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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Your Rights Under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA), the Fair
Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and the Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) . . . . . . . . . . . .5
1 How To Obtain a Free Credit Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Warning Signs of Debt Trouble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

What To Do When You Can’t Pay Your Bills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
2 What Can Credit Counseling Do for You? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
How is a Debt Management Plan Reported to the Credit Bureaus? . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Debt Settlement aka Debt Negotiation - What Is It? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
How is a Settled Account Reported to the Credit Bureaus? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Take Control of Your Credit History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

The Importance of Having Good Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
3 What Information is Contained in My Credit Report? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Future Service Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Reasons Credit is Denied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
A Word About Universal Default . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Causes of Poor Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
You Can Opt Out of Credit Offers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Get Yourself on the Do Not Call Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Your Credit Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Types of Credit Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
4 Our Rights to Additional Free Credit Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Credit Bureau Contact Information for Ordering Your Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

Disputing Inaccurate, Incomplete, or Outdated Data on Your Credit Report . . . .17

Dynamics of Disputing Inaccurate Information on Your Credit Report . . . . . . . . . . .17
5 Addresses for Mailing Disputes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Basics of Disputing Erroneous or Stale Items in Your Credit Report . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
What is E-OSCAR? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Special Alert on Junk Debt Buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Types of Fair Credit Reporting Act & Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Violations . .19
"Reinsertion" – Why Does It Happen? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
"Split" and "Mixed" Files – What Are These? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

What is a FICO® or Credit Score? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

6 Items That the FICO Scoring Model Ignores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Rate Shopping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
How to Improve Your FICO Score . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
What is Rapid Rescore? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Credit Report Monitoring Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

Collection Agencies and Credit Repair Clinics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
7 Disputing a Collection Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Tips for Dealing with Debt Collectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
A Word About Credit Repair Clinics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Frivolous Bombardment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
File Segregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
The Law Protects You From Unethical Credit Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

©2005 Springboard
Identity Theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Family and Friends – A Common Source of Identity Theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
8 How Identity Thieves Operate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Who is Most at Risk? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
How do Thieves Obtain Social Security Numbers? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
How Can You Protect Yourself? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
If Your Identity is Stolen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Resources for Identity Theft Victims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

Practical Advice for Your Checking and Debit Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33

Your Checking/Debit History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
9 Get Checking! A Way To Rehabilitate Your Checking Account Privileges . . . . . . . . .34

Checking Account, Insurance, Tenant (Renter), and Medical "Credit Bureaus" . . .35
Predatory Lending and Other Scams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
11 Illegal Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Advice and Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
How to File a Claim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Don’t Become a Victim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Don’t Be Misled with a Loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Real Estate Property Fraud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
How Can You Protect Yourself? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Prize Offers – Too Good to be True? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Pyramid Schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Pre-Paid Calling Card Scams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

Special Problems of Previously Married Individuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40

12 Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41

Non-traditional Credit Reporting for Renters and Others With No Credit History:
13 The New Frontier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43

Your Credit Life After Bankruptcy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44

14 The Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
How Long Are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Reported on Your Credit Report? . . . . . . .44
Credit Report Problems After Bankruptcy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Bankruptcy "Relisting" – What It Does . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45

More Consumer Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47

Sample Dispute Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Credit Report Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
16 Sample Dispute Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Sample Settlement Letter for Collection Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Sample Settlement Letter for Original Creditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Sample Ceasing Communication Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Sample Consumer Dispute Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Sample Debt Validation Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
SCAN Report Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57

©2005 Springboard
Siempremaintaining ournuestro
commitment to help
ayudar Springboard Non-Profit Consumer Credit Consumer
Management is proud
se to present this informational booklet. At Springboard,
enbelieve in providing
manteniendo compromiso a otras personas, Springboard Non-Profit

en darles awith usefulclientes
tools and
lo all the necessary information
llegar a to make wise decisions.
Credit Management enorgullece en presentarles este libreto informativo. SPRINGBOARD creemos
nuestros necesario para poder tomar decisiones financieras inteligentes.

Many individuals contributed to pago

the information
de deudas hacontained
ayudado ainque
deWe wouldtomen
like tocontrol
thank de
all sus
Muchos clientes vienen a nosotros pidiendo ayuda para los problemas que provienen cuando tienen deudas

those that Pero

helped in thenofulfillment of this
agobiantes. Nuestro sistema de personas
finanzas. nosotros nos detenemos

Muchas personas contribuyeron con la información contenida en esta guía. Deseamos dejar constancia de

y agradecimiento para ellas y para aquellos que nos ayudaron en su producción.

EJECUTIVOS Consumer Credit Management
4351 Latham Street, Riverside, CA 92501
President/CEOext. 702
Dianne L. Wilkman Paul Richard, RFC

[email protected]
Springboard Non-Profit Consumer Credit Management Institute of Consumer Financial Education
4351 Latham Street, Riverside, CA 92501 PO Box 34070, San Diego, CA 92163-4070

Melinda Opperman, Southern Area Manager, Springboard

800-947-3752 (619) 239-1401

Dee Ann Chandler, Education Director, Springboard

[email protected] [email protected]

Maria Stevens,
ASSISTANT Administrative
EDITORS Assistant, Springboard
Daniel Peña, Education Director, Springboard Non-Profit Consumer Credit Management

Content review provided by Paul Richard, President, Institute of Consumer Financial Education
Maria Stev ens, Administrative Assistant, Springboard Non-Profit Consumer Credit Management,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSand Jeff Michael, author, “Repair Your Credit and Knock Out Your Debt”


Desktop publishing support provided by Sharon Dizon, Education Department Assistant
Dan Conger, T&V Printing, 7101 Jurupa Avenue #3, Riverside, CA 92504 (800) 876-8570 or
Content review provided by Crispin Luna, Luna Agency, 2531 State St., Suite F, Carlsbad, CA 92008

(951) 353-8470 [email protected]

Dan Conger, T&V Printing, 7101 Jurupa Avenue #3, Riverside, CA 92504 (800) 876-8570 or (951) 353-8470
Copyright Notice: This publication is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be
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Parteordereproduced in anyproporcionados
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beca dewritten permission of the publisher,
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los fondos fueron bajo una la Association of Independent Consumer Credit

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Counseling Agencies (AICCCA). Su Visión: AICCCA representa los intereses comunes
information please Su
Misión: Education Department,
en sociedad Springboard Non-Profit Consumer Credit
para asegurar que todos aquellos que buscan ayuda con de deudas reciban la mejor

angustia financiera y para que adquieran la sabiduría personal en finanzas. Para colaborar 750.
4351 Latham Street, Riverside, CA 92501. Telephone (951) 781-0114 ext. Email:una
calidad de ayuda. Para actuar para dar ayuda inigualada a los consumidores con
[email protected].
y facilitar
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Legal Disclaimer:
los másLiability claimsderegarding
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ISBN # 0-9763589-2-1
Notice: This publication is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any
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La "Guía del Consumidor para un Buen Crédito" is available for customizing for outside companies under

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Email: written permission provided full credit is given.
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©2005 Springboard
It is well established that credit scores are now a cornerstone of the U.S. credit system. Credit scores
determine or at least greatly influence access to housing, unsecured credit lines, insurance, utility and
cell phone services, and employment. Since they are based on credit reports, it is imperative that the
underlying data be correct for (1) the score to have any meaning and (2) for consumers to accept the
validity of credit scoring. The growing use of credit scores has expedited the speed and efficiency of
credit granting and the customized pricing of credit. However, in consumer and commercial lending,
inaccurate scores can result in unfair treatment of borrowers who are denied or charged high prices for

The Frequency of Errors on Consumer Credit Reports

Our experience with consumer credit reports over many years confirms that there are many errors in
our credit reports and that deliberate manipulations of credit reports and scores by data furnishers are
on the upswing. The Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) published a study, "Mistakes Do Happen: A
Look at Errors in Consumer Credit Reports" (, in which it was found that "one in four
credit reports contains errors serious enough to cause consumers to be denied credit, a loan, an
apartment or home loan or even a job." The Consumer Federation of America (
in cooperation with the National Credit Reporting Association ( published in 2002 a
comprehensive review of the state of consumer credit and the relationship to credit inaccuracies,
credit pricing models, and the overall effects of inaccurate negative credit items on a consumer’s
credit profile. The report concluded that over 41% of credit files had incorrect demographic identifying
information, and 20% were missing major credit cards, loans, or mortgages. In total, 70% of reports
contained an error of some kind. In August 2004, a study by the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) called
"Credit Report Accuracy and Access to Credit" identified the many types of data integrity issues in
credit reports and provided detail on specific types and frequency of errors or practices that result in
ambiguous, duplicative, or incomplete records. It can be found at These errors and practices
affect the usefulness of credit scores to lenders and degrade the benefits of scoring to consumers
(although it should also be recognized that some errors and practices result in inadvertent benefit to
consumers as well, and this point was raised in the FRB report).

Data integrity problems in credit reports have the cumulative impact of lowering the integrity of what
the U.S. credit system is built on: the efficient collection, storage and use of the actual credit history
records of individuals and the scores derived from these credit history files. Damage has been done to
the integrity of credit reporting and scoring from all sides of the credit granting and receiving
spectrum: (1) from the credit bureaus, who are in control of these databases, responsible for their
accuracy and integrity, and accountable to consumers; (2) from the creditors and collection agencies,
who have employed incomplete credit reporting methods as a defensive marketing tactic, or used
unethical and even predatory credit reporting tactics that serve to manipulate credit scores
deliberately; and (3) from consumers themselves, who resort to aggressive or even fraudulent methods
of credit repair to create a falsely positive credit history for themselves (albeit many times out of
necessity, due to unresponsiveness and irresponsibility on the part of bureaus and data furnishers).

It is our hope that this booklet will empower you to take control of your credit report so that you can
enjoy the benefits of the lowest interest rates when you need credit, and prevent yourself from being
harmed by identity theft, predatory lending, and abusive collection practices.


The Springboard Staff

©2005 Springboard
Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act

Consumer Rights 1
(FCRA), the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act
(FACTA), and the Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA)
Congress enacted the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) in April 1971. This established guidelines for
credit bureaus, credit reporting agencies, and creditors to follow in reporting our individual credit
history. The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA - HR 2622), is the name of the new law,
which amended FCRA in late 2003. It establishes uniform national standards and preempts state laws in
most instances, although some states were able to maintain their own laws regulating credit reporting
and consumer access. The law provides significant new consumer protections regarding resolution of
disputes and identity theft, among others. Important features of FACTA are summarized below:

Provides everybody the right to get one free credit report from each bureau each year. A special
website and toll-free number were established by the FTC and the credit bureaus for consumers
to request their reports.

