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Nov 5th, 2012


TWIMC: e-mailed and hand delivered to those Offices mention below and others by Nov 6th [posted to the public on Nov 12th due to nonfeasance] PREAMBLE
Let me sum up what i see as relevant history on 'the Stone of Destiny', It's the Instrument that upholds God's Covenant under Abraham's trust. The last true King of the Empire was King George VI and this is because Queen Elizabeth did NOT get coronated on it [it was a fiberglas substitute] - The Stone was stolen by university law students and returned to Scotland in 1951. - I'm convinced that one reason these thieves were never prosecuted is because the King did not want Scottish Authority to file a public trust challenge of TREACHERY for converting all Loyal subjects of the Commonwealth into being warehouse receipts' - [TREACHERY Collusion with the Treasury in order to subvert any Commonwealth Constitution] - The King knowingly accepted the return of a plastic copy of the Stone, as collateral for a paper debt, and the QUEEN knowingly swore Her Covenant with God on a fiberglas substitute, and in so doing: no public official such as all politicians, bureaucrats, judges, police, all BAR members, [etc] in the Commonwealth actually are not held to an oath to God or the respectful Constitutions of the Empire [which were there to protect the Colonies from the Queen's abuse] It's my contention that the Stone had to have been used as collateral in securing a 50year war bond because the Queen officially returned it to Scotland in 1996. I believe that it would be easy to convince a Scottish High court that this 50-year term actually fulfilled Romans 7's prophecy of: 'the law is Spiritual, and it's as if God himself had been put in prison, and in fact have become those wretches who are slaves to death, because oath holders are in a powerful delusion [2Thes2] Furthermore: they may accept that the Lord's Day Act [that is inextricably linked to the 1985 Bank Act] is also mentioned in Rom 7 prophecy; and as to Rom 9;18 & 11;7 i'm convinced that the timely appearance of the Xian statues was more than a coincidence

NOTICE OF INTENT: I'm taking my chances that His Worship the Mayor, of the
Municipality of Vancouver Gregor Robertson, just might respect that, as a man of good conscience, His oath is with the real Stone, as opposed to under occupation by any AG under a plastic stone, like it's construed to be in Principalities. - I'm convinced that in respect for destiny and Hebrews 10;28on that i should first file with the Mayor's Office, and the Governor General's House in Victoria, and with the Federal Crown's Office, and if no real human being in these Offices responds positively. then that expresses which side they all chose - With this NOTICE, i challenge the power of many Colonial Instrument holders to petition the Scottish High courts to rule on my default damage award that could fulfil Isaiah 40, and

That with this NOTICE Gregor Robertson must press with the Scottish High courts to resolve the fact that [for example] He is a victim of Treachery,
when the QUEEN has no such right to impose its WILL on my case. Because the liability falls on the Municipality and its Sceptre, he is not a warden under any AG - I must press the buttons that could fulfil Luke 21;13 because as to Dan12;13 - it's that time to push big buttons before the onset of winter, and in so doing, we either divide the House that Albert Pike built [Luke 11 and the 2nd Commandment] or we face a winter where i will not shrink from creating a never ending series of events that can lead to be taken out of the way [2Thes2] which i see as inevitable, if no one acts according to their conscience by responding positively with me by Remembrance Day,

I'm here testing if any Instrument holder will accept that [on Aug 2nd 2011] that i failed to fulfil Dan 12;11 [of ending all sacrifice Ontario Supreme Court] and that the resigning of another pervert AG on the day i landed back in BC is not a solution, it was just a dodge by perverts to God, who at face value, will simply never repent for anything In effect, i am challenging the men of the Nineveh to accept that the Commonwealth's columbia was purposely placed in the west, and in form any one of these Canadian Instrument holders can file to resolve my case file and its default damage award with the bearers of the Stone in Scotland.

