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1. Should You Be Institutionalized? It doesnt hurt to take a hard look at yourself from time to time.

This little test should help you get started.

During a visit to a mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director what the criteria is that defines if a patient should be institutionalized. Well, said the Director, we fill up a bathtub. Then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup, and a bucket to the patient and ask the patient to empty the bathtub. Okay, heres your test:

1. Would you use the spoon? 2. Would you use the teacup? 3. Would you use the bucket?

Oh, I understand, said the visitor. A normal person would choose the bucket, as it is larger than the spoon and the teacup.

No, answered the Director and continues, You should be institutionalized! Why such response? 2. Greatest Area A farmer challenges an engineer, a physicist, and a mathematician to fence off the largest amount of area using the least amount of fence.

The engineer made his fence in a circle and said it was the most efficient.

The physicist made a long line and said that the length was infinite. Then he said that fencing half of the Earth was the best.

The mathematician laughed at the others and with his design, beat the others.

What did he do? 3. What Song? A man is sitting in a pub feeling rather poor. He sees the man next to him pull a wad of 50 notes out of his wallet.

He turns to the rich man and says to him, I have an amazing talent; I know almost every song that has ever existed. The rich man laughs.

The poor man says, I am willing to bet you all the money you have in your wallet that I can sing a genuine song with a ladys name of your choice in it. The rich man laughs again and says, OK, how about my daughters name, Joanna Armstrong-Miller?

The rich man goes home poor. The poor man goes home rich.

What song did he sing? 4. Birbal, The Wise Emperor Akbar once ruled over India. He was a wise and intelligent ruler, and he had in his court the Nine Gems, his nine advisors, who were each known for a particular skill. One of these Gems was Birbal, known for his wit and wisdom. The story below is one of the examples of his wit. Do you have it in you to find out the answer?

One day a scholar came to the court of Emperor Akbar and challenged Birbal to answer his questions and thus prove that he was as clever as people said he was.

He asked Birbal: Would you prefer to answer a hundred easy questions or just a single difficult one?

Both the emperor and Birbal had had a difficult day and were impatient to leave.

Ask me one difficult question, said Birbal.

Well, then tell me, said the man, which came first into the world, the chicken or the egg?

The chicken, replied Birbal, very confidently.

How do you know? asked the scholar, a note of triumph in his voice.

What did Birbal answer to this? 5. Young Archer A duke was hunting in the forest with his men-at-arms and servants when he came across a tree. Upon it, archery targets were painted and smack in the middle of each was an arrow. Who is this incredibly fine archer? cried the duke. I must find him! After continuing through the forest for a few miles he came across a small boy carrying a bow and arrow. Eventually the boy admitted that it was he who shot the arrows plumb in the center of all the targets. You didnt just walk up to the targets and hammer the arrows into the middle, did you? asked the duke worriedly. No my lord. I shot them from a hundred paces. I swear it by all that I hold holy. That is truly astonishing, said the duke. I hereby admit you into myservice. The boy thanked him profusely. But I must ask one favor in return, the duke continued. You must tell me how you came to be such an outstanding shot.

How would he get to be such a good shot?

6. 3, 76, 49, 24, 59, 36

What is the next number?

3, 76, 49, 24, 59,?

7. One Pair Out of Ten A very mean king went to a nearby village. He wanted some more slaves to serve him at his royal palace. He decided that if any family in the village had more than five children, he would take them. A cobbler and his wife had ten children. When the king came to take them, the cobbler and his wife begged and begged.

Finally the king said, I see that you have ten pairs of shoes in a box. If you can give each of your children a pair and still leave one pair out of ten in the box, you can keep your children.

The cobbler and his wife began to smile at each other.

How did they keep all of their children? 8. Sit in a Row Georges, Patrick, Charlis, Samuel and Bruno are five Frenchmen.

Georges knows English and Chinese. Patrick knows Chinese and Japanese.

Charlis knows Japanese and German.

Samuel knows German and English.

Bruno knows them all: English, Chinese, Japanese and German.

In how many ways can they sit in a row, such that any two neighboring persons have no problems in communication? 9. 8 + 8 =? How can you make the following equation correct without changing it at all? 8 + 8 = 91

10. Power of Seven On July 7th, I had a most unusual day. I woke up at exactly 7:07, stumbled to my refrigeratorand had a 7up. I got dressed, went downstairs, and caught the number 7 bus to go to my office on 77th street. While sitting in my office on the 7th floor, it dawned on me how my day was going so I called my bookie and placed a $777 bet on the number 7 horse in the seventh race, whose name was Seventh Heaven, to win.

