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Neil Z.

Miller (Bio)

Neil Z. Miller is a medical research journalist and natural health advocate.

He is the author of numerous articles and books on vaccines, including Vaccine
Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners (2008),
the updated and revised Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? (2008),
Vaccines, Autism and Childhood Disorders (2003), Immunizations: The
People Speak! (1998), and Immunization Theory Versus Reality (1995). He
is a frequent guest on radio and TV talk shows, including PBS, Donahue, and
Montel Williams, where he is often seen and heard debating doctors and other
health officials. Mr. Miller has a degree in psychology, is a member of Mensa
(the international high IQ society), and is the director of the Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute
( He lives in Northern New Mexico with his family.

Mr. Miller began his crusade against mandatory vaccines when his son was born. Very little data could
be found on this topic. His search for the truth led him to scientific journals. There he discovered numerous
studies warning medical practitioners that vaccines are often unsafe and ineffective. His shock and anger
at the suppression of this information culminated in his passionate advocacy of health freedom and informed
parenting options.

Neil Miller is a health pioneer who presented documentation about vaccine safety and efficacy problems
long before these concerns were made public. For example, several years ago he complained about toxic
mercury being put into childhood vaccines and provided evidence linking vaccines and autism. During
the past decade, cases of autism skyrocketed by more than 500 percent in countries that use the MMR
vaccine. In some parts of the United States, one of every 150 children is autistic. Recently, Congress
commanded the FDA to remove mercury from vaccines, and new studies by world-renowned scientists
confirmed an MMR-autism link.

Despite the many problems uncovered in Mr. Miller’s research, he does not tell parents to reject the

Every year, more than 12,000 people in the United States formally report serious adverse reactions to mandated
vaccines. Many of these cases of vaccine damage occur in infants and children. The FDA estimates that this represents
just 10 percent of the true rate. Yet, even these figures pale in comparison to the number of cases of new diseases
now being scientifically linked to inoculations: MMR and autism, polio vaccines and cancer, the hepatitis B vaccine
and multiple sclerosis, the Hib vaccine and diabetes, to name just a few. This is why I am opposed to mandatory
vaccines. I do not recommend for or against the shots. I want everyone to think through this enigmatic and controversial
subject on their own. I believe that parents are capable of obtaining the facts and making knowledgeable choices
regarding the care and welfare of their children.

Mr. Miller has publicly debated the pros and cons of mandatory vaccines with several pediatricians
and other health practitioners, including the chief medical epidemiologist for the National Immunization
program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). He conducts lectures throughout
the United States and is available to discuss his research on vaccines.

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