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NSA transmissions ELF mind control Cancer corruptions : thewhiterose ...

NSA transmissions ELF mind control Cancer corruptions

Author: thewhiterose Keywords: Mireille Torjman Collection: opensource





FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS, et al. 935 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20535-0001;

CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Public Affairs Washington, D.C. 20505;

NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY 9800 Savage Road, Suite 6711 Fort Meade, MD 20755-6711;

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 600 E Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20530;

DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 1400 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-1400;

DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 1000 Independence Ave Washington, DC 20585;




1. Plaintiff, Mireille Torjman hereby brings this action for injunction relief, damages, and tort damages, FOIA, and the right

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of review, based on personal knowledge and belief, as a victim and expert witness, to the serious information provided, as to all other matters, as to which allegations Plaintiff, without doubt or delusion, will provide proof, un-refuted evidence, overwhelming evidentiary support, witnesses, substantial facts, documents, videos, records, research, and investigation that exists and disclosed to the press by NSA on item 15, and as follows: PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 2. This case is about the wiretapping, surveillance, civil rights violations, privacy, communications technology, and crimes of humanity, in use by the Intelligence Community. With the advanced technology unknown to most, of shadow network of surveillance and spying, including, defendants are, transmitting, storing, tampering, and blocking or intercepting the content of a significant portion of the Plaintiffs phone calls, emails, instant messaging, text messaging, Internet, Skype, electronic and wireless communications, and other communications harassment, both internationally and domestic, including Plaintiffs family and practically every American, for the past 4 years, beginning on or about January 2007. 3. Plaintiffs records will show communications are intercepted, manipulated, tampered with, stored, (data mining), harassed, and impeded. Plaintiff will provide numerous and countless, emails hijacked, fabricated, UNREAD, manipulated, deleted, including mail UPS, facsimile, and internet manipulations, since 2007. Plaintiffs numerous impeded electronic communications with all her service providers were debilitating to her work and she had no resolve available from providers who were unable to detect or correct the situations. This includes manufactured emails, phone calls, and government employees unwitting involvement. In 2008, Plaintiff was also accused legally of false communications during her service with Qwest, by using wiretapped calls and disconnects to create false records with her utilities company, including defamation to her character. On information and belief, Whistle Blower Kay Griggs, Military wife of former Chief of Staff Lt. Col, Black-Ops and underground she called Secret Societies, was also harassed, impeded with and isolated, by COMMUNICATION CHAOS tactics that she called mind jabbing ,cut and paste, with automobile sabotages, upon testifying, as same with Plaintiffs various attempts and events. 4. Plaintiff is not delusional and has provided her records to DOJ in early 2009, with documents from many other credible sources and whistle blowers. Plaintiff requests that the Russell Tice case and Articles below underlined are read with disclosures being made as to her allegations, injunction relief, various separate counts, and tort damages throughout. Plaintiff has demonstrated courage, risked her reputation, risked her life, and familys, and has been threatened, prior to receiving an anonymous email of the NSA article (below) in February 2009 and retaliated against. Plaintiff tried to blow the whistle to the DA late 2007, and was not aware what NSA was or government corruption, but knew she had to report what was going on; as quoted by Mr. Tice and others; Statement by NSA, is THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG and WIRETAPPING SURVEILLANCE LOOK LIKE SMALL POTATOES. Most recently, Plaintiff was able to meet with the FBI in early 2010, and provided some information for investigation by various FBI analysts. Plaintiff was impeded to testify at a NY senate hearing in February 2009. 5. Plaintiff is suing defendants to enjoin their unlawful activities of all electronic communications, tangible and intangible and all allegations below and to require the inventory and destruction of those that have already been seized., and to obtain appropriate statutory, actual, and punitive damages, to deter future illegal activities. Plaintiff is also suing for injunctive relief, personal injury tort and damages, the right of review, and FOIA records. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 6. This court has subject matter jurisdiction over the federal claims pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1331, 18 U.S.C. 2712, and 5 U.S.C. 702. 7. Plaintiffs are informed, believe and thereon allege that Defendants have sufficient contacts with this district generally and, in particular, with the events herein alleged, that Defendants are subject to the exercise of jurisdiction of this court over the person of such Defendants and that venue is proper in this judicial district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1391. 8. Plaintiff is informed, believe and thereon allege that a substantial part of the events giving rise to the claims herein alleged occurred in this district jurisdiction, and Defendants and/or agents of Defendants may be found in this district, nationally, and internationally. PARTIES 9. Plaintiff, Mireille Torjman is an intelligent native French speaking refugee from Marrakesh, Morocco. Plaintiff is a divorced woman of 48 years of age and was an accountant for 25 years. Plaintiff comes from a religious background, disciplined and educated, has spent 25 years in the Philadelphia area, currently staying in South Florida. 10. Defendant Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) is an agency under the direction and control of the Department of Justice and the Pentagon that investigates and protects the Nation with Programs of CointelPro joined by CIA operating on U.S. Soil. 11. Defendant Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an agency that protects the Country in first line of Defense and collects information that reveals the plans, intentions and capabilities of our adversaries and provides the basis for decision and action. 12. Defendant NSA Defendant National Security Agency (NSA) is an agency under the direction and control of the Department of Defense that collects, processes, and disseminates foreign signals intelligence. It is responsible for carrying out the Programs challenged herein. 13. Defendant United States is the United States of America, its departments, agencies, and entities. Including DOJ, and Congresswoman Ginny Browne-Waite as the current Florida Congress Representative of the United States, who Plaintiff attempted to warn on numerous occasions since early 2008 and Senator Bill Nelson, currently on Floridas Intelligence Committee. BACKGROUND 14. Counter Intelligence Program was a series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at investigating and disrupting dissident political organizations within the United States. The FBI used covert operations from its inception; however formal COINTELPRO operations took place between 1956 and 1971. The FBI's stated motivation at the time was "protecting national security, preventing violence,

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between 1956 and 1971. The FBI's stated motivation at the time was "protecting national security, preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order." According to FBI records, 85% of Cointelpro resources were expended on infiltrating, disrupting, marginalizing, and/or subverting groups suspected of being subversive, such as communist and socialist organizations; the women's rights movement; militant black nationalist groups, and the non-violent civil rights movement, including individuals such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and others associated with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Congress of Racial Equality, the American Indian Movement, and other civil rights groups; a broad range of organizations labeled "New Left", including Students for a Democratic Society, the National Lawyers Guild, the Weathermen, almost all groups protesting the Vietnam War, and even individual student demonstrators with no group affiliation; and nationalist groups such as those "seeking independence for Puerto Rico." The other 15% of Cointelpro resources were expended to marginalize and subvert "white hate groups," including the Ku Klux Klan and National States' Rights Party. The directives governing Cointelpro were issued by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who ordered FBI agents to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities of these movements and their leaders. Hoover disclosed how horrific these weapons were thus, hard to believe. MKULTRA mind control experiments began at the end of WWII and then became public in the 1970s, however imperfectly, and went black again because of Senate hearings, but these experiments have continued to this day. The only reason that MKULTRA was ever brought into the light of day was that a dissident group stole government documents and released them to the press, which initially refused to publish them. The MKULTRA archive was destroyed because of the seriousness of the crimes perpetrated by the intelligence communities. If it became public knowledge that the intelligence agencies had allowed Nazi war criminals to experiment upon American citizens, including children, and then replicated these techniques themselves, the damage to their reputation could never be undone. The only aspects of CIA criminal activity in general, or MKULTRA in particular, that the intelligence community ever admitted to were the ones that were already public, or details that had very little to do with the current capabilities of mind control weapons and techniques. Microwave weapons and remote influence of the Human Central Nervous System are the crown jewels of the intelligence community. The DEFENDER and AGILE Programs formed the foundation of DARPA sensor, surveillance, spying, and directed energy R&D, particularly in the study of radar, infrared sensing, and x-ray/gamma ray detection. During the late 1960s, with the transfer of these mature programs to the Services, ARPA redefined its role and concentrated on a diverse set of relatively small, essentially exploratory research programs. The Agency was renamed the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1972, and during the early 1970s, it emphasized direct energy programs, information processing, and tactical technologies. Today we know we have had the Technology as warfare and/or medicine, coupled with the Conspiracy theories of HAARP, (Dr. Hubertus Strughold, space medicine-project paperclip-The Jewish Telegraphic Agency 1995; Dark Moon; Apollo and Whistleblowers Second craft 11, shadowing Apollo 13 and technical difficulties with no witnesses returned. Issues of Mind Control reported by Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde - with 50 year old technology from our government being disclosed as new, have consistently been deceiving the public, intentionally and with malice, while mapping out a grid across the Country. DUPLICITOUS and INDUCED manipulations of grave mass control escalations have been documented and quashed over the decades. MKULTRA Experiments for Behavior Modification using the public as pawns for war, also became corrupted for tax gains and global domination, with massive funding to LEAA Law Enforcements while Crimes were induced in major cities in 1968 alone by 50% (FBI, Newsweek reports). Unwitting citizens blighted the courts with lawsuits, prisons and Hospitals in this Country with complaints of mind control that the Media refused to cover. This erupted suddenly and massively over one year and remote viewing was used for entrapment and hallucinations for bearing false witness. Today this continues is still uncovered by media with false statistics and disinformation fanned unwittingly by the media (Project Mockingbird and Spying). A dysfunctional America engineered at the hands of its own secret government. Forty years later the COURTS are blighted with cases of civil/privacy rights, War, torture, and Technology combined if we dont stop them with so many warning for AMERICANS TO WAKE UP. An agenda for larger government, and world domination, with CONGRESS spinning their wheels; instead of meeting once a year as intended in the Constitution, and invisible weapons to help hijacked this country since a 1910 secret meeting on Jekyll Island to create a blank check for The Federal Reserve. (Church Committee 1970 called NSA transmissions today) Most people are not ready to handle this kind of information. CHURCH COMMITTEE Reports: By the early years of the 1970s, the unpopularity of the Vietnam War and the unfolding Watergate scandal brought the era of minimal oversight to an abrupt halt. Congress was determined to rein in the Nixon administration and to ascertain the extent to which the nation's intelligence agencies had been involved in questionable, if not outright illegal, activities. A series of troubling revelations started to appear in the press concerning intelligence activities. First came the revelations of Christopher Pyle in January 1970 of the U.S. Army's spying on the civilian population[1][2] and Sam Ervin's Senate investigations that resulted.[3] The dam broke on 22 December 1974, when The New York Times published a lengthy article by Seymour Hersh detailing operations engaged in by the CIA over the years that had been dubbed the "family jewels". Covert action programs involving assassination attempts against foreign leaders and covert attempts to subvert foreign governments were reported for the first time. In addition, the article discussed efforts by intelligence agencies to collect information on the political activities of US citizens.[4] These revelations convinced many Senators and Representatives that the Congress itself had been too lax, trusting, and naive in carrying out its oversight responsibilities. The Church Committee learned that beginning in the 1950s; the CIA and FBI intercepted, opened and photographed more than 215,000 pieces of mail by the time the program called "HT Lingual" was shut down in 1973. This program was all done under the "mail covers" program. A mail cover is when the government records without a warrant or notification all information on the outside of an envelope or package, including the name of the sender and the recipient. The Church report found that the CIA was zealous about keeping the Postal Service from learning that mail was being opened by government agents. CIA agents moved mail to a private room to open the mail or in some cases opened envelopes at night after stuffing them in briefcases or coat pockets to deceive postal officials.[5] On April 1, 1976, Attorney General Levi announced the establishment of a special review committee within the Department of Justice to notify COINTELPRO victims that they were the subjects of FBI activities directed against them. Notification will be made "in those instances where the specific COINTELPRO activity was improper, actual harm may have occurred, and the subjects are not already aware that they were the targets of COINTELPRO activities." 315 Further, the Department will have acknowledged -- finally -- that COINTELPRO was wrong. Official repudiation of the programs is long overdue. (Wiretapping began with Hoover in 1940) The American people need to be assured that never again will an agency of the government be permitted to conduct a secret war against those citizens it considers threats to the established order. Only a combination of legislative prohibition and Departmental control can guarantee that COINTELPRO will not happen again. The notification program is an auspicious beginning. This rough, tough, dirty business included infiltration of political groups, psychological warfare, legal harassment, and extralegal force and violence. The FBI and police threatened, instigated and conducted break-ins, vandalism, assaults, and beatings. The object was to frighten dissidents and disrupt their movements, write Mike Cassidy and Will Miller. They used secret and systematic methods of fraud and force, far beyond mere surveillance, to

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Cassidy and Will Miller. They used secret and systematic methods of fraud and force, far beyond mere surveillance, to sabotage constitutionally protected political activity. The purpose of the program was, in FBI Director J. Edgar Hoovers own words, to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit and otherwise neutralize specific groups and individuals. After the Church Committee exposed COINTELPRO, the government claimed it had dismantled the program. However, in the 1980s, the Reagan administration legalized the tactics by signing Executive Order 12333. There is every reason to believe that even what was not legalized is still going on as well. Lest we forget, Lt. Col. Oliver North funded and orchestrated from the White House basement break-ins and other dirty tricks to defeat congressional critics of U.S. policy in Central America and to neutralize grassroots protest. Special Prosecutor Walsh found evidence that North and Richard Secord (architect of the 1960s covert actions in Cambodia) used Iran-Contra funds to harass the Christic Institute, a church-funded public interest group specializing in exposing government misconduct, Cassidy and Miller continue. In addition, North worked with FEMA to develop contingency plans for suspending the Constitution, establishing martial law, and holding political dissidents in concentration camps. Since the false flag attacks of September 11, 2001, the government has worked incessantly to fine tune plans to impose martial law. It has also worked to federalize and militarized law enforcement around the country. Brian Glick (War at Home) argues that COINTELPRO is a permanent feature of the government. The record of the past 50 years reveals a pattern of continuous domestic covert action, Glick wrote in the 1990s. Its use has been documented in each of the last nine administrations, Democratic as well as Republican. FBI testimony shows COINTELPRO tactics already in full swing during the presidencies of Democrats Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman. COINTELPRO itself, while initiated under Eisenhower, grew from one program to six under the Democratic administrations of Kennedy and Johnson After COINTELPRO was exposed [by the Church Committee], similar programs continued under other names during the Carter years as well as under Nixon, Ford, and Reagan. They have outlived J. Edgar Hoover and remained in place under all of his successors. 15. Is the NSA Conducting Electronic Warfare On Americans?

Jonas Holmes May 19, 2006 CHRONICLE ARTICLE

Russ Tice, former NSA intelligence officer and current Whistleblower, was to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee this week. Apparently the testimony, Mr. Tice wanted to give, makes General Haydens phone surveillance program look like very small potatoes. Mr. Tices testimony is expected to reveal further illegal activity overseen by General Michael Hayden which even loyal and patriotic NSA employees view as unlawful. I think the people I talk to next week are going to be shocked when I tell them what I have to tell them. ITS PRETTY HARD TO BELIEVE, Tice said. I hope that theyll clean up the abuses and have some oversight into these programs, which doesnt exist right now. According to Mr. Tice, what has been disclosed so far is only the tip of the iceberg. What in the world could Russ Tice be talking about! To figure it out let us take a look at Russ Tices work at the NSA. According to the Washington Times and numerous other sources, Mr. Tice worked on special access programs related to electronic intelligence gathering while working for the NSA and DIA, where he took part in space systems communications, non-communications signals, electronic warfare, satellite control, telemetry, sensors, and special capability systems. Special Access Programs or SAPs refer to Black Budgets or Black Operations. Black means that they are covert and hidden from everyone except the participants. Feasibly there would be no arena with a greater potential for abuse and misuse than Special Access Programs. Even now Congress and the Justice Department are being denied the ability to investigate these programs because they dont have clearance. To put it in CNNs Jack Caffertys words a top secret government agency, the NSA, the largest of its kind in the world, is denying oversight or investigation by the American people because investigators lack clearance. To add a layer of irony to the Black Ops cake this travesty is occurring in America, the supposed bastion of Freedom and Democracy, which we are currently trying to export to Iraq. It just gets scarier. The Black Ops that Mr. Tice was involved in related to electronic intelligence gathering via space systems communications, non-communications signals, electronic warfare, satellite control, telemetry, sensors, and special capability systems. For greater insight as to the impact of these programs readers should review decades old FOIA authenticated programs such as MKULTRA, BLUEBIRD, COINTELPRO and ARTICHOKE. Radar based Telemetry involves the ability to see through walls without thermal imaging. Electronic Warfare is even scarier if we take a look at the science. NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation. NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF Brain Stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL). EMF Brain Stimulation has been in development since the MKUltra program of the early 1950's, which included neurological research into "radiation" (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and development. The resulting secret technology is categorized at the National Security Archives as "Radiation Intelligence," defined as "information from unintentionally emanated electromagnetic waves in the environment, not including radioactivity or nuclear detonation." Signals Intelligence implemented and kept this technology secret in the same manner as other electronic warfare programs of the U.S. government. The NSA monitors available information about this technology and withholds scientific research from the public. There are also international intelligence agency agreements to keep this technology secret. The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyzes electrical activity in humans from a distance. NSA computergenerated brain mapping can continuously monitor all the electrical activity in the brain continuously. The NSA records and decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for national security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the military for Brain-to-computer link. (In military fighter aircraft, for example.) For electronic surveillance purposes electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject's verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brain's auditory cortex thus allowing audio communication direct to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use this to covertly debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia. Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject's brain and show images from the subject's brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject's eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex. bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subject's brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming purposes. Individual citizens occasionally targeted for surveillance by independently operating NSA personnel NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the U.S. by using the NSA's domestic intelligence network and cover businesses. The operations independently run by them can sometimes go beyond the bounds of law. Long-term control and SABOTAGE OF TENS OF THOUSANDS OF UNWITTING CITIZENS by NSA operatives is likely to happen. NSA Domint has the ability to covertly assassinate U.S. citizens or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental health. National Security Agency Signals Intelligence Electronic Brain Link Technology NSA SigInt can remotely detect, identify and monitor a person's bioelectric fields. The

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Electronic Brain Link Technology NSA SigInt can remotely detect, identify and monitor a person's bioelectric fields. The NSA's Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to remotely and non-invasively monitor information in the human brain by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 hz,.5 milliwatt electro-magnetic emissions from the brain. Neuronal activity in the brain creates a shifting electrical pattern that has a shifting magnetic flux. This magnetic flux puts out a constant 30-50 hz, .5 milliwatt electromagnetic (EMF) wave. Contained in the electromagnetic emission from the brain are spikes and patterns called "evoked potentials." Every thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event, and visual image in the brain has a corresponding "evoked potential" or set of "evoked potentials." The EMF emission from the brain can be decoded into the current thoughts, images and sounds in the subject's brain. NSA SigInt uses EMF-transmitted Brain Stimulation as a communications system to transmit information (as well as nervous system messages) to intelligence agents and also to transmit to the brains of covert operations subjects (on a non-perceptible level). EMF Brain Stimulation works by sending a complexly coded and pulsed electromagnetic signal to trigger evoked potentials (events) in the brain, thereby forming sound and visual images in the brain's neural circuits. EMF Brain Stimulation can also change a person's brain-states and affect motor control. Two-way Electronic Brain-Link is done by remotely monitoring neural audio-visual information while transmitting sound to the auditory cortex (bypassing the ears) and transmitting faint images to the visual cortex (bypassing the optic nerves and eyes, the images appear as floating 2-D screens in the brain). Two-Way Electronic Brain Link has become the ultimate communications system for CIA/NSA personnel. Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM, remotely monitoring bioelectric information in the human brain) has become the ultimate surveillance system. It is used by a limited number of agents in the U.S. Intelligence Community. RNM requires decoding the resonance frequency of each specific brain area. That frequency is then modulated in order to impose information in that specific brain area. The frequency to which the various brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band. An example of EMF Brain Stimulation: Brain Area

Bioelectric Resonance Frequency Information Induced Through Modulation

Motor Control Cortex 10 HZ Motor Impulse Co-ordination

Auditory Cortex 15 HZ Sound which bypasses the ears

Visual Cortex 25 HZ Images in the brain, bypassing the eyes

Somatosensory Cortex 09 HZ Phantom Touch Sense

Thought Center 20 HZ Imposed Subconscious Thoughts

This modulated information can be put into the brain at varying intensities from subliminal to perceptible. Each person's brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies. Sending audio information to a person's brain at the frequency of another person's auditory cortex would result in that audio information not being perceived. Additionally, A 1994 congressional hearing reported that nearly half a million Americans were subjected to some kind of cold war era tests, often without being informed and without their consent. In addition, experimentation law is well grounded in constitutional and international law. It is an under-reported fact that two major reports on human rights and torture in the U.S. recently listed illegal radiation experiments. Many more facts are documented below. Therefore, human research subject protections should be a high priority and are just as significant as current issues of torture and illegal wiretapping. IT IS TIME FOR AMERICA TO WAKE UP. It is time for America to protect its Whistleblowers who are our last line of defense against dictatorship and despotism. It is time for America to take responsibility for oversight of its tax dollars and elect leaders who will assume such responsibility now. Yes, the war on terrorism is important. It is even more important and fearful if the terrorism is from within and unknowingly funded by hard working American citizens. There is no Special Access Program beyond the oversight of political leaders elected by the people and for the people. If these political leaders jeopardize national security then that shall be handled in a court of law. But to tell America, to tell the American people, to tell the political leaders elected by the American people that America does not deserve to know what happening in the NSAs dark, black rooms, with billions of dollars, behind closed doors, when we know that privilege has already been abused; that is the true definition of TERRORISM. That is the true definition of Communism and a Police State, no oversight. So fellow Americans, you may hem and haw in the face of truth but know that one day you will realize that your country has been USURPED from the very principles upon which it was founded.

