growth of 1.1% in 2013 and 1.7% in 2014, meaning the economy would not have returned to pre-recession level until the end of 2014. The bigger test will be how the two parties co-exist in the second half of the parliament. With every passing day the instinct on both sides will be to avoid bold compromise, and instead to reassure their base by asserting distinctiveness In short, in middle age the business of government by coalition is going to get tougher.


The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

Rodney case ocer shot Brain drain fears over rise in emigration two men dead in 1980s
Alan Travis Home aairs editor

Policeman denies claim he was trigger happy Suspect hit by six bullets in just over a second
Vikram Dodd
The veteran rearms ocer who shot and killed Azelle Rodney in April 2005 yesterday denied that he was trigger happy after it emerged he had shot two men dead in the 1980s and injured two others while on duty. Amid angry scenes at an inquiry into the death of Rodney the ocer, known only as E7, said claims a gun had been planted in Rodneys car were outrageous. But he accepted that forensic evidence contradicted a key part of his justication for ring shots at a man he killed. Rodney was struck by six bullets, red by E7, after a car he was travelling in was forced by police to stop in Edgware, north London. Officers had intelligence that Rodney was part of a gang on its way, possibly armed with automatic weapons, to attack and rip o a rival drugs gang. Weapons were recovered from the vehicle. Ocers in unmarked cars followed the Volkswagen Golf Rodney, 24, and two others were in, before deciding to force it to stop. E7 was in a car that pulled up alongside the VW Golf with Mr Rodney sat in the back seat. E7 said Rodneys movements and body language, including ducking down and coming back up again, left him convinced he had to open re. He told the inquiry he believed Rodney had ducked down to grab a weapon. The ocer said he could not wait or shout a warning because the weapon he feared the suspect may have could re 18 shots in a second: In half a second he could have nine rounds in the air. E7s rst shot to strike Rodney, in the arm, was not fatal. He said he continued to re, as the suspect remained upright and there was no obvious sign the shot had had any eect. But under questioning from Leslie Thomas for Rodneys fam-

ily, E7 accepted forensic evidence that the suspect was falling when shot again. Video of the shooting shows E7 ring eight shots in just over a second. Two missed, one almost hitting another ocer. E7 said he accepted he had to justify in law every shot he red. Pressed on why he continued to re, E7 said the suspect posed a threat because he was still upright. Thomas said forensic evidence showed the shot had been red at a downwards angle, meaning E7s account was not correct: He could not have been upright when you red shot number two. E7 said his perception was that Rodney was upright and added: I am prepared to accept, in the light of the forensics, he was falling into my shots. That second shot to strike the suspect was in the back, the third and fourth to the right ear region. The nal two shots were to the top of Rodneys head. E7 denied ring indiscriminately. In an interview with the Independent Police Azelle Rodney died in April 2005 after the car he was travelling in was stopped by police in Edgware, north London Complaints Commission he refused to answer 149 questions, but denied at the inquiry believing he was above the law. E7 described as outrageous and insulting claims that E7s colleagues had planted a gun when it turned out the ocers belief that Rodney had been holding a gun was mistaken. Thomas said: We say that the gun that was found subsequently on the back seat of the car was put there, removed from one of the bags in the car, it was not next to Mr Rodney. The inquiry heard that E7 had over two decades experience as a rearms expert, but he had been recommended for disciplinary action once for leaving his vehicle while on duty. In the 1980s he had shot two men dead in an operation and had wounded two other suspects. The hearing continues.

An increasing middle-class brain drain of British professionals moving abroad to live and work is raising concerns about future skills shortages in the UK, Home Oce research has found. The study of emigration from Britain reveals that an estimated 4.7 million UK-born people now live abroad, with Australia consistently the most popular destination over the past 20 years. The research also discloses that, contrary to popular wisdom, fewer people emigrate from Britain at times of rising unemployment, as they nd it harder to sell-up and fund their move abroad. This is in sharp contrast to the era of the 10 Pom 50 years ago when 80,000 impoverished British migrants a year used to sign up for an assisted passage to Australia. The study found that those moving abroad are overwhelmingly (93%) of working age and that the popular image of Brits retiring to the Spanish Costas is in decline. Only 4,000 people of retirement age moved abroad in 2010, down from a peak of 22,000 in 2006. The fall reects the end of the house price bubble in Britain, during which homeowners could sell up and live more cheaply abroad. The largest numbers of British pensioners living abroad are not in

Spain but Australia, Canada and the US, reecting the large British communities who settled in those countries years ago. The Oce for National Statistics says emigration from Britain rose sharply over the past decade, from 363,000 a year to a peak of 427,000 in 2008. Since then it has fallen back to 350,000 a year. Long-term migrants are dened as those who move abroad for at least 12 months. British emigrants account for 149,000 (43%) of the 350,000 who left Britain to live abroad during 2011. The remaining 57% were made up of almost equal numbers of European Union and non-EU citizens returning home after living and

In numbers

427,000 93%

The peak rate of emigration from the UK in 2008. Since then it has fallen to 350,000 a year, according to the ONS

The proportion of those moving abroad who are of working age, as fewer retirees are heading to sunnier climes

working in Britain. Citizens of other EU countries are far more likely to return home after living in Britain than those from the rest of the world. Migrants from the Indian sub-continent and the Caribbean Commonwealth countries are more likely to settle in Britain than those who arrive from Australia, New Zealand or America. The Home Oce study says a large and increasing proportion of British citizens moving abroad are those from the professional or managerial occupations, and that this has implications for the future availability of skills in Britain. This group made up just over a third (37%) of British emigrants in 1991 but reached nearly half (48%) in 2010 after a steady year-on-year rise until the global recession of 2008. Most moved abroad to a denite job rather than simply speculative looking for work. The most recent estimate by the World Bank shows that in 2011 there were 4.7 million British citizens living abroad, representing 7% of the total UK population and the eighth highest of any country in terms of absolute numbers. In percentage terms, countries such as Portugal (21%) and Ireland (16%) have much higher proportions of their population living abroad. The largest British communities around the world are in Australia (1.2 million), the US (701,000), Canada (675,000) and Spain (411,000).

Williams hit not relevant to Radio 1 audience

Lisa OCarroll
BBC Radio 1 has moved to reinforce its youth credentials by refusing to put Robbie Williamss No 1 single Candy on its playlist, with breakfast DJ Nick Grimshaw saying the 38-year-old was too old for his audience and not relevant. The former Take That star was born in February 1974, the same month as Chris Moyles, who Grimshaw, 28, replaced on the Radio 1 breakfast show in September. I dont know if hes now for a Radio 1 audience. Ive never listened to a Robbie Williams song, but I really like him, said Grimshaw. To 13- and 14-year-olds, hes not relevant theyve got One Direction. I liked Take That when I was little, but Im not little anymore. However, Magic 105.4 breakfast presenter Neil Fox reckoned it was a sign of how out of touch Radio 1 is with its listeners. He tweeted yesterday: Brainless @grimmers @R1Breakfast claims @ robbiewilliams is too old & irrelevant for todays teenagers! Some advice.. Stop being a total nob. Williamss latest single, his 14th UK No 1, sold more than 130,000 copies last week to reach the top spot in the ocial chart on Sunday. Radio 1s decision not to give Candy much airplay is part of a strategic repositioning for the station, which is seeking to focus more tightly on its target audience of 15- to 29-year-olds, following criticism from the BBC Trust that its listeners were too old. A spokesman for Radio 1 said Candy was not banned but was not on the A-list of highly rotated tracks, adding that Grimshaw had played it on his breakfast show on Monday. Each track is considered for the playlist based on its musical merit and whether it is right for our target audience, with decisions made on a case-by-case basis. It is not a question of an artists age but whether they are appropriate for our target audience of 15- to 29-year-olds, the spokesman said.

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012



Letters of revered Russian lm-maker up for sale

Mark Brown Arts correspondent
An extensive archive of letters, book drafts, audio tapes and photographs relating to the lm director Andrei Tarkovsky is to appear at auction in London. Sothebys has announced it is to sell an archive of one of the most revered gures in cinema, a man whom Ingmar Bergman called the greatest the one who invented a new language of lm. Tarkovskys lms, always intellectually stimulating and usually long and slow-moving, routinely come top or very high in lm lists. The Guardian named his 205-minute Andrei Rublev as the best arthouse lm of all time, and the BFIs once-a-decade greatest lm poll put three Tarkovsky titles in the top 30 Mirror at 19, Andrei Rublev at 26 and Stalker at 29. Mirror came ninth in a parallel BFI list decided by 358 directors. Sothebys head of books and manuscripts, Stephen Roe, said the archive gave fascinating insights into Tarkovskys approach to cinema. It is probably the only papers relating to Tarkovsky that are ever likely to come on the market in the near future, he said. The archive is being sold by Olga Surkova, who was Tarkovskys pupil, amanuensis and friend as well as coauthor of the book Sculpting in Time, in which the director sets out his theories

Surge of sewage hits cleanliness of UK beaches

Damian Carrington
The UKs beaches were the dirtiest in a decade in 2012, with two in five failing national standards for pollution, gures released yesterday by the government show. The surge in sewage, farm and city waste being flushed into the sea is the result of very wet weather, according to the Environment Agency. It is shocking: the results are the worst in a decade, said Hugo Tagholm, executive director of Surfers Against Sewage. The UKs overburdened sewerage system is bursting at the seams, resulting in all too frequent raw sewage and storm water discharges nationwide. Tagholm called the existing standards, set in 1976, out of date and noted that new tougher European rules on beach hygiene are due to come into force from 2015. The environment minister, Richard Benyon, said: While the majority of Englands bathing waters continue to be of a good quality, I am disappointed that a number have fallen short of the tighter standard. Water companies are now planning their next round of investment and I am determined that improving bathingwater quality should be a key focus of these plans. Figures from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Aairs (Defra) show the number of beaches failing basic cleanliness standards more than doubled in 2012 to 35 compared with 2011, including World Heritage site Kimmeridge Bay in the south, Bude Summerleaze and Budleigh Salterton in the south-west and Saltburn in the north-east. Tagholm said that even on beaches that pass the basic standard, bathers can still be presented with a one in seven chance of contracting gastroenteritis.

Stimulating cinema Clockwise from left: stills from Solaris, Stalker and Nostalghia, by the director Andrei Tarkovsky (bottom) Photographs: BFI

on cinema. The archive covers his life as well as his work. One of the most poignant items is a draft of a letter he wrote to President Leonid Brezhnev in which he argues that he be allowed to work in the Soviet Union and calls for his lms banned by the authorities to be released. For three and a half years the lm has been kept away from the screen Andrei Rublev was not and could not have been used for any kind of antiSoviet propaganda I do not have any opportunity to exercise my creative ideas, he wrote. The situation was having a profound impact on Tarkovsky. If I do not have any work, I cannot make a living,

though I have a wife and a child. I do not feel comfortable talking about that, but my situation has been unchanged for so long that I cannot keep silence any longer. The letter had little eect and in 1984 he vowed to never again return to the Soviet Union. He died of lung cancer in Paris in 1986 at the age of 54. Also in the sale are notebooks with shot-by-shot analysis of his lms; printed scripts for lms, containing signicant dierences to the nal versions; and a collection of 32 audio tapes and 13 MiniDiscs from his nal years on which he talks about his lms and cinema. There are photo albums of Tarkovsky

and his family on holiday in places such as the Grand Canyon and Stonehenge, as well as pictures of the director with other Russian luminaries such as the cellist Mstislav Rostropovich. Tarkovsky made seven feature lms, including Solaris, Nostalghia, and The Sacrice. Steven Soderbergh, who remade Solaris with George Clooney in the lead role, once said: The fact that he had such an impact with only seven features I think is a testament to his genius. The archive will be sold by Sothebys on 28 November and has an estimate of 80,000-100,000.


The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012 International editor: Charlie English Telephone: 020 3353 3577 Fax: 020 3353 3195 Email: [email protected] Follow our coverage on Twitter: guardianworld


Photo evidence suggests police planted weapons next to dead Marikana miners
Analysis Police and state are clear: Were above the law
Greg Marinovich

Since August more than 80,000 South African miners have downed tools and 46 people have died in violence around the strikes Photograph: Siphiwe Sibeko/Reuters

Images point to ocial cover-up, says lawyer Media reports allege execution-style shootings
David Smith Johannesburg
Police in South Africa have been accused of planting weapons on the bodies of dead miners as part of an ocial cover-up of the Marikana massacre, in August. Damning photographic evidence was presented to an independent commission of inquiry examining the deaths of 46 people during nearly six weeks of violent strikes at the Lonmin-owned mine. The revelation follows a series of media reports alleging that on the worst day of bloodshed, when 34 striking miners were killed, some were subjected to executionstyle shootings. Photographs taken by police on the night of 16 August showed more weapons by the bodies than photos taken immediately after the massacre, the commission was told. The crime scene expert Captain Apollo Mohlaki, who took the night pictures, admitted the discrepancy. In one picture, a dead man is seen lying on rocky ground near the mine; a second picture, taken later that day, is identical except that a yellow-handled machete is now lying under the mans right hand. George Bizos, a veteran human rights lawyer representing the mine workers,

said the evidence presented at the commission indicated an attempt to alter the crime scene. The evidence clearly showed there is at least a strong prima facie case that there has been an attempt to defeat the ends of justice, he said. Bizos, who defended Nelson Mandela during the Rivonia trial half a century ago, called for high-ranking ocials to be brought before the commission to explain whether they granted colleagues permission to move traditional weapons from where they had been found. Ishmael Semenya, a police representative, said the national police commissioner Riah Phiyega had launched an investigation two weeks previously, after receiving evidence that one of the crime scenes had been tampered with. But Bizos said Phiyegas investigation was not to be trusted because of her public statements shortly after the massacre. Phiyega was quoted as saying: Safety of the public is not negotiable. Dont be sorry about what happened. Video evidence shown to the inquiry on Monday also indicated that some of the slain miners may have been handcued. Family members at the hearing wept as they saw two lifeless bodies with their hands tied behind their back. Asked if he had seen whether any of the dead miners hands were bound, Mohlaki said:. If I am looking at the video, there is a person handcued possibly, but on the day I did not observe that. In one of the videos, police can be heard joking and laughing next to the dead bodies scattered amid dust and blood.

In August, television footage of police opening re on the miners caused shock around the world. And in subsequent weeks, the journalist Greg Marinovich produced a series of reports for the Daily Maverick website pointing to evidence that some of the miners had died at a second site, having probably been killed in cold blood. Autopsy reports allegedly show that several of the dead had bullet wounds in the back. On Monday Dali Mpofu, a lawyer rep-

A picture taken after the massacre and a second photograph later the same day

resenting about 270 injured and arrested miners, told the inquiry: Evidence is going to be led to the eect that the people at scene two were hiding away when they were shot. Mpofu said one of the bodies recovered from the scene, known as Body C, stood out from the rest because it was riddled with 12 bullet wounds; all the other bodies had single bullet wounds. The massacre of 34 workers was the bloodiest security incident since the end of apartheid, in 1994. The inquiry has heard that at least 900 bullets were red that day. It followed 10 fatalities, including those of two police ocers who were hacked to death. In the immediate aftermath, the authorities sought to portray the miners as responsible for the violence. About 270 of the striking miners were arrested and charged with murder, though the charges were later dropped. The strike ended in September after a 22% pay rise was agreed with the mines owners, the platinum group Lonmin. The inquiry began last month and is expected to continue for four months. It has been plagued by complaints that family members were unable to attend and allegations that police have arrested and tortured witnesses. Mpofu told the commission last week: One person [said] he was beaten up until he soiled himself, another lost the hearing in his right ear. James Nichol, a lawyer representing the families of the dead miners, said of the photo anomaly: There are only two possible conclusions: a cover-up and a systematic planting of evidence.

he Farlam commission into the Marikana mine killings continues to reveal shocking information about what happened at Small Koppie on 16 August. It is clear from the records that senior police ocers were at Marikana most of the day they must have seen the scene before weapons were placed next to and on top of miners bodies. During the nine-day gathering to plan the submission to the commission, these same ocers would have watched before-and-after footage. There would have been frank discussions about what happened that day. Did they not ask, Hey, this is wrong, you are subverting the justice we are sworn to uphold? Seems not. It appears the nine days were spent planning a strategy to extricate the police from culpability. The commission heard the police commissioner, Riah Phiyega, two weeks ago became aware the crime scene might have been tampered with and opened an investigation. Then there is the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID), which is there to monitor the police. Its investigation included taking statements from wounded and arrested miners, as well as from police ocers whose weapons red the fatal bullets. The IPID has access to all the evidence. It must have been aware of how police were trying to cover up the crime scene. Why werent those ocers, or their superiors, suspended while the investigations continued? As far as we are aware, there is no reason for justice to be put on hold while the commission is in progress. The police and prosecutors have not been sitting on their hands, if the wave of arrests and court appearances of miners is anything to go by. Yet the IPID has done nothing (or at least nothing we can see). What we see is that police are a law unto themselves. That they and their political bosses are above South Africas constitution. The message is clear: our government will back the police above a citizens rights. Police will quell any popular movement by the underclass that threatens the interests of the political or business elite. The police are acting with impunity. Their political masters are acting with impunity. In the South Africa of 2012, if you are poor and without political clout, you are on your own. Greg Marinovich is a Pulitzer prizewinning photographer who has investigated the Marikana killings. This article was written for Daily Maverick, part of the Guardian Africa Network

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012



Ukrainian village has wedding dress business sewn up

Volokas cottage industry sells handstitched garments to brides all over the world
Oksana Grytsenko Voloka
The former Soviet Union was known for monotowns: settlements dominated by a single industry such as making car tyres, cement or agricultural equipment. For many it was the road to ruin as market forces buried the centrally planned economy after 1991. But one Ukrainian village has emerged as perhaps its countrys richest as a result of a single niche product: wedding dresses. Voloka is the post-Soviet capital of nuptials. Every third building is a wedding shop, and buyers come from the other side of the world, attracted by the high quality and low prices of the garments. Recently one American came to us, choosing dresses for the boutique which he plans to open in the US, says Kateryna Yeremitsa in her home which is illuminated by a fairytale scene of magical frocks embroidered with crystals. Volokas wedding tradition goes back to the 1980s, when Brandusha Popovych earned local repute for the rst communion dresses she handstitched. Later she switched to wedding dresses. Neighbours cottoned on to the cottage industry and the business sustained them through the 1990s economic collapse. Now every Monday morning, a succession of full buses carry young women from the nearby city, Chernivtsi, to jobs at the sewing workshops. They can earn the equivalent of about 400 (320) a month. Dresses are distributed at the 35-hectare Kalynivsky bazaar in Chernivtsi, one of Ukraines largest markets. Villagers, most of whom live in plush villas, became so wealthy they even paid for a new road to get their wares to market. Gradually the local industry spread throughout the region. At one of the stalls Olena Karcha shows o her wares, which she oers for only 40-120 a dress. Bolero is all the rage this year, she said, showing synthetic fur creations. Karcha personally sews and decorates the dresses at a small home workshop, but in autumn, the main wedding time in Ukraine, all the family including children participate in dress production. Her usual customers are brides from Ukraine, Romania and Moldova as well as wholesalers, who ship dresses for resale in Hungary, Slovakia, and sometimes in western Europe and former Soviet Union countries. Germans like restrained dresses, while the Italians prefer the catchy sta, just like the Ukrainians, Karcha said. Kazakhs and Uzbeks choose the covered attires but with lots of stones. At another stall, Tetiana Kolesnichenko said her customers were mainly from Baltic countries. She showed white bonnets and silk

A stall in Kalynivsky bazaar and, below left, a dressmaker in Voloka Photograph: Giancarlo Radice/Parallelozero

gloves especially loved by Catholics. Her prices are higher, from 120 to 400 a dress. Kolesnichenko started her business 16 years ago by reselling dresses from Syria but later decided to sew them herself. Now she only designs dresses, which are sewed by her two employees. She admitted business had become tougher because of competition. The children of those who started sewing dresses 20 years ago have grown up and begun doing the same, she said. More often than not, her bulk buyers come from Russia, Belarus and central Asia. Dinara Amirova, who owns wedding

shops in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan, said most of the wedding garments in her country came from Ukraine. I myself got married in a wedding dress from Ukraine, she said, and she regards Ukrainian merchandise as best value for money. To ll the shops Amirovas mother regularly makes trips of almost 2,500 miles, by plane from Astana to Kiev, then by bus or taxi to Chernivtsi. But the hardest thing is not nding dresses to buy, but shipping them out of Ukraine. Thousands of small-scale entrepreneurs travelling there often try to omit the customs requirements.

Ukraines customs service reported numerous cases of dresses being smuggled to Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan or Turkmenistan in 2011. It is dicult to assess how big the industry is. Much of it is still carried out away from the eyes of the taxman. The residents of Voloka are reluctant to divulge details about revenue. Yeremitsa said people were just fearful for their business. Who knows if you are really a journalist? she asked. They think, maybe you are from the tax service or a spy of business rivals, who may steal the designs of the dresses.


The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

forces and the Nigerian army led to the deaths of more than one million people, mostly from hunger and disease. The Biafran government surrendered in 1970, ending hopes of an independent republic, but separatist sentiments have remained alive among some in the region. The award-winning novel Half of a Yellow Sun, written by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, pictured below left, will soon bring the events to a global audience. A lm based on the book, which chronicles the lives of a family who live through the war, is due for release in 2013 and stars Thandie Newton. Afua Hirsch Activists hope to rally thousands of people on Thursday for a string of demonstrations against a proposed constitutional reform that would allow Fernndez to seek a third term in 2015, and a move to break up the countrys main media group. In the ve years since Fernndez succeeded her husband Nstor Kirchner in oce, Argentina has grown increasingly polarised between those who argue the presidents reforms will create a more egalitarian society, and opponents who accuse her of creeping authoritarianism. A wide gulf has opened, said Jorge Lanata, the journalist whose weekly satirical TV show Periodismo Para Todos (Journalism For All) has helped shift the balance of public opinion. Uki Goi

Up for the cup

Biafra campaigners accused of treason

More than 100 Nigerians have been charged with treason after a protest march calling for an independent state of Biafra. Supporters of the Biafran Zionist Movement were arrested after an independence rally in the regional capital, Enugu. The protesters included many elderly war veterans from the bloody 1967 conict in which Biafra tried to break away from the newly independent Nigeria. We dont want to be part of Nigeria because Nigeria is not working as a nation, said Chilos Godsent from the Imo Mass Movement, which has called for the prosecution of former Nigerian heads of state for their role in the Biafra war. These arrests just conrm the reasons why we want self-determination this is a state where they can arrest us even though we have not committed any oence. The policy and leadership of this country has done everything to exterminate and dehumanise the Biafran people. It is only through an independent nation that our capacity can truly be developed. We are gathering support from our people we know that if we held a referendum today, 98% of the people in Biafra would support independence. The protesters are evidence of a hardcore of separatists in the region, who still campaign for independence 40 years after the end of the Biafran conict. The 1967 war was the bloodiest event in Nigerias post-colonial history, and began when the oil-rich south-eastern region dominated by the Igbo ethnic group seceded as the Republic of Biafra. Blockades and ighting between Biafran


Giotto painted Assisi frescoes, claim restorers

Art restorers working on frescoes in a forgotten chapel in Assisi believe they have stumbled across proof that stunning images found under layers of grime are the work of medieval artist Giotto. The discovery of the artists initials on the frescoes follows two years of restoration work in the Chapel of St Nicholas in the lower basilica of Saint Francis. The work was prompted by a 1997 earthquake that damaged the basilica. Experts have argued that the frescoes were at best the work of Giottos followers in the 14th century. But restorers claim the letters GB standing for Giotto di Bondone, his full name prove the cleaned-up images were his. Born in 1266, Giotto is considered a forefather of Italian renaissance art. He completed the Scrovegni chapel in Padua around 1305, while his Ognissanti Madonna hangs in the Uzi in Florence. This is one of the rst works of [Giottos] artistic life and is of great importance to reconstruct the chronology of his work and that of his workshop, said chief restorer Sergio Fusetti of the Assisi frescoes. Tom Kington Rome


Gaza otilla trial opens against Israeli chiefs

A Turkish court has launched the trial in absentia of four former Israeli military commanders over the deaths of nine Turkish activists on a ship bound for Gaza in 2010. Israel denounced the move as a show trial. Tensions between Turkey and Israel will be exacerbated if Turkeys prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, follows up his intention, announced last week, to visit to Gaza. The Mavi Marmara was part of a otilla trying to breach Israels blockade of Gaza. Israeli commandos stormed it in international waters. Israel said passengers included militants intent on violent confrontation. Erdogan described it as state terrorism. In a 144-page indictment, former chief of sta Gabi Ashkenazi; former commander of the Israeli navy Eliezer Marom; former air force commander Amos Yadlin; and Avishai Levy, former head of air force intelligence, are accused of inciting murder and face multiple life sentences. Israel has expressed regret, but refused to apologise. Harriet Sherwood Jerusalem

United States

After Sandy, New York braces for new storm

New York Citys parks and beaches will be closed at noon today for at least 24 hours as a new storm approaches just over a week after superstorm Sandy brought widespread ooding and wind damage, the mayor said yesterday. We just dont need to send our rst responders into the ocean to save someone who is being foolish, Michael Bloomberg said. He also said city ocials would try to evacuate residents from some low-lying waterfront neighbourhoods today when the storm is forecast to strike. He said the evacuations, designed to coincide with high tides when the storm surge would be at its peak, would not be as widespread as the mandatory evacuations of large parts of the city ordered before Sandy hit. More than 895,000 homes and businesses along the east coast remained without power yesterday. Sandy made landfall in New Jersey on the night of 29 October. Power companies said the storm aected about 8.48 million customers in 21 states, according to the US energy department. Reuters New York


Protests planned over Kirchner reforms

Argentina is braced for a wave of protests against the government of Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner, amid growing disquiet over a faltering economy and eorts to clamp down on the media.

Racegoers line up for the Fashion on the Field

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

Julian Borgers blog es The latest on global security issues


Murdered Briton was brieng MI6, says paper

Neil Heywood, the British businessman whose death led to the downfall of former Chongqing party boss Bo Xilai, knowingly provided information on the high-ying Chinese politicians family to MI6, according to the Wall Street Journal. Bos wife, Gu Kailai, was convicted in August of murdering the 41-year-old Briton. The Journal, citing current and former British ocials and friends of Heywood, said the businessman continued to meet a contact and provide information on Bos aairs after learning the person was an MI6 ocer. His contact even warned him to be careful not to become a headline as his relations with Gu became tense. After his death the foreign secretary, William Hague, issued a rare denial of intelligence links, saying Heywood was not an employee of the British government in any capacity. Friends of the businessman argued his fascination with James Bond his silver Jaguar had 007 in the registration number was hardly the sign of an intelligence asset. Tania Branigan Beijing

wears the niqab that leaves only her eyes visible, was transferred to another school after the incident. But the father of one of the girls led a complaint, accusing her of abuse. Berbesh Khairi elRawi said Abu Bakar forced his daughter to stand with her hands above her head for two hours before cutting her hair. The teacher was quoted as saying she cut her students hair after asking them repeatedly to cover their heads. A student then handed her a pair of scissors, she said, and he and other pupils urged her to implement the threats. AP Luxor



Protests grow before latest austerity vote

Facing its greatest challenge since assuming power in June, Greeces fragile coalition government is heading for a clihanger vote tomorrow on fresh austerity measures with the country paralysed by a 48-hour general strike. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets yesterday, including in Patras, above, to protest over policies that have increased poverty and unemployment. With Greeces eurozone future dependent on passage of the 13.5bn package, the nance minister, Yiannis Stournaras, implored wavering MPs to back the bill, saying it was the only way of assuring Athens did not default. The prime minister, Antonis Samaras, has pledged the measures will be the very last to be imposed, but with pensions and wages set to be slashed, taxes increased and the retirement age raised, unions and anti-bailout forces, led by the radical left main opposition Syriza party, plan to hold more protests today. Helena Smith Athens


Teacher admits cutting girls unveiled hair

A court in southern Egypt has convicted a teacher of child abuse and given her a six-month suspended sentence after she cut the hair of two schoolgirls for not wearing the Muslim headscarf. The incident last month in the village of Qurna sparked criticism from rights groups and local ocials. The case falls into a broader debate in Egypt over personal and religious freedoms amid the rise of Islamist political movements such as the Muslim Brotherhood. The teacher, Eman Abu Bakar, who

competition on Melbourne Cup day at Flemington racecourse in Melbourne yesterday Photograph: Paul Crock/AFP/Getty

New thriller starts tonight 10pm

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Holly and ivy but no Twiggy for M&S

Celebrities ditched from Christmas ad campaign Half-year prots fall, but exceed expectations
Simon Neville
Marks & Spencer has dropped celebrities in its Christmas adverts for the rst time in 12 years to focus on product-driven marketing, ending a run of festive campaigns that have featured names including, Twiggy, Antonio Banderas, David Beckham, Helen Mirren, Dannii Minogue and, most recently, The X Factor nalists. Chief executive Marc Bolland said: I think celebrities could play an important role for some things, but not for everything. This years campaign which starts tonight stars a four-year-old child with Downs syndrome but the focus is on the clothes being modelled. Yesterday M&S reported better than expected half-year results, though prots were down for the second year in a row. In line with other retailers, sales fell during the Olympics with Bolland describing London as a village because it was so quiet. The Dutch-born boss, who was under pressure earlier this year after admitting the company failed to buy enough stock on some advertised lines and missed signicant fashion trends in womenswear, insisted it was now on track to become a multichannel, international business by the end of 2013. When the disastrous first quarter results were revealed, Kate Bostock, head of general merchandise fashion and homewares left the business. Since then a string of senior appointments have been made to womenswear, menswear, lingerie and home and beauty. Bolland said: We took steps to address the short-term issues in general merchandising and as a result we delivered an improved performance. He appointed a new style director, former Debenhams and Jaeger boss Belinda Earl, and has moved head of food John Dixon to replace Bostock, who has since joined online rival Asos. He said Dixon and Earl had good chemistry, adding that Earl, has a very good feel for the style of what the British woman wants. Janie Schaer from US chain Victorias Secret has also been hired to head up lingerie, freeing up current lingerie boss Frances Russell to switch to the highprole womenswear division. To combat the problems which resulted in top lines selling out under the old regime, leaving shoppers frustrated, Bolland instructed buyers to purchase ve times the number of important lines they

Gender pay gap persists at director level, research shows

Simon Goodley
Female executives earn 400,000 less over the course of their working lives than male colleagues with identical careers and are far more likely to be made redundant as they continue to suer discrimination in the workplace. The average woman executive earns 10,060 a year less than her male equivalent and is awarded less than half his bonus, according to research released today by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI). The latest pay survey from the managers trade body, which polled 38,843 people in executive roles in the UK, suggests that a woman and a man starting their business careers aged 25 and retiring aged 60 would take home pre-tax totals of 1,092,940 and 1,516,330 respectively, based on todays levels. Ann Francke, the institutes chief executive, said: A lot of businesses have been focused on getting more women on boards, but weve still got a lot to do on equal pay and equal representation in top executive roles. Twice as many female directors were made redundant compared to male directors, so at that level in the organisation it suggests that this is not all about childcare. It is totally counter-intuitive [to re a woman who] has made director level. An organisation should be doing all it can to keep them there, to promote cultural diversity. We know categorically that more diversity results in better business results. It is shown in every single study. This is about good business sense. The CMIs research comes at a time of renewed focus on how effectively women are edging towards equality in the workplace. Last month the Liberal Democrat equalities minister, Jo Swinson, proposed a shakeup to company annual reports that will pile pressure on rms to tackle gender imbalances. Companies will have to report how many women they employ, from boardrooms down. Her announcement came as the European commissioner for justice and rights, Viviane Reding, renewed a push for quotas of female directors at listed companies although her eorts have been resisted by many member states, including the UK, which prefer a voluntary code. The CMI study also shows how much more likely women are to lose their jobs. The CMIs labour turnover data illustrates that 4.3% of female executives were made redundant between August 2011 and August 2012, compared with 3.2% of male executives.

