December 2012 Newsletter

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A Monthly Newsletter
Pastor, Emily Meckley Cell Number: 785-577-1752 Email: [email protected] Church Phone Number: 785-527-5608 Church email address: [email protected] Church web page:

2013 M Street, Belleville KS

Church Ofce Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8:00 am to 1:00 pm Closed Friday Food Bank Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9:00 to 11:30 am Closed Friday

DECEMBER 2012 issue, Page 1

YATT December 2 @ 7:00 pm UMYF December 9 Christmas Caroling Time - TBA

Adult Sunday School 9:30 am Ages 3 years thru 6th Grade Sunday School 10:00 to 10:40 am Worship Service & JAM Sundays at 10:45 am

The lessons for this Advent season have made me do just that, Imagine. I think our life with God calls upon our imaginations. Not because I feel God is imaginary or because I need to pretend that life is something that it is not, or that I need to pretend to be a certain way. God calls us to imagine with Godself. Another way that we have talked about this is in the ideas of time, our concept of time and Gods concept of time. We think in thin time, or some might say linear time. It is December 2012, and two in the afternoon. Tomorrow will be Thursday and next year will be 2013. We fill our hours with appointments, and sleep-wake cycles. Years and decades get marked by birthdays and anniversaries. Generations get measured in sons and fathers, mothers and daughters, aunts, uncles and cousins. This is the time that we know, that we pass our days and lives with. It is good time. Then there is Gods time. It is perfect time. If our time is thin then Gods time is thick. God measures time in fullness. Time gets round, so round that it gets hard to hold and something breaks out--something new and wonderful that God creates, authors or ushers in. For Advent, we especially think of time getting full and Christ was born. God ushered in Gods very own Son so that we could have life and love in a full and fulfilling way. Advent is a time to think about God time, not our thin time. That is where our imagining comes in. For every scripture that is read this season, there is an element of Gods time. For every longing expressed in the old Testament, we must imagine if, imagine when, God times will and has become thicker, rounder, bursting to bring forth new life, into this world. For the Gospel lessons, we often hear Jesus speaking of life in God, presenting a new way to live. Those gospel lessons are so familiar, maybe too familiar. We need to not listen to the reading, or follow the words on the wall, but we must imagine the gospel! Imagine how Gods time is breaking into our world, our life. That is how Gods time is! Its thick, its round, its pregnant, its bursting and birthingimagine how it will birth something new in your heart and in our lives, now this season. That is what this season really isa season of God birthing Jesus into our hearts, our lives and this world. There are no boxes, no bows, no receipts...just pure gift of joy and grace. I am imaginingthat you will experience the fullness of time with the breaking in of Jesus birth and new life this season.

will be assembled on Wednesday, Dec. 12th at 5:30 pm in the Youth Room.

We would like to take a few moments of our busy time to tell you that our family wishes you and your family a Merry Christmas and great blessing for the New Year. Everyone has been warm, kind, welcoming, and loving to us these past months. It has been many adjustments and each of you have played your part in helping us. We are so happy to be a part of God's family in this place. We look forward to many New Years and Christmases with you.

Food items still needed to complete all the baskets include: instant potatoes, gravy mix and cookies. Please bring your donations to the Food Bank as soon as possible.

UM youth & youth from surrounding churches will be assisting. You are invited to come help also.

Chili soup will be served to volunteers who come to help ll the baskets!

December 16th, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. Sanctuary of 1st UMC Join us as we prepare our hearts for Christmas! Reception to follow in Fellowship Hall; please bring a nger food to share.

At 6:00 pm on Christmas Eve, we will gather together to pray, praise, sing and hear God's Word. Bring your family, your friends and your children to celebrate the birth of the Christ child - the truest gift of Christmas. There will be Holy Communion and candles.

