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Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen
To have good fortune: Every year, nd out what Orishas rule the year and y banners in their favorite colors from your front door and at your place of business. To have good luck: Spread candies and pennies in the corners of your house. Do the same at street corners and at crossroads. It will make Elegua happy and he will favor you. To have good luck: Wear ornaments of coral and jet around your neck. It is specially effective for children. The ornaments should be washed in holy water and coconut water every now and then to refresh them. To attract luck: Wear an alligator's tooth around your neck. Never go near the ocean or a river with it or it will lose its powers. To have good luck: Ingredients: A red apple Five yellow roses A red rose A white rose Seven lettuce leaves A half quart of milk Honey Abre camino , (Bunchosia media) Wild mint Cinnamon sticks Marigolds Florida water cologne
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Chapter Thirteen

Cologne Almond oil Patchoulli oil Bath salts A red candle Blend the apple, the owers, the lettuce, the milk, seven spoonfuls of honey, seven leaves of Abre camino, seven mint leaves, seven cinnamon sticks, and seven marigolds until a smooth, thick liquid is obtained. Add a small bottle of Florida water, a small bottle of cologne, and seven drops of each of the essential oils. Fill up the tub with hot water and pour in the mixture. Add the bath salts. Light the red candle and relax in the bath. Repeat the procedure seven days in a row. To have good luck: Macerate a handful of laurel leaves in water and add to a hot bath. To have good luck: Cover a white bed sheet in laurel leaves. Sleep on them. For good luck: Ingredients: Pine needles Lavender leaves Laurel leaves Geranium leaves Patchoulli Take out the stufng from your pillow. Mix equal portions of the pine needles and other ingredients until you have the same volume of material as the stufng you took out. Sprinkle with a couple of drops of patchoulli and stuff your pillow with the herbal mixture. Sleep with it every night. To have good luck: Ingredients: Parsley Boneset Jamaican rosewood Five yellow roses Honey
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Cologne Powdered egg shell A yellow candle Crush the herbs in water. Add ve spoonfuls of honey and a small bottle of the cologne. Place the mixture in an open container and leave out exposed to the sun a day and exposed a night to the dew. Divide the mixture into ve equal parts. To each, add a whole rose.


To bring prosperity: Ingredients: Orange rind Dried orange leaves Brown sugar An iron pot Place the ingredients in the pot and burn them. Smother the re and leave the smoldering mixture smoking heavily. Offer the incense to Oshun: "oshun oguao mi inle oshun igua iya mio igua iko bo si iya mi guasi iya mi omo y alorde oguo mi inle ashe oshun". Or, respectfully pray to Oshun in your own language for the money and economic prosperity that you need. To attract money: Ingredients: A multi-colored bowl A multi-colored cloak Nine old pennies Alum Oil Red ocher Dust from consecrated ground Rain water Place the pennies in the bowl. Cover them with nine pieces of alum, nine spoonfuls of oil, nine pinches of red ocher and of the dust. Add enough rain water to cover the ingredients. Cover the bowl with a multi- colored cloak and place before Oya. When the money comes, part must be used to buy a sacrice to Oya. To make a man give money to a woman: Ingredients:

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A coin Oil Red ocher White, blue, red, yellow, black, green and brown thread Obtain a coin from the man. Wrap it in the different colors of thread until no part of the coin can be seen. Place the wrapped coin in a dish full of oil and seven pinches of red ocher. Let it soak for seven days. Keep the coin in a safe place and never spend it. To attract money: Ingredients: A lodestone Rue Rosemary Anise Sweet basil A silver coin Holy water Red and black thread A red cloth A black cloth Place a lodestone in a deep dish. Cross a sprig of rue with a sprig of rosemary on top of the stone. Cross a line of anise with a sprig of sweet basil on top of the rst cross. Wind black thread around the coin. Wind crosswise with red thread. Lay the coin on top of the herbal crosses. Sprinkle three times with holy water. Say three Hail Marys. Cover the dish with the cloths and leave before your Elegua for three days. Always carry the coin with you. To get money from a rich friend: Ingredients: A coconut shell Oil Red wine Nine pennies Write your friend's name on a piece of paper and place it in the coconut shell.

