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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________ | | | " | " | | | \__|__/ ales of Xillia 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Before Episode* -- Rain in Trigraph - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

written translated

by by

Naoki Yamamoto blutorange

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x-----------------------------x | ~ Prologue ~ |......... x-----------------------------Xillia 2 | \~~~~~~~~~/

The mountains now lay hidden far behind us, beyond the distant edge of this world. I was carried by a large, Gin-powered train, that brought me here from the land behind that edge. Gin -- an apparatus powered by killing the Spirits. It is a device, convenient, and to be feared. *She*, it was thanks to her sacrifice that we were granted with some spare time. Yet, as I was looking outside the window, the wide expanse of barren wilderness reminded me, even spare time runs out eventually. We would have to face the inevitable sooner or later. As I kept looking, a thought entered my mind. How big, how complex this world was, where we live. And how much still lay hidden there beyond the surface layers, waiting to be uncovered by us. Was there anything someone like me could do for this world? It is why I decided to come here, to Elempyos. I wanted to uncover the answer to this question I wanted it to be my own private answer, my and mine alone. My mind was made up. To find my own destiny, just like *he* and *she* found theirs. A loud thump brought me out of my musings. A big drop of rain had struck the train's window. Like rusting metal, the sky was now soaked in black, without anyone having noticed the change. Bum. Bum. The wind curved the strains of water backwards. And suddenly, as if reflected in the window, I could see my shed tears. As I rubbed my eyes and was about to take a closer look, a shrill chime echoed throughout the train. "This train soon enters the Central Trigraph Station."

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x-----------------------------x | #1 Like rain at the harbour |......... x-----------------------------Xillia 2 | \~~~~~~~~~/

The rain grew stronger. Both the air, cold like steel, and the numbness creeping up from the ground to my thighs, were witness of how cold the rain was. Back in Lise Maxia, the rain nurtures the plants, but here in Elempyos, it only nags at the earth and washes it away. Normally, the Spirits would maintain the natural order. Yet in this world, they were being turned into fuel. Even this big, glistering city of steel and concrete was destined to crumble in the not-so-far away future. The people of Elempyos know this. And still, they they cling on to the Gins. They cannot bail out now. And it was not the sole problem of Elempyos alone anymore. Our home, Lise Maxia's future was part of it now that the Shell, that once separated this world, had been released. *She* gave us time. Time, to find a way to save both worlds. An endeavour, which both worlds had joined, their powers united. It is the way we chose, and we must walk it till the end. It is our responsibility.

"Leia Rolando." A faintly echoing voice brought me back to reality. I lifted my head, and the sound of chains firmly keeping my hands together hurt in my ears. "Come. The hearing starts." All four sides cut off by stone walls and iron bars - a detention cell of the Trigraph police. Urged by a guard, I exited my cage.

It all began with the rain. "I want to find my own destiny!" The rain came down cold at the Trigraph central station, where my big decision came back to my mind. It was dusk. An old man, done with his work. A woman, hurrying back home. Youngsters, hanging out together. The night began to take over the city. And even during the freezing rain, the city radiated a mysterious warmth. A warmth, in which everybody blended in naturally. It felt as if only I, standing there with my large bag, got repelled, rejected. I was pushed away by the flood of people spat out by the station, out into the rain. Hurriedly, my hands began to search for my bag, for an umbrella. Where had I put it? "...deep inside the bag." I fumbled through my bag, still shocked by the spacious cavity in my memory. As I stood there, lost in thought, somebody suddenly bumped into me. Oomph.

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My bag turned over, distributing the towel and my extra shirt all over the road. Embarrassed, my face turned red. Yet, nobody even gave me a look. They all went on with their business, as if though nothing had happened. All the while making sure to go around what lay scattered on the ground. Suddenly, I felt it. That I was alone. Even the bustling, crowded atmosphere seemed to slip around my body. Then, I was overcome by an eerie uneasiness - I couldn't just stand there any longer. I stuffed the shirt, now soaked with rain, back into my bag, and left in what could be termed an escape.