Gives consumers the right to obtain their credit scores from the bureaus for a reasonable fee.
Mortgage lenders are required to provide consumers with a free copy of their credit score.

Provides consumers with clear instructions on how to opt out of information sharing between
affiliated companies for marketing purposes and how to stop companies from sending unsolicited
offers of credit.

Ensures that consumers are notified prior to or within 30 days if financial companies are going to
report negative information about them to the credit bureaus. Allows consumers to dispute
directly with data furnishers for credit reporting purposes. Furnishers may not report an account
that is under dispute and must notify you either before or no later than 30 days after they have
reported negative information to bureaus.

Allows consumers to place fraud alerts in their credit reports, which may remain for up to 90
days, to prevent identity thieves from opening accounts in their names. The alert entitles
consumers to a second free report so they can check for unusual activity.

Consumers will be able to block information from being given to a credit bureau and from being
reported by a credit bureau if such information results from identity theft. In addition, no debt
may be turned over to a collection agency if it results from identity theft.

Special provisions protect active duty military personnel, by allowing them to place "Active Duty
Alerts" on their credit files, so creditors will know they have been deployed overseas and are not
shopping locally.

Prohibits companies from printing credit/debit card expiration dates or account number (other
than the last 5 digits) on electronically printed customer receipts.

Lenders must provide written notice to consumers if the terms of credit are higher than the
prevailing market interest rates.

Restricts access to consumers’ sensitive health information.

Provides consumers with one-call-for-all protection by requiring credit bureaus to share consumer
calls on identity theft, including requested fraud alert blocking.

Requires creditors to take certain precautions before extending credit to consumers who have
placed fraud alerts in their files.

©2005 Springboard
Consumer Rights 1

This federal law provides dispute settlement procedures for consumers who have billing issues related
to "open end" credit accounts, such as credit cards, and revolving charge accounts. It does not cover
installment contracts - loans or extensions of credit you repay on a fixed schedule. The FCBA
settlement procedures apply only to disputes about "billing errors," such as those listed below:

• Unauthorized charges. Federal law limits your responsibility for unauthorized charges to $50;

• Charges that list the wrong date or amount;

• Charges for goods and services you didn't accept or weren't delivered as agreed;

• Math errors;

• Failure to post payments and other credits, such as returns;

• Failure to send bills to your current address - provided the creditor receives your change of
address, in writing, at least 20 days before the billing period ends; and

• Charges for which you ask for an explanation or written proof of purchase along with aclaimed
error or request for clarification.

Consumers are not responsible for paying the portion of their bill that is in dispute, but must continue
to pay all items not in dispute, including finance charges. The creditor may not take any legal or other
action to collect the disputed amount and related charges (including finance charges) during the
investigation. While your account cannot be closed or restricted, the disputed amount may be applied
against your credit limit.

The creditor may not threaten your credit rating or report you as delinquent while your bill is in
dispute. However, the creditor may report that you are challenging your bill. In addition, the Equal
Credit Opportunity Act prohibits creditors from discriminating against credit applicants who exercise
their rights, in good faith, under the FCBA. Simply put, you cannot be denied credit just because
you've disputed a bill.

To exercise your rights under FCBA:

• Write to the creditor at the address given for "billing inquiries," not the address for sending
your payments, and include your name, address, account number and a description of the billing

• Send your letter so that it reaches the creditor within 60 days after the first bill containing
the error was mailed to you.

Send your letter by certified mail, return receipt requested, so you have proof of what the creditor
received. Include copies (not originals) of sales slips or other documents that support your position.
Keep a copy of your dispute letter. The creditor must acknowledge your complaint in writing within 30
days after receiving it, unless the problem has been resolved. The creditor must resolve the dispute
within two billing cycles (but not more than 90 days) after receiving your letter.

©2005 Springboard

Consumer Rights 1
The FACT Act of 2003 mandated that the three major national credit-reporting bureaus establish a
website, a toll-free number and a mail address for consumers to request their credit report for free
every year. There are three ways you can request your report:

1. Go to the website MAKE SURE you type the address in correctly,
or you may end up at an imposter site set up by identity thieves.
a. Type the exact address of the free report site, INCLUDING the www (that is, type
b. Verify that you are immediately redirected to the secure page: is the redirect address.
c. Verify that the security lock is present in your browser.
d. On the data entry page (the first page you visit after you tell the site what state you live
in), verify that a "VeriSign security" symbol is present near the top right on the page. Click
on the certificate to ensure that it is indeed the certificate for

2. Call by phone: 877-322-8228

3. To submit a request by mail, download the Annual Credit Report Request Form located at and mail it to:

Annual Credit Report Request Service

P.O. Box 105281
Atlanta, GA 30348-5281.
(Keep in mind that the location of the form or file name may change.) Do not contact the
credit reporting bureau directly as this is the only method to receive a free credit report.

Using any of these three methods, you may request a credit report from one, two or all three reporting
bureaus at the same time, but we advise staggering your requests over a year to create your own
version of a monitoring service. The law allows you to request a copy free every 12 months. If you
request the report via the website, the report will immediately be made available to you. If you
request it by either telephone or by mail, your report will be sent out to you, by mail, within 15 days.

To request your credit report, you will need to provide some information for identity verification
purposes, including your name, address, Social Security number and your date of birth. If you have
moved in the last two years, you will need to provide your previous address as well. In addition, each
of the bureaus may request their own verification questions that only you would know, such as your
monthly mortgage payment. is the only location authorized to give you your free annual credit report
from the three major credit bureaus. Information provided at this site will not be shared with any third
parties or used in further marketing or email. As a precaution, if you receive an email claiming to be
from the site, or the three bureaus, do not respond or click on any of the
links contained in the email. Instead, forward the email to [email protected]. Similarly, you should not
receive any calls from the website or the three bureaus requesting personal information. Stay alert and
protect yourself.

• Check your credit report once a year
• Never respond to junk mails for a "free credit report" or "free score"
• Never respond to unsolicited phone calls
• Opt out of pre-screened credit offers (call 888-5OPTOUT or visit

©2005 Springboard
2 Warning Signs of Debt Trouble
Many people go through debt issues and don’t realize that they are in debt trouble until their credit has
been affected. Debts don’t appear all of a sudden without warning. Like any other problem, consumers
should pay attention to the warning signs in order to deal with the issues early on. Take a minute to
Signs of Debt Trouble 2

review the list below to see if any of the situations apply to you.
• Do you argue with your spouse about bills?
• Is an increasing percentage of your income being used to pay off debts?
• Have you reached or are about to reach the limits on your credit cards?
• Are you only able to make minimum payments an all your revolving charge accounts?
• Are you extending repayment schedules – paying a bill in 60 to 90 days that you once paid in 30?
• Are you chronically late in paying bills?
• Are you borrowing to pay for items that you used to buy with cash?
• Are you putting off a trip to the doctor or dentist because you can’t afford it right now?
• If you were to lose your job, would you be in immediate financial difficulty?
• Do you know the total amount of all your debt, or are you afraid to add it all up?

If you can say yes to any of the above statements, be careful. Your debts have reached a dangerous level
and it is time to act now.


Don’t ignore the problem – it will only get worse!

Get in contact with your creditors and explain your situation. Maybe you had a loss of employment,
illness or other family emergency that has made it difficult to keep up with your bills. Explain this
situation to your creditors.

Negotiate a Payment Plan. As surprising as it sounds, many creditors are willing to give you an
opportunity if you let them know that you are going through rough times. Ask them to accept a partial
payment this month or ask them to allow you to skip a payment so that you can get back on your feet.
• Follow the repayment plan to which you have agreed.
• Make your plan realistic. Don’t make false promises that you will be unable to keep.
• Keep continuous contact with your creditors until the problem is resolved.
• Remember, if you choose to become a Springboard client, we will do all of this for you!


When a person comes to Springboard Non-profit Consumer Credit Management seeking help with their
financial situation, he or she will meet with one of our certified financial counselors for a free
counseling session. If it is in the individual’s best interest, the counselor will recommend a debt
management plan, by which Springboard will negotiate with the creditors to develop a payment plan
that will fit in the individual’s budget and be acceptable to the creditors.

Our clients have the added benefit of having to only make one payment a month to our agency. This
payment then gets distributed to all the creditors according to the agreed plan. In addition, almost all
creditors will stop collection attempts and many will reduce interest rates and eliminate late and over
limit fees. Why? Because your commitment with Springboard shows that you are a responsible person
with the desire to fulfill your obligations to repay your debts. Creditors obviously value these qualities in
their clients.

©2005 Springboard
But remember, Springboard can’t create a new credit report for you. However, we will help you learn
how to stay on top of your bills in order to improve your credit report and credit score. In fact, the
information that our clients receive through our counseling session and education programs will help in
preventing such a situation from occurring again.

Signs of Debt Trouble 2

Counseling agencies do not report to the bureaus themselves. While a client is enrolled in the debt
management plan (DMP), some creditors may report a narrative or notation underneath their tradeline
that says "managed by consumer credit counseling" or something similar. Some creditors don't report at
all. Any notation that is reported is done by the creditor since credit counseling agencies do not report
to the credit bureaus. This is supposed to be removed by the creditors once the client is no longer
enrolled in the DMP. If it is not removed by the creditor (whether by oversight or deliberately) it is
easily corrected. Request that the creditor removes their "Y" (Yes) code (Yes on CCC) since continuing
to report such is inaccurate.

Creditors report DMP participation to ensure the client does not take on more credit card debt, as they
want to make sure the client is taking steps to reduce their unsecured debt. Since creditors are
extending relief in the form of a reduced interest rate and waived late and/or over limit fees, they
will view new unsecured debt (with their competitor's credit cards) as a threat to the success of the
DMP. Fair Isaac Corp. (FICO) removed the DMP notation from their scoring calculation as they found
consumers enrolled in DMPs had no higher risk of defaulting on their credit card debt than non-DMP
consumers. Clients who attempt a mortgage loan while in a DMP would not have their FICO score
dampened because of the notation itself, but the mortgage broker and underwriter will usually request
an explanation when they spot the narrative. Some lenders will require the client to be un-enrolled
from their DMP so the narrative can be removed before passing the loan on to the underwriter.
Mortgage lenders who still view participation in a DMP the "same as a Chapter 13 bankruptcy" are old
fashioned, misinformed, and misguided.


