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India, the Cradle of Civilization, from History and Geography

by Raja Yogi, Bro. Khem Jokhoo Copyright . All Rights Reserved Introduction This paper will trace the history of the world to show that India can lay claim to the title of the "cradle of civilization". Firstly, the paper will show what was documented by historians and indologists. Secondly, Biblical inferences will show major changes in history and geography of the world. And thirdly, a spiritual interpretation of India's "Coat of Arms", and "National Emblems" will reveal many hidden secrets of India's glorious past that was skillfully concealed for posterity. Summary of the Research Findings of Paper The excepts presented from historians and indologists placed India as the sovereignty that can easily claim ownership of the prized title as the "mother of civilization" having been one of the most charitable sovereignty that has given "heart and soul" with selfless motivation to the world. These excerpts were chosen as they reflect the "conscience" of those who benefited from India's generosity, uninvited, forcibly or otherwise. They have shown India as mother, teacher, discoverer, inventor, educator and as a sovereignty that showed mercy and compassion even to those who used persuasive and forceful diplomacy on a peaceful people steeped in peace and spirituality. The inferences from biblical quotations point to a major transformation in world history and geography and points to India as an ancient civilization and the source of all westward migration. In addition, it says that this was the time that pain and sorrow entered the world and man was ordered to earn his living by the sweat of his brow. In Genesis, it states that both man and animals were peaceful and vegetarian in diet. And finally, spiritual revelations discerned from the revered "coat of arms" and "national emblems" support the thinking that India can easily lay claim to the "lost civilization" that gave the world the affluence it enjoys today. It also gives valuable information that would

support that this world drama is eternal as well as cyclical and India would regain its place as the drama unfolds. India is a Mother in" the Eyes of the World India, a Paradise on Earth. Professor Max Muller who studied Indias literature intensively and extensively wrote in his book India, what can it teach us? quote, "If I were to look over the whole world to find out the country most richly endowed with all the wealth, power and beauty that nature can bestow, in some parts a very paradise on earth, I should point to India. If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most developed some of it choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on the greatest problems of life and has found solutions of some of them which will deserve the attention even of those who have studied Plato and Kant, I should point to India. And if I were to ask myself from what literature we, here in Europe, who have been nurtured most exclusively on the thoughts of the Greeks and Romans and of the Semitic race and the Jewish may draw that corrective which is most wanted in order to make our inner life more comprehensive, more universal, in fact a more truly human life, again I should point to India. India, the Cradle of Human Race. The Encyclopedia Brittanica says: Man must have an original cradleland whence the peopling of the earth was brought about by migration. As to mans cradleland, there have been many theories but the weight of evidence is in favor of Indo-Malaysia. In addition, Creuzer says: If there is a country on earth which can justly claim the honor of having been the cradle of the Human race or at least the scene of primitive civilization, the successive developments of which carried into all parts of the ancient world and even beyond, the blessings of knowledge which is the second life of man, that country is assuredly India. India, the Motherland. The eminent philosopher and historian Will Durant of the U.S.A., who is famous for his many volumes on history wrote: India was the motherland of our race and Sanskrit is the mother of Europes languages. She was the mother of our philosophies, mother through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics, mother through Buddha, of the ideal embodied in Christianity, mother through the village

communities of self-government and democracy. Mother India is, in many ways, the mother of us all. India, a High Degree of Civilization. Lord Macaulay of England who is much criticized in India for his having suggested to the then British Government, to spread English education in India so that not only the British would have clerks at very cheap scales of salary but the latter would also, gradually become anglicized, writes: Many centuries before Christ, when the people of England were still wearing raw skins on their painted bodies and roaming wildly in forests, even in the remote antiquity, Indians had attained a high degree of civilization. India, the World Teacher. Lin Yutang, the Chinese writer, says in Wisdom of India: India was Chinas teacher in religion and imaginative literature, and worlds teacher in Trigonometry, quadratic equations, grammar, phonetics, Arabian Nights, animal fables, chess as well as in philosophy, and she inspired Boccasccio, Goethe, Schopenhauer and Emerson. India's Contribution to Philosophy & Culture. W.H.Gilbert, says in Peoples of India quote in the history of human culture, the contribution of the Indian people on all fields has been of great importance. From India, we are said to have derived domestic poultry, shellac, lemons, cotton, jute rice, sugar, indigo, the buffalo, polo, the zero concept, the decimals systems, the basis of certain philological concepts, a wealth of fables with moral import, an astonishing variety of artistic products, and innumerable ideas in philosophy and religion such as asceticism and monasticism. From Abraham to End of Second Millenium AD This, the Second Part of the paper, will now develop the growth and expansion of the human world tree from the time of Abraham. Abraham and Moses established the Islamic and Jewish Dynasties from about 500 years BC. Then came the Buddhist Dynasty established by Buddha 250 years BC. The Christian Dynasty established by Christ followed 250 years after Buddha. Then came Mohammed (500AD) who placed definite boundaries on Islam and this dynasty was followed by the creation of the Sannaysis dynasty created by Shankaracharya in about 700-750AD. These heads of these dynasties were the principal actors of the world religions from the time of

