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The following draft Minutes of the meeting of the Toronto Police Services Board held on April 05, 2012

are subject to adoption at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

The Minutes of the meeting held on February 16, 2012, previously circulated in draft form, were approved by the Toronto Police Services Board at its meeting held on April 05, 2012.

MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING of the Toronto Police Services Board held on APRIL 05, 2012 at 1:30 PM in the Auditorium, 40 College Street, Toronto, Ontario.


Dr. Alok Mukherjee, Chair Mr. Michael Thompson, Councillor & Vice-Chair Mr. Chin Lee, Councillor & Member Dr. Dhun Noria, Member Ms. Frances Nunziata, Councillor & Member


Mr. Andrew Pringle, Member


Mr. William Blair, Chief of Police Mr. Albert Cohen, City of Toronto - Legal Services Division Ms. Deirdre Williams, Board Administrator




Chair Mukherjee read the following statement: At this time, I would like to acknowledge an important award that was recently announced. The Diversity Business Network has recognized Chief Blair as the 2012 Canadian Diversity Leadership Award winner. The award recognizes an individual or organization who is a 'champion' for diversity and has also achieved success in the implementation of diversity strategies to achieve organizational goals. In announcing Chief Blair as the winner of this prestigious honour, the organization noted his accomplishments and success in making diversity a core cornerstone in our Service and his pro-active approach to diversity leadership, including the development of community partnerships and recruitment programs to ensure that the Service truly reflects Canada's diverse communities. Of particular note was Chief Blairs work in ensuring a more proportional representation of diverse groups in uniform ranks, including those in senior and leadership positions. Indeed, under Chief Blair, the representation of diversity within the Toronto Police Service is at a historical high. Chief Blair, on behalf of the Toronto Police Services Board, I would like to commend you for this significant achievement.

The Board congratulated Chief Blair on this significant achievement. Chief Blair said that the award was due to the work of many members within the Toronto Police Service.




The Board was in receipt of the attached correspondence dated January 19, 2012 from Bonnie Levine, Executive Director, Victim Services Toronto, containing a request to deliver a presentation to the Board on Victim Services Toronto. Mr. Jonathan Maier, Vice-Chair, Board of Directors, Victim Services Toronto, and Ms. Levine, were in attendance and delivered a presentation to the Board. A copy of the presentation is on file in the Board office.

The Board received the presentation and Ms. Levines correspondence and approved the following Motion: THAT the Board direct the Chair to send a letter to the Attorney General in support of Victim Services Toronto and the work that it does.




The Board was in receipt of the following report January 06, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: CITY OF TORONTO - TORONTO POLICE SERVICE: SERVICE EFFICIENCY STUDY, FINAL REPORT TO CITY MANAGER, OCTOBER 26, 2011, ERNST & YOUNG

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive this report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: City Council adopted the Service Review Program at its meeting in April 2011. As part of that program the Toronto Police Service Efficiency Study was conducted by consultants from Ernst and Young. During its meeting of November 24, 2011, the Toronto Police Services Board (Board) received the final report of the City of Torontos Service Efficiency Study of the Toronto Police Service (SES) and requested that I provide my response to the SES back to the Board in January 2012 ( Min. No. P309/11 refers). Discussion: The SES was an extremely ambitious study both in its scope and timelines. The SES examined complex areas of policing and required the retrieval of data and information that was often not in a format readily adaptable for external analysis. The review process required considerable effort by Toronto Police Service (TPS) members who assisted with the study in addition to their regular duties. Significant time was spent explaining the Services legislated mandate, our practises/processes, retrieving data (or in some instances, creating new formats of reporting to assist the review) as well as explaining the structure, organization and meaning of data to assist the City consultants. The SES identifies 6 opportunities for further efficiencies and it projects the potential dollar benefits/savings associated with each of these opportunities. They are as follows:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Staffing Level: Call Handling Time up to $10.1 million Staffing Level: Shift Schedule up to $35.1 million Staffing Level: Civilianization of certain duties up to $3.7 million Staffing Level: Span of Control up to $2.2 million Call Taking and Dispatch: Adjustments to Call taking Standards $300k to $400k Call Taking and Dispatch: Consolidating Dispatch Data $500k to $650k

Recommendations 1, 2 and 4 focus primarily on uniform members assigned to Divisional Policing Command. In addition to the six identified opportunities, the SES makes a number of recommendations for further study; these will be addressed following my response to the 6 financial opportunities related recommendations. 1. Staffing Level: Call Handling Time up to $10.1 million If the TPS were to adopt a staffing model in which 40% of a front line officers time was spent on proactive policing, then based on an analysis of the number of calls handled by officers (reactive time) during 2010/2011 TPS could potentially reduce the complement of officers by 105 to 115 officers resulting in annual savings of between $9 to $10 million (City of Toronto - Toronto Police Service: Service Efficiency Study Final Report to City Manager, October 26, 2011, Ernst & Young, p. 9) Response: The Service agrees that if the primary response units are reduced by up to115 officers the predicted annual salary savings can be achieved. The amount of time that a primary response officer devotes to proactive policing varies considerably based on situations and circumstances. More proactive time might be required to achieve a particular goal. Consequently, the Service is not confident that staffing levels can be fixed and efficiencies maintained through a formula that sets proactive policing at 40%. The proportion of time an officer spends on proactive policing may approach 40% but consistently achieving this percentage is uncertain due to variables in conditions and circumstances. Even the SES concedes that Any discussion which the City may wish to have with the TPSB and the Chief of Police also consider the level of police service required by the City as any reduction in police staff may have an impact on the level of service to the City. Such an analysis was outside of the scope of this Final Report; therefore, the analysis in this Final Report was based on assumption that the TPS would continue to provide the same level of service to the City of Toronto. Survey data collected annually on behalf of the TPS as part of its environmental scan indicates that community members feel safe in their neighbourhoods and in our City overall. Survey data also indicates that our community is satisfied with the service provided by the TPS. Community perceptions are reported as part of the Services environmental scanning document, the most recent was received by the Board in November 2011(Min. No. P281/11 refers).

Similarly, as the Board heard during its November meeting, Toronto is a safe city. In comparison with other Canadian cities, in 2010, 13 cities had a higher total crime rate than Toronto. Torontos violent crime was rated as less severe than 5 other large cities, while homicides are down from 2005 (2011: 47 homicides; 2010: 62 homicides; 2005:80 homicides). The Service has achieved these results with a level of staffing that I believe is appropriate to deliver the standards of service necessary to police our City. The current staffing level has been achieved through strategic analysis and with the Boards and City Councils approval. For example, staffing grew due to the addition of the new 43 Division, the implementation of the Ferguson Report, the establishment of the Safer Communities Grant, the introduction of School Resource Officers, and the addition of officers assigned to police the transit system, to name only a few initiatives (Min. No.s P3/05, P381/05 P409/05, P28/09, P335/09, P58/10 refers). The Board is also aware that the current hiring deferral will likely result in 236 fewer police officers by the end of 2012 (Min. No. P257/11 refers). This means that the Service will, in fact, have exceeded the reduction recommended by the SES in 2012, and this will have implications for the level of service delivered to the City. The Board is also aware that the Service has undertaken a comprehensive review of operations, business processes and organizational structure for the purpose of ensuring the Service is effective, efficient and operates economically. Accordingly, staffing levels and deployment will be part of the review. 2. Staffing Level: Shift Schedule up to $35.1 million If the collective bargaining agreements (collectively, the CBA) could be renegotiated (expiry in 2014) to change the shift schedule for front line officers from a 10-10-8 shift schedule (28 hours per day, including four hours of overlap) to an 8-8-8 shift schedule (24 hours per day) and assuming a proactive policing rate of 40%, then TPS could potentially reduce the complement of front-line officers by approximately 300 officers resulting in annual savings of up to $25 million. On this basis, TPS could realize an additional $10 million in shift schedule cost savings if the balance of officers currently on the 10-10-8 shift schedule were (in addition to the foregoing front-line officers) moved to an 8-8-8 shift schedule (p. 9) Response: The SES analysis contends that if a different shift is adopted fewer police officers would be required. Using the same approach applied as the basis for recommendation 1, the SES suggests that there may be salary savings if negotiations are successful in changing the shift schedule. The SES analysis does not address nor demonstrate that the 8-8-8 shift is the desired or optimal schedule to continue providing current service levels.

The subject of shift schedule has a long history of negotiation, discussion and analysis to identify a shift that best supports the Service in responding to community demands. The Service agrees with the SES that any change in work schedules is contingent upon the successful negotiation of a schedule that is acceptable to the bargaining units of the Toronto Police Association (TPA) and the Board. 3. Staffing Level: Civilianization of certain duties up to $3.7 million TPS has moved to civilianize certain positions occupied by police officers, and there appears to be additional roles which need to be reviewed in further detail to determine whether further civilianization is possible. Based on the analysis detailed herein, there may be as many 227 positions which could be civilianized. This could lead to annual savings up to $3.7 million based on the difference in the average wage of a police officer and a civilian employee at TPS (p. 9) Response: Only recently, the TPS received the listing of the 227 uniform positions identified in the SES that could be civilianized. It would be premature to agree with or dismiss the potential to civilianize the positions identified. However, it is by no means certain that civilianization will lower the assigned salary of any position. This has not been the experience of the Service. Depending upon the education, training and skill-set required for a position, the salary of a civilian member may equal or even exceed the uniform salary. On the other hand, there are ongoing costs associated with the mandatory training for officers that may potentially be avoided by dedicating civilian staff to those positions. Clearly more research is needed. The TPS has a history of civilianizing uniform positions where appropriate; therefore, the Service will examine these suggestions as part of the Service Review. 4. Staffing Level: Span of Control up to $2.2 million A span of control analysis is a technique for determining the number of supervisors which may be required. Based on the span of control analysis for the 17 divisions of the TPS, there were 7 divisions which appeared to have more supervisors than may be required and if the number of supervisors were brought in line with the study benchmark, then the potential savings would be approximately $2.2 million per year (p. 10) Response: The Service has identified a span of control ratio of 1:7 sergeant to constables as optimal for its Primary Response platoons. This ratio was chosen to ensure the availability of road supervisors within each Division or Command at all times.

The TPS Use of Force Committee, Final Report, May 1998, supported the recommendation of a ratio of 1:7 as specified in the Beyond 2000 Final Report, 1994. That report outlines the rationale and factors taken into account in determining the ratio; the factors reflect those cited in the Glendale study. (The Use of Force Committee, Final Report, May 1998 may be found on the Services website under Publications.) It is important to understand that in addition to the factors identified by the SES, Primary Response sergeants also fulfil their supervisory role by attending events and calls for service. In accordance with Service governance supervisors must attend, and have a defined role to play, in such calls as child abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence. It is important to note that in accordance with Ministry regulation and Service governance, only front-line supervisors and other specifically identified officers (i.e., tactical team members or supervisors in high risk plain-clothes units), are issued a Conducted Energy Weapon. The availability of this use of force option in response to calls must also be factored into assessing the appropriate number of supervisors in the divisions. At this time I am satisfied that the span is of control for supervisors is appropriate based upon the roles and responsibilities assigned to these positions. As part of the Service Review span-ofcontrol will be assessed to determine the most effective and efficient ratio. 5. Call Taking and Dispatch: Adjustments to Call taking Standards $300k to $400k On average, call taking staff answer emergency calls within 2 seconds and non-emergency calls within 7 seconds. Based on our analysis of call volumes and TPS maintaining an emergency service level benchmark of 90% within 10 seconds waiting as a minimum standard for all calls, the number of call taking staff could be reduced with annual savings up to $400,000. This will result in longer wait times for 911 callers and the City may not wish to pursue this opportunity (p. 10) Response: The Service has raised concerns about the assumptions of the analysis and the interpretation of the information presented in this section of the SES. I believe it is more important to focus upon the impact of reducing the level of service that would result as a consequence of a reduction in staff. The Service agrees with the SES that reducing the number of call-takers will result in longer wait times for 911 callers and the City may not wish to pursue this opportunity. I do not believe that the benefits of savings that might be achieved through a reduction of staff outweigh the potential impact of the reduction in service contemplated. However, the Service Review will examine the staffing requirements for call-taking to determine if there are efficiencies that might be achieved without compromising the ability to promptly respond to calls for assistance.

6. Call Taking and Dispatch: Consolidating Dispatch Data $500k to $650k Call dispatch staff for four divisions consistently handle less calls on average than the other divisional call dispatch staff. There may be an opportunity to consolidate the dispatch desks for these divisions with potential annual savings of $650,000. (p. 10) Response: As part of the Service Review, the staffing requirements for call dispatch will be examined to determine if a more efficient configuration is possible without compromising service, or public and officer safety. ADDITIONAL SES RECOMMENDATIONS Emergency Management: TPS should evaluate the cost versus benefit of training more PSU officers, which may reduce premium pay costs associated with PS&EM events and planning difficulties. Under the hybrid model described above, a resulting decrease in premium pay may more than offset the fixed cost of retaining additional full-time PSU officers within the PS&EM unit. Assuming the required data is made available, a comparative cost analysis of the two models should validate the foregoing. (p.53) Response: The Service agrees with this recommendation and will incorporate this into its Service Review. Operational response is critical to ensure tactical commanders receive necessary resources and support in a timely manner. The members of the Unified Command should have direct input in the operational/strategic decision making of the EOC.(p.75) Response: As previously expressed to the SES consultants, this is not a reasonable recommendation as the Incident Commander on the Site/Unified Command can not practically be involved with the decision making at the EOC. Their roles and responsibilities in responding to emergencies are different and clearly delineated. Court Time The City Manager requested EY to conduct a preliminary review of TPS service involvement in Court proceedings with a view to identify efficiency improvements and/or cost savings. TPS officers incur a significant amount of time attending Court while off-duty (mainly as a result of a staffing policy aimed to decrease the acquittal rate due to police absence and reduce the impact of Court attendance on operational staffing), which is paid at premium pay rates based on minimum work hours pursuant to the CBA. Although

additional analysis is required, TPS and the City Manager should collectively re-assess the cost/benefit of the existing staffing policy for attendance at Court by TPS versus the level of convictions and related revenue being achieved. (p.93) Response: The Service is prepared to work in consultation with the City to examine potential efficiencies improvements in court attendance. Conclusion: In conclusion, the Toronto Police Service welcomed the opportunity to work with the City and participate in its Service Review Program both in this particular study and others conducted last year. We will continue to work with the City as it addresses its fiscal challenges including the extensive internal review the Service is embarking upon in 2012. Following the Boards approval of the 2012 Operational Budget, I commenced an extensive Service review in order to identify new and innovative ways to deliver policing services in the most efficient, effective and economical way. I have designated Deputy Chief Mike Federico, Corporate Command, to lead this review. Under the leadership of Deputy Federico, research and discussions are currently underway as the terms of reference and review structure is being refined. Most recently, at my invitation, Mr. Robert Wasserman, Chairman of U.S. based Strategic Policy Partnerships, spent an informative morning with me, my senior management team and Board member, Mr. Andy Pringle. Mr. Wasserman is well known in policing circles and has consulted with many policing organizations on many issues including re-design, management and performance. A number of the SES recommendations requiring further examination will be incorporated into my organizational review of the TPS. Deputy Chief Mike Federico, Corporate Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions that the Board may have regarding this report.

The Board approved the following Motion: THAT the Board receive the Chiefs report and forward a copy to the City Manager for comments.




The Board was in receipt of the following report February 13, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: PUBLIC EDUCATION ON THE USE OF THE 9-1-1 EMERGENCY LINE

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive this report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: At its meeting of November 24, 2011, the Board received a report and presentation on the 2011 Environmental Scan. Mr. Mark Pugash, Director of Corporate Communications, was in attendance and responded to a question from the Board regarding steps the Service had taken to educate the public on the proper use of the 9-1-1 emergency line. Mr. Pugash reported that various initiatives were being developed by the Service to better educate the public and that drawing attention to inadvertent pocket-dials is one of the issues that will be emphasized. The Chief indicated that he would provide a report to the Board on the efforts undertaken by the Service in this regard (Min. No. P281/2011 refers). Discussion: In 2010, the Toronto Police Service (TPS) Communications Services (COM) experienced a 7% increase in the total call volume over the previous year. The corresponding increase in total calls dispatched for service was only 3%. Investigation of potential causes for this increase revealed that calls received from cellular telephones had increased and accounted for 55% of total calls to COM in 2010. This investigation revealed that, most likely due to increasing cellular phone use amongst members of the public and their convenience of use over traditional land lines or pay phones, multiple calls were made to COM for the same incident. It also revealed that, in addition to these

factors, others such as design and one-touch dialling have led to an increase in unintended or pocket-dialed calls, as well as misdialed calls. The increase in call volume attributed to misdialed and pocket-dialed calls is not unique to the TPS. Joint discussions with other Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) across the Province, including the Ontario 9-1-1 Advisory Board (OAB) and the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP), confirmed and validated the same concerns regarding these types of call volume increases. In December of 2010, based on this information, COM began analyzing misdialed and pocketdialed calls to 9-1-1. The analysis was used in the development and implementation of public education strategies designed to reduce the number of these types of calls. In April 2011, during Emergency Telecommunicators Week, the Service partnered with several other police agencies in the Province of Ontario and issued a joint press release with the goal of increasing public awareness on the 9-1-1 emergency line pocket-dial issue. The press release received media coverage via traditional methods such as newspaper and television reports. In August 2011, an information booth was set up at the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) by members of COM. Information was provided to the public to enhance awareness of proper usage of the 9-1-1 emergency line, the use of (416) 808-2222 non-emergency line, the availability of Language Line Services for those whose first language is not English, and pocket dial prevention. Pamphlets, bookmarks and colouring books containing age appropriate information were distributed. At the conclusion of 2011, statistics indicated that 18.28 % of all calls to the 9-1-1 emergency line were misdialed calls. In an effort to further increase public awareness, COM partnered with Corporate Communications to launch a year long, comprehensive media strategy using both traditional and social media. Daily interaction with the community through social media web sites such as Facebook and Twitter, along with monthly public releases of internally produced videos for the internet and traditional media outlets, were at the centre of this campaign. On January 9, 2012, the Service held a news conference to launch the public awareness campaign. The Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police, Ontario 9-1-1 Advisory Board and other police services in Ontario participated in the launch. The first of monthly public awareness videos was released and media coverage was extensive for this event. A Facebook page was created in order to provide the public with information including: proper usage of the 9-1-1 emergency line, the non-emergency line and the cellular telephone number access line (*687); the Internet Reporting site; and links to cell phone manufacturers, designed to educate the public on the use of smart phones. The page is monitored and maintained by five (5) trained members of COM. These trained members also maintain their own Service Facebook page and release information on the proper use of the 9-1-1 emergency line and the nonemergency line on a regular basis.

Pamphlets and colouring books have also been made available electronically to the public through both the Kids Zone section of the Service internet website and the COM Facebook page. Pamphlets in ten (10) languages will be made available by April 2012 externally via the COM webpage and internally to all members via the intranet. Corporate Communications produced public awareness videos in twenty (20) languages that instruct members of the public on the 9-1-1 emergency line. These videos include information on what to expect when calling the 9-1-1 emergency line and the availability of Language Line Services. These videos are scheduled to be released in April 2012, during Emergency Telecommunicators Week as part of the public awareness campaign. Conclusion: All of the aforementioned measures have been implemented and will continue to be utilized to enhance public awareness of the proper usage of the 9-1-1 emergency line, to promote the nonemergency line and to advise the public of alternate methods to access services within the City of Toronto. COM management and support areas review call volume statistics on a daily basis. These reports will continue to be monitored to assess the effectiveness of the public education initiatives and to determine the necessity of additional call volume reduction strategies. COM includes call volume statistics as part of the TPS Annual report. Acting Deputy Chief Jeff McGuire, Specialized Operations Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions that the Board may have regarding this report.

The Board received the foregoing report.




The Board was in receipt of the following report February 15, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: PROCESS FOR HANDLING 9-1-1 CALLS

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive this report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: At its meeting on January 20, 2012 the Board approved the following motion: THAT the Chief provide the Board with a report on the process for handling calls that are made to the 9-1-1 emergency line. (Min. No. C28/12 refers). Discussion: The Toronto Police Service (TPS) Communications Services (COM) is the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for the City of Toronto for all 9-1-1 emergency calls requiring a Police, Emergency Medical Service (EMS) or Toronto Fire Service (TFS) response. Emergency calls where the caller initially requires a non-police response are transferred to the appropriate agency with TPS remaining on the line to determine the nature of the call. All audio and data information is captured and recorded. Upon receipt of a call on the 9-1-1 emergency line, the TPS Communications Services receives a voice connection and a data display of either the callers name or address as recorded in the Bell Canada database or, in the case of cellular phones, the address of the cellular tower where the call originated along with latitude and longitude coordinates if available. The data information automatically populates a form in the Intergraph Computer Aided Dispatch (I/CAD). This information, along with the identity of the caller, is verbally confirmed by the 91-1 call taker during the conversation.

As the conversation proceeds further information is obtained. This includes; the nature of the call, when the incident or event occurred, who was involved, the location of the caller, and where the police are required if not to the same location. Additional information may also be obtained such as description of suspects, weapons. For operational purposes, phone call playback capability is available at the desktop for call takers and supervisors. On occasion, review of this audio is required to ensure the correct information has been entered in the I/CAD system. The system does not allow the call takers or supervisors to copy audio recordings; this capability is specifically limited to senior management Audio and Data Systems (ADS) and the Communications Services Training Coordinator. An I/CAD event (record) is created for each call and assigned a unique identifier. Based on the type of call, the event may be sent to a dispatcher as a call for service, or filed for later retrieval if required. Once created all I/CAD-equipped workstations throughout the TPS can view and access the event. In instances where the dispatcher receives a call for service, the dispatcher verbally advises the officers of the details of the event over the radio system and assigns the officers to the event. If the responding vehicle is equipped with a mobile workstation, the event details are also provided electronically. At the completion of a call for service the event is assigned a disposition code and closed. Events can be re-accessed at a later date for updating information as required. Information obtained and created through the 9-1-1 call handling process is captured, timestamped, and retained in accordance with the TPS Record Retention Schedule and Service policy. ADS is a sub-section of Communication Services. This area is responsible for the searching, identification and provision of Communications Services records (computerized and hard copy) and audio records of 9-1-1 incoming calls and dispatch-related audio requested by various sources such as investigators preparing disclosure for Freedom of Information requests. Internal requests to listen to a recording from a front line officer investigating an emergency event may be permitted in certain circumstances provided the requesting officer articulates the operational reason to an Operations Supervisor at Communications Services. Officers are verbally reminded that they may not make a recording of the call and that the request for playback of the call will be entered into the text of the event to become part of the official record. The information added to the record includes the officers name, badge number and unit. These controls are in place to ensure that there is no unauthorized release of 9-1-1 recordings. Event records are available on the live I/CAD system for 144 hours, and are accessible Servicewide by any member who has been granted role-based access. Beyond 144 hours, events are accessible Service-wide through an archived I/CAD Reports database. These records remain available for 5 years to any member who has been granted role-based access.

Service Governance Standards of Conduct Rule 1.2 addresses confidentiality concerns for all members of the Service. Members found in violation of this governance face disciplinary action which may be commenced in accordance Service procedure 13-02 - Complaint Intake. Conclusion: The aforementioned overview of the 9-1-1 call handling process, the procedural processes to ensure that accountability and confidentiality is maintained, and the Service governance that speaks to non-compliance, illustrate the measures in place to provide the community with service in their most critical time of need, while preserving the integrity of the information obtained. Acting Deputy Chief Jeff McGuire, Specialized Operations Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions that the Board may have regarding this report.

The Board received the foregoing report.




The Board was in receipt of the following report February 17, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: ESTABLISHMENT OF A POLICE SATELLITE STATION IN THE LAWRENCE HEIGHTS COMMUNITY

Recommendations: It is recommended that: (1) the Board receive this report for information. (2) the Board forward a copy of this report to the City of Toronto Director of Community Planning, North York District, for information. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Should the Service consider the establishment of a police satellite station there would be significant financial considerations. However, the Service has determined that a police satellite station in the Lawrence Heights Community is not required at this time. Background/Purpose: At its meeting of July 12-14, 2011, Toronto City Council requested that the Chief of Police report to the Toronto Police Services Board, prior to the end of 2011, on options for establishing a police satellite station in the Lawrence Heights Community (Item NY8.46, paragraph 6). Discussion: The options for the establishment of any police satellite station are contained very specifically within the Toronto Police Service procedure 19-09 (Off Site Police Facilities). This procedure was developed to ensure that police resources are used in the most efficient way, having regard to the needs of the community and the interests of public safety.

The procedure establishes specific criteria that must be met before considering the establishment of an off-site police facility: (1) That there exists one or more persistent policing problem(s), other than or in addition to high crime rates, which have not responded adequately to existing methods of delivering police service. A review of the crime statistics maintained by the Toronto Police Service with respect to the Lawrence Heights community (the Priority Area of Lawrence Heights as defined by the City of Toronto), shows that over the past five years major crime indicators (the number of Murders, Robberies, Assaults, Sexual Assaults, Shootings, Thefts of Vehicles, Break and Enters and Mischief) have declined in most categories or stayed within the predicted statistical range. At this time, there is no evidence to support that there exists one or more persistent police problems in the Lawrence Heights community that have not responded adequately to current methods of delivering police service. Furthermore, officers from 32 Division are engaged in a combination of crime prevention, community relations and enforcement activities that adequately address the policing problems of the Lawrence Heights community. (2) That the problem(s) to be addressed require a combination of crime prevention, community relations and enforcement activities different from the service that is currently being provided to the community. The Lawrence Heights community falls within the boundaries of 32 Division. Currently 32 Division has an assigned personnel strength of 249 members, including officers assigned to uniform functions (Primary Response, Traffic and Community Response), officers assigned to investigative units, and civilian support staff. Divisional resources are also supported by Service-wide resources, including members from the Toronto Anti-Violence Intervention Strategy (TAVIS) and members from specialized units such as Forensic Identification Services, Guns and Gangs, Hold Up, Sex Crimes, and Homicide. Presently, as in the past, officers from 32 Division are actively engaged within the Lawrence Heights community addressing safety concerns and using a community based policing model. Officers assigned to Primary Response Unit (PRU) perform patrol duties and answer emergency calls for this community on a 24 hour basis, every day of the year. Additionally, Community Response Unit (CRU) officers and specialized investigative units regularly conduct proactive initiatives addressing specific concerns from members of the Lawrence Heights community. In support of divisional personnel, officers from TAVIS routinely conduct directed patrols and crime-reducing initiatives focusing on this community. All Service initiatives in the Lawrence Heights community are coordinated by the 32 Division Crime Management Team with support units such as TAVIS Rapid Response Teams, to maximize presence, visibility, and effective use of police personnel and resources.

Officers from 32 Division frequently participate in community meetings and forums to better understand local issues and to assist and educate the community about crime prevention and safety, among other issues. Officers participate in local agencies and groups, such as the Lawrence Heights Inter-Organizational Network (LHION) Community Safety Committee, Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC), Yorkdale Shopping Centre, and the Toronto Transit Commission. Officers are also involved and run various programs addressing specifically the needs of youth members of the community, such as the Toronto Junior Blues Hockey Program; the Soccer Clinic; Gallop for Greatness; a Basketball Program; and the MixTape Program at Sir Sanford Fleming Academy. During the summer of 2011, 32 Division operated a crime reduction initiative that involved a dedicated team of officers from the PRU and CRU, working specifically within the Lawrence Heights area to increase visibility, presence, and to provide a quicker response time to serious criminal investigations. The initiative included high-visibility uniform patrols and plain-clothes officers patrolling in the area. As of early September 2011, the initiative had succeeded in bringing about a reduction of the number of incidents of violent crime such as assaults, robberies, and firearms related offences. The Lawrence Heights/Allen Project Management Team for the redevelopment of the Lawrence Heights community has included police representation since 2010 and will continue to do so as the project progresses. This representation has included police input on various facets of the overall project and has included Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) analysis and traffic flow/management issues in the first phase of the redevelopment. (3) That the community needs a specific office location to serve as a focal point to address special problems. Members of the Lawrence Heights community are presently able to bring their concerns and special problems to the attention of 32 Division. The 32 Division Community Police Liaison Committee (CPLC) is also seeking more active engagement and hopefully more dedicated membership and representation from the Lawrence Heights community, to more effectively respond to the community needs. Management from 32 Division has met directly with local political representatives to seek out engaged and willing membership to increase the voice of the community on crime management strategies. In addition, Inspector Doug Quan is the Service liaison to TCHC, working together to address local and city-wide improvements on the delivery of services that affect community safety and satisfaction. At this time, the Lawrence Heights community has not expressed the need to have a different, specific police office location to address their local problems. 4) That the community will have a commitment to participate in the planning, implementation, staffing and evaluation of the facility in cooperation with police personnel.

This item would only apply if the Service recommends the establishment of a satellite police facility. In that case, the commitment of the community will be of paramount importance. (5) That it is realistic to expect the off-site police facility to continue as a temporary solution to a particular problem, subject to reassessment within specified, preset time limits. Similar to the previous criteria, this item would only need to be considered in the case that the Service actually recommends the establishment of a satellite police facility. (6) That there is the necessary mix of resources (financial, Service personnel, volunteers, etc.) to adequately support such an additional facility. The establishment of a police satellite station in the Lawrence Heights community would require the allocation of human and material resources resulting in significant financial costs for the Service on a long term basis. It is anticipated that over the next two years, the Service will lose approximately five hundred officers through retirements and resignations. Furthermore, the Service has entered the second year of a hiring freeze. At this time, the Toronto Police Service lacks the necessary material and human resources to adequately support the establishment of a police satellite station. Conclusion: After a detailed analysis, criteria for the establishment of an off-site police facility have not been met in relation to the Lawrence Heights community. Instead, the current methods of delivering police services adequately address policing issues within this community. The establishment of a police satellite station for the Lawrence Heights community is not required at this time. Deputy Chief Peter Sloly, Divisional Policing Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions the Board may have concerning this report.

The Board approved the following Motions: 1. THAT the Board receive the foregoing report and forward a copy to the Citys Director of Community Planning, North York District, for information; and THAT the Board also send a copy to the City Councillor whose constituency includes the Lawrence Heights community.





The Board was in receipt of the following report March 12, 2012 from Alok Mukherjee, Chair: Subject: COLLECTION OF DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS

Recommendations: It is recommended that: (1) the Board, in order to establish baseline data showing the pattern of contact between the police and members of the community in general, and young people from certain ethnoracial backgrounds in particular, request that the City of Toronto Auditor General conduct a project to collect and analyze data related to such contacts between the police and the community; and, (2) the Auditor General be requested to report to the Board in public on the results of the project, no later than the December 2013 meeting of the Board. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications of this project for the Board. Background/Purpose: In May 2011, the Board approved a policy entitled Collection, Use and Reporting of Demographic Statistics (appended) which provides, in part, that: It is the policy of the Toronto Police Services Board that: 1. The Chief of Police will ensure that the Service establishes a procedure for the collection, use and reporting of statistics related to the grounds prohibited under the Ontario Human Rights Code, i.e., race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status or disability, and that the procedure include provisions to maintain appropriate degrees of confidentiality; 2. The Chief of Police will ensure that the statistics are not to be used by the Service, under any circumstances, to stigmatize, ascribe criminality to, make value judgments on or otherwise stereotype any community based on group characteristics;

3. The Chief of Police will report on the collection and use of statistics from time to time as may be required by the Board. Board Members 4. The Board and Board Members will not use statistics under any circumstances, to stigmatize, ascribe criminality to, make value judgments on or otherwise stereotype any community based on group characteristics. Discussion: Section 1 of Ontarios Police Services Act (the Act) includes the following as some of the principles in accordance with which policing services will be provided: Declaration of principles 1. Police services shall be provided throughout Ontario in accordance with the following principles: 2. The importance of safeguarding the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Code. 3. The need for co-operation between the providers of police services and the communities they serve. 5. The need for sensitivity to the pluralistic, multiracial and multicultural character of Ontario society. R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, s.1. Further, at section 31.(1), the Act stipulates the following as some of the responsibilities of a police services board: Responsibilities of Boards 31. (1) A board is responsible for the provision of adequate and effective police services in the municipality and shall, (b) generally determine, after consultation with the chief of police, objectives and priorities with respect to police services in the municipality; (c) establish policies for the effective management of the police force; (e) direct the chief of police and monitor his or her performance; This report is related to the Toronto Police Services Boards ability to discharge its statutory responsibilities consistent with the principles established in the Act in regard to one particular area, namely, police contact with members of the community.

For some time now, there has been widespread public concern about the nature of police contact with members of the community. In particular, it has been suggested that contact with young people from certain ethno-racial communities is disproportionate relative to all contacts. The concern was articulated in a major series of articles by the Toronto Star in 2000 and, subsequently, in other reports and studies. One such study was commissioned by the Ontario government and prepared by former Chief Justice of Ontario, The Honourable Roy McMurtry, and former Speaker of Ontario Legislature, The Honourable Alvin Curling. The report, entitled The Review of the Roots of Youth Violence, and presented to Premier Dalton McGuinty in November 2008, reiterated community concerns regarding police interactions with racialized youth. In 2010, the Toronto Star carried out a follow-up to its 2000 study, using contact data from the Toronto Police Service. The Stars conclusion was that there had not been a significant change in the pattern it identified in 2000. The Board itself has been committed to equitable and inclusive policing practices. To this end, the Board has taken several measures in the past eight years. These include: making diversity in hiring and promotion an organizational priority; requiring an employment systems review to identify and eliminate barriers in hiring and promotion practices; directing the Chief, and working with the province and the Service, to establish the summer Youth in Policing Initiative (YIPI); initiating a Human Rights Charter Project in partnership with the Chief of Police and the Chief Commissioner of the Ontario Human Rights Commission to promote equitable and inclusive service delivery practices through policies, procedures and training; and, establishing policies related to race and ethnocultural equity, human rights, accommodation and collection, use and reporting of demographic statistics.

The Board Policy on the Collection, Use and Reporting of Demographic Statistics was introduced in 2010 to replace the previous policy, which prohibited the dissemination of racebased data. The policy is attached for reference. The rationale behind this new policy was that it would facilitate the development of programs and interventions based on concrete evidence rather than assumptions and conjectures. The Ontario Human Rights Commission advocates the collection and analysis of demographic data to determine whether services provided by a police service are equitable, inclusive and without discriminatory impact. The policy provides very clear parameters to ensure that such data are not used inappropriately to stigmatize or criminalize any group or individual because of who they are.

Thus, a significant amount of effort has been made by the Board to respond to the concerns that have been raised over many years about the nature of police interactions with different groups that make up Torontos diverse community. However, the Board does not have available to it a concrete quantitative database to assess objectively the impact or success of its initiatives as they relate to the above-cited principles of policing contained in the Act. The Board has, as a result, no baseline or benchmark that it can use to determine outcomes or decide on future objectives, priorities or policies. It is my view that such a baseline now needs to be established. Further, it is my belief that this exercise should be carried out by an external agency in order to ensure its independence and objectivity. I am, therefore, recommending the City of Toronto Auditor General be requested to undertake this project. There is precedence for the Auditor General taking on such requests on behalf of the Board. In 1999, the Auditor General, formerly the City Auditor, issued a report entitled Review of the Investigation of Sexual Assaults Toronto Police Service, which contained 57 recommendations. The Auditor General issued a follow-up report on the 57 recommendations to the Toronto Police Services Board in February 2005. This audit follow-up found the Toronto Police Service had not addressed all of the original audit recommendations and resulted in 25 additional recommendations. The Toronto Police Services Board requested the Auditor General to conduct a further follow-up audit on this matter. In June 2010, the Police Services Board received the following two reports issued by the Auditor General entitled The Review of the Investigation of Sexual Assaults A Decade Later, Toronto Police Service and The Auditor Generals Second Follow-up Review on the Police Investigation of Sexual Assaults. The Auditor Generals Second Follow-up Review on the Police Investigation of Sexual Assaults found that, overall the Toronto Police Service has made significant strides to address issues raised in the 2004 follow-up report of the investigation of sexual assaults. These reports dealt with a critical area of police service, that is, the investigation of sexual assaults in the context of the Boards statutory responsibility related to the management of the Service. They enabled the Board to work with the Service and the community to achieve the positive results that the Auditor General identified and acknowledged in his 2010 reports. The issue of police contacts with members of the community, in general, and racialized young people specifically is one of significant and long-standing public concern. It is appropriate that the Board receive data, analysis and recommendations in regard to this issue in the same comprehensive and objective manner as it did on the issue of sexual assaults so that it can know whether the efforts made to date have been effective and what further efforts are required. The project proposed to be undertaken by the Auditor General would, among other things: review data related to different types of contacts between the police and members of the community in general, and young people from certain ethno-racial groups in particular;

assess whether there are variations in the contacts among groups; identify the reasons for these contacts; examine the impact of these contacts on public safety in the City; consider the implications of these contacts on different groups perceptions of, relationship with and trust in the Service; and, make recommendations for actions to be taken by the Board and the Service to continue to enhance public safety in the City while increasing community trust in the Service.

Conclusion: It is, therefore, recommended that: (1) the Board, in order to establish baseline data showing the pattern of contact between the police and members of the community in general, and young people from certain ethnoracial backgrounds in particular, request that the City of Toronto Auditor General conduct a project to collect and analyze data related to such contacts between the police and the community; and, (2) the Auditor General be requested to report to the Board in public on the results of the project, no later than the December 2013 meeting of the Board.

The following persons were in attendance and delivered deputations to the Board: Nigel Barriffe, Board Director, Urban Alliance on Race Relations * John Sewell, Toronto Police Accountability Coalition * Noa Mendelsohn, Director, Equality Program, Canadian Civil Liberties Association * Moya Teku, Policy Research Lawyer, African Canadian Legal Clinic * Reuben Abib, Black Action Defence Committee *

* written submission also provided; copy on file in the Board office.

The Board was also in receipt of written submissions from the following: Frontline Partners with Youth Network Johanna Macdonald, Justice for Children and Youth Irwin Elman, Office of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth Miguel Avila

Copies of the foregoing written submissions are on file in the Board office.


The Board approved the foregoing report from the Chair and the following Motions: 1. THAT the Auditor General be requested to meet and consult with the Chief of Police and the Police Services Board in the development of terms of reference for this study and identify any procedural issues that may require the Boards direction; THAT police be requested to provide everyone stopped a copy of the contact card (Form 208) made by the officer, including the reason for the stop; THAT the Board request the Chief of Police to report on a quarterly basis on carding activities, including information about the race and ages of those carded; THAT the Board request the Chief to involve the TPS-Diversity Management Unit (DMU), being the subject matter experts in this area, to monitor all carding activities and where there appears to be discrimination that the Chief of Police ensure that the necessary steps are taken to address the matter; THAT the Board request the Chief of Police to provide a status report on steps taken to address the recommendations adopted by the Board and report back in six months; THAT the implementation of Motion Nos. 2 and 4 is subject to a report from the Chief of Police on the cost and operational implications that may arise from these Motions; and THAT the Board received the deputations and the written submissions.







________________________________________________ Reconsideration: At its meeting on May 18, 2012, the Board approved a request to re-open the foregoing Minute pursuant to subsection 24(1) of By-Law 107 governing proceedings of the Board. Chair Mukherjee advised the Board that, although the Minute is an accurate reflection of the decisions made by the Board on April 05, 2012 with respect to seven Motions that were approved by the Board, he requested that Motion No. 2 be amended given that, under the Police Services Act, the Board does not have the statutory authority to direct individual police officers. The Board subsequently agreed to revise Motion No. 2 as follows: THAT the Chief of Police be requested to ensure that individuals for whom a contact card (Form 208) is created be provided a copy of the contact card, including the reason for the stop.











October 18, 2007 Minute No: P332/07 September 23, 2010 Minute No: P247/10 November 15, 2010 Minute No: P292/10 May 11, 2011 Minute No: P114/11 November 15, 2010 Minute No: P292/10 May 11, 2011 Minute No: P114/11 As set out below Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, s. 31(1)(c). Ontario Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.19. Rule 4.3.9 Release of Statistics

Toronto is one of the most diverse cities in the world. The Toronto Police Services Board embraces the diversity of the City of Toronto. The Board is committed to ensuring that the Toronto Police Service will provide services in partnership with all the communities of the City and in a way that is equitable, respectful, inclusive and culturally competent. The Board is committed to improving services to the public. Based on the principle that only what is measured can be effectively managed, the Board believes that it is important to collect, use and report statistics related to the grounds prohibited under the Ontario Human Rights Code. The Board acknowledges that no single statistic is or should be determinative of how deployment decisions are made; rather, such decisions should be based on a combination of considerations because safety in a neighbourhood or the experience of policing by a community depends on an intersectionality of factors. The Board categorically opposes the misuse of statistics in a manner that stigmatizes any community. The Board requires that this policy be implemented in keeping with the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Therefore, in developing and implementing this policy, the Board is committed to working in consultation with the Ontario Human Rights Commission and the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner.

The Toronto Police Service will be permitted to collect, use and report statistics related to the grounds prohibited under the Ontario Human Rights Code, i.e., race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status or disability, as necessary and appropriate. It is the policy of the Toronto Police Services Board that: 5. The Chief of Police will ensure that the Service establishes a procedure for the collection, use and reporting of statistics related to the grounds prohibited under the Ontario Human Rights Code, i.e., race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status or disability, and that the procedure include provisions to maintain appropriate degrees of confidentiality; 6. The Chief of Police will ensure that the statistics are not to be used by the Service, under any circumstances, to stigmatize, ascribe criminality to, make value judgments on or otherwise stereotype any community based on group characteristics; 7. The Chief of Police will report on the collection and use of statistics from time to time as may be required by the Board. Board Members 8. The Board and Board Members will not use statistics under any circumstances, to stigmatize, ascribe criminality to, make value judgments on or otherwise stereotype any community based on group characteristics.




The Board was in receipt of the following report February 24, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: ANNUAL REPORT: IMAGE 2011 USE OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICE

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive the following report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: At its meeting of May 16, 1998, the Board approved a report from the Chief of Police regarding a policy pertaining to requests for the use of the Service Crest. (Min. No. 173/96 refers). The Board approved the following Motion: That the Board designate authority to the Chair of the Police Services Board to approve requests for the use of the Service image, with an annual report submitted to the Board by the Chief of Police listing all request for the use of the Service image. Discussion: A chronological listing of all requests submitted for the period of January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011, is appended to this report. A total of two (2) requests were received, and two (2) were approved. Conclusion: In summary, this report provides the Board with a summary of all requests for the use of the Service image in the year of 2011.

Inspector Stu Eley, Executive Officer, Office of the Chief of Police will be in attendance to respond to any questions, if required.

The Board received the foregoing report.


External Requester Internal Requester Special Olympics Ontario

Habitat for Humanity Toronto

Purpose Use of the Service image to be used on a shoulder flash for the purpose of creating a Hero Bear to raise funds for the Ontario Special Olympics. Use of the Service image to be used solely on advertising and promotional materials for the Habitat for Humanity Toronto 911 Build.

Decision & Date Approved by Chair, Toronto Police Services Board on January 11, 2011.

Approved by Chair, Toronto Police Services Board on January 26, 2011.








