05 - Concept Generation

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Developed in collaboration with Gavin Zau.
EXHIBIT 1 An exist ing hand-held nailer lor the prolessional market. (Courtesy Senco
Products .)
The president of a tool manufacturing cornpany i:ommissioned a team lo
develop a new hand-held nailer for the high-end consumer market. One of sev-
eral currently available pneurnatic tools for the professional market is shown in
Exhibit 1. The mission of the team was to consider broadly alternative product
concepts, assuming only that the tool would employ conventional nails as the
basic fastening technology. After identifying a set of customer needs and estab-
lishing target product specifi cations, the team faced the following questions:
What existing solution concepts, if any, could be successfully adapted for
this application?
What new concepts might satisfy the established needs and specifications?
What methods can be used to facilitate the concept generation process?
A product concept is an approximate description of the technology, working
principIes, and form of the product. It is a concise description of how the prod-
uct will satisfy the customer needs. A concept is usually expressed as a sketch or
as a rough three-dimensional model and is often accompanied by a brief textu-
al description. The degree to which a product satisfies customers and can be suc-
cessfully commercialized depends to a large measure on the quality of the under-
lying concepto A good concept is sometimes poorly implemented in subsequent
development phases, but a poor concept can rarely be manipulated to achieve
commercial success. Fortunately, concept generation is relatively inexpensive
and can be done relatively quickly in comparison to the rest of the development
process. For example, concept generation had typically consumed less than 5
percent of the budget and 15 percent of the development time in previous nail-
er development efforts. Because the concept generation activity is not costly,
there is no excuse for a lack of diligence and care in exccuting a sound concept
generation methodology.
The concept generation process begins with a set of customer nceds and tar-
get specifications and results in a set of product concepts from which the team
will make a final selection. The relation of concept generation to the other con-
cept development activities is shown in Exhibit 2. In most cases, an effectivc
development tearn will generate hundreds of concepts, of which 5 to 20 wiIl
merit serious consideration during the concept selection activity.
Good concept generation leaves the team with confidence that the full space
of alternatives has been explored. Thorough cxploration of altcrnatives early in
the development process greatly reduces the likelihood that the team wiIl stum-
ble upon a superior concept late in the development process or that a competi-
tor will introduce a product with dramatically better performance than the prod-
uct under development.

ment Ident ify Establish Generate Seleet a

Target ~ Produet
~ Product
Needs Specilieations Coneepts Coneept
_. ,
Analyze Perform 1:
. Plan
~ Development
Products Analysis

N ~ " l " ...
" -..""',"
1-------------CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT ------------+-
EXHIBIT 2 Concept generation is an integral part 01the concept development phase.
Structured Approaches Reduce the Likelihood 01Costly Problems
Common dysfuncti ons exhibited by development teams during concept genera-
tion in elude:
Consideration of only one or two alternatives, often proposed by the most
asse rt ive members of the team
Failure to consider carefuJly the usefulness of concepts employed by other
firms in related and unrelated products
Involvement of only one or two people in th e process, resulting in lack of
confidence and commitment by the rest of the team
In effective integration of promising partial solutions
Failure to consider en tire categories of solutions
A structured approach to co ncept generation reduces the incidence of th ese
problems by encouraging th e gathering of information from many di sparate
information sources, by guiding th e team in the thorough exploratio n of alter-
natives, and by providing a mechanism for integrating partial solutions. A struc-
tured methodology also provides a step-by-step procedure for those members of
the team who may be less experie nced in design-intensive activities, aJlowing
them to participate activel y in the process.
A Five-Step Methodol,ogy
This chapte r presents a five-step concept generation methodology. The method-
ol ogy, outlined in Exhibit 3, breaks a complex problern into simpler subprob-
lems. Solution concepts are then identified for the subproblems by external and
internal search procedures. Classification trees and concept combination tables
are th en used to explore syst ematicaJl y the space of solution concepts and to
80 PRODUCf DESIOf\ AN(; OEVt:lU".,.tNT
1. Clarlfy the
Focus on critica
2. Search
Lead users
3. Search
Classification tree
Combination table
Integrated Solutions
5. Reflect on the
solutions and
the process.
EXHIBIT 3 The five-step concept generation methodology.
integrate th e subproblem solutio ns into a total solution. Finally, the team takes
a ste p back to refl ect on th e validity and applicabili ty of the re sults, as well as on
the proc ess used.
This chapte r will foll ow the re commended methodology an d will describe
each of the five steps in detail . Although we present the methodology in a linear
sequence , concep t generation is almost always iterative . Like our other develop-
merit methodologies , these steps are intended to be a baseline from which
product development teams can devel op and refine thei r own unique problern-
solving style .
Our presentation o rhc methodology is focused primarily on the overall con-
cept for a new product; however, the methodology can and should be userl at
several difTerent points in the development process. The process is useful not
only for overall product conccpts but for concepts for subsystems and specific
components as well, Also note that while the examplc in this chapter involvcs a
rclatively technical product, the same basic approach can be applied to nearly
any product.
Clarifying the problem consists of developing a general understanding and th en
breaking the problem down into subproblems if necessary.
The mission statement for the product, the customcr needs list, and the pre-
liminary product specification are the ideal inputs to the concept generation
process, although often these pieces of information are still being refined as th e
concept generaon phase begins. Ideally the team has been involved in both the
identification of the customer needs and in the setting of the target product
specifications. Those members of the team who were not involved in these pre-
ceding steps should become familiar with the processes used and their results
before concept generation activities begin. (See the chapters "Identifying
Customer Needs" and "Establishing Product Specifications.")
As stated before, the challenge was to "design a better hand-held nailer." The
scope ofthe design problem could have been defined more generally (e.g., "fas-
ten wood together") or more specifically (e.g., "improve the speed of the exi st-
ing pneumatic tool concept"). Sorne of the assumptions in the tearn's mi ssion
statement were:
The nailer will use nails (as opposed to adhesives, screws, etc.) .