Do you know what happened?

11. Airplane! The Pope, Celine Dion, Barack Obama, and Bill Gates are on the same plane. There are only 3 parachutes left for the 4 of them. Obama says: As the President, I think I should have the right to have a parachute, because I rule millions of people in the greatest nation of all.

Celine Dion says: As one of the greatest singers of all-time, I think I should deserve to be safe. I bring tears and laughter to millions of people, and Im an important contributor to pop music.

Bill Gates says: As one of the richest successful company owners, I think I should live because Im on top of the economics cycle, creating jobs and incomes for millions of people. I am a wealthy and intelligent man. Finally, the Pope says: Im an old, religious man. I lived a life thats full, I helped millions of people find their way through God, Im ready to let go of a parachute and to face my fate.

Which one of them will abandon the parachute and die? 12. Cracking A cracker company was very mad when they heard the results from their cracker survey. The result said that the customers would prefer crackers to nothing at all. The same customers think that donuts are better than everything else. A new employee at the company had to tell their boss the bad news, but he saw a window ofopportunity to get a promotion. When he got to his boss, he told him that the customers really preferred crackers to donuts. How did he come up with that? 13. I Can Answer Anything Jake and his friend Paco had very famous challenge sessions at their school. One would suggest something they could do, and the other would prove it wrong somehow.

One day, Jake surprised Paco by stating: I can answer any question in the world.

Sure that he would win the challenge, Paco accepted the task of proving it wrong. He wrote up a test full of impossible questions. After a while, Jake returned the test. Paco unbelievably lost the challenge and told Jake he could indeed answer any question.

How did Jake win? 14. Professor Picanumba I, Professor Picanumba, will amaze and astound you.

Take a piece of paper and write any word on it.

Fold the paper in half twice, and put it on the floor. Now stand on it.

Believe it or not, I will now tell you what is on the paper.

15. The Heron and the Fish A heron caught a fish in his bill and was carrying it alive back to his nest. Worried about his own life, the fish was thinking hard to find a way to free himself.

Coming up with a bright idea, he then said to the heron, Birdie, Ive learned that youre a smart bird, and Im dying to know if its true. Can you do me a favor before I die? I will ask you one question. If your answer is right, take me to your home and feed your chicks. If its wrong, just eat me right now. But if its too hard for you to answer, then please set me free. Will you accept the bet?

The heron thought it was a sure win because even if he couldnt find the answer, hed just simply say something wrong. Either way the fish would die. So he agreed immediately.

The fish then asked a simple question. The heron then realized that he would lose for sure. So he had to drop the smart fish back to the waters, having learned a good lesson.

What was the question that saved the fishs life?

16. The Captive Assassin Listo, the leader of a band of assassins, was taken captive by an opposing kingdom. Give your daggers, said one of the generals, Or you are to be executed. But since you killed so many of our knights, we shall give you a small test. You must say a statement. If the statement is true, we burn you on a stake. If the sentence is false, we stab you through the heart. If you do not say anything, you are thrown to the lions. If you say something we cant verify, you will be forced to drink a cup of hemlock. If it is not a statement or if it is a paradox, we simply toss you into the nearby volcano. We shall give you one hour to ponder.

What should Listo say? 17. Mooey, The Wise Cow! Today Mooey has a challenging test from his mentor. He must spell all the words correctly. If he does, he will become a mentor, and teach other cows! Mooey studied as hard as he could the night before his challenge. He is on the last word of the list, and is scared! He is sure that the first 19 words are correct, but the last word is always a secret bonus word. Can you help Mooey? Mentor: The last word is actually two words. It is your name. (Mooeys last name was Mooer)

Mooey was shocked! The bonus word was always extra-hard! He was just about to scrape Mooey Mooer in the mud, when he thought of something. It ended up making him a mentor.

What did Mooey scrape in the mud? 18. Choose Your Disaster! A group of four prisoners were held captive by the enemy and each prisoner was to be shot each day through the week. As natural disasters were common in this specific part of the world, the group of prisoners decided to make up a plan of distracting the guards. Before each prisoner would be shot, they would shout out a natural disaster, which would cause chaos and distract everyone to give enough time for each prisoner to escape. As three days passed the first three prisoners escaped by shouting out their chosen natural disasters and running away, however the final prisoner shouted out a disaster and was shot dead on the spot. What was the natural disaster he shouted? 19. Attorney Client Privilege Sam is talking to his lawyer in jail. They are very upset because the judge has refused to grant bail. At the end of the conversation Sam is allowed to leave the jail. Why? 20. Letter Logic I am a letter.

