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TheWarlords 1st Company

Winter Campaign 2012
By Andrew Bate

The Eternal Night


By Andy Bate Welcome to The Warlords First Company Winter Campaign 2012, The Dark Eternal Night. This booklet is a campaign expansion for the core Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, and it allows you to battle to the death in a devastating planetary assault over the world of Pyraxia Secondus. Whether you tear the planet from your opponent's grasp or annihilate the crazed invaders raining out of the skies, your actions can determine the fate of an entire world. Contained within these pages you will find everything you need to participate in the Eternal Night Campaign, custom missions, detailed army lists and engaging background stories. So don your armour Warlords, chamber around in your boltgun or charge your Gauss Blaster. For in the 41st millennium.

Introduction Story- Part 1 Campaign Flow Story- Part 2 An Article for Everyone Fitting an Article into a Tight Space The Elements of a Newsletter 1 3 4 5 3 3 5


The Campaign
The Dark Eternal Night Campaign will be fought over 2 days at Warhammer World on Saturday 2 nd and Sunday 3rd December. We will play 4 smaller missions on the Saturday which will effect directly the spectacular 20000 point Apocalypse style game played on the Sunday. Here is a brief summary of the missions. reported Xenos relics and artifacts. After observing increased human activity on the planet, the Necorn overlords order a small extermination squad to the surface to wipe out these human parasites and retrieve any Eldar technology that may have unsurfaced.

Mission 2: Random mission from the Warhammer 40000 rule book - 1000 points

Mission 1: Kill Team - 200 points

First Contact - Imperial scout units investigate the site around Fort Pain to locate and secure

Forces Collide Imperial and Necron forces start to attack and counter attack. The eternal struggle for supremacy begins!


The Eternal Night

Mission 3: Clash of Heroes - 1500 points

Warlords Collide As the campaign unfolds, key battles must be won. In a desperate bid to turn the tide of war, the Imperium deploys its finest commanders to the front line. The Necron high commands observe this turn of events and respond in kind.

and devises a plan to turn the humans weapons of mass destruction upon themselves! Imperial forces consist of a squadron of super heavy tanks. Necron forces consist of 1500 points from the standard force organization chart.

Mission 5: Assault on Fort Pain - 10000 points Mission 4: Line Breaker - Special Group Mission 1500 points
Secret Strategies - As the campaign desperately continues, Imperial Guard heavy support units are sent to defend Fort Pain, the central base of command for the Emperors forces. As always the Necron high command observes this movement

Stranglehold Though the battle for the fate of the planet still rages fiercely, the Necron conquest is reaching its culmination at Fort Pain, the base of operations for the Imperium. If the Imperial forces cannot hold this fortification then all is lost


The Eternal Night

The Eternal Night Part I

By Phil Oasgood

The white and blue planet of Pyraxia Secondus came into view as the Thunder hawk made its decent. The unadorned silver a striking flash of colour against the back drop of the blackness of deep space. Inquisitor Stephanus De Norville turned from the view port of the Thunderhawk and began studying the data-slate he clutched in his armored gauntlets. The planets designation was Pyraxia and was relatively unremarkable. The planet was larger than Terra and had a slow rotation around a distant sun. It had a stable breathable atmosphere but was distinctly cold during the long winter months during its 48 Terran month rotation. There was no indigenous population but the assigned workers called the planet Eternal Night, as the fortress city, which was established during the great crusade to mine the area for ore and protect it against raiding xenos, was dark for years at a time. The fortress was located in the Northern hemisphere where the winters where less harsh but no less dark. The meager population of 8131 was purely that of scientists, workers, their families and a small Planetary Defense Force that maintained the fortress city and continued the drilling operation. The discovery of ancient Eldar technology made Pyraxia remarkable. With the discovery came the attention from the Inquisition, Mechanicum and Xenos. Raids by Eldar trying to secure the device had been resisted by the PDF with the support of a company of Blood Angels assigned to the region. What a sight that must have been mused the Inquisitor and he smiled at the thought. The Blood Angels home world is known for its harsh hot environment, though he doubted the cold would be new to them. The problems of the Eldar raiders was nothing compared to trouble caused by the insistence of the Blood Angels to remove the artifact once it was secured. A stale mate ensued as the PDF and Mechanicum forces encircled the device and pointed 4000 guns at the Blood Angels. A distress call was sent

by the Planetary Governor and received. Inquisitor De Norville. He was dispatched at once with orders to secure the device and dissuade the Blood Angels Librarian from rash action