A settlement is a negotiated payment arrangement between a creditor and debtor that allows the
debtor to resolve his or her debt by paying only a portion of the balance due, not the full balance.
Usually a third party, such as an attorney, a private "debt negotiator" (same as a settlement company),
or a non-profit organization like Springboard will handle the negotiation on behalf of the debtor. In
recent years, a large industry of debt negotiators has evolved, and some have preyed upon consumers
with high fees and poor servicing practices. The National Consumer Law Center has published a critical
report on the debt settlement industry detailing practices that NCLC considers abusive or predatory.
The report is titled "An Investigation of Debt Settlement Companies: An Unsettling Business for
Consumers" and can be downloaded from The report was critical of settlements
done as an installment plan, which nonetheless is an option that is needed by many.

Q. What type(s) of accounts can be settled?

Many types of account issues can be resolved through a settlement. Although you should check with a
Springboard counselor, the typical debts that may be satisfied include:
• Accounts in the process of collection
• Charged-off debt(s)
• Deficiency balances

©2005 Springboard
• Defaulted student loans
• Legal claims on property
• Defaulted second mortgages and home equity loans
• Judgments
Signs of Debt Trouble 2

• Business debts

Q. What's the difference between a settlement and a DMP?

One of the major differences is the status of your account(s). If you are being threatened with
litigation, or your account(s) are in the collection process, a settlement might make better sense. You
can quickly reduce your debts, and the collection process or legal action is halted.

There is also a difference in the amount of time it takes to resolve your financial issues. Unlike a DMP,
which can run three to five years, a settlement may be structured as a single payment or a short series
of payments. (Recent changes to bankruptcy laws may well have an wide-ranging effect on how future
settlements will be structured and the settlement terms.) Whether you decide on a DMP or a
settlement, Springboard counselors can help you find a plan that's right for you. As always, our
counselors are trained to help you find your way to financial freedom.

Q. Why would a creditor want to settle my debt?

Lenders take a risk when they loan people money and bankruptcy rates have been very high over the
last 15 years. If your accounts are in delinquent status, your creditors are probably worried about the
possibility of your declaring bankruptcy. Rather than receive little or nothing through the bankruptcy
courts, they would prefer to accept a settlement to minimize their losses.

Q. What is a charge-off? Debt

Because of government regulatory rules, banks have to remove bad debts from their books after six
months. "Charge-off" is a financial accounting term for loss. It does not mean you are released from
any obligation to pay the debt. The bank should report the account with a zero balance, but this is
often not the case. Your credit report may also show an item from a collection agency for the same
account. Mortgage lenders will want open charge-offs to be paid or settled before the closing of your
loan to avoid the risk of future liens on a house.


As should be expected, settlements have a negative effect; they are reported as "settled" next to the
account and this lowers the credit score. Sometimes it’s possible to get a "pay for delete" agreement,
whereby the collector deletes the item from the credit bureaus in exchange for the settlement, but
their contracts with the bureaus usually forbid this. Get all agreements in writing and never believe
what the collection agent claims will be the effect on your credit.

©2005 Springboard
3 Take Control of Your Credit History
Rights and Responsibilities
In everyone’s life, there are always instances where credit is needed. From your first credit card to the
last mortgage payment and every account in between, all these make up your credit history. The
companies and people that give credit, such as banks, finance companies and other creditors, report
information about you. These creditors send information regularly about your accounts to credit
reporting bureaus that collect and archive this information. Your credit report can then be accessed by
other creditors or distributed to others that are authorized to receive such information.

The Importance of Having Good Credit

If you are thinking of buying a house, a car or simply applying for a new credit card, your credit report
represents the first step in the lender’s decision-making process. The fact of the matter is that you

Credit History 3
need to have a good credit history in order to get credit. What is good credit? Simply put, a person
with "good credit" has a well-established history of having paid their accounts on time.

You might ask yourself whether good credit is really important. Just take a minute to think about all of
the advantages:

• More employers are reviewing credit reports of prospective employees as part of their due
diligence functions and they look unfavorably on a negative credit report.

• Insurance companies review your credit report when you apply to insure your home and/or

• Without good credit, it is very difficult to obtain a credit card, which is helpful if an
emergency arises. For example, if your car breaks down and needs repair but you don’t have
any cash, a credit card can help you pay for the repair and then allow you to pay off the card
later on.

• Many businesses prefer the use of credit cards. For example, without a credit card, it is
difficult to rent a car, pay for an airline ticket or even book a hotel room, or make purchases

• Many employment fields, such as financial services, gaming, and law enforcement, continually
monitor their employees’ credit reports.


A Typical Credit Report Includes Four Types of Information

1. Identifying Information: Your name, current and previous address, telephone number, Social
Security number, date of birth, as well as current and previous employers.

2. Credit Information: Specific information about each account, such as the date the account was
opened, the credit limit or loan amount, the balance due, monthly payment and payment
history during the past several years. For open accounts,positive credit information remains on
the report indefinitely. Information on closed accounts and negative payment notations remain
up to seven years. The report also states whether a spouse or co-signer is responsible for
paying the account.

3. Public Record Information: Bankruptcy records, tax liens, monetary judgments, debts referred
to collection agencies and, in some states, overdue child support is noted on the credit report.
Bankruptcy information can remain on a consumer’s credit report for up to 10 years. Unpaid
tax liens can be reported indefinitely, and paid tax liens remain for seven years from the date
paid. Other public record information can remain for up seven years.

©2005 Springboard
4. Inquiries: The credit report also lists the names of those who obtained information from the
credit report for the past two years. Some types of inquiries, such as those that result when a
consumer requests a copy of his or her own report directly from the credit reporting agencies,
are not viewed by prospective creditors but are recorded and remain on the report from one to
two years. Consumers should be aware that when they request copies of their credit reports
from third party vendors, rather than directly from the credit reporting agency, the inquiry
often looks like a request for credit.

Other information that your credit report may contain:

• Your job title and employer.

• Your spouse’s name, Social Security number, and your telephone number.
Credit History 3

• Information as to whether you own or rent your home.

• Other names or aliases that you may have used to obtain credit such as a maiden name.

• FICO Score (more on that in the FICO Score section).

• Information about fraud.

The credit bureau’s business is credit reporting. What they do is collect information about consumers
from banks, savings and loan institutions, credit unions, finance companies and other businesses. This
information is stored in a database and when you apply for a new loan, the creditor orders information
on you from the bureaus. The credit bureaus don’t keep track or record the outcome of that credit
inquiry of your credit report.

Future Service Contracts

The bureaus do not report information from companies that use future service contracts with their
clients or information from collection agencies that collect this type of account, because of the large
number of disputes associated with these businesses. In addition, they do not report information on
non-credit related obligations. NOTE that many of the businesses listed below will contract with
collection agencies or sell off their bad debt entirely, in which case the collection account will most
likely be reported to the bureaus by the acquiring entity.

Companies that use Future Service Contracts Information Not Related To Credit
Health Clubs and Gyms Property Taxes
Karate Schools Municipal Taxes (water, trash, etc.)
Dance Schools Traffic Tickets or Citations
Dating Services Parking Tickets or Citations
Landscaping Services Homeowners Association Fees
Time Share contracts Credit Repair Clinics
Mail Order or Online Music, Book or Movie Clubs
Magazine Subscriptions
Cell Phone Providers

Reasons Credit Is Denied

Credit bureaus or credit reporting agencies do not approve or deny credit. Their business is credit
reporting and they have a vested interest in the accuracy of those reports. Each credit grantor decides
what standards a consumer must meet to be granted credit. There are many reasons why a credit
grantor may deny a consumer’s request for credit:

©2005 Springboard
Low Credit Score: The information contained in a credit report is synthesized and combined using
a very complicated calculation method that results in a credit score. Often creditors will deny
applications based only on the score without looking at the individual elements in the calculation.

Incorrect Information: Your credit report may contain information belonging to another individual.
For example, if you are a Junior (Jr.) you may have your parent’s (Sr.) credit information in your
file. A regular credit report review is the best way of making sure that the information is accurate
and true.

Debt to Income Ratio: If the ratio of a consumer’s total monthly debts compared to his or her
total monthly income is too high, the creditor may decide against extending more credit to the
consumer because the lender feels the consumer may not be able to afford the payments. (Some
banks or lenders may illegally discount non-salary income in arriving at this ratio. However, the

Credit History 3
Equal Credit Opportunity Act requires creditors to consider as sources of income (1) earned
income; (2) Social Security: (3) child support: and (4) alimony.)

Delinquent Payment History: If the report contains a history of late payments or accounts that
were never paid, there is a very strong chance that a future application for credit will be denied.


Many consumers are finding a sudden, unexplained hike in interest rates on their bills from credit card
companies. This may be due to a practice known as "universal default" or, as some creditors call it,
"premium pricing." In a nutshell, universal default means that if you are late paying a bill, your credit
card company can raise the interest rate on your card – even if the late payment was to another
creditor. The late payment and rate hike can also cause your credit score to go down, creating further
credit problems. Banks can make the decision to impose a default based on how cardholders handle
credit. A recent survey on credit cards by Consumer Action ( asked bank
customer service representatives which circumstances are most likely to trigger a universal default rate
increase. They are (in order of importance, top to bottom):

• Decrease in credit score

• Late payments to other creditors, car loan, or mortgage

• Going over credit limit

• Having a payment check returned (bounced)

• Too much debt

• Too much available credit

• Getting a new credit card

Even making an inquiry about a car loan or mortgage can sometimes trigger a rate increase.
Information about universal default policies is often buried in the fine print of a credit application or
disclosure notice, and consumers don’t always know to look out for it. Banks are not legally required to
inform consumers when the default is applied, although there is a movement by several of the larger
institutions to inform consumers when the policy affects their accounts. Some offer cardholders the
option of not paying the increased rate, but if they take this option, they cannot continue to use their

What you can do:

• Be vigilant. Read the fine print before opening credit accounts, and pay special attention to the
provisions of universal default policies.

• Shop around for credit cards that don’t have this type of policy or whose increased rates are
acceptable, should the default be applied. Know your options.

©2005 Springboard
• Know your payment due dates, and ask to have them moved to a more convenient time if you
have trouble getting payments out to creditors.

• Pay on time – a week in advance if possible.

• Consider automatic payments for regular bills.

• The best defense against universal default is making sure it doesn’t happen.

If a rate increase is applied under universal default, some banks will consider lowering the rate after a
cardholder has demonstrated regular, timely payments and/or the credit score improves. Be aware
than rates may not drop as low as the original interest on an account, even after good payment history.
Ask the creditor about timelines and circumstances for lowering rates once they have been raised.
Continue to monitor your credit report and dispute any errors that will affect your score.
Credit History 3


Financial Setbacks: Due to unforeseeable circumstances, individuals sometimes find themselves unable
to meet all their financial obligations. Unfortunately, these setbacks may result in late payments,
judgments, and bankruptcies that can affect an individual’s credit report for years.
Poor Judgment: Many consumers financially overextend themselves with credit cards, signature loans,
car payments, second mortgages and overdraft checking privileges. Before they know it, they are over
their heads in debt and unable to make all of their payments.

