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Lahore Business School

Dissertation Report (Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited Contact Center Lahore)

Dissertation Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION By Muhammad Awais Safdar Reg. No. MBA 02093097

Muhammad Waqas Shabbir Reg. No. MBA 02093136

Faculty of Management Sciences LAHORE BUSINESS SCHOOL Lahore, Pakistan Semester Fall 2011


Lahore Business School

No doubt happy employees are more productive for an organization and these employees become loyal with an organization when they facilitate by their organization. Organization is just like a mother which simply cares. In this research we cover some important aspects through which we can understand Job Dissatisfaction, to understand this term we chose PTCL Contact Center Lahore. For the data collection we use primary data and distribute 75 questioners within the contact center.


Lahore Business School


All acclamation to Allah who has empowered and enabled us to accomplish the task successfully. First of all we would like to thank our Allah Almighty who really helps us in every problem during the project. We would like to express our sincere and humble gratitude to Almighty whos Blessings, help and guidance has been a real source of all our achievements in our life. We would like to admit that we completed this project due to parents who pray for our success. We also wish to express our appreciation to our project advisor Sir Aasim Niamat Gill who helps us and introduce us to new dimensions of Professional life and Human Resource Management. Last but not the least our team efforts, support, cooperation and encouragement showed by my copartner Muhammad Waqas Shabbir.


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Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................ 3 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 5 Profile of the telecom industry in Pakistan ................................................................................................... 6 Introduction of PTCL Contact Center Lahore .............................................................................................. 7 Recent Management of CC Laahore ......................................................................................................... 7 PTCL Contact Center Hierarchy ................................................................................................................... 7 Abstract/Literature Review ........................................................................................................................... 8 Problem Statement ........................................................................................................................................ 8 Research Methodology ................................................................................................................................. 9 Data Sources ............................................................................................................................................. 9 Primary Data: ........................................................................................................................................ 9 Secondary Data: .................................................................................................................................... 9 Sample Population: ................................................................................................................................... 9 Sample Size:.............................................................................................................................................. 9 Sample Method: ........................................................................................................................................ 9 Instrument: ................................................................................................................................................ 9 Method: ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 Techniques for data analysis: .................................................................................................................... 9 Results ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 Demographic Analysis: ........................................................................................................................... 10 Reliability Test:....................................................................................................................................... 11 Result of the Questioner.............................................................................................................................. 13 Limitation of Research ................................................................................................................................ 21 SUGGESTIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 22 References:.................................................................................................................................................. 23


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Job Dissatisfaction In PTCL CC Lahore

Happy employees are productive employees. Happy employees are not productive employees. We hear these conflicting statements made by HR professionals and managers in organizations. There is confusion and debate among practitioners on the topic of job satisfaction even at a time when employees are increasingly important for organizational success and competitiveness. According to Meyer (1999), most South African employees experience a lack of job satisfaction resulting in a low level of employee commitment that, in turn, impacts on performance and the achievement of organizational goals. The symptoms of these problems result in low productivity, high absenteeism, labour unrest, industrial action and high labour turnover. The current situation in the public sector in South Africa is not dissimilar. Public sector employees are faced with a multitude of factors that impact on effective and efficient service delivery. Meyer, M., Mabaso, J., & Lancaster, K. (2002). ETD practices in South Africa. Durban: Butterworths. Ting (1997) states that empirical evidence consistently indicates that job characteristics such as pay satisfaction, opportunities for promotion, task clarity and relationships with co-workers and supervisors have significant effects on job satisfaction of government employees. In support, a study conducted by Ellickson and Logsdon (2002) reflected that job satisfaction of public sector employees was significantly influenced by perceptions of employee satisfaction in terms of pay, promotional opportunities, relationships with supervisors, employees performance management systems and fringe benefits. Ting, Y. (1997). Determinants of job satisfaction of federal government employees. Public Personnel Management, 26(3), 313-334. Another study conducted by Pohlmann (1999) found that public sector employees indicated dissatisfaction with supervision, communication and pay. However, a survey conducted by Schneider and Vaught (1993) indicated that lower skilled public sector employees place more emphasis on factors such as achievement, growth, the work itself and recognition while public sector professionals indicated extrinsic factors such as management policies and rules, job security, pay, supervision and working conditions to be important. Pohlmann, C. (1999). Study on workplace satisfaction in private, public sectors. Retrieved April 15, 2005, from:


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Profile of the telecom industry in Pakistan

For years, Pakistan's telecom sector has been flourished tremendously, seemingly stuck in the mid-20th century. From 2.1 phones per 100 Pakistanis in 1999, the number of fixed lines has crept up to just 2.9 per 100 today. And while cellular has been more dynamic and rapid, only about 5% of Pakistanis have cell phones. All that is about to change in the technology and mind set of the people in Pakistan. The government is taking Pakistan's telecom future seriously and has deregulated the sector. As a result, scores of new private entrants are gearing up to provide service, and since June cellular subscriptions have shot up by 56%, to 7 million -- making Pakistan one of the fastest-growing cellular markets. Within the next 18 months the number of phone lines -- both fixed and mobile -- in Pakistan is expected to double. "It's an absolute revolution. Companies from as far away as Norway company names Telenor has been tempted by Pakistan and its population of 140 million. Since July, 2003, regulators have handed out more than 200 fixed, mobile, and long-distance licenses to some 50 companies. Although there will surely be a shakeout with so many new entrants, officials believe operators will pour as much as $8 billion into networks and equipment over the next five years, compared with just $1.5 billion since 1999. Karachi-based telecard Ltd., for instance, in January launched a $200 million fixed-wireless network, and expects to have 2 million subscribers within three years. Adding to the competition will be a privatized Pakistan Telecommunications Company. The statecontrolled carrier that had a monopoly until last year. After four years of often rancorous discussion, Islamabad in November finally settled on a plan to sell off a controlling 26% stake to investors by mid2005. Current management is already gearing up to take on the new rivals. The company plans to add 2.4 million lines by June, increasing its capacity by 50%. And over the past year, PTCL has cut rates twice, though new entrants have proposed prices that are even lower.


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Introduction of PTCL Contact Center Lahore

PTCL Contact center Lahore is one of the main customer service centers of PTCL, it started its operations in early 2005. Its was organized with limited recourses and that era of PTCL was very bad but PTCL contact center provide healthy support and dedication toward customer retention and gain, thats why PTCL declared 2009 a year of customer gain. PTCL contact center has following Departments, including HR Department, IT Department, CC Support, Validation Department, Quality Assurance, Training & Development and Operations.

Recent Management of CC Laahore

EVP of PTCL CC (Mr Junaid Azeem) Senior Manager (Mr Naveed Akhtar) Manager Operations (Mr Shahid Sadique) Assistant Manager (Sir Welim) Floor Supervisor (Sir Qasim Aly/ Haroom Hamid) Team Leader Customer Service Executive

PTCL Contact Center Hierarchy

Executive Vice President Senior Manager CC Lhr Senior Manager CC Isb Senior Manager CC Karachi

Assistent Manager

Manager Operations Floor Supervisor TL Operations

Backup TL



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Abstract/Literature Review
The existing literature clearly shows a job dissatisfaction of PTCL CC Lahore employees. The difference in people and their work certainly contributes to the differences in how the stress symptoms can manifest. Sources of stress in a particular job, combined with individual personality characteristics may be appear in a variety of forms. These forms include job dissatisfaction, mental ill health, physical ill health (including high blood pressure), burnout, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal disorders, accident occurrence, smoking and substance abuse, social/emotional problems, reduced productivity and absenteeism. A survey of almost 75 PTCL CC employees found that most of the employees are dissatisfied with their jobs due to many reasons that include job security, low salary, job timings, job stress, wrong HR Policies, career development and many other reasons. Males reported more indigestion, ulcers, distrustful feelings, increased blood pressure, increased smoking and/or alcohol abuse, while female workers reported significantly more continual tiredness, cramps, headaches, and sleeplessness. Most of workers identified management issues such as lack of communication and consultation, increased workload, restructuring and organizational change, and lack of job security as the most stressful conditions at work. Research I examined repeatedly focused on Job Dissatisfaction as primary factors in causing negative effects by subjecting employees to role conflict, poor communication and not allowing them to participate in making decisions. These effects appear to become dysfunctional and compromise employee health especially when management exacerbates the problems.

