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INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................3 CHAPTER I. REVIEW OF VOICE CATEGORY RESEARCH IN ENGLISH, RUSSIAN AND KYRGYZ.............................................................................................................7 1.1 VERBAL CATEGORY OF VOICE IN ENGLISH AND KYRGYZ LANGUAGES. ............7 1.2 USES OF THE PASSIVE VOICE PECULIAR TO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE.............14 CHAPTER II CLASSIFICATION OF PASSIVE CONSTRUCTION IN ENGLISH AND WAYS OF THEIR TRANSFER INTO RUSSIAN AND KYRGYZ..............................................51 2.1 TRANSITIVITY AND INTRANSITIVITY OF VERBS AND CATEGORY OF VOICE......52 INTRANSITIVE VERBS ..................................................................................................................55 2.2 MAIN TYPES OF ENGLISH PASSIVE CONSTRUCTIONS. REASONS FOR MORE FREQUENT OCCURRENCE OF PASSIVE VOICE IN ENGLISH AS COMPARED TO RUSSIAN AND KYRGYZ......................................................................................56 PROMOTION OF CONTENT CLAUSES. IT IS POSSIBLE TO PROMOTE A CONTENT CLAUSE THAT SERVES AS A DIRECT OBJECT. IN THIS CASE, HOWEVER, IT TYPICALLY DOES NOT CHANGE ITS POSITION IN THE SENTENCE, AND AN EXPLETIVE IT TAKES THE NORMAL SUBJECT POSITION:.......................................57 ADJECTIVAL PASSIVES......................................................................................58 DOUBLE PASSIVES............................................................................................59 ERGATIVE VERBS..............................................................................................60 USAGE AND STYLE............................................................................................61 2.3 COMPARISON OF VOICE CATEGORY IN ENGLISH, RUSSIAN AND KYRGYZ LANGUAGES.....................................................................................................62 CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................66 BIBLIOGRAPHY:................................................................................................69

INTRODUCTION The present work is devoted to the usage of English and Russian passive and active constructions from the position of Kyrgyz language speaker. The category of the voice in English language has not long history of research as in the Russian linguistics, however the rich language material which include voice forms causes many divergences in its interpretation. The topicality of research is defined by necessity to present such description of passive constructions in English language which could make a part of functional grammar of the English language focused on teaching English language in Russian and Kyrgyz audience. Object of research is studying realization of passive meaning in the English language from the prospective of Russian and Kyrgyz language speakers. Although these languages concern to typologically different languages passive meaning represents language universals itself that allows us to consider language means of three named languages on the basis of their semantic functions generality. As object of research served passive constructions of English, Russian and Kyrgyz languages. In the present work basically was considered passive constructions i.e. those constructions where the verb and a participle in the passive form carry out a role of a predicate. Examples like: - , , , ... (. . ) where the verbal form with passive meaning functions as definition in a nominal word-combination do not enter into a circle of questions interested us. Restriction of the present work are also passive participles of following types like: , , ..., - , (. . ). The purpose of the present research is the description of ways of passive constructions expression in comparison with Kyrgyz and Russian languages.

The aim of the present research is the description of ways of passive constructions expression in the English language in comparison with Kyrgyz and Russian languages. The given purpose defines following specific tasks: to investigate a modern condition of voice category research in English, Russian and Kyrgyz linguistics;
to interpret researches of a studied grammatical category and questions

connected with it in three languages under the approach of functional grammar (.: Bondarenko and his supporters);
to analyze contextual realizations of English verbs passive forms with the

purpose to reveal their function in expression of voice meaning; to establish the most frequency and typical ways of English passive designs translation into Russian and Kyrgyz languages. In the description of a language material is used the approaches like: from semantics to its formal expression (from functions to means) in a combination of the approach from the form to semantics (from means to functions). Also was used other research methods like descriptive, analytical, critical, comparative, etc. Scientific novelty of research is that attempt to describe, analyze means of passive constructions express in the English language from a position of the Kyrgyz language speaker was made for the first time. The theoretical significance of this research lies in the fact that proposition developed in research makes a contribution to study English, Russian and Kyrgyz category of voice and also concretize a number of general-theoretical propositions. The practical importance of research work consists in that results of research can be used in practice of teaching English language in Kyrgyz audience, in giving lectures on the theoretical courses of general and private linguistics, and also in the sphere of translation. As material of research were served examples taken from works of art of L.Tolstoy, I.Bunin and K.Paustovsky and translations of these works into English

language. We also use examples from periodicals, advertisements and conversations with native speakers of English for an illustration and comparison. Alongside with not differentiated use of two pair terms active and a passive in A.V.Bondarenko's opinion1 their some differentiation is possible. In a view of functional grammar an active and a passive wider concepts, than Active and a Passive Voice. Last two terms are expedient for using in more special, morphological sense, defining a verb to prepare as a verb of an active voice, and a participle it is prepared - as a passive participle (a participle of a Passive Voice). Terms an active and a passive have wider value - under the attitude as to a level of the offer, to active and passive designs and to a level of a word, to morphological system of language (in the latter case - when there is no necessity specially to emphasize the morphological party of the voice). We in the present work consider differentiation in meaning of the terms, noted by A.V.Bondarenko. Main proposition to defense: in the center of functional-semantic field of English, Russian and Kyrgyz languages voice category the basic grammatical kernel is opposition of an active-passive which is expressed not only in different forms of a verb, but also in various syntactic function of the subject and object while translating English passive constructions into Russian and Kyrgyz languages its possible to use both Russian and Kyrgyz similar designs, and other language means that does not prevent to transfer the original meaning completely. Structure of work. Diploma paper except the present Introduction, consists of two chapters, Conclusion and the Bibliography (the list of the used literature and lexicographic sources). The first chapter is devoted to the review of voice category research in three languages. We state the points of view of English, Russian and Kyrgyz researchers on the given grammatical category and the questions connected to it from the modern linguistic literature. The abundance of the literature on a category of voice releases us from its representation in full. The review is

Bondarenko A.B. Functional grammar, 1972

presented in that degree in what it is actual for this research. In the second chapter passive designs of three languages are studied in a view of functional grammar, reveal communicative and pragmatical character of the given designs, distinctions between a passive and stative are considered, ways of English passive constructions transfer into Russian and Kyrgyz languages are established and given methodical suggestions in teaching English language in Russian and Kyrgyz audience. In Conclusion given conclusions according to the result achieved during the research work.

Chapter I. Review of voice category research in English, Russian and Kyrgyz 1.1 Verbal category of voice in English and Kyrgyz Languages. The verbal category of voice shows the direction of the process as regards the participants of the situation reflected in the syntactic construction. The voice of the English verb is expressed by the opposition of the passive form of the verb to the active form of is the combination of the auxiliary be with the past participle of the conjugated verb. The passive form as the strong member of the opposition expresses reception of the action by the subject of the syntactic construction; the active form as the weak member of opposition leaves this meaning unspecified, i.e. it expresses "non-passivity". In colloquial speech the role of the passive auxiliary can occasionally be performed by the verb get and probably, become. Sam got licked for a good reason. The category of voice has a much broader representation in the system of the English verb that in the system of the Russian verb, since in English not only transitive, but also intransitive objective verbs including prepositional ones can be used in the passive. Besides, verbs taking not one but two objects, as a rule, can feature both of them in the position of the passive subject. E.g.: I've just been rung up by the police. The diplomat was refused transit facilities through London. She was undistributed by the frown on his face. Have you ever been told that you're very good looking? He was said to have been very wild in his youth. The dress has never been tried on. The child will be looked after all right. I won't be talked to like this, etc. Still, not all the capable of taking an object are actually used in the passive. In particular, the passive form is alien to many verbs of the statal subclass, such as have, belong, cost, resemble, fail, and misgive, etc. thus, in accord with their relation to the passive voice all the verbs can be divided into two large sets: the set of passivised verbs and the set of non-passivised verbs. A question then should be posed whether; the category of voice is a fullrepresentative verbal category, i.e. represented in the system of the verb as a

whole, or a partial representative category, confined only to the passivised verbal set. Considerations of both form and function tend to interpret voice rather as a full-representative category, the same as person, number, tense and aspect. Three reasons can be given to back this appraisal. First, the integral categorical presentation of non-passivised verbs fully coincides with that of passivised verbs used in the active voice; second, the active voice as the weak member of the categorical opposition is characterized in general not by the "active" meaning as such, but by the extensive non-passive meaning of a very wide range of actual significations, some of them approaching by their process-direction characteristics those of non-passivised verbs. Third, the demarcation line between the passivised and non-passivised set is by no means rigid, and the verbs of the non-passivised order may migrate into passivised order in various contextual conditions. Thus, the category of voice should be interpreted as being reflected in the whole system of verbs, the active voice form if not directly, then indirectly. As a r egular categorical form of the verb the passive voice is combined in the same lexeme with other oppositionally strong forms of the verbal categories of the tense-aspect system, i.e. the past, the future, the continuous, the perfect. But it has a neutralizing effect on the category of development in the forms where the auxiliary be must be doubly employed as a verbid, so that the future continuous passive, as well as the prefect continuous passive are partically not used in speech. As a result, the future continuous active has as its regular counterpart by the voice opposition the future indefinite passive; the perfect continuous active in all the tense-forms has as its regular counterpart the perfect indefinite passive. Cf.: The police will be keeping an army of reports at bay. An army reporter will be kept at bay the police. We have been expecting the decision for a long time. The decision has been expected for a long time. The category of voice differs radically from all the other hitherto considered categories from the point of view of its referential qualities. Indeed, all the previously described categories reflect various characteristics of process, both

direct and oblique, as certain facts of reality existing irrespective of the speaker's perception. For instance, the verbal category of person expresses the personal relation of the process. The category of prospect expresses the timing of the process from the point of view of its relation to the plane of posteriority. Finally, the analyzed aspects characterize the respective inner qualities of the process. So each these category does disclose some actual property of the process denoted by the verb, adding more and more particulars to the depicted processual situation. But we cannot say the same about the category of voice. As a matter of fact, the situation reflected by the passive construction does not differ in the least from the situation reflected by the active construction - the nature of the process is preserved intact, the situational participants remain in their places unchanged quality. It is clearly seen when comparing any pour of constructions one of which is passive counterpart of the other. Cf.: The guards dispersed the crowd in font of the Presential Palace. - The crowd in font of the Presential Palace was dispersed by the guards. In the two constructions, the guards as the doer of the action are the same; the same also is the place of action, i.e. the space in front of the Place. The Presentation planes, though are quite different with the respective constructions, they are in fact mutually reverse. Namely, the first sentence, by its functional destination, features the act of the guards, whereas the second sentence, in accord with its meaningful purpose, features the experience of the crowd. All the functional distinctions of the passive, both categorical and contextual connotative are substained in its use with verbids. The gerundial phrase that is given below conveying the principal categorical meaning of the passive, suppresses the exposition of the indefinite subject of the process: After being wrongly delivered, the letter found its address at last. The following passive participial construction: when the enemy batteries had been put out of action, our troops continued to push on the offensive. Cf.: the clausal equivalent of the construction: When the enemy batteries had been put out of action, our troops continued to push on the offensive.