I am in talk, and in stop, I am in tickle, and in tackle, I am in bullet, and kite, I am in poster, and in tear, I am in torn, and in fear, I am in tick, and in stock, I am in tulip, but Im also in by. What am I?

21. Odd Two Out Too In this teaser, you have to find the odd ones out in the groups of words. BUT WAIT! Theres a catch. Each group of words has TWO words which do not belong. Can you find them both?


Lily Jane Tulip Rose

Jane does not belong as its the only one which is not a flower.

Tulip also does not belong because its the only one which is not a girls name.

Youre on your own for the rest!

1. Dodge Ford Lincoln Hoover

2. King Earl Knight Bishop

3. Yellow Green Dead Black

22. What is Risk? There was once a college that offered a class on probability applied to the real world.

The class was relatively easy, but there was a catch. There were no homework assignments or tests, but there was a final exam that would have only one question on it.

When everyone received the test it was a blank sheet of paper with a solitary question on it: What is risk?

Most students were able to pass, but only one student received 100% for the class! Even stranger was that he only wrote down one word! What did he write? 23. Go Ahead, Shoot! Pirate Pete had been captured by a Spanish general and sentenced to death by his 50-man firing squad.

Pete cringed, as he knew their reputation for being the worst firing squad in the Spanish military. They were such bad shots that they would often all miss their targets and simply maim their victims, leaving them to bleed to death, as the generals tradition was to only allow one shot per man to save on ammunition. The thought of a slow painful death made Pete beg for mercy.

Very well, I have some compassion. You may choose where the men stand when they shoot you and I will add 50 extra men to the squad to ensure someone will at least hit you. Perhaps if they stand closer they will kill you quicker, if youre lucky, snickered the general. Oh, and just so you dont get any funny ideas, they cant stand more than 20 ft away, they must be facing you, and you must remain tied to the post in the middle of the yard. And to show Im not totally heartless, if you arent dead by sundown Ill release

you so you can die peacefully outside the compound. I must go now but will return tomorrow and see to it that you are buried in a nice spot, though with 100 men, I doubt there will be much left of you to bury.

After giving his instructions the general left. Upon his return the next day, he found that Pete had been set free alive and well. How could this be? demanded the general. It was where Pete had us stand, explained the captain of the squad. Where did Pete tell them to stand? 24. The Passwords A man worked for a high-security institution, and one day he went in to work only to find that he could not log in to his computer terminal. His password wouldnt work. Then he remembered that the passwords are reset every month for security purposes. So he went to his boss and they had this conversation: Man: Hey boss, my password is out of date.

Boss: Yes, thats right. The password is different, but if you listen carefully you should be able to figure out the new one: It has the same amount of letters as your old password, but only four of the letters are the same.

Man: Thanks boss.

With that, he went and correctly logged into his station.

What was the new password and his old password? 25. What the? The Pope has it but he does not use it.

Your father has it but your mother uses it.

Nuns do not need it.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big one,

Michael J. Foxs is quite small.

What is it?

1. A normal person would pull the plug. So, how did YOU do? 2. The mathematician made a small fence around himself and declared himself to be on the outside.

3. Happy Birthday This song can be sung with anyones name in it. Aint it? 4. Birbal told the scholar, We had agreed you would ask only one question and you have already asked it and he and the emperor walked away leaving the scholar gaping! 5. The boy shot the arrow, THEN painted the circle around it. 6. 36 Look at the title! 7. The cobbler and his wife gave each of his nine children a pair of shoes. That left one pair in the box. They then gave this tenth child the box with the shoes in it. 8. 5x4x3x2x1=120 ways They are Frenchmen, and can all speak French. Therefore, any order is OK. 9. Look at it upside down: 8+8=91 >>> 16 = 8 + 8. 10. Seventh Heaven came in 7th. 11. Did I ever mention the plane was crashing? No ones gonna die. 12. The new employee told the boss that they know two facts; 1) Crackers are better than nothing, and

2) Nothing is better than donuts

If you put two of them together, you get that crackers are better than donuts.

13. For all the impossible questions, Jake simply wrote I dont know. 14. Your foot is on the paper. (Look down if you dont believe me.) 15. The fish simply asked any non-yes/no question he wished. Remember, the fish was carried in the herons bill. Whatever answer the bird might give, he would have to open his bill and thus free the fish. You might ask how then did the heron agree to the bet in the first place? He simply nodded his head.