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Put the pennies on top. Add nine spoonfuls of red wine. Fill the shell the rest of the way with oil. Insert a wick Burn the lamp in your yard for nine days. Then, go talk to your friend about money. To make a debtor pay: Ingredients: Three needles Honey Rose honey A candle Write the name of the debtor on a piece of paper. Pierce the paper with the needles. Place it in a glass containing equal parts of the two honeys. Place the glass before your Elegua. Light the candle and place it next to the glass. Petition Elegua for your money. If you receive it, you must make a sacrice to him. To get an inheritance: Ingredients: An egg shell Rain water Parsley Watercress Rose honey Write the names of the interested parties and the name of the lawyer on a piece of paper. Place the paper in a deep dish. Soften the egg shell in the rain water and cover the paper with the paste. Finely chop parsley and watercress and mix equal parts together. Cover the egg shell paste with the chopped herbs. Pour rose honey over the whole thing. Place the dish on a high shelf in your house until the matter is resolved. To attract money: Ingredients: Tobacco owers Honey Pompeii perfume 1800 cologne Mint oil White roses
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Pour the two bottles of perfume into a large bottle. Add seven tobacco owers and seven roses. Pour in seven spoonfuls of honey and seven drops of mint oil. Pour some of the mixture in your bath every day for seven days. If your luck is very bad, do it for 21 days. To attract money: Ingredients: Three yellow roses The milk from three coconuts Florida water cologne Coconut meat Dry wine Cinnamon sticks Sweet basil Pumpkin rind Fill a large container with the roses, the coconut milk, a large bottle of Florida water, three small pieces of coconut meat, a glass of dry wine, three cinnamon sticks, three large handfuls of sweet basil and ve pieces of pumpkin rind. Add about ve gallons of water. Bathe with the mixture for three days in a row. Skip three days and then bathe with it for ve days in a row. To attract money: Ingredients: Balsam apple Peppergrass Honey River water Pompeii cologne White roses Yellow roses Red roses Holy water In a large container, put ve balsam apples, ve sprigs of peppergrass, ve spoonfuls of honey, ve of each color rose, and ve drops of holy water. Add about ve gallows of clean river water. Let the mixture sit for a day. Bathe with the mixture. To attract money:

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Ingredients: Cow's milk Goat's milk Coconut milk Holy water Mix the liquids in equal parts. Bathe yourself in the morning, before sunrise. To attract money: Dress in yellow and go to the ocean or to a river. Walk into the water, while dressed, with a bottle of honey. Rub your whole body with the honey, especially your head. Let the water wash it off. Don't swim. To attract money: Ingredients: Wild owers Coconut oil Coconut soap Green tobacco leaves Rosemary Wild mint Maiden's hair Myrrh Pompeii cologne Gather three handfuls of wild owers along three different paths. Put them in a large container. Add three spoonfuls of coconut oil and three bars of coconut soap, three tobacco leaves, three sprigs of rosemary and three of wild mint, three sprigs of maiden's hair fern. Add three drops of myrrh and a bottle of the cologne. Pour in about ve gallons of water. Bathe on three Mondays in a row. After each bath, give Elegua a little bit of his favorite food. To attract money: Ingredients: Rose petals Gladioli White lilies Jasmine Marigold Sunowers

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Pompeii cologne Guerlain cologne Sol de Oro cologne Florida water cologne River water Coconut water Place seven rose petals in a large container. Add seven of each of the owers, a small bottle of each cologne, and the water from ve coconuts. Add about ve gallons of river water. Bathe with the mixture before sunrise for seven days in a row.


To get a better job: Ingredients: Five diamond chips A chicken When you want to get a better job, or improve your work situation in any way, take the ve diamond chips (if your budget allows. If not, one will do.)and place them in Oshun's tureen. Sacrice the chicken and allow the blood to drip over the diamond chips while you Moyuba Oshun. Perform this Ebo on a Saturday or on the fth day of the month. If you don't have a tureen, petition Oshun at a river's edge. To obtain a job: Rub your hands with corojo oil and honey. Lick your hands three times and ask for the job. To get a raise at work: Ingredients: Star anise Alum Peanuts Grind each of the ingredients into a powder. Mix equal parts together and sprinkle it around your work place.