The past participle of the objective verb is passive in meaning and phrases built up by it display all the cited characteristics. E.g.: Seen from the valley, the castle on the cliff presented a fantastic sight. Cf.: the clausal equivalent of the past participle range of the unmarked member of the voice opposition. Let us consider the following examples: I will shave and wash and be ready for breakfast in half an hour. I'm afraid Mary hasn't dressed up yet. Now I see your son is thoroughly preparing for the entrance examination.The indicated verbs in the given sentences are objective transitive, used absolutely in the form of the active voice. This kind of verbal meanings of the action performed by the subject upon it is classed as "reflexive". The same meaning can be rendered explicit by comparing the verb with the reflexive "self-pronoun". Let us take examples of another type: The friends will be meeting tomorrow. Unfortunately, Nillie and Christopher divorced two years after their magnificent marriage. Are Phil and Glen quarreling again over their toy-cruiser? The cited reflexive and reciprocal uses of verbs are open to consideration as special grammatical voices, called respectively, "reflexive" and "reciprocal". The reflexive and reciprocal pronouns within the framework of the hypothetical voice identification of the uses in question should be looked upon as the voice auxiliaries. To distinguish between the two cases of the considered phrasalderivative process the former can be classed as "organic", the latter as "inorganic" reflexivization.The derivative, i.e. lexemic expressions of voice meanings may be likened, with due alteration of details, to the lexemic expression of aspective meaning. In the domain of aspectuality we also find derivative aspects, having a set of lexical markers and generalized as limitive and non-limitive. Of course, the factor of semantics as the criterion of the dynamic force of the construction is quite in its place, since the dynamic force itself is a meaning factor of language. But the "technically" grammatical quality of the construction is determined by the categorical and functional properties of its constituents, first and foremost, its participial part. Thus, if this part, in principle, expresses processual verbality, however statal it may be in its semantic core, then the whole

construction should be understood as a case of the finite passive in the categorical sense. E.g.: The young practitioner was highly esteemed in his district. Thus, with the construction in question the context may have both voice-suppressing "statalising" effect and voice-stimulating "processualising" effect. It is very interesting to note that the role of processualising stimulators of the passive can be performed alongside of action-modifying adverbials, also by some categorical forms of the verb itself, namely, by the future the continuous, and the perfect - i.e. by the forms of the time-aspect order other that the indefinite imperfect past and present. The fence is painted. - The fence is painted light green. - The fence is to be painted. - The fence has just been painted. The fact that the indefinite to this graduation of dynamism in passive constructions. Functional features of the Passive forms in English and Russian Languages. The passive voice is formed by means of the auxiliary verb to be in the required form and Participle II of the notional verb.
a) The present, past, future indefinite passive are formed by means of the

present, past, and future indefinite of the auxiliary verb to be and Participle II of the notional verb. The Present Ind. The Past Ind. Passive The Future Ind. Passive I was invited He was invited We were invited You were invited They were invited I will be invited He will be invited We will be invited You will be invited They will be invited

Passive I am invited He is invited We are invited You are invited They are invited

b) The present, past, future indefinite passive are formed by means of the

present, past, and future perfect of the auxiliary verb to be and Participle II of the notional verb.


The Present Perfect Passive The Past Perfect Passive The Future Perfect Passive I have been invited I had been invited I will have been invited He has been invited He had been invited He will have been invited We have been invited We had been invited We will have been invited You have been invited You had been invited You will have been invited They have been invited They had been invited They will have been invited
c) The present continuous, past continuous passive are formed by means of the

present continuous, past continuous of the auxiliary verb to be and Participle II of the notional verb. The present continuous The past continuous passive I am being invited He is being invited We are being invited You are being invited They are being invited passive I was being invited He was being invited We were being invited You were being invited They were being invited

The Future Continuous, the Present Perfect Continuous, the Past Perfect Continuous and the Future Perfect Continuous are not found in the Passive Voice2. The use of Passive Voice in English Passive voice can be used: a) Without the doer of the action being mentioned. In this case the doer is either unknown or unimportant. E.g.: In silence the soup, was finished excellent if a little thick and fish was brought. Tom Tusher was sent off early, however, to a school in London (Thackey). b) With the doer of the action being mentioned. This occurs only with the doer of the action is to some extent emphasized. The noun or pronoun denoting the doer of the action is introduced by the preposition by. E.g.: He was wrenched from his blank wretchedness by the sound of the door opening from his mother's room (Galsworthy). This room was dimly lighted from the ceiling by a single electric lamp (Bennett).

.. . - .- ., 1972


The uses of the tenses in the Passive Voice The use of tenses in Active and in the Passive voice is the same: Indefinite Present New schools are built every year. Future New schools will be built in spring. Past New schools were built a month ago Perfect Present New schools have been built this year. Future New schools will have been built by May. Past New schools had been built by the 1st of May. Continuous Present New schools are being built in Khiva Past New schools were being built when I came. All boys have shellsin other words, they are never seen, or if seen would (b) not be recognized (Th.Dreiser). The news was brought that the little boy at the "Three Castles" was ill (Th.Drieser). Further meeting will be hold tonight and tomorrow night (Th.Drieser). You have been told three times this week that she is coming home for a year for her health (Th.Drieser). I have been very unhappy since she died. I have been slighted and taught nothing and thrown upon myself and put to work not fit for me (Th.Drieser). By 12 o'clock a jury reasonably satisfactory to both sides had been chosen (Th.Drieser). Don't you disturb him? He is working at his wonderful poem. An immortal work of art is being created (Th.Drieser). When he got to the stables, a horse was being saddled (Th.Drieser). To express an action going on at a definite moment in the future only the Future Continuous Active is possible. Thus the Russian sentence , must be translated in the following way: When you come to the laboratory, we shall already be making the experiment. To denote an action which began before a definite moment in the present, past or future perfect continuous active are generally used. . They have been reading the proofs for two hours.

, . When the editor-in-chief came, they had been reading the proofs for two hours (Th.Drieser). The Present Perfect Inclusive Passive and the Past Inclusive Passive are found with verbs not used in the Continuous form, in negative sentences and with sonic nonterminative verbs. She has always been admired (Th.Drieser). The library has not been used for months (Th.Drieser). 1.2 Uses of the Passive Voice peculiar to the English language There are cases when the use of the Passive Voice seems to Russian students very peculiar because we find no analogous constructions in Russian. These cases are as follows: 1. The verbs to accord to advice, to allow, to ask, to award, to deny, to envy, to forbid, to forgive, to give to grant, to offer, to order, to pay, to prescribe, to promise, to refuse, to show, to teach, to tell are used in the Passive Voice. These verbs always take an object expressed by a noun or an infinitive. The action expressed by the Passive Predicate passes on the subject and the object. This subject corresponds to the Russian indirect object. E.g. He was granted ten day's leave has he been shown the documents? The patient was prescribed a strict diet. He was ordered a change of scene. We were to wait (Th.Dreiser). Note - These verbs admit of another type of passive construction if the object is expressed by a noun. Thus, we can say not only I was given a book. He was shown a book, but also a book was given to me, A book was shown to him. The choice of the construction depends on the logical stress: in I was given a book. The book shown to him the person is emphasized. 2. The Passive Voice is possible with intransitive verbs used with preposition: to account for, to agree upon, to allude in, to arrive at, to call for, to call upon, to comment upon, to depend on, to dispose of to hear of to insist on, to interfere with, to laugh at, to look down, to look up, to provide for, to put at, to put up with, to read to, to run over, to send for, to speak about, to store at, to talk about.

At last an agreement was arrived at. His strange behavior was largely commented upon. He can be depended upon to keep strict silence. This is certainly to keep strict referred to. The composite verb to do away with the proposition with can be used in the Passive Voice. In our country illiteracy was done away with many years ago. Note - To send for can be used only in connection with people. E.g. The doctor was sent for. 3) The following verbal phraseological units can be used in the Passive Voice: to find fault with, to lose sight of, to make fun of, to make use of, to pay attention, to put an end to, to set fire to, to take care of. 4) Quite peculiar is the case when the subject of the Passive predicate corresponds to Russian adverbial modifier. This is the case with the intransitive verbs to live and to sleep with the proposition in. e.g. The bed was not slept in. the room is not lived in (Th.Dreiser). 5) There are a number of transitive verbs in English which correspond to intransitive verbs in Russian. They are: to affect, to answer, to assist, to attend, to follow, to help, to influence, to join, to watch. These verbs naturally admit of the passive construction while their Russian equivalents cannot be used in the Passive Voice. She was greatly affected by the scene (Th.Dreiser). The report was followed by a discussion (Th.Dreiser). Such sentences are rendered in Russian by indefinite - personal sentences unless the latter case either the Active Voice is used which occurs rather seldom or the Passive Voice. The poor child was always being found fault with (Th.Dreiser). The grammatical semantics of the combination to be + Participle II The combination to be + Participle II can denote an action in which case it is a simple predicate expressed by a verb in the Passive Voice. It can also denote a sets, then it is a compound nominal predicate consisting of a link verb and a predicative. As the director was ill, the documents were signed by his assistant (Th.Dreiser).

The compound nominal predicate expressed by the verb to be and Participle II can be translated only by the verb + . In the present the verb is not used. The statue is broken (Th.Dreiser). . When I come the papers were signed and lay on the secretary's table (Th.Dreiser). , . The use of tenses is closely connected with meanings combination to be + Participle II. When I came up to the gate, it was already locked (Th.Dreiser). . The predicate indicates an action completed before a definite moment in the past Don't try to pen the gate. It is locked (Th.Dreiser). (state). It has just been locked (Th.Dreiser). (action). Passive grammar semantics translation The category of voice differs radically from all other hitherto considered categories from the point of view of its referential qualities. Indeed, all the previously described categories reflect various characteristics of processes, both direct and oblique, as certain facts of reality existing irrespective of the speaker's perception. For instance, the verbal category of person expresses the personal relation of the process. The verbal number, together with person. The verbal primary time denotes the absolutive timing of the process, i.e. its timing in reference to the moment of speech. The category prospect expresses the timing of the process from the point of view of its relation. But we cannot say the same about the category of voice. As a matter of fact, the situation reflected by the passive construction does not differ in the least from the situation reflected by the active constructions - the nature of the process is preserved intact, the situational participants remain in their places in their unchanged quality. What is changed then, with the transition from the adjective appraisal of the situation by the speaker the plane of his presentation

of it. It is clearly seen when comparing any pair of situation by the speaker, the plane of his presentation of it. The property of the category of voice shows the its immediate connection with syntax, which finds expression in direct transformational relational between the active and passive constructions.The said fundamental meaningful difference between the two forms of the verb and the corresponding constructions that are built around them goes with all the concrete situational contexts. In particular, we find the object - experience featuring achieved by the passive in its typical uses in cases when the subject is unknown or is not to be mentioned for certain reasons, or when the attention of the speaker is centered on the action as such respectively. Another act of terrorism has been committed in Argentina. Dinner was announced, and our conversation stopped. All the functional distinctions of the passive both categorical and contextual connotative are sustained in its use with verbids. For instance, in the following passive infinitive phrase the categorical object experience featuring is accompanied by the logical accent of the process characterizing the quality of its situational object. This event will never be forgotten. The past participle of the objective verb is passive in meaning, and phrases built up it by display all the cited characteristics. E.g. Seen from the valley, the castle on the cliff presented a fantastic sight.