Godspeed, Russ Tice, the Patriots are with you.

16. Why hasn't the press--aside from MSNBC--covered Russell Tice's revelations on the government's massive spy apparatus that according to Tice illegally survey's every US citizens' purchasing records, emails, phone calls, bank transactions, etc. and maintains the information in massive databases for nefarious uses? 17. In the Interview of January 03, 2006 the following statements were revealed: AMY GOODMAN: That was Sibel Edmonds. Russell Tice, you are a member of her group, the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition. AMY GOODMAN: What do you think of the Justice Department launching an investigation into the leak, who leaked the fact that President Bush was spying on American citizens? RUSSELL TICE: Well, I think this is an attempt to make sure that no intelligence officer ever considers doing this. What

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RUSSELL TICE: Well, I think this is an attempt to make sure that no intelligence officer ever considers doing this. What was done to me was basically an attempt to tell other intelligence officers, HEY, IF YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS, IF YOU DO SOMETHING TO TICK US OFF, WERE GOING TO TAKE YOUR JOB FROM YOU, WERE GONNA DO SOME UNPLEASANT THINGS TO YOU. So, right now, the atmosphere at N.S.A. and D.I.A., for that matter, is fear. The security services basically rule over the employees with fear, and people are afraid to come forward. People know if they come forward even in the legal means, like coming to Congress with a concern, your career is over. And thats just the best scenario. Theres all sorts of other unfortunate things like, perhaps, if someone gets thrown in jail for either a witch-hunt or something trumping up charges or, you know, this guy who is basically reporting a crime. AMY GOODMAN: Were you ever asked to engage in this? RUSSELL TICE: No, no, and if I did so, I did so unwittingly, which I have a feeling would be the case for many of the people involved in this. More than likely this was very closely held at the upper echelons at N.S.A., and mainly because these people knewGeneral Hayden, Bill Black, and probably the new one, Keith Alexander, they all knew this was illegal. So, you know, they kept it from the populace of N.S.A., because every N.S.A. officer certainly knows this is illegal. AMY GOODMAN: What do you mean if you did so, you did so unwittingly? RUSSELL TICE: Well, there are certain elements of the aspects of what is done where there are functionaries or technicians or analysts that are given information, and you just process that information. You dont necessarily know the nitty gritty as to where the information came from or theits called compartmentalization. Its ironic, but you could be working on programs, and the very person sitting next to you is not cleared for the programs youre working on, and theyre working on their own programs, and each person knows to keep their nose out of the other persons business, because everythings compartmentalized, and youre only allowed to work on what you have a need to know to work on. AMY GOODMAN: What about the telecoms, the telecommunications corporations working with the Bush administration to open up a back door to eavesdropping, to wiretapping? RUSSELL TICE: If that was done and, you know, I USE A BIG IF HERE, AND, REMEMBER, I CANT TELL YOU WHAT I KNOW of how N.S.A. does its business, but I can use the wiggle words like if and scenarios that dont incorporate specifics, but nonetheless, if U.S. gateways and junction points in the United States were used to siphon off information, I would think that the corporate executives of these companies need to be held accountable, as well, because they would certainly also know that what theyre doing is wrong and illegal. And if they have some sort of court order or some sort of paper or something signed from some government official, Congress needs to look at those papers and look at the bottom line and see whose signature is there. And these corporations know that this is illegal, as well. So everyone needs to be held accountable in this mess. AMY GOODMAN: When you come on board at these intelligence agencies, as at the National Security Agency, what are you told? I mean, were you aware of the Church hearings in the 1970s that went into the illegal spying on monitoring, of surveilling, of wiretapping of American citizens? RUSSELL TICE: Well, thats something thats really not drummed in your head. Thats more of a history lesson, I think. And the reasoning, ultimately, for the FISA laws and for whats called USSID 18, which is sort of the SIGINTers bible of how they conduct their business, but the law itself is drilled into your head, as well as the tenets of USSID 18, of which the number one commandment is Thou shalt not spy on Americans. But ultimately, when were using that onif were using that with U.S. databases, then ultimately, once again, the American people aretheir civil rights are being violated. AMY GOODMAN: Do you expect you are being monitored, surveilled, wiretapped right now? RUSSELL TICE: Yes, I do. As a matter of fact, AMY GOODMAN: Youre saying in the leadership of your own agency, the National Security Agency? RUSSELL TICE: Thats correct, yeah, because certainly General Alexander and General Hayden and Bill Black knew that this was illegal. AMY GOODMAN: But they clearly had to have authorization from above, and Bush is not contending that he did not know. RUSSELL TICE: Well, thats true. But the question has to be asked: What did the President know? What was the President told about this? Its justtheres just too many variables out there that we dont know yet. And, ultimately, I think Congress needs to find out those answers. If the President was fed a bill of goods in this matter, then thats something that has to be addressed. Or if the President himself knew every aspect of whats going on, if this was some sort of vacuum cleaner deal, then it is ultimately, I would think, the President himself that needs to be held responsible for whats going on here. AMY GOODMAN: This investigation that the Justice Department has launchedits interesting that Alberto Gonzales is now Attorney General of the United Statesthe latest story of The New York Times: Gonzales, when he was White House Counsel, when Andrew Card, chief of staff, went to Ashcroft at his hospital bedside to get authorization for this. Can he be a disinterested party in investigating this now, as Attorney General himself? RUSSELL TICE: Yeah, I think that for anyone to say that the Attorney General is going to be totally unbiased about something like this, I think thats silly. Of course, the answer is No. He cant be unbiased in this. I think that a special prosecutor or something like that may have to be involved in something like this, otherwise were just liable to have a whitewash. AMY GOODMAN: What do you think of the term police state? RUSSELL TICE: Well, anytime where you have a situation where U.S. citizens are being arrested and thrown in jail with the key being thrown away, you know, potentially being sent overseas to be tortured, U.S. citizens being spied on, you know, and it doesnt even go to the court that deals with these secret things, you know, I mean, think about it, you could have potentially somebody getting the wrong phone call from a terrorist and having him spirited away to some back-alley country to get the rubber hose treatment and who knows what else. I think that would kind of qualify as a police state, in my judgment. I certainly hope that Congress or somebody sort of does something about this, because, you know, for Americans just to say, Oh, well, we have to do this because, you know, because of terrorism, you know, its the same

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Americans just to say, Oh, well, we have to do this because, you know, because of terrorism, you know, its the same argument that we used with communism years ago: take away your civil liberties, but use some threat thats, you know, been out there for a long time. Terrorism has been there forcertainly before 9/11 we had terrorism problems, and I have a feeling its going to be around for quite some time after whatever we deem is a victory in what were doing now in the Middle East. But, you know, its just something that has to be addressed. We just cant continue to see our civil liberties degraded. Ultimately, as Ben Franklin, I think, had said, you know, those who would give up their essential liberties for a little freedom deserve neither liberty or freedom, and I tend to agree with Ben Franklin. AMY GOODMAN: And your colleagues at the N.S.A. right now, their feelings, the National Security Agency? RUSSELL TICE: Boy, I think most folks at N.S.A. right now are just running scared. They have the security office hanging over their head, which has always been a bunch of vicious folks, and now theyve got, you know, this potential witch hunt going on with the Attorney General. People in the intelligence community are afraid. They know that you cant come forward. You have no protections as a whistleblower. These things need to be addressed. AMY GOODMAN: What do you mean you have no protection? RUSSELL TICE: No. No, I do not. As far asof course, Im not witting of anyone that was told they will spy on an American. So, ultimately, when this was going on, I have a feeling it was closely held at some of the upper echelon levels. And youve got to understand, I was a worker bee. I was a guy that wrote the reports and did the analysis work andyou know, the detail guy. At some point, your reports have to get sent up up the line and then, you know, the management takes action at some point or another, but at my level, no, I was not involved in this. RUSSELL TICE: I sent it to the chairs of the Senate Intelligence Committee and the House Intelligence Committee, the SSCI and the HPSCI.

18. The CIA and the cult of intelligence (1974) Reviewed by JamesRMacLean on 2007-04-09. Incompetence leads to Monstrosity Marchetti's expose of the CIA was published on the EVE OF THE CHURCH COMMISSION, at a moment when domestic outrage at the culture of duplicity and domestic interference had reached its peak. Since that time, successful public relations have greatly enhanced the image of intelligence services. Marchetti's thesis is that, contrary to widespread public belief, the USA was not locked in an existential struggle with Soviet or Chinese subversion, and never really was. Soviet intelligence utterly surpassed the CIA in effectiveness, initiative, and recruitment of allied agents abroad. In fact, the CIA was effective only against 3rd world intelligence organizations, and there, spectacularly so. This extreme Soviet edge in espionage was more than offset by the superior resources of the conventional Western militaries and the impossibility of waging a direct confrontation owing to the nuclear stalemate. Worse, this advantage was not seriously mitigated by the abundance of high-tech gadgets, such as satellites; such tools merely facilitated the collection of large amounts of raw data, with virtually no practical usefulness. Far from rendering the US intelligence community harmless, however, it made the agency focus on a campaign against 3rd world allies, and ultimately, against the US population. The CIA tried its hand at WAGING SECRET WARS in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa; it developed a vast group of businesses to serve as cover for illicit shipping and arms supplies; and it became utterly habituated to corrupting legislators in the Free World. The CIA became an eager tool for an unaccountable executive branch, provided that the executive had a flair for covert action; and it tended to create an echo chamber of self-deception that threatened the entire national security establishment. At the very top of its list of priorities was the urgent need to defend its mission publicly, and validate its immense budget. Marchetti spends a modest amount of time discussing the inability of the CIA to confront the Soviet KGB. When he mentions it, he avers the KGB and its allied bureaux are indeed odious, but also defensive--by necessity. He dwells in somewhat greater detail on the CIA's structure and specialized fields of performance. He includes a broad-brush description of the overall US intelligence community, before turning to an analysis of the separate divisions and their respective behavior. This included covert operations (such as the Bay of Pigs invasion), proprietaries (such as Interarmco and Air America), propaganda and disinformation, and espionage/counterespionage. In all of these enterprises, the same motivation prevails: the CIA seeks self-perpetuation and influence WITHIN the Western world, but lacks will or ability to seriously combat the Soviets. Towards the end, he discusses the increasing tendency of the CIA to interfere in regular US politics, chiefly to ingratiate itself with the president. Marchetti's criticisms of the intelligence community were surprisingly mild. I should mention in passing that his book had about 170 or so passages deleted by court order; the CIA had earlier demanded well in excess of 300, and the court awarded it half of what it demanded. Some of the deletions are downright silly (as where it refers to a base in [DELETED] granted by Haile Selassie!), and elsewhere I was amused to observe the most numerous deletions in the part dealing with funding appropriations. The extreme secrecy of the intelligence community with respect to funding has greatly intensified since this book was published, and usually the motivation is quite obviously to conceal how much money these agencies actually waste. However, Marchetti concludes that the CIA is essentially past reform, useless, and so incompetent at its mission as to have become narrowly focused on extorting billions from the nation.

19. Former United States Government Physicist! 1981-Lt Col. US Army Retired, Pentagon analyst (McRae, Ronald, Mind Wars, St. Martin's Press, 1984, p 127, Psychic Weapons)

20. In a slide Bearden illustrates how a Scalar War would involve a psychoenergetics attack on the operators of the enemy scalar installation, entraining their minds into hypnogogic trance and getting them to shut down their systems. And ultimately psychoenergetic warfare goes to the very heart of human identity itself. For if my thoughts might no longer be "mine," then who and what am I? Can my very sense of being "me" be hijacked by some nefarious psychoenergetic scheme? One paper to begin with is Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions This is such serious stuff that Bearden includes a strong warning about misuse of this knowledge. Psychoenergetics weapons can MENTALLY MAIM AND PHYSICALLY KILL.

21. PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS-SPACE PRESERVATION ACT-House Resolution bill 2977-Brain manipulation from a distance-2001-2002

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Last year, in October, the Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich introduced in the American Congress a bill, obliging the American president to get engaged in the negotiations aimed at the ban of space based weapons. In this bill the definition of a weapon system includes: any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations or the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations" (12). As in all legislative acts quoted in this article the bill counts with sound, light or electromagnetic stimulation of human brain. Psychotronic weapons remain, at least for a layman uninformed of secret military research, in the sphere of science fiction, since so far none of the published scientific experiments was presented in the way which would allow for its replication. That it is feasible to manipulate human behavior with the use of subliminal, either sound or visual, messages is now generally known. This is why in most of the countries the use of such technologies, without consent of the user, is banned. Devices using light for the stimulation of the brain show another way how the light flashing in certain frequencies could be used for the manipulation of human psychic life. As for the sound, a report on the device transmitting a beam of sound waves, which can hear only persons at whom the beam of sound waves is targeted, appeared last year in the world newspapers. The beam is formed by a combination of sound and ultrasound waves which causes that a person targeted by this beam hears the sound inside of his head. Such a perception could easily convince the human being that it is mentally ill. The acts presented in this article suggest that with the development of technology and knowledge of the functioning of human brain new ways of manipulation of human mind keep emerging. One of them seems to be the electromagnetic energy. Though in the open scientific literature only some 30 experiments were published, supporting this assumption (1),(2), already in 1974, in the USSR, after successful testing with military unit in Novosibirsk, the installation Radioson (Radiosleep) was registered with the Government Committee on the Matters of Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR, described as a method of induction of sleep by means of radio waves (3), (4), (5)

22. Dear Senator-Attorney Letter included:

We seek your offices assistance in initiating hearings and a fact-finding congressional inquiry into the government agencies and/or private companies that are targeting citizens. Many citizens are desperate to be freed from the disturbing, intrusive and oppressive targeting. Evidence supports the conclusion that weapons exist that could be used against individuals, based on U.S. Patent and Trademark Office filings, public releases by agencies, and other technologies that indicate the level of technological sophistication. The weapons are believed to be based on electromagnetism, microwaves, sonic waves, lasers and other types of directed energy, and were characterized as psychotronic in Rep. Dennis Kucinichs draft of House Resolution 2977, the Space Preservation Act of 2001. Furthermore, it is undeniable that government agencies have tested citizens without permission in the past; for example, the CIAs human experimentation discussed in Orlikow v. U.S., 682 F.Supp. 77 (D.D.C. 1988), secretly administered lysergic acid diethylamide discussed in United States v. Stanley, 483 U.S. 669 (1987), and military chemical experimentation as discussed in Congressional Committee Report 103-97, 103d Congress, 2d Session, S. Prt. 103-97 (Dec. 8, 1994). Lastly, the sheer numbers of people complaining of being targeted, including people with post-graduate degrees and a lifetime of achievements, and the similarities in symptoms tend to outweigh a dismissive response based on charges of anecdotal evidence or group paranoia. there is a certain risk of sounding too conspiratorial, however, common denominators such as physical symptoms and medical reports, surveillance scenarios, harassment techniques, and more can be readily established.

ALLEGATIONS AND FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS RELATED TO ALL COUNTS 23. Plaintiff, in her Florida home, on or about January 2007, naive and without knowledge of corruptions, wars, military weapons, or MKULTRA projects, was comatosed for 72 hours in her room and recruited for experimental remote mind control ESPIONAGE, SEXUAL SLAVERY, AND BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION, (Operation MHCHAOS-brainwash). Plaintiffs memory began to be wiped out daily and corrupted with new transmissions. Plaintiff ran away TERRORIZED after being transmitted to start THE PROCESS, over time using the public to trigger her anchors/transmissions. Plaintiffs electronic communications began to be tampered with and impeded as she began to her research and attempts to report this corruption and abuse of powers under the programs. During Plaintiffs travels around the world, Plaintiff was transmitted to keep daily copious notes of her torture for her feedback. Plaintiff was attacked daily in International Airways and for no reason by UNREALIZED, innocent, unwitting public of children, doctors, lawyers, animals, insects, until her recent visit at the local FBI to whistle blow these activities again. Plaintiff was held hostage in a food establishment in Nice when on her way to whistle blow the information to other embassies. Plaintiff had crimes committed against her to keep her homeless and hijacked her house contents numerous times to sabotage her life and impede her work and falsely detained upon each attempt to report this. After already having been to the local FBI offices with this surveillance information, in 1996, Plaintiff was told they were already on it Plaintiff was terminated from her job the next morning and chased down the turnpike to deter her until 2007. Plaintiff was transmitted to send a letter to FBI Director Mueller, demanding to cease and invert her family in May of 2008 and was informed that it was too late as they had already gotten to him and she would never be believed. Plaintiff, upon warnings and threats, and family attacks, and brainwash, to stop her, was informed of, and demonstrated a doomed life called obstacles, mishaps, or bad luck in their cult or process. One year later in February 2009, someone unknown sent Plaintiff an email of the Russell Tice article and Plaintiff IMMEDIATELY drove to DC in April 2009 to talk with DOJ Officials and their Attorneys. Plaintiffs various computers and car batteries, zapped en route to DC, constant power outages and car damages. Plaintiffs communication chaos using NSA transmissions to the unwitting public were used to sabotage her life, against her, and including her own Family isolating her into a remote cult of intelligence with physical events called brainwash. In January 2010 Plaintiff was told her surveillance/spying recordings could be sold overseas and that the FBI had joined forces with the Shadow Government to suppress her further and blaming the FBI. Plaintiffs process resembled what she found on u-tube in the 911 brainwashing process to the public of Weapons of Mass Destruction (the opposite of most news reports). Media showing Halloween letters of TERROR across our screens on 9/11/01, to induce fear unwittingly, on the public, and remarks of disgust from foreigners on our media and culture were made. Plaintiff was to obey their commands as robots, and was jacketed (one against the other with people) and kept isolated during the 4 year process coupled with threats, family, accidents, psychological and physical harm, numerous illnesses, sabotage, bribes, and blackmail. Plaintiff was informed how and when she and America were mind controlled since her arrival in 1971 and was able to confirm these discoveries during the process. Plaintiff was, and is transmitted that they will stop if she does, and realizes today that was not true. Plaintiff will show and established pattern of these surveillance projects and corruptions subsequently and in relation to the Plaintiffs claim.