Inaccurate or Misleading Information: In some cases, negative items on a credit repot are inaccurate
or misleading. Clerical errors from furnishers, both inadvertent and deliberate, crossed or mixed files,
mistaken identities or fraud can cause such inaccuracies. The important thing to remember is that
these kinds of mistakes can and should be corrected.

Divorce or Death of a Spouse: These unfortunate situations usually mean a drastic reduction in
income, which can lead to financial disaster. Consumers who are experiencing such difficulties should
seek the advice of a financial counselor and may need the help of a lawyer.

Springboard is able to educate consumers on how to improve their credit history and build a better
credit record no matter what the causes of poor credit may be.

You Can Opt Out of Credit Offers

Some credit reporting agencies use information from a consumer credit report for target marketing
without the consumer’s express permission. If you wish to block your name from being sold by credit
bureaus, you may choose to "op out." If later you decide to be put back on the marketing list you can
always opt back in. You may request to opt out from pre-approved offer lists for five years or
permanently. Even though your request becomes effective with Equifax, Experian, Innovis and
TransUnion within five days, an immediate reduction in the offers you receive may not be apparent.
This is because some companies who have your name may not have mailed offers to you yet. Removing
your name from these pre-approved lists does not affect your ability to apply for or obtain credit or
insurance. For purposes of privacy and ID theft prevention, and because collection agencies can
use these lists to locate you, it is a good idea to opt out of prescreened credit offers.

To opt out, contact: 888-5OPTOUT (1-888-567-8688) or visit

Get Yourself on the Do Not Call Registry

While you’re at it, opt out of annoying telemarketing calls. The National Do Not Call Registry set up by
the FTC gives you a choice about whether to receive telemarketing calls at home. Most telemarketers
should not call your number once it has been on the registry for 31 days. If they do, you can file a
complaint at You can register your home or mobile phone for free. Your registration
will be effective for five years. The Registry’s toll-free number is 1-888-382-1222. The online
registration process requires an active email address.

©2005 Springboard
4 Your Credit Report
Did you know that your credit history influences not only decisions for loans and credit cards but also
employment, purchasing or renting a home, and obtaining insurance? It all starts with knowing what is
currently on your credit report. We repeat: GET YOUR FREE CREDIT REPORT EACH YEAR. As mentioned
previously, under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA), consumers have the right to
request a credit report by telephone, mail or Internet, free every 12 months from a centralized service
by the three major bureaus. This service is an important development in the history of the credit
reporting system in the United States, designed to empower consumers to gain control of their credit
lives. In addition, FACTA also required national specialty bureaus such as those that deal with medical
payment history, checking account information, employment history or insurance claims, to maintain a
toll-free number where consumers can obtain a report from them for free once per year.


According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, "The term 'file,' when used in connection with information
on any consumer, means all of the information on that consumer recorded and retained by a consumer
reporting agency regardless of how the information is stored." The word "report" relates to what a
lender or other third party user of your information receives. Items that are suppressed from other
users are: inquiries for pre-approved offers of credit or insurance, ongoing account reviews, and any
medical account information.

Credit Reports 4
• Tri-merge/Merged Infile Report – is a credit report that combines all three bureau reports into
one report, with tradelines arranged so that the same accounts (as reported by the three
bureaus), can be viewed next to one another, and differences noted. Shows the source of credit
information accessed from each bureau.

• Residential Mortgage Credit Report (RMCR) – a generic trade name for a merged credit report.

• Credit Research Report – these come under various trade names. They utilize a flagging system
to identify indicators of mortgage fraud.

• Full Factual Report – refers to a RMCR and includes direct verification of employment and other
details. May go back further than seven years.

• Consumer Disclosure Report – what consumers receive when they request their own credit report
– will show everything as well as "soft" inquiries.


Anyone can request an additional free credit report for the following reasons:

• You have been denied credit, insurance, housing, or employment within the previous 60 days.

• You have been a victim of identity theft and have reason to believe that information is incorrect
due to fraud.

• You are without employment and plan to apply for employment within the next 60 days.

• You are receiving welfare.

• If a negative decision, in whole or in part, has been made in relation to the information that is in
your credit report.

• If your credit report has been modified due to an investigation that you requested.

• If you live in the following states where the law states that you have the right to a free credit
report: Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, Vermont and Georgia. (Georgia
residents have the right to receive two annual credit reports free.)

©2005 Springboard
Below are the telephone numbers, mailing addresses and websites to request a credit report from the
three major credit-reporting bureaus. Note that addresses for disputes and fraud are different. There
are also special numbers listed for reporting fraud and identity theft. Remember, you can get a free
credit report once a year by going to or by calling 877-322-8228.
Request them by mail by writing:

Annual Credit Report Request Service

P.O. Box 105281
Atlanta, GA 30348-5281

Equifax –
To request your report call: 800-685-1111
Or write to: P.O. Box 740241, Atlanta, GA 30374-0241
To report fraud, call : 800-525-6285
AND write to: P.O. Box 740241, Atlanta, GA 30374-0241
If you are hearing impaired (TDD), call : 800-255-0056 and ask the
Credit Reports 4

operator to call 1-800-685-1111 and request a copy of your credit report.

Experian –
To request your report call : 800-EXPERIAN (800-397-3742)
Or write to: P.O. Box 2002, Allen, TX 75013
To report fraud, call: 888-Experian (888-397-3742)
AND write to: P.O. Box 9530, Allen, TX 75013
TDD: 1-800-553-7803

TransUnion –
To request your report, call: 800-888-4213
Or write to: P.O. Box 1000, Chester, PA 19022
To report fraud, call 800-680-7289
AND write to: Fraud Victim Assistance Division, P.O. Box 6790, Fullerton, CA 92634
TDD: 1-877-553-7803

Innovis Consumer Assistance

P.O. Box 1358
Columbus, OH 43216-1358
Note: credit files may not be free, except in certain states. This is a website by the Fair Isaac Corporation that generates your true FICO score.
You can also purchase all of your credit reports by going to this site, along with your FICO Score
Report, a nifty tool that details what factors affected your score the most and how to improve it.
This is not free, however.

Please note that the websites, mailing addresses and phone numbers are subject to changes by
the credit reporting bureaus and other companies without notice.

©2005 Springboard
5 Disputing Inaccurate, Incomplete, or Outdated Data on
Your Credit Report
Dynamics of Disputing Inaccurate Information on Your Credit Report

The credit reporting system has undergone significant change in recent years. Certain events and
trends have changed how and to whom consumers should direct their disputes. For example, the
passage of FACTA gave consumers more clout with data furnishers and many situations, such as those
involving junk debt buyers, necessitate disputing directly with these entities instead of just sending
letters to the credit bureaus.

In August 2004 the Federal Reserve Board released a comprehensive study on data quality issues in
consumers’ credit files. Their study, "Credit Report Accuracy and Access to Credit," can be accessed at Errors can be either
inadvertent or deliberate. The FRB study identifies many examples of errors, including :

• Ambiguous reporting of stale accounts.

• Inconsistent and duplicative reporting of public record items and collection accounts.

• Redundant reporting of these items magnifies their negative impact. Examples of this include
open charge-offs that have not been updated as having been discharged through bankruptcy, or
that have been sold, transferred or even paid off by the debtor but are still being reported by the
original agent.

• Failure to consolidate multiple inquiries for the same loan.

Examples of deliberate manipulations on the part of credit grantors and collection agencies include:

• Not reporting credit limits on tradelines. This raises the utilization factor since scoring models
typically substitute the highest reported balance on the account for the missing credit limit, often

Credit Disputes 5
making the consumer appear to have maxed out their tradeline even if the consumer isn’t
anywhere near their (non-reported) credit limit on the account. Thus, a credit score is lowered by
this practice. The problem of non-reported credit limits is most severe. The recent FRB study
analyzed 301,000 consumer credit files and found that 46% of all consumers in the sample were
missing at least one credit limit on their national credit reports.

• Showing a closed-end account as open-ended or revolving in order to raise the utilization factor,
thus lowering the score.

• Withholding of credit reporting by some lenders for competitive advantage. Sub-prime lenders in
particular exhibit this practice. This prevents consumers from receiving credit that's due them for
good payment history.

• Intentional mis-reporting of out-of-statute debts in order to force settlement. This has become a
significant problem with the rise of the junk debt buying industry, and reports of FCRA violations
on the part of these players are widespread.

Addresses for Mailing Disputes

Experian Equifax TransUnion
Attn: NCAC P.O. Box 740256 P.O. Box 34012 or P.O. Box 2000
P.O. Box 9595 Atlanta, GA 30374 Fullerton, CA 92831 Chester, PA 19022
Allen, TX 75013 800-797-7033 800-916-8800

©2005 Springboard
1. Dispute Outdated or Incorrect Information
A careful review of a credit report may reveal incorrect, incomplete, or outdated information.
Most negative notations cannot be more than seven years old. Bankruptcy notations may remain
on the report for up to 10 years. Sometimes consumers need to dispute outdated or incomplete
information or information that they believe is inaccurate. The FACT Act provided consumers with
important rights with regards to disputing obsolete accounts and the handling of errors.

All incorrect, incomplete, or outdated information can be disputed. Be succinct in stating what
your desired result is and provide documentation. Mail everything certified mail, return receipt
requested. Disputes can be filed easily over the Internet; however, the conventional wisdom is
that mailed disputes are the most effective and that certified mail should be used. If the
information is outdated, it should be promptly removed. For information that the consumer
believes is inaccurate or incomplete, the credit bureau has 30 days to verify the information with
the creditor to ensure that it is correct. If the creditor cannot document the truthfulness of the
disputed information, it must be deleted from the credit report.

It is often necessary to dispute the same item with all credit reporting agencies that have
recorded the negative notation. Credit bureaus do not communicate or share information and
making a correction on one report does not mean the correction will appear on the report of a
different bureau.

2. Using a 100 Word Consumer Statement

If the creditor asserts that the notation is correct, it will remain on the report. Consumers should
continue to address the issue directly with the creditor. Consumers also have the right to have
included on their credit reports a statement of no more than 100 words explaining the
disagreement. The statement becomes part of the credit report and will remain there as long as
the disputed item is on the report. Many credit decisions are based on credit scores and often
lenders do not view the consumer statement. Some statements may inadvertently validate
Credit Disputes 5

negative credit. Sometimes asking the prospective creditor to review the report and read the
statement can reverse their decision, but the creditor is not obligated to ignore the negative
notation because of a consumer statement.