M&Ss Christmas TV campaign, which launches tonight, will focus on clothes rather than celebrities Photograph: M&S/PA

were advertising, especially knitwear, coats and shoes. The company also backed fashion trends with more confidence. M&S said it had already shifted 44,000 military-style coats. Bolland added that the Olympics brought more condence to customers, but not to the bottom line. He said: It was like a village in London Did we see retail sales increase? No. Did we believe it was important to have done it, leading to that positive mood swing? Absolutely. As part of his three-year turnaround plan, which is halfway through, Bolland said he wants to turn the company into a multichannel international brand and plans further expansion overseas.

Bolland said that when he took over the company M&S had a strong brand, but a complex and inflexible supply chain with unclear sub-brands and stores that were lacking inspiration. To combat the issues, it has launched a next-day delivery service on its website and wants its new iPhone app to be used more than any other fashion retailers. Currently, 43% of all online sales are for store collection. Pre-tax profits fell 10% to 290m in the six months to the end of September, which was ahead of City expectations of 280m. Like-for-like general merchandise sales were down 1.8% in the second quarter compared with the near 7% slump

recorded in the previous period. Like-forlike sales at its food division rose 1.6%. By comparison, Primark announced a 15% jump in operating prots to 356m for the year to 15 September. Like-for-like sales climbed 3% with owner Associated British Foods (ABF) agging strong trading in Britain, particularly over the summer months, and encouraging sales of its winter ranges in the new nancial year. Chief executive of ABF, George Weston, said recent expansions in Europe went better than expected and the UK business continues to be strong. We sold 7.5m items of clothing with the Union Jack between the Olympics and diamond jubilee.

Insurers prepare for 120-year-old clients

Rupert Jones
Britains oldest man, Reg Dean, celebrated his 110th birthday on Sunday. But it may not be long before he is overtaken in the age stakes by a new breed of supercentenarians. The boss of one of Britains main nancial bodies yesterday revealed that several insurers are currently modelling pension products on the basis that their customers could reach the age of 120 or even 125. Speaking to hundreds of actuaries at a conference, Otto Thoresen, director general of the Association of British Insurers, added that within our lifetime it would be the norm for people to live to 100 or more. But this, he said, threw up huge challenges in terms of getting people to save more for what may end up being a very long retirement. Life expectancy has been growing steadily for decades, and the government has already predicted that 27% of todays under-16s will reach 100 a total of 3.3 million people. Born in November 1902, Reg Dean, a former church minister from Wirksworth, Derbyshire, is the rst British man born in the 20th century to become a supercentenarian someone who has reached the age of 110 but he wont be the last. Legal & General yesterday quoted Office for National Statistics data showing that the number of UK people aged 100 or more has increased vefold from 2,500 in 1980 to 12,640 in 2010 and said that projections suggest the number of centenarians in the UK will exceed 160,000 by mid-2040. During his speech in Brussels, Thoresen said the independent Oce for Budget Responsibility had identied the ageing population as one of the greatest threats to the UKs scal sustainability in the next 50 years. He added: I know of several insurers, and you may be among them, who are now modelling pensions and retirement savings products on the assumption that customers could live to be 120 or 125 and with very dierent patterns of retirement. With men and women living on average 30 years longer than they did 100 years ago, by 2100, people living to over 100 years old will be the norm. How will we ensure that mankinds greatest achievement of prolonging life in this way doesnt lead to poverty for millions of people, and health and social care systems which cannot cope with the increased demands being made of them? He set out a plan to tackle the UK savings gap through pension charges that are clear and easily understood to be value for money; investment options that are transparent and relevant to savers; better communication with customers; a more exible approach to help people approaching retirement understand the options available; and adaptable postretirement options to meet changing financial challenges, such as costs of funding long-term care.

Age ination

160,000 3.3m

The number of centenarians in the UK by mid-2040, according to projections by the Oce for National Statistics

The number of people over the age of 100 if, as predicted, 27% of todays under-16s become centenarians

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012



Japanese carmakers feel chill wind from islands dispute

Boycott by Chinese buyers hits Nissan prot forecast BMW and other European makers benet from row
Dan Milmo Industrial editor
The territorial dispute between Japan and China over a group of uninhabited islands is wreaking havoc with Japanese carmakers while beneting German competitors, as Nissan was forced to slash its profit forecast and BMW posted a 40% surge in Chinese sales. Nissan joined Honda and Toyota in suffering plummeting demand in the worlds largest car market due to a boycott by consumers angry about Japans disputed ownership of the Senkaku Islands, known as Diaoyu in China. Nissan cut its full-year net prot forecast by a fth to $4bn (2.5bn), reecting its dependence on a market that accounts for more than a quarter of sales. The scale of the boycott was revealed by October sales gures, which showed that Nissan and its Chinese joint venture sold 64,300 vehicles a decline of 41% on the same month last year. Toyota and Honda reported Chinese sales slumps of 49% and 41% respectively in September. Nissan estimated that sales in China will come in at 1.175m vehicles in 2012, 175,000 fewer than it projected. That helped to put a dent in global forecasts, with Nissan predicting sales of 5.08m vehicles in the year to March 2013, down from its former forecast of 5.35m. We are gradually seeing signs of recovery [in China], said Nissans chief operating ocer, Toshiyuki Shiga. Customers are gradually coming back to dealerships. BMW said Chinese demand for luxury vehicles also a boon for UK carmakers such as Bentley helped to overcome a weak European performance in the third quarter from July to September. Overall sales rose by 13.7% to a record 18.8bn (15bn), while net profit rose 16% to 1.3bn. Chinese sales rose by 40% to nearly 80,000 units, overshadowing an anaemic European performance that saw a 2.6% increase in sales, with southern Europe dragging down performance. Even BMWs home market disappointed, as German sales fell by 0.5%. Mark Fulthorpe, analyst at IHS Automotive, said non-Japanese carmakers were benefiting from the Senkaku dispute. Who is likely to win if people are walking away from Nissan, Toyota and Honda? It will have signicant benets for German

Business analysis
Marks & Spencer
Sheathe that knife but Bolland is running out of time, says Nils Pratley
Its a triumph! Marks & Spencer achieved no growth in same-store sales in Britain in the three months to September and prots for the half-year fell 10% to 290m. Not impressed? Nor should you be. Waiting for the Marc Bolland-inspired revival at M&S is turning into a marathon. Were more than two years into his reign but weve yet to see evidence that the vast sums of capital being thrown at the ambition of becoming an international multi-channel retailer will prove nancially invigorating. The dividend is at, return on capital is slipping and, to Bollands discomfort, rivals in the transformation stakes are much further down the track. John Lewis, using its Waitrose stores as additional pick-up points, is on a roll. Next embarked on the multi-channel lark two decades ago via its Directory business. Then theres Asos, attracting the younger online fashion shoppers that M&S would love to have. The key point about M&Ss half-year gures, however, is that the second quarter was much better than the rst. Static like-for-like sales on the home front is a clear improvement on going backwards by 2.8%. Thats the modest success that should (for the time being) stop the muttering about the knives being out for Bolland. How much time does he have? Well, its clearer how long hed like. In general merchandise, which is where the problems are concentrated (like-for-like sales were 4.3% lower over the six months), hes shued the management pack and is promising that customers will see the benets from next summer. That amounts to a plea by Bolland for judgment on his expensive overhaul of the new celeb-free M&S to be deferred for at least a year. If Christmas doesnt yield a fresh setback, hell probably get it, if only because shareholders signed up to a plan that was always described as a three-year job. But Christmas had better be good.

Will-they-wont-they location game has lost the element of suspense
HSBC is staying in Britain at least until 2015. Chairman Douglas Flint said on Monday that the banks review of where to locate its headquarters has been deferred. There is too much regulatory uncertainty and too much legislative reform on the slipway, to make a sensible decision before then, argued Flint. Should we rejoice? No. It is better to laugh at HSBCs arrogance in thinking of itself as a model global citizen that would be welcomed wherever it wishes to land. The reality is that, after the money-laundering allegations against the bank in the US and the looming 1bn-plus penalty, brand HSBC is not what it was. Which regulator would oer an unequivocal embrace to a company that is so big it is hard to manage and will be watched like a hawk in future by US authorities? Besides, HSBC, which has been based in Britain for a quarter of a century, would have to clear any emigration proposal with its shareholders. There may (currently) be a tax advantage to not being British. But do investors really want to see the bank base itself in Hong Kong, on the doorstep on the Chinese Communist party? Almost certainly not. Given the lack of historical ties, adopting Singapore or Australia would make HSBC look like the wandering bank, which would not be good for its reputation: that is how here-todaygone-tomorrow hedge funds behave, not top-tier international banks. No, its London for several decades yet. Instead of pretending theres a real decision to be made in 2015, Flint would do better to drop these threeyearly reviews into where to locate the HQ. The game has lost suspense and the power to frighten politicians.

BMWs are admired at a motor show in Shanghai. European makers are benetting from a Chinese consumer boycott of Japanese cars Photograph: Aly Song/Reuters

BMW sales
Sales in China, thousands of units sold BMW MINI

233 169

91 52

2008 2009 2010 2011


manufacturers and [Korean carmakers] Hyundai and Kia. BMW warned of an increasingly uncertain market environment with the nal three months of the year posing diculties for an industry likely to be confronted with adverse business conditions. With the eurozone area expected to post at economic growth next year, hopes of a concerted revival in the European car market are slim. In September, European car sales fell for the 12th consecutive month, with Spain posting a 36.8% fall, exceeded only by Greece, with a decline of 48.5%. UK car sales in October, published yesterday, showed that the domestic market was outperforming the rest of Europe. The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders said new car registrations rose 12% compared with October last year to more than 151,000 units. So far this year, the UK car market has grown 5%.

Benets from next summer thats a plea for judgment on the overhaul to be deferred for a year

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Cost of storing waste in Sellaeld up by more than 900m report

Rajeev Syal and Fiona Harvey
The projected cost of safely storing radioactive material at Britains largest nuclear site in Sellaeld has increased by more than 900m in 10 months, the National Audit Oce says in a report released today. Plans to replace the ageing nuclear waste facilities in Cumbria have suered severe delays, auditors said. Twelve out of 14 of the major projects launched last year to build facilities to store material safely are over budget, they have concluded. The findings have been described as dire by MPs. It is the rst ocial audit of the Cumbrian site since a consortium of private companies was brought in to oversee safety in 2008. Margaret Hodge, who chairs parliaments public accounts committee, urged the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) to get a grip on the spiralling costs. My concern is that unless the authority holds Sellafield Limited [the company responsible for the site] to a clear and rigorously benchmarked plan, timetables will continue to slip and costs spiral. It is unacceptable to allow todays poor management to shift the burden and expense to future generations, she said. In 2008, the authority appointed a consortium of private sector rms URS, AMEC and Areva as a parent body of the site to bring in outside expertise. The authority plans to clear up the site over the next 108 years. Progress in 12 of the 14 buildings and equipment projects considered critical for reducing risk, and costing from 21m to 1.3bn, failed to achieve what they were supposed to and had not provided good value for money, auditors said. A long-term plan to clean up the site was agreed last year after an earlier one stalled because it was unrealistic. For more than 50 years operators failed to plan how to dispose of the radioactive waste and some of the older facilities have deteriorated so much that their contents pose signicant risks to people and the environment, the report said. The highest risks are posed by ponds and silos built during the 1950s and 1960s to store fuel for early reprocessing operations and radioactive waste, according to the report. About 240 of Sellaelds 1,400 buildings are nuclear facilities and so far, 55 buildings on the site have been decommissioned. The management of the authority and Sellaeld have often been criticised for being a closed group of insiders. Critics say this has led to poor decision-making. Next year, a major industry shake-up could occur as the authority will have to make a decision on whether to review or renegotiate the Sellaeld safety contract. A spokesman for the authority said that the report has provided a useful external check on their progress. The NAO has recognised the progress made by the NDA in developing a plan to tackle this hazardous legacy, he said. A spokesman for Sellaeld Ltd said: We have already taken steps to strengthen our approach.

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012



New goal for woman who took on men at their own (football) game
West Hams Brady has high hopes for Olympic Stadium and women in business
Sarah Butler
Sitting in the Olympic Stadium during this summers magical sporting achievements was bitter-sweet for Karren Brady, vice-chairman of Premier League football club West Ham. Nearly two years ago the club won the battle to take over the running of the stadium after the Games. But that deal was set aside following a legal challenge from London rival Tottenham Hotspur, negotiations continue to drag on and there is still no guarantee West Ham will ever make its home in the Olympic Park, in Stratford, east London. It is like being the winner without getting the prize, says Brady. She suggests West Ham could provide 1,000 jobs with its plans for the stadium and hundreds more via the redevelopment of its existing stadium, in nearby Upton Park, which would become homes and shops. Of course, she sees West Ham as the only viable bidder for the stadium which she would convert into a multi-use facility hosting athletics and educational facilities for young people alongside the Premier League club. She believes that the club could attract 1 million visitors a year to watch football, keeping the whole Olympic Park buzzy. The project would underpin her plan to transform West Hams image into a pillar of the community, together with an aim to back a local Academy school. It would be nice to think we changed the culture and created something very special about that football club, she says. We know its a big commitment to convert the venue into a truly world class multi-use stadium. We have to invest money that could probably build three brand new Olympic stadiums, says Brady. With the mayor of London, Boris Johnson, now in charge of the process anything could happen. Brady suggests that Virgins success in persuading the government to repeal its decision on awarding the west coast mainline contract to First Group after errors were made in considering the bids, means other signicant infrastructure deals, including the stadium contract, are now being handled with even more care. These decisions are very important to the local community and to us and the processes have to be right otherwise theres a challenge and it delays it even longer, she says. Brady denies she is giving the London Legacy Development Corporation a warning, but it would be foolish for anyone to ignore her tough negotiating skills. She says what drives her is not the money or cachet but the ability to call the shots. I wanted one thing and that was to be truly independent. I wanted to say when and why and how. Growing up, Brady realised independence meant her own money so she skipped university and joined advertising rm Saatchi & Saatchi, setting her on a career path that led her to become the youngest ever boss of a British public limited company. From the ad agency she got a job selling advertising at London radio station LBC and was head-hunted by David Sullivan to run marketing for his Sunday Sport paper after she persuaded him to buy millions of pounds worth of advertising. Aged 23, she then talked Sullivan into buying Birmingham City FC out of administration, and putting her in charge. She turned the business around before listing it on the London stock exchange. For an avowed feminist on a mission to ensure womens skills and abilities are recognised and rewarded, football was not the easiest road to choose. After selling Birmingham for 82m in

Olympic vision Vice-chairman Karren Brady, top, wants to transform West Hams image by converting the Olympic Stadium, as proposed above with the clubs colours. Right, outside West Hams present ground in 2009 Main photograph: Linda Nylind for the Guardian

I wanted one thing and that was to be truly independent. I wanted to say when and why and how
Karren Brady

2009, she admits that arriving at West Ham two years ago was like joining a men-only country club. There were no senior women and it was all about cars and membership of the Ivy club. It was all about power and nothing about responsibility, she says. Brady remains the only woman on the companys four-person board but she says half of her senior management team are now female and she is about to hire another woman. She promoted people from within the business as well as bringing in new blood. Women were there but they couldnt see what was under their noses, she says. For her, promoting women in the workplace is not just a hobby horse but the key to running a strong business. The best companies are those with dierent people from dierent backgrounds and dierent experiences, Brady says. She points out that football is not just

about the game but about nance, pitch maintenance, catering and property. We need so many dierent specic skill sets and it doesnt matter to us where you get that, she says. She adds several more female bosses are on track to lead Premier League clubs in the future. Brady, however, does not believe female boardroom quotas are the right way forward. As a high prole and successful businesswoman, Brady gets oered a number of non-executive directorships every month from companies keen to get some female perspective. But they are all missing the point, she says, which is to encourage a younger generation of women who can be new investors, businesswomen and directors. Rather than quotas, she wants companies who do not have women on their boards to be compelled to explain why not in their annual report. Beyond that, she says, workplaces

need to adapt so that other women do not feel they have to return to work just weeks after having a baby in order to further their career as she did when she was running Birmingham City. She would also make childcare a tax deductible expense. It would raise more money than it would cost and be a rst step in recognising that childcare is important if you are going to work. Brady has a small stake in West Ham, but is also a major shareholder in a number of smaller companies including Mentore, a business whose aim is to prepare up and coming female executives for the boardroom. So would Brady further her cause by working with the government? Scrunching up her nose in disgust at the idea, she says: I dont want to be part of some spin, with no power to do anything and no money to do something. I want to see something happen..


The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

ing most accountants and lawyers, has sunk below 250,000 this year, 11% down from last year. It was more than 350,000 before the nancial crisis struck. The Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) suggests the City is being forced to shed jobs against a backdrop of depressed trading in currencies, gilts and equities, as well as a sustained drought in corporate mergers and acquisitions. The thinktank predicts the tally will fall again next year, to 237,036, before stabilising. The last time the City employed that few nancial workers was 1993. Kevin Burrowes, a UK nancial services expert at PricewaterhouseCooper, said the sector was going through a painful shift to a new equilibrium. All of our clients are re-evaluating this [job cuts] almost on a monthly basis, said Burrowes. Many of the banks still need to go through major change I think the only conclusion you can really reach is that there will be further job cuts, particularly in investment banking. The CEBR chief executive, Douglas McWilliams, said: The business model for many rms in the City, which was based on taking a percentage from yields of 8% plus, has to change in a world where low yields are likely for many years to come. Simon Bowers


Story in numbers

Industry to be given tax credits of 20bn a year

Frances president, Franois Hollande, sought to shrug o his business-bashing reputation yesterday with a 20bn-ayear (16bn) package of tax credits and other pro-industry measures. The prime minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, surprised many by announcing that the government would accept much of a report by Louis Gallois, the former EADS boss, on making the French economy more competitive. France is not condemned to the spiral of decline. But we need a jolt at national level to regain control of our destiny, Ayrault said. This is about giving our companies room to manoeuvre. Firms will be oered tax credits worth up to 10bn next year, rising to 20bn by 2015, to be nanced by an increase in VAT and 10bn in public spending cuts, as yet unspecied. That was less than the 30bn-a-year cut in payroll taxes that Gallois demanded, but far more than many analysts expected. The rebates will be proportionate to the companys payroll, up to a maximum of two-and-a-half times the minimum wage, in an attempt to support jobs. Amid rising concern about Frances global competitiveness, Hollande is keen to show that despite implementing a 75% top rate of income tax on the super-rich, he is on the side of business. Heather Stewart

BSkyB strikes rights deal with Universal

BSkyB has struck a deal with Universal for exclusive rights to movies such as The Bourne Legacy and Anna Karenina. It is the second deal BSkyB has made with a big six Hollywood studio the rst being Warner Bros in September since being cleared of holding a monopoly of UK pay-TV lm rights. The remaining four are Disney, Paramount, 20th Century Fox and Sony Pictures. The satellite broadcaster has expanded its existing deal with NBC Universal, which sells the rights for Universal Pictures in the UK and Ireland, eectively shutting out rivals Netix and Amazons LoveFilm for the next four to ve years. The deal gives BSkyB exclusive rst pay-TV rights to new and archive lms include Snow White & The Huntsman, The Bourne Legacy and Les Miserables. BSkyB has also sewn up the rights to show these lms on Now TV, the video on demand service it launched in July to take on the newly arrived US rival Netix and LoveFilm. Septembers Sky deal saw it snatch the rights to be the only UK broadcaster to show any Harry Potter lms for a three-month period over Christmas. The deals with Universal and Warner Bros eectively mean Sky will have lms from these studios for about a year before they are available to other pay-TV services. Mark Sweney

Spain is home to the worlds fastest growing billionaire. Amancio Ortega, best known for his 1,600 Zara stores around the world, has made nearly $18bn (11bn) since October 2011, or $66m a day. That catapults him to become the third richest man in the world, with a $53.6bn fortune, close behind Mexican telecoms magnate Carlos Slim and Bill Gates, according to a new rich list published by Bloomberg Markets magazine

than 15 former executives directors who worked at the bank in the lead-up to the banking crisis would receive letters over the next four to six weeks. On a moral basis we believe that there is a judgment that some individuals can make a contribution, Duy told the FT. Former AIB chief executive Eugene Sheehy is reportedly paid a pension of 529,000 (423,000) a year, while former managing director Colm Doherty will receive a pension of 300,000 a year on reaching his 65th birthday. AIB is 99.8% state-owned after it was forced to take a 20bn taxpayer bailout last year. The Irish nance minister, Michael Noonan, said this week he had no legal power to reduce the pensions of the senior bankers involved in the bank bailout. It is not legally possible for the new Government to put them aside but that has been said several times before there is nothing new in that, he said.

Whats the fastest way to lose nearly $7bn? Take your company public in the most feted otation of the year and watch the share price tank by more than 40%. Even after such a spectacularly bad year, Facebooks 28-year-old chief executive Mark Zuckerberg still has a respectable $10.7bn to his name, making him the worlds youngest billionaire


Ryanair scraps credit card concession

Ryanair customers who went to the trouble of using the airlines own credit card to avoid paying a 6 booking fee will no longer have that benet. Anyone taking a Ryanair ight after 1 December will be required to add on the 6 a person fee for each single journey on top of the headline ticket price irrespective of how they pay. Until now, customers who took out a Ryanair Cash Passport Mastercard could avoid the credit card fee, which adds 48 to the cost of booking a return journey for a family of four. The move is the latest in a long battle between Ryanair and the Oce of Fair Trading. Until November 2011, it was possible to avoid the airlines credit card fee using any prepaid Mastercard. Since then the airlines own credit card has been the only payment method allowing consumers to escape the booking charge. Ryanair blamed the OFT for its rule change. Miles Brignall



City jobs expected to drop to 20-year low

City job numbers are expected to fall to their lowest level in two decades next year as banks and investment houses continue to make deep cuts to ailing operations, according to a study. The number of people employed in the nancial sector in London, exclud-

Bank urges ex-directors to take cut in pension

Allied Irish Banks has written to former directors who were at the now nationalised bank during the nancial crisis asking them to take a voluntary cut to their pensions. David Duy, the banks chief executive, told the Financial Times that more

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

Reviews Reviews

Back on the boos Should there be more heckling at the theatre?

Magnicent score but this Pilgrim doesnt progress

The Pilgrims Progress Coliseum, London
It took Vaughan Williams more than 30 years to realise his ambition of composing a stage work based upon The Pilgrims Progress, John Bunyans epic allegory, and it has been twice as long since the result was part of the repertory of a major British opera company. Though there have been concert performances and semistagings in the interim, most recently one conducted by the late Richard Hickox at Sadlers Wells in 2008, ENOs production, directed by Yoshi Oida, is the rst fully staged professional one in London since Covent Garden hosted the premiere in 1951 and revived it the following year. It has become an article of faith for the English-music lobby that The Pilgrims Progress had to be seen again as Vaughan Williams intended; though he carefully called it a morality and not an opera, he always insisted it belonged in the theatre. But Oidas staging raises more questions than it answers about the works dramatic viability. The story of the Pilgrims journey to the Celestial City is presented as a series of tableaux in which none of the characters emerges identiably in three dimensions; even the Pilgrim is more signicant for what he represents than for who he is. A two-and-a-half-hour opera whose action is symbolic and whose purpose is loftily didactic, in which the dramatic pulse beats rather slowly and sometimes vanishes altogether, can be tough going at times. Oida attempts to put some muscle into the narrative by relocating the action within a rst world war prison camp, strikingly depicted in Tom Schenks designs. In the process, it makes the nal stages of the Pilgrims journey much bleaker, as well as introducing an explicit element of Christian ritual to the early scenes, and giving a cartoonish brittleness to the always-problematic Vanity Fair sequence. The stagecraft is wonderfully expert, and there is no mistaking the eort that has gone into it all, but it doesnt do the trick, and really only serves to conrm that the 2008 concert staging provided all the theatrical context the music needs. It is the magnicence of so much of that music, with its web of allusions, direct and indirect, to so much of Vaughan Williams output, that is the saving grace here. Martyn Brabbins clearly believes in the scores quality and conducts it with wonderful breadth and assurance; the orchestra and chorus make it seem sumptuous. Though some of the solo singing is more variable, Roland Wood impressively sustains the role of Pilgrim, even if his tone lacks the radiance it sometimes needs; and singers of the calibre of Benedict Nelson, Mark Richardson, Timothy Robinson, Ann Murray and Kitty Whately switch between the plethora of cameo parts as they come along. Andrew Clements In rep until 28 November. Box oce: 020-7845 9300.


Rosas: En Atendant Sadlers Wells, London
As a gaunt man slowly raises a ute and exhales into it raggedly, an unearthly noise emerges: a blend of ascending siren whistles and long, rasping sighs like the groans of ghosts. This extraordinary opening to Anne Teresa De Keersmaekers En Atendant foreshadows the works concerns: the coming together of sound and body, of material and supernatural; the sense of esh as a vessel haunted by a chang soul. The staging is stark: a bench, a lightstrip, a line of dry earth. The exquisite music, performed live by Ensemble Cours et Coeur, is in the highly elaborated medieval polyphonic style known as ars subtilior, and serves as model for rather than accompaniment to the dance (which is in any case often performed in silence). Chrysa Parkinsons solemn opening solo of plain walks, coltish runs and eeting gestures becomes source material for a kind of choreographic polyphony, each dancer embodying a dierent voice within a composition of subtle symmetries and passing encounters, while one man, Carlos Garbin, walks among them in simple lines, both watcher and timekeeper. It is spellbinding. Gratifyingly, De Keersmaeker repeats whole sections turned around, so we get to see them all again from a dierent angle. An untamed solo by Botjan Antoncic breaks the spell, as he tramples unheeding over the line of earth; but it also lets in more individually expressive dances of chasing, hand-holding, reaching and falling as well as grander, almost religious imagery of passion, abjection and mercy. En Atendant is demanding of its audience. If your attention wanders, you may lose your grip on it altogether. But its orchestration of structural sophistication, intimate detail and sweeping vision is exceptional, especially at the end, as the light fades and one naked being disappears into darkness, leaving only the rasp of breath. Sanjoy Roy The sequel, Cesena, plays tomorrow and Friday. Box oce: 0844 412 4300.

Expert stagecraft The Pilgrims Progress Photograph: Tristram Kenton for the Guardian

Total Loss, was released recently to rapturous acclaim. To recreate it live, he is backed by two musicians he introduces only as Aaron and Cameron, plus a laptop, keyboard and violin. Behind them, a screen shows an image of a female face contorted in agony or ecstasy, the perfect visual metaphor for music that seems to have located the precise meeting place between the two. Krells extraordinary, Prince-like falsetto delivered via two microphones, and occasionally without amplication at all seems to come from a special personal place, which requires him to sing with closed eyes and work himself up into an almost transported state. When I think about you, theres a weight on my chest and no air, he sings, to an awed silence. I know youre in a better place I cant say that shit and keep a straight face, he wails, heartbreakingly. The sublime music involves everything from piano ris to booming fractured beats to the eerily echoed sound of Krell clicking his ngers, but at heart these are great American songs that could equally be strummed by Bon Iver or Bruce Springsteen. A philosophy graduate who has been diagnosed with depression, Krell must be one of the humblest, chattiest artists to front such mesmeric music. Weve been on tour a long time and sometimes it feels like a slog, he admits after the heavenly Set It Rights symphonic list of his mostmissed people. But it feels good to hear you yell at me every song. Theres another seconds silence, and the audience yell some more. Dave Simpson

thinks he knows how to play the game? The angry Brown (Anthony Welsh) with his radical ideas? Martello-White is a terric actor, and this debut play suggests he could be a fabulous playwright, too, although he needs a far sterner editor than he gets in director David Lan. The production doesnt quite nd a way to marry successfully the banter of the actors with the surreal episodes in the audition room, a place of endless humiliations. The satire would be sharper and harder-hitting if the show was shorter and tighter. Nonetheless, there is plenty to enjoy in this superbly acted pieces exploration of black masculinity. The audition process is a metaphor for the experience of black men in a predominantly white world, where the urge to be chosen can lead to collusion and psychological turmoil. Most, like Leo Wringers poignant Older Black, will wait patiently but never win the prize. Lyn Gardner Until 24 November. Box oce: 020-7922 2923.

But the joy of the production lies in its total-theatre mix of words, music, mime and symbolism. Anna Dubrovskayas Elena, stunning in white silk, bowls a circus hoop. Astrov shows her his images of deforestation on a projector with an unmistakably phallic funnel that emits pus of steam. And there is an extraordinary moment at the end when Sonya ministers to Vanya, beautifully played by Sergey Makovetsky, as if he were a run-down machine that she had to lovingly reassemble. Anyone who saw the Vakhtangov when they brought Measure for Measure to Shakespeares Globe this summer will know they are a rst-rate troupe. Although this isnt the only way to play Vanya, their Chekhov has an unforgettable expressionist audacity. Michael Billington Until Saturday. Box oce: 0844 482 5141.