After running through the rain aimlessly, I finally took refuge under the eaves of some store. Inside the shop window, the image of a dripping wet girl out of her breath. Her favourite head wear, now reduced to a shade of its former self. Stupid, what are you getting so excited about? As if it were a good thing, standing here with soaking wet clothes. ... it's alright. My head's also cooled down now, so... "Like wait, my whole body's freezing." By talking aloud, yes, I had calmed down. Let's go to my room for now. The little apartment I got a contract for after pleading to Varan. I need to get to the address they told me before it gets too late. It was when I moved to get out the note where I had written down the address, that my eyes were caught by a cap behind the display window. Kind of cute, but with an adult-like touch, it was a charming newsboy cap. I was drawn in by the the fashion sense of the Elempian, so unlike Lise Maxia. If I put this on, would I also become an adult? An adult, not getting all nervous by such trivial things...? "Would a young girl be happy with such a present?" It came from an old man, pointing at the cap, wearing a beret that didn't suit him. "Uh, uhm... you mean, me?" "I apologize. I am looking for a birthday present for my girl. Truly, for an old man, the taste of young girls these days..." He stood there with an envelope, and seemed genuinely troubled by this. His clumsy figure suddenly reminded me of my dad. "I really like it. But... It's an `adult's price." When I asked my common sense, it told me there's just one digit too much on the price tag. "An `adult's price, huh? I like your choice of words. For a 15 years old girl, it certain is much too luxurious." There's just a difference of one year between us ... ... Well, he doesn't look like a bad person.

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"Excuse me, may I ask you a question? Would you happen to know how I can get to this address?" "Where do you want to go? I believe I know my way around this city..." I showed him the address book from my bag, which I had placed down. It was then, as somebody's figure appeared behind the old man, that my eyes stood witness to the disappearing envelope. "Theft!" I was convinced. In an instant, I grabbed the old man's umbrella and dashed forward. The man holding the envelope. I turned to his back, jumped forward with all my strength, and, channeling all this energy into the umbrella, smashed it into the ground before his legs. "Urgh!" Whoomp! The man's feet were swept away, my feet got caught in a puddle, and we both hit the ground at the same time. "Aah!" The by-passers let out a cry, and every umbrella bloomed in unison. "Damn it. You take it." The man I took down threw the envelope to another man, who looked like his accomplice. There were two of them? With loud steps, the old man went after the one running off. Still holding my address book. "Hey, wait!" "You brat! What d'ya think yer doing?!" He shouted with an angry voice, already back up to his feet. Then he took out his gun and pointed its trigger at my chest. Damn, he's fast. Bang! ...the shot echoed from above my head. I had swung the umbrella and the light radiating from it blew the gun back up wide into the air. Shin-Ougi! `Kasshin Sanjitsu [=stretching *umbrella* technique] ...alright, not really. As I drew in another breath of air, the sound of the commotion around me reached my ears. "What was that? Suddenly, there was this light from the umbrella..." "Spirit artes. Watch it, she's from that Lise Maxia!" "You've got to be kidding, right here inside the city..." The mob made up from curious townsfolk watched me closely, and it made sure to keep its distance.

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It was a stare fitting for a criminal. "Huh... Why me?" The policemen made their why through the animate fence and came running to me. The blink of an eye later, I was surrounded on all sides by Gin weapons. "Don't move!" Drop your weapons and surrender!" "You've got it wrong! That man, the thief... !" Where I pointed my finger, there wasn't anyone, not anymore. The thief had disappeared. "Well! Somebody, please tell them!" As if to stop my plead for help from echoing, the wall of people dissolved itself, blending in yet again with the city. My eyes jumped around bewildered, then, finally, they came to rest in front of the shop window. The bag that should have been there, it was gone! My grip loosened, and the umbrella sent tiny little droplets of water aloft.