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To purify your house after moving in: Ingredients: Dried sweet basil Dried eucalyptus leaves Myrrh If you have just moved into a house and feel strange vibrations or entities, prepare a large quantity of equal parts of basil and eucalyptus. Add a little of the myrrh. Fill a large reproof container such as an iron pot with the mixture. Set re to the leaves, smother the re and walk the smoking mixture all over the house. Close all doors and windows, place the smoldering iron pot on a reproof surface such as pieces of metal or tile and leave the house for four to ve hours. When you return and air out the house, all strange inuences will be gone. To remove a curse against your house or business: Ingredients: Banana leaves Six Espanta Muerto sticks A stick from the rose apple Corojo butter Rope from agave bers Dry eucalyptus leaves Smear the banana leaves and the sticks with lots of corojo butter. Wrap the sticks in the banana leaves and tie the bundle together with the agave cord. Place the eucalyptus leaves in a plate and burn them until they smoulder and produce a lot of smoke. Take the smoking leaves all through your house or place of business, making sure that the smoke gets in all the corners. Stop at each door and ask that the curse be lifted from you. When you have thoroughly fumigated your house or place of business, leave the eucalyptus ashes and the banana leaf bundle at the door of the person who cursed you (if you know who it is). If you don't know who cursed you, spread a bed sheet on the street and leave the ashes and the package on it. Return home and give yourself a herbal bath to drive away any traces of the spirits of the dead. To remove evil inuences from your house: Ingredients: A coconut Powdered egg shell

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Whiten the coconut with the powdered egg shell. Go to the room farthest from the front door. Place the coconut on the oor and kick it from room to room until you reach the front door. Give the coconut a good kick out the front door. Perform this ebo whenever your house feels "uneasy". To protect a new house: Ingredients: Four silver nails 3 to 4 inches long 21 herbs belonging to 12 major Orishas A duck A dove A rooster A chicken A guinea hen (All animals are to be white) Have a jeweler make up the nails. Prepare an Omiero with the 21 herbs and the blood from all the animals. Soak the silver nails in the Omiero for 24 hours. The following day, at sunrise, bury one of the nails at each of the four corners of the house, touching the walls. To remove negative inuences from a house: Paint a live turtle blue. Allow it to walk around the house for seven days. Let it wander around the yard as well, but don't let it get lost. At the end of the seven days, take the turtle to the water and let it go. Offer a watermelon to Yemaya. To keep you house free of spirits: Don't rock empty rocking chairs. To keep enemies and rivals away from your house: Ingredients: Boneset root Rusted iron Arsenic Sulphur Red ocher Ground deer antler Rock salt Balsam
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A scorpion Cooking oil Fry the scorpion in the oil until the scorpion is dissolved. Save the oil. Write the person's name on a piece of paper. Place the paper at the bottom of a clay pot and burn it to ashes. Put the boneset on top of the ashes. Add three slivers of rusted iron. Cover all with the powders. Add three grains of the rock salt and the balsam. Cover all the ingredients in the oil. Insert a wick. Place the lamp in front of Elegua and light it. Leave it lit for three days. While the lamp is lit, pray that Elegua drive your enemies away. Throw water out the front door three times after each prayer. To make a neighbor move: Ingredients: A wasp's nest Coal Guinea pepper Rock salt An egg Red ocher Powder a piece of wasp's nest, coal and four grains of Guinea pepper. Add three grains of rock salt. Mix equal parts of the powder. Let the egg soak in oil and red ocher for three days and nights. Throw the egg at your neighbor's door and blow the powder after it so that it sticks to the remnants of the egg. To make a neighbor move: Ingredients: Powdered egg shell An egg from a black chicken Nightshade Dry and powder the egg. Dry and powder the nightshade. Mix with equal parts of powdered egg shell. Blow this powder inside your neighbor's house. To make a neighbor move: Ingredients: The white of an egg Seven needles Cowhage
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Iron lings Peppercorns Dust from the four corners of a crossroads A feather from a Guinea hen Pierce the egg and blow the white out. Stick the needles into the egg. Burn the feather and reduce to ashes. Grind the rest of the ingredients into a powder and mix in equal parts. Throw the egg at your neighbor's door. Blow the powder after it. To prevent the rental of a house: Ingredients: Carbon dust Rock dust Benzoin resin Grind the ingredients into a powder and mix in equal parts. Sprinkle the mixture inside the house. To have your lawyer win a property suit: Ingredients: A peacock feather A guinea hen feather Earth from the four corners of the property Toast the feathers and grind them to a powder. Mix in equal quantities with the earth. Sift the mixture to a very ne powder. The lawyer is to sprinkle the dust on the oor of the courtroom where the case is being heard. To protect your house: Ingredients: Anamu , (petiveria alliacea) garlic herb native to Cuba Three large iron nails Red, white and black thread Wax Powdered egg shell An egg Water Wine Cut the thread into seven inch sections. Twist three of the white threads, two of the black threads and two of the red threads together. Rub with wax to make a stiff twine. Make three pieces of the twine.
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Put the nails in a re until they are red hot. While still hot, wrap each nail in Anamu leaves and wind tight with the twine. Cover the egg in the powdered egg shell. Make a triangle with the nails. Stand up the egg in the triangle. Sprinkle the amulet with water and wine every day.