Epistolary Jacob Macgiolla, Librarian of the Blood Angels was wary of the Inquisition. His chapter, cursed with the black rage that only blood could quench after the fall of thier Primarch Sanguinius by the hands of Horus. The Blood Angels hid their secret well but more and more there were instances of battle brothers losing control in the heat of battle. Crazed by visions of death they become mindless killing machines and inducted in the Death Company. The Blood Angels feared the discovery of their secret by the Inquisition most of all.


The Eternal Night

Campaign Flow

The table above demonstrates how the campaign games will play on day 1 and how they will affect the final game on day 2.
Bombardment: A Warlord has the authority to call down a bombardment from a Strike Cruiser. This ability can be used his Shooting phase, providing that the warlord did not move in the preceding Movement phase (though he may later assault if the controlling player wishes). Calling down an orbital bombardment otherwise counts as firing a ranged weapon and uses the following profile:

RANGE Unlimited


AP 1


Ordanance 1 Barrage

Note that if an arrow is rolled on the scatter dice an orbital bombardment will always scatter the full 2D6" - the Warlords Ballistic Skill makes no difference.


The Eternal Night

The Eternal Night Part II

By Phil Oasgood

The Thunder Hawks thrusters bellowed out and sent a swirl of ice and snow out from its underside as it touched down within the Fortress walls. Within seconds the front hatch blew open. Inquisitor De Norville and his entourage marched down the ramp. The silver-grey ranks of marines carrying storm bolters and long halberds the signature weapons of the Grey knight. Planetary Governor Heimlich von Bathos looked on. The imposing human figure, a veteran of a thousand wars was dwarfed by the Blood Angels Librarian next to him, who stood like a statue of Red stone. The Grey Knights dispersed under sub-voxed command and stood at attention as the Inquisitor stalked towards the feuding pair. De Norville took the pair in with a glance. The Planetaty Governer was of stocky build and bore scares of battle on his leathered aged face. His eyes where a bright blue that spoke of determination, courage and valor. They showed no sign of fear of his situation but his hand tightly gripped the handle of his sheathed power sword told another story. Gentleman, I am Inquisitor Stephanus De Norville attached to the 3rd Company Grey knights and I have been sent here by the Ordo Xenos, and Ordo Maleus to settle this situation. You will both tell your men to stand down and surrender the relic to my custody. The Blood Red Librarian responded first gesturing at the Imperial Governor These fools seek to harness the power of this Xenos device and with it they will damn us all! I am in command here until I see something to tell me otherwise Inquisitor! He slowly drew his force sword, activated it with a gesture and pointed it at De Norville If you don't like that then I believe you can go to hell!. Suddenly storm bolters where racked and pointed in unison at the Blood Angels Librarian response to the perceived threat.