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After the hearing was over, I was put back in the detention cell. Tired. I tumbled and was now leaning against the cold wall. My shirt was soaked with water. But the feeling of it on my skin was nothing compared to the singular attitude of those police officers. In the end, they believed me I acted out of self defense. Still, without someone who could vouch for me, they said, I could not be released. A guarantor --- Who could I ask? I closed my lids, and recalled everybody's faces. Alwin. I couldn't ask him. Well, I heard he's a businessman now... but ever after that incident, we didn't keep contact. He once sent me a letter `I'm off to Elempyos, but I never really replied . So, how about Varan? But Jude's conducting research on Origins together with him, so if I called him, Jude would know about this as well. And that's the least thing I want. It would also defeat the point of me coming here to Elempyos. I could probably get Rowen to come over here, by turning to the embassy of Lise Maxia. But then things might escalate, and I might even get deported. After all, Rowen is now the prime minister to the King of Lise Maxia, Gaius. And at any rate, there was no way I could contact any of them to begin with. My address book was now with the old man. Up against the wall, huh? As I buried my face in my knees, I felt the touch of cold metal to my forehead. As I felt it, I was reminded of the cold attitude of the police officers. And Gin handcuffs that would emit an electrical shock if I only so much as tried and used Spirit artes. The people of Elempyos feared Spirit artes only because they misunderstand them. I can't hate them for just how I am treated now. Because we need to build the the future together. I wanted to believe it -- but I could not help it. A feeling of frustration and anger with just a touch of pity came rushing forth from inside me. "For the future!" Big words, but what did they mean now? They would not make anybody vouch for me. In he end, I should not be surprised. After all, I'm a clumsy girl who can't even make it to her living quarters safely, not to mention anything about making a life in an alien world. This clumsy girl even lost her bag with its precious contents, and she also betrayed the only two people who had trusted her. Inside the bag was the money mom and dad had saved up for me. They trusted me. The money that was meant for a new inn, they gave it to me. "Don't get lost in regret, look straight ahead and give it your all!" Dimly, I noticed the two smiling faces my parents wore when they sent me off, wishing me all the best luck for this journey, being reflected on my eyelids. "I am so sorry, mum, dad." The rain still came pouring down. With a loud thump, a drop of water made its way to the window-less floor out of cold stone.

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x-----------------------------x | #2 The people of Elempyos |......... x-----------------------------Xillia 2 | \~~~~~~~~~/

"I didn't mean to do that! Really!" As always, I kept recycling my excuse, and Jude's jaw only twitched as if to open in response. Yet still, he did listen to what I had to say. His kindness made me happy. It's just that, almost as if it were a spell, it cast these words in my head. `Jude, he understands me. But I want graduate from this side of mine that needs to be understood. "I *have* to grow up!" A thought which made me feel disgusted of myself. "Achoo!" My own sneezing woke me up. My cheeks, still buried in my knees, felt numb. Brrr... a chill ran down my spin. So cold... I buried myself deeper between my knees, but to no avail. The relentless cold emanating from the stone and metal building steadily invaded my body, deeper and deeper. "It's still raining outside." A voice and the sound of footsteps drawing closer reached my ears. The iron-barred door began to open. "Leia Rolando. There's a guarantor for you outside. You're free." Surprised, I made my way out of the police station. When I stepped through the entrance, there he was standing, the old man with his beret on his head. "It's you... Why would you vouch for me?" He didn't reply immediately. Instead, he studied my wrists intensely. The red marks still bore evidence of the events past. "I felt bad about getting you involved. When I got back to the station, they told me your you were already taken away by the police. I quickly used the connections I've got through my work, but as you can see, it took me some time." The old man took his beret and bowed slightly before me in apology. Getting me involved? Connections?? Many questions sprang to my mind, still cold-frozen, so they simply kept bouncing off without reaching an answer. Like a throbbing drum it echoed in my head. It hurt. It was cold. I was freezing... Not good... It grew dark before my eyes, and I tumbled forward into the old man's arms. The rain still minded his business.

Inside here, though, the air around the dining table was filled with a pleasant warmth. I took the bowl with egg drop soup, prepared with a fair share of onions, in my hands and began to blow to cool it down. Each time I inhaled its soothing flavour, my inner flame lit up a little, nursing my body. Its

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texture and the admixture of salt was just perfect, and so my bowl was filled again soon. "You seem to be fine now, if you can eat like this." The old man had just finished his morning meal and was now unfolding the newspaper, smiling. "Your fever's gone down, but you mustn't overexert yourself!" The editor's wife sprinkled chopped seaweed over my refilled egg drop soup. "It's the first time I've met someone from Lise Maxia. But you're really not different from us, at all." Yuno, his daughter, mentioned honestly while stirring her soybeans. Shouldn't I be saying that? "You really are the same. You both have rice corns sticking to your lips." Both Yuno and me moved as if to lift our heads in response to her remark, then we both laughed together.