My case file can be ruled on quickly by a Scottish High court ,

especially if it's filed by the Mayor, and it's kept simple and to the point: like filing under Sec 16 CCC where Mark Levy from the Coronation Office [thru Forensic Services] can certify a claim of 'legal insanity' [for example] Under the 1998 Police Act for a total failure of an entity to comply with the law, and in this way, without disturbing a reed,God's promise that the Levites will be among the first and last to be tested, is kept. In this way the divide of Daniels 12;2 may occur or good first fruit of Romans 8on unfolds ,

- in order to press the culmination of the Ages and in so doing trigger God's new Creation

It's my contention THAT as to Rom 8on: God's trust is with the Stone and back in 1951, one of the principle reasons for robbing the Stone in the 1st place was a trust violation created by warehouse receipts. - I'm taking a chance that the Scottish High courts would accept that the stone that makes evil men stumble is being pressed - If these 2 or 3 Instrument holders here care not to be witnesses then that fulfils the prophecy of trampling on the messenger [Heb 10:28on], and in the end someone repents. [Heb 10:39 because of Faith Heb11:1] - Let it be clearly understood THAT: failure to act on this NOTICE will simply mean that i will file with the Scottish High Courts directly in the winter [shortly after American Thanksgiving] and frankly i hold little to no hope of surviving till spring,

So i'm offering brave-hearts a chance of surrendering to Love

The question of Romans 10;14on is basically 'how can authority have a change of heart when it does not have one?' And of course they know a well kept secret under an international gag order. The new Covenant is being pressed on a people who are not a nation and it will anger a nation to our south [it's time to play]

These Scottish courts are possibly the court of last resort , and frankly
filing with them directly cannot happen without this NOTICE being ignored. - It's the Scottish High court's burden to tell the House of Lord's that a wise heart will know that it's time to act [Eccl 8] - I can make a strong defence for being predestined by having a Birth Statement # 000665 and being the one like Adam, [the one with the abnormal birth of 1Cor15], and the deliverer of the new Covenant of Romans 8on and Abraham's Seed of Galatians, who presses an offer to be with God, and the Advocate, the one who changes everything as we know it. AND as i see it,

no one will budge even if 1/3rd of the world is destroyed by fire because that what Revelations says, [aka spirit of death]
and that's the plan for this 2Thes2 winter extravaganza because Talmudists and masons are at war with God and want one final blood bath in order to meet their maker. If no one can take the initiative to surrender to Love is actually a Isaiah 59 prophecy. [Take your pick] Let's face it, i walk the walk and talk the talk and i know that i'm a prophet I am not Jesus Christ; He comes after me, and if you don't have faith [Heb11] then that's prophecy; it's not my fault, the Spirit within me says no miracles and i accept that no one really gets the message until God lifts the spirit of stupor on everyone. [aka -METANOIA] The Spirit that swallowed me on Remembrance Day 2004, is 'the one' who creates a Son of Man and Jesus, Daniel, or i are predestined: BUT the choice made by those being tested is not, it's not up to me. Some are about to face ever lasting shame because they really want to meet their maker, and /or until THAT DAY everyone can be saved because a rebellion occurred. BUT then Isaiah 59 says no one will lift a finger to help and

Who knows? we just might go thru a winter without evil men destroying
the world as promised, but i doubt it, because the signs are everywhere.
- The OBAMAnation of desolation is in a place where he does not belong, [Mat 24;20] - Liars made deals with liars 1290 days after Obama's inaugurated [Dan 11 and12;11], - and the year of my Lord's grace is over [1Cor4;20] and as to Dan 12;13 i want to take some weekend road trips all winter long, and play 'let's incarcerate or kill a prophet/activist', - Because i detest Shatan worshippers, and the very fact that Jesus warns to not kill me [Luke12] is actually the reason why it's done because dark forces are in a blatant yet covert war with God, & want that grand slaughter AND no one can blame me if it happens

The question is: can i stop it? Maybe, but it's not my choice;
- i've been killed 3 times by VPD and i ask to come back and fight another day. - I accept that the one in me is also testing me. [Heb10;18 - He hopes I don't shrink] - i haven't and i won't shrink from having hell break out over my dead body. - Perverts to God are orchestrating fraudulent signs everywhere, and unless a leap of faith happens soon means the lawless one will be revealed this winter. - I'm just a nobody, who is fighting a good fight. [Isaiah 3]

BOTTOM LINE: if everything rotten in the Bible has

to happen, then Jesus Christ died for nothing. marc boyer
POSTSCRIPT: An unillustrated copy of this NOTICE was filed with all the appropriate authorities and it was not posted until after Remembrance Day - No body responding is actually prophecy. The outcome is not predestined - REPENT or PERISH - it's a witnessing by the meek who inherit the earth - FOR MORE INFO [JUST GOOGLE] marc boyer, increationwetrust, for videos and all kinds of links

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