Ramalan Paper 3 SPM 2012 Edit

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Name: Class:

Paper 1 Paper 2/A Paper 2/B,C Paper 3/A Paper 3/B

: 50 marks 40 : 60 marks 42 : 40 marks 30

: 28 marks 28 : 12 marks 12 190 marks 152



Arrangment of the apparatus Aim of experiment Variables Procedure of the experiment

(1) Effect of force (F=ma)

To investigate the relationship between mass and acceleration m, a force constant

Manipulated : mass//number of trolley Respondin g: acceleration of trolley Constant: Force applied by an elastic cord,F

1. Switch on power supply and a ticker timer. 2. The trolley is pulled down the inclined runway with an elastic cord attached to the hind post of the trolley. 3. The elastic cord is stretched until the other end is with the front end of the trolley. The length is maintained as the trolley runs down the runway. 4. The ticker tape obtained is cut into strips of 10 ticks and the acceleration, produced by the one unit of force is calculated by using the formula, a=vu/t 5. The experiment is repeated with 2,3,4 and 5 trolley

(2) Effect of force (F=ma)

To investigate the relationship between force and acceleration F, a mass constant

Manipulate d: Force applied by an elastic cord,F Respondin g: acceleration of trolley,a Constant: mass//number of trolley

1. Switch on power supply and a ticker timer. 2. The trolley is pulled down the inclined runway with an elastic cord attached to the hind post of the trolley. 3. The elastic cord is stretched until the other end is with the front end of the trolley. The length is maintained as the trolley runs down the runway. 4. The ticker tape obtained is cut into strips of 10 ticks and the acceleration, produced by the one unit of force is calculated by using the formula, a=vu/t 5. The experiment is repeated with 2,3,4 and 5 identical elastic cord.


(4) Velocity and distance of spring compression To investigate the relationship between velocity/speed and distance of spring compression Manipulated : distance of spring compression Responding: velocity/speed Constant: elasticity of a spring/ spring constant 1. Switch on the power supply and ticker timer. 2. Compress the spring by pushing the trolley at a distance, x =2.0cm measured by a ruler. 3. Release the trolley and calculate the velocity of a trolley from a ticker tape by using the formula,

V= Distance traveled,s Time for 5 ticks = s cm 5 ticks X

Arrangement of the apparatus

(7) Pressure and depth of water

To investigate the relationship between pressure and depth of water

Aim of experiment

Manipulated: Depth of a liquid, h Responding: pressure of a liquid, L Constant: density of a liquid

1. The measuring cylinder is completely filled with water. 2. The thistle funnel is connected to the manometer with a rubber tube. 3. The thistle funnel is lowered vertically at the depth of water, h=10.0cm. 4. The difference height of water, L in manometer measured using a ruler. 5. The experiment is repeated with the depth of water,h=20.0cm, 30.0cm, 40.0cm and 50.0cm.

Procedure of the experiment

(8) Archimedes Principle

To investigate the relationship between buoyant force/up thrust and the depth of iron rod in the water/volume of water displaced

Manipulated: Depth of iron rod in the water,L/ volume of water displaced Responding: buoyant force/up thrust Constant: density of a liquid

1. The weight of iron rod in air is measured by using a spring balance,W0 2. The iron rod is lowered vertically in the water at depth, L=5.0cm 3. The weight of iron in the water is measured,W1. 4. The buoyant force,B is measured by using a formula B= W1 W0. 5. The experiment is repeated with depth, L=10.0cm,15.0cm,20.0cm and 25.0cm.


Arrangement of the apparatus
(9) Boyles Law (Pressure and Volume)

Aim of experiment
To investigate the relationship between pressure and volume of a gas PV/T

Manipulated : volume of air in a syringe Responding: pressure of trapped air Constant: temperature/m ass of air inside a syringe

Procedure of the experiment

1. The piston of the syringe is adjusted until the volume of air in the syringe 3 is 50cm at atmospheric pressure. 2. The piston of the syringe is pushed in until the enclosed volume/air 3 trapped is 90cm . 3. The pressure on the Bourdon gauge is recorded. 4. Repeat the experiment for enclosed volume 3 /air trapped in the syringe 40cm , 30cm3, 3 20cm3 and 10cm .

(10) Charles Law (Volume and Temperature)

To investigate the relationship between volume and temperature of a gas

Manipulate d: Temperature of trapped air, Responding: Length of air column,x Constant: mass/volume of trapped air

1. The water is heated and continuously stirred until the temperature of the water reaches 20C. 2. The length of air column, x is recorded using a ruler. 3. The experiment is repeated by increases the temperature 40C,60C, 80C and 100C.