The Eternal Night

Enough! barked the Inquisitor. Stand down all of you, Now!. Bolters fell back to the sides of the Grey Knights. Lower your weapon psyker! I have come here under direct order of the Inquisition and the imperial palace. Orders you WILL follow! De Norville passed the Blood Angels Librarian his dataslate with the order clear on. After several long moments the Blood Angel removed his helm. The Inquisitor was taken aback by the young and noble aspect that greeted him. This Epistolary Jacob Macgiolla looked about a day in title and obviously felt he had a lot to prove. The young Librarian lowered his sword. "My apologies, it seems I am relieved. Have your relic, but mark my words it should be removed from planet side and held in safekeeping .It is ancient and means so much to the Eldar we cant risk leaving it here undefended At this barbed comment the Planetary Governor spoke up It was under my guard and we did a fine job protecting it. We protected it from the Eldar and it seems we protected it from you! I think we can handle it dont you? The Librarian snorted and marched away from the commander barking orders at his men as he went before shouting back We will camp here with you until that damn thing is gone from here. The Planetary Governor let out a held breath before taking in De Norville Well Inquisitor shall I show you what all the fuss is about? and stalked off before awaiting a reply. Arrogance and fear surrounds these two De Norville thought to himself sadly as the human and space marine marched off. A fertile breeding ground for the taint of chaos! Once the relic is removed from this place successfully, I will have to deal with both Governor and Space Marine permanently! With a heavy heart he looked back down at his dataslate and entered a a single word. EXTERMINATUS


The Eternal Night

The Eternal Night

Mission I : Kill Team 200 points
First Contact
Imperial scout units investigate the site around Fort Pain to locate and secure reported Xenos relics and artifacts. After observing increased human activity on the planet, the Necorn overlords order a small extermination squad to the surface to wipe out these human parasites and retrieve any Eldar technology that may have unsurfaced. Kill Team is designed to be played with a small number of models, each of which is treated as an individual unit. This means that games will be quick. So click off the safety catch and ensure you brought along those extra ammo clips. It's a battle to the death, and only the most ruthless warriors will survive...

Special Rules
Grenades: any grenades listed in your army list as assigned to the unit must be given to a single model.

Table Set-up & Deployment

Scout and Infiltrate moves operate as normal. The player deploying first will chose a standard table quarter placing all his appropriate models within a deployment zone created by measuring a 12 inch triangle extending along the both table edges from the corner. The opposing player will then place all appropriate models in the quarter diagonally across, also within a triangle 12 inches from the corner. The fifth quarter: Please note that for the sake of this game, we divide the table into five quarters: one in each corner and a non-standard fifth in the middle of the table. The fifth quarter is always created by drawing a 6-inch radius from the center of the table.

Army Selection & Force Organisation Charts

Each player picks an 'army' worth 200 points using the following force organisation chart:

0-1 0-2 0-1

Elite Troops Fast Attack

No model can have more than 2 Wounds. No Special Characters. No 2+ saves. No vehicles with a total Armour value greater than 33. This is calculated by adding the Front, Side and Rear armour numbers. (Only count the Side once).


The Eternal Night

Set up one objective marker at the centre point of the table

time on a 4+ the game continues and game turn 7 is played. At the end of game turn 7, the game ends automatically. As soon as the game ends and before working out who controls which objective, all units that are falling back are removed and count as destroyed.

Game Length & Victory Conditions

Your team must capture and control a vital area in nomans land; it is imperative that you both hold this area and keep it free of enemy interference: think king of the hill. You must bring all surviving models into the fifth quarter and remove all enemy models from the same in order to successfully complete this mission. The mission lasts a random number of turns - between five and seven. At the end of game turn 5, a player must roll a dice. On a 1-2 the game ends immediately, on a 3+ game turn 6 is played. If this is the case, a player will roll another dice at the end of game turn 6, and this

Primary Objective At the end of the game the player holding the fifth quarter gains 3 victory points. Secondary Objective At the end of the game each player receives 1 victory point for every 50 points of models destroyed.

Kill Team Deployment Map


The player deploying first will chose a standard table quarter placing all his appropriate models within a deployment zone created by measuring a 12 inch triangle extending along the both table edges from the corner. The opposing player will then place all appropriate models in the quarter diagonally across, also within a triangle 12 inches from the corner.