Uncle Vanya Noel Coward, London
You could hardly have a greater contrast than between the stolid Uncle Vanya that has just opened at the Vaudeville and this mercurially brilliant import from Moscows Vakhtangov theatre. British Chekhov tends to oer variations on the realism of Stanislavski. This dazzling production by Rimas Tuminas is in a wholly dierent tradition: that of the Russian director Meyerhold, who evolved a system of acting based on sports, acrobatics and clownish grotesquerie. Tuminas preserves every word of Chekhovs text. But nothing looks or sounds as we expect. The stage is free of clutter, although we glimpse a distant prospect of a stone p lion symbolising Petersburg. sym Characters are also vividly Charac ned: the Professor and reden his young wife, Elena, whose you visit rural vis causes so much are havoc, ar normally seen as tragically mismatched; here they still clearly st enjoy an actively rumbustious sex-life and, rumbus when Vanya tries to shoot the V Prof, old Pro Elena is the rst to interpose interpo her body. And for all ecological fervour, the visiting his ecolog Astrov, is also a drunken doctor, Astr buoon who, in his cups, engages wh in a disastrous bit of DIY carpentry disastro Chaplinesque Waes. with the Ch Meanwhile, Meanwhile Vanyas niece, Sonya, is no dowdy frump but a young girl whose passion for the doctor verges on hysteria. h The auditio as metaphor audition Anthony Welsh in Blackta

Blackta Young Vic, London
A blackta is a black actor, often cast as the token non-white character in a TV drama. When there is only one role, the competition is erce, so the group n of black male actors seen auditioning tors and facing endless callbacks in ess Nathaniel Martello-Whites ello-White satire are not just friends but st rivals, too. Only one can get the green light that will oer a way out of the audition e room, where they appear ey to be eternally stuck. For tuck. all their attempts to gain an ts edge over their rivals via diet, gym or competitive mpetitive bluster, they know they ow are more likely to be cast on the exact colour of our their skin or the shape of e their nose rather than on r their talent. Who will get o the ting? Will it be the desperate fantasist Dull sist Brown (Javone Prince)? The cynical Yellow ow (Howard Charles), who s),

How to Dress Well Soup Kitchen, Manchester
How to Dress Well may sound like a lesson in tailoring etiquette, but is actually the performing name of Colorado-born Tom Krell, whose second album of ethereal R&B songs about sadness, death and devastation,

More reviews online

Polia, SWG3, Glasgow No matter how alien Channy Leaneagh sounds, there remains an emotional core to Polia that is both irresistible and slightly overwhelming, a spiritual cousin to the deafening instrumental catharsis of Mogwai Graeme Virtue Tweet your reviews using #gdnreview


The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

Eyewitness Nessclie, Shropshire

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012


Fat of the land Legarth geese grazing in a farm in Nessclie, Shropshire. The owner, William Brisbourne, rears 1,700 birds each year, mainly for the Christmas market Photograph: Christopher Thomond for the Guardian


The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012



Seumas Milne Sooner or later the Arab despots David Cameron is selling arms to will fall, and the states that backed them will pay the price

The Gulf protection racket is corrupt and dangerous folly

n the nauseating political doublespeak scale, David Camerons claim to support the Arab spring on a trip to sell weapons to Gulf dictators this week hit a new low. No stern demands for free elections from the autocrats of Arabia or calls for respect for human rights routinely dished out even to major powers like Russia and China. As the kings and emirs crack down on democratic protest, the prime minister assured them of his respect and friendship. Dierent countries, he explained soothingly in Abu Dhabi, needed different paths, dierent timetables on the road to reform: countries that were western allies, spent billions on British arms and sat on some of the worlds largest oil reserves in particular, he might have added by way of explanation. Cameron went to the Gulf as a salesman for BAE Systems the private arms corporation that makes Typhoon jets drumming up business from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Oman, as well as smoothing rued feathers over British and European parliamentary criticism of their human rights records on behalf of BP and other companies. No wonder the prime minister restricted media coverage of the jaunt. But, following hard on the heels of a similar trip by the French president, the western message to the monarchies was clear enough: Arab revolution or not, its business as usual with Gulf despots. The spread of protest across the Arab world has given these visits added urgency. A year ago, in the wake of the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, it seemed the Gulf regimes and their western backers had headed o revolt by crushing it in Bahrain, buying it o in Saudi Arabia, and attempting to hijack it in Libya and then Syria while successfully playing the anti-Shia sectarian card. But popular unrest has now reached the shores of the Gulf. In Kuwait, tens of thousands of demonstrators, including Islamists, liberals and nationalists, have faced barrages of teargas and stun grenades as they protest against a rigged election law, while all gatherings of more than 20 have been banned. After 18 months of violent suppression of the opposition in Bahrain, armed by Britain and America, the regime has outlawed all anti-government demonstrations. In western-embraced Saudi Arabia, protests have been brutally repressed, as thousands are held without charge or proper trial. Meanwhile, scores have been jailed in the UAE for campaigning for democratic reform, and in Britains favourite Arab police state of Jordan, protests have

Inquiries fail the abused

Eileen Fairweather These investigations help politicians, not children. We need a national police operation
s an investigative journalist, I have for over 20 years exposed paedophiles preying on children in care in, among other sorry places, Islington, Essex, Hackney, Jersey, north Wales and Romania. My work has generated numerous inquiries. Every one essentially conrmed what I, brave whistleblowers and abuse survivors revealed. But did they bring child abusers to justice? Not at all. Inquiries are mostly the establishments way of managing dissent and pretending something is being done. I did not rejoice when David Cameron announced there would be an inquiry into allegations that children in the north Wales homes scandal were abused not just by sta but also by politicians, police and businessmen; or when Theresa May appointed the chief of the National Crime Agency to investigate how north Wales police handled allegations of child abuse in the 70s and 80s. Those allegations have been known for decades. We dont need another inquiry but a proper, long overdue police investigation. The horrors of the Jimmy Savile scandal have at last made the unimaginable imaginable. Allegations that children abused in care homes and schools across Britain have sometimes also been abused by powerful outsiders are not new. But not one of the resulting inquiries has had the power, remit, skills or resources to investigate properly. How could they? The paedophile rings preying on children in care are a form of organised crime. Only an expert national taskforce, staed by detectives and senior social workers with track records in collaring paedophiles, have the faintest chance of cracking them. These rings all join up. An investigator may start by looking at a home in north Wales but soon will be looking at a linked home in north London or Devon. The paedophiles protect each other and swap children, references, cover stories, venues and customers. Yet no one ever joins up the dots and says it is time we investigated them nationally. Worse, most inquiries depend almost exclusively upon the testimony of abuse survivors. Children who go into care have often suered cruel or tragic family lives, poor education and then horric abuse in the system supposed to protect them. Many later survive through prostitution and petty crime, serve time in mental hospitals or jail and become addicted to drugs and alcohol. They are easily attacked as poor and unreliable witnesses. It is obscene to make them relive childhood tortures yet again unless other evidence is looked at too. Many survivors or those supporting them have tried to point police towards the people and places used to prostitute children. They have identied child brothels, transportation routes, hotels and bars, xers, providers of false documents and outlets for the lucrative trade in images of child abuse. Almost none of this evidence has ever been acted upon. The child protection whistleblower who contacted the MP Tom Watson last month did so because he was once in a team of just the kind needed now. I was rst in contact with his team and wrote about it 19 years ago, before it was abruptly closed down by orders from on high. It was a brilliant prototype, a joint police/social services investigation into the ring around childcare guru Peter Righton. It produced establishment names and revealed an alleged linked cover-up by Labour let us never forget paedophilia is a cross-party crime and was shut down as a result. Not one of the implicated men was prosecuted. So, how much does Britain care for its children? If we get another inquiry stued with do-gooders with no real powers, we will know. We dont need more hand-wringing and a report published years later; we need to kick down a few doors and rescue some children. Eileen Fairweather is a freelance journalist covering child protection issues

mushroomed against a Kuwaiti-style electoral stitchup. London, Paris and Washington all express concern but arm and back the autocrats. Cameron insists they need weapons to defend themselves. When it comes to the small arms and equipment Britain and the US supply to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and other Gulf states, he must mean from their own people. But if hes talking about ghter jets, theyre not really about defence at all. This is eectively a maa-style protection racket, in which Gulf regimes use oil wealth their families have commandeered to buy equipment from western rms they will never use. The companies pay huge kickbacks to the relevant princelings, while a revolving door of political corruption provides lucrative employment for former defence ministers, ocials and generals with the arms corporations they secured contracts for in oce. Naturally, western leaders and Arab autocrats claim the Gulf states are threatened by Iran. In reality, that would only be a risk if the US or Israel attacked Iran and in that case, it would be the US and its allies, not the regimes forces, that would be defending them. Hypocrisy doesnt begin to describe this relationship, which has long embedded corruption in a web of political, commercial and intelli gence links at the heart of British public life. But support for the Gulf dictatorships colonial-era feudal confections built on heavily exploited foreign workforces is central to western control of the Middle East and its energy resources.

Thats why the US has major military bases in Kuwait, Qatar, the UAE, Oman and Bahrain. The danger now is of escalating military buildup against Iran and intervention in the popular upheavals that have been unleashed across the region. Both the US and Britain have sent troops to Jordan in recent months to bolster the tottering regime and increase leverage in the Syrian civil war. Cameron held talks with emirates leaders this week about setting up a permanent British military airbase in the UAE. The prime minister defended arms sales to dictators on the basis of 300,000 jobs in Britains defence industries. Those numbers are inated and in any case heavily reliant on government subsidy. But theres also no doubt that British manufacturing is over-dependent on the arms industry and some of that support could usefully be diverted to, say, renewable technologies. But even if morality and corruption are dismissed as side issues, the likelihood is that, sooner or later, these autocrats will fall as did the Shahs regime in Iran, on which so many British and US arms contracts depended at the time. Without western support, they would have certainly been toppled already. As Rached Ghannouchi, the Tunisian leader whose democratic Islamist movement was swept to power in elections last year, predicted: Next year it will be the turn of monarchies. When that happens, the western world risks a new backlash from its leaders corrupt folly. Twitter: @SeumasMilne

Hypocrisy doesnt begin to describe this. It has long embedded corruption at the heart of British public life

The press can live with this

Brian Cathcart If Leveson recommends regulation by law we should embrace it to protect the vulnerable

ditors are concerned about the idea of a statute. Lord Justice Leveson has not reported yet, but from the Guardian to the Telegraph by way of the Mail there is concern he may propose a regulator for the press that is backed by legislation. This, it is argued, would by its very nature be bad for press freedom. Why? There is the Rubicon argument: we may adopt an innocent-looking law now, but who is to say that in future less tolerant rulers wont exploit it to gag the press? And there is the licensing argument: if a statute made newspapers participate in a regulatory system, that would amount to licensing of the press, something not seen in centuries. Neither argument survives much scrutiny. Lets say we had a law creating a regulator, at arms length from government and the industry, able to conduct investigations and impose nes. Would that in itself deal a blow to press freedom? It is hard to see how. For a start, the industry cant object to regulation on principle because it has been insisting for 20 years that it had an eective regulator in the Press Complaints Commission (though it didnt). Second, there are decent arguments to suggest that statute is the best way to ensure a regulator has teeth and can be eective. Lets say next that 15 years from now we have an authoritarian government, seeking to control the press. Our regulator, under statute, is independent, so it has protection. For it to cease to be inde-

pendent the statute would have to be changed through new legislation. In other words, a future government seeking censorship powers would be in the same position with or without a regulation law: it would need to get a bill through parliament. And its worth remembering that if we end up with an authoritarian government our problem will be precisely that: an authoritarian government. Whether there is a regulation law it might want to tinker with will be way down the scale of worries. What if the new, post-Leveson law included a clause requiring all the big newspaper publishers (those with revenues exceeding, say, 50m) to participate in the new regulatory regime? Would that amount to licensing? It is certainly a cherished principle that anyone can publish a newspaper if they can aord to, and that anyone who can nd a place to publish may be a journalist. A requirement for large corporations to participate in an independent regulator is hardly in conict with that. Indeed, in many industries participation in regulation is taken for granted as being for the public good. Nor would it be the rst time that newspaper publishers were bound by statute: they must register with the tax authorities (newspapers are exempt from VAT); they can be sued for libel; they can be prosecuted for contempt of court or for breaking the Data Protection Act. They dont opt out of these laws and they shouldnt be able to opt out of independent regulation. But this is a perverse way of looking at things. The Rubicon and licensing arguments summon up unlikely and

almost abstract hypotheses when we have before us a real, enduring press crisis that has been poisoning public life. The Leveson inquiry heard of industrial-scale privacy intrusion, serial libel, relentless dishonesty and unethical conduct, some of it reaching into our politics and policing. Many vulnerable people have been harmed, from the Hillsborough families to the Dowlers, and it happened because rich, powerful newspapers have been unaccountable. We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to tackle this and it can be done without impinging on press freedom. The judges terms of reference actually require him to ensure his recommendations support press freedom, and at his hearings no voice was raised for state control of the press. It would be astonishing if he made a recommendation that impinged on the ability of journalists to report matters of public interest, however unwelcome to government and vested interests. Our judges, appointed under statute, remain independent. Broadcast journalism, regulated under statute, is both trusted by the public and, in the case of the BBC, routinely hated by government. The National Union of Journalists believes that independent, accountable regulation will require statute. Polls show that three-quarters of the population feels the same way because, it is plain, they believe nothing less will make a dierence. If the judge recommends it, let it happen. Brian Cathcart is a founder of the Hacked O campaign

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012 Follow us on Twitter @commentisfree Join us on Facebook

Comment editor: Becky Gardiner Telephone: 020 3353 4995 Fax: 020 3353 3193 Email: [email protected]


Diary Hugh Muir

We are counting them out and counting them in, as the BBC man Brian Hanrahan said during the Falklands conict. We are doing much the same as senior ocials move the chairs around at the Equalities and Human Rights Commission. A very strange process it is too. There are interviews this week, but already we know that two commissioners, Simon Woolley and Lady Meral Hussein-Ece, have been judged surplus to future requirements by the new commission chair, Lady ONeill. Woolley is, at present, the only black commissioner; Hussein-Ece the only Muslim. Both were only recently told how highly regarded they were. Both were encouraged by the government to reapply. But if they are puzzled, they are not alone. For we learn of a third commissioner who wont return. Mike Smith chaired the commissions statutory disability committee, played a key role on the regulatory committee and led the highly acclaimed formal inquiry into disability-related harassment. Like Woolley and HusseinEce, he was the recipient of a glowing assessment and was invited to reapply. Like them, he wasnt accorded the benet of an interview. Like them he learned his fate from a head hunters automated email. I naturally am disappointed at not being reappointed for a further term, he said. The way this is being handled must disappoint everybody. Straight out of the human resources handbook, 1986. Big love in south London meanwhile between George Galloway and Lee Jasper, the controversial former race and policing adviser to Ken Livingstone. Jasper is running in the Croydon byelection under Galloways Respect banner. And it just shows how time can heal. Or how agendas can coincide. For back in 2004, they were hardly comrades. Jasper ran Livingstones antiracism festival, called Respect. Galloway pitched up with his new party, decided the name Respect was rather nifty and ran o with it. Your thing is a mere pop concert, he told an aggrieved Livingstone. There were threats of legal action, but nothing came of it. Galloway registered his party and Jaspers Respect festival was renamed Rise. Galloway was triumphant. We get to play Aretha Franklin all day long, he said. Since the fall of Gadda, Britain has tried to assist Libyas return to democratic government. Thus relations between its nascent political class and our own are cordial. But for how long? For the government of Libya has a relatively new recruit, Sami al-Saadi. Hes the minister for martyrs, responsible for the welfare of dependents of people who died during the revolution. And when hes not busy being minister for martyrs, al-Saadi has more personal things to do. As one of the Libyan dissidents rendered to Tripoli by MI6 and Gaddas henchmen, hes suing the former home secretary Jack Straw, as well as MI6 and the foreign oce. Advice to Straw and Q and any of the other shadowy types that may be in his sights: steer clear of Libyan airspace. Though investigations and departures go on at News International, just occasionally someone achieves the distinction of departing unaccompanied by police or lawyers, untroubled by suspicion or rancour. This week hacks in the north gathered to applaud reporter Alastair Taylor. Taylor clocked up 33 years, covering the biggest stories, but for all his experience he still fell into the trap of seeking to assess his success via Google. I looked to see what stories I did over the decades which had got the most hits, he said. Was it the Ripper, the Shannon Matthews case or another high-prole crime story? No, it was about a Hull man having sex with a goat as passing train passengers looked on horried. The sublime, the ridiculous. All in a days work. Finally, many a reader gets in touch to ask: is it true, as you asserted yesterday, that Denis MacShane was sacked from the BBC in the 70s for calling Reginald Maudling a cook? The answer is no. The now disgraced MP lost his job after implying that the former Tory chancellor was a crook. There is a dierence. It isnt yet defamatory to compare an honourable member with the likes of Gordon Ramsay. But case law is developing all the time. [email protected] Twitter: @hugh_muir

Simon Jenkins Its right that our forces have direct democratic oversight. But education, planning, transport and other services need it too

We need elected mayors, not police commissioners

always suspect anyone who tells me not to vote. The campaign against next weeks election of police commissioners is meretricious. The vote may be less than a quarter baked. The purpose may be obscure and the process mad. But so are American elections where the winner can get fewer votes than the loser. A ballot is the nearest a secular society gets to a sacred ritual, the voting booth its altar. Dont knock it. We may need it one day. The home secretary, Theresa May, revealed on the radio yesterday the ideological hole at the centre of her brain. She argued the virtue of elected police commissioners from the example of Boris Johnson, mayor of London. Johnson has been a poor so-called commissioner, leaving Britains most atulent gendarmerie inecient and unreformed. But he is a public gure with a democratic base strong enough to sack his police chief, Sir Ian Blair, in 2008. What May did not point out is that Johnson was not an elected police commissioner but an elected mayor. He has a deeper mandate than any of next weeks commissioners. This year he enjoyed a plausible turnout of 38%, while they will be lucky to hit double gures. Last year the Tories allowed big cities to vote on whether they too wanted an elected mayor. Most said no. But why was the same option not oered for police commissioners? Why should this one service have direct democracy rammed down the public throat and not the rest? No Tory to whom I have put this question can answer it. They mutter about David Camerons localism being two committees short of a council, nothing joined up, no coherence. But there is talk that Cameron may indeed force municipalities to do what they declined to last year, and have mayoral elections after all. If this is so, and if the government ordains that elected mayors are their own police commissioners, what is the point of next weeks elections? This looks to be another constitutional omnishambles. The truth is that Westminsters politicians are hopeless at updating democracy. We have already had the failure of House of Lords reform, the failure to change constituencies and the imbalance of MPs between England and the devolved assemblies. There have been two messes over functional democ-

The coalition should move quickly to make mayors universal in local government rendering commissioners obsolete

racy. The attempt to make regional oces answer to regional assemblies collapsed under John Prescotts abortive Your region, your choice initiative. Electors in the north-east voted it down by 78% to 22% in 2004. Then we had the much-vaunted NHS foundation elections, initiated by Alan Milburn in 2002, under his patronising earned autonomy. Millions were spent on ignored ballots which degenerated into absurdity. Constituencies were divided between local, occupational and rest of England. Almost no one voted and the foundations morphed into 141 boards with only registered trust members voting. They are de facto private associations, not necessarily worse for that, but hardly accountable democracy. Most social associations tend to boast features that are mildly democratic, if little more than stakeholder consultation. This applies not just to hospitals but to charities, schools, corporations, even universities. They are Edmund Burkes little platoons. Their vigour contrasts with Camerons big society, the operational word being big, and therefore empty of meaning. Attempts to reform British democracy, central and local, have failed because they are rarely sincere. Democracies with layered constitutions, such as France, Germany and the US, delegate not just power but electoral accountability. They trust local people to make their own decisions about who should govern them, and they accept the consequences, postcode lotteries and all. Westminster hates anything that costs it control. In recent history only two reforms have done so: devolution to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, and the direct election of a handful of city mayors. Credit goes to Tony Blair for both, though he privately regretted devolution to Scotland. The essence of both reforms was parliaments shifting of a critical mass of power, rst over a range of local services and second of at least some true electoral accountability. No critical mass of power is being transferred next week. Directly elected mayors have not taken o in Britain, partly because they were given little responsibility, partly because most people seem relatively content with their local government. Where they are not content, as in Bristol and Doncaster, they have opted for an elected mayor. The

same applies with the police. The people of England and Wales cannot know the character or competence of the candidates. Except with plebiscites, as over capital punishment or drug laws, voters choosing individuals must rely on party aliation. They default to party allegiance, in eect handing power of choice to whoever nominates their candidate. This is not valueless. It is just a matter of trust. Nothing is more senseless than to complain that the commissioners will bring politics into policing. What is the point of them if not? Policing is crippled by national politics already. If it must have politics, let it be local. This argument reects a strange political psychosis in Britain, a mistrust of the mechanisms of democracy. Whatever the reason crooked MPs, bureaucratic councils, low turnout it is dangerous. I have no trouble with ramming politics down peoples throats, in forcing the people to be free, including making the vote as compulsory as jury service.

he police need democratic oversight. They are one of the most closed, complex and costly of local services. It is right that they be brought closer to their frontline clients, operating priorities and all. What is not right is that such direct accountability is not extended to other local services such as education, childcare, planning or transport: in other words under an all-purposes mayor or county governor. Most grownup democracies regard such leadership as most accountable where it is embodied in one person, rather than expressed through the cabalism of party groups and shifting coalitions. Johnson and his predecessor, Ken Livingstone, have proved this in London. I know of few Londoners who would revert to the days of the LCC/ GLC. Sooner or later elected mayors will come. The coalition should move swiftly to make them universal throughout local government rendering the new commissioners obsolete. Meanwhile, vote. If we fail to use whatever ballots the Westminster elite from time to time permits, it may one day conclude we dont need them at all. [email protected]


The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

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US election

America a house divided

Americans were still voting as this edition of the Guardian went to press. The last urry of opinion polls at both state and national level pointed narrowly towards the re-election of Barack Obama as president. If that has been confirmed overnight in the ballot box, it is welcome news for America and the world. It will have an important steadying eect for progressive politics at home and abroad. But nothing could be assumed: the poll margins were tight, as they had often been throughout the 2012 campaign. The candidates campaigned until the bitter end in the hope of shifting the nal undecideds. The earliest result of all, in the nocturnal voting ritual in Dixville Notch in upstate New Hampshire, was an ominous tie. The mood elsewhere on election day was tense, an unmistakable contrast with the expectations four years ago that Mr Obama was heading towards the comfortable win he secured. This time the outcome cannot be assumed at all. What can be said with condence, however, is that these 2012 elections have once again revealed America as a sharply divided society, Dixville Notch writ large. Whoever has won the presidency this time has won it by a relatively small margin, more in line with the elections of 2000 and 2004 though hopefully this time the contest will not be settled in the courts. Yet unless Mitt Romney has overnight led the Republicans back to a clean sweep of the White House, the Senate (where a third of the seats were up for election) and the House of Representatives (where all of them were), mandates and power in Washington are again likely to be shared between the parties. If recent years on Capitol Hill are any guide, this is likely to be a recipe for further confrontation, impasse and political dysfunction. Few of Americas problems are likely to be resolved in Washington over the next few years starting with the scal cli confronting the US in January. Americans are therefore likely to become even more dissatised with their politicians and their institutions than they are already good news for radicals of the left and the right alike. It is tempting to assume that these divides are acquiring deeper permanency after the brief Democratic surge in 2008. It will be tragic if it is so. Part of the tragedy would be the deepening of the embittered nature of American public life, epitomised on the right by the motor-mouth bias of Fox News and the shockjock radio shows, and on the left by parts of the blogosphere and social media. Another loss, already powerfully illustrated in this election, would be the increasing campaign focus on a few battleground states and counties at the expense of the virtual neglect of the rest of the country. Mr Obama and Mr Romney seemed only to visit some of the USs largest states, like California, New York and Texas, for fundraising purposes, not for campaigning, because these states votes were not in doubt. This skews the campaign, the debate and the election. We in Britain are just as bad. The results certainly suggest deep polarisation in America, yet while there is plenty of literature to support this analysis, it would be wrong to pretend that America is riven by disagreement as deep and unchangeable as the Grand Canyon. American demographics are moving the Democrats way, and the polarisation of 2012 may owe more to disappointment in Mr Obama and the general unpopularity of incumbents in hard economic times than to a fresh sharpening of the culture wars. In theory, opinion surveys imply that the newly elected president has real scope to unite America around more moderate positions on everything from defence spending to gay partnerships than the divided America stereotype ever suggests. Whether that will happen in practice is another matter. The record is not good. Mr Obama was given no chance to be a uniter during his rst term. All the same, Americans are in many ways much closer to one-nation politics than the votes they cast yesterday would suggest.

Child abuse

Committees, culture and cruelty

Ordinary words struggle to convey the human consequences of child abuse, and committeespeak is even less likely to do justice to its victims. The home secretary headed for the Commons yesterday to announce the seventh and eighth institutional inquiries launched since the Jimmy Savile paedophilia allegations came to light these concerned abuse in care homes in north Wales, and the possible inadequacy of an earlier report into this. Listening to the bickering about the scope, powers and terms of reference, it was hard to recall that the issue here was real individual men violating individual children for their own ends. Counterintuitive as it may be, however, this is a problem that can only be tackled by addressing institutions and culture. After all, witch-hunts against individual paedophiles have been tried in the past. The News of the Worlds name and shame campaign came and went in 2000, causing chaos without preventing or even exposing the sort of abuse that is currently coming to light. For the reality is that a great deal of the damage is and always has been done behind institutional walls. Eileen Fairweather explains on our comment pages today how in care homes these walls are built up out of deference to abusers and disbelief of their wards. From boarding schools to the Catholic church and now the BBC, there are signs of the same story playing out the powerful closing ranks, and the powerless keeping quiet or speaking out without being heard. The institutional questions that demand a response range from the specic who on Earth handed Jimmy Savile Broadmoors keys? to more diuse concerns. The weekend remarks by the retired head of the Duncroft approved school for troubled girls, in which she dismissed former pupils claims about Savile as wild allegations by well-known delinquents, tell you everything you need to know about the culture of contempt towards vulnerable youngsters among certain professionals who were supposedly looking after them. Another problem is the traditional presumption, rooted in two centuries of English common law, that child witnesses could not be trusted. This was overturned by statute in 1988, but perhaps it took longer for the culture of the courtroom to change. The reported dismissal of abuse claims now back in the spotlight by Sir Ronald Waterhouse, the judge who led the original north Wales inquiry, as embarking on the realm of fantasy could become a totem of that traditional disbelief. That, however, very much depends on the facts that get upturned facts that Twittering accusers will not be patient for. That is a pity. Truth will not be advanced, nor children protected, by jettisoning the old presumption against the accuser with a new presumption of guilt for the accused.

In praise of drawing lots

Forget campaigns that cost $5.8bn, and which ignore voters outside swing states and seek to reduce their number within them. None of those issues troubled the process by which Egypts 10 million Copts chose a new pope. First, over 2,000 clergymen and laymen shortlisted three candidates. Next, a blindfolded boy, himself chosen by lottery, picked out a plastic ball containing one of the three names, the idea being that his right hand doubles as the hand of God. Thus was Pope Tawadros II chosen. Experts say that a legislature drawn from the people at random would be more representative, especially of minority communities. Think it couldnt happen here? Jury selection shows we are already happy to leave some crucial appointments to chance. And in May, in Runnymedes Chertsey South and Rowtown ward, the Tory and the independent tied at 503 votes apiece. How was this democratic deadlock broken? By drawing lots, of course.

Comment & Debate

As a GP, I have closely followed the sustained attack on the LCP initially with horror, then with sadness and distress. It has been like watching the humiliation of an old friend. This is not because of some blind loyalty to the LCP itself, or an inability to accept that doctors can be criticised, but because like the vast majority of healthcare professionals involved in end-of-life care it is something I am deeply passionate about. Ensuring that those at the end of their life achieve a good death is one of the greatest challenges in medicine. Many times when I have driven to the house of a dying patient, or even more so to the childrens hospice, every bone in my body has wanted to turn around and go home. It would be easier the conversations and decisions you have to make are dicult and emotionally draining but they are also one of the most rewarding things I do. The LCP is not a ghoulish death pathway, but a compassionate, carefully written document which helps doctors, patients and their families to make the right decisions near the end of life. It ensures that nothing is forgotten like pressure areas, mouth care or the spiritual needs of the patient and it encourages regular review. It is not an exact science, and clearly there have been serious problems in some cases. I am as disturbed as anybody when I hear that families have felt excluded from conversations concerning their loved ones. This is wrong and should not happen enshrined within the very fabric of the LCP is the involvement of relatives. Where relatives have felt excluded, we need to ask why doctors were not using the LCP properly, not to attack the pathway itself. Another common accusation is that families have to defy doctors by giving their relatives a drink and yet the LCP states that patients will be supported to eat and drink for as long as possible. Articial uid and food via drips or a naso-gastric tube may be appropriately stopped, but we need to challenge the impression that end-of-life care in any way involves stopping a conscious patient from eating or drinking. When doctors do try to rally some defence, they are accused of arrogance. Indeed, on hearing that I was writing this article, one colleague told me I was brave (I think he meant foolish). I cannot stop the Daily Mail writing negative articles about the LCP, nor can I prevent the Daily Telegraph from throwing its broadsheet might behind this powerfully destructive campaign, but I can stand up for what I believe in which is the very best, person-centred palliative care. Martin Brunet is a GP who blogs at

End-of-life care is too important to meddle with

Why promise to protect vulnerable patients from doctors? They already have our heartfelt support Martin Brunet

People like our homes they are well secured. Dont call them oppressive Alan McInnes
n her article on buildings security, Anna Minton devalues crime prevention practice, and the Secured by Design award (SBD) in particular (CCTV increases peoples sense of anxiety, 31 October). To receive an SBD, homes must meet a minimum security standard and footpaths, parking and gardens are designed to make potential oenders vulnerable, reducing the risk of crime. Describing an SBD development as oppressive, Minton complains that the gated estate had small windows, reinforced steel doors and grey, aluminium, military-style roofs. SBD does not, and never has, required gated communities, nor any of the features she complains about, which are usually the choice of the architect and client. Claiming that high levels of security characterise our public buildings and that this is because security has become a prerequisite of planning as a result of SBD ignores the facts. Security became a factor in planning because of high crime, poor-quality security ttings used by builders, changing risk, and the Crime and Disorder Act, which required public authorities and police to have a crime prevention agenda. SBD is a police initiative owned by the Association of Chief Police Ocers. Minton states: SBD is funded by

he health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has ridden into the storm surrounding end-oflife care like a knight in shining armour. He wants a revamp of the NHS constitution to defend patients from their doctors, forcing the medical profession to speak to relatives before implementing the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP), which is widely used as a treatment tool in the last hours of the life of a dying patient. Hailed as a victory for families by the Daily Mail, Hunts intervention will no doubt win him some political points. But overall the changes promise nothing that patients do not already have.

