Bhagavad-Gita Dasa Mula (By Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura)

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rmad Bhagavad-gt Daa-Mla

rla Bhaktivinoda hkura's Ten Essential Principles of Gt

I. Prama The Proof or Criteria for Determination

"vedya pavitram okra k sma yajura eva ca" "tasmc chstram pramna te kryrya-vyavasthitau jtva stra-vidhnokta karma kartum ihrhasi" Gt 9.17,16.24
"I am the object of knowledge, the purifier and the syllable o. I am also the k, Sma and Yajura Vedas." "Therefore, stras are the prana, or criteria for determining what is duty and what is not duty. Knowing astra-vidhna, the rules and regulations of scripture, or bhakti to be the purport of all scriptures, one should lead an active devotional life." II. Prameya Principles of the Proof (2-10) III. Sambandha Eternal Relationship with The Supreme (2-8) 2) Ka-tattva

mattah paratara nnyat kicid asti dhanajaya mayi sarvam ida prota stre mai-ga iva Gt 7.7
"O Dhanajaya! There is no one equal to or greater than Me; everything rests on Me and can never exist independently, just as a cluster of pearls are strung on a thread." 3) Ka-akti

bhmir po' nalo vyu kha mano buddhir eva ca ahakra ityam me bhinn praktir a adh apareyam itas tv any prakti viddhi me parm jva-bht mah-bho yayeda dhryate jagat

etad yonni bhtani sarvity upadhraya aha ktsnasya jagata prabhava pralayas tath Gt 7.4-7.6
" Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false egothese eight belong to My Mah-my or separated material energies." "O Mighty-armed Arjuna! Besides this apar prakti, there is the par prakti, or superior energy, which also consists of the ta astha-jva potency, that is, all living entities within this material world." "Of these two potencies, the par and apar praktis, know for certain that I am both the cause of their creation, the sustenance and dissolution of the world."

4) Ka-rasa

avyakta vyaktim panna manyate mm abuddhaya para bhvam ajnanto mam vyayam anuttam avajnanti ma mh mnum tanum ritam para bhvam ajnanto mama bhta-mahevaram Gt 7.24, 9.11
"The ignorant impersonalits think that I am first the unmanifest Brahman and then become manifest afterwards in the human form and personality. They do not know my supreme, transcendental, eternal form." "Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form, not knowing My divine nature or Me as the Supreme Lord of the universe."

5) Jva-tattva The Living Entities

mamaivo jva-loke jva-bhta santana Gt 15.7

"The jvas in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmented parts."

6) Baddha-Jva Conditioned Souls

arra yad avpnoti yac cpy utkrmatvara ghtvaitni sayti vayur gandhn ivayat na mm duktino mh prapadyante nardham myaypahta-jn sura bhvam rit Gt 15.8, 7.15
"As the jva accepts a material body or departs from it, he carries his different conceptions from one body to another like the wind carrying the fragrance of flowers." "Those worldly-minded persons who are mhs or grossly foolish, nardhamas or lowest among mankind, myaypahta-jn or whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who are suric or demoniac by nature, do not surrender to Me."

7) Mukta-jva Liberated Souls

mm upetya punar janma dukhlayam aavatam npnuvanti mahtmtmna sasiddhi param gat daiv hy e guamay mama my duratyay mm eva ye prapadyante mym et taranti te Gt 8.15, 7.14
"After attaining Me, the mahatmas who are yogis in devotion, never return to this temporary world full of misery, because they have attained eternal service to Me." "This daiv prakti, or divine energy, consists of the three modes of material nature and is impossible to cross over; but those who surrender to Me easily cross beyond it."

8) My, Jva and vara's Mutual Relationship

may tatam ida sarva jagad avyakta-mrtin mat-sthni sarva-bhtni na cham tev avasthita na ca mat-sthni bhtni paya me yogam aivaram bhta-bhn na ca bhta-stho mamtma bhta bhvana Gt 9.4, 9.5

"By Me, in My eternal unmanifest principle or paramtma, this whole universe is pervaded. All beings, sentient and insentient, exist in Me, but I do not exist in them because I am entirely different and independent of them." "Yet everything that is created does not rest on Me. Behold My mystic and sovereign powers! Although I am the maintainer of all living entities, and I am everywhere, still My paramtma is the source of everything created."

9) Abhidheya-tattva Principles of How a Devotee Worships

mahtmnas tu m prtha daiv prakti rit bhajanty ananya-manaso jtv bhtdim avyayam satata krtayanto m yatanta ca dha-vrat namasyanta ca m bhakty nitya-yukt upsate Gt 9.13, 9.14
"O Prtha! The mahtms, or great souls that are not deluded, worship Me as the original and inexhaustible source. They are fully engaged in bhajana or service with single-minded devotion." "Always engaged in krtana, chanting my glories, firm in their vratas and vows, submitting themselves wholeheartedly, these mahtms worship Me with eternal devotion." 10) Prayojana-tattva The Ultimate Goal

anany cintayanto m ye jan paryupsate te nitybhiyuktn yoga-kema vahmy aham samo'ha sarva-bhteu na me dveyo' sti na priya ye bhajanti tu m bhakty mayi te teu cpy aham Gt 9.22, 9.29
"Those who worship Me with single-minded devotion, meditating constantly on My lotus feet and divine form, for them I carry what they lack and preserve what they have." "I am equally disposed to everyone, from the highest to lowest, so I have neither enemy nor friend, being impartial. But whoever renders service with loving devotion ardently and sincerely, then I also love them."

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