Remember a loved one in memory or name someone special to honor. Adorn our church by donating a Poinsettia. The name(s) of loved ones memorialized or honored will be listed on a card and placed on your Poinsettia.
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GENERAL MEETING Thursday, 12/6 1:30 pm Hostess & Program: Ruth Circle Memorial Service Installation of Ocers
SUSANNAH Tuesday, 12/4 6:00 pm Make or Bake Gift Exchange Hostess & Lesson: Neva Hermes NOAMI Wednesday, 12/12 7:30 pm - Program: Janis Houdek Hostess: Carolyn Rauch Co-Hostess: Betty Anderson

RUTH Saturday, 12/1 10:00 am Coee Hostess: Linda Young (Overow)

Here it is, December, 2012, where does time go?This is my last month as President of this organization. I have enjoyed the time and plan to continue to enjoy our UMW family as Carolyn Rauch carries on the torch of President. I wish her well, and know she will lead us in the correct paths - she is a jewel in our midst. Everyone needs to read the December Response magazine. It is full of interesting stories and facts. Here is a synopsis of some of the ways local United Methodist Women can organize under the new UMW designation. We are no longer under the General Board of Global Ministries; we are independent now. Each local organization should have a leadership team, which, as a minimum, consists of a president, vicepresident, treasurer, secretary and chair committee on nominations (also the pastor and a member-at-large). Local groups chose additional leaders and form other committees or task forces as needed. The article continues: Forming subgroups or circles allows members an opportunity to focus on special mission interests in smaller groups, providing greater exibility and freedom for participation, nurture and leadership development. Some women nd that their circle is their primary connection for prayer, study and spiritual growth. These may relate to the local organization by selecting representatives to be members of, or connect with, the leadership team and/or other comm., as appropriate.Small groups are also urged to join with other UMCs to form a cluster or other regional group. (Spiritual growth, mission education and advocacy work according to the needs of your community, individual study and hands-on missions should be sought throughout the year.) In looking through the bylaws of the UMW organization, I see no actual rules as to the length of time anyone may serve in a given oce. The main emphasis is to follow and have studies that support the PURPOSE of the UMW organization. We will be meeting the last week of Nov., after I am writing this, to have the Executive Committee determine what to suggest to our local UMW as a way to use our monies currently in our treasury. We will also look over the program book and its contents for year 2013. Please continue to pray that we are serving our Lords intent and our PURPOSE intent as we meet and as we continue into our 2013 year of study and service. Keep our leaders in your prayers as they continue to do their best, with Gods help, to serve and lead you. Let us learn from a child as we look to our Prayer Calendar one last time this year. Pat Hoerth, whose birthday is March 11, and resides at 6201 CR 90, Red Rock, OK 74651, [email protected], writes this article for us on page 40. She is a deaconess and spiritual director/retreat leader, Turtle Rock Farm: Center for Sustainability, Spirituality and Healing, Red Rock, OK. A group of toddlers visited Turtle Rock Farm Retreat Center. As they gathered eggs, one little girl held her egg very carefully, because theres a baby in it. We told her that because there are no roosters here, there is no baby in the egg. Oh, she said, Just food! And she continued to hold the egg as carefully as when she thought there was a baby chick inside. O God of Love, thank you for this beautiful planet that is our home with you. May we care for it as you do. Amen. Please remember Pat in your prayers this month, and maybe even with a card of love.

Janis Houdek, President UMW

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Luke 2:10-11 But the angel said to them,Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.
Changing things up a bit for Everyone Serve Sunday this time around.....instead it will be Everyone Serve Christmas! We will be hosting a free Christmas dinner in the Fellowship Hall of the church on Christmas Day from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. We hosted one last year and had a nice turnout. A similar meal will be served as last year with turkey and macaroni and cheese being purchased from the Food Mart and then we are looking for help in providing sides and desserts. There are a few different ways in which you can SERVE: 1. Providing a side dish or dessert. These can be brought to the church starting Sunday, December 23rd. 2. Helping set-up Christmas morning 3. Helping serve during the Christmas dinner Sign-ups are at the Connection Intersection at church for each of these opportunities. 4. Last, but most importantly, you can serve by INVITING someone. There are invitation cards at the Connection Intersection. Please RSVP to the church office by December 20th. Bus transportation will be available. Please let the Church office know if a ride is needed. If you have any questions feel free to contact Sid or Pam Scofield, Ross Wurdeman, Carolyn Rauch, Joan Grover, Janet Heyka or Kelli Childs. What a great way to serve the community during the Christmas season by providing those who do not have family or friends to celebrate with on Christmas Day. Let us share the good news. Submitted by Kelli Childs, Everyone Serve Team Leader