3. Develop a Plan to Repay Your Debts Or Consider Other Alternatives

If your credit problems come from having too much debt, develop a plan to reduce your debt. If
you would like help to develop a payment plan to reduce your debt, give Springboard a call at
877-WisePlan (800-947-3752).

4. Develop a Plan to Manage Your Money

To reduce the chance of future problems with credit, it is wise to analyze your spending habits,
create financial objectives, and have priorities when spending. Springboard’s certified financial
counselors will gladly help you take this step. In addition, we provide free seminars on the topic
of creating spending plans.

5. Pay with Cash

In order to develop better spending habits, you have to start reducing your expenses. To
accomplish this, try to pay everything with cash. When you pay with cash or even with a check,
you are forced to limit your spending to only what you have on hand or in your checking account.

6. Apply for Secured Credit

Some lending institutions can give you a credit card if you deposit a set amount with them. These
funds are placed in reserve and the consumer is issued a card with a limit equal to the amount
that was placed in reserve. Make sure the institution reports to the credit bureaus. Provided the
consumer can maintain his or her payments on time for a year, many creditors will issue the
consumer an unsecured credit card.

©2005 Springboard
7. Apply for Unsecured Credit
It is much easier to get a credit card from a department store than it is to get a card from a
national creditor, if you explain to the local store the reason for the previous poor credit and
demonstrate that you are now financially responsible.

8. Obtain and Use Debit Cards

Apply or request an ATM card that will also function as a Visa/MasterCard. The card is connected
to your checking/savings account and the purchases are automatically deducted from these
accounts. Your card will have a Visa/MasterCard logo and will be accepted anywhere those credit
cards are accepted.

9. For Debt Management Plan Graduates with Springboard

Springboard has established a Credit Recovery Program to assist those who have successfully
completed Springboard’s debt management plan. This program may help debt management plan
graduates re-enter the credit market with a small line of credit from a major credit grantor.
These creditors have not guaranteed to grant credit to applicants but have agreed not to
automatically disqualify them due to past credit problems.

The Consumer Data Industry Association (CDIA), in cooperation with Equifax, Experian, Innovis and
TransUnion, formed E-OSCAR (Online Solution for Complete and Accurate Reporting). The system is an
online mechanism for data furnishers and credit bureaus to process out of cycle updates on consumer


Recent years have seen the explosion of a "junk debt buyer" industry. Junk debt buyers (JDB) are
collection agencies that purchase bad debt – they are working for themselves as they now "own" the
debt. ("Contingency" collection agencies work as agents for another company.) Junk debt buyers are
subject to the Fair Debt Practices Collections Act like regular collection agencies because the debt was

Credit Disputes 5
in default when they purchased it. A junk debt buyer may also be in the contingency collection
business OR he may contract with a contingency agency. Junk debt buyers are a multi-billion dollar
industry and are responsible for a large number of debt collection and credit reporting violations of
law. Sellers of junk debt include cell phone companies, utilities, medical companies, card issuers, and
many other types of businesses.

Junk debt buyers will immediately sting a consumer’s credit report in order to force a settlement,
often misrepresenting the debt as more recent than it really is. Another tactic is to report the debt as
revolving, which is not only inaccurate, but also causes the score to further decrease since the
utilization factor calculates higher than it should. If the consumer goes along and settles the debt, this
has the perverse impact of causing the credit score to plummet even further, since activity has been
updated to the current time period. Credit bureaus cooperate with junk debt buyers to sell them their
prescreened credit offer lists of names for comparison to their bad debt accounts. Junk debt collecting
is a settlement-driven business and the consumer is brought to the table by aggressive and often illegal
credit reporting tactics, often in contravention of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and Fair Debt
Collection Practices Act. There have been a few high-profile FTC actions against abusive junk debt
buyers who prey upon consumers to collect expired debts or even debts that they know don’t belong to
a consumer.


• Re-aging accounts to attempt to force settlement on "time barred" (out of statute) accounts. The
actual date that the debt becomes delinquent is supposed to be reported under FCRA. Re-aging is
the practice of reporting a bad debt account as more recent than it really is. Re-aging causes the

©2005 Springboard
FICO score to drop dramatically since the scoring model interprets the re-age as a more recent
default. Junk debt buyers press for payment of some amount to bring the debt back under the
statue of limitations, after which they can sue you and have a chance of winning. Note that state
statute of limitations (SOL) for collections are different from FCRA statues of limitations for

• Misreporting the legal status (e.g., an open charge-off that was actually discharged in

• Misreporting the "open date" and "date of last activity" on an account.

• Various state Penal Code violations (e.g., in California, consumers must be notified if their calls
are being monitored or recorded).

• Multiple listings of the same debt. Junk debt buyers are often responsible for multiple reporting
of the same debt as these change hands among buyers and sellers. Usually, these same debts are
reported by the original creditor as well.

• Collectors pretending to be lawyers.

It does not improve your credit score to settle an old debt unless the item is completely deleted
from your credit report (not just reported as "paid in full"). It makes the situation worse since
the delinquency/charge-off will now be reported as more recent! Or, if it is in your best interest
to settle, the second best option is if the collector agrees NOT to update the credit record at all.
Get all agreements in writing.
Internet Forums and Resources: (here’s where to learn how debt collectors think) (an industry clearinghouse for junk debt buyers)
Credit Disputes 5

Yahoo, AOL and other internet portals have various credit and debt message boards and forums.
What to do:

• Don’t assume you are wrong – assume instead that your rights are being violated.

• Keep all letters, account statements, and court records (even from years ago).

• Do not provide the collection agency/junk debt buyer with updated personal information. Never
acknowledge a debt with a collector or agree to any payment until the agency validates the debt
(provides proof that you are indeed the party they are asking to pay the debt, and that there is
some contractual obligation that is binding on you to pay this debt). Past billing statements are
not proof.

• Don’t accept credit card offers that come with an offer for settlement or request a payment in
any other way.

• Monitor your own credit report – call 877-322-8228 to get your free annual credit report. You can
also go to BEWARE of emails from ID thieves who are "phishing" to
trick you out of your personal information. Be alert to the practice of "pharming" via imposter
websites that are set up to mimic real financial institutions and other businesses in order to steal
your identity.

• Contact an attorney who specializes in lawsuits for FCRA and FDCPA violations.

• Do not submit a "100 word statement" of explanation regarding a JDB to the credit bureaus as
these may serve to validate what is in the report, which could be inaccurate or incomplete.
©2005 Springboard
• Mail everything certified mail, return receipt requested, and keep the return receipts (green
cards) as proof of their receipt of your letter.


This can happen due to various reasons related to system flaws and discrepancies and multiple
subscriber numbers used by data furnishers. A bureau will sometimes remove an item temporarily that
is under dispute, but later reinsert the item if it is verified by the creditor. By law, they have to notify
you within five days of doing so. Sometimes a bureau will remove an item, but the creditor will not
update its routine monthly electronic updates, causing the item to be re-submitted due to negligence.
The bureaus have developed cloaking systems to catch reinserted items, but these are not foolproof.


You might think that the bureaus hold a complete document that contains all our information in one
place in a sort of electronic filing cabinet. It’s not like that. It’s more like there is an ongoing blizzard
of electronic bits flying around in a large universe. A query generated by an outside entity initiates a
matching process, whereby various bits are pulled out of that universe to land in one report. Partial
matches can cause the bits from two different individuals to land in one report as well as create
multiple reports on the same person.

Credit Disputes 5

©2005 Springboard
6 What Is a FICO or Credit Score?
There are many types of proprietary credit scores. Fair Isaac Corporation developed the most widely
used scoring algorithm (model). It is a general risk score (some call it a rating) that indicates the
probability of default. The higher the FICO score, the lower the risk. Creditors have different pricing
tiers based on the score level. The number is the result of a complicated calculation based on the data
in your credit report. The FICO score ranges from 300-850; other scoring models use different ranges.
TransUnion and Experian have their own scores. TransUnion’s is called "Empirica" and Experian’s is
called "PLUS Score," but these are not true FICOs (some call them "FAKO’s"). Equifax uses the true FICO
score, privately labeled as "Beacon."

You need three things in order to have a score created on your credit file: (1) at least one account that
is 6 months or older; (2) reported activity in the last 6 months: and (3) no deceased indicators, which
means no messages stating "Social Security number reported as deceased."

Your credit score is based on five factors. These factors and their percentage impact on the score’s
calculation are as follows:

1. 35% - Payment history (bankruptcies, late payments and collections).

2. 30% - Outstanding debt (credit card balances and number of cards), also known as utilization.
3. 15% - Length of credit history (age of oldest credit card account, average age of accounts, time
since accounts were used).
4. 10% - Pursuit of new credit (number of inquiries from potential lenders and newly opened credit
5. 10% - Types of credit (bank cards, department store cards, finance companies, secured,
unsecured). The scoring model likes to see a balanced report, with both installment and revolving


FICO scores do not take into account:

• Consumer generated inquiries.

• Gender, race, religion, occupation, whether the consumer is a homeowner, time lived in a home,
zip code or even income level (and credit reports do not show anybody’s income).

• "Promotional" and "Account Review" inquiries (Account Review inquiries are the periodic checks
done by your current creditors – usually card issuers – to see how you are doing).

• Accounts that are noted as being "under dispute": for example, you question a charge on your
credit card billing statement. The creditor should report your account as being under dispute.
Keep in mind that this may take an otherwise helpful tradeline out of the scoring mix.
Credit Scores 6

• Participation in a debt management plan (this may be reported by your creditor, but the scoring
model does not factor it into your score).

• Newer FICO scoring models will ignore an open revolving tradeline if the credit limit is missing.

Multiple lenders may request your credit report when you are shopping for a mortgage or an auto loan,
even though you’re only looking for one loan. FICO counts multiple auto or mortgage inquiries in any
14-day period as just one inquiry so that you are not penalized. Further, FICO disregards all mortgage
and auto inquiries made in the 30 days prior to scoring. What this means is if you find a loan within 30
days, your score won’t be affected while you're rate shopping.