It's been two days since then. After I went down with that high fever, the old man with the beret and his family took me in, nursing me back to health. I learned that the old man was the chief editor of a growing newspaper called `the daily Trigraph. On the front page, when I spotted the headlines, it brought back Alwin's face to my mind. `Terrorists bombing the biological plant Ascord `Arc Noah claims responsibility "Arc Noah... there the people bearing a grudge against all from Lise Maxia...?" "Yes. Well, at first it was an organization comprised by the people stranded there. But now, many people dissatisfied with the current government have joined them, and they've grown into a full large-scale terrorist organization threatening the piece of both worlds. "But why would they attack attack an Elempian facility?" "Most likely because Ascord is financed by the Gran Spire company, who are also actively supporting the piece policy of the government. Well, although they appear to be with the piece faction, they are also some dark rumours going around." Enraged, Yuno sharply interrupted him. "What are those people thinking!? All of us could have profited from Ascord. Had it been finished, we could all buy fruits and vegetables at low prices!! But no..." "Gins are still the power source, though. In the end, what is left of the environment is just destroyed even faster..." Before anybody had a chance to answer, Yuno lashed back with swollen cheeks. "I know that. But what d'you suggest we do!? There's less and less left of nature every day, and without Gins, we couldn't even get enough to eat anymore. Leia, have you got any idea just how luxurious a dish fermented soybeans are, here in Elempyos? Or are you saying we should sacrifice ourselves for the greater good and turn back to the old ways of cave-dwellers!?" ... There was nothing I could say.

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The people of Elempyos and Lise Maxia might be the same humans. But our society and our culture are different. The food on the table, the warm, cozy atmosphere in this room, it was all thanks to the Gins. They had become a vital of of their lives. If it weren't for Spirit artes, we too could hardly even start a fire, or boil water. When I tried to imagine how it would be, if we were told not to use them... What Spirit artes mean for Lise Maxia, that is what Gins mean to Elempyos. No, Gins are even more important to this society. Despite all that, I still believe we must not give up. We've got to walk a different path. We must look for it, earnestly. Compassionately, just like Jude. He is now conducting research on Origins, to find a replacement for the Gins. And then it dawned upon me. While Jude was hard-working, here I was, not contributing anything useful. I had no right to blame them, or anyone for that matter. There it was again, that feeling of self-contempt rose up inside me. "... despite these odds, we cannot simply give up. There's got be a way - and we must find it." The old man murmured while he was busy reading his newspaper. "It's what you'd say, dad. Stirring up hope like that, it's your job after all." Yuno lashed back, ill-tempered. Never minding, he continued to enjoy his coffee, and finally replied in a low voice. "There's no need for me to stir it up. In their natural state, humans are beings filled with hope, eager to pursue it. What they lack is information. The truth, hidden away from the public eye. To question, to dig it up, and expose it there in plain sight for all to see. That is what my work is all about." "Hmph! That's just pure optimism!" Sulkily, with her lips pressed together firmly, Yuno made her way out of the kitchen. As if nothing had occurred, her father took another sip of his coffee. But, the two of them were not on bad terms. Yuno let me in on their secret later. The old man with his beret, which he alway put on his head even though it did not particularly suit him -- that beret was Yuno's present to him back from when she was still in kindergarten. His wife had begun to clean the house, and now she entered the kitchen in Yuno's place. "Dear. You've put your jacket into the washing machine with her address book still inside. I didn't check before I turned on the machine, and now it's all soaked up with water. I'm sorry, Leia." A troubled face, and a wet bundle of mashed paper in her hand. "Tha-, that's my address book!" Nervously, I took it from her and quickly opened it, but it was no good. Where I had written down everyone's address and number, in its place, there was now just a glaring stain of water and illegible ink. "I...I apologize. I forgot I still had it in my jacket afterwards, and just threw it carelessly into the machine. You were looking for your new home? Don't worry. I remember the address, I can take you there later." "But I also lost all my money and all my other stuff!"

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As I said this, the truth of the current situation came back to me. None of Elempyos' problems had been resolved, just as my own private troubles were still waiting for me. "About that..." Just as the old man was about to tell me something, a shrill sound forcibly made everyone aware of its presence. It came from his breast pocket. The ringing tone of his GHS. GHS -- a mobile communications device powered by Gins, binding the people of this world together. Another convenient tool of daily life. The chief editor's expression grew serious, as he answered the call, stiffening. "Joe, about what were talking about... hmm, so Domovoy really is behind all this... ... Yes, thank you. Don't worry, I'm not about to do anything foolish. But someone really should have a talk with them." After he had finished the call and cut the line, he took his beloved beret and put it on, the top of him. "I need to go somewhere, it won't be long. Leia, about your apartment, I'll show you the way later." He left, out into the rain, leaving these words behind. First the night fell, then it grew darker and darker still, but he would not come back.