Youth and Children Ministries Coordinator

SPPRC and Pastor Emily are excited to keep you current on our new staff person prospects. We have conditionally offered this position to a young woman, Virginia Smith. She is a student at Baylor University in Waco Texas. She will be graduating on December 15th and will be working part-time at Concordia - First UMC, Belleville and working a small portion with the Center for Small Membership Churches. She is very excited to come here and work with us. We will be meeting her for a final interview and introduction on December 21st. Please keep Virginia and the churches in your prayers as we continue this process.

The Trustees have completed many repairs and improvements to the church, grounds and Parsonage in 2012 and plan to continue the maintenance and project plans for 2013. In the New Year, we will welcome two new Trustees - Chris Rice and Brian Young. Rich Schintler will return to the Trustees Board in the class of 2015. In January of 2012, the Trustees approved the Kiosk project with a projected cost of $13,000. In your January 2012 Newsletter, a representation of the new Kiosk was shown. To date, the project is still several thousand short of being able to start. The project will only go forward with your donations. Rest assured, those of you who have donated and designated that the funds go only for the Kiosk will see those amounts on your Year-end Reports of Giving...if not, please let Jenny Zenger or myself know and we will make the necessary corrections. The new Kiosk will look similar to the old one in size and shape only more weather resistant with the brick structure matching the church and a limestone top much like the windows. The flaming cross will be refinished and placed on the left as before. The new display will be red LED and can be changed as often as needed for church service times, events and announcements. The church 2012 Trustees are: Janet Heyka, Annette Bredthauer, Molly Williams, Sid Scofield, Jerry Melton, Jerry Richecky, Russ Piroutek and Don Westphal. I would also like to express my thanks to Sid Scofield, Jerry Melton and Jerry Richecky (who will be going off the board at the end of the year) for their generous time volunteering as a Trustee. Jay Kallman, Trustee Chair Page 4

This Advent season we are

Imagining if....

Our Mission is to prayerfully:

We are hearing scriptures of the prophets, scriptures with words of Jesus speaking of God's kingdom. We begin to see and understand that God has a way of life that we are to imagine. Christmas comes and we see the prophecies and scriptures in the life of Jesus, in the manger. So the bleak winter, the short days of January, in the cold and wind...we need To Keep It Real! Join us in January for warmth, worship and a word as we journey together to keep Jesus and his message real in our lives and our world. Pastor Emily

For the transformation of lives!

REMINDER! We are halfway through the last quarter for sh money donations that will go to support the After School Program. To date, only $57. has been collected. PLEASE be generous with your contributions.

We are all anxious to see our newest Pictorial Directory and the fabulous job the TERRIFIC TRIO has done. There is a LOT more work that goes into a project such as this than meets the eye. Very special THANKS to Cheryl Hiatt, Kim VanNortwick and Lynell Kallman for all their hard work and dedication!
USHERS & CANDLE LIGHTERS Don Westphal, Lynn VanNortwick Allen Johnson, Tom Snapp CAF DEL SOUL HOSTESSES Dec. 2 - Lori Scofield Dec. 9 - Tandy Rundus Dec. 16 - Jewelda Scofield Dec. 23 - Molly Williams Dec. 30 - Susie Arbuthnot FOYER BULLETIN BOARD Kim VanNortwick