Problem Statement
The selected Topic was A STUDY ON LEVEL OF JOB DISSATISFACTION In PTCL CC LAHORE It is said that satisfied employee is a productive employee, any kind of grievance relating to organizational or personal to a greater extent influence on the job. So every organization is giving higher priority to keep their employees with satisfaction by providing several facilities which improves satisfaction and which reduces dissatisfaction. Job Satisfaction is considered as a key issue by the entrepreneur where efforts are taken and programs are initiated. If an employee is not satisfied with the job there are chances for absenteeism, Job turnover, lower productivity. Committing of mistakes, diverting energy for different types of conflicts keeping this thing in view all organizations are trying to identify the areas where satisfaction to be improved to get out of the above dangers . In this connection a survey was conducted on behalf of KMF Limited to identify the level of satisfaction in terms of strongly agree to strongly disagree on various job related factors.


Lahore Business School

Research Methodology
There are 3 types, they are: Explorative Descriptive Experimental Descriptive methodology is used in the present study. Data Sources Primary Data: The Primary data was collected from the respondents by administering a structured questionnaire and also through observations, interviews & discussion with Management team. Further More I (Muhammad Awais Safdar) have 8 months experience of Job in PTCL CC as a CSE. Secondary Data: Apart from Primary data, the secondary data is being collected through Text books, meeting with Senior Manager of CC Lahore Sir Naveed, Journals from Library, Academic Reports, and Internet, used for this study. Sample Population: There are approximately 600 employees working in the CC Lahore. Sample Size: Out of the total population, the sample taken among respondents from the CC Lahore is 75. Sampling Area: The research was conducted at CC Lahore 1236 Employees. Sample Method: The research was made by the survey in accordance to the convenience of the employees. So the sample type is convenience sampling. TOOLS USED FOR ANALYSIS Instrument: A structured Questionnaire is used, and the type of questionnaire is target questions. Method: The research was conducted by using contact methods through Questionnaire, Interview and Observation. The information was collected from the employees of PTCL CC Lahore only. Techniques for data analysis: The data is analyzed with Simple analysis technique .The data tool is percentage method.


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Percentage method is used in making comparison between two or more criteria. This method is used to describe relationship. Percentage of Respondents = No. Of Respondents/ Total no of Respondents X 100

Percentage of Respondents = 68/75*100 90% response rate

Demographic Analysis:
1. In term of gender, females 42%, males are 58%.

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Male 58% Female 42% Gender

2. In term of age, 86.8% are 20-30 years old, 10.3% are 31-40 years old and 2.9% are 40-50.


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Age (Year)
100 80 60 40 20 0 20-30 31-40 41-50 10.3 2.9 Age (Year) 86.8

3. For our primary data source we select PTCL CC and primary data was collected 36.76% from DSL, 48.53% from WLL, 7.36% from PSTN and 7.35 % from R&A.

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 DSL WLL PSTN RNA 7.36 7.35 36.76 48.53


Reliability Test:
We check the reliability of our two scales by finding their Cronbachs alphas. The Cronbachs alphas for our two scales are: Reliability Statistics


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Cronbach's Alpha .044

N of Items 2

Result: 1. Table 1 above show the Cronbachs alphas value for Job Dissatisfaction is 0.44.


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Result of the Questioner

Table 1: I feel that i am valued by this organization Frequency Percent Valid Agree Strongly agree Disagree 16 13 18 23.5 19.1 26.5 22.1 8.8 100.0 Cumulative Valid Percent Percent 23.5 19.1 26.5 22.1 8.8 100.0 23.5 42.6 69.1 91.2 100.0

Strongly disagree 15 Don't know Total 6 68

Result: Table 1 shows that most of the employees are dissatisfied by giving their opinion in a way that organization is not giving value to the employees.

Table 2: I received adequate training to do my job well Frequency Percent Valid Agree Strongly agree Disagree 28 19 12 41.2 27.9 17.6 7.4 5.9 100.0 Cumulative Valid Percent Percent 41.2 27.9 17.6 7.4 5.9 100.0 41.2 69.1 86.8 94.1 100.0

Strongly disagree 5 Don't know Total 4 68

Result: Table shows the training is good in PTCL CC to meet the KPIs.