16. Here are my daggers! 17. The answer was your name. When Mooey thought of this, he realized his mentor was trying to trick him! Because of his thinking, Mooey was made a mentor! 18. Fire! 19. Sam is visiting his lawyer, who had been arrested and jailed. 20. I am a letter, I didnt ask which one. 21. (1). Hoover does not belong as its the only one which is not a car manufacturer. Dodge does not belong as its the only one which is not the last name of a President of USA.

(2). Bishop does not belong as its the only one which is not a class of nobility. Earl does not belong as its the only one which is not a Chess piece.

(3). Dead does not belong as its the only one which is not a color. Green does not belong as its the only one which is not the name of a sea.

22. The brilliant student wrote down: This.

And handed in the paper.

By doing this, the student demonstrated that he understood that having your grade based on one exam is risky. Plus, putting just one word on such an important exam and hoping the professor understands what he means is risky in and of itself!

23. Pete told them to form a circle around him. All the squad was facing in at Pete, ready to shoot, when they realized that everyone who missed would likely end up shooting another squad member. So no one dared to fire, knowing the risk. Thus at sundown he was released. 24. The old one was : Out of date The new one is: Different

He said: My password is Out of date. And the boss told him the new one when he said: The password is different.

25. A last name. What else do you think? Results: If you got 20+ correct out of 25 > Youre quite Brilliant.

If you got 15 to 19 correct out of 25 > Youre above average.

If you got 10 to 14 correct out of 25 > Youre average.

If you got below 10 > Your brain is messed up a bit and you need to do lot of such exercises to improve.

Brain Teasers Credits goes to: Braingle With over 20,000 brain teasers, riddles, logic problems, quizzes and mind puzzles submitted and ranked by users, Braingle has the largest collection of brain/mind developing exercises anywhere on the Internet.

I hope youre loving these brain teasers as much as I do. Oh, by the way, i got 17 out of 25 correct honestly. How many you got right? Please let us know in the comments section. More over, if youve some brain teasers to share with us, dont hesitate! Your valuable feedbacks / props / critics about the post are also much appreciated.

Creative Thinking Games Being creative means being original! Creativity can be developed, though some are born with it. Try out these creative thinking games to train the creative sinews of your mind and flex those muscles of creativity to have fun besides coming up with maverick fixes for conventional breakdowns! Ads by Google Training Management Manage Training.System to Schedule, Deliver,Assess,Report&TrackTraining

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. ~ Scott Adams

There is a reason behind human life being full of challenges. The reason is to exercise the human brain and open the windows of human imagination so that the human brain, logic, thinking and problemsolving capabilities soar to greater heights in agreement with nature's evolutionary instrument. Everyone of us have some amount of creativity and originality locked within us - the degree of creativity possessed by an individual only depends upon how ready a person is to stray from the metalled road of conventions to explore the untrodden pastures of imagination and individuality. While some are born with a good deal of openness to acknowledge and embrace the unusual approach, most people can learn to unshackle their subconscious mind from the fetters of convention and let their imaginations soar! Creativity exercises are such keys which are designed to draw the creative mind out of its shell and impart the brilliance of originality to a person. Let us take a look at some very interesting activities and exercises which are helpful and very effective in oiling and overhauling the creative engine of the human mind!

Interesting Creative Thinking Games

Check out the following activities that are a great way to have fun in a group. These games can also double up as group ice-breakers at offices and can be incorporated alongside training courses on creative problem solving.

Relating Words In this game, there is a set of four to six words (depending upon difficulty level) and you have to think of an additional word which would relate to all the previous words in such a way that they make sense when used in conjunction with the single new word. For instance, say, if there are four words, you must think up a fifth word which, when used in combination with each of the four given words, would make sense. For instance, let the four given words be bugs, post, cover and sheet. The fifth word could be bed because if you use bed with each of these words, you'll get the following:-

bedbugs, bedpost, bed cover and bed sheet.

Nature Inspires Human Inventions In this game, there are two lists, one list having the names of various animals and the other list having the names of various man-made inventions. The players would have to match the animal with the invention which is the closest or most closely inspired from it. For example:-

Animal List: bat, flying squirrel, hummingbird, chameleon Invention List: helicopter, camouflage, radar, parachute

Animal Invention Flying squirrel Parachute Chameleon Camouflage

Hummingbird Helicopter Bat Radar

This is one of the most interesting creative thinking exercises for kids as it helps them relate nature with science and appreciate the inspiration nature has provided man for getting ahead in technology. This also instills a respect for nature in kids. If introduced in school curriculum, this type of games nurture and encourage creativity in the classroom which contribute towards imparting brilliance to students personalities in their coming lives.