Abraham in the copper age (500BC-750AD). Here we see that of the four major world religions, three of them Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity took birth in the first 500 years of the copper age. Sanatan Dharma was the other and only religion in Bharat for 2500 years (3000BC500BC) until it was renamed Hinduism. Bharat was baptized Hindustan by the Moguls and later the English christened Hindustan as India. Another important phase in the history was the period between 1320 A.D. and 1650 A.D. During this period, many Bhaktas, such as Lochana, Dhanna, Narsi Metha, Ravi Das, Kabir, Nanak, Vallabhacharya, Chaitanya, Tulsidas, Mira Bai, Surdas and many others gave great fillip to Bhakti movement. Thus the number of religious sects, religious books, temples and preachers grew and people began to practice various forms of worship, prayer, yagyas and penances among other things. The Decline of Civilization and Religion Today, almost 2500 years after Abraham, all the major dynasties without exception have many emerging factions and fractures in their beliefs and understanding. This dynasty growth is portrayed as the Kalpa Tree, (app 1) or the World Genealogical and Religious Tree. This kalpa tree is analogous to the banyan tree with its topheavy branches, numerous twigs, dried as well as the broken off branches. The analogy the banyan tree is analogous to many religions where its offshoots cannot be traced to the original trunk. This is why the greater part of the history of Sanatan Dharma is at time very sketchy and dateless, as it disappeared with the trunk of the tree of civilization. Biblical changes in History and Geography. The Bible mentions of a great flood in the time of Noah (Gen. vii-17), and in the Indian texts, it mentions a flood during the period of Satyavrat. It is felt that Noah's flood led to the disappearance of the Golden Dwarka or the Alantis. It is believed that cataclysmic natural calamities and catastrophic events led to the separation as well as the creation of other continents, the submergence and emergence of different mountains and seas, a change in the earths magnetic axis, and a general change in climatic conditions at the beginning of the copper age. These catastrophic and cataclysmic events led to the spread of human population over the globe from their original habitation in Bharat.

Bible inferences to India as the Cradle of Civilization In reference to the Bible quote, These are the families of the Sons of Noah, after their generation, in their nations, and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood." (Gen X-32). The Bible further says, quote And the whole earth was one language, and of one speech, as they journeyed from the East, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. (Gen XI: 1-2). And it is written in the Bible, that from here, where they wanted to build a great tower, they were scattered upon the face of all the earth and then many languages which were not even similar to each other, so that they have been referred to as the confounding language, developed. The Bible continues quote So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all earth, and they left to build the city Babel, because the Lord confounded the language of all the earth, and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.(Gen. XI: 1-9). The Bible continues quote And it came to pass, as they journeyed from East to West, it suggests that India was the homeland of all nations, races, cultures and civilizations. Phonetical Relationship of Abraham and Brahma Abraham father Terah came from the city called Ur, in the land of the Chaldees. He was a worshipper of Brahma and the Deities, so he called his son Abraham, formerly Abram. According to several scholars, the Hebrew words Ab means father and Ram means High. Again Ab means father and Bara means Creator and Am means people. Thus Abraham means like Brahma, the creator of the people or father of a religious dynasty. Further, Dunlap has written in his book Firegod of Ur, that Abraham has the same meaning as Brahma in India. C.W. King in his book, The Gnostics states that the words Abraham and Brahma have the same numerical value allied to lubar a sunbeam, and birh to produce. The word Abraham itself sounds as a combination of "A" and "Brahman. Even the name Terah means thirteen" as well as your in Hindi. The name Sarai or Sarah, Abrahams wife has similarity in sound and root to that of Saraswati, the stem Saras meaning, full of purity, flowers, fresh, pure and sweet-smelling. The name Ishmael, Abrahams son, has similarity

with the name Ishwar, having the stem Ish, meaning of divine birth. Biblical Creation of Paradise & the Deities The paper now shows inferences from the Bible to illustrate the period before and after Abraham. For example, on the point that the world originally was a "garden of flowers" and the earth was inhabited by "gods and goddesses", created by God in His likeness, the Bible says And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness. So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made He him. Biblically, both Man and Animals were Herbivorous On the question of food, the Bible says And the Lord God said, Behold, I give you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which the first of a tree yielding seed, to you it shall be for meat. (Gen. 1-30)And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given herb for meat". This clearly states that not only did man not eat flesh, but also even the beasts were given herbs to live upon. "Meat" in biblical terms refers to food. Sorrow and Pain in Conception and Birth from Bible And unto woman He said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow they shall bring forth children, and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee. And unto Adam he said.... cursed is the ground for thy sake, in sorrow thou shall eat of it all the days of thy life. Thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee, and they shall eat herb of the field. In the sweat of thy face thou shall eat bread, till then, till thou return unto the ground. (Gen. 3 16-19) This sojourn into the Bible was used to show that Paradise or what we call Heaven was lost when sin entered. Spiritually, sin refers to anger, greed, ego, lust and attachment. It is now clearer that in the beginning of the world cycle which was the golden age and continuing to the near end of the silver age, women did not suffer pain when they conceived a child nor was their any sorrow in the world, nor did man need sweat for his living nor was woman ruled over by man. The world became hell when sex-lust entered, bringing into its trail, other vices such as greed, attachment and anger and thus man was ousted out of the garden and Paradise was lost. Therefore the