©2005 Springboard
All of us have the ability to improve our credit scores. Below are some general tips for improving credit

1. Review credit reports regularly. An accurate report will be an honest representation of a

consumer’s history. Take control of yours.
2. Pay bills on time. More recent negative remarks on a credit report are worse than problems that
occurred years ago. For example, an account that has been delinquent in the past six months will
do more damage to a credit score than a similar delinquency five years earlier.
3. Reduce your overall debt.
4. Limit revolving card usage. The goal should be not to max out your revolving or "open" lines of
credit. Revolving means you can use it, pay it off, and use it again. Some experts advise no more
than 50%, some say 35% as the maximum utilization level. Be aware that closing unused accounts
may reduce your score. In choosing to close accounts, older accounts with a good history are the
ones to keep because the age of an account and your length of time in the credit world also
factors in the score. Easy access to credit may create the potential to get into trouble by going on
a spending spree and racking up new debt, and lots of account numbers create more targets for
identity theft.
5. Limit the number of inquiries. Apply for credit only when necessary and get your credit report in
advance. When shopping for a new car or a mortgage, make all applications within a 30-day
period. Too many inquiries in a short period may be seen as an indication of financial problems or
loading up on new credit. The scoring model is supposed to consolidate inquiries of the same type
within a specific amount of time, which is 30 days.


Rapid Rescore was created in the late 1990’s by the bureaus in response to mortgage lenders’
frustration over the slow and ineffective credit bureau disputing process that consumers had to go
through. It is an expedited service provided by the bureaus to resellers and mortgage lenders that
allows the lender to get an applicant’s credit file re-scored almost immediately after the applicant
provides documentation of a corrective update to their credit file from a data furnisher with whom
they have a disputed item. The cost of this service is usually borne by applicants and it is expensive –
prices range from $25 to as much as $70 per tradeline for each bureau. There is currently a
controversy between the bureaus, resellers, and mortgage lenders as to whether consumers should be
charged for this service. Independent credit agencies have brought a class action lawsuit against
Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, charging that the big three conspired to put them out of business by
sharply raising prices for rescoring and credit data and by prohibiting the independent agencies from
directly charging consumers for rescoring services.


All of the credit bureaus, Fair Isaac, and many other companies have rolled out some version of a Credit Scores 6
credit monitoring service. The benefits that are claimed for these are ID theft prevention, getting
alerts when your score changes, and getting notified when you qualify for a lower interest rate. The
common business model is based on a monthly or annual fee, with commitment to a minimum of
usually three months. You receive alerts when certain changes happen and a common hook is a free 30
day trial period. Costs vary significantly. Before signing up with one of these, be aware of what you are
buying, and be sure you have exercised your right to a free credit report once a year and whenever
you think you are a victim of identity theft. Remember, staggering access to your free credit report
throughout the year provides you a basic form of monitoring service.

©2005 Springboard
7 Collection Agencies and Credit Repair Clinics
No one ever plans to get into financial hot water. But when you stop making your debt payments, you
can bet that it is only a matter of time before you start getting collection letters and are introduced to
the world of debt collection. What can you do? You need to know your rights. You have rights under the
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.


In 1970 the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) became law. Its purpose is to prevent abusive,
deceptive and unfair debt collection practices by debt collectors. The California Act (Civil Code 1788
et. Seq.) defines a debt collector as "any person who, in the ordinary course of business, regularly, on
behalf of himself or others engages in debt collection." The FDCPA does not apply to originating
creditors who are collecting on their own behalf.

Consumers who are being harassed by a debt collector have the right to tell the debt collector(s) to
leave them alone. Consumers must make this demand in writing, but once the demand is made,
according to the FDCPA the debt collector must then stop all communications, except to advise the
consumer that:

• Collection efforts have ended, or

• They or the original creditor may or will invoke a specific remedy, such as a lawsuit, against the

Multiple lenders may request your credit report when you are shopping for a mortgage or an auto loan,
even though you’re only looking for one loan. FICO counts multiple auto or mortgage inquiries in any
14-day period as just one inquiry so that you are not penalized. Further, FICO disregards all mortgage
and auto inquiries made in the 30 days prior to scoring. What this means is if you find a loan within 30
days, your score won’t be affected while you're rate shopping.

A request for cessation of communication does not mean that the collection account will go away.
Depending on the terms of the agreement with the creditor, there will usually be a continuation of the
collection efforts through legal means. However, the harassing phone calls and letters should stop.

If collectors persist in contacting you, file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. A complaint
can be filed in writing, by phone or on the Internet.

The Federal Trade Commission

Collections/Credit Repair 7

Washington, D.C. 20580

1-877-FTC-HELP (387-4357)

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act also prohibits a number of other unfair actions by debt

• If the consumer has an attorney, debt collectors may not contact the consumer directly. They
must work with the attorney.

• Debt collectors cannot contact third parties, with the exception of the debtor’s attorney or a
credit bureau, except to locate the debtor. If an agent contacts any other third person, they must
state their name and can state only that they are confirming or correcting location information.

• In all communications, bill collectors from a collection agency must state that they are trying to
collect a debt and that any information gained will be used for that purpose.

©2005 Springboard
• Debt collectors cannot contact consumers at unusual or inconvenient times or places before 8
a.m. or after 9 p.m.

• Debt collectors may not contact consumers at work if they know that the employer prohibits
collection calls at work.

• Debt collectors may not make violent threats against a debtor or another person.

• They may not threaten damage to the reputation or property of the debtor or another person.

• They may not use obscene or profane language.

• They may not publish a debtor’s name on a "deadbeat" list, as a person who doesn’t pay bills.

• They may not list the debt for sale to the public.

• They may not call the debtor or any other person repeatedly without identifying themselves as a
debt collector.

• Debt collectors may not lie by claiming to be law enforcement officers or suggest they are
connected with any government agency, or that they are an attorney.

• They cannot communicate false credit information such as failing to report that a debt is in

• They cannot send a debtor a document that looks as though it is from a government agency, a
court or an attorney.

• They cannot use a false business name.

• A debt collector cannot claim to be employed by a credit bureau if they are not. They cannot
claim to be taking a survey or casting for a movie or television show. They cannot claim that the
debtor has won a prepaid package or that money or a valuable gift will be sent if the debtor
discloses certain information.

• Debt collectors cannot add interest, fees or charges not authorized in the original agreement.

• They cannot accept a check post-dated by more than five days unless they notify the debtor three
to ten days in advance of when it will be deposited. They cannot deposit a post-dated check prior
to the date of the check.

Collections/Credit Repair 7
• They cannot solicit a post-dated check by threatening criminal prosecution.

• They cannot call consumers "collect" or otherwise cause consumers to incur communications

• They cannot threaten to seize or repossess property if they have no right or intention of doing so.

• They cannot communicate by postcard or put any words or symbols on the outside of an envelope
that indicate they are trying to collect a debt.


Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) "Validation of Debts,” consumers may notify the
collection agency in writing within 30 days after receiving a collection notice that they are disputing
the validity of a debt or any portion of the debt (see sample letters). Consumers may also request the
original creditor’s name and address and contact them regarding the dispute.

©2005 Springboard
It is best to communicate in writing and send mail certified with a return receipt requested. Upon
receipt of the consumer’s letter of dispute, the collection agency must cease collection activity until
they have verified the debt or provided the consumer with the name and address of the original


• Never agree to providing post-dated checks or any automated deduction from your checking
• Record the phone call if you can and at a minimum take detailed notes of your conversations.
• Don’t pay anything until you get agreement from the collector for your deal in writing. Delay
negotiating till the end of the month – collectors are under monthly quotas for productivity.
• Request that your debt be shown as "paid in full" rather than as "settled."
• Tell them as little as possible about yourself and don’t be pressured for time.
• Don’t agree to terms that you can’t afford – always offer less.


Having debts with collection agencies is only one indication that your credit report has taken a turn for
the worse. In an attempt to remedy the situation, thousands of consumers are lured to credit repair
companies each year with the promise of a quick fix. These companies are trying to exploit a valid
need on the part of the public for credit repair assistance. Unfortunately, consumers often receive
little or no help in exchange for the exorbitant fees charged by these so-called credit clinics. In many
cases, these companies skip town with the consumers’ hard-earned money, then continue operating
under various aliases.

The important thing to remember is that credit repair companies cannot make all of your past credit
mistakes magically disappear from your reports. Many try to sell you on a fraudulent repair technique
called "file segregation", or practice frivolous bombardment with multiple disputes to the bureaus.
Multiple disputes may be warranted, but this method can be ineffective. Disputing directly with the
data furnisher can be more effective.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1971 mandates that credit bureaus be given a period of 30 days in
which to investigate consumer credit report disputes. If disputes are not settled within the 30 days,
the credit bureau is then obligated to eliminate the item. In the past, credit repair companies have
used this time limitation to their advantage by bombarding the credit bureaus with disputes that were
too numerous to handle in the allotted time. FACTA provides for the first time the right for consumers
Collections/Credit Repair 7

to dispute directly with the data furnishers themselves about inaccuracies on their personal credit
report and get a response in a timely fashion.

File Segregation
Another technique favored by credit repair clinics is file segregation. Here, the credit repair clinic
encourages its clients to apply for a new Social Security number, Employer Identification Number (EIN)
or Bank Identification number in order to start a new credit history. The problem with this method is
that it is a federal crime to misrepresent your Social Security number or obtain an EIN from the IRS
under false pretenses. In addition, people who change their Social Security numbers could be cheating
themselves out of future Social Security benefits. Promoters of these file segregation scams have been
arrested for numerous charges, including conspiracy to defraud the government. In other words, stay
away from this illegal and potentially damaging credit repair scam.

©2005 Springboard
In 1996, Congress passed the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA), which imposed strict regulations
on credit service organizations and the credit repair industry. The purpose of the law is to provide
prospective buyers of credit repair services with the information necessary to make intelligent
decisions regarding the purchase of those services and to protect the public from unfair or deceptive
advertising and business practices. The law was well intended but it has had the effect of driving the
credit repair industry underground, where it currently thrives in various business models, especially on
the Internet and in the back offices of mortgage lenders. Note that attorneys are legally able to
conduct credit repair and there are some large law firms pursuing this business. It thrives because of
the public’s huge appetite - and valid need – for credit report correction assistance and because it’s
ideally suited for a home-based business. Despite the proliferation of credit repair operators on the
Internet, pricing for this service seems to remain strong - in the several hundred-dollar range - while
barriers to entry in this business are low.

The law defines a credits repair organization as a person or company which, in return for the payment
of money or any other valuable consideration, offers to provide or perform any service, or provide any
advice or assistance which would improve a consumers’ credit record, history, or rating, or obtain a
loan or other extension of credit. Although this definition encompasses many organizations, it does
have some notable exemptions such as attorneys, chartered or licensed loan makers, banks and savings
institutions, and non-profit organizations such as Springboard.

A well intended but onerous consumer protection that was built into CROA is the rule that prohibits
credit repair organizations from charging you money up-front for their services. In the past, credit
repair organizations commonly required a large payment in advance, usually several hundred dollars,
before performing any service. This rule is widely disregarded, however.