Finally, the clock struck twelve. It was then when Joe showed up and told us what she knew. Joe was an information broker, she specialized in selling and trading all sorts of information. Apparently, she had received a mysterious message via GHS from the chief editor. She then showed us the mail. `I am at the New Domovoy company. Would you please come meet with Yuno there? Yes, it had been sent from his GHS. And yet, there was definitely something wrong with it. With conviction, Joe informed us of her conclusion.

"It's probably a fake mail, sent by the Domovoy company. I'd say the chief editor is being held confined by them. By having me bring you them, it's likely they hope to use you to threaten him." False imprisonment, and extortion!? I noticed how Yuno and her mother seemed to freeze solid. "Officially, to the public, Domovoy is just a normal trading company. But their true face is not so bright. They're secretly in charge of the local underworld. I know that, because I'm half part of them, even though not voluntarily. If I don't do as they say, who knows what might do..." What she added only served to scoop more oil out of the fire. Yuno and her mother were still shaken, trembling in shock. "Why would he even be in such a place?" It was only after those words had already left my mouth that my brain began its work. "He wanted to resolve he matter by himself. He went there alone, hoping to reclaim your stolen bag and his manuscript. When there's street robbery here in Trigraph, Domovoy's bound to have their hands in it.

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Oh, I shouldn't have told him. It's my fault it came to this." `I'm sorry I got you involved. The old man's words resurfaced in my mind, the words he spoke when he came to meet me at the police station. He must have felt responsible the whole time. "Yuno, could you lend me some of your clothes? Clothes, so that I could pass as a native Elempian girl." "Sure... but why?" I placed Yuno's shaking hand in mine. To ease her anxiety. To calm my trembling body. I took a deep breath, and then I told her. "I'll go meet your father in your stead."

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x-----------------------------x | #3 As the moon shines |......... x-----------------------------Xillia 2 | \~~~~~~~~~/ Joe lead me to the New Domovoy company. As we arrived there, I noticed a building that was looking much more modern than I had imagined. Yet, the human figures lingering around at midnight, the `employees, they were looking just as wicked as in my pictured. On my way to to the guest room, the men met with smirking looks that betrayed their eye's true object of interest. The beautiful clothes Yuno had lend me, it didn't make me happy to be praised by these people. "I won't be able to accompany you inside. Please take care, and... relax." I clenched my hands around around the metal pipe Joe had given me before I entered. It was a self-defence staff, about the size of my hand, but it could be stretched out to a meter in length. With it in my possession, even alone I was not afraid. After all, I had inherited all my staff artes directly from my mum. Now that I had regained my inner strength, I pushed open the door with the label `guest room.

"Wh-! Why are you here!?" The old man was evidently surprised to find me here, and the colour was washed out of his face. The intimidatingly looking men, three in number, were evidently having a hard time to look as friendly as they could. I gave my best to suppress the erupting wave of anger, and put on my best attempt of a smile too. "I came to meet you... father!" This was enough for the old man. He understood the situation. "... I'm sorry you had to come all the way here, dear. Come, let's go home. Oh, and I also found your bag." On top of the table there lay the stolen envelope and my bag. "You can't just take what belongs to us with you." A shadowy figure in the back of the room moved, and spoke with an emotionless voice that truly reminded me of a dark creature. "Mr. Domovoy. That manuscript belongs to me, and the bag to my girl." Domovoy. A slender, elegant man in a navy suit. His lizard-like eye balls I could never be sure what they had chosen to prey on, they now seemed to study me.