Lord God sent him forth from the garden.... to till the ground. So he drove out the man. God had said that if man ate of the tree of knowledge (of body), he would surely die. So death then entered the world. ...thou shall not eat of it, for in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shall surely die.(Gen2-17). When man and woman committed sin in the form of sex-lust, their progeny, now born through sexual means was unrighteous, irreligious, vicious and unlawful so that man was angry even with God and brother fought against brother. (Gen. 4 -5,6,8) What the Future holds for India. The Secrets Revealed in the "Coat of Arms" One authentic source of information of India's true history is to discern the well hidden secrets, cleverly concealed in the Coat of Arms, the National Flag, the National Tree and National Flower of Bharat. A second source of its ancient history is well sculptured within the iconology of the "Murtis" or "Images" of the Deities. A third source is gracefully embodied in dance and drama. This combination of the three sources of information is probably not the best source of India's glorious history, it is the only source left and this is supported in Gita C4 V 1-9. This is because Bharats noble past is buried under the apologies and indiscretions of edited history. For reasons well known, its past "foreign" rulers handed back a divided Bharat that has caused unlimited problems in governance, even until today. The Wheel or Swadharshanchakra In the Coat of Arms" the spiritual significance of the wheel represents the eternal world drama of the four ages of gold, silver, copper and iron also called the "Swadharshanchakra. The four ages is but the four quadrants of the "swastika", the emblem of the deity religion that tells of the conduct of the world at any given time. The history of the past, present and future is inscribed in this eternal wheel and those who have this knowledge are called "Trikaldarshi". This is but the wheel or chakra placed on the right index finger of Deity Vishnu. The Lions, Horse, Bull and Elephant Three out of the four lions represent the Trimurti of Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar, while the fourth lion, that is today omitted or not visible, is the incognito,

incorporeal bodiless God Shiva. Wah! Wah! The horse is symbolic of Bharats self-sovereignty loosely termed Chakravati Raja. The bull or nandigan" represents Brahma, the lucky chariot of God Shiva and called Bhagirath. The elephant is in remembrance of India's ancient wisdom and the eternal original religion of Adi Sanatan Devi Devta Dharma. The abacus, which sits on a lotus flower in full bloom, is symbolic of truth and purity, which is the foundation of the Deities and the hallmark Aryan civilization. The National Flag, Flower and Tree More of Bharats historical secrets are secured in the Dharma Chakra of the National Flag, as well as the Lotus, the national flower. However the Banyan tree is the memorial of the period of Bharats highest civilization as this grave religious aberration was carefully hidden in the "atrocities" of history. The branches of the Banyan tree, wherever they touch ground, root themselves like new trees, giving rise to more trunks and branches until the original trunk can no longer be identified. Similarly, the history of the original trunk of the tree of world human civilization that started in Indraprasth, on the banks of the Jamuna, has disappeared and cannot be identified. Specifically, this is the human world tree trunk that represented the golden and silver ages and the true glory of the Aryan civilization. This is truly the secret of the Banyan tree and its elevation as Indias national tree. Satyameva Jayate -Truth Alone Triumphs. The contemporary and secular symbolism of Indias National Emblem is the reaffirmation of its ancient commitment to world peace and goodwill. In the national emblem, the four lions symbolize power, courage and confidence. These lions rest on an abacus that is girded by four animals as guardians of the four directions and rests on a lotus in full bloom. Bharat - Land of the Golden Sparrow The genesis of the title the Golden Sparrow given to Bharat has very deep spiritual significance. When God descends (Gita c4v7-8) at the end of the Iron Age to reestablish the Golden Age, He teaches the elevated directions of the Shrimat Bhagavad Gita to free humanity from the chains of anger, greed, ego, lust and attachment. The proof lies in the fact that the Gita is the only scripture written in the first person and with the title "Shrimat".

God being the ocean of knowledge teaches the secrets of the creation. Only a few souls in a million, and only a "few out of that few" possess the "divine vision" or "golden intellect" to imbibe and experience this knowledge. Spiritual writers captured this revelation by saying one sparrow can swallow the ocean or one swallow can drink the ocean. Others wrote, only a golden vessel could hold the milk of a lioness. This symbolism means that it takes a soul with a divine or golden intellect to imbibe and inculcate the ocean of godly knowledge and hence the emergence of the name the Golden Sparrow. Prepared by BK Khem Jokhoo, a student and teacher of Yoga and Meditation. 6362781/2.

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