Kris' Integrity Regarding Martin Armstrong and Book

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Hello has bee quite a awhile since I have written on here.

Since Marty got out, he carried on with his life. I never heard from him. I was accused of soliciting monies in his behalf, which I never did, and everything I did do was either prompted by my then fiancee who was a fellow inmate, or on my own while I recuperated from the almost fatal car accident I had on my way to visit the Prison.

It took me almost a full 3 years to recuperate from that accident after which I had to start my life completely over as I could not work all that time and had to start a new career. at age 50. Which I did! (

I would like to set something straight which Marty wrote on a blog and was brought to my attention by someone who knows I am honest.. When Marty was in the"Hole," I sent out hundreds of e-mails asking for help for him, and one in particular was to a Canadian acquaintance who had same contact which a member of Congress who also was one of Marty's. The awareness of Marty's inhuman trip to the "hole" was now in the hands of this particular member of Congress (I will name in my book). Because of the fact started the buzz within hours of being thrown in the hole, and Marty's personal relationship with the Congressman, the joint effort gained his release. It was not the work of one person. more like dominoes since they weren't even allowing Marty paper in the hole' at one point. I still have in my possession the scraps of newspaper and envelopes he wrote notes and articles to me on! I also still have 2 papers which were never released because I was advised not to by 2 of the advisers I had at the time while I was recuperating from injuries.

There have been some very unkind things said about me by Marty himself, and if he had made one call to me after his release, the misconceptions would have been cleared up. I was accused of soliciting monies on his behalf, which never happened, except if you count the few dollars I received for a new scanner so I could continue to publish his papers--I had no income since 19 broken bones prevented me from working--now I can do a jig!!! I am very grateful. There was one very generous gift I received from a former colleague of Marty's in thanks for all my efforts and to help me get back on my feet. No one had been so caring and thoughtful since the accident , especially not from the man I spent 2 years helping. That one man showed incredible kindness and integrity--there should be more people like him...Thanks to you from Down Under...

I believe honesty, compassion and perseverance are the 3 most important things to live by. The people who know me are aware I am a woman of integrity, and I helped Marty because I was asked to by my fiancee, and I believed Marty really was treated badly by greedy, dishonest people--that was what kept me working so diligently on his behalf, and for no other reason. I even turned down several interviews which could have helped me financially because it wouldn't have been right. Marty had gone through enough.

I hope that someday, Marty reaches out to me when he realizes the truth, because I have nothing to lose by telling it, and a few others DO. When my book is released, well, those who lied will be exposed.

Marty, I really did care about you, what happened to you and I was truly doing everything I could to help you--yet I was treated badly. My main motivation was the thought of the smile on your Mother's face the first time she saw you out of that awful place. I almost lost my youngest son In Afghanistan (USMC), so I know the anguish she must have felt at time. I just wanted you to be safe. I told the truth...

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