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Plaintiff called Lt. Col. Tom Beardon in 2007, and spoke to his wife as he was on a respirator, Kathleen Sullivan (Mind Controlled CIA child whistleblower) who was frantic about nursing her husband with CANCER. Plaintiff researched other retired government employees, victims, spies, using remote viewing and countless victims with the same complaints and tactics used. With surveillance technology, spying, and the already disclosed NSA Transmissions used for MKULTRA, projects are still operational and conducted by top secret, Q clearance on the public. Plaintiff hereby makes these serious accusations against the United States Secret Government for the past 40 years on U.S. Soil. When even one American -who has done nothing wrong- is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril. Harry S. Truman In early 2008, after 25 years of being an accountant, and raised in the Mediterranean, Plaintiff purchased the Non FDA device from a NASA physicist at $21,000.00 with Scalar waves, (Russian Woodpecker frequencies), and Military Patents. Plaintiff became a certified practitioner to protect herself and attempt to de-program. Plaintiff was intercepted by this HAARP and NSAs SIG-INT Satellites, thus became a certified hypnotist trained in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming; CIA taught techniques, to deprogram. (Bandler and Grinder 1976) and (Project Paperclip; Dr. Strughold Space Medicine 1963) 24. In her travels, Plaintiff witnessed these transmissions used in Israel, Australia, England, and most European Countries, and was further impeded when attempting to whistle blow the nefarious uses and crimes of humanity by our CIA, to the embassies. Plaintiff will show documents and/or connections to MAFIOSO, KGB, and AL Qaeda, within the CIA, as with DONALD RUMSFELD and his banking ties. World Banks-(1910) J.P. Morgan Chase, Black Budgets, and Nikola Tesla 1940). Plaintiff will reveal how scary the power of these people and these invisible weapons of technology are, and our utmost threat, involving every life. Plaintiff will reveal that media coverage or focus on Nuclear weapons and torture of Guantanamo are shifted by manipulation and dumbing us down. Plaintiff motions the court to compel, the safety of WE THE PEOPLE by dismantling these Weapon Stations and the CIA, born with the National Securitys Act in 1947, when our troubles began. 25. Plaintiff was informed that 911 Pilots were mind controlled in advance in San Diego and the U.S., and that 911 was created to lose our FREEDOMS with the 911 commission sabotaged. (Naomi Wolf (Yale Journalist)-10 Steps-Freedom to Fascism, 2007- also harassed by and on no fly zone list in her attempts) Plaintiff flew to Atlanta in the height of the new steel door installation and high security climate, wondering why she was invited to sit in a co-pilots chair on the runway, while waiting to take off from snow on the ground, unrealized but with no real fears or threats from Bin Laden (yet) until provoked. Death Ray for planes was Teslas invention in 1940 and a $2,000,000,00 device to zap and melt an airplane motor 250 miles away and an Invisible Chinese Wall of defense was built around the Country, no matter how large an attack, (Teleforce, manifests FREE energy and creates rays; zapping beams, the new invisible war). Today, this Wardencliff Tower is in full action in Long Island NY, along with 36 other stations or sites as GWEN, Globally that beam massive volume of Free Energy. (The New York Times, Sunday September 22, 1940-Science and Patents, Education News) One energy zapping causes confusion, mistakes, trip, fall, body temp-freeze, heat, miscommunication, fatigue, focus/concentration, radio-sleep (Kucinich-US patented under MKDELTA), and stalling any engine. On or about January 3, 2009, upon contacting the United Nations African Human Rights; provided her information of these weapons in use for mind control overseas and found Alison Des Forges, senior Africa adviser for Human Rights Watch was deceased in the Buffalo NY crash in February 2009. On or about May 2008, the same occurred after contacting Senator Ted Kennedy for assistance, he became unavailable with Cancer. Today FBI reports he had been threatened. When Plaintiff agreed to testify anonymously, at a NY senate hearing scheduled out for February 2009 with Senator Eric Adams, he was delayed with a busy nation in transition, until his second home caught fire and the hearing never occurred. Plaintiff interviewed many individuals complaining of hearing the tuning in of these satellites in small towns and CIA agents abandoned on the job in Italy and other Countries upon retirement, leaving them unaware and misinformed. Plaintiff had numerous impediments of busy delays from everyone she contacted daily to block her and has more disclosures and deaths not included in this complaint involving prominent and famous Hollywood victims over the years along with her own daily events. 26. Under the disguise of SURVEILLANCE, some aspects of the Programs of MKULTRA were publicly acknowledged by President Clinton with partial apologies on October 3, 1995 as past tense and not being done currently to down play their uses. The Pentagon has new buzz words SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY-Psychotronics. However, Plaintiff spoke with many other victims, and the latest FT Hood Mind Control soldier in November 2009 is not an isolated incident that is commonly known as Building Manchurians experimenting on many civilians today. Psychotronics also has a non-profit organization of former scientists and whistleblowers of same. (Lynn Surgella-Cancer; Central Nervous System diseases and Immune System-Ariel Sharon and comatose, Massive FDA drug corruptions and synthetic illnesses) Twice recommended for a Nobel Prize Dr Robert Becker was the major researcher and writer on health dangers from electromagnetic fields, he died a few months ago, in summer 2008, but his works and warnings live on. I have no doubt in my mind, that at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the Earths environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. I consider that to be far greater on a global scale than warming and the increase in chemical elements in the environment. 27. The President and other executive officials have described some activities of surveillance and spying which are conducted outside the procedures of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and without authorization by the Foreign Intelligence Court, Communities, Committees, Senate, or Congress. 28. As with The Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence having since publicly admitting that the TSP was only one particular aspect of the surveillance activities authorized by the Programs. On March 31, 2010 in the Islamic Foundation v Obama case, Judge Walker ruled the TSP as unlawful and violated FISA. These activities and other covert programs are being abused with a pattern of experiments and corruption on the public since the 1970s using DOD weapons of technology. (Tesla Invention and energy) (Jewel v United States, United States v Yahoo) On or about January 2007, Plaintiff witnessed people and companies pointing the finger at each other, and creating a doubt to sabotage lives and the LEGAL SYSTEM further with the use of Communication Chaos techniques. What the courts should also know. Today, Societys Chief complaints are demanding AUDITING FEDERAL FUNDS, OVERSIGHT, and TRANSPANCY. Plaintiff has knowledge that it is the CORRUPTION and the bigger Agenda to change the

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and TRANSPANCY. Plaintiff has knowledge that it is the CORRUPTION and the bigger Agenda to change the Constitution that has been HIDING behind SSP and high profile cases and others, never coming to light. (OJ Simpson, Attorney selections, Sibel Edmonds) SSP has been preventing Remote Viewing Mind Control Transmissions and corruptions from coming to light, not Intelligence as a weapon and U. S. tactics. Furthermore, testimonies made in 1977 to U.S. Courts and Congress by whistleblowers Cathy Obrien and Mark Phillips were blocked for reasons of National Security. This SSP RULING and disbelief had unwittingly allowed the crimes and evil corruption to continue in AMERICA with these TECHNOLOGY WEAPONS of the mind Too many years of death and torture include every one in this Country somehow. Today we are finally seeing the same has continued to bigger Government crimes and corruption with technology to take over humanity for mass control. Step #9 closer to legalizing Fascism, eyes wide shut: (Access Denied, Trance-formation of America 2003). The Judicial System has not connected the dots yet, on prior crimes from these technology weapons that blighted the Courts 40 years ago to bring us to this point and a corrupted a Country and Culture. Plaintiff will show that smokescreens are created through propaganda to cover up what is going on in this Country from We the People, collectively, since Big Brother Technology that outsiders already noticed or realize. Plaintiff does not consent to the espionage information being transmitted against her will to her discoveries today and should not have been targeted with this experiment, torture and information. 29. In addition to eavesdropping on or reading specific communications, Defendants have intercepted the communications contents across the United States and overseas, and targeted the Plaintiff with intense continuous sabotage and impediments, Electronic Stalking, Slander, including Internet Communications, censored and continuously intercepted from blogging, blocked her searches for attorneys, blocked her web site from google others cannot view except her, with Googles Access Portals and/or passwords. Plaintiff wrote to Google to let them know what was going on behind the scenes with remote viewing Americans INCLUDING most CORPORATIONS, password access, and covert data-mining for purposes, in SG3 dating back prior to 911 (EFF v Google Street-view). DODs ELF transmitters were already in full scale by 1981 in Australia and Africa, followed by additional superior covert Projects in the U.S. (Combat Zones under DARPA formerly ARPA). 30. With suspicious FBI allegations and $122 Million Virtual Case File Project gone wrong in 2001, prior Board Members and Government Officials, the new Parent Company SAICs (C I A Spacestar) servers and the (Occult Connections). Chief of Staff Jack E Thomas Air Force Intelligence, 1997 ties with DOD, NSA, CIA, and former Executives, Directors, Secretaries, Army Generals, all had knowledge of REMOTE VIEWING experiments spy biz, SPAWAR at the Naval Electronics System Command in San Diego and Los Alamos National Labs for Medical Oversight to American Intelligence Agencies (1996). A surge of Federal Spending raised Multi-Billion dollar Defense concerns with SAIC and Titan (moon) (2004) in the mid 1990s on technology projects that REQUIRE HUMAN EXPERIMENTING. 31. Joseph McMoneagle, eventually revealed as such, but for the purposes of the Armys psychic intelligence unit, he was simply Remote Viewer No. 1." In his Memoirs of a Psychic Spy is a look at the most remarkable exploits in a most astonishing career of military service. Remote Viewer 001 in Armys Stargate Project reports this as still classified. The top secret intelligence gathering initiative launched at height of Cold War- David Morehouse 1998. This project was first used to retrieve intentions in a criminal or terrorists mind. (The Lucid View, Investigations in Occultism, 2004-MK ULTRA includes Project VOICE of GOD and Church Committee) This is used for unexplained phenomenon and to manipulate religion and/or to compel a crime, command or order. It is undeniable that government agencies have tested citizens without permission as The Manchurian Candidates in the United States. Cognitive Sciences Laboratories CIA research 24 years ago when Tom Beardon warned about these weapons and activities as serious dangers. These weapons in use by police have already started to kill and maim overtly. 32. As history repeats itself, duping the legal system condoning Government horrific corruptions and crimes in a free country, the core component of these Programs is Defendants nationwide network of sophisticated communications surveillance and spy devices being installed and attached today overtly and nefariously in front of the world. NSA transmissions and NASA Remote Viewing have been in place and are being connected to the key facilities of telecommunications with advanced technologies like that of HAARP stations and Satellites for many years prior and covertly. As Quantum Physics (sound and/or radio WAVES) and subliminal are being used for Spying predominantly on CIVILIAN POPULATION, as well as breaching contracts with other Countries and Embassies, HAARP is used for Earth and human manipulations. (Jerry Smith, Jim Keith; Politician and Dr. Nick Begich, Alaska; HAARP; THE ULTIMATE CONSPIRACY 1998) The Method of Inducing Mental Emotional and Physical States in Human Beings was patented for the CIA in Virginia in 1993. Each zapped transmission or hallucination is extremely harmful and polluting as it is costly. Plaintiff has knowledge why black budgets are not held to higher accountability, the public slowly sickened and killed selectively with social security funds, and the missing $125 Billion on Iraqi Reconstruction fraud and the U.S. Army in February 2009. 33. These projects of CointelPro, Psyops experiments for drones, and Surveillance/spying have continued covertly to develop weapons that were first patented by Russia and China. Since the 1950s, first revealed to the public were the Alien UFO Projects, and the subliminal cravings of coca cola, movies and pop corn. Shortly thereafter as technology advanced, mass control continued to this day nefariously against all Americans, called NSA transmissions today. This created and induced IMMORAL dysfunctional corrupt and synthetic unhealthy culture. Since 1974 under the Pentagon, DOD funded the ELF radio broadcasting in conjunction with hypnotic control and prior to that Doctors Bill Nelson and Tom Beardon had their own patents at NASA on Medicinal Energy and Biofeedback, already in use in other Countries with the same remote scalar waves and frequencies. (Apollo and Whistleblowers second craft 11, shadowing Apollo 13 and no witnesses returned after the Shuttle) Furthermore, under DOD, Combat Zones That See, or CTS, project of the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA-1957) whose goal was to "track everything that moves" in a city by linking up a massive network of surveillance cameras to a centralized computer system. (Russell Tice called Spy Apparatus.) Artificial intelligence software will then identify and track all movement throughout the city. In 1958, immediately after Sputnick, DARPA began to secure our space and airways with these Directed Energy Weapons. (Project AGILE-1966 Pentagon meeting). In an undisclosed report dated March 9, 2005, eight more projects with strategic thrusts included Bio-Revolution, DIRECTED ENERGY, and Urban Operation of sensors on the existing Airborne Video Surveillance, all under the Iraq theory, also data mining all information from the Human. CTS is described by DARPA as intended for use in combat zones, to deter enemy attacks on American troops and to identify and track enemy combatants who launch attacks against American soldiers, under Martial Law for a Police State and to legalize Fascism. DARPAs current Projects, XG, Robotic assured Military communication, CALO; Cognitive Impairment forced, speech, ADDHD, and Optical), and Silent Talk; A planned program attempting to identify EEG patterns for words and transmit these for covert communications. Telepathy were part of the tests the Plaintiff was sent for, including warming her blood without the Doctors consent and was checked for Immune Systems without cause (ELF disease),and her eyes physically taken over by an MRI, unexplained by Director (optic pattern, DNA, and more). This computer-mediated telepathy allows user-to-user

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unexplained by Director (optic pattern, DNA, and more). This computer-mediated telepathy allows user-to-user communication through analysis of neural signals. The research aims to detect and analyze the word-specific neural signals, using EEG, which occur before speech is vocalized, and to see if the patterns are generalizable. As of 2009 the research is focused on military uses. Plaintiff, an unwitting guinea pig of these programs went for UN-Necessary tests. Plaintiffs hair has not grown since 1996, with induced rapid loss, a skin condition from the blood unknown to the doctors. (Leukemia) In addition, since 1962, ARPA initiated the Office of Information Processing Technique and Behavior Sciences for Artificial Intelligence, Command and Control, known today as Behavior Modification or BRAINWASH for army combat purposes. 34. Plaintiff has knowledge that after this project was field-tested with experiments on Vietnam VETERANS disguised as Agent Orange. Plaintiff spoke with many suffering from ELF induced nervous central system attacks and complaints of mind control in the VA, all reporting the same as civilian victims. One of many victims is suing the Bar due to the VA computer systems uses with no counsel available. 35. Julianne McKinney, 1994 former Military Intelligence Officer and Director of these very PROJECTS is still battling with it today, demanding oversight and cease and desist for all Microwave Harassment. (The Classic Mind Control Operation Revealed June 2003, surveillance and 'neurocybernetics' systems, which DOD refers to as 'psychotechnologies'. (Former Pentagon Reporter, Sharon Weinberger (misfits scientists, remote viewing; internal emails, 1996) Also known as HANDLERS. 36. John Herschel Glenn Jr., 1974-1999, former astronaut and U.S. politician who Introduced a Bill and Joint Resolutions (Page S645) Human Research Subject Protection Act, stated In fact, our own Constitution says, 'The right of the people to be secure in their persons . . . shall not be violated.', and compared it to the Nuremberg Code. His own experience and knowledge of unwitting civilians with Radiation experiments has already been proven that Directed Energy Weapons increased CANCER rates DRAMATICALLY in this COUNTRY thus far. Furthermore, patients have discovered leaving the Country for natural cures worked without further Chemotherapy. During Plaintiffs brief volunteer work at the ACLU, Plaintiff learned that calls were made from patients complaining of being electrocuted while in Hospitals and transmitted innocent staff not to believe them. The reason knowledgeable professionals warn against this Technology as the terrorists within, and keeping their enemies close, unfortunately. Plaintiff met with FBI and Congress on two occasions and warned them of her discoveries, and the Gulfs Red Tide in Florida before the spill as corruptions at the hands of our Shadow Government, and did same with Documentary Un-Covered as Marionettes. ELF Waves used in getting a war by Congress not reading full documents to invade Iraq. (Judicial Watch various lawsuits, FBI 2008 also spinning their wheels) 37. Plaintiff also has knowledge that the manipulations to the media and miscommunications for the use of quashing, fanning, suppressions, and propaganda including block exposing the governments advertising and news corruptions are the reason for spying with these mind control technology weapons. Spying on media was revealed last year as NSA transmissions which includes communication chaos or not to care unwittingly and omit important news, unrealized. (Operation Mockingbird Media, also began in the 1950s, and creating a synthetic culture). HAARP stations were set up reaching Woodpecker waves with Russia about the time space activities began 1970 when Big Brother was watching today known as Big Brother gets a Brain. Whereas Russia was in fact only deployed with these Weapons on the U.S. or on its own people. Paranoid, our Intelligence, DIA launched against its own people in 1983. Astronomical Defense budgets developed as black budgets, and SPYING nefariously went covert from media and publics knowledge. (Jerry Smith, CARABAS Coherent All Radio Band Sensing, HAARP printed in Canada 1998) (Operation Mockingbird) 38. Plaintiff and Plaintiffs family members are ordinary Americans who were initially picked up in the Big Brother radar unwittingly in 1971, whereas Plaintiff was informed others who have ties with Military, Minorities, Government employees and buildings, all being picked up in radar with data mining human information for world domination powers. Dumbed Down and red tape bureaucratic culture induced unrealized 39. Plaintiff is also suing Defendants for treason, crimes, violations, and threats attempted on her and her family, when disseminating the information and ARTICLE, and reporting it to the Authorities. Plaintiff has knowledge other Countries are being scapegoated and blamed for CIA crimes in disguise. 40. Plaintiff was and is being discredited, sabotaged, pre-empted since on or about Sept. 2008 and the Inauguration, with these Serious Accusations to whitewash history and each one of her accusations, brainwash the public, and keep Washington in their bubble, as being too late. (CIA techniques; Jacketing- against each other or one against the other, and changing minds, of Presidents-Dr. Walter Bowart, False Memory Syndrome Foundation 1992, Hallucinations, and Reagan-Alzheimers disease-like memory loss. 41. These are unconstitutional programs under Cointelpro divisions (Operation Mind Control and DIA Remote Viewing experiments and NSA transmissions under electronics communications) as described to include Monarch-The New Phoenix Program, MKULTRA (Constantine-Virtual Government, CIA Mind Control Operations in America, 1997), Project Philadelphia, Echelon, Clear eyes, Mockingbird media), and Military Pandoras Box, Voice of GOD, Operation Northwoods (creating wars), Project Stargate and Spacestar, (CIA Psychic Remote Viewing and FBI Virtual Project, 1996 respectively), Project Paperclip (Space Medicine), Project Hybrid Insects HI-MEMS, Polar Bears, along with many others), and include corruption crimes of abusive powers. 42. Plaintiff is suffering from the violations of her constitutional rights, and privacy acts, (US code 5, and 18) at the hands of, the direction of, or with the knowledge of, Defendants. Defendants in concert with other Intelligence agencies and/or service providers, and means are set forth in paragraphs below). 43. January 2003, the NSA designed and implemented a program THE DRAGNET in collaboration with AT&T to build a surveillance operation at AT&Ts Folsom Street Facility, inside a secret room known as the SG3 Secure Room. In February 2003, the Splitter Cabinet split diverting to and from Qwest, XO, PAIX, Allegiance, and many more Service Providers at the SG3 Location. (EFF v VERIZON) 44. As some X or zero files kept covertly in Silicon Valley and NSA and Data Mining with SIG-INT Satellites used as the scapegoat of illegal covert spying of 50 years, making it legal. Plaintiff received communication through Qwest and T-Mobile, and many other carriers that were tampered with, Plaintiff found her computer files wiped out for over one year (2007-2008 of all her Government research and email communications to the public, since she began attempts for help, and notified Qwest of the activities behind the scenes as they had found them undetectable. Plaintiffs communications verbally and electronically, including facsimiles, muting one party in conversation to sabotage meaning, emails were intercepted and manipulated, as destroyed documents, videos, and photographs, preventing the reporting her story and the torture and abuse to non-conspiring authorities and individuals. 45. Defendants daily tortures are being done without judicial, statutory, or other lawful authorization, in violate on of statutory and constitutional limitations, and in excess of statutory and constitutional authority. 46. Defendants daily tortures are being done without probable cause or reasonable suspicion to believe that Plaintiff has

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46. Defendants daily tortures are being done without probable cause or reasonable suspicion to believe that Plaintiff has committed or are about to commit any crime or engage in any terrorist activity, or is of foreign powers or agents thereof and these activities are crimes of humanity. 47. Defendants daily tortures are with intent and malice, are being done without any reason to believe that the information is relevant to an authorized criminal investigation or to an authorized investigation to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities. 48. On information and belief, Defendants daily tortures against her will and religion is directly performed, and/or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced or procured, by Defendants. 49. On information and belief, Defendants will continue to directly target the Plaintiff and the Public and/or will continue to aid, abet, counsel, command, induce or procure that conduct. (Mind Control and the American Government; Prevailing Winds 1994) Since Teslas Directed Energy Weapons were invented and launched or picked up by The Pentagons covert ops, The United States unlike the rest of the Globe, rapidly began down a culture of Cancer, CIA drugs, corruptions, crimes (another experiment in 1968 on crimes in major cities hidden behind LSD, as aliens) paranoia, immoral behaviors, AIDS, ANTHRAX, obesity, sicker Americans, division, Trash TV and education, paranormal phenomenon, and a greater necessity of guinea pigs for technology experimentation, followed by power, corruptions, terrorizing and harassing anyone they chose covertly on the streets without accountability and justice and without knowledge of a dictatorship or executive order. 50. Plaintiff seeks costs, legal fees, and damages applicable by law with protective measures for all COUNTS. Plaintiff was represented under a class suit, before transmissions sabotaged the attorney and his contact information has been disconnected and tampered with. On information and belief, the former attorney may have had brain surgery from Migraines while preparing the Complaint granted by and San Francisco University, after my visit, to Denver in July of 2008. Counsel may be abroad at this time.