The Eternal Night

The Eternal Night

Mission II : Eternal War. 1000 points
Forces Collide
Imperial and Necron forces start to attack and counter attack. The eternal struggle for supremacy begins! Pick a random Eternal War mission from the Warhammer 40000 rule book.(page 118)


The Eternal Night

The Eternal Night

Mission III : Clash of Heroes 1500 points
Warlords Collide
As the campaign unfolds, key battles must be won. In a desperate bid to turn the tide of war, the Imperium deploys its finest commanders to the front line. The Necron high commands observe this turn of events and respond in kind. In Clash of Heroes each player must take one of the named characters from their Codex as their warlord, along with a selection of supporting units drawn from the army list in the same book. The winner will be the player whose champion slays the opponent's Warlord, or failing that, the player whose Warlord destroys the greater value of opposing troops.

Split the table into four quarters, as shown in the deployment map, and roll-off to see which player picks which quarter to deploy in. The opposing player deploys in the opposite quarter. The player that won the roll-off deploys first. He must deploy all of his army in his deployment area, anywhere that is at least 9" from the centre of the table. His opponent then does likewise. Neither side may place any units in reserve in this scenario.

Army Selection
Each player must take a single named character, and then chooses additional units using the following force organisation chart to make the army up to the correct points total.

First Turn
Roll a D6. On a 2 or more the player that deployed first has the first turn. On a roll of 1 the enemy seize the initiative and go first.

0-1 0-4 2-6 0-1 0-1

HQ Elite Troops Fast Attack Heavy Support


The Eternal Night

Victory Conditions
Keep track of the points value of any models killed by each player's named character during the game. Models that are part of a unit are assumed to have a cost equal to the points value of the unit divided by the number of models in it. At the end of the game each player must add up the value of the models that their named character killed, and then subtract the cost of the character itself. The player with the higher total is the winner. Instant Victory: If one player's Warlord slays the opponent's Warlord, then they instantly win the game.

Special Rules
Lead From The Front: You must bring your Campaign warlord to this battle Duel To The Death: In this scenario a named character may only be killed by an attack made by the opposing named character. If a named character is slain by any other method, they are left standing with one wound remaining. No Named Characters: If a player doesn't have a named character in their collection of Citadel Miniatures than they may use an independent character or monstrous creature instead. Once Your Dead, Your DEAD:If you lose your Warlord he may not be used Mission 5

Clash of Heroes Deployment Map

Deploy the armies in opposite table quarters

Set-Up Summary
Roll-off for deployment areas. The winner of the roll-off deploys first, 9" from the centre of the table. The opposing player deploys second, 9" from the centre of the table. Neither player may place units in reserve.


The Eternal Night

The Eternal Night

Mission IV : Linebreaker Special Group Mission 1500 points
Secret Strategies
As the campaign desperately continues, Imperial Guard heavy support units are sent to defend Fort Pain, the central base of command for the Emperors forces. As always the Necron high command observes this movement and devises a plan to turn the humans weapons of mass destruction upon themselves! Linebreaker is a team 'mini-game' for Warhammer 40,000. opposite table edge.

Reserves Army Selection

The Imperial player commands three Super Heavy Tanks (see Warhammer 40,000 Apendix for rules), and the Necron player commands a 1,500 point army picked from the Necron Codex. Note that the defending army is not allowed to include any legendary units or battle formations - only units included in the Codex may be used! Up to 500 points of defending units may be deployed on the table or placed in reserve as desired. The remaining 1,000 points worth of defending units must be placed in reserve.

First Turn
The defending army receives the first turn.

The Baneblades start at one side of the gaming table, and must attempt to exit from the


The Eternal Night

Game Length
The game carries on until all the Super Heavy Tanks have either left the table or have been destroyed.

edge equates to one victory point to the Imperial forces. Each Super Heavy tank destroyed equates to one victory point to the Necron forces. The force with the most victory points chooses 2 of the Super Heavy Tanks played in this mission and may use them in mission 5. The losing force receives the remaining super heavy Tank. In the event of a tie both forces will take 1 Stormlord Super Heavy Tank for mission 5

Special Rules
Dawn Attack: The battle begins just before dawn, and so the Night Fighting rules apply on the first turn.

