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In the modern business world, employee are the key players and they have to be satisfied to stabilise the business. Every business man should concentrate in the relationship with their employees, which helps them to attract to work innovatively and initiatively. Welfare measures provided to the customers have to be evaluated and their problems should be cured. In the recent years, the perception and attitude of the employees become different due to the existence of more work load and competition between them. There is a definite need to know about the employees and their needs. Pricol is suffering on lack of smooth relationship between employee and employer. One of the biggest problems is that any employer should have to manage a good relationship with their employees. This is especially true for all business where most likely every employees need should be well known to the employer. The bottom line is that a good employee-employer relationship management practices is essential to any business. Pricol, is a large scale company is facing lack of smooth relationship, decrease in employee loyality and inefficient employees. It is leading to instability in employees retaining status. There are several competitors in the industry. So they are in the compulsion to maintain their good employees and to attract new talented candidates into their business. This made me to involve in this project to know about the Pricol and this would help them to overcome from the problem The main objective of the study is to know about the relationship between the employee and employer and to know about the level of loyality among the employees The researcher had done descriptive research for studying the attitude of the employee. A simple descriptive research design is used when data are collected to describe persons, organizations, settings, or phenomena. Sample design refers to the technique or the procedure the research would adopt in selecting item for the sample. Probabilistic sampling design has been used to conduct the research. Sampling unit is the basic unit containing the elements of a target population. The sampling unit of the study is only the employees of Pricol. Population of this study is the employees of Pricol at Coimbatore. The study contains a sample size of 100 employees of Pricol. Simple random sampling is adopted as sampling technique. It is also known probability sampling where each and every item in the population has an equal chance of inclusion in the sample and each one of possible samples in case finite universes, has the same probability of being selected. The data was collected from the both primary and secondary sources.


Statistical tools used in this study as follows: Simple Percentage Analysis Chi-Square Test

Majority of the respondents agreed that their organization allowing them to participate & to suggest on taking important decisions and the management should also take the key employees to participate while taking important decision. Most of the respondents neither agreed nor disagreed about their knowledge on Organisations objective. The Organisation shoud make the employees to know about the organisations objective. It will be more effective for a MNC Company. The relationship between an employer and its employees is an important factor in the company's success. Employers will treat their employees with respect and visa versa if they all want to succeed and achieve goals. Some companies forget to focus on employee retention and appreciation, and then they lose productivity. Today employers should now be undertaking an in-depth review of their approach to employment relations. Organisations which out-perform their competitors do so because they apply a coherent set of people management and development Successful organisations are increasingly those which have a constructive relationship with employees and a management approach which enables them to develop and draw on the full potential of their people. Considerable improvements have been made to the practice of employment relations in recent years. People are working hard and enjoy going to work. They want to learn. However, while the damaging effects of poor relations have been radically reduced, many organisations are failing to secure the positive benefits that are available from improving them..

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