1.3 Past forms of Passive voice in English, Russian and Kyrgyz Languages. In Passive voice of English there are following forms of Past Tense: Past Tense in form to be + P2 Meaning express: the action that is done before the speech Single action taken place, and ended a complete, long-term effect an action in the past (adverbial words, adverbs of time) Past Passive Indefinite was invited (told) were invited (told) accomplished in the past, regular or permanent effect Multiple or repeated action in the past Instant, one-time effect of the past, when one has passed since the action precedes another action Future target action is used: to describe the appearance, the nature of the subject, environment, nature the stylistic purposes without alteration of other temporary forms, which gives credibility, picturesqueness express: the action that goes on in the past, the Past Passive Continuous was being invited (told) (told) speaker can see the continuing effect of multiple, repeated action in the past normal, regular, past rare cases

Passive voice

were being invited the limited duration of action in the

In rare cases, the simultaneous action express: the importance of precedence i.e to start of another past action: when the two actions do not coincide in time in the past, indicated by preceding adverbial words used more recent action expressed by various forms of Completed actions in the past Past Perfect Passive had been invited before another past (told) action Incomplete ongoing action which began in the past, after the second occurrence of the past action, which began in the past repeating the action in the past, before the onset of another past actions, expressed various additional lexical grammatical means the recent action In the passive voice in English have the following forms of past tense: Past Indefinite Passive, Past Continuous Passive, and Past Perfect Passive. And now look at the forms and meaning of Past Indefinite Passive. Past Indefinite Passive in English forms with the help of verb to be in the Past and form of the Past Participle. This form of Passive Voice of English has following forms: I was invited (told)

You were invited (told) He (she, it) was invited (told) We were invited (told) You were invited (told) They were invited (told) 1. The Past Indefinite is expressed in the past regular or permanent effect. E.g.: Mildred rarely tasted Mr. He was addicted to one scoop of vanilla every afternoon at three, eaten fr his aluminum dish with a disposable plastic spoon (M Apple, p. 28). They fought the matter skillfully and tenaciously, losing at every step but always in such a way that the decision was forced to be as broad as possible, and then trying it by way of appeals to the World Court (I Asimov, p. 61). In these examples, predicates was addicted, was forced past expressed an uncertain time in the passive sense of the meaning in the past. Regular and constant action transferred adverbs of time every afternoon at three, always. All actions are expressed by predicates proposals are in the form of Past Indefinite Passive. They point to the uncertainty of action and the duration of the concrete at three. 2. The past indefinite passive voice expresses an action that is done before the speech. E.g.: But actually Ambrose has relieved that Peter now had a quarter too (J. Barth, p. 98). 3. The past indefinite tense can mean a single act, committed and ended in the past. E.g.: Her late were spent comfortably in the modern houses just as one might enjoy in age the benefits of a child's prosperity (M. Apple, p.33). After her emotional outburst at seeing Howard again, a calmer Millie felt a slight twitch in her upper stomach and in the midst of her joy was reminded of another sure thing (M. Apple, p.35). Decades ago, my positronic brain was connected to organic nerves (I. Asimov, p. 64). Sir, nearly a century ago, I was told by a Merton Mansky of this corporation that the mathematics governing the plotting of the positronic pathways was far too complicated to permit of any but

approximate solutions and that, therefore, my own capacities were not fully predictable. (I. Asimov, p. 52) Actions were spent, was reminded, was connected, was told of the past expressed an indefinite forms are completed. Usage of past infinitive is its main valuable. Completeness of the past indefinite form is one of the instances of its use. Completeness of the action also depends on the lexical meaning of the verb, so in all cases, one of the criteria is the uncertainty of this form of action, the message of the facts occurred in the Past. 4. The past indefinite is express a complete, long-term effect. E.g.: It was endlessly qualified and the punishments for violating the law were totally inadequate, but the principle was established (I. Asimov p. 51). And while everyone else can be seen, from time to time, to wonder what to do next - the Chicago people, apparently committed to unity of action, were heard arguing in the dining room over whether, or when, to rent a boat for deep-sea fishing the two old people have clear, unwavering schedule of their own (A.Adams, p.2). Complete long-term effect transferred to the predicate was endlessly qualified, with the adverb endlessly - endlessly, indicating the duration of action in the past, the second predicate was established is the completed action. The second sentence of the predicate was heard arguing too is an example of the duration of the action in the Past. E.g.: Andrew accepted many commissions and worked harder as a free robot than he ever had before, till the cost of the house was paid for and the structure was signed over to Him. (I. Asimov, p.46) When the final decision was handed down, DeLong held what amounted to a victory celebration over the legal loss (I. Asimov, p. 62). 5. The past indefinite is an action in the past, where there is circumstantial speech, temporal adverbs: In Travis's case, what was then called a nervous breakdown took two years from his life; coming out of it, he was, or felt himself to be, too far behind, in terms of research (A.Adams, p.2). On the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of his construction, a testimonial dinner was given in his honor at U.S. Robots (I. Asimov, p. 59).

6. The past is repeated indefinitely or repeated action in the past. E.g.: His work on his book on robots was delayed and delayed again, as he pored over the legal arguments and even, at times, made very different suggestions (I. Asimov, p. 50.). Sometimes the owners, who were always asked to be away or to step outside when the house was being shown, didn't even know that the bowl had been in their house (A. Beattie, p. 112). 7. The Past Indefinite period of time is instant, a single action. E.g.: When it did, Harley Smythe-Robertson, who, on his mother's side, was descended from the original founder of the corporation and who had adopted the hyphenation to indicate it, looked remarkably unhappy (I. Asimov, p. 52). The past indefinite is consistent action in the past. The road, which was broad and oiled and well constructed, made a turn to the left at the far end of the bridge and then swung out of sight around a curve to the right. At this point it was enlarged from the old road to its present width by cutting into the solid bastion of the rock on the far side of the gorge; and its left or western edge, looking down from he pass and the bridge, as marked and prine of upright stone where of stone where its edge fell sheer away to the gorge (E. Hemingway, p. 69). 8. The past indefinite is used to describe the appearance and character of the subject, environment and nature. E.g.: Her fingernails were shaped so that the soft meat of the tips could stroke a typewriter without imaging the apex of a nail, her arch slid over a 6B shoe like an egg in a shell, id never in her adult life did Mildred recall having vomited (M. Apple, p. 35). It layed like a match burning around her belly, etching itself into her as the round He emblem was so symmetrically embroidered into the bedspread, which she had kicked off in the flush that accompanied the pain (M. Apple, p. 30). But the habits were careful and clean and they were best represented in the body that was she. The fingers were long and were shaped into artistically metallic, looping curves so graceful and appropriate that one could imagine a. scalpel fitting them and becoming, temporarily, and one piece with them (I. Asimov, p. 39). Her figure was very well developed for her age (J. Barth, p.89). These examples point to

the characterization was broad and oiled well constructed, the description of the exterior was very well developed, were shaped and it was enlarged situation or condition was marked and protected. 9. The past indefinite period of time is sometimes used in the stylistic purposes without alteration of other temporary forms, which gives the narrative credibility, picturesqueness. E.g. It was even dilapidated than most: the silver coating was worn off the brown metal handles, the glass windows around the dummy were cracked and taped, her kerchiefs and silks long-faded (J.Barth, p.95). Even though he was met with smiles and good will, he knew, before a single word was spoken, that all the currents ran against him and that he would make no headway (S. Bello, p. 119). And her heart was torn between her love for the misfortunate young man between her love et cetera and her womanly intuition that only in suffering and isolation could he give voice et cetera (J. Barth, p. 102). 10. Past Indefinite Passive is used not only for the expression of the uncertainty with respect to its completeness or incompleteness, but also in respect of the expression of certainty. E.g.: The, young man, whose name was Robert Gordan, was extremely hungry and he was worried (E.Hemingway, p. 36). A telephone line ran along the road and its wires were carried over the bridge (E.Hemingway, p. 36). Kugelmass visited Persky the next day, and in a few minutes was again passed magically to Yonville (W. Allen, .14). his form can express a certain action in the past. Certain actions are not passed to the form itself was worried, were carried, was again passed but solely by means of additional language lexical adverbial words, adverbial turns extremely, suddenly, magically. Past Continuous Passive in English forms with the help of verb to be in the Past Continuous and form of the Past Participle. This form of Passive Voice of English has following forms: I was being invited (told)

You were being invited (told) He (she, it) was being invited (told) You were being invited (told) They were being invited (told) Verbs in this form may express the following meanings: 1. The Past Continuous Tense in Passive Voice indicates the action that goes on in the Past; the speaker can observe the ongoing action. E.g.: I listened with proper veneration to these ancient narratives, perhaps less admirable in themselves than the fact that they had been Created by my blood and were being restored to me by a, man of a remote empire, in the course of a desperate adventure, on a Western isle (J.L. Borges, 142). 2. The Past Continuous Tense expresses the multiple, repeated action in the Past. E.g.: When the bowl was not being taken from house to house, it sat on Andrea's coffee table at home. (A. Beattie Janus p. 112) 3. Past Continuous Tense of the Passive Voice is used to express the normal, regular, ongoing actions in the past. E.g.: Sometimes the owners, who were always asked to be away or to step outside when the house was being shewn, didn 't even know that the bowl had been in their house (A. Beattie, p. 112). 4. Past Continuous Tense expresses an unlimited long-term effect in the past. E.g.: Women were being forcibly raped in the South Pacific (J. Barth, p.99) He had been caught a vortex and was being whirled on with a velocity of advance and gyration that made him giddy and sick. LA. Bierce, p. 135) 5. Past Continuous Tense of the Passive Voice is limited long-term effect on rare occasions. E.g.: One hot July day, towards evening, just as the cattle were being driven away, and the whole yard was full of dust, someone suddenly knocked at the gate. A. Chekhov, p.200) The revival was being carried on by three sisters in black and a brother (J. Baldwin, p.81).