To win a woman: Ingredients: Coral Cinnamon Creme de Menthe Anise Powder the ingredients and mix them with a few drops of the Creme de Menthe. When drunk or eaten, the mixture will turn the most indifferent woman into a passionate lover To conquer a lover: Chew a small stick of Jamaica rosewood and either chew it or leave it inside your mouth while you speak to the person you are trying to seduce. This works equally well in a business meeting. To resolve romantic problems: Ingredients: Parsley Honey Cinnamon sticks Dry corn Mix all the ingredients together, reserving a sprig of parsley. Place the mixture in a high place in your house. Every time you speak with the one you love, you must have the sprig of parsley with you. To win a lover: Write the person's name with India ink on a small piece of papyrus. Put the slip of paper under a gourd lled with an Omiero made with seven herbs belonging to Yemaya and Oshun.

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To arouse virility in men and passion in women: Ingredients: Sea turtle eggs Honey Cinnamon sticks Dry the turtle eggs and powder them. Brew cinnamon tea, stir in the powdered eggs and sweeten with honey. Drink three times a day. To attract a lover: Ingredients: Sea water Indigo dye Sugar cane syrup Corojo butter Pork lard Vegetable oil Mercury Cocoa butter A cotton wick Seven pins Blue thread Write the lover's name at the bottom of a large pot. Fill the pot with the oil. Add small quantities of the rest of the ingredients. Insert the wick. Go to the sea shore. Tie the seven pins together with the thread. Hold them up before you and walk out to the surf, calling out your lover's name seven times. Light the lamp. Take the burning lamp back home and allow it to burn for seven days. At the end of seven days, take the lamp back out to the sea shore and let the waves sweep it away. Petition Yemaya to have your lover at your feet. To attract a lover: Ingredients: Dirt from a hillside Mercury Red wine Sulphur Red ocher Borax Two slugs Two doves An arrow made of white metal Almond oil Paint a white stripe around a new clay pot. Write the name of the person you