The Board was in receipt of the following report January 10, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: TORONTO TRANSIT COMMISSION SPECIAL CONSTABLE PROGRAM

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board not enter into a new special constable agreement with the Toronto Transit Commission. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendations contained within this report. Background/Purpose: On May 6, 2010, the Board formally gave notice to the Chair of the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) of the Boards intent to terminate the agreement. The TTC at that time were invited to provide the Board with a comprehensive summary of the activities undertaken by their personnel for which they believed that special constable authority was required. A summary was received and reviewed by the Toronto Police Service (TPS). After careful consideration and review, it has been determined that insufficient rationale has been put forward by the TTC for special constable status. On October 21, 2010, the Board agreed to terminate the agreement with the TTC effective February 1, 2011. (Min. No. P275/10 refers) At its meeting on March 3, 2011 the Toronto Police Services Board was in receipt of correspondence (Appendix A), dated February 10, 2011, from Councillor Karen Stinz, Chair, TTC and Mr. Gary Webster, Chief General Manager, TTC requesting that the Board enter into a new agreement with the TTC to re-establish a TTC special constable program (Min. No. P51/11 refers). As a result of these discussions, the Board approved the following Motion: (1) THAT any resolution and supporting documentation that may be received from the TTC with respect to entering into a new agreement pertaining to special constables be referred to the Chief of Police; and,

(2) THAT the Chief of Police report to the Board and recommend whether there are bona fide reasons for the Board to enter into a new agreement with the TTC. Discussion: In late 2007, the Chief of Police directed Deputy Chief Warr of Specialized Operations Command to initiate a review of traffic policing activities within the TPS. One of the recommendations contained in the report arising from the review, entitled The Road Ahead, recommended that the TPS create a dedicated sub-unit within Traffic Services to provide an increased level of policing on the transit system to enhance the safe, efficient and orderly operation of the TTC system throughout the City of Toronto. On May 18, 2009, the TPS implemented this recommendation with the creation of the Transit Patrol Unit (TPU) staffing it with 40 police officers. At its meeting of June 17, 2009, the Board approved the following motion: THAT the Board authorize the Chief of Police to initiate discussions with the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) to develop a mutually agreeable transfer of responsibility for public transit and security from the Toronto Transit Commission to the Toronto Police Service (Min. No. P189/09 refers). As a result, the TPS convened a working group representing both the TTC and TPS to research and further develop this concept. A TTC Special Constable Transition Planning Committee (the Committee) was formed. It was co-chaired by then Staff Superintendent Peter Sloly, replaced upon his promotion to Deputy Chief by Acting Staff Superintendent Earl Witty, and the Deputy Chief of TTC Special Constable Operations, Mr. Fergie Reynolds. The Committee established a number of sub-committees to address various transitional issues respecting the possible transfer of responsibility for the special constables employed by the TTC to the TPS as part of the process. These included human resources, legal, operational, planning, logistics and financial issues. Between June and November, 2009, the Committee met on a regular basis to exchange information and clarify issues of concern. As a result of a comprehensive analysis of the situation, it was determined that costs and working conditions, particularly pensions, salaries, and benefits, were substantially inconsistent between the two organizations, thereby making TPS assumption of responsibility for the TTC special constables extremely difficult. The transitioning costs would have been significant and would still have resulted in differential impacts due to irreconcilable comparables in both the short and long term. In light of these fiscal and logistical effects, it was determined that other options would have to be examined to facilitate the TPS assuming responsibility for policing the TTC. As a result of the financial and logistical difficulties in facilitating the transition in the City of Toronto's 2010 budget process and as a cost saving and efficiency measure, City Council approved the following budgetary allocations:

(1) The TPS assume transit policing responsibilities: The TPS complement be increased by 42 police constables and supervisors effective September 1, 2010: and (ii) TPS funding be increased by $1.789 million in 2010. (2) The TTC dissolve the TTC Special Constable Services effective September 1, 2010: (i) No new funding for the TTC Special Constable Services be approved in 2010, including the request for 20 additional Special Constables; (ii) The TTC Special Constables complement be reduced by 102 positions effective September 1, 2010, along with associated expenses; (iii) The TTC provide the City Manager, no later than January 21, 2010, with the 2010 Operating Expenses for the remaining 31 non-special constable staff. On May 6, 2010, the Board formally gave notice, by letter, to the TTC of the Boards intent to terminate the current agreement governing the special constable program. The TTC was invited to provide the Board with a comprehensive summary of the activities undertaken by its personnel for whom it believes that special constable authority is required. On June 23, 2010, the TTC provided the TPS with a report setting out its view on which special constable powers are required by TTC security personnel and the rationale for each. This report was reviewed by the TPS and based on that review, it recommended that the special constable status for TTC security personnel not be continued. A detailed rationale for this recommendation was provided to the Board at its meeting on October 21, 2010 (Min. No. P275/10 refers). On September 30, 2010, in accordance with City Council's decision, an additional 42 police officers were assigned to the TPS TPU. At its meeting on October 21, 2010, the Board agreed to terminate the agreement with the TTC and notify the special constables that it will be considering the termination of the appointments of all TTC special constables, effective February 1, 2011 (Min. No. P275/10 refers). On October 29, 2010, the Board provided written notice to the TTC of its decision to terminate the Agreement. On November 5, 2010, the Board provided written notice to each individual TTC special constable of its intent to terminate the appointment and invited each special constable to make written submissions to the Board. At the December 6, 2010, meeting, the Board considered written submissions received from 59 of the 87 special constables and decided to terminate the appointments (Min. No. C371/10 refers). On December 15, 2010, the Board notified each TTC special constable of the termination of his or her appointment. (i)

On December 16, 2010, the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services was advised of the Boards decision. On February 14, 2011 (Appendix A refers) the Board was in receipt of correspondence, dated February 10, 2011, from Councillor Karen Stinz, Chair, TTC and Mr. Gary Webster, Chief General Manager, Toronto Transit Commission requesting that the Board enter into a new agreement with the TTC to re-establish a TTC special constable program. On February 14, 2011 (Appendix B) the Board provided a written response to the TTC requesting that the TTC provide the Board with documentation approved by the Commission, describing the purpose for which the Commission is seeking special constable status, the specific statutes which the Commission wishes to authorize the appointees to enforce and the circumstances under which the statutes will be enforced. The Board further requested that the documentation also outline alternatives that the Commission has considered and whether there are other powers available to the TTC employees, which would allow them to perform the needed function without special constable status. On March 7, 2011, the Board was in receipt of correspondence, dated March 4, 2011 from Vincent Rodo, TTC General Secretary with an attached document entitled Transit Policing and Security Model. The TTC requested that the Board consider the document at its meeting of April 7, 2011. On October 31, 2011, the Board was in receipt of correspondence, dated October 25, 2011, from Vincent Rodo, TTC General Secretary with an attached document entitled New Agreement between the Toronto Transit Commission and the Toronto Police Services Board submitted to the Board for consideration. The reports submitted by the TTC to the Board entitled Transit Policing and Security Model and New Agreement between the Toronto Transit Commission and the Toronto Police Services Board were reviewed by the TPS and, given that review, it is recommended that the special constable status for TTC security personnel not be continued for the following reasons: The situations described by the TTC as requiring the authority of a special constable to resolve are situations encountered daily by security personnel of such venues such as City Hall, Eaton Centre, Yorkdale, Rogers Centre and Air Canada Centre who, without special constable authority, successfully and legally resolve these situations. In addition, it must also be noted that the TTC have the additional benefit of being able to petition the City of Toronto to pass by-laws, such as By-Law No. 1, to allow for the governing of behaviour on the transit system. The TTC states that special constable status is required to provide full authority to enforce the TTC By-Law No. 1 and a security function to specifically address the TTCs corporate needs and the publics interest to provide a safe and secure transit system. Special constable status would permit TTC Transit Enforcement Officers to deal with situations that are otherwise benign that unexpectedly escalate that may require a level of force, as well as to deal with situations that

involve public safety where it is neither practical or reasonable to await the arrival of police and immediate intervention is required. These justifications provided are predicated on police presence and response times prior to the establishment of the TPU. It does not take into account the increased response capacity to the transit system policing demands, as evidenced by the establishment of the TPU. It is the TTCs position that they require special constable authority to conduct fare inspections and enforcement in subway stations and on customer proof of payment transit vehicles. That authority is already provided to them under the Provincial Offences Act, giving them authority to conduct fare enforcement (Appendix C). With proof of payment being a condition of entry onto the TTC, anyone not paying a fare or failing to show TTC such proof is in contravention of its By-Law and the Trespass to Property Act. A violator can therefore be charged and escorted off the premises. The only authority required is that of a provincial offences officer. The TPU also supports these efforts through enforcement of TTC By-Law No. 1 (Appendix D). In the view of the TPS, the effective and efficient use of existing civilian authority combined with TTC By-Law No. 1 as a control mechanism, will fully meet the needs of the TTC as outlined in their documents, as well as address the needs of the public. The Ontario Association of Chief of Police (OACP), in its Report on Special Constables in Ontario, concluded that Due to the simple principle of supply and demand, what has been created throughout Ontario is a system of two-tiered policing. At one tier is the traditional professional Police Constable. The second tier is populated by special constables. As the demand for policing services continues to be stretched while police services face demands for budget cut-backs by elected officials, special constable agencies have stepped in to fill the void. This will create greater liability for those agencies associated with special constables due to the lack of accountability on the part of special constable agencies. As a result, the OACP called upon the Provincial Government to conduct a total review of the special constable system within the province. The Provincial Government has since advised the Service that it will be starting such a review early in 2012. The Federal Government announced in February of 2011, the introduction of the Citizens Arrest and Self-Defence Act. This act will significantly alter a citizens powers of arrest under the Criminal Code. This may preclude any requirement for special constable appointments as the person employed by a private company for security purposes will have those expanded authorities. The correspondence received by the Board on October 31, 2011, from Vincent Rodo, General Secretary, TTC requested that the Board consider entering into a new agreement with the TTC to re-establish a TTC special constable program. The document attached entitled New Agreement between the Toronto Transit Commission and the Toronto Police Services Board referred to a new model for transit policing and security as well as changes to the Transit Enforcement and

Security Services Department (TESS), formally known as the Special Constable Services Department. The document entitled New Agreement between the Toronto Transit Commission and the Toronto Police Services Board was received and reviewed by the TPS. A comprehensive review was conducted consisting of an analysis of each authority requested, fact scenario presented, existing lawful authorities and proposed special constable authority requested. It is the position of the TPS that, although the TTC reports that it has undergone a restructuring of the Transit Enforcement and Security Services Department (formally known as the Special Constable Services Department) the TTC has not provided any further rationale to support the Board entering into a new agreement with the TTC. Conclusion: The provision of the authority of a police officer to a person, thereby designating them a special constable, has inherent issues that need to be considered. Special constables exercising their authorities are not subject to the statutory oversight and accountability processes as a police officer exercising the same authority. In addition, in granting special constable authority, the Board accepts potential liability for those individuals so designated. The TPS continues to be the principal provider of policing services within the boundaries of the City of Toronto, including policing of the transit system. In light of the enhanced TPS responsibility for policing the transit system and related City Council budgetary decisions, I am confident that the TPS can continue to ensure the safety and security of the transit system, its users and employees, under the current arrangement. Acting Deputy Chief Jeff McGuire, Specialized Operations Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions that the Board may have regarding this report.

The Board was also in receipt of correspondence dated March 20, 2012 from Karen Stintz, Chair, Toronto Transit Commission; copy appended to this Minute for information. The Board received Chairs Stintzs correspondence and approved the following Motion: THAT the Board enter into discussions with the TTC and the Chief of Police with respect to the feasibility of entering into a new agreement regarding a TTC special constable program. Additional information regarding this matter was considered during the in-camera meeting (Min. No. C73/12 refers).


Reconsideration: At its meeting on May 18, 2012, the Board approved a request to re-open the foregoing Minute pursuant to subsection 24(1) of By-Law 107 governing proceedings of the Board. Chair Mukherjee advised the Board that, although the Minute is an accurate reflection of the decisions made by the Board on April 05, 2012 with respect to correspondence that it received from the TTC and a Motion that was approved by the Board, the Board did not make a decision with respect to the January 10, 2012 report that had been provided by the Chief of Police. The Board subsequently approved the following additional Motion: THAT the Board receive the Chiefs report.




The Board was in receipt of the following report February 08, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: EXTENSION OF CONTRACT FOR ON-LINE AUCTIONEERING SERVICES

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve extending the existing on-line auctioneering services contract for a period of two years, from August 1, 2012, up to and including July 31, 2014. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: At its meeting of June 18, 2009, the Board awarded the quotation for on-line auctioneering services to Police Auctions Canada Inc. (formerly known as Rite Auctions), a Division of 1083078 Ontario Inc. for a period of three (3) years effective August 1, 2009 until July 31, 2012, with the Boards option to extend for an additional two (2) twelve-month periods (Min. No. P173/09 refers). The Board also authorized the Chair to execute a contract, including the terms and conditions on behalf of the Board, subject to approval by the City Solicitor as to form. This report is to advise the Board of the results of the on-line auction as of December 31, 2011, and to request an extension of the contract for a period of two years. Discussion: As previously indicated, the current contract contains a condition whereby it may be extended for an additional two (2) twelve-month periods at the sole discretion of the Board. Should the Board choose to exercise this option and extend the contract, all terms and conditions contained within the contract, including a commission rate of thirty-seven percent (37%) of the sale price of each item sold, shall remain unchanged. Historical Revenue: The following is a comparison of the revenue generated at the auctions held over the previous five (5) years:

HISTORICAL REVENUE Increase in Revenue Over Previous Year per Item/Lot


Number of Items/Lots

Gross Revenue

Net Revenue

Average Price Point per Item/Lot

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total

4596 5212 4034 3801 3837 21,480

$ $ $ $ $

247,924.34 279,014.67 216,529.63 221,452.28 296,944.34

$ $ $ $ $

148,754.63 161,509.10 132,631.79 139,514.98 187,074.96

$ $ $ $ $

32.37 30.99 32.88 36.71 48.75

-0.80% -4.26% +6.10% +11.65% +32.80%

$ 1,261,865.26

$ 769,485.46

The fluctuations in the average price point per item/lot are attributable in part to the quality and type of product that has been provided by the Toronto Police Service (TPS) to Police Auctions Canada Inc. The quantity, quality, and type of product designated for auction purposes remains dynamic in nature and cannot be fully quantified or guaranteed. Product availability is dependant upon the type of items seized by members of TPS or surrendered by community members, judicial direction at the conclusion of court proceedings, quality, and suitability for sale. Consumer Information: A total of 554,099 bids have been registered since the launch of the on-line auction on August 1, 2004, up to and including, December 31, 2011, and the web-site has received over ten (10) million hits. Although eighty-two percent (82%) of the winning bids originate from the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), winning bids have been registered from as far away as Germany, Denmark, and Israel. Historically, approximately two hundred members of the community would attend the public auctions held in a brick and mortar setting. Advantages of On-Line Auctions: As is evident by the geographical diversity of the winning bids that have been registered, conducting the auctions on-line increases the accessibility to the process to a much broader spectrum of the community, not just within the immediate boundaries of the City of Toronto. Through the on-line process, bidders and buyers are afforded the opportunity to provide immediate on-line feedback, which allows the process to be transparent, thereby instilling a high level of public confidence.

On-line auctioning occurs 24 hours a day 7 days a week as opposed to public forum auctions which traditionally have been conducted once every five weeks. This expedited processing procedure reduces inventory levels and the stockpiling effect, which occurs when items are held internally until one week before a scheduled public auction. A continuous turnover of inventory results in the reduction of TPS storage and management costs, and in the double handling of property. The renewal of the on-line auctioneering contract for a period of two years, from August 1, 2012, up to and including July 31, 2014, will ensure that storage constraints experienced by the Property and Evidence Management Unit (PEMU) will not be exacerbated. Alternatives Considered: Alternative #1: Conducting On-Line Auctions Utilizing TPS Personnel The utilization of TPS personnel to conduct the auctions directly on-line without the benefit of a third party would be cost-prohibitive. A minimum of six (6) additional clerical personnel would be required to facilitate the web-site development, writing the listing and presentation details of each item, digitally photographing items, preparing the items for shipment, handling customer service inquiries, processing payments, and reconciling financial statements. The top salary of a Class A4 35-hour position in the Unit A Collective Agreement per annum is $64,072.89 (calculated utilizing 2012 salary rates and 25% benefits). The accumulative annual salaries and benefits of the six clerical positions would represent a total cost of $384,437.33. This cost would entirely offset any generation of revenue, and would result in a financial deficit. Alternative #2: Revert to Brick and Mortar Public Auctions This approach is not a viable option for the TPS as it will impede the ability of the Service to minimize existing inventory levels. Historically, auctions held in brick and mortar settings were conducted once every five (5) or six (6) weeks. This resulted in the requirement for the TPS to stock-pile and store inventory while awaiting the auctions to be held. Available storage continues to be a challenge for law enforcement agencies globally. In addition, this approach does not afford the same tangible benefits provided by on-line auctions as outlined previously in this report under the section entitled Advantages of On-Line Auctions. Alternative #3: Issuance of a New Request for Quotation (RFQ) Following the results of an on-line auction pilot project facilitated by edeal Services Corp., the Board approved the issuance of a Request for Quotation (RFQ) for on-line auctioneering services at its December 11, 2003 meeting. (Min. No. P342/03 refers). On April 30, 2004, the City of Toronto, Management Services, Purchasing and Materials Management Division, on behalf of the Toronto Police Service (TPS), issued an RFQ for on-line auctioneering services (RFQ #9109-04-7184 refers). Twenty firms were invited to bid. In addition, the RFQ was posted on the City of Toronto web-site. A mandatory meeting for firms interested in providing this service was held on May 11, 2004. Twelve firms attended the mandatory meeting. Only one firm, Rite Auctions (now known as Police Auctions Canada), submitted a quotation. At its meeting of July 29, 2004, the Board awarded the quotation for online auctioneering services to Rite Auctions for a period of three (3) years effective August 1, 2004 until July 31, 2007, with the Boards option to extend for an additional two (2) twelvemonth periods (Min. No. P228/04 refers). At its meeting of March 22, 2007, the Board exercised

its option to extend the contract for an additional two (2) twelve-month periods (Min. No. P107/07 refers). On March 30, 2009, Purchasing Support Services issued an RFQ for on-line auctioneering services (RFQ #1107835-09 refers). Eighteen (18) RFQ information packages were disseminated to potential vendors. In addition, the RFQ was posted on the TPS web-site. A mandatory meeting for potential vendors interested in providing this service was held on April 17, 2009. Four vendors attended the mandatory meeting. Only two bids were received, and the lowest bid was submitted by Police Auctions Canada. There has not been a significant shift in the on-line auction market place, particularly in the GTA, since the RFQ was published in 2009. Therefore, it is not anticipated that the issuance of a new RFQ would garner any greater interest than was experienced in 2004 and 2009. Client Satisfaction The TPS is satisfied with the existing arrangement and with the level of service and value being provided by Police Auctions Canada Inc. In fact, the quality of the customer service provided by Police Auctions Canada Inc. has been exceptional. The client satisfaction rating on the eBay web-site currently resides at ninety-nine point seven percent (99.7%). The auction company has also been designated as a Top-rated Seller by eBay for consistently receiving the highest ratings from buyers, quick shipment of items, and a proven track record of excellent service. Clients of Police Auctions Canada Inc. include Halton Regional Police Service, Hamilton Police Service, Owen Sound Police Service, St. Thomas Police Service, and the Toronto Transit Commission. Conclusion: In summary, the extension of the existing on-line auctioneering services contract will ensure a seamless and fluid continuation of effective inventory management, reduce storage constraints, maintain exceptional levels of client satisfaction, and ensure compliance with the Police Services Act of Ontario. Deputy Chief Michael Federico, Corporate Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions that the Board may have regarding this report.

Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, was in attendance and discussed this report with the Board. In response to a question by the Board, Mr. Veneziano said that a Request for Proposal was issued in 2009 and that Rite Auctions submitted the lowest bid. The Board approved a contract for a period of three years as well as two extension provisions. The foregoing request is the first extension request. contd

The Board received the foregoing report and approved the following Motions: 1. THAT the Board request the Chief of Police to issue a new Request for Quotations for the provision of on-line auctioneering services, effective August 01, 2013; and THAT the Board agree to extend the present contract from August 1, 2012 to July 31, 2013.





The Board was in receipt of the following report February 15, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: SECURITY/CAMERA SYSTEM AND MAINTENANCE VENDOR OF RECORD CONTRACT EXTENSION FIRST OPTION YEAR

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve the first option year extension of the current contract with Johnson Controls Limited for the provision of equipment, design, installation and maintenance services for facility security and camera equipment for a one year period commencing July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, under the same terms and conditions. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications related to the recommendation contained within this report. The equipment requirements, design and installation services are budgeted and approved on a project by project basis. The required maintenance of the Services facility security system and security cameras is estimated based on installed equipment (at the time of budget preparation) and funds are included in the annual operating budget request. The 2012 operating budget includes an estimate of $270,400 for the facility security and camera system maintenance. The security system estimate is $185,400 and the camera system estimate is $85,000. This budget amount also includes an allowance for unexpected repairs that may occur during the year. Background/Purpose: This report provides information on the Services recommendation to exercise the first option year extension with Johnson Controls Limited (JCL). Discussion: JCL is the current Board-approved vendor of record for the provision of equipment, design, installation and maintenance of facility security and camera equipment (Min. No. P201/09 refers). The current agreement with JCL is for a three year period, expiring on June 30, 2012 and contains two one-year options at the discretion of the Board.

The Service has been satisfied with the performance of JCL with respect to the quality of their services, the added value in design, installation, maintenance and cost control. The first option year extension is therefore being recommended. In addition, at the request of the Service, JCL has provided the Service with some options for potential cost savings and is reviewing its materials price list for any further cost saving opportunities. Conclusion: The current agreement with JCL expires on June 30, 2012 and includes an option to extend for two additional one-year periods. The Service has been satisfied with the performance of JCL over the term of the current contract, and JCL has and continues to work with the Service to identify efficiencies and/or cost savings. As a result, the Service is recommending that the Board approve the option to extend the current agreement with JCL for one year. Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Administrative Command will be in attendance to answer any questions from the Board.

The Board approved the foregoing report.




The Board was in receipt of the following report February 29, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: WRITE-OFF OF CUSTOMER ACCOUNT

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve the write-off of $142,954 owing from the Downtown Towing Group. Financial Implications: The current balance in the allowance for uncollectible accounts is approximately $451,600. The balance is sufficient to cover the write-off of the receivable from Downtown Towing Group. The write-off of the Downtown Towing Group balance will reduce the allowance to $308,100. Background/Purpose: Part IX, Section 29, Subsection (3) of the Boards Financial Control By-law 147 requires that any customer balances with amounts over $50,000 receive the authorization of the Board in order to be written off (Min. No. P132/03 refers). The purpose of this report is to seek Board approval to write off the Downtown Towing Group amount owing of $142,954. Discussion: Downtown Towing Group was one of six operators providing towing and pound services in six towing districts across the City. The company was responsible for Towing District No. 5. On November 21, 2011, the company filed an assignment of bankruptcy, which immediately ceased their operations. On a quarterly basis, the company was invoiced cost recovery amounts resulting from the proration of tows between the six towing companies with which the Service had a contract. Interest was applied to each outstanding balance on a monthly basis when the balance became 30 days overdue. The balance owing represents several invoices and accumulated interest that remained unpaid at the time of the bankruptcy. As the Board is an unsecured creditor and the trustee in bankruptcy has determined that there are limited assets available to any creditor, there is no likelihood that any of the outstanding amount balance would be collected. As a result, the Board is being

requested to approve writing off the balance owing at the time of the bankruptcy. The amount was included in the allowance for uncollectible accounts and will have no financial impact on the Services operating budget in 2012. Conclusion: In accordance with Section 29 Authorization for Write-offs of By-law 147, this report requests the Boards approval to write-off the balance outstanding from Downtown Towing Group of $142,954. Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Administrative Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions from the Board.

The Board approved the foregoing report.




The Board was in receipt of the following report March 02, 2012 from Alok Mukherjee, Chair: Subject: INDEPENDENT CIVILIAN REVIEW INTO MATTERS RELATING TO THE G20 SUMMIT (ICR) - ACCOUNT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve payment of an account dated February 23, 2012, in the amount of $67,766.05 and that such payment be drawn from the Boards operating budget. Financial Implications: City Council approved the use of $480,000 in 2011 surplus funds to continue funding the Independent Civilian Review of matters relating to the G20 Summit (ICR). Surplus funds from the Toronto Police Services Boards 2011 operating budget will be supplemented with surplus funds from the Toronto Police Service 2011 operating budget to make up the $480,000. This surplus amount will be used to pay invoices received from the Reviewer in 2012. The total amount invoiced to date is $872,800.63. The balance of the Special Fund as at January 2012 is estimated at $329,283.00. Background/Purpose: At its meeting on September 23, 2010, the Board approved the appointment of Justice John W. Morden to conduct the Independent Civilian Review (ICR) into matters relating to the G20 Summit. Since September 2010, Justice Morden has submitted the following invoices for services rendered for the ICR: Period Ending October 14, 2010 November 14, 2010 December 17, 2010 January 14, 2011 February 10, 2011 March 14, 2011 April 14, 2011 Amount $24,008.99 $45,402.32 $42,462.62 $19,899.15 $43,165.19 $84,775.57 $64,935.58

May 13, 2011 June 13, 2011 June 28, 2011* July 14, 2011 August 15, 2011 September 22, 2011 October 28, 2011 November 14, 2011 December 15, 2011 January 20, 2012 February 23, 2012

$28,365.43 $64,385.37 $3,295.00 $58,990.88 $27,378.81 $100,448.00 $50,607.60 $64,102.13 $61,870.28 $20,941.66 $67,766.05

* Invoice from the City of Toronto related to the rental of a room for the public hearings. Discussion: I have attached a copy of Justice Mordens most recent account for services rendered up to and including February 14, 2012, in the amount of $67,766.05. A detailed statement is included on the in-camera agenda for information. It should be noted that a reduction of $4,144.50 for fees and disbursements have been applied to this account. Conclusion: It is, therefore, recommended that the Board approve payment of an account dated February 14, 2012, in the amount of $67,766.05 and that such payment be drawn from the Boards operating budget.

The Board approved the foregoing report and noted that a detailed statement of account was considered during the in-camera meeting (Min. No. C76/12 refers).




The Board was in receipt of the following report March 02, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: ANNUAL REPORT: 2011 PUBLIC SECTOR SALARY DISCLOSURE

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive this report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: In accordance with the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996, the Toronto Police Service (TPS) is required to disclose the names, positions, salaries and taxable benefits of employees who were paid $100,000 or more in a year. The report includes active, retired and terminated members. This information, which includes Toronto Police Service and Toronto Police Services Board employees, is also submitted to the City of Toronto Pension, Payroll and Employee Benefits division for inclusion in a corporate report filed, by the City, with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Beginning in 2009, the Ministry of Finance requires that organizations with members seconded to other ministries file the listing of those members with the appropriate ministry. For the 2011 reporting year, TPS had seventeen (17) members seconded to the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and two (2) members seconded to the Ministry of the Solicitor General. Separate listings of the members appearing on the Public Sector Salary Disclosure listing have also been provided to those ministries. Discussion: The Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996 defines Salary Paid as the amount paid by the employer to the employee in a given year, as reported on the T4 slip (Box 14 minus Taxable Benefits total). The salary paid amount includes regular salary, acting pay, premium pay (including court time and overtime), and retroactive adjustments paid in 2011. Beginning in 2010, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) altered T4 reporting requirements. Consequently, payments to

members for retiring allowances, such as sick pay gratuities and the 2011 retirement incentive for senior officers, paid upon retirement or termination are now reported on the T4. However, such amounts are not reported in Box 14 and therefore do not require disclosure as salary paid. Taxable benefits are reported as a separate line item. Taxable benefits for TPS include the value of life insurance premiums for coverage provided by the employer and employer-provided parking. Taxable benefits also include an amount for the standby charge and operating benefit of being assigned and utilizing an employer provided vehicle for non-business related travel. Number of Employees on the 2011 Disclosure Listing (Appendix A Alphabetic order and Appendix B Descending order by salary paid): In 2011, 2,027 employees earned more than $100,000. This total includes 1,569 employees whose base salary is normally under $100,000. The earnings for these employees were the result of their combined base salary, premium pay and other payouts such as final vacation pay. Base salaries have increased over the years due to contract settlements. The increase in the base salaries combined with premium pay earnings is causing more and more members to appear on the salary disclosure listing. In 2011, the top base salary level (including applicable retention pay) was $102,719 for a Sergeant/Detective and $91,398 for a First Class Constable. Premium pay is the result of court attendance, overtime earned when members work beyond their regular shift and call-backs when members are requested to return to work for various operational reasons or special projects. For example, in 2011, the continuation of the Toronto Anti-Violence Intervention Strategy (TAVIS) initiative increased the number of call-backs and therefore, the premium pay earned by members. Provincial TAVIS grant funds are used to fund these call-backs. 19 members of the Service seconded to the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and the Ministry of the Solicitor General have been included in the complete report as their earnings exceeded $100,000 for the 2011 year. Paid Duty Earnings: Most paid duty requests are centrally managed and distributed to units. Members are paid for the hours worked on paid duties by the individuals or businesses requesting the service. Based on an agreement with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), paid duty earnings were previously included in a statement of paid duty income, available to members and reported to the CRA. However, the CRA now requires that paid duty earnings be reported on a T4 separate from members regular earnings. As a result of this change in reporting, the Service contacted the Ministry of Finance to determine if there was now a requirement to report paid duty earnings as part of the Public Sector Salary Disclosure listing. The Ministry has confirmed that since the officers are being paid by the client, the earnings are not considered salary paid under the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996. Therefore, members paid duty earnings have no impact on and are not taken into account in the preparation of the Services public sector salary disclosure listing.

Conclusion: In accordance with the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996, this report provides the names, positions, salaries and taxable benefits of Service and Board employees who were paid more than $100,000 in 2011. The report is provided to the Board for information, and has been forwarded to the City for inclusion in a corporate report filed with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Administrative Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions from the Board.

In response to questions by the Board, Chief Blair said that the Service had taken significant steps to control all expenditures and that it has achieved considerable success in reducing costs Service-wide. The Board was advised that there has been a 25% reduction in premium pay expenditures during the past two years and that all situations which may result in premium pay are subject to intense management scrutiny to ensure that only those expenditures which are necessary are incurred. Chief Blair also said that the impact of inflation and the most recent collective agreement have contributed to an increase in the base salaries for some positions. The Board received the foregoing report.

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname ABBOTT ABDEL-MALIK ABDULLA ACCIAROLI ACORN ADACH ADAM ADAM ADAMS ADAMSON ADELSON AGUIAR AHMAD AIELLO AIKMAN AL-NASS ALBANESE ALBRECHT ALDERDICE ALEKSANDROWICZ ALEXA ALEXANDER ALEXANDER ALEXANDER ALEXIOU ALLDRIT ALLEN ALLINGTON ALLISON ALPHONSO ALPHONSO ALS ALTOBELLO ALTOMARE AMOS ANAND ANDERSEN ANDRICI ANSARI ANSTEY ANTOINE APOSTOLIDIS ARCAND ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG ARNOTT ARODA ARP ARTINIAN ASHLEY ASHMAN ASNER ASSELIN ASSELSTINE ASTOLFO ATKINSON ATTENBOROUGH AUCLAIR AUDETTE AWAD AZARRAGA Given Name DEBORAH LYNN MAHER AL RAHIM SHERI DARLENE CHRISTOPHER ALLAN EDWARD HIERONIM BARBARA ANNE MICHAEL JASON CLAYTON EDWARD JAMES GRAHAM SANDY STEVEN CABRAL MANSOOR ANTONIO SCOTT DOUGLAS WALID JASON JOHN IRVIN JOHN JEFFERY PAUL LUKASZ BRENDAN JAMES CHARLES BOLTON DAVID WALTER LYNNE MARIE DEMITRIOS DARREN LEE MICHAEL DAVID JEFFREY SCOTT ELAINE HUNTER MARK ANDREW WADE LEONARD ANTHONY CHRISTOPHER DOMENIC JOESPH ALDO MARCHELO SEAN DAVID ANIL CARL HENRIK IULIAN ALI AKBAR JASON CHRISTOPHER KEVIN FRANCIS JOHN BRIAN CHRISTOPHER CHRISTOPHER RICHARD FREDERICK SHANE KAREN MARK RICHARD RICHARD DAVID ROBERT KENNETH ROBERT PAUL ROBERT WILLIAM SANJEE JAMES ANDREW PEGLAR MARK NICHOLAS AILEEN ALBERTA ROBERT EDWARD GLENN ANDRE SHAUN DAVID ROBERT GRAHAM STEPHEN JEFFREY BRUCE JANE MARILYN DAVID FRANCIS ASHRAF SAMIR JOSE MATIAS Position Staff Sergeant Sergeant Senior Technical Analyst, Information Technology Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Senior Advisor, Policy and Communication Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Director, Human Resource Management Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Salary Paid $113,743.27 $108,899.47 $125,626.89 $107,644.42 $118,032.02 $103,292.15 $103,205.45 $101,458.48 $113,050.58 $106,238.91 $115,405.60 $108,676.06 $103,919.29 $112,865.56 $140,337.39 $114,489.14 $103,193.99 $115,317.20 $104,867.88 $103,463.77 $104,100.02 $106,205.16 $106,345.21 $104,512.95 $101,333.34 $116,122.70 $106,889.12 $115,825.60 $104,487.58 $112,063.55 $111,858.53 $108,547.30 $107,208.23 $112,034.96 $108,508.60 $133,046.72 $100,864.75 $122,165.93 $100,938.95 $108,607.56 $107,836.33 $100,358.90 $100,211.56 $112,638.01 $113,226.48 $100,430.43 $110,809.70 $105,195.99 $108,208.20 $105,050.26 $107,149.70 $118,192.54 $105,870.00 $114,471.70 $116,065.90 $184,558.96 $110,639.92 $120,451.27 $105,592.97 $102,470.11 $104,719.83 $102,737.08 $102,915.01 $135,071.94 $106,759.84 $127,196.51 Taxable Benefits $826.07 $337.18 $351.45 $771.54 $730.24 $789.64 $780.72 $760.62 $771.54 $789.64 $400.72 $731.29 $746.96 $751.24 $333.75 $731.29 $771.54 $751.24 $771.54 $706.44 $742.23 $781.26 $780.72 $739.89 $769.31 $784.86 $771.54 $771.54 $789.64 $826.07 $826.07 $748.90 $736.77 $826.07 $743.82 $878.26 $769.31 $731.29 $355.72 $742.22 $751.24 $771.54 $733.80 $748.90 $751.24 $748.79 $789.64 $376.57 $751.24 $751.24 $769.31 $771.54 $731.89 $751.24 $364.64 $1,339.06 $297.33 $780.72 $722.33 $733.26 $751.24 $781.26 $789.64 $745.09 $771.54 $780.72

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname BABIAR BABINEAU BACHLY BACKUS BAGSHAW BAINARD BAJ BAKER BALAGA BALINT BANGILD BANKS BANTON BAPTIST BAPTIST BARATTO BARATTO BARCLAY BARENTHIN BARKLEY BARNES BARREDO BARREIRA BARSKY BARTLETT BARTLETT BARWELL BASS BASSINGTHWAITE BATES BATES BATES BATES BATES BAYES BEARD BEAUPARLANT BEAUSOLEIL BEAVEN-DESJARDINS BEERS BELANGER BELANGER BELGRADE BELL BELL BELLEC BELLION BELLON BENNETT BENNETT BENNEY BENOIT BENOIT BENSON BERCHARD BEREZOWSKI BERG BERGEN BERNARD BERNARDO BERNOBIC BESON BEVAN BEVERIDGE BEVERIDGE BEVERS BEVILACQUA BHATHAL Given Name JOHN JAMES JARED MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER DAVID LESLIE DOUGLAS ROBERT BRUCE PAUL CRAIG STANISLAW RICHARD JAMES ARTUR MICHAEL ANDREW JEFFREY WAYNE MICHAEL ROBIN HORATIO CHARLENE M ROBERT SCOTT ANTONIO MICHELLE TERESA TAMMY LYNN GLENN KARL MARK EDWIN MURRAY WINSTANLEY FRANCISCO JAVIER NELSON MICHAEL STEVEN ALAN ANDREW JASON MITCHELL DAVID ERIC LORNE WILLIAM STEVEN JEFFREY BARRY MICHAEL KIMBERLEY MICHELE SANDY TIMOTHY BRIAN WAYNE EDWARD JOHN ARTHUR BENJAMIN JAMES PAUL JOSEPH MARC JOANNA RUTH CLAY ALBERT DANIEL JOSEPH DONALD RENE ALEXANDER NORMAN DANIEL DARYL EDWARD FRANCOIS MARIE LAURENT HUGUES CORINNE BRIAN ROBERT WINSTON ANTHONY PETER JASON REGIS LISABET JANE RODNEY WELLON RENNIE JOHN MICHAEL ANDREW FRANCIS CYNTHIA LEE ISRAEL FARIA KEVIN MARK WILLIAM WILLIAM KATHRYN ANNE LYNN DONALD FILIPPO HARJEET SINGH Position Staff Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Inspector Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Inspector Detective Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Inspector Manager, Telecom Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Superintendent Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Manager, Corporate Planning Detective Police Constable Salary Paid $126,442.62 $103,325.14 $100,698.26 $106,905.31 $103,749.89 $104,773.61 $114,481.78 $106,486.87 $105,100.91 $122,492.89 $106,625.14 $129,624.07 $101,213.99 $114,754.82 $133,046.72 $105,841.71 $114,362.54 $103,326.29 $112,026.52 $130,901.86 $106,973.00 $120,874.42 $101,552.59 $115,951.40 $103,570.59 $103,539.02 $111,678.65 $116,454.10 $100,868.77 $126,911.35 $123,121.77 $116,625.44 $102,908.42 $123,913.19 $106,489.92 $107,796.53 $116,951.73 $109,032.05 $133,046.72 $140,350.52 $106,144.90 $113,793.24 $115,613.16 $114,328.60 $100,879.97 $121,356.86 $113,635.89 $113,927.99 $106,218.54 $107,501.19 $102,580.63 $101,579.35 $112,794.71 $107,430.75 $103,940.04 $108,571.48 $106,898.44 $141,580.79 $113,302.18 $117,960.37 $101,341.62 $103,241.93 $108,189.26 $128,192.14 $100,335.16 $151,425.22 $111,382.84 $107,418.44 Taxable Benefits $401.07 $766.08 $771.54 $784.86 $769.31 $789.64 $789.64 $771.54 $751.24 $771.54 $771.54 $826.07 $780.72 $401.07 $1,073.04 $789.64 $789.64 $731.29 $826.07 $854.88 $771.54 $826.07 $751.24 $819.36 $742.23 $729.94 $718.81 $749.41 $751.24 $671.80 $789.64 $821.16 $789.64 $789.64 $731.29 $750.89 $780.72 $760.33 $1,073.04 $916.00 $780.72 $346.54 $826.07 $816.13 $751.24 $751.24 $731.29 $826.07 $746.96 $807.21 $769.31 $751.24 $820.39 $751.24 $789.64 $784.86 $766.51 $13,148.29 $751.24 $771.54 $722.33 $751.24 $783.06 $788.62 $765.41 $1,182.72 $771.54 $733.80

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname BILAK BIRD BIRRELL BISHOP BISHOP BISHOP BISHOP BISHOP BISSONNETTE BLACKER BLACKLOCK BLACKMAN BLAIR BLAIR BLAKE BLAKELEY BLANCHARD BOBBIS BOCKUS BODDY BOIS BOKALO BOND BOOTH BOPARA BOPARA BORG BORG BORNEMAN BORSBOOM BORTKIEWICZ BOSWARD BOTT BOUCHER BOULET BOURQUE BOWEN BOWER BOWMAN BOYCE BOYCE BOYD BOYD BOYER BOYKO BOYLE BRADSHAW BRAGG BRAMMALL BRANTON BRAR BRAR BRASCA BRAUND BRAUTIGAM BRAYMAN BREEN BRESSAN BRESSE BRETT BRIDEAU BRIGGS BRIGHAM BRINN BRISTER BRITO BRITTON BROADFOOT Given Name STEPHEN KEITH STANLEY JOHN THOMAS ALLAN SCOTT ANNE-MARIE DAVID LEONA STEPHEN PAUL MARCEL FREDERICK GUY ARLINGTON JEFFREY KELVIN WILLIAM STERLING CLARENCE JANICE RICHARD RICHARD ROBERT CORY CHRISTOPHER EDWARD PAUL ROBERT NIKOLAJ MARLIN KENNETH COURTLAND GURMOKH GURWINDER BRIAN SUSANNE JOSEPHENE MARK ROBERT MARCELINUS HENDRIKUS CHRISTINE WILLIAM BRYAN ROBERT DANIEL SCOTT DOUGLAS ROBERT MARC ALAN BRIAN JOHN RONALD ANDREW EDWARD DENIS JEREMY JEFFREY KENNETH KEITH LORNE GORDON MICHAEL SHANE GURSHARNJIT SINGH SHANE GURSHARAN WALTER JAMES RAYMOND JAZEN LORNE GEOFFREY ROBERT FRANCIS LORENZO JEAN BRYAN DONALD RENE ALYRE IAN JOHN NORMAN JOHN WILLIAM SERGIO AGOSTINHO FRANCES ALEXANDER Position Sergeant Project Leader, Information Technology Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Chief of Police Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Inspector Staff Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Manager, Human Resources Support Services Detective Sergeant Inspector Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Superintendent Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Salary Paid $107,316.96 $109,420.92 $121,465.28 $109,214.32 $113,847.31 $117,703.17 $107,190.20 $119,043.25 $101,955.97 $101,878.58 $103,490.07 $112,086.66 $122,404.86 $328,557.60 $104,449.17 $115,754.39 $113,798.50 $124,670.58 $133,046.72 $110,079.48 $115,017.15 $102,103.08 $114,942.43 $110,787.03 $107,948.36 $103,917.63 $135,609.65 $102,035.29 $100,037.34 $108,584.80 $140,350.52 $118,677.71 $132,123.25 $122,076.14 $103,312.46 $120,339.80 $101,618.52 $101,408.22 $123,822.38 $128,514.16 $121,419.49 $100,502.91 $133,046.72 $104,740.48 $109,935.41 $123,078.54 $107,317.19 $102,746.33 $145,594.91 $109,426.34 $108,907.84 $106,431.68 $111,836.93 $103,699.66 $100,203.61 $110,142.53 $150,351.37 $101,896.58 $112,383.64 $102,107.30 $101,020.60 $101,237.76 $107,597.40 $109,648.57 $114,156.95 $103,226.42 $106,876.77 $122,957.76 Taxable Benefits $789.64 $379.32 $760.33 $751.24 $392.08 $819.36 $789.64 $789.64 $762.47 $364.64 $789.64 $821.16 $731.29 $3,559.05 $789.64 $789.64 $826.07 $771.54 $878.26 $392.08 $771.54 $769.31 $789.64 $800.56 $771.54 $780.72 $401.07 $751.24 $766.51 $745.78 $1,126.10 $826.07 $875.26 $780.72 $364.64 $789.64 $363.46 $722.33 $826.07 $826.07 $826.07 $731.29 $1,073.04 $765.11 $768.42 $826.07 $364.64 $771.54 $789.64 $392.08 $724.99 $780.72 $789.64 $751.24 $771.54 $735.57 $8,504.21 $789.64 $722.33 $722.33 $751.24 $328.24 $789.64 $816.13 $751.24 $742.23 $789.64 $780.72

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname BRONS BRONSEMA BRONSON BROOKES BROOKES BROSNAN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWNE BROWNE BRUZZESE BRYAN BRYCE BRYL BRYSON BUCKLEY BUI BULBROOK BULLOCK BURGESS BURKE BURKE BURKE BURKHOLDER BURKS BURLEAU BURLEY BURNETT BURNINGHAM BURNS BURNS BURNSIDE BURROWS BUSTOS BUTTON BYERS BYRNES CACCAVALE CAISSIE CALIFARETTI CALLAGHAN CAMACHO CAMERON CAMERON CAMPANILE CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPOLI CANEPA CANNATA CANNELLA CANNON CANTELON CAPIZZO CAPONE CAPUTO CARACCIOLO CARBONE CAREFOOT Given Name JAMES TANYA LISETTE SCOTT LEVERNE MCCOURCEY RALPH SEAN DOUGLAS JACQUELINE JAMES ROBERT SCOTT DEREK JIMMY TERRENCE DOMENICO KEITH XAVIER ROBERT FRANCIS BOGUMIL LAWRENCE NEIL DONALD TAM THACH CALVIN MILORAD NEIL TROY GARY EDWIN MICHAEL DAVID PATRICK HERBERT CHARLES DEAN MICHAEL JEFFERY DAVID JOSEPH ANSON RICHARD GRANT NEIL ALISON MARION STEPHEN GEORGE SEAN KELLY TIMOTHY SCOTT HARRY SANTIAGO BERNADETTE DEREK JONATHAN ELIZABETH ERASMO PAUL SANDRA ANGELA PETER EDWARD JOSE ALAN NEIL ROBERT EMANUELE BRYAN EDWARD DEBORAH ANNE DONALD ALEXANDER DOUGLAS JOANNE ELIZABETH MICHELLE DIANE NICOLE PHILLIP SCOTT STEVEN ROBERT ANTONIO DAVID ANGELO GIUSEPPE MICHAEL GREGORY GIUSEPPE DINO DAVID JOSEPH JOSEPH ROGER DOMINIC MIKE TODD Position Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Inspector Sergeant Superintendent Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Manager, Financial Management Staff Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Senior Operations Supervisor Superintendent Sergeant Executive Director, Police Services Board Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $114,177.07 $107,285.87 $113,778.35 $119,500.29 $113,969.70 $112,292.16 $109,617.02 $106,808.99 $113,160.66 $112,209.08 $104,562.47 $106,904.14 $127,089.08 $101,987.35 $106,978.68 $104,888.76 $110,195.32 $125,556.29 $106,747.84 $116,449.55 $101,299.67 $112,045.10 $102,569.53 $104,464.54 $109,949.52 $104,470.01 $107,636.25 $113,112.17 $108,167.67 $101,246.32 $100,234.61 $117,123.21 $105,087.62 $107,066.91 $110,402.87 $102,709.51 $104,251.94 $133,046.72 $101,135.10 $145,768.88 $100,524.92 $110,056.70 $140,350.52 $115,768.93 $108,997.98 $109,038.88 $108,035.26 $103,583.17 $102,141.40 $105,510.08 $146,295.76 $109,806.58 $154,567.18 $104,525.90 $104,658.86 $104,697.89 $116,361.36 $135,509.45 $102,239.90 $103,645.95 $111,950.53 $112,503.49 $110,900.66 $115,123.72 $121,798.41 $107,635.96 $128,127.01 $110,963.17 Taxable Benefits $780.72 $320.78 $401.07 $764.41 $826.07 $821.16 $789.64 $752.61 $401.07 $826.07 $746.96 $789.64 $819.36 $788.96 $788.62 $789.64 $749.41 $826.07 $789.64 $769.38 $742.23 $826.07 $789.64 $771.54 $749.41 $789.64 $781.26 $826.07 $745.78 $751.24 $722.33 $826.07 $311.77 $779.15 $722.33 $780.72 $722.33 $878.26 $759.84 $7,694.64 $760.33 $789.64 $916.00 $821.16 $789.64 $769.31 $722.33 $789.64 $771.54 $767.30 $16,018.78 $783.06 $955.80 $326.24 $769.31 $738.72 $750.89 $769.31 $769.31 $731.29 $826.07 $826.07 $780.72 $740.30 $789.64 $771.54 $789.64 $769.31

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname CARGILL CARLES CARLETON CARMICHAEL CARTER CARTER CARTER CARTER CARTER CARVALHO CASCADDEN CASHMAN CASTELL CASTELLUCCI CATENACCIO CATES CATON CAUNTER CECILE CERESOLI CERNOWSKI CHADHA CHAMBERS CHAN CHANG CHANT CHAPMAN CHAPMAN CHARLES CHARUK CHASE CHEECHOO CHELLEW CHHABRA CHIASSON CHILDS CHILVERS CHOE CHOO-WING CHORNOOK CHOURYGUINE CHOW CHRISTIE CHRISTOPOULOS CHUDOBA CHUNG CHUNG CHURKOO CHUTKO CIBULIS CIESLIK CIOFFI CLARK CLARK CLARK CLARK CLARK CLARK CLARK CLARKE CLARKE CLARKE CLARKE CLARKE CLARKE CLAUDIO CLEMENS CLEMENTS Given Name PAUL SCOTT MATTHEW MOSES STEPHEN JAMES STEPHEN FRANCIS DALE MARVA MARIE MAXWELL RANDOLPH SCOTT AVELINO MOTA KELLY GERALD TIFFANY ALICIA ANTHONY MARIO STEVEN RICHARD MATTHEW MICHAEL BENJAMINTHOMAS GLEN MAURIZIO ANDREW JOHN AVININDER COURTNEY ALPHA HAWK-BUNG CHU THAO JAMES ELLIOT KAREN MARK ANTHONY MARK WILLIAM OLIVER NELSON THOMAS STEPHEN AJAY MARCEL ANDRE CYNTHIA CHRISTOPHER CLIFFORD ROBERT DEXTER MICHAEL STEPHEN DMITRY HAROLD PETER GEORGE MYRON PHILIP RYAN ANTHONY DOODNATH DEODATH JAN CLINTON FRANK SUSAN HELENA MARC ANGELO CORINNE JAMIE ANDERSON PRESTON MICHAEL ROY RUSSELL STEVEN TRAVIS DAYMOND DOUGLAS JOHN MATTHEW FRANCIS ROBERT STACYANN MARIA STEVEN F DONALD JEFFREY HOWARD Position Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Project Leader, Information Technology Staff Sergeant Inspector Detective Sergeant Sergeant Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Financial Planner Detective Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Communications Co-ordinator Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Superintendent Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Salary Paid $118,625.29 $102,261.16 $104,552.67 $100,487.80 $103,725.27 $107,803.03 $121,708.56 $133,046.72 $102,856.89 $108,399.78 $102,632.56 $132,123.25 $102,226.33 $103,284.32 $122,615.09 $113,526.63 $100,611.03 $103,604.78 $117,000.12 $101,383.82 $115,127.14 $102,025.52 $116,880.85 $100,854.48 $113,408.09 $111,469.75 $107,386.98 $102,924.76 $117,550.71 $104,013.59 $109,133.78 $102,552.89 $103,703.53 $101,505.01 $115,931.39 $114,428.13 $119,463.45 $107,001.32 $117,022.99 $104,012.86 $105,524.33 $111,111.06 $104,821.12 $102,043.90 $124,260.18 $102,026.56 $104,453.24 $120,267.79 $102,211.14 $108,983.59 $103,105.07 $104,667.58 $104,558.57 $102,139.57 $105,010.55 $132,401.66 $106,516.90 $103,888.19 $114,613.14 $118,742.46 $120,048.43 $158,639.16 $152,693.16 $105,701.05 $111,856.88 $100,073.36 $104,803.48 $109,051.37 Taxable Benefits $780.72 $751.24 $751.24 $771.54 $789.64 $379.32 $826.07 $878.26 $789.64 $780.72 $364.64 $1,068.54 $733.65 $780.72 $722.33 $751.24 $751.24 $732.49 $780.72 $751.24 $995.28 $364.64 $826.07 $760.33 $771.54 $751.24 $771.54 $780.72 $826.07 $789.64 $742.23 $751.24 $789.64 $723.16 $780.72 $825.02 $771.54 $771.54 $751.24 $749.41 $307.09 $780.72 $364.64 $776.45 $789.64 $400.06 $751.24 $771.54 $769.31 $722.33 $766.51 $771.54 $789.64 $341.08 $751.24 $749.41 $789.64 $789.64 $751.24 $769.31 $789.64 $751.24 $7,188.62 $771.54 $401.07 $735.64 $801.57 $749.41

