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The Sandwich House

The Sandwich House is a new restaurant that serves fresh and healthy sandwiches. Strategically located in front of De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, Taft Ave., The Sandwich House will quickly become the premier lunch destination in Taft, serving locals and students. The Sandwich House will attract 45% new customers a year after the second year and will reach profitability by the end of year two. It is The Sandwich Houses mission to offer the healthiest, finest and best tasting sandwiches in Taft. The Sandwich House will offer the finest customer service; no customer will leave who is dissatisfied.

To become the premier sandwich shop in Taft. To give the students affordable meals. To continually draw students off campus for lunch at a rate of 35% new customers per year after the second year. To become profitable within the first two years.

Nowadays, time management is very important especially to college students. They have to balance school works and personal activities everyday. With this kind of lifestyle, eating healthy is being compromised. The Sandwich House has found a solution to those problems. The Sandwich House has identified three keys that will be instrumental in its success. The first is the design and implementation of strict financial controls, which will be important, since the restaurant industry is quite competitive. The second is that it offers high-quality and healthy food to clearly stand out from the competition. The last key is the need to ensure proper visibility. The Sandwich House must have an effective, targeted marketing campaign. The Sandwich House will offer the community an exciting menu of sandwiches and beverages. Yeast and Wheat bread are used as a healthy, tasty foundation for a variety of sandwiches. The customers will have the choice of Asian filling such as tofu and different variety of our homemade longganisa or more traditional American filling.

We plan on putting up a sandwich house business since it is more accessible to buy for those students who are in a rush during class hours. It is also cheaper and suits the students budget. We are also planning to sell sandwich rich in carbohydrates and proteins like chicken and egg sandwich. In case the students are in rush and wont be able to buy a rice meal, it is a good alternative because it can give energy to the mind and body during class hours. The Sandwhich House has decided to take a conservative viewpoint toward its sales forecast in order to increase the likelihood of achieving our goals. The Sandwhich House has reason to believe that the first three months of business will be fairly slow. It is forecasted that business will steadily increase over the first two years. Profitability is forecasted to be achieved toward the end of year two. As a start-up organization, The Sandwich House will require equipments to begin operations. The following is a somewhat complete list of the needed equipment: i. Cash register;

ii. Computer system, including printer, CD-RW, Internet connection; iii. Convection oven; iv. Refrigeration unit; v. Blender/food processor; vi. Assorted knives, cutting boards, serving dishes, silverware, food containers; vii. Shelving units;

viii. Tables, chairs, table clothes and other table accessories; ix. Lighting units; i. The Sandwich House has two target costumers: Students-This group is primarily from De La Salle University and DLS-CSB. The students are looking for food vendors for two main reasons, the first is the desire to get off campus, the second is to have an alternative to the on-campus food service. Demographic data and behavioral traits for the students is as follows: a. 75% of the students are on some sort of financial aid; b. 25% have a part-time job; c. Ages 17-22; d. 89% of the students eat out at least twice per week; i. This information pertains to the De La Salle University and DLS-CSB students. Towners - This group is the people that live and work in Taft.

a. Ages 24-60; b. The average individual income is Php38,000; c. 76% of the group go out for lunch one to two times a week. The Sandwich House will be lead by Regine Villacorta, Rovee Tan, and Icah Guray. They are DLSCSB students who are majoring in business management. These three are veterans of the restaurant industry. They worked for their parents at their family's restaurant for several years while in college,

as well as participating in different Entrepreneurship Programs. They will be hiring some personnel to help them manage the store during class hours. Regine and Rovee will be the main employee of The Sandwich House. For the first two months of business, they will be the sole employee. During this period, they will supervise the finishing touches on the retail space, will develop the product recipes, and will establish vendor relationships. The third month will mark the first month of sales. Regine and Rovee will have at least two employees present during open hours. they will also have one employee working 1 and 1/2 hours before opening to help with food prep and both employees for 1/2-1 hour after closing. As business grows, Rovee and Regine will employ additional employees to help out with food prep, front restaurant help, as well as back kitchen activities. After a long time of preparation, The Sandwich House is expected to open on the first week of 2nd term for the school year 2012-2013. Start-up Expenses 1. Legal Php100,000

2. Stationery etc. Php15,000 3. Brochures 4. Consultants 5. Rent Php10,000 Php40,000


Total Start-up Expenses Php195,000 Start-up Assets

1. Cash Required Php700,000 2. Other Current Assets 3. Long-term Assets 4. Total Assets Php0 Php500,000


Total Requirements Php1,395,000

The Sandwich House has its healthy menu. The Sandwich House takes pride in the fact that everything in our menu is oil free, or at least free of any oils other than olive oil. In addition to the absence of oil based fats, much of its offered ingredients are vegetables, ensuring a healthy meal for the students. With the low cost of our food, students will be able to budget their money more properly. The short preparation time of our sandwiches will also help with the student's time management with different school activities. With too much work load brought on us and with too much stuff going on during college life, We thought of a business proposal that will help us stay healthy, save money, keep up with our busy schedule and enjoy food at the same time. The Sandwich House will provide the highest quality products that will meet the expectation of the consumers. It will succeed by offering consumers good products with great service at a reasonable price. It will also establish a healthy, consistent revenue base to ensure stability of the business. What will happen next is that we will continue thinking of ways to help the students to improve their dining experience without compromising school.

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