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"You see, my little girl, it is a bit of a problem for us your father must be so persisting in his views. He intends to publish an article based on just a rootless, unfounded rumour. How my company would apply unlawful pressure on our new employees. It is nothing more than just a rumour, I can assure you. If he would only show a will to cooperate, I told him, we could work out our differences and as for your bag, no problem, I could return it to you." "You of all people should know that it's all rooted and founded. And there are also witnesses!" "I did ask you several times by now. If you are so convinced, would you please tell us who these witnesses are." "No. Don't make say it again!" "Old man, this kind of persistent behaviour is not becoming to those around you." On Domovoy's signal, the man behind me grabbed my arm and wrenched it behind me. "Ouch!" "Stop it! My daughter's got nothing to do with this!" The old man, now with an even paler face, tried to step forward, but was knocked down by another man and fainted. Domovoy looked down on the old man who now lay unconsciously on the floor and brought down his foot on his beret. Trampling it while laughing sardonically. At that very moment, the image of Yuno's smiling face and of the old man as he was worrying about her present, they flashed up in the back of mind. Unforgivable! With the snap on my wrist, I flung out my self-defence staff with all my might and into the man behind me. Now at its full length, it him directly between his feet. "Urrgh!" Without giving him any time to react, I quickly rammed my elbows into his stomach. An indescribable sound of agony. His strength left him. First one down! I whirled my body around, and flung the panting man into the one behind him. The third of them sneaked up to my back as I was pretending to show an opening. I was waiting for this. "Kasshin-Kon!" [Note: Stretching-Staff] I didn't even need to turn around. With a Spirit arte I stretched the staff at my side. The column of light knocked out the enemy behind -- or so it should have. My hands only felt how it struck the empty air. Had he dodged it? As I noticed it, I was kicked in the side and thrown away. "Ungh!" "Har. What a strange technique. But you're still like an open book to me."

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The man who had kicked me pulled out a gun and pressed it against me, now lying beaten on the ground. His voice emotionless and monotonous, Domovoy ordered him "We can't have that brat do that again. Shoot her arms and legs!" The pain was too much. I couldn't even breathe. Looks like I underestimated them... I shut my eyes in anticipation. Behind the darkness of my eyelids, there was a flash of lightning. "Cluck!", the echo of the shot. "`Mob violence of Domovoy employees against innocent citizen Great headline, ey? Oh, and look, I've even got a photo for the press." Somebody was leaning against the door, holding up his GHS in camera mode. That man with his unshaven face... "Al-... Alwin!?" As I shouted his name in surprise, he ignited the fire in his gun.

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A hazy mist, formed by a multitude of tiny sprinkles, cast its shadows on the dark city, like an azure veil. Each time we took a step forward, a few of those tiny sprinkles were added to our already moist clothes. The city with is many towering buildings and the valleys in-between had now regained its majestic silence. A silence which was only disturbed by the faint echo of Alwin's voice. "The New Domovoy company. They've been a bit of a thorn in our eyes, to us salesmen. I was just on my way to talk to them about it, when I saw you there all of the sudden." I knew I should thank Alwin for saving us, yet my head refused to face him. Now that I thought about it, this was the first time after that incident that I was alone with him. Somehow, I felt like blaming him. "So, what you did back there, you think that was wise?" The images in my mind spun back, back to the those Domovoy guys on the ground with the gun shots still evident all over their body. The bullets having just barely missed their vital parts. "People like them, they are deaf when it comes to the suffering of others. But what they fear above all else, is to be hurt themselves. Trust me, the best thing you can do is to show them the limits of their own power." Alwin handed me my bag back, as he explained with a dark, menacing tone in his voice. "Well you would know. You're like them." Small droplets of water gathered between the hairs of his unshaven beard, above it a broad and friendly grin graced his cheeks.

"Your friends are... quite unusual." Soon, Alwin had blended in with the black mist covering the city. As all traces of him had vanished, the old man anxiously fumbled at the moist envelope and muttered, still in surprise. "Well, yeah..." There's also the legendary conductor, or the Lord of all Spirits. I wondered, how would the old man's face look had I told him? "That was quite reckless of you back there." "I'm sorry I made you worry. In the end, I didn't even get anything done by myself." It was the truth. The old man stepped beside me, with my head hanging down low, and added. "I'm not in a position to judge people either. I'm powerless -- that much is a fact. And thanks your help, I got my manuscript back in one piece -- that much is also a fact. To admit the truth, what I am and to face it. Yes, I am powerless, but it is what I chose myself, when I became a journalist." "And so, ..." The old man took a deep breath, the beret now upside down in his hands, "Thank you. You saved me."

