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Role of the Program Convenor

Approving authority Approval date Advisor Next scheduled review Document URL TRIM document Description Related documents Academic Standing, Progression and Exclusion Policy Coursework Postgraduate Programs Admission Policy Assessment Policy Course Approval and Review Process Credit Transfer Policy Program Planning, Development, Approval and Review Processes Bachelors Honours Degree Policy Inability to Complete Required Components of Professional Qualification Policy International Student Exchange Program Policy Student Academic Misconduct Policy Academic Misconduct Policy - Higher Degree Research Students Student Grievances and Appeals Policy Professional Doctorate Policy Role of the Honours Program Convenor Structure and Requirements of Degrees Awarded by Griffith University Student Administration Policy [Introduction] [Appointment] [Broad Role] [Detailed Responsibilities] Academic Committee 14 April 2011 (2/2011 meeting) Karen van Haeringen | Deputy Academic Registrar | Academic Services [email protected] | (07) 373 57726 2012 of the Program Convenor.pdf 2010/0003844 This policy describes the appointment of the Program Convenor, the role and responsibilities of that position.


Each Program is required to have a duly appointed Program Convenor who shall be an academically qualified staff member of the relevant academic element that is the host of the program (Host School/Group).


The Program Convenor is appointed by the Group Board responsible for the program. Where more than one Group is involved (for example, double degrees) the appointment of the Program Convenor should involve consultation between the relevant Group Boards. A Deputy Program Convenor should be appointed whenever there is a period of absence. Where a program is offered on a number of campuses a Program Convenor may be appointed for each campus offering. To ensure a coordinated and coherent approach across campuses to the offering of a program a Chair of Program Convenors may be appointed to oversee the campus specific Program Convenors.

Role of the Program Convenor


The Program Convenor is responsible to the Group Board for ensuring that the program, as approved by the Academic Committee and published in the Program Catalogue, is the learning experience provided to students. The Program Convenor is responsible for ensuring the program of study is coherent in its design, planning, management, delivery and assessment. The Program Convenor has a leadership role to play in assuring the quality of the University's programs and should demonstrate that leadership in the following ways: by providing a supportive environment for teaching within the program's teaching team; by providing opportunities for other members of the program's teaching team to contribute in a meaningful way to the program's organisation and management; by encouraging the development and maintenance of resource based materials associated with the program's delivery; by encouraging peer review of the program team's teaching; by regularly reviewing and evaluating the program's performance.

The Program Convenor should monitor the demand for the program, the characteristics of the students admitted to the program, and the extent to which the program is achieving the stated outcomes of the program in terms of graduate characteristics, employment or further study outcomes. The Program Convenor should also monitor graduate satisfaction, employer satisfaction and professional recognition. The Program Convenor should bring to the attention of the Group Board any problems in the program design or offering or achievement of outcomes, and facilitate actions to resolve such problems. The Program Convenor is a critical communication link between the academic operations and the Student Administration functions concerning the program for which he or she is responsible. The Program Convenor should be available to respond promptly to requests for information and to make decisions in a timely fashion, including during semester breaks.


The Program Convenor is responsible for: 4.1 With respect to program management matters: checking in conjunction with the School Administrative Officer and reporting to the Head of School that the courses required for the program, including electives, and including courses owned by other Schools, are scheduled and available according to the approved program structure as recorded in the Program Catalogue.


With respect to Program quality and outcomes: advising Heads of School and Group Boards on curriculum development and program evaluation; preparing the annual program review report and submitting this, via the Head of School, to the relevant Dean.


With respect to student matters: ensuring that the information provided to students for enrolment purposes is accurate and helpful; counselling students on program related matters; approving a specific aspect of a student's program of study where the program requirements state that Program Convenor approval is required; making decisions on student applications for over-load enrolment programs and enrolment programs which vary from the approved program structure;

Role of the Program Convenor

making recommendations, on advice from the School Administrative Officer, to the Dean (Learning & Teaching) on the list of students who have satisfied degree requirements and are eligible to graduate, including any students who require a variation to degree requirements in order to be eligible to graduate; where the program is a postgraduate coursework program or an undergraduate program for which there is direct admission, making decisions to admit students to the program, in accordance with the entry requirements for the program; considering applications for credit in accordance with the Credit Transfer Policy; reviewing students who are eligible for exclusion under the Policy on Academic Standing, Progression and Exclusion, and making recommendations to the Dean (Learning & Teaching); considering applications for readmission after exclusion and making recommendations to the Dean (Learning & Teaching);


With respect to assessment matters: the Program Convenor is a member of the School Assessment Board and makes recommendations on assessment matters pertaining to the progress of students through the program.


In respect of Bachelors Honours programs: specific responsibilities for an Honours Program Convenor are set out in the Role of the Honours Program Convenor.

Role of the Program Convenor

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