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Table 3: My work activities are personally meaningful to me Frequency Percent Valid Agree Strongly agree Disagree 17 22 16 25.0 32.4 23.5 13.2 5.9 100.0 Cumulative Valid Percent Percent 25.0 32.4 23.5 13.2 5.9 100.0 25.0 57.4 80.9 94.1 100.0

Strongly disagree 9 Don't know Total 4 68

Result: Most of the employees think that their work activities are meaningful to them.

Table 4: Other people view my job as a valuable profession Frequency Percent Valid Agree Strongly agree Disagree 23 8 18 33.8 11.8 26.5 16.2 11.8 100.0 Cumulative Valid Percent Percent 33.8 11.8 26.5 16.2 11.8 100.0 33.8 45.6 72.1 88.2 100.0

Strongly disagree 11 Don't know Total 8 68

Result: Most employees (45.6%) agree that this profession is valuable profession which means we can retain people by making good HR policies.


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Table 5: I am satisfied with the why that this organization is managed Frequency Percent Valid Agree Strongly agree Disagree 19 4 26 27.9 5.9 38.2 23.5 4.4 100.0 Cumulative Valid Percent Percent 27.9 5.9 38.2 23.5 4.4 100.0 27.9 33.8 72.1 95.6 100.0

Strongly disagree 16 Don't know Total 3 68

Result: Most of employees are in view that organization is not managed so their suggestions should be valued.

Table 6:

I am satisfied with my income Frequency Percent Valid Agree Strongly agree Disagree 5 8 22 7.4 11.8 32.4 44.1 4.4 100.0 Cumulative Valid Percent Percent 7.4 11.8 32.4 44.1 4.4 100.0 7.4 19.1 51.5 95.6 100.0

Strongly disagree 30 Don't know Total 3 68

Result: Almost 77% employees are not satisfied with their salaries.


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Table 7: I have ample opportunities for advancement in this profession Frequency Percent Valid Agree Strongly agree Disagree 16 7 22 23.5 10.3 32.4 19.1 14.7 100.0 Cumulative Valid Percent Percent 23.5 10.3 32.4 19.1 14.7 100.0 23.5 33.8 66.2 85.3 100.0

Strongly disagree 13 Don't know Total 10 68

Result: More than 50% employees think that they are not getting advancement in this career that is a cause of job dissatisfaction.

Table 8: This job demands too much,(physically ,emotionally, mentally) Frequency Percent Valid Agree Strongly agree Disagree 14 31 14 20.6 45.6 20.6 7.4 5.9 100.0 Cumulative Valid Percent Percent 20.6 45.6 20.6 7.4 5.9 100.0 20.6 66.2 86.8 94.1 100.0

Strongly disagree 5 Don't know Total 4 68

Result: 66% or more than PTCL CC employees consider this job a tough one that demands too much (physically, emotionally, mentally).


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Table 9: I am fully able to use my skill in this position Frequency Percent Valid Agree Strongly agree Disagree 15 14 21 22.1 20.6 30.9 17.6 8.8 100.0 Cumulative Valid Percent Percent 22.1 20.6 30.9 17.6 8.8 100.0 22.1 42.6 73.5 91.2 100.0

Strongly disagree 12 Don't know Total 6 68

Result: There is a mix result regarding employee skills that they can use in their positions.

Table 10: I make pretty good money compared to other in this field Frequency Percent Valid Agree Strongly agree Disagree 21 3 24 30.9 4.4 35.3 26.5 2.9 100.0 Cumulative Valid Percent Percent 30.9 4.4 35.3 26.5 2.9 100.0 30.9 35.3 70.6 97.1 100.0

Strongly disagree 18 Don't know Total 2 68

Result: More than 62% employees think that they are not getting good salary as compared to other telecom sector.


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Table 11: I believe that my supervisor care deeply for me and for our clients Frequency Percent Valid Agree Strongly agree Disagree 23 19 13 33.8 27.9 19.1 5.9 13.2 100.0 Cumulative Valid Percent Percent 33.8 27.9 19.1 5.9 13.2 100.0 33.8 61.8 80.9 86.8 100.0

Strongly disagree 4 Don't know Total 9 68

Result: More than 60% employees consider their supervisor a caring one for them. Table 12: The work i do is interesting Frequency Percent Valid Agree Strongly agree Disagree 30 12 19 44.1 17.6 27.9 4.4 5.9 100.0 Cumulative Valid Percent Percent 44.1 17.6 27.9 4.4 5.9 100.0 44.1 61.8 89.7 94.1 100.0

Strongly disagree 3 Don't know Total 4 68

Result: Most employees consider their work an interesting one.