ALLEGATIONS and VIOLATIONS 51. Pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Title 5, 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50, Plaintiff Mireille Torjman brings this action on behalf of herself, and to attest to her family and the publics victimization, unwittingly and/or unrealized at the hands of, the direction of, or the knowledge of the Defendants: (a) TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 37 793. Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information, (b) 18 U.S.C. 241. Conspiracy against rights, (c) 18 U.S.C. 373. Solicitation to commit a crime of violence, (d) 18 U.S.C. 1091. Genocide, (e) 18 U.S.C. 1341. Mail fraud, (f) 18 U.S.C. 1512. Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant, (g) 18 U.S.C. 1513. Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant, (h) 18 U.S.C. 1583 (2). Enticement into slavery, (i) 18 U.S.C. 1692. Foreign mail as United States mail, (j) 18 U.S.C. 1801. Video voyeurism, (k) 18 U.S.C. 1812. Statement of exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and interception of certain communications may be conducted, (l) 18 U.S.C. 2242. Sexual abuse, (m) 18 U.S.C. 2332 (a) Terrorism, and (h). Use of weapons of mass destruction, (n) 18 U.S.C. 2339. Harboring or concealing terrorists, (o) 18 U.S.C. 2422. Coercion and enticement, or are currently doing so; (p) Defendants have subjected the public to electronic surveillance, in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809 and 1810, or are currently doing so; (q) Defendants are intercepting communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2510 and 18 U.S.C. 2511; (r) Defendants have transmitted Plaintiff and the public in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703, Required Disclosure of communications records, or are currently doing so; (s) Defendants have transmitted civilians, and non civilians, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2381. Treason, or are currently doing so; (t) Defendants have harassed and transmitted the public to stalk and harass the Plaintiff inclusive of electronically and tangibly, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2261: US Code - 2261A: Stalking (u) Plaintiff was violated with her civil rights with the use of electronic communications under 18a U.S.C. Rule 41. Search and Seizure (v) Defendants have violated the Administrative Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq., or are currently doing so; (w) Defendants have violated the constitutional principle of separation of powers, or are currently doing so; (x) Defendants have Tortured Plaintiff, her family, and the public electronically in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2340A, or currently doing so:

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currently doing so: (y) Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive, declaratory, and other equitable relief against defendants and freedom from spying activities; (z) Defendants have Tortured Plaintiff, her family and the public electronically in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2422, or currently doing so: (aa) Plaintiff is entitled to Civil Damages 18 U.S.C. Rule 2520 in violations of her First, Third, Fifth, and Thirteenth Amendments; 18 U.S.C. 2510, 18 U.S.C. 2511, and 18 U.S.C. 2512. (ab) Plaintiff is entitled to Grants and Health Care Assistance as a victim in accordance to 22 U.S.C. 2152: US Code Section 2152: Assistance for victims of torture. (ac) United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Crel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, G.A. res. 39/46, annex, 39 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 51) at 197, U.N. Doc. A/39/51 (1984), entered into force June 26, 1987; Universal Declaration of Human Rights, G.A. res. 217A (III), U.N. Doc. A/810 at 71 (1948); International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, G.A. res. 2200A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 16) at 52, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966), 9.99 U.N.T.S. 171, entered into force Mar. 23, 1976. (ad) Defendants have Tortured Plaintiff, her family and the public and the prohibitions against torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment and the conspiracy to oppress, torture, rape, suppress, is a violation under 142 U.S.C. 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with United States Civil Rights. (ae) Defendants have Tortured Plaintiff, her family and the public and the prohibitions against malicious intent to torture, rape privacy rights, brainwash, and enslave with severe psychological in-humane damages to ones spirit, and libel is actionable under Tort Claims of damages found under civil and criminal trials. (af) Plaintiff has made at least 2 requests to the FOIA and both dossiers were denied under the violation of 5 U.S.C. 552; claims under and 18 U.S.C. 2707 and 5 U.S.C. 702 52. Adequacy: Plaintiff and family members are suffering great harm arising from Defendants violations of law, as alleged herein. Plaintiff intends to prosecute this action vigorously. Plaintiff hereby demands injunctive relief and damages. COUNT I Violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures AND War and National Defense Including Titles 5, 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 53. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 54. Plaintiff is seeking protection for her and for all family members under the law TITLE 18 U.S.C. 3521. Witness relocation and protection. COUNT II Violation of First and Fourth Amendments, 42 U.S.C and 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures AND War and National Defense Including Titles 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 55. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 56. Plaintiff motions the COURTS and Defendants to cease and desist and/or injunction for relief, immediately from grave dangerous damaging electronic harassments and that of a religious and personal nature, all other allegations of surveillance, spying, manipulations, torture, censorships, daily sabotage, and blocks electronically and otherwise, retaliations, death threats, thereby violating the constitution and privacy acts, (US code 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50) at the hands of, the direction of, or with the knowledge of, any and all government and affiliations. Plaintiff seeks declaratory relief against all allegations and all counts. Defendants actions described herein violated Plaintiffs rights under the Free Exercise and Free Speech Clauses of the United States Constitution, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, 42 U.S.C. 2000bb et seq., the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a, and Air Force Instruction 37-132; and all other freedoms and rights under the Law. COUNT III Violation of 18 U.S.C., 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures AND War and National Defense Including Titles 5, 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 57. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 58. Plaintiff numerous attempts sabotaged, hereby requests to compel the court for Defendants to conduct proper and thorough investigations (not failing to include fundamental steps of interviews and psyops techniques on U.S. Soil) even when seemingly undetectable and/or prior to 2008, with all accusations and agencies with full cooperation, including Sports, Cloning, ENGINEERED Poverty-Bankruptcies with individuals with Cancer, also to sabotage economies, under the Law. COUNT IV Violation of First AmendmentDeclaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief Violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures, War and National Defense Including Titles 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional

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(Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 59. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 60. Plaintiff has been sabotaged with coverage and expose to warn the public. Plaintiff moves to compel the court for Defendants to provide the Constituents WE THE PEOPLE with un-tampered accurate news, appropriate warnings with Main Stream Media to heed caution, be AWARE with knowledge, and choice of action or recourse, under the law of Constituents rights and United States Constitution. COUNT V Violation of Fourth AmendmentDeclaratory, Injunctive, and Equitable Relief 108. (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 61. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; and all allegations under the law and aforementioned Amendments of the Constitution, as stated above. 62. Plaintiff is seeking protection for her and for all family members under the law. 63. Plaintiff and have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their communications and/or records, mail communications, as forementioned above, DNA, brain waves, brain activities, brain manipulations, brain recordings, data mining, collected, and/or stored by these activities. 64. Plaintiff have expectations of complete privacy to the intrusions of their minds and bodies, threats and fears, blackmail and choice, thus freedom of thought, emotion, will, and destiny. 65. Defendants have directly performed, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of the above-described acts of spying, torture, interception, and/or use of Plaintiff and her activities, by Intelligence, covertly without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion, in violation of statutory and constitutional limitations, and in excess of statutory and constitutional authority. 66. At all relevant times, Defendants committed, knew of and/or acquiesced in all of the above-described acts, and failed to respect the Constitutional rights of the Plaintiff by obtaining judicial or other lawful authorization and by conforming their conduct to the requirements of the respective Amendments, under the Law of the United States Constitution. 67. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have violated Plaintiffs reasonable expectations of privacy and denied Plaintiff her right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. By the acts alleged herein, as a victim of the Programs, Defendants violated Plaintiffs rights of the Fourth Amendment to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution. 68. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct has caused harm to Plaintiff and her family. 69. Defendants conduct was done intentionally, with malice and deliberate indifference, against her will and religion, and/or with reckless disregard of, negligent, forceful, trickery, pleasure, premediated conspiracy, in gross violations of Plaintiff constitutional rights. 70. On information and belief, the Count V and all other pertaining Counts Defendants are now engaging in and will continue to engage in the above-described violations of Plaintiffs constitutional rights, and are thereby irreparably harming Plaintiff. Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law for the Count V and all other pertaining Counts to Defendants continuing unlawful conduct, and the Count V and all other pertaining Counts Defendants will continue to violate Plaintiffs legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 71. Plaintiff seeks that this Court declare that Defendants have violated their rights and the rights of the public; enjoin the Count V Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation with them from violating the Plaintiffs rights under the Fourth Amendment and respective Amendments, to the United States Constitution; and award such other and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT VI Violation of Fourth AmendmentDamages (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 72. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 73. Plaintiff have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their communications and/or records, mail, communications, Transmissions, intrusions, spying, by all means including electronics and waves as forementioned by Defendants. 74. Plaintiff have expectations of privacy to the atrocious intrusions and gross negligence. 75. Defendants have directly performed, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition, interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their communications transmitted, collected, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, and/or stored, spying, torture, by Defendants without judicial or other lawful judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion, in violation of statutory and constitutional limitations, and in excess of statutory and constitutional authority. 76. Defendants, and/or the use of electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records

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and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records or other information. 77. At all relevant times, Defendants committed, knew of and/or acquiesced, enjoyed all of the above-described acts, and failed to respect the Fourth Amendment rights of Plaintiffs by obtaining judicial or other lawful authorization, and by conforming their conduct to the requirements of the requirements of the respective Amendments. 78. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have violated Plaintiffs reasonable expectations of privacy and denied Plaintiffs their right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. 79. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct has caused harm to Plaintiff. 80. Defendants conduct is being done intentionally and with malice, with deliberate indifference, or with reckless disregard of, Plaintiffs constitutional rights. 81. Plaintiff seeks an award of her actual damages and punitive damages against the Counts III and V Defendants, and such other or further relief as is proper. COUNT VII Violation of First AmendmentDeclaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 82. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 83. Plaintiff use of communications anonymously and to associate privately and securely with freedoms as their Constitution Rights. 84. Defendants have directly performed, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to negligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition, interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of Plaintiff and Plaintiffs communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their communications transmitted, collected, DNA and brain waves from any Data Mining and remote transmissions, and/or stored, spying, torture, by Defendants without judicial or other lawful judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion, in violation of statutory and constitutional limitations, and in excess of statutory and constitutional authority. 85. Defendants, and/or the use of electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition interception, disclosure, divulgence, and/or use of Plaintiff and communications, mind and body, DNA and brain waves, Data Mining and remote transmissions, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their communications transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records or other information without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion. 86. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants violated Plaintiffs rights to speak and receive speech anonymously and associate privately under the First Amendment. 87. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct proximately caused harm to Plaintiff. 88. Defendants conduct was done intentionally, with malice and intent, with deliberate indifference, with reckless disregard, and negligence, Plaintiff constitutional rights were grossly violated. 89. On information and belief, the Count VII Defendants are now engaging in and will continue to engage in the abovedescribed violations of Plaintiffs constitutional rights, and are thereby irreparably harming Plaintiff. Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law for the Count VII Defendants continuing unlawful conduct, and the Count VII Defendants will continue to violate Plaintiff legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 90. Plaintiffs seek that this Court declare that Defendants have violated their rights; enjoin the Count VII Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation with them from violating the Plaintiff rights under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution; and award such other and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT VIII Violation of First AmendmentDamages (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 91. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 92. Plaintiff use of communication with privacy to speak or receive speech anonymously and to associate privately. 93. Defendants have directly performed, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to negligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition, interception, spying, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of Plaintiff and Plaintiffs communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their communications transmitted, collected, DNA and brain waves from any Data Mining and remote transmissions, and/or stored, spying, torture, by Defendants without judicial or other lawful judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion, in violation of statutory and constitutional limitations, and in excess of statutory and constitutional authority. 94. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants violated Plaintiffs rights to speak and receive speech anonymously and associate privately under the First Amendment.

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95. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct proximately caused harm to Plaintiff. 96. Defendants conduct was done intentionally, with malice and sadistic pleasure, with deliberate indifference, or with reckless disregard of, Plaintiff constitutional rights. 97. Plaintiff seeks an award of her actual damages and punitive damages against the Counts IV and VIII Defendants, and for such other or further relief as is proper. COUNT IX Violation of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance ActDeclaratory, Injunctive and Other Equitable Relief (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 98. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 99. In relevant part, 50 U.S.C. 1809 provides that: (a) Prohibited activitiesA person is guilty of an offense if he intentionally(1) engages in electronic surveillance under color of law except as authorized by this chapter, chapter 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 or any express statutory authorization that is an additional exclusive means for conducting electronic surveillance under section 1812 of this title; or (2) discloses or uses information obtained under color of law by electronic surveillance, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through electronic surveillance not authorized by this chapter, chapter 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 or any express statutory authorization that is an additional exclusive means for conducting electronic surveillance under section 1812 of this title.

100. In relevant part 50 U.S.C. 1801 provides that:

(f) Electronic surveillance means (1) the acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any wire or radio communication sent by or intended to be received by a particular, known United States person who is in the United States, if the contents are acquired by intentionally targeting that United States person, under circumstances in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a warrant would be required for law enforcement purposes; (2) the acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any wire communication to or from a person in the United States, without the consent of any party thereto, if such acquisition occurs in the United States, but does not include the acquisition of those communications of computer trespassers that would be permissible under section 2511(2)(i) of Title 18; (3) the intentional acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any radio communication, under circumstances in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a warrant would be required for law enforcement purposes, and if both the sender and all intended recipients are located within the United States; or (4) the installation or use of an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device in the United States for monitoring to acquire information, other than from a wire or radio communication, under circumstances in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a warrant would be required for law enforcement purposes.

101. 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f) further provides in relevant part that procedures in this chapter or chapter 121 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance, as defined in section 101 [50 U.S.C. 1801] of such Act, and the interception of domestic wire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted. (Emphasis added.) 102. 50 U.S.C. 1812 further provides in relevant part that: (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the procedures of chapters 119, 121, and 206 of Title 18 and this chapter shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications may be conducted. (b) Only an express statutory authorization for electronic surveillance or the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications, other than as an amendment to this chapter or chapters 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 shall constitute an additional exclusive means for the purpose of subsection (a). (Emphasis added.)

103.Defendants intentionally acquired, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, negligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acquisition, by means of a surveillance and spying devices, the contents of one or more wire and wireless communications to or from Plaintiff or other information in which Plaintiff has a reasonable expectation of privacy, without the consent of any party thereto, and such acquisition occurred in the United States and overseas. 104. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition of Plaintiffs communications, interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining, remote transmissions, communications records, and contents of communications, pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records and information. 105. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants acting in excess of their statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations have intentionally engaged in, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, negligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of, electronic surveillance (as defined by 50 U.S.C. 1801(f)) under color of law, not authorized by any statute, to which Plaintiff were subjected in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809.

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106. Additionally or in the alternative, by the acts alleged herein, Defendants acting in excess of their statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations have intentionally disclosed or used information obtained under color of law by electronic surveillance, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through electronic surveillance and spying not authorized by statute, including information pertaining to Plaintiff, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acts. 107. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the above-described electronic surveillance, disclosure, and/or use, nor did Plaintiff consent to such. 108. Plaintiff have been and are aggrieved by Defendants electronic surveillance, and spying , disclosure, and/or use of their wire communications. 109. On information and belief, the Count IX Defendants are now engaging in and will continue to engage in the abovedescribed acts resulting in the electronic surveillance, spying, disclosure, and/or use of Plaintiff wire communications, acting in excess of the Count IX Defendants statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations, including 50 U.S.C. 1809 and 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f), and are thereby irreparably harming Plaintiff and Plaintiffs family. Plaintiffs has no adequate remedy at law for the Count IX Defendants continuing unlawful conduct, and the Count IX Defendants will continue to violate Plaintiff legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 110. Pursuant to Larson v. United States, 337 U.S. 682 (1949) and to 5 U.S.C. 702, Plaintiff seeks that this Court declare that Defendants have violated Plaintiffs rights; enjoin the Count IX Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation with them from violating the Plaintiffs statutory rights, including their rights under 50 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.; and award such other and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT X Violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809, actionable under 50 U.S.C. 1810Damages (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 111. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 112. In relevant part, 50 U.S.C. 1809 provides that: (a) Prohibited activitiesA person is guilty of an offense if he intentionally(1) engages in electronic surveillance under color of law except as authorized by this chapter, chapter 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 or any express statutory authorization that is an additional exclusive means for conducting electronic surveillance under section 1812 of this title; or (2) discloses or uses information obtained under color of law by electronic surveillance, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through electronic surveillance not authorized by this chapter, chapter 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 or any express statutory authorization that is an additional exclusive means for conducting electronic surveillance under section 1812 of this title.

113. In relevant part 50 U.S.C. 1801 provides that: (f) Electronic surveillance means (1) the acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any wire or radio communication sent by or intended to be received by a particular, known United States person who is in the United States, if the contents are acquired by intentionally targeting that United States person, under circumstances in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a warrant would be required for law enforcement purposes; (2) the acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any wire communication to or from a person in the United States, without the consent of any party thereto, if such acquisition occurs in the United States, but does not include the acquisition of those communications of computer trespassers that would be permissible under section 2511(2)(i) of Title 18; (3) the intentional acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any radio communication, under circumstances in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a warrant would be required for law enforcement purposes, and if both the sender and all intended recipients are located within the United States; or (4) the installation or use of an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device in the United States for monitoring to acquire information, other than from a wire or radio communication, under circumstances in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a warrant would be required for law enforcement purposes.

114. 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f) further provides in relevant part that procedures in this chapter or chapter 121 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance, as defined in section 101 [50 U.S.C. 1801] of such Act, and the interception of domestic wire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted. (Emphasis added.) 115. 50 U.S.C. 1812 further provides in relevant part that: (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the procedures of chapters 119, 121, and 206 of Title 18 and this chapter shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications may be conducted. (b) Only an express statutory authorization for electronic surveillance or the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications, other than as an amendment to this chapter or chapters 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 shall constitute an additional exclusive means for the purpose of subsection (a). (Emphasis added.)

116. Defendants intentionally acquired, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, (negligent), facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acquisition, by means of a surveillance and spying devices, the contents of one or more wire and wireless communications to or from Plaintiff or other information in which Plaintiff has a reasonable expectation of privacy, without the consent of any party thereto, and such acquisition occurred

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Plaintiff has a reasonable expectation of privacy, without the consent of any party thereto, and such acquisition occurred in the United States. 117. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition of Plaintiffs communications, interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records or other information. 118. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally engaged in, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, (negligent), facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of, electronic surveillance (as defined by 50 U.S.C. 1801(f)) under color of law, not authorized by any statute, to which Plaintiffs were subjected in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809. 119. Additionally or in the alternative, by the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally disclosed or used information obtained under color of law by electronic surveillance, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through electronic surveillance and spying not authorized by statute, including information pertaining to Plaintiffs, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acts. 120. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the above-described electronic surveillance, spying, disclosure, and/or use, nor did Plaintiffs consent to such. 121. Plaintiffs have been and are aggrieved by Defendants electronic surveillance, spying, disclosure, and/or use of their wire communications. 122. Pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1810, which provides a civil action for any person who has been subjected to an electronic surveillance and spying or about whom information obtained by electronic surveillance of such person has been disclosed or used in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809, Plaintiff seeks from the Count X Defendants for each Plaintiff their statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as is proper. COUNT XI Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2510, 18 U.S.C. 2511, and 18 U.S.C. 2512Declaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 123. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 124. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2510, 18 U.S.C. 2511, and 18 U.S.C. 2510 provides that: (1) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter any person who (a) intentionally intercepts, endeavors to intercept, or procures any other person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, any wire, oral, or electronic communication . . . (c) intentionally discloses, or endeavors to disclose, to any other person the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . [or](d) intentionally uses, or endeavors to use, the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . shall be punished as provided in subsection (4) or shall be subject to suit as provided in subsection (5).

125. 18 U.S.C. 2511 further provides that:

(3)(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection, a person or entity providing an electronic communication service to the public shall not intentionally divulge the contents of any communication (other than one to such person or entity, or an agent thereof) while in transmission on that service to any person or entity other than an addressee or intended recipient of such communication or an agent of such addressee or intended recipient.

126. 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f) further provides in relevant part that procedures in this chapter or chapter 121 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance, as defined in section 101 [50 U.S.C. 1801] of such Act, and the interception of domestic wire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted. (Emphasis added.) 127. 50 U.S.C. 1812 further provides in relevant part that: (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the procedures of chapters 119, 121, and 206 of Title 18 and this chapter shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications may be conducted. (b) Only an express statutory authorization for electronic surveillance or the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications, other than as an amendment to this chapter or chapters 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 shall constitute an additional exclusive means for the purpose of subsection (a). (Emphasis added.)

128. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully intercepted, endeavored to intercept, or procured another person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, Plaintiffs wire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(a); and/or

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129. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully disclosed, or endeavored to disclose, to another person the contents of Plaintiff wire or electronic communications, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of wire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(c); and/or 130. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully used, or endeavored to use, the contents of Plaintiff wire or electronic communications, while knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of wire or electronic communications and spying in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(d). 131. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully caused, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, participated in, contributed to, negligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired to cause unwitting subjects, Plaintiff, and the public, divulgence of Plaintiff wire or electronic communications to Defendants while in transmission by various service providers, and there of tampering with, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(3)(4)(5). 132. Defendants have committed these acts of interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of Plaintiff communications directly or by aiding, abetting, counseling, commanding, inducing, procuring, encouraging, promoting, instigating, advising, willfully causing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, facilitating, directing, controlling, assisting in, or conspiring in their commission. In doing so, Defendants have acted in excess of their statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations. 133. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiffs mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records or other information. 134. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the above-described intentional interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of their wire or electronic communications, nor did Plaintiff consent to such. 135. Plaintiff has been and is aggrieved by Defendants intentional and willful interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of their wire or electronic communications. 136. On information and belief, the Count XI Defendants are now engaging in and will continue to engage in the abovedescribed acts resulting in the intentional and willful interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of Plaintiffs wire or electronic communications, acting in excess of the Count XI Defendants statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations, including 18 U.S.C. 2511, and are thereby irreparably harming Plaintiff. Plaintiffs have no adequate remedy at law for the Count XI Defendants continuing unlawful conduct, and the Count XI Defendants will continue to violate Plaintiffs legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 137. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2520, which provides a civil action for any person whose wire or electronic communications have been intercepted, disclosed, divulged or intentionally used in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511, to Larson v. United States, 337 U.S. 682 (1949), and to 5 U.S.C. 702, Plaintiff seek equitable and declaratory relief against the Count XI Defendants. 138. Plaintiff seek that this Court declare that Defendants have violated Plaintiffs right; enjoin the Count XI Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation with them from violating the Plaintiff statutory rights, including their rights under 18 U.S.C. 2511; and award such other and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT XII Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2510, 18 U.S.C. 2511, and 18 U.S.C. 2512 actionable under 18 U.S.C. 2520Damages (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 139. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 140. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2510, 18 U.S.C. 2511, and 18 U.S.C. 2510 provides that: (1) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter any person who (a) intentionally intercepts, endeavors to intercept, or procures any other person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, any wire, oral, or electronic communication . . . (c) intentionally discloses, or endeavors to disclose, to any other person the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . [or](d) intentionally uses, or endeavors to use, the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . shall be punished as provided in subsection (4) or shall be subject to suit as provided in subsection (5).