Victory Conditions
Each Super Heavy Tank that leaves the table

Linebreaker Deployment Map


Imperial Tank Deployment

24 12 No Mans Land Necron Deployment


The Eternal Night

The Eternal Night Part III

By Phil Oasgood and Daniel Turner
The tomb world of the Touketsu Dynasty was once a dessert world chosen for its lack of sustainable life. In 813.M31 it was struck by a large meteorite, changing the planets orbit and plunging it into a deep freeze. This cold affected the electromagnetic control of the tomb world awakening the Necron Lord Tou-Shin, but not releasing him from stasis, leaving him to think over the millennium while he was in the imprisoned in his stasis crypts. Tou-Shin knew that this suffering was gifted to him from the surviving star god Meltankos the cold one. He must now lead his people on a holy war to regain their souls. His Royal Court are warrior saints, they will not only fight for him but also preach his doctrine to his Dynasty and the rest of the Necrontyr. Tou-Shin now sees cold as the key factor in his preaching's, blue, the colour of ice, as the holy colour of Meltankos. Gauss weapon technology has been changed to now freeze the molecules off everything that is hit rather than stripping them off with pure energy. The affect is the same but the cause is different and in all of the Touketsu Dynastys eyes it takes its foes in death closer to redemption in the cold grip of Meltankos. He will join the warlords of the Necron High Command as long as their plans fit in with the cold holy war. The Touketsu Dynasty will eventually convert other warlords to the way of Meltankos, never with force but only with words. For a time other Phareons thought him weak, never to start a war with another overlord. Of course that all changed. The Oruscar Dynasty tried to capture his tomb world and add it to their empire. His response to the attack was as masterfully lead as it was swift and aggressive. The war that raged was swiftly won by Tou-Shin and he weakened the Oruscar Dynasty greatly, resulting in them losing whole systems to the Sautekh Dynasty. No being thinks him weak now and he shall go to war again reaping the souls of these puny humans in a cold harvest to his eternal master Meltankos.


The Eternal Night

This must be taken by us hissed Necron 1 pointing at the red lines the metallic blue of his body marking him out from the others , We must not let them have it again. Agreed spoke a red bodied Overlord known as Necron 2 We must fight together. Take the Technology and use it against the Old Ones spoke the third. The dark metallic of his body littered with white icons denoting his rank We must take this world and leave none to speak of it. Necron 2 studied his fellows, now bonded in an Alliance with him, and nodded once to confirm the plan of action. The most logical course of action is to deploy on the Southern hemisphere of this world they call Pyraxia and advance northward under cover of the long night and attack as one The other Necrons nodded agreement and the wire frame orb dispersed sealing the fate of world the Necron fleet silently approached, undetected, though the darkness of space. War was coming.


The Eternal Night

The Eternal Night

Mission 5 : Assault on Fort Pain Special Group Mission 10000 points
Though the battle for the fate of the planet still rages fiercely, the Necron conquest is reaching its culmination at Fort Pain, the base of operations for the Imperium. If the Imperial forces cannot hold this fortification then all is lost the Necrons will do everything in their power to strike fast and hard at the enemy's vital defences, regardless of the cost. There can be no half measures when the fate of a world is at stake. To represent this, previously earthbound troops can Deep Strike into play. The invader can deploy not only his infantry in this way, but also his most powerful close combat troops and even monstrous creatures! objectives from the foe straight away. It's a good idea to familiarise yourself with which units in your army can take advantage of this rule and plan your grand strategy accordingly. Not all of the attacker's units can pile straight into the fight - heavier units, such as tanks, must be deployed in a 'drop zone'. A drop zone is where the attacker's support units make planetfall in bulk landers, drop- ships or their equivalent a few kilometres from the battlefield. Once the defender has set up his terrain, the attacker chooses which table edge is nearest to his drop zone. Nominate any table edge. Whenever the attacker rolls for a bike, beast, cavalry, vehicle or artillery unit to turn up from reserve, it is from this table edge that the units enter play. Mark such units on your army roster with 'DZ' if it helps you to remember. DEPLOYING ATTACKING UNITS SUMMARY Units that always enter play from the drop zone: Vehicles Bikes Artillery Beasts Cavalry