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname CLENDINNING CLIFFORD CODE COFFIN COGHLIN COHEN COLE COLE COLE COLLINS COLLYMORE CONNELL CONNOLLY CONNOR COOK COOKE COOMBS COOPER CORDEIRO CORKHILL CORMACK CORRA CORREA CORREA CORREIA CORREIA CORRIGAN COSCARELLA COSENTINO COSGROVE COSTA COSTA CORREIA COSTABILE COSTELLO COULSON COULTER COULTER COULTHARD COURT COWAN COWAN COWL COX COXON COYNE CRADDOCK CRAGHILL CRAIG CRAMPTON CRANE CRAWFORD CREWS CREWS CRICHTON CRISTIANO CRISTOFARO CRONE CRONE CROOKER CROSBY CROWLEY CURTIN D'ONOFRIO D'SILVA D'SOUZA D'SOUZA DA COSTA DA SILVA Given Name MARK WILLIAM HUGH ANTHONY PETER PHILIP JAMES GARFIELD ALAN LAWRENCE DONALD GREGORY JASON ARTHUR ROBERT SCOTT BRIAN MATTHEW DALE MAUREEN ALICE BRUCE ALEXANDER THOMAS WILLIAM LEE SCOTT ALBERT GEORGE ROBERT ELIZABETT MARIA KAREN LINDA BRIAN JAMES DALE DAVID RODRIGUEZ IRWIN BRYAN MEDEIROS JEFFERY NEIL DAVID ANTHONY SALVATORE SEAN DAVID ANGELO ZENON PIO GINO PATRICK WILLIAM WILLIAM ALLAN JOHN JOHN ALAN JASON MILES ANDREW JAMES ANDRIA JAMES LAWRENCE DARREN ANDREW SHAWNA MICHELLE PATRICK KEVIN STEPHEN DAVID SCOTT DAVID ALAN ROBERT JASON CHRISTIAN ALEXANDER WILLIAM NORMAN GUIDO ANGELO SUSAN TIMOTHY LISA CATHERINE DANIEL PATRICK JANINE HELEN MARGARET ANTONIO ALLISTER RYAN ASHLEY TYRON IAN ANTONIO NORBERTO JOSE Position Detective Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Inspector Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Senior Corporate Planning Analyst Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Training Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Inspector Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Staff Inspector Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Director, Finance and Administration Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Manager, Information Technology Governance Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $111,285.78 $104,056.46 $112,470.30 $106,472.45 $110,680.36 $117,148.65 $113,284.36 $133,046.72 $114,464.22 $108,649.60 $101,887.79 $102,027.08 $110,399.90 $116,728.57 $103,142.84 $132,503.15 $102,410.85 $101,885.78 $103,322.69 $101,685.25 $105,233.84 $105,380.33 $101,603.76 $121,875.32 $102,179.09 $106,494.64 $133,411.13 $109,993.15 $118,250.17 $100,054.86 $106,257.31 $123,169.46 $110,520.89 $103,491.53 $112,088.13 $110,043.67 $111,857.63 $103,224.77 $111,179.94 $103,943.45 $108,727.95 $106,934.88 $112,661.96 $108,075.26 $100,770.89 $119,389.21 $102,571.88 $101,376.53 $106,821.64 $102,484.46 $160,807.74 $101,869.17 $114,697.97 $105,849.63 $136,091.16 $163,459.06 $113,601.78 $119,431.29 $101,500.70 $105,644.82 $104,455.96 $140,350.52 $116,746.96 $104,771.65 $111,661.14 $100,844.92 $110,821.62 $107,126.09 Taxable Benefits $784.86 $722.33 $817.08 $749.41 $817.08 $731.29 $826.07 $1,073.04 $781.62 $789.64 $721.20 $718.81 $745.06 $751.24 $742.23 $731.29 $760.87 $718.81 $780.72 $778.56 $771.54 $780.72 $771.54 $749.41 $746.56 $742.23 $1,074.00 $817.08 $401.07 $751.24 $789.64 $771.54 $750.05 $722.33 $826.07 $789.64 $826.07 $771.54 $722.33 $780.72 $789.64 $789.64 $780.72 $382.76 $723.51 $788.62 $789.64 $786.56 $741.50 $746.96 $9,313.30 $749.41 $401.07 $789.64 $749.41 $1,244.72 $826.07 $842.49 $771.54 $789.64 $789.64 $916.00 $741.45 $748.79 $742.23 $722.33 $740.30 $749.41

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname DAFOE DAL GRANDE DALE DALEY DALGARNO DAMANI DAMASO DANIELS DARBYSHIRE DARNBROUGH DAVEY DAVEY DAVEY DAVEY DAVIDSON DAVIES DAVIS DAVIS DAWSON DAWSON DAWSON DAYLER DE GUZMAN DE LIO DE SOUSA DESILVA DEAN DEARBORN DECOURCY DELPORT DEMKIW DEMOE DENNIS DENTON DERRY DESJARDINS DESMARAIS DESROCHERS DEVEREUX DEVINE DEWLING DEWSNAP DEY DHALIWAL DHATT DI GIACOMO DI PASSA DI PASSA DI POCE DI TOMMASO DIDANIELI DIAZ DIAZ DICK DICKIE DICKINSON DICOSOLA DIGIOVANNI DION DIONNE DIRENZO DISALVO DIVIESTI DIZON DOBBS DODDS DOHERTY DOKURNO Given Name DALE MAURO ANGELO DONALD KEVIN GORDON ZAHIR RODNEY MARK CHARLES JAMES EDWARD DANIEL ROBERT AMY LEE ROBIN THOMAS TIMOTHY JOHN ALAN ROBERT EARLE KENNETH SHARON GEORGE JOSEPH KEITH VICKI NATHAN DAVID NOEL ENRIQUEZ FRANK PAUL JOHN PAUL JULIUS THEODORE JESSE RUSSELL ROBERT FREDERICK JOHN MICHAEL MYRON ANDREY KEVIN AARON MARK KIM WALTER JOSEPH FRANCOIS JOHN PAUL ROGER HENRI CHRISTOPHER LEE PHILIP NORMAN JAMIE DUNCAN ROBIN HUGH SURINDERJIT RUBINDER ROBERTO DOMENICO JULIE EMILIO MARIO ROBERTO ANGELA MARIA PEDRO EDUARDO MICHAEL DAVID CRAIG WILLIAM DAVID THORPE MICHELE GIUSEPPE DANIEL CHRISTOPHER RAYMOND MARTIN SHARON TONY JOSE BENEDICTO CHRISTIAN DANIEL LESLIE GRAHAM BRADEN SPENCER RICHARD MICHAEL Position Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Inspector Project Leader, Information Technology Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Training Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Analyst, Information Technology Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Inspector Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Deputy Chief Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Senior Technical Analyst, Information Technology Sergeant Detective Detective Detective Detective Superintendent Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Salary Paid $108,553.18 $111,787.77 $107,941.15 $115,685.27 $155,293.77 $106,937.47 $110,225.41 $116,532.95 $114,414.24 $121,723.25 $103,147.65 $110,500.58 $103,503.92 $111,067.23 $108,332.55 $118,775.61 $104,086.30 $127,616.21 $111,862.08 $102,951.47 $102,074.39 $102,773.17 $102,946.42 $110,522.81 $126,846.14 $113,646.23 $114,872.80 $106,991.65 $116,937.10 $107,545.52 $125,554.13 $103,501.44 $103,426.68 $114,235.55 $181,278.52 $102,988.17 $106,844.93 $107,655.81 $104,452.72 $102,241.49 $114,950.80 $104,181.33 $129,927.82 $117,122.23 $104,085.12 $106,907.91 $124,919.23 $107,162.73 $104,358.74 $145,768.88 $118,921.89 $100,154.44 $137,736.66 $103,976.12 $104,084.57 $110,528.92 $118,468.66 $133,119.00 $101,574.62 $101,878.58 $101,408.57 $100,338.76 $103,120.44 $104,507.23 $107,615.70 $109,473.67 $100,908.88 $111,219.41 Taxable Benefits $789.64 $749.41 $789.64 $740.30 $938.60 $379.32 $771.54 $780.72 $401.07 $789.64 $326.24 $740.30 $789.64 $396.16 $789.64 $758.88 $789.64 $401.07 $826.07 $789.64 $787.26 $740.28 $745.78 $780.72 $751.24 $351.45 $748.24 $740.84 $826.07 $769.31 $979.30 $789.64 $771.54 $769.31 $9,790.07 $722.33 $731.29 $771.54 $751.24 $789.64 $826.07 $751.24 $789.64 $351.45 $771.54 $771.54 $355.72 $364.64 $789.64 $12,495.92 $825.02 $739.11 $780.72 $742.23 $731.29 $771.54 $780.72 $783.06 $780.72 $364.64 $780.72 $780.72 $789.64 $771.54 $742.23 $746.56 $751.24 $819.36

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname DOMINEY DONISON DONOGHUE DOREY DORY DOUCETTE DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLIN DRAKE DRAKE DRAPER DRENNAN DREWS DRURY DUARTE DUBE DUBREUIL DUCKWORTH DUFFUS DUFFY DUGAN DUKE DUNCAN DUNCAN DUNCAN DUNKLEY DUNLOP DUNN DUNNING DUNSTAN DURAN DURHAM DUROCHER DURY DUTHIE DWYER DZIEMIANKO DZINGALA DZINGALA EAGLESON EARL EATON EBRAHIMI ECKLUND ECKLUND EDGAR EDWICKER ELDRIDGE ELEY ELFORD ELGAR ELLIOT ELLIOTT ELLIOTT ELLIOTT ELLIS ELLIS EMERSON EMIGH EMMS ENTWISTLE ENTWISTLE ERNST ERVICK ESCUDERO WHU ESKEN Given Name PAUL LAURIE KIM TIMOTHY JOSEPH THOMAS KELLY CHRISTIAN GERARD BARBARA ANN JEFFREY STEPHEN MICHAEL CHARLES VANCE KEVIN CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM KIRSTAN GILES CRAIG JASON PAUL JOAO RODRIGO DAVID JEAN SCOTT RICHARD HUGH MARJORIE ARLEEN ERIC BRIAN DOUGLAS JEANINE MELISSA JOY PHILLIP ZVI LESLIE JOHN PAUL BEVERLY ANDREW RICHARD DOUGLAS ADRIAN ROGELIO CAMERON EDWARD DAVID LEONARD BENJAMIN MICHAEL ROBERT ANTHONY STAISLAW EDWARD RICHARD GEORGE DAWN MICHELLE MICHAEL DOUGLAS BRIAN POOYA ANDREW DOUGLAS DAVID GRENVILLE LESLIE ADAM ALEXIS GRACE REGINALD STUART WILLIAM CHARLES KAREN ELIZABETH BENJAMIN GEORGE EVERETT PAUL SHAWN WILLIAM GEOFFREY WILLIAM MICHAEL DAVID TERRY EVAN DAVID JEFFREY BRIAN DAVID WARREN CLAYTON TIMOTHY DALE TSUI-CHEE INDREK Position Detective Police Constable Police Constable Project Leader, Information Technology Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Staff Inspector Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Inspector Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Manager, Facilities Management Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Project Leader, Information Technology Detective Salary Paid $121,575.99 $100,196.69 $107,404.36 $107,431.70 $112,030.48 $101,792.41 $113,436.39 $104,655.07 $110,294.21 $101,939.74 $114,825.99 $109,020.62 $109,874.64 $111,378.97 $100,108.78 $107,288.15 $113,509.28 $106,397.82 $105,780.92 $108,347.13 $103,867.14 $111,527.29 $110,866.24 $101,917.28 $100,196.76 $105,519.57 $105,517.04 $124,413.07 $107,017.95 $115,264.63 $106,161.92 $127,398.39 $105,225.48 $116,596.93 $109,025.15 $107,257.71 $113,030.13 $106,810.57 $104,639.85 $112,013.48 $105,030.70 $109,438.90 $140,315.68 $104,867.38 $103,303.18 $115,524.99 $116,855.16 $108,560.17 $103,373.34 $102,636.24 $133,046.72 $130,290.49 $101,558.81 $102,051.54 $107,824.74 $106,205.81 $102,421.00 $104,084.44 $130,122.12 $101,253.99 $105,003.83 $102,356.43 $105,180.23 $106,629.71 $101,274.27 $112,156.74 $106,825.53 $103,606.29 Taxable Benefits $771.54 $749.41 $749.41 $379.32 $826.07 $751.24 $780.72 $789.64 $751.24 $751.24 $731.29 $789.64 $737.93 $788.62 $734.80 $789.64 $745.00 $789.64 $785.56 $789.64 $780.72 $780.72 $789.64 $788.62 $780.72 $751.24 $751.24 $783.06 $788.96 $749.41 $733.26 $789.64 $725.07 $826.07 $297.33 $771.54 $789.64 $769.31 $769.31 $826.07 $746.53 $771.54 $13,545.50 $722.33 $720.07 $771.54 $771.54 $751.24 $771.54 $789.64 $878.26 $749.41 $760.33 $722.33 $769.31 $781.26 $780.72 $751.24 $648.04 $741.15 $364.64 $751.24 $789.64 $326.24 $324.41 $826.07 $379.32 $789.64

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname ESTEVES EUSTACE EVANS EVANS EVANS EVELYN EVELYN EVEREST EXTON EZEKIEL FACOETTI FAIRCLOUGH FAIREY FALCONER FALKINSON FARAHBAKHSH FARRELL FARRELL FARRUGIA FEAGAN FEBBO FEDERICO FEDERICO FENTON FERADAY FERGUSON FERGUSON FERGUSON FERGUSON FERKO FERNANDES FERNANDES FERNANDES FERNANDES FERNANDES FERREIRA FERRIS FERRIS FERRIS FERRY FIDLER FIELD FIELDING FILIPPIN FINLAY FISHER FISHER FITZGERALD FLANDERS FLIS FLIS FODEN FOLLERT FORCHIONE FORDE FORESTALL FORESTELL FORSYTHE FORTIN FOSTER FOSTER FOTHERINGHAM FOTOPOULOS FOUGERE FOWLDS FOWLDS FOWLER FOX Given Name RUI MANUEL DAVID BART BRYCE JACQUELINE DION JOEL JAMSON JOHN ALFRED CHARLES SCOTT CARL MICHAEL PAUL JAMES STEPHEN RUSSILL GREGORY FRANK JEANETTE ISABEL CHRISTINE MARIE GEORGE MARIE GREGORY DAVID OLIVER MATTHEW MICHAEL MICHAEL DAVID MARK DANIEL HUGH JAY MARIE SCOTT CAVANAGH STEPHEN CHRISTOPHER ROBIN CHRISTOPHER CYRIL KERI ANN MICHAEL FREITAS SELWYN JOHN MARK JOHN KEVIN LISA MICHAEL BERNARD ANDREW CLARENCE CAMERON DOUGLAS SHAWN MICHAEL GIANNI ALAN ALLAN BRADLEY SUSAN THOMAS TODD MATTHEW ALBERT CANDICE LYNN STEPHEN RICHARD ANTONIO RYAN GREGORY MICHAEL ROSS LOUIS-MARIE RAYMOND ANTHONY JOSEPH ROY SCOTT MONTEITH GEORGE CORY TRENTON GORDON BRUCE SCOTT MACKENZIE WAYNE LEONARD JAMES Position Police Constable Detective Sergeant Staff Inspector Sergeant Manager, Communications Services Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Manager, Labour Relations Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Senior Technical Analyst, Information Technology Deputy Chief Superintendent Sergeant Superintendent Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Inspector Staff Superintendent Sergeant Police Constable Superintendent Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Superintendent Detective Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Salary Paid $102,137.53 $110,226.86 $105,779.29 $140,315.68 $104,160.31 $114,347.72 $107,894.22 $106,705.63 $107,913.00 $100,462.72 $110,167.42 $105,149.54 $111,181.22 $112,833.00 $102,147.22 $126,319.00 $105,342.45 $121,799.51 $107,776.03 $105,058.66 $114,616.73 $111,184.27 $203,360.22 $151,435.36 $101,878.58 $151,435.36 $109,980.81 $123,773.62 $114,377.73 $102,002.43 $133,046.72 $149,871.51 $103,249.76 $104,829.21 $151,435.36 $120,462.32 $101,891.68 $103,062.81 $119,415.29 $141,134.16 $104,004.54 $113,755.99 $123,480.95 $105,752.46 $111,802.28 $104,809.95 $115,388.94 $152,803.17 $102,768.67 $116,389.59 $106,281.32 $112,231.22 $101,878.58 $105,453.57 $100,510.59 $113,529.56 $102,067.79 $100,480.89 $120,431.78 $100,694.01 $122,770.27 $105,228.66 $107,264.54 $113,593.57 $101,188.05 $107,528.89 $115,078.52 $102,697.16 Taxable Benefits $722.33 $789.64 $789.64 $14,362.58 $789.64 $992.29 $751.24 $789.64 $749.41 $731.29 $780.72 $749.84 $353.70 $789.64 $789.64 $578.48 $355.72 $401.07 $789.64 $744.22 $780.72 $768.64 $13,044.03 $15,431.40 $364.64 $14,192.64 $789.64 $784.44 $789.64 $731.29 $1,073.04 $9,943.74 $771.54 $722.33 $8,483.19 $748.50 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $358.42 $721.20 $826.07 $297.33 $735.57 $789.64 $780.72 $749.41 $10,492.56 $771.54 $780.72 $780.72 $826.07 $789.64 $789.64 $771.54 $789.64 $783.06 $769.31 $826.07 $731.29 $789.64 $769.31 $780.72 $746.56 $749.41 $780.72 $781.26 $783.06

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname FOX FRANKLIN FRANKS FRASER FRASER FREDERICK FREEMAN FREEMAN FRENCH FRIGON FRIMETH FRITZ FRITZ FROSCH FRY FYFE FYNES FYNES GAGLIARDI GAJRAJ GALDIKS GALLAGHER GALLANT GALLANT GALLANT GALLANT GALLANT GALLO GANJ GARDNER GARRISON GASKIN GAUDET GAUTHIER GAUTHIER GAUTHIER GEE GENOVY GEORGE GEORGE GEORGEFF GEORGOPOULOS GERRITS GERRY GERRY GETTY GETTY GHEYSAR GIANCOLA GIANNOTTA GIBB GIBILLINI GIBSON GIBSON GIBSON GIBSON GIBSON GICZI GIEDROYC GIESCHE GILBERT GILBERT GILFOY GILL GILLAN GILLESPIE GILLIS GINI Given Name STEVEN ANDREW RICHARD RANDY SIMON SPENCER ROBERT ANTONIO RUDOLPH ERIC MICHAEL JEFFREY BRYANT JOHN ROBERT KEVIN DAVID GORDON THEODOR JAY JACKSON RONALD JOHN ADRIAN BRONAGH MARIA VITO SYED SEAN ROLAND GERHARD IAN JAMES DENISE KELLY-ANN ROBERT STACY TIMOTHY DANIEL ARRAN RONALD FRANKLIN HEIDI ELSIE THEODORE DERRICK LEO PAUL RICHARD RICHARD WILLIAM EDWARD SHAUN GLEN KEITH JOSEPH MARCUS WILLIAM KEVIN JOHN DARYLE DONALD GREGORY SHAWN MAKDA FRANCESCO CELESTINO P LOUIS RICHARD ANDREW NEIL GRAHAM JAMES NATHAN EDWARD ROGER JIM FRANK KAROL ZYGMUNT CHAD ALLEN DONNA ELLEN SCOTT LEAH DAWN AMANPREET SINGH JEFFREY JOHN MICHAEL PATRICK DAVID WILLIAM GUILLERMO STEVE Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Inspector Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Staff Superintendent Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Superintendent Detective Sergeant Financial Planner Detective Director, Information Technology Services Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Information Security Officer Inspector Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $109,052.77 $105,061.76 $135,610.93 $104,341.01 $107,854.03 $102,316.54 $100,316.73 $101,358.70 $115,911.09 $110,739.09 $125,148.75 $104,222.18 $115,666.30 $116,844.10 $104,740.66 $101,688.90 $112,039.56 $103,695.34 $104,349.81 $103,444.89 $101,616.73 $101,000.07 $100,026.87 $111,431.64 $111,560.49 $109,872.33 $118,115.88 $108,707.12 $103,855.15 $103,028.55 $107,257.35 $103,440.52 $100,319.16 $103,357.31 $108,717.57 $160,818.35 $116,340.84 $109,263.23 $115,307.58 $100,453.90 $100,621.28 $101,476.47 $127,168.71 $120,069.79 $104,421.67 $161,310.74 $115,288.81 $115,127.14 $124,016.65 $163,459.06 $103,182.61 $108,097.66 $108,918.95 $127,713.01 $122,929.86 $102,641.30 $110,765.40 $104,051.00 $111,425.51 $105,518.49 $107,339.06 $133,046.72 $114,578.62 $118,778.76 $104,681.01 $112,321.53 $109,763.12 $101,901.33 Taxable Benefits $731.29 $769.31 $11,880.06 $789.64 $742.50 $739.09 $738.72 $751.24 $826.07 $760.87 $780.72 $769.31 $789.64 $401.07 $789.64 $760.33 $826.07 $771.54 $771.54 $751.24 $731.29 $722.33 $355.72 $820.39 $789.64 $801.57 $355.72 $751.24 $722.33 $771.54 $407.65 $364.64 $780.72 $780.72 $771.54 $6,260.20 $730.94 $789.30 $789.64 $722.33 $743.46 $732.49 $749.41 $826.07 $784.86 $14,850.90 $401.07 $995.28 $789.64 $1,244.72 $789.64 $789.64 $780.72 $819.36 $834.57 $726.63 $789.64 $780.72 $392.08 $751.24 $804.32 $1,073.04 $815.67 $731.29 $736.36 $736.77 $817.60 $726.63

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname GIRMENIA GIROUX GLANCY GLAVIN GLAVIN GLENDINNING GOH GOLDSMITH GOMES GOMES GONZALES GOOBIE GOODWIN GORDON GORDON GOSS GOTELL GOTTSCHALK GOTTSCHALK GOTTSCHALK GOTTSCHLING GOULAH GOUTHRO GOWANLOCK GRACE GRAFFMANN GRANATA GRANBERG GRANDE GRANT GRANT GRAY GRAY GRAY GREAVES GREEN GREENAWAY GREENWOOD GREENWOOD GREER GREER GREGORY GREGORY GREGORY GREIG GREKOS GREWAL GREWAL GRIALDI GRIERSON GRIEVE GRIFFIN GRIFFIN GRIFFITHS GRIFFITHS GRINTON GRISOLIA GROSS GROSS GROVER GROVES GUEST GUEST GURMAN GURR HABIBULLAH HABUDA HADDEN Given Name FRANCESCO GARY DAVID LYDIA STEPHANY PHILLIP GREGORY DAVID ANDRE PIERRE ERIC CHARLES JUSTIN DAVID SUSAN ELIZABETH ANGELO ENRIQUEZ DERRICK RALPH CHRISTOPHER DAVID EOIN GEOFFREY JAMES ELWOOD BRIAN MICHAEL PAUL JAMES RONALD EDMUND ANTHONY LEO CRAIG JOSEPH CAROL LYNN TIMOTHY GORDON SALVATORE FRANCESCO DINO PIETRO CHRISTOPHER RICHARD CINDYLOU CHRISTINA GLENN PAULINE ROBERT BRANDON LLOYD JOHN COLIN JAMES KIMBERLEY SARA MARIE THOMAS ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT SANDRA ROBERT MICHAEL DHARMENDRA SINGH NARINDERPAL SINGH THIERRY MICHAEL TREVOR SCOTT LINDSAY GLENA PAUL DAVID SEAN RONALD GARY LISA KIMBERLY PAVEL TODD GREGORY DALE KEVIN MICHAEL JACK JACOB JAMSHID JERRY ELIZABETH ANNE Position Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Manager, Human Rights and Employment Equality Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Sergeant Analyst, Compensation and Benefits Police Constable Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Superintendent Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Location Administrator, Document Services Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Project and Policy Co-ordinator Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Superintendent Detective Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Manager, Information Systems Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $100,014.87 $143,607.35 $117,683.21 $109,360.39 $118,803.63 $106,904.62 $130,122.12 $105,395.03 $111,317.08 $119,209.36 $104,055.65 $101,126.08 $110,848.14 $101,889.80 $102,838.71 $103,485.36 $111,362.06 $112,757.82 $112,069.98 $165,579.47 $100,851.09 $103,233.59 $103,592.21 $109,127.96 $100,882.44 $111,860.38 $103,009.62 $102,068.02 $109,386.29 $107,377.93 $115,127.14 $113,900.07 $129,437.30 $101,797.61 $100,376.25 $105,326.96 $111,860.18 $113,316.43 $153,259.10 $113,851.80 $114,154.86 $109,756.67 $102,105.39 $100,534.24 $111,960.96 $118,349.41 $109,167.72 $101,202.49 $111,151.43 $100,925.61 $104,064.17 $101,064.25 $100,263.66 $116,289.61 $102,173.42 $117,644.05 $100,859.92 $127,496.75 $140,350.52 $101,611.07 $101,878.58 $101,878.58 $111,526.61 $108,963.83 $103,556.77 $103,233.64 $105,536.87 $110,930.96 Taxable Benefits $731.29 $401.07 $740.30 $817.08 $789.64 $789.64 $453.26 $771.54 $751.24 $780.72 $731.29 $769.31 $780.72 $780.72 $652.12 $749.41 $817.08 $826.07 $401.07 $11,508.62 $731.29 $751.24 $780.72 $619.73 $740.30 $401.07 $781.62 $780.72 $750.46 $750.04 $995.28 $826.07 $823.27 $360.56 $721.20 $789.64 $826.07 $826.07 $11,087.10 $826.07 $780.72 $817.60 $789.64 $780.72 $789.64 $780.72 $751.24 $722.33 $780.72 $780.72 $742.23 $744.51 $749.41 $789.64 $781.62 $401.07 $355.72 $826.07 $1,126.10 $780.72 $789.64 $364.64 $825.02 $789.64 $771.54 $720.07 $769.31 $315.30

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname HAFIZ HAGERMAN HAINES HAINES HAITZER HAJI HALE HALJASTE HALL HALL HALL HALL HALMAN HAMILTON-GREENER HAMPSON HANCOCK HANCOCK HANDSOR HANLON HANS HARGAN HARLOCK HARMSEN HARNETT HARNISH HAROON HARRAS HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS HART HARTFORD HARTFORD HARVEY HARVEY HASSALL HATCHARD HAUNTS HAWCO HAWRYLIW HAYES HAYES HAYES HAYLES HAYNES HAYWARD HEALY HEANEY HEARD HEARD HEGARTY HEGEDUS HEILIMO HEITZNER HENDERSON HENDERSON HENDRICKS HENKEL HENRY HENRY HESSE HEUGHAN HEWITT HEWNER HEWSON HEWSON HIBBELN Given Name AMIN DAVID DAVID PAUL KEITH GARY MOHAMMAD ABID DONALD MARK HARIVALD ALVIN DALTON JOHN NEIL HARCOURT WILLIAM MICHAEL DARREN MICHAEL SCOTT ANDREW JANINE RHONA KIMBERLY PHILIP ALLEN ERIN VALENTINE DALJIT ROBERT DAVID PETER ROBERT MICHAEL STEVENS USMAN JOHN DAVID DEBBIE RICHARD VICTOR STEPHEN ARTHUR DOUGLAS DEBORAH THOMAS JOSEPH MARK ROBERT ANDREW CINDI GAIL ALAN BERNARD THOMAS KERRY-ANNE ASHLEY JEAN JEREMY MATTHEW ROY EDWARD MICHAEL BANCROFT ERNEST DAVID MARK MICHAEL DAVID GERALD CHRISTOPHER SHAYNE JASON MARK NATALIE MONIQUE RICHARD KARL ROBERT MATTHEW GEOFFREY PAUL NORMAN GEORGE KEITH HEINZ ANN-MARIE PATRICIA PETER GEOFFREY DEBORAH STEPHEN MARK ELIZABETH JANINE BROOKE LESLIE KENT PHILIP JOSEPH Position Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Staff Inspector Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Senior Operations Supervisor Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Inspector Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Administrator, Fleet and Materials Management Detective Detective Manager, Compensation and Human Resource Systems Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Manager, Budgeting and Control Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Salary Paid $108,321.89 $117,087.14 $103,089.19 $118,502.34 $101,878.58 $104,972.20 $111,859.58 $111,380.11 $106,852.90 $100,949.78 $123,595.79 $114,630.06 $111,351.29 $111,875.66 $119,452.66 $100,803.14 $103,584.35 $111,219.90 $111,149.60 $105,889.61 $112,930.89 $112,207.44 $135,844.61 $118,868.63 $106,887.63 $110,733.56 $115,116.56 $113,414.67 $142,063.59 $108,349.78 $140,315.68 $116,916.98 $102,667.08 $106,972.05 $110,524.54 $106,853.27 $104,170.91 $100,111.57 $113,970.59 $105,946.69 $111,860.70 $108,279.81 $118,805.23 $100,667.11 $105,627.44 $100,834.31 $162,771.63 $108,449.36 $111,743.10 $112,988.78 $101,900.06 $103,059.61 $136,177.41 $112,056.11 $110,140.83 $101,655.35 $151,425.22 $101,878.58 $108,190.86 $126,167.65 $113,156.37 $104,310.39 $111,693.62 $140,184.58 $144,449.16 $119,003.67 $101,927.55 $105,434.42 Taxable Benefits $789.64 $769.31 $771.54 $826.07 $789.64 $722.33 $826.07 $736.77 $780.72 $749.41 $751.24 $735.57 $817.08 $810.45 $731.29 $780.72 $358.06 $771.54 $742.23 $786.92 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $780.72 $731.29 $722.33 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $339.52 $13,957.70 $789.64 $789.64 $364.64 $780.72 $789.64 $769.31 $731.29 $826.07 $780.72 $767.30 $727.79 $771.54 $760.87 $771.54 $751.24 $789.64 $789.64 $392.08 $780.72 $326.24 $355.72 $1,068.54 $826.07 $780.72 $736.75 $1,182.72 $364.64 $784.86 $1,036.38 $817.60 $789.64 $749.41 $734.03 $1,146.78 $751.24 $789.64 $364.64

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname HICKMOTT HICKS HICKS HIGO HILDRED HILL HILL HILLIER HILTON HIND HINES HISCOX HO HOBOR HODGERT HODGINS HODKIN HOELLER HOFFMAN HOGAN HOLDER HOLLAND HOLLYWOOD HOLMES HOLT HONG HOOPER HOOVER HOPTON HORNBY HORNER HORTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOVEY HOWARD HOWARD HOWELL HOWELL HOWELL HREPIC HRYHORSKY HUBBARD HUBER HUGHES HUGHES HUGHES HUGHSON HUMFREY HUNG HUNT HUNT HUNT HUNTE HUNTER HURLEY HURLEY HUSAIN HUSSEIN HUTCHEON HWANG IANCU IDSINGA IHASZ ILSON IMRIE INNES IONTA Given Name MARCIE LYNN LAWRENCE STEPHEN TODD ELLIOT LESLEY IRA NORMAN SHANE JASON SABINO TYRONE CHRISTOPHER D'ARCY LIAM GORDON IAN PATRICK JAMES KENNY KONG-LEUNG TERENCE ALEC DOUGLAS MARK GREGORY JASON JOSEPH CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER GREGORY RODNEY JAMES PAUL MARK LEWIS NEIL JOHN GLENN ANDREW KEVIN JOSEPH BRADLEY RICHARD FREDERICK GREGORY ALLEN GAVIN BRIAN DEBRA JEANETTE MARIE GWENYTH ELDON SHAWN JEFFREY JOHN WAYNE VINCENT MARIO MICHAEL THOMAS SIMON ERWIN WERNER GUY LYNN TRUDY REGINALD GUY ROBERT JAMES CHRISTOPHER DAVID GLEN STEPHEN ROBERT KAREN JASON COLIN JASON LESLIE WILLIAM ANTHONY MOHAMMED SALEEM RIYAZ WILLIAM THOMAS YUNG-YIH VLADIM ADRIAN HANK JOHN CHRISTOPHER DANIEL JAMES THOMAS ALLEN RONALD ALESSANDRO Position Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Inspector Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Analyst, Compensation and Benefits Detective Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Inspector Detective Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Salary Paid $100,752.65 $110,709.70 $103,053.34 $106,131.30 $113,575.45 $121,144.14 $116,321.96 $104,388.31 $108,353.65 $113,874.24 $103,565.81 $101,416.89 $113,028.81 $103,536.41 $106,542.00 $103,353.79 $101,190.35 $111,576.99 $115,854.25 $107,490.65 $103,512.78 $110,448.90 $100,101.19 $109,482.91 $133,046.72 $109,645.08 $105,594.76 $103,973.78 $100,527.29 $104,572.15 $162,048.57 $107,005.89 $105,608.33 $100,548.94 $101,880.98 $124,158.09 $114,766.72 $113,638.09 $118,363.15 $113,323.40 $107,693.15 $102,962.34 $117,495.56 $105,528.83 $111,312.69 $102,053.37 $102,093.56 $106,614.87 $101,516.71 $113,192.03 $114,557.73 $113,287.87 $103,725.18 $104,857.45 $107,636.25 $100,743.58 $114,888.78 $105,796.48 $136,710.87 $107,305.89 $102,670.32 $112,421.19 $134,917.83 $113,028.69 $100,334.13 $106,408.03 $105,218.63 $100,011.86 Taxable Benefits $771.54 $789.64 $789.64 $734.80 $826.07 $789.64 $779.64 $742.23 $771.54 $751.24 $731.29 $736.75 $792.14 $751.24 $749.41 $731.29 $742.66 $739.11 $751.24 $811.44 $760.33 $751.24 $760.33 $789.64 $1,073.04 $731.29 $769.38 $364.64 $722.33 $740.30 $363.96 $740.30 $801.57 $920.02 $789.64 $324.41 $740.30 $826.07 $826.07 $751.24 $780.72 $750.89 $760.33 $745.78 $740.30 $780.72 $788.62 $750.06 $749.41 $789.64 $742.23 $740.30 $789.64 $780.72 $746.61 $722.33 $826.07 $771.54 $875.26 $789.64 $625.04 $722.33 $392.08 $789.64 $735.99 $771.54 $749.41 $771.54

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname IRELAND IRISH IRISH IRISH IRWIN ISABELLO IZZETT JACKSON JACKSON JACOB JAMES JAMES JAMES JAMISON JAMSHIDI JANES JAROSZ JATTAN JENKINS JHAJJ JIMENEZ JOCKO JOHNS JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JOHNSTONE JOHNSTONE JOHNSTONE JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONGDONG JOSEPH JOSEPHS JOSIFOVIC JOSTIAK JUHASZ JUPP KALDIS KANE KANG KARJALAINEN KARKOULAS KARMALI KARPIK KARPOW KARR KARRAS KASZYCA KATAFIGIOTIS KAVANAGH KAY KAY KAY KEALEY KEANE Given Name MORGAN HARRIS DAVID PETER TIMOTHY GARNET STEPHEN DAVID ANTHONY STEVEN LAURIE PAUL EDWARD TIMOTHY ALFRED BRIAN STEVEN GARY RITA ANNE JAMES WILLIAM JOSHUA PAYAM GARY AMBROSE RUSSELL CLINT ALLEN CHARANJIT FRANCISCO RAUL TODD JOESEPH MARK DOUGLAS DAVID EDWARD JENNIFER ANNE ROBERT BRENT ANDREW BRIAN HUGH CHARLES JEFFREY JOHN DAVID ROBERT BRUCE TRICIA MARLENE ADRIANNE ANDREW PAUL TIMOTHY COREY LEE DOUGLAS ALBERT GORDON JASON NEIL LEANNE SANDRA MAUREEN THOMAS LHAWANG TOPGYAL TREVOR JOHN ADAM KIRK MLADEN JOSEPH ALEXANDER GYOZO BRUCE GEORGE SHAWN GERALD GURJOT SINGH TREVOR VINCENT TREVOR DANIEL FAIZAL SHIRAZ JAMES PETER JOCELYN STELLA STAUROULA JOSEPH LUDWIK CONSTANTINE TIMOTHY BRIAN COLIN WILLIAM DONALD DEVIN PATRICK Position Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Inspector Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Inspector Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Inspector Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $144,649.21 $116,017.36 $103,465.88 $122,225.82 $132,300.89 $121,701.09 $135,347.68 $109,591.74 $108,668.32 $115,009.04 $105,740.97 $108,131.05 $102,887.15 $105,606.40 $103,728.59 $102,038.30 $113,934.95 $104,145.60 $102,478.19 $110,438.74 $106,603.70 $104,786.38 $102,542.36 $100,163.11 $104,520.17 $128,315.03 $106,982.20 $121,358.09 $105,114.24 $120,375.20 $124,056.45 $133,557.46 $101,720.81 $106,873.90 $111,990.67 $113,304.27 $106,308.39 $124,199.51 $133,046.72 $104,157.71 $101,831.18 $100,935.66 $100,929.08 $106,715.70 $100,187.98 $102,752.93 $109,220.17 $115,625.20 $105,801.61 $117,160.87 $100,442.59 $101,089.94 $108,847.11 $103,532.75 $109,153.79 $101,914.38 $108,654.56 $108,763.07 $105,138.97 $100,342.05 $101,428.38 $104,932.50 $104,236.32 $115,749.42 $119,883.91 $116,323.19 $112,344.47 $112,387.98 Taxable Benefits $731.29 $789.64 $769.31 $780.72 $1,005.94 $742.23 $5,973.78 $817.08 $749.41 $780.72 $731.29 $769.31 $731.29 $660.46 $367.14 $751.24 $826.07 $749.41 $789.64 $740.30 $722.33 $771.54 $751.24 $780.72 $797.82 $1,021.52 $744.89 $781.26 $780.72 $769.31 $751.24 $766.12 $771.54 $807.76 $817.08 $789.64 $757.50 $339.41 $1,073.04 $731.29 $780.72 $780.72 $769.31 $771.54 $731.29 $740.30 $788.62 $690.22 $735.99 $749.41 $781.26 $722.33 $722.33 $335.33 $742.23 $751.24 $749.41 $789.64 $789.64 $768.42 $751.24 $751.24 $789.64 $783.06 $789.64 $731.29 $826.07 $826.07

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname KEEFER KELL KELLY KELLY KELLY KELLY KEMP KENNEDY KENNEDY KENNY KERNOHAN KERR KERR KERR KERR KERR KESIC KEVEZA KEYS KHAN KHAN KHAN KHIMANI KHOW KHURSHID KIJEWSKI KIM KIM KIM KIM KING KING KINGDON KINNEAR KIRINDE KIRKPATRICK KIS KISIELEWSKI KITCHENER KLAAS KLACZA KLODT KMIECIAK KNAAP KNAPPER KNOWLES KOCANOVIC KOHL KOLAR KONDO KONKEL KORAC KOTAS KOVACIC KOZMIK KRANJAC KRAWCZYK KRAWCZYK KRUCZEK KUCK KULMATYCKI KUNG KYRIACOU LA FOSSE LAVALLEE LABELLE LAHEY LAI Given Name DAVID JEFFREY STEWART BRIAN WAYNE JOHN RYAN ANDREW TERENCE PETER WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER GEOFFREY BRIAN SUZANNE KYLE MICHAEL WILLIAM ROBERT SAMUEL WILLIAM STEVEN HAROLD ZELJKO RYAN MATHEW GARY AHMAR ALI OMAR ASHRAF RONALD ARLINGTON ZULFIQAR ALI SIEWING SHEIKH AHMAD KRISTINE JEAN HYOK KYUN MIN CHUL SANG-RAE SAM SIN-JOONG SIN CHERYL STUART MACPHERSON SCOTT ANTHONY KATHRYN RANJAN WICKRAMASINGHE CHRISTOPHER JOHN ANDREW DARIUSZ ANDREW JAMES PETER CAROL SHAWN EDWARD JOHN JOHN ROBBERT NICOLAAS DAVID ALEKSANDAR SASHA BARBARA LOUISE ANDREW JASON KAZIMIERZ PAUL LOUIS ARTUR JACEK JOSEPH MARK LORNA JOSEPH ANTHONY PAUL THOMAS RICHARD PIOTR PAWEL HEINZ JOEL PATRICK TOMMY WING SAVAS JEFFERY GUY DAVID VIKTOR JOSEPH MARY REGINA VICTOR TZE-KAU Position Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Parking Enforcement Officer Legal Counsel Plainclothes Police Constable Director, Corporate Services Police Constable Police Constable Manager, Enterprise Architecture Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Staff Inspector Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Salary Paid $101,981.44 $118,613.55 $111,299.54 $102,156.50 $101,404.87 $120,118.75 $114,981.12 $109,405.39 $103,901.81 $112,032.48 $101,919.28 $107,690.15 $105,999.13 $109,156.99 $102,515.78 $107,011.64 $100,049.99 $105,582.55 $112,253.20 $117,804.07 $113,959.00 $116,820.57 $101,467.12 $121,717.64 $111,223.97 $163,459.06 $106,933.03 $122,950.29 $151,425.22 $112,589.14 $114,378.18 $107,162.64 $101,572.63 $109,984.10 $117,370.46 $100,807.14 $114,201.13 $108,282.20 $106,877.03 $101,327.95 $103,808.30 $123,090.43 $106,528.91 $111,856.88 $115,759.65 $127,867.25 $107,504.11 $102,646.59 $106,713.36 $118,095.03 $102,875.12 $108,056.75 $103,291.79 $102,301.03 $101,883.70 $102,319.61 $102,433.47 $101,241.17 $100,765.98 $134,408.67 $112,608.02 $105,327.50 $114,557.53 $107,649.88 $104,776.26 $105,829.37 $102,088.53 $113,244.81 Taxable Benefits $749.41 $731.29 $817.08 $789.64 $751.24 $353.56 $826.07 $738.20 $789.64 $826.07 $789.64 $789.64 $751.24 $749.41 $749.41 $751.24 $745.78 $739.11 $826.07 $722.33 $771.54 $817.08 $638.83 $706.18 $725.85 $1,244.72 $297.33 $731.29 $1,182.72 $742.50 $817.08 $783.42 $771.54 $789.64 $740.30 $771.54 $789.64 $748.69 $781.26 $733.26 $362.60 $760.33 $780.72 $401.07 $826.07 $789.64 $746.96 $780.72 $344.31 $783.06 $826.07 $751.24 $771.54 $722.59 $364.64 $771.54 $346.54 $749.23 $736.40 $1,074.00 $392.08 $722.33 $401.07 $736.75 $677.96 $740.30 $780.72 $731.29

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname LAING LAING LAKEY LALLA LAM LAMBIE LAMOND LAND LANDRY LANE LANE LANGLOIS LARAMY LAROCHE LATTER LAUFER LAUSH LAWR LAWRENCE LAWSON LAWSON LE LEARY LEBLANC LEBLANC LECK LEDGERWOOD LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEERMAKERS LEITCH LEMAITRE LEMBKE LENFESTY LENNOX LENTSCH LEONARD LEONE LESLIE LEUNG LEVERT LEVESQUE LEWERS LI LINDALE LINDSAY LING LINQUIST LIONTI LIOUMANIS LIPSEY LISKA LITTLE LITTLE LITTLE LITTLE LITTLE LIU LIU LLOYD LOCKE LOCKEN LOGAN Given Name DARREN RICHARD ANTHONY WAYNE LESTER ROYSON IAN WAYNE DARRYL BRADLEY IAN DAVID STEPHEN JOEL CHRISTIAN ARTHUR MICHEAL WILLIAM MARK STEPHEN WILLIAM WINSTON JORDAN CHRISTOPHER PETER CHRISTOPHER ALLEN GREGORY EDWARD SHAWN ANTHONY JAMES THOMAS NAM-NHAT DEREK WILLIAM ADAM LIONEL NORMAN DAVID KIM JAMES STANTON KENNY KWANG JAE NICOLE DENISE NOEL THOMAS PHILIP BRIAN RANDALL JAMES WILLIAM ANTHONY JASON ROBERT JAMES KRISTIN NICOLE SEAN PETER PAUL TONY ANNE MICHIELE MARIO HAMIL THEODORE SHEUNG BRYCE STERLING MARTIN CRAIG ROBERT CHAK MICHAEL HOWARD ROSS JONATHAN DARRYL ANDREW CALOGERO METODIOS WILLIAM NORMAN IRENE ARTHUR DARRIN DAVID MICHELLE LYNNE TERENCE ANTHONY JUN SHUXIN TONY BRADFORD DONOVAN ALAN BEVERLEY Position Detective Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Superintendent Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Inspector Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Senior Telecom Engineer Senior Programmer, Information Technology Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Salary Paid $111,209.96 $100,727.79 $109,141.66 $104,022.15 $111,958.29 $102,435.39 $115,540.37 $110,129.53 $114,030.02 $118,200.78 $113,523.10 $107,988.04 $113,336.22 $102,353.52 $109,205.01 $108,907.00 $100,512.68 $108,909.40 $102,164.11 $108,635.42 $117,677.90 $105,188.96 $113,083.89 $110,276.21 $114,981.47 $101,023.49 $105,270.98 $100,866.17 $116,357.68 $102,907.08 $112,795.56 $114,871.90 $105,708.65 $103,166.87 $109,585.93 $113,131.48 $109,634.43 $100,412.07 $108,411.71 $140,868.89 $116,106.59 $102,000.83 $114,968.06 $102,575.65 $108,788.48 $110,042.51 $101,555.76 $105,610.74 $119,401.06 $100,666.74 $109,345.79 $103,357.80 $108,951.51 $105,283.87 $110,137.70 $107,404.24 $128,001.50 $133,046.72 $101,900.26 $104,256.99 $123,629.85 $103,700.48 $107,537.67 $103,179.47 $118,483.97 $104,363.60 $110,206.93 $105,267.78 Taxable Benefits $789.64 $731.29 $780.72 $750.89 $722.33 $721.20 $817.08 $778.60 $744.89 $769.31 $722.33 $780.72 $771.54 $364.64 $801.57 $789.64 $780.72 $781.26 $780.72 $780.72 $789.64 $731.29 $742.23 $751.24 $826.07 $783.06 $780.72 $742.23 $771.54 $693.54 $825.37 $826.07 $771.54 $771.54 $751.24 $780.72 $346.54 $297.33 $797.82 $11,815.39 $771.54 $364.64 $817.08 $771.54 $780.72 $731.29 $771.54 $718.81 $731.29 $749.41 $789.64 $786.92 $769.98 $751.24 $771.54 $731.29 $789.64 $648.04 $789.64 $769.31 $779.94 $771.54 $797.42 $322.46 $780.72 $771.54 $789.64 $789.64

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname LOMBARDI LONG LONG LONG LOPES LORIMER LOUGHLIN LOUHIKARI LOURENCO LOVE LOVE LOWE LOWREY LUCAS LUFF LUM LUPSON LYNCH LYNCH LYON MAADANIAN MAC MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONELL MACDONNELL MACGILLIVRAY MACGREGOR MACINNIS MACINTYRE MACKAY MACKENZIE MACKINNON MACKRELL MACKRELL MACLEAN MACNEIL MACPHERSON MACARAEG MACDONALD MACIAS MACIEK MADILL MAHARAJ MAHARAJ MAHONEY MAHONEY MAISONNEUVE MAK MALENFANT MALTAR MANCUSO MANHERZ MANIQUIS MANN MANSON MANTLE MARCH MARCHACK MARCHEN MARCHEN MARCHIS MARGETSON Given Name LORENZO CHRISTINE GARRY JOHN MICHAEL JUDE ALEXANDER TROY WILLIAM EDWARD RENATA ADAM COLIN ALLEN ROBERT DAVID MATTHEW SCOTT MARTIN ALAN PATRICK DANIEL SOON CHRISTOPHER BRYDON ERINN ANDREA THOMAS ROBERT KIRK NAZARET OVID RUBEN AARON ROYCE ANNE GREGORY HECTOR MURDO IAN KENNETH JOHN LEO SUSAN BRIAN CRAIG ANTHONY JASON JAMES ROBERT FRANCIS BRIAN PAUL RONALD ERNEST ROBERT DEAN RICHARD JAMES JAMES PAUL RODERICK STEVEN JAMES DONALD WADE JUANITA ROBERT ANTONIO DELGADO JOHN ALLAN NEIL BRYAN SANJEEV ZALINA JULIE SHAWN DANIEL MA YING ANDREW DEREK MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER FRANCESCO JOEL NICHOLAS ALVIN KEITH AMARJIT SINGH SANDRA BRYAN LARRY JOHN ROGER LEANNE MICHAEL SERENA JANE JOHN Position Detective Detective Detective Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Inspector Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Senior Advisor, Quality Assurance Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Supervisor, Networks and Communications Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Senior Corporate Planning Analyst Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Salary Paid $109,494.44 $101,929.40 $117,035.00 $106,079.76 $100,816.11 $101,513.13 $111,856.88 $116,727.26 $100,798.87 $103,356.10 $101,967.82 $102,230.17 $112,436.88 $115,551.50 $122,416.69 $109,331.28 $106,325.74 $101,122.39 $114,660.50 $112,651.19 $102,514.32 $106,392.47 $109,318.75 $107,474.76 $116,785.51 $104,505.47 $111,639.24 $109,193.66 $108,283.75 $103,604.36 $127,817.36 $103,039.06 $109,669.95 $100,290.36 $131,780.82 $100,540.46 $100,611.11 $103,379.86 $132,123.25 $100,464.91 $108,766.18 $105,866.18 $110,731.71 $115,127.14 $111,173.50 $102,307.86 $110,967.42 $124,292.61 $105,320.67 $103,337.14 $104,399.59 $129,080.94 $111,023.89 $104,762.11 $115,988.74 $103,860.79 $109,849.18 $100,914.22 $104,020.76 $101,756.62 $108,950.94 $106,082.73 $102,723.56 $117,101.99 $100,700.64 $100,364.99 $110,082.03 $138,205.72 Taxable Benefits $789.64 $364.64 $789.64 $748.33 $771.54 $751.24 $401.07 $788.62 $731.29 $771.54 $738.19 $788.96 $826.07 $789.64 $789.64 $759.95 $722.33 $746.96 $401.07 $780.72 $771.54 $731.29 $780.72 $807.21 $826.07 $735.57 $775.68 $813.72 $780.72 $789.64 $819.36 $731.29 $771.54 $780.72 $821.16 $731.29 $742.23 $751.24 $643.54 $784.86 $789.64 $751.24 $731.29 $995.28 $754.22 $780.72 $760.33 $709.89 $751.24 $379.32 $751.37 $789.64 $780.72 $753.21 $751.24 $751.24 $768.42 $751.24 $751.24 $737.15 $789.64 $742.23 $789.64 $780.72 $760.33 $769.31 $722.33 $780.72