Ensuring that those at the end of their life achieve a good death is one of the greatest challenges in medicine

the 480 companies that sell the goods needed to meet the required standard. This is misleading. The research and publications supporting SBD are paid for by fees raised from security companies that make all types of security products, not just for construction, and which are tested to prove their crime-prevention value. Products for SBD homes, as long as they meet the same British standards, do not have to be sourced from these companies. Minton fails to mention that this arrangement makes SBD self-nancing and not a drain on the public purse. She claims that, despite caretakers being much more eective they are not acknowledged by SBD. But we recommend concierge entrances, caretakers and ongoing community management for multi-occupancy buildings. Mintons claim that despite the all-pervasive inuence of this policy, there is no evidence to support it is unsustainable. Independent research shows that SBD properties suer 50% less burglary: just upgrading the doors in Glasgow social housing reduced burglary by 20%. The recent Future Homes Commission report states that 43% of people view security as the most important aspect of homes. SBD is about reducing crime and the fear of crime, and many thousands of homes currently benet. Alan McInnes is director of ACPO Secured by Design If you wish to respond to an article in which you have featured, email [email protected] or write to Response, The Guardian, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. We cannot guarantee to publish all responses, and we reserve the right to edit

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

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Letters and emails

telephone number. We may edit letters. Submission and publication of all letters is subject to our terms and conditions: see

Struggle to nd the X factor in police chief polls

John Harris is quite right about the farce of voting for a police commissioner (Why Ill spoil my ballot, 6 November). I still dont know who the candidates are, although I rang the helpline at least three weeks ago asking for details. I was invited to do this by an information leaet posted to me. It did say I will have a rst and second choice. No mention, though, of how the voting system works. What if there are more than two candidates? And what exactly is it all for anyway? The county police authorities, made up of elected local authority members, are being disbanded. Their job was to monitor the local police force, set the budget and, if necessary, sack the chief constable. In the future, elected local authority members will sit on a police and crime panel to monitor the new commissioner. If the panel doesnt like what the commissioner does, it will have a veto, including of his or her choice of a chief constable. So whats the point of having a commissioner, who will take a high salary, no doubt with expenses. What was that about fooling the people Penny Young South Lopham, Norfolk John Harris mentions that in order to cut costs in the forthcoming police elections, the Conservatives who dreamt this up decided there would be no free mailshots for candidates. As a result, most people are barely aware that anything is happening. Not so in Cheshire. There are ve candidates standing, including an independent, all having had to put up a 5,000 deposit. However, Stephen Mosley, MP for Chester, has used his position, which allows him to have a column in the local free newspaper, to name, support and extol the virtues of the Conservative party candidate. So much for democracy and fairness between candidates. Phil Tate Chester Please, John Harris, dont spoil your vote in the police commissioner election. In Avon and Somerset, there is a real danger that a dangerous candidate could be elected. The Conservative Ken Maddock was until recently leader of Somerset county council, where he pursued an ideologically driven policy of cuts and outsourcing. His administrations brutal plans for our libraries had national attention, but there has been much more on the same lines. Maddocks election material may be bland. But his underlying beliefs are sincere and we could expect cuts and privatisation in the police service if he were to win. Were told the turnout will be low, so every vote will count. Can I propose the temporary formation in Avon and Somerset of a new pressure group Guardian Readers Against Ken? Andy Lewis Minehead, Somerset Is John Harris really serious when he talks about deliberately spoiling his ballot paper in the police and crime commissioners election? They may not be taking the election seriously in his neck of the woods, but in my area the candidates have been on television and had debates around West Yorkshire. I have helped deliver several thousand leaets to homes in Bradford East to support the Labour candidate, who happens to be a serving councillor in Castleford, as well as being the current chair of the West Yorkshire Police Authority. Who could have more legitimacy than that? The Labour party does not agree with police commissioners, but it had to put up a candidate when the legislation passed through parliament. I believe that every election gives voters the opportunity to voice their opinions of the current administration, and the election of Labour police commissioners would send a message loud and clear to this useless coalition. To deliberately spoil your ballot paper is vainglorious and arrogant; it achieves nothing. The Guardian did not back the Labour party at the last election and look what we ended up with. Be careful what you wish for, John you may just get it. Ian Parsons Bradford This weeks elections for police commissioners mark the end of almost two centuries of non-political policing in England. The coalitions enthusiasm for police commissioners is nothing to do with local democracy or public involvement but, once again, the golden rules of the market, ideology and follow the money. Commissioners will control police budgets to enable them to force through modernisation of the police service and the handover of police tasks to the private sector for prot to reduce costs. Just think of the potential revenues from trac policing alone prots backed by the force of law. Another splendid example of the needs of society and citizens being ignored to promote ideology and prots, disguised as progress. Peter North Brinton, Norfolk Thanks to John Harris. His article conrms our decision to spoil our ballot papers because of a lack of clear argument of why the existing police authorities are ineective and incapable of being reformed and justify replacement by what is likely to become a political oce. More specically at a time of austerity, who made the boneheaded decision to spend 75m on a special election in November when surely it could have waited until the May local elections? Barry and Muriel Moore Claydon, Suolk At least John Harris has received a leaet from the Lib Dems about the police commissioners election. Here in Amber Valley in mid-Derbyshire weve had nothing: no leaet, no door knocks, and no hustings meetings. The government is expecting voters to nd out for themselves, but how many people have that much motivation? Viv Scott Belper, Derbyshire Wont spoilt ballots just add numbers to the turnout? So maybe Ian Blairs boycott is the right response? Mick Farley Burton in Kendal, Cumbria

Corrections and clarications

Bleeding canker is not another name for the damage caused by the horse chestnut leaf miner moth, as it was described in a panel about pests and diseases which are threatening trees in the UK. Bleeding canker is a fungus-like or bacterial infection of the bark which has nothing to do with the leaf-mining activity of the moth (The new threats, 3 November, page 14). A roundup of how the US presidential campaign was seen around the world said that the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chvez who is also ghting for re-election had bucked the trend in Latin America by stating his preference for Obama. Chvez is no longer seeking re-election: he won a new term of oce early in October (Who do we want to win? Rest of the world speaks out, 5 November, page 6). A Diary item said the Labour MP Denis MacShane was famously sacked from the BBC after he accused the Conservative politician Reginald Maudling of being a cook. Crook was the word he used (6 November, page 31). Further corrections and clarications on include: Social workers at rock bottom over issue of race and adoption, 6 November. Contacts for Guardian departments and sta can be found at contact-us. To contact the readers editors oce, which looks at queries about accuracy and standards, email [email protected] including article details and web link; write to The readers editor, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU; or phone +44 (0)20 3353 4736 between 10am and 1pm UK time Monday to Friday excluding public holidays. The Guardians policy is to correct signicant errors as soon as possible. The editorial code of the Guardian incorporates the editors code overseen by the Press Complaints Commission: see

Is John Harris really serious when he talks about deliberately spoiling his ballot paper?
Ian Parsons

Senator Dieback
Cuts in funding are not the only threat to parks and greens spaces (Letters, 5 November). The government wants to prevent communities from registering their much-loved spaces as village greens. The growth and infrastructure bill will outlaw any applications for greens on land which has been earmarked for development even though that earmarking is a secret process. By the time local people learn that their space is threatened, it will be too late to save it. Kate Ashbrook General secretary, Open Spaces Society Tax avoidance by multinationals (Report, 6 November) could be resolved by imposing a minimum corporation tax bill based on a small percentage of UK turnover. This would make management charges, transfer prices etc redundant. John Pilsbury Wrexham So the government wants us to protect the ash tree by washing our kids, dogs and boots (Report, 3 November). Next thing theyll be suggesting is that we might survive nuclear war by hiding under the kitchen table. Chris Belshaw Blawith, Cumbria I always imagined that Ash Dieback would be a Republican senator. Phil Thorp Bury, Lancashire For those who feel they are not going to meet the god of hell re (Letters, 5 November), but have some atonement to make, Halfway to Paradise by Billy Fury must be the choice. Michael Rought-Brooks Scarborough, North Yorkshire Were with Jen and Geo. Our grandchildren call us by our rst names and, far from preventing a sense of the wonder of the passing of the generations (Letters, 5 November), it opens up delightful conversation on family relationships. It also removes distinctions between genetic and acquired grandparents. Nina Young and Derek Middlemiss Newark, Nottinghamshire It is, of course, only your maternal grandmother who is safe. The lyric continues: You cannae shove your granny, for shes your mammys mammy ... Frank Welsh Balsall Common, West Midlands

Dierent histories of the Israeli-Palestinian conict

Like Mahmoud Abbas, my father came from Safed, and on behalf of his family I have no intention of renouncing claims arising from our expulsion from the town in 1947-48 (Abbas sparks Palestinian fury after waiving right of return, 5 November). In describing massacres in the Safed area, the Israeli Meron Benvenisti wrote: These atrocities which are regarded as libel, invented by the enemies of Israel were, at the time they took place, known to ministers in the Israeli government, military commanders, and even the general public. The rights of the expelled Palestinians have not evaporated with the passage of time. The houses they lived in and the valuables they left behind were all stolen by the Jews who moved in. The issue that has to be addressed is how the undeniable right of return of Palestinian refugees is to be managed. Having visited Safed many times, I am in two minds about whether I would actually return there. From having been a vibrant town with a majority Arab population, but a signicant centuries-old Jewish presence, it has now become a dump. But it is for me to decide whether I want to return or accept compensation, not for the Israelis, or indeed the president of Palestine, to deny that right on my behalf. Karl Sabbagh Newbold on Stour, Warwickshire The letter from Ghada Karmi and others (UKs responsibility to the Palestinians, 2 November) deserves correction. The Balfour declaration made explicit that its implementation should not prejudice the rights of the indigenous inhabitants. In no way did it give the Zionist movement carte blanche to transform the overwhelmingly Arab state of Palestine into a Jewish one. How the terms of the Balfour declaration were observed was a matter for the British government exercising its responsibilities under the mandate. I doubt very much that Britain encouraged the mass immigration into Palestine of hundreds of thousands of European Jews. Rather the reverse. Until the 1930s, Jewish immigration, motivated more by religious belief than Zionist nationalism, was at a fairly low level and often tolerated by the Palestinian population. It was in the 1930s that this all changed. The pressure of European antisemitism motivated Jews to seek refuge outside Europe. The doors of other nations, Britain and the US in particular, were shut to them. But it was the culmination of European antisemitism in the Holocaust which led to an international crisis. In postwar Europe there were several million displaced survivors unable to return to their original countries. Had Britain admitted up to 1 million of the displaced Jews, and the US up to 2 million, the crisis in Palestine would have been solvable. Instead Britain invited in thousands of Ukrainians, among them SS war criminals. Thus to the tragedy of the Shoah was added the tragedy of the Nakba. Lionel Burman West Kirby, Wirral Re the Arab exodus from Palestine: there is no mention of the UN resolution which divided Palestine between Arab and Jew, which Israel accepted and the Arabs did not. Nor is there any reference to the war which followed, when six Arab nations invaded the new Israeli state with the declared aim of its elimination. Without that rejection and invasion of Israel there would have been no Arab refugees. Paul Miller London

Country diary

Wenlock Edge
Their name comes from the Latin cyclaminos and the Greek kuklos, meaning circle. Their story comes from warm dry forests of the Mediterranean. Their colour comes from an enduring optimism and an innocence of spirit toughing it out here in November woods. The cyclamen have been in Britain since the 16th century and in this wood for more than a hundred years. They belong to the primrose family, which accounts for their irrepressible cheeriness, a pink note they strike at the end instead of the beginning of the year. When I rst found them about 20 years ago in the far corner of this little wood once used as a quarry for limekilns, the cyclamen were a single clump the size of a saucer. Since then, shaded by ash trees and hawthorns, their ivylike leaves struggling through a thickening carpet of real ivy, the saucer-sized clump expanded into a coee-tablesized patch, then, as it spread further, separated out into smaller pink dinnerplate islands in an ocean of glossy green. The quarry was abandoned and there was a house here, abandoned a hundred years ago, too. Only the relics of a garden remain: a few conifers, some owering currant bushes and the cyclamen. I imagine the story of this patch began with a handful of tiny corms from a bulb catalogue, planted to pop up pink each autumn. Those corms rolled out from a long history. Cyclamen were grown in the medieval gardens of Constantinople because they appeared so dierent from common owers of the elds. The owers circular eye, formed by the fusing of upswept petals, peers earthward like a microscope. Its pink ushed with purple draws the human eye, especially in a season of grey skies and brown rot. Its evergreen, grey-enamelled leaves have neatness and precision. Now the cyclamen seem to belong here as much as the ash trees and, in these anxious shadows, may outlive them. Paul Evans

Labour MPs put the record straight

I am puzzled that John Kampfner (Labours back on the right, 6 November) accuses me of attacking the rehabilitative elements in the prime ministers recent crime and justice speech. I am on record as being supportive of attempts to reduce reoending, backed up by evidence of what works. I am committed to expanding the use of restorative justice, creating a Womens Justice Board to reduce reoending and driving down crime by reforming those guilty of committing a criminal oence. Where I am critical of the prime minister is that his speech was billed as a fresh new approach, but was instead full of rehashed announcements. The one major new policy rehabilitation payment by results fails my evidencebased policy test. Ongoing pilots some started under Labour have been ditched or simply ignored. Theres no independent research which shows it works, so rolling it out before we have seen the results of any pilots is premature. Im concerned at the risks to public safety and to former oenders themselves because of botched rehabilitation policies. Sadiq Khan MP Shadow secretary of state for justice Jackie Ashley (Comment, 5 November) and John Kampfner both unfairly traduce pro-European Labour MPs like me for voting against the government and urging cuts in the EU budget. But being pro-European does not mean enabling the EU to escape spending cuts imposed by every one of its member states. Europe would be more popular with its citizens if it showed more willingness to tighten its belt as they are having to do. The austerity being imposed by the coalition at home and leaders across the EU is disastrous, but how can they all justify an increase in the budgets of Europes institutions while everyone else suers from their cuts? I voted last week to curb Brussels budget as a pro-European who believes this is in the interests of both Europe and Britain. Peter Hain MP Europe minister 2001-02

$1bn democracy
I have yet to understand the fascination of the Guardian with the minutiae of US presidential elections. Obama was elected as the candidate of change. He promised to get rid of Guantnamo, introduce a comprehensive national health service, and establish a new relationship in the Middle East and in Americas informal empire. Instead Guantnamo and the dark prisons still function, healthcare is still under the control of the same companies, relationships with the Gulf autocracies are unchanged, along with support for Israels every move, and drone wars that are an aront to international law are bringing terror to Pakistan and the Horn of Africa. TElections in which, whoever wins, nothing is guaranteed to change are the ultimate in capitalist democracy. We are fast moving to a similar situation in Britain. Would it be too much to ask that, instead of concentrating on the trivia and froth, you ponder deeper questions such as what kind of democracy it is where you have to raise a billion dollars to win? Tony Greenstein Brighton, East Sussex

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012


Whats wrong with Glasgow?

Scotlands largest city has a reputation for ill health, but that alone cant explain its shocking mortality rates

Sighthill housing estate, now partially demolished. Many of Glasgows social problems are no worse than those of other UK cities and violent crime is decreasing Photograph: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

Ali Muriel
With a referendum on Scottish independence now agreed, Scottish nationalists can dare to wonder: what would an independent Scotland look like? Alex Salmond naturally has plenty of suggestions. Two adjectives he is unlikely to choose are unhealthy and shortlived but, as delegates at Scotlands annual public health conference will hear this week, the poor health of Scotlands citizens remains a matter of profound concern. With the lowest life expectancy in western Europe, Scotland has been in the grip of a public health crisis for decades now. And ground zero for that crisis is unquestionably the countrys largest city: Glasgow. Whether it is deaths from cirrhosis, drug abuse, lung cancer, murder or suicide, Glasgows mortality rates are easily the highest in Britain, and among the highest in Europe. Life expectancy at birth in Glasgow is the lowest in the UK more than six years below the national average for Glaswegian men (71.6 years, compared with a UK average of 78.2 years), and more than four years below average for Glasgows women (78 years, compared with the UK average of 82.3). And because Glasgow is home to more than 10% of Scotlands total population, with nearly 600,000 people in the city itself, and more than a million in the greater Glasgow area, Glasgows problems are very much Scotlands problems. Its a human tragedy on a massive scale, says Gerry McCartney, an epidemiologist at NHS Scotland. His colleague, David Walsh, a lead researcher at Glasgow Centre for Population Health adds: You are talking about thousands of people dying before their time. Stand in the bustling centre of Buchanan Street on a sunny autumn afternoon, and you would be hard pressed to spot signs of a public health emergency in Glasgow. Shoppers stream past the pristine sandstone shopfronts, looking every bit as prosperous and confident as Salmond could wish for and no less healthy than

people anywhere else in Britain. Walk a few miles east, however, and the dire statistics become easier to believe. Glasgows city boundaries contain some of Britains most deprived neighbourhoods. You dont need to be a doctor to see how unhealthy people in these communities are, says Dr Saket Priyadarshi, a senior GP in Glasgows addiction services, who has spent most of his professional life treating addicts in the citys east end. He is not exaggerating. Pale men cluster outside windowless pubs pung on cigarettes. A frail couple, three crutches between them, totter out of an o-licence, pausing to adjust the large plastic cider bottles in their backpacks. An obese man with a withered leg limps down Tollcross Road, eating pizza from a cardboard box.

Scientic mystery
Yet, the conventional wisdom that Glasgows ill health is all down to poverty, bad diet and bad behaviour is, at best, partial and, at worst, misleading. Despite years of research and decades of evidence that something has gone terribly wrong in the heart of Scotlands largest city, the underlying causes of Glasgows fatally poor health remain something of a scientic mystery. Poverty alone doesnt account for Glasgows dismally low life expectancy.

Other British cities Liverpool and Manchester, for example have rates of deprivation every bit as high as Glasgow, yet their life expectancies are substantially higher. Whats more, even Glasgows most auent citizens, those in the top 10% of the income distribution, die signicantly younger than their counterparts in other British cities. At best, according to the epidemiologists calculations, deprivation accounts for less than half (around 40%) of Glasgows mortality gap compared with the rest of the UK. The other causes are still unknown. Epidemiologists call it the Glasgow eect, which sounds reassuringly scientic, but, as Walsh readily concedes, it is nothing more than a label scientists have chosen for their ignorance. The use of that word [eect] excites people, he laments. They start saying because of the Glasgow eect as though we know what it is. The whole point is its something we dont know the answer to. With colleagues at NHS Scotland and the University of Glasgow, Walsh has devoted much of the past five years to uncovering what makes Glasgow so different, compared with other, similarly deprived British cities. If you think deepfried Mars bars are to blame for Glasgows ill health (as many English commentators seem to), then think again: obesity rates in the city are actually lower than in some English cities. Nor can Glasgows infamous penchant for alcohol and cigarettes explain the puzzle. According to the largest health surveys in England and Scotland, Glaswegians neither binge-drink nor smoke more than their peers in Liverpool or Manchester. Drug abuse (particularly heroin), knife crime, murder and suicide are all signicantly more prevalent in Glasgow than in other cities. But that only prompts the question why is this the case? What is it about life in Glasgow that seems to predispose some of its citizens to such destructive behaviours? Lots of people have their own pet hypotheses about it, Walsh says. In a

71.6 10

The average life expectancy of men in Glasgow, in years. The UK average is 78.2

The proportion of Scotlands population that lives in Glasgow

recent research paper, Walsh, McCartney and their co-authors, Chik Collins and David Batty, assessed no fewer than 17 competing explanations for Glasgows ill health. There are theories that blame the weather (perhaps it is vitamin D deciency or chilly winters?), those that blame the data (perhaps Glasgow is simply poorer than it looks?), plenty of theories that blame the Glaswegians (a culture of hedonism, sectarianism or alienation) and still others that point the finger at the Tories (a political attack on Glasgow, conducted by Margaret Thatchers government). Some have more supporting evidence than others, but all are unproven, says Walsh. The main thing to say is that its not going to be one thing. Its going to be a combination of dierent factors interacting, he says. This leaves Scotlands policymakers in something of a quandary: how can you tackle a problem when you dont know what is causing it? The answer so far has been to bring in increasingly heavy regulation of unhealthy choices. In recent years, Scotland has become a trailblazer for public health regulations. The country was the rst in Britain to ban smoking in public places, and hopes to become the rst to introduce a minimum unit price for alcohol. These policies are wholeheartedly welcomed by Dr Linda de Caestecker,

director of public health for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. She has pressed for restrictions on the opening of new bars and off-licences, and on the serving of unhealthy food in schools and public buildings, and is pondering whether councils might restrict the opening of fastfood restaurants near Glasgows schools. I get accused of being sort of regulation for everything, De Caestecker notes, drily. But at the very least we need to make the healthy choices cheaper than the unhealthy choices. Scotlands approach to tackling deaths from violent crime has been rather more creative. A decade ago, Glasgow languished as the murder capital of western Europe, with rates of knife crime and homicide more than double those in London, but its homicide rate has fallen by a third since the early 2000s, and violent crime is also decreasing. The citys innovative Violence Reduction Unit (VRU), established by Strathclyde police in 2005, can claim a large share of the credit, having piloted a range of unorthodox strategies to cut violent crime . These include giving police ocers full-time posts on school campuses, bringing violent gangs into court en masse to confront the communities they terrorise, and training dentists and vets to recognise the signs of domestic abuse. We took the attitude that its so big and so complex, it doesnt make any dierence where you start, says VRU co-director, detective chief superintendent John Carnochan, candidly. Just make a bloody start.

Scotlands potential
All of which makes Glasgows dismal life expectancy all the more demoralising. If Scotland is to full its potential whether independently or as part of the UK then Glasgow needs to heal. But, for now, social scientists continue to juggle dozens of dierent research projects, all aimed at uncovering the causes of the citys malaise. Scotlands policymakers can only hope they succeed and the sooner the better. Interview, page 37


The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

Peter Hetherington Social work desperately needs a fresh image, says Josh MacAlister
One of the most dicult things to learn as a teacher is the limits of your own inuence. Nothing made this clearer to me than working with pupils who were looked after or in need of protection. Life outside school for these children made learning inside school impossible. The social worker who was working with one pupil was an agency member of sta and was the childs sixth social worker in 12 months. Social work appeared to be a profession overstretched and demoralised. Yet Ive met many inspirational social workers who are true leaders able to bring dierent agencies together and solve problems in the childs best interests. I am proposing a graduate fast-track programme that draws on the Teach First scheme and is about getting more of these leaders into childrens social work. When the team at the IPPR thinktank investigated the problem, it quickly became clear there were three points most people agree on: the status of the social work profession is low, the work requires a demanding mix of skills and

Osborne had already rejected Hezzas plan

Second thoughts
We would also aim to give Frontline participants the best training and preparation so that they are able to practise as a social worker after a year. I have been speaking with social workers over the last year to design the outline of best-inclass training. It would include theory and the essentials of social work degree courses, but would focus on skills such as risk assessments, intervention methods, care planning and court work. To succeed, Frontline also needs to include opportunities for experienced practitioners to spread their wisdom, so that local authorities become better at training and supporting new social workers. We would also prepare Frontline participants by giving them leadership development. Many professional bodies have said that at a time of cuts and record demand, social work is under even greater pressure and more resources are needed. However, money alone will not transform social work. Reform is also required to rebrand the profession and make it more attractive to top graduates. Frontline could play a valuable part in this, as Teach First has done for teaching.
Josh MacAlister is the project leader for Frontline, an associate fellow at the IPPR and a teacher in Greater Manchester

enior government ministers had already answered a central thrust of Lord Heseltines formula for creating growth in England before he made a muchpublicised pitch last week to transform the countrys economic fortunes. Heseltine thinks sweeping Whitehall reforms, leading to stronger localism and active support for business delivered by regional partnerships, will go some way toward narrowing the divide between an increasingly powerful London, the surrounding south-east, and the rest of England. But barely two weeks before he launched what amounted to his alternative economic strategy, the government slipped through a growth and infrastructure bill designed to remove yet more power from town halls. So whatever the warm words of George Osborne and David Cameron, in welcoming Heseltines bulky report, commissioned by Downing Street, the government thinks the opposite to Hezza. As the Conservative-led Local Government Association (LGA) notes, the bill clashes fundamentally with the governments localism agenda with sweeping new powers to remove decision making from democratically accountable councils. This means a massive shift of resources, says the LGA, from town halls to the Planning Inspectorate, a quango answerable to ministers. Instead of getting local approval, developers will be able to bypass town halls and make applications to this quango for, what the Department for Communities and Local Government calls, economically essential development, yet to be dened but doubtless including more retail and business parks and much else. Much of Heseltines localist vision had been undermined before he even delivered his report. The Economist helpfully noted that the report underlined the divide between tax-cutting centrists and regional devolvers in the Conservative party just as it did during Margaret Thatchers reign, when Heseltine clashed with the former prime minister. Heseltine and Cameron are poles apart. The government has already scrapped a regional structure that might have delivered some equity across the country: eight regional development agencies, regional planning and much else. Why? Because of a visceral dislike of all things regional by those in the zone occupied by communities and local government secretary, Eric Pickles. He will ostensibly oversee the new centralised planning regime. England is now the only major economy without a regional strategy except in one select corner. Greater London has not only kept its regional plan, powerful transport functions, development agency and interventionist institutions, but also had its powers strengthened in the Localism Act. Having scrapped development agencies for the rest of England, the government created 39 institutions called Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs), non-statutory, business-led bodies with tiny budgets. But a survey by the Work Foundation thinktank nds business leaders are so disenchanted with these bodies that they are ready to walk away unless ministers give them real powers and nance. Heseltine wants to do just that. But dominant centrists in the government remain dismissive of the thrust of Heseltines agenda for a coherent national industrial strategy backed by much stronger powers for large cities and surrounding conurbations. There is, however, a glimmer of hope. Nick Clegg has unveiled city deals for 20 specic areas to complement eight approved in July. The aim is to devolve more power and funding, with councils working with LEPs to produce strategies for local growth. A modest rst step, perhaps crucially, dependent on a changing mindset in the Treasury but it seems to be the only show in town. Peter Hetherington writes on communities and regeneration

Much of Heseltines localist vision had been undermined before he even delivered his report

attributes, and protecting vulnerable children is one of the most vital and rewarding professions. So my work was to develop something radical that could raise the prestige of the profession and prepare the most sought-after graduates and career switchers to be excellent social workers. Like Teach First, our Frontline proposal, which was launched last month, aims to attract the most academically able, highly skilled and motivated people into the profession with a simple message: make a dierence and learn to be a leader. And, like Teach First, the majority would stay in the profession for the long term while those who leave would be connected to the mission of challenging social disadvantage.

Savile case shows inpatient voice is crucial

ously what they have to say, we must share some of the responsibility for what happens as a result. In light of this, the decision to abandon the only survey that monitors how safe people feel as inpatients on psychiatric wards seems particularly ill-judged. Until last year the Care Quality Commission (CQC) conducted three inpatient surveys. There was a general survey of all inpatients except those on psychiatric and maternity wards, who were surveyed separately. This exclusion still stands, but psychiatric inpatients are no longer covered by a separate survey. They are not surveyed at all. I cannot think of a group of people whose experience it is more important to survey than mental health inpatients. As individuals their word is disastrously easy to dismiss, especially in a situation where it is their word against a doctor or a nurse, for example, with no third party to serve as a witness. Incidents between patients are often not taken seriously. I was punched in the face on one ward by a patient, who was clearly unwell, in full view of the sta, and absolutely nothing happened at all. On another ward, two patients, who were both extremely vulnerable and too unwell to be responsible for what they were doing, repeatedly had sex. The female patient was clearly disturbed by it and reported to me in graphic detail what was going on. When I spoke to the nurses, it turned out they were fully aware of the situation and routinely giving the female patient the morning-after pill along with her morning medication. They were doing their best to stop it, they said, but it was clear to me that they found the whole thing highly amusing too. And in case you thought such incidents were consigned to the mixed ward past, I should say this took place on one of the newer segregated wards, where the female patients sleeping area is separated from the communal eating and recreation areas by a locked door that only sta can open. Is it any wonder, then, that the last CQC survey of psychiatric inpatients in 2009 found that fewer than half of them reported always feeling safe on psychiatric wards? And yet they have abolished the only means by which many patients can express their concerns and hope to be listened to. It is only in numbers that the ignored can hope to make an impression. When the rst few women began to speak up about Saviles behaviour, his nephew, Roger Foster, was brutally dismissive, describing himself as disgusted and disappointed that such claims were being made. With a further 300 people now stepping forward, his tone has changed markedly. The charity, Rethink Mental Illness, has launched an e-campaign to persuade the government to reintroduce the mental health inpatient survey. It can be accessed via its website, and I would urge you to sign it. Clare Allan is an author and writer on mental health issues

Clare Allan Its my life

ow that about 300 people have alleged they were abused by Jimmy Savile in a range of institutions over more than 50 years, the various inquiries into how he was able to continue his behaviour unchecked are likely to take some time. We dont need to wait for an inquiry, however, to tell us the most immediate and obvious truth: it is crucial to listen to people whose word it is easy to dismiss. As the horrifying events at Winterbourne View private hospital near Bristol have also made clear, the individuals who society nds easiest to ignore are the very same people whose voices we need most to hear. These are the people that abusers will target precisely because they know they are very likely to get away with it. And in so far as we leave people vulnerable by failing to listen to them or by failing to take seri-

Clare in the community Harry Venning

To order original Clare cartoons, signed by Harry Venning, call 0330 333 6839.

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012


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Interview Johann Lamont

Facing up to Scotlands stark choice

The countrys Labour leader wants free healthcare, not the independence debate, to dominate the political agenda
Peter Hetherington
When Johann Lamont, Scotlands Labour leader, called for a mature debate on the funding of Scotlands cherished public services, from free personal and nursing care to free NHS prescriptions and tuition-free universities, the outcry was predictable. She was accused by the SNP government of moving to destroy shared social bonds. And some Labour activists privately questioned the timing of her speech at the end of September, when Lamont cautioned: This is the stark choice Scotland has to face: if we wish to continue some policies as they are, they come with a cost that has to be paid for either through increased taxation or direct charges or cuts elsewhere. With the temperature in the great constitutional debate rising two years before an independence referendum, could Lamonts musings prove to be a high-risk strategy? Telling the truth, and confronting the challenge, is what politics is about, she replies. People need an honest appraisal of what the choices are. She has already raised several questions about those choices. What, for instance, is progressive about a chief executive on 100,000 a year getting free prescriptions when a pensioner has to endure cuts in a care package; or a wellpaid lawyer escaping fees for children at university when one in four unemployed young people in Scotland cannot get into further education as colleges struggle with cuts, Lamont has asked. Since becoming Labour leader in Holyrood last year, she has certainly made an impact, if the eect she is having on a normally bullish, combative rst minister Alex Salmond is anything to go by. Shes getting under his skin like no predecessor, says a seasoned observer in the Holyrood debating chamber. We meet in her parliamentary oce, shortly before a debate initiated by Labour on the future of an independent Scotland in the European Union. Lamont, 55, is relaxed, thoughtful, engaging, and determined that the independence debate will not dominate the political agenda for the next two years. Some people dene the only change as constitutional change, she says. Thats the rst challenge. Ive always said that Alex Salmond has the mandate to ask the question. But there is a presumption made among nationalists that constitutional change is the answer to all the questions that are problematic in our communities, and my job is to talk about what is happening in the real world, she stresses. Our conversation begins with the community politics, dear to her heart, in her native Glasgow. She enthuses about community-based housing associations and co-operatives meeting local needs, rather than faceless, remote social landlords, then recalls with aection a rewarding, 20-year teaching career before entering the Scottish parliament in 1999. Although she taught English,

Curriculum vitae
Age 55. Family Married, son and daughter. Home Cathcart, Glasgow. Education Woodside secondary school, Glasgow; Glasgow University, MA Hons; Jordanhill College of Education, postgraduate secondary teaching qualication. Career 2011-present: leader, Labour group and Scottish Labour party; 200811: deputy leader, Labour party, Scottish parliament; 2006-07: deputy minister of justice, Scottish executive; 200406: deputy minister for communities in Labour-Liberal Democrat coalition, Scottish executive; 1999-present: MSP for Pollock, Glasgow; 199099: English teacher, Castlemilk high school, Glasgow; 1982-89: English teacher, Springburn Academy, Glasgow; 1979-82: English teacher, Rothesay Academy, Isle of Bute. Interests Running, watching football and soaps.

Portrait by Murdo MacLeod

she is rooted to older party values, with a deep commitment to fairness. Perhaps this explains why Lamont, never afraid of the socialist label, believes that at a time of a shrinking Scottish budget Labour has to address the language of priorities. She takes comfort from a report by the commission on public service delivery for the Scottish government, chaired by the late Scottish TUC general secretary Campbell Christie, and published last year. He talked about competing demands something we have to wrestle with. There are lots of things you aspire to, but how do you make sure they are funded? What Im frustrated by is simply an assertion that things are ne when we know in our communities that things are not. She volunteers one example: free personal and nursing care for elderly and inrm people in Scotland but not, of course, in England. Her critique might surprise many south of the border. Annual costs are creeping towards 500m. To have this, its got to be properly funded. It cant be when you say weve got this fantastic policy when, at the same time, the threshold to access care is increased, when you charge for things you did not charge for in the past community alarms, or whatever when you drive down most terms and conditions and youve got what care workers describe to me as a job of task and go go into peoples homes for 15 minutes then back out the door. Thats not care. Is it acceptable that someone is tucked up in a bed at 6pm because of the pressure care workers are under? Weve got care workers, particularly in the private sector, who are not even getting paid for travel time. She adds: What I want is a much more serious debate about the scale of the challenge because I do think theres an awful lot hidden. Now if weve not got a compassionate care system and a government that says its so fantastic we wont even look at it. But it bears no relation to whats happening in families and communities that is unacceptable. This, of course, begs a wider question: should prescription charges (which cost approaching 60m annually) be free for everyone? I think we need to ask those questions, she replies. If I believe we need free personal care, we need an honest discussion about what it costs with a well-managed, well-trained workforce. So charging, then, for some services that are currently free? Lamont pauses briey. We have said we need to look at all of these policies. We cant have what is currently the position, where we assert one thing and the reality is something dierent. I would emphasise again that we [the Scottish Labour party] supported the policy [originally], but, in my view, theres nothing credible about supporting a policy without the means for it to be delivered. Lamonts further gripe is a council tax freeze launched as a stopgap measure in 2007-08 by the then minority SNP administration, pending the introduction of a local income tax. When the party ditched the local income tax proposal, fearing an electoral backlash, it continued with a freeze. The result is that local government in Scotland is arguably now more centralised than its English counterpart. Lamont says: The logic of the SNP position, with all Scottish councils getting the same compensation to keep the tax frozen for the past ve years, is that the council tax will wither on the vine. The freeze is underfunded. Of one thing she is sure. We will not get back to 2010 funding levels for another 16 years. The demographics of Scotland tell you theres a challenge ahead. They [the SNP government] knows already theres a gap between the policy and reality on the ground. And if the SNP government wont address it, she will high risk, or not. Whether Ed Miliband follows her example by addressing tough social policy choices facing a party aspiring to UK government remains to be seen.

Im frustrated by the assertion that things are ne in our communities when we know they are not
her work involved liaising with social workers, and education psychologists, largely asking Why do children fall out of school? she explains. Ive got a very deep and abiding passion about education being far more than buildings and textbooks; its what children bring into school with them. A lot of our job was drawing youngsters into school, working with families, she says. Although labelled a Blairite by SNP critics after the Edinburgh speech, which received lurid headlines about Lamont demanding an end to the something for nothing culture, those close to the Scottish Labour leader say she could never be labelled new Labour. Rather,

Is it ever OK to decide that a person is so old they are beyond repair?