6. Past Continuous Tense Passive transfer (in rare cases) simultaneous action. E.g.: felt as though he was being constructed again (I. Asimov, p. 55). Past Perfect Passive in English forms with the help of verb to be in the Past Perfect and form of the Past Participle. This form of Passive Voice of English has following forms: I had been invited (told) You had been invited (told) He (she, it) had been invited (told) We had been invited (told) You had been invited (told) They had been invited (told) 1. Past Perfect Tense of The Passive Voice has a value of precedence, i.e., before the start of another past action, when the two actions do not coincide in time in the past, the preceding adverbial words indicated. E.g.: She had been starved for statement, and his tales of Broadway night life, of fast cars and -Hollywood and stars, enthralled the young French beauty (W. Allen, p. 15). Analyzed at the previous example specifies the action that is expressed Past Perfect Passive had been starved, and used other forms of past tense to express the various actions. Past perfect tense expresses completed action in the past before another past action. E.g.: Perhaps Mildred now stood where Abraham had been visited by a vision making a, rock his pillow, had first put the ease into the earth (M. Apple, 32). Little Miss came to see him frequently in the small house that had been built made over for him (I. Asimov, p.46). Actions expressed by predicates followed suggestions in the Past Perfect Passive had been visited, had been built to show the completeness of the previous action. The predicate following example also means the completed action. E.g.: She had been dead for nearly two centuries now, but as a result of writing his book Andrew knew her so well he could half persuade himself that he had met in life (I. Asimov, p. 53). 2. The form of the past perfect tense of the passive voice can express incomplete action continued, which began in the past, after the passing of the second, which

began in the past. E.g.: had been caught in a vortex and was being whirled on with my velocity of advance and gyration that made him giddy and sick (A. Bierce, p. '35). The man had been deprived of sleep for more than a week, and to have this sprung on him at the height of a furious gale nearly drove him out of his mind (J. Conrad, p.319). True, he had made that last stride, he had stepped over the edge, while I had been permitted to draw back my hesitating foot (J. Conrad, p. 307). The form of the past Perfect Tense of the Passive Voice can express incomplete action continued, which began in the past, after the passing of the second, which began in the past. E.g.: Andrew had appeared much more a robot when he had first been manufactured (I. Asimov, p. 40). He had been picked up, the evening before, in a maid on an apartment downtown, for peddling and using heroin (J. Baldwin p. 66) the few seconds before Andrea picked up the bowl, she realized that the owner Waist have just seen that it had been perfectly placed, that the sunlight struck the part of it (A. Beattie, p. 112). 3. Past perfect tense is used to express a simultaneous action, which coincides with the moment of speech. E.g.: It seemed though we had been forgotten by the world, belonged to nobody, would get where; it seemed that, as if bewitched, we would have to live for ever and ever in it inner boatmen (J.Conrad, p.348). I had to lean right out to swing the heavy shutter, and I saw a face of amongst the leaves on the level with my own, looking at me very fierce and steady; and then suddenly, as though a veil had been moved from my eyes, I made out, deep in the tangled gloom, naked breasts, arms, legs, glaring eyes, -the bush was swarming with human limbs in movement, glistening, of bronze color (J. Conrad, p.287). 4. Past perfect tense of the passive voice may indicate habitual action that is a permanent feature of the subject entity. E.g.: Andrew had been intended to perform the duties of a valet, a butler, even a lady's maid (I. Asimov, p. 40). But houses exactly like the houses of our past yet dominated the landscape, boys exactly like the boys we once had been found themselves smothering in

these houses, came down into the streets for light and air found themselves encircled by disaster (J.Baldwin, p. 71). The Past Tense of the Passive Voice in Kyrgyz Language. Past Tense of the Form Passive Voice Past Definite Tense ( -,- ). Meaning unspecified action any period of time last an action (different lexical and syntactic means) re-operation single, single action Completed Scoring with auxiliary verbs "" "" is extended, unfinished action follow-up action when another past action preceded by simultaneous action a clear, significant effect from the Past Tense Indefinite ( perspective of the speaker the action is not personally observed speaker the action is quite obvious speaker the impact of pervasive pattern - incomplete action last repetitive action last description of the subject, environment Limitation of action Past Subjective the recent action an action relating to past, with a touch of subjective assumptions about the


Tense ( -,() ).

Past Continuous Tense ). ( -,-,(),

accuracy of its commission the action that is long, continuously or repeatedly was done in the past the action that took place continuously (in the complex sentences with subordinate conditional) the action which took place in distant past,

Pluperfect Definite ( ). Pluperfect Indefinite Tense ( ). -+, Tense -+, , ,

much earlier date speech can express guessing

long time the action which is the speaker recalled or learned in the process of speech pluperfect action referring to the distant the past, in reality, the commission of which the speaker not sure

Pluperfect Continuous Tense ). (

-+, the action that took place in the distant past, reality and the different circumstances which the speaker knows the words of others

In the Passive Voice in Kyrgyz Language have several forms of past tense, and now look at the forms and meanings in examples. E.g.: (J.Balasagyn, 6. Considering cases of actions in the past

, indicate iniquity of actions expressed by complex predicate. Participles , as part of complex predicate in passive voice indicate the manner, and express past singular action. In the example , shot the cannon verb - shot, which is in the passive voice, past tence, and the noun cannon subject in the passive sentence indicate single action in the past. 1. Past definite tense expresses finished resultative action. E.g.: . , ammyy (Erkintoo (1623)). (J.Balasagyn 6 .). .asymbekov, 18 .). Action in the past expressed by predicate in Passive Voice was delivered, ruined the horde, provides composed actions which results are obvious. 2. Form of past definite with auxiliary verbs , expresses continued incomnpleted action. E.g.: (.asymbekov, 43 .). , , , (.asymbekov, 67 .). Analyzed sentences, which predicates are expressed by forms of past time in Passive Voice was heard, rose up are good examples which express incomplete action. And adverbial modifiers , act as indicators of additional actions, specifying ways of basic action fulfillment. E.g.: , , , ,

(.asymbekov, 160 p.). In the given sentence, predicate consists of verbal adverb with adverbial meaning and auxiliary verb and expresses continued incomplete action. Past definite tense expresses subsequent action when other past action proceeds. E.g.: , (.asymbekov, 45 .). In this sentence verbal adverbs , mean additional actions, preceding action expressed by predicate . E.g.: . . , , , , , (.asymbekov, 49 .) 3. Past definite tense expresses simultaneous action. E.g.: , , - ( 149). 4. Past definite tense expresses obvious, authentic action from the speakers point of view. E.g.: - (Erkintoo 16.01.07.NsS (1612)). (.Kasymbekov, 117 .). - - - , (. Kasymbekov, 222 .). Past Indefinite Tense ( ) of Passive Voice is formed by attaching to the stem of the verb an affix of Passive Voice - (-, - , -, -) and affix of past time - (-, -,-, -, -,-,-). Form of Past Indefinite Tense ( ) of Passive Voice is used in order to express the following actions3. 1. Past Indefinite Tense expresses action which is not observed by speakers personally.



. . : . , 1997. -227.

: -, -, , - , ; - , ; - , -, - a , , - , . , - (J.Balasagyn, 29 .). In the given example predicate , is used in the meaning of past action, where affix of Past Indefinite Tense - with affix of passive Voice - in the verb means that action has taken place in the indefinite past. 2. E.g.: Past Indefinite Tense expresses quite obvious action, authentic from the speakers point of view. .Sydykbekov,100 .). . (J.Balasagyn, 16 .). In these examples predicates , expresses quite obvious actions in the past. 3. Past Indefinite Tense expresses perfectively performance. E.g.: , (.Kasymbekov, 416 .)., , - , ( , 132 .). In the given examples predicates , , expresses results of actions, which happened in the Past Indefinite Tense. 4. Past Indefinite Tense expresses incomplete action in the past. E.g.: , (J.Balasagyn, 31 .).Past Indefinite Tense expresses repeating action in the past. E.g.: (S.Ibraimov, 3 .). In the analized sentence predicate with adverb of time expresses action repeated in the

past. Past Indefinite Tense is used in order to describe subject, situation. E.g.: , (.Sydykbekov,288 .). , , , (.Kasymbekov; 359 .). - ( , 171 .). Predicates of the given examples , , used in order to describe situation in the stylistic purposes to transfer actions related to the past. Past Indefinite Tense expresses limitation of action. E.g.: , (.Kasymbekov, 120 .). Predicate indicates for long-past time. 7. Past Indefinite Tense expresses recent action. E.g.: (.Kasymbekov, 238 .). Predicate of the given sentence with negation shows to that circumstance, that action has occurred in the recent past after some action in the past. Past Continuous Tense ( ) of Passive Voice is formed by adding to the verb stem affix of Passive Voice - (-, - , -, -) and affix of past time (-,-). Past Continuous Tense ( ) is used in the following expressions. Past Continuous Tense expresses action, which occured long, constantly or repeatedly in the Past. E.g.: , - , (.Kasymbekov, 116 6.) In the Kyrgyz language there are also irregular forms of Past tense of Passive Voice. Pluperfect Definite Tense ( ). Pluperfect Indefinite Tense ( ). Pluperfect Continuous Tense ( ). Pluperfect Definite Tense ( ) is formed by combining verb in the form of Past definite and functional words , in affirmative form and , in the interrogative form. It expresses action,

occurred in the remote past much earlier before the moment of speech. With the form , can express not only question, but also supposition. E.g.: (- ). Pluperfect Indefinite Tense ( ) is formed combining of verb in the Past Indefinite Tense with defective verbs , . Verbs in this form mean action happened long ago in the Past, about which the author remembered or found in the moment of speech. E.g.: , , , , (.Kasymbekov, 530 .). - . , (S.Ibragimov, 18 .). In the given examples all the actions, expresseed by the forms of Pluperfect Definite Tense are formed by combining verb in the form of Past Indefinite Tense with defective verbs , , , mean action happened in the past a long time ago, about which the author remembered or found in the moment of speech. Pluperfect Continuous Tense ( ) is formed out of the form of Past Continuous Tense with the help of defective verbs , . This form meand action, took place in the remote past, about reality and different circumstances which speaker knows according to other people words. Action has a character of duration, repeatibility as simple form corresponding it. E.g.: (folklore, 245 .). Analized material out of modern Aglo-American fiction revealed many examples of Passive Voice use in three forms used in English language:

Past indefinite form of Passive Voice (Past Indefinite Passive); Past perfect form of Passive Voice (Past Perfect Passive). Past Definite Tense ( ).

Past continuous form of Passive Voice (Past Continuous Passive);

But in the Kyrgyz language Past Tense is expressed in seven forms.

Past Indefinite Tense ( ). Past Subjective Tense ( ). Past Continuous Tense ( ). Pluperfect Definite Tense ( ). Pluperfect Indefinite Tense ( ). Pluperfect Continuous Tense ( ).

The analysis of Past Indefinite, Progressive and Perfect form of Passive Voice in English language helps to make the following definite action in the past specified by means of various leksiko-syntactic means; repeated action in the past, single, unitary action in the past; finished resultative action in the past; with auxiliary verbs , expresses progressive, unfinished action; subsequent action, when other past action precedes; simultaneous action, obvious, authentic from the speakers point of view. Past Indefinite Tense ( ) expresses: past action, not observer by the speaker personally;
quite obvious action, authentic from the speakers point of view; perfectivity performance;

not finished action in the past; repeated action in the past; while describing subject, situation; prescription of action; recent action.


Past Subjective Tense ( ) is used:

to express action concerning the past, with shade of subjective assumption on reliability of its fulfillment.

Past Continuous Tense ( ) expresses action happened long time ago, about which speaker remembered or found in the process of speech;

pluperfect action, concerning the remote past, in the reality fulfillment of which speaker is not sure.

Pluperfect Definite Tense ( ) expresses:

action, occurred in the remote past, much earlier before the speech moment;

can express supposition. Pluperfect Indefinite Tense ( ) expresses:

action occurred long ago, about which speaker remembered or found in the moment of speech; pluperfect action, concerning remote past, in the reality fulfillment of which speaker is not sure.