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname MARKS MARSMAN MARTELL MARTELLUZZI MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN-DOTO MARTINO MARTSENYUK MASLOWSKI MASON MASTERS MATIC MATTHEWS MATTHEWS MATTHEWS MATTLESS MATYS MAVROU MAY MAYWOOD MCALEER MCARTHUR MCASKILL MCBRATNEY MCBRIDE MCCALL MCCALL MCCAUSLAND MCCLELLAND MCCLOREY MCCONKEY MCCONNELL MCCORMACK MCCORMACK MCCORMACK MCCRAN MCCREADY MCCULLOCH MCCULLOUGH MCCUTCHEON MCCUTCHEON MCDERMOTT MCDONALD MCDONALD MCDONALD MCDONALD MCDONALD MCDOUGALL MCFADYEN MCGAHERN MCGARRY MCGARVEY MCGHEE MCGOVERN MCGOWN MCGRADE MCGRADE MCGUIRE MCILHONE MCILWAIN MCINNIS MCINTOSH MCKAY MCKAY Given Name DAVID HENRI BRIAN CLAUDIO ANTHONY KATHRYN PAUL GEORGE ROBERT RUDOLF CATHERINE ANN JOSEPH LOUIS VADYM BRIAN WERNER ROBERT HAROLD MICHELLE MICHAEL JOHN JOSEPH BLAKE STEPHEN MICHAEL WAYNE JOSEPH PAUL DANNY CHRISTOPHER SCOTT KEVIN PAUL IAN MELINDA JEAN GARY KEITH ROBERT ANDREW JOHN JAYANT JOHN YOSHIO MICHAEL ROBERT SEAN MICHAEL RONALD FRANK BRADLEY DAVID INKERI HELENA JAMES ROBERT WILLIAM MICHAEL DAVID DOUGLAS SEAN CAMERON DANIEL CINDY JAMES WILLIAM JOHN ROBERT JAMES SPENCER MATTHEW ROBERT GORDON DANIEL GORDON JOHN ANTHONY WILLIAM MICHAEL WILLIAM MICHAEL MICHAEL PATRICK JOHN KATHRYN PATRICK JEFFREY THOMAS STEVEN GEORGE JESSICA MICHELLE DANIEL CARYN EDWARD Position Staff Inspector Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Superintendent Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Corporate Psychologist Manager, Purchasing Support Services Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Detective Detective Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Superintendent Sergeant Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Training Constable Sergeant Senior Analyst, Information Technology Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Staff Superintendent Superintendent Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Salary Paid $140,315.68 $108,798.15 $101,150.31 $115,467.21 $108,223.74 $150,351.37 $100,460.23 $107,378.40 $102,950.13 $124,310.80 $117,035.18 $105,337.67 $100,083.61 $116,630.51 $105,570.04 $118,644.31 $112,033.68 $119,209.95 $130,130.06 $104,905.77 $113,583.42 $111,870.86 $103,789.39 $101,878.58 $113,240.87 $110,419.07 $101,487.17 $112,349.00 $101,158.50 $107,040.39 $100,263.88 $100,722.16 $112,423.26 $106,504.35 $108,281.90 $117,574.73 $140,369.40 $102,789.91 $102,494.54 $115,960.96 $116,710.06 $106,494.58 $125,526.91 $103,167.51 $101,919.36 $109,191.38 $112,509.14 $118,101.29 $127,512.49 $101,799.34 $105,207.82 $125,551.93 $120,778.44 $103,137.42 $104,487.23 $101,127.58 $102,029.86 $101,492.65 $113,312.54 $102,856.67 $105,269.07 $167,547.95 $141,215.18 $103,517.03 $103,989.19 $110,925.30 $101,898.68 $101,961.10 Taxable Benefits $9,348.83 $780.72 $780.72 $780.72 $760.33 $9,512.32 $751.24 $769.31 $784.86 $1,118.50 $766.12 $714.42 $771.54 $769.31 $780.72 $401.07 $826.07 $355.72 $771.54 $789.64 $771.54 $722.33 $789.64 $364.64 $749.41 $821.16 $770.76 $826.07 $722.33 $781.26 $771.54 $762.18 $789.64 $769.31 $749.41 $749.41 $12,717.33 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $401.07 $780.72 $749.41 $789.64 $763.74 $789.64 $401.07 $751.24 $789.64 $583.40 $771.54 $764.52 $771.54 $749.41 $355.72 $769.31 $780.72 $351.45 $826.07 $789.64 $789.64 $11,564.55 $8,628.62 $781.62 $771.54 $780.72 $783.06 $786.92

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname MCKAY MCKEOWN MCKINNIE MCLANE MCLANE MCLANE MCLAUGHLIN MCLEAN MCLEAN MCLEISH MCLEOD MCLEOD MCMANUS MCNEIL MCNEILLY MCQUEEN MCQUEEN MCVEIGH MCINTYRE MEANEY MEECH MEEHAN MEIK MEISSNER MEISSNER MELOCHE MEMME MERSEREAU METCALFE MI MILDENBERGER MILES MILIC MILLER MILLER MILLER MINOR MIRANDA MIRON MISTEROWICZ MITCHELL MITCHELL MITCHELL MIU MNUSHKIN MOED MOFFATT MOI MOLINARO MOLYNEAUX MOMENI MONAGHAN MONAGHAN MONTCALM MOONEY MOORCROFT MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE MORAES MORAN MOREAU MOREHOUSE MOREIRA MOREIRA MORELL Given Name SCOTT RICHARD AMANDA GREGORY JAMES RUSSELL KRISTINE ANN IAN BARBARA NANCY MARY PATRICIA LOUISE MATTHEW ALEXANDER VERNETT MICHAEL RONALD JOSEPH GORDON GARY SHERRY LYNN EDWARD RYAN DOUGLAS SHAWN RAYMOND JOHN PATRICK VIVIAN CAROL GERHARD SHAWN RONALD NICOLAS MICHAEL MARY YAOMING KAINE JOHANN JEREMY OLIVER DANY DUNCAN HELEN DIANE PAUL DOUGLAS ALLAN EDUARDO CANDIDO BRUNO JOSEPH RICHARD JOHN CHARLES JODI LYNN STEPHEN WAI-SANG SERGEY AFROYIM JEREMY CLARK MICHAEL NATALIE BOBO ANTONIO STEVEN ORANG PATRICK JAMES THERESA ALAIN JEAN RICHARD CHRISTOPHER ROBERT BRETT CALVIN DARCY DAVID CHRISTOPHER KEVIN ROBERT SCOTT WILLIAM TIMOTHY RUTH MARIAN PAUL ROBERT RITA JOHN PETER MICHAEL ADAM Position Detective Staff Sergeant Sergeant Staff Inspector Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Senior Technical Analyst, Information Technology Plainclothes Police Constable Superintendent Sergeant Detective Detective Detective Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Inspector Staff Sergeant Staff Inspector Sergeant Staff Inspector Senior Technical Analyst, Information Technology Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Superintendent Staff Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Shift and Area Supervisor, Parking Enforcement Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Salary Paid $101,854.55 $113,017.62 $101,863.11 $135,610.93 $119,004.58 $106,812.75 $106,279.16 $112,982.40 $100,407.42 $106,495.56 $101,807.93 $141,817.28 $126,980.17 $105,344.39 $121,218.87 $107,217.53 $109,356.36 $103,384.96 $102,800.10 $100,433.26 $100,643.62 $116,845.25 $118,939.40 $101,585.91 $133,046.72 $123,902.90 $137,618.16 $109,455.62 $134,408.67 $110,004.51 $103,419.68 $105,383.36 $125,005.33 $114,960.96 $151,435.36 $113,803.14 $100,877.00 $106,685.32 $114,008.68 $103,991.57 $101,980.03 $110,925.82 $103,962.57 $104,414.06 $104,158.68 $103,018.24 $100,164.12 $105,430.36 $126,125.24 $116,134.18 $139,546.13 $115,110.09 $101,554.15 $101,079.34 $105,543.92 $105,349.59 $119,532.74 $102,100.19 $102,128.94 $106,688.91 $100,405.81 $103,337.64 $101,429.63 $101,230.50 $102,209.07 $115,158.87 $118,585.85 $100,813.96 Taxable Benefits $780.72 $401.07 $786.92 $11,008.08 $783.42 $751.24 $789.64 $817.08 $780.72 $351.45 $742.23 $16,834.41 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $731.29 $789.64 $742.23 $780.72 $781.26 $783.06 $784.86 $361.92 $1,073.04 $817.60 $6,782.72 $789.64 $4,685.41 $351.45 $750.47 $735.57 $744.38 $784.86 $11,620.32 $401.07 $780.72 $751.24 $771.54 $738.31 $789.64 $751.24 $789.64 $789.64 $746.17 $731.29 $749.41 $731.29 $666.69 $826.07 $780.72 $401.07 $783.06 $722.33 $789.64 $714.42 $771.54 $789.64 $737.93 $751.24 $771.54 $335.33 $771.54 $751.24 $788.62 $787.26 $392.08 $740.30

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname MORELLI MORGAN MORI MORIN MORRIS MORRIS MORRIS MORRIS MORRISON MORRISON MORRISON MORSE MORSE MOTA MOUNTFORD MOXAM MOXLEY MOYER MOYER MOYER MOYNAGH MUELLER MULLEN MULLIN MUNGAL MUNROE MURDOCH MURPHY MURPHY MURPHY MURPHY MURRAY MURRAY MURRELL MUSAH MUSCLOW MUSSO DUARTE MYERS NANTON NARINE NASNER NASSER NASSIS NEADLES NEAL NEAL NEALON NEEDHAM NEVILL NEVIN NEWHOOK NEWMAN NEWTON NEWTON NG NG NGAN NICHOL NICHOLS NICHOLSON NICOL NICOL NICOLLE NIELSEN NIELSEN NIEZEN NIJJAR NIMMO Given Name JOSEPH MICHAEL DANIEL PHILIP DEBORAH ANN MICHAEL HAROLD LESLIE MANDY DAWN NICKOLAS JOSEPH BRUCE MICHAEL ROBERT MICHELLE YVETTE STEPHEN VICTORIA JANE DANNY LABAO GERALD DARREN KENNETH KEITH IAN JEFFREY MATTHEW IGNATIUS ROBERT STEFAN MICHAEL JEFFERY GEORGE MATTHEW KELLY BRUCE RICHARD DANIEL JOHN LIAM PETER DAVID WILLIAM KEVIN EARL ISHMAIL CLAUDE SUSANA MILTON JASON STANLEY SHAUN STEFAN AMAN PAT WILLIAM PETER WESLEY JOHN DANIEL ROSS ELLIOTT STEPHEN PATRICK MATTHEW ALBERT BRUCE DEEDEE JENNY WILLIAM YUEN EDWARD SHING-KEUNG IAN FRASER HEATHER LAURY LEONARD BRUCE BRETT DONALD ROBERT CHAD EDWARD CHRISTIAN HINGE DANIEL MARK HARJIT SINGH RICHARD JAMES Position Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Staff Inspector Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Police Constable Detective Senior Advisor, Quality Assurance Detective Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Manager, Shop Operations Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Salary Paid $107,232.31 $101,676.88 $113,688.84 $123,884.24 $121,517.52 $117,871.86 $101,704.66 $135,247.82 $116,146.74 $106,187.21 $100,192.22 $111,856.88 $113,544.47 $101,541.15 $112,362.48 $113,937.67 $103,694.44 $112,364.19 $103,558.26 $103,101.39 $102,540.50 $102,093.50 $116,559.86 $111,869.38 $107,963.12 $128,674.11 $115,666.59 $118,577.79 $103,214.48 $106,584.71 $101,465.67 $123,864.17 $100,295.25 $112,263.96 $103,496.43 $102,733.08 $114,424.44 $101,845.98 $112,550.65 $118,703.82 $103,993.50 $104,753.26 $105,614.27 $139,315.65 $108,916.41 $125,706.29 $123,661.49 $101,878.58 $110,960.28 $106,317.69 $101,512.41 $117,290.39 $104,028.32 $101,920.72 $102,463.60 $100,758.14 $115,127.14 $107,660.59 $104,402.02 $104,239.54 $125,467.94 $101,490.62 $109,788.08 $130,122.12 $143,672.55 $110,656.06 $100,691.92 $104,234.91 Taxable Benefits $749.27 $742.23 $401.07 $749.41 $780.72 $780.72 $771.54 $749.41 $826.07 $772.44 $766.51 $826.07 $751.24 $734.43 $826.07 $771.54 $789.64 $826.07 $783.06 $780.72 $749.41 $768.26 $346.54 $826.07 $780.72 $749.41 $401.07 $789.64 $789.64 $749.41 $769.31 $817.55 $769.31 $826.07 $771.54 $780.72 $734.31 $789.64 $722.33 $817.08 $769.31 $742.23 $789.64 $11,285.90 $364.64 $789.30 $826.07 $364.64 $789.64 $789.64 $780.72 $816.13 $789.64 $364.64 $722.33 $780.72 $995.28 $786.92 $771.54 $739.09 $354.36 $751.24 $780.72 $878.26 $826.07 $789.64 $771.54 $771.54

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname NOLAN NOLL NOONAN NORRIE NORSKI NORTH NORTHMORE NORTHRUP NORTON NOSWORTHY NOTAY NOVINC NUNES NYKORCHUK O'BRIEN O'BRIEN O'BRIEN O'CONNOR O'CONNOR O'DOHERTY O'DONOVAN O'DRISCOLL O'KANE O'RIORDAN O'TOOLE OAKES OBERFRANK ODISHO OGG OLIVER OLIVER OLIVER OLSEN OLSEN OLSON ONAMI ONG ONYSZKIEWICZ OOSTERHOF OSBORN OSMANAJ OUELLET OUELLETTE OUELLETTE OZKAN OZOLS PABLA PAGE PAGLIA PAGNIELLO PAIS PAK PALA PALERMO PALERMO PALMER PANAYOTOV PAPADOPOULOS PAPIZEWSKI PARK PARK PARKIN PARMAR PARROTT PARSONS PARSRAM PARTRIDGE PASINI Given Name CHRISTOPHER CARL TIMOTHY JOHN ANDREW PRZEMYSLAW ROBERT LLOYD COLLEEN JEFFREY JOHN DAVID JOHN JUDY JAGMOHAN SINGH BRANKO MARIA PASQUALINA DAVID KENNETH SEAN BRIAN MIKE STEPHEN FRANK STEPHEN DENNIS GERAID DAVID WAYNE JAMES KIMBERLEY ANNE JAMES TIMOTHY ASHUR SHEILA ELIZABETH MATTHEW TYLER PAUL STEVEN RONALD FRANK SHAUN GARY ALDRED JASON MORITO RHOEL VILLEGAS ANDREW CAROLE JANE ROBERT DANIEL ARDIT ANDREW DAVID MARK ROBERT BRUCE NEDIM JOHN SUKHVINDERPAL SINGH HOWARD GIANCARLO MICHELE SCHARNIL VALERIAN ANDREW JIN-HO RASIH SAN CARMINE MICHAEL ANGELO JOHN LUBOMIR IVANOV KYRIAKOS LEEANN JOSEF SUNG JIN ANDREW WILFRED MANDEEP SINGH MICHAEL ERIC STUART MAGRUDER RAMESH BRIAN FRANK RUDY Position Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Parking Enforcement Officer Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Corporate Planning Analyst Training Constable Police Constable Sergeant Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Senior Analyst, Information Technology Police Constable Sergeant Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $111,856.88 $115,117.91 $106,049.25 $114,378.53 $108,639.47 $110,194.79 $120,507.36 $115,677.11 $109,832.39 $110,328.04 $102,953.50 $102,739.79 $110,772.60 $104,147.74 $101,106.48 $121,454.87 $107,726.40 $136,272.88 $104,760.19 $106,423.75 $115,384.93 $100,194.56 $102,648.49 $102,734.29 $110,977.58 $104,737.55 $130,271.49 $103,241.39 $117,444.65 $113,231.10 $106,115.95 $100,072.19 $106,578.46 $100,596.07 $100,942.00 $107,967.60 $117,909.65 $121,468.50 $104,628.61 $106,051.98 $118,629.11 $101,708.62 $105,733.99 $101,650.75 $109,271.18 $104,985.48 $101,203.92 $133,139.44 $101,816.32 $121,396.13 $105,614.08 $100,392.51 $106,755.95 $103,648.69 $147,354.17 $101,878.58 $111,839.90 $132,626.30 $107,792.97 $104,426.42 $103,871.26 $106,848.65 $121,257.66 $104,715.37 $107,259.47 $103,166.57 $116,271.54 $117,987.72 Taxable Benefits $826.07 $826.07 $764.41 $826.07 $724.29 $771.54 $789.64 $760.33 $770.76 $789.64 $638.83 $789.64 $760.33 $328.21 $769.31 $749.41 $789.64 $878.26 $751.24 $364.64 $789.64 $769.31 $771.54 $751.24 $772.44 $740.30 $789.64 $722.33 $781.26 $751.24 $789.64 $742.23 $789.64 $780.72 $784.86 $735.99 $731.29 $401.07 $315.30 $722.33 $722.33 $731.29 $751.24 $731.29 $351.45 $744.38 $771.54 $1,073.04 $751.24 $731.29 $722.33 $735.57 $742.23 $789.64 $771.54 $789.64 $722.33 $731.29 $807.21 $736.75 $751.24 $731.29 $748.79 $771.54 $761.23 $780.72 $826.07 $401.07

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname PATERSON PATTERSON PATTERSON PATTISON PAUL PAYNE PAYNE PAYNE PAYTON PEACOCK PEACOCKE PEARSON PECK PELLETIER PENTON PERA PERCIVAL PERREAULT PERSHIN PETRAKIS PETRAKIS PETRIE PETRIE PHAIR PHELPS PHILIPSON PHOON PICKERING PIKE PINTO PIPE PLUNKETT POCZAK POGUE POOLE POP POULIMENOS POULIN POWELL POYNTER PRAVICA PRENTICE PRESS PRESTON PRESTON PREVOST PRICE PRICE PROCTOR PROCTOR PRODANOS PROSAVICH PROULX PUGASH PURCHES PUTERBAUGH PUTNAM QUAIATTINI QUALTROUGH QUAN QUEEN QUESNELLE QUIGG QUIJADA-MANCIA QUINN QURESHI RACETTE RADFORD Given Name KYLE SCOTT JAMES ROBERT STEVEN MOHIT GREGORY JAMES KARL SCOTT THEODORE ALGERNON HOWARD LEWIS JASON ALEXANDER DOUGLAS JEFFREY JENNIFER LOUISE CHRISTIAN JOSEPH SHANE STEPHEN ENRICO KIMBERLY JANE SEAN MICHAEL ANDREI VALERI MICHAEL STAVROS KYLE JOHNATHON RICHARD MARK GORDON JOHN GRAEME NEWTON CHUN STEPHEN JAMES WAYNE SUZANNE MARIE STEPHEN PATRICK JOHN LISA LAUREN CANDICE JENNIFER IAN WILLIAM DEMETRE MARTIN FABIAN DANIEL JAMES CHRISTOPHER REX DUSAN DAN STEFAN PATRICK MICHAEL ALLEN BRIAN DEBRA JAYME THOMAS BRANDON LEE MARY NORMAN EDWARD RICHARD ALEXI PAULA ANNE KEVIN EDWARD MARK SCOTT ROBERT MICHAEL FRANCIS KIMBERLEY JOAN SUSAN JAMES DOUGLAS GRAHAM CURTIS LEONARD MARTIN JUAN CARLOS MICHAEL MARC AJWAID NIAZ ALLAN ROGER BARRY Position Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Senior Project Co-ordinator, Facilities Management Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Forensic System Administrator Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Detective Detective Senior Firearms Officer Inspector Superintendent Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Director, Corporate Communications Detective Detective Senior Advisor, Quality Assurance Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Inspector Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Salary Paid $100,956.58 $106,419.77 $103,418.95 $111,856.88 $104,614.79 $110,831.82 $101,039.50 $109,821.51 $102,978.00 $101,107.80 $112,911.79 $138,089.52 $102,029.44 $130,505.27 $104,037.85 $116,377.59 $101,648.23 $103,699.90 $111,650.00 $103,750.78 $101,713.16 $103,649.39 $127,598.16 $105,687.84 $108,107.19 $149,946.46 $101,414.84 $121,367.97 $101,879.78 $103,838.21 $116,838.40 $142,854.52 $100,102.74 $114,428.88 $106,014.22 $106,501.18 $102,580.52 $105,762.89 $101,016.43 $103,524.03 $125,217.12 $109,560.11 $109,952.68 $132,696.92 $142,186.10 $108,203.81 $104,234.43 $111,866.73 $115,895.40 $112,805.61 $105,973.41 $102,404.95 $105,567.37 $163,459.06 $113,808.62 $104,252.42 $115,127.14 $112,258.73 $113,686.73 $133,046.72 $127,753.52 $107,827.28 $105,442.66 $106,769.44 $128,985.01 $110,935.00 $105,167.96 $105,330.06 Taxable Benefits $711.03 $789.64 $780.72 $401.07 $722.33 $821.87 $780.72 $789.64 $781.26 $739.09 $826.07 $395.39 $751.24 $731.29 $771.54 $990.08 $751.24 $780.72 $722.33 $751.24 $722.33 $771.54 $780.72 $780.72 $789.64 $355.72 $776.45 $769.31 $789.64 $780.72 $401.07 $751.24 $780.72 $815.52 $733.80 $749.41 $742.23 $771.54 $356.62 $731.29 $771.54 $771.54 $367.56 $1,071.54 $10,957.22 $685.40 $771.54 $401.07 $825.37 $780.72 $736.75 $771.54 $730.94 $8,486.08 $771.54 $639.05 $570.28 $826.07 $826.07 $1,073.04 $819.36 $746.96 $789.64 $771.54 $771.54 $771.54 $733.65 $783.06

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname RADIX RAHIM RALPH RAMER RAMESAR RAMJATTAN RAMJI RAMOS RAMPERSAD RAMPRASHAD RAMSBOTTOM RAND RANDLE RATHBONE REBELLATO REDDEN REDDIN REDICK REDIGONDA REDMAN REED REED REED-PYEFINCH REEVES REGAN REGAN REID REID REID REID REIMER REIMER RELPH REMY RENNIE REYNOLDS REYNOLDS RHEAULT RICCI RICCIARDI RICHARDS RICHARDSON RICHARDSON RICHARDSON RICHMOND RIDDELL RIDDELL RIETKOETTER RINKOFF RIPCO RIVIERE ROBBINS ROBERTS ROBERTS ROBINSON ROBINSON ROBITAILLE RODGERS ROHDE ROMAIN ROONEY ROSE ROSE ROSENBERG ROSETE ROSETO ROSINA ROSS Given Name BRENDA REBECCA KAMAL SEAN TIMOTHY DONALD VICTOR RAMNARINE ALY RAZA LERMY STEVEN DWARKH CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM RICHARD THEODORE MARK RICHARD MELANIE LYNN LARRY JEFFREY KIRBY ALBERT AMANDA BROOKE RICHARD SUZANNE PHILIP RONALD COLIN JENNIFER CHRISTINE LAWRENCE DOUGLAS FREDRICK PAUL FRANCIS CHAD SCOTT JONATHAN DOUGLAS KYLE THOMAS WAVERLEY ELAINE KENNETH BRIAN THOMAS ARTHUR BRADLEY GEORGE SMEDLEY ANTHONY ALEXANDER JASON DAVID STEPHEN THOMAS DEAN GEORGE CHARLES MICHAEL MARCO CLIVE ANDREW SANDRA SHEILA ANN MICHAEL KENNETH ALAN LINDSAY DIANA SETH ANDREW PAUL BARRY MARK ANTHONY FRANCIS KEVIN SHAUN DAVID SCOTT DANIEL MORGAN PATRICK ANTOINE ANGELA DAWN DANNY WILLIAM JEAN-BERNARD NIGEL PATRICK DAWN DOUGLAS GRANT HOWARD LESTER EDWARD EGIDIO MICHAEL DREW CAMERON STEPHEN Position Manager, Property and Evidence Management Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Superintendent Sergeant Detective Detective Assistant Manager, Accounting Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Inspector Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Staff Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Inspector Sergeant Police Constable Salary Paid $130,122.12 $102,574.06 $112,333.78 $151,435.36 $108,535.67 $112,725.38 $103,946.69 $100,272.30 $105,991.42 $140,457.79 $115,768.27 $109,800.33 $112,548.45 $103,504.86 $131,193.68 $133,273.31 $121,644.34 $106,611.37 $101,878.58 $106,360.52 $112,031.73 $116,582.96 $105,332.00 $116,898.20 $111,197.55 $104,029.72 $101,336.76 $126,236.05 $110,847.51 $101,138.95 $113,375.11 $107,666.11 $100,073.50 $104,657.14 $106,825.23 $102,246.90 $116,313.86 $107,066.12 $110,155.77 $103,997.38 $117,435.85 $104,083.37 $133,094.89 $101,348.10 $109,609.24 $111,856.88 $106,729.29 $104,767.09 $108,810.82 $106,709.46 $134,956.85 $102,239.21 $103,577.49 $117,062.50 $121,100.66 $112,208.83 $104,330.53 $103,692.42 $115,017.99 $100,248.59 $104,466.08 $100,050.78 $138,400.53 $131,558.41 $104,161.90 $132,123.25 $100,458.12 $104,065.28 Taxable Benefits $1,073.04 $732.14 $826.07 $11,161.32 $789.64 $780.72 $784.86 $918.22 $731.29 $740.30 $306.29 $734.03 $789.64 $731.29 $780.72 $789.64 $771.54 $732.09 $789.64 $780.72 $826.07 $826.07 $743.33 $826.07 $819.36 $722.33 $751.24 $784.86 $751.24 $786.92 $805.65 $722.33 $771.54 $780.72 $789.64 $749.68 $826.07 $722.33 $771.54 $731.29 $826.07 $780.72 $878.26 $499.73 $817.08 $401.07 $729.75 $722.33 $771.54 $789.64 $5,340.96 $728.19 $789.64 $826.07 $788.62 $401.07 $771.54 $742.27 $731.29 $780.72 $751.24 $780.72 $783.06 $749.41 $771.54 $1,038.98 $780.72 $711.03

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname ROSS ROSS ROSS ROSS ROSS ROSS ROSSANO ROSSI ROUETTE ROUTH ROWETT ROZICH RUBBINI RUDNICK RUFFINO RUFFOLO RUSSELL RUTTNER RYAN RYAN RYAN RYAN RYDZIK RYZEK SABADICS SABADIN SADLER SADRZADEH SAFARI SAGER SAGGI SAMM SAMMUT SAMSON SAMUEL SAMUELS SANDEMAN SANDERS SANDERS SANDFORD SANDFORD SANSOM SANSON SARDELLA SARGENT SARVANANDAN SATTZ SAUNDERS SAUNDERS SAVILLE SAVINO SCANLAN SCAVONE SCEARCE SCHAFHAUSER SCHERK SCHERTZER SCHETTINI SCHNEIDER SCHOFIELD SCHUEDER SCHULZE SCOTT SCOTT SCRIVEN SCUDDS SEARLES SEDORE Given Name DARLENE JEFFREY ALAN KEITH MATTHEW DOUGLAS SCOTT JEREMY WILLIAM JOHN BENITO KIMBERLY DAWN JOSEPH MICHEL MATTHEW AARON JOHN SAMANTHA MILDRED DAVID JOANNE LINDA STEPHEN FRANK THOMAS ALEXANDER ERNEST WESLEY JENNIFER RICHARD STEPHEN CHARLES DAVID BRIAN WENDY DANIEL MICHAEL ALEXANDER STEPHEN MIR SIAMAK MUSTAFA LAWRENCE SHARNJIT SINGH SAMUEL JUNIOR DAVID JEREMY CALVIN GLENN ROBERT JOHN MICHAEL DAVID NEIL GREGORY JUDY MARY ROBERT DOUGLAS CHERYL-ANNE GLENN DONATO CHRISTOPHER SEAN BAHEERATHAN STEVEN DAVID MARK JASON LESLIE LEONARDO KIMBERLY LYN GABRIELE MARTIN KENDAL HANS PETER CHRISTOPHER JOYCE ANTHONY ANDREW GLENN MARK FRANK THOMAS DWAYNE GORDON PATRICK PAUL TREVOR KEVIN ARTHUR Position Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Manager, Parking Support Services Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Staff Inspector Superintendent Police Constable Superintendent Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Labour Relations Analyst Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Manager, Video Services Sergeant Police Constable Manager, Records Management Detective Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Inspector Staff Inspector Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Salary Paid $101,839.46 $109,462.61 $102,614.80 $103,107.97 $114,258.00 $104,432.17 $112,632.86 $127,199.74 $106,400.89 $105,583.71 $101,878.58 $104,191.34 $110,439.09 $112,358.86 $123,759.93 $102,953.63 $151,435.36 $116,974.62 $136,462.04 $112,663.26 $121,586.46 $116,861.82 $111,399.71 $100,548.94 $119,523.49 $118,812.89 $103,700.97 $103,779.56 $102,205.49 $104,365.40 $117,947.04 $104,924.87 $109,458.29 $105,982.86 $102,381.37 $106,407.78 $140,350.52 $101,908.57 $135,225.40 $133,993.07 $113,698.33 $104,356.59 $102,082.90 $117,482.54 $100,801.05 $104,982.31 $104,053.74 $133,046.72 $139,315.65 $109,580.43 $114,552.32 $112,463.52 $110,335.17 $101,316.30 $101,779.89 $114,616.27 $117,804.93 $104,655.08 $114,734.78 $111,045.38 $107,575.84 $105,069.30 $120,554.64 $103,455.59 $107,099.77 $116,467.99 $100,158.17 $110,812.93 Taxable Benefits $363.62 $764.52 $760.33 $742.23 $751.24 $749.41 $785.56 $1,047.67 $789.64 $771.54 $364.64 $774.44 $749.41 $398.27 $789.64 $5,672.16 $13,580.64 $740.30 $11,360.78 $780.72 $780.72 $825.37 $817.08 $920.02 $826.07 $751.24 $786.92 $722.33 $722.33 $780.72 $722.33 $780.72 $780.72 $297.33 $364.64 $789.64 $1,126.10 $789.64 $731.29 $668.17 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $771.54 $780.72 $748.79 $789.64 $1,073.04 $11,774.26 $731.29 $731.29 $824.67 $324.41 $714.42 $731.29 $780.72 $780.72 $364.64 $826.07 $780.72 $789.64 $749.41 $768.26 $789.64 $789.64 $826.07 $355.72 $771.54

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname SELDON SEN SEREMETKOVSKI SERROUL SHANAHAN SHAND SHANK SHANKARAN SHARMA SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHEPPARD SHIELDS SHIN SHREVE SIDHU SIDORA SIEVERS SILLIKER SIMAKOV SIMON SIMPKINS SIMS SINCLAIR SINGH SINGH SINGH SINOPOLI SISK SKEETE SKINNER SKINNER SKINNER SKUBIC SLAVEN SLOAN SLOLY SMALL SMALL SMISSEN SMIT SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMYTH SMYTHE SMYTHE SNEDDON SO SOBOTKA SOBOTKA SOMERS SONDERGAARD SORGO SOUSA-GUTHRIE SOUVANDY SOVA SOVA Given Name WILLIAM TAPAN KUMAR KATHLIN GORDON DAVID MICHAEL JOSEPH EDWARD RICHARD JASON RAJESH SANJAY KUMAR ANDREW DOUGLAS KATHLEEN MARY WILLIAM DANIEL GAIL PATRICIA JAY HO CLARENCE BLAKE ARVIND PRAKASH TERRY JOHN GARRY ALEXANDER DAVID DUANE DAVID ANDREW MICHAEL LARRY WILLIAM AMARJIT PURBA AMRITPAL ANGADVIR DOMENIC DARREN JUNIOR KELLY SIMONE ROBERT RONALD GARY FRANK WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER STUART PETER JOHN BRYAN GEORGE VERNON JOHN MICHAEL BRIAN JOHN DEAN LARENY FREDERICK HUNTER WELLINGTON KEITH LAWRENCE LAWRENCE OLIVER MICHAEL WAYNE RANDOLPH RAYMOND ERNEST STEPHEN PATRICK STEVEN CRAIG CHARLES KAREN GRACE KENT GORDON YING HO JANET MARIE KARL CRAIG ALLAN NIELS ROY JONI CHANTHIMA DANIEL DEBORAH Position Detective Sergeant Project Leader, Information Technology Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Staff Inspector Sergeant Senior Technical Analyst, Information Technology Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Deputy Chief Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Superintendent Detective Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Manager, Equipment and Supply Inspector Project Leader, Information Technology Detective Detective Supervisor, Video Services Staff Sergeant Detective Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Salary Paid $118,254.66 $109,811.88 $106,624.86 $101,878.58 $105,848.40 $105,872.50 $130,154.49 $132,931.32 $103,680.30 $111,135.13 $115,530.53 $105,153.60 $103,727.83 $128,972.75 $103,919.31 $103,276.86 $112,301.43 $106,990.75 $102,808.67 $122,982.94 $118,107.40 $111,128.96 $109,068.20 $113,229.35 $110,859.42 $172,780.46 $120,006.07 $117,717.47 $101,335.75 $118,550.20 $100,659.57 $100,564.42 $103,987.38 $117,947.97 $102,225.31 $132,476.65 $109,255.51 $103,289.48 $218,404.48 $106,537.53 $113,175.89 $115,312.58 $115,126.98 $103,984.75 $163,487.23 $110,397.40 $107,617.80 $109,538.89 $104,955.36 $130,122.12 $133,046.72 $106,247.60 $118,878.93 $112,782.67 $117,590.83 $109,360.39 $115,988.07 $133,046.72 $103,435.84 $102,625.92 $116,808.97 $105,672.14 $112,554.24 $101,916.96 $100,313.93 $101,286.23 $106,633.92 $111,627.72 Taxable Benefits $826.07 $379.32 $751.24 $718.81 $364.64 $722.33 $812.85 $771.54 $731.29 $780.72 $823.27 $778.60 $769.31 $715.15 $719.61 $731.29 $826.07 $731.29 $789.64 $780.72 $826.07 $745.78 $746.53 $826.07 $731.29 $5,614.76 $771.30 $984.75 $771.54 $810.45 $785.56 $359.86 $771.54 $826.07 $789.64 $826.07 $769.31 $771.54 $2,359.74 $742.23 $789.64 $751.24 $789.64 $760.33 $15,256.08 $771.54 $798.16 $817.08 $661.70 $1,073.04 $1,073.04 $379.32 $771.54 $780.72 $401.07 $392.08 $780.72 $1,073.04 $751.24 $780.72 $826.07 $771.54 $826.07 $789.64 $355.72 $731.31 $785.56 $788.28

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname SPANTON SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPITZIG SPRATT SPRATT SPRIGGS SPROXTON SPURLING ST CLAIR STACEY STANLEY STAPLETON STASIAK STEEVES STEFFLER STEIN STEINWALL STERN STEVENS STEVENSON STEVENSON STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STIBBE STINSON STIRLING STOCKWELL STOJIC STOJKOV STOLF STONE STONES STOREY STOYKO STRAIN STRANGWAYS STRATFORD STRAVER STROBLE STRONACH STRONG STUBBINGS STYRA SUDDES SUDDES SUKH SUKUMARAN SUMAISAR SUONGAS SURPHLIS SUTCLIFFE SUTTON SUTTON SWACKHAMER SWEENIE SWEENIE SYBYDLO SYRMBOS TAIT TAIT TAKEDA TALBOT TAM Given Name JOHN ENNIS STEWART JASON GUEVARA LAURA ELIZABETH GERARD ALAN SCOTT EDWARD BRETT HAROLD ROBERT PETER KAREY ALOYSIUS BRIAN WILLIAM BRADLEY THOMAS LESZEK EDWARD THOMAS WARREN RODNEY MORRIS WARREN MARK ANDREW TREVOR CHARLES ANDREW JOHN BRENDAN LEIGH SHANE COLIN ALEXANDER PATRICK ALEXANDER ROBERT TERRY TINA MARIE ROBERT LEE ANDREW GORDON ROBERT SEAN PAUL NENAD SLOBODAN BOB ROBERT GUIDO TERENCE MICHAEL TODD MELVYN SANDRA LOUISE ROBERT JAMES PAUL ROBERT IAN LAWRENCE REUBEN MICHELLE LOUISE DAVIS DUDLEY RICHARD DANA TERESE KEVIN MARLENE EMMANUEL RAJEEV TOM NILAN CHRIS DOUGLAS DARRIN HERBERT DANIEL SEAN MATTHEW BRENT CAROLYN PAUL MARTIN BOHDAN TOM ANASTASIOS KEITH HAMILTON PAUL LEONARD ROBERT DARRYL THOMAS WING Position Staff Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Training Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Inspector Sergeant Inspector Manager, Program Management Senior Technical Analyst, Information Technology Staff Superintendent Manager, Quality Assurance Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Salary Paid $115,710.32 $102,650.73 $105,805.99 $109,648.98 $104,545.15 $104,166.44 $123,429.55 $117,743.11 $112,156.04 $103,172.35 $101,821.66 $102,164.73 $111,856.88 $101,305.82 $111,858.08 $108,100.77 $106,415.89 $101,708.30 $106,369.42 $119,212.63 $100,551.89 $100,847.81 $100,124.52 $100,218.62 $110,031.94 $111,856.88 $104,106.27 $102,378.48 $114,264.61 $132,189.30 $104,465.59 $120,107.29 $124,407.79 $104,096.68 $111,790.28 $100,462.28 $111,879.98 $105,920.92 $100,813.04 $105,287.36 $108,805.66 $123,174.07 $102,713.03 $132,458.92 $151,425.22 $109,112.72 $157,334.03 $137,560.71 $145,179.60 $101,993.71 $108,536.65 $123,014.39 $100,195.88 $102,579.18 $108,048.32 $100,859.38 $102,418.89 $104,714.59 $115,492.36 $101,065.48 $112,476.87 $102,352.67 $109,775.13 $107,790.39 $103,554.35 $101,477.27 $100,635.16 $111,266.41 Taxable Benefits $826.07 $771.54 $751.24 $738.33 $760.87 $789.64 $817.08 $751.24 $826.07 $789.64 $722.33 $769.31 $401.07 $771.54 $826.07 $751.24 $730.94 $771.54 $771.54 $788.62 $781.26 $748.79 $780.72 $768.42 $733.65 $401.07 $364.64 $364.64 $751.24 $353.20 $789.64 $751.24 $731.29 $722.33 $762.18 $758.39 $826.07 $751.24 $726.63 $789.64 $762.29 $827.03 $789.64 $983.13 $955.80 $351.45 $9,629.93 $1,126.10 $826.07 $789.64 $749.41 $780.72 $747.23 $789.64 $789.64 $783.42 $789.64 $751.24 $812.85 $786.92 $771.54 $769.31 $751.24 $749.41 $722.33 $784.86 $355.72 $740.30

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname TAN TANABE TANHAM TANNAHILL TANOUYE TANOUYE TAPLEY TATONE TATTERSALL TAVARES TAVERNER TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TEDFORD TEEFT TEIXEIRA TEIXEIRA THAI THERIAULT THERIAULT THERIAULT THERRIEN THIBODEAU THOMAS THOMAS THOMAS THOMAS THOMAS THOMAS THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMS THOMSON THORNING THORNTON THORPE TILLEY TILLSLEY TINNEY TINT TJERKSTRA TOBIN TOHM TOMASZEWSKI TOWNLEY TRACEY TRACY TRAMONTOZZI TRENOUTH TRETTER TRIAS TRIMBLE TRITES TROINA TROTMAN TROUP TRUBECKI TSERING TSIANOS TSO TU TUCKER Given Name MARK ANTHONY SHINGO OLIVER JASON DARLA JASON THOMAS JOHNNY RONALD MAURO MICHAEL EASTWOD JEFFERY RONALD EDWARD JASON PETER JEFF JEFFREY KENNETH SCOTT DAVID STEVEN THOMAS NADINE ALICE ANDREW PEREIRA MARIO JORGE THANH ANGELA DONALD JOHN ALLAN JOHN ROBERT JENNIFER LOUISE LEROY MICHAEL ROBERT SONIA SYDNEY ELSIE TINA JAMES DUNCAN MICHAEL PAUL ANTHONY WAYNE HEATHER BERNADETTE ALLAN JOHN SHIRLEY AMANDA DORIS GREGORY JOSEPH MARK JOHN HARLEN JULIE CHRISTINE ROELOF ROBERT DARIK GORDON MARCIN ROBERT DARREN CHRISTOPHER JAMES-ALBERT STEVEN NUNZIATO BRADLEY ROBERT MADELAINE ETHELWALD DIOSA PETER JOHN CHRISTOPHER BENEDETTO KENNETH PETER ROBERT TENZIN CHODON DIMITRIOS WING-IP BINH TU ADRIANA PATRICIA Position Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Superintendent Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Superintendent Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Supervisor, Systems Hardware and Software Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Assistant Manager, Computer Operations Detective Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $116,141.89 $137,775.38 $100,177.08 $100,204.26 $107,905.02 $151,435.36 $114,773.40 $101,887.11 $100,994.42 $112,215.48 $151,435.36 $113,093.82 $102,682.52 $109,622.29 $129,155.06 $112,654.98 $100,192.94 $103,244.02 $100,072.22 $104,243.92 $103,303.85 $102,360.86 $110,424.70 $110,098.18 $106,258.33 $113,652.70 $100,642.97 $102,270.23 $107,318.98 $104,152.36 $119,959.99 $112,023.06 $107,629.92 $104,639.55 $153,276.67 $104,198.58 $105,811.64 $115,127.14 $109,152.85 $103,727.65 $105,132.94 $131,230.74 $113,804.26 $106,048.14 $104,259.04 $100,035.45 $111,041.88 $111,958.03 $104,273.51 $101,036.17 $100,294.28 $107,882.49 $119,671.00 $119,135.55 $108,377.84 $112,350.65 $102,524.91 $135,378.19 $106,073.21 $102,233.89 $105,446.10 $117,030.45 $108,478.49 $105,608.21 $115,042.02 $108,462.77 $104,238.34 $112,021.96 Taxable Benefits $742.23 $751.24 $746.61 $355.72 $742.23 $12,025.92 $826.07 $789.64 $722.33 $770.76 $16,629.16 $326.24 $749.41 $817.08 $856.14 $751.24 $780.72 $760.33 $751.24 $780.72 $760.33 $789.64 $780.72 $789.64 $749.41 $780.72 $749.27 $749.41 $760.46 $781.26 $826.07 $826.07 $379.32 $742.23 $749.41 $731.29 $749.41 $995.28 $780.72 $780.72 $771.54 $817.08 $826.07 $789.64 $771.54 $780.72 $789.64 $804.91 $748.69 $722.33 $780.72 $771.54 $401.07 $359.86 $722.33 $826.07 $722.33 $801.57 $780.72 $364.64 $364.64 $826.07 $789.64 $751.24 $751.24 $780.72 $742.23 $741.10

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname TUCKER TUGHAN TULIPANO TUMANSKIY TUPLING TURNBULL TURZA TUTCHENER TYMBURSKI TYNKALUK UHRICH UPPAL URBANIAK URKOSKY VALENTINI VALERIO VALLES VAN ANDEL VAN DER KRABBEN VAN HET VELD VAN SCHUBERT VAN SETERS VAN VEGHEL VANDALL VANDENBERG VANDENBRINK VANDER HEYDEN VANDERHART VAYANI VEIT VELAUTHAM VELLEND TAYLOR VENDRAMINI VENEZIANO VENN VERDOOLD VERSPEETEN VERWEY VICKERS VIEIRA VIEIRA VIGNA VILLANI VILLEMAIRE VILLERS VINCENT VIPARI VIRANI VIRK VITTIE VO VORVIS VRUNA WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER-KNAPPER WALLACE WALLACE WALLACE WALLACE WALLI WALSH WALSH Given Name BRIAN DOUGLAS MICHAEL PATRICK ROSARIO MYKOLA ANN-MARIE RONALD JAMES JANICE GARY EDWARD DEAN ALLAN ALLAN JOSEPH VISHAL THOMAS BRIAN WILLIAM ENZO-LORETO JOHN SHEHARA PHILLIP GEORGE STEVEN JOHN JAN KEVIN JOHN PAUL NANCY MARTIN PHILIP CAROLYN HENDRIK JUSTIN WILLIAM GREGORY SHAFIQ ABDUL OSWALD KARTHIGESAN KATHARINE LUIGI TONY JOANNE MICHELE LANCE SCOTT BRADLEY DENNIS ALBERT DAVID ABILIO LARRY GIL RITA ELSA ANTHONY DOUGLAS STEPHEN SCOTT CHARLES MATTHEW EDWARD CAROL MARIE ABDULHAMEED MAHEEP KAUR DEBORAH THAO BA PAUL MARIA JAMES JEROME JOHN KELLY LYNN MARK DOYLE SCOTT JAMES STEVEN SUSAN COLETTE JAMES JOHN DAVID PETER ROBERT BOYD ALYKHAN AMIR MARK SUZANNE MARIE Position Senior Technical Analyst, Information Technology Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Systems Integration Specialist Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Chief Administrative Officer Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Inspector Staff Sergeant Police Constable Assistant Manager, Records Management Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Project Leader, Information Technology Corporate Psychologist Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Inspector Detective Staff Sergeant Manager, Systems Operations Sergeant Senior Operations Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Manager, Court Support Services Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $103,875.81 $104,338.12 $114,417.14 $104,460.82 $103,752.31 $106,561.10 $108,791.06 $114,604.27 $111,998.53 $100,261.91 $108,342.01 $114,449.02 $105,586.74 $101,242.16 $104,006.32 $100,406.25 $111,566.48 $117,960.83 $101,817.83 $101,497.89 $122,458.67 $125,446.90 $135,974.20 $103,086.55 $100,863.58 $102,486.62 $114,363.26 $116,137.79 $110,512.15 $113,962.44 $109,658.62 $108,685.19 $103,160.88 $226,603.17 $105,828.84 $100,294.60 $106,825.12 $116,867.09 $134,363.52 $114,246.53 $100,311.75 $100,272.30 $101,893.93 $109,083.07 $109,300.72 $106,992.91 $163,459.06 $134,598.88 $102,829.38 $103,445.90 $111,871.38 $142,961.25 $116,571.81 $114,896.78 $140,350.52 $105,762.84 $107,470.57 $101,794.14 $108,798.00 $101,331.89 $150,692.97 $139,594.80 $116,232.35 $103,867.20 $113,487.69 $100,846.06 $103,703.48 $116,166.18 Taxable Benefits $351.45 $732.14 $826.07 $722.33 $780.72 $379.32 $789.64 $826.07 $826.07 $780.72 $784.86 $731.29 $789.64 $768.42 $731.29 $781.26 $789.64 $826.07 $736.75 $769.31 $780.72 $749.41 $718.81 $789.64 $780.72 $364.64 $346.54 $749.41 $725.07 $780.72 $780.72 $789.64 $789.64 $13,529.72 $780.72 $740.30 $726.63 $789.64 $1,073.04 $826.07 $737.93 $918.22 $789.64 $749.41 $751.24 $379.32 $819.72 $740.30 $711.03 $364.64 $751.24 $766.12 $780.72 $826.07 $916.00 $789.64 $767.30 $750.64 $722.33 $769.31 $981.12 $749.41 $751.24 $768.42 $751.24 $722.33 $789.64 $826.07