GREETERS & ADVENT WREATH CANDLE LIGHTERS Dec. 2 - Kevin & Kerry Johnson Family Dec. 9 - Terry & Sherry Skinner Family Dec. 16 - Rich & Stephanie Schintler Family Dec. 23 - Gene & Tandy Rundus Family Dec. 30 - Scott & Stephanie Splichal Family

WORSHIP LEADERS Dec. 2 - Steve Scofield Dec. 9 - Kelby Johnson Dec. 16 - Stacia Piroutek Dec. 23 - Mikel Hadachek Dec. 30 - Kerry Johnson WORSHIP BABYSITTERS Crystal Young, Kale Johnson

ACCOMPANISTS Dec. 2, 9, 16 - Pam Scofield Dec. 23 - TBA Dec. 30 - Tana Trost BUS DRIVER Joan Grover PRAISE TEAM Sid and Pam Scofield AUDIO/VIDEO Amanda Keilers TECHNICIANS Jillian Couture Kurt Childs, Mikel Hadachek John Surber Rich Schintler, Stacia Piroutek Annette Bredthauer Waylon Sheetz Kevin & Kelby Johnson MULTI-MEDIA Molly Williams ASSISTANT Susan Childs Janet Heyka, Pam Scofield

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Saturday, December 1 World AIDS Day 10:00 am - Ruth Circle, Overflow Sunday, December 2 1st Sunday of Advent (4th Extended) Holy Communion 9:30 am - Adult Sunday School 10:00 am - Youth Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship Service 7:00 pm - YATT Monday, December 3 3:30 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall 6:30 pm - Cub Scouts, Fellowship Hall Tuesday, December 4 10:00 am - BHC Bible Study 6:00 pm - Susannah Circle Wednesday, December 5 6:30 am - Commodities (Volunteers) 9:00 am - Bible Study, Parlor 10:30 am - LTC Bible Study 1:00 pm - Hospice Memorial Service, Sanctuary 2:00 pm - Hospice Tree of Light Ceremony, Overflow 7:15 pm - Praise Team Thursday, December 6 9:30 am - Church Chat, CPSL 1:30 pm - UMW, Overflow 6:00 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall 7:00 pm - Bell Practice, Overflow Sunday, December 9 2nd Sunday of Advent (5th Extended) 9:30 am - Adult Sunday School 10:00 am - Youth Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship Service & JAM Time, TBA - UMYF Caroling Monday, December 10 6:30 pm - Cub Scouts, Fellowship Hall Wednesday, December 12 9:00 am - Bible Study 3:30 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall 5:30 pm - Assemble Christmas Baskets UMYF to assist...all welcome to help! Chili served to volunteers. 7:15 - Praise Team 7:30 pm - Naomi Circle, Parlor/Overflow

Friday, December 14 8:45 am - MOPS, Fellowship Hall/Nursery Sunday, December 16 3rd Sunday of Advent (6th Extended) 9:30 am - Adult Sunday School 10:00 am - Youth Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship Service & JAM, Handbell Performance 6:30 pm - Carols & Candles Service with Reception following in Fellowship Hall Monday, December 17 10:00 am - Parents as Teachers, Nursery 3:30 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall 5:30 pm - Parents as Teachers, Nursery Tuesday, December 18 6:15 pm - Handbells Perform at CPSL Wednesday, December 19 9:00 am - Bible Study, Parlor 11:30 am - Ministerial Association, Youth Room Thursday, December 20 RSVP due for attendance at Christmas Dinner Sunday, December 23 4th Sunday of Advent (7th Extended) 9:30 am - Adult Sunday School 10:00 am - Youth Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship Service & JAM Monday, December 24 Christmas Eve 6:00 pm - Christmas Eve Service, Sanctuary Tuesday, December 25 Christmas Day 11:00 am to 12:30 pm - Everyone Serve Christmas Dinner, Fellowship Hall Wednesday, December 26 9:00 am - Bible Study, Parlor Thursday, December 27 6:00 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall Friday, December 28 8:45 am - MOPS, Fellowship Hall/Nursery Sunday, December 30 1st Sunday after Christmas Day 9:30 am - Adult Sunday School 10:00 am - Youth Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship Service & JAM 2:00 & 2:30 pm - Care Home Services