Army Selection
The Necron and Imperial forces will be each be represented by a team of three players. Each player will bring a force of 3000 points as defined in the Warhammer 40000 rule book page 108 Any Super heavy tanks won by each team in Mission IV will be added to the relevant army list. In addition the Imperial forces will be given the Imperial Fortress Fort Pain as represented In Apendix I.I The Necron forces will be given The Necron Titan thingy as represented on page ** Several types of unit have the option to Deep Strike into the thick of things. Infantry, jump infantry, jetbikes and monstrous creatures can all Deep Strike. This is a fundamental difference from usual games of Warhammer 40,000, enabling you to plummet into the action and get on with the serious business of wresting

Units that may either enter play from the drop zone or by Deep Strike: Infantry Jump Infantry Monstrous Creatures Jetbikes Vehicles that have the Deep Strike special rule.


The Eternal Night

The defender's planet, so he may now deploy his units anywhere on the board (he can keep some in reserve if he wishes - see below). Naturally, the defender can deploy his units within buildings. Buildings are essentially immobile vehicles that can be occupied by either side. The defender may keep as many of his units as he wishes in reserve. Units that you have kept in reserve cannot be affected by the attacker's preliminary bombardment (known as a firestorm), so they will enter play at full strength. Note that in games of Planetstrike the Scout and Infiltrate special rules confer no special benefits when deploying, but still allow units to Outflank as normal. This represents forces from elsewhere on the planet scrambling to the warzone as fast as they can.

Morale tests are never caused by a bombardment. However, Pinning tests are caused as usual, and units that 'go to ground' will be pinned for the first turn - they are assumed to have dived into foxholes or run for cover. Any template that lands wholly over open ground and does not hit any models or terrain may be replaced by a crater at the attacker's discretion. This crater remains in place for the rest of the game. Shock Tactics A planetary invasion is a desperate battle for supremacy where ground taken is more important than lives lost and the invaders rain down their forces directly upon the defense networks of the foe. The Deep Strike rule is always used in games of Planetstrike, with the following modifications: The attacker may always choose to deploy his infantry, jump infantry, jetbikes, monstrous creatures, and vehicles with the Deep Strike rule by Deep Strike. Attacking units with the Deep Strike special rule in their unit entry may assault the turn they enter play, providing that they fulfill all the normal criteria for an assault (within assault range, for example). Note that units that enter play from a deep striking vehicle do not count! For example, because it has the Deep Strike special rule in its unit entry, a Space Marine Assault Squad could both shoot its bolt pistols and launch an assault the turn it enters play. A Space Marine Tactical Squad could shoot, but not assault, because it does not have the Deep Strike rule.

Mission Special Rules

The following rules are always used in the Assault on Fort Pain mission. Planetary bombardment Each player turn each team may launch one of their bombardments against enemy troops, a bombardment attack anywhere upon the table. This number of bombardments each team has is determined by the number of bombardments won on the previous day (see page 3). Roll for scatter as normal, but you may never adjust the scatter roll with Ballistic Skill - these munitions are being dropped from low orbit, after all. An incoming bombardment makes plenty of noise, sending ground troops running for cover, so if there is doubt about whether a unit is allowed a cover save from a bombardments attack, err on the side of the defender.

Each bombardment attack has the profile below:

RANGE Unlimited STRENGTH 10 AP 1 TYPE . Ordanance 1 Barrage


The Eternal Night

Scramble The Reserves rule is always used in the Assault on Fort Pain mission, with the following exceptions. All attacking units must start the game in reserve. None of the attacker's units will start on-table at all. Instead the attacker's units enter play either by Deep Strike as noted above, or by coming into play from the table edge the attacker has designated as his drop zone. Units held in reserve, be they attacker or defender, use the following table to determine when they enter play:
Turn 1 Reserves arrive on: 3+ 2+ Automatically Turn 2 Turn 3

Backs to the Walls: The defenders have nowhere left to fall back to. They are all Fearless. Demolition Crew: All of the attacker's infantry units are counted as having melta bombs. Denial: The defender has a free Ammunition Store stratagem. He may choose to detonate this ammunition stockpile in a last-ditch effort to deny their enemy victory. So long as at least one defender is on the table, the defender may declare in his Shooting phase that you are detonating the store. Every unit within 2D6" of the building containing the ammunition store takes D6 Strength 8 AP 4 hits, and the building is automatically destroyed (explodes!).

