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Ek Ruka Hua Faisla

Release date: - 23-7-1985

Ek Ruka Hua Faisla is a 1985 Hindi film, directed by Basu Chatterjee. It is a remake of the Golden Bear winning, American motion picture 12 Angry Men (1957), which was directed by Sidney Lumet.

1. Deepak Qazir as Juror 1 2. Amitabh Srivastav as Juror 2 3. Pankaj Kapur as Juror 3 4. S. M. Zaheer as Juror 4 5. Subhash Udghate' 'as Juror 5 6. Hemant Mishra as Juror 6 7. M. K. Raina as Juror 7 8. K. K. Raina as Juror 8 9. Annu Kapoor as Juror 9 10. Subbiraj as Juror 10 11. Shailendra Goel as Juror 11 12. Aziz Qureshi as Juror 12 his profession 13. C. D. Sindhu as Gatekeeper

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A young boy has been charged for killing his father and court has appointed a jury of 12 members to decide whether man is guilty and hence deserves a capital punishment or not? Members of Jury are not lawyers but they belong to different sections of society. All the members of Jury are gathered in a closed room. As soon as meeting is started, few of them are eager to seal the fate of the man and 11 people decide that decision to give capital punishment to the accused is perfectly right. He killed his father and he deserves this and he should be hanged. 8th Juror, opposes this decision. Not that he says that accused is innocent; but he starts his arguments that its a very sensitive matter, as a persons life is on stake and jurors should discuss all the factors associated with the case. He is interrupted by most of the jurors as some of them are in a hurry. One of the juror sitting in 7th position wants to finish this task as early as possible so that he can watch movie. Most of them least bothers about the effect of their decision.

Before the start of any decision a voting was done in which all the members voted against that boy and believed that the boy has killed his father except one member setting in 8th position and this is the 1st time when there was a conflict between them. 11 member in one side and 1 member in other side. Than discussion between them started and all the member tried to convince that one person to change his decision. After lots of conflicts due to interpersonal, intrapersonal and facts related to case they all came to common result and said that the boy is not guilty.

They have a common goal to come to take a decision either in against or in favour of a boy. This common objective of taking decision kept all members together so that they can achieve the target.

Forming: - This is the 1st step of group formation. In this stage a group is formed. In this movie group is formed when all member meets in starting of movie and get introduced to each other.

Storming: - In this step every member tries to influence other member. We can see in movie that before any formal start of discussion members of group tries to influence other person and tries to convey their own thinking on others.

Norming: - In this step every member of group settles down in a organized way and start discussing. In this movie when members sits as per their numbers and settles in their respective sits is norming stage.

Performing: - The whole decision making step is the performing stage of group. When every members start discussing the facts and figures of case is the performing stage of group.

Other factors influencing group

Other factors which effect group behaviour are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Interpersonal Intrapersonal Personal problems Attitude Personality At the end every members agrees in common decision that the boy has not killed his father. Slowly and gradually things became more clear due to good conflict which worked in favour to take a better result that is logically correct.

We can see in movie that there are lot of conflicts between member but their common goal kept them all together. Even member of group start fighting lots of time but than few members reminded other about their main goal. This conflict helped all of them to reach a better outcome.

Group Cohesiveness
It means to feel belongings with group. It is process in which member of group feels that they are part and get attached to group. In this movie members were not allowed to go out during the decision making process. Slowly every member start feeling as if they are part this group activity and start work together to get to their goal.

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