The nailer will be compatible with nail magazines on existing tools.
The nailer will nail into wood.
The nailer will be hand-held.
Based on the assumptions, the team had identified the customer needs for a
hand-held nailer. These included:
The nailer inserts nails in rapid succession.
The nailer fits into tight spaces.
The nailer is lightweight.
The nailer has no noticeable nailing delay after "tripping" the too!.
The team gathered supplemental information to clarify and quantifv th e
needs, such as the approximate energy and speed of the nailing. These basi c
needs were subsequentiy translated into target product specifications. The target
specifications included the following:
Nail lengths from 50 millimeters to 75 millimeters
Maximum nailing energy of 80 joules per nail
Nailing forces of up to 2,000 newtons
Peak.nailing rate of 1 nail per second
Average nailing rate of 4 nails per minute
Ability to insert nails between standard stud/joists (368 millimeter
Tool mass less than 4 kilograms
Maximum trigger delay of 0.25 seconds
Decompose a Complex Problem into Slmpler Subproblems
Most design challenges are too complex to solve as a single problem and can be
usefully divided into several simpler subproblems. Dividing a problem into sim-
pler subproblems is called problem decomposition. There are many schemes by
which a problem can be decomposed. Here we demonstrate a functional decorn-
position but then list several other approaches that are frequentIy useful.
The first step in decomposing a problem functionally is to represent it as a
single black box operating on material, energy, and signal flows , as shown in
Exhibit 4(a) . Thin solid lines denote the transfer and conversion of energy, thick
solid lines signify the movement of material within the system, and dashed Unes
represent the exchange of control and feedback signals within the system. This
black box represents the overall function of the producto
The next step in functional decomposition is to divide the single black box
into subfunctions to create a more specific description of what the elements of
the product do in order to implement the overall function of the product. Each
subfunction can generally be further divided into even simpler subfunctions.
The division process is repeated until the team members agree that each sub-
function is simple enough to work with. A good rule of thumb is to create
between 3 and 10 subfunctions in the diagram. The end result, shown in Exhibit
4(b), is a function diagram containing subfunctions connected by energy, mate-
rial, and signal flows.
Note that at this stage the goal is to describe the functional elements of the
product without implying a specific technological working principle for the
product concepto For example, Exhibit 4(b) includes the subfunction "isolate
nail." This subfunction is expressed in such a way that it does not imply any par-
ticular physical solution concept, such as indexing the "stick" of nails into a slot
or breaking a nail sideways off of the stick. The team should consider each sub-
function in turn and ask whether it is expressed in a way that does not imply a
particular physical solution principIe.
There is no single correct way of creating a function diagram and no single
correct functional decomposition of a product. A helpful way to create the d a-
Energy (?)
Malerial (nails)
Signal (1001 "I rip")
. Hand-Held
.... ~ -
" .... ..., _ . - - ~ . ',- ....~ - '
Energy (?)
Malerial (driven nail)
Signa! (?)
Slore or Convert
accepl energy lo
extemal translatlonal
energy energy
"'"" ,- ~
Nails - - - + l ~
"Trip" 01 Tool - -
- -.-
Apply ~ Driven
Iranslalional I-+- , ~ ~ Nail
energy lo nail
EXHIBIT 4 Function diagram 01a hand-held nailer arising lrom a lunclional decomposition: (a) overall
"black box"; (b) relinemenl showing sublunctions.
gram is to quickly create several draft'> and then work to refine th em into a sin-
gle diagram that the te am is comfortable with. Sorne useful techniques fOI" get-
ting started are:
Create a function di agram of an existing product.
Create a function diagram based on an arbitrary product concept already
generated by the team 01' based on a known subfunction technology. Be
sure to generalize the diagram to the appropriate level of abstraction.
Follow one of the flows (fo r example, material) and determine what opera-
tions are required. The details of th e other flows can be derived by thinking
abou t their co nn ec tions to the initial flow.
Note that the function diagram is typically not unique. In particular, sub-
functions can often be ordered in different ways to produce different function
di agrams. Also note that in sorne applications th e material , en ergy, and signal
flows are difficult to identify. In these cases, a simple list of the subfunctions of
th e product, without connections between them, is often sufficie n t.
Functional decomposition is most applicable to technical products, but it can
also be applied to simple and apparently nontechnical products. For example,
an ice cream scoop has material flow of ice cream being separatcd, formed,
transponed. and deposited. These subfunctions cou ld form the basis of a prob-
lem decomposition.
Functional decomposition is only one of several possible ways to divide a prob-
lem into simpler subproblems. Two other approaches are described below:
Decomposition by sequence o/ user actions: For example, the nailer problem
might be broken down into three user actions: moving the tool to the gross
naiiing position, positioning the tool precisely, triggering the tool. This
approach is often useful for products with very simple technical functions
involving a lot of user interaction.
Decomposition by key customerneeds: For the nailer, this decomposition might
include the following subproblems: fires nails in rapid succession, fits in
tight places, and has a large nail capacity. This approach is often useful for
products in which form, and not working principIes or technology, is the
primary problem. Examples of such products include toothbrushes (assum-
ing the basic brush concept is retained) and storage containers.
Focus Initial Efforts on the Critical Subproblems
The goal of all of these decomposition techniques is to divide a complex prob-
lem into simpler problems such that these simpler problems can be tackled in a
focused way. Once problem decomposition is complete, the team chooses the
subproblems that are most critical to the success of the product and that are like-
ly to drive the overall solution to the problem. This approach involves a con-
scious decision to defer the solution of sorne of the subproblems. For example,
the nailer team chose to focus on the subproblems of storing/accepting energy,
converting the energy to translational energy, and applying the translational
energy to the nail. The team felt confident that the nail handling and triggering
issues could be solved after the energy storage and conversion issues were
addressed. The team also deferred most of the user interaction issues of the tool.