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His straightforward words of gratitude pierced right through my heart. If only I could be like him. "What is it? Do your wounds still hurt?" "No, I'm fine. I was just thinking... I'm glad you got the manuscript back, that can expose what these people are doing." "Hmm? You mean this? This manuscript you retrieved is for a report about a local Trigraph kindergarten." "It what-!? You mean, you took all those risks upon you, just for that??" "What do you mean `just for that? That too is a piece of the truth I want all people to know about. It also contains a letter from the children, addressed to King Gaius, with their questions about Lise Maxia." He handed me the report. In it, I found many a question from an innocent child, whose heart was drawn to the stories of my home, about the Spirits, and the lush, green nature and its blessings. "Well, even I don't believe King Gaius would really write back to them..." "Who knows, they just might get an answer.... At any rate, he really is a good king, and he takes his position seriously." It was Gaius we were talking about. He would certainly answer. I felt he was that kind of person.

In the end, thanks to the old man, I was now finally standing face to face in front of my apartment, my new home. I stepped inside and was greeted with a pitch-black darkness. I raised my hands, searched for the switch and flicked the lights on. Except, there still was no light. So tired... I decided to take care of it all tomorrow. I sighed, and as I drew air from the darkness, a sound suddenly spread throughout the room, emanating from somewhere in my bag. Surprised, I rummaged through my bag and then, I noticed the cream yellow light characteristic of a GHS. What's this? And whose? I had a strange feeling about this, but nevertheless, inspected it more closely. As I navigated the menu, I came across half a dozen new mails, and on top of that, addressed to me! "Leia, how are you doing? I like it here and I've got many friends now! Maybe I can come to Elempyos as part of a school project. If so, I hope I can visit you there!" A mail from Elise. With a photo of her and Drossel attached, the both of them laughing heartily. "I think it is wonderful and admirable when young people like you, Leia, show courage and move over to Elempyos, on a journey to the undiscovered land. I shall do my best here as well, so I won't lose to you " Rowen's mail, composed with plenty of emoticons. And in there, to my surprise, I also spotted Gaius' personal mail address. Wait... wouldn't the mail address of the King himself be considered a national secret? "Leia, when it comes to you, I know you always want to do your best, but please, don't go on some tomboyish errand just because you feel responsible for it. If there's I can help you with, always feel free to call me."

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I could almost feel Jude's voice in my ears. I was an open book to him. It was vexing, but at the same time, I was really happy to hear from him. And another mail made me aware of its status, flashing. "Hope you don't mind I just put it in your bag. Well, consider it my gift to you. For your new life. Btw, I've also sent everyone your new number."

An another mail, sent a few minutes later. "I'm glad this time I could save you." `This time. I understood immediately. When he shot me back then, it was still on his mind. Alwin... He understood what it meant to feel hurt -- he wasn't one of those people who were numb to other's feelings. "However! Passing on my personal contact data without my consent -- that's a violation of my privacy! Next time we meet, we need to talk!" First, I'd scold him, and then, just like the old man, say it to him. "Thank you." I took the towel blanket out of my bag, and casually rested my aching body on the bed consisting only of a long board. The way a child would, I wrapped myself up in it, curling up like a hedgehog. This bland and icy apartment with its missing curtains, sofa and carpet. Despite all this, as I grabbed ahold of my GHS, I felt a cozy warmth rushing through my body, emanating from my heart. Silently, I thanked them all for their kind words. It's alright, everybody. I feel fine now. I can sleep on my own. And tomorrow, I'll go look for a job. No, not look. I've already found what I want to do. It won't be easy, I felt, but worth the effort. My new work -- to cast light on the shadows and reveal their identity, visible to all. A newspaper reporter. I won't be able to realize all our hopes for the future, but to face the truth, that was something I could do. I wanted to send messages full of hope and kindness out into the world. Messages, just like those I had received from my dear friends. Tomorrow, I'll go meet the chief editor and pass on my feeling to him. This would be my first step to face reality.

My room was stenched in an azure light. It was a soothing, nostalgic light. As I lay there facing the sky, I kept gazing at the Elempian moon hanging above me just outside the window. By now, the rain had lifted its ghostly veil from the town.

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x------------------------------x | #4 In the wake of that night |......... x------------------------------Xillia 2 | \~~~~~~~~~/ [Note: The original title of this part is, and I quote, "Later and the previous day". Thumbs up for Engrish.] "Leia. There's still no article about the interview with Prime Minister Marcia! Go and get it from the political editor!" "Yes, Ye~~~s! I'll get right at it, just hang on a minu~~~te!" I had my hands full with responding to our reader's comments via GHS and documents I was supposed to organize. The chief editor yelled back at me. "One `Yes is enough. And don't prolong words for no reason." "Yes. Understood. Sir." As my colleagues witnessed how I, still holding the GHS and the documents, almost touched the floor with my forehead in a most respectful bow, a giggling filled the room.