(11) Pressure Law (Pressure and Temperature)

To investigate the relationship between pressure and temperature of a gas

Manipulate d: Temperature of trapped air, Responding: Pressure of trapped air Constant: mass/volume of trapped air

1. The water bath is heated and continuously stirred until the temperature of the water reaches 20C. 2. The pressure of the air is measured by using the Bourdon gauge. 3. The experiment is repeated by increases the temperature 40C,60C, 80C and 100C.

Arrangment of the apparatus Aim of experiment Variables Procedure of the experiment

WATER WAVE (Refraction of water wave)

To investigate the relationship between wave length and the depth of water.

Manipulated: depth of water Responding: wavelength Constant: frequency of water wave

1. Fill in the ripple tank with water at depth 2cm. *2. A piece of perspex plate at thickness 0.3cm is placed at the middle of the ripple tank. 3. Switch on the power supply, vibrating motor and lamp. 4. Freeze the water wave by using the stroboscope. 5. Measure the distance between two consecutive bright OR dark fringes on white paper using a ruler. 6. Repeat the experiment by using a perspex plate at thickness 0.6cm,0.9cm,1.2cm and 1.5cm. * The depth of water also can be adjusted by changing the volume of water.

5 Resistance & Cross Sectional Area MV : Cross sectional Area RV : Resistance CV : Length

2 1. A 1mm of constantan wire (10cm) is

connected between XY. 2. The rheostat is adjusted until the current flows in the circuit 0.5A and voltmeter reading is recorded. 3. The resistance calculated by using a formula, R=V/I. 4. Repeat the experiment with cross 2 sectional area of wire, d =1.5mm , 2 2 2 2.0mm and 2.5mm and 3.0mm .

(3) Resistance and length/diameter of wire

To investigate the relationship between resistance and the length of wire.

1. A 10.0cm constantan wire (s.w.g 28) is connected between XY. 2. The rheostat is adjusted until the current Responding: flows in the circuit 0.5A and resistance of wire voltmeter reading is recorded. 3. The resistance calculated by using Constant: a formula, R=V/I diameter/lengt 4. Repeat the experiment with length h/ of wire, current/resisti L=20.0cm, 30.0cm, 40.0cm and vity 50.0cm. Manipulated: length/diameter of wire/cross sectional area

(4) Energy/Work done/Power/height of the load and magnitude of current/voltage.

To investigate the relationship between Energy/Work done/Power/hei ght /distance of the load and magnitude of current / voltage

Manipulat ed: Magnitude of current Responding: Energy/Work done/Power/hei ght /distance of the load Constant: mass of the load

1. Switch on the power supply. 2. Adjust the rheostat so that the current flow in the circuit is 0.5A. 3. Activate the stopwatch. 4. Measure the height/distance of the load goes up using a ruler in 2 minutes. 5. Repeat experiment with different current, I=1.0A, 1.5A, 2.0A and 2.5A.

Arrangement of the apparatus Aim of experiment Variables Procedure of the experiment

(6) Magnitude of the induced current and velocity/speed/height of bar magnet

the brightness of the bulbs depends on the speed of the /

To investigate the relationship between velocity/speed/ height of the magnet and magnitude of the induced current

Manipulate d: velocity/spe ed/ height of the magnet Responding: magnitude of the induced current Constant: number of turns of the coil

1. The height of bar magnet is adjusted at h = 20 cm. 2. The bar magnet is dropped vertically into the coil of wire. Record the maximum reading of miliammeter. 3. The steps are repeated for h = 30 cm, h = 40 cm, h = 50 cm and h = 60 cm

Arrangement of the apparatus

Speed of the blad depends on the number of speed control of the fan

Aim of experiment


To investigate the Manipulated : relationship current, I between current, I Responding and distance of variable : copper wire distance of wire pushed, x. pushed, x
Constant: stength of magnetic field

- set up the apparatus as shown above. - put the copper wire outside the iron yoke, turn on the switch - adjust the rheostat so that I = 0.1A. - put the copper wire between the yoke and measure the distance moved by the copper rod - repeat the experiment for I = 0.2A, 0.3A, 0.4A and 0.5A

Procedure of the experiment

(7) Magnitude of (induced) current // potential difference (Vs) and number of turns of the secondary coil

Ac power supply Soft laminated iron core OR Ac power supply

To investigate the relationship between the number of turns of the secondary coil and the magnitude of (induced) current // potential difference (Vs)

Manipulated: the number of turns of the secondary coil, Ns Responding: (induced) current // potential difference (output) Constant: input voltage // no of turns of the primary coil // size / diameter / thickness of wire of coils.

1. Set up the apparatus as shown, with a 240 V ac current supply with 50 turns on the primary coil. 2. Set the secondary coil so that the number of turns n = 20 3. Switch on the power supply, measure the current, I (with the ammeter) that passes through the secondary coil. 4. Repeat step 2 and 3 for n = 40, 60, 80 and 100 turns.

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