The team believed that the choice of a basic working principIe for the tool would
so constrain the eventual form of the tool that they had to begin with the core
technology and then proceed to consider how to embody that technology in an
attractive and user-friendly formo Teams can usually agree after a few minutes of
discussion on which subproblems should be addressed first and which should be
deferred for later consideration.
External search is aimed at finding existing solutions to both the overall prob-
lem and to the subproblems identified during the problem clarification step.
While external search is the second ste p in the concept generati on methodol o-
gy, this sequential labeling is deceptive; external search occurs continuaIl y
throughout the devel opment process. Implementing an exi sting so lutio n is usu-
aIly qui cker and cheaper than developing a new solutio n. Liberal use of exi sting
solu tions aIlows th e team to focus its creative e nergy o n the cr itical subproblcms
for which th ere are no existing solutions. Furtherrn o re , a co nventi o nal sol ution
to one subproblem ca n frequen tly be combined with a novel so lutio n to anoth-
el' subproblem to yield a superior overalI designoFor this reason exter nal search
includes detailed evaluation not only of directly competi tive products but also of
technologies used in products with rel ated subfunctions.
The exte rnal search for solutions is essentialIy an information-gathering
process. Available time and res ources ca n be optimized by using an expand-and-
focus strategy: first expand th e scope of th e searc h by broadly gathering informa-
tion that might be related to the problem and th en Jocus the scope of the search
by exploring the promisin g directions in more detail. Too much of eithe r
approach wiII make th e exte rnal searc h inefficient,
There are at least five good ways to gather information fr om exter nal sources:
lead user interviews, expen consultation, patent searches, lit erature searches ,
and competitive benchmarking.
Interview Lead Users
While identifying cus to mer needs, th e team may have sought ou t 0 1' encoun-
tered lead users. Lead usa s are those users of a cl ass of product who experience
needs months 01' years before th e majority of th e marketplace and sta nd to ben-
efit subst antialIy from a product innovation (vo n Hippel , 1988) . Frequentlv
these lead users wiIl have already in vented solu tio ns to meet th eir needs. This is
panicularl y true among highly te chnical user commun ities, su ch as those in th e
medical 0 1' scien tific fields. Lead users may be sought out in the market for whi ch
the team is developing the new product, 01' th ey may be found in markets for
products implementing so me of the subfunctio ns of the product,
In the hand-held nailer case , th e nail er team co ns u lted with th e building con-
tractors fr om the PBS tel evision se ries This Old House in order to so licit new con-
ce pts. These lead users made many interesting observations about the weakness-
es in existing tools, but in thi s case did not provide many new product concepts,
Consult Experts
Experts with knowledge of one 01' more of the subproblems not o n ly can provide
solution conce pts directl y but also ca n redirect th e search in a more fruitful arca.
Experts may include professionals at firms manufacturing related products, pro-
fessional cons ultan ts, universi ty faculty, and technical representatives of suppli-
ers. These people can be found by calIing universities, by caIling companies, and
by looking up authors of articles, Whil e finding exper ts can be hard work, it is
almost always less time-eonsuming th an re-ereating existi ng knowl cdge.
Most experts are willing to talk on the telephone or meet in person for an
hour or so without charge. In general, consultants will expect to be paid for time
they spend on a problem beyond an initial meeting or telephone conversation.
Suppliers are usually wilIing to provide several days of effort without direct corn-
pensation if they anticpate that someone will use their product as a component
in a designo Of course, experts at directly competing firms are in most cases
unwilling to provide proprietary information about their product designs. A
good habit to develop is to always ask people consulted to suggest others who
should be contacted. The best information often comes from pursuing these
"second generation" leads.
The nailer design team consulted dozens of experts, including a rocket fuel
specialist at Morton-Thiokol, electric motor researchers at MIl', and engineers
from a vendor of gas springs. Most of this consultation was done on the tele-
phone, although the engineers from the spring vendor made two trips to visit the
team, at thcir company's expense.
Search Patents
Patents are a rich and readily available source of technical information contain-
ing detailed drawings and explanations of how many products work. The main
disadvantage of patent searches is that concepts found in recent patents are pro-
tected (17 years in the United States), so there may be a royalty involved in using
them. However, patents are also useful to see what concepts are already protect-
ed and must be avoided or licensed. Concepts contained in foreign patents with-
out global coverage and in expired patents can be used without payment of roy-
The formal indexing scheme for patents is difficult for novices to navigate.
Fortunately, several databases (e .g., Lexis/Nexis, Dialog) contain the actual text
of all patents. These text databases can be searched electronically by key words.
Key word searches can be conducted effectively with only modest practice and
are remarkably effective in finding patents relevant to a particular product.
Copies of U.S. patents including iIlustrations can be obtained from the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office for a few dollars (call 703-557-3158) .
A U.S. patent search in the area of nailers revealed several interesting con-
cepts. One of the patents described a motor-driven double-flywheel nailer. One
of the ilIustrations from this patent is shown in Exhibit 5. The design in this
patent uses the accumulation of rotational kinetic energy in a flywheel which is
then suddenly converted into translational energy by a friction clutch. The ener-
gy is then delivered to the nail with a single impact of a drive pino
Search Published Literature
Published literature includes journals; conference proceedings; trade maga-
zines; government reports; market, consumer, and product information; and
new product announcements. Literature searchcs are therefore very fertile
sources of existing solutions.
EXHIBIT 5 Concepl from motor-driven double-flywheel nailer palenl (U.S. Patent 4,042,036). The accornpa-
nying texl describing the patent is nine pages long.
Electronic database searches are frequently the most efficient way to gather
information from published literature. These databases are available from on-
line sources or on mass storage devices (e .g., CD-RM) in the library, Currcntly,
most databases store only abstracts of articIes and not the full text and diagrams.