The law requires credit repair organizations to:

• Refrain from engaging directly or indirectly in any act, practice, or course of business that would
operate as a fraud or deception upon any persons in connection with services.

• Provide complete and detailed written description of the services to be performed and the total
amount the buyer will have to pay.

• Refrain from charging or receiving any money or consideration prior to the full and complete
performance of the service.

• Complete the performance of contracts within 90 days.

• Provide clients with a complete and accurate statement of the availability of non-profit credit

Collections/Credit Repair 7
counseling services.

• Print a statement in at least 10 point boldface type stating, "You have a right to sue a credit
services organization if it misleads you."

• Register and receive a certificate of registration from the Attorney General’s Office before doing
business in California.

• Post a bond of $100,000 and maintain that bond for two years after the organization ceases to do
business. Also, disclose in writing the consumer’s right to proceed against the bond and provide
the name and addresses of the surely company which issued the bond.

• Maintain copies of personally signed contracts in the business’ for two years.

The law further allows:

• Harmed buyers to bring action for injunctive relief and damages.

• Harmed credit reporting agencies may bring an action for damages or injunctive relief, or both.

©2005 Springboard
8 Identity Theft
You paid your bills on time. Your credit report was spotless. Then you began getting phone calls from
lenders and collection agencies who wanted you to pay up on a slew of past-due credit accounts you
never opened. Your bank thinks you are a bad credit risk and has refused to refinance your home
mortgage. The Internal Revenue Service says you owe taxes on income you have never seen.

How could all of this have happened without your knowledge? You are the victim of identity theft, a
crime that defrauds more than a thousand people a day. An employee in an office where you had
once gotten an X-ray stole your name and Social Security number from medical files. With this
information, the thief was able to open credit lines worth over ten thousand dollars, rent
apartments, sign up for utilities, and even earn income in your name. It will take years to get the
credit industry to straighten out your files, during which time the thief will most likely continue to
use your name and creditors will continue to harass you.


According to the 2005 Identity Fraud Survey Report by the Better Business Bureau, most identity theft
occurs offline and is conducted by friends, relatives and other people known to the victim. This is
contrary to our fears that ID theft is committed anonymously through computers. However, online ID
theft is still a very real danger and computer-based thieves have achieved considerable success in
stealing bank and credit account information.


Identity thieves range from old-fashioned pickpockets to sophisticated theft rings. All that’s needed is
a little personal information and the thieves are in business. To help collect personal information, ID-
theft rings enlist cleaning people (who retrieve data from office wastebaskets), corrupt merchants
(who sell credit-card sales receipts), and employees of bank and brokerage backroom operations that
process financial transactions. What are they looking for? Anything that will lead them to the one
piece of information they need to steal your identity – your Social Security number. Online, there are
many types of sophisticated identity theft methods, including "phishing" and "pharming." According to
the Anti Phishing Working Group, "Phishing attacks use 'spoofed' e-mails and fraudulent websites
designed to fool recipients into divulging personal financial data such as credit card numbers, account
usernames and passwords, Social Security numbers, etc. Pharming uses the same kind of spoofed
sites, but uses malware [malicious software]/spyware to redirect users from real websites to the
fraudulent sites (typically DNS hijacking). By hijacking the trusted brands of well-known banks, online
retailers and credit card companies, phishers are able to convince recipients to respond to them."
Check the ID theft resources in this booklet to stay informed of their changing methods.


It should come as no surprise that thieves target those with the most to lose. That’s why credit
worthy people with good incomes are often victims to this type of fraud. Also on the list are people
who share the same name such as Juniors and Seniors, or other relatives. Identity thieves exploit the
inherent confusion over such names to obtain personal information.


Identity Theft 8

Once thieves have a name, getting the Social Security number is a breeze. According to authorities,
identity theft rings sometimes pay low-level employees of the Social Security Administration or
Internal Revenue Service to get the numbers. Several states use Social Security numbers as driver’s
license numbers and since driving records are public documents, the number is then easy to obtain.
Schools, medical and health businesses and the IRS use Social Security numbers as personal
identifiers. For example, if your wallet is stolen your Social Security number is likely there, on your
health-insurance card.

©2005 Springboard
Credit bureaus and other data providers can unwittingly provide identity thieves with Social Security
numbers by allowing them access to their databases. Legitimate companies often buy this type of
access from the credit bureaus in order to determine potential customers. However, sale of such
information by credit reporting agencies is not regulated by federal law and is, therefore, susceptible
to fraud.

Several documents containing your Social Security number are also likely to show up in any month’s
mail. By filing a temporary change of address form with the post office in your name, an identity thief
can divert mail to his or her mail drop for up to 30 days. It resumes at your address before you catch
on. Your mail may also contain several of the 2.7 billion credit solicitations and pre-approved card
offers sent out each year which makes the next step, opening new accounts in your name, that much


Consumers can take important steps to protect themselves against identity theft.

• Use "opt out." Block the credit bureaus from selling your name to lenders who want to send out
pre-approved credit solicitations via These solicitations can easily be
stolen by identity thieves and used to steal your identity.

• Use an "Alert" or "Freeze." If you think your privacy may have been compromised, go to the
bureau websites or call and have an alert placed on your file. An alert is not as drastic as a
freeze, and placing the alert will always trigger another free report being sent to you. In
California, you are allowed to have a security freeze placed on your credit report, meaning your
credit report is locked and nobody can access it unless you contact the bureaus with a security
code. If somebody tries to access your locked accounts, the bureaus will have to notify you.

• Pay attention to change of address notifications. The U.S. Postal Service recently modified
change-of-address procedures to thwart identity thieves. Now, after a post office receives a
change-of-address request, it sends a confirmation letter to the old address. If you receive such a
notice and did not file for the change, contact your local post office immediately.

• Get an unlisted phone number. Identity thieves often choose their victims out of the phone book
by looking for addresses in affluent neighborhoods or towns. If you must be listed in the phone
book, consider listing only your name and phone number (no address) and do not attach "Dr.",
"Atty.", or other monikers announcing you’re an affluent professional.

• Request a new driver’s license number. If you live in a state that uses your Social Security number
as your driver ID number, ask your department of motor vehicles for a different number.

• Do not provide personal information when writing a check. Retailers often try to write your credit
card, driver’s license, phone, or Social Security number on your personal check to identify you. To
avoid identity theft, do not give them this information unless absolutely necessary or pay with a
national-brand check card, which debits your account for purchases without paper checks.

• Handle your credit card accounts with care. Close all unused accounts. Keep a copy of all credit-
card numbers, expiration dates, lines of credit and company phone numbers for the fraud and
customer-service departments in your personal files at home. Never leave credit card or ATM
receipts behind, and don’t toss them in a public trash can. Buy a shredder and always rip them up
Identity Theft 8

before throwing them in your garbage.

©2005 Springboard
1. Start keeping records. At the first sign of fraud, begin a log of dates and time spent solving this
problem; take notes on every phone conversation, including the date; keep copies of every
document you create, send out and receive; and get names, titles, and phone numbers of everyone you
talk to. Also, everything you send by mail should be sent certified with a return receipt requested.

2. Call and write the big three credit reporting agencies’ fraud departments. Your notification will
automatically cause a copy of your credit report to be mailed to you – this is required by FACTA.
Dispute the fraudulent information and tell the credit bureaus to remove it. Also, demand a fraud alert
for your file, and ask to include a statement about the fraud, in which you tell creditors to call you at
a phone number you provide to verity all future applications. Contact information is listed below.

Equifax Credit Information Service Experian TransUnion Fraud Victim

P.O. Box 740241 Attn: P.O. Box 9530 Assistance Division
Atlanta, GA 30374-0241 Allen, TX 75013 P.O. Box 6790
To report fraud: 1-800-525-6285 To report fraud: 1-888-397-3742 Fullerton, CA 92634 800-680-7289

3. Call and file a report with your local police, or with the police department where the ID theft has
occurred. Get a copy of the police report and file it with your documents. The credit companies
and financial institutions may ask for a copy of the police report to verify the crime. Keep your
detective’s phone number so you can give it to your creditors and other people that may require it to
verify the case. Also, call and write law enforcement authorities, report the fraud to the U.S. Secret
Service and the FBI (if a bank is involved) and the U.S. Postal Inspector. You’re doing this largely for
the record. Don’t expect the credit card companies to take action unless the dollar losses exceed

4. Call and write all the creditors that are on your credit report. Alert all credit card companies,
department stores and other creditors about the fraud (use the addresses listed on the back of
your monthly statement or in your written agreement with the creditor in order to be protected by the
Fair Credit Billing Act). For every account that was fraudulently accessed or opened, contact the billing
inquiries and security departments of that financial institution or credit company. Close these accounts
and all other accounts that you have even if they have not been accessed by the thief. Get
replacement cards and new account numbers for all your legitimate accounts. Use passwords, (do not
use your mother’s maiden name), to open your new accounts and confirm your contact in writing.
Request that your old accounts be processed as "account closed by consumer request." Having a
reference in your credit report as "card lost or stolen" could be interpreted that you were responsible
for the loss. Demand that all inaccurate information that appears on your credit report be removed.
Closely monitor your mail and credit card bills and immediately report any fraudulent activity to your

5. As a victim of identity theft you can get a free copy of your credit report; review all information
for any new activity at least every two months. Ask the credit bureaus for names and phone
numbers of the creditors with whom the fraudulent accounts were opened. Ask the credit bureaus to
remove inquiries that have been generated due to the fraudulent access. Under state law (California
Civil Code 1785.16(k)), a consumer submitting a valid police report can have the credit-reporting
agency block the reporting of any information that the consumer alleges appears on the credit report
as a result of identity theft. You also may want to ask the credit bureaus to notify those who have
received your credit report in the last six months in order to alert them to the disputed and erroneous
Identity Theft 8


©2005 Springboard
6. Contest bills that result from identity theft. Consumer and privacy advocates suggest not paying
any portion of a bill that is a result of identity theft and NOT filing for bankruptcy. This will
involve disputing credit card charges with the card company by writing to the address for billing error
disputes – not the bill payment address. You should follow the directions given by the credit card
company for disputing charges. The company must provide this information. Your credit rating should
not be permanently affected, and no legal action should be taken against you as a result of identity
theft. If any merchant, financial institution or collection agency suggests otherwise, simply restate
your willingness to cooperate, but don’t allow yourself to be coerced into paying fraudulent bills.
Report such attempts to government regulators immediately.