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Table 13:

This job adds significant pressure and anxiety to my life Frequency Percent Valid Agree Strongly agree Disagree 15 25 16 22.1 36.8 23.5 10.3 7.4 100.0 Cumulative Valid Percent Percent 22.1 36.8 23.5 10.3 7.4 100.0 22.1 58.8 82.4 92.6 100.0

Strongly disagree 7 Don't know Total 5 68

Result: More than 58% employees have a feeling that this job disturbs their life so much.

Table 14: I am satisfied with the benefits offered to me through this job Frequency Percent Valid Agree Strongly agree Disagree 9 2 27 13.2 2.9 39.7 38.2 5.9 100.0 Cumulative Valid Percent Percent 13.2 2.9 39.7 38.2 5.9 100.0 13.2 16.2 55.9 94.1 100.0

Strongly disagree 26 Don't know Total 4 68

Result: 78% employees are not satisfied with the benefits offered to them.


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Table 15: I am satisfied with the ergonomics(monitors ,consuls.ctc)rive to me Frequency Percent Valid agree Strongly agree disagree 11 7 25 16.2 10.3 36.8 30.9 5.9 100.0 Cumulative Valid Percent Percent 16.2 10.3 36.8 30.9 5.9 100.0 16.2 26.5 63.2 94.1 100.0

Strongly disagree 21 don't know Total 4 68

Results: Most of the employees are not satisfied with the operational tools like monitors etc.


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Limitation of Research
The study is conducted only in PTCL CC Lahore. Due to the limitation of the time the research could not be made more detailed. Due to confidentiality of some information accurate response was not revealed by some of the respondent Some of the replies of the respondents may be biased. Respondents had marked the answers in questionnaires which may be socially incorrect irrespective of their actual feelings. We develop our own questioner instead of following the format so there is a possibility of error in accurate result.


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After conducting a study on job dissatisfaction among the employees at PTCL CC Lahore I have identified some facts based on questionnaire & interview. This may help the company to increase the satisfaction level of the employees. Job satisfaction is an important criterion in Telecommunication industry. It is a very important determinant of the rate the turnover for any given organization. Job dissatisfaction by itself is a largely effected by the attitude of employees towards monetary and nonmonetary rewards. The study conducted to investigate the interdependence of these variables has led to findings and conclusions as presented in the report. Based on those findings the following suggestions have been made. In order to keep employees satisfied and retain them organizations should adopt the following practices: Training programmers should be conducted for both personal as well as technical development. Management should recognize talents and encourage them to grow in the organization. Use scientific methods to align jobs this will improve the satisfaction level in case of work load. Reduce working hours at least by 30 min to 1hour to motivate the employees. To provide more carrier opportunity promotional policy should be restructured. Follow more open door communication policy. Organize trips, family meet and fun games at work. Use modern machines, sanitation etc. To improve the physical environment. Give more attention for performance linked pay structure. Adopt modern technology which is highly competitive. Organization can try and increase the level of workers participation in decision making. More attention should be given for overall development of employees welfare facilities. Organization can motivate individual through proper counseling and guidance. Organization may consider for arranging transportation facilities. Majority of the employees feel that wage & salary provided to them may have to be considered for hike. So the company may consider of increasing it. Individual attention to employees regarding health matters may be considered on priority basis. Better communication may yield some more results. Make senior management more friendly with subordinates. Provide transport facilities so that the feel good and they reach office at right time. Improve quality of canteen. Improve working conditions. Try to give timely incentives to employees to motivate financially.


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References: Meyer, M., Mabaso, J., & Lancaster, K. (2002). ETD practices in South Africa. Durban: Butterworths. Ting, Y. (1997). Determinants of job satisfaction of federal government employees. Public Personnel Management, 26(3), 313-334. Pohlmann, C. (1999). Study on workplace satisfaction in private, public sectors. Retrieved April 15, 2005, from: Interview with PTCL CC Lahores Senior Manager Sir Naveed Akhtar.


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