A follow-up search for an actual article is often needed for complete informa-
tion. The two main difficulties in conducting good database searches are deter-
mining the key words and limiting the scope of the search. There is a trade-off
between the need to use more key words for complete coverage and the need to
restrict the number of "matches" to a manageable number.
Handbooks cataloging technical information can also be very useful refer-
ences for external search. Examples of such engineering references are Mark 's
Standard Handbook o/ Mechanical Engineeri.ng, Perry 's Chemical Engineers' Handbook,
and Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook.
Thc nailer tearn found several useful anides related lo the subproblems,
induding articles on energy storage describing flywheel and battery technolo-
gies. In a handbook they found an impact tool mechanism that provided a use-
fuI energy conversion concept.
Benchmark Related Products
In the context of concept generation, benchmarking is the study of existing prod-
ucts with functionality similar to that of the product under development or to
the subproblems on which the team is focused. Benchmarking can reveal exist-
ing concepts that have been implemented to solve a particular problern, as well
as information on the strengths and weaknesses of the competition.
At this point the team wiIl likc1y already be familiar with the competitive and
dosely reIated products. Products in other markets, but with related functional-
ity, are more difficult to find. One of the rnost useful sources of this information
is the Thomas Register of American Manufacturers, a directory of manufacturers of
industrial products organized by product type. Often the hardest pan of using
the Thomas Register is finding out what related products are actually called and
how they are cataloged.
For the nailer, the dosely related products included a single-shot gunpowder-
actuated tool for nailing into concrete, an electrical solenoid-actuated tacker, a
pneumatic nailer for factory use, and a palm-held multi-blow pneumatic nailer.
The products with related functionality (in this case, energy storage and co nve r-
sion) included air bags and the sodium azide propellant used as an energy
source, chemical hand warmers for skiing, air rifles powered by carbon dioxide
cartridges, and portable computers and their battery packs. The team obtained
and disassembled most of these related products in order to discover the gener-
al concepts on which they were based, as well as other more detailed informa-
tion, including, for example, the names of the suppliers of specific components.
External search is an important method of gathering solution concepts. Skill
in conducting external searches is therefore a valuable personal and organiza-
tional asset. This ability can be developed through careful observation of th e
world in order to develop a mental database of technologies and through the
development of a network of professional contacts. Even with the aid of person-
al knowledge and contacts, external search remains "detective work" and is com-
pleted most effectively by those who are persistent and resourceful in pursuing
leads and opportunities,
Internal search is the use of personal and team knowledge and creativity to gen-
erate solution concepts. The search is internal in that alI of the ideas to emerge
from this step are created from knowledge already in the possession of the team.
This activity may be the most open-ended and creative of any in new product
development. We find it useful to think of internal search as a process of retri ev-
ing a potentially useful piece of information frorn ories memo!)' and then adapt-
in g that information to the problem at hand. This process can be carried out hy
individuals working in isol ation or by a group of people working together.
Four guidelines are useful for improving both individual and group internal
Suspendjudgment. In most as pects of daily life , success depends on an abili-
ty to quickly evaluate a se t of alternatives and take action. For exarnple ,
none of us would be very productive if deciding what to wear in the morn-
ing or what to eat for breakfast involved an extensive period of generating
alternatives before making ajudgment. Because most decisions in our day-
t<H1ay uves nave implications of onIy a few minutes or hours, we are accus-
tomed to making decisions quickly and moving on. Concept generation is
fundamentalIy different. We have to live with the consequences of product
concep t decisions for years. As a result, suspending evaluation for the days
or weeks required to generate a large set of alternatives is critical to success.
The imperative to suspend judgment is fr equentIy translated into the rul e
that during group concept generation sessions no criticism of concepts is
alIowed. A better approach is for individuals perceiving weaknesses in con-
cepts to channel any judgmental tendencies into suggestions for improve-
ments or alternative concepts.
2 Generate a lot o/ ideas. Most experts believe that th e more ideas a team gen-
erates, the more likely the team is to explore fulI y the solu tion space .
Striving for quantity lowers th e expec ta tions of quality for any particular
idea and therefore may encourage people to share ideas th ey may otherwise
view as not worth mentioning. Further, each idea ac ts as a stirnulus for
other ideas, so a large number of ideas has th e potential to stimulate even
more ideas.
3 Welcome ideas that may seem infeasible. Ideas whi ch initialIy appear infeasible
can often be improved, "debugged ," or "repaired" by other members of th e
team. The more infeasible an idea, the more it stretches the bouridaries of
the solution space and encourages the team to think of the limits of possi-
bility. Therefore, infeasibl e ideas are quite valuable and their expression
should be encouraged.
4 Use graphical and physical media. Reasoning about physical and geometri c
information with words is difficult. Text and verbal language are inherent-
ly inefficient vehicles for describing physical e n tities . Whether working as a
group or as an individual , abundant sketching surfaces should be available .
Foam, c1ay, card board , and other three-dimensional media mar also be
appropriate aids for problems requiring a deep understanding of form and
spatial relationships.
Both Individual and Group Sessions Can Be Useful
Formal studies of group and individual problem solving suggest that a set of peo-
pI e working alone for a period of time will generate more and better concepts
th an the same people working together for th e same time period (McGra th.
1984). This finding is contrary to the actual practices of the many firms that per-
form most of their concept generation activities in group sessions. Our informal
observations confirm the formal studies , and we believe that team members
should spend at least sorn e of th eir conce pt generation time working alone. We
also bclieve that group sessions are critical for building consensus, communicat-
ing informati on, and refining co ncepts. In an ideal se tt ing, each individual on
the team would spend severa l hours working alone and then the group would
get together to di scuss and improve th e conc epts generated by individuals.
However, we also know th at th ere is a practi cal reason for holding group con-
cept generation sessions: it is one way to guarantee that the individuals in the
group will devote a certain amount of time to the task. Especially in very intense
and demanding work environments, without scheduling a meeting, few people
will allocate several hours for concentrated individual effort on generating new
concepts. The phone rings, people interrupt, urgent problems demand atten-
tion. In certain environments, scheduled group sessions may be the only way to
guarantee that enough attention is paid to the concept generation activity.