Necron Strategic Assets

Subvert Machine (1 use) There is no technology in the galaxy that the Necrons cannot twist to their own ends. No defence that can forever thwart their influence. When Revealed: During one of your Shooting phases. Effect: Nominate one enemy vehicle or superheavy vehicle within 24" of a Necron Lord. You may immediately fire one of that vehicle's weapons as if the vehicle were under your control. Once the shot has been resolved, the subverted vehicle suffers D3 glancing hits that ignore any power fields or void shields it may have. NECRON CURSE When declared: Pre-game

Note that the attacker's reserves enter play either by Deep Strike or from the designated drop zone, whereas the defender's reserves can enter play from a random board edge. Defending units use the normal Deep Strike rules. All other defending units roll on the following chart when they enter play from reserve: D6 Roll 1-2 Defending unit enters play: From the table edge opposite the attacker's drop zone. From any table edge touching the attacker's drop zone (defender's choice). From the attacker's drop zone.



Necron High command has assailed the enemy strongholds with a terrible electronic affliction, causing the automated weapons systems of Fort Pain to malfunction and even jam at critical moments.


The Necron players choose D3 strongholds after

The Eternal Night

The Eternal Night

APENDIX I: I.I Fort Pain Super Structures and Super Heavy Vehicles. Total Points 1840
Fort Pain on the benighted planet of Pyraxia Secondus. Imperial xenoachaelogists were unearthing arcane Eldar structures. In the winter that followed the Imperial remain on the dark planet and the secrets of the artefact remains in mid-excavation. Fort Pain is an Imperial Fortress manufactured from the following components. The points cost of the Imperial Fortress will be the total points cost of the components used. FORTRESS WALLS Fortress Walls are divided into three different types of section: Walls, Towers and the Gate. Each section has an Armour value of 14 on all facings and a number of Structure Points (noted below). When a section has no Structure Points left it is destroyed. All damage results which do not reduce its Structure Points are ignored. A Fortress section must be targeted separately from any unit on top of its ramparts. WALL SECTION (X5) 50 (250) POINTS A destroyed tower becomes rubble, giving a 4+ cover save and is treated as difficult terrain. Four towers have been upgraded to include a flak turret with the following profile FLAK CANNON (X4)

40 (160) POINTS

1 twin linked autocannon RANGE 48" STR 7 AP 4 TYPE Heavy 2, Skyfire, Interceptor

Two towers have been upgraded to include a Hydra turret with the following profile HYDRA FLAK CANNON (X2) 50 (100) POINTS
WARGEAR WEAPON Autocannon 2 twin linked autocannon RANGE 72" STR 7 AP 4 TYPE Heavy 2, Skyfire, Interceptor

Each Wall section has 4 Structure Points. A unit may be deployed to the ramparts on top of the wall, gaining a 3+ Cover save. A destroyed Wall becomes rubble, giving a 4+ cover save and is treated as difficult terrain. Any model on or in a Wall section when it is breached takes a single wound (armour save as normal). TOWER (X5) 75 (375) POINTS Each Tower has 6 Structure Points. A single unit of up to twenty models can be deployed inside the tower just as if being transported in a vehicle, and may use 5 fire points in any direction. If the Wall is breached then any unit inside the bunker is destroyed in the collapse.