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname WALTERS WALTERS WANNAMAKER WARD WARD WARD WARDLE WARDLE WARNER WARR WARRENER WASHINGTON WATKINS WATSON WATTS WATTS WAUCHOPE WEBSTER WEHBY WEIDMARK WELSH WEST WEST WHALEN WHALEN WHEALY WHEELER WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITLA WHITLEY WHITTEMORE WHITTLE WHITWORTH WHYNOT WIGGERMANN WIGHTON WILCOX WILEY WILLAN WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WINCHESTER WINDLE WINDMOLLER WINTER Given Name GREGORY MICHAEL JEFFREY MICHAEL KEVIN WALTER PAUL VANESSA ROLAND WILLIAM RUTH ANTHONY JOHN ROBERT JOSEPH KATHARINE ANN KERRY IAN ANDREW GREGORY MILES STEVEN MARK LIAM DAVID GREGORY PETER MICHAEL ARTHUR JONATHAN CLAYTON JACK LEE ANN CHRISTOPHER ANDREW ROBERT GORDON CHRISTOPHER BARRY CATHERINE MARLENE CHRISTOPHER CRISALIDA MARIE DEIDRA DENISE JOHN KEVIN MARILYN EDNA PAUL RUTH RONALD PAUL WILLIAM SCOTT ROY ERNEST CARROL ANNE SVEN MATTHEW STEWART JANE JEROME SUMMER LEE ANTHONY CAROL CLAYTON DEIRDRE ELIZABETH GHERARDT KEVIN CHRISTOPHER KYLE MICHAEL JAMES STEVEN THOMAS CHARLES DAVID DEREK SCOTT MICHAEL PAUL PAULA JEAN TIMOTHY WARREN JOHN TRACY GEORGINA THEODORE JOHN JEFFREY MATTHEW Position Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Staff Inspector Detective Deputy Chief Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Staff Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Superintendent Manager, Staffing and Recruitment Manager, Customer Service Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Superintendent Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Inspector Detective Sergeant Senior Corporate Planner Police Constable Police Constable Staff Superintendent Criminal and Corporate Counsel Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Board Administrator Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Assistant Manager, Records Management Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $120,378.96 $108,733.65 $105,843.43 $103,626.30 $126,634.57 $117,685.99 $102,343.18 $140,315.68 $100,322.51 $187,752.76 $107,616.17 $101,752.47 $102,316.75 $105,336.11 $100,717.11 $127,137.42 $115,763.56 $103,033.12 $100,333.26 $134,956.85 $103,030.60 $104,157.90 $102,687.14 $101,750.10 $110,588.92 $129,187.68 $121,257.33 $101,835.88 $107,821.97 $151,435.36 $142,444.21 $140,350.52 $114,612.66 $145,650.26 $109,366.87 $106,233.28 $147,623.14 $105,256.16 $113,704.59 $116,021.62 $144,279.36 $118,222.01 $130,122.12 $104,154.16 $105,104.93 $163,459.84 $153,157.71 $101,390.29 $113,397.13 $107,538.94 $100,124.75 $100,548.94 $123,644.84 $102,993.48 $115,639.92 $106,566.42 $104,703.69 $100,346.53 $113,118.21 $102,424.63 $102,798.53 $100,272.30 $116,232.33 $113,120.97 $105,692.22 $101,515.69 $103,189.95 $106,597.12 Taxable Benefits $780.72 $789.64 $751.24 $297.33 $780.72 $789.64 $364.64 $10,372.00 $780.72 $11,798.76 $751.24 $775.26 $789.64 $751.24 $771.54 $356.26 $751.24 $780.72 $771.54 $6,381.60 $742.50 $789.64 $751.24 $734.03 $780.72 $826.07 $748.33 $780.72 $780.72 $14,293.92 $766.12 $1,126.10 $401.07 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $9,604.55 $789.64 $739.11 $783.06 $8,281.44 $826.07 $453.26 $722.33 $731.29 $8,922.20 $11,263.39 $771.54 $780.72 $789.64 $780.72 $346.64 $781.26 $751.24 $789.64 $771.54 $751.24 $769.31 $789.64 $780.72 $746.17 $918.22 $780.72 $826.07 $749.41 $722.33 $788.62 $751.24

APPENDIX A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname WINTER WISZNIOWSKI WITTY WOJDYLO WOLF WOLLENZIEN WONG WONG WONG WONG WOO WOOD WOOD WOODHOUSE WOODLEY WOODS WOOKEY WOOLLEY WORDEN WORRELL WORSDALE WORTH WORTH WRAY WRIGHT WRIGHT WRONG WULFF WYNIA WYNNE XINOS YANG YARMOLUK YEANDLE YEANDLE YEO YOUNG YOUNG YOUNG YOUNG YOUNG YOUNGER YU YUEN ZAJAC ZAMBRI ZAMMIT ZAMPARO ZARB ZEBROWSKI ZELENY ZIELENIEWSKI ZIMMERMAN ZISIS ZUBAIR ZUBEK ZYCH Given Name JOHN RYSZARD EARL HENRYK RAYMOND BERNHARD CHUNG MAN CONRAD EMERY WAN-HOI M WINSTON WEI-HON CHI SHING JOHN ALAN NANCY STEPHEN DAVID DOUGLAS STEPHEN CHARLES RAYMOND PAUL HAMILTON PHILIP SHAYNE WILLIAM DARREN KANE WILSON TERRENCE LESTER REGINALD GEORGE JASON CHRISTOPHER EDUARDO IGNACIO RANDALL TRAVERS EVAGELOS YANJIAO DAVID GEORGE KIMBERLEY MARK DARREN ROY BLAIN CRAIG DEREK RONALD WARREN CHAD ANDREW CLIFFORD PETER DAVID CARMELO JEFFREY DANIEL RAYMOND TOMASZ JOHN DARYN STANLEY LAWRENCE MARY LYNN MOHAMMAD JOSEPH STEFAN Position Sergeant Sergeant Superintendent Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Senior Programmer, Information Technology Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Enterprise Data Architect Detective Staff Inspector Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Inspector Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Senior Corporate Planning Analyst Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Salary Paid $103,795.85 $102,014.48 $151,435.36 $108,169.35 $113,116.71 $111,586.36 $116,070.31 $120,509.69 $103,670.43 $109,947.69 $103,121.30 $128,572.68 $103,376.31 $111,046.26 $116,851.39 $101,706.99 $119,758.01 $101,601.84 $112,788.90 $101,980.22 $102,188.79 $122,270.98 $146,251.34 $106,465.33 $114,016.53 $127,784.45 $113,590.36 $107,494.87 $110,000.21 $102,600.02 $102,086.32 $115,127.14 $106,339.33 $139,315.65 $102,994.22 $111,633.20 $117,437.38 $117,864.30 $105,595.76 $119,414.76 $123,498.30 $110,936.38 $109,112.97 $133,046.72 $105,238.03 $114,791.27 $129,235.16 $111,250.79 $111,856.88 $101,402.28 $104,553.64 $104,046.80 $103,554.55 $104,782.47 $101,663.13 $111,858.88 $118,345.34 Taxable Benefits $789.64 $364.64 $12,517.92 $789.64 $789.64 $769.31 $780.72 $722.33 $749.41 $771.54 $322.46 $751.24 $789.64 $789.64 $826.07 $731.29 $780.72 $749.41 $780.72 $780.72 $731.29 $771.54 $780.72 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $744.38 $780.72 $740.30 $789.64 $746.96 $570.28 $780.72 $8,786.08 $789.64 $771.54 $787.26 $825.02 $789.64 $401.07 $355.72 $751.24 $749.41 $912.60 $789.64 $780.72 $789.64 $751.24 $826.07 $722.33 $788.62 $749.41 $789.64 $308.17 $726.63 $401.07 $749.41

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname BLAIR VENEZIANO SLOLY FEDERICO WARR ASHMAN DERRY SINCLAIR MCGUIRE GOTTSCHALK SMITH WILCOX CRISTOFARO GIANNOTTA KIJEWSKI PUGASH VIPARI HAYWARD HORNER GETTY GAUTHIER CRAWFORD CLARKE STUBBINGS DALGARNO CAMPBELL THOMPSON GREENWOOD WILEY FITZGERALD CLARKE FENTON FERGUSON FERNANDES MILLER RAMER RUSSELL TANOUYE TAVERNER WHITE WITTY BEVERS HENDERSON KIM STRONACH WALKER-KNAPPER BREEN MARTIN PHILIPSON FERNANDES WHITE PALERMO CAMPBELL WORTH BYRNES DI TOMMASO WHITE BRAMMALL SUDDES IRELAND HEWNER WHITTLE NIELSEN GIROUX VORVIS PLUNKETT Given Name WILLIAM STERLING TONY PETER JOHN MICHAEL ANTHONY JOHN AILEEN ALBERTA KIM WALTER LARRY WILLIAM JEFFREY PAUL JAMES FREDERICK JANE ANGELO CELESTINO P KRISTINE JEAN MARK CAROL MARIE MARK GAVIN GREGORY RICHARD CHRISTIAN MATTHEW FRANCIS RICHARD GORDON JOANNE ELIZABETH MICHAEL KIMBERLEY SARA JEROME THOMAS ROBERT DAVID HUGH SELWYN JOHN HELEN DIANE DONALD THOMAS JOHNNY RONALD EDWARD CHRISTOPHER EARL DONALD NORMAN GEORGE SANG-RAE SAM MICHELLE LOUISE SUSAN COLETTE FRANCIS KATHRYN GRAEME CYRIL RUTH MICHAEL ANGELO DONALD ALEXANDER KANE WILSON ELIZABETH MARIO KEVIN MICHAEL KEVIN MORGAN HARRIS ELIZABETH JANINE ROY DANIEL GARY PAUL PATRICK JOHN Position Chief of Police Chief Administrative Officer Deputy Chief Deputy Chief Deputy Chief Director, Human Resource Management Deputy Chief Staff Inspector Staff Superintendent Superintendent Staff Superintendent Staff Superintendent Director, Finance and Administration Director, Information Technology Services Director, Corporate Services Director, Corporate Communications Corporate Psychologist Sergeant Detective Superintendent Staff Superintendent Staff Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Superintendent Inspector Executive Director, Police Services Board Police Constable Staff Superintendent Criminal and Corporate Counsel Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Manager, Corporate Planning Administrator, Fleet and Materials Management Manager, Enterprise Architecture Manager, Program Management Manager, Court Support Services Superintendent Superintendent Sergeant Staff Superintendent Superintendent Detective Superintendent Sergeant Superintendent Superintendent Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Manager, Budgeting and Control Staff Inspector Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $328,557.60 $226,603.17 $218,404.48 $203,360.22 $187,752.76 $184,558.96 $181,278.52 $172,780.46 $167,547.95 $165,579.47 $163,487.23 $163,459.84 $163,459.06 $163,459.06 $163,459.06 $163,459.06 $163,459.06 $162,771.63 $162,048.57 $161,310.74 $160,818.35 $160,807.74 $158,639.16 $157,334.03 $155,293.77 $154,567.18 $153,276.67 $153,259.10 $153,157.71 $152,803.17 $152,693.16 $151,435.36 $151,435.36 $151,435.36 $151,435.36 $151,435.36 $151,435.36 $151,435.36 $151,435.36 $151,435.36 $151,435.36 $151,425.22 $151,425.22 $151,425.22 $151,425.22 $150,692.97 $150,351.37 $150,351.37 $149,946.46 $149,871.51 $147,623.14 $147,354.17 $146,295.76 $146,251.34 $145,768.88 $145,768.88 $145,650.26 $145,594.91 $145,179.60 $144,649.21 $144,449.16 $144,279.36 $143,672.55 $143,607.35 $142,961.25 $142,854.52 Taxable Benefits $3,559.05 $13,529.72 $2,359.74 $13,044.03 $11,798.76 $1,339.06 $9,790.07 $5,614.76 $11,564.55 $11,508.62 $15,256.08 $8,922.20 $1,244.72 $1,244.72 $1,244.72 $8,486.08 $819.72 $789.64 $363.96 $14,850.90 $6,260.20 $9,313.30 $751.24 $9,629.93 $938.60 $955.80 $749.41 $11,087.10 $11,263.39 $10,492.56 $7,188.62 $15,431.40 $14,192.64 $8,483.19 $11,620.32 $11,161.32 $13,580.64 $12,025.92 $16,629.16 $14,293.92 $12,517.92 $1,182.72 $1,182.72 $1,182.72 $955.80 $981.12 $8,504.21 $9,512.32 $355.72 $9,943.74 $9,604.55 $771.54 $16,018.78 $780.72 $7,694.64 $12,495.92 $789.64 $789.64 $826.07 $731.29 $1,146.78 $8,281.44 $826.07 $401.07 $766.12 $751.24

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname WHITE PRESTON HARRIS MCLEOD BERGEN MCILHONE FERRY LENNOX RAMPRASHAD MCCORMACK BEERS BORTKIEWICZ CALIFARETTI CURTIN GROSS SANDEMAN WALKER WHITE AIKMAN EARL EVANS HARRIS MARKS WARDLE HEWITT WALLACE MOMENI NEADLES SAUNDERS YEANDLE ROSE MARGETSON PEARSON TANABE DIAZ MEMME STYRA HUSSEIN RYAN O'CONNOR HEGEDUS CRISTIANO VAN VEGHEL HARMSEN FRANKS MCLANE BORG CANEPA TRIMBLE IZZETT MORRIS SANDERS AUDETTE RIVIERE WEIDMARK IDSINGA VIRANI KUCK METCALFE VICKERS SANDFORD JOHNSTON CORRIGAN REDDEN PAGE DIGIOVANNI RICHARDSON ANAND Given Name CRISALIDA MARIE DEBRA DEBBIE VERNETT FRANCIS THOMAS MICHAEL BERNARD PETER DWARKH DAVID CLAY ALBERT CHRISTINE SANDRA ANGELA HELEN MARGARET PAVEL JOHN MICHAEL JEROME DEIDRA DENISE SCOTT DOUGLAS MICHAEL BRYCE STEPHEN ARTHUR DAVID WILLIAM STEPHEN MARK JAMES ORANG WILLIAM MARK KIMBERLEY DOUGLAS GRANT JOHN JEFFREY SHINGO OLIVER PEDRO EDUARDO NICOLAS DANA TERESE RIYAZ ERNEST WESLEY BRIAN RICHARD GUIDO NANCY PETER RANDY GREGORY BRIAN ANTONIO PETER JOHN STEVEN NICKOLAS JOSEPH NEIL GREGORY DAVID FRANCIS ANTHONY FRANCIS ARTHUR HANK ABDULHAMEED HEINZ MARY DAVID JUDY MARY ROBERT BRUCE NEIL DAVID JEFFREY HOWARD GIUSEPPE SANDRA ANIL Position Manager, Staffing and Recruitment Superintendent Detective Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Sergeant Superintendent Police Constable Superintendent Manager, Telecom Manager, Human Resources Support Services Manager, Financial Management Manager, Information Technology Governance Manager, Information Systems Manager, Video Services Manager, Systems Operations Manager, Customer Service Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Inspector Staff Inspector Staff Inspector Staff Inspector Staff Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Staff Inspector Staff Inspector Staff Inspector Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Inspector Manager, Quality Assurance Inspector Superintendent Inspector Inspector Police Constable Detective Detective Staff Inspector Staff Inspector Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Staff Inspector Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Inspector Staff Inspector Detective Sergeant Police Constable Staff Inspector Staff Inspector Inspector Manager, Records Management Inspector Staff Inspector Sergeant Inspector Detective Inspector Inspector Salary Paid $142,444.21 $142,186.10 $142,063.59 $141,817.28 $141,580.79 $141,215.18 $141,134.16 $140,868.89 $140,457.79 $140,369.40 $140,350.52 $140,350.52 $140,350.52 $140,350.52 $140,350.52 $140,350.52 $140,350.52 $140,350.52 $140,337.39 $140,315.68 $140,315.68 $140,315.68 $140,315.68 $140,315.68 $140,184.58 $139,594.80 $139,546.13 $139,315.65 $139,315.65 $139,315.65 $138,400.53 $138,205.72 $138,089.52 $137,775.38 $137,736.66 $137,618.16 $137,560.71 $136,710.87 $136,462.04 $136,272.88 $136,177.41 $136,091.16 $135,974.20 $135,844.61 $135,610.93 $135,610.93 $135,609.65 $135,509.45 $135,378.19 $135,347.68 $135,247.82 $135,225.40 $135,071.94 $134,956.85 $134,956.85 $134,917.83 $134,598.88 $134,408.67 $134,408.67 $134,363.52 $133,993.07 $133,557.46 $133,411.13 $133,273.31 $133,139.44 $133,119.00 $133,094.89 $133,046.72 Taxable Benefits $766.12 $10,957.22 $789.64 $16,834.41 $13,148.29 $8,628.62 $358.42 $11,815.39 $740.30 $12,717.33 $916.00 $1,126.10 $916.00 $916.00 $1,126.10 $1,126.10 $916.00 $1,126.10 $333.75 $13,545.50 $14,362.58 $13,957.70 $9,348.83 $10,372.00 $734.03 $749.41 $780.72 $11,285.90 $11,774.26 $8,786.08 $783.06 $780.72 $395.39 $751.24 $780.72 $6,782.72 $1,126.10 $875.26 $11,360.78 $878.26 $1,068.54 $749.41 $718.81 $789.64 $11,880.06 $11,008.08 $401.07 $769.31 $801.57 $5,973.78 $749.41 $731.29 $745.09 $5,340.96 $6,381.60 $392.08 $740.30 $1,074.00 $4,685.41 $1,073.04 $668.17 $766.12 $1,074.00 $789.64 $1,073.04 $783.06 $878.26 $878.26

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname BAPTIST BEAVEN-DESJARDINS BOCKUS BOYD BUTTON CARTER COLE ELEY FERNANDES GILBERT HOLT JONES LITTLE MEISSNER QUAN SAUNDERS SMITH SNEDDON YUEN SHANKARAN PRESTON PAPADOPOULOS COOKE SKUBIC STROBLE CLARK IRWIN STINSON BOTT CASHMAN MACKRELL ROSETO MACINTYRE ROSENBERG THORPE REBELLATO BARKLEY PELLETIER ELFORD OBERFRANK SHANK MATTHEWS ELLIS GOH NIELSEN RADIX SMITH WHYNOT DEY BANKS GRAY ZAMMIT WHEALY TAYLOR MAHONEY QUINN SHEPPARD MUNROE WOOD BOYCE JOHNSON BEVERIDGE CARBONE LISKA KNOWLES MACDONNELL WRIGHT QUEEN Given Name ROBERT SCOTT JOANNA RUTH CORY EDWARD BERNADETTE RANDOLPH GREGORY STUART CHRISTOPHER SCOTT GLENN GORDON ARTHUR GERHARD DOUGLAS DAVID RANDOLPH GORDON PETER JASON RAJESH BRIAN KYRIAKOS LEE SCOTT FRANK REUBEN ROY STEPHEN ANDREW GORDON BRYAN GERALD JAMES EGIDIO BRIAN PAUL HOWARD GREGORY JOSEPH LARRY MARK EDWIN CHRISTIAN JOSEPH WILLIAM CHARLES TIMOTHY RICHARD STEPHEN MICHAEL MICHAEL DAVID ANDRE PIERRE CHRISTIAN HINGE BRENDA REBECCA MICHAEL WAYNE CARROL ANNE ROBIN HUGH WAYNE MICHAEL PAULINE JEFFREY GORDON KENNETH SHAWN MICHAEL MARC DANIEL KELLY BRUCE JOHN ALAN JOHN ROBERT KATHRYN ANNE MIKE IRENE DAVID BRIAN REGINALD GEORGE GRAHAM Position Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Detective Inspector Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Inspector Police Constable Inspector Detective Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Staff Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Inspector Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Manager, Facilities Management Manager, Human Rights and Employment Equality Manager, Shop Operations Manager, Property and Evidence Management Manager, Equipment and Supply Senior Corporate Planner Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Inspector Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Inspector Detective Detective Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $133,046.72 $133,046.72 $133,046.72 $133,046.72 $133,046.72 $133,046.72 $133,046.72 $133,046.72 $133,046.72 $133,046.72 $133,046.72 $133,046.72 $133,046.72 $133,046.72 $133,046.72 $133,046.72 $133,046.72 $133,046.72 $133,046.72 $132,931.32 $132,696.92 $132,626.30 $132,503.15 $132,476.65 $132,458.92 $132,401.66 $132,300.89 $132,189.30 $132,123.25 $132,123.25 $132,123.25 $132,123.25 $131,780.82 $131,558.41 $131,230.74 $131,193.68 $130,901.86 $130,505.27 $130,290.49 $130,271.49 $130,154.49 $130,130.06 $130,122.12 $130,122.12 $130,122.12 $130,122.12 $130,122.12 $130,122.12 $129,927.82 $129,624.07 $129,437.30 $129,235.16 $129,187.68 $129,155.06 $129,080.94 $128,985.01 $128,972.75 $128,674.11 $128,572.68 $128,514.16 $128,315.03 $128,192.14 $128,127.01 $128,001.50 $127,867.25 $127,817.36 $127,784.45 $127,753.52 Taxable Benefits $1,073.04 $1,073.04 $878.26 $1,073.04 $878.26 $878.26 $1,073.04 $878.26 $1,073.04 $1,073.04 $1,073.04 $1,073.04 $648.04 $1,073.04 $1,073.04 $1,073.04 $1,073.04 $1,073.04 $912.60 $771.54 $1,071.54 $731.29 $731.29 $826.07 $983.13 $749.41 $1,005.94 $353.20 $875.26 $1,068.54 $643.54 $1,038.98 $821.16 $749.41 $817.08 $780.72 $854.88 $731.29 $749.41 $789.64 $812.85 $771.54 $648.04 $453.26 $878.26 $1,073.04 $1,073.04 $453.26 $789.64 $826.07 $823.27 $789.64 $826.07 $856.14 $789.64 $771.54 $715.15 $749.41 $751.24 $826.07 $1,021.52 $788.62 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $819.36 $789.64 $819.36

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname GIBSON DAVIS PETRIE MCDONALD GROSS DUNSTAN ROSSI AZARRAGA GERRITS WATTS BROWNE MCMANUS BATES DE SOUSA WARD BABIAR FARAHBAKHSH REID HENRY MOLINARO NEAL MARTIN-DOTO ABDULLA BRYSON DEMKIW MCDOUGALL MCCULLOUGH NICOL VAN SETERS PRAVICA FRIMETH MILIC DI PASSA BOBBIS DUNKLEY STOJIC MADILL CHUDOBA JONES HOWARD JOHNSTON GIANCOLA BATES MELOCHE MORIN MURRAY BOWMAN FERGUSON RUFFINO NEALON WILLIAMS LITTLE HALL YOUNG FIELDING SPRATT STRATFORD COSTA CORREIA BATES KLODT BOYLE SUKUMARAN SIEVERS BROADFOOT KIM GIBSON FOSTER CATENACCIO Given Name GRAHAM SHARON RICHARD JOHN KIMBERLY DOUGLAS KIMBERLY DAWN JOSE MATIAS JOHN STEVEN MARK TERRENCE MICHAEL BARRY MICHAEL JOHN PAUL PAUL JOHN JAMES JEANETTE ISABEL JONATHAN DOUGLAS ANN-MARIE PATRICIA ANTONIO WESLEY JOHN CATHERINE ANN AL RAHIM LAWRENCE NEIL MYRON ANDREY ROBERT GORDON DAVID BRETT DONALD PAUL DUSAN DAN KEVIN DAVID DANY DOMENICO RICHARD ROBERT LESLIE NENAD ALLAN NEIL MYRON DOUGLAS ALBERT ELDON JOHN DAVID FRANCESCO WAYNE EDWARD SHAWN RONALD MICHAEL DAVID BRIAN SCOTT CAVANAGH STEPHEN DANIEL GHERARDT MICHELLE LYNNE NEIL HARCOURT WARREN SHAWN MICHAEL SCOTT EDWARD IAN ZENON PIO KIMBERLEY MICHELE SHAWN EDWARD KENNETH RAJEEV JOHN ALEXANDER MIN CHUL JAMES ROY MARIO Position Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Manager, Parking Support Services Detective Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Manager, Labour Relations Detective Manager, Compensation and Human Resource Systems Shift and Area Supervisor, Parking Enforcement Detective Corporate Psychologist Senior Technical Analyst, Information Technology Staff Sergeant Inspector Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Inspector Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Salary Paid $127,713.01 $127,616.21 $127,598.16 $127,512.49 $127,496.75 $127,398.39 $127,199.74 $127,196.51 $127,168.71 $127,137.42 $127,089.08 $126,980.17 $126,911.35 $126,846.14 $126,634.57 $126,442.62 $126,319.00 $126,236.05 $126,167.65 $126,125.24 $125,706.29 $124,310.80 $125,626.89 $125,556.29 $125,554.13 $125,551.93 $125,526.91 $125,467.94 $125,446.90 $125,217.12 $125,148.75 $125,005.33 $124,919.23 $124,670.58 $124,413.07 $124,407.79 $124,292.61 $124,260.18 $124,199.51 $124,158.09 $124,056.45 $124,016.65 $123,913.19 $123,902.90 $123,884.24 $123,864.17 $123,822.38 $123,773.62 $123,759.93 $123,661.49 $123,644.84 $123,629.85 $123,595.79 $123,498.30 $123,480.95 $123,429.55 $123,174.07 $123,169.46 $123,121.77 $123,090.43 $123,078.54 $123,014.39 $122,982.94 $122,957.76 $122,950.29 $122,929.86 $122,770.27 $122,615.09 Taxable Benefits $819.36 $401.07 $780.72 $789.64 $826.07 $789.64 $1,047.67 $780.72 $749.41 $356.26 $819.36 $789.64 $671.80 $751.24 $780.72 $401.07 $578.48 $784.86 $1,036.38 $666.69 $789.30 $1,118.50 $351.45 $826.07 $979.30 $764.52 $749.41 $354.36 $749.41 $771.54 $780.72 $744.38 $355.72 $771.54 $783.06 $731.29 $709.89 $789.64 $339.41 $324.41 $751.24 $789.64 $789.64 $817.60 $749.41 $817.55 $826.07 $784.44 $789.64 $826.07 $781.26 $779.94 $751.24 $355.72 $297.33 $817.08 $827.03 $771.54 $789.64 $760.33 $826.07 $780.72 $780.72 $780.72 $731.29 $834.57 $789.64 $722.33

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname BALINT VAN SCHUBERT LUFF BLAIR WORTH IRISH ANDRICI BOUCHER CORREA FARRELL CAPUTO DARNBROUGH KHOW CARTER ISABELLO REDDIN RYAN DOMINEY MORRIS ONYSZKIEWICZ BIRRELL O'BRIEN BOYCE PAGNIELLO PICKERING JOHNSTON BELLEC PARMAR WHEELER MCNEILLY HILL ROBINSON BARREDO MCFADYEN SCOTT WONG NORTHMORE FERREIRA ASSELIN FORTIN WALTERS JOHNSTON BOURQUE CHURKOO KELLY STOCKWELL GERRY CLARKE SINGH THOMAS KAY WOOKEY TRACY MOORE SABADICS BROOKES CHILVERS HAMPSON CRONE FERRIS YOUNG LI CRADDOCK STERN MATTHEWS GOMES TRAMONTOZZI BISHOP Given Name MICHAEL ANDREW KEVIN JOHN DANIEL JEFFREY KELVIN DARREN TIMOTHY GARNET IULIAN ROBERT DANIEL IRWIN GEORGE JOSEPH DANIEL ROBERT SIEWING MAXWELL DAVID ANTHONY KIRBY ALBERT RICHARD PAUL LAURIE HAROLD ANDREW JOHN THOMAS KENNETH RONALD MICHELE STEPHEN BRIAN HUGH FRANCOIS MARIE MANDEEP SINGH CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH GORDON IRA NORMAN DANIEL FRANCISCO JAVIER DANIEL GORDON DWAYNE CONRAD EMERY COLLEEN MARK GLENN ANDRE LOUIS-MARIE RAYMOND GREGORY JEFFREY DOUGLAS DOODNATH DEODATH TERENCE PETER SEAN PAUL DARYLE JOHN AMARJIT PURBA SONIA COLIN CHARLES STEVEN BRETT CALVIN DANIEL LEVERNE MCCOURCEY CHRISTOPHER CLIFFORD SCOTT ANDREW TIMOTHY LISA RONALD ROBERT CHAK STEPHEN CHARLES ANDREW JOSEPH BLAKE SUSAN ELIZABETH NUNZIATO STEPHEN Position Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Detective Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Legal Counsel Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Detective Detective Detective Salary Paid $122,492.89 $122,458.67 $122,416.69 $122,404.86 $122,270.98 $122,225.82 $122,165.93 $122,076.14 $121,875.32 $121,799.51 $121,798.41 $121,723.25 $121,717.64 $121,708.56 $121,701.09 $121,644.34 $121,586.46 $121,575.99 $121,517.52 $121,468.50 $121,465.28 $121,454.87 $121,419.49 $121,396.13 $121,367.97 $121,358.09 $121,356.86 $121,257.66 $121,257.33 $121,218.87 $121,144.14 $121,100.66 $120,874.42 $120,778.44 $120,554.64 $120,509.69 $120,507.36 $120,462.32 $120,451.27 $120,431.78 $120,378.96 $120,375.20 $120,339.80 $120,267.79 $120,118.75 $120,107.29 $120,069.79 $120,048.43 $120,006.07 $119,959.99 $119,883.91 $119,758.01 $119,671.00 $119,532.74 $119,523.49 $119,500.29 $119,463.45 $119,452.66 $119,431.29 $119,415.29 $119,414.76 $119,401.06 $119,389.21 $119,212.63 $119,209.95 $119,209.36 $119,135.55 $119,043.25 Taxable Benefits $771.54 $780.72 $789.64 $731.29 $771.54 $780.72 $731.29 $780.72 $749.41 $401.07 $789.64 $789.64 $706.18 $826.07 $742.23 $771.54 $780.72 $771.54 $780.72 $401.07 $760.33 $749.41 $826.07 $731.29 $769.31 $781.26 $751.24 $748.79 $748.33 $789.64 $789.64 $788.62 $826.07 $771.54 $768.26 $722.33 $789.64 $748.50 $780.72 $826.07 $780.72 $769.31 $789.64 $771.54 $353.56 $751.24 $826.07 $789.64 $771.30 $826.07 $789.64 $780.72 $401.07 $771.54 $826.07 $764.41 $771.54 $731.29 $842.49 $789.64 $401.07 $731.29 $788.62 $788.62 $355.72 $780.72 $359.86 $789.64

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname MCLANE HEWSON MEIK DIDANIELI SMITH HARNETT SABADIN HAYES GLAVIN GILL DAVIES CLARKE NARINE BOSWARD MATIC OSMANAJ CARGILL KELL MOREIRA MURPHY SINOPOLI HAINES LLOYD DICOSOLA HOWELL GREKOS ZYCH SELDON COSENTINO WHITWORTH LANE ARODA GALLANT SILLIKER MCDONALD KONDO ACORN PASINI VAN ANDEL BERNARDO SKINNER SAGGI ONG MORRIS YOUNG SCHERTZER KHAN SPRIGGS SINGH BISHOP WARD GLANCY LAWSON GRINTON SMYTH MCCONNELL CHARLES HUBBARD SARDELLA OGG YOUNG RICHARDS KIRINDE NEWMAN JUPP COHEN BURNINGHAM DHALIWAL Given Name JAMES RUSSELL BROOKE LESLIE VIVIAN ROBERTO STEPHEN PATRICK ROBERT MICHAEL ALEXANDER JEREMY MATTHEW PHILLIP AMANPREET SINGH ROBERT EARLE DOUGLAS SHAUN WILLIAM MICHAEL ARDIT PAUL SCOTT JEFFREY STEWART PETER MICHAEL DANIEL DOMENIC KEITH BRADFORD MICHELE JOHN MICHAEL STEFAN WILLIAM SALVATORE ERNEST ARTHUR SANJEE TIMOTHY GARRY JAMES WILLIAM JASON CHRISTOPHER ALLAN RUDY PHILLIP GEORGE ISRAEL FARIA ROBERT SHARNJIT SINGH RHOEL VILLEGAS LESLIE CRAIG JOYCE AHMAR ALI BRETT HAROLD AMRITPAL DAVID VANESSA DAVID JAMES THOMAS GARY CRAIG CHARLES BRADLEY ANTHONY SIMON GLENN DONATO SHEILA ELIZABETH BLAIN CLIVE RANJAN WICKRAMASINGHE BRUCE BRUCE ALAN LAWRENCE GRANT NEIL SURINDERJIT Position Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Technical Analyst, Information Technology Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Supervisor, Video Services Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Senior Technical Analyst, Information Technology Salary Paid $119,004.58 $119,003.67 $118,939.40 $118,921.89 $118,878.93 $118,868.63 $118,812.89 $118,805.23 $118,803.63 $118,778.76 $118,775.61 $118,742.46 $118,703.82 $118,677.71 $118,644.31 $118,629.11 $118,625.29 $118,613.55 $118,585.85 $118,577.79 $118,550.20 $118,502.34 $118,483.97 $118,468.66 $118,363.15 $118,349.41 $118,345.34 $118,254.66 $118,250.17 $118,222.01 $118,200.78 $118,192.54 $118,115.88 $118,107.40 $118,101.29 $118,095.03 $118,032.02 $117,987.72 $117,960.83 $117,960.37 $117,947.97 $117,947.04 $117,909.65 $117,871.86 $117,864.30 $117,804.93 $117,804.07 $117,743.11 $117,717.47 $117,703.17 $117,685.99 $117,683.21 $117,677.90 $117,644.05 $117,590.83 $117,574.73 $117,550.71 $117,495.56 $117,482.54 $117,444.65 $117,437.38 $117,435.85 $117,370.46 $117,290.39 $117,160.87 $117,148.65 $117,123.21 $117,122.23 Taxable Benefits $783.42 $751.24 $784.86 $825.02 $771.54 $780.72 $751.24 $771.54 $789.64 $731.29 $758.88 $769.31 $817.08 $826.07 $401.07 $722.33 $780.72 $731.29 $392.08 $789.64 $810.45 $826.07 $780.72 $780.72 $826.07 $780.72 $749.41 $826.07 $401.07 $826.07 $769.31 $771.54 $355.72 $826.07 $751.24 $783.06 $730.24 $401.07 $826.07 $771.54 $826.07 $722.33 $731.29 $780.72 $825.02 $780.72 $722.33 $751.24 $984.75 $819.36 $789.64 $740.30 $789.64 $401.07 $401.07 $749.41 $826.07 $760.33 $771.54 $781.26 $787.26 $826.07 $740.30 $816.13 $749.41 $731.29 $826.07 $351.45

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname MARCHACK HAGERMAN ROBERTS MARTINO LONG TROUP CHOO-WING CECILE RUTTNER BEAUPARLANT DECOURCY HART REEVES CHAMBERS VERWEY RYAN ECKLUND WOODLEY MEEHAN FROSCH PIPE KHAN SOBOTKA MACDONALD D'ONOFRIO CONNOR LOUHIKARI MCCREADY MASON BATES DURHAM REED VRUNA MULLEN DANIELS SCUDDS BASS BUI FLIS PERA CAMPOLI LEE GEE KAY HILL REYNOLDS GRIFFITHS PARTRIDGE WALLACE WILSON WALSH MORRISON TAN VANDERHART MOLYNEAUX ALLDRIT LENTSCH WONG ASHLEY WHITTEMORE IRISH MALENFANT SMYTHE MCCRAN BARSKY CHIASSON FRENCH PROCTOR Given Name ROGER DAVID SCOTT JOSEPH LOUIS GARRY PETER DEXTER MICHAEL GLEN ALEXANDER PAUL JOSEPH JOHN DOUGLAS LAWRENCE COURTNEY ALBERT STEPHEN CHARLES DAVID GRENVILLE DAVID PATRICK JAY JACKSON STEPHEN RONALD ARLINGTON KARL GREGORY ANTONIO BRUCE ALEXANDER RENATA WILLIAM ROBERT HAROLD SANDY CAMERON EDWARD RONALD COLIN MARIA MICHAEL JEFFERY MARK CHARLES PAUL LORNE WILLIAM TAM THACH ALBERT ENRICO STEVEN ROBERT KENNY WILLIAM EDWARD WILLIAM DONALD SHANE STEPHEN THOMAS DAVID FRANK JOHN DAVID TIMOTHY SUZANNE MARIE BRUCE MARK ANTHONY GREGORY STEVEN DARREN LEE PAUL TONY CHUNG MAN MARK NICHOLAS SCOTT DAVID ANDREW DEREK KENT ROBERT MICHAEL STEVEN MARCEL ANDRE JOHN NORMAN EDWARD Position Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Manager, Purchasing Support Services Detective Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Senior Project Co-ordinator, Facilities Management Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $117,101.99 $117,087.14 $117,062.50 $117,035.18 $117,035.00 $117,030.45 $117,022.99 $117,000.12 $116,974.62 $116,951.73 $116,937.10 $116,916.98 $116,898.20 $116,880.85 $116,867.09 $116,861.82 $116,855.16 $116,851.39 $116,845.25 $116,844.10 $116,838.40 $116,820.57 $116,808.97 $116,785.51 $116,746.96 $116,728.57 $116,727.26 $116,710.06 $116,630.51 $116,625.44 $116,596.93 $116,582.96 $116,571.81 $116,559.86 $116,532.95 $116,467.99 $116,454.10 $116,449.55 $116,389.59 $116,377.59 $116,361.36 $116,357.68 $116,340.84 $116,323.19 $116,321.96 $116,313.86 $116,289.61 $116,271.54 $116,232.35 $116,232.33 $116,166.18 $116,146.74 $116,141.89 $116,137.79 $116,134.18 $116,122.70 $116,106.59 $116,070.31 $116,065.90 $116,021.62 $116,017.36 $115,988.74 $115,988.07 $115,960.96 $115,951.40 $115,931.39 $115,911.09 $115,895.40 Taxable Benefits $780.72 $769.31 $826.07 $766.12 $789.64 $826.07 $751.24 $780.72 $740.30 $780.72 $826.07 $789.64 $826.07 $826.07 $789.64 $825.37 $771.54 $826.07 $783.06 $401.07 $401.07 $817.08 $826.07 $826.07 $741.45 $751.24 $788.62 $401.07 $769.31 $821.16 $826.07 $826.07 $780.72 $346.54 $780.72 $826.07 $749.41 $769.38 $780.72 $990.08 $750.89 $771.54 $730.94 $731.29 $779.64 $826.07 $789.64 $826.07 $751.24 $780.72 $826.07 $826.07 $742.23 $749.41 $826.07 $784.86 $771.54 $780.72 $364.64 $783.06 $789.64 $751.24 $780.72 $789.64 $819.36 $780.72 $826.07 $825.37

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname HOFFMAN ALLINGTON CALLAGHAN RAMSBOTTOM WAUCHOPE KNAPPER BLAKELEY KAY SPANTON DALEY NORTHRUP MURDOCH FRITZ WILLIAMS JOSTIAK BELGRADE LUCAS LAMOND SHAW ECKLUND SWACKHAMER MARTELLUZZI ADELSON FISHER O'DONOVAN ALBRECHT SMISSEN GEORGE GETTY DUNN MOREIRA CERNOWSKI GHEYSAR GRANT MACARAEG NGAN PUTNAM THOMS YANG SMIT CAPONE NOLL HARRAS MONAGHAN FOWLER TSIANOS ROHDE BOIS JACOB LEBLANC KEMP LEONE MILLER DEWLING BOND WALKER HURLEY DEAN LEE DRAKE ZAMBRI TAPLEY HOWARD BAPTIST SCHNEIDER CREWS LYNCH HALL Given Name GREGORY RODNEY JEFFREY SCOTT PETER EDWARD CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM LIAM ROBBERT NICOLAAS JANICE BRIAN JOHN KEVIN JEFFREY JOHN RICHARD THEODOR KYLE JOSEPH ALEXANDER NORMAN PATRICK IAN DAVID KATHLEEN ANDREW DOUGLAS BRENT CLAUDIO SANDY SUSAN STEPHEN IRVIN JOHN JOHN MICHAEL GLEN SHAWN BEVERLY JOHN ANDREW JOHN MAKDA CINDYLOU CHRISTINA JUANITA EDWARD SHING-KEUNG KIMBERLEY JOAN HEATHER BERNADETTE YANJIAO BRIAN JOHN DAVID JOSEPH CARL JOHN PATRICK JAMES WAYNE LEONARD DIMITRIOS DANNY WILLIAM PAUL ROBERT TIMOTHY ALFRED NORMAN WILLIAM MICHIELE MARIO DUNCAN NORMAN MARLIN JAMES WILLIAM ANTHONY JESSE RUSSELL NOEL THOMAS KEVIN CHRISTOPHER CARMELO RONALD SHAWN CHARLENE M ANDREW WILLIAM THOMAS WILLIAM MICHAEL Position Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Senior Advisor, Policy and Communication Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Financial Planner Financial Planner Project and Policy Co-ordinator Senior Advisor, Quality Assurance Senior Advisor, Quality Assurance Senior Advisor, Quality Assurance Assistant Manager, Computer Operations Enterprise Data Architect Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $115,854.25 $115,825.60 $115,768.93 $115,768.27 $115,763.56 $115,759.65 $115,754.39 $115,749.42 $115,710.32 $115,685.27 $115,677.11 $115,666.59 $115,666.30 $115,639.92 $115,625.20 $115,613.16 $115,551.50 $115,540.37 $115,530.53 $115,524.99 $115,492.36 $115,467.21 $115,405.60 $115,388.94 $115,384.93 $115,317.20 $115,312.58 $115,307.58 $115,288.81 $115,264.63 $115,158.87 $115,127.14 $115,127.14 $115,127.14 $115,127.14 $115,127.14 $115,127.14 $115,127.14 $115,127.14 $115,126.98 $115,123.72 $115,117.91 $115,116.56 $115,110.09 $115,078.52 $115,042.02 $115,017.99 $115,017.15 $115,009.04 $114,981.47 $114,981.12 $114,968.06 $114,960.96 $114,950.80 $114,942.43 $114,896.78 $114,888.78 $114,872.80 $114,871.90 $114,825.99 $114,791.27 $114,773.40 $114,766.72 $114,754.82 $114,734.78 $114,697.97 $114,660.50 $114,630.06 Taxable Benefits $751.24 $771.54 $821.16 $306.29 $751.24 $826.07 $789.64 $783.06 $826.07 $740.30 $760.33 $401.07 $789.64 $789.64 $690.22 $826.07 $789.64 $817.08 $823.27 $771.54 $812.85 $780.72 $400.72 $749.41 $789.64 $751.24 $751.24 $789.64 $401.07 $749.41 $787.26 $995.28 $995.28 $995.28 $995.28 $995.28 $570.28 $995.28 $570.28 $789.64 $740.30 $826.07 $789.64 $401.07 $781.26 $751.24 $731.29 $771.54 $780.72 $826.07 $826.07 $817.08 $784.86 $826.07 $789.64 $826.07 $826.07 $748.24 $826.07 $731.29 $780.72 $826.07 $740.30 $401.07 $826.07 $401.07 $401.07 $735.57

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname FEBBO SCHERK CLARK WHITE TUTCHENER GILFOY HUNT KYRIACOU SAVINO AL-NASS BAJ ARTINIAN COLE UPPAL POGUE CHILDS MUSSO DUARTE TULIPANO DARBYSHIRE NORRIE KING FERGUSON VANDER HEYDEN BARATTO EVELYN BELL STIBBE ROSS VIEIRA DENTON KIS BRONS BRISTER GREER LANDRY WRIGHT MIRON HAUNTS BROOKES VEIT KHAN MOXAM JAROSZ BELLON GRAY HIND GREER BISHOP PURCHES TILLEY MILLER BLANCHARD BELANGER BRONSON FIELD ABBOTT WHITLEY SANDFORD MORI QUALTROUGH THIBODEAU DESILVA HOWELL BELLION CRONE FOUGERE WRONG MATYS Given Name OLIVER CHRISTOPHER TRAVIS DAYMOND JOHN GARY LEAH DAWN CHRISTOPHER DAVID SAVAS LEONARDO WALID STANISLAW PEGLAR JASON ARTHUR VISHAL LAUREN CYNTHIA SUSANA ROSARIO JAMES EDWARD ANDREW CHERYL STEPHEN JUSTIN WILLIAM MICHELLE TERESA DION DANIEL ROBERT LEE SCOTT JEREMY ABILIO MARK ANDREW JAMES JOHN WILLIAM THOMAS ROBERT JOEL CHRISTIAN LESTER BRUNO JOSEPH ALAN RALPH OSWALD OMAR ASHRAF DARREN KENNETH RUSSELL CORINNE GLENN D'ARCY LIAM MARIE ANNE-MARIE SCOTT ROBERT MARK PAUL RICHARD DONALD RENE SCOTT CAMERON DOUGLAS DEBORAH LYNN PAUL WILLIAM ROBERT DEBORAH ANN JAMES JOHN ROBERT JULIUS THEODORE JEFFREY LAURENT HUGUES SUSAN CORY TRENTON JASON CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH PAUL Position Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Manager, Communications Services Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Senior Analyst, Information Technology Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Salary Paid $114,616.73 $114,616.27 $114,613.14 $114,612.66 $114,604.27 $114,578.62 $114,557.73 $114,557.53 $114,552.32 $114,489.14 $114,481.78 $114,471.70 $114,464.22 $114,449.02 $114,428.88 $114,428.13 $114,424.44 $114,417.14 $114,414.24 $114,378.53 $114,378.18 $114,377.73 $114,363.26 $114,362.54 $114,347.72 $114,328.60 $114,264.61 $114,258.00 $114,246.53 $114,235.55 $114,201.13 $114,177.07 $114,156.95 $114,154.86 $114,030.02 $114,016.53 $114,008.68 $113,970.59 $113,969.70 $113,962.44 $113,959.00 $113,937.67 $113,934.95 $113,927.99 $113,900.07 $113,874.24 $113,851.80 $113,847.31 $113,808.62 $113,804.26 $113,803.14 $113,798.50 $113,793.24 $113,778.35 $113,755.99 $113,743.27 $113,704.59 $113,698.33 $113,688.84 $113,686.73 $113,652.70 $113,646.23 $113,638.09 $113,635.89 $113,601.78 $113,593.57 $113,590.36 $113,583.42 Taxable Benefits $780.72 $780.72 $751.24 $401.07 $826.07 $815.67 $742.23 $401.07 $731.29 $731.29 $789.64 $751.24 $781.62 $731.29 $815.52 $825.02 $734.31 $826.07 $401.07 $826.07 $817.08 $789.64 $346.54 $789.64 $992.29 $816.13 $751.24 $751.24 $826.07 $769.31 $789.64 $780.72 $751.24 $780.72 $744.89 $789.64 $771.54 $826.07 $826.07 $780.72 $771.54 $771.54 $826.07 $826.07 $826.07 $751.24 $826.07 $392.08 $771.54 $826.07 $401.07 $826.07 $346.54 $401.07 $826.07 $826.07 $739.11 $789.64 $401.07 $826.07 $780.72 $351.45 $826.07 $731.29 $826.07 $746.56 $744.38 $771.54