The nailer team used both individual effort and group sessions for internal
search. For example, during one particular week eac h member was assigned one
or two subproblems and was expect ed to develop at least ten solution concepts.
This divided the concept generati on work among all members. The group then
met to discuss and expand on th e individually generated concepts. The more
promising concepts were investigated further.
Hints for Generating Solution Concepts
Experienced individuals and teams can usuallyjust sit down and begin generat-
ing good conce pts for a subproblem. Often these people have developed a set of
techniques they use to stirnulate their thinking, and these techniques have
become a natural part of their problem-sol ving proce ss. Novice product devel-
opment professionals may be aided by a se t of hints th at stirnulate new ideas or
encourage relationships among ideas. VanGundy (1988), von Oech (1983) , and
McKim (19 80) give dozens of helpful suggestions. Here are sorn e hints we have
found to be helpful:
Make analogies. Experienced designers always ask th emselves what other
devices solve a related problem. Frequently th ey will ask themselves if there
is a natural or biological an alogy to the problem. They will think about
whether their probl em exists at a much larger or smaller dimensional scale
than that whi ch th ey are considering. They will ask what devices do sorne-
thing similar in an unrelated area of appli cati on. The nailer team, when
posing these questi ons, realized that constructio n pile drivers are similar to
nailers in some respects . In foll owing up on th is idea, th ey developed the
concept of a multiblow tool.
Wzsh ami uumder. Beginning a th ought or comme nt with "1 wish we could
. . ." or "1 wonder what would happen if . . ." helps to stimulate oneself or
CHAPH.f\ 5 91
the group to consider new possibilities. These questions cause reflection on
the boundaries of the problem. For example, a member of the nailer team,
when confronted with the required length of a ral gun (an electromagnet-
ic device for accelerating a projectile) for driving a nail, said, "1wish the tool
could be I meter long." Discussion ofthis comment led to the idea that per-
haps a long tool could be used like a cane for nailing decking, allowing
users to remain on their feet.
Use related stimuli. Most individuals can think of a new idea when presented
with a new stimulus. Related stimuli are those stimuli generated in the con-
text of the problem at hand. For exarr.ple, one way to use related stimuli is
for each individual in a group session to generate a list of ideas (working
alone) and then pass the list to his or her neighbor. Upon reflection on
someone else's ideas, most people are able to generate new ideas. Other
related stimuli inelude customer needs statements and photographs of the
use environment of the product.
Use unrelated stimuli. Occasionally, random or unrelated stimuli can be
effective in encouraging new ideas. An example of such a technique is to
choose, at random, one of a collection of photographs of objects, and then
to think of sorne way that the randomly generated object might relate to the
problem at hand. In a variant ofthis idea, individuals can be sent out on the
streets with an instant camera ro capture random images for subsequent use
in stimulating new ideas. (This may also serve as a good change of pace for
a tired group.)
Set quantitative goals. Generating new ideas can be exhausting. Near the end
of a session, individuals and groups may find quantitative goals useful as a
motivating force. The nailer team frequently issued individual concept gen-
eration assignments with quantitative targets of lOto 20 concepts.
Use the galiery method. The gallery method is a way to display a large number
of concepts simultaneously for discussion. Sketches, usually one concept to
a sheet, are taped or pinned to the walls of the meeting room. Team mern-
bers circulate and look at each concept. The creator of the concept may
offer explanation, and the group subsequently makes suggestions for
improving the concept or spontaneously generates related concepts. This
method is a good way to merge individual and group efforts.
Exhibit 6 shows sorne of the solutions the nailer team generated for the sub-
problems of (1) storing or accepting energy and (2) delivering translational
energy to a nail.
As a result of the external and internal search activities, the team will have col-
lected tens or hundreds of concept fragmenls--solutions to the subproblems.
Systematic exploration is aimed at navigating the space of possibilities by orga-
(a) Solutlons lo Subproblem
01 Storlng or Acceptlng Energy
(b) Solutlons to Subproblem 01 Applylng
Translatlonal Energy to Nall
Selt-regulating chemical reaction
emitting high-pressure gas
Carbide (as tor lanterns)
Combusting sawdust trom job site
Gun powder
Sodium azide (air bag explosive)
Fuel-air combustion (butane, propane,
acetyl ene, etc.)
Compressed air (in tank or trom
Carbon dioxide in tank
Electric wall oullet and cord
High-pressure oilline (hydraul ics)
Flywheel with charging (spin-up)
Battery pack on tool , belt, or tloor
Fuel cell
Human power : arms or legs
Single Impact
Mull iple Impacls
(tens or hundreds)
Mull iple Impacls
(hundreds or Ihousands)
Melhane trom decomposing organic
mal erials
"Burning" like lhal ot chemical hand
Nuclear reactions
Cold tusion
Solar eleclr ic cells
Solar-steam conversion
Stearn supply line
EXHIBIT 6 Sorne of Ihe solutions lo Ihe subproblems 01(1) storing or accepting energy and (2) delivering
translalional energy to a nai!.
CHAPU:" S utNE"'''''10N 93
nizing and synthesizing these solution Iragments. The nailer team focused on
the energy storage, conversion, and delivery subproblems and had generated
dozens of concept fragments for each subpro blem. One approach to organizin g
and syn thesizing th ese fragments would be to considel' all of th e possible corn-
binations of the fra gments associ at ed with each subproblem; however, a little
arithmetic reveals the impossibility of this approach. Given the three subprob-
lems on whi ch the team focused and an average of 15 fragments for ea ch sub-
problem, the team would have to co nsider 3,375 combinations of fragmen ts (15
X 15 X 15). This would be a daunting task for even the most enthusiastic team.