That was one of his two sons obesity. It transpired that he had been refused a hip replacement because he was too overweight. This seemed to me a quite reasonable refusal; after all, what was the point of replacing an item of bodily equipment, the mechanical failure of which could be attributed to having too much to carry, without addressing the issue that caused the damage in the rst place? And in any case, when youre too fat, theres a problem with the anaesthetic, Joyce had suggested when I mentioned it to her at the community centre. Nobody just gets obese you make it happen, youre responsible, she said, and o she twinkled on her smug little ankles. Mulling it over that evening at home, it occurred to me that Charlies sons situation was iconic of our times. We eat, drink and make merry in the knowledge that tomorrow is a lot further o than it used to be, thanks to the NHS and its technologies. My daughter Penny came round at the weekend and I mentioned the business. So hes overweight, she snapped. Anybody bother to ask why? Shes a bit of a leftie but then, working as she does at the sharp end of the care sector, I guess shes entitled. Look, no one wants to be obese; its an addiction, she said. You dont like what you see in the mirror so you look for comfort. Shes right, I guess. Comfort food, from burgers to coke, is big business and, in the present circumstances, comfort is in high demand. In Charlies sons case, there was much besides. From what Id picked up over the years, hed not had it easy. An unhappy schooling with low-threshold special needs, a couple of redundancies, divorced; in other words, circumstances had aggravated a naturally ill-disciplined appetite into addictive mode. After shed left, however, I recalled my initial reaction to Charlies complaint, which generated some pretty uncomfortable thoughts. Charlies son got fat; my fellow crumblies and I have got old. Is there a dierence ? I mean, if Joyces and my argument were to become policy, then ... Exactly. Our need for repair derives from our lifestyles. We are products of our personal appetites and the manner in which we satised them, whether it took the form of indulgence in food, narcotics, work, or of abstention from exercise and attention to health. Again, we may claim that we are victims of happenstance, the normal accidents of life and vulnerable genes. But the question remains about the degree to which we are entitled to require the working young to pay for breakdown repairs of ancient errors, excesses and events; repairs that will amount to no more than a short-term patch-up job anyhow. Such misgivings were not reassured by last nights phone call from Penny. Her car had failed its MOT. Not worth repairing, all that rust needed welding, and something about the steering and suspension, cost more than a new car, she said. She would never make the link between a commodity and a human. But I could and so, I imagine, can the politicians. Stewart Dakers is a 74-year-old community worker

Stewart Dakers Grey matter

met Charlie at the bus stop the other day and his body was bristling with indignation. See, its not his fault, he concluded after a fairly long explanation. You dont get like that without something being wrong.


The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

I want Aisha to grow up stronger than I am

Female genital mutilation is illegal in the UK, but an asylum seeker fears it will be forced on her daughter if they are deported
Rachel Pugh
The rst thought Binta Jobe has on waking each morning is of the day she was taken, aged nine, by family, into the bush and forced to undergo female genital mutilation (FGM). It was done without anaesthetic, by an old woman with no medical training. Now the 23-year-old Liverpoolbased asylum seeker from the Gambia is ghting to save her three-year-old daughter, Aisha, from the same fate. The World Health Organisation denes FGM as all procedures that involve partial or total removal or injury of the external female genitalia for non-medical reasons. It estimates that up to 140 million females worldwide have experienced the procedure, including 92 million in Africa. I dream of blood, says Jobe, who suers recurrent infections, sexual problems and pain as a result of the surgery. Its an abuse. I just want Aisha to be able to grow up stronger than I am. We have no choice about it in our country. I did not understand that I had rights until I came to the UK. Jobe arrived in the UK in 2008 to join her husband who had come to study. Within weeks of Aishas birth, there was talk of arranging her circumcision. Jobe ed with her daughter. She applied for asylum in 2010, based on her belief that she and her daughter will be tracked down by extended family and Aisha subjected to FGM if they are forced to return to the Gambia. FGM is still legal in the Gambia, where, according to Unicef, about 78% of the female population undergo the procedure. Under the UN 1951 Refugee Convention, fear of being forced into FGM is grounds for seeking asylum. It is also regarded by the UN as torture and as inhuman and degrading. Yet the UK Border Agency (UKBA) refused Jobes application for asylum and her last appeal was turned down in September. After careful consideration, both we and the courts have ruled that [Jobe] is not in need of asylum. The court found [she] could live safely elsewhere in the Gambia and that the law provided sucient protection for her and her daughter, says a UKBA spokesman.

Expert insight
A high proportion of social housing tenants are jobless. How can housing providers best help them into work?
John Coburn, Hact housing and empowerment network Range of services [We found] 88% of housing providers are oering help, advice, services or work opportunities to residents; [yet] only 42% of housing providers know the employment status of their tenants or residents. The introduction of the universal credit, and the end to direct payment [of rent], will mean that getting your tenants into work is not just about a moral mission. It will also be about protecting your business from risk. Bernadette OShea, chief executive, Hounslow Homes Apprenticeships We recently did an audit of our sta and found that about 40% live in the borough and about 10% are tenants. In the next year we are going to concentrate on how we can increase these numbers. We have started by extending our apprentice programme and really focusing on recruiting local young people and increasing the number of girls. Suggestions from an apprenticeship group are: dont make it easy for people on benets; target placement opportunities for tenants in the company; make doing some kind of work compulsory, even for a few hours a day; help people to improve their CVs; and provide childcare to enable parents to work. Lynsey Boother, senior employment and skills adviser, National Housing Federation In-work support We need to provide pre-employment support, with realistic expectations and goal setting, and keep people in work once theyve secured it. There is a history of programmes that ignored people once they were in work, only to nd them back on jobseekers allowance in less than three months from a job start. That pattern of short-term, low-hope jobs must also be addressed. Providing some support and taster days; having mentors in place; and sessions on motivation, planning, understanding yourself and your job are all proving useful, say [housing] employers. The Guardians professional networks bring together advice, insight and best practice from professionals. Read the full Q&A at

Binta Jobe and her daughter face being returned to the Gambia, where 78% of females undergo FGM Photograph: Gary Calton The government launched the UKs rst all-party parliamentary group on FGM in December 2011 to address FGM both here and abroad. FGM is illegal in the UK under the 2003 Female Genital Mutilation Act, as is sending UK residents abroad to undergo the procedure. Jobes case has been taken up by human rights lawyer, Peggy Layoo, who is applying for a judicial review. Layoo condemns UKBAs stance as utter hypocrisy. She says: FGM is akin to rape, but it is not being taken seriously by UKBA. It is a denial of the suering of women in the third world. We all know that FGM is going on, yet the government does not want to do anything about it. A 2001 study estimated 66,000 African women in England and Wales had undergone FGM, and a further 23,000 girls under the age of 15 were at risk. Jobes case is viewed by many of those working with asylum seekers as the tip of the iceberg. Jobes pupils dilate with fear at the prospect of returning to the Gambia. She was only 13 when she was married against her will to a family friend more than 20 years older than her. She cannot read or write. Young women like herself live in compounds in the Gambia with an extended family and she says a single woman arriving in this small country would stand out and be found by family who would punish her for going against her culture. If I go back to the Gambia I might as well just say, Here I am, come and take me. It is a place of gossip and they will just track me down. I will just end up losing my child, Jobe says. Sylvia Chant, professor of developmental geography at the London School of Economics and an expert on the Gambia, submitted a report as evidence to back Jobes case. She agrees that Jobe would have few options for example, prostitution if she returned to the Gambia, that both she and Aisha would be extremely vulnerable to violent victimisation and neither would receive any state protection. UKBA says the Gambia has begun making moves to change the culture around FGM, working with Gamcotrap, one of the oldest womens rights NGOs in the Gambia, and through local dropping of the knife ceremonies. Lauren Butler, an immigration case worker at Rochdale Law Centre, is working on four asylum cases similar to Jobes involving FGM. She thinks UKBAs decisions are often based on unreliable sources and are made from a middle-class, white perspective. They are not apprehending the situation. It is something between wilful ignorance and cultural disbelief, she says. UKBA states: Female genital mutilation is an abhorrent crime, and we are working with international agencies to help prevent women and girls becoming victims. But Maurice Wren, director of charity Asylum Aid, accuses the government of double standards. He says: At a time when government is publicly promising action against FGM practised in the UK, it is appalling to think that women and girls who have claimed asylum here are being sent back to face exactly the same abuse overseas. Some names have been changed

Outsourcing policymaking: the benets

the range of advice given to ministers. The need for more challenge accords with the ndings of research that the Institute for Government published in April 2011. We found the ministers we interviewed (from the previous Labour government) thought that, too often, civil servants were not well-connected enough with current thinking in academia and thinktanks, and lacked depth of knowledge in the subject areas they were dealing with. At the same time, the institute found civil servants self-censoring the advice they put to ministers. There is nothing new about opening up policymaking. Indeed, recent research by Kings College London has documented the explosion in the number of ad-hoc external celebrity reviewers appointed to advise the last two governments. In the past week, Lord Heseltines review of growth has been published and Sir Howard Davies, former head of the FSA, has told us how he is going to take forward the remit on his inquiry into airport capacity. Yet neither of these seems to be regarded as outsourcing policy. The focus and concerns are about the contestable policy fund, which enables ministers to commission policy advice from beyond Whitehall. The Cabinet Oce established the fund earlier this year as part of its civil service reform plan. The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) thinktank won the rst contract to carry out a review into how other civil services work, with a particular focus on accountability systems. Policymaking is not so good that it should be exempt from innovation. The fund needs to be seen as an interesting and, at the moment minor experiment. There have been others under this government, which the institute has explored in its study, Opening Up Policy Making. In addition, the Welsh government is setting up an external Public Policy Institute to give advice to ministers. Ministers need to be transparent about how they set up and handle the results, to counter the concerns about commissioning convenient advice. They need to learn from these innovations, but they could be more radical, too. The way to test the added value of outsourced policy advice would be to publish it alongside civil service advice. Then we would really be able to judge the quality of the civil service against external pretenders. Competition could raise standards on both sides. It might reassure ministers and the public on the quality of civil service advice. Everyone, including the civil service, would benet. Jill Rutter is director of the Institute for Governments better policymaking programme and is a former civil servant

Jill Rutter Public manager

Guardian public leaders network poll shows deep scepticism over government proposals to outsource policymaking, with 81% of senior managers opposed to the idea. Many of the 500, mainly senior, managers in the survey acknowledged that consultation on policymaking should be much wider, and wanted to see policies informed by the views of practitioners, thinktanks, academics and others with an informed understanding of the issues. They supported proposals to increase the number of options presented to ministers, increase the radicalism of options, and to better recognise stakeholder and citizen views. But the overwhelming concern raised was that ministers would commission advice from those who shared their existing views, leading to an unchallenged policymaking process. That is not the intention, according to cabinet secretary Sir Jeremy Heywood. If anything, its the other way round, he says, stressing that the aim is to broaden

There is concern that ministers would commission advice from those who share their existing views

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012


The Guardian roundtable in association with Fusion21

Social value under the spotlight

From next year the public sector will need to consider the wider community eects of contracts, in addition to service and cost. As Kate Murray heard at a recent debate, creative methods of procurement will be needed
t a time when government spending is being cut back but the demand for public services is rising, its vital to squeeze the most from every pound of public money spent. From the contractor building social housing to the caterer who supplies the sandwiches for meetings, the decisions public bodies make about the people they do business with can have a huge knockon eect in their communities. Take the right decision and you can create apprenticeships and jobs, support edgling social enterprises and put extra money into the most disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Thats why social value has become such a hot topic for the people delivering our public services. Politicians also want to seize the opportunity to gain wider social benefits from spending decisions. The Social Value Act, which comes into force next year, will require commissioners to at least consider social value when they are agreeing public services contracts. But for the focus on social value to have real impact, both buyers and suppliers need to be geared up for the challenges ahead. At a roundtable on commissioning for social value in public sector contracts, hosted by the Guardian in association with Fusion21, there was agreement that in this economic climate it was vital to nd new ways of working. The debate was conducted under the Chatham House rule, which allows comments to be reported without attribution to encourage a frank exchange of views. One participant kicked o the discussion by saying: Its about a shift from a needsbased to a change-based approach. We are looking at how we generate value by using the investment we already have on the table dierently.

A mixed picture
Already, some organisations are making great strides at both measuring social value and embedding it in their business. But its a mixed picture. One contributor, referring to public sector procurement, said: Some areas seem to be doing very well and have the energy to make things happen and some dont, even though they are all working to the same rules. Among those taking the issue seriously, the roundtable heard, is Liverpool city council, which has said it will go beyond what the Social Value Act sets out by giving preference where possible to social enterprises bidding for contracts. It has also changed its procurement rules to favour organisations with the smallest gap between the lowest and highest paid earners. A participant said: Cost and quality are always going to be predominant but we think if we can send out a signal to the market thats important. The roundtable heard that local authorities and other big commissioners should ensure the contract requirements they put in place are not too onerous for smaller social enterprises to full. Requiring three years of accounts or a 2m turnover, for example, could rule out new social enterprises that might otherwise be able to use the benets of the contract they win in the local economy. That sentiment was shared by another contributor, who said: There are numerous hurdles within the current procurement process which really restrict social enterprises. We need to look for new models of working and we need to look at how we avoid a monopoly. Unless we really upskill SMEs [small and medium enterprises] we will have the big boys coming in and the small ones being squeezed out. Another barrier is the concern over potential legal challenges to procurement decisions in what is traditionally a risk averse part of the public sector. According to one participant, for that to change, both sides of the deal should be clear about whats expected and a strong relationship of trust needs to be fostered among procurement teams. But its not just about commissioners changing the way they do business. Suppliers also need to adapt. It is dicult for [social enterprises] to compete, said one contributor. There are barriers around things like OJEU [the Ocial Journal of the European Union, which publishes tender notices]. But it is also important that we understand what matters to people. The roundtable also heard that dening social value is not an easy task. Different public service providers will have their own views about what added social benefits they want to gain from the money they spend. As one particiBringing programmes together to create long-term work is one possible way of incorporating social value into construction contracts Photo: Bloomberg via Getty Images

The Social Value Act

The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 requires public authorities to have regard to economic, social and environmental wellbeing in connection with public services contracts. The policy has been largely welcomed by commissioners. The Act should empower organisations to be a little bit braver, said one participant to the roundtable. We probably can do most of what we want to do under the existing framework, but it will give added comfort to those who have been receiving cautious advice that they can go ahead.

pant said: Social value is in the eye of the commissioner. But giving communities a big voice in setting their own priorities is bound to help make sure social value provisions really do have a positive impact on the ground as is good dialogue. If social value is in the eye of the commissioner, then how do you inuence that eye? asked another contributor. For me its about who inuences the key people before they start making decisions about what they are going to commission. Its not just about opening up the process to dierent smaller competitors, its how do you influence key policy makers when they are sitting down and thinking about what they will spend the money on? On top of that, public services providers will need to have robust ways of measuring outcomes without getting bogged down

in bureaucracy and a sense of what they are trying to achieve. You need to have a whole understanding of social value going through the organisation, right down to the people ordering the sandwiches, recognising that if you go to that person it might be slightly more expensive but you create jobs, said one contributor. There needs to be a cultural shift in getting this embedded on the ground. Another participant added: Procurement isnt a silver bullet. Its got the potential to do a lot of things, but just including a requirement for social value in a contract doesnt guarantee outcomes. You need to make sure the outcomes are delivered and proven. Decisions should be made at the highest level, not just pushed down. If this change is to be successfully implemented, good leadership will be essential, the roundtable was told. So too

At the table
Hannah Fearn Editor, Guardian Local Government Network Rosie Jolly Chief executive, Social Enterprise Network Dave Neilson Chief executive, Fusion21

Anne Lundon Enterprise consultant, Plus Dane Group

Bill Taylor Retrot consultant, Fusion21

You need to have a whole understanding of social value through the organisation
Louise Harris Head of social responsibility, First Ark Group Ken Talbot New-build consultant, Alliance Procurement

Dr Jo Meehan Universityof Liverpool

Steve Agger Social strategist, Fusion21

Cllr Paul Brant Chairman of the board, Riverside Housing

Steve Moore Executive director business development, Helena Partnerships

will be creative thinking. There are some fresh ideas out there already. Sometimes they involve changing the way an organisation works to bring about positive outcomes. For example, the roundtable heard that Fusion21, originally set up by housing associations as a procurement vehicle, has now become an employer too, seconding people into jobs because of the inherent instability of the construction market. Another idea, suggested one participant, would be to bring construction programmes together to create sustainable employment opportunities. The problem with our construction industry is it is stopstart. If we work together to aggregate our build programmes, we can create relationships with the supply chain, we can get consistently low costs and we can deliver consistently long-term jobs and training. Its not about more money, its about using the money we have more strategically. There are signs the focus on social value could be extended beyond it simply being negotiated on an ad hoc basis as contracts come up. One participant said they would like to see savings in procurement channelled into a specic pot to fund social programmes, rather than allowing suppliers to adopt their own approaches and risking gimmicks or tokenism. This is the art of the possible, the participant said. There is potential through a pot mechanism to fund lots of social programmes tackling worklessness, reducing reoending, getting single mums into work: solutions that have meaning in the community. That might not only pay o for stretched public bodies striving to squeeze every penny they can out of the funding going into their communities, but for the wider business world. According to one contributor, some forward-thinking companies are starting to recognise that a commitment to social value demonstrates to their customers that they are in it for the long term. The public sector is leading the way, the roundtable was told. A real measure of success would be if its picked up by the private sector and recognised as a good thing not just for ethical reasons, but because it makes business sense.

Its not about more money, its about using the money we have more strategically


Caroline Price Director, The Big Life Group

Chris Murray Director and chair, Core Cities and Fusion21

Roundtable report commissioned by Seven Plus and controlled by the Guardian. Discussion hosted to a brief agreed with Fusion21. Funded by Fusion21. Contact Trish Holst on 020-3353 2347 ([email protected]) For information on roundtables visit:


The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

SocietyGuardian Trustees Week

We need new faces around the table

Trustees Week allows the unsung heroes of charities to enjoy a day in the sun, says civil society minister Nick Hurd. But it is also an opportunity to attract a new, more diverse range of potential trustees

ondon 2012 shone a spotlight on the immeasurable role that volunteering plays in our society and it was great to see frontline volunteers so fully recognised. But the spotlight needs to shine further still. When we think about volunteering, certain roles spring to mind: the helper in the local charity shop, the gap-year student teaching children abroad, the mum who delivers meals to elderly neighbours. But they cant do it alone. None of these activities happen by chance. From the smallest community group to the largest organisation, behind every good charity is a team of dedicated trustees. They go by many names board members, governors, committee members but the essence of their role is the same: they are the people responsible for running a charity. They provide leadership and strategic direction; they take responsibility for good governance; they decide priorities and allocate resources. Much of this vital work goes unnoticed, so Trustees Week (until 11 November), organised by the Charity Commission and partners, is an opportunity for those behind the scenes to enjoy the spotlight. Crucially, I hope it will also serve to reach out to a new wave of potential trustees.

Charities may have to think smarter

New charities rely heavily on supporters and contacts to recruit trustees, research by the Charity Commission suggests. More than half (53%) of all charities seeking registration with the commission say they look to their sta or volunteers to nd trustees, while 46% cite personal connections and 39% word of mouth. Only 10% have advertised trustee vacancies online and 6% have done so in print. More than four in 10 (41%) say their trustees have sought support from another charity in the same eld. The commission, which surveyed 667 organisations seeking to register over the 12 months to August, wants charities to think more widely and creatively when appointing trustees so that their boards have the right skills and diversity. Sam Younger, the commissions chief executive, says: I would encourage charities to recruit as widely as possible for new trustees, targeting in particular young people who are often able to bring new talents and perspectives. The survey found 34% of the edgling charities wanted to appoint trustees. Fundraising expertise was the skill most sought, followed by knowledge of charity law and regulation and strategic planning and business development. David Brindle

Charities must think more broadly about how and who they recruit Getty carry at least one trustee vacancy, which calls for a massive recruitment eort. We need new faces around the table. This is a crucial time for the voluntary sector public service delivery is opening up to social enterprises; the huge potential of digital technology has yet to be fully grasped; and the economic situation remains tight. So we want trustees who bring the kind of leadership and business skills that the sector needs if it is to continue to deliver the support upon which so many rely. Its a two-way street. Businesses have much to gain by supporting trustees among their sta. For those in employment, being a trustee enables them to transfer and gain experience and skills

Big recruitment drive

There are 162,000 registered charities in England and Wales, with more than 940,000 trustee s. The government is working to make it easier to get involved by introducing a new legal structure, the charitable incorporated organisation, which will protect trustees from personal liability for the nances of their charity. But around 50% of charities are thought to

between the two. But to tap into this opportunity, charities must think more broadly about how they recruit and whom they target. In many cases, word of mouth is no longer sucient to secure the diversity of skills and backgrounds required. The average age of a trustee is 57, so we also need to broaden the demographic. Older people contribute much in terms of experience and time but they may not, for instance, be as familiar with the reach that social media can provide for fundraising and recruitment as someone in their 20s. Currently, 18 to 24-year-olds make up just 0.5% of trustees, despite representing 12% of the population. Even then, they tend to be conned to education- and trainingrelated charities. How can we address the challenge of an ageing population if we dont involve the next generation? Again, this has the potential to be a winwin situation, as the role of trustee can provide younger people with experience of a range of work-related responsibilities, such as managing accounts and resources, enhancing their employability in a very competitive jobs market. But of course, its not all about what can be gained. Selessness and commitment are the hallmarks of so many trustees and seeing the practical, tangible dierence their eorts can make is often the major motivating factor I have every condence that there are talented, committed people out there of all ages and backgrounds who would welcome the opportunity to direct their energy and enthusiasm to a worthwhile cause. There has never been a better time for them to come forward. Nick Hurd is the minister for civil society. For details of Trustees Week events and links to partners who have vacancies, go to

SocietyGuardian Executive Senior, Management

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Chief Executive
Competitive package York
Founded in 1905 and with an ambition to be the UKs leading health and wellbeing mutual organisation, Benenden Healthcare Society is in an exciting phase of growth and development. Combining the recent constitutional changes that open up membership eligibility with the development of new products and services, provides substantial opportunities for balanced expansion. A further 40m investment in the Societys renowned Kent hospital (which employs c.450 of the 650 total staff) will also enhance its capability to provide the highest quality of care. With a turnover of 80 million, Benenden Healthcare Society is now seeking a Chief Executive to succeed the current incumbent, who is due to leave in 2013. Accountable to its membership of over 900,000 through the Committee of Management, the Chief Executive will lead an experienced executive team in steering the organisation through the strategic challenges of a rapidly changing healthcare environment in the UK. This is likely to involve seeking appropriate partnerships or acquisitions, as well as developing new products and services, some regulated, to be offered to the expanding membership, whilst retaining the ethos and values of a mutual society. Candidates for this role are likely to be experienced general managers with a background in both commercial leadership and healthcare, and either with firsthand experience of working in a regulated mutual or friendly society environment, or a strong personal identification with the culture of such organisations, and recognition of the importance of membership. The Chief Executive needs to be an adept strategist and innovator, a motivational and inspiring leader and a sophisticated and confident public communicator for Benenden Healthcare Society. A high degree of political sensitivity will need to be combined with a prior track record demonstrating leadership of growth and achievement.
For further information about the role and how to apply, please visit or telephone +44 (0) 20 7830 8063 for assistance. Closing date: 5pm on Wednesday 21 November 2012

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Attractive Salary
The Trustees of the Institute of Our Lady of Mercy wish to appoint a suitably qualied and experienced Manager for their Care Centre which provides residential care for 20 older people, specialist care for 30 people living with dementia and 18 extra care apartments for people who require varying levels of care / support in their own home. The successful candidate must be able to lead the team ensuring high care standards and oversee the day to day running of the facility dealing with all aspects of management. Candidates must have: A relevant management qualication Experience of managing a range of services for older people including services for people living with dementia Ability to assess and meet the needs of a diverse service user group A thorough working knowledge of current CQC legislation Empathy with the aims of the charity and support for the Mercy ethos of the Institute We have an excellent reputation in the provision of care and are looking for a manager who can help maintain our standards. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory CRB check at enhanced level. For an informal discussion contact: Mrs Sandra Atkinson (Area Manager) on 07807 006 218 An application pack is available from Alison Muhl, Administration Manager, by emailing: [email protected] with your details or call Alison on (0113) 250 0253. Closing Date: Friday 30 November with interviews arranged for 11 December 2012. Registered Charity No 290544

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Training & Volunteer Mentor Ofcer

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SocietyGuardian Executive Senior, Management, Public Services, Courses

Director Society, Middle East and North Africa
47,000 p.a. + benets. Based in Cairo, with regional travel
The British Council is looking for an experienced social development professional to join its regional leadership team in the Middle East and North Africa and lead its society programme. With expertise in civil society development and good governance, you will have a strong track record of working effectively with partners to bring about positive social change. Understanding the changing dynamics of the region and the pivotal role of young people, you will provide strategic direction and oversee the work of our country delivery teams to ensure that society projects meet agreed targets, remain relevant to local audiences and align with interests of UK stakeholders. This is a senior position where you will represent the British Council in high-level contact with partners, donors and governments. A key challenge of this role is to identify opportunities for new partnerships and new sources of income that will increase the scale and impact of our work. Applicants must have relevant post-graduate qualications and at least 10 years of management experience within a social development or international development setting. For further information and to see how to apply, please visit The closing date for applications is Saturday 17th November 2012
The British Council creates international opportunities for the people of the UK and other countries and builds trust between them worldwide. The British Council is committed to a policy of equal opportunities

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Source: NMR Dec 08 - Nov 09

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Finance Director
40,506 - 44,910 per annum, pro rata | 28 hours per week

Children and Families Group Manager

Ref CE1291

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Age UK Camden is committed to being an equal opportunities employer. Registered Charity No. 293446

Our futures in your hands

Head of Planning 60,000 - 70,000 Hendon, London Ref: PL01
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The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

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Elliott Carter
American composer who dominated the heroic age of postwar musical modernism

he American composer Elliott Carter, who has died aged 103, was, apart from Pierre Boulez, the last survivor of the heroic age of postwar musical modernism, and perhaps its greatest exponent. In the 1950s, when Carter wrote his rst masterpieces in his new self-made, fabulously intricate language, that age was in full ood. By the time he wrote his playful late masterpieces, it had long since passed into history. And yet despite his longevity, Carter never became what so many aged artists become: relics of a bygone age, constantly interviewed for their memories of the past. He always lived in the present tense. By the same token, he and his music were completely impervious to fashion. The music lost its hectic intricacy of the 1970s and 80s and became so graceful in its modernist purism that it took on the mysterious quality of a classic always contemporary, through being essentially timeless. Most composers biographies bear out the adage that geniuses are born, not made. With Carter the reverse was true. There was no revelation in early childhood of unusual gifts. What distinguishes Carters early years is not precocious musicality but precocious maturity and self-belief. He was born in New York, at a time when the rst skyscrapers were appearing on the skyline, but milk was still delivered by horse and cart. His father was a lace importer and Elliott often accompanied his father on buying trips, which allowed him to learn French and Flemish at rst hand. It was a solid bourgeois upbringing, but the boy soon showed a rebellious streak. His father hoped he would take over the business and must have been annoyed to nd his son so passionate not just about music, but beastly modern music. The young Carter was attracted to anything new: he attended the rst American performance of The Rite of Spring, in 1924. In the same year Carter met the founding father of American musical modernism, Charles Ives. The frail elderly man took to the determined young man, describing him in a letter of recommendation to Harvard University as rather an exceptional boy. He has an instinctive interest in literature, and especially music. At Harvard, Carter studied English literature, but he also learned ancient Greek, sang in the Harvard Glee Club and wrote incidental music for theatre productions. A career as a music critic or a humanities teacher (he taught for several years at St Johns College, Annapolis, Maryland), combined with some composing for choirs on the side, seemed his most likely prospect. But Carters persistent explorations and self-questioning suggest an inkling of a bigger goal. The next 15 years were ones of slow maturing, revealed in a trying-out of various idioms. In retrospect, these years take on an awesome quality of self-possessed, unhurried progress toward a goal whose essence was glimpsed, but for which the technical means were as yet lacking. What Carter was searching for was a music apt for the multilayered experience of being alive in the 20th century. But he was

Carters Symphony of Three Orchestras (1977), inspired by Hart Cranes poem The Bridge, evokes all the conicting energies of America Photograph: John Lent/AP

aware that the obstreperous American modernism of Ives, Henry Brant and Edgard Varse wouldnt do. Urban and machine-age sounds and gestures did not interest him; they were too much of the moment. He wanted a modernism beyond fashion and to achieve that some European sophistication would be necessary. All the things he had absorbed would eventually nd a place in his modernist idiom: the idea of dramatic personages found in Mozart operas, the independent layers of English madrigals, the syntactic rigour of Arnold Schoenberg and the combination of strict and free rhythm in jazz pianists he admired, such as Art Tatum.

Ian Balding, racehorse trainer, 74; John Barnes, football coach, 49; Michael Byrne, actor, 69; Dame Silvia Cartwright, former governor general of New Zealand, 69; Lindsay Duncan, actor, 62; Sir Paul Ennals, former chief executive, National Childrens Bureau, 56; Billy Graham, evangelist, 94; James Gray, Conservative MP, 58; Lucinda Green, equestrian, 59; Danny Grewcock, rugby player, 40; Philip Hollobone, Conservative MP, 48; Dame Gwyneth Jones, operatic soprano, 76; Joni Mitchell, singer and songwriter, 69; Jean Shrimpton (Jean Cox), hotelier, former model, 70; Sharleen Spiteri, pop singer, 45; Morgan Spurlock, documentary maker, 42; Tinie Tempah, rapper, 24; Sir Anthony Wheeler, architect, 93; Peter Wilby, journalist, 68.

ynthesising all these within a coherent idiom that was both authentically contemporary and authentically American would prove agonisingly hard. From 1932 he spent three years in Paris acquiring a solid technical grounding from neo-classicisms leading proselyte, Nadia Boulanger, which left its mark on his String Quartet in C. Once back in America, Carter became the musical director for Lincoln Kirsteins Ballet Caravan, for which he composed the ballet Pocahontas, and in 1939 he married the sculptor Helen FrostJones. Like his slightly older contemporary Aaron Copland, Carter was swept up in the populist spirit engendered by the Depression. One result was his Holiday Overture, composed in 1944 during a summer stay on Fire Island. Copland was a guest during that summer and his ballet Appalachian Spring was written at the same kitchen table as Carters overture. Coplands ballet was a perfect piece of American arcadiana. Carters overture, though sharing some of Coplands upbeat diatonic avour, had an admixture of Carter-ish complexity and dissonance. His inability, or refusal, to strike a purely populist note helps to explain why, with his 40th birthday looming, he was still a marginal gure. When Copland published a survey of younger talents to watch, in 1948, Carter did not get a mention, a fact which despite his aection for Copland still rankled in later years. Eventually Carter realised that all the accumulated baggage of his music the neoclassicism, the madrigalian references, the Greek texts, the Americana would have to go. In the Piano Sonata of 1945, written the year he moved with his wife into the brownstone apartment

he would live in for the rest of his life, Carter retains the massive rhetoric of the American sublime. But the cyclic form, the startling use of piano resonances and rhythmic exibility mark a huge step forward. The Cello Sonata of 1948 is another leap towards a really radical conception of form. The piece at the end seems to loop back to its opening, in a way that recalls Stphane Mallarms conception of a book that one can begin at any point. At the beginning, a strict metronomic ticking in the piano is combined with a rhapsodically unfolding line in the cello. Nothing quite like this joining of two radically opposed worlds moving at dierent speeds had been heard in music before. But it was in the First String Quartet of 1951 that Carters new conception of independent musical layers, sometimes co-operating, sometimes clashing, came into focus. To achieve it, Carter cut himself o from his usual surroundings and moved to the Arizona desert for several months. What survives from his old manner is a rhetoric of wide intervals, as if the American sublime has been sublimated and purged of anything local. That joining together of strenuousness with an ever-increasing allusiveness would dene Carters creative project for the next two decades. It revealed itself in three works of astounding complexity that occupied him for more than 10 years: the Double Concerto, premiered in 1961, the Piano Concerto written in 1964-65, partly in Berlin and the Concerto for Orchestra of 1969. Carter was now in his 60s, and his life had long since settled into a pattern that mingled teaching and composing during the academic year with more concentrated creative work during summer retreats at the Carters modest country home at Waccabuc in upstate New York. He had reached the age at which most composers are in some way retrenching. Nobody could have guessed that Carter was just getting into his stride, and that ahead of him lay more than four decades of creativity. In the 1970s, after a gap of nearly 30 years, he returned to vocal writing in a series of intricate settings of American poets such as John Ashbery, Robert Lowell and Elizabeth Bishop. This decade also produced the distilled essence of Carters style: The Symphony of Three Orchestras (1977). Inspired by Hart Cranes poem The Bridge, the piece evokes all the conicting energies of America, with a soaring trumpet solo that captures Cranes image of a gull wheeling over Brooklyn Bridge.