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname HILDRED MORSE FORESTALL CATES LANE DUARTE WALLACE DOUGLAS HARRIS CHANG WILLIAMS REIMER LARAMY HOWELL GREENWOOD MCGOWN JOHNSTONE BERNARD HUNT COLE LAI MCALEER OLIVER SIMPKINS ARMSTRONG HUNG SMALL BROWN HENRY LEITCH WILSON WILSON WOLF BURKS TAYLOR LEARY ADAMS DUTHIE HO IHASZ MCKEOWN HEARD MCLEAN HARGAN PEACOCKE AIELLO FALCONER PROCTOR LEE BENOIT WORDEN SMITH GOTTSCHALK RAMJATTAN RYAN COX TAYLOR LYON ARMSTRONG ROSSANO KULMATYCKI KIM SONDERGAARD NANTON RANDLE MCDONALD CANTELON SWEENIE Given Name LESLEY VICTORIA JANE GREGORY STEVEN RICHARD MICHEAL WILLIAM JOAO RODRIGO ROBERT BOYD BARBARA ANN DAVID CHU THAO ANTHONY KENNETH BRIAN STEPHEN WILLIAM WAYNE VINCENT JAMES JOHN TIMOTHY CYNTHIA LEE GLEN STEPHEN DONALD VICTOR TZE-KAU KEVIN MATTHEW TYLER DAVID FREDERICK SHANE JAMES VERNON JAMES PETER JASON WARREN DAVID RAYMOND CHARLES DEAN JASON PETER DEREK WILLIAM CLAYTON EDWARD ROBERT KENNY KONG-LEUNG JOHN CHRISTOPHER RICHARD CHRISTOPHER SHAYNE BARBARA ROBERT DOUGLAS ANTONIO GREGORY RICHARD NICOLE DENISE LISABET JANE PAUL HAMILTON STEVEN BRIAN RAMNARINE JENNIFER DARREN ANDREW SCOTT DAVID ROBERT KIRK CHRISTOPHER RICHARD JOHN BENITO JOEL PATRICK SIN-JOONG SIN NIELS JASON STANLEY MARK RICHARD CINDY GREGORY PAUL MARTIN Position Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Salary Paid $113,575.45 $113,544.47 $113,529.56 $113,526.63 $113,523.10 $113,509.28 $113,487.69 $113,436.39 $113,414.67 $113,408.09 $113,397.13 $113,375.11 $113,336.22 $113,323.40 $113,316.43 $113,312.54 $113,304.27 $113,302.18 $113,287.87 $113,284.36 $113,244.81 $113,240.87 $113,231.10 $113,229.35 $113,226.48 $113,192.03 $113,175.89 $113,160.66 $113,156.37 $113,131.48 $113,120.97 $113,118.21 $113,116.71 $113,112.17 $113,093.82 $113,083.89 $113,050.58 $113,030.13 $113,028.81 $113,028.69 $113,017.62 $112,988.78 $112,982.40 $112,930.89 $112,911.79 $112,865.56 $112,833.00 $112,805.61 $112,795.56 $112,794.71 $112,788.90 $112,782.67 $112,757.82 $112,725.38 $112,663.26 $112,661.96 $112,654.98 $112,651.19 $112,638.01 $112,632.86 $112,608.02 $112,589.14 $112,554.24 $112,550.65 $112,548.45 $112,509.14 $112,503.49 $112,476.87 Taxable Benefits $826.07 $751.24 $789.64 $751.24 $722.33 $745.00 $751.24 $780.72 $789.64 $771.54 $780.72 $805.65 $771.54 $751.24 $826.07 $826.07 $789.64 $751.24 $740.30 $826.07 $731.29 $749.41 $751.24 $826.07 $751.24 $789.64 $789.64 $401.07 $817.60 $780.72 $826.07 $789.64 $789.64 $826.07 $326.24 $742.23 $771.54 $789.64 $792.14 $789.64 $401.07 $780.72 $817.08 $789.64 $826.07 $751.24 $789.64 $780.72 $825.37 $820.39 $780.72 $780.72 $826.07 $780.72 $780.72 $780.72 $751.24 $780.72 $748.90 $785.56 $392.08 $742.50 $826.07 $722.33 $789.64 $401.07 $826.07 $771.54

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname CODE SCANLAN LOWREY MCCLELLAND IANCU KEANE BRESSE MOYER MOUNTFORD RUDNICK TRETTER MCBRATNEY KEALEY RALPH GILLESPIE SHREVE BROSNAN MURRELL QUAIATTINI KEYS FODEN TAVARES BROWN ROBINSON HARLOCK ERVICK SPROXTON COULSON BLACKMAN GOTTSCHALK ALPHONSO HEILIMO BULLOCK FYNES ALTOMARE MATTHEWS KENNY REED DORY BARENTHIN THOMAS TUCKER DZINGALA TYMBURSKI JOHNSTONE GREIG LAM TOBIN CANNON STONES HAMILTON-GREENER VO MAVROU MULLIN PRICE DAWSON HAWRYLIW GRAFFMANN GREENAWAY HALE ZUBEK ALPHONSO STASIAK COULTER CLARKE KNAAP LOUGHLIN MORSE Given Name PETER KIMBERLY LYN ALAN ROBERT VLADIM ADRIAN PATRICK JEAN IAN GERALD JOANNE LINDA MADELAINE GARY DEVIN TIMOTHY MICHAEL PATRICK CLARENCE BLAKE SEAN KEVIN EARL SUSAN GARY STEPHEN JEFFERY ROBERT MORGAN DAVID DALE ROBERT WILLIAM ARLINGTON MICHAEL MARK ANDREW KARL NEIL ADRIAN ALDO MARCHELO JOHN BRIAN PHILIP KELLY GLENN KARL SYDNEY ADRIANA PATRICIA EDWARD EDWARD ANDREW PAUL ROBERT IAN WAYNE ROBERT MICHAEL MICHAEL MICHAEL THAO BA DANNY GEORGE MARY GEORGE JOSEPH KERRY-ANNE GORDON COLIN DONALD JOSEPH WADE LEONARD LESZEK EDWARD JOHN ALAN STEVEN F JOHN EDWARD STEPHEN Position Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Senior Operations Supervisor Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Salary Paid $112,470.30 $112,463.52 $112,436.88 $112,423.26 $112,421.19 $112,387.98 $112,383.64 $112,364.19 $112,362.48 $112,358.86 $112,350.65 $112,349.00 $112,344.47 $112,333.78 $112,321.53 $112,301.43 $112,292.16 $112,263.96 $112,258.73 $112,253.20 $112,231.22 $112,215.48 $112,209.08 $112,208.83 $112,207.44 $112,156.74 $112,156.04 $112,088.13 $112,086.66 $112,069.98 $112,063.55 $112,056.11 $112,045.10 $112,039.56 $112,034.96 $112,033.68 $112,032.48 $112,031.73 $112,030.48 $112,026.52 $112,023.06 $112,021.96 $112,013.48 $111,998.53 $111,990.67 $111,960.96 $111,958.29 $111,958.03 $111,950.53 $111,879.98 $111,875.66 $111,871.38 $111,870.86 $111,869.38 $111,866.73 $111,862.08 $111,860.70 $111,860.38 $111,860.18 $111,859.58 $111,858.88 $111,858.53 $111,858.08 $111,857.63 $111,856.88 $111,856.88 $111,856.88 $111,856.88 Taxable Benefits $817.08 $824.67 $826.07 $789.64 $722.33 $826.07 $722.33 $826.07 $826.07 $398.27 $826.07 $826.07 $826.07 $826.07 $736.77 $826.07 $821.16 $826.07 $826.07 $826.07 $826.07 $770.76 $826.07 $401.07 $789.64 $826.07 $826.07 $826.07 $821.16 $401.07 $826.07 $826.07 $826.07 $826.07 $826.07 $826.07 $826.07 $826.07 $826.07 $826.07 $826.07 $741.10 $826.07 $826.07 $817.08 $789.64 $722.33 $804.91 $826.07 $826.07 $810.45 $751.24 $722.33 $826.07 $401.07 $826.07 $767.30 $401.07 $826.07 $826.07 $401.07 $826.07 $826.07 $826.07 $401.07 $401.07 $401.07 $826.07

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname NOLAN PATTISON RIDDELL STANLEY STEWART ZARB PANAYOTOV BRASCA FINLAY STOLF DAL GRANDE HEANEY HEUGHAN BARWELL D'SOUZA PERSHIN MACDONALD YEO SOVA WOLLENZIEN HOELLER VALLES GALLANT DUFFY GUEST CHANT GALLANT GIEDROYC RYDZIK BEVILACQUA HALJASTE DRENNAN GOTELL HALMAN GOMES HUGHES KELLY CLENDINNING TAM ZAMPARO KHURSHID HANDSOR DOKURNO LAING REGAN FEDERICO FAIREY COURT MACDONALD GRIALDI HANLON SHAW SIMAKOV CHOW DAVEY WOODHOUSE SCHOFIELD TJERKSTRA MAISONNEUVE O'TOOLE MACIEK CAREFOOT NEVILL YOUNGER QURESHI HADDEN MITCHELL MCINTOSH Given Name CHRISTOPHER STEVEN ALAN WILLIAM ROBERT RAYMOND LUBOMIR IVANOV WALTER ALLAN ROBERT GUIDO MAURO ANGELO GERALD DEBORAH DAVID ERIC RYAN ASHLEY ANDREI VALERI IAN KENNETH DARREN ROY DEBORAH BERNHARD CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER SHEHARA ROBERT MARJORIE ARLEEN KEVIN JAMES ELLIOT KELLY-ANN KAROL ZYGMUNT DAVID BRIAN FILIPPO MARK HARIVALD CRAIG JAMES ELWOOD DARREN JUSTIN DAVID GUY BRIAN WAYNE MARK WILLIAM WING DANIEL SHEIKH AHMAD PHILIP ALLEN RICHARD MICHAEL DARREN DOUGLAS FREDRICK MATTHEW MICHAEL RUSSILL ANDREW JAMES ROBERT THIERRY ERIN VALENTINE ANDREW DOUGLAS ALEXANDER DAVID HAROLD TIMOTHY STEPHEN GLENN ROELOF DANIEL KIMBERLEY ANNE JOHN TODD STEPHEN CHAD ANDREW AJWAID NIAZ ELIZABETH ANNE JODI LYNN DANIEL Position Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Senior Technical Analyst, Information Technology Detective Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Salary Paid $111,856.88 $111,856.88 $111,856.88 $111,856.88 $111,856.88 $111,856.88 $111,839.90 $111,836.93 $111,802.28 $111,790.28 $111,787.77 $111,743.10 $111,693.62 $111,678.65 $111,661.14 $111,650.00 $111,639.24 $111,633.20 $111,627.72 $111,586.36 $111,576.99 $111,566.48 $111,560.49 $111,527.29 $111,526.61 $111,469.75 $111,431.64 $111,425.51 $111,399.71 $111,382.84 $111,380.11 $111,378.97 $111,362.06 $111,351.29 $111,317.08 $111,312.69 $111,299.54 $111,285.78 $111,266.41 $111,250.79 $111,223.97 $111,219.90 $111,219.41 $111,209.96 $111,197.55 $111,184.27 $111,181.22 $111,179.94 $111,173.50 $111,151.43 $111,149.60 $111,135.13 $111,128.96 $111,111.06 $111,067.23 $111,046.26 $111,045.38 $111,041.88 $111,023.89 $110,977.58 $110,967.42 $110,963.17 $110,960.28 $110,936.38 $110,935.00 $110,930.96 $110,925.82 $110,925.30 Taxable Benefits $826.07 $401.07 $401.07 $401.07 $401.07 $826.07 $722.33 $789.64 $789.64 $762.18 $749.41 $392.08 $749.41 $718.81 $742.23 $722.33 $775.68 $771.54 $788.28 $769.31 $739.11 $789.64 $789.64 $780.72 $825.02 $751.24 $820.39 $392.08 $817.08 $771.54 $736.77 $788.62 $817.08 $817.08 $751.24 $740.30 $817.08 $784.86 $740.30 $751.24 $725.85 $771.54 $819.36 $789.64 $819.36 $768.64 $353.70 $722.33 $754.22 $780.72 $742.23 $780.72 $745.78 $780.72 $396.16 $789.64 $780.72 $789.64 $780.72 $772.44 $760.33 $769.31 $789.64 $751.24 $771.54 $315.30 $751.24 $780.72

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname CAPIZZO DUGAN SIMS GOODWIN REID PAYNE DA COSTA SEDORE ARMSTRONG BOOTH NUNES GIBSON FRIGON HAROON MACPHERSON HICKS COGHLIN NIEZEN ASNER WHALEN DICKINSON HARVEY DE LIO COSTABILE VAYANI DAVEY HOLLAND RUBBINI JHAJJ THERIAULT MCARTHUR BURNSIDE CONNOLLY SMITH SCAVONE NOSWORTHY DOUGLAS LEBLANC EUSTACE DAMASO LOCKEN BRYL NORTH FACOETTI RICCI BRAYMAN HEITZNER LIOUMANIS LAND THERIAULT MARCHIS BODDY CAISSIE COULTER LEVERT STEWART MI WYNIA COSCARELLA KINNEAR FERGUSON PRESS BURKE WONG BOYKO DRAPER GALLANT MANCUSO Given Name GIUSEPPE DINO ERIC ANDREW MICHAEL RALPH KYLE THOMAS GREGORY JAMES ANTONIO NORBERTO KEVIN ARTHUR MARK RICHARD KENNETH COURTLAND MARIA ROGER ROBERT USMAN DONALD WADE LAWRENCE JAMES GARFIELD MARK ROBERT EDWARD ROBERT DAVID THORPE MARK FRANK PAUL GINO SHAFIQ ABDUL ROBIN MARK LEWIS DAVID CHARANJIT DONALD PAUL IAN SEAN KELLY MAUREEN ALICE HUNTER WELLINGTON GABRIELE JUDY STEPHEN MICHAEL ADAM LIONEL DAVID RODNEY ALAN BOGUMIL ROBERT LLOYD MICHAEL PAUL CHARLES MICHAEL GEOFFREY ROBERT ROBERT MATTHEW METODIOS STEPHEN JOHN SERENA JANE CHRISTOPHER EDWARD PAUL ALLAN JOHN BRYCE STERLING PATRICK ALEXANDER YAOMING RANDALL ANTHONY KATHRYN JAY MARIE MICHAEL ALLEN MICHAEL DAVID WINSTON WEI-HON JEREMY JEFFREY KIRSTAN GILES STACY FRANCESCO Position Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Senior Corporate Planning Analyst Detective Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Technical Analyst, Information Technology Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Senior Firearms Officer Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Salary Paid $110,900.66 $110,866.24 $110,859.42 $110,848.14 $110,847.51 $110,831.82 $110,821.62 $110,812.93 $110,809.70 $110,787.03 $110,772.60 $110,765.40 $110,739.09 $110,733.56 $110,731.71 $110,709.70 $110,680.36 $110,656.06 $110,639.92 $110,588.92 $110,528.92 $110,524.54 $110,522.81 $110,520.89 $110,512.15 $110,500.58 $110,448.90 $110,439.09 $110,438.74 $110,424.70 $110,419.07 $110,402.87 $110,399.90 $110,397.40 $110,335.17 $110,328.04 $110,294.21 $110,276.21 $110,226.86 $110,225.41 $110,206.93 $110,195.32 $110,194.79 $110,167.42 $110,155.77 $110,142.53 $110,140.83 $110,137.70 $110,129.53 $110,098.18 $110,082.03 $110,079.48 $110,056.70 $110,043.67 $110,042.51 $110,031.94 $110,004.51 $110,000.21 $109,993.15 $109,984.10 $109,980.81 $109,952.68 $109,949.52 $109,947.69 $109,935.41 $109,874.64 $109,872.33 $109,849.18 Taxable Benefits $780.72 $789.64 $731.29 $780.72 $751.24 $821.87 $740.30 $771.54 $789.64 $800.56 $760.33 $789.64 $760.87 $722.33 $731.29 $789.64 $817.08 $789.64 $297.33 $780.72 $771.54 $780.72 $780.72 $750.05 $725.07 $740.30 $751.24 $749.41 $740.30 $780.72 $821.16 $722.33 $745.06 $771.54 $324.41 $789.64 $751.24 $751.24 $789.64 $771.54 $789.64 $749.41 $771.54 $780.72 $771.54 $735.57 $780.72 $771.54 $778.60 $789.64 $722.33 $392.08 $789.64 $789.64 $731.29 $733.65 $351.45 $740.30 $817.08 $789.64 $789.64 $367.56 $749.41 $771.54 $768.42 $737.93 $801.57 $768.42

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname NORTON PAYNE SEN CAMPBELL RAND NICOLLE SYRMBOS GILLIS GREGORY MACGREGOR VELAUTHAM SPENCER BRINN HONG LEMAITRE TAYLOR BROWN RICHMOND JACKSON LEERMAKERS SAVILLE PRENTICE SMITH LOMBARDI HOLMES DODDS ROSS SAMMUT MERSEREAU EAGLESON BRANTON BIRD KENNEDY GRANDE WHITE GLAVIN SMYTHE MCQUEEN LINDSAY LUM MACDONALD VILLERS OZKAN GENOVY SLAVEN JOSIFOVIC BISHOP LATTER MACDONALD MCDERMOTT GREWAL KERR KARKOULAS THOMSON LAKEY CHASE GOWANLOCK YU STRONG VILLEMAIRE SIMON FOX CLEMENTS CAMERON BEAUSOLEIL DUROCHER DRAKE CAMACHO Given Name DAVID JOHN THEODORE ALGERNON TAPAN KUMAR DOUGLAS RICHARD THEODORE CHAD EDWARD TOM ANASTASIOS DAVID WILLIAM ROBERT JASON JAMES KARTHIGESAN LAURA ELIZABETH NORMAN ANDREW ROBERT JAMES JEFFREY DOUGLAS MICHAEL KENNETH LAURIE WILLIAM ANTHONY JASON LESLIE STEFAN PATRICK LAWRENCE LORENZO JOHN LESLIE GRAHAM JEFFREY ALAN DAVID MICHAEL DAWN MICHELLE SHANE KEITH STANLEY CHRISTOPHER PIETRO MARILYN EDNA LYDIA STEPHANY KAREN GRACE SHERRY LYNN HOWARD ROSS SOON AARON ROYCE SCOTT CHARLES NEDIM SHAUN WILLIAM MLADEN ALLAN SCOTT JORDAN CHRISTOPHER JOHN DANIEL DHARMENDRA SINGH ROBERT TREVOR DANIEL ALLAN JOHN WAYNE WILLIAM OLIVER CAROL LYNN CLIFFORD DAVIS DUDLEY DOUGLAS STEPHEN DUANE STEVEN ANDREW HOWARD ALAN MARC DAVID LEONARD WILLIAM JOSE Position Sergeant Detective Project Leader, Information Technology Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Project Leader, Information Technology Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Analyst, Information Technology Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Location Administrator, Document Services Police Constable Senior Technical Analyst, Information Technology Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Salary Paid $109,832.39 $109,821.51 $109,811.88 $109,806.58 $109,800.33 $109,788.08 $109,775.13 $109,763.12 $109,756.67 $109,669.95 $109,658.62 $109,648.98 $109,648.57 $109,645.08 $109,634.43 $109,622.29 $109,617.02 $109,609.24 $109,591.74 $109,585.93 $109,580.43 $109,560.11 $109,538.89 $109,494.44 $109,482.91 $109,473.67 $109,462.61 $109,458.29 $109,455.62 $109,438.90 $109,426.34 $109,420.92 $109,405.39 $109,386.29 $109,366.87 $109,360.39 $109,360.39 $109,356.36 $109,345.79 $109,331.28 $109,318.75 $109,300.72 $109,271.18 $109,263.23 $109,255.51 $109,220.17 $109,214.32 $109,205.01 $109,193.66 $109,191.38 $109,167.72 $109,156.99 $109,153.79 $109,152.85 $109,141.66 $109,133.78 $109,127.96 $109,112.97 $109,112.72 $109,083.07 $109,068.20 $109,052.77 $109,051.37 $109,038.88 $109,032.05 $109,025.15 $109,020.62 $108,997.98 Taxable Benefits $770.76 $789.64 $379.32 $783.06 $734.03 $780.72 $751.24 $817.60 $817.60 $771.54 $780.72 $738.33 $816.13 $731.29 $346.54 $817.08 $789.64 $817.08 $817.08 $751.24 $731.29 $771.54 $817.08 $789.64 $789.64 $746.56 $764.52 $780.72 $789.64 $771.54 $392.08 $379.32 $738.20 $750.46 $789.64 $817.08 $392.08 $731.29 $789.64 $759.95 $780.72 $751.24 $351.45 $789.30 $769.31 $788.62 $751.24 $801.57 $813.72 $789.64 $751.24 $749.41 $742.23 $780.72 $780.72 $742.23 $619.73 $749.41 $351.45 $749.41 $746.53 $731.29 $749.41 $769.31 $760.33 $297.33 $789.64 $789.64

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname CIBULIS GURMAN LINQUIST MANSON GIBSON NEAL LAWR BRAR LAUFER ABDEL-MALIK KANG RINKOFF STRANGWAYS MARSMAN WALKER TURZA LEUNG MACLEAN KARPOW WALTERS COWAN GAUTHIER GALLO VELLEND TAYLOR AGUIAR JACKSON KARPIK COLLINS NORSKI LAWSON ANSTEY BORSBOOM BEREZOWSKI EDGAR DAFOE ALS SUKH RAMESAR AMOS TRUBECKI TSO HEALY LENFESTY CARVALHO TRENOUTH HILTON HARRIS DUCKWORTH UHRICH DAVIDSON HAFIZ MACDONALD KISIELEWSKI MCCONKEY HAYES MARTIN ARMSTRONG PREVOST HENKEL BEVAN WOJDYLO BURLEAU JAMES PHELPS STEEVES GIBILLINI COXON KORAC Given Name CLINTON FRANK MICHAEL DARRYL ANDREW SANDRA ANDREW NEIL PETER GREGORY EDWARD GURSHARNJIT SINGH PETER MAHER GURJOT SINGH PAUL BARRY PAUL ROBERT HENRI SCOTT JAMES JANICE SHEUNG RODERICK PETER MICHAEL JAMES PAUL RICHARD DANIEL KATHARINE STEVEN CABRAL PAUL EDWARD JAMES ROBERT SCOTT PRZEMYSLAW ANTHONY JASON CHRISTOPHER MARCELINUS HENDRIKUS JOHN LESLIE ADAM DALE ANTHONY CHRISTOPHER EMMANUEL VICTOR SEAN DAVID ROBERT WING-IP MICHAEL DAVID SEAN AVELINO MOTA BRADLEY ROBERT TYRONE CHRISTOPHER RICHARD VICTOR SCOTT ALLAN JOSEPH JOHN ALAN AMIN LEO DARIUSZ RONALD FRANK ASHLEY JEAN ANTHONY ROBERT KENNETH JAYME THOMAS HEINZ WILLIAM HENRYK MICHAEL JEFFERY GARY JOHN THOMAS WARREN RICHARD SHAWNA MICHELLE PAUL LOUIS Position Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $108,983.59 $108,963.83 $108,951.51 $108,950.94 $108,918.95 $108,916.41 $108,909.40 $108,907.84 $108,907.00 $108,899.47 $108,847.11 $108,810.82 $108,805.66 $108,798.15 $108,798.00 $108,791.06 $108,788.48 $108,766.18 $108,763.07 $108,733.65 $108,727.95 $108,717.57 $108,707.12 $108,685.19 $108,676.06 $108,668.32 $108,654.56 $108,649.60 $108,639.47 $108,635.42 $108,607.56 $108,584.80 $108,571.48 $108,560.17 $108,553.18 $108,547.30 $108,536.65 $108,535.67 $108,508.60 $108,478.49 $108,462.77 $108,449.36 $108,411.71 $108,399.78 $108,377.84 $108,353.65 $108,349.78 $108,347.13 $108,342.01 $108,332.55 $108,321.89 $108,283.75 $108,282.20 $108,281.90 $108,279.81 $108,223.74 $108,208.20 $108,203.81 $108,190.86 $108,189.26 $108,169.35 $108,167.67 $108,131.05 $108,107.19 $108,100.77 $108,097.66 $108,075.26 $108,056.75 Taxable Benefits $722.33 $789.64 $769.98 $789.64 $780.72 $364.64 $781.26 $724.99 $789.64 $337.18 $722.33 $771.54 $762.29 $780.72 $722.33 $789.64 $780.72 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $771.54 $751.24 $789.64 $731.29 $749.41 $749.41 $789.64 $724.29 $780.72 $742.22 $745.78 $784.86 $751.24 $789.64 $748.90 $749.41 $789.64 $743.82 $789.64 $780.72 $789.64 $797.82 $780.72 $722.33 $771.54 $339.52 $789.64 $784.86 $789.64 $789.64 $780.72 $748.69 $749.41 $727.79 $760.33 $751.24 $685.40 $784.86 $783.06 $789.64 $745.78 $769.31 $789.64 $751.24 $789.64 $382.76 $751.24

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname SURPHLIS CAMERON LANGLOIS ONAMI MUNGAL BOPARA DALE EXTON TANOUYE EVELYN TRACEY FRASER ANTOINE QUESNELLE ELLIOTT WHITE CARTER BEARD PAPIZEWSKI TAIT FARRUGIA O'BRIEN HREPIC KERR REIMER NICHOL DESROCHERS LA FOSSE ACCIAROLI BURKHOLDER HUNTER CARACCIOLO THOMPSON SMITH WARRENER DOBBS BRIGHAM SCHUEDER DELPORT WILLIAMS LIU FOWLDS KOCANOVIC BENNETT WULFF HOGAN MACDONALD WALKER DOREY BENSON BHATHAL DONOGHUE LIPSEY CHAPMAN MARTIN GRANT GILBERT THOMAS BRADSHAW BILAK HUTCHEON DRURY BRONSEMA FOTOPOULOS PARSONS DURY GARRISON MORELLI Given Name DOUGLAS NEIL ROBERT MARK JASON MORITO MATTHEW GURMOKH DONALD CHARLES JASON THOMAS JOEL JAMSON CHRISTOPHER JAMES-ALBERT SPENCER ROBERT KEVIN FRANCIS CURTIS LEONARD EVERETT CATHERINE MARLENE MARVA MARIE BENJAMIN JAMES LEEANN KEITH HAMILTON MARIE SEAN MARIO KYLE THOMAS ARTHUR IAN FRASER ROGER HENRI JEFFERY GUY SHERI DARLENE HERBERT JASON COLIN ROGER DOMINIC ELSIE TINA KEITH ROBERT JOSEPH CHRISTIAN DANIEL JOHN MARK MICHAEL CAROL JUN SCOTT MACKENZIE ALEKSANDAR SASHA WINSTON ANTHONY EDUARDO IGNACIO JAMES ANNE KELLY LYNN JOSEPH THOMAS RODNEY WELLON HARJEET SINGH TIMOTHY WILLIAM NORMAN KAREN ROBERT CHRISTOPHER RICHARD DONNA ELLEN MICHAEL KEITH STEPHEN WILLIAM PAUL TANYA LISETTE GEORGE STUART MAGRUDER BENJAMIN MICHAEL HEIDI ELSIE JOSEPH MICHAEL Position Detective Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Project Leader, Information Technology Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Supervisor, Systems Hardware and Software Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Senior Telecom Engineer Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Senior Operations Supervisor Project Leader, Information Technology Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Information Security Officer Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $108,048.32 $108,035.26 $107,988.04 $107,967.60 $107,963.12 $107,948.36 $107,941.15 $107,913.00 $107,905.02 $107,894.22 $107,882.49 $107,854.03 $107,836.33 $107,827.28 $107,824.74 $107,821.97 $107,803.03 $107,796.53 $107,792.97 $107,790.39 $107,776.03 $107,726.40 $107,693.15 $107,690.15 $107,666.11 $107,660.59 $107,655.81 $107,649.88 $107,644.42 $107,636.25 $107,636.25 $107,635.96 $107,629.92 $107,617.80 $107,616.17 $107,615.70 $107,597.40 $107,575.84 $107,545.52 $107,538.94 $107,537.67 $107,528.89 $107,504.11 $107,501.19 $107,494.87 $107,490.65 $107,474.76 $107,470.57 $107,431.70 $107,430.75 $107,418.44 $107,404.36 $107,404.24 $107,386.98 $107,378.40 $107,377.93 $107,339.06 $107,318.98 $107,317.19 $107,316.96 $107,305.89 $107,288.15 $107,285.87 $107,264.54 $107,259.47 $107,257.71 $107,257.35 $107,232.31 Taxable Benefits $789.64 $722.33 $780.72 $735.99 $780.72 $771.54 $789.64 $749.41 $742.23 $751.24 $771.54 $742.50 $751.24 $746.96 $769.31 $780.72 $379.32 $750.89 $807.21 $749.41 $789.64 $789.64 $780.72 $789.64 $722.33 $786.92 $771.54 $736.75 $771.54 $781.26 $746.61 $771.54 $379.32 $798.16 $751.24 $742.23 $789.64 $789.64 $769.31 $789.64 $797.42 $780.72 $746.96 $807.21 $780.72 $811.44 $807.21 $767.30 $379.32 $751.24 $733.80 $749.41 $731.29 $771.54 $769.31 $750.04 $804.32 $760.46 $364.64 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $320.78 $780.72 $761.23 $771.54 $407.65 $749.27

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname MCQUEEN ALTOBELLO BISHOP DI PASSA KING ARNOTT DA SILVA SCRIVEN BURNS RHEAULT MCCALL DUNLOP KERR HORTON CHOE VINCENT DEARBORN SIDHU JOHNSTON BRYAN BARNES HARTFORD DAMANI COWL KIM DI GIACOMO BACKUS GLENDINNING BROWNE BERG ALLEN HARNISH KITCHENER BRITTON JOHNSTONE HARVEY HALL PARKIN DESMARAIS ESCUDERO WHU RENNIE VERSPEETEN CRAMPTON MCLANE DWYER BROWN QUIJADA-MANCIA AWAD PALA BUCKLEY RIDDELL JONGDONG KOLAR RIPCO EVEREST MOORE MIRANDA SOVA ENTWISTLE BANGILD SEREMETKOVSKI HUGHSON REDICK JIMENEZ WINTER MURPHY OLSEN WILLIAMS Given Name GARY DOMENIC JOESPH LEONA JULIE STUART MACPHERSON ROBERT WILLIAM JOSE PATRICK STEPHEN GEORGE DEAN GEORGE ANDREW JOHN JOHN PAUL STEVEN HAROLD BRIAN ROBERT MATTHEW EDWARD ROBERT FREDERICK ARVIND PRAKASH BRENT ANDREW KEITH XAVIER MURRAY WINSTANLEY THOMAS JOSEPH ZAHIR LAWRENCE HYOK KYUN ROBERTO LESLIE DOUGLAS GREGORY DAVID JIMMY MICHAEL ANDREW MICHAEL DAVID MICHAEL STEVENS ANDREW JAMES FRANCES ADRIANNE ROBERT ALVIN DALTON ANDREW WILFRED JOHN PAUL TSUI-CHEE ALEXANDER BRADLEY DENNIS DAVID ALAN KRISTINE ANN ANTHONY JACQUELINE JUAN CARLOS ASHRAF SAMIR RASIH SAN DONALD LINDSAY DIANA LHAWANG TOPGYAL ANDREW MARK JOHN ALFRED KEVIN ROBERT EDUARDO CANDIDO DANIEL WARREN CLAYTON JEFFREY KATHLIN REGINALD GUY AMANDA BROOKE FRANCISCO RAUL JEFFREY MATTHEW LIAM FRANK MICHAEL JAMES Position Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Project Leader, Information Technology Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Project Leader, Information Technology Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Project Leader, Information Technology Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Salary Paid $107,217.53 $107,208.23 $107,190.20 $107,162.73 $107,162.64 $107,149.70 $107,126.09 $107,099.77 $107,066.91 $107,066.12 $107,040.39 $107,017.95 $107,011.64 $107,005.89 $107,001.32 $106,992.91 $106,991.65 $106,990.75 $106,982.20 $106,978.68 $106,973.00 $106,972.05 $106,937.47 $106,934.88 $106,933.03 $106,907.91 $106,905.31 $106,904.62 $106,904.14 $106,898.44 $106,889.12 $106,887.63 $106,877.03 $106,876.77 $106,873.90 $106,853.27 $106,852.90 $106,848.65 $106,844.93 $106,825.53 $106,825.23 $106,825.12 $106,821.64 $106,812.75 $106,810.57 $106,808.99 $106,769.44 $106,759.84 $106,755.95 $106,747.84 $106,729.29 $106,715.70 $106,713.36 $106,709.46 $106,705.63 $106,688.91 $106,685.32 $106,633.92 $106,629.71 $106,625.14 $106,624.86 $106,614.87 $106,611.37 $106,603.70 $106,597.12 $106,584.71 $106,578.46 $106,566.42 Taxable Benefits $789.64 $736.77 $789.64 $364.64 $783.42 $769.31 $749.41 $789.64 $779.15 $722.33 $781.26 $788.96 $751.24 $740.30 $771.54 $379.32 $740.84 $731.29 $744.89 $788.62 $771.54 $364.64 $379.32 $789.64 $297.33 $771.54 $784.86 $789.64 $789.64 $766.51 $771.54 $731.29 $781.26 $789.64 $807.76 $789.64 $780.72 $731.29 $731.29 $379.32 $789.64 $726.63 $741.50 $751.24 $769.31 $752.61 $771.54 $771.54 $742.23 $789.64 $729.75 $771.54 $344.31 $789.64 $789.64 $751.24 $751.24 $785.56 $326.24 $771.54 $751.24 $750.06 $732.09 $722.33 $751.24 $749.41 $789.64 $771.54

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname TURNBULL HODGERT SMALL KMIECIAK CLARK MCCLOREY POP MCLEISH CORREIA MCCULLOCH BAYES BAKER COFFIN WRAY BRAR O'DOHERTY PATTERSON STEFFLER IMRIE SAMUELS ROUETTE DUBE MAC STEINWALL REDMAN ALEXANDER YARMOLUK LUPSON NEVIN JONES FLIS MCLAUGHLIN THERRIEN COSTA SMITH ADAMSON WHITE BENNETT ELLIOTT ALEXANDER MORRISON DUNNING BELANGER HIGO OLIVER MANTLE LONG TRITES OSBORN NOONAN TILLSLEY POOLE KERR RAMPERSAD SAMSON PRODANOS HAWCO STOREY HANS SHAND ARP MACNEIL CRICHTON SHANAHAN WANNAMAKER BARATTO LABELLE VENN Given Name RONALD JAMES DOUGLAS BRYAN GEORGE JOHN RUSSELL SEAN MICHAEL IAN PATRICIA LOUISE JEFFERY MICHAEL JOHN ARTHUR RICHARD JAMES PHILIP TERRENCE SHANE GURSHARAN FRANK JAMES RODNEY MORRIS THOMAS ALLEN ROBERT JOSEPH MICHEL DAVID OVID RUBEN ANDREW TREVOR SUZANNE DAVID WALTER DAVID GEORGE CHRISTOPHER BRYDON PATRICK COREY LEE CANDICE LYNN IAN ALLAN ANGELO RAYMOND ERNEST JAMES GRAHAM PAUL BRIAN ROBERT PAUL CHARLES BOLTON MICHAEL ROBERT ANDREW RICHARD DANIEL JOSEPH TODD ELLIOT PAUL BRYAN LARRY JOHN MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER ROBERT DANIEL TIMOTHY JOHN JOHN CANDICE JENNIFER MICHAEL WILLIAM STEVEN JEREMY CALVIN ALEXI BERNARD THOMAS TODD MELVYN DALJIT JOSEPH EDWARD JAMES ANDREW STEVEN JAMES NORMAN MICHAEL JEFFREY MICHAEL ANTONIO JOSEPH JOANNE MICHELE Position Systems Integration Specialist Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Senior Technical Analyst, Information Technology Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Project Leader, Information Technology Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Salary Paid $106,561.10 $106,542.00 $106,537.53 $106,528.91 $106,516.90 $106,504.35 $106,501.18 $106,495.56 $106,494.64 $106,494.58 $106,489.92 $106,486.87 $106,472.45 $106,465.33 $106,431.68 $106,423.75 $106,419.77 $106,415.89 $106,408.03 $106,407.78 $106,400.89 $106,397.82 $106,392.47 $106,369.42 $106,360.52 $106,345.21 $106,339.33 $106,325.74 $106,317.69 $106,308.39 $106,281.32 $106,279.16 $106,258.33 $106,257.31 $106,247.60 $106,238.91 $106,233.28 $106,218.54 $106,205.81 $106,205.16 $106,187.21 $106,161.92 $106,144.90 $106,131.30 $106,115.95 $106,082.73 $106,079.76 $106,073.21 $106,051.98 $106,049.25 $106,048.14 $106,014.22 $105,999.13 $105,991.42 $105,982.86 $105,973.41 $105,946.69 $105,920.92 $105,889.61 $105,872.50 $105,870.00 $105,866.18 $105,849.63 $105,848.40 $105,843.43 $105,841.71 $105,829.37 $105,828.84 Taxable Benefits $379.32 $749.41 $742.23 $780.72 $789.64 $769.31 $749.41 $351.45 $742.23 $780.72 $731.29 $771.54 $749.41 $789.64 $780.72 $364.64 $789.64 $730.94 $771.54 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $731.29 $771.54 $780.72 $780.72 $780.72 $722.33 $789.64 $757.50 $780.72 $789.64 $749.41 $789.64 $379.32 $789.64 $789.64 $746.96 $781.26 $781.26 $772.44 $733.26 $780.72 $734.80 $789.64 $742.23 $748.33 $780.72 $722.33 $764.41 $789.64 $733.80 $751.24 $731.29 $297.33 $736.75 $780.72 $751.24 $786.92 $722.33 $731.89 $751.24 $789.64 $364.64 $751.24 $789.64 $740.30 $780.72

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname THOMPSON SPENCER JUHASZ HUSAIN DUBREUIL EVANS POULIN WALKER FILIPPIN JAMES OUELLETTE LEE CLARKE WINCHESTER PHAIR SOMERS CROSBY HAYLES NASSIS PAIS LEWERS HOUSTON TSERING JAMISON YOUNG HOOPER ASSELSTINE URBANIAK ROUTH KEVEZA MASTERS PROULX MOONEY HABUDA HUBER CHOURYGUINE DUNCAN GIESCHE DUNCAN CAMPBELL FORCHIONE TROTMAN QUIGG HIBBELN MOI GOLDSMITH MILES CORRA MOORCROFT MCNEIL FARRELL MARTSENYUK WATSON REED-PYEFINCH RADFORD KUNG GREEN MAHARAJ STRAIN LIONTI LEDGERWOOD MCGRADE LOGAN WHITLA ZAJAC CORMACK FOTHERINGHAM DURAN Given Name WAYNE JASON GUEVARA ALEXANDER GYOZO MOHAMMED SALEEM JEAN BART MARTIN FABIAN JOHN GIANNI ALAN BRIAN STEVEN DAVID MARK PHILIP BRIAN STACYANN MARIA JOHN MARK GORDON CRAIG ALLAN DANIEL PATRICK MICHAEL BANCROFT PAT SCHARNIL VALERIAN CRAIG DEBRA TENZIN CHODON JAMES WILLIAM DEREK KEVIN JOSEPH SHAUN DAVID THOMAS MATTHEW AARON RYAN MATHEW MICHELLE KEVIN EDWARD RICHARD JERRY ERWIN WERNER DMITRY MELISSA JOY CHAD ALLEN PHILLIP ZVI DEBORAH ANNE ANTONIO KENNETH MARTIN PHILIP JOSEPH NATALIE BOBO ERIC CHARLES JEREMY OLIVER DALE CHRISTOPHER ROBERT RONALD CHRISTINE MARIE VADYM IAN ANDREW JENNIFER CHRISTINE BARRY TOMMY WING JOHN BRYAN SANJEEV ROBERT JAMES CALOGERO KIM PATRICK BEVERLEY RONALD DAVID BRIAN JAMES SCOTT MONTEITH ADRIAN ROGELIO Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Operations Supervisor Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $105,811.64 $105,805.99 $105,801.61 $105,796.48 $105,780.92 $105,779.29 $105,762.89 $105,762.84 $105,752.46 $105,740.97 $105,733.99 $105,708.65 $105,701.05 $105,692.22 $105,687.84 $105,672.14 $105,644.82 $105,627.44 $105,614.27 $105,614.08 $105,610.74 $105,608.33 $100,548.94 $105,606.40 $105,595.76 $105,594.76 $105,592.97 $105,586.74 $105,583.71 $105,582.55 $105,570.04 $105,567.37 $105,543.92 $105,536.87 $105,528.83 $105,524.33 $105,519.57 $105,518.49 $105,517.04 $105,510.08 $105,453.57 $105,446.10 $105,442.66 $105,434.42 $105,430.36 $105,395.03 $105,383.36 $105,380.33 $105,349.59 $105,344.39 $105,342.45 $105,337.67 $105,336.11 $105,332.00 $105,330.06 $105,327.50 $105,326.96 $105,320.67 $105,287.36 $105,283.87 $105,270.98 $105,269.07 $105,267.78 $105,256.16 $105,238.03 $105,233.84 $105,228.66 $105,225.48 Taxable Benefits $749.41 $751.24 $735.99 $771.54 $785.56 $789.64 $771.54 $789.64 $735.57 $731.29 $751.24 $771.54 $771.54 $749.41 $780.72 $771.54 $789.64 $771.54 $789.64 $722.33 $718.81 $801.57 $751.24 $660.46 $789.64 $769.38 $722.33 $789.64 $771.54 $739.11 $780.72 $730.94 $789.64 $769.31 $745.78 $307.09 $751.24 $751.24 $751.24 $767.30 $789.64 $364.64 $789.64 $364.64 $731.29 $771.54 $735.57 $780.72 $714.42 $789.64 $355.72 $714.42 $751.24 $743.33 $783.06 $722.33 $789.64 $751.24 $789.64 $751.24 $780.72 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $771.54 $769.31 $725.07

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname INNES MCDONALD ARMSTRONG LE ENTWISTLE RACETTE SHAW FAIRCLOUGH KARR THORNTON JOHNSTON WIGHTON BALAGA BURNS SCHULZE FRANKLIN FEAGAN ARMSTRONG DZINGALA CLARK EMIGH OZOLS SARVANANDAN HAJI SMITH KATAFIGIOTIS SAMM MATTLESS BRYCE ALDERDICE EATON HUNTE FERNANDES CHRISTIE FISHER CLEMENS JOCKO ZISIS LAVALLEE BAINARD D'SILVA RIETKOETTER MAK O'CONNOR NASSER FRY BOYER OAKES ATKINSON PARROTT SUTTON WILLIAMS CAMPBELL GILLAN CIOFFI CAMPBELL REMY SCHETTINI DOUGLAS DZIEMIANKO THOMPSON OOSTERHOF PAUL HORNBY BROWN CLARK ZELENY CARLETON Given Name RONALD SPENCER MATTHEW RICHARD DAVID NAM-NHAT DAVID ALLAN ROGER MARY JAMES STEPHEN JOCELYN AMANDA DORIS CHARLES MATTHEW STEWART ARTUR ALISON MARION FRANK THOMAS RICHARD GREGORY DAVID ROBERT PAUL RICHARD GEORGE PRESTON MICHAEL DAVID JOHN BAHEERATHAN MOHAMMAD ABID LAWRENCE OLIVER CONSTANTINE SAMUEL JUNIOR WAYNE ROBERT FRANCIS JEFFERY PAUL DOUGLAS BRIAN KAREN MICHAEL FREITAS PETER BRADLEY JEFFREY TODD JOESEPH MARY LYNN DAVID VIKTOR PAUL CRAIG ALLISTER SETH ANDREW MA YING MIKE STEPHEN AMAN RONALD DENIS JAMES GRAHAM STEPHEN MICHAEL ERIC SEAN MATTHEW STEVEN THOMAS PHILLIP SCOTT JEFFREY JOHN MARC ANGELO NICOLE SMEDLEY ANTHONY ANTHONY JEFFREY STAISLAW JAMES DUNCAN CAROLE JANE MOHIT GREGORY ALLEN SCOTT DEREK CORINNE JOHN DARYN STEPHEN JAMES Position Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Senior Corporate Planning Analyst Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Senior Corporate Planning Analyst Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $105,218.63 $105,207.82 $105,195.99 $105,188.96 $105,180.23 $105,167.96 $105,153.60 $105,149.54 $105,138.97 $105,132.94 $105,114.24 $105,104.93 $105,100.91 $105,087.62 $105,069.30 $105,061.76 $105,058.66 $105,050.26 $105,030.70 $105,010.55 $105,003.83 $104,985.48 $104,982.31 $104,972.20 $104,955.36 $104,932.50 $104,924.87 $104,905.77 $104,888.76 $104,867.88 $104,867.38 $104,857.45 $104,829.21 $104,821.12 $104,809.95 $104,803.48 $104,786.38 $104,782.47 $104,776.26 $104,773.61 $104,771.65 $104,767.09 $104,762.11 $104,760.19 $104,753.26 $104,740.66 $104,740.48 $104,737.55 $104,719.83 $104,715.37 $104,714.59 $104,703.69 $104,697.89 $104,681.01 $104,667.58 $104,658.86 $104,657.14 $104,655.08 $104,655.07 $104,639.85 $104,639.55 $104,628.61 $104,614.79 $104,572.15 $104,562.47 $104,558.57 $104,553.64 $104,552.67 Taxable Benefits $749.41 $771.54 $376.57 $731.29 $789.64 $733.65 $778.60 $749.84 $789.64 $771.54 $780.72 $731.29 $751.24 $311.77 $749.41 $769.31 $744.22 $751.24 $746.53 $751.24 $364.64 $744.38 $748.79 $722.33 $661.70 $751.24 $780.72 $789.64 $789.64 $771.54 $722.33 $780.72 $722.33 $364.64 $780.72 $801.57 $771.54 $308.17 $677.96 $789.64 $748.79 $722.33 $753.21 $751.24 $742.23 $789.64 $765.11 $740.30 $751.24 $771.54 $751.24 $751.24 $738.72 $736.36 $771.54 $769.31 $780.72 $364.64 $789.64 $769.31 $742.23 $315.30 $722.33 $740.30 $746.96 $789.64 $788.62 $751.24

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname SPITZIG CAMPBELL JOHNSON ALEXANDER DIZON MACDONALD ALLISON MCGARRY BURKE ROONEY STIRLING BURKE TUMANSKIY CROWLEY CHUNG DEVEREUX BLAKE ROSS PARK GERRY MIU NICHOLS MAHONEY HILLIER SAGER LOCKE DI POCE SANSOM GAGLIARDI FRASER TUGHAN ROBITAILLE HESSE TOHM TINNEY LITTLE PUTERBAUGH BUSTOS TEIXEIRA NICHOLSON TU KAVANAGH NIMMO PRICE FRITZ THOMPSON ROZICH DEWSNAP HASSALL SPRATT ROSETE EVANS MNUSHKIN WEST JONES WIGGERMANN THOMAS NYKORCHUK JATTAN STEWART ALEXA STOJKOV DAVIS DHATT DICKIE ELLIS RICHARDSON ROSS Given Name GERARD MICHELLE DIANE JENNIFER ANNE LYNNE MARIE JOSE BENEDICTO HECTOR MURDO ELAINE HUNTER WILLIAM MICHAEL PATRICK NIGEL PATRICK ROBERT GARY EDWIN MYKOLA JANINE RYAN ANTHONY CHRISTOPHER LEE CLARENCE WILLIAM JOSEF DONALD WAI-SANG HEATHER LAURY JULIE JASON SABINO LAWRENCE DONOVAN EMILIO DOUGLAS VITO SIMON MICHAEL PATRICK PATRICK ANTOINE GEOFFREY DARIK GORDON HARLEN DAVID MICHAEL FRANCIS HARRY SANTIAGO MARIO JORGE LEONARD BRUCE BINH TU TIMOTHY RICHARD JAMES BRANDON LEE GORDON PAUL ANTHONY SAMANTHA MILDRED JAMIE DUNCAN ANDREW ALAN LESTER EDWARD JACQUELINE SERGEY AFROYIM JACK JASON NEIL SVEN ROBERT PASQUALINA CLINT TERRY BRENDAN JAMES SLOBODAN BOB KENNETH RUBINDER CRAIG WILLIAM GEOFFREY WILLIAM ANDREW CAMERON STEPHEN Position Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Senior Corporate Planning Analyst Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Salary Paid $104,545.15 $104,525.90 $104,520.17 $104,512.95 $104,507.23 $104,505.47 $104,487.58 $104,487.23 $104,470.01 $104,466.08 $104,465.59 $104,464.54 $104,460.82 $104,455.96 $104,453.24 $104,452.72 $104,449.17 $104,432.17 $104,426.42 $104,421.67 $104,414.06 $104,402.02 $104,399.59 $104,388.31 $104,365.40 $104,363.60 $104,358.74 $104,356.59 $104,349.81 $104,341.01 $104,338.12 $104,330.53 $104,310.39 $104,273.51 $104,259.04 $104,256.99 $104,252.42 $104,251.94 $104,243.92 $104,239.54 $104,238.34 $104,236.32 $104,234.91 $104,234.43 $104,222.18 $104,198.58 $104,191.34 $104,181.33 $104,170.91 $104,166.44 $104,161.90 $104,160.31 $104,158.68 $104,157.90 $104,157.71 $104,154.16 $104,152.36 $104,147.74 $104,145.60 $104,106.27 $104,100.02 $104,096.68 $104,086.30 $104,085.12 $104,084.57 $104,084.44 $104,083.37 $104,065.28 Taxable Benefits $760.87 $326.24 $797.82 $739.89 $771.54 $735.57 $789.64 $355.72 $789.64 $751.24 $789.64 $771.54 $722.33 $789.64 $751.24 $751.24 $789.64 $749.41 $736.75 $784.86 $789.64 $771.54 $751.37 $742.23 $780.72 $771.54 $789.64 $789.64 $771.54 $789.64 $732.14 $771.54 $789.64 $748.69 $771.54 $769.31 $639.05 $722.33 $780.72 $739.09 $742.23 $789.64 $771.54 $771.54 $769.31 $731.29 $774.44 $751.24 $769.31 $789.64 $771.54 $789.64 $746.17 $789.64 $731.29 $722.33 $781.26 $328.21 $749.41 $364.64 $742.23 $722.33 $789.64 $771.54 $731.29 $751.24 $780.72 $711.03