Furthermore, the team would quickly discover that many of the combinations do
not even make sense. Fortunately, there are two specific tools for managing this
complexity and organizing the thinking of the team: the concept cLassification tree
and th e concept combination tableoThe tree helps the team divide th e
possible solutions into independent categories. The combination table guides
the team in selectively considering combinations of fragments.
Concept Classification Tree
The concept c1assification tree is used to divide the entire space of possible solu-
tions into several distinct classes which wilI facilitate comparison and pruning.
An example of a tree for the nailer example is sh own in Exhibit 7. The branch-
es of this tree correspond to different energy sources.
The classification tree provides at least four important benefits:
1 Pruning o/ less prornising branches: If by studying the c1assification tree th e
team is able to identify a solution approach th at does not appear to have
much merit, then this approach can be "pru ned" and th e team can focus its
attention on the more promising branches of the tree. Pruning a branch of
the tree requires sorne evaluation ami judgment and sh ould thereforc be
done carefulIy, but the reality of product development is th at there ar e lim-
ited resources and that focusing the available resources on the most prornis-
ing directions is an important success factor. For the nailer team, the
nuc1ear energy source was pruned from consideration. Although the team
had identified sorne very intriguing nuc1ear dcvices for use in powering ar ti-
ficial hearts, th ey felt that th ese devices would not be economically practi-
cal for at least a decade and would probably be hampered by regulatory
requirements indefinitely.
2 Identifirotion o/ independent approaches lo the problem: Each branch of th e
trce can be considered a different approach to solving the overalI problem.
Sorne of these approaches may be almost completely independent of each
other. In these cases, the team can cleanly divide its efforts among two 01'
more individual s 01' task forces. When two approaches both look promising,
this division of effort can reduce the complexity of the concep t generation
activities. It also may engender sorne healthy competition among the
approaches under consideration. The nailer team found that both the
Sto re or
Fuel-Air Systems
Explosive Systems
Fuel Cell
EXHIBIT 7 A c1assification tree tor the nail er energy source concept fragments.
chemical/explosive branch and th e elec tri cal branch appeare d quite
promising. They assigned th ese two approaches to two different subteams
and pursued th em independently for seve ral wecks.
3 Exposure of inappropriate emphasis un certain branches: Once the tree is con-
structe d, the team is able to refl ect quickl y on whether the effo rt applied to
eac h branch has been appropriatcl y allocated. The nail er team recognized
that th ey had applied very little effort to thinking abou t hydrauli c energy
sources and conversion tech nologies. This recognition guided them to
focus on thi s branch of th e tree for a few days.
4 Refinement of the problem decomposition for a particular branch: Sometimes a
problem decomposition can be usefully tail ored to a particular approach to
the problem. Consider th e branch of th e tree correspond ing to the electri-
ca l energy sou rce. Based on additional investigation of the nailing proccss,
the team determined that the in stantaneous power delivered during th e
nailing process was about 10,000 watts for a few milliseconds and so exceeds
the power wh ich is available fr om a wall outlet , a battery, or a fuel ccll (of
reasonable size , cost, and mass). They concluded, therefore , that energy
rnust be accu mulate d over a substa ntial period of the nailing cycle (say 100
Energy lo
. Applled to Nail
EXHIBIT 8 A new problem decomposition assuming an electrical energy source and the accumulalion 01
energy in the mechanical doman.
milliseconds) and then suddenly released to supply the required instanta-
""VU:> PVW"l lV ~ l i V" the uail. This quick analysis led the team to ad d a sub-
function ( Uaccumulate translational energy") to their function diagram (se e
Exhibit 8) . They chose to add the subfunction after the conversion of elec-
tri cal energy to mechanical energy, but briefly considered the possibility of
accumulating the energy in the clectrical domain with a capacitor. This kind
of refinement of the function diagram is quite common as the team makes
more assumptions about the approach and as more information is gathered.
The classification tree in Exhibit 7 shows the alternative solutions to the cner-
gy source subproblem. However, there are other possible trees. The team might
have chosen to use a tree classifying the alterriative solutions to the energy deliv-
ery subproblem, showing branches for single impact, multiple impact, or push-
ing. Trees can be constructed with branches corresponding to th e solution frag-
ments of any of the subproblems, but certain classifications are more useful. In
general, a subproblem whose solution highly constrains the possible solutions to
the remaining subproblems is a good candidate for a classifi cation tree. For
example, the choice of energy source (electrical, nuclear, pneumatic, etc.) con-
strains whether a motor or a piston-eylinder can be used to convert the energy
to translational energy. In contrast, the choice of energy delivery mechanism
(single impact, multiple impact, etc.) does not greatly constrain the solutions to
the other subproblems. Reflection on which subproblem is likely to most highly
constrain the solutions to the remaining subproblems will usually lead to one or
two clear ways to construct the classification tree.
Concept Combination Table
The concept combination table provides a way to consider combinations of solu-
tion fragments systematically. Exhibit 9 is an example ofa combination table that
the nailer team used to consider the combinations of fragments for the electri-
cal branch of the classification tree. The columns in the table correspond to the
subproblems identified in Exhibit 8. The entries in each column correspond to
the solution fragments for each of these subproblems derived from external and
internal search. For example, the subproblem of converting electrical energy to
translational energy is the heading for the first column. The entries in this column
are a rotary motor with a transmission, a linear motor, a solenoid, and a rail gun.
Potential solutions to the overall problem are formed by co mbin ing one frag-
Electrlcal Energy to
Translatlonal Energy
Energy to Nail
Rotry motor with
I Linear motor
;;;;;:S;;;..,'" f
I Spring 11
J., L.. ... > .... "a'o;;'
I Single impact t
t>" ..;; ..,. lZi?",D_ k1: ",...,,:'.
Multiple impacts
EXHIBIT 9 Concepl combinalion lable lor lhe hand-held nailer.
ment from each column. For the nailer example, there are 24 possible cornbi-
nations (4 X 2 X 3) . Choosing a combination of fragments does not lead spon-
taneously to a solution to the overalI problem. The combination of fragments
must usualIy be developed and refined before an integrated solution emerges.