Creative Problem Solving These creativity games are aimed at developing creative problem solving faculties by compelling the players to think out of the box. There are many variants of these games and most of these are often played as rapport building office games. The most popular variant involves joining nine dots, drawn in a 3*3 matrix, with just one line, without lifting the pen/pencil from the paper/drawing surface. Another variant requires drawing a square that has two diagonals drawn (from corner to corner) such that they intersect to form a cross. The catch is that you have to draw the square and the cross without lifting your pencil/pen and without overwriting any of the previously drawn lines. These exercises serve as excellent critical thinking exercises for children as well as grown ups.

Word Springs Sentences Take a short word and expand it into several sentences using each letter of the word as the first word of each letter of each sentence. Confused? Here's an example:-

Word:- Damn Sentences:- Dad Ate Many Nuts, Do Ants Make Noise, Did Adam Marry Nina, Draft All Major Notes...... and so on.

This one's among the excellent critical thinking exercises for kids as well as adults that help develop fluent thinking and linguistic dexterity.

Brand/Product Personification These are some of the most interesting group games that encourage you to think creatively. In these exercises, you are required to name a brand or product and imagine what kind of personality it would have, were it to become human. Take, for instance, the soap, Dove. The product promises purity with a

strong approach towards insisting upon getting the best for one's skin. So, if a bar of Dove soap were to become a human being, what kind of personality would it have? Let's see:Strong, independent working woman Likes to pamper and indulge herself Stickler for sincerity Values tenderness and sensitivity at the same time Likes to wear soft, pastel colors Her choice of clothes are comfortable with sophisticated fits Comfortable with herself. Those were some good and interesting creative thinking activities for individuals, groups, as well as for kids. Another great exercise is to ask and try to answer quirky questions that make you think, such as: If vegetarians are so considerate of animals, why do they eat up all their food? Get my point? Besides introducing an element of fun in any informal or interactive group atmosphere, these games tickle the right side of our brains and stimulate the creative nerve that is present in each one of us! By Ishani Chatterjee Shukla Last Updated: 3/9/2012 Read more at Buzzle:

Twelve brain teasers

Sunday, July 5th, 2009

1. Think of a number double it add ten divide by two take away the first number and the answer is? (always 5) 2. Think of a number multiply it by three add one multiply this by three add the number you first thought of add two take away five divide by ten and the answer is (the number you first thought of) 3. Write down how many brothers and sisters you have write down how many uncles and aunts you have add the number of uncles and aunts together double it add three multiply by five add the total number of brothers and sisters take away fifteen and the number on the right is how many brothers and sisters you have; the number on the left is how many uncles and aunts you have. 4. Write down a seven digit phone number mix up the digits take the smaller number away from the larger one add the digits of this number together add the two digits together and the answer is? (always 9) Example: 7247579 9742775 9742775 7247579= 2495196 2+4+9+5+1+9+6=36 3+6=? (always 9) 5. 1 ) Pick a number between 1 and 10 (including 1 or 10).

2 ) Multiply your number by 9. 3 ) Add the digits of the number created in step two. 4 ) Subtract 5 from the number created in step three. 5 ) Find the letter in the alphabet that corresponds to the number created in step four Example: 1=A, 2=B, 3=C 6 ) Pick a country in Europe that starts with the letter you found in step five. 7 ) Pick an animal that starts with the last letter of your country. 8 ) Pick a colour that starts with the last letter of your animal. 9 ) Let me guess what you got!! Is it an orange kangaroo from Denmark? 6. 1 ) Pick a number between 1 and 9 (including 1 or 9). 2 ) Multiply your number by 2. 3 ) Add 5 to the number you created in step two. 4 ) Multiply the number you created in step three by 50. 5 ) If you havent had your birthday yet this year, add 1757 to the number you created in step four.. If youve had your birthday, add 1758 to that number. 6 ) Subtract the year you were born (ex: 1995) from the number you created in step five. 7 ) Let me guess what you got!! The first digit is the number you started with and the others are your age. 7. Take a close look at the following figure How many triangles can you find?