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desire on a piece of paper and place it in the pot. Cover the paper with a handful of dirt. Add the mercury, a little red wine, a pinch of the powders and the slugs. Sacrice the two doves to Obatala. Cut out their hearts and pin them together with the metal arrow. Add the hearts to the pot. Fill with almond oil. Insert the cotton wick, light it, and allow the lamp to burn for 16 days. After 16 days, bury the pot and its contents at the foot of a kapok tree. Dress in white for 16 days. To attract a lover: Ingredients: Red ocher Sulphur Borax Powdered poplar leaves Three pins Cooking oil Write the loved one's name on a piece of paper four times. Place the paper inside a large colorful teapot. Add a pinch of the four powders and the oil. Insert a wick and burn the lamp for nine days. To attract a lover: Ingredients: A red apple Corojo oil Six okras Corn meal Mercury Place the apple in a gourd. Cover it with the oil. Add a small amount of the other ingredients. Insert a cotton wick and light the lamp before Chango's tureen. To seduce a man: Ingredients: Cooking oil Red wine Aguardiente Seven needles Black thread
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White thread Pour the cooking oil, a cup of red wine and a cup of aguardiente in a new pot. Write the man's name on a piece of paper and pierce it with the seven needles. Roll the paper up into a cylinder and wind the black and white thread around it. Float the paper on the oil. Insert a wick. Light the lamp and burn it for nine days. At the end of the ninth day, take out the needles and bury them. To attract a lover: Ingredients: A dove Seven pins Sesame oil Olive oil Almond oil Honey Red ocher Cut out the dove's heart. Write the person's name on a piece of paper and wrap the heart in it. Pierce the packet with the seven pins and place inside a pot. Pour in equal parts of the oils. Add a pinch of the powder and a spoon full of honey. Insert a wick. Light the lamp and allow it to burn for ve days. On the fth day, bury the pot and go visit the desired person. To attract and dominate a lover: Ingredients: Cooking oil Black ink Mercury Seven peppercorns A length of narrow ribbon Pour the cooking oil into a pot. Add a few drops of ink, mercury and the peppercorns. Remove all your clothes and stand before your Elegua. Tie the piece of ribbon around your waist. While tying seven knots in the ribbon say: "By the seven words that Christ said on the cross. With two, I look at you. With three, I see you. With the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, let (name) come and be at my feet."

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To attract a lover: Ingredients: A dove Four pins A round river pebble Olive oil Red ocher Rock candy Sesame oil Place the pebble in a pot. Sacrice the dove and let the blood drip on the pebble. Cut the heart out of the dove and pierce it with the four pins. Place the heart in the pot along with the rest of the ingredients and cover with oil. Insert a wick and light. When the lamp goes out, remove the pebble and wear it as a talisman. To attract a lover: Ingredients: Whale oil Almond oil Corojo oil Balsam Mercury Water Mix the oils together in a small container. Add a drop of mercury and a spoonful of water. Write the lover's name on a piece of paper and put it in the oil. Insert a wick and burn the lamp. To attract a lover: Ingredients: A glass of water Honey Camphor Poppies Mercury A candle At noon, write the loved one's name on a piece of paper and place it in the glass of water. Add a small quantity of the other ingredients. Light a candle next to the glass.
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To seduce a lover: Ingredients: A large new tea cup A lodestone Five needles A dove Five varieties of sweet wine Olive oil Honey Mercury Five cotton wicks Write the name of the person you love on a piece of paper. Pierce the paper with the needles. Place the paper at the bottom of the cup. Weigh it down with the lodestone. Sacrice the dove over the cup and allow the blood to pour over the stone. Add a spoon full of each of the wines, ve drops of mercury, and ve spoonfuls of honey. Fill the rest of the cup with olive oil. Insert the wicks. Light and burn for ve days. To seduce a man: Ingredients: Seven earth worms Menstrual blood Excrement Hair Genital hair Collect seven earth worms. Lay them in the sun to dry. Also collect a little of your menstrual blood, a pinch of your excrement, hairs from your head and hair from your genitals. Lay them on a plate and let them dry in the sun. When thoroughly dry, take all the ingredients and grind them to a very ne powder. Administer the powder in the man's food or drink. To seduce a man: Ingredients: Menstrual blood Nail trimmings Hair Genital hair Armpit hair

