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Understand the Secret Language of Trees....

Capture energy, align your intent, and deliver a transformation through the wisdom inherent in wood.
Sounds fantastic, but primal people the world over venerate trees as a living symbol of their dreams and aspirations and, of Life itself. For not only in its abundant generosity towards humanity, but also in its universal symbolism of metaphysical principles, every tree is an offshoot of the World Tree, (the Ygdrasill in Norse mythology) that grows the world over, in every climate under the all seeing Sun. Modern society values the tree for little more than its market value, but our primal ancestors also knew a great deal about the world they lived in, and applied that knowledge accordingly. If some of those ancient applications should again come to light, would it not be of value? If you could capture a piece of your primal past, focus the secret wisdom, knowledge, and power inherent in a simple piece of wood, would you? Apple is the symbol of beauty, innocence and youth. It is the tree of regeneration and eternal life. The apples most common use is in love spells. The blossoms can be used in sachets, potions, incenses and candles. The apple is one of the foods of the dead, and might be offered to the dead on Samhain. Magick wands that have strong connections with the emotions and love can be made from apple wood. Ash is known as the tree of strength of purpose, and wisdom. It represents the Ygdrasill, the Norse Tree of Life and the Universe. It is a tree ally that can be used for prophesy and visions. Ash sometimes represents the power which resides in water. To ward off evil, hang a staff carved of ash over your doorpost. Healing wands and brooms can be made from the wood, and poppets can be carved from the roots. Place ash leaves beneath your pillow to induce psychic dreams. Ash leaves can also be carried for general good fortune. Bacote is known as the tree of divination, wisdom, and clearing. It is native to Mexico, Central America and the West Indies. The tree is very small and precious, and normally is only found in 5 to 15 inch diameter trees. The wood is very dense and rich, and has many properties similar to Rosewood. Canarywood is known as the tree of strength, and affinity. It is a native of Panama, Ecuador and Southern Brazil. Within it's golden hue, this wood retains the qualities of the sun and fire. Cocobolo is known as the tree of strength, and endurance. It originates along the Pacific coast of Central Mexico and central America; it is a tough tree in an airy coastal environment. It is a true rosewood variety, and gorgeous to behold! Ebony is the most powerful magical wood. An Ebony wand gives the magician pure, unadulterated power. Ebony is believed to be the darkest wood in the world, it is black wood with hints of deep to lighter brown. It is an extremely dense wood that will sink

in water. Ebony comes from the continent of Africa, growing in the primeval landscape of Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon and Zaire. Lignum Vitae is an exceptionally powerful magical wood. It has strong protective and healing properties and is a very powerful wood. It is the "Wood of Life" and is the heaviest and densest wood in the world. An evergreen tree, indigenous to the West Indies, it has a twisted trunk, opposite oval compound leaves are blue flowers. It is the national tree of Jamaica. The wood is one of the hardest; has several fats and resins that makes it self lubricating and almost impervious to water. The acrid-tasting, brownish resin contained in the heartwood has both medicinal and no medicinal applications. One highly dramatic non-medicinal use is, combined with an alcohol solution, the resin turns blue when it comes into contact with bloodstains. Thus, it has served the police in finding bloodstains that might go undetected. In recent times, scientists have found that two of the resin's most active ingredients, guaiaretic and guaiaconic acids, are effective anti-inflammatory agents, local stimulants, and laxatives. Because of the anti-inflammatory property, the substances are used in pharmaceutical preparations for sore throats and for inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Maple is known as the tree of enchantment. It is famous for its unique properties and is used to generate abundace, and imaginative energy. This wand is a companion wood for a person full of imagination and originality, who hungers for excitement and new experiences. Oak The King of the Forest. Druids and others worshiped and taught the Mysteries under the oaks- the oak assists in rites of magickal protection, power collection, power focusing, and spells of stability. An oak tree is an excellent ally in learning the ways of magick- if you can, study the craft while sitting with your oak allies. Burn oak leaves for purification. Carry acorns for immortality and longevity, for fertility, and for protection against illness. Carry an amulet made of the wood for protection and good luck, and powerful wands of protection are made of Oak. Rosewood is the wood of love, and of gentle healing, especially of the emotions and psyche. The rich, deep red, brown and black wood grain creates a special wand. Rosewood is actually not of the rose bush, but instead it is a member of the evergreen family, which bear yellow flowers and red wood. It is a local wood of the Amazon. The essential oil is extremely gentle to the skin, and holds antidepressant, antiseptic, bactericidal, tonic and aphrodisiac qualities to it. Rosewood is the wood of love, and of gentle healing, especially of the emotions and psyche. The rich, deep red, brown and black wood grain creates a special wand. Rosewood is actually not of the rose bush, but instead it is a member of the evergreen family, which bear yellow flowers and red wood. It is a local wood of the Amazon. The essential oil is extremely gentle to the skin, and holds antidepressant, antiseptic, bactericidal, tonic and aphrodisiac qualities to it. Tulipwood is known as the tree of love, and passion. It is best used in magick that involves love in an esoteric and sexual context. It is a tropical wood, originating in Brazil- it flourishes near Bahia and Pernambuco. The tree is small, with a twisting trunk, and the name tulipwood most likely comes

from the tulip-like colors found in the heartwood. The heartwood of the tree is a gorgeous mix of pinkish-yellow with a striped figure comprised of salmon reds, yellows and violet, especially appropriate sex magick! Walnut is known as the tree of intuition, and a walnut wand provides healing, mental powers, and protection. It is a perfect companion wood for the magician who is uncompromising in his intention, strong willed, not always liked, but always respected. A very uncommon and uncompromising tree! Willow is known as the tree of creativity, and fertility. Sitting peacefully in a grove of graceful, feminine willows will provide artistic inspiration, prophesy, and eloquence. Sacred to Goddesses of the Moon, a willow is an invaluable ally to creative artists of all kinds. The willow symbolizes flexibility and growth. Carry a charm made of willow to attract love, use to make wands of artistic inspiration. Use the leaves, bark and wood in healing and love spells. Willow is known as the tree of creativity, and fertility. Sitting peacefully in a grove of graceful, feminine willows will provide artistic inspiration, prophesy, and eloquence. Sacred to Goddesses of the Moon, a willow is an invaluable ally to creative artists of all kinds. The willow symbolizes flexibility and growth. Carry a charm made of willow to attract love, use to make wands of artistic inspiration. Use the leaves, bark and wood in healing and love spells. Wejee's has a stock of rare wood wands, hand crafted by Pagan artisans and charged with the intent to empower intensify and illuminate it's human partner with focus, the ability to act and transform. Wejees also has crystal and precious metal wands as well as HUNDREDS of books on every kind of magick! Wicca, Celtic, Norse, Egyptian, whatever your path in Life, we can help to get you on the road to Success, Love and Enlightenment!

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