This development may not even be possible or may lead to more than one sol u-
tion, but at a minimum it involves additional creative th ought. In sorne ways, the
combination table is simply a way to make forced associations among fragments
in order to stimulate further creative thinking; in no way does the mere act of
selecting a combination yield a complete solution.
Exhibit 10 shows a sketch of a concept arising from the combination of the
fragments "solenoid," "spring," and "mltiple impacts. " Exhibit 11 shows sorne
sketches of concepts arising from the combination of the fragments "rota ry
motor with transmission," "spring," and "single impact." Exhibit 12 shows a
sketch of a concept arising from the combinatio n of "rotary motor with trans-
mission, " "spring," and "multiple impacts ." Exhibit 13 shows sorne sketches of
concepts arising from the cornbination of "linear motor," "moving mass," "and
single impact. "
Two guidelines make the concept combination process easier. First, if a frag-
ment can be eliminated as being infeasible before combining it with other frag-
rnents, then the number of combinations th e team needs to consider is dramat-
icalIy reduced. For exampIc, if the team could determine that the rail gun would
not be feasible under any condition, they could reduce the number of combi-
nations from 24 to 12. Second, the concept combination table should be con-
centrated on the subproblems th at are coupled. Coupled subproblems are those
CI'4Al"ru.. s c..Ollft,..tt-' ENE.RATION 97
Electrical Energy to
Translatlonal Energy
Energy to Nall
Single impact
Rotary motor with
Linear motor Multiple impacts
Solenoid Push nail
Rail gun J
EXHIBIT 10 In this solution concept, a solenoid compresses a spring and then releases il repealedly in
order to drive the nail wilh multiple impacls.
whose solutions can only really be evaluated in combination with the solutions
to other subproblems. For example, the choice of the specific electrical energy
source to be used (e.g., battery versus wall outlet), although extremely critical, is
somewhat independent of the choice of energy conversion (e.g., motor versus
solenoid). Therefore, the concept combination table does not need to contain a
column for the different types of electrical energy sources. This reduces the
number of combinations the team must consider. As a practical matter, concept
combination tables lose their usefulness when the number of columns exceeds
three or four.
Electrical Energy to
Translational Energy
Rotary motor with ~
transmission P--+--!
Linear motor
I Ral gun t
""' ;;"""'-"' <"';$,."".0"""'"'_'''' 1 ' >' :'' 0,,", ' '''''' ''''
Energy to Na"
Single impact
Multiple impacts
EXHIBIT 11 Multiple solut ions arising Irom the combination 01a motor with transmission, a spring, and single
impact. The motor winds a spr ing, accumulating potential energy which is then delivered lo Ihe
nail in a single blow.
Managing the Exploration Process
The c!assificati on tr ce and combinati on tables are tools that a team can use
somewhat flexibly. They are simple ways to organize thinking and guide the ere-
ative cnergies of the team. Rarely do teams generare only one classification tree
and one concept combination tableo More typi caIly the team wiIl create several
alternative c!assifi cation trees and several concept combination tabIes.
Interspersed with this exploratory activity may be a refining ofthe original prob-
Electrical Energy to
Translational Energy
Rotary motor with,............f---l
Linear motor
Energy to Na/l
Single impact
Multiple impacts
Push nail ~
' _ ..~ . ~ ... - ,, .. cc.,",,"__~ ...: ; : O ; : : ; : ; ~
EXHIBIT 12 Solut ion from the combination of a motor with transmission, a spring, and multiple impacts. The
motor repeatedly winds and releases the spring, storing and delivering energy over several blows.
lem decompositi on or th e pursui t of additio nal internal or exte rnal searc h. The
exploration step of concep t generation usuall y acts more as a guide for fu r ther
creative thinking than as th e final step in th e process.
Recall th at at the beginning of th e pmcess th e team ch ooses a few subprob-
lems on whi ch to focus attention. Even tually the team must return to address all
of the subproblerns. This usuall y oc curs after th e team has narrowed th e range
of alternatives for th e critical subproblems. The nailer team narrowed its alter-
natives to a few chemical and a few el ectric conce pts and then refined them by
working out the user interface , industri al design, and configura tio n issues. One
of the resulting concept descripti ons is shown in Exhibit 14.
Electrical Energy to
Translational Energy
Energy to Nail
Rotary motor with
Linear motor
Moving mass
Single impact
Multiple impacts
Aail gun
lINE.... R
1 lINE.....'"

O " / NAll S ? cou.?
'1/ .
1/ '
I Push !:
, ..,.. t;: "",<.!'
EXHIBIT 13 Solutions frorn the combination ot a linear motor, a moving mass, and single impacto A linear
motor accelerates a massive hammer, accumulating kinetic energy which is delivered to the
nail in a single blow.
Although the refleetion ste p is plaeed here al the end for eonvenience in pre
sentation, refl ection should in fact be pcrformed throughout the whole process.
Questions to ask include: Is the team developing confidenee that the solution
space has been fulIy explored? Have ideas from everyone been aeeepted and
integrated in the process? Are there alternative ways to deeompose the problem?
Have external sourees been thoroughly pursu cd? Are there alternative function
Thc nail er team members diseussed whether they had focused too much
~ ... "P Ifl'< s I.O",c.tl"l GENERATION 101
EXHIBIT 14 One of several refined solution eoneepts. (lIIustration eourtesy of Produet Genesis Ine.)
att e ntion on the energy storage and conversion issu es in the tool while ignoring
th c user interface and overall configuration. They decided that the energy issues
remained at the core of th e problem and that their decision to focus on these
issues first was justified. Thcy al so wondered if they had pursued too many
branches ofthe classification tree. Initially they had pursued electrical, chemical,
and pneumatic concepts before ultimately settling on an electric concept. In
hindsight, the chemical approach had some obvious safety and customer per-
cepti on shortcomings (they were exploring the use of explosives as an energy
source) . They decided that although they liked some aspects of the chemical
solution they should have eliminated it from considerati on earlier in the process,
all owing more time to pursue so me of the more promising branches in greater
A product concept is an approximate description of th c technology, working
principies, and form of the product. The degree to which a product satisfies cus-
tomers and can be successfu Ily commercialized depends to a large measure on
the quali ty of th e underlying concepto
The concept generation process begins with a set of customer needs and
target specifications and re sults in a set of product concepts fr om which the
team will make a final selection.