Pluperfect Continuous Tense ( ) expresses: action taking place in the remote past, on the reality and different As a result, analysis of forms and meanings of Passive Voice we came to the conclusion, that transformations of English Passive Voice into the Kyrgyz language are shown in different forms. In many cases of usage Present, Past, Future (Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect) Passive and Kyrgyz ( , ); ( , , , , , , ); ( , ) mainly coincide, except for those, where predicate can be expressed by other ways, i.e.

circumstances of which speaker knows from the words of others.

complex 1. Noun







phraseological units, etc. English Present Indefinite Passive are wounded expresses action, occuring in the moment of speech, and into the Kyrgyz language transferred with the help of noun , which also expresses action, occurring in the moment of speech. 2. Combined Voice ( ) Example from the given piece of work with passive Voice Present Indefinite Passive are hot organized expresses action in general, into the Kyrgyz language is transferred by verb-predicate in the meaning of usual action in the Present Tense of Combined Voice ( ). 3. Passive Voice ( ) Present Indefinite Passive is used to transfer constant sign of subject. And in the Kyrgyz language express action quite obvious, authentic from speakers points of view. In both languages Passive Voice is used, indicating action in the Past Tense, in the English language action is expressed by verb in Present Tense. 4. Basic Voice ( ) Sentence with Passive Voice in Present Indefinite Passive transfers concrete action in this moment, verb of Basic Voice ( ) has an adverb in its possession, which is equivalent to adverb in the Kyrgyz language where adverb, indicates fulfillment of action in the moment of speech. 5. Nominal predicate Form of Present Indefinite Passive are drunk in the English language can be homonymous to predicative construction with link verb to be and adjective drunk as nominal predicate. In the sentence this construction works as complex nominal predicate, are drunk is translated into the Kyrgyz language with the help of adjective . Both in English and Kyrgyz sentences actions express moment of speech.


Nominal component

Present Perfect Passive have you been wounded expresses repeated action in the Past, which ends by the Present moment, and transferred to Kyrgyz language . In combination with nominal component auxiliary verb forms complex predicate, losing independent lexical meaning and acting as grammatical formant. Complex verbs have intransitivity signs and denote usual condition. Present Perfe ct tense of passive Voice is transferred by Past Indefinite tense . Example in Present Perfect Passive have been cut denote finished action, result of which is available. Given predicate is transferred by finished action with the help of Past indefinite tense form in Passive Voice ( ). 8. Past Indefinite Tense transferred by forms of Future tense in Kyrgyz language. Predicate of English, sentence in Past Indefinite Passive was not yet finished expresses not finished action in the Past, and in Kyrgyz language also expresses unfinished action, only in the future, which transferred by means of adverb of time , verbal adverb with affix - and two-parts auxiliary verb , indicating that action is not finished yet in the Combined voice ( ). 9. Reflexive passive meaning Predicate in the example was captured expresses certain action in the past, translated in the form of , which proves aforesaid about Kyrgyz language. Reflexive passive meaning, with which work verbs of reflexive voice, differs from actually-reflexive. These verbs express an idea of fulfillment action in favor of subject of action, but with the participation of some other persons, subjects, phenomena, which act like reason or tool of these actions. Logic and grammatical subject is united in one word, distinguishes meaning of these verbs from actually-passive meaning [1:246248].

On the basis of analysis it is determined, that lexical meaning of English verb is wider, than Kyrgyz verb, in order to transfer the meaning of verb amused, in the Kyrgyz language two verbs are used . Distortion in volume of lexical meaning of words in unrelated languages indicates for typological differences of lexical systems of investigated languages. 10. Predicate in English transferred with an object Author of translation used grammatical form of Passive Voice , expressing meaning of completeness in the past - in the Kyrgyz language this form carries out additional function of object but not predicate as in English language: were lined up expressed by verb in the form of past completed action. 11. Functions as noun with attributes Compound additional sentence what was left of a railway station, where Passive Voice is Past Indefinite Passive was left, translated into Kyrgyz language as noun with attributes in the function of object . 12. Verbal adverb phrase Verb in the form of Past Indefinite Tense of Passive Voice in the role of predicate were closed in the English language transferred to Kyrgyz language by verbal adverb phrase ( ) and notional verb negative form of Passive Voice. Verbal adverb phrase means additional action, made simultaneously with action expressed by verb predicate. 13. Transferred by description Past Indefinite Passive were required in English identifies committed regular action in the past, in Kyrgyz translation expresses continuous long action on the certain interval of time and transferred by basic voice ( ), when subject is expressed by plural in the first person. In the second part of sentence action of predicate relates to other persons expressed by specification of subject {even doctors and

sanitary officers), and in Kyrgyz language there is sentence with predicate or its widespread variant ( . 14. Though in both languages functions the form of Passive Voice, they differ by expression of meaning (long lasting action is transferred by individual action). In this sentence all actions are expressed by verbs in the form of Passive Voice Past Indefinite Passive, was held, were not connected in the meaning of accomplished action in the past. English predicates translated by verbs in Passive Voice ( ) - in the meaning of perfect action in the past, means long lasting constant action, expresses meaning, durable by time, and the predicate was gone in Kyrgyz language expressed by two componential verb in the past tense, where the main component is in the participial form with affix -, and auxiliary verb in the past tense acts in the meaning of individual accomplished action in the past. 15. Complex verb in the role of adverbial modifier of time Past Indefinite Passive was brought expresses long term action in the past, transferred by complex verb , which has the same meaning in Kyrgyz, consists of verbal adverb with affix - and notional verb in combined voice ( ) -, in the past tense with affix -, and affix of locative case -, which functions in the role of adverbial modifier of time. Predicate of the main clause were only turned on transferred by complex verb by three components: if the main component is in participial form of passive Voice with affix -, in this case predicate express action which proceeded for a long time in the past and lasts till the present moment. 16. Expressed by adverb

Predicate of English sentence was disappointed expressed in Past Indefinite Passive, into the Kyrgyz language it transfers with the help of predicate expressed by adverb of condition and auxiliary verb (++) in the past time of reflexive voice ( ). In the English language subject of action is not specified, in the Kyrgyz language subject of action is specified precisely . 17. Active voice This example was gone expresses finished action in the past, in Kyrgyz also mean finished action . In English language felt finer (Past Indefinite Active) transferred to Kyrgyz language by Passive Voice in the meaning of duration of action. Transfer of English verb in Active voice with the help of Passive voice in Kyrgyz indication the structural features of grammar in investigating languages. 18.Past action transferred by the form of present time. Discrepancy is seen while expressing the meaning in example was clearly defined Past Indefinite Passive. Example in English expresses complete action in the past, into the Kyrgyz transferred by Basic Voice ( ) of Present Indefinite Tense as . 19.Simultaneous action Predicate was exhausted expresses individual action, ended in the past, and in Kyrgyz language transferred by verbal adverb and designates additional action, occurred simultaneously with action, expressed by verbpredicate . 20. Discrepancy of lexical units In this sentence were all cooked (Past Indefinite Passive) expresses individual finished action, and while repetition of the given predicate in two subsequent sentences with condition to realize if this action is realized, it is the reason of other action would win. But in the Kyrgyz language given predicate is used once and verbs-predicated differs by time: expresses action, occurring for a long time in the Basic Voice ( ), and

predicate of second sentence, expresses action, which had happened till the moment of speech. 21. Full coincidence both in form and meaning Example in Past Indefinite Passive were polished expresses, that action is finished in the past, into Kyrgyz is transferred by form of Past Indefinite Tense, appears as the result of action in Passive Voice ( ). 22. Full equivalence of actions in tenses, and discrepancy in expression of form of action meaning of predicate was being shot in this sentence indicates on simultaneous action, which in rare cases expresses Past Continuous Passive. In Kyrgyz translation predicate expressed by verbal adverb with affix - in combination with auxiliary word with participle affix - and restrictive particle , which means limit in time, to which action is done. Though forms of expression of Past Continuous Tense are various in investigated languages, losses in transfer of sentence sense is not observed. 23. Conformity Given example with Past Continuous Passive was being finished in English language is used in the meaning of action which continues in the past, speaker can observe continuing action. In Kyrgyz translation of predicate we observe figurative transfer of meaning of English predicate was being finished, expressed by simple, not figurative verb finished, and verb has the meaning carve, trim, dig, and precisely specifies works done in the mountains. Verb is used like synonym to English verb finished in the meaning terminate. Past Continuous Passive was being finished transferred by Passive Voice in the Past Continuous Tense , where in the complicated form designates action, which should occur soon. 24. In English language one semantic word is used, and others are auxiliary, whereas in Kyrgyz it is used three semantic forms of verb: in the function of predicate, in the form of verbal adverb and auxiliary verb.

Predicate in the following example was being done expresses in rare cases simultaneous action in the Past Continuous Tense, transferred into Kyrgyz in the meaning of action which is long occurred in the past in Passive Voice ( ). 25. Complex predicate Form of predicate in Past Perfect Passive had not been evacuated used for expression of completeness of action in the past before occurring of other past action were supposed to wear steel helmets - a, and transferred into Kyrgyz by complex predicate , i.e. main verb in combination to verbal adverb to - in Passive Voice designates action directed from speaker or from present to future . 26. Analysis of sentence shows, that predicate had been put forward has form of Past Perfect Passive and expresses action, finished in the past before other past action occurrence. It is transferred into Kyrgyz language by predicate in the Past definite Tense in Passive Voice ( ) and has the meaning of authenticity of action happened in the past. Indicative mood is transferred by imperative mood Predicative had never been arrested in the Kyrgyz variant sounds wrong: instead of translating author uses the form of , where the main verb is in the form of imperative mood with negative affix -, and - in the meaning of categorical order of speaker to third party, which conveys to him through interlocutor. Predicative of English sentence had never been arrested express action in the negative form, which has not had time occurred yet till the certain moment in the past. Investigated material convinces that it is necessary to consider Voice as morphological category, as voice is considered as category of part of speech, belonging to verb, and enters along with categories of time, aspect, mood, person and number in the system of verbal accidence. Voice change occurs in the form of verb. Passive Voice has grammatical meaning

(internal signs) and grammatical form, (external signs), in English language it is expressed by analytical mode, and in Kyrgyz language by morphological (agglutinative). In the result of carried out research there were revealed and described similarities and distinctions of forms, meanings and cases of Passive voice usage in the investigated languages. The basic tendencies in research are description of Passive Voice in the structure of functionally-semantic category of voice, establishment of specify of kinds and time forms functioning and meanings expressed by them. On the basis of presented detailed analysis of category of voice in modern linguistics literature of both languages, it was found out, that grammatical category of Passive Voice has its specify in every separately investigated languages. In English language Passive Voice in the Present Time has: Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, and Present Perfect Continuous are absent. Sentence with passive voice is used in all the styles of modern English and American fiction. Out of the named three Tenses often used Present Indefinite Passive, Present Perfect Passive - less, and Present Continuous Passive very rare. Main grammatical meaning of each form can change in certain conditions of context, but it is not erased, and remains in all cases. In the modern English language Present Tense of Passive Voice is used to transfer: permanent, regular actions; actions which will be made after speech; concrete actions in the moment of speech. As well as actions, unlimited by time borders; characteristic signs of subject; actions, result of which is available in present tense; repeated action in the past which comes to an end by the present moment. Investigation of Present, Future and Past Tense of passive Voice in Kyrgyz linguistics is spent for the first time on the basis of revealing form and meaning with the help of sentences chosen from fiction of modern Kyrgyz writers.