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname GRIEVE CLIFFORD GONZALES SATTZ GICZI ZIELENIEWSKI PENTON REGAN NEWTON LALLA MANIQUIS CHARUK CHORNOOK VALENTINI FIDLER RICCIARDI NASNER MISTEROWICZ MCINNIS SKINNER SMITH DICK HOOVER MITCHELL RAMJI COWAN BERCHARD SHIELDS AHMAD BOPARA KENNEDY CLARK TUCKER PARK WALLACE DUFFUS MALTAR GANJ PINTO KLACZA WINTER MAY SADRZADEH TUPLING PETRAKIS BAGSHAW JAMSHIDI SHAW THORNING CARTER HUNT CHELLEW WALSH SADLER LITTLE PERREAULT BRAUND FYNES MOXLEY RODGERS SHARMA WONG PETRIE PALERMO CANNELLA WARD ESKEN CAUNTER Given Name TREVOR SCOTT HUGH ANTHONY ANGELO ENRIQUEZ STEVEN JIM FRANK STANLEY SHANE STEPHEN PAUL FRANCIS DEEDEE LESTER ROYSON ALVIN KEITH MARK STEPHEN ENZO-LORETO ANDREW CLARENCE MARCO STEFAN RICHARD JOHN JESSICA MICHELLE KELLY SIMONE DEAN LARENY MICHAEL DAVID BRADLEY STEPHEN ALY RAZA ANDRIA RENNIE GAIL PATRICIA MANSOOR GURWINDER GEOFFREY STEVEN BRIAN DOUGLAS SUNG JIN PETER RICHARD HUGH MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER ARRAN SUZANNE MARIE CAROL JOHN CHRISTOPHER MIR SIAMAK ANN-MARIE MICHAEL ROBERT BRUCE JOSHUA PAYAM WILLIAM SHIRLEY DALE ROBERT STEPHEN MARK STEPHEN TERENCE ANTHONY SEAN MICHAEL JAMES RAYMOND BRONAGH MARIA KEITH ANGELA DAWN SANJAY KUMAR WAN-HOI M KYLE JOHNATHON CARMINE ANGELO GIUSEPPE KEVIN WALTER INDREK BENJAMINTHOMAS Position Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Senior Technical Analyst, Information Technology Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $104,064.17 $104,056.46 $104,055.65 $104,053.74 $104,051.00 $104,046.80 $104,037.85 $104,029.72 $104,028.32 $104,022.15 $104,020.76 $104,013.59 $104,012.86 $104,006.32 $104,004.54 $103,997.38 $103,993.50 $103,991.57 $103,989.19 $103,987.38 $103,984.75 $103,976.12 $103,973.78 $103,962.57 $103,946.69 $103,943.45 $103,940.04 $103,919.31 $103,919.29 $103,917.63 $103,901.81 $103,888.19 $103,875.81 $103,871.26 $103,867.20 $103,867.14 $103,860.79 $103,855.15 $103,838.21 $103,808.30 $103,795.85 $103,789.39 $103,779.56 $103,752.31 $103,750.78 $103,749.89 $103,728.59 $103,727.83 $103,727.65 $103,725.27 $103,725.18 $103,703.53 $103,703.48 $103,700.97 $103,700.48 $103,699.90 $103,699.66 $103,695.34 $103,694.44 $103,692.42 $103,680.30 $103,670.43 $103,649.39 $103,648.69 $103,645.95 $103,626.30 $103,606.29 $103,604.78 Taxable Benefits $742.23 $722.33 $731.29 $789.64 $780.72 $749.41 $771.54 $722.33 $789.64 $750.89 $751.24 $789.64 $749.41 $731.29 $721.20 $731.29 $769.31 $738.31 $771.54 $771.54 $760.33 $742.23 $364.64 $789.64 $784.86 $780.72 $789.64 $719.61 $746.96 $780.72 $789.64 $789.64 $351.45 $751.24 $768.42 $780.72 $751.24 $722.33 $780.72 $362.60 $789.64 $789.64 $722.33 $780.72 $751.24 $769.31 $367.14 $769.31 $780.72 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $786.92 $771.54 $780.72 $751.24 $771.54 $789.64 $742.27 $731.29 $749.41 $771.54 $789.64 $731.29 $297.33 $789.64 $732.49

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname MACDONELL GOUTHRO HANCOCK CAMPANILE ROBERTS BARTLETT HINES MOYER GURR ZIMMERMAN TAIT BARTLETT HOBOR KARJALAINEN POYNTER MCILWAIN HOLDER RATHBONE DAVEY DEMOE MUSAH COSTELLO BLACKLOCK GOSS IRISH ALEKSANDROWICZ SCOTT VITTIE GAJRAJ GASKIN SO DENNIS MILDENBERGER PATTERSON MCVEIGH MACKINNON WOOD EDWICKER LING GAUTHIER LOVE HODGINS MORAES MAHARAJ BARCLAY BABINEAU CORDEIRO BOULET THAI EBRAHIMI ADACH KOTAS SLOAN CASTELLUCCI SHIN FERNANDES TEEFT BESON ODISHO HABIBULLAH GOULAH BRITO COULTHARD MURPHY ADAM ALBANESE WINDMOLLER GIBB Given Name SUSAN CRAIG JOSEPH KIMBERLY EMANUELE DAVID ALAN ANDREW GORDON IAN JEFFREY JACK JACOB LAWRENCE PAUL LEONARD JASON MITCHELL TERENCE ALEC TREVOR VINCENT CHRISTOPHER REX STEVEN GEORGE PAUL MELANIE LYNN THOMAS KEVIN ISHMAIL PATRICK WILLIAM GUY GEOFFREY PETER LUKASZ GORDON DEBORAH SYED SEAN THEODORE YING HO AARON KAINE JOHANN ROBERT EDWARD RICHARD JAMES NANCY ALEXIS GRACE JONATHAN LEO ALLEN ROBERT MARK GREGORY TIMOTHY ZALINA TAMMY LYNN JARED MICHAEL ELIZABETT MARIA SCOTT THANH POOYA EDWARD HIERONIM ARTUR JACEK CHRISTOPHER STUART ANTHONY JAY HO KERI ANN NADINE ALICE MARK WILLIAM ASHUR JAMSHID ANTHONY LEO SERGIO AGOSTINHO JASON MILES JOHN BARBARA ANNE JASON JOHN THEODORE JOHN LOUIS Position Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Supervisor, Networks and Communications Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Salary Paid $103,604.36 $103,592.21 $103,584.35 $103,583.17 $103,577.49 $103,570.59 $103,565.81 $103,558.26 $103,556.77 $103,554.55 $103,554.35 $103,539.02 $103,536.41 $103,532.75 $103,524.03 $103,517.03 $103,512.78 $103,504.86 $103,503.92 $103,501.44 $103,496.43 $103,491.53 $103,490.07 $103,485.36 $103,465.88 $103,463.77 $103,455.59 $103,445.90 $103,444.89 $103,440.52 $103,435.84 $103,426.68 $103,419.68 $103,418.95 $103,384.96 $103,379.86 $103,376.31 $103,373.34 $103,357.80 $103,357.31 $103,356.10 $103,353.79 $103,337.64 $103,337.14 $103,326.29 $103,325.14 $103,322.69 $103,312.46 $103,303.85 $103,303.18 $103,292.15 $103,291.79 $103,289.48 $103,284.32 $103,276.86 $103,249.76 $103,244.02 $103,241.93 $103,241.39 $103,233.64 $103,233.59 $103,226.42 $103,224.77 $103,214.48 $103,205.45 $103,193.99 $103,189.95 $103,182.61 Taxable Benefits $789.64 $780.72 $358.06 $789.64 $789.64 $742.23 $731.29 $783.06 $771.54 $789.64 $722.33 $729.94 $751.24 $335.33 $731.29 $781.62 $760.33 $731.29 $789.64 $789.64 $771.54 $722.33 $789.64 $749.41 $769.31 $706.44 $789.64 $364.64 $751.24 $364.64 $751.24 $771.54 $750.47 $780.72 $789.64 $751.24 $789.64 $771.54 $786.92 $780.72 $771.54 $731.29 $335.33 $379.32 $731.29 $766.08 $780.72 $364.64 $760.33 $720.07 $789.64 $771.54 $771.54 $780.72 $731.29 $771.54 $760.33 $751.24 $722.33 $720.07 $751.24 $742.23 $771.54 $789.64 $780.72 $771.54 $788.62 $789.64

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname LIU SPURLING MCCUTCHEON LEE PARSRAM VENDRAMINI DAVEY COOK MCGAHERN WOO DIVIESTI ROSS CIESLIK MOYER HAINES VANDALL FERRIS HEGARTY HICKS MACGILLIVRAY WEBSTER WELSH GARDNER MOED GRANATA YEANDLE WILLIAMS DESJARDINS HOUSTON PAYTON HRYHORSKY RUFFOLO NOTAY DAWSON MARTIN DE GUZMAN CHAPMAN AUCLAIR BATES LEE JAMES KONKEL CARTER MCGRADE GORDON VIRK SIDORA MCINTYRE WILSON MCCORMACK DAYLER FLANDERS JOSEPHS BRAGG NOVINC ATTENBOROUGH O'RIORDAN MUSCLOW MARCH STRAVER BURROWS FOX WEST TAYLOR HWANG HARTFORD SPENCER O'KANE Given Name SHUXIN TONY PETER DOUGLAS RANDALL JAMES RAMESH BRIAN LUIGI AMY LEE THOMAS WILLIAM JOHN ANTHONY CHI SHING TONY MATTHEW DOUGLAS SUSAN HELENA MATTHEW IGNATIUS DAVID PAUL MARTIN PHILIP KEVIN NATALIE MONIQUE STEPHEN CRAIG ANTHONY DAVID GREGORY JONATHAN CLAYTON RONALD FRANKLIN JEREMY CLARK SALVATORE FRANCESCO MARK KEVIN CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH FRANCOIS JEANETTE MARIE HOWARD LEWIS MICHAEL THOMAS FRANK JAGMOHAN SINGH KEITH RUDOLF NOEL ENRIQUEZ MARK JANE MARILYN TIMOTHY BRIAN KWANG JAE RITA ANNE KAZIMIERZ SCOTT KATHRYN DAVID EOIN MAHEEP KAUR TERRY RYAN DOUGLAS MICHAEL PAUL INKERI HELENA NATHAN DAVID TODD MATTHEW ADAM KIRK LORNE GORDON BRANKO JEFFREY BRUCE WAYNE JAMES CLAUDE JOHN LAWRENCE TIMOTHY SCOTT JAMES LEE ANN JEFF THOMAS YUNG-YIH DEBORAH ENNIS STEWART GERAID DAVID Position Senior Programmer, Information Technology Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Senior Programmer, Information Technology Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Analyst, Compensation and Benefits Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Inspector Parking Enforcement Officer Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Analyst, Compensation and Benefits Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Training Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Salary Paid $103,179.47 $103,172.35 $103,167.51 $103,166.87 $103,166.57 $103,160.88 $103,147.65 $103,142.84 $103,137.42 $103,121.30 $103,120.44 $103,107.97 $103,105.07 $103,101.39 $103,089.19 $103,086.55 $103,062.81 $103,059.61 $103,053.34 $103,039.06 $103,033.12 $103,030.60 $103,028.55 $103,018.24 $103,009.62 $102,994.22 $102,993.48 $102,988.17 $102,987.56 $102,978.00 $102,962.34 $102,953.63 $102,953.50 $102,951.47 $102,950.13 $102,946.42 $102,924.76 $102,915.01 $102,908.42 $102,907.08 $102,887.15 $102,875.12 $102,856.89 $102,856.67 $102,838.71 $102,829.38 $102,808.67 $102,800.10 $102,798.53 $102,789.91 $102,773.17 $102,768.67 $102,752.93 $102,746.33 $102,739.79 $102,737.08 $102,734.29 $102,733.08 $102,723.56 $102,713.03 $102,709.51 $102,697.16 $102,687.14 $102,682.52 $102,670.32 $102,667.08 $102,650.73 $102,648.49 Taxable Benefits $322.46 $789.64 $789.64 $771.54 $780.72 $789.64 $326.24 $742.23 $749.41 $322.46 $789.64 $742.23 $766.51 $780.72 $771.54 $789.64 $789.64 $355.72 $789.64 $731.29 $780.72 $742.50 $771.54 $731.29 $781.62 $789.64 $751.24 $722.33 $920.02 $781.26 $750.89 $5,672.16 $638.83 $789.64 $784.86 $745.78 $780.72 $789.64 $789.64 $693.54 $731.29 $826.07 $789.64 $789.64 $652.12 $711.03 $789.64 $742.23 $746.17 $789.64 $740.28 $771.54 $740.30 $771.54 $789.64 $781.26 $751.24 $780.72 $789.64 $789.64 $780.72 $783.06 $751.24 $749.41 $625.04 $789.64 $771.54 $771.54

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname KOHL GIBSON ELDRIDGE CASCADDEN SOBOTKA ROSS WYNNE BENNEY POULIMENOS SUONGAS LESLIE RAHIM CRAGHILL BURGESS CHEECHOO JOHNS MOYNAGH TRIAS KERR MAADANIAN MCCORMACK VANDENBRINK CRANE JENKINS ASTOLFO NG LAMBIE KRAWCZYK WILSON ELLIOTT SUTTON COOMBS PROSAVICH SAMUEL STEWART THERIAULT EMMS LAROCHE SYBYDLO WARDLE KRANJAC WATKINS FREDERICK MACIAS KOVACIC THOMAS CARLES REYNOLDS DEVINE CANNATA ROBBINS TROINA LOWE CASTELL SKINNER CHUTKO MOREHOUSE SAFARI WORSDALE CORREIA GRIFFITHS STACEY LAWRENCE KELLY FALKINSON CAMPBELL CLARK ESTEVES Given Name BARBARA LOUISE NATHAN EDWARD REGINALD KELLY JANET MARIE KEITH TRAVERS PETER WILLIAM DEMETRE CHRIS HAMIL THEODORE KAMAL SEAN DAVID TROY NELSON THOMAS MARK DOUGLAS ROBERT ETHELWALD DIOSA SAMUEL WILLIAM NAZARET JAMES HENDRIK ROBERT JASON ALLEN ROBERT WILLIAM DARRYL BRADLEY PAUL THOMAS DEREK SCOTT SHAWN WILLIAM DANIEL ALBERT GEORGE PAULA ANNE GLENN TINA MARIE ANGELA JEFFREY BRIAN WINSTON BOHDAN ROLAND JOSEPH ANTHONY KERRY ANTONIO RUDOLPH ANTONIO DELGADO JOSEPH MARK LEROY MATTHEW MOSES JASON DAVID PHILIP DAVID KEVIN SHAUN BENEDETTO SCOTT MARTIN TIFFANY ALICIA RONALD GARY JAN RITA MUSTAFA SHAYNE WILLIAM BRYAN MEDEIROS SEAN RONALD BRIAN SHAWN JOHN FRANK BRYAN EDWARD JAMIE ANDERSON RUI MANUEL Position Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Salary Paid $102,646.59 $102,641.30 $102,636.24 $102,632.56 $102,625.92 $102,614.80 $102,600.02 $102,580.63 $102,580.52 $102,579.18 $102,575.65 $102,574.06 $102,571.88 $102,569.53 $102,552.89 $102,542.36 $102,540.50 $102,524.91 $102,515.78 $102,514.32 $102,494.54 $102,486.62 $102,484.46 $102,478.19 $102,470.11 $102,463.60 $102,435.39 $102,433.47 $102,424.63 $102,421.00 $102,418.89 $102,410.85 $102,404.95 $102,381.37 $102,378.48 $102,360.86 $102,356.43 $102,353.52 $102,352.67 $102,343.18 $102,319.61 $102,316.75 $102,316.54 $102,307.86 $102,301.03 $102,270.23 $102,261.16 $102,246.90 $102,241.49 $102,239.90 $102,239.21 $102,233.89 $102,230.17 $102,226.33 $102,225.31 $102,211.14 $102,209.07 $102,205.49 $102,188.79 $102,179.09 $102,173.42 $102,164.73 $102,164.11 $102,156.50 $102,147.22 $102,141.40 $102,139.57 $102,137.53 Taxable Benefits $780.72 $726.63 $789.64 $364.64 $780.72 $760.33 $789.64 $769.31 $742.23 $789.64 $771.54 $732.14 $789.64 $789.64 $751.24 $751.24 $749.41 $722.33 $749.41 $771.54 $789.64 $364.64 $746.96 $789.64 $733.26 $722.33 $721.20 $346.54 $780.72 $780.72 $789.64 $760.87 $771.54 $364.64 $364.64 $789.64 $751.24 $364.64 $769.31 $364.64 $771.54 $789.64 $739.09 $780.72 $722.59 $749.41 $751.24 $749.68 $789.64 $769.31 $728.19 $364.64 $788.96 $733.65 $789.64 $769.31 $788.62 $722.33 $731.29 $746.56 $781.62 $769.31 $780.72 $789.64 $789.64 $771.54 $341.08 $722.33

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname MOORE BRETT GREGORY BOKALO MOORE HUGHES MUELLER LAHEY XINOS SANSON DAWSON GRANBERG FORESTELL HUGHES ELLIOT CHRISTOPOULOS JANES BORG MCGHEE PECK CONNELL CHUNG CHADHA WISZNIOWSKI FERKO LEONARD SUDDES BRUZZESE KEEFER WORRELL MITCHELL LOVE MCKAY BISSONNETTE DOUGLIN LONG HEWSON NEWTON MCCUTCHEON KERNOHAN DUKE SORGO KARMALI SANDERS GINI LITTLE HEARD MCKAY BRESSAN VILLANI FERRIS GORDON COLLYMORE TATONE COOPER KOZMIK HOVEY PIKE BLACKER DIONNE FERADAY FOLLERT GROVES GUEST HAITZER HENDRICKS MAYWOOD NEEDHAM Given Name DAVID CHRISTOPHER BRYAN DONALD ROBERT NIKOLAJ DARCY TRUDY STEFAN MARY REGINA EVAGELOS CHERYL-ANNE VICKI DINO MICHAEL LYNN BENJAMIN GEORGE GEORGE GARY AMBROSE SUSANNE JOSEPHENE MICHAEL JENNIFER LOUISE DALE PHILIP AVININDER RYSZARD CHRISTOPHER ROBIN ANNE MARLENE DOMENICO DAVID PHILIP CHARLES DAVID MATTHEW EDWARD PAUL MARCEL CHARLES VANCE CHRISTINE KENT JENNY SEAN CAMERON SUZANNE BRIAN DOUGLAS ROY FAIZAL SHIRAZ DAVID GUILLERMO STEVE DARRIN JASON MARK CARYN LORENZO ANTHONY JOHN CHRISTOPHER BRIAN MATTHEW MAURO ROBERT LORNA GWENYTH JAMES WAYNE FREDERICK CHRISTOPHER MARK DANIEL RICHARD GREGORY DALE GARY KEITH SCOTT ROSS ELLIOTT Position Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Communications Co-ordinator Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Salary Paid $102,128.94 $102,107.30 $102,105.39 $102,103.08 $102,100.19 $102,093.56 $102,093.50 $102,088.53 $102,086.32 $102,082.90 $102,074.39 $102,068.02 $102,067.79 $102,053.37 $102,051.54 $102,043.90 $102,038.30 $102,035.29 $102,029.86 $102,029.44 $102,027.08 $102,026.56 $102,025.52 $102,014.48 $102,002.43 $102,000.83 $101,993.71 $101,987.35 $101,981.44 $101,980.22 $101,980.03 $101,967.82 $101,961.10 $101,955.97 $101,939.74 $101,929.40 $101,927.55 $101,920.72 $101,919.36 $101,919.28 $101,917.28 $101,916.96 $101,914.38 $101,908.57 $101,901.33 $101,900.26 $101,900.06 $101,898.68 $101,896.58 $101,893.93 $101,891.68 $101,889.80 $101,887.79 $101,887.11 $101,885.78 $101,883.70 $101,880.98 $101,879.78 $101,878.58 $101,878.58 $101,878.58 $101,878.58 $101,878.58 $101,878.58 $101,878.58 $101,878.58 $101,878.58 $101,878.58 Taxable Benefits $737.93 $722.33 $789.64 $769.31 $789.64 $788.62 $768.26 $780.72 $746.96 $789.64 $787.26 $780.72 $783.06 $780.72 $722.33 $776.45 $751.24 $751.24 $780.72 $751.24 $718.81 $400.06 $364.64 $364.64 $731.29 $364.64 $789.64 $788.96 $749.41 $780.72 $789.64 $738.19 $786.92 $762.47 $751.24 $364.64 $789.64 $364.64 $763.74 $789.64 $788.62 $789.64 $751.24 $789.64 $726.63 $789.64 $326.24 $783.06 $789.64 $789.64 $789.64 $780.72 $721.20 $789.64 $718.81 $364.64 $789.64 $789.64 $364.64 $364.64 $364.64 $789.64 $789.64 $364.64 $789.64 $364.64 $364.64 $364.64

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname PALMER REDIGONDA ROWETT SERROUL CREWS MCKINNIE MCKAY MYERS ROSS WHITE JONES ST CLAIR VAN DER KRABBEN PAGLIA MCLEOD MCDONALD GRAY WALKER DOUCETTE SCHAFHAUSER MANN WASHINGTON WHALEN JOHNSTON PETRAKIS OUELLET STEIN WOODS MORRIS FYFE CORKHILL MORGAN ZUBAIR HENDERSON OUELLETTE PERCIVAL BOWEN GALDIKS GROVER CORREA WOOLLEY MEISSNER BENOIT DION KINGDON ELGAR LEVESQUE MONAGHAN BARREIRA MOTA HUMFREY WINDLE LORIMER NEWHOOK CHHABRA CROOKER VAN HET VELD MCGOVERN NICOL MCASKILL TAKEDA GEORGOPOULOS KHIMANI MURPHY ADAM MORAN KASZYCA HISCOX Given Name JOHN RICHARD JOHN GORDON DAVID ALEXANDER AMANDA SCOTT MILTON DARLENE BARRY LEANNE KAREY ALOYSIUS STEVEN JOHN GIANCARLO MATTHEW ALEXANDER ROBERT JAMES ROBERT MARK DOYLE CHRISTIAN GERARD HANS PETER AMARJIT SINGH KATHARINE ANN CHRISTOPHER ANDREW TRICIA MARLENE STAVROS ANDREW WARREN MARK DOUGLAS STEPHEN MANDY DAWN JOHN KAREN LINDA DANIEL PHILIP MOHAMMAD GEOFFREY PAUL ROBERT BRUCE KIMBERLY JANE ROBERT ROLAND GERHARD TODD DAVID RODRIGUEZ RAYMOND CAROL JASON REGIS DANIEL SCOTT ANTHONY KAREN ELIZABETH MARTIN THERESA NELSON DANNY LABAO ROBERT TRACY GEORGINA TROY WILLIAM MATTHEW ALBERT AJAY LISA CATHERINE JAN MICHAEL PATRICK ROBERT MELINDA JEAN ROBERT KEVIN ZULFIQAR ALI PETER MICHAEL JASON RUTH MARIAN JOSEPH LUDWIK PATRICK JAMES Position Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Analyst, Information Technology Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $101,878.58 $101,878.58 $101,878.58 $101,878.58 $101,869.17 $101,863.11 $101,854.55 $101,845.98 $101,839.46 $101,835.88 $101,831.18 $101,821.66 $101,817.83 $101,816.32 $101,807.93 $101,799.34 $101,797.61 $101,794.14 $101,792.41 $101,779.89 $101,756.62 $101,752.47 $101,750.10 $101,720.81 $101,713.16 $101,708.62 $101,708.30 $101,706.99 $101,704.66 $101,688.90 $101,685.25 $101,676.88 $101,663.13 $101,655.35 $101,650.75 $101,648.23 $101,618.52 $101,616.73 $101,611.07 $101,603.76 $101,601.84 $101,585.91 $101,579.35 $101,574.62 $101,572.63 $101,558.81 $101,555.76 $101,554.15 $101,552.59 $101,541.15 $101,516.71 $101,515.69 $101,513.13 $101,512.41 $101,505.01 $101,500.70 $101,497.89 $101,492.65 $101,490.62 $101,487.17 $101,477.27 $101,476.47 $101,467.12 $101,465.67 $101,458.48 $101,429.63 $101,428.38 $101,416.89 Taxable Benefits $789.64 $789.64 $364.64 $718.81 $749.41 $786.92 $780.72 $789.64 $363.62 $780.72 $780.72 $722.33 $736.75 $751.24 $742.23 $583.40 $360.56 $750.64 $751.24 $731.29 $737.15 $775.26 $734.03 $771.54 $722.33 $731.29 $771.54 $731.29 $771.54 $760.33 $778.56 $742.23 $726.63 $736.75 $731.29 $751.24 $363.46 $731.29 $780.72 $771.54 $749.41 $361.92 $751.24 $780.72 $771.54 $760.33 $771.54 $783.06 $751.24 $734.43 $749.41 $722.33 $751.24 $780.72 $723.16 $771.54 $769.31 $351.45 $751.24 $770.76 $784.86 $732.49 $638.83 $769.31 $760.62 $771.54 $751.24 $736.75

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname PHOON DIRENZO BOWER KELLY ZEBROWSKI WILLAN CERESOLI CRAIG FREEMAN RICHARDSON BERNOBIC REID SINGH ALEXIOU WALKER KLAAS SCEARCE STAPLETON BULBROOK SOUVANDY ERNST EMERSON BURLEY URKOSKY KRAWCZYK BRIGGS MOREAU BANTON PABLA GREWAL HODKIN FOWLDS MCBRIDE MARTELL REID BYERS MCGARVEY GOOBIE LYNCH PEACOCK O'BRIEN KANE MONTCALM SWEENIE GRIFFIN PAYNE TOMASZEWSKI LECK BRIDEAU POWELL GALLAGHER TATTERSALL PATERSON HALL OLSON ANSARI JONES JONES GRIERSON MANHERZ DOHERTY GRACE BELL MINOR BASSINGTHWAITE LEE ANDERSEN VANDENBERG Given Name NEWTON CHUN RAYMOND MARTIN MARC ALAN RYAN ANDREW TOMASZ SUMMER LEE MAURIZIO SCOTT JEFFREY BRYANT SHEILA ANN KEVIN CHAD SCOTT ANGADVIR DEMITRIOS STEVEN PETER MARTIN KENDAL BRADLEY THOMAS CALVIN MILORAD CHANTHIMA TIMOTHY TERRY EVAN DAVID JOSEPH BRIAN WILLIAM RICHARD IAN PAUL ROBERT ROBIN HORATIO SUKHVINDERPAL SINGH NARINDERPAL SINGH JASON JOSEPH GORDON BRUCE KEITH ROBERT BRIAN WAVERLEY ELAINE DEREK JONATHAN WILLIAM DERRICK ERINN ANDREA JASON ALEXANDER DAVID SHAWN GERALD ALAIN JEAN CAROLYN LINDSAY GLENA KARL SCOTT MARCIN ROBERT DAVID RENE ALYRE DANIEL JAMES IAN JAMES MICHAEL EASTWOD KYLE SCOTT JOHN GARY ALDRED ALI AKBAR SANDRA MAUREEN THOMAS MICHAEL JOEL NICHOLAS BRADEN SPENCER TIMOTHY DARYL EDWARD DOUGLAS ALLAN STEVEN JEFFREY JAMES STANTON CARL HENRIK CAROLYN Position Forensic System Administrator Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Training Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Salary Paid $101,414.84 $101,408.57 $101,408.22 $101,404.87 $101,402.28 $101,390.29 $101,383.82 $101,376.53 $101,358.70 $101,348.10 $101,341.62 $101,336.76 $101,335.75 $101,333.34 $101,331.89 $101,327.95 $101,316.30 $101,305.82 $101,299.67 $101,286.23 $101,274.27 $101,253.99 $101,246.32 $101,242.16 $101,241.17 $101,237.76 $101,230.50 $101,213.99 $101,203.92 $101,202.49 $101,190.35 $101,188.05 $101,158.50 $101,150.31 $101,138.95 $101,135.10 $101,127.58 $101,126.08 $101,122.39 $101,107.80 $101,106.48 $101,089.94 $101,079.34 $101,065.48 $101,064.25 $101,039.50 $101,036.17 $101,023.49 $101,020.60 $101,016.43 $101,000.07 $100,994.42 $100,956.58 $100,949.78 $100,942.00 $100,938.95 $100,935.66 $100,929.08 $100,925.61 $100,914.22 $100,908.88 $100,882.44 $100,879.97 $100,877.00 $100,868.77 $100,866.17 $100,864.75 $100,863.58 Taxable Benefits $776.45 $780.72 $722.33 $751.24 $722.33 $771.54 $751.24 $786.56 $751.24 $499.73 $722.33 $751.24 $771.54 $769.31 $769.31 $733.26 $714.42 $771.54 $742.23 $731.31 $324.41 $741.15 $751.24 $768.42 $749.23 $328.24 $751.24 $780.72 $771.54 $722.33 $742.66 $749.41 $722.33 $780.72 $786.92 $759.84 $769.31 $769.31 $746.96 $739.09 $769.31 $722.33 $722.33 $786.92 $744.51 $780.72 $722.33 $783.06 $751.24 $356.62 $722.33 $722.33 $711.03 $749.41 $784.86 $355.72 $780.72 $769.31 $780.72 $751.24 $751.24 $740.30 $751.24 $780.72 $751.24 $742.23 $769.31 $780.72

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname GRISOLIA SUTCLIFFE CHAN GOTTSCHLING STEVENSON WALLI D'SOUZA HAYNES LOPES MORELL STOYKO KIRKPATRICK HANCOCK SARGENT LOURENCO COYNE KRUCZEK NG HICKMOTT HURLEY LAING MCCAUSLAND WATTS MARCHEN BACHLY FOSTER NIJJAR HAYES LINDALE SISK MEECH THOMAS TALBOT GEORGEFF MACKENZIE CATON OLSEN SKEETE STEVENS RYZEK WILLIAMS MACKAY GREGORY HOPTON CACCAVALE LAUSH FORDE BOYD CARMICHAEL FORSYTHE MACKRELL EZEKIEL STONE MARTIN ROSINA GEORGE KALDIS MEANEY ARMSTRONG LEMBKE MCLEAN VALERIO MOORE PAK GREAVES MARCHEN APOSTOLIDIS WILLIAMSON Given Name LISA DARRIN HERBERT ALPHA HAWK-BUNG RONALD EDMUND BRENDAN LEIGH ALYKHAN AMIR TYRON IAN ERNEST DAVID JUDE ALEXANDER ADAM SANDRA LOUISE CHRISTOPHER JOHN JANINE RHONA CHRISTOPHER SEAN ADAM COLIN PATRICK KEVIN PIOTR PAWEL YUEN MARCIE LYNN JASON LESLIE RICHARD ANTHONY YOSHIO MICHAEL GREGORY MILES LEANNE CHRISTOPHER DAVID ANTHONY JOSEPH HARJIT SINGH ROY EDWARD MICHAEL DARREN RAYMOND JOHN JENNIFER LOUISE DARRYL THOMAS MARCUS WILLIAM ROBERT DEAN MATTHEW MICHAEL SHAUN JUNIOR JOHN WENDY DEIRDRE ELIZABETH RONALD ERNEST SANDRA RICHARD FREDERICK ERASMO CHRISTOPHER ALLEN RYAN ANDREW STEPHEN FRANCIS ROSS PAUL SCOTT CARL TERENCE PAUL GEORGE MICHAEL DREW KEITH JOSEPH GEORGE SHAWN KAREN KRISTIN NICOLE NANCY MARY JOHN SCOTT WILLIAM ANDREW JIN-HO BRANDON LLOYD MICHAEL JOHN CHARLES Position Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Labour Relations Analyst Board Administrator Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Training Constable Salary Paid $100,859.92 $100,859.38 $100,854.48 $100,851.09 $100,847.81 $100,846.06 $100,844.92 $100,834.31 $100,816.11 $100,813.96 $100,813.04 $100,807.14 $100,803.14 $100,801.05 $100,798.87 $100,770.89 $100,765.98 $100,758.14 $100,752.65 $100,743.58 $100,727.79 $100,722.16 $100,717.11 $100,700.64 $100,698.26 $100,694.01 $100,691.92 $100,667.11 $100,666.74 $100,659.57 $100,643.62 $100,642.97 $100,635.16 $100,621.28 $100,611.11 $100,611.03 $100,596.07 $100,564.42 $100,551.89 $100,548.94 $100,548.94 $100,540.46 $100,534.24 $100,527.29 $100,524.92 $100,512.68 $100,510.59 $100,502.91 $100,487.80 $100,480.89 $100,464.91 $100,462.72 $100,462.28 $100,460.23 $100,458.12 $100,453.90 $100,442.59 $100,433.26 $100,430.43 $100,412.07 $100,407.42 $100,406.25 $100,405.81 $100,392.51 $100,376.25 $100,364.99 $100,358.90 $100,346.53 Taxable Benefits $355.72 $783.42 $760.33 $731.29 $748.79 $722.33 $722.33 $751.24 $771.54 $740.30 $726.63 $771.54 $780.72 $780.72 $731.29 $723.51 $736.40 $780.72 $771.54 $722.33 $731.29 $762.18 $771.54 $760.33 $771.54 $731.29 $771.54 $760.87 $749.41 $785.56 $781.26 $749.27 $355.72 $743.46 $742.23 $751.24 $780.72 $359.86 $781.26 $920.02 $346.64 $731.29 $780.72 $722.33 $760.33 $780.72 $771.54 $731.29 $771.54 $769.31 $784.86 $731.29 $758.39 $751.24 $780.72 $722.33 $781.26 $780.72 $748.79 $297.33 $780.72 $781.26 $771.54 $735.57 $721.20 $769.31 $771.54 $769.31

APPENDIX B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES' 2011 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Surname KARRAS DISALVO BEVERIDGE ILSON WEHBY WARNER GAUDET FREEMAN SOUSA-GUTHRIE VIEIRA MURRAY VERDOOLD TOWNLEY MACINNIS RAMOS VIGNA WILSON MCCALL GRIFFIN TYNKALUK ROMAIN BURNETT STEWART ARCAND TANNAHILL BRAUTIGAM DUNCAN DONISON SUMAISAR O'DRISCOLL TEDFORD MORRISON JOSEPH TANHAM MOFFATT JOHNSON SEARLES DIAZ WILLIAMS STEVENSON HATCHARD DREWS POCZAK HOLLYWOOD MASLOWSKI RELPH CLAUDIO TEIXEIRA OLIVER COSGROVE ROSE KESIC BORNEMAN TINT GALLANT GIRMENIA IONTA Given Name STELLA STAUROULA SHARON LYNN DANIEL JAMES PETER MICHAEL RUTH DERRICK ERIC MICHAEL JONI LARRY GIL WILLIAM LANCE SCOTT DARREN ROBERT FRANCIS LERMY RITA ELSA PAULA JEAN JAYANT JOHN PAUL DEAN ALLAN JEAN-BERNARD ANSON RICHARD COLIN ALEXANDER BRIAN CHRISTOPHER DARLA JAZEN LORNE JEANINE KIM TOM NILAN DENNIS STEVEN THOMAS MICHELLE YVETTE TREVOR JOHN JASON MICHAEL DAVID EDWARD TREVOR ANGELA MARIA CLAYTON SHANE CINDI GAIL JASON LISA NEIL BRIAN WERNER BRADLEY GEORGE DONALD ANDREW PEREIRA STEVEN RONALD SEAN DAVID DAWN ZELJKO MARK ROBERT JULIE CHRISTINE DENISE FRANCESCO ALESSANDRO Position Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Assistant Manager, Accounting Assistant Manager, Records Management Assistant Manager, Records Management Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Salary Paid $100,342.05 $100,338.76 $100,335.16 $100,334.13 $100,333.26 $100,322.51 $100,319.16 $100,316.73 $100,313.93 $100,311.75 $100,295.25 $100,294.60 $100,294.28 $100,290.36 $100,272.30 $100,272.30 $100,272.30 $100,263.88 $100,263.66 $100,261.91 $100,248.59 $100,234.61 $100,218.62 $100,211.56 $100,204.26 $100,203.61 $100,196.76 $100,196.69 $100,195.88 $100,194.56 $100,192.94 $100,192.22 $100,187.98 $100,177.08 $100,164.12 $100,163.11 $100,158.17 $100,154.44 $100,124.75 $100,124.52 $100,111.57 $100,108.78 $100,102.74 $100,101.19 $100,083.61 $100,073.50 $100,073.36 $100,072.22 $100,072.19 $100,054.86 $100,050.78 $100,049.99 $100,037.34 $100,035.45 $100,026.87 $100,014.87 $100,011.86 Taxable Benefits $768.42 $780.72 $765.41 $735.99 $771.54 $780.72 $780.72 $738.72 $355.72 $737.93 $769.31 $740.30 $780.72 $780.72 $918.22 $918.22 $918.22 $771.54 $749.41 $780.72 $780.72 $722.33 $768.42 $733.80 $355.72 $771.54 $780.72 $749.41 $747.23 $769.31 $780.72 $766.51 $731.29 $746.61 $749.41 $780.72 $355.72 $739.11 $780.72 $780.72 $731.29 $734.80 $780.72 $760.33 $771.54 $771.54 $735.64 $751.24 $742.23 $751.24 $780.72 $745.78 $766.51 $780.72 $355.72 $731.29 $771.54




The Board was in receipt of the following report February 24, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: ANNUAL REPORT : 2011 CORPORATE & COMMUNITY DONATIONS

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive the following report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: At its meeting of March 26, 1998, the Board approved a report from the Chief of Police regarding a policy with respect to the acceptance of donations to the Service and requested that regular updates be provided to the Board for its information. (Min. No. 113/98 refers). In November of 2010, the Board amended their policy governing the acceptance of donations and sponsorships. It is the policy of the Toronto Police Services Board that: The Chief of Police will ensure that Service members not solicit or accept donations from any person, including any organization or corporation, for the benefit of the Service, without the consent of the Board in accordance with the established policy; Acceptance of donations valued at ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or less, requires the approval of the Unit Commander and the completion of a Donors Declaration Form (TPS 668); Acceptance of donations valued at more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) requires the approval of the Board and the submission of a completed Donors Declaration Form (TPS 668); or Where there is insufficient time to seek Board approval for the donation, approval may be delegated to the Chair and Vice Chair.

Discussion: A chronological listing of all requests submitted for the period of January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011, is appended to this report. A total of ten (10) requests were received, all of which were approved. All donations accepted were in compliance with the criteria as outlined in Service Procedure 1808, entitled Donations governing corporate and community donations. Conclusion: In summary, this report provides the Board with a summary of all corporate and community donations in the year of 2011. Inspector Stu Eley, Executive Officer, Office of the Chief of Police will be in attendance to respond to any questions, if required.

The Board received the foregoing report.


Donor Microsoft


Decision & Date Approved by: Toronto Police Services Board on February 3, 2011 (Min. No. P29/2011 refers).

Donation of $2,500.00 to support the 2010 Emergency Management Symposium The Road to Resiliency held on November 17 and 18, 2010. Infusion Donation of $2,500.00 to support the 2010 Emergency Management Symposium The Road to Resiliency held on November 17 and 18, 2010. The Probus Club of Donation of $100.00 to support Scarborough Centre the North American Police Equestrian Competition hosted by the Toronto Police Service in September 2011. Teddland Inc. Donation of teddy bears valued at $579.68 for the Good Bear on Patrol Program which is designed to provide comfort to children involved in traumatic incidents. Teddland Inc. Donation of teddy bears valued at $624.65 for the Good Bear on Patrol Program which is designed to provide comfort to children involved in traumatic incidents. Toronto Maple Leafs Donation of $6,650.00 toward the purchase of a police horse for the Toronto Police Service. Ms. Dorothy Keith Donation of $9,500.00 in support of the North American Police Equestrian Competition hosted by the Toronto Police Service in September 2011. The Horse Palace Donation of $5,000.00 in Riding Academy Inc. support of the North American Police Equestrian Competition hosted by the Toronto Police Service in September 2011.

Approved by: Toronto Police Services Board on February 3, 2011 (Min. No. P29/2011 refers).

Approved by: Chief William Blair on March 18, 2011.

Approved by: Chief William Blair on April 15, 2011.

Approved by: Chief William Blair on May 10, 2011.

Approved by: Chief William Blair on May 26, 2011 Approved by: Chief William Blair on June 26, 2011.

Approved by: Chief William Blair on September 19, 2011.

Sunnybrook Stables

Donation of $5,000.00 in support of the North American Police Equestrian Competition hosted by the Toronto Police Service in September 2011. Apple Canada Inc Donation of various unwrapped iTunes Canada childrens gifts valued at approximately $500.00 for distribution to needy children within the 55 Division community.

Approved by: Chief William Blair on September 19, 2011.

Approved by: Chief William Blair on December 8, 2011.




The Board was in receipt of the following report February 21, 2012 from Alok Mukherjee, Chair: Subject: ANNUAL REPORT: TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD'S 2011 CONSULTING EXPENDITURES

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive this report for information. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendations contained within this report. Background/Purpose: The Board, at its meeting of February 20, 2003 (Board Minute P45/03 refers), approved a motion requiring the reporting of all consulting expenditures on an annual basis. City Finance also requires annual reporting of consulting expenditures as per their prescribed format. As a result, consulting expenditures are provided to the Board and this information is also forwarded to the Citys Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer. Attachment A reflects the 2011 consulting expenditures for the Police Services Board. Discussion: City Finance requires the attached information by February 17, 2012 and in order to comply with this, the attached has been forwarded to the Citys Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer. Conclusion: Therefore, it is recommended that the Board receive this report for information.

The Board received the foregoing report.

TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD 2011 Consulting Expenses - Operating

Expense Category


Contract Date mm-dd-yr)

Contract#/ PO #/DPO #

Consultant's Name

Description of the Work

Contract/PO Balance Remaining 2011.12.31 $

2011 Budget $

2011 Expenditure $

2010 Expenditure $

External Lawyers & Planners

Toronto Police Services Board

11/21/2011 12/30/2011

6034051 6034391 Liability

Heenan Blaikie LLP

As an independent civilian reviewer hired by the Board, provides consultative services into matters relating to the G20 Summit (On-going) (BM#P189/2010) provides expertise on matters related to Canada Revenue Agency Compliance Audit on Parking Taxable Benefits (On-going) (PO is rolled over for use in 2012) provides expert advice/opinion on general labour relations issues (BM#P290/07 - renewed until September 30/2012)




Fraser Milner



02/22/2011 Sub-Total


Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart

$ 102,802.00


$62,070.00 $355,078.00


$ 102,802.00




$ 102,802.00

$ 356,000.00


$ 26,873.00







The Board was in receipt of the following report February 09, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: ANNUAL REPORT: 2011 TORONTO POLICE SERVICES CONSULTING EXPENDITURES

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive this report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: The Board, at its meeting of February 20, 2003 (Min. No. P45/03 refers), requested that the Service report all consulting expenditures on an annual basis. In addition, the Board at its meeting of March 23, 2006 (Min. No. P103/06 refers), requested that future annual reports be revised so that capital consulting expenditures are linked to the specific capital project for which the consulting services were required. City Finance also requires the annual reporting of consulting expenditures in their prescribed format, so that the Citys Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer can provide a consolidated report to City Council. This report provides details of the 2011 consulting expenditures for the Services operating and capital budgets, in the Citys prescribed format and based on the definition of consulting services provided by the City. The Citys definition of consulting services is any firm or individual providing expert advice/opinion on a non-recurring basis to support/assist management decision making in the areas of technical, information technology, management/research and development, external lawyers and planners, and creative communications. The information has already been forwarded to the City, as the completion of the Services year-end accounting process and the timing of the Board meetings did not allow this report to be forwarded to the Board in advance of the Citys February 17, 2012 deadline. Discussion: Details of the 2011 consulting expenditures for the Services operating and capital budgets are provided in Attachments A and B respectively.

The Service has taken steps to manage the use of consultants and only contract for these services where the skills are not available in-house and/or where there is not a permanent requirement for the expertise/skill set, as well as when additional resources are required to deliver projects with prescribed timelines, and the Service does not have the required resource capacity. The 2011 operating consulting expenditures (as reflected in Attachment A) were $54,000 under spent against the 2011 budget for this line item. This under-expenditure is mainly attributable to less than expected spending in the Management/R&D category and the deferral of consulting projects in the Technical category. The Service is attempting to rely less on consultants and do more work in-house. The operating account estimate for consulting services is developed using zero-based budgeting. As such, the 2012 budget request for consulting services is based on the 2012 requirements. The 2011 capital consulting expenditures (as reflected in Attachment B) were $0.70M and this amount represents expenditures for two capital projects (Human Resource Management System Self-Service, and Integrated Records and Information System). Capital projects generally involve multi-year cash flow requirements, and the 2011 expenditure may therefore represent only a portion of the contract value. Conclusion: The 2011 consulting expenditures for the Services operating and capital budgets are reported annually to the Board and the City. The Service ensures that consulting services are used only where necessary and beneficial to the Service. 2011 consulting expenditures totalled $0.73M ($0.03M for operating and $0.70M for capital). Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Administrative Command will be in attendance to answer any questions from the Board.

The Board received the foregoing report.

ATTACHMENT A 2011 Consulting Expenses Operating Contract Contract # Date PO # (mm-dd- DPO # yr) Original Description of the Work $ 0.00 Sub-Total Information Technology 10/19/2011 6033794 Microsoft Canada Inc. Conducted an assessment and provided recommendations and guidance in the development and implementation of SharePoint 2010. $ 0.00 10,176.00 Contract Value 2011 2010 Expenditu Expenditure re $ $ 0.00 0.00 $ $ $ 13,400.00 0.00 3,640.00 10,176.00 2011 Budget

Expense Category Technical

Consultants Name

Sub-Total Management/R 01/04/2010 &D 6029510 Buck Consultants Limited For the provision of actuarial valuation of benefits and general benefits consulting, all in accordance with the requirements of the Request for Proposal document

$ 10,176.00 37,800.00

$ 10,300.00

$ 10,176.00 12,966.00

Expense Category


Contract Contract Original # Date PO # Description of the Contract (mm-dd- DPO # Consultants Work Value yr) Name 08/30/2011 6033462 Institute of Conducted an 7,734.00 Internal Auditors assessment of the Toronto Police Service Audit and Quality Assurance unit's activities, to determine compliance with the "International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing". $ 45,534.00

2011 Budget

2011 2010 Expenditu Expenditure re 8,222.00

$ 61,800.00

$ 21,188.00

$ 107,340.00

Creative Communicatio ns Sub-Total External Lawyers & Planners 05/12/2011 3462438 Porter, Julian QC Provided advice on whether to pursue matters regarding an individual's blog and membership to the Law Society of Upper Canada.