141. 18 U.S.C. 2511 further provides that:

(3)(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection, a person or entity providing an electronic communication service to the public shall not intentionally divulge the contents of any communication (other than one to such person or entity, or an agent thereof) while in transmission on that service to any person or entity other than an addressee or intended recipient of such communication or an agent of such addressee or intended recipient.

142. 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f) further provides in relevant part that procedures in this chapter or chapter 121 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance, as defined in section 101 [50 U.S.C. 1801] of such Act, and the interception of domestic wire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted. (Emphasis added.)

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may be conducted. (Emphasis added.) 143. 50 U.S.C. 1812 further provides in relevant part that: (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the procedures of chapters 119, 121, and 206 of Title 18 and this chapter shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications may be conducted. (b) Only an express statutory authorization for electronic surveillance or the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications, other than as an amendment to this chapter or chapters 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 shall constitute an additional exclusive means for the purpose of subsection (a). (Emphasis added.)

144. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully intercepted, endeavored to intercept, or procured another person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, Plaintiffs and Plaintiffs family members wire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(a); and/or 145. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully disclosed, or endeavored to disclose, to another person the contents of Plaintiffs wire or electronic communications, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of wire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(c); and/or 146. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully used, or endeavored to use, the contents of Plaintiffs wire or electronic communications, while knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of wire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(d). 147. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully caused, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, participated in, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired to cause divulgence of Plaintiffs and Plaintiffs family members wire or electronic communications to Defendants while in transmission by various service providers, and there of tampering with, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(3)(4)(5). 148. Defendants have committed these acts of interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of Plaintiffs communications directly or by aiding, abetting, counseling, commanding, inducing, procuring, encouraging, promoting, instigating, advising, willfully causing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, facilitating, directing, controlling, assisting in, or conspiring in their commission. 149. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records or other information. 150. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the above-described intentional interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of their wire or electronic communications, nor did Plaintiff consent to such. 151. Plaintiff has been and is aggrieved by Defendants intentional and willful interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of their wire or electronic communications. 152. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2520, which provides a civil action for any person whose wire or electronic communications have been intercepted, disclosed, divulged or intentionally used in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511, Plaintiff seeks from the Count XII Defendants for Plaintiffs statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as is proper. COUNT XIII Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511, actionable under 18 U.S.C. 2712Damages (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 153. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 154. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2511 provides that: (1) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter any person who (a) intentionally intercepts, endeavors to intercept, or procures any other person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, any wire, oral, or electronic communication . . . (c) intentionally discloses, or endeavors to disclose, to any other person the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . [or](d) intentionally uses, or endeavors to use, the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . shall be punished as provided in subsection (4) or shall be subject to suit as provided in subsection (5).

155. 18 U.S.C. 2511 further provides that:

(3)(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection, a person or entity providing an electronic communication service to the public shall not intentionally divulge the contents of any communication (other than one to such person or entity, or an agent thereof) while in transmission on that service to any person or entity other than an addressee or intended recipient of such communication or an agent of such addressee or intended recipient.

156. 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f) further provides in relevant part that procedures in this chapter or chapter 121 and the

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156. 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f) further provides in relevant part that procedures in this chapter or chapter 121 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance, as defined in section 101 [50 U.S.C. 1801] of such Act, and the interception of domestic wire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted.(Emphasis added.) 157. 50 U.S.C. 1812 further provides in relevant part that: (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the procedures of chapters 119, 121, and 206 of Title 18 and this chapter shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications may be conducted. (b) Only an express statutory authorization for electronic surveillance or the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications, other than as an amendment to this chapter or chapters 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 shall constitute an additional exclusive means for the purpose of subsection (a). (Emphasis added.)

158. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully intercepted, endeavored to intercept, or procured another person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, spy, Plaintiff wire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(a); and/or 159. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully disclosed, or endeavored to disclose, to another person the contents of Plaintiff wire or electronic communications, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of wire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(c); and/or 160. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully used, or endeavored to use, the contents of Plaintiff wire or electronic communications, while knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of wire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(d). 161. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully caused, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, participated in, contributed to, facilitated, spied, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired to, negligently conspired to, cause unwitting subjects, Plaintiff, and the public, divulgence of Plaintiffs wire or electronic communications to Defendants while in transmission by various service providers, and there of tampering with, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(3)(4)(5). 162. Defendants have committed these acts of interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of Plaintiffs communications directly or by aiding, abetting, counseling, commanding, inducing, procuring, encouraging, promoting, instigating, advising, willfully causing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, facilitating, directing, controlling, assisting in, or conspiring in their commission. 163. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records or other information. 164. Defendants did not notify Plaintiffs of the above-described intentional interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of their wire or electronic communications, nor did Plaintiff consent to such. 165. Plaintiff has been and is aggrieved by Defendants intentional and willful interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of their wire or electronic communications. 166. Title 18 U.S.C. 2712 provides a civil action against the United States and its agencies and departments for any person whose wire or electronic communications have been intercepted, disclosed, divulged or intentionally used in willful violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511. Plaintiff has complied fully with the claim presentment procedure of 18 U.S.C. 2712. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2712, Plaintiff seeks from the Count XIII Defendants for Plaintiffs statutory damages or actual damages, and such other and further relief as is proper. COUNT XIV Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) & (b)Declaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 167. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 168. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2703 provides that: (a) Contents of Wire or Electronic Communications in Electronic Storage. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communication service of the contents of a wire or electronic communication, that is in electronic storage in an electronic communications system for one hundred and eighty days or less, only pursuant to a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State warrant. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communications services of the contents of a wire or electronic communication that has been in electronic storage in an electronic communications system for more than one hundred and eighty days by the means available under subsection (b) of this section. (b) Contents of Wire or Electronic Communications in a Remote Computing Service. (1) A governmental entity may require a provider of remote computing service to disclose the contents of any wire or electronic communication to which this paragraph is made applicable by paragraph (2) of this subsection (A) without required notice to the subscriber or customer, if the governmental entity obtains a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State warrant; or (B) With prior notice from the governmental entity to the subscriber or customer if the governmental entity

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(B) With prior notice from the governmental entity to the subscriber or customer if the governmental entity (i) uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena; or (ii) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section; except that delayed notice may be given pursuant to section 2705 of this title. (2) Paragraph (1) is applicable with respect to any wire or electronic communication that is held or maintained on that service (A) on behalf of, and received by means of electronic transmission from (or created by means of computer processing of communications received by means of electronic transmission from), a subscriber or customer of such remote computing service; and (B) solely for the purpose of providing storage or computer processing services to such subscriber or customer, if the provider is not authorized to access the contents of any such communications for purposes of providing any services other than storage or computer processing.

169. Defendants intentionally and willfully solicited and obtained, or aided, abetted, counseled, induced, commanded, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, surveillance, spying, or conspired in soliciting and obtaining from various service providers, the disclosure to Defendants of the contents of Plaintiff communications while in electronic storage by NSA and/or other electronic communication service, and/or while carried or maintained by an AT&T, Qwest, Western Broadband, Brighthouse, Verizon, any other carrier, or WIFI remote computing services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) and/or (b). In doing so, Defendants have acted in excess of their statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations. 170. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records or other information. 171. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the disclosure of her communications, nor did Plaintiff consent to such. 172. Plaintiff have been and are aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication services aforementioned in this complaint, above-described acts of soliciting and obtaining disclosure of records or other information pertaining to Plaintiff. 173. On information and belief, the Count XIV Defendants are now engaging in and will continue to engage in the abovedescribed soliciting and obtaining of disclosure of the contents Plaintiffs communications while in electronic storage by Defendants and/or NSA and any of their agents electronic communication service(s), and/or while carried or maintained by any remote computing service(s), acting in excess of the Count XIV Defendants statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations, including 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) and (b), and are thereby irreparably harming Plaintiff. Plaintiff have no adequate remedy at law for the Count XIV Defendants continuing unlawful conduct, and the Count XIV Defendants will continue to violate Plaintiff legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 174. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2707, which provides a civil action for any person aggrieved by knowing or intentional violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703, to Larson v. United States, 337 U.S. 682 (1949), and to 5 U.S.C. 702, Plaintiff seeks equitable and declaratory relief against the Count XIV Defendants. 175. Plaintiff seeks that this Court declare that Defendants have violated Plaintiffs rights; enjoin the Count XIV Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation with them from violating the Plaintiffs statutory rights, including their rights under 18 U.S.C. 2703; and award such other and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT XV Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) & (b), actionable under 18 U.S.C. 2707Damages (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 176. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 177. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2703 provides that: (a) Contents of Wire or Electronic Communications in Electronic Storage. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communication service of the contents of a wire or electronic communication, that is in electronic storage in an electronic communications system for one hundred and eighty days or less, only pursuant to a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State warrant. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communications services of the contents of a wire or electronic communication that has been in electronic storage in an electronic communications system for more than one hundred and eighty days by the means available under subsection (b) of this section. (b) Contents of Wire or Electronic Communications in a Remote Computing Service. (1) A governmental entity may require a provider of remote computing service to disclose the contents of any wire or electronic communication to which this paragraph is made applicable by paragraph (2) of this subsection (A) without required notice to the subscriber or customer, if the governmental entity obtains a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State warrant; or (B) with prior notice from the governmental entity to the subscriber or customer if the governmental entity

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(B) with prior notice from the governmental entity to the subscriber or customer if the governmental entity (i) uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena; or (ii) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section; except that delayed notice may be given pursuant to section 2705 of this title. (2) Paragraph (1) is applicable with respect to any wire or electronic communication that is held or maintained on that service (A) on behalf of, and received by means of electronic transmission from (or created by means of computer processing of communications received by means of electronic transmission from), a subscriber or customer of such remote computing service; and (B) solely for the purpose of providing storage or computer processing services to such subscriber or customer, if the provider is not authorized to access the contents of any such communications for purposes of providing any services other than storage or computer processing.

178. Defendants intentionally and willfully solicited and obtained, or aided, abetted, counseled, induced, commanded, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in soliciting and obtaining from various service providers, the disclosure to Defendants of the contents of Plaintiff communications while in electronic storage by NSA and/or other electronic communication service, and/or while carried or maintained by an AT&T, Qwest, Western Broadband, Brighthouse, Verizon, any other carrier, or WIFI remote computing services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) and/or (b). 179. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff and mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, surveillance, spying, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records or other information. 180. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the disclosure of their communications, nor did Plaintiff consent to such. 181. Plaintiff and family have been and are aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication services aforementioned in this complaint, above-described acts of soliciting and obtaining disclosure of records or other information pertaining to Plaintiff. 182. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2707, which provides a civil action for any person aggrieved by knowing or intentional violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703, Plaintiff seek from the Count XV Defendants for Plaintiffs statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as may be proper. COUNT XVI Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) & (b), actionable under 18 U.S.C. 2712Damages (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 183. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 184. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2703 provides that: (a) Contents of Wire or Electronic Communications in Electronic Storage. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communication service of the contents of a wire or electronic communication, that is in electronic storage in an electronic communications system for one hundred and eighty days or less, only pursuant to a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State warrant. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communications services of the contents of a wire or electronic communication that has been in electronic storage in an electronic communications system for more than one hundred and eighty days by the means available under subsection (b) of this section. (b) Contents of Wire or Electronic Communications in a Remote Computing Service. (1) A governmental entity may require a provider of remote computing service to disclose the contents of any wire or electronic communication to which this paragraph is made applicable by paragraph (2) of this subsection (A) without required notice to the subscriber or customer, if the governmental entity obtains a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State warrant; or (B) with prior notice from the governmental entity to the subscriber or customer if the governmental entity (i) uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena; or (ii) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section; except that delayed notice may be given pursuant to section 2705 of this title. (2) Paragraph (1) is applicable with respect to any wire or electronic communication that is held or maintained on that service (A) on behalf of, and received by means of electronic transmission from (or created by means of computer processing of communications received by means of electronic transmission from), a subscriber or customer of such remote computing service; and

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(B) solely for the purpose of providing storage or computer processing services to such subscriber or customer, if the provider is not authorized to access the contents of any such communications for purposes of providing any services other than storage or computer processing.

185. Defendants intentionally and willfully solicited and obtained, or aided, abetted, counseled, induced, commanded, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, surveillance, spied, assisted in, or conspired in soliciting and obtaining from various service providers, the disclosure to Defendants of the contents of Plaintiff communications while in electronic storage by NSA and/or other electronic communication service, and/or while carried or maintained by an AT&T, Qwest, Western Broadband, Brighthouse, Verizon, any other carrier, or WIFI remote computing services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) and/or (b). 186. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records or other information. 187. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the disclosure of her communications, nor did Plaintiff consent to such. 188. Plaintiff has been and is aggrieved by Defendants above-described soliciting and obtaining of disclosure of the contents of communications. 189. Title 18 U.S.C. 2712 provides a civil action against the United States and its agencies and departments for any person whose communications have been disclosed in willful violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703. Plaintiffs have complied fully with the claim presentment procedure of 18 U.S.C. 2712. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2712, Plaintiff seek from the Count XVI Defendants for each Plaintiff their statutory damages or actual damages, and such other and further relief as is proper. COUNT XVII Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709Declaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 190. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 191. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709 provides that: 2702 Voluntary disclosure of customer communications or records, and 2709 Counterintelligence access to telephone toll and transactional records, and 2703 Required disclosure of customer communications or records (c) Records Concerning Electronic Communication Service or Remote Computing Service. (1) A governmental entity may require a provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service to disclose a record or other information pertaining to a subscriber to or customer of such service (not including the contents of communications) only when the governmental entity (A) obtains a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State warrant; (B) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section; (C) has the consent of the subscriber or customer to such disclosure; (D) submits a formal written request relevant to a law enforcement investigation concerning telemarketing fraud for the name, address, and place of business of a subscriber or customer of such provider, which subscriber or customer is engaged in telemarketing (as such term is defined in section 2325 of this title); or (E) seeks information under paragraph (2). (2) A provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service shall disclose to a governmental entity the (A) name; (B) address; (C) local and long distance telephone connection records, or records of session times and durations; (D) length of service (including start date) and types of service utilized; (E) telephone or instrument number or other subscriber number or identity, including any temporarily assigned network address; and (F) means and source of payment for such service (including any credit card or bank account number), of a subscriber to or customer of such service when the governmental entity uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena or any means available under paragraph (1).

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(3) A governmental entity receiving records or information under this subsection is not required to provide notice to a subscriber or customer.

182. Defendants intentionally and willfully solicited and obtained, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in soliciting and obtaining from various service providers, the records, disclosures, and/or other information pertaining to Plaintiff communications while in electronic storage by NSA and/or other electronic communication services, and/or remote computing services offered to the public and/or while carried or maintained by, AT&T, Qwest, Western Broadband, Brighthouse, Verizon, or WIFI remote computing services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709. In doing so, Defendants have acted in excess of their statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations. 193.. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of these acts of disclosure and/or use of Plaintiffs mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion Plaintiffs records or other information. 194. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the disclosure of these records or other information pertaining to them and their use of, nor did Plaintiff consent to such surveillance and spying. 195. Plaintiff have been and are aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication services aforementioned in this complaint, above-described acts of soliciting and obtaining disclosure of records or other information pertaining to Plaintiff. 196. On information and belief, the Count XVII Defendants are now engaging in and will continue to engage in the abovedescribed soliciting and obtaining disclosures of records or other information pertaining to Plaintiff, acting in excess of the Count XVII Defendants statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations, including 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709, and are thereby irreparably harming Plaintiff. Plaintiff and have no adequate remedy at law for the Count XVII Defendants continuing unlawful conduct, and the Count XVII Defendants will continue to violate Plaintiffs legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 197. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2707, which provides a civil action for any person aggrieved by knowing or intentional violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709, to Larson v. United States, 337 U.S. 682 (1949), and to 5 U.S.C. 702, Plaintiff seeks equitable and declaratory relief against the Count XVII Defendants. 198. Plaintiff seeks that the Court declare that Defendants have violated their rights; enjoin the Count XVII Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation with them from violating the Plaintiff statutory rights, including their rights under 18 U.S.C. 2703; and award such other and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT XVIII Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2703(c)(d)(e) 2709, actionable under 18 U.S.C. 2707 and 2712 Damages (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 199. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 200. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2703 (c)(d)(e) 2709 provides that: 2702 Voluntary disclosure of customer communications or records, and 2709 Counterintelligence access to telephone toll and transactional records, and 2703 Required disclosure of customer communications or records (c) Records Concerning Electronic Communication Service or Remote Computing Service. (1) A governmental entity may require a provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service to disclose a record or other information pertaining to a subscriber to or customer of such service (not including the contents of communications) only when the governmental entity (A) obtains a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State warrant; (B) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section; (C) has the consent of the subscriber or customer to such disclosure; (D) submits a formal written request relevant to a law enforcement investigation concerning telemarketing fraud for the name, address, and place of business of a subscriber or customer of such provider, which subscriber or customer is engaged in telemarketing (as such term is defined in section 2325 of this title); or (E) seeks information under paragraph (2). (2) A provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service shall disclose to a governmental entity the (A) name; (B) address;

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(C) local and long distance telephone connection records, or records of session times and durations; (D) length of service (including start date) and types of service utilized; (E) telephone or instrument number or other subscriber number or identity, including any temporarily assigned network address; and (F) means and source of payment for such service (including any credit card or bank account number), of a subscriber to or customer of such service when the governmental entity uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena or any means available under paragraph (1). (3) A governmental entity receiving records or information under this subsection is not required to provide notice to a subscriber or customer.

201. Defendants intentionally and willfully solicited and obtained, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in soliciting and obtaining from various service providers, the records, disclosures, and/or other information pertaining to Plaintiff communications while in electronic storage by NSA and/or other electronic communication services, and/or remote computing services offered to the public and/or while carried or maintained by, AT&T, Qwest, Western Broadband, Brighthouse, Verizon, any other, or WIFI remote computing services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709. In doing so, Defendants have acted in excess of their statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations.

202. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of these acts of disclosure and/or use of Plaintiffs mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, surveillance, spying, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion Plaintiffs records or other information. 203. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the disclosure of these records or other information pertaining to them and their use of NSA and/or other electronic communication service, nor did Plaintiff and members consent to such. 204. Plaintiff has been and are aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication services aforementioned in this complaint, above-described acts of soliciting and obtaining disclosure of records or other information pertaining to Plaintiff. 205. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2707, which provides a civil action for any person aggrieved by knowing or intentional violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709, Plaintiff seek from the Count XVIII Defendants for Plaintiffs statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as may be proper. COUNT XIX Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 and 2703, and 2709 actionable under 18 U.S.C. 2707 and 2712Damages (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 206. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 207. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2702 and 2703 and 2709 provides that: 2702. Voluntary disclosure of customer communications or records, and 2709. Counterintelligence access to telephone toll and transactional records, and 2703 and 2703(c) Required disclosure of customer communications or records (c) Records Concerning Electronic Communication Service or Remote Computing Service. (1) A governmental entity may require a provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service to disclose a record or other information pertaining to a subscriber to or customer of such service (not including the contents of communications) only when the governmental entity (A) obtains a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State warrant; (B) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section; (C) has the consent of the subscriber or customer to such disclosure; (D) submits a formal written request relevant to a law enforcement investigation concerning telemarketing fraud for the name, address, and place of business of a subscriber or customer of such provider, which subscriber or customer is engaged in telemarketing (as such term is defined in section 2325 of this title); or (E) seeks information under paragraph (2). (2) A provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service shall disclose to a governmental entity the (A) name;

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(B) address; (C) local and long distance telephone connection records, or records of session times and durations; (D) length of service (including start date) and types of service utilized; (E) telephone or instrument number or other subscriber number or identity, including any temporarily assigned network address; and (F) means and source of payment for such service (including any credit card or bank account number), of a subscriber to or customer of such service when the governmental entity uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena or any means available under paragraph (1). (3) A governmental entity receiving records or information under this subsection is not required to provide notice to a subscriber or customer.