By the 1980s, Carter was established as modernisms not-so-grand old man. He was not ignored in America, but it was the respectful esteem of prizes and fellowships that came his way rather than aection. As ever, Carter was a frequent visitor to Europe, where his uncompromising modernism found a warmer reception. However, he was an indefatigable worker and was much involved in practical ways with American musical life. He taught, principally at the Juilliard School, in New York, held guest professorships in the US and in Europe and served on the board of the American section of the International Society for Contemporary Music. Up to the 1970s, Carter had been a constructivist composer. Some pieces were based on polymetric grids, and all of them involved complex rhythmic gear-changes known as metric modulations. Carter also made use of a systematised harmonic system, involving tables of all possible permutations of a given set of intervals. Manipulating these systems involved immense labour and copious sheaves of preliminary sketches (well over a thousand pages for A Symphony in Three Movements).

ut from the 80s Carter increasingly composed free-style, by ear. This is one reason for his increased productivity. Another is that the knotted density of his 60s and 70s scores gave way to a new transparency though the musical thought is more quicksilver than ever (When will Carter start to write an old mans music? was the plaintive comment of a composer several decades his junior.) A stream of chamber miniatures emerged, as well as elegant concertos. The greatest surprise of Carters later years was the appearance of an opera, What Next?, rst performed in 1998. However, not all the late works were light in tone. Symphonia, premiered in 1996, is his weightiest achievement, with a middle movement, Adagio Tenebroso, that is the most perfect example of Carters desolate, unfathomably dark slow movements. In the 1990s, America seemed to wake up to the fact that the most revered living composer on the planet was one of their own. As if to make up for lost time, a stream of home-grown commissions followed. There were more surprises, including a piece composed in 2007 for string orchestra, Soundings, of astonish-

ing simplicity. This aloof procession of slow chords comes close to Morton Feldman, a composer often thought of as Carters opposite. When this was pointed out to him, he said, I know, with a naughty twinkle. When you get to my age, he said, you just want to have fun. Despite the death of his wife in 2003, Carters cheerful spirit seemed undimmed. He continued to travel across the Atlantic for performances of his music. The concert for his 103rd birthday contained three US and three world premieres, and last month saw the world premiere of Dialogues II, for piano Daniel Barenboim and chamber orchestra. Carter was, under his genial demeanour, a ghter. To the end one could detect a determined set of the jaw. And there is sometimes a surprisingly aggressive tone in his letters. These clues point to the inevitable human cost of such an implacable struggle sustained over so many years, which perhaps only those closest to Carter had to bear. For the rest of the world, Carter oers an inspiring image of the heights to which determined creative self-fashioning can rise, and a body of work that in its total integrity, masterly craftsmanship and many-sided expressive power, already deserves the name of classic. Carter is survived by his son, David, and a grandson. Ivan Hewett Elliott Cook Carter, composer, born 11 December 1908; died 5 November 2012



The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

Is Compton the answer to Englands long game?

Cricket, page 48

Lord Coe takes the Olympic reins with in-tray full of issues
The new BOA chairman must decide how to exploit nations high standing, writes Owen Gibson
When he is voted in unopposed as the chairman of the British Olympic Association today, Lord Coe will be at once joining an organisation on the crest of a wave and in some diculty. On the one hand, it has just played a major part in delivering the best British performance at an Olympic Games in over a century, under the unremitting glare of a home Games. On the other, it faces long-running questions over its nances and remit amid a looming debate over the post-Games sporting landscape. But the appointment of Coe, London 2012s gurehead with a large reservoir of political, public and international goodwill to draw on, will give it the best opportunity possible to face those challenges assuming he can devote enough time to them. Among the challenges in his in-tray are: Finances Before taking the job, Coe sought assurances that the BOAs creaky nances would not damage his ability to do it. Dismal sales of BOA scarves and medallions during the Games, not to mention a long-running row with Coes Locog over the deal that originally licensed the Olympic rings to the 2012 organisers, left the BOAs balance sheet in a parlous state. Its 2011 accounts revealed a 411,000 loss but the more serious impact will be felt this year when the full cost of delivering the 550-strong British team to the Games are taken into account. In its recent accounts, it revealed that it had extended its overdraft to 5m for the rst quarter of next year. There is also an ongoing debate about whether it should lobby for a share of public money for some areas of its operation such as the museum it wants to build on the Olympic Park or remain entirely independent of government. Legacy Coe was once fond of saying it was for others to deliver on the legacy created by the Games. But his decision to accept an oer from David Cameron to be a government adviser and cheerleader for the Olympic legacy and an entreaty from the sports minister, Hugh Robertson, to take on the BOA role have left him among those who will be judged on whether the promises he made to secure the Olympics are being kept. The success of the Games has not only given the BOA a platform to exploit but also left Britains standing at an all-time high among the global sporting community. A bid for the 2018 Youth Olympic Games has already been submitted on behalf of Glasgow, but it will be for Coe to decide how else best to capitalise. Role A long overdue debate on the respective roles and responsibilities of the alphabet soup of British sports administration bodies had been put o until after the Games. A full-blown merger of UK Sport, the Olympic funding agency with which the BOA under outgoing chairman Lord Moynihan regularly clashed, and grassroots body Sport England is likely to be put on ice in favour of streamlining their operations and moving to new oces. Before the Games, Moynihan

One of Lord Coes main tasks will be to dene what sort of organisation he wants the British Olympic Association to be Paul Ellis/AFP/Getty Images

had spoken ambitiously about the BOA taking a lead role in coaching, school sport and a host of other areas that could lead to clashes and overlap. Coes task will be to dene what sort of organisation he wants the BOA to be. Sta Ahead of the arrival of the new chairman, the BOA chief executive, Andy Hunt, presented a restructuring plan to the board designed to streamline the number of senior sta and save money and potentially cement his own position in the process. The departure of Sir Clive Woodward, although by his own volition, will also help save money. Under the plan, the number of divisional directors will be reduced from 11 to seven and the overall headcount from 87 to 52. Coe will have to pilot the organisation through this moralesapping period and emerge the other side with a clearer idea of its future role. Commercial The rationale behind the investment by Moynihan and Hunt who expanded the commercial team ahead of the Games was the lure of the rewards on oer once the rights to the Olympic rings return to the organisation at the beginning of next year. But aside from a new contract with Adidas and a marketing deal with the International Olympic Committees commercial partners, which will bring in 13m over the next four years, there has been little progress in getting other deals over the line. The hope is that Coes longstanding links at the highest levels with some of the biggest multinationals, and Locogs success in delivering more than 700m of sponsorship income will help seal more of those deals.


Card heads to top of the pack with King George rmly in his sights
Chris Cook Exeter
Cue Card conrmed his talent with a most impressive victory in the Haldon Gold Cup here but did more to ignite arguments about his future than to settle them. He is the pride and joy of the Tizzard family, who lavish attention on him at their Dorset yard, while also being the cause of much friction over the breakfast table when they discuss the question of his ideal distance. This was a notable success for Joe Tizzard, Cue Cards 32-year-old jockey, who has long argued for the horse to be kept to shorter trips, such as the two miles and a furlong of this race. It was Joe who spotted the Haldon Gold Cup as a suitable target when his father, Colin, the trainer, had been looking at a much less valuable contest at Kempton on Monday. Once he said it, it was obvious, wasnt it? Colin conceded from the winners enclosure. I probably would have thought of it the day after. It is an insight into the direction Tizzard Srs thoughts were tending that, on the morning of this race, he entered Cue Card for Haydocks Betfair Chase over three miles. The way his horse coasted around in the lead, nally pulling 26 lengths clear of Edgardo Sol and Menorah, forced an immediate rethink. Does he need to go three miles now? Can he go that fast and stay? I dont know. The trainer was a picture of cheerful cogitation as others hugged and took photographs close by. Its probably the best feel hes ever given me. Hes made fast horses look slow today, said Joe, who, when pressed, suggested that two and a half miles may be Cue Cards optimum. But both Joe Tizzard steers Cue Card to a highly impressive victory in the Haldon Gold Cup Chase at Exeter men seem to accept that the King George VI Chase over three miles on Boxing Day is a challenge that should not be ducked, Kemptons sharp circuit oering less of a test than other courses. Well have to do it at Christmas, wont we? Colin said. Its the ideal track. Cue Card is now no bigger than 10-1 for the King George, having been 25-1 previously. Another run is planned before Kempton but the Betfair Chase is no longer favourite. Huntingdons Peterborough Chase over two and a half miles seems more likely, while a more ambitious option would be the two-mile Tingle Creek against the mighty Sprinter Sacre, who beat Cue Card at this years Cheltenham Festival. A nal decision will not be made until the Tizzards have engaged in several more debates. We have them every day, dont worry, Colin said, ruefully. I dont mind a bit of input Half an hour later, this became a big day for the family when they won the novice chase with Theatre Guide, taking the notable scalp of Hinterland, who had been fancied for the Arkle at next years Festival. Down the back stretch, Theatre Guide was so far behind Colin thought his son must have decided just to do a good schooling job, but Ruby Walsh and Tony McCoy, riding the two favourites, had gone too fast in front and were sitting on exhausted animals by the turn for home. Defeat for Edgardo Sol and Hinterland brought an end to Paul Nichollss tremendous recent run, though his wins in the opening two novice hurdles underlined the depth of young talent at his yard. More is to come; the champion trainer revealed he has two halfbrothers to Best Mate, called Nitrogen and Pure Oxygen, to unleash in the coming weeks.

Todays tips
Chris Cook 12.10 Auntie Kathryn 12.40 Rio Sands 1.10 Shiatsu 1.40 Dashing Star 2.10 Motion Lass 2.40 St Moritz 3.15 Maven 3.50 Monthly Medal Top Form Auntie Kathryn Tenancy Blue Lotus Arabian Skies Muhtaris Colonial Leviathan Astra Hall Spoil Me Daneva J T Munman Hazy Tom Iron Chancellor Overton Lad Lillybrook

4.25 4.55 5.25 5.55 6.25 6.55 7.25 7.55 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.05 3.40 4.15 Chris Cook Villoresi Islesman Atlantis City Twary Italian Riviera Spring Of Fame Rustic Deacon Sir Dylan Top Form Villoresin Inthar Rottingdean Twary Italian Riviera Sp Of Fame (nap) Validus (nb) Eanans Bay


Todays big races

6.55 Kempton Richard Hughes Floodlit Listed Stakes (Class 1) 1m 4f 18,714
1 (6) 2 (4) 3 (3) 4 (7) 5 (8) 6 (1) 7 (2) 8 (5) 004041 215353 -46336 2/2505-2120 036030 -14111 621126 Layline (15,D) Miss G Kelleway 5 9.3 DOUBTFUL Media Hype (59) Mrs K Burke 5 9.3 M Harley 87 Modun (53,CD,BF) S Bin Suroor 5 9.3 S De Sousa 88 Nebula Storm (J14,BF) G L Moore 5 9.3 G Baker 83 Spring Of Fame (47) S Bin Suroor 6 9.3 M Barzalona 90 Tappanappa (23,CD) B Ellison 5 9.3 W Buick 86 Viking Storm (53,D) H Dunlop 4 9.3 P Hanagan 88 Sequence (41,D) Sir M Stoute 3 8.6 R Hughes 89

12.50 Aegean Destiny 1.20 Full Ov Beans 1.50 Ironically 2.20 Shangani 2.55 Denite Chance 3.30 Kilcascan 4.05 Mischievous Milly

Roger Beantown Roger Beantown Tolkeins Tango Sin Bin Crell Crusader (nb)Ski Sunday Sophonie Sophonie Lady Bridget Todareistodo Royal Mile (nap) Royal Mile Admiral Blake Noble Perk

Betting 9-4 Viking Storm, 5-2 Spring Of Fame, 9-2 Modun, 5-1 Sequence, 12-1 Media Hype, 16-1 Nebula Storm. Godolphin have taken the honours in three of the last four renewals and Spring Of Fame is the pick, even though he struggled on his return to British action. He was seventh to Grandeur at Newbury, but the form is strong because the winner followed up on the Breeders Cup undercard, and the placed horses have acquitted themselves well since too.

7.25 Kempton Peter Slattery Big Birthday Handicap (Class 3) 1m 6,663

1 (7) 300U00 Loyalty (6,CD) D Shaw 5 9.7 P Mathers85 2 (3) -15314 True To Form (6,CD) M Meade 5 9.6 D Probert87 3 (4) 315- Validus (396,CD) L Cumani 3 9.5 Kirsty Milczarek90 4 (5) 066604 George Guru (60,CD) M Attwater 5 9.5 M Coumbe (3)82 5 (8) /1-204 Terdaad (103,C,D) S Bin Suroor 4 9.3 S De Sousa89 6 (10)5-1360 Invisible Hunter (60,D) S Bin Suroor 3 9.3 M Barzalona86 7 (12)520103 Shavansky (26,CD) B Millman 8 9.0 J Millman85 8 (2) 500600 Albaqaa (6,D) P OGorman 7 8.12 D Holland87 9 (1) 56450- Eighty Eight Red (422) Ed Walker 4 8.12 L Morris84 10 (14)10022 Chapter And Verse (14,CD) Mike Murphy 6 8.11 J Crowley88 11 (13)-32013Rustic Deacon (28,C,D) W Musson 5 8.11 R Da Silva (3)86 12 (11)40036 Red Seventy (4) R Hannon 3 8.8 R Hughes83 13 (6) 0-1 Net Whizz (48,CD) J Noseda 3 8.8 W Buick89 14 (9)324665 Jack Whos He (6) P Evans 3 8.7 C Catlin84 Betting 7-2 Net Whizz, 5-1 Chapter And Verse, 13-2 Validus, 8-1 Rustic Deacon, Terdaad, 12-1 Invisible Hunter, George Guru.

Whos running today? Racecards, news and live results online at

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012


Rugby union Autumn internationals

Tennis Federer mean and masterly again as he seeks title No7

Kevin Mitchell O2 Arena
Very little that Roger Federer does on a tennis court does not bear the royal imprint, and the defending champion was at his most imperious in dismissing the intermittently pesky challenge of Janko Tisparevic as he embarked on a quest for his seventh title at the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals. That would put him two ahead of Pete Sampras and Ivan Lendl and, make no mistake, would give him immense pleasure. Federer, at 31, remains a phenomenon, the owner of 17 slam titles and, to the incredulity of many in the game, hungry for more. It hurt him to be denied the chance of nishing the year as the world No1 after losing to Juan Martn del Potro in Basel two weeks ago and he is clearly intent on revenge this week although the Argentinian, in Federers group, is not without his own certainty of purpose after a good run of matches. Tipsarevic, the most cerebral of players, was left shaking his head between games in the rst set yesterday, in which he cobbled together three games in the half-hour it lasted; after a further 38 minutes, the deed was done, Federer closing it out 6-1. This was one of those days when the Swiss in and out of sorts in recent weeks looked loose and mean, killing points early when he chose, letting them ow when his eighth-seed opponent mustered some resistance. He has hinted of injury without being specific; there was nothing wrong with his effortless elegance yesterday. Of the thousands pouring o the underground at North Greenwich before lunch to pay homage to Federer, it was not just the hardcore doubles fanatics who knew that Jonathan Marray was neither French nor a spelling mistake. Once a battler on the milk-and-bananas circuit, scrapping for partners and living wherever the tournament organisers felt fit, Marray, with the latest Wimbledon doubles title on his mantelpiece, is not only British but a pretty decent player. He was good enough to combine with his quirky and talented Wimbledon cohort Frederik Nielsen again in seeing o Mahesh Bhupathi and Rohan Bopanna, the fth seeds, the abbreviation of whose names on the big screen fell pleasingly as Bhu/Bop. However, Marray (who has played with near namesake Jamie Murray) is already looking for another partner, as Nielsen is trying his hand at singles next year. To that end, Marray has placed an ad on the ATP website, a sort of lonely hearts section for the games dispossessed. Bhu/Bop were not quite sharp enough yesterday for the subtleties of Mar/Nie, who won their first-round match in Group B 6-4, 6-7, 12-10. They trailed 5-1 in the champions tie-break and had to save two match points. What a year it has been for Marray. Acknowledged as the best footballer among other players in pick-up games, incidentally, he is also regarded as a ridiculously gifted volleyer, perhaps the best on tour. But he is a realist too. Theres not many events like this, he said, and Im enjoying every minute of it. This is the top end of the game, staying at ve-star hotels. Ive played a lot of Futures and Challengers, most of my career. In Uzbekistan we were staying in the ats of some local residents, who were probably thrown out for a couple of weeks while we were there. You y into Tashkent, and its a sixhour car journey to the tournament. There was an uprising, and the British consulate had to come in and drive us out in an armed convoy. Its all character-building stu, isnt it? With a dividend.

Wales drop Phillips in warning to players considering a move to England or France

Paul Rees
Wales have sent a warning to anyone considering a big-money move outside the region by ditching their Lions star Mike Phillips. The Bayonne scrum-half has been dropped from the side to face Argentina at the Millennium Stadium on Saturday as a sign that the country will favour homegrown players instead of those who move to the Top 14 or the Aviva Premiership. Going to France or England could aect international careers, said Rob Howley, Waless interim head coach. Only players who are based in Wales can take a full part in the vital 13-day preparation we have before international periods and, while it is dicult leaving the likes of Mike Phillips out, because of their experience, we have to take the hit because we are hugely supportive of our regions. Only one of the five squad members who earn their livings outside Wales will start against Argentina, the Toulon prop Gethin Jenkins. He had, said Howley, secured release from his club for next months fourth international against Australia, unlike Baths Paul James, Perpignans James Hook, who is on the bench despite Jonathan Daviess injury creating a vacancy in the centre, and Phillips. The second-row Luke Charteris will be available to face the Wallabies as a quid pro quo after Wales released him back to his club, Perpignan, this week. Three of Waless grand slam winners this year who will be out of contract with their regions at the end of the season, Jamie Roberts, Alex Cuthbert and Dan Lydiate, are being chased by Top 14 clubs. With Wales chilling out in Poland before the autumn series, the Six Nations and World Cups, excursions for which French and English clubs are not obliged to release players, the preparation will become counterproductive if many more render themselves unavailable. This makes you think a lot more about what you want to do next season, said Roberts, the Cardi Blues and Lions centre, reflecting on the damage playing in France could do to his Test career. Whatever decision I make has to be the right one for me: there are a number of factors to consider, including international rugby. It is a huge call. Although it was Howley who was articulating the counterattack on French and English clubs, he was speaking with the assent of the Wales coach, Warren Gatland, who is on secondment to the Lions for the season, apart from later this month when he returns to take charge of the Tests against New Zealand and Australia. He has long warned players of the consequences of playing outside Wales but the nancial problems besetting regional rugby are threatening to generate a mass exodus. Wales have chosen the Scarlets Tavis Knoyle, who missed the Six Nations after having shoulder surgery, at scrum-half, the fourth player they have used in the position this year, because of the integral part he played in last weeks Poland camp. Team dynamics are important and when you take yourself out of them, as some have done, it aects preparation. It is important that when players go abroad they have to take a judg ment on the nancial aspect or wearing the national jersey, Howley said. He admitted it was easier for Wales to make an example of a player in a position where they have strength in depth than one who is short of rivals. The one new cap will, coincidentally, be an Englishman who plays for Ospreys, the Exeter-born Aaron Jarvis who qualifies through a grandmother who was born in Merthyr Tydl. He replaces the injured Adam Jones, the player he understudies at regional level. Wales considered moving James across from loosehead but, as in the back row where one of their options in the absence of Ryan Jones and Lydiate was to play two opensides as ankers, Sam Warburton and Justin Tipuric, they have opted for a specialist: Josh Turnbull will wear the No6 jersey, and cover the second row.
Wales team to play Argentina, 2.30pm, Saturday L Halfpenny (Cardi Blues); A Cuthbert (Cardi Blues), S Williams (Scarlets), J Roberts (Cardi Blues), G North (Scarlets); R Priestland (Scarlets), T Knoyle (Scarlets); G Jenkins (Toulon), M Rees (Scarlets), A Jarvis (Ospreys), AW Jones (Ospreys), I Evans (Ospreys), J Turnbull (Scarlets), S Warburton (Cardi Blues, capt), T Faletau (Newport Gwent Dragons). Replacements R Hibbard (Ospreys), R Bevington (Ospreys), P James (Bath), R McCusker (Scarlets), J Tipuric (Ospreys), M Phillips (Bayonne), J Hook (Perpignan), L Williams (Scarlets).

Mike Phillips is starting games for his French club side, Bayonne, but has been replaced at scrum-half by Wales with Scarlets Tavis Knoyle Gaizka Iroz/AFP/Getty Images

Launchbury is launched into Lancasters world of promise

Robert Kitson
England have sprung a surprise by elevating the uncapped Wasp back-row forward Joe Launchbury into their matchday squad for Saturdays game against Fiji. The 21-year-old Launchbury, who did not feature in the original autumn selection, has been promoted ahead of the more experienced James Haskell, Phil Dowson and Ben Morgan who have all been released back to their clubs. The Exeter-born, Sussex-reared youngster was outstanding for Wasps against Saracens on Sunday and can operate at both anker and lock. His selection underlines head coach Stuart Lancasters willingness to show faith in talented youth, with the 21-year-old Saracens prop Mako Vunipola also in line to win his rst cap o the bench this weekend. England are also confident their uncapped hooker Tom Youngs will prove a big hit at Twickenham. The 25-yearold, poised to become the third member of the Youngs family to play Test rugby, has only been playing in the front row for Tom Youngs is ready to become the third member of his family to play Test rugby for England against Fiji on Saturday three years but Englands forwards coach Graham Rowntree believes his selection will be fully vindicated. While Youngs owes his elevation to the knee injury suffered by Dylan Hartley, Rowntree is adamant the newcomer has not been chosen prematurely. Back in 1997 Clive Woodward picked the inexperienced Andy Long of Bath, who was abruptly substituted at half-time and never featured again. Rowntree, a long-time colleague of Leicesters director of rugby Richard Cockerill, insists history will not repeat itself. From what Ive seen the signs are hes ready. You cant be absolutely sure until you see him up against the best in the world but the fact Cockers has kept faith in him every week says a lot to me. Ive every condence in Tom. Whats also impressed me is how hes come back from setbacks in games, said Rowntree. Hes got a strong character and will just get stronger and stronger. Ive already seen him in some tough environments holding his own. Youngss father Nick won six caps at scrum-half for England in the 1980s, while his younger brother Ben is set to be named on the bench when Lancaster conrms his team on Thursday.
Englands 23-man squad Forwards D Cole (Leicester), T Johnson (Exeter Chiefs), J Launchbury (Wasps), J Marler (Harlequins), T Palmer (Wasps), D Paice (London Irish), G Parling (Leicester), C Robshaw (Harlequins, capt), M Vunipola (Saracens), T Waldrom (Leicester), D Wilson (Bath), T Wood (Northampton), T Youngs (Leicester) Backs B Barritt (Saracens), M Brown, D Care (both Harlequins), O Farrell (Saracens), T Flood (Leicester), A Goode (Saracens), U Monye (Harlequins), C Sharples (Gloucester), M Tuilagi, B Youngs (both Leicester)

Robinson hopeful Gray can help Scots end All Blacks whitewash
Mike Averis
Any chance Scotland have of ending their 107-year run of losing to the All Blacks would seem to depend on healing hands of their team doctor, James Robson, with Richie Gray last night passing a tness test ahead of the world champions on Sunday and assorted others making rapid returns to health. The Scotland coach, Andy Robinson, said yesterday that he would take no chances on Grays damaged ankle before naming the Sale lock in his starting lineup despite earlier suggestions from his club that he had no chance of being t. Gloucesters Jim Hamilton, who damaged a rib against Leicester, also seems to have had a remarkable turnaround to give Robinson his rst-choice second row. Elsewhere, Geo Cross starts at tighthead prop despite not having played since suffering concussion, while the wing Sean Lamont, the y-half Greig Laidlaw and loose head prop Ryan Grant are a lot healthier than they were during last weeks training session at St Andrews. The Scotland second row Richie Gray is feeling optimistic over his chances of facing the All Blacks on Sunday However, with Chris Cusiter, Duncan Weir, Rory Lamont, Graeme Morrison, Jon Welsh and Moray Low already out, Robinson was anxious about Gray, one of Scotlands few likely Lions next summer. The 23-year-old has not played since Sales Heineken Cup match against Cardi and last Friday was withdrawn from the league game against London Irish, Sales chief executive, Steve Diamond, saying the locks ankle would not be right in time for the match against the All Blacks either. Then came the announcement that Gray had trained fully yesterday afternoon. Robinson then made a point of thanking Robson, also the Lions doctor, and his team of physiotherapists. In 28 attempts Scotland have never beaten the All Blacks, but this time they hope to eld something of a secret weapon in their Dutch wing Tim Visser, who will be making his rst Test start at Murrayeld. Visser, once of Newcastle, has scored heavily since he moved to Edinburgh and won his rst two caps on Scotlands successful summer tour, scoring twice on debut against Fiji, and then playing in the win over Samoa in Apia. Hopefully I have been able to get in under the radar, said the 25-year-old.
Scotland team to play New Zealand, 2.30pm, Sunday S Hogg; S Lamont (both Glasgow Warriors), N De Luca, M Scott, T Visser; G Laidlaw (all Edinburgh), M Blair (Brive); R Grant (Glasgow Warriors), R Ford, G Cross (both Edinburgh), R Gray (Sale Sharks), J Hamilton (Gloucester), A Strokosch (Perpignan), R Rennie (Edinburgh), K Brown (captain, Saracens). Replacements S Lawson (London Irish), A Jacobsen (Edinburgh), K Traynor (Bristol), A Kellock (Glasgow Warriors), D Denton (Edinburgh), H Pyrgos, R Jackson (both Glasgow Warriors), M Evans (Castres).

Roger Federer, owner of 17 grand slam titles, is hungry for more prizes


The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

Cricket England need a long game and Compton may just be the answer
Cricket Mike Selvey Ahmedabad
As a Somerset batsman in the late 70s and early 80s, Peter Roebuck once wrote that he believed it was his job, duty even, to make sure he was at the crease to prevent Viv Richards and Ian Botham batting together. And while this may not have gone down well in the Taunton bars and festival beer tents, it was a salient point that he was making. Place two players of such extravagant attacking instincts together, close friends even, and you encourage excess, one attempting to outdo the other, perhaps, potentially entertaining but possibly to the detriment of the team eort. What he was saying is that good teams maintain a balance so that even perhaps the most violent batting side of them all, the great West Indies of that era, had players such as Larry Gomes as a counterpoint and troubleshooter. For an hour and a half on Monday afternoon, at the Dr DY Patil Stadium in Mumbai, we were shown the antithesis, as Nick Compton and Jonathan Trott started to put together a partnership in which they appeared not just utterly absorbed in their batting but totally oblivious to time. Yet, although there could be a reverse argument that a more explosive batsman batting with either man would help keep the innings on track, there are times and this tour is one of them when it is the long game that will serve England best both as providing the best foundations to win and a bulwark against defeat: it is monumentally dicult to recover from an early loss in India. Test match cricket, lest we forget, can be played over ve days. Which brings us back to Compton. This is a man who has timed his run into the side to perfection, coinciding with that early summer period when the twilight began to descend on the career of Andrew Strauss. England have been mindful for a while of the demands that this tour might bring and the strategy they would like to adopt. Once Strauss retired, the imperative was there for Geo Miller and his fellow selectors to nd a replacement. Already they had in mind the callow Yorkshire lad Joe Root. But then here, ready-made in Compton, was an experienced campaigner who has done the hard yards with two counties and, stagnating, had reinvented himself in a way that another Somerset player, Chris Tavar, managed, aimed at the demands of crease occupation and from that eventual run scoring and Test cricket. At 29, the owering has come late by modern standards where promise, if not yet achievement, is more readily spotted and monitored. It was not just the volume of runs that Compton managed in the spring this year but the fact that he made them at a time when every other batsman in the country was struggling, at one stage, by the end of April, having outscored the next most prolic almost by a ration of two to one. On some pitches, the ball moved around so extravagantly that batsmen, schooled in more robust ways of see-ball-hit-ball, were ummoxed that their hard-wicket shots brought not runs but downfall. How do you drive on these? was a common refrain, as they threw their bats at the ball and trudged their chastened way back to the pavilion. And the answer to that, as Compton showed throughout that testing April and May, was that you just dont. It is not compulsory. On an Eden Gardens minefield in 1977, Tony Greig scored one of the great Test match centuries for England precisely by eschewing one of his strengths. Sachin Tendulkar cut out the cover drive completely from his game and made a memorable double century for India at Sydney in 2004. Watching Compton on Monday, the qualities for which he had been chosen and earmarked as the prime candidate to succeed Strauss were evident. What England wanted from him was above all conrmation of what they believed they had bought into, and over the course of four hours he gave it. He was disciplined with anything o line and played forward when he could. But, with a solid backfoot game that sees the ball played late under his eyes, he looked unappable and absolutely certain in his mind that what he was doing in his own time, in his own way, was precisely what England wanted to see.


