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1) Name: Customer Primary Key:custid Column Name Custid Custname Custaddr Country Phone Email City State mobphone

Pin 2) Name: Employee Primary Key:empid Column Name Empid Empname Empaddr empCountry empPhone Empmail empCity empState empotherphone Emppcode 3) Name: SavBnk Primary Key: accno Column Name Accno


Data Type numeric varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar char char char Numeric

Description Customer ID Customer Name Address Country Phone E-Mail City State Mobile Phone Number Pin Code

Data Type numeric char char char char char char char char Numeric

Description Customer ID Customer Name Address Country Phone E-Mail City State Other Phone Number Pin Code

Data Type numeric

Description Account Number

Custid Balamt Acctype custidofjoint1 Custidofjoint2 Custidofjoint3

numeric Money char Numeric Numeric Numeric

Customer ID Balance Amount Account Type Customer ID of Joint Account Holders Customer ID of Joint Account Holders Customer ID of Joint Account Holders

4) Name: CA Primary Key: accno Column Name Accno Custid Balamt Acctype custidofjoint1 Custidofjoint2 Custidofjoint3 Busaddr overdr ovdrlmt 5) Name:Log Primary Key:logid Column Name loginid Data Type Char Description Login ID Data Type numeric numeric Money char Numeric Numeric Numeric varchar money money Description Account Number Customer ID Balance Amount Account Type Customer ID of Joint Account Holders Customer ID of Joint Account Holders Customer ID of Joint Account Holders Business address of the customer Overdraft Amount Overdraft Limit

pwd Usertype 6) NameLoan Primary Key:loanno Column Name Loanno Custid Loanamt Loantype Intrate Acctype faceval custidofjoint1 Custidofjoint2 Custidofjoint3 Date

Char Char

Password Type of user

Data Type Numeric Numeric Money Char Float Char Money Numeric Numeric Numeric Datetime

Description Loan number Customer id Loan Amount Type of loan Interest rate Type of account Face value of security Customer id of joint a/c holders Customer id of joint a/c holders Customer id of joint a/c holders Date of loan

7) Name: Introducer Foreign Key :serno Column Name Serno intdrname intdraddr phone Data Type numeric char Varchar Char Description Serial number Introducer name Address of the introducer Phone number

Email custid intperid 8) Name: Loan Installment Column Name serno loanno instamt paydate 9) Name: loan repayment Column Name serno loanno instamt Amtpaid actdatepaid paidornot

Char Numeric numeric

Email id Customer id Introduced persons id

Data Type numeric numeric Money Datetime

Description Serial number Loan number Amount of loan Amount to be paid date

Data Type numeric numeric Money Money Datetime Tinyint

Description Serial number Loan number Instalment amount Amount paid Date on which amount was paid Boolean value for paid or not

10) Name: DD Primary Key:ddserno Column Name Ddserno ddamt payat Data Type Numeric Money Char Description DD serial number Amount of DD Payable at

payto remittedby brcode 11) Name: cash Column Name cashbookentry acctype Accno Transtype Amt Dat 12) Name: trans1 Column Name transno transtype amt Dt accno actype balamt 13) Name:FD Primary Key:fdno Column Name fdno custid amtdeposited peroid intrate matdate

Char Char numeric

Payable to Amount remitted by Branch code

Data Type numeric char numeric char Money Datetime

Description Cash book entry number Account type Account number Transaction type Amount Date

Data Type numeric char Money Datetime numeric char Money

Description Transaction number Transaction type Amount Date Account number Account type Balance amount

Data Type numeric Numeric money Int Float Datetime

Description FD number Customer id Amount deposited Period of deposit Interest rate Maturity date

matamt intamt acctype fdtype jointcustid1 Jointcustid2 jointcustid standinginst Intcaldate depdate

Money Money Char Char Numeric Numeric Numeric Char datetime datetime

Maturity amount Interest amount Account type FD type Customer id of joint account holders Customer id of joint account holders Customer id of joint account holders Standing instruction Interest calculate date Deposit date

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