$ 0.00 1,526.00

$ 0.00

$ 0.00 1,526.00

$ 57,660.00

Expense Category Sub-Total TOTAL

Contract Contract # Date PO # (mm-dd- DPO # yr)

Original Description of the Work Contract Value $ 1,526.00 $ 57,236.00 2011 2010 Expenditu Expenditure re $ $ $ 1700.00 1,526.00 0.00 $ $ $ 87,200.00 32,890.00 168,640.00 2011 Budget

Consultants Name


Contract Contract # Date PO # Consultants Expense Category Project (mm-dd-yr) DPO # Name Description of the Work Human 05/20/2011 6032907 Katalogic Inc. Assessment of the PeopleSoft Information Resource Human Resource Management Technology Management Systems (HRMS) environment; System providing guidance on hardware/software procurement, (HRMS) Additional system configuration, design, Functionality development, and report design; knowledge transfer. Human 05/20/2011 6032908 Katalogic Inc. For the provision of leadership in Resource process design sessions, as well as fit/gap workshops; advice on how Management System to leverage technology for the (HRMS) improvement of administrative Additional business processes; management Functionality of project including allocation of resources, tracking down progress and prioritization of key milestones. Integrated 12/14/2010 6032052 Provision Leads the cross functional project Records and Resources Ltd team in the day to day planning, Information management and control of the System (IRIS) Integrated Records and Information System (IRIS) project; reviewed the statement of work and master agreement with the vendor, including recommendations on scheduling, implementation and configuration phases, and sequencing business functionality technical requirements and implementation impacts . Min. No. P145/10 refers. Original Contract 2011 Value Expenditure 167,863.00 103,070.00 2010 Expenditure





Contract Contract # Original Date PO # Consultants Contract 2011 2010 Expense Category Project (mm-dd-yr) DPO # Name Description of the Work Value Expenditure Expenditure 354,328.00 231,691.00 Integrated 09/14/2010 6031187 Modis Canada Assist and support the Business Records and Inc. Analysis team in the development Information of business requirements System (IRIS) documentation, in preparation for the implementation of the commercial off-the-shelf integrated, electronic records management system for the Integrated Records & Information System (IRIS) project. $ 1,283,458.00 $ 702,825.00 $ 564,005.00 Sub-Total $ 1,283,458.00 $ 702,825.00 $ 564,005.00 TOTAL





The Board was in receipt of the following report February 22, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: ANNUAL REPORT: 2011 POLICE COOPERATIVE PURCHASING GROUP

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive this report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: The Toronto Police Services Board Financial Control By-Law 147 amended by By-law No. 148, 151, 153, 156, and 157, requires that the Chief of Police report annually to the Board on any expenditure over $500,000 processed through the Police Cooperative Purchasing Group (PCPG) in the preceding year. In response to this requirement the following information is provided. Discussion: During 2011, the following expenditures with a value exceeding $500,000 were made through PCPG in accordance with the By-law. Item Vendor 2011 Expenditure ($) Unmarked Vehicles Chrysler Canada 1,116,267.99 Unmarked Patrol Vehicles Yorkdale Ford 957,722.50 Marked Patrol Vehicles Yorkdale Ford 5,472,220.50 Conclusion: The Service has been and continues to be a member of the PCPG since its inception in 1996. The group continues to provide its members (Police Services) throughout the Province the opportunity for cost savings through volume buying and standardization of equipment. Pricing agreements are awarded through the PCPG process for related items such as marked and unmarked police cars, tires, ammunition, pepper spray, body armour, uniform clothing, and

footwear. The process continues to work well with the PCPG members sharing the administration of the various procurement processes. Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Administrative Command will be in attendance to answer any questions from the Board.

The Board received the foregoing report.




The Board was in receipt of the following report February 15, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: ANNUAL REPORT 2011: SOLE AND SINGLE SOURCE PURCHASES

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive this report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: The Toronto Police Services Board Financial Control By-Law No. 147 amended by By-Law No. 148, 151, 153, 156 and 157, requires that the Chief of Police report annually to the Board on any sole and single source purchases for goods or services with a value greater than $10,000 in the preceding year. In response to this requirement, the following information is provided. Discussion: Sole and single source purchases are used for: emergency situations; proprietary rights; to match existing equipment; health and safety concerns; time constraints; scarcity of supply in the market; and to avoid violating warranties and guarantees where service is required. In these cases, the award is made to a specific vendor without going through a competitive process. In accordance with the Services Purchasing and Expenditure Procedures, a request is submitted to the Services Purchasing Support Services (PUR) unit with justification to retain a vendor as a sole or single source. If the justification is acceptable to the Manager, PUR, and the purchase meets the above criteria, the request is processed. The following tables summarize the sole and single source purchases over $10,000 that occurred in 2011. Sole Source Purchases: The sole source purchases identified in the table below were made based on proprietary rights for the good or service.

Vendor MD Charlton Co. Ltd. Ram Power Systems Met-Scan Panasonic I2 Inc. Hewlett Packard (HP) Canada Net Presenter Supergravity Incorporated Canadian Police Knowledge Colt Canada Telecorp Products TOTAL

2011 Expenditures $50,467.50 $140,786.29 $124,603.10 $101,296.00 $10,296.00 $148,920.00 $29,367.00 $16,952.00 $92,938.00 $13,579.40 $26,200.00 $755,405.29

Reason for Sole Source designation Proprietary rights Proprietary rights Proprietary rights Proprietary rights Proprietary rights Proprietary rights Proprietary rights Proprietary rights Proprietary rights Proprietary rights Proprietary rights

Description of the good or service provided Conducted Energy Weapon (Taser) cartridges Range maintenance and replacement parts Evertz transmit/receivers, rapid deployment antenna Wireless microphones for In-CarCamera Licence fees Upgrade HP Radia (Windows 7 project) Netpresenter licence renewal Supertext software licenses Training licence renewals/portal access Firearm repair parts LED reader boards/NetQ products

Single Source Purchases: Single source purchases are made based on time constraints, emergency requirements, and the requirement to match existing equipment and to maintain continuity of services, where necessary, on projects.
Vendor Cansel Survey equipment CCM Electronics Cobham Tracking & Locating Ltd Dyplex Communications TOTAL 2011 Expenditures $26,135.09 $26,000.00 $18,117.31 $18,138.00 $88,390.40 Reason for Sole Source designation Maintain continuity of services Emergency requirements Match existing equipment and maintain continuity of services Match existing equipment and maintain continuity of services Description of the good or service provided Trimble R8 survey products Marine radar equipment Amplifier/Receiver Surveillance equipment

The sole and single source purchases included in this report represent a total of 0.9% of the total number (1,266) of purchase orders greater than $10,000 issued by the Service in 2011. They also represent 1.3% of the total dollar value of purchase orders, greater than $10,000, issued by the Service. Conclusion: The Services purchasing procedures require that goods/services be obtained through a competitive process, and the Service is committed to keeping single source purchases to an absolute minimum. However, there are situations where goods/services must be single or sole

sourced. These types of procurements are managed through a formal procedure that is overseen by the Manager, Purchasing Support Services, and require proper justification and approval before a commitment is made. To further increase the transparency of this process, this report provides the Board with a list of sole and single source expenditures over $10,000 in 2011, as well as what percentage of total purchase orders (greater than $10,000) issued, they represent. Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Administrative Command will be in attendance to answer any questions from the Board.

The Board received the foregoing report.




The Board was in receipt of the following report March 01, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2011: WRITE-OFF OF UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE BALANCES - JULY TO DECEMBER 2011

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive this report for information. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within the report. The write-off amount of $128,788 in the second half of 2011 has been expensed against the allowance for uncollectible accounts. Each year end, the adequacy of the allowance for uncollectible accounts is reviewed and adjusted based on accounts which may pose collection issues. The current balance in the allowance for uncollectible accounts is approximately $451,600. Background/Purpose: At its meeting of May 29, 2003 the Board approved the Financial Control By-law 147. Part IX, Section 29 Authority for Write-offs, delegates the authority to write-off uncollectible accounts of $50,000 or less to the Chief, and requires that a semi-annual report be provided to the Board on amounts written off in the previous six months (Min. No. P132/03 refers). The purpose of this report is to provide the Board with information on the amounts written off during the period of July 1 to December 31, 2011. Discussion: External customers receiving goods and/or services from Toronto Police Service units are provided with an invoice for the value of such goods or services. The Services Financial Management unit works closely with divisions, units and customers to ensure that some form of written authority is in place with the receiving party prior to work commencing and an invoice being sent, and that accurate and complete invoices are sent to the proper location, on a timely basis.

Accounts Receivable Collection Process: Customers are given a 30 day payment term for all invoices and receive monthly statements showing their outstanding balances if the 30 day term is exceeded. In addition, they are provided with progressively assertive reminder letters for every 30 days their accounts remain outstanding. Accounts Receivable staff make regular telephone calls to customers requesting payment. Customers with outstanding balances have an opportunity to make payment arrangements with Financial Management. The Service offers several payment options, including paying through VISA and MasterCard to facilitate the payment process for our customers. Customers are sent a final notice when their accounts are in arrears for more than 90 days. They are provided with a ten day grace period, from receipt of the final notice, to make payment on their account before the balance is sent to an outside agency for collection. The Services collection agency has been successful in collecting many accounts on behalf of the Service. However, in situations where amounts are small, company principals can not be located, organizations are no longer in business or circumstances indicate that no further work is warranted, the collection agency may recommend write-off. In 2010, the Service began invoicing property owners for cost recovery related to Police administration of marihuana grow operations. City of Toronto By-law No. 1076-2007, as amended, provides for the recovery of administration and enforcement costs for city agencies in relation to marihuana grow operations located at properties within the City of Toronto. The total recoverable cost of $1,785 is contained in Schedule 2 to By-law No. 1076-2007. The by-law allows the Toronto Police Service to invoice the property owner, the tenant or the property management company, based on the circumstances. All payments for marihuana grow operation invoices are due within 30 days of the invoice date. Late payment charges accrue at a monthly rate of 1.25%, and a $35 processing charge applies to all dishonoured cheques returned by the bank. If fees and any accumulated interest are not received within 90 days, the outstanding amount is transferred to the City of Toronto Revenue Services Division where the balance is applied to the tax roll attached to the property. The tax roll transfer provision only applies where the individual invoiced continues to own the property on which the grow operation was found. In situations where the original property owner was not invoiced or the property changed hands, the amount follows the normal collection process applied by the Service, including referral to our collection agency. Since the by-law allows flexibility with respect to charging fees to those accountable for the grow operations, there is some exposure and collection risk to the Service for amounts that we are eventually unable to transfer to the Citys tax roll. There are also situations where additional information is uncovered by the Services Drug Squad in relation to the original charge or invoice decision. In such circumstances, the Unit Commander, Toronto Drug Squad (TDS), can rescind the original amount invoiced and any applicable interest accrued to that date. The Unit Commander, TDS, advises Financial

Management that an invoice is to be rescinded and acknowledges that reasons for reversing the charge remain in TDS files. Amounts written off during the July to December 31, 2011 Period: During the six month period of July 1 to December 31, 2011, 61 accounts totalling $128,788 were written off, in accordance with By-law 147. The write-offs relate to marihuana grow operation fees, paid duties and a cost recovery from a partner agency Additional information on the accounts written off is provided in the sections that follow. Marihuana Grow Operation invoices ($105,337): The $105,337 amount written off consists of 56 items. The largest invoice amounts to $5,560 and represents 2010 administrative fees to one property owner for three properties. The balance of the account was originally sent to the City of Toronto for inclusion in the facility property taxes. However, as a result of new information relating to the investigation, the invoice was rescinded in 2011 and charged against the allowance for uncollectible accounts. This amount was not written off due to non-payment, but rather, charged to the allowance as a routine accounting entry. The remaining 55 balances total $99,777 and relate to recovery fees and associated interest which could not be collected by the City of Toronto through property taxes as ownership of the residence has changed since the original charge. The accounts were forwarded to the Services collection agency, who spent several months attempting to collect the funds. In all instances, the invoices date back to 2010, but relate to charges laid in 2008 and 2009. The collection agency indicated that collection was unlikely because of the age of the original charges. However, they followed their standard collection process which includes finding the principle, sending payment demand letters and investigating the individuals ability to pay. After considerable effort, the collection agency determined that payment was unlikely and recommended write-off. Paid Duty Administrative Fees and Equipment Rentals ($2,958): Eight balances from paid duty customers were written off during the second half of 2011. The largest balance totals $2,088 and relates to a customer that organized an annual special event. In the past, the account went into arrears but the customer always paid the outstanding balance from the previous year when new paid duties were requested for the current year. In 2011, despite continued efforts by Financial Management to collect the 2010 outstanding balance, the customer did not hold the 2011 event and therefore did not have funds to pay the outstanding balance. Since the customer is a charitable organization established for the purpose of the special event, no principles could be located from which to collect the outstanding balance. As a result, the amount was written off. The remaining seven balances are all small and did not warrant any further work by both the Service and the collection agency.

Other ($20,493): In 2010, transcription services were provided to a Service partner agency. An invoice was provided following the completion of the work, as per the normal process. The invoices and services provided were disputed by the partner agency, as they indicated that the service received exceeded the request made, resulting in an overcharge for the transcription documents. The account has been in dispute for several years. Collection attempts included several letters from the Director, Finance and Administration and the Chief Administrative Officer. At the end of 2011, an agreement was reached between the partner agency and the Unit Commander of the unit providing the services at a reduced charge. Therefore, the original invoice was amended accordingly. Since the revenue for this invoice was accounted for in the year the original invoice was sent, the adjustment to the account balance has to be made against the allowance for uncollectible accounts. The partner agency has indicated that there should not be any issue making payment on the amended invoice for $7,113. Recovery of Previous Write-Offs ($102) Between July and December, 2011, Financial Management was able to recover $102 which represents one previously written off account balance for a paid duty customer. Conclusion: In accordance with Section 29 Authorization for Write-offs of By-law 147, this report provides information to the Board on the amounts written off by the Service during the period July 1 to December 31, 2011. For all receivables, action has been taken to reduce the risk of amounts owing to the Service from becoming uncollectible and to more aggressively pursue amounts owing, in accordance with the Services Accounts Receivable collection procedures. Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Administrative Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions from the Board.

The Board received the foregoing report.


The Board was in receipt of the following report March 08, 2012 from Alok Mukherjee, Chair: Subject: Appointment Acting Vice-Chair During the Period Between April 18, 2012 and April 21, 2012, Inclusive

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board appoint one member to act as Acting Vice-Chair during the period between April 18, 2012 and April 21, 2012, inclusive, for the purposes of the execution of all documents that would normally be signed by the Vice-Chair on behalf of the Board and to perform any other duties that may be required during that time. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications arising from the approval of the recommendation contained in this report. Background: I will be attending the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards 2012 Annual General Meeting and Spring Conference in Ottawa, Ontario from April 18, 2012 to April 21, 2012. Given that Vice-Chair Michael Thompson would automatically assume the role of Acting Chair in my absence, and he is available to do so on this occasion, it will be necessary to appoint one member to act as Acting Vice-Chair during this period. The Acting Vice-Chair may also be called upon to preside, or assist the Acting Chair in presiding, at the Board meeting scheduled for April 19, 2012. Conclusion: It is, therefore, requested that the Board appoint one member to act as Acting Vice-Chair during the period between April 18, 2012 and April 21, 2012, inclusive, for the purposes of the execution of all documents, that would normally be signed by the Vice-Chair on behalf of the Board and to perform any other duties as may be required during that time.

The Board approved the following Motion: THAT the Board receive the foregoing report and appoint Dr. Noria as acting vice-chair during the period between April 18, 2012 and April 21, 2012, inclusive.




The Board was in receipt of the following report March 05, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL CONSTABLE FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO ST. GEORGE CAMPUS

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve the appointment of the individual listed in this report as special constable for the University of Toronto, subject to the approval of the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose Under Section 53 of the Police Services Act of Ontario (the PSA), the Board is authorized to appoint and re-appoint special constables, subject to the approval of the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services (the Minister). Pursuant to this authority, the Board entered into an agreement with the University of Toronto (U of T) for the administration of special constables (Min. No. P571/94 refers). At its meeting on January 29, 1998, the Board approved a recommendation that requests for appointment and re-appointment of special constables, who are not members of the Toronto Police Service, be forwarded to the Board with the Chiefs recommendation, for the Boards consideration (Min. No P41/98 refers). The Service received a request from the U of T on January 1, 2012, to appoint the following individual as a special constable. Wesley KILLMAN Discussion: U of T special constables are appointed to enforce the Criminal Code of Canada, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, Trespass to Property Act, Liquor Licence Act and Mental Health Act on U of T property within the City of Toronto.

The agreement between the Board and the U of T requires that background investigations be conducted on all individuals recommended for appointment and re-appointment as special constables. The Services Employment Unit completed a background investigation on this individual and there is nothing on file to preclude her from being appointed as a special constable for a five year term. The U of T has advised that the individual satisfies all the appointment criteria as set out in the agreement between the Board and the U of T for special constable appointment. The U of T approved strength of special constables is 34; the current complement is 27. Conclusion: The Toronto Police Service and the U of T work together in partnership to identify individuals for the position of special constable who will contribute positively to the safety and well-being of persons engaged in activities on U of T property. The individual currently before the Board for consideration has satisfied the criteria contained in the agreement between the Board and the University of Toronto. Acting Deputy Chief Jeff McGuire, Specialized Operations Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions that the Board may have.

The Board approved the foregoing report.




The Board was in receipt of the following report March 07, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL CONSTABLE FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO ST. GEORGE CAMPUS

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve the appointment of the individual listed in this report as special constable for the University of Toronto, subject to the approval of the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose Under Section 53 of the Police Services Act of Ontario (the PSA), the Board is authorized to appoint and re-appoint special constables, subject to the approval of the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services (the Minister). Pursuant to this authority, the Board entered into an agreement with the University of Toronto (U of T) for the administration of special constables (Min. No. P571/94 refers). At its meeting on January 29, 1998, the Board approved a recommendation that requests for appointment and re-appointment of special constables, who are not members of the Toronto Police Service, be forwarded to the Board with the Chiefs recommendation, for the Boards consideration (Min. No P41/98 refers). The Service received a request from the U of T on January 5, 2012, to appoint the following individual as a special constable. Sean TOMPA Discussion: U of T special constables are appointed to enforce the Criminal Code of Canada, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, Trespass to Property Act, Liquor Licence Act and Mental Health Act on U of T property within the City of Toronto.

The agreement between the Board and the U of T requires that background investigations be conducted on all individuals recommended for appointment and re-appointment as special constables. The Services Employment Unit completed a background investigation on this individual and there is nothing on file to preclude him from being appointed as a special constable for a five year term. The U of T has advised that the individual satisfies all the appointment criteria as set out in the agreement between the Board and the U of T for special constable appointment. The U of T approved strength of special constables is 34; the current complement is 28. Conclusion: The Toronto Police Service and the U of T work together in partnership to identify individuals for the position of special constable who will contribute positively to the safety and well-being of persons engaged in activities on U of T property. The individual currently before the Board for consideration has satisfied the criteria contained in the agreement between the Board and the University of Toronto. Acting Deputy Chief Jeff McGuire, Specialized Operations Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions that the Board may have.

The Board approved the foregoing report.




The Board was in receipt of the following report March 08, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL CONSTABLES FOR THE TORONTO COMMUNITY HOUSING CORPORATION

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve the appointment of the individuals listed in this report as special constables for the Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC), subject to the approval of the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose Under Section 53 of the Police Services Act of Ontario (the PSA), the Board is authorized to appoint and re-appoint special constables, subject to the approval of the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services (the Minister). Pursuant to this authority, the Board entered into an agreement with the Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) for the administration of special constables (Min. No. P414/99 refers). At its meeting on January 29, 1998, the Board approved a recommendation that requests for appointment and re-appointment of special constables, who are not members of the Toronto Police Service, be forwarded to the Board with the Chiefs recommendation, for the Boards consideration (Min. No. P41/98 refers). The Service received a request from the TCHC on December 6, 2011, to appoint the following individuals as special constables: Janet TEH Gurmeet SINGH Nikolce ILIEV

Discussion: The TCHC special constables are appointed to enforce the Criminal Code of Canada, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, Trespass to Property Act, Liquor Licence Act and Mental Health Act on TCHC property within the City of Toronto. The agreement between the Board and the TCHC requires that background investigations be conducted on all individuals recommended for appointment and re-appointment as special constables. The Services Employment Unit completed background investigations on these individuals and there is nothing on file to preclude them from being appointed as special constables for a five year term. The TCHC has advised that the individuals satisfy all the appointment criteria as set out in the agreement between the Board and the TCHC for special constable appointment. The TCHC approved strength of special constables is 83; the current complement is 79. Conclusion: The Toronto Police Service and the TCHC work together in partnership to identify individuals for the position of special constable who will contribute positively to the safety and well-being of persons engaged in activities on TCHC property. The individuals currently before the Board for consideration have satisfied the criteria contained in the agreement between the Board and the Toronto Community Housing Corporation. Acting Deputy Chief Jeff McGuire, Specialized Operations Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions that the Board may have.

The Board approved the foregoing report.




The Board was in receipt of the following report February 21, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: COMPLIANCE OF SERVICE MEMBERS WITH THE REQUIREMENT TO WEAR NAME IDENTIFICATION

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive the following report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: At its public meeting held on July 21, 2011, the Board requested that the Chief provide a report to the Board on whether or not Service members are complying with the requirement to wear name identification, the number of members who have been disciplined for not complying with this requirement to wear name identification, and an explanation of any exceptions to the Procedure (Min. No. P177/11 refers). Discussion: A members requirement to wear their issued name badge is prescribed in Service Procedure 1516 entitled Uniform, Equipment and Appearance Standards and the associated appendix to the procedure; Appendix H entitled Wearing of Name Badges. The appendix advises that the name badge shall be clearly visible and worn on the outermost garment with the only exception being that a name badge is not required on rainwear. A review of the Professional Standards Information System (PSIS) has shown that since January 1, 2007, there have been 139 police officers investigated for not wearing their required name badge. Of the 139, 136 occurred during the 2010 G20 Economic Summit. The disposition of these 139 investigations is detailed in the table below: DISPOSITION G20 RELATED NON-G20 RELATED Informal Resolution 0 1 Unsubstantiated 14 0

TOTAL 1 14

8-hour Assessment 16-hour Assessment No Disposition To-Date TOTAL Conclusion:

67 54 1 136

0 1 1 3

67 55 2 139

In summary, 122 of the 139 officers investigated for not wearing their required name badge since January 1, 2007, have been disciplined. 121 of these are in relation to the G20 Economic Summit. Deputy Chief Mike Federico, Corporate Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions the Board may have regarding this report.

The Board received the foregoing report.




The Board was in receipt of the following report March 06, 2012 from Aileen Ashman, Director, Human Resources Management: Subject: LIFEGUARD SALARY RATES FOR 2012

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive this report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: Since 2001, the Toronto Police Service has been solely responsible for lifeguard services at designated beaches in the City of Toronto. Historically, the Service has matched the City of Toronto salary rates for lifeguards. Discussion: At its meeting on February 16, 2012, the Board approved a recommendation that the Service align its lifeguard rates with the City of Torontos 2011 rates (Min. No.C43/12 refers). The anticipated cost of $82,600 is within the approved operating budget. The last salary increase, covering the year 2008, was approved by the Board on March 27, 2008 (Min. No. P78/08 refers). This rate has not changed. In 2011, the Service was unable to fill all its lifeguard positions and lifeguards severed employment part way through the summer for better opportunities. It was therefore recognized that in order to attract the required level of skilled new hires and retain the mature experienced returning lifeguards, a significant increase is required for 2012. The following salary rates for lifeguards and head lifeguards were approved: 2008 Hourly Rate Lifeguard Head Lifeguard $ 13.23 $ 15.15 City of Toronto 2011 Hourly Rate $14.55 $16.90 Recommended 2012 Hourly Rate $14.55 $16.90

Conclusion: In summary, the approved increase in lifeguard salary rates for 2012 is consistent with the rates paid by the City of Toronto, and allows the Service to compete for good quality guards against, not only the City of Toronto and surrounding municipalities, but also with the private sector. I will be in attendance to respond to any questions the Board may have.

The Board received the foregoing report.




The Board was in receipt of the following report February 07, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: ANNUAL REPORT: 2011 SECONDARY ACTIVITIES

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive the following report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: At its meeting on February 11, 1993, the Board requested that the Chief of Police submit a semiannual report on Secondary Activities (Min. No. C45/93 refers). At the March 21, 1996 meeting, the Board further requested that all further semi-annual reports on secondary activities include the number of new applications for secondary activities, how many were approved or denied on a year-to-date basis, as well as the total number of members engaged in secondary activities at the time of the report (Min. No. P106/96 refers). At its meeting on October 26, 2000, the Board passed a motion that future reports regarding secondary activities be provided to the Board on an annual basis rather than semi-annual (Min. No. P450/00 refers). At its meeting on February 22, 2001, the Board requested that future annual reports regarding secondary activities include a preamble that describes the Service's policy governing secondary activities (Min. No. P55/01 refers). Service Procedure 14-25 (R.O. 2008.09.23-0998) was reviewed and revised by the Secondary Activity Committee, and was published on July 6, 2011. A copy of revised Service Procedure 14-25 is attached as Appendix A. Members are still required to submit an Application for Secondary Activity on Form TPS 778 for approval by the Chief of Police if the member believes the activity may place them in a conflict with Section 49(1) of the Police Services Act (P.S.A.). Service Procedure 14-25 no longer outlines a non-exhaustive list of activities that may be considered to contravene Section 49(1) of the P.S.A. Approval to engage in the secondary activity is granted, provided the secondary activity does not contravene the restrictions set out in Section 49(1) of the P.S.A.

Section 49(1) states: 49(1) A member of a police force shall not engage in any activity, (a) that interferes with or influences adversely the performance of his or her duties as a member of the police service, or is likely to do so; (b) that places him or her in a position of conflict of interest, or is likely to do so; (c) that would otherwise constitute full-time employment for another person; or (d) in which he or she has an advantage derived from employment as a member of a police force. The Chief may also deny applications for secondary activity for the following reasons: (1) Where the applicant has demonstrated a history of poor attendance or poor performance; (2) Where the secondary activity might bring discredit upon the members reputation as an employee or upon the reputation of the Toronto Police Service; (3) Where it involves the use of programs, lesson plans, technology, materials, equipment, services or procedures which are the property of the Service. The Chief of Police exercises his discretion, on a case-by-case basis, to determine whether an application is likely to contravene the restrictions set out in Section 49(1) of the P.S.A. Members whose applications are approved are required to sign an agreement which outlines the terms and conditions of the approval. A member, as defined in the P.S.A., means a police officer, and in the case of a municipal police force includes an employee who is not a police officer. Therefore, both uniform and civilian employees are considered members covered under Section 49(1) of the P.S.A. Auxiliary police officers and school crossing guards are not covered under Section 49(1) of the P.S.A. or Service Procedure 14-25. Auxiliary police officers are volunteers, not employees of the Service, and school crossing guards are considered employees of the City of Toronto, although the co-ordination of the crossing guards is administered by the Service. Discussion: During 2011, there were 36 new applications for secondary activity received from members requesting approval to engage in secondary activities. Of these 36 applications, 33 were not considered to be in conflict with Section 49(1) of the P.S.A. and 3 were deferred pending further review.

The attached 2011 Annual Report on New Applications for Secondary Activity details the type of activities and the number of applications received from uniform and civilian members. A copy of the 2011 Annual Report is attached as Appendix B. Historically, for the period covering January, 1996 to December, 2011, our records reflect that there were a total of 1,130 uniform and civilian members of the Service who were granted approval to engage in secondary activities. The chart below reflects the number of approved applications for uniform and civilian members during this time frame:

Approved Secondary Activity Applications 1996 - 2011 Uniform Civilian Total 1996 91 23 114 1997 46 36 82 1998 44 32 76 1999 69 67 136 2000 37 43 80 2001 43 96 139 2002 36 83 119 2003 56 22 78 2004 54 16 70 2005 18 4 22 2006 13 11 24 2007 44 8 52 2008 31 7 38 2009 30 8 38 2010 10 19 29 2011 13 20 33 Total 1,130

Given that members are only required to seek approval to engage in a secondary activity when they believe the activity may place them in a conflict with Section 49(1) of the P.S.A., it is not possible to report the total number of members engaged in secondary activities. Conclusion: This report provides the Board with an annual summary of secondary activities approved for 2011. Deputy Chief Mike Federico, Corporate Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions that the Board may have regarding this report. The Board received the foregoing report.

Appendix A


Arts/Media Business Services Food and Beverage Labourer Limousine transportation On-line gun selling Programmer Real Estate Agent Residential Services Retail Security Social Services Sports Tennis Coach Teacher/Lecturer Translator/Interpreter Volunteer Firefighter TOTAL

1 2 1 2 1 15

Of the 36 applications received, 33 of the applications were not deemed to contravene the restrictions set out in Section 49(1) of the PSA and 3 applications have been deferred pending further review.




The Board was in receipt of the following report February 13, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: 2011 ANNUAL REPORT: SUMMARY OF GRIEVANCES

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive the following report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: At its confidential meeting on February 20, 2003, the Board requested that an annual summary report on grievances be provided for the public meeting in February of each year (Min. No. C30/03 refers). The Board further requested that the public report include the cost of the grievances, the total costs for the year and the number of arbitrations where the Board, Association or both were successful. Discussion: During the year 2011, there were twenty-nine (29) new grievances filed. Of this number, seven (7) grievances were either withdrawn or resolved by the parties, and twenty-two (22) remain ongoing. In addition to the above, fourteen (14) grievances that were outstanding from previous years were resolved in 2011. Two (2) grievances were resolved through arbitration decisions which were both in favour of the Board. Twelve (12) grievances were either settled, withdrawn or abandoned. The overall legal costs expended in 2011 for all grievance activity, including matters which commenced prior to 2011, amounted to $177,988.04. The following is an itemization of costs by type of grievance: Number 4 7 Type of Grievance Suspensions Policy Cases Costs Expended in 2011 $56,218.76 $52,998.64

1 2 1 2 1 18

Terminations Harassment Accommodation Abuse of Benefits (Sick, WSIB, CSLB) Resignation/Retirement TOTAL COSTS 2011 *

$21,423.20 $18,448.83 $16,381.61 $12,490.00 $27.00 $177,988.04

* These costs include interim or final billings for cases filed prior to 2011 as well as new cases filed in 2011. These costs also include fees for legal counsel, disbursements and arbitrator fees related to the arbitration hearings. The breakdown is as follows: Conclusion: In summary, this report provides the Board with the total number of grievances and total costs for the year 2011. Deputy Chief Mike Federico, Corporate Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions that the Board members may have regarding this report. Legal Counsel and Disbursement Fees - $146,047.06 Arbitrator Fees - $31,940.98

The Board received the foregoing report.




The Board was in receipt of the following report February 22, 2012 from Alok Mukherjee, Chair: Subject: QUARTERLY REPORT: TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD SPECIAL FUND UNAUDITED STATEMENT: OCTOBER TO DECEMBER 2011

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive the report on the Toronto Police Services Boards Special Fund un-audited statement for information. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: As required by the Toronto Police Services Board (TPSB) Special Fund policy (Board Minute #P292/10) expenditures for the Special Fund shall be reported to the Board on a quarterly basis. This report is provided in accordance with such directive. The TPSB remains committed to promoting transparency and accountability in the area of finance. Discussion: Enclosed is the un-audited statement of receipts and disbursements with respect to the Toronto Police Services Boards Special Fund for the period October 1 to December 31, 2011. As at December 31, 2011, the balance in the Special Fund was $318,675. During the fourth quarter, the Special Fund recorded receipts of $143,506 and disbursements of $81,247. There has been a net decrease of $145,529 against the December 31, 2010 fund balance of $464,204. Auction proceeds have been estimated for the months of October to December 2011 as the actual deposits have not yet been made. The contract with Rite Auctions for the on-line auctioneering services was renewed until July 31, 2012.

For this quarter, the Board received $9,004 representing the balance from the Toronto Police Trust Fund to the Special Fund. Further, the Board also received $81,832 representing unclaimed money. With the Board approval of the continuation of a moratorium on expenditures, plus higher than expected proceeds from unclaimed money, the fund balance closed at $318,675 (compared with the projected balance of $150,000). Conclusion: As required by Toronto Police Services Board Special Fund policy, it is recommended that the Board receive the attached report.

The Board received the foregoing report.




The Board was in receipt of the following report March 14, 2012 from Alok Mukherjee, Chair: Subject: RECEIPT OF COMMISSION FUNDS FROM THE ONTARIO HUMAN RIGHTS

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve the receipt of a donation in the amount of $10,000.00 from the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) as a contribution toward the total cost of the Ryerson Universitys Diversity Institute Assessment of the Human Right Project Charter (HRPC). Financial Implications: Approval of this recommendation will increase the Board Special Fund balance by $10,000.00. Background/Purpose: At its meeting held on April 22, 2010, the Board approved the retention of Ryerson Universitys Diversity Institute to conduct an independent, comprehensive, long-term assessment of the HRPC (Min. No. P117/10 refers). The Board also approved that the cost of the assessment be borne from the Board Special Fund. In November 2010, the Board imposed a moratorium on expenditures from the Special Fund, pending a review of the Special Funds status. At its meeting held on April 7, 2011, the Board approved the continuation of the moratorium, as well as a motion that the Chair and the Vice Chair identify and implement options and strategies regarding Special Fund expenditures so that the Board can continue to meet its commitments to the Independent Civilian Review of the policing of the G20 Summit and corporate recognition programs (Min. No. P100/11 refers). The objective of the Chair/Vice Chair review was to identify options/strategies the Board could employ to continue to meet its Special Fund commitments and bring the Special Fund back to good health. One of the recommendations of the Chair/Vice Chair review was to delay the Ryerson assessment until 2012. Discussion:

As a result of the delay and in an effort to keep up the momentum of the HRPC, the OHRC, as one of the sponsors of the HRPC, identified funds in the amount of $10,000.00 it could contribute to the assessment. The OHRC funds will be applied to a component identified in phase one of the assessment and the OHRC will be acknowledged for its contribution in the final assessment report. It is the policy of the Board that acceptance of donations valued at more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) require the approval of the Board. Conclusion: Therefore, it is recommended that the Board approve the receipt of a donation in the amount of $10,000.00 from the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) as a contribution toward the total cost of the Ryerson Universitys Diversity Institute Assessment of the Human Right Project Charter (HRPC).

The Board received the foregoing report and approved the following Motion: THAT, given that a telephone/email poll was conducted last week after being advised that the donation transaction had to be completed prior to the provinces fiscal yearend which is March 31, 2012, the Board ratify a decision made by a quorum of the Board through a telephone/email poll on March 29, 2012 to approve the receipt of a $10,000 donation from the Ontario Human Rights Commission





Recommendations: It is recommended that: 1. 2. the Board nominate 1 of its members to represent the Toronto Police Services Board, for a 1- year term, on the OAPSB Board of Directors; and, The Board advise the OAPSB of its nominee.

Financial Implications: The OAPSB pays most reasonable and necessary costs incurred by members of its Board of Directors. Background/Purpose: The Ontario Association of Police Service Boards (OAPSB) is the leading voice of police governance in Ontario. The OAPSB serves its members and stakeholders, as well as the general public, by:

helping local police service boards fulfill their legislated responsibilities, by providing training and networking opportunities, and facilitating the transfer of knowledge; and advocating for improvements in public safety laws and regulations, practises and funding mechanisms.

OAPSB membership includes police services board members, police and law enforcement officials, and others persons involved in policing and public safety. In terms of workload and time commitment for a member of the Board of Directors, the following is an estimate of the requirements: The OAPSB Board of Directors meets 5-6 times per year; most meetings are held on a weekday evening at a GTA location.

The OAPSB currently has 8 internal committees, and participates on 18 provincial committees. Participation on committees is expected, and time can vary from a couple of hours a month to several days per month. Attendance at OASPB-hosted events is expected:: Spring conference and AGM (4 days) and fall seminar (1 days). Additional events are being planned. For 2012/2013. Queens Park Day 1 days each spring Attendance at Zone/Big 12 meetings 2-3 per year, typically to full day each

Discussion: The by-laws of the OAPSB provide that one seat on its Board of Directors is reserved for a member of the Toronto Police Services Board. I currently represent the TPSB on the OAPSB Board. My term will expire on April 18, 2012. The OAPSB bylaws state: 4.04 Nomination of Directors Not less than forty-five (45) days prior to the annual meeting of members, each of the following shall notify the Board of its nominee or nominees for election to the board at such annual meeting: (i) (ii) (iii) Each Zone shall submit one nominee; The Big 12 (excluding Toronto) shall submit four (4) nominees; and The Toronto Police Services Board each shall submit one nominee.

At each such annual meeting, the representatives of the Police Services Boards operating pursuant to Section 10 of the PSA shall select and advise of three (3) nominees, one (1) selected by such Boards in Zones 1 and 1A, one (1) selected by such Boards in Zones 2 and 3 and one (1) selected by such Boards in Zones 4, 5 and 6. 4.05 Term of Office Subject to the by-laws, the term of office for a director shall be one (1) year, and shall terminate at the close of the annual meeting held during such term. Provided, however, that a director shall be eligible to be re-elected for additional terms of office, but no director shall serve more than an aggregate of nine (9) consecutive terms. The qualifications to be elected and hold office are the following: 4.02 Qualification of Directors Any Member in good standing of the Association is eligible to run for and hold an elected position as a director on the Board; provided that such individual shall be eighteen (18) or more years of age; shall be a member of a Police Services Board in Ontario; and provided further that such individual shall, at the time of his election or within ten (10) days thereafter and throughout his term of office, be a member in good standing of the Association.

Provided, however, that not more than one (1) member of any Police Services Board in Ontario may be a Director at any one time. Conclusion: I recommend that the Board nominate 1 of its members to represent the Toronto Police Services Board, for a 1- year term, on the OAPSB Board of Directors; and, that the Board advise the OAPSB of its nominee.

The Board approved the following Motions: 1. THAT the Board receive the foregoing report and nominate Dr. Alok Mukherjee to represent the TPSB, for a one year term, on the OAPSB Board of Directors; and THAT the Board advise the OAPSB of its nominee.



The Board was in receipt of the following report March 20, 2012 from William Blair, Chief of Police: Subject: INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE PEACE OPERATIONS BRANCH (IPOB) GROUP

Recommendations: It is recommended that the Board: (1) authorize the Chair to execute future agreements with respect to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)-IPOB Group insurance matters arising from international policing missions, subject to consultation with the City Solicitor and with the Solicitors approval of any such agreements as to form. authorize the Chair to sign the AON Hewitt Engagement for Services for Insurance Agreement.


Financial Implications: Toronto Police Service (Service) is required to initially pay the AON Hewitt - AXA group insurance premiums for international policing missions. The premiums are 100% reimbursed to the Service according to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Service and the RCMP which governs the deployment of Toronto police personnel to international peace operations. Background/Purpose: The Service has been deploying police officers on international peace missions since 2009 under the auspices of the RCMP. Officers on mission continue to be covered by all standard employer benefit policies in effect with the Service, and that coverage is adequate. The RCMP contracted with AON Hewitt - AXA Assurances to provide a standard level of coverage, mandatory for all officers deployed on missions from all police services. The AON Hewitt - AXA policy provides coverage for Health and Dental Care, Life Insurance, Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) and Long Term Disability. Discussion: At its meeting on October 20, 2011, the Board authorized the Chair of the Toronto Police Services Board to enter into future agreements with AXA Assurances Inc. (Min. No. P263/11 refers). The AXA Master Agreement Policy No. 9228872 was signed by the Chair of the Police Services Board on March 25, 2010 (Appendix A refers).

AXA Assurances Inc. amalgamated with SSQ Financial Group in January 2012. The AXA Master Agreement Policy remains in effect, with SSQ Financial Group now as the insurer of RCMP-IPOB. AON Consulting Inc. and Hewitt Associates Corp. are the group benefits advisors to the RCMP-IPOB and the Police Partners. AON Hewitt SSQ Financial Group insurance is mandatory for all RCMP-IPOB Police Partners. The RCMP fully reimburses Toronto Police Service for all AON Hewitt SSQ Financial Group insurance premiums. AON Hewitt SSQ Financial Group have submitted an engagement of services endorsement to the policy dated February 21, 2012, which outlines: AON Consulting Inc. and Hewitt Associates Corporation services, Service responsibilities, compensation, work product, limitation of liability and confidentiality and personal information. SSQ Financial Group insurance is additional benefit coverage for Toronto police officers deployed abroad that is mandatory according to the MOU agreement between the Service and the RCMP governing the deployment of Toronto police officers to international peace operations. The Service also notifies Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) when members are away on mission. As a result, the officers continue to be covered by WSIB for the deployment period. SSQ Financial Group will be the first payer in the event of any claim. Conclusion: While the Board maintains adequate insurance coverage for members deployed on international peace missions, the RCMP now mandates that coverage also be provided by AON Hewitt - SSQ Financial Group in order to standardize coverage for all officers deployed on missions. The policy is now in effect for Service members currently on deployment. Deputy Chief Mike Federico, Corporate Command, will be in attendance to answer questions that the Board may have regarding this report.

The Board received the foregoing report and approved the following Motion: THAT, given that a telephone/email poll was conducted last week after being advised that the new insurance coverage would be effective April 01, 2012 and that it was necessary to ensure that the TPS police officers who are currently on peace missions are covered by the new insurance effective April 01, 2012, the Board ratify a decision made by a quorum of the Board through a telephone/email poll on March 29, 2012 to approve the recommendations contained in the foregoing report from Chief Blair.




The Board was in receipt of the attached correspondence dated March 19, 2012 from Frances Nunziata, Councillor, City of Toronto, and member, Toronto Police Services Board, with respect to the theft of cellphones and electronic devices. Councillor Nunziata advised the Board that she has received many complaints about the thefts of cellphones and iPods from young people in her constituency. Chief Blair advised the Board that the theft of electronic devices from young people is a significant issue across the country and that the major chiefs of police consider it the greatest growing crime problem involving young people. Chief Blair also said that there is technology which allows a cellphone to be disabled after it is stolen and that there is a proposal in the United States for new federal legislation that would compel cellphone manufacturers to add this technology to their cellphones. The Board received the correspondence from Councillor Nunziata and asked Chief Blair to submit a report on the cellphone registry pilot project.




The Board was in receipt of correspondence dated March 15, 2012 from Frances Nunziata, Councillor, City of Toronto, and member, Toronto Police Services Board, with regard to the contracts for cleaning services. A copy of Councillor Nunziatas correspondence is attached to this Minute for information. The Board received the correspondence from Councillor Nunziata. Additional information regarding this matter was also considered during the in-camera meeting (Min. No. C100/12 refers).




The Board was in receipt of the following report March 28, 2012 from Alok Mukherjee, Chair: Subject: Appointment Acting Vice Chair During the Period Between April 30, 2012 and May 05, 2012, Inclusive

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board appoint one member to act as Acting Vice-Chair during the period between April 30, 2012 and May 05, 2012, inclusive, for the purposes of the execution of all documents that would normally be signed by the Vice-Chair on behalf of the Board. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the approval of the recommendation contained in this report. Background: I am have been advised by Vice-Chair Michael Thompson that he will not be able to perform the duties of Vice-Chair of the Toronto Police Services Board during the period between April 30, 2012 and May 05, 2012, inclusive. It will, therefore, be necessary to appoint an Acting Vice-Chair for the purposes of the execution of all documents normally signed by the Vice-Chair on behalf of the Board, including legal contracts, personnel and labour relations documents. Conclusion: I am requesting that the Board appoint one member who is available during that period of time to perform the duties of Acting Vice-Chair of the Board.

The Board approved the following Motion: THAT the Board receive the foregoing report and appoint Councillor Chin Lee as acting vice-chair during the period between April 30, 2012 and May 05, 2012, inclusive.




Councillor Frances Nunziata provided the Board with a copy of a letter sent to the Editorial Department at the Toronto Star by David McBride, Vice-Chair, Weston Community Police Partnership. A copy of the letter is appended to this Minute for information. Councillor Nunziata said that a recent article in the Toronto Star did not include any comment on the success of the numerous revitalization projects that were developed jointly by the community and the police in the Weston and Mount Dennis neighbourhoods. Chief Blair said that excellent work had been accomplished as a result of the community partnerships in these neighbourhoods and he offered to provide a presentation at a future Board meeting on the various community engagement and youth projects that have been developed by the Service and implemented across the city. Chief Blair also said that the presentation would describe some of the challenges that police experience in some communities. The Board received the copy of the letter that was sent to the Toronto Stars Editorial Department and accepted Chief Blairs offer to deliver a presentation at a future meeting.

Weston Community Police Partnership 1901 Weston Road, Unit F Toronto, ON M9N 3P5 Tuesday, April 3, 2012 Ms. Patty Winsa Editorial Department Toronto Star 1 Yonge Street, Fifth Floor Toronto, Ontario M5E 1E6 RE: 'Known to police', March 09 Dear Ms. Winsa: The Weston Community Police Partnership, a group comprising the Weston Village Residents Association, the Weston Village B.I.A., 12 Division, Councillor Nunziata's office, and interested residents and businesses, is worried by the negative reaction we have received from the community to your article regarding crime in Weston and Mount Dennis and the community's relationship with 12 Division. The negative tone of the article does not speak to the many positive developments in Weston-Mount Dennis, nor does it offer insight into the strong positive interactions between officers in 12 Division and residents in Weston and Mount Dennis. Continuing to portray Weston and Mount Dennis as having a strong criminal element and a negative relationship with 12 Division negates the good work being done by all parties. Expounding the negative, without allowing for the positive, stymies the growth of our community and slows our community revitalization efforts. We have sent the above comments to The Toronto Star by way of a Letter to the Editor and hope the paper sees fit to include additional points of view in the discussion around crime in Weston. We have included below, for your consideration, comments from the Weston Village Residents Association (WVRA) and the Weston Village B.I.A. Both I, the Chair of the WVRA, and Mr. Hossain, the Chair of the Weston B.I.A. would be happy to provide comments to you on how residents and businesses view Weston. In addition, you are more than welcome to contact Councillor Nunziata for her comments on policing in Weston and the many municipal initiatives underway in the community. I have included contact information for each of us below. As Chair of the Weston Village Residents Association, I believe that your article showed disregard for the police and the service they provide to the community. I would have liked you to speak with other members of the community who are trying to clean up the troubled areas and welcome the police presence. I am particularly troubled to read quotes from youth leaders espousing their views on police interactions with the net result of causing distrust among the youth who look up to them. As program co-ordinators and directors, these kinds of personal

opinions only serve to create gaps and push the community farther apart. How many times do we continue to hear about shootings where people know the perpetrators, but refuse to come forward? It would have been beneficial to our community for you to have given greater credence to Superintendent Russell's comments on crime being down in the area. As we start to think and act like a community, we will be able to confront the challenges we still face. Mr. Masum Hossain, Chair of the Weston Village B.I.A. has offered me his comments, which I summarize for you as follows: This article, 'Known to police', does not reflect all the positive things that are happening in the Weston Village B.I.A. community. The air-rail link from Union Station to Pearson Airport will bring hundreds of people through Weston each day. This will attract more shoppers to our businesses and spur revitalization of our community. The Weston Village B.I.A. executes 2 major events for the community: the Santa Claus parade and the Best of Weston Festival. Both of these events engage our neighbourhood, employing many young artists and performers, as well as engaging them in volunteer hours, and bringing the community together. In addition, the annual Weston Farmers Market runs from May to June and brings out the families of Weston year after year to walk through the aisles of farm-fresh produce. The Market also provides free entertainment and the opportunity to mix and mingle with members of the community. Mr. Hossain provided me with many additional examples of the community spirit and positive relationships between residents, businesses, organizations, and 12 Division that characterize a face of Weston your article fails to note. Ultimately, the Weston Community Police Partnership would like to clarify what Weston is to us and to its residents. When I speak with other residents of Weston, I cannot help but be struck by the pride we feel in our community. There are challenges that we all face this group exists to address some of these challenges but we have formed strong organizational relationships and have tremendous levels of participation in the community. As residents, businesses, and representatives of Weston, we would like to stress to you the importance of taking the positive view of our community. We choose to live and work in Weston because it is a community with many commendable qualities and tremendous potential. Yours sincerely,

David McBride Vice-Chair, Weston Community Police Partnership cc: Councillor Frances Nunziata William Blair, Chief of Police Mark Saunders, Superintendent, 12 Division




In addition to the public meeting conducted by the Board today, an in-camera meeting was held to consider a number of matters which were exempt from the public agenda in accordance with the criteria for considering confidential matters set out in s.35(4) of the Police Services Act. The following members attended the in-camera meeting: Dr. Alok Mukherjee, Chair Mr. Michael Thompson, Vice-Chair & Councillor, Mr. Chin Lee, Councillor & Member Dr. Dhun Noria, Member Ms. Frances Nunziata, Councillor & Member Absent: Mr. Andrew Pringle, Member




_______________________________ Alok Mukherjee Chair

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