Answer: 35 8. You have TEN trees and you want to plant them in FIVE rows with FOUR trees in each row. How do you do it? Answer:

9. Are you a genius? Take this test and check your score at the end! 1 ) A clerk in the butcher shop is 510 tall. What does he weigh? 2 ) How many birthdays does the average man have? 3 ) Some months have 31 days; how many have 28? 4 ) Is it legal for a man in California to marry his widows sister? 5 ) How many two cents stamps are there in a dozen? 6 ) Whats the answer when you divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10?

7 ) If there are 3 apples and you take away 2, how many do you have? 8 ) If a doctor gives you three pills, telling you to take one every half hour, how many minutes will the pills last? 9 ) A farmer has 17 sheep and all but 9 die. How many are left? 10 ) How many animals of each sex did Moses take on the ark? Answers:

1. The meat 2. One 3. All of them 4. He cant hes dead 5. 12

10. The Fox, the Chicken and the Corn

6. 60 7. 2 8. 60 9. 9 10. None. It was Noah.

You have a boat and need to take a fox, a chicken and some corn across a river. The boat will only hold you and one other thing. If you leave the chicken alone with the corn, the chicken will eat the corn. If you leave the fox alone with the chicken, the chickens in big trouble. How can you get them all across in the least amount of trips possible? Answer: First, take the chicken across and leave it there you and the chicken Go back alone you Take the fox across you and the fox Leave the fox and take the chicken back you and the chicken Leave the chicken and take the corn across you and the corn Leave the corn with the fox and go back alone you Finally, take the chicken across you and chicken 11. The Two Doors

You are trapped in a room with two doors One door leads to (certain)freedom and the other leads to a ton of worms that youll have to eat. You dont know which door (goes) leads you to the worms and which door gets you out. There are two guards in the room. One guard always tells the truth and the other guard always lies. You dont know which one is honest and which one is the liar. If you just guessed, youd have a 50-50 shot. To figure out which door to choose, you get to ask one guard one question What is your question and which guard will you ask? Answer:

This is very tricky and one of the worlds most famous logic problems. Heres the question you should ask and it doesnt matter which guard you ask: If I want freedom, what door will HE say I should go through? Think long and hard about it. Lets say that the red door leads to freedom. If you ask the honest guard, he will honestly tell you that the other guard will lie and tell you the blue door. If you ask the lying guard, he will lie and tell you the honest guard will say the blue door. Theyve both said the blue door the one that leads to the worms. So, you ask your question and, then, go through the OTHER door! 12. Can you move just TWO toothpicks and create SEVEN squares?


Brothers and sisters, I have none but this man's father is my father's son. Who am I looking at? Solution and More Riddles

You are shown two doors - one leading to hell and the second one to heaven and only the door guards know what is behind the doors. One guard is always lying and the other is always telling the truth (of course, you don't know who is lying). You can ask only one guard one question. What question can get you to heaven? Solution and More Problems

A fellow encountered a bear in a wasteland. Both got frightened - fellow ran to the north, bear to the west. Suddenly the fellow stopped, aimed his gun to the south and shot the bear.

What color was the bear? Solution and Grid Puzzles


Three missionaries and three cannibals want to get to the other side of a river. There is a small boat, which can fit only two. To prevent a tragedy, there can never be more cannibals than missionaries together. How could all of them get safely across the river? Solution and More Similar Puzzles


If you had a 5-liter bowl and a 3-liter bowl, and an unlimited access to water, how would you measure exactly 4 liters? Solution and More Weighing Puzzles


The day before yesterday I was 25 and the next year I will be 28. This is true only one day in a year. What day is my birthday? Answer and More Number Puzzles


Replace each letter for a unique digit so that the equation is correct. (J+O+I+N+T)3 = JOINT Answer and More Alphametics

Your task is to dissect the following picture into 2 sections from which you could make a rectangle 6x4 squares.

Answer and More Dissection Puzzles

Move just two matches and remove dust from the shovel.

Answer and More Matchstick Puzzles


Enter the letters A, B, C and D once in each row and column. The clues outside the grid indicate which letter appears first from that direction.

Answer and More Picture Puzzles

Check out good new riddles and brain teasers posted to our New Puzzles Forum this week. You could be the first person to solve them. Enjoy! More Unsolved Riddles


You've got 27 coins, each of them is 10 g, except for 1. The 1 different coin is 9 g or 11 g (heavier, or lighter by 1 g). You should use balance scale that compares what's in the two pans. You can get the answer by just comparing groups of coins. What is the minimum number weighings that can always guarantee to determine the different coin. Answer and More Top 10 Puzzles

If someone says "I always lie", are they telling the truth? Or are they lying? Discussion and More Paradoxes

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