Your lead is intact, youre going to win the Tour

Bowlers on the mend

England remain optimistic that Stuart Broad and Steven Finn will be t to take part in the rst Test in Ahmedabad on 15 November, although neither may play in the nal warm-up from tomorrow. Finn has not played since pulling up with a thigh strain during the opener in Mumbai last week, and over the weekend Broad underwent a scan on his left heel which bruised during the second match. England intend to monitor his progress with a view to getting overs into him in the match. He is unlikely to be risked, however, if there remains any suspicion that taking part would damage his Test prospects. Finn is making excellent progress and, viewed as a key member of the pace attack, would play in the rst Test without the match practice. Mike Selvey

In the third extract from his autobiography Bradley Wiggins explains how he all but won the 2012 Tour on the 53km time trial from Bonneval
Saturday 21 July, 16:36 European Summer Time, Avenue Jean Mermoz, Chartres. Stage 19, 2012 Tour de France t was nine months since the 2012 route had been conrmed with the long time trial on the last Saturday; in all that time I would never have imagined, or perhaps only in my wildest dreams, that I would go into that stage with a two-minute lead on my rivals. I had my mind set on that day from long before the Tour started, but the ideal scenario had always looked quite different. It had seemed that if I could be within 30 or 40 seconds of someone like Cadel Evans going into that last time trial I would be capable of taking the yellow jersey o him and winning the Tour. Looking at the way the 2012 Tour was structured, we had always worked on the assumption that if I could avoid dropping too much time on the climbs I might be able to take the jersey on that day. Ive never considered myself that good in the mountains at the Tour but I knew I could limit my losses on the best climbers at the summit nishes. The strategy we had worked on in the previous couple of years was simple: empty myself to the summit on every mountain stage of the Tour, but never with a view of winning up there or leading the race, just concentrate on losing as little time as possible. It was during the stage before, the stage into Brive, that I started thinking about that time trial. We had got the last two Pyrenean stages out of the way without any great damage, so then my thoughts immediately turned to Bonneval. About then, I began thinking, What if you can win the stage to seal the Tour? Leading the race clearly took the pressure off. I wasnt trying to take the yellow jersey o Cadel, I was defending it, but it wasnt a

Owen Gibson on the pressing issues Lord Coe has to overcome at the BOA Page 46

done deal, because any serious mechanical problem, or something else like a crash could have meant the race was over. At the start of a time trial in a professional race a lot of the riders roll out of the gate in a very relaxed way, as if theyre going out on the Sunday club run. But I always do the same thing: I bounce back on the bike when the starter does the nal countdown Five, four and then I push back on to the guy holding the back of the bike as if my back wheel is locked into a start gate on the track. Then I hit that rst couple of hundred metres as if it was a pursuit: at out. I always do it. At that point its so dicult to keep calm. So now, Ive come down the ramp in Bonneval, made my massive start eort, and then its time to get a grip. I really back o the pressure, and thats where I start to use my power output on the little screen on the handlebars as a guide to keep myself under control. At Bonneval, the stage started uphill, so naturally youre pushing a lot more power. For the rst 600 or 700 metres Im just trying not to go too much over 600 watts, get over the top, then I really settle down and thats where Sean [Yates, Team Skys sporting director] starts talking to me: Right, come on, Brad, this is it, this is your area, this is your domain, this is what you do best. Lets settle in. The power Ive chosen is over 450 watts so on the at sections Im looking at hold-

Im in the best shape of my life, so its about keeping in that controlled state. Thats what time-trialling is all about

ing 450460 watts, and whenever the road ramps up slightly Im taking it up to about 470, 480, 490, but again trying not to go over 500 watts, and likewise then, when it was slightly downhill, Im coming back down to 430. I can sustain 450 watts for an hour, so obviously the rst 20 minutes is not dicult. In a time trial, the rst 20 minutes youre just out there, cruising along; youre trying not to go too hard, to hold back the emotion, not to get too much adrenaline from all the crowds along the way and all the British ags, to resist that urge to go that little bit harder, because thats where the danger is. I know that Im in the best shape of my life, so its about keeping in that controlled state. Thats what time-trialling is all about. The rst reference point in my head is 17 or 18 minutes into the stage, because thats when I take a gel. I use these little markers for myself as well as the time checks out on the course. By then Ive had the rst time check which is at 14km; Im 12secs up on Chris Froome. At that point Im thinking, Right, youve got 45 minutes to go, Brad, youre 12 seconds up, your lead is intact, youre going to win the Tour, lets keep concentrating, youve got 45 minutes left of everything youve worked for this year; this is it. Sean is talking to me in the earphone all the time, but Im not always listening. Hes saying, This is great, Brad, youre owing, youre eating up the kilometres, youre 12 seconds up on Froome, the rest are nowhere. But hes actually giving me very important information, for example, Youre coming into a little village now, Brad, theres a slow, sweeping right, its full. When he says Its full, that means I can stay in the skis stretched out on the time trial handlebars No worries, youre coming up now, round this corner theres a sharp left. Back o slightly, take care, you dont need to risk it at this point, hard right, then youre away, then you can get back down to it. Hes seen the course at least three or

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

Exclusive webchat live on the web Join Bradley Wiggins at 1pm tomorrow



Football Murray hat-trick helps Holloway enjoy his opening night at Palace
npower Championship Jacob Steinberg Selhurst Park
Crystal Palace 5
Bolasie 24, Moritz 90, Murray 50pen 55pen 63

Ipswich Town 0

If Ian Holloway had the slightest concern about leaving Blackpool to become Crystal Palaces new manager, he need not have worried. It is not often a manager joins a club in November and sees them go top of the league after winning his rst match, but these are heady times for a rampant Palace, who were inspired by Glenn Murrays second-half hat-trick. For Ipswich, rooted to the bottom of the table, the memory of Saturdays win at Birmingham City on Mick McCarthys debut seems so far away now. McCarthys only concern is survival, whereas Palace are dreaming of the Premier League. Dougie Freedman, the man Holloway replaced after his departure to Bolton Wanderers, enjoyed legendary status at Selhurst Park but it is impossible not to warm to Holloway instantly. As he emerged from the tunnel moments before kick-o, he lapped up the acclaim of the crowd and even shook hands with one young fan. With the mood so good, Holloway probably would have embarked on a lap of honour if Murray had not shot inches wide from close range in the rst minute after Yannick Bolasie had caused havoc with a mazy run from the left. However after Ipswich survived a claim for a penalty when Danny Higginbotham appeared to trip Murray, the visitors grew in condence, pressing eagerly and preventing Palace from nding the dangerous Wilfried Zaha on the right ank. Their threat was minimal though and when Palace made the breakthrough after 24 minutes, it provided a perfect illustration of why Ipswich are in so much trouble. A punt forward from their goalkeeper, Stephen Henderson, looked innocuous enough but when it was returned by Damien Delaney and Owen Garvan icked the ball on, Ipswichs defence froze as Murray, retreating from an oside position, left it for Bolasie to dart through and score with a beautifully judged lob. Murray was almost rewarded for his quick thinking with a goal of his own, only to be denied by a marginal oside decision, before Zaha brought the best out of Henderson with a sharp toe poke.

Ian Holloway laps up the acclaim of the Crystal Palace fans before the game

The only moment of worry for Palace in a comfortable rst half was when Julian Speroni had to turn over Jonathan Parrs errant clearance at the far post. Zaha had been relatively quiet but he did not take long to make his mark after the break, causing havoc four minutes into the second half. Receiving the ball on the left, he duped Carlos Edwards with a sublime piece of skill, romped into the area and then fell under a challenge from Luke Chambers. Hes just too good for you, the Palace fans sang and they are not wrong. Murray coolly sent Henderson the wrong way from the spot. Five minutes later, the linesman spotted Aaron Cresswells push on Garvan and Murray beat Henderson again, sending his penalty low into the bottom right corner. Extraordinarily Murray had a chance to score a third penalty in the space of 11 minutes, only to shoot too close to Henderson. It did not matter though. Two minutes later, Murray had his hat-trick, tapping in from three yards out after a stunning run and cross from Joel Ward on the right. Ipswich, ve points from safety, were a sorry bunch by the end. Yet few sides could have lived with Palace in this form. Holloway has chosen well.
Crystal Palace 4-3-3 Speroni; Ward, Ramage, Delaney, Parr; Jedinak, Dikgacoi, Garvan (Moritz, 69); Zaha, Murray (Easter, 69), Bolasie. Subs not used Price, Blake, Moxey, OKeefe, Appiah. Referee A Sheldrake Ipswich Town 4-5-1 Henderson; Edwards, Chambers, Higginbotham, Cresswell; Martin, ReoCoker, Wellens, Drury (Emmanuel-Thomas, 70), Murphy (Smith, 70); Campbell. Subs not used Loach, NDaw, Chopra, Scotland, Mohsni.

four times. Hes ridden the course with me in March, hes driven the course the day before, hes driven it in the morning behind one of the other riders, so hes got everything written out in the car next to him. Hes constantly giving me that info like a co-driver in a rally. One thing I like about him is that hes very controlled. You see some directeurs sportifs hanging out of windows, its just ridiculous. Sean is a bit like a boxers trainer in the corner, with that calm voice: Come on, Brad, this is fantastic what youre doing now, just keep on what youre doing now. He is constantly bringing me back under control, because as a bike rider your urge is always to go harder in time trials. Sean is the guide, the cool head. he further we go into the race, the more Im beginning to realise: This is it, Ive won the Tour, Ive done it. With each kilometre going by, Im a little more inspired by that thought and that makes me push even more; there is a sort of aggression, a hunger within me, an urge to keep gaining as much time as possible. I want to win this race. There is no sense of, Oh, youve done it now, you can back o slightly. No: I want more, more, more. So then we come o the big, wide main roads on to smaller roads in the last 10km and its starting to get painful. The physical eort is beginning to take its toll: the rst 20 minutes are almost easy, the next 20 minutes youre having to concentrate more, but the last 20 minutes is where the pain starts kicking in. Youre thinking, Im actually struggling to hold this now. But in spite of the pain, Im still able to lift it up. And at about 5km to go we turn left on to this little road and then the gradient starts ramping up. Im still pushing and its really hurting and with every kilometre thats going past, once were within 5km to go, Im beginning to think of a lot of other things, and that is inspiring me to push on even harder.

The thoughts come, but not to the detriment of the eort. Im going just as hard, and whats going through my head is inspiring me more and more. Id be going out in December, Id be in the gym at 6am doing my core work, then getting out on the bike early doors; four hours, ve hours; Id be riding all round Pendle, out on Waddington Fell in a hailstorm, thinking, Oh shit, Im two hours from home now, this is ridiculous, Im two hours out, how am I going to get home? Id get back and my ngers wouldnt bend from the cold, so Cath would have to take the gloves off my hands, but Id think, This is what is going to win the Tour. It had said four hours on the programme; it was three degrees outside and it was hailing up there in the hills, but I just had to go and do that four hours because that might make the dierence; Cadel Evans might not go out, might not do anything that day. Im back in Tenerife on a day when weve done four and a half, ve, six hours; weve done ve or six eorts throughout the day and a couple of the guys are stuck to the floor. Tim [Kerrison, Skys head of performance science] is saying, OK, guys, theres an option of a last eort here, I know a few of you are a bit nailed now so you can just roll up if you want, but if you feel you can do this last one, go for it. Im going over those summits in Tenerife, with Shane [Sutton, Skys head coach] telling me, Come on, Brad, this is where the Tours won, you know. That was where Id hit it: its like not everyone is going to do that last eort. That was the one which would push me over the edge, but thats

Extracted from Bradley Wiggins: My Time published by Yellow Jersey Press tomorrow. To order your copy for 14 (rrp 20) with free UK p&p visit or call 0330 333 6846 Bradley Wiggins A Year in Yellow will be screened on Sky Atlantic HD on Wednesday 21 November at 10pm

what Ive always done with the training. It was all for the Tour de France And here I am with six minutes left of it. This is what it was for Im on the phone to Cath when I was in Tenerife training at Easter; the kids were o school, and she was saying God, theyre being a nightmare, running riot, I wish you were here. It was Bens birthday. Why are you not here? he and Bella ask; I tell them and they sort of understand why. I say to Cath, Come on, it will be all right, love, this will all be worth it, you know, were not going to do this for ever This is what its been all about; Cath and the kids, all the sacrices theyve made to get me here. Were getting into those last kilometres and Im thinking of those things, thinking of my childhood, when I started dreaming about the Tour, how I started cycling when I was 12. Im about to win the Tour de France, and Im taking my mind back to riding my bike as a kid going to my grandparents, thinking of everything Ive gone through to be at this point now. Ive led the Tour for two weeks. There have been only two leaders of this years Tour de France. Bernard Hinault managed two weeks in the jersey once, in 1981; Lance Armstrong never managed it; Eddy Merckx led for longer, but he was the greatest ever. The closer Im getting to the line, Sean starts saying to me, Come on, Brad, just empty it, 1k to go, 600 metres to go and the Tours over. So I am emptying it to the line as if it is a training eort in Tenerife and I have to get out every last little bit. And thats where the punch in the air happens as I cross the line. It comes from all that emotion I was going through in that last couple of kilometres, for all that hour, for all that morning, for all the days before that time trial. Thats the dening image of the Tour for me: crossing the line and the punch. It is an incredible, incredible feeling. Bradley Wiggins 2012 Tomorrow My relationship with Mark Cavendish the king of sprinters

Support for Strachan grows as McLeish cools on Scottish return

Ewan Murray
The consensus for Gordon Strachan to be named the next Scotland manager is building after Alex McLeish effectively ruled himself out of the running. Strachan is the rm favourite to succeed Craig Levein, who was sacked on Monday evening. McLeish has also been mooted as a candidate but the 53-year-old, who managed Scotland in 2007, played down the notion of a return to the post. I left the national team to take up club football, I felt I was missing the day-to-day stu, he said. McLeish resigned the post and became Birmingham City manager, despite some notable victories, including against France in Paris. Im still of that mind. I wouldnt like to be unfair to the Scotland fans in terms of coming back to the job. A lot of people would maybe think I was a hypocrite. I dont want to say I dont want the Scotland job but I feel Ive still got some time left in club football. On Strachan, his former team-mate at Aberdeen, McLeish added: Gordon Strachan is a pretty good candidate to me. Hes had success at club level with Celtic. Gary Caldwell, the Wigan Athletic and Scotland centre-back, also played under Strachan at Celtic. I think so, hes a passionate manager and a very passionate Scot, said Caldwell of the likelihood of Strachan succeeding in international management. I had three good years with him at Celtic and he achieved great things there. Hes been out of management for a while and Im sure he will be hungry. I think the national team job needs a passionate guy. It is not an easy job. Im sure he is a guy who will come with a real passion and do well for Scotland. Strachan has yet to break his silence but it is understood he would be keen on it. His latest successor as Celtic manager, Neil Lennon, has also spoken on behalf of Strachan but claimed Scotlands players must take responsibility for recent woes. Im biased but Id go for Gordon, Lennon said of the former Coventry City and Southampton manager. I dont know if hed thank me for that. I dont know what his thinking is and I know hes enjoying his media work. But for me hes an outstanding candidate for the job. The players need to have a look at themselves as well. They need to leave egos at the door and put the whole focus on Scotland for the two weeks or however long they are away from the clubs. Im not sure all of them have done that looking at performances and attitude. The next manager has to be really, really disciplined and set down his rules and the players have to adhere to them. The Scottish Football Association has said it will wait until after next weeks friendly in Luxembourg before starting the process of replacing Levein. Billy Stark, previously the Scotland Under-21 coach, will name a squad for that encounter today but some experienced names including Scott Brown and Allan McGregor are expected to sit the game out.

Gordon Strachan has been described as a passionate Scot hungry to succeed


The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

Football Champions League Smalling ready to make United return at Braga

Paul Wilson Braga
Chris Smalling has a chance of playing in Portugal tonight as Manchester United try to seal Champions League qualication with four straight wins for the rst time since they won the competition in 2008. The defender has not played since injuring a metatarsal in pre-season training, but Sir Alex Ferguson has promised he will be involved. Phil Jones is also ready to start training next week so Uniteds injury problems in defence are beginning to clear, so much so that Ferguson could be tempted to rest senior defenders such as Rio Ferdinand and Patrice Evra. Paul Scholes, 38, has stayed at home. We want to keep him fresh for later in the season. At his age he cant play all the time, so we are just taking care of an old man. Ferguson is pleased to see light on the defensive front. Since the start of the season weve been operating on the borderline in that area, playing Michael Carrick at centre-half and so on, so its good to get back up to strength. We will be stronger as a unit with Smalling and Jones back. I misread the group stage last season but have been picking stronger teams this time, because you must reach the next stage, Ferguson said. Most people will have Barcelona and Real Madrid among their favourites but I have also been impressed with Borussia Dortmund. Those three teams have outstanding chances, and I hope we can join them. When Uefa began tinkering with their major tournament in Fergusons first decade he was not happy, believing extra teams and extra games made it harder to succeed in Europe if you still wanted to win your domestic title. Now clubs have acquired squads big enough to cope with the extra demands, Ferguson is a complete convert: It is a fantastic tournament now, the opportunity to regularly play against the best has made it better.
Braga probable Beto; Salino, Coelho, Douglo, Elderson; Custdio, Viana; Alan, Micael, Amorim; Eder. Man Utd probable Lindegaard; Da Silva, Evans, Smalling, Bttner: Nani, Carrick, Anderson, Young; Rooney, Hernndez. Referee F Brych (Ger)

Roberto Di Matteo wants his players to draw on the experience of winning last seasons Champions League trophy to earn victory over Shakhtar Stefan Wermuth/Reuters

Di Matteo demands spirit of champions

Chelsea need victory against leaders Shakhtar Cole still out injured but Terry returns to defence
Dominic Field
The scenario feels eerily familiar. Chelsea are a team under threat and confront daunting opponents in Shakhtar Donetsk tonight , with Roberto Di Matteo suggesting they need to muster the perfect game to reassert some authority on the section. The Italian has used such rhetoric before, most notably ahead of last seasons semi-nal against Barcelona, but his was a recognition that the holders must now improve to progress. Their continued participation in the Champions League teeters on the brink. On the assumption Juventus slick approach play finally yields a first win against Nordsjaelland in Turin, Chelsea must defeat the Ukrainians at Stamford Bridge to ensure their destiny remains in their own hands. Shedding points tonight followed by defeat to Juve later this month could jettison them ignominiously and prematurely from the competition. This is an occasion to draw strength from the experiences en route to Munich. The manager conceded as much. Well need to be at our best and must have the perfect game, said Di Matteo. Its more than just about our status [as holders]. Every individual player going on the pitch has to perform at the best of their ability.

Chelsea v Shakhtar Donetsk

Venue Stamford Bridge Referee CV Carballo (Sp) Radio BBC 5 Live Chelsea
Subs from Blackman, Turnbull, Azpilicueta, Ferreira, Marin, Romeu, Sturridge, Moses, Piazn, Cahill Doubtful David Luiz, Mata Injured Cole, Lampard

Group E

7.45pm SS3

26 12 34

Cech David Luiz

2 4 7 1

Ivanovic Ramires

Bertrand Oscar
11 17 9




Shakhtar Donetsk

Torres Adriano

Subs from Willian Teixeira 9 Kanibolotskiy, Gai, 10 29 Shevchuk, Kryvtsov, 22 Chygrynskiy, Kobin, Hubschman Mkitaryan Fernandinho Stepanenko, Costa, 3 7 Patrick, Dentinho, Srna Ilsihno, Eduardo, Devic Rat Doubtful None 26 44 5 33 Injured None Rakitskiy Kucher 30 Pyatov

Key One booking from suspension

Probable teams

Group E
P W D L F A GD Pts

Shakhtar Chelsea Juventus Njaelland

3 2 1 0 5 3 1 1 1 7 3 0 3 0 4 3 0 1 2 1

2 4 4 7

3 7 3 4 0 3 -6 1

Results Chelsea 2 Juventus 2, Shakhtar 2 Nordsjaelland 0 Juventus 1 Shakhtar 1, Nordsjaelland 0 Chelsea 4 Nordsjaelland 1 Juventus 1, Shakhtar 2 Chelsea 1 Remaining xtures Today Juventus v Nordsjaelland, Chelsea v Shakhtar 20 Nov Nordsjaelland v Shakhtar, Juventus v Chelsea 5 Dec Shakhtar v Juventus, Chelsea v Nordsjaelland

There are comparisons certainly to last season, when we had must-win games. This is another. Fortunately, we have players with the experience who have been through that before and performed in big games like this. That will help them deal with the pressure. This is Shakhtar, a team who have never previously prevailed competitively in England, and not Bara but it feels an awkward collision nonetheless. The visitors have swept all before them domestically, their winning streak in the Ukrainian league now stretching to 23 games to leave them 12 points clear at the top this term, but Mircea Lucescus charges have been just as imposing in European competition. Their only blot on a perfect record was the group draw in Turin, a match Di Matteo conceded they should have won, and they certainly succeeded in scarring the champions at the Donbass Arena a fortnight ago. On that occasion they scored early and then picked off the visitors on the break, wounding them down either ank with Alex Teixeira, Henrik Mkhitaryan and Willian a menacing trio operating behind Luiz Adriano. Teixeira isolated and exposed Ashley Cole, the full-back left critically unprotected. He will be absent altogether tonight as well as potentially from Sundays visit of Liverpool and, along with Frank Lampard, surely from Englands squad for next weeks friendly against Sweden with a hamstring complaint picked up in the defeat to Manchester United. His wait for a 100th cap will be extended into 2013. Ryan Bertrand was trusted in the Champions League nal, albeit in a more

advanced role ahead of Cole, and will step in at left-back but will expect to be severely tested by Teixeiras trickery. The visitors will sense vulnerability in the home backline, even with John Terry restored after his domestic ban. Chelsea are very strong, but were not the weakest, said Lucescu, who was the last visiting manager to win a group game here, with Besiktas in 2003. I prepare my players knowing all teams can be beaten, even Chelsea at home. The holders conceded 10 in the four matches Terry missed, and the captain was present in Ukraine when only Petr Cechs brilliance kept the visitors aoat. We conceded early and lost our organisation over there, said Branislav Ivanovic. Theyre one of the best counterattacking teams in the group, so this will be very dicult. If were going to be successful, we have to be stronger defensively as a team. That is the part of our game we have to improve. We will create chances against any team. The question is about our defence. Thats what we have to work harder on. This team boasted the ability to grind out results against Bar a and Bayern Munich in the spring, relying upon a combination of dogged defence and Didier Drogbas brawn up front to muscle their way to a rst European Cup. That style has evolved since Changing, was how Di Matteo described it and there are valid questions over whether their more flamboyant approach, in its relatively embryonic form, can see them prevail against Europes more impressive sides, into whose number Shakhtar are hoping to burst. Yet the management are not for changing.

Group H
P W D L F A GD Pts

Man Utd CFR Cluj Braga Galatasaray

3 3 0 0 6 3 3 9 3 1 1 1 4 3 1 4 3 1 0 2 4 5 -1 3 3 0 1 2 1 4 -3 1

Results Cluj 0 Man Utd 4, Galatasaray 0 Braga 2 Braga 0 Cluj 2, Man Utd 1 Galatasaray 0 Galatasaray 1 Cluj 1, Man Utd 3 Braga 2 Remaining xtures Today Braga v Man Utd, Cluj v Galatasaray 20 Nov Cluj v Braga, Galatasaray v Man Utd 5 Dec Braga v Galatasaray, Man Utd v Cluj

UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE Group A P W Porto 4 3 Paris St-Germain 4 3 Dynamo Kyiv 4 1 Dinamo Zagreb 4 0 Dynamo Kyiv (0) 0 52,000 Paris St-Germain (1) 4 Alex 16, Matuidi 61 Mnez 65 Hoarau 80 Group B P Schalke 4 Arsenal 4 Olympiakos 4 Montpellier 4 Olympiakos (1) 3 Machado 4, Greco 80 Mitroglou 82 Schalke (1) 2 Huntelaar 45 Farfan 67 50,000 Group C P Mlaga 4 Milan 4 Anderlecht 4 Zenit St Petersburg 4 Anderlecht Mbokani 17 Milan Pato 73 20,000 Group D Borussia Dortmund Real Madrid Ajax Manchester City (1) 1 (0) 1 D 1 0 1 0 L F A Pts 0 6 2 10 1 10 2 9 2 5 7 4 4 0 10 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 NPOWER CHAMPIONSHIP P W Crystal Palace 15 9 Middlesbrough 15 9 Cardi 15 9 Hull 15 9 Leicester 15 8 Blackburn 15 6 Hudderseld 15 7 Brighton 15 6 Derby 15 6 Burnley 15 7 Nottingham Forest 15 5 Blackpool 15 6 Wolves 15 6 Millwall 15 5 Leeds 15 5 Watford 15 6 Bolton 15 5 Birmingham 15 5 Charlton 15 4 Sheeld Wed 15 4 Barnsley 15 4 Peterborough 15 4 Bristol City 15 3 Ipswich 15 2 Birmingham Burke 59 King 73 Bolton Brighton Dobbie 90 Burnley Austin 83 Charlton Jackson 39 45 Stephens 54 Haynes 59 Hulse 65 15,764 (0) 2 D L F A 3 3 30 21 2 4 25 19 1 5 31 22 1 5 23 19 2 5 21 14 6 3 21 18 3 5 21 21 5 4 19 11 5 4 24 19 2 6 29 29 7 3 21 18 3 6 25 22 3 6 19 18 5 5 27 25 5 5 22 22 2 7 19 22 4 6 21 23 4 6 17 22 5 6 20 23 3 8 20 26 3 8 15 23 0 11 17 23 2 10 24 31 4 9 11 31 Pts 30 29 28 28 26 24 24 23 23 23 22 21 21 20 20 20 19 19 17 15 15 12 11 10 Hull Aluko 29 Simpson 51 Nottm Forest 20,150 Sheeld Wed 19,978 Watford 11,293 LEAGUE ONE Sheeld Utd Stevenage Tranmere Crawley Town Notts County Doncaster Swindon Brentford MK Dons Preston Yeovil Bournemouth Colchester Crewe Carlisle Walsall Portsmouth Oldham Coventry Leyton Orient Shrewsbury Scunthorpe Bury Hartlepool Bournemouth Daniels 3 McQuoid 6 (0) 0 Colchester 3,051 (0) 0 Coventry (2) 3 Fleck 9 McGoldrick 45 65 Doncaster 5,411 (0) 0 P 16 16 15 16 16 15 16 16 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 16 15 16 16 16 15 (2) 2 W 8 9 9 9 8 8 7 6 6 6 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 3 3 2 1 D 8 5 4 2 4 3 5 7 5 5 1 6 5 5 5 4 3 5 5 1 5 4 6 5 L 0 2 2 5 4 4 4 3 4 5 8 5 6 6 6 7 8 6 7 9 8 9 8 9 F 19 23 32 24 28 20 23 22 18 26 26 26 17 16 20 19 22 16 18 11 17 15 17 13 A 10 17 14 22 17 14 14 17 11 20 24 28 20 21 28 25 24 17 23 18 22 28 28 26 Pts 32 32 31 29 28 27 26 25 23 23 22 21 20 20 20 19 18 17 17 16 14 13 12 8 (0) 0 (1) 2 Wolves Chester 67og 14,768 Middlesbrough Blackpool Ince 18 Sylvestre 83 Millwall (0) 1 Oldham Simpson 90 4,120 Portsmouth 11,328 Preston Cummins 90 9,249 Swindon 8,354 Walsall Grigg 90 2,787 Yeovil Madden 6 2,900 LEAGUE TWO Gillingham Port Vale Cheltenham Fleetwood Town Bradford Rotherham Torquay Rochdale Burton Albion York Exeter Southend Accrington Stanley Northampton Dag & Red Chestereld Morecambe Oxford Utd Plymouth Bristol Rovers AFC Wimbledon Wycombe Barnet Aldershot Aldershot 2,042 Barnet Hyde 79 Bradford 8,841 P W 16 11 16 9 16 8 16 7 16 7 15 7 16 6 16 6 15 6 16 5 16 7 16 6 15 6 16 5 16 4 16 4 16 5 16 6 15 4 15 3 16 4 15 3 16 3 16 3 (0) 0 (0) 1 (0) 0 D L F A Pts 3 2 30 10 36 4 3 35 18 31 5 3 22 17 29 6 3 22 14 27 4 5 24 18 25 4 4 24 18 25 6 4 23 19 24 6 4 23 21 24 5 4 23 20 23 8 3 21 19 23 2 7 23 24 23 4 6 22 19 22 3 6 18 22 21 5 6 21 22 20 7 5 23 24 19 7 5 17 18 19 4 7 18 21 19 1 9 24 30 19 5 6 20 21 17 5 7 16 26 14 2 10 18 31 14 4 8 13 23 13 4 9 14 26 13 4 9 12 25 13 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (1) 1 (0) 1 Bury (1) 2 Tarkowski 34og Schumacher 86pen Brentford Donaldson 9 Carlisle Garner 31pen Sheeld Utd Scunthorpe Canavan 13 50 Duy 30 Clarke 75 Stevenage Morais 2 Akins 48 Dunne 63 (1) 1 (1) 1 Bristol Rovers Broghammer 10 Clarkson 85pen 4,721 Exeter Cureton 32 OFlynn 71 (1) 2 Southend Tomlin 40 Hurst 44 Cresswell 64 AFC Wimbledon 3,249 Rotherham Arnason 19 Cheltenham (1) 1 (2) 3 Dartford 0 Forest Green 1; Gateshead 2 Alfreton Town 0; Hereford 1 Luton 0; Hyde 3 Grimsby 2; Lincoln City 3 Braintree Town 0; Maccleseld 2 Tamworth 0; Newport County 6 Cambridge Utd 2; Nuneaton 1 Manseld 1; Southport 1 Wrexham 4; Stockport County 3 Barrow 1; Telford 2 Ebbseet Utd 2; Woking 2 Kidderminster 2 BLUE SQUARE BET NORTH Halifax L Vauxhall Motors L EVO-STIK SOUTHERN PREMIER LEAGUE Bashley L Totton L; Cambridge City L Bedworth L; Redditch 0 St Albans 2 RYMAN PREMIER LEAGUE Concord Rangers L Hampton & Richmond L; Whitehawk L Kingstonian L NEXTGEN SERIES Group Three Ajax L CSKA Moscow L

(0) 0 (0) 0

(0) 0 (1) 2

(0) 0 (0) 1

(1) 2

(0) 0

(0) 0 (0) 1

(0) 0 (2) 4

Porto Dinamo Zagreb 47,000 W 2 2 2 0 D 2 1 0 1 L 0 1 2 3 F 8 7 7 5

Fleetwood Town (1) 1 Parkin 21 2,498 Gillingham 6,096 Morecambe 1,410 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 2

(0) 0

(0) 0

Accrington Stanley (0) 0 Dag & Red Williams 36 Howell 54 Wilkinson 62 Rochdale Grant 73 Tutte 87 Northampton Akinfenwa 58 (1) 3

(1) 3

A Pts 5 8 6 7 7 6 9 1 (0) 1

Oxford Utd Craddock 60 65 5,074 Port Vale Pope 27 62 4,139 York Blair 23 3,039

(0) 2 THIRD ONE-DAY INTERNATIONAL Pallekele New Zealand 188-6 (BJ Watling 96no). Sri Lanka 200-3 (TM Dilshan 102no, AD Mathews 54no). Sri Lanka won by seven wickets (D/L Method).

(1) 2

Montpellier Belhanda 67pen 25,000 Arsenal Walcott 18 Giroud 26

(1) 1

(0) 1

ATP WORLD TOUR FINALS (O2 Arena, London) Singles: Group B: R Federer (Swi) bt J Tipsarevic (Ser) 6-3 6-1. Doubles: Group A: L Paes & R Stepanek (Ind/Cz) bt A-u-H Qureshi & J-J Rojer (Pak/Neth) 6-4 7-5. Group B: J Marray & F Nielsen (GB/Den) bt M Bhupathi & R Bopanna (Ind) 6-4 6-7 (1-7) 12-10.