208. Defendants intentionally and willfully solicited and obtained from NSA, and/or other electronic communication service, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the soliciting and obtaining from NSA and/or all other electronic communication services, the disclosure to Defendants of records or other information pertaining to Plaintiffs use of electronic communication services and/or remote computing services offered to the public and/or other electronic communication service, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709. 209. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of these acts of disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff and Plaintiffs mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion Plaintiffs records or other information. 210. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the disclosure of these records or other information pertaining to them and their use of, nor did Plaintiff consent to such. 211. Plaintiff has been and is aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication services aforementioned in this complaint, above-described acts of soliciting and obtaining disclosure of records or other information pertaining to Plaintiff. 212. Title 18 U.S.C. 2712 provides a civil action against the United States and its agencies and departments for any person aggrieved by willful violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709. Plaintiff have complied fully with the claim presentment procedure of 18 U.S.C. 2707. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2712, Plaintiff seeks from the Count XIX Defendants for the Plaintiffs statutory damages or actual damages and such other and further relief as is proper. COUNT XX Violation of 18 U.S.C. 201. Bribery of public officials and witnesses (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 213. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 214. Plaintiff has expectations of complete safety from United States Government and free of bribes and blackmail with threats to her life and/or family. Furthermore, Plaintiff is risking her life daily in attempts to defend herself and report the use of these weapons. 215. Plaintiff has been violated under Title 18 U.S.C. 201. Bribery of public officials and witnesses. COUNT XXI Violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures, AND War and National Defense Including Titles 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional, AND TORT CLAIMS-Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 216. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 217. Defendants intentionally and willfully solicited and obtained from Defendants, and/or other electronic communication service, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the soliciting and obtaining from Defendants and/or NSA transmissions and/or all other electronic communication services, the tortures and controls of Plaintiffs, mind and body with the use of electronic communication services and/or remote computing services offered to the public by Defendants and/or other electronic communication service, in violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. inclusive of each count itemized below, separately. 218. Defendants and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of these acts of torture and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain waves, brain activities, brain manipulations, brain recordings, from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion Plaintiffs records or other information. 219. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have violated Plaintiffs reasonable expectations of privacy and denied

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219. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have violated Plaintiffs reasonable expectations of privacy and denied Plaintiff her right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants violated Plaintiffs rights to speak and to receive speech anonymously and associate privately physically and psychologically, under the First, Fourth, Fifth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Amendments, privacy, to speak or receive speech anonymously and to associate privately. 220. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct has caused harm to Plaintiff and family. 221. Defendants conduct was done intentionally, with malice and deliberate indifference, against her will and religion, and/or with reckless disregard of, negligent, forceful, trickery, pleasure, premediated conspiracy, in gross violations of Plaintiffs constitutional rights. 222. On information and belief, the Counts Defendants are now engaging in and will continue to engage in the abovedescribed violations of Plaintiffs constitutional rights, and are thereby irreparably harming Plaintiff and family. Plaintiff have no adequate remedy at law for the Count V Defendants continuing unlawful conduct, and the Count V Defendants will continue to violate Plaintiffs legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 223. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the torture of these records or other information pertaining to them and their use of, nor did Plaintiff consent to such. 224. Plaintiff has been and are aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication services aforementioned in this complaint, above-described acts of torture and intrusions aforementioned allegations under each count itemized below, pertaining to Plaintiff. 225. Titles 22, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional, provides a civil and criminal action against the United States and its agencies and departments for any person aggrieved by willful violation of 18 U.S.C and 50 U.S.C. Plaintiff seeks from each Counts below Defendants for the Plaintiffs statutory damages or actual damages and such other and further relief as is proper. 226. Plaintiff, hereby has been aggrieved and violated as the aforementioned allegations under each count below of the US codes, during this process and as a victim of the Intelligence Communities of the United States of America as found below. Plaintiff seeks relief as permitted by law for each count below separately: (a) 18 U.S.C. 793. Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information, (b) 18 U.S.C. 241. Conspiracy against rights, (c) 18 U.S.C. 373. Solicitation to commit a crime of violence, (d) 18 U.S.C. 1091. Genocide, (e) 18 U.S.C. 1341. Mail fraud, (f) 18 U.S.C. 1512. Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant, (g) 18 U.S.C. 1513. Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant, (h) 18 U.S.C. 1583 (2). Enticement into slavery, (i) 18 U.S.C. 1692. Foreign mail as United States mail, (j) 18 U.S.C. 1801. Video voyeurism, (k) 18 U.S.C. 1812. Statement of exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and interception of certain communications may be conducted, (l) 18 U.S.C. 2242. Sexual abuse, (m) 18 U.S.C. 2332 (a) Terrorism, and (h). Use of weapons of mass destruction, (n) 18 U.S.C. 2339. Harboring or concealing terrorists, (o) 18 U.S.C. 2422. Coercion and enticement, or are currently doing so; (p) Defendants have subjected the public to electronic surveillance, spying, and mind and body transmissions, in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809 and 1810, or are currently doing so; (q) Defendants are intercepting communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511; (r) Defendants have transmitted Plaintiff and the public in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703, Required Disclosure of communications records, or are currently doing so; (s) Defendants have transmitted the Plaintiff and public domestically and internationally, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2381. Treason, or are currently doing so; (t) Defendants are violation of 18 U.S.C. 2261: US Code - 2261A: Stalking (u) Plaintiff was subjected to electronic surveillance, spying and harassment, violating 18a U.S.C. Rule 41. Search and Seizure (v) Defendants have violated the Administrative Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq., or are currently doing so; (w) Defendants have violated the constitutional principle of separation of powers, or are currently doing so; (x) Defendants have tortured, and violated, Plaintiff, and the public electronically in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2340A, or are currently doing so: (y) Plaintiff are entitled to injunctive, declaratory, and other equitable relief against defendants and freedom from further

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(y) Plaintiff are entitled to injunctive, declaratory, and other equitable relief against defendants and freedom from further harm, in violation of tort laws domestically and internationally. (z) Defendants have tortured Plaintiff and the public electronically in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2421, or currently doing so: (aa) Plaintiff is entitled to Civil Damages 18 U.S.C. Rule 2520 in violations of her First, Third, Fifth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Amendments; (ab) Plaintiff is entitled to Grants and Health Care Assistance as a victim in accordance to 22 U.S.C. 2152: US Code Section 2152: Assistance for victims of torture. (ac) United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, G.A. res. 39/46, annex, 39 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 51) at 197, U.N. Doc. A/39/51 (1984), entered into force June 26, 1987; Universal Declaration of Human Rights, G.A. res. 217A (III), U.N. Doc. A/810 at 71 (1948); International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, G.A. res. 2200A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 16) at 52, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966), 9.99 U.N.T.S. 171, entered into force Mar. 23, 1976. (ad) Defendants have intentionally and with malice premeditated the Tortured of the Plaintiff and is a violation under 142 U.S.C. 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights. (ae) Defendants have Tortured Plaintiff, is actionable under tort claims of damages found under civil procedures and criminal trials. COUNT XXII Violation of the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq. - Declaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 227. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 228. The Programs and all various programs violates the Administrative Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq., because Defendants actions under the Programs exceed statutory authority and limitations imposed by Congress through FISA, and through Chapters 119, 121 and 206 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code (the Wiretap Act, the Stored Communications Act, and the Pen Register Statute, respectively) and in violation of statutory rights under those laws ; are not otherwise in accordance with law; are contrary to constitutional rights, including the Fourth Amendment, First Amendment, and separation of powers principles; and are taken without observance of procedures required by law. 229. Plaintiff is aggrieved by these violations because, as described previously in this Complaint, Defendants actions under The Program and various other Programs has resulted in the interception, acquisition, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of the contents of their wire and electronic communications, communications records, and other information in violation of their constitutional and statutory rights. 230. Plaintiffs seek nonmonetary relief against the Count XXIII Defendants, including a declaration that Defendants have violated Plaintiffs rights; an injunction enjoining the Count XXIII Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation with them from violating the Plaintiffs rights; and such other and further nonmonetary relief as is proper. COUNT XXIII Violation of Separation of Powers - Declaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 231. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 232. The Programs violates the principles of separation of powers because it was authorized by the Executive in excess of the Executives authority under Article II of the United States Constitution, in excess of statutory authority granted the Executive under FISA and under Chapters 119, 121 and 206 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code (the Wiretap Act, the Stored Communications Act, and the Pen Register Statute, respectively) and exceeds the statutory limits imposed on the Executive by Congress. 233. Plaintiff is aggrieved by these violations because, as described previously in this Complaint, Defendants actions under the Programs has resulted in the interception, acquisition, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of the contents of their wire and electronic communications, communications records, and other information aforementioned in violation of their constitutional and statutory rights. 234. Plaintiffs seek nonmonetary relief against the Count XVIII Defendants, including a declaration that Defendants have violated Plaintiffs rights; an injunction enjoining the Count XVIII Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation with them from violating the Plaintiffs rights; and for such other and further nonmonetary relief as is proper. COUNT XXIV Violation of the fifth and eighth amendment prohibitions Other Equitable Relief (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 235. Plaintiff advances five causes of actions on premised on tort liability for violations of (1) the Fifth

and eighth Amendment prohibitions against cruel and unusual punishment, (2) the law of nations

prohibition against torture (3) the law of nations prohibition against cruel, inhumane or degrading

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treatment, and (4) the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians Persons in time of War,

Aug. 12, 1949, 6 U.S.T. 3516, T.I.A.S. No. 3365 (Geneva Convention IV. The Plaintiffs fifth cause of

action seeks declaratory relief for Violations of the law of Nations Geneva Convention IV and the United

States Constitution. With regards to the Constitutional violations, the Plaintiff argue that the Courts should

infer cause of action for tort liability pursuant to Bivens vs. six unknown named agents of the Fed. Bureau

of Narcatics, 403 U.S. 388 (1971). The Plaintiff asserts that the Defendants are liable for the treatment of a

non-enemy combatant and retaliation.

COUNT XXV Violation of 5 U.S.C. 552.FOIA records request (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 236. Plaintiff made several requests to the FOIA over the years, and was denied existence of any dossier or documentation. Plaintiff was also provided with protected rights under terrorism to deny access if any to her records in violation of 5 U.S.C. 552. 237. Plaintiff hereby makes demands to grant such reliefs as the court may deem just and proper under the law 5 U.S.C. 552. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(C) and 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(E)(ii)(I), Plaintiff shall be deemed to have exhausted its administrative remedies with respect to its request to Defendant. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(3), Plaintiff has a right of access to the information and documents requested in its FOIA request, and Defendants have no legal basis for refusing to disclose this information and these documents to Plaintiff. COUNT XXVI Violation 5 U.S.C. 702 Right of Review-Unlawful Agency Action (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 238. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 239. Plaintiff has been violated with unlawful agency action and is suffering legal wrong and is entitled to review. Plaintiff is seeking Injunction Relief. COUNT XXVII Violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures, AND War and National Defense Including Titles 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional, DAMAGES AND TORT LAW claims-Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress-DAMAGES (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 240. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 241. In a relevant part, of ALL COUNTS listed in Count XXI, Plaintiff hereby under the law and CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES seeks from the Counts and allegations Defendants statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as is proper. 242. Defendants intentionally acquired, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, (negligent) to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acquisition, by means of a surveillance and spying devices, the contents of one or more wire and wireless communications to or from Plaintiffs or other information in which Plaintiff has a reasonable expectation of privacy, without the consent of any party thereto, and such acquisition occurred in the United States. 243. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition of Plaintiffs communications, interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, its contents, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records, and other information.

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244. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct has caused harm to Plaintiff and her family. 245. Defendants conduct was done intentionally, with malice and deliberate indifference, against her will and religion, and/or with reckless disregard of, negligent, forceful, trickery, malice, premeditated conspiracy, in gross violations of Plaintiff and family constitutional rights. 246. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally engaged in, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, negligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of, electronic surveillance (as defined by 50 U.S.C. 1801(f)) under color of law, not authorized by any statute, to which Plaintiffs were subjected in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809. 247. Additionally or in the alternative, by the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally disclosed or used information obtained under color of law by electronic surveillance, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through electronic surveillance not authorized by statute, including information pertaining to Plaintiffs, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, spied, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acts. 248. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the above-described electronic surveillance and spying, torture, disclosure, and/or use, nor did Plaintiffs consent to such. 249. Plaintiff has been and is aggrieved by Defendants electronic surveillance, spying, torture, disclosure, and/or use of their wire communications. 250. Pursuant to the United Constitution and its Amendments, which provides a civil and criminal for any person who has been subjected to the aforementioned crimes and torts, Plaintiff seeks from the Counts above Defendants their statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as is proper. CAUSE OF ACTION (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 251. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 252. In a relevant part, of ALL COUNTS listed in Count XXI, Plaintiff hereby under the law and CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES seeks from the Counts and allegations Defendants statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as is proper. 253. Beginning on or about January 2007 and continuing through the present, Defendants intentionally intercepted Plaintiffs electronic communications under numerous programs and projects with malice and violated numerous laws aforementioned in this lawsuit. 254. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2521. Injunction against illegal communications in all counts. Plaintiff is tortured daily and demands interception of communication transmissions to cease and desist immediately. Whenever it shall appear that any person is engaged or is about to engage in any act which constitutes or will constitute a felony violation of this chapter, the Attorney General may initiate a civil action in a district court of the United States to enjoin such violation. The court shall proceed as soon as practicable to the hearing and determination of such an action, and may, at any time before final determination, enter such a restraining order or prohibition, or take such other action, as is warranted to prevent a continuing and substantial injury to the United States or to any person or class of persons for whose protection the action is brought. A proceeding under this section is governed by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, except that, if an indictment has been returned against the respondent, discovery is governed by the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure

255. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2520, Plaintiff is entitled to the following: (a) Statutory damages of which ever is the greater of $100.00 a day for each day of violation or $10,000.00; (b) Punitive damages in the amount to be determined by the jury; (c) Equitable or declaratory relief as is deemed appropriate; and (d) Reasonable attorney fees and other litigation costs reasonably incurred; 256. Pursuant to tort damages Plaintiff hereby makes monitory demand for damages, punitive damages, and pain and suffering allowable under the tort law and personal injury of $3,500.000.00 million dollars. PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs respectfully request that the Court: A. Declare that the Programs and crimes as alleged herein violates without limitation Plaintiffs rights under the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Thirteenth Amendments to the Constitution; their statutory rights, including their rights under 5 U.S.C. 552, 18 U.S.C. 2511, 18 U.S.C. 2703, 50 US.C. 1809, and the Administrative Procedures Act, 18 U.S.C. as stated above allegations, all inclusive; and their rights under the constitutional principle of Separation of Powers. B. Award Plaintiffs and relief, including without limitation, a preliminary and permanent injunction pursuant to the applicable Amendments to the United States Constitution prohibiting Defendants continued use of the Programs and Projects, and a preliminary and permanent injunction pursuant to the Fourth Amendment requiring Defendants to provide to Plaintiff an inventory of their communications, records, or other information that was seized in violation of the Fourth Amendment, and further requiring the destruction of all copies of those communications, records, or other information within the possession, custody, or control of Defendants. C. Award Plaintiff their statutory, actual, and punitive damages to the extent permitted by law and according to proof.

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D. Award to Plaintiffs reasonable attorneys fees and other costs of suit to the extent permitted by law. E. Award Plaintiff equitable relief, including without limitation, a preliminary and permanent injunction pursuant to the Fifth and Thirteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution prohibiting Defendants continued use of the Programs, and a preliminary and permanent injunction pursuant to the Fourth Amendment requiring Defendants to provide to Plaintiff an inventory of their communications, records, or other information that was seized in violation of the Fourth Amendment, and further requiring the destruction of all copies of those communications, records, or other information within the possession, custody, or control of Defendants. F. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays that this Court: (1) declare that Defendants refusal to disclose the information and documents requested by Plaintiff is unlawful; (2) order Defendants to make the requested information and documents available to Plaintiff; (3) grant Plaintiffs request for a fee waiver; (4) award Plaintiff its costs and reasonable attorneys fees in this action; and (5) grant such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper. G. Grant such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper. H. Plaintiff, as pro se requests permission for Leave of Court to amend for the purpose of immediate and imminent threat on May 28, 2010 if Plaintiff does not cease with this Complaint. Due to the nature and severity of this Complaint, Plaintiff requests time to seek counsel. FOOTNOTES and REFERENCES DEATHS, CANCER, THREATS/BLACKMAIL, QUASHED MEDIA AND DOCUMENTARIES

DR. WALTER BOWART, False Memory Syndrome Foundation-radio interview, available in CAN. JIM KEITH banned books, Strange death and Body Electric AARON RUSSO of Rockefeller ALEX CONSTANTINE and the CIA and MEDIA, Operation Mockingbird and Major Universities The New Dark Ages Conspiracies1980-1995 Carol White and Too Secret Too Long EIR, Volume 14, No 23. DR. NICK BEGICH, Alaskan Politics and family targeted- TERRORIST HUNTER, anonymously KAY GRIGGS, Military wife and current MIND CONTROL whistleblower (Secret Societies) DR. BILL NELSON, Tom Beardon Govt Physicists and the INVISIBLE GOV/WAR Naval Officer L. Ron Hubbard (1964) Wikepidia Mockingbird Operation Mind Control DR. ROBERT DUNCAN, Partial knowledge-JAY KIMBALL torture in MS DR. DOUG ROKKE, DR IGOR LEDOCHOWSKI-Street Hypnosis and NLP Richard Bantler and John Grinder former CIA Sharon Weinberger, Targeting 'Imaginary Weapons' MIND GAMES Pentagon investigative reporter Un-Covered video documentary for MARIONETTES-Public is used as PAWN in Chess game WARS Julianne McKinney, Military Intelligence and WHISTLEBLOWER Senator Eric Adams, NY delayed then prevented from Senate hearing for victims in 2009 with home fire KATHLEEN SULLIVAN (Shackled) Cathy OBrien and Daughter Kelly BRICE TAYLOR, Thanks for the MEMORIES Lynn Surgella Letter from President of Psychotronics Association and former Government Scientist John Glenn, Former NASA astronaut, Military, and Senator letter 1997 Michael Scheuer, CIA 117 slides on 911 and most still dont have clearance of these weapons on civilians, Ted Gunderson, Bob Levin, Former agent, and OUTFOXED documentary, Dixie Chics INDUCED BUZZ Sibel Edmonds, See her story, public articles and court pleadings John Marks, Mark Phillips, Everyone attempting the truth with MASS CHOAS creations from the top Jesse Ventura-Former Seal, Covert CIA on US Soil against Mission, and changed web site since. The former CIA site linking it to Hollywood and Scientology involvements revamped when I wrote about it Thomas Tamm, DOJ and 9 attorney terminations Tom Beardon, Larry Klayman, Leuren Moret, CHARLES VIAR CIA Pandoras Box-American hysterias Duncan OFinioan, CD interviews Abducted Manchurian assassin for former President Bush in 1980s Police Barry Cooper, TX-doesnt know why he did it CIA Ray Mc Govern Whistleblower Partial 911 John Perkins book on his story as one of the Federal Elite murderer. OPEC Pastor LINDSEY WILLIAMS-Energy Non Crisis S/Be $1.50 a gal. World Bank Profit to collapse 1910 secret meeting on Jeckyl Island Fed Reserve! NOW whitewashing History with more overt crimes Naomi wolf, Give me liberty, and FREEDOM to FASCISM 10 stepsNSA employees all claim being hypnotized on the job (Mind Control) SAME as others Naomi Wolf

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(Mind Control) SAME as others Naomi Wolf Jim Guest Letter on Mind Control to Senate, Senator Patrick Leahy (A divided and less civil Country) Ron Paul Wake Up Americans, Kevin Trudeau FDA lawsuits-Britney Spears, Dixie Chics Amy Goodman Stop the Madness, APA & AMA, Natl whistleblowers Judicial Watch, Freedom Watch, Institute for Accuracy, Citizens for legitimate gov. George Bush-Yale Member SKULL and BONES and New World Order, Proof of Conspiracy-A new American View Matrix III, Val Valerian, ed., 1992 Constantine, Bowart: Acid Dreams-Human Rights Law Journal, Freedom of the Mind Vol. 3, No. 1-4 Ross MD; Dr Colin The CIA, Military Mind Control Building the Manchurian Candidate. April 18, 1996 Bowart, Walter, Leading Psychiatrist Blows Whistle on Profession: Proves 50 + years of Mind Control MindNet Journal, Vol. 1, No. 94 and Were we Controlled? JFK Adventures Unlimited Press, IL, 1997 December January 1993 Mind Control Techniques and Tactics of New World Order Nexus Connecting the dots! How we got here perfecting 50 years of MIND CONTROLLED AMERICANS WE CAN'T STOP SHADOW GOV'T UNTIL WE BELIEVE DEPLOYED MIND CONTROLLED-40 Years until now 2008 a mad world emerging to cover up their chaos and non sense, now with tangible excuses! FALSE MEMORY TRANSMISSIONS DAILY unconsciously with our money since 1910 secret meeting on Jekyll Island Fed Reserve! NOW whitewashing History with more overt crimes. Market inflations and real estate pricing and gouging was all induced from the mind on each individual and as a mass, and part of conspiracy agenda. Corrupting American Minds. How America was Mind Controlled to corrupt minds of Criminals, Police, Politicians, Military, Media, Hollywood, UNREALIZED, for 40 years! How AMERICA got here taking us down and the next generation wont know. CIA Whistleblower Slides on Fraudulent war as Conspiracy to re-open 911 Commission /Assets.08/pdfs/0308The%20Fraudulent%20War.pdf Bearden Former Govt Physicist. Monarch-The new Phoenix Program taking us down with secret street hypnosis as mind control-Igor Ledochowski! John St. Clair Akwei vs. NSA, Ft. Meade, MD, USA John Mecca & Don Friedman, John Finch, Google cases

How The NSA Harasses Thousands Of Law Abiding Americans Daily By Usage Of Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM)-SEE ARTICLE BELOW-Since WATERGATE & Russian/China Energy Weapons-MIND MANIPULATIONS ON CIVILIANS UNAWARE OF SABOTAGED LIVES & FAMILY!