In modern Kyrgyz language Present Tense of Passive Voice has the following forms: simple form of Present Tense ending on -,- ; for -,- and complicated form ending on -,-,- or - with the help of auxiliary verbs , , , . The form ending on -,- in Kyrgyz language expresses the following meanings: -action, made in the moment of speech; usual action, durable on time, where moment of speech occupies only some part; -action, occurred periodically, available adverbial modifiers which shows its duration or other indicators specifying constancy and duration of action; -constant action, inherent to certain subject, person as its property, or being prominent feature of person, subject; -continuous action, occurring in the nature, society, natural property of subject; -periodically repeating action; -action, started for a long time ago and proceeding at present. In the result of analysis conformity and discrepancies of meanings at Present time in Passive Voice in English and Kyrgyz languages. Passive Voice of English language has the following conformity of meanings in Kyrgyz language: -concrete action in the moment of speech = action, made in the moment of speech; -action, unlimited description of subjects character of property = permanent action, which is prominent feature of person, subject; -meaning of the Past = meaning of Past Tense (having ); -procedural meaning process of action, which proceeds gradually, continuous and in the Present Tense; -unfinished action, which does not stop in the Present moment = unfinished action in the moment of speech. In Kyrgyz language there are no conformities to the following meanings:

action, which will happen after speech; action, preceding the present moment; finished action, result of which is available in Present; repeated action in the Past. The results of meanings analysis and usage of Future forms of Passive Voice: Future Indefinite Passive, Future Indefinite in the Past Passive, Future Perfect Passive and Future Perfect in the Past Passive allows to make the following conclusions: Future Indefinite Passive and Future Indefinite in the Past Passive are often used by authors of fiction, but Future Perfect Passive and Future Perfect in the Past Passive meet very seldom. Future Tense is used to express: action, which will happen or will be happening in future; future action in relation to the past moment; future action, which will happen before certain moment in future. And also can sometimes express prospective action, concerning the past; future action, about which they were talking in the past. In Kyrgyz language future definite and indefinite forms can express: future action, which will happen in the near future and speaker is not doubting in it; action, which will happen in the far future, or will happen generally, as it is predetermined by the Present; action, which necessarily will happen in future under certain condition; modal contrast of action; action, which should happen soon, and its initial stage sometimes is observed in the moment of speech; action, which could be realized if the condition was carried out. Grammatical meaning of Future indefinite Tense consists in expression of uncertainty, assumption of action, which can happen in the Future or not. Passive Voice of English language has the following conformities of meanings in Kyrgyz language: certain action with adjunct words, which will happen after moment of speech = action, which will happen in the nearest future; future real action in conditional clauses in complex sentences with subordinate of real condition means action, which necessarily will happen in Future under the given condition; future action in relation to the past moment = usual real actions, relating to the plan of Past, in narrative form

of speech; action, which will happen till the certain moment in future = action which must happen soon, and its initial stage sometimes action, which could be carried out, if condition was carried out; it is used in the subordinate clauses when verb in the main clause is in Past time - can transfer usual, repeating actions in the past in the narrative form of speech. In Kyrgyz language there are no conformities to the following meanings, such as: indefinite action in future; simultaneous action with the word when. And in English language there is no conformity to the following meaning of passive Voice of Kyrgyz language: action, which will happen in far future, or will happen in general, as it is predetermined by the Present. Past tense of passive Voice is analyzed by us in three forms of usage in English language: Past Indefinite Form of Passive Voice (Past Indefinite Passive); Past Continuous Form of passive Voice (Past Continuous Passive); Past Perfect Form of Passive Voice (Past Perfect Passive). And in Kyrgyz language Past Tense of Passive Voice is expressed in seven forms: Past Definite Tense ( ); Past Indefinite Tense ( ); Past Subjective Tense ( ); Past Continuous Tense ( ); Pluperfect Definite Tense ( ); Pluperfect Indefinite Tense ( ); Pluperfect Continuous Tense ( ). Analysis of past Indefinite, Continuous and Perfect forms of Passive Voice in English language helps to make the following conclusions: Past Indefinite Passive is very often used by authors of fiction, Past Continuous Passive is used more often then Present Continuous Passive, Past Perfect Passive remains on the second place after Past Indefinite Passive. Basic meanings of Past tense of the above said forms in English language: Past Indefinite Passive -neutrality of its meaning, it can define any action in the past till the moment of speech, remaining indefinite; Past Continuous Passive can express long lasting action, occurred in the certain moment in the past, i.e. basic meaning of this form is processuality; Past Perfect

Passive can express action, happened till the certain moment in the past, which is specified with the help of lexical and grammatical means, as well as context, but one of the distinctive signs of this form is precedence; it also can be used in the main and subordinate clause. In Kyrgyz language basic meanings of Past Definite Tense of Passive Voice ( ) expresses: past action during any period of time; certain action in the past with the help of different lexical and syntactic means; repeated action in the past, single, unitary action in the past; finished resultative action in the past. And predicates with auxiliary verbs , expresses progressive, unfinished action; subsequent action, when other past action precedes; simultaneous action, obvious, authentic from the speakers point of view. Past Indefinite Tense of Passive Voice ( ) expresses: past action, not observer by the speaker personally; quite obvious action, authentic from the speakers point of view; perfectivity performance; not finished action in the past; repeated action in the past; while describing subject, situation; prescription of action; recent action. Past Subjective Tense of Passive Voice ( ) is used: to express action concerning the past, with shade of subjective assumption on reliability of its fulfillment. Past Continuous Tense of Passive Voice ( ) expresses: expresses action happened long time ago, about which speaker remembered or found in the process of speech; pluperfect action, concerning the remote past, in the reality fulfillment of which speaker is not sure. Pluperfect Definite Tense of Passive Voice ( ) expresses: action, occurred in the remote past, much earlier before the speech moment; can express supposition. Pluperfect Indefinite Tense of Passive Voice ( ) expresses: action occurred long ago, about which speaker remembered or found in the moment of speech; pluperfect action, concerning remote past, in the reality fulfillment of which speaker is not sure.

Pluperfect Continuous Tense of Passive Voice ( ) expresses: action, taking place in the remote past, on the reality and different circumstances of which speaker knows from the words of others. Passive Voice in English language has the following conformity of meanings in Kyrgyz language: unitary action, happened and finished in the past = single, unitary action; certain action in the past (adjunct words, adverbs of time) = certain action (different lexical and syntactical means); multiple or repeated action in the past = repeated action in the past; describing appearance, subjects character, situation, nature = describing subject, situation; in rare cases expresses simultaneous action = simultaneous action; meaning of precedence, i.e. before starting other past action subsequent action, when other past action precedes; completeness of action in the past before other past action = completed, resultative action; completed proceeding action started in the past, after beginning the second past action, started also in the past = with the help of auxiliary verbs , expresses continued not finished action; repeating action in the past before starting the other past action, expressed by different additional lexical and grammatical means repeated action recently past action recent action. In the Kyrgyz language there are no conformities to the following meanings of English language, such as: Future purpositive action; in stylistic purposes without alternation of other Tense forms, providing reliability, realness; proceeding action observed by speaker. In the English language there are no conformities to the following meanings of passive Voice of Kyrgyz language: long lasting action, relating to remote past, in which reality of fulfillment speaker is not sure. Carried out research helped to extend and expand available now report on the aspectual tense relations of Passive Voice and their transformations. We have been focused on the transformation of Passive Voice in English language, while translating and transferring them into Kyrgyz

language. There have been revealed similarities and distinctions in the form, meaning and use of Passive Voice, such as: 1. Cases of use Present Indefinite Passive and Kyrgyz in many cases coincide, excluding those where verbs can express actions in Past Tense, which study will lead to theoretical generalizations in translation science and in typology of German and Turkic languages. 2. Analysis shows that Passive Voice in compared languages is oftener used in Past Tense, rarer in present and very rare in Future. . In the English language Passive Voice is often used in Past Indefinite and Past Perfect forms, and in Kyrgyz language in Past Definite and Pluperfect forms. 4. Tense forms of Passive Voice are multiple valued both in English and Kyrgyz languages. 5. Aspect tense system of Passive Voice in English language transferred into Kyrgyz language by different ways: ) Passive Voice ( ), ) Basic Voice ( ), ) Reflexive Voice ( ), ) Causative Voice ( ), ) Combined Voice ( ) and other means of Kyrgyz language. They help to transfer considerable quantity of various colors, which meanings are reached with the help of additional lexical means and context. Therefore while transferring aspect tense forms of Passive Voice from one language into another, essential distinctions are turned out, which are caused by specify of different system languages, but never, they have such phenomena, which make them typologically similar. Revealed transformations on the basis of English Passive Voice translation into Kyrgyz language in Present, Future and Past Tense presented as follows. Present Indefinite Passive transferred as: noun; Combined Voice ( ) in Present Tense; Passive Voice ( ) in Past Tense; Basic Voice ( )+adverb; Complex nominal predicate. Present Continuous Passive transferred as: Passive Voice ( ); Combined Voice ( ) + verbal adverb.

Present Perfect Passive transferred as: Passive Voice ( ) in Past Tense; Combined Voice ( ) in Past Tense; nominative component. Past Indefinite Passive transferred as: Passive Voice ( ) in Past Tense; Combined Voice ( ) in past Tense; Reflexive-Passive meaning; Basic Voice ( ); participial phrase; Reflexive Voice ( ); Causative Voice ( ); Verbal adverb phrase; Phraseological unit. Past Continuous Passive transferred as: Passive Voice ( ); Basic Voice ( ) + verbal adverb. Past Perfect Passive transferred as: Passive Voice ( ) in Past Tense; Combined Voice ( ) in Past Tense; Reflexive Voice ( ).


Chapter II Classification of Passive construction in English and ways of their transfer into Russian and Kyrgyz To express an action going on at a definite moment in the future only the Future Continuous Active is possible. Thus the Russian sentence , must be translated in the following way: When you come to the laboratory, we shall already be making the experiment. To denote an action which began before a definite moment in the present, past or future perfect continuous active are generally used. . They have been reading the proofs for two hours. , . When the editor-in-chief came, they had been reading the proofs for two hours (Th.Drieser). The Present Perfect Inclusive Passive and the Past Inclusive Passive are found with verbs not used in the Continuous form, in negative sentences and with sonic nonterminative verbs. She has always been admired (Th.Drieser). The library has not been used for months (Th.Drieser). Ways of translating the Passive into Russian There are three ways of translating the Passive Voice into Russian: a) By the verb + . In the present the verb is not used. b) By verbs in -. c) By means of indefinite personal construction (- ). The last way of translating is possible only if the doer of the action is not mentioned. Houses are built of stone. . . The house was built in1932.