Birthdays & Anniversaries

December 1 George & Amy Morehead Nicholas Piroutek December 2 Eldon Trost, Brandi Lewis December 5 Cheryl Hiatt December 6 Don Westphal December 7 Ray & Karen Clark, Tana Trost December 10 Charlotte Childs December 11 Ellen Scofield, Karrie Holmes Mallory Frybarger December 13 Emily Breeden December 15 Emma Berggren December 16 Alan Sheets December 17 Kim VanNortwick December 18 Tad Hiatt December 21 John Surber December 22 Bob Arbuthnot December 23 Betty Johnson, Kristi Seacat December 24 Ray Weaver, Russ Piroutek, Allen Keilers December 25 Ken Mulch, Joan Grover December 26 Keith Cook December 27 Jean Harber, Denise Woodward Tom & Dianna Snapp Steve & Kathy Dunback December 29 Annette Watts December 30 Dylan Woodward

Thursday, December 13 6:00 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall 6:00 pm - Carols & Candles Dress Rehearsal Monday, December 31 7:00 pm - Bell Practice, Overflow Watch Night

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ELECTED LEADERSHIP Lay Leader: Kim VanNortwick Lay Delegate to Annual Conference: Mikel Hadachek Alt. Lay Delegate to Annual Conference: Kurt Childs Treasurer: Jay Kallman Financial Secretary: Jenny Zenger Recording Secretary: Janis Houdek SPPRC Chair: Susan Childs Trustee Chair: Jay Kallman Historian: Organization - The Leadership Team shall be composed of 12 professing members nominated in three, three year classes, not to serve consecutively. They shall have completed an L3 class and are elected by vote of the Church Conference. Members shall included the Lay Leader who will convene and preside at meetings, the Lay Delegate to Annual Conference, a member of Trustees, a member of SPPRC, a leader from each of the four ministry categories including: (Seek, Grow, Love, Serve). Class of/LEADERSHIP TEAM 2013 - Susan Childs, SPPRC Chair 2013 - Mikel Hadachek, Lay Delegate 2013 - Jay Kallman, Trustee Chair/ Church Treasurer 2013 - Tandy Rundus 2014 - Kim VanNortwick, Team Leader/Lay Leader 2014 - Susie Arbuthnot 2014 - Janis Houdek 2014 - Pam Scofield 2015 - Janet Heyka 2015 - Kerry Johnson 2015 - Walter Molzahn 2015 - Ross Wurdeman - Pastor Emily Meckley MINISTRY COORDINATORS Head Usher: Don Westphal Greeters: Betty Mohr Communion Stewards: Janis Houdek, Cheryl Hiatt reflect biblically and theologically on the role and work of the pastor and staff... assist the pastor and staff in assessing their gifts and setting priorities for leadership and service (BOD 258.2) Spiritual Gifts: administration, leadership, exhortation, wisdom Class of/SPPRC 2013 - Emma Berggren 2014 - Susan Childs, Chair 2014 - Kelli Childs 2014 - Kim VanNortwick, Lay Leader 2015 - Jewelda Scofield 2015 - Sid Scofield 2015 - Waylon Sheetz, Youth Representative Counting Coordinator: Steve Scofield Acolytes: Betty Mohr, Stacia Piroutek Babysitters: Kelli Childs Disaster Relief Coordinator: Camping Coordinator: Stacia Piroutek Meals on Wheels: Carol Nicholson Transportation: Jay Kallman Healthy Congregation: Lanie Engle RCMA Steering Committee Representative: Carolyn Rauch District Prayer Team Representative: Janis Houdek
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BOD 2524, 2525, 2529-2532 Spiritual Gifts: wisdom, leadership Class of/TRUSTEES 2013 - Jay Kallman, Chair 2013 - Janet Heyka 2013 - Annette Bredthauer 2014 - Russ Piroutek, Treasurer 2014 - Don Westphal 2014 - Molly Williams 2015 - Chris Rice 2015 - Rich Schintler 2015 - Brian Young