Promoted to Headline (H2) on 1/30/09: Tice Revelations Ignored: Spying on Journalists? Why the Silence? CORRUPTION RAMPID TO COVER UP Mind Control used in the PAST & NOW! WHY SPY at ALL if not to mind control innocent civilians? Submitted by Amanda Lang ALL WHO TRY TO EXPOSE TRUTHS-Destroyed

911 truths u-tube Europes knowledge of dynamite and quashed witnesses, MARCH IN BRUSSELS and so much more. ALL to CONTROL the PLANET one mind at a time guiding your life, words, feelings, actions, illness, thoughts, death, destiny and all those around you. They want you sick and poor with disinformation. Sibel Edmonds & the State Secrets Privilege (creating wars and disinformation trickling down)

The New Thought Police: The NSA Wants to Know How You Think Maybe Even What You Think. by James Bamford (See public hallucinations for miscommunications and motive or intentions) A new silent war/HOLOCAUST! Domestic surveillance! Nuremberg & Michael Scheuer Former CIA.

Filegate developed when President Clinton and Hillary Clinton were accused of violating the privacy rights of their perceived political enemies by wrongly accessing and misusing the FBI files of Reagan and first Bush Admin. In an effort to discredit the women who charged President Clinton with sexual misconduct, personal files and papers were illegally obtained and released. The courts found, under the Privacy Act-Jesselyn Radack Was the Justice Department Official Who Knew Too Much -A BuzzFlash Interview

...Whistleblowers have been blacklisted at best, and completely terrorized at worst. War on Citizens! Jesselyn Radack/Sibel Edmonds former Justice Department ethics specialist feeling watched! Tom Tamm) Mistranslated, part of mind control sabotage and more! Plus Data Mining your health info; and starting trends in our schools!

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In fact, it's not apparent that the Attorney General is even clued into the program. And Tice even has doubts as to whether your Ostensible President has any idea what was going on. It's no wonder that they all find themselves tripping the linguistic fantastic.

The following was sent to me by Will Filer [email protected] on July 27, 1999. It offers a new explanation for government mind control. Will has stated to me that he is a former consultant to the U.S. National Security Agency, asked me to post this information immediately. He also believes hes in immediate danger because of this information.

Subliminal Implanted Posthypnotic Suggestions and Scripts Using Acoustically Delivered and Phonetically Accelerated Posthypnotic Commands without Somnambulistic Preparation in the Subject for Intelligence and Counterintelligence Applications by the United States National Security Agency. A University of California at Berkley student that went into a bar on or around November 27, 1990 took hostages and insisted to the police that the CIA Director talk with him so that he could get relief from the suffering. The young man had sent letters to the president and the CIA but the requests had fallen on deaf ears. After the young man panicked and shot a customer in the bar, a SWAT team fatally shot him, the San Jose police found copies of the letters written to the President referring to people that could "read minds" and that he had learned how they do it. The NSA had been unsuccessfully brainwashing him and had no alternative but to terminate him to assure their security. It is interesting that what was originally broadcast on the news "The gunman was demanding to talk with the Director of the CIA" etc. disappeared quickly (suppressed?) from later news accounts. NSA Initiated Execution to Cover-up in Music: Curt Cobain of the musical group "Nirvana" was another victim of NSA brainwashing and was terminated by NSA. Cobain had started writing clues to the NSA activities into his music to communicate it to his music followers. He referred in music to the NSA as the "Friends inside his head". Once the NSA puts on the highest level of brainwashing pain, the subject expires quickly. Cobain used heroin to numb and otherwise slow the effect of the brainwashing.

CULT-FORT HOOD MASSACRE MIND CONTROL Among these experiments conducted on US Soldiers by their government, and according to FSB files was a research specialty of Major Hasans. One was one called Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control Electronic Dissolution of Memory (RHIC-EDOM). Pioneered for the US Military in the 1960s, New York University Professor J. Anthony Deutsch: Indicated that the mind is a transmitter and if too much information is received, like too many vehicles on a crowded freeway, the brain ceases to transmit. The Professor indicated that an excess of acetyl choline in the brain can interfere with the memory process and control. He indicated excess amounts of acetyl choline can be artificially produced, through both the administration of drugs or through the use of radio waves. The process is called Electronic Dissolution of Memory (EDOM). The memory transmission can be stopped for as long as the radio signal continues.. The NSA combines hypnosis and thought labels to interrogate people without the subject being aware of it. "How can hypnosis be used?" you might ask. The subconscious mind operates at a speed of about 1200 to 1400 words per minute. This is many times faster than the conscious mind that operates at 250 to 450 WPM (words per minute). The posthypnotic script can be spoken at fast conversational speed approximately 250 WPM and a recorder or a computer speeds up the message up to approximately 1200 to 1400 WPM. Remember what happens when you play a 33 rpm record at 78 rpm? The resulting voice sound like the old American cartoon characters the Chipmunks. This is only slightly past doubling (2X) the delivery speed. At speeds as high as 1400 WPM, the voices would sound like a high pitched chattering whine. Remember when the words "Drink Coca Cola" were written on one frame of a movie in a theatre back in the 1960s? The frame rate in movies is played at 30 frames/second. At 1/30th of a second the conscious mind could not recognize the message but the subconscious mind could read it clearly. The audience increased their Coca-Cola consumption by 65% that night resulting in the Federal Government prohibiting subliminal advertising. The following probable reasons for not achieving a higher percentage of subliminal delivery effectiveness (> 65%) are described as follows. In that 1/30th of a second some people were blinking, some people were looking around the theatre, looking at spouses, children, candy, popcorn, etc. or they had sufficiently poor eyesight that they could watch the movie but could not distinguish the small writing clearly. In the early years of this technology, the NSA originally recorded a spoken posthypnotic suggestion message into a tape deck and sped it up by speeding up the tape. This process was labor intensive, required each officer to have excellent diction and mastery of the language and dialect required, and was of poor quality due to background noise and the delay in timing during recording and processing. It also required extensive training to assure that each officer spoke at the same rate of speed so that the resulting "sped-up" script was delivered at the correct speed. Now computers are used to append digitized samples of optimized, ideal phonemes together to form words and the words are sped-up to the correct delivery speed. Where dialects are present, a different set of base phonemes is used. Currently, to optimize efficiency and accommodate the variety of languages on the planet, phonetic elements from each language and distinct dialect are sampled, digitally edited to optimize them, and appended during delivery to form words and words arranged to make sentences in the from of scripts that resemble hypnotic suggestions. The empty space between words is minimized and pitch rise is compressed and filtered. Repetitive sine waves are also removed from the phonetic element's acoustic wave train thus reducing the actual number of sine waves making up a word by 50% or more. This reduces the actual length of the time it takes the phoneme to be delivered prior to accelerating (speeding-up) the delivery (like fast forward). This helps the message to be played at higher speeds and reduces the subject's ability to recognize it as accelerated speech. The technique of using optimized digitally sampled and edited phonemes appended together to for words and then sentences structured as hypnotic suggestions can be termed "computer simulated subconscious speech language". (Forced Speech)

APPLICATIONS: 3.1. Intelligence: 3.1.1. Used on foreign and domestic diplomats, spies, and citizens to gather intelligence, steal advanced technology for US Defense applications. Surveys of citizen's opinions to government events and propaganda. Heavy survey use during times of war, economic strife and political elections. War against drugs. Used to identify investments that have high yield to support clandestine operations. Used to direct field agents without the agents having to carry communications hardware and encryption devices. 3.2. Counterintelligence: 3.2.1. Used on foreign and domestic diplomats, spies, and citizens to identify intelligence operations; scope, participants,

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3.2.1. Used on foreign and domestic diplomats, spies, and citizens to identify intelligence operations; scope, participants, communication methods, and weaknesses in individuals, systems, equipment, or signals that can be exploited. Additional applications include misinformation dissemination, confusing and confounding leaders during critical decision moments, distorting significance of various facts to sway decisions and actions in US favor, behavioral modification of foreign spies to betray their loyalties, self initiated executions (suicides). 3.3. Behavior Modification and Accelerated Resocialization: 3.3.1. This technology is used to develop and control spies, political candidates, and other public figures through psychological intimidation, fear and extortion.

Being attacked for his knowledge-not to talk about the nefarious massive uses beyond experiments but for chosen POPULATION CONTROL/Genocide & Producing OPPOSITE NEWS of how EVIL SHADOW GOV really is hiding as wolves in sheeps skin! Your thoughts are not your own! UNAWARE FORCED SPEECH by- passing memory, Channeled DREAMS, Split personalities etc. "computer simulated subconscious speech language".

Dr. Colin Ross, a globally recognized expert on trauma related disorders and author of The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists. Dr. Ross provides proof, based on 15,000 pages of documents obtained from the CIA through the Freedom of Information Act, that there have been pervasive, systematic violations of human rights by American psychiatrists over the last 65 years.

In August 1951 a small French village near Marseilles became a part of CIA funded experiment with drugs. As a result 500 people were affected, there were at least three suicides and 40 people were taken to a nearby psychiatric institute. Thats according to Hank Albarelli, an American writer who spent over ten years looking into who was behind the secret tests. RTs Marina Portnaya met the author in New York.

They were never stopped because we never believed -NEVER CEASED BUT PERFECTED mind control, kept to a minimum and pardoned! WHITEWASHING and ERASING with tangibles! This tells all why some utter What is this world coming to? WAKE UP AMERICA! FOR DID YOU KNOW THAT: 1 AMERICANS cant wake up after 50 years because they have been transmitted not to, & to Strongly disbelieve this could ever be ALL shockingly true. A known hypnosis suggestion called Mind Control! Eyes Wide Shut & always missing the mark because it is not tangibles controlling THE PEOPLE but also coupled with directed sound waves to your mind in a DYSFUNCTIONAL AMERICA! SELF DENIALS & mind controlled individuals! 2 ELF waves Mind Control is how they got by CONGRESS NOT READING full documents. See Video Uncovered! Hypnosis is the tool for Mind Control psyops used on govt & red tape. Always claiming to discontinue wrong doing is the CointelPro lies and CIA culture! WHO RUNS THE GLOBE, THE BOHEMIAN GROVE trickling down in culture behind the scenes with the book IMAGINARY WEAPONS The New Silent War with our money gone and the world banks. See Bin Ladens CIA set ups video to CREATE WARS. 3 Mind Controlled Media is set up with tricks of false thoughts transmitted during conversation, false memory of events, and output of written documents to CREATE SPIN on JOURNALISTS & civilians thus unknowingly creating PROPAGANDA, until now covering their tracks with blatant lies from our government. But decades of news from misunderstanding mind games, disputes, & slanders. 4 Mind Controlled Media is NOW being engineered overtly to WHITEWASH with tangible excuses & discredit these truths since the Obama transition late 2008. Transmitted NOT TO READ OR BELIEVE THIS, engineered too busy and pre-empt! 5 Facts showed since the 70s mind control was experimented with COINTELPRO in major cities to increase crime for tax revenues. This never stopped and we were lied to as MKULTRA when AMERICA started to change and we could not live without locking our doors anymore, etc. Changed realities from propaganda standpoints lifestyle! 1968 crime just JUMPED! 6 In 1910 the Rockerfellers and JP Morgan Chase met secretly in Jeckyl Island to create the Federal Reserve with a blank check in Millions to start this. 7 Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons cause and are responsible for MOST ILLNESSES, and KINESTHETIC (SENSES wikipedia) and Elec. Magnetic Fields, which cant be traced or cured. See ALZHEIMER and DIMENTIA (once called back to the future), ADDHD, Equilibrium, Vision, Bladder, Colon, Leukemia, Numbness/ Anaesthesiology, FIBROMALGIA, PULMONARY, Bi-Polar, CONFUSION extra thought transmissions, MEMORY, DYSLEXIA, opposites suggestions to confuse, SKIN/BLOOD DISEASES, EPSTEINS BAR, VISUAL, HALLUCINATIONS, MIGRAINES, HOLLOGRAMS, and CANCER, Anthrax, Valley Fever, Flu like symptons, Insomnia is sleep deprevation, Short Term Memory erasures, COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS, UN-Necessary procedures, Bi-polar/ADD (most misdiagnosed in America!) Accidental falls, Williams Syndrome Motor Coordination & disorientation. False ALARMS all from the MIND; UNREALIZED forced speech emotions & mistakes! (Dr Beardon) 8 SPLIT PERSONALITIES/DEMENTIA is a brainwashing technique of NLP using remote electronic hypnosis, suggesting thoughts back and forth & shifts, once called BACK TO THE FUTURE with triggers of memory losses, INDUCED ERASURES & DELAYS IN YOUR LIFE! Misplacing your own items in trash, etc. Programmed MISFITS playing mind games since milk carton missing children recruited by coersion called Handlers. (Dr. Bowart and Ross) 9 Secret Govt CointelPro has been responsible for much worse crimes and torture covertly and would never sit on this kind of power with weapons nicely tucked away, even knowing that we are not threatened by Russia and Chinas Mind Control Weapons. (not launched) 10 Growing exponentially! Brian Glick calls it Guiding your Life without your knowledge (Spying & Disruption by Brian Glick-War at Home! Leading the witness, & PLAYING GOD (Project The Voice of God under MKULTRA) DEVIL in

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Glick-War at Home! Leading the witness, & PLAYING GOD (Project The Voice of God under MKULTRA) DEVIL in PEOPLEs minds, directing souls & destinies.(Duncan/Bowart) 11 Your life is engineered and sabotaged, your family, illnesses, CANCER, with directed energy weapons! POPULATION CONTROL, CHEMTRAILS with Barium, as being good in our childrens books, FDA conspiracy-murders, mind control, and attacks to most CIVILIANS. 12 Like CIA, radio hosts and media news, etc are transmitted with false information to leak as they do to combatants in case they are captured and tortured and they think it is the truth. 13 Pre-suggesting media radio hosts to appear psychic at times when Mind Control games are being used to emulate ancient predictions in the bible as natural. ie 2012 emulations and more. 14 Most CRIMES are mind controlled and innocent people are induced or transmitted to act and/or produce false witness. As with OJ using Mind Control in court cases, Judges, and prisons, tampering with minds not just evidence. 15 Our shadow Govt created the fake illness paranoia fear that the FBI is doing this mind control, as a scapegoat, giving it a name and a place in psychology, when it has been SYNTHETIC transmissions all along, with no mental illness or psychosis now in our books. 16 Millions of people were transmitted with Mind Control thoughts and hallucinations of Alien/UFO Shams making Millions on the drug and then projecting it onto the next generation. 17 THE MATRIX, BOURNE series, THE ISLAND, EAGLE EYE, BREACH, THE INTERNATIONAL, and ENEMY of the STATE, have much truths to them from CIA transmissions to Hollywood minds, and who really controls this Country in DISGUISE. 18 Being dumbed down, bureaucracy, decreased MORALS in this country is individual MIND CONTROLS for years to seem as more GOVT CONTROL is necessary. 19 Gulf Coast of Floridas Red Tide is not natural but Govt corruption and manipulations killing people and animals, set ups, coverups, excuses-creating crimes unaware. Not telling the public of the Earths Natural cleansing capabilities. (tried to warn Congress since 2008 before the spill) 20 These weapons were used on the GULF WAR and unaware they surrendered under Mind Control without firing any shots. Today we are still in the Middle East because we need time to work on them and brainswash them. The new SILENT WARS. 21 that GUANTANAMO is big news and also a smokescreen/diversion to brainwash the public to pin responsibility on others in front of the World AGAIN, instead of themselves, OUR GOV/CIA, and why they want Patiot Act, Martial Law, and Fascism legal on US Soil with FEMA CAMPS. Mind Controlled Prisoners to be triggered from anchors of amplified fears to enhance them over time, trigger them for their intentions, mind read for answers & implant FALSE MEMORIES of guilt and publically provoking the world to wars. 22 Your instinct and thoughts of your poor judgment on others & your feelings are not your own true self, their miscommunication are synthetically transmitted for sabotage & WARS. 23 ANTHRAX & contaminated FERTILIZERS Cross-Country is in our SOIL. First created sex, drugs, rock-n-roll corruptions to AIDS! Obama said it as many others and should, as all else! 24 DC was swept covertly for radiation and reporters wondered why it was quashed from media now overtly sweeping mosques! 25 The 13 AGENTS to testify for 911 Commission were cut off and MIS-communication electronic and verbal from SYNTHETIC COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT chaos not to complete/SABOTAGED investigation. 2 separate thoughts transmitted in same conversation to cause misunderstandings, false hearing, reading, and never receiving info! 26 In 1996, MOST politician speeches Mind Ccontrolled by these Weapons, before I knew about these weapons or Congressman Kucinich Space Preservation Act. The French believe Aliens control G. Bush, but just another scapegoat to blame and CointelPro project to raise pharmaceuticals as Prozac the Happy Pill epidemic, for example & VIAGRA from weapons. 27 CIA and Al Queda have a contract to the pipeline. The real conspiracy why we are there and the videos of setting up Bin Ladin and tampered evidence to the contrary! 28 The CIA claims mistakes and no agendas from DOD/Pentagon, while Rumsfeld board status with Bilderberger Group is being sued by Germany where they protested Freedom of thought is all part of CIA disguise and corruptions. Scapegoating elite groups instead of their weapons controlling them unconsciouly. CIA took over completely with their weapons for power. 29 Wiretapping includes visuals in your home, work & streets, most dont know yet. 30 The CIA operates on the ground wearing yamakas to frame Jews, and destroyed fruit and crops against the Torah scriptures, as with our organic natural farms in the U S. Why? 31 That if, WE THE PEOPLE (CONSTITUENTS) compared notes, collectively from the beginning, and got together undivided, we would easily identify this has been going on as set ups behind the scenes of transmitted Mind Control individuals, that is already in the Millions. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE for our next generation and our HUMANITIES! 32 911 was engineered to lose our freedoms, introduce population controls, Police State, Martial Law, suppressions, and cover ups on U S Soil with Fema camps nefarious agendas. They didnt STOP or PREVENT 911 because they CREATED to provoke WARS on the streets as crimes in the U S in the 70s. THE REAL AND CLEVER REASONS FOR ALL THE SURVEILLANCE is to justify change to the CONSTITUTION. Connecting the dots to Conspiracy to World Bank Fed Reserve-Economy, for FASCIM AND GOVERNMENT GLOBAL MIND and MASS CONTROL or SLAVERY. As with Technology, just now and always disclosing to the public years later how they have already launched Martial Law on citizens and are now trying to make it legal to get away with it. They never tell you until its too late techniques. 33 WHISTLEBLOWERS and Activists who report the same hypnotic Mind Control activities of COINTELPRO/NSA are targeted with no work/livelyhood manipulations, difficulties in their lives, Cancer, Car accidents, discrediting/smearing campaigns, & misfortunes they call BAD LUCK. To suppress EXPOSURE for years! BUILD DISCREDIT SLANDER &