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Poppy seeds Root of rue Amansa guapo A hummingbird heart Collect a bit of your menstrual blood, nail trimmings from each of your ngers, hair from your head, armpits and genitals. Lay all the ingredients on a plate and add the hummingbird heart, three poppy seeds, and the Amansa guapo. Set everything in the sun to dry. When thoroughly dry, grind everything to a very ne powder. Put the powder next to your Elegua for three days. Administer the powder in the man's food or drink. If a man wants to prepare this powder to seduce a woman, replace the menstrual blood with semen. To seduce a man or a woman: Ingredients: Cooking oil Urine Red wine Lemon juice Rock candy Mercury A black dove Seven needles Hair Seven earthworms Menstrual blood In a clay pot, place seven drops of your urine, seven spoonfuls of red wine, seven spoonfuls of lemon juice, seven pieces of candy, and seven drops of mercury. Sacrice the dove over the pot and stir in the blood. Fill the rest of the pot with the oil. Write the person's name backwards on a piece of paper. Wrap the dove's heart in the paper and pierce it with the seven needles. Place it in the clay pot. Insert a wick and burn the lamp for seven days. While the lamp burns, dry the earthworms, the blood and the hair in the sun. On the seventh day, unwrap the heart and toast it. Reduce it, the worms, the blood and the hair to a powder. Administer in the food or drink. A man needs to replace the menstrual blood with semen.

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To be seductive: Ingredients: Talisman perfumed body powder Hair from a stray bitch Powdered egg shell from an infertile dove egg Ground antler Incense Borax Valerian powder Cinnamon powder Five pieces of coral Grind the ve corals and the ve hairs from a stray bitch into a ne powder. Mix with the body powder. Add ve pinches of the powdered egg shell, the antler, the incense, the borax, the valerian and the cinnamon. After the powder has been thoroughly mixed, sprinkle on your body. To attract a lover: Ingredients: Pompeii face powder Cinnamon Powdered valerian Holy water Mercury Add a pinch of the other powders to the face powder. Make a cross on the surface of the mix with the holy water. Add a drop of mercury. To marry the person you want: Rub your hands with powdered egg shell before you shake hands with him or her.


To stop a husband from being unfaithful: Ingredients:

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Yellow cloth Dried corn Honey Cinnamon sticks Cinnamon Cotton Two lodestones A candle When you know that your husband is unfaithful, take a little cutting of his hair and a few of his nail parings. Place them and all the ingredients, except the candle and the cinnamon oil, in the yellow cloth and make a tight bundle. Sprinkle the bundle with cinnamon oil and burn the candle to Oshun daily for ve days. If the unfaithful husband has actually left the house, add the blood of a chicken to Oshun's tureen before making this Ebo. To keep a spouse from running off: Ingredients: A clay pot Yellow paint Corn meal Cinnamon powder Cinnamon sticks A powdered lodestone Two lodestones Iron lings Five cowrie shells Five white chickens A candle Coconut oil Cinnamon oil Paint the clay pot yellow. Fill the pot with corn meal, powdered and stick cinnamon, powdered lodestone, the lings, the whole lodestones and the ve cowrie shells. Sacrice the ve chickens and allow the blood to soak into the corn meal. Pluck the chickens and ll the pot to the top with feathers. Keep the pot hidden from your spouse. Light a candle to the pot at sunset for ve consecutive days and sprinkle it with a few drops of coconut and cinnamon oil. Dispose of the Ebo in a river.

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To hold on to a wandering husband: Ingredients: Almond oil Honey Holy water Egg yolk Yellow cloth Red ribbon Fill a gourd with almond oil. Add small quantities of honey, holy water and egg yolk. Insert a wick. Light the lamp as you petition Oshun. Wrap the yellow cloth around your middle and tie it tight with the red ribbon. Wear the girdle for ve days. To have a lover return: Ingredients: A large gourd Two chicken feet An egg Linseed oil Florida water cologne Marjoram Paprika A piece of your lover's clothing or jewelry A cotton wick Write your lover's name on a piece of paper. Place the gourd on top of the paper. Put ve chicken nails, the egg, Florida water, a little paprika, marjoram and a strip of the clothing or the piece of jewelry in the gourd. Fill it up with the linseed oil and insert the wick. Petition Oshun for your lover's return as you light the lamp. Allow it to burn for ve days. Dispose of it in a river. To tie a lover to you: Obtain seven ribbons the colors of the Seven African Powers (white, blue, red, yellow, black, green and brown). Weave them together in a cord. Smear the completed cord with plenty of corojo butter and a little bit of coconut oil. Make seven knots along the length of the cord and place it in front of a photo or the name of the person you want to tie to you.