Class of/PERMANENT ENDOWMENT 2013 - Steve Scofield, Chair 2013 - Barry Childs, Treasurer 2014 - Mikel Hadachek 2014 - John Surber 2015 - Gina Aurand

EDUCATION Leader: Tandy Rundus Gina Aurand, Kerry & Kelby Johnson, Amanda Keilers, Dawn Surber, Jill Wurdeman, Crystal Young FELLOWSHIP Leader: Carol Monsanto Susie Arbuthnot, Gina Aurand, Tandy Rundus, Stephanie Schintler, Lori Scofield, Sherry Skinner, Stacia Piroutek STEWARDSHIP Program Director - Mikel Hadachek Annette Bredthauer, Lanie Engle, Kevin & Kerry Johnson, Carol Nicholson, Pastor Emily, Marty Westphal (Office) LOAN AND SCHOLARSHIP Chair, Deb Krotz Treasurer: Linda Melton Denise Dove, Lanie Engle, Janet Heyka, Jewelda Scofield, Don Westphal MEMORIAL Leader: Lela Knedlik Betty Mohr, Lori Scofield, Vickie Walker MISSION TEAM Leader: Janet Heyka Chabadza Partnership: Janet Heyka VIM Coordinators: Janet Heyka, Mikel Hadachek Local Missions Coordinator: Carolyn Rauch Disaster Relief Coordinator: Fundraising: Kim VanNortwick LOCAL MISSIONS TEAM Leader: Carolyn Rauch Everyone Serve Sunday: Leader: Kelli Childs, Lizz Skocny, Carolyn Rauch, Jerry & Shirley Richecky Fish Offering: Dianna Snapp RCRC Representative: Karla Jeardoe Holiday Food Baskets: Pam Scofield KIDS Program: Joan Grover RCMA Advisory/Food Bank: Carolyn Rauch Youthville/RCDC Christmas Project: Janet Heyka Golden Bell Haven: Jay Kallman, (Chairman of Church People Concerned Foundation)

WE CARE TEAMS Coordinator: Marty Westphal Communion, Nursing Homes and Prayer Teams: Janis Houdek, Leader Lanie Engle, Jewelda Scofield, Cheryl Hiatt, Jerry & Shirley Richecky, Carol Nicholson Food Team: Betty Mohr, Leader Emma Berggren, Shirley Tallent, Sherry Skinner, Jewelda Scofield, Kerry Johnson, Susie Arbuthnot, Carolyn Rauch, Gina Aurand, Stacia Piroutek Hospital Team: Lanie Engle, Leader Carol Nicholson, Kerry Johnson, Jerry & Shirley Richecky Bereavement Team: Marty Westphal, Leader Carol Nicholson, Gina Elyea Card Team: Marty Westphal, Leader Arlene Baloun, Neva Hermes, Wilma Snapp, Janis Houdek, Carolyn Rauch, Kaye Ray PRAISE TEAM Leader: Pam Scofield Jillian Couture, Sid Scofield, Waylon Sheetz, John Surber, Amanda Keilers, Stacia Piroutek, Kelby Johnson, Molly Williams, Susan Childs TECHNOLOGY/MULTI MEDIA Annette Bredthauer, Kurt & Kelli Childs, Jillian Couture, Mikel Hadachek, Janet Heyka, Rich Schintler, Pam Scofield, Ross Wurdeman


BUILDING COMMITTEE Chair: Allen Johnson Treasurers: Marvin Houdek, Allen Johnson Secretary: Kim VanNortwick Kevin Johnson, Jeanette Sheets, Terry Skinner, Lynn VanNortwick

Pastor: Emily Meckley Office Administrator: Marty Westphal Treasurer: Jay Kallman Financial Secretary: Jenny Zenger Custodian: Linda Young Food Bank & Job Bank Manager: Carolyn Rauch
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