(2) 2

Bristol City 14,380

(0) 0

W 3 1 1 1

D 1 2 1 0

L 0 1 2 3

F 8 4 1 3

A Pts 1 10 4 5 4 4 7 3 (0) 0 (1) 1

(0) 0 (0) 1 (0) 1 (2) 5

Leicester Peterborough 23,703 Leeds 14,470 Cardi Helguson 4 Mason 24 Noone 90 Gunnarsson 90 Ipswich 15,517 Barnsley 20,808

(0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (2) 4

Zenit St Pburg 19,000 Mlaga Eliseu 40

P 4 4 4 4

W 2 2 1 0

D 2 1 1 2

L F 0 6 1 10 2 6 2 6

A Pts 4 8 7 7 8 4 9 2

Shrewsbury Richards 14pen 5,022 Notts County Bishop 17 Judge 44 Crawley Town Clarke 56 8,862 Crewe Dalla Valle 5 Pogba 71

(1) 1

Crystal Palace (1) 5 Bolasie 24 Murray 50pen 55pen 63 Moritz 90 Derby OConnor 69 Tyson 90 Hudderseld Novak 15 90 14,597 (0) 2

(0) 0

(2) 2

Manchester City (1) 2 Y Tour 22 Agero 74 Real Madrid (1) 2 Pepe 34 Ozil 89 65,000

Ajax (2) 2 De Jong 10 17 40,222 Borussia Dortmund (2) 2 Reus 28 Arbeloa 45og

(0) 1

Wycombe Torquay 1,544 Chestereld

(1) 2

Blackburn Rhodes 43 Murphy 55pen

(1) 2

(1) 2

BLUE SQUARE BET PREMIER P W Newport County 17 11 Wrexham 16 9 Luton 17 10 Grimsby 18 8 Forest Green 17 9 Dartford 17 9 Maccleseld 16 8 Gateshead 18 6 Stockport County 17 6 Telford 17 5 Woking 18 7 Hereford 17 6 Tamworth 18 7 Manseld 16 6 Lincoln City 17 5 Southport 17 5 Alfreton Town 16 4 Barrow 17 4 Kidderminster 17 3 Cambridge Utd 17 4 Braintree Town 16 4 Hyde 16 4 Ebbseet Utd 17 3 17 2 Nuneaton

D L F A Pts 3 3 36 19 36 5 2 29 15 32 2 5 30 23 32 6 4 25 14 30 3 5 27 17 30 2 6 27 19 29 3 5 28 25 27 8 4 24 21 26 6 5 26 23 24 8 4 29 24 23 2 9 33 35 23 5 6 25 28 23 1 10 22 25 22 4 6 23 28 22 5 7 25 26 20 5 7 25 33 20 6 6 18 26 18 6 7 21 32 18 8 6 20 19 17 5 8 29 35 17 5 7 18 25 17 4 8 21 28 16 6 8 23 33 15 8 7 22 33 14

American football
NFL New Orleans 28 Philadelphia 13


(7.45pm unless stated)

UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE Group E Chelsea v Shakhtar Donetsk; Juventus v Nordsjaelland Group F Bayern Munich v Lille; Valencia v Bate Group G Benca v Spartak Moscow; Celtic v Barcelona Group H Braga v Manchester Utd; CFR Cluj v Galatasaray NPOWER LEAGUE ONE Hartlepool v Tranmere; MK Dons v Leyton Orient LEAGUE TWO Plymouth v Burton Albion CLYDESDALE BANK PREMIER LEAGUE Motherwell v Dundee Utd

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012


Sport Xxxxxx

Walcott and Giroud shake Schalke but Arsenal surrender priceless advantage
David Hytner Veltins-Arena
Schalke 2
Huntelaar 45 Farfn 67

Arsenal 2
Walcott 18, Giroud 26

Theo Walcott of Arsenal, centre, tries to get the ball beyond the outstretched leg of Schalkes Benedikt Hwedes Joern Pollex/Bongarts/Getty Images

Arsne Wenger had insisted that Arsenals situation was not dramatic yet this is a team who seem to trade exclusively in the commodity. There was the familiar cocktail of hope and anxiety here, together with headline-grabbing plot-lines, including Theo Walcotts goalscoring return to the starting lineup for a big game. Olivier Girouds header was another highlight. Arsenal started poorly only to take charge when Schalke lapsed for a period in the middle of the rst half. Yet Wengers team lacked ruthlessness and they surrendered the initiative when they conceded in rst-half injury-time to Klaas-Jan Huntelaar, which reshaped the tie again. They could be relieved that Schalkes second-half plunder extended no further

Group B
P W D L F A GD Pts

Schalke Arsenal Olympiakos Montpellier

4 4 4 4

2 2 0 8 2 1 1 7 2 0 2 7 0 1 3 5

5 3 8 6 1 7 7 0 6 9 -4 1

Results Montpellier 1 Arsenal 2, Olympiakos 1 Schalke 2 Arsenal 3 Olympiakos 1, Schalke 2 Montpellier 2 Arsenal 0 Schalke 2, Montpellier 1 Olympiakos 2 Olympiakos 3 Montpellier 1, Schalke 2 Arsenal 2 Remaining xtures 21 Nov Arsenal v Montpellier, Schalke v Olympiakos 4 Dec Olympiakos v Arsenal, Montpellier v Schalke

than Jefferson Farfns equaliser. They came under severe pressure and that the goalkeeper Vito Mannone was their outstanding performer told its own story. And yet, with the last act, Walcott streaked clear and, with only the goalkeeper Lars Unnerstall to beat, he saw his shot blocked. His goal took his seasons tally to eight from four starts in all competitions. There would not be a stunning ninth. Arsenal had arrived on the back of the dispiriting defeat at Manchester United and a couple of other bad results. This was their latest rocky ride but the conclusion was positive. It will irk the travelling support that what should have been an unassailable lead was frittering away but Schalke did not deserve to lose. Wenger would surely have signed up for the draw beforehand and, indeed, at any point after Farfns goal until Walcotts lastgasp chance. Arsenal remain favourites to emerge from Group B. There was a priceless quality about his Walcotts early strike. Roman Neustdter erred with a loose back-header that put Giroud clean through and encouraged him to show eet of foot and conviction. There was neither from the striker and he was

dispossessed but Walcott had followed up and, after forcing a break past Unnerstall, he rolled into the empty net. The goal had come against the run of play, with Arsenals tweaked back-line, that featured Thomas Vermaelen at leftback in place of the hapless Andr Santos, coming under early pressure and enduring nervous moments. Schalkes speed on the break had been a feature of their 2-0 win in London and they gave warnings here when first Huntelaar found Christian Fuchs and he saw his shot deected wide by Mikel Arteta. Walcotts goal had a fortifying eect; Arsenal felt the condence ow through them and their second goal was a beauty, showcasing Girouds strengths. He linked with Lukas Podolski, after taking a pass from Jack Wilshere and broke for the near post. Podolski, booed by the home crowd at the outset, beat the substitute Marco Hger to sculpt the cross and Giroud, all alone, thudded home with a stooping head. Arsenal had not previously scored with a header this season. Yet Wengers team allowed the hosts to fashion a lifeline. Farfn had gone close with a rising drive and Giroud headed straight at Unnerstall when Lewis Holtbys header froze the Arsenal defence. Huntelaars nish was low and true. Vermaelen has never made any secret of his lack of fondness for the left-back role and his positioning was suspect here. There was a fretfulness about Arsenal at the back. Schalke dominated the second half and ought to have equalised when Arsenals defence was caught square and Huntelaar tip-toed through one on one. It was a heartstopping duel; Mannone blocked to come out on top. Schalke battled back from the brink. The home supporters found their voice, particularly when claiming a penalty for handball against Per Mertesacker, following a dramatic scramble. The referee Nicola Rizzoli was unmoved. The pattern felt entrenched; Schalke pushing, with Holtby instrumental, and Arsenal attempting to cling on. Arteta smuggled a Hger shot clear from in front of the line while Mannone beat away Holtbys attempt from distance. The equaliser had been trailed and it arrived when poor marking at the far post allowed Holtby to ick on and Farfns drive ew in, despite Vermaelens eorts to clear.
Schalke 4-2-3-1 Unnerstall; Uchida (Hger, 26; Papadopoulos, 66), Hwedes, Matip, Fuchs; Jones, Neustdter; Farfn, Holtby (Barnetta, 90), Afellay; Huntelaar. Subs not used Hildebrand, Kolasinac, Mortiz, Draxler Arsenal 4-2-3-1 Mannone; Sagna, Mertesacker, Koscielny, Vermaelen; Arteta, Wilshere; Walcott, Cazorla (Coquelin, 90), Podolski (Santos, 90); Giroud. Subs not used Shea, Jenkinson, Djourou, Arshavin, Chamakh. Referee N Rizzoli (It)

Injury rules Hooper out of Bara visit and ruins chance of England call
Ewan Murray
The Celtic striker Gary Hooper is facing the double blow of sitting out Barcelonas visit to Glasgow tonight and missing out on an England call-up due to injury. Hooper, who has a hamstring problem, was set to join his club-mate Fraser Forster in the England squad for next Wednesdays friendly against Sweden in Stockholm. The Football Association is understood to have contacted Celtic about Hoopers tness but were handed a bleak prognosis by the Scottish champions medical team. I would say hell not play, Neil Lennon said of Hoopers chances of playing against Barcelona. Hes very, very doubtful. The England manager, Roy Hodgson, was reportedly due to attend the match with Barcelona but the suggestions yesterday were that he will instead head for Chelsea against Shakhtar Donetsk. Hodgson will name his party for Sweden tomorrow. Gary Hooper had been earmarked for an England call-up but has injured a hamstring Lennons hopes of upsetting Bara have been undermined by tness worries over Hooper and others. The Celtic manager has already ruled out Emilio Izaguirre, Lassad Nouioui and James Forrest while Georgios Samaras is a doubt. Barcelona required a stoppage-time goal to defeat tonights opponents in the Camp Nou a fortnight ago, after which Celtic were roundly praised for their performance. Barcelona might think: We really have to turn it on and put this team in their place, Lennon said. It could also be great motivation for us that its still fresh in the players minds and still raw with them, that they put so much into the game and got nothing from it and they could go one better this time. I said at the start that I wanted to qualify so from that point of view my ambitions havent changed. It would be great if we could get something out of the game and if not then maybe we will need to get something from Benca, or even win that one. We didnt bargain on anything from Barcelona the performance in the Camp Nou was a bonus for us and we will have to play as well if not better in this match. The environment at Parkhead could be dangerous for us with the crowd and we have to temper the expectations. Indeed, in the week Celtic are celebrating 125 years since the clubs inception Lennon oered a nod to history by saying a victory would rank among their best ever in Europe. If you look at our team then it didnt cost a lot of money compared to Martin ONeills and Gordon Strachans Celtic teams, Lennon said. And this Barcelona side has gravitated to another level since we last played them in 2007-08 [in the Champions League rst knockout stage]. Their performances over the last ve years have been at a dierent level to everyone else. Barcelona are in the midst of their best start to a domestic campaign in their own, 113-year history. Victory in Glasgow would also guarantee Champions League progression with two group games to play. This is probably our most important game for is left of this year, said their manager, Tito Vilanova. If we win, it will then allow us to rest some players and use the youth team in the other games. Vilanova could recall Gerard Piqu, who has returned from injury, but Adriano will miss out because of a torn hamstring.
Celtic probable Forster; Matthews, Wilson, Ambrose, Mulgrew; Brown, Kayal, Ledley, Wanyama, Commons; Samaras. Barcelona probable Valds; Alves, Piqu, Mascherano, Alba; Xavi, Song, Iniesta; Pedro, Messi, Villa. Referee B Kuipers (Ned).

Group G
P W D L F A GD Pts

Barcelona Celtic Sp Moscow Benca

3 3 3 3

3 1 1 0

0 1 0 1

0 1 2 2

7 4 6 1

3 4 7 4

4 0 -1 -3

9 4 3 1

Results Barcelona 3 Spartak Moscow 2, Celtic 0 Benca 0 Benca 0 Barcelona 2, Spartak Moscow 2 Celtic 3 Barcelona 2 Celtic 1, Spartak Moscow 2 Benca 1 Remaining xtures Today Benca v Sp Moscow, Celtic v Barcelona 20 Nov Benca v Celtic, Sp Moscow v Barcelona 5 Dec Barcelona v Benca, Celtic v Sp Moscow


The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012

Football Champions League

Ajax reveal the limitations of Mancinis angry rebuttal

Richard Williams Etihad Stadium

Roberto Mancini was entitled to lose his cool on Monday, when he allowed himself to become irritated by persistent questioning about his conversations with other clubs during the summer and the likely longevity of his tenure at Manchester City. Just imagine Sir Alex Fergusons response to such perceived impertinence. But the questions were legitimate, given the Italians failure to follow the conquest of the Premier League with credible performances on the grander European stage, and they grew more pointed in retrospect as City conceded two early goals to Ajax last night. With one point from three matches, some sort of a return was required from last nights meeting with the four-times winners of the competition, but Citys defence, which has now kept only three clean sheets in 16 matches this season, was once again found badly wanting at set- pieces as Siem de Jong twice exploited a criminally negligent failure to deal with corner kicks. At least there were signs of wounded pride in Citys reaction to a double blow that silenced their supporters. Yaya Tour, who had allowed De Jong to run on and send a glancing header past Joe Hart for the second goal, produced a marvellous piece of chest control followed in the same movement by a falling volley. And after almost an hour of further suspense, Sergio Ageros deft opportunism presented City with a vision of escape.

It would be easy to characterise the match in moral terms, as a Manichaean battle between two opposing and irreconcilable views of how to achieve success in football. Easy, and probably right, since there can be no doubt that whereas City are after success as quickly as possible, at almost any cost, the current Eredivisie champions concentrate their eorts on the good husbandry involved in sourcing their own talent and on adhering to a coherent tactical philosophy passed down from one generation to the next. No struggle, then, to see Ajax as the more naturally sympathetic of the two. There would have been plenty of neutrals happy to rejoice in their 3-1 victory in Amsterdam a fortnight ago, and again in their early gains last night. But it takes all sorts to make football, and buying success in some form has frequently been the recipe for rich entertainment. The lustre of the 1950s Real Madrid team or of Arrigo Sacchis Milan was hardly dimmed by the

After Ajaxs second goal went in, Mancini looked like a man who had glimpsed the gallows

knowledge that they had been compiled with vast nancial resources. Sheikh Mansour will be hoping the world will see his club in a similar light. That can take time, as Roman Abramovich could tell him. It is now nine years since the Russian bought Chelsea but only recently, with the assembly of a glittering midfield trio, have outsiders started to see them as something more than merely formidable. Before the arrival of the sovereign wealth of Abu Dhabi in east Manchester four years ago, the emergence of a group of young players suggested that City might be on their way to creating the sort of production line patented by Ajax 30 years ago. But the process of turning academy graduates into rst-team players proved too difcult and unreliable for the new owners. When City need a player now, they buy one o the most expensive shelf. But will the nal stage of Citys emergence as a European superpower take place under Mancinis management? After Ajaxs second goal went in, he looked like a man who had glimpsed the gallows. That, however, was not quite the end of the story. His high-earning superstars started the match encouragingly, as if only too aware of the signicance of the occasion and seemingly with the desire to prove that they have not degenerated, over the course of a single summer, into a bunch of warring egos. While Carlos Tevez battered

Talking points Big names but no big performances

Citys defence was in disarray and the star players again went missing in Europe. By Jamie Jackson

1 City had yet another defensive nightmare

After four attempts Citys clean sheet return in this seasons Champions League campaign remains nil. Roberto Mancinis gang have tightened up domestically but, in the sports elite club competition, sloppy goals are killers, especially early ones at home. Here it took just 10 minutes for Siem de Jongs opener to arrive and for an Italian manager the manner of this and the visiting captains second was pretty sickening. Ajax were virtually outmanned two-to-one in the area when the contests opening corner was oated in from the right and Niklas Moisander could touch the ball on to De Jong, who nished from close range. His second was even more lax from the home side: Christian Eriksens corner was delivered from the left and Yaya Tour, unforgivably, allowed De Jong to wander

away unmarked before he glanced a free nced header beyond a helpless Joe Hart.

close to his strongest side, in a familiar 4-2-3-1.

2 Apart from Silva, this was is close to Citys best XI

A damning impression of this City performance was that it was reminiscent eminiscent of the England side on their lost nights. ost Where a regal authority in performance rformance might be expected of the domestic mestic champions, instead the Blues oered a kind of frantic desperation pocked by cked clumsy rst touches, errant passes and asses absent defending that had them chasing em the game before even 20 minutes had utes been played. Despite a long list of st injuries David Silva was the only major nly absentee as Joleon Lescott would ould have missed out anyway because use of his part in the 3-1 debacle in n the Netherlands a fortnight ago. This meant that the XI Mancini could send out was

3 Citys gang of four up g con front continue to struggle

Before this outing the only forward of the Blues vaunted gang-of-four to score v in this com competition from open play was Edin Dzeko in the opening 3-2 defeat at Dzeko, Real Madri The spurning of chances Madrid. in front of goal has been a recurring g complaint f from the manager. Of the dour 0-0 draw at West Ham United last dr time out Mancini wrote in his pre-game t time M notes: We had 65% possession and, notes: I think, 22 shots. This is a lot of shots without scoring a goal! From a strike force t that also numbers Carlos Tevez and Sergio Agero, until T Teve Ageros equaliser a Mario A Ag Roberto Mancinis side were not at their best against Ajax

The Guardian | Wednesday 7 November 2012


Ozil leaves it late to rescue Real Madrid
Mesut Ozil rescued Real Madrid from defeat to Borussia Dortmund at the Bernabu, his 89th-minute free-kick securing a 2-2 draw in Group Ds other game. It was a superb curling strike from the former Schalke and Werder Bremen player as he capitalised on Sven Benders foul on Jos Callejn. Real had dominated in terms of possession but trailed for most of the game. Marco Reus had volleyed Dortmund in front in the 28th minute. Pepe equalised with a header six minutes later but Reals Alvaro Arbeloa poked the ball into his own net on the stroke of half-time to restore the visitors lead. For all the ball Real enjoyed they created few genuine chances and Dortmunds tactic of playing on the break almost earned them another victory to add to the 2-1 success they achieved last month. Victory would have put the German champions in a dominant position but they lead Real by only one point, with games at third-placed Ajax and at home to Manchester City to come. Sta and agencies away at the visitors rearguard, Samir Nasri and Sergio Agero probed for ssures, and Pablo Zabaleta enjoyed some success in exploiting the space left by Daley Blind, the adventurous left-back and son of the great Danny Blind, the only man to hold a winners medal from every Uefa and Fifa club competition. City opened the second half, too, as if full of dangerous intent, with Mario Balotelli replacing the ineectual Javi Garca. There were yellow cards for rash challenges from Blind and Toby Alderweireld in the opening ve minutes as Ajax started to look unsteady. Agero had the ball in the net in the confusion that followed a Tour free-kick, only to be given oside, and Tour burst through on the left, producing a low cut-back intercepted by the alert Christian Poulsen. It took 10 minutes for Ajax to make their rst incursion into the City half, De Jong bidding for a hat-trick goal with a 25-yard drive that briey inconvenienced Hart. But then City were back on the attack, although their eorts were not enough to draw a full-throated response from their supporters, who seemed still stunned by the events of the rst 20 minutes. How paradoxical it is that Citys Italian manager should appear to have lost control of his defence, now so unreliable that there was a mass sigh of relief midway through the second half when Hart, under pressure, succeeded in punching away another of Christian Eriksens corners.

Weather forecast
UK and Ireland Noon
Shetland Islands
11 1004
Temperature () X Wind (mph) X Sunny intervals Mostly cloudy

Cent S England, Channel Is, London, SE England After a chilly but ne start, it will turn rather cloudy through the day, but it will remain largely dry. Moderate westerly winds. Max temp 9-12C (48-54F). Tonight, clear periods. Min temp 6-9C (43-48F). Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, NE England, E Midlands, W Midlands, E Anglia It is going to be a generally dry day with patchy cloud and good spells of sunshine. Feeling mild. Fresh to strong westerly winds. Max temp 9-12C (48-54F). Tonight, rain in the north. Min temp 5-8C (4146F). SW England, Wales After a few early bright spells, it will be fairly cloudy with a few spots of drizzle for a time. Moderate to fresh westerly winds. Max temp 9-12C (48-54F). Tonight, pockets of rain. Min temp 5-8C (41-46F). Northern Ireland, NW England It is expected to be a windy and generally overcast day with patchy drizzle or light rain at times. Strong westerly winds. Max temp 9-12C (48-54F). Tonight, patchy light rain. Min temp 5-8C (41-46F).

1008 11

Overcast/dull Showers Heavy showers

1012 11 23 1016

Light rain

Sleet showers

10 1020


11 11 1024
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 15


Channel Islands
13 16

SW Scotland, SE Scotland, N Isles, W Isles, NE Scotland, NW Scotland A windy but mild day. Largely ne in the east with sunny spells. Outbreaks of rain elsewhere, heavy in places. Strong westerly winds. Max temp 10-13C (5055F). Tonight, outbreaks of rain. Min temp 5-8C (41-46F). Ireland It will be mainly cloudy, apart from a few early brighter spells. Patchy rain spreading in from the west later. Strong westerly winds. Max temp 10-13C (50-55F). Tonight, largely cloudy and dry. Min temp 6-9C (43-48F).

UK and Ireland Five day forecast

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

Atlantic front Noon today

992 1008 1000 1008





1008 1024
Cold front


Warm front Occluded front Trough

High 14 Low 3

High 12 Low 2

High 12 Low 1

High 11 Low 2

High 13 Low 3

Low P lls. High Q declines. Low R deepens.

Around the world

Clockwise from left: Siem de Jong, left, scores Ajaxs rst goal past Joe Hart; Yaya Tour brings Manchester City back to 2-1 after a ne piece of control; Sergio Agero equalises for City; a late eort by Aleksandar Kolarov is ruled out for oside; Mario Balotelli argues with referee Peter Rasmussen at the nal whistle
C F Weather Ajaccio Algiers Amsdam Athens Auckland B Aires Bangkok Barcelona Beijing Belgrade Berlin Bordeaux Boston Brussels Budapest Chagen Cairo 18 18 10 20 16 29 34 15 10 12 6 12 6 10 13 7 29 64 64 50 68 61 84 93 59 50 54 43 54 43 50 55 45 84 Cloudy Cloudy Sunny Fair Fair Sunny Cloudy Sunny Sunny Sunny Rain Fair Cloudy Fair Fair Fair Sunny Cape Town 22 Chicago 6 Christrch 10 Corfu 24 Dakar 30 Denver 16 Dhaka 24 Dublin 11 Faro 18 Florence 17 Frankfurt 8 Funchal 17 Geneva 9 Gibraltar 15 H Kong 27 Harare 29 Helsinki 1 Innsbruck 6 72 43 50 75 86 61 75 52 64 63 46 63 48 59 81 84 34 43 Sunny Cloudy Cloudy Sunny Cloudy Cloudy Rain Cloudy Sunny Sunny Cloudy Drizzle Cloudy Rain Sunny Sunny Snow Rain Istanbul Joburg Kmandu Kabul Karachi Kingston L Angeles Larnaca Lima Lisbon London Madrid Majorca Malaga Malta Melbrne Mexico C Miami 21 28 24 19 32 31 31 26 21 16 9 12 17 14 25 21 18 25 70 82 75 66 90 88 88 79 70 61 48 54 63 57 77 70 64 77 Cloudy Sunny Sunny Sunny Fair Fair Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Cloudy Sunny Rain Rain Sunny Sunny Fair Cloudy Milan Mombasa Montreal Moscow Mumbai Munich N Orleans Nairobi Naples New Delhi New York Nice Oporto Oslo Paris Perth Prague Reykjavik 13 30 2 10 32 6 22 23 20 25 6 18 15 0 10 21 6 3 55 86 36 50 90 43 72 73 68 77 43 64 59 32 50 70 43 37 Sunny Sunny Sleet Rain Fair Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Fair Fair Cloudy Sunny Sunny Fair Sunny Fair Cloudy Rain Rio de J Rome Shanghai Singapore St Pburg Stockhm Strasbg Sydney Tel Aviv 26 19 13 31 4 2 10 28 30 79 66 55 88 39 36 50 82 86 Fair Cloudy Sunny Showers Drizzle Cloudy Sunny Sunny Sunny Tenerife Tokyo Toronto Vancouvr Venice Vienna Warsaw Washton Wellton 25 14 1 12 14 9 5 9 10 77 57 34 54 57 48 41 48 50 Sunny Showers Cloudy Sunny Sunny Showers Showers Sunny Rain

Sun & Moon

Sun rises Sun sets Moon rises Moon sets New Moon 0704 1623 1308 13 November

Guardian cryptic crossword

1 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Cat causes other creatures great suering (13) 9 USA twice interfered with Libyan leader: nothing new there (2,5) 10 Source of energy about player (7) 11 It could be kind now to search me (1,4,4) 12 Bracket partners joint (5) 13 Perhaps a feature of the Katmandu sky (4) 14 Flyers deal with greedy person takes a very long time (4,6) 16 Black and white rm sells our product (10) 19 Wine went up (4) 20 Devils tie? (5) 21 Type that may be 5th and 7th in military academy (4,5) 23 Managed to come back with speed to provide the commentary (7) 24 Once more pick up another cheque, useful ultimately to make money (7) 25 Trouble in the loo (13)



13 15 16








Balotelli penalty was the sole other return in Europe, which is hardly good enough.

taking apart an opposition as young and callow as this Ajax side.



4 Not even captain Kompany is performing in Europe

This was an evening for Citys outeld big guns to nally re. Last night, with the big six missing the injured Silva, the remaining quintet of Vincent Kompany, Samir Nasri, Tevez, Yaya Tour, and Agero, began either poorly or anonymously. Kompany produced an early mistake that allowed Ajax to get in behind and hand them an initiative. There were further mistakes from the Belgian, while Tour rst gave possession to Lasse Schone near the halfway line, then was culpable for Ajaxs second. Later there were goals from the Ivorian and Agero but, overall, this was another disjointed display from a band who should be

5 Citys hopes of progress all but died against Ajax

Citys hopes hung by the nest of gossamers after the visiting sides second. Before, Mancini had written in his programme notes: What is most encouraging is that our form here at home is still very strong. We have not lost a game here in almost two years and have not lost at home in European competition, either, while I have been manager. With less than four minutes remaining, Borussia Dortmund were beating Real Madrid 2-1 and Dzeko had the chance to give City the lead for the rst time and nally lift them o the bottom of Group D. But the Bosnian missed, then Madrid equalised as the hope, like this years tilt at the Champions League, all but died.


No 25,787 set by Philistine

2 Stir up right and throw out of oce (5) 3 As you like it, part of Florida (7) 4 Loveless, 20, married and ruined (7) 5 Break strike a great success (5,3) 6 May be ten out of ten are docile, playing in friendly agreement (7,8) 7 Interesting ale brewed in 22 (5,9) 8 Two in three, perhaps, going north, diced with death: one reason for judgement (5,9) 15 I left Suzie wet in a dominant state (8) 17 Do not interfere with auditors credit in trading places (5,2) 18 You are rumoured to be involved with Masai warrior (7) 22 Pass on: (5)
Solution No. 25,786

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1 Ladies and gentlemen of the audience, lyric content has been replaced by a true revolutionary artist (8-7)






Wednesday 07.11.12

The further we go into the race the more Im beginning to realise: This is it, Ive won the Tour, Ive done it
Exclusive extract from Bradley Wiggins autobiography, page 48

Schalke 2 Arsenal 2 Gunners settle for a point after blowing lead Page 51

Mancini on the warpath after City fail to salvage lifeline against Ajax
Daniel Taylor Etihad Stadium
Manchester City 2
Y Tour 22 Agero 74

Ajax 2
De Jong 10 17

The harsh reality for Manchester City is that they had to win this match and, however much we can admire their powers of recovery, the outcome was still shrouded in great disappointment. Roberto Mancinis team showed great qualities of perseverance but there are grave consequences for carelessness at this level and Citys second season in the Champions League is ending, pretty much like the rst, as an ordeal of their own making. A team that allows their opponents a two-goal lead inside the opening 16 minutes is always playing with re. Siem de Jongs goals for Ajax left City needing a feat of escapology that was beyond them and, though Yaya Tour and Sergio Agero did redress the decit, the night was to end in a certain amount of acrimony, too, with Mancini marching on to the pitch to confront the match ocials. When a television cameraman tried to get close, Mancinis anger then turned on him. Mario Balotelli, a second-half substitute, had been denied a penalty in stoppage time and a few minutes earlier an offside decision ruled out a potential winner for Agero. Aleksander Kolarov had, indeed, been offside but Balotelli was unfortunate and Citys frustrations threatened to spill over in these moments, with a number of players surrounding the Danish referee, Peter Rasmussen. Their grievance was legitimate but this was also a night when City paid the price for their generous defending and, from here, even if they beat Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund in their nal two games it may not be enough. The way they started the match made it feel like a trick of the mind that this was a team that had not lost on their own ground in the Premier League for getting on two years. City boast the most formidable home record in English football but they were terribly soft goals to concede, both coming from corners and due, in part, to Mancinis players leaving it to one another and not being decisive enough. It was the kind of carelessness that meant Tour started to go with De Jong for the second goal but then, for no apparent reason, gave up, abandoning the case and leaving a dangerous opponent unmarked to ash his header past Joe Hart straight from Christian Eriksens delivery. De Jongs rst had brought an incensed Mancini out of the dugout to remonstrate with his players. He was smiling, but his eyes ashed with anger. Niklas Moisander had applied the rst touch in a congested penalty area and, with a slight deection o Vincent Kompany, the ball was running

Mario Balotelli appears to be hauled to the ground by Ajaxs Ricardo van Rhijn in the dying moment of last nights 2-1 draw Martin Rickett/PA

Group D
P W D L F A GD Pts

Dortmund Real Madrid Ajax Man City

4 2 2 0 6 4 2 4 2 1 1 10 7 3 4 1 1 2 6 8 -2 4 0 2 2 6 9 -3

8 7 4 2

Results Dortmund 1 Ajax 0,Real Madrid 3 Man City 2 Ajax 1 Real Madrid 4, Man City 1 Dortmund 1 Ajax 3 Man City 1, Dortmund 2 Real Madrid 1 Man City 2 Ajax 2, Real Madrid 2 Dortmund 2 Remaining xtures 21 Nov Ajax v Dortmund, Man City v Real Madrid 4 Dec Dortmund v Man City, Real Madrid v Ajax

out for another corner. Or at least that is what Citys defenders seemed to think until De Jong, alert and purposeful, slid in at the far post and skimmed the ball over Hart with a shot that was still rising as it hit the net. It was the kind of angle from which keepers hate to be beaten and perhaps Hart could be accused of going down too quickly. The real mistake here was leaving him so exposed in the rst place. All of the failures that City have demonstrated in their two seasons in the Champions League the hesitant defending, the lack of condence and struggle for cohesion were evident in those moments. It was strange, too, that Tours goal was not followed by a more concerted spell of pressure. They did sporadically threaten but it was still disjointed for long spells. Agero, one of the more accomplished strikers in the business, loses some of his

threat when he is deployed on the left. City never quite look so refined when David Silva is missing and Ajax held out comfortably until half-time. That goal, however, did offer hope. Samir Nasri, trying to nd space on the right, curled in the cross with the outside of his boot. Moisanders header, under pressure from Agero, cleared it only as far as Tour who controlled on his chest, swivelled and, leaning back, volleyed in a goal of great body strength and technique.
Manchester City 4-2-3-1 Hart; Zabaleta, Kompany, Nastasic, Clichy; Garca (Balotelli, h-t), Barry (Kolarov, 85); Nasri, Y Tour, Agero; Tevez (Dzeko, 66). Subs not used Pantilimon, Maicon, Sinclair, Meppen-Walters. Referee P Rasmussen (Den) Ajax 4-3-3 Vermeer; Van Rhijn, Alderweireld, Moisander, Blind; De Jong, Poulsen (Fischer, 87), Schne (Enoh, 77); Boerrigter (Sana, 90), Eriksen, Babelt. Subs not used Cillessen, Veltman, Denswil, Dijks.

Mancini brought on Balotelli for the second half, taking off Javi Garca and moving Agero to a more central position. The Argentinian quickly had a chance to run through on goal but lost his footing. Shortly afterwards, he prodded the ball past Kenneth Vermeer in the Ajax goal but from an oside position. There were, however, signs of a team gaining in momentum and belief. De Jongs dipping 30-yard eort needed a ne save from Hart but Ajax were increasingly being pinned back, holding on to their lead and considerably more cautious than in the opening 45 minutes. After 74 minutes Balotelli icked on a long punt from Hart and this time Agero was clinical, quick and incisive and drilled his shot past Vermeer into the bottom corner. Richard Williams, page 52

Adkins fears sack by Southampton before weekends game

Dominic Field
Nigel Adkins is understood to be fearful that he will have lost his job before Saturdays visit of Swansea City to St Marys following Southamptons dismal start to the Premier League campaign. The clubs executive chairman, Nicola Cortese, and its hierarchy have been dismayed by the teams form after a summer of lavish spending ahead of the return to the top ight after a seven-year absence. Defeat to West Bromwich Albion on Monday left them bottom with four points from 10 xtures, eight of which were lost. Adkins acknowledged after that defeat that he should be considered favourite to become the first Premier League manager to lose his job this season, and the Southampton ocials discussed his position yesterday. Cortese is believed to be considering his options but will remove the manager, who steered the club from near the foot of League One to successive promotions, only if a replacement can be secured quickly. The manager has begun his preparations for Saturdays visit of Swansea despite his own concerns he could have been removed by then from a position he has enjoyed for a little over two years. He remains convinced he can secure the teams survival this season but, should he cling on until the weekend, he recognises that, despite retaining the support of the vast majority of the clubs fans, he would need to register a second win of the campaign to prolong his tenure. Someone is always going to be the favourite to be sacked, said Adkins at the Hawthorns. If youre bottom of the Nigel Adkins has led Southampton to eight defeats in 10 Premier League games this season after their return to the top ight league, you should be the favourite probably. Im very positive I know Im a better manager today than when I joined Southampton. Im not going to hide away from that, but what a great challenge we face. If I dont believe we can do it, then the players arent going to believe it. Southampton have conceded 28 goals in their 10 league games, losing all of their away games. Their attack-minded approach has left them horribly vulnerable at the back with little indication that lessons are being learned. Their toils have been endured despite an outlay of around 30m in the summer they broke their transfer record twice to secure Jay Rodriguez from Burnley and then Gastn Ramrez from Bologna. Corteses sights had been set upon establishing the team in mid-table. The poor results have already tempered that outlook, even with three of their next four matches being at home, though the availability of potential replacements remains an issue. While it seems unlikely the club would seek to oer Harry Redknapp a return to St Marys, Paolo Di Canios impressive progress at Swindon Town has been noted. Of other notable contenders mooted for the position, Alan Shearer, a former player at the club, is available even if his management experience is limited to a brief spell with Newcastle that ended in relegation.

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