1932 . The experiment was made by a famous scientist. . . 2.1 Transitivity and intransitivity of verbs and category of voice Depending on the type of object they take, verbs may be transitive, intransitive, or linking. The meaning of a transitive verb is incomplete without a direct object, as in the following examples: Incomplete The shelf holds. Complete The shelf holds three books and a vase of flowers. Incomplete The committee named. Complete The committee named a new chairperson. Incomplete The child broke. Complete The child broke the plate. An intransitive verb, on the other hand, cannot take a direct object: This plant has thrived on the south windowsill. The compound verb "has thrived" is intransitive and takes no direct object in this sentence. The prepositional "on the south windowsill" acts as an adverb describing where the plant thrives. The sound of the choir carried through the cathedral. The verb "carried" is used intransitively in this sentence and takes no direct object. The prepositional phrase "through the cathedral" acts as an adverb describing where the sound carried.

The train from Montreal arrived four hours late. The intransitive verb "arrived" takes no direct object, and the noun phrase "four hours late" acts as an adverb describing when the train arrived. Since the company was pleasant and the coffee both plentiful and good, we lingered in the restaurant for several hours. The verb "lingered" is used intransitively and takes no direct object. The prepositional phrase "in the restaurant for several hours" acts as an adverb modifying "lingered."The painting was hung on the south wall of the reception room. The compound verb "was hung" is used intransitively and the sentence has no direct object. The prepositional phrase "on the south wall of the reception room" acts as a adverb describing where the paint hung. Many verbs can be either transitive or intransitive, depending on their context in the sentence. In the following pairs of sentences, the first sentence uses the verb transitively and the second uses the same verb intransitively: transitive According to the instructions, we must leave this goo in our hair for twenty minutes. In this example, the verb "leave" takes a direct object, the noun phrase "this goo." intransitive We would like to stay longer, but we must leave. In this example, the verb "leave" does not take a direct object. transitive The audience attentively watched the latest production of The Trojan Women. In this example, the verb "watch" is used transitively and takes the noun phrase "the latest production of The Trojan Women" as a direct object. intransitive The cook watched while the new dishwasher surreptitiously picked up the fragments of the broken dish. In this example, the verb "watched" is used intransitively and takes no direct object. intransitive The crowd moves across the field in an attempt to see the rock star get into her helicopter. Here the verb "moves" is used as an intransitive verb and takes no direct object.

transitive Every spring, William moves all boxes and trunks from one side of the attic to the other. In this sentence "moves" is used as a transitive verb and takes the noun phrase "all the boxes and trunk" as a direct object. Written by Heather MacFadyen In grammar, an intransitive verb is a verb that has no object. This is distinct from a transitive verb, which takes one or more objects. Both classes of verb are related to the concept of the transitivity of a verb. Examples of intransitive verbs include to die and to sleep. Transitive verbs include to see and to give. The valency of a verb is a related concept. Where the transitivity of a verb only considers the objects, the valency of a verb considers all the arguments the verb takes, including both the subject of the verb and all of the objects (of which there are none for an intransitive verb). It is possible to change the transitivity of a verb, and in so doing to change the valency. In languages that have a passive voice, a transitive verb in the active voice becomes intransitive in the passive voice. For example, consider the following sentence: David hugged Mary. In this sentence, "hugged" is a transitive verb taking "Mary" as its object. The sentence can be passivized with the direct object "Mary" as the grammatical subject as follows: Mary was hugged. This shift is called promotion of the object. The passive-voice construction cannot take an object. The passivized sentence could be continued with the agent: Mary was hugged by David. It cannot be continued with a direct object to be taken by "was hugged", For example, it would be ungrammatical to write "Mary was hugged her daughter" in order to show that Mary and her daughter shared a hug. Intransitive verbs can be passivized in some languages. In English, intransitive verbs can be used in the passive voice when a prepositional phrase is included, as in, "The houses were lived in by millions of people."

The Difference between Transitive and Intransitive Verbs My sister broke the window. My father cried. Can you figure out the difference between the verbs (broke, cried) in the above sentences? I'm not talking about the meaning; I'm talking about the grammar. In other words, how are these two verbs grammatically different? We should notice that the first verb broke, has another word after it. The second verb, cried, does not have another word after it. Generally speaking, we can say that all verbs in English can be divided into two groups--those that must have a word (or words) after them and words that do not have to have any word after them. This rule is simplified right now, but we will learn more later. For now, let's just focus on the simple ideas. Let's look at the two different kinds of verbs. Transitive Verbs My sister broke the window. In the first sentence, the word that comes after the verb, window, is the object of the verb. We say that window is the object because it receives the action of the verb. All objects of verbs receive the action of the verb. Here are some more examples of transitive verbs with their objects:

I sold some books. I took the bus. I bought a radio. I understood her question. I wrote a letter.

When a verb has an object that receives the action of the verb, we say that the verb is transitive. Many students get confused about intransitive verbs. Let's look at the other kind of verb now. Intransitive Verbs My father cried. We can see in this sentence that there is no word after cried. In other words, there is no object for the word, so there is no noun to receive the action of the word.

Think about it-what could we say? My father cried something. Is there a noun that we could use after cried? We could probably think of one or two nouns, like tears, or even, good-bye, but normally, we do not use the verb cry with an object. In this case we say that this verb is intransitive because it does not have an object after it. Here are some more examples of intransitive verbs:

I slept. I coughed. The glass fell. My cat ran. The sun rose.

We should notice that in each case, the subject is doing the action of the verb and nothing receives the action. 2.2 Main types of English passive constructions. Reasons for More Frequent Occurrence of Passive Voice in English as Compared to Russian and Kyrgyz In English as in many other languages, the passive voice is the form of a transitive verb whose grammatical subject serves as the patient, receiving the action of the verb. The passive voice is typically contrasted with the active voice, which is the form of a transitive verb whose subject serves as the agent, performing the action of the verb. The subject of a verb in the passive voice corresponds to the object of the same verb in the active voice. English's passive voice is periphrastic; that is, it does not have a one-word form. Rather, it is formed using a form of the auxiliary verb be together with a verb's past participle. English is rich in various types of passive constructions: the subject of the passive construction may correspond to the direct object of the verb and may be called the Direct Passive. For example: Then he noticed that the window in the opposite room was being opened he couldnt see by whom. There are a number of verbs in English which can be used in the Passive Voice, while with their equivalents in Russian and Kyrgyz the passive construction is

impossible. To these verbs belong, for example, to approach, to attend, to answer, to help, to assist, to follow, to influence, to join, to watch and some others. Canonical passives Passive constructions have a range of meanings and uses. The canonical use to map a clause with a direct object to a corresponding clause where the direct object has become the subject. For example: John threw the ball.4 Here, threw is a transitive verb with John as its subject and the ball as its direct object. If we recast the verb in the passive voice (was thrown), then the ball becomes the subject (it is promoted to the subject position) and John disappears: The ball was thrown. The original subject can typically be re-inserted using the preposition by: The ball was thrown by John. Promotion of other objects One non-canonical use of English's passive is to promote an object other than a direct object. It is usually possible in English to promote indirect objects as well. For example: John gave Mary a book. Mary was given a book. In the active form, gave is the verb; John is its subject, Mary its indirect object, and a book its direct object; in the passive form, the indirect object has been promoted and the direct object has been left in place. (In this respect, English resembles dechticaetiative languages.) It is also possible, in some cases, to promote the object of a preposition: They talked about the problem. The problem was talked about. In the passive form here, the preposition is stranded; that is, it is not followed by an object. (See Preposition stranding.) Indeed, in some sense it doesn't have an object, since the problem is actually the subject of the sentence. Promotion of content clauses. It is possible to promote a content clause that serves as a direct object. In this

Bybee, Joan L., Revere Perkins, and William Pagliuca (1994) The Evolution of Grammar: Tense, Aspect, and Modality in the Languages of the World. University of Chicago Press


case, however, it typically does not change its position in the sentence, and an expletive it takes the normal subject position: They say that he left. It is said that he left. Stative passives The passives described so far have all been eventive (or dynamic) passives. There exist also stative (or static, or resultative) passives; rather than describing an action, they describe the result of an action. English does not usually distinguish between the two. For example: The door was locked. This sentence has two meanings, roughly the following: [Someone] locked the door. The door was in the locked state. (Presumably, someone had locked it.) The former meaning represents the canonical, eventive passive; the latter, the stative passive. (The terms eventive and stative/resultative refer to the tendencies of these forms to describe events and resultant states, respectively. The terms can be misleading, however, as the canonical passive of a stative verb is not a stative passive, even though it describes a state.) Some verbs do not form stative passives. In some cases, this is because distinct adjectives exist for this purpose, such as with the verb open: The door was opened. [Someone] opened the door. The door was open. The door was in the open state. Adjectival passives Adjectival passives are not true passives; they occur when a participial adjective (an adjective derived from a participle) is used predicatively For example: She was relieved to find her car undamaged.5 Here, relieved is an ordinary adjective, though it derives from the past participle of relieve In some cases, the line between an adjectival passive and a stative passive may be unclear.

Bybee, Joan L., Revere Perkins, and William Pagliuca (1994) The Evolution of Grammar: Tense, Aspect, and Modality in the Languages of the World. University of Chicago Press


Passives without active counterparts. In a few cases, passive constructions retain all the sense of the passive voice, but do not have immediate active counterparts. For example: He was rumored to be a war veteran. *[Someone] rumored him to be a war veteran. (The asterisk here denotes an ungrammatical construction.) Similarly: It was rumored that he was a war veteran. *[Someone] rumored that he was a war veteran. In both of these examples, the active counterpart was once possible, but has fallen out of use. Double passives It is possible for a verb in the passive voice especially an object-raising verb to take an infinitive complement that is also in the passive voice: The project is expected to be completed in the next year. Commonly, either or both verbs may be moved into the active voice: [Someone] expects the project to be completed in the next year. [Someone] is expected to complete the project in the next year. [Someone] expects [someone] to complete the project in the next year. In some cases, a similar construction may occur with a verb that is not objectraising in the active voice: The project will be attempted to be completed in the next year. *[Someone] will attempt the project to be completed in the next year. [Someone] will attempt to complete the project in the next year. (The question mark here denotes a questionably-grammatical construction.) In this example, the object of the infinitive has been promoted to the subject of the main verb, and both the infinitive and the main verb have been moved to the passive voice. The American Heritage Book of English Usage declares this unacceptable but it is nonetheless attested in a variety of contexts Other passive constructions Past participle alone