In most cases, an effective devel opment team will generate hundreds of
concepts, ofwhich 5 to 20 wiIl merit serious consideration during the sube-
quent concept sclecti on activity.
The concept generation methodology presented in thi s chapter co nsists 01"
five steps:
1 Clarib the problem. Understand the problem and decompose it into sim-
pler subproblems.
2 Search externally. Gather information from lead us ers, experts, patents,
published Iiterature, and related products .
3 Search internally. Use individual and group methods to retrieve and adapt
the kn owledge of the team.
4 Explore systematically. Use cIassification trees and combination tables to
organize the thinking of th e team and to syn thesize solution fragments.
5 Reflect on the solutions and the process. Identify opportunities for improve-
ment in subsequent it erations or future projects.
AIthough conce pt generation is an inherently creative process, teams can
benefit fr om using a structured methodology. Su ch an approach allows fuIl
explorati on of th e design space an d reduces th e chance of ove rsigh t in the
types of solution concepts considered . It also acts as a map for those team
members who are less experienced in design problem solving.
Despite the linear presentation of the concep t generation process in this
chapter, the team will likeIy return to eac h step of the process several times.
It eration is particularly common when th e team is developing a radically
new producto
Professionals who are good at concep t generation seem to always be in great
demand as team members. Contrary to popular opinion, we beIieve con-
cep t generation is a skill th at can be learned an d deveIoped.
Pahl and Beitz were the driving for ce behind structured design methods in Germany.
We adaptomany 01" their ideas for fun ctional de composition.
Pahl, Gerhard, and Wolfgang Beitz, Engineering Design, K. WaIlace (ed.), Springer-
Verlag, New York, 1984. ISBN 0-387-13601-0.
Hubka and Eder have written in a detailed way about systematic concept generation
for technical products.
Hubka, Vladimi r, and W. Emst Edcr, Theory of Technical Systems: A Total Concept
Theory [or Engineering Design, Springcr-Verlag, New York, 1988. ISBN 0-387-17451-
von Hippcl reports on his empirical research on the sources of ncw product con-
cepts. His central argument is that lead users are the innovators in many markets.
von Hippel, Eric, The Sources of Innovation, Oxford University Press, New York,
1988. ISBN 0-19-504085-6.
VanGundy presents dozens of methods for problem solving, many of which are
direetly applieable to product eoneepl generalion.
VanGundy, Arthur B., jr., Techniques of Structured Problem Solving, seeond edition,
Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1988. ISBN 0-442-28847-6.
Author von Oeeh provides dozens of good ideas for improving individual and group
erealive performance.
von Oeeh, Roger, A Whack 071 the Side of the Head: How to Unlock Your Mind [or
Innovation, Wamer Books, New York, 1983. ISBN 0-446-38000-8.
MeKim presents a holistic approaeh lo developing creative thinking skills in individ-
uals and groups.
McKim, Robert H., Experiences in Visual Thinking, second edition, Brooks/Cole
Publishing, Monterey, CA, 1980. ISBN 0-818-50411-0.
MeGrath presents studies eomparing the relative performance of groups and indi-
viduals in generaling new ideas.
MeGrath,joseph, E., Groups: Interaction and Performance, Prenlice-Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, Nj, 1984. ISBN 0-13-365700-0.
Engineering handbooks are handy sources of informalion on standard teehnieal
solutions. Three good handbooks are:
Avallone, Eugene A., and Theodore Baumeister III (eds.), Mark's Standard
Handbook of Mechanical Engineering, ninth edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1987.
ISBN 0-070-04127-X.
Green, Don W. (ed.), Perry's Chemical Engineers ' Handbook, sixth edition, MeGraw-
Hill, New York, 1984 . ISBN 0-070-49479-7.
Chironis, Nieholas P., Mechanisms and Mechanical Deoices Sourcebook, McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1991. ISBN 0-07-010918-4.
The Thomas Register is a eategorized listing of manufacturers of all types of industrial
Thomas Register of American Manufacturers, Thomas Publishing Co mpany, New
York, published annually. ISBN 0362-7721.
Decompose the problem of designing a new barbecue grill. Try a functional
deeomposilion as well as a deeomposition based on the user interaclions with the
2 Generate 20 concepts for the subproblem "prevent fraying of end of rope" as part
of a system for cutling lengths of nylon ro pe from a spool.
3 Pr epare an external seareh plan for th e problem of perrnan ently applying serial
numbers to plastie produets.
1 What are th e prospeets for eomputer suppor t for eoneept ge nera tion activitiesi
Ca n you think of any eomputer tools that would be especi alIy helpful in this
2 What would be the rel ative advantages and disadvantages of involving actual cus-
tomers in th e concept generation process?
3 For whai l} p.:.s uf p i-0 dct.> -.ou l.l the initial focus of the concept generation activo
ity be on th e form and user interface of the product and not on the co re technol-
ogy? Describe specific examples.
4 Could you apply the five-step methodology to an everyday problem like choosing
the food Ior a picnic?
5 Consider th e task of generating new conce pts for the problem of dealing with
leaves on a lawn. How would the assumptions and problem decomposition differ
for a manufacturer of plastic bags, from those of a manufacturer of lawn tools and
equipment, from those of a company responsible for maintaining golf courses
around the world? Should the context of the firm dictate the way concep t genera-
tion is approached?

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