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Burn a candle before the cord for seven days. To tie a lover to you: Ingredients: Olive oil Mercury Sulphur Sweet wine Aguardiente Five small dolls Yellow thread Buy a metal pot and ll it with olive oil. Add small quantities of the mercury, and sulphur. Pour in ve spoonfuls of wine and aguardiente. Make up the dolls to look like the person you want to tie to you. Tie them together with yellow thread and oat them in the oil. Place a cotton wick in the oil. Petition Oshun as you light the wick. Burn the lamp for ve days and dispose of it in a river. To tie a lover to you: Ingredients: Cooking oil Honey Brown sugar Rock candy Five pins Five needles Five cotton wicks Write your lover's name on a piece of paper. Pierce the paper with the pins and needles and place it at the bottom of a large tea cup. Cover the paper completely with small amounts of the honey, sugar and candy. Fill the cup the rest of the way with the oil. Insert the ve wicks. Light the lamp and allow it to burn for ve days. To tie a lover to you: Ingredients: Elegua's herbs Smoked sh Smoked jutia

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Holy water Red ocher Sulphur Borax Balsam Valerian powder Powdered poppy seeds Powdered rue root Two small dolls Small wooden chains A lodestone Three iron nails Sesame oil Balsam oil Patchoulli oil Poppy oil Honey Aguardiente Cotton White thread Black thread A wooden box Prepare an Omiero with Elegua's herbs. Write your lover's name on a piece of paper and wrap the paper in cotton. If the person to be tied is a man, add a little of his semen; if a woman, a few drops of her menstrual blood. Place the paper wrapped in cotton between the two dolls. Tie the two dolls together with the wooden chains. Sprinkle the dolls with the essential oils, aguardiente and honey. Begin winding them with the thread. As you wind, insert the nails into the mummy as well as the lodestone. Continue winding with thread and intermingling the rest of the ingredients until the dolls are completely hidden. Soak the doll mummy in the Omiero as you petition Elegua to make your relationship as tight as that of the dolls. Leave the bundle soaking in the Omiero for three days. After the three days, place the wrapped dolls in the box, nail it shut and bury it at the base of a kapok tree or a palm tree. To tie a lover to you: Ingredients: Pins Corn silk Thread

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Take the inner soles out of your lover's shoes. Also obtain a little bit of the person's hair and clothing. Write out your name on a piece of paper. Write out your lover's name on another piece of paper. Lay the papers over one another so that they form a cross. Pin them together and wrap them in corn silk. Sandwich the papers and the rest of the items in between the inner soles. Wrap everything tightly with the thread and bury the package. To tie a woman to you: Ingredients: Sugar cane Corn starch Taro Immature corn A fox's tail Ginger Five pieces of coral A ball of cotton Pubic hairs taken while she is menstruating Tie all the ingredients into a bundle and bury it. To keep a man faithful: Ingredients: Five coral crosses A piece of amber Honey Ferns A coin Indian lotus (nelumbo) In a jar before Oshun's tureen, place 25 drops of honey. Grind the coral and the amber to a ne powder one by one. Do a Moyuba for Oshun as you add the powder to the honey. Take the jar to a river and pray to Oshun. Take a large leaf of Indian lotus. Leave a coin for Osain in exchange. Place the leaf in the jar and wrap the jar in the ferns. After ve days, unwrap the jar. Press out the juice from the leaf and wash your genitals with the juice. Moisten a piece of cotton with the honey mixture and insert it in your vagina. Take the cotton back out and make love with the man you want to tie. To tie a lover to you:

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Ingredients: A male and a female lizard Black, white and red thread Seven needles Aguardiente Tie the lizards together with the three colors of thread. Pierce the lizards with the needles and pack them in mud taken from you lover's shoes. Obtain a piece of your lover's sweaty clothing. Soak it in aguardiente. Wrap the mud ball in the piece of clothing and place it before your Elegua. Petition Elegua so that he will help you hold on to your lover. To tie a man to a woman: Ingredients: A white handkerchief Aguardiente Three basil roots Gather some of the man's semen and place it on a white handkerchief. Let it dry. When the semen is dry, tear the handkerchief into 14 strips. Tie a knot in each strip. Tie all the knotted strips end to end and place them under your Elegua along with the roots and a glass of aguardiente. To tie a lover to you: Write out your lover's rst name on a piece of paper. Turn the paper 90 degrees and write the last name so that it crosses the rst name. Place a scissors on top of the piece of paper. To tie a lover to you: Ingredients: Salt Saffron Anise Cumin Seven pebbles Three dried twigs A hermit crab Two bags Dry wine Dampen the salt, anise, saffron, and cumin and mix into a stiff paste. Make ve
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Chapter Thirteen

gurines (either male or female). Gather seven pebbles from the four corners of the block where your lover lives. While gathering the pebbles, also gather the twigs. Go to the seashore and capture a hermit crab. Sweep up a little dust from your lover's footprints. Write his or her name on a piece of paper. Put the gurines and all the other items in a bag. Sew it up and place it inside a second bag. Sprinkle the package with dry wine and leave it at a street corner. To tie a lover to you: Swallow a grain of corn whole, without chewing it. Pick it out of your excrement once it passes through you. Add the grain of corn to the food of the person you want to tie to you. To keep a lover from leaving town: Ingredients: A glass Coffee grounds Water A candle Corojo butter Write your lover's rst and last names backwards in the form of a cross on a piece of paper. Place the paper in the bottom of a glass. Cover the paper with coffee grounds and ll the rest of the glass with water. Place the glass next to your Elegua. Cover the candle with corojo butter. Place it next to the glass. As you light it, petition Elegua to prevent your lover from leaving. To make your lover come back to town: Cut out a paper silhouette the same size as your lover. Write your lover's name upon it seven times. Cut the names out of the paper gurine with new scissors. Place the strips of paper at the foot of your Elegua. Leave them there for seven days. On the seventh day, burn the silhouette and the strips of paper with your lover's name. Toss the ashes in the direction where your lover is. To make your lover come back to town: Ingredients: A new deep white plate Almond oil
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Chapter Thirteen

Coconut oil Three cotton wicks Write your lover's name on a piece of paper and lay it inside the plate. Fill the plate with equal parts of the oils. Insert the wicks. Light and let the lamp burn for three days. To make your lover come back to town: Ingredients: A lodestone Three needles Sweet wine Mercury Red ocher A glass of water Write your lover's name on a piece of paper. Write your name so that it makes a cross over it. Pierce the paper with the needles. Place the paper at the bottom of a small clay pot. Weigh it down with the lodestone. Add three pinches of red ocher, three spoonfuls of wine and a small dollop of mercury. Put a glass of water next to the pot. To tie a lover to you: Ingredients: A lodestone Dry wine Three horseshoe nails An egg Amansa guapo A candle Obtain your lover's wash cloth. Write your lover's name on a piece of paper and place it on the cloth. Wash a lodestone in dry wine and put it on top of the paper. Place the rest of the ingredients on the paper. Wrap the cloth around everything and make a tight bundle. Sprinkle the package every Friday with dry wine and light a candle next to it. To tie a lover to you: Ingredients: A nail
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Chapter Thirteen

Aguardiente Heat the nail until it is red hot and plunge it into aguardiente. Let it soak for seven days. On the seventh day, reheat the nail and sprinkle it with aguardiente. Drive the nail into a beam or wall in your house while calling out your lover's name. To tie a lover to you: Ingredients: A lodestone Sea water A rooster Red ocher Sulphur Borax Mercury Seven pieces of poplar root Watercress juice Sweet wine Cooking oil A cotton wick Write your lover's name on a piece of paper. Place it at the bottom of a deep pot. Weigh it down with the lodestone. Sacrice the rooster over the pot and let all the blood drain over the paper and the lodestone. Add seven pinches of the three powders, seven drops of mercury, the seven roots, seven spoonfuls of the juice and of the sweet wine. Pour in seven cups of sea water and ll to the top with cooking oil. Insert a wick and burn for seven days.

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