Three towers have been upgraded to include a Vulcan Cannon turret with the following profile VULCAN CANNON (X3)
WARGEAR WEAPON Vulcan Mega Bolter Sustained fire - Once per game the Vulcan mega bolter can fire a sustained burst! The weapon may fire twice that turn (at the same target). Vulcan Mega Bolter RANGE 68" STR 6 AP 3 TYPE Heavy 15

125 (375) POINTS


The Eternal Night


15 (90) POINTS


150 (300)POINTS

A Gate has 3 Structure Points. The Gate may be open or closed at the start of any of the owning players' turns. Once destroyed, the Gate is open and troops can move through it as normal. Models caught on the ramparts, suffer 1 wound. No armour saves apply. A unit may be deployed onto the Gate's ramparts gaining a 3+ Cover save. Each Gate also has two towers (with 6 Structure Points each, etc), one on either side.

six towers have been upgraded to include a buttress mounted Sentry Gun with Twin-linked Heavy Bolters. TWIN LINKED (X2) LASCANNON 25 (50) POINTS

two towers have been upgraded to include a buttress mounted Sentry Gun with Twin-linked lascannon. All Fort Pain weapons are used at BS 2. If the weapon is mounted on a tower you may use the BS of the unit within when occupied.


The Eternal Night

The Eternal Night Part IV

By James McEvoy The Emperor Protects. A strange concept given the size of the Imperium and its multitudes of enemies. But faith in the Throne of Terra had seen humanity through the last ten thousand years and would do so for the next ten thousand. If only it were that simple mused Governor Batho. He looked around at his men, desperately trying to hold themselves together after weeks of fighting against the relentless enemy. Morale was low, physical condition poor, and armoured support had been severely depleted. The heroic figure of Drill Sergeant Heinz was the glue binding them together for the time being, but even that bond may be broken in the days to come. Looking out across the scarred battlements of Pyraxia Secundus' largest military complex, dubbed "Fort Pain" by the soldiers due to its vast array of weapon platforms, the Commissar could see an eerie green glow suffusing the mist from which the Pyraean Mountains stood jagged like the teeth of a giant carcharadon. The same green glow had been the first sign of the deadly unknown xenos. Despite the Imperium having colonised the system since the Great Crusade, the aliens had lain in slumber, awaiting their time to rule again. Bathos knew that the coming days would be his last. He had seen the horrific effects the enemy weapons had upon the defending forces, ripping apart tanks like paper and flaying the skin from mens' bodies. In return only the most concentrated volley of fire would down one of the monstrosities, but triumphant cheers would turn to silent horror as the fiend reassembled itself before rising once more. He could see them now, not just a few at a time like had been encountered in earlier battles, but hundreds, marching implacably towards the compound. Ahead of them, the earth seemed to shift and move with a metallic sheen. He knew what these were, the men had dubbed them "Scarabs", a name which belied their deadly nature. Dwarfing the hordes of warriors, pyramid-like structures skimmed across the ground, gun turrets bristling across their smooth dark skin.


The Eternal Night

Bathos picked up his magnoculars to begin fire control calculations when a series of sonic booms echoed across the dawn skies. On pillars of fire the blood red flyers came, speeding towards the ground at an impossible angle. Behind them red torpedo shaped pods, glowing hot from atmospheric entry, screamed towards the earth like vengeance from the God-Emperor Himself. He watched as, from one aircraft, side hatches slammed open and gold coloured warriors fanned out into the rushing air with a blaze of shining armour, flash of white pinioned wings and a roar of supersonic fury. The Angels of Death. The Emperor Protects indeed.


The Eternal Night

The Eternal Night

APENDIX I: Super Structures and Super Heavy Vehicles. I.II Baneblade Super Heavy Tank Total Points 500


The Eternal Night

The Eternal Night

APENDIX I: Super Structures and Super Heavy Vehicles. I.III Stormlord Super Heavy Tank Total Points 500


The Eternal Night

The Eternal Night

APENDIX I: Super Structures and Super Heavy Vehicles. I.IV Doomhammer Super Heavy Tank Total Points 450


The Eternal Night

The Eternal Night

APENDIX I: I.V Gauss Pylon Super Structures and Super Heavy Vehicles. Total Points 420


The Eternal Night


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