A few months later. I was now a trainee at the editor's department. By now, I was quite used to this noisy working place, where everybody yelled louder than the others, from morn to noon. The days flew by, weeks passed. I hadn't yet done much about spreading messages of hope, there was no time to rest. It was a hectic, and yet fulfilling work. Because each day, I stumbled across things I wanted to know more about, things I wanted to do. And the chief editor himself subjected me to a strict training, so one day I would become a full-fledged reporter. "Next, about your article on Lise Maxia's monarchical system." "Yes. What about it? I feel pretty confident about." "Rejected. Add the the tenfold politeness. That includes your hand writing. The pressure of your brushstrokes is way too high." ...too strict. It wasn't rare for these words to graze on my mind. "Also, I'm sorry, but something that requires careful handling's come up, and I need you to take care of it." "Huh? But I'm already in charge of the report on the Ascord opening ceremony." "No matter how I think about it, you're the only person suitable for the job. You do remember the motto of a true journalist?" "Well... `Situational adaption alas `It comes, you see, you conquer it." "Yes, that's the spirit. So, I'd like you to..." The chief editor made a strange wink as he told me.

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"I'm still far away from being a real journalist..." I sighed heavily as I walked down the big road. On my body, I wore the clothes Yuno gave me as thanks for saving her father and on my head, the black casket. It looked good on me. The casket was the charming casket that had caught my attention on very the day I arrived in Trigraph. I bought it the second I received my first salary from my new job. A trifling fact, but also a piece of the truth. As I faced myself inside the glass, I smiled contentedly. Yes, perhaps it's not such a bad idea after all, and start with fashion to get the people of Elempyos and Lise Maxia closer together. "Leia, you're the type who goes by looks." Both Alwin and Jude had replied in unison to my idea, but I ignored them. ... and suddenly, I felt the glass vibrating and the air shaking. Lightning? Had they said anything in the forecast? In the sky, as I directed my eyes upwards, they could only spot some thin grey-blue clouds. "The 10 o'clock train... The 10 o'clock train..." When I re-oriented my head, I was looking at a cute hat that moved past me. As if in pursuit, a flaxen twin-tail followed suit shortly after.

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A small girl with a rucksack on her shoulders. Whatever it was she embraced with her fingers, the glaring light it reflected back blinded me. I rubbed my eyes and looked again, but by then, all traces of her had vanished. This strange feeling, like someone having just experienced a fata morgana. The object in the girl's hand... a wrist watch? "Oh yes, the time! I need to inform him!" After the clock had brought me back to my senses, I navigated my GHS. "Is it you Jude? About the Ascord case you asked me about, something came up and---"

I did not know yet. Fate's clockwork was already set in motion, and the two were part of it. Ludger and Elle.

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x------------------------------x | Special Comment Hideo Baba |......... x------------------------------Xillia 2 | \~~~~~~~~~/ `Decisions. It is one of the themes of Tales of Xillia 2. We all make decisions all the time. Be they little ones or big ones, we live our life, constantly making one decision after the next. And it is this chain of decisions which connects us to our future. We live, and so we must decide. I think, when we stop making any decisions at all, if we just stand still, nothing will change, and nothing could be born. I believe that what we choose is one possibility out of many, one opportunity. And does that not mean we also choose our own destiny? I believe the possibilities are limitless, yet in that instantaneous moment of our decision, we may choose only one. We choose without knowing whether the result we hope to achieve lies beyond that door. Yet still, I believe we must walk on, while we keep making decisions. If you all think about these questions together with the main protagonist, Ludger, I would be happy. Questions, such as `Why do we choose, `Is it for my sake, or `Do I choose for you? The current installment, Tales of Xillia 2, is filled with all the ideas and dreams of the whole production team. If these ideas reach you, then our goal is fulfilled. I hope you will continue to support and enjoy the "Tales of" series in the future as well . Producer Hideo Baba ()

Hideo Baba ~ Profile ~ - Belongs to Bandai Namco Games - Producer of ToX and ToX2 - Producer of many other mothership "Tales of" title, eg. ToG

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Khan Bark's Famous Confection Officially authorized by King Gaius Gaius Manjuu Ketchup Flavour The real taste approved of by the king!! 25/ 26

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