A past participle alone usually carries passive force; the form of be can therefore be omitted in certain circumstances, such as newspaper headlines and reduced relative clauses: Couple found slain; Murder-suicide suspected. The problem, unless dealt with, will only get worse. A person struck by lightning has a high chance of survival. With get as the auxiliary While the ordinary passive construction uses the auxiliary be, the same effect can sometimes be achieved using get in its place: Jamie got hit with the ball. This use of get is fairly restricted. First of all, it is fairly colloquial; be is used in news reports, formal writing, and so on. Second of all, it typically only forms eventive passives of eventive verbs. Third of all, it is most often (but not necessarily) used with semantically negative verbs; for example, the phrase get shot is much more common than the phrase get praised. Ergative verbs An ergative verb is a verb that may be either transitive or intransitive, and whose subject when it is intransitive plays the same semantic role as its direct object when it is transitive. For example, fly is an ergative verb, such that the following sentences are roughly synonymous: The airplane flew. The airplane was flown. [Someone] flew the airplane. One major difference is that the intransitive construction does not permit an agent to be mentioned, and indeed can imply that no agent is present, that the subject is performing the action on itself. For this reason, the intransitive construction of an ergative verb is often said to be in a middle voice, between active and passive, or in a mediopassive voice, between active and passive but closer to passive. Reflexive verbs A reflexive verb is a transitive verb one of whose objects is a reflexive pronoun (myself, yourself, etc.) referring back to its subject. In some languages, reflexive

verbs are a special class of verbs with special semantics and syntax, but in English, they typically represent ordinary uses of transitive verbs. For example, with the verb see: He sees her as a writer. She sees herself as a writer. Nonetheless, sometimes English reflexive verbs have a passive sense, expressing an agentless action. Consider the verb solve, as in the following sentences: He solved the problem. The problem solved itself. One could not say that the problem truly solved anything; rather, what is meant is that the problem was solved without anyone solving it. Gerunds and nominalization Gerunds and nominalized verbs (nouns derived from verbs and referring to the actions or states expressed by them), unlike finite verbs, do not require explicit subjects. This allows an object to be expressed while omitting a subject. For example: The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Generating electricity typically requires a magnet and a solenoid. Usage and style This section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. (help, get involved!) Any material not supported by sources may be challenged and removed at any time. Many English educators and usage guides, such as The Elements of Style, discourage the use or overuse of the passive voice, seeing it as unnecessarily verbose (when the agent is included in a by phrase), or as obscure and vague (when it is not). This perception is exacerbated by the occasional intentional use of the passive voice to avoid assigning blame, such as by replacing I made mistakes with Mistakes were made.

Nonetheless, the passive voice is frequently used for a number of other reasons: Certain verbs frequently appear in the passive for example, be born, be smitten, and be had are all more common in certain senses than their active counterparts though in many cases these might be better analyzed as adjectival passives (see above) than as true passives. The passive voice serves to emphasize the patient; if the agent is comparatively unimportant to the point, or if the agent is obvious from context, then the passive voice might serve a rhetorical purpose. Since in English, the subject nearly always comes before the object in a sentence, using the passive voice (i.e., promoting the patient from object to subject) moves the patient earlier in the sentence. If the patient has been mentioned in a previous sentence, this can serve as a marker of the connection between the two sentences. Scientific writing has traditionally used the passive voice rather than mentioning a researcher in every sentence; this may be changing, however. In journalistic writing and law, two areas where it can be essential to state only established facts, use of the passive voice allows uncertain agents to be omitted; again, however, use of the active voice is on the rise, with other mechanisms being used to avoid insupportable claims6. 2.3 Comparison of Voice category in English, Russian and Kyrgyz languages There are different points of view concerning the number of voices both in English and Russian. There is an opinion that there are 3 voices in Modern Russian: active, middle reflexive and passive. Grammatically we have only 2 voices in English; active and passive. (Boy reads the book. The book is read by the boy.) In the active voice the subject is the doer of an action while in the passive voice the subject is not the doer of an action. There are some group of verbs in MoR which are not used in the passive voice: 1) all the intransitive verbs without the suffix (, , ), 2) reflexive verbs built upon intransitive ones

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(, ), 3) some verbs with the suffix having a special meaning (- , -). The specific feature of the English language is that the Passive voice may be formed the verbs connected with the indirect object. (She gave me a book. I was given a book by her. adv.modifier.) Let us compare the number of active-passive oppositions in both languages. We see that Russian have two: - . In English we have 10 active-passive opposition. The forms of the Future Continues, Present Perfect Continues, Past Perfect Continues, Future Perfect Continues are not used in the Passive Voice. The category of voice is closely connected with the text ( , ). The instrumental case in Russian corresponds to the by-phrase in English. When the Past Particle expresses a state Active voice, when it expresses the action Passive voice. The action is emphasized by the by-phrase, the adv.modifier and sometimes by the form itself. The continues perfect forms usually emphasize an action (the door has been shut The category of Voice expresses relations between the subject and the object of the action or between the subject and the action. The opposition of the passive form of the verb to the active form of the verb expresses the voice of the English Verb. E.g.: writes - is written. The passive form is the strong member of the opposition. On the plane of expression it is marked by the combination of the auxiliary be with the Past Participle of the notional verb. The active form as a weak member of the opposition expresses "non-passivity". The Active Voice shows that the subject of the sentence is the doer of the action. The Passive Voice shows that the subject is acted upon. The agent may be expressed in the sentence and it's usually introduced with the help of the preposition by. E.g.: The book is written by a young writer. The sentence with the passive voice may include a means of the action, which is introduced, with the help of the conjunction with. Ex. The book is covered with a newspaper. The category of voice has a much broader

representation in the system of the English verb than in the system of the Russian verb, since in English not only transitive but also intransitive verbs can be used. In accord with their relation to the passive voice, all the verbs can be divided into 2 large sets: the set of passivized verbs and the set of non-passivized verbs. In particular the passive is alien to many verbs of the statal subclass, such as have, belong, cost, resemble, fail, misgive, etc. The demarcation line between the passivized and non-passivized set is not rigid, and the verbs of the non-passivized set may migrate into the passivized set in various contexts. E.g.: The bed has not been slept in. The house seems not to have been lived in. Sometimes the opposition between 2 forms may be reduced. It means that the verb may be used in the Active Voice form with the meaning of the Passive Voice. Usually we observe it with medial verbs and some authors speak of the medial Voice. The matter is that verbs may be transitive (which require a subject and an object) and intransitive (which do not require an object) because an action of the verb is directed at a subject. E.g.: He reads a book. She smiled. Medial verbs do not require any subject but as the English sentence requires that the position of the subject should be filled in, then the object fills in the position of the subject. E.g.: The book sells well. The passive voice indicates that the action of a sentence or phrase is performed ON the subject, and not BY the subject. The passive is usually formed by the addition of the reflexive suffix to the end of the verb: - (pronounced "") after consonants, or - after vowels, while any words that indicate who or what is performing the action take the instrumental case. So, for instance, Active: ? -- "Where do they sell computers?" Passive: ? "Where are computers sold?" In theory, most verbs can be used as such, but a number are rarely, if ever seen anywhere. It should be noted, however, that the use of the suffix -/- is not primarily for use in the passive voice, even if that is where it is often seen. There are two

groups of verbs that also use the same ending. The first are so-called "reflexive verbs" which always have -/- regardless of logic. The other, and more numerous group are those verbs that are transtive (that must take a direct object) but used in a context that does not have one This does not include cases where the object has been noted in a previous construction. Usage of the passive voice in Russian versus that of English also brings up the issue of word order, which is much freer in Russian than in English, and so while the passive voice is often used in English to change the word order, you can do the same in Russian while keeping the active voice. That is not to say that passive constructions are rare in Russian; they are quite often used in regular speech, particularly statements of want, need or like, along with various indirect or impersonal constructions. Nonetheless, there are a few general rules and trends that may help in deciding what to put where: Prepositions must be placed before the noun or pronoun it is tied to; adjectives can be placed in between them, but the preposition must come before the noun or pronoun. Information that is emphasized or that is newly introduced by the sentence goes at or near the end. If the object of a sentence is a pronoun, word order is usually subject-objectverb; if the object is a noun, order is typically subject-verb-object. Thus while theoretically more or less any order of words is possible, as noted in the section on inflection, deviation from the subject-verb-object or subject-objectverb structure is rare outside of prose and poetry. As it is in any language, the less complex the sentence structure the greater chances of being understood in full.


CONCLUSION Having analyzed the voice category in three languages I have come to the following conclusion: As a result of the analysis of voice category in English, Russian and Kyrgyz languages, it is revealed that the category of voice is presented in language through the originality of verbal semantics finds expression in complexity and high degree of the semantic structure. Passive Voice of English language has the following conformities of meanings in Kyrgyz language: certain action with adjunct words, which will happen after moment of speech = action, which will happen in the nearest future; future real action in conditional clauses in complex sentences with subordinate of real condition means action, which necessarily will happen in Future under the given condition; future action in relation to the past moment = usual real actions, relating to the plan of Past, in narrative form of speech; action, which will happen till the certain moment in future = action which must happen soon, and its initial stage sometimes action, which could be carried out, if condition was carried out; it is used in the subordinate clauses when verb in the main clause is in Past time - can transfer usual, repeating actions in the past in the narrative form of speech. In Kyrgyz language there are no conformities to the following meanings, such as: indefinite action in future; simultaneous action with the word when. And in English language there is no conformity to the following meaning of passive Voice of Kyrgyz language: action, which will happen in far future, or will happen in general, as it is predetermined by the Present. Past tense of passive Voice is analyzed by us in three forms of usage in English language: Past Indefinite Form of Passive Voice (Past Indefinite Passive); Past Continuous Form of passive Voice (Past Continuous Passive); Past Perfect Form of Passive Voice (Past Perfect Passive). And in Kyrgyz language Past Tense of Passive Voice is expressed in seven forms: Past Definite Tense ( ); Past Indefinite Tense ( ); Past Subjective Tense ( ); Past Continuous

Tense ( ); Pluperfect Definite Tense ( ); Pluperfect Indefinite Tense ( ); Pluperfect Continuous Tense ( ). Carried out research helped to extend and expand available now report on the aspectual tense relations of Passive Voice and their transformations. We have been focused on the transformation of Passive Voice in English language, while translating and transferring them into Kyrgyz language. There have been revealed similarities and distinctions in the form, meaning and use of Passive Voice, such as: 1.Cases of use Present Indefinite Passive and Kyrgyz in many cases coincide, excluding those where verbs can express actions in Past Tense, which study will lead to theoretical generalizations in translation science and in typology of German and Turkic languages. 2.Analysis shows that Passive Voice in compared languages is oftener used in Past Tense, more rare in present and very rare in Future. . In the English language Passive Voice is often used in Past Indefinite and Past Perfect forms, and in Kyrgyz language in Past Definite and Pluperfectforms. 4. Tense forms of Passive Voice are multiple valued both in English and Kyrgyz languages. 5. Aspect tense system of Passive Voice in English language transferred into Kyrgyz language by different ways: ) Passive Voice ( ), ) Basic Voice ( ), ) Reflexive Voice ( ), ) Causative Voice ( ), ) Combined Voice ( ) and other means of Kyrgyz language. They help to transfer considerable quantity of various colours, which meanings are reached with the help of additional lexical means and context. Therefore while transferring aspect tense forms of Passive Voice from one language into another, essential distinctions are turned out, which are caused by specifity of different system languages, but never, they have such phenomena, which make them typologically similar.

Revealed typological comparison on the basis of English Passive Voice translation into Russian and Kyrgyz languages in Past Tense presented as follows. Thus, the made work allows planning some prospects for the further linguistic studying Voice category in such different languages as English, Kyrgyz and Russian languages. In each language there are similarities, and as we have seen differences in the above-stated examples. I think that the work written by me has achieved the object. I hope, results of my work will satisfy everyone, and the material will be used in reports, abstracts, and course papers.


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