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campaigns, & misfortunes they call BAD LUCK. To suppress EXPOSURE for years! BUILD DISCREDIT SLANDER & Isolate! 34 Mind Control transmission are used to harass civilians and oppress the public against each other or take wrong paths since creating a synthetic Culture from PATTI HEARST, ALIENS, EXORCIST, JAWS, MOVIES and POPCORN, COVERT PROJECTS CAME OUT IN THE LATE 60S AND WAS SUPPRESSED , as John Lennon, and now many others claimed, and were all true. Kennedy and Monroe found out. Since Watergate and Deep Throat! 35 CIA in disguise are the computer hackers, virus, spam creators, and ALWAYS CREATING ENEMIES THEY NEED, AS IN OIL PIPELINE CONTRACTS WITH AL QAEDA and so many other wars and fights and crimes they create and induce or continue. 36 ISRAELI ART STUDENTS were mind controlled where to live and accepted only in the areas to live as guided to set up and look involved as the CONTRARY OF CIA GUILT and to CREATE DOUBT and so much more BEARING FALSE WITNESS, false memory syndrome, fake gov help, INTERNET & google lawsuit, libraries, false accusations & detainment. Owning the www back door access & with your passwords & spy/surveillance-A hijacked www. 37 VETERANS MIND CONTROL AND DREAMS AS FALSE POST TRAUMATIC STRESS (Manchurian called Lucid Dreams as virtual reality)with Agent Orange VIETNAM LAW SUIT emulated by mind control NSA attacking the Nervous System! 38 911 was created and engineered with Mind Controlled Pilots during training US Soil (San Diego), and Dynamite at the bottom by CIA covered up even with witnesses suppressed. 39 911 FRAUDULANT WAR was investigated in Europe for scientific proof on the toppling buildings of the Financial District in the Bible/Torah and now the Bankruptcies. 40 Mind Controlled MEDIA flashed spooky Halloween like letters of TERROR , across our TVs to reinforce Mind Control & false brainwashing fears/paranoia on U S Soil. 41 Outsiders comment about the media in the U S not serious & synthetically created Culture with genuine disgust and REALIZATIONS of this manipulated culture and corruptions because of Mind Control. This has been transmitted to Corp/individuals and down the line! 42 CLASSIFIED BUDGET of Mind Controlling Humans and the use of DEW Electromagnetic Waves for Climate and Natural Disasters Manipulations take us down. 43 Ariel Sharon was zapped with Directed Energy Weapons (as others) because he knew the CIA was corrupt Sabotaging Israel and not happy to shake hands with G. Bush and more. 44 Neurological Psychotronics can make one catatonia, seem in shock induce stroke and heart attacks & comatose anyone as long as wanted, in your homes or streets. 45 The initial 24 series, keeps going in his role, with no emotion as Seals conditioned & Mind Controlled unknowingly, Military cutting off sensory (deprevation/disorientation)also unable to react, among other weapon symptoms, now adding robotic hardware as other cover ups. 46 SECRET Govt is swaying public opinion and Mind Controlled triggers to be good with rescues because they created in the first place and are hiding the fact that they are the Mother of Evil & extremely sadistic beyond imagination. 47 Our life is being manipulated & engineered with Mind Games, illnesses, & costing Millions in secret COINTELPRO budgets. EXPERIMENTS turned into MASS CONTROL! (Jim Keith) 48 Our Parents and Grandparents are targeted with these weapons of Mass Destruction on US Soil, in being the Country with the most Doctors visits from SENIORS as a result of these Neurological Weapons, Mind Control Hallucinating false issues, lasers & D.E.W. 49 If you see or find yourself in weird communication misunderstanding and or audacity of people today, it is because of misfits in the Pentagon playing mind games on their laptop with the use Remote control Quantum Physics from NASA. Communication CHAOS! (Dr. B. Nelson) 50 Many years ago, the APA was in bed with the Military Intelligence to Mind Control them closely against belief of these weapons and torture. See Standing up to the Madness by Amy Goodman (The same as with AMA and FDA) Neuro Weapons & fake diseases! 51 Mind Control has been used for decades on MEDIA folks, coupled with intentional False thoughts causing misunderstandings and wrong PERCEPTIONS to create propagandized non-reality people live called COVERT Psyops. Also used on MILITARY personnel to think Jews are the EVILS at Silent/War GAMES and the NEW Silent Holocaust! 52 Most targeted ON THE JOB with Mind Controlled CIVILIANS who are Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, Pilots, Engineers, Activists, Media, Govt Employees, Drivers, Elders, Hollywood, SCIENTOLOGY, Polititians with sabotage from errors to intentional corruption. 53 Hoover was also quite eager to use his new authority to bring Hollywood into line with what he thought was their proper role in society (propaganda organ for the government) and while Senator McArthy grabbed the headlines, Hoover was busy behind the scenes recruiting various people to inform on each other and factionalizing the Hollywood community so that it could not resist him. Where there is MONEY thus POWER and IMMORALS, there is Mind Control first experimental then N. W. O. 54 WE THE PEOPLE need to expose Mind Control (CIA directed sound waves NLP hypnosis in your sleep & anytime) since MK ULTRA COINTELPRO & before NSA and NASA Astronauts. (See Bandler & Grinder former CIA tought to FBI & mass control) 55 You cannot be brainwashed with TV alone and Transmitted thoughts, beliefs, and feelings have to be planted first and triggered in your environment. This also explains 50 Years in the making New World Order coming for EVIL CONTROL and ROGUE FASCISM! 56 HAARP/HIPPA (The ultimate WEAPON and Conspiracy should be dismantled as should the secret CIA. Cutting off as OUT-FOXED video of media culture developments.

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OUT-FOXED video of media culture developments. 57 Most of the times if it doesnt make sense, or someone turns mean or against you, it is due to Mind Games manipulated with false thoughts transmitted around you. 58 (A New Breed by DR. John Hall & The Herrific Mind Control in America! Satellite Terrorism in America. & Dr Walter Bowart radio interview, & I have seen no one yet with high enough CLEARANCE to know how its being done behind the scenes. 59 The plane going down in Buffalo, NY was a cover up of 911 mind controlled pilots creating false terrorism on US Soil again, Congress shock cover up, the recent 2009 madness to cover up wireless Mind Control WEAPONS, Spying Satelite installations & mission, accomplished. Knowing Arabs not are sophisticated or smart enough for these master minds! 60 Triggers and anchors transmitted to people is creating a laundry list of false illnesses and illusions. TV can only trigger you after being transmitted for effective brainwashed people who are anchored. 61 Morgellons disease (u-tube/CNN) for mind controlled doctors against the truth as the APA; So when doctors tell the People, ITS ALL IN THEIR HEAD, it is in a way true because THE SECRET GOVT has been putting it there synthetically for decades. 62 Millions are Mind Controlled into un-necessary medical procedures from direct Mind Games and mistakes by transmitting false thoughts to doctors and hallucinating pains to patients with a simple hypnotic radio wave to think and feel anything. 63 These transmitted Mind Control thoughts give you false perceptions about anyone you know or anything, changing your realities since MKULTRA in the 60s. 64 Most people are set up with MISCOMMUNICATIONS, rudeness, fingerpointing, & non sense, engineered TO DIVIDE your relationships, & created ANTI-SEMITISM covertly. Inducing a paranoid Country, SUPPRESSING HISTERIA! 65 Millions of Christians were Mind Controlled with Devil fears & Exorcism as a scapegoat, like Aliens because THEY ARE THE DEVILS. Billions made in Pharmaceutical &Healthcare . 66 Mind Control and LASERS of DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS in your home are killing you slowly and TRANSMITTING FEARS, ANXIETY, and PARANOIA of CRIMES on AMERICANS. This is easily done by transmitting ANCHORS & TRIGGERS on the public! 67 Others Countries are not paranoid of terrorism because their Govt didnt spend BILLIONS on transmitting their people with PARANOID thoughts of crimes and hallucinating thoughts. And made Millions along with FDA, and Healthcare! 68 In the 1960s First AMERICA was MIND CONTROLLED with intense CRIME increases on our streets & prisons with Paranoias they blamed on drugs, which the CIA brought in covertly and now, Today the same with Mind Control transmitted people to induce fighting CIA WAR they created AGAIN, and GLOBAL FASCISM mentality and conditioning, while changing laws to get away with it. 69 Govt has been creating, and releasing intentional lies to the media with hardware tangibles electronics to cover up Mind Controlled false thoughts and unaware of swayed facts as well. An intentional blend of lies, false perceptions & threats, since 2009. 70 Part of the Coup Detat was to take Jews out of powerful financial positions and topple Banking as in the Bible/Torah and Secret Govt is creating Messiah simulations. 71 Sharon Weinberger was another witness to these evil misfits behind powerful computer technologies using Quantum Physics and energy scalar waves for Mind Control. 72 We are just hearing about Mind Control from NSA Russell Tice and others because he accidently found out and the Govt Censored all Books, Videos & Media successfully for 50 years with even more Mind Control DUMBING US DOWN one at a time & in mass. 73 Millions of PEOPLE thinking their bad luck or accidents are naturally occuring when they did not have to happen at all and someone is behind the scenes engineering their life events and accountable for it daily from simple mistakes to catastrophy, crimes & much worse. 74 These Weapons of Mass Destruction are wireless, undetectable, and are numbing and freezing body parts, throat, private parts, limbs, used with REMOTE VIEWING in homes or streets to immobolize humans for hours or days at a time, more intense than anesthesiology, or morphine, or hypnosis used on the public unwittingly. 75 CIA/Elites have been Anti-Semitic since funding Hitler & Cointelpro funding the KKK etc. 76 The OUTRAGEOUS Truths collectively & connecting the dots! Why the Media CANT wake up, focus or expose the TIPS of the ICEBERG diversions! Manipulated events, news, just like the economy and health in AMERICA. THE MYSTERIES OF UNSOLVED CRIMES & MEDICINE by Secret Govt! HOW sick do they want you in AMERICA! Those calling the ACLU from Hospitals saying our government is using DIRECT ENERGY WEAPONS to electrocute them, & add organ pain during KEMO! Puppets in our daily lives and events with mind transmissions! AS EVIL AS UNBELIEVABLE and WHY didnt the ACLU or anyone ever hear of RUSSELL TICE in DC who was in the legal field during my visit in 09? 77 CIA is spreading anti-semitism covertly behing the scenes with Mind Control as their marionettes. We are almost all robots being led & misled. 78 PALESTINES were rejected from their own surrounding Arab Countries that america will use for more martial law war excuses for WARS THEY GENERATE and CREATE TO JUSTIFY FASCISM COMING AND TYRANNY, while looking like the humanitarian saviors due to the new signed executive order to bring them here, and denying it afterwards. 79 Most non-sense and Un-solved Mysteries are due to Mind Control Manipulations, as created COPY-CATS who are also programmed or induced to commit Crimes. 80 Mind controlled lies toward genocide of Jews and new world order! Debra Small says conspiracy of forces is Mind

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80 Mind controlled lies toward genocide of Jews and new world order! Debra Small says conspiracy of forces is Mind Control trickling down since the 70s when Americans use to say its in the water. Most feel it & never knew! Add ANTHRAX AIDS & SWINE. 81 Scott McCullen and G. Bush used propaganda and brainwash (utube demo) to sell the war and most still dont know 911 was also an inside job for fears and fascism, & bringing it home on US SOIL to start changing the Constitution of freedoms for EVIL TAKE OVER. 82 The use of Mind Control Psychotronic, Acoustics, Neurological Weapons, and Synthetic Telepathy uses on the Public, also the major cause of Global warming Manipulations. 83 CHEMTRAILS are in children SCHOOL books as good chemicals helping. 84 There should have been a revolution to overthrow this Secret Govt since the Bombing of our own buildings agenda, the installed satellites & spreading joke of Need Another Seven Astronauts, and the agenda of our economy, & oil crisis since 1973, etc when Big Brother started watching and Manipulating with Mind Control and brainwashing the Country with the opposite, and how good and successful it was and now covering their tracks with false fears yet again using Russia first and today Terrorism they created and provoked for U S Soil laws. 85 The public was deceived since 2007 when we struck Oil in North Shore of Alaska enough for 200 years that never made every front-page newspaper. Now comes excuses to scapegoat. 86 You have been directly transmitted not to believe this wicked Shadow Govt has been corrupting to rape human rights, dignity, privacy, & Gods will with this Mind Control. 87 The 1967 USS liberty-Project Philadelphia HALLUCINATIONS, blaming ISRAEL- mistake in identity set up, cutting off investigations (as usual) and the Start of ANTI-SEMITISM INDUCEMENTS born with the 1947 Act and CIA! Israel always defending itself against Shadow Gov't mind control induced anti-semitic propaganda they create and fan covertly. 88 CIA has been getting away with INTENTIONAL WAR CRIMES & ATTACKS on CIVILIANS since they were created with the 1947 ACT. Brainwashing students, NOT TO JOIN THE ARMY. 89 Theres NO cure for skin CANCER (Blocked cures, because they create it all) , no known cause of blood/skin diseases because peoples organs are being irradiated with ELF and EMF. Not just lame cell phones & microwaves! 90 The CIA brought the drugs in from South America, selling to kids, creating need for DEA generating crimes-tax dollar, and scapegoats to many other Secret Govt Crimes. Now broadening Homeland Security and BIGGER government Control. 91 Katrina did not cause the walls to come down without a little help/push & sabotage from our friends/heros (FBI/CIA Secret Govt. Fema not responding appropriately to later justify Blackwater/Martial Law, rebuilding with golf courses, & infrastructure Govt Work, etc. 92 Mind Control and D.E.W. contribute largely to false test results, tampered electronics in homes, public buildings and automobiles. If you are targeted as an innocent civilian, these could appear as natural causes or malfunctions. 93 Victims report these are like demented children who play mind games behind a computer like playing in traffic all day with peoples lives and electronic communications which ARE THE KIDNAPPED CHILDREN we see on MILK CARTONS for decades like programmed DUNCAN OFINIAIN & quashed from exposures, now HANDLERS. 94 Mind Control experiments are being conducted with your life, for Behavior Modifications, dumbing down individuals, bad customer service and tyranny conditioning. 95 Mind Control is responsible for many tempers, suppression, fears, anxieties and suicides with transmitted suggestions alone, and blame drugs or economy, etc. The Agenda! 96 Mind Control is also used for population control and genocides deciding who lives and how they live covertly. Angels dont play this HAARP. THE ULTIMATE CONSPIRACY! 97 Mind controlled kids to commit shootings in schools is no different than those in the military, CIA creating sex, drugs, & rock n roll through Hollywood minds (then AIDS), other covert projects. 98 Even with terrorism in other countries, they feel safer on their streets & homes than AMERICANS because paranoia is added to TV with Mind Control since Crime was induced. 99 PYRAMID diet was created but not promoted on purpose while transmitting AMERICANS TO EAT & BE OBESE with Mind Control Urges, while encouraging Doctors & others to create unhealthy diets & eat synthetic foods, diet pills, INSTEAD OF GOD CREATED NATURAL FOOD FROM THE GROUND for ULTIMATE HEALTHY AMERICANS. ALL AGENDA OF FDA as well! YOUR mental addictions are induced by the transmissions! Same as drink coca cola evolved. 100 Govt Mind Control is for ULTIMATE Global POWER and will be ACCOMPLISHED WITH PHYCHOTRONICS if we THE PEOPLE dont stop them. 101 The average American would be astonished to learn the extent to which secret surveillance technology has advanced today with 100% remote manipulations, attacks, changed minds, bodies, of the human and animal, good or bad. They harass, manipulate, and kill and they dont approve the panacea to energy medicine, as we already know lasers are, & used Globally! 102 Military, Julianne McKinneys, Director, Electronic Surveillance Project-1994 letter-response. After Clintons partial admission and apology as past tense is the NSA caught red handed with Mass Remote Mind Control for evil New World Order Global mass control, brainwashing as a good thing. 103 Threats from CIA in July of 2007 where Muslim and Christians will try to bring down a new Holocaust of Jews and minorities. A sadistic Trouble-Making Cult & Culture! 104 All tangible hardware surveillance, are being attached to already existing spying satellites are for human oppressions and controls with Directed Energy Weapons into ROBOTS still covert today. One religion, One Cult, THE CIA-Book only found in France! 105 Mind Controlled Americans as more dumb and lazy and also conveniently justified the public to outsource overseas

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105 Mind Controlled Americans as more dumb and lazy and also conveniently justified the public to outsource overseas to save money. 106 Since the trades for cheap plastic products and cars, many were mind controlled as well as brainwashed with propaganda to buy. I wont tell you about mind controlled women and plastic surgery rampid, chivalry, and women differences because this would never end as womens lib to pay taxes. 107 These weapons experimented on Civilians and war can be used for good or bad, illness or panacea, but are used for New World Control. 108 When weird things happen like ID theft, Cyberspace, & stalking, phone & internet issues, electronic, etc, it is mostly Mind Games and Mind Controlled operatives called handlers. 109 Our Govt that start epidemics and sets trends, culture, and shapes us with the use of Mind Control weapons on a mass level including Population Control. 110 Most Americans are not dumb or obese, just because theyre born on US Soil. Just induced nefariously! 111 Mind Control Psychotronics and MKULTRA experiments have been growing into Mind Control since The Manchurian Candidate original Movie 1962, suppressed, and programmed not to be believed, as all else of mind control when discovered technologies. 112 You are being attacked with the use of these weapons that turn anyone or any animal against you by targeting the Central Nervous System with false negative tests. 113 Mind Control is also used to induce the public with obstacles to have an abundance of good books, documentary videos, & education, with immoral corruptions transmits. 114 Mass population who turned against Dixies Chics, (video), Britney Spears and others would not have happened if not induced with NSA transmissions and sabotaged events, memories, thought/feelings, and miscommunications. Using us as pawns against each other. 115 Some are suing Corporations and Airlines when they should be suing the CIA. 116 White House Sexual Slavery goes on with women under Mind Control as CATHY OBRIEN, (Brice Anne Collins, The Sleep Room and satan child prostitution. HOW SICK & EVIL DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE YOUR GOVT IS. CointelPro is known to pick up on cults, fund them, and continue, and inducing them to appear natural and organically grown over time when exiting. Dr. Ross Institute and why its so prevalent & yet suppressed. Allegations to tempt individuals to crimes and corruptions as with tempting Clinton- scandall to be used against him for Blackmail! General Michael AQUINO/CIA/DIA. 117 If you drive a safe, well made car as BMW (as if we should not have the esteem to deserve the best) WHEN poor Countries had Mercedes for TAXIs and could expect a well made car until OUR Government STEPPED IN and promoted not condoned, lessor manufacturers of American made cars in America, promoting illegal speeds to pass law when illegal, thus creating more tax collections, health care, and deaths on the roads! MATERIALISTIC & PLASTIC SURGERIES also induced as CHANGED MINDS AND EMOTIONS! 118 We labor more hours per person per year than any other country with less vacation and pension benefits and THEY CALL US SPOILED. The Mind Game Manipulations of CIA! 119 We are in danger of our secret govt from these weapons and oppressions, losing civil rights mentality or on paper, and not so much Terrorism threats at all, on US Soil. 120 Your money is being spent in Millions on these experiments turned to Mass Mind Control CREATING JEWISH DIVISIONS as well as other targeted individuals or groups. 121 Hollywood has been the most Mind Controlled to corrupt television, thus the American morals and have been puppets individually controlled one way or another. 122 You everyone is directly induced with Mind Controlled thoughts and suggestions transmitted one at a time not to be healthy with food urges & no exercise, to commit immoral behaviors, and crimes, alcohol, depending on your weaknesses or genetics. 123 Everything about your genetics is being collected in a massive database and used nefariously without your knowledge including your entire profile. DATA MINING-your destiny! 124 These Mind Games include GUIDING YOUR LIFE and also manipulating and playing with psychics readings, which are also in their target used to help solving crimes. 125 Individuals are transmitted with this Mind Control thoughts to produce false controversial opposite lies on line and otherwise, to create doubt and discredit the truth tellers. 126 G. Bush said that our energy will be just fine and that he will help one soul at a time. WOW! Not even oceans! Why was his assassination attempt in the 80s called off. 127 That if you find yourself in a war with your neighbors or at work with harassment, it is because of Mind Control Games to create and engineer wars. 128 The joke that went around in the 70s GO PLAY in TRAFFIC came not only from Mind Control but from traffic lights being purposely tampered with as Power outages. 129 That since I started writing this, Mind Control has been more rampid creating more false news to discredit these facts with doubt and endless excuses & covering their tracks. 130 We are isolated and suppressed from bringing this to light and know EXACTLY HOW AMERICA GOT THIS WAY! Dysfunctional, dumbed down, controlled, sickened, set up, framed, raped in many ways, destined for oppressions, bad luck and much worse! AMERICAN FEARS & PHOBIAS & RETIREES addicted to SLOT MACHINES & PILLSExperiments to induced Gay and Lesbian desires for experiments, revolting pleasures, and overseas sales of remote views, induced women for breast augmentations and side effects of hormones in agriculture for premature growth have been underway as with experimented with bees to attack man as with animals or to sedate remotely! A synthetic

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been underway as with experimented with bees to attack man as with animals or to sedate remotely! A synthetic America where our own Government does not want us healthy because they are engineering it and creating it as war on our streets! Kay Griggs Military Wife and Whistleblower and Jim Keith-Mass Control Human Engineering (robots and drones)--- August 2008 (Howard Hughes)

CIA Richard Barlows SSP case involved four administrations: Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Clinton, and George W. Bush. The case involved both parties; Democrats & Republicans. When I contacted Mr. Barlow and asked for his view on the troubling trend by the media and Congress in packaging SSP related information to mislead the public and destroy any chance of reform, this is what he had to say: "Long before the Congress even begins to address issues relating to the use of SSP in court cases involving private charities, foreigners, suspected terrorists, or any private parties, it clearly needs to first address the use of SSP by the Executive Branch to conceal crimes, abuses, or fraud by the Executive Branch against the Congress itself or against federal intelligence officers or other federal employees [who] are the victims, and especially when it involves issues [of] Congress being lied to or willfully misled regarding intelligence information. He then added the following: "The media must go further than merely reporting the actions and inactions of CONGRESS and the COURTS: we need investigative reporting on why the Congress has failed to address cover-ups of illegal activity by the Executive Branch and what Members of Congress are responsible for this abdication of Constitutional responsibility, particularly if Obama continues to break his campaign promises on SSP and follow in the footsteps of Bush on this and other national security matters.

JURY DEMAND Plaintiff hereby requests a Jury Trial for all issues triable by jury including, but not limited to those, issues and claims set forth in any amended complaint or consolidated action. I certify that a true copy of the foregoing has been furnished via Certified mail on July 1, 2010 to the Court Clerk for Summons Service.

Respectfully submitted,

Mireille Torjman Creative Commons license: Attribution 3.0

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