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RAN 6.

1 Features

Security Level:

HSDPA State Transition

1. Introduction
The HSDPA concept is to increase packet data throughput with methods including link adaptation and fast physical layer (L1) retransmission combining, with HSDPA, two of the most fundamental features of WCDMA, variable SF and fast power control, are disabled and replaced by means of adaptive modulation and coding. The idea in HSDPA is to enable a scheduling such that, if desired, most of the cell capacity may be allocated to one user for a very short time, when conditions are favorable. In the optimum scenario, the scheduling is able to track the fast fading of the users. HSDPA Enhanced Package HSDPA State Transition WRFD-010611 WRFD-01061111
Switching from HS-DSCH to FACH

Feature Number: WRFD-01061111 Feature Name: HSDPA State Transition

UTRAN Architecture
State transition process is set in the SRNC, as shown in next figure.


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RAN 6.1 Features

Security Level:

2. HSDPA State Transition Description

This feature enables the UE to perform a state transition among CELL_DCH (HS-DSCH), CELL_DCH, and CELL_FACH. With the introduction of HSDPA, a new RRC state of CELL_DCH (HS-DSCH) is provided. The flowing figure shows the RRC state relation.



(with HS-DSCH)

Channel Switching Between CELL_DCH (HS-DSCH) and CELL_FACH If the HS-DSCH is carrying BE service or streaming service and there is no data to be sent for a long time, the transition from CELL_DCH (HS-DSCH) to CELL_FACH is triggered. Actually this feature is supported in the same way as state transition from CELL_DCH to CELL_FACH. A UE on CELL_FACH will be switched to CELL_DCH (HS-DSCH) due to a higher bit rates request on downlink. Channel Switching Between CELL_DCH (HS-DSCH) and CELL_DCH The channel switching between HS-DSCH and DCH is mainly triggered by mobility management. The transition from CELL_DCH to CELL_DCH (HS-DSCH) can be triggered by periodical retry and the traffic volume The mobility triggering is described in WRFD-01061006 HSDPA Mobility Management feature. The traffic volume report that indicates a higher bit service needs to be transferred. The UE in CELL_DCH will be transferred to CELL_DCH (HS-DSCH) if it is an HSDPA capable cell and the UE has HSDPA capability. This feature enables the UE to enjoy high speed service. If an HSDPA capable UE is set up on the DCH for BE services for some reasons. For example, when the admission of the HS-DSCH fails, a periodical retry mechanism will take action, allowing the UE to enter the CELL_DCH (HS-DSCH). The retry time is configurable. Enhancement None. Dependency WRFD-010610 HSDPA Introduction Package Benefits This feature supports the switching between DCH and HS-DSCH and makes it possible for the UE to enjoy the high speed service. Meanwhile, the system resource is saved in the way of moving the UE to CELL_FACH if the UE is not in active state.


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RAN 6.1 Features

Security Level:

3. Engineering Guide Line

1. Activation in License. 2. Users (UE) must be defined in HLR as follows: Set the Traffic class to interactive or background. Set the service rates to UL 64 kbit/s and DL 768 kbit/s. 3. On the BSC6810 LMT, set BE traffic threshold on HSDPA to 384 kbit/s: SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA: DlBeTraffThsOnHsdpa=D384; 4. Enable UE state transition algorithm switch and HSDPA_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH: SET CORRMALGOSWITCH: ChSwitch=PS_BE_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH-1, HspaSwitch=HSDPA_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH-1;

4. Parameter Detail
ChSwitch=PS_BE_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH-1 PS_BE_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH. When it is checked, UE RRC state transitions (CELL_FACH/CELL_PCH/URA_PCH) for services are allowed in the RNC. -1 means that the parameter is cheked. HspaSwitch=HSDPA_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH-1 HSDPA_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH. When it is checked, UE RRC state transitions to CELL_FACH for the DCCC algorithm of HSDPA services are allowed in the RNC. When the RAB on HS-DSCH is BE service, the PS_BE_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH is required to be checked simultaneously, when the RAB on HS-DSCH is PS real-time traffic, the PS_NON_BE_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH is required to be checked simultaneously.

5. Configuration parameter at RAN 6.1


Configuration Licenses Activation


Function = HSDPA State Transition=ON


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RAN 6.1 Features

Security Level:

Appendix A: Acceptance Test Procedure

T01-0101 Switching from HS-DSCH to FACH Objective
Verify the function of switching from HS-DSCH to FACH.

Network diagram


1. The WCDMA system is operational. The UE is operational. 2. HSDPA cell 1 belongs to NodeB 1. The connection is set up between them. The HSDPA service is enabled. 3. Define the UE on the HLR as follows: - Set the Traffic class to interactive or background. - Set the service rates to UL 64 kbit/s and DL 768 kbit/s. 4. On the BSC6810 LMT, set BE traffic threshold on HSDPA to 384 kbit/s:

5. Enable UE state transition algorithm switch and HSDPA_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH: SET CORRMALGOSWITCH: ChSwitch=PS_BE_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH-1, HspaSwitch=HSDPA_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH-1; 6. On the BSC6810 LMT, start UE tracing.
Procedure Expected result The UE Tracing window shows the following: The RADIO BEARER SETUP message shows that the RB is mapped to HS-DSCH. The RADIO BEARER RECONFIGURATION message shows that the IE RRC StateIndicator on about the tenth line is cell FACH, indicating that the UE transits to FACH state. UE state transition accompanies HS-DSCH -> FACH switching. Remarks

1. Start a PS service using the UE. 2. Do not transmit any data, which will trigger UE state transition

You may modify the value of BE HS-DSCH to FACH transition timer to shorten the time for waiting state transmission, for example: SET
UESTATETRANS: BeH2FStateTransTimer=30;



The service rate of UE must not be below the value of BE traffic threshold on HSDPA at least; After the verification, restore the configuration.


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RAN 6.1 Features

Security Level:

Customer Acceptance Sign-off Sheet

Test category Test item Test sub-item Test result

HSDPA Enhanced Package

HSDPA State Transition WRFD-01061111

Switching from HS-DSCH to FACH





* NA: Not applicable.

Huawei Representative Signature:__________________ Signature:__________________ Date:______________________ Date:______________________

Customer Representative


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RAN 6.1 Features

Security Level:

Appendix B: Abbreviations
3GPP ACK ARQ CDF CDMA CQI C/I DCH DCH-speech E-DCH FACH FDMA HSDPA HS-DSCH HS-SCCH HS-speech kbps Mcps MCS NAK PER QoS RR RACH SF SpF SpFER TDMA TTI UE WCDMA 3rd Generation partnership project (produces WCDMA standard) Acknowledgement Automatic Retransmission request Cumulative Distribution Function Code Division Multiple Access Channel Quality Indicator Carrier-to-Interference ratio Dedicated Channel Dedicated Channel speech Enhanced Dedicated Channel Forward Access Channel Frequency Division Multiple Access High Speed Downlink Packed Access High Speed Downlink Shared Channel High-Speed Shared Control Channel High-Speed speech kilo bit per second Mega chips per second Modulation and Coding Scheme Negative Acknowledgement Packet Error Rate Quality of Service Round Robin Random Access Channel Spreading Factor Speech Frame Speech Frame Error Rate Time Division Multiple Access Time Transmission Interval User Equipment Wideband CDMA


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RAN 6.1 Features

Security Level:

Appendix C: Network Initiated State Transition


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