7. If a loan, credit or utility service account has been opened fraudulently in your name, you now
can obtain a copy of the application used and a record of transactions or charges associated with
that account. The information you learn may be useful in determining what personal identifying
information was stolen, help clear your good name and credit, and even lead to the identity of the

California has the most advanced privacy and identity theft laws in the country. Here’s a checklist for
accessing account information under California Penal Code section 530.8:

• File a police report stating that you believe you are a victim of identity theft. Keep a copy of the
police report.

• Fill out the request forms provided by the law enforcement agency or use the Fraudulent Account
Information Request Form found

• Fill out the Identity Theft Affidavit located

This form will need to be notarized.

• Send complete package (Info Request/ID Theft Affidavit/police report) to each creditor where the
thief opened an account using your stolen identity.

• Provide account information you receive to the police officer investigating your ID theft case.

8. You could face false civil and criminal judgments as a result of identity theft. Sometimes victims
of identity theft are wrongly accused of crimes committed by the identity thief. If a civil
judgment has been entered in your name for actions taken or debts incurred by your impostor, contact
the court where the judgment was entered and report that you are a victim of identity theft. If you
are wrongfully prosecuted for criminal charges, contact the state Department of Justice and the FBI
and obtain information on how to clear your name. In September of 2001 the California Department of
Justice established a statewide database that provides certain information about identity theft crimes
to victims and law enforcement agencies.

9. Review and correct any other identity violation. Review all your accounts, any change of address
request and all new accounts opened in your name in the following institutions/agencies:

• Notify your state Department of Motor Vehicles of misuse of driver’s license number. You may
need to change your driver’s license number if someone is using yours as identification on bad
checks. Call the DMV to see if another license was issued in your name. Put a fraud alert on your
license. Go to your local DMV to request a new number. Also, fill out the DMV’s complaint form to
begin the fraud investigation process. Send supporting documents with the completed form to the
nearest DMV investigation office. California website:
Identity Theft 8

• Report stolen checks and stop payment immediately. If you have had checks stolen or bank
accounts set up fraudulently, report it to the appropriate check verification companies. Put stop
payments on any outstanding checks that you are unsure of. Cancel your checking and savings
accounts and obtain new account numbers. Give the bank a secret password for your account (not
your mother’s maiden name!). If your own checks are rejected at stores where you shop, contact
the check verification company that the merchant uses. To report fraudulent use of your checks:

©2005 Springboard
• Telecheck: 800-710-9898
• Chexsystems: 800-428-9623
• CrossCheck: 800-843-0760
• International Check Services: 800-631-9656
• SCAN: 800-262-7771
• Certegy: 800-437-5120

• Report stolen ATM cards and change passwords immediately. Get a new ATM card, account number
and password. When creating a password, don’t use common numbers like the last four digits of
your SSN or your birth date. Monitor your account statement. You may be liable if fraud is not
reported quickly.

• For suspected fraudulent change of address, notify your local postal inspector. Call the U.S. Post
Office at 800-275-8777 to obtain the local phone number. Find out where fraudulent credit cards
were sent. Notify the local Postmaster for that address to forward all mail in your name to our
own address. You may also need to talk with the mail carrier. Web address:

• Report misuse of Social Security number by calling the Social Security Administration. Order a
copy of your Personal Earnings and Benefits Statement and check it for accuracy. The thief might
be using your SSN for employment purposes. If you fit specific fraud victim criteria, the Social
Security Administration may change your Social Security number. Report fraud: 800-269-0271. To
order your Personal Earning and Benefits Statement: call 800-772-1213, or access online:

• For suspected misuse, cancel long distance calling card accounts. If your long distance calling
card has been stolen or you discover fraudulent charges, cancel the account and open a new one.
Provide a password that must be used any time the account is changed.

• For missing or fraudulent passports, notify the U.S. State Department. Whether you have a
passport or not, write the passport office to alert them to anyone ordering a passport

• Seek legal advice. You may want to consult a lawyer to determine legal action to take against
creditors and/or credit bureaus if they are not cooperative in removing fraudulent entries from
your credit report or if negligence is a factor. Call the local Bar Association or Legal Aid office to
find an attorney who specializes in consumer law, the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Fair
Credit Billing Act.


Beginning July 1, 2003, a California identity theft law went into effect that requires businesses that
maintain electronic personal information to notify any California residents whose information may have
been accessed by unauthorized persons. (also serves as a clearinghouse for excellent resources for ID theft victims) (dedicated to Internet fraud)
Identity Theft 8

©2005 Springboard
Practical Advice for Your Checking and Debit Accounts

Checking/Debt Accounts 9
Having a checking account is a privilege, not a right. That’s why it’s important to maintain your
account responsibly. If you don’t have a checking account, you may be susceptible to the high fees of
check cashing businesses and payday lenders as well as be subject to the risks of always carrying
around cash. Some low cost or free bank accounts only have access via an ATM card. Just as your credit
history is important to obtain credit, your checking/debit history is important to your current and
prospective financial institutions in order to evaluate your ability to manage your deposit accounts
responsibly. Your checking/debit history may also be reviewed by credit issuers to make decisions about
lending when you have little to no credit history.

There are a number of unpleasant consequences for writing bad checks:

• Your bank or credit union could charge you an overdraft fee, typically around $25.00 per check.

• The place you wrote the check to could also charge you a fee.

• The place you wrote the check to could refuse to take any more checks.

• Your name and account information could be reported to a "debit bureau" such as Telecheck,
ChexSystems, or SCAN where it would be placed on a bad check writers list.

• Other places could refuse to take your checks.

• Your bank could close your checking account.

• Other banks could refuse to open a checking account for you for some time.

Keep your checkbook up-to-date

If you don’t keep your checkbook organized and up-to-date, you could lose track of how much money
you have and start bouncing checks. Following are some tips to help you keep your checkbook in order:

1. Review your monthly bank statement. Make sure that neither you nor the bank have made any
errors. Check off everything recorded in your checkbook by comparing it to the details on your
bank statement. Check off everything that matches. Then, if you have forgotten to log something
in your checkbook, now is the time to do it.

2. Take advantage of technology. You don’t have to wait for the monthly statement to arrive to find
out what is going on with your account. Many banks have 800 numbers you can call to find out
your balance, what checks have cleared and the fees you have been charged. Balance inquiries
can also be made at ATMs, and you should be able to access account information over the

3. Keep up with fees. Reading the inserts that come with your account statement can help you keep
on top of changes in bank charges.

4. Record fees and all transactions immediately. If you have a debit card, it takes more discipline
to keep up with what you are spending. Keep your receipts in one place. Put them between the
pages in your check register or in a designated envelope, and then update your checkbook every
few days.

5. Choose an overseer of your joint account. Somebody needs to do it. Try to agree on where you
will keep receipts and what checks will be written each month.

6. Get checks with carbon copies. A good way to keep track if you write a lot of checks.

©2005 Springboard
Checking/Debt Accounts 9

7. Use overdraft protection. Some banks give you the option of linking your checking account to
another account, such as savings, and will automatically make the transfer if you don’t have
enough money to cover a transaction.

8. Go with direct deposit. Having your paycheck or federal payments such as Social Security
deposited electronically avoids mail delays and lost or stolen checks – all of which can help you
avoid bounced checks.


The Get Checking! program offers a new start to those who have had banking problems in the past. You
will participate in a class, after which you will receive a Certificate of Completion. You can present the
certificate to participating banks that will acknowledge your commitment to responsible checking, and
then you’ll be able to open an account under certain conditions. For more information visit Springboard offers Get Checking! in a seminar format where we give you the
necessary information to manage your checking account. Following are the four main subjects that are
covered in the seminar:

1. Introduction to Get Checking!

2. Deciding what type of account is best for you
3. Managing your checking account
4. Keys to successful money and credit management


©2005 Springboard
Before applying for a job, before buying new homeowner’s or car insurance, opening a new checking
account, before applying for private health or life insurance, or before renting an apartment, you
should be aware that a "specialty" report may be pulled on you. FACTA now gives all of us the right to
obtain these reports directly from nationwide specialty bureaus and to dispute errors in them, just
like with regular credit reports. There are three major specialty companies that report on check
writing history (have your driver’s license number and checkbook handy).

ChexSystems is a nationwide specialty consumer reporting agency that collects and maintains
information from member financial institutions such as banks and credit unions. If a bank closes your
checking account because of insufficient funds, for example, it will make a report to ChexSystems that

Credit Bureaus - Other 10

other banks will check when you apply for new accounts. Toll-free number: (800) 428-9623.

Shared Check Authorization Network (SCAN) is owned by Deposit Payment Protection Services (DPPS).
It maintains a database of returned checks and instances of fraud. It provides check authorization and
verification to its members, primarily retailers.
Toll-free number: (800) 262-7771 (U.S., Guam, and Puerto Rico) Fax: (800) 358-4506

To Order by Mail: Print and complete the order form from the website and
mail to:

Deposit Payment Protection Services, Inc.

Attn: Consumer Referral Services
7805 Hudson Road, Suite 100
Woodbury, MN 55125

To Order by FAX:
Fax the order form to 800-358-4506

TeleCheck also maintains a database of returned checks and instances of fraud. It provides check
authorization and verification to member retailers. Toll-free number: (800) TELECHECK (800-835-3243
not necessary to dial last 2 digits). Web:

TeleCheck Services, Inc.

5251 Westheimer
Houston, Texas 77056
Declined Check Information: (800) 366-2425


Medical records or payments - Medical Insurance Bureau -

Residential or tenant history - Unlawful Detainer Registry -

Employment history - background checks provided by Choicepoint -
Insurance claims - CLUE -

©2005 Springboard
11 Predatory Lending and Other Scams
Don’t be lured by what seems to be a favorable deal but which may be predatory lending. In these
cases, the lender takes advantage of people by charging high interest rates and excessive fees (without
verifying the person’s capability to pay back the loan), doing repeated refinancing, or requiring balloon
payments that the person cannot pay. These predatory lenders frequently seek out desperate
consumers with little understanding of credit who are the sole homeowners and have low income.
These lenders give loans to people who usually will not be able to finish paying the debt.

It is not illegal to loan money at a higher interest rate than normal to people who have bad credit,
although in certain states interest rates have a limit to avoid unfairness. The Truth in Lending Act
states that the lending companies have to inform the loan applicant in advance of all the terms and
costs of the loan, including the annual interest rate (APR). If you are considering refinancing your
house, federal law gives you three days to cancel the loan after signing the refinancing papers, a loan
on home equity or to purchase an additional home. This is your "right of refusal." Within 20 days of
cancellation you should receive a full refund of the money you paid out. The law also offers further
protection against higher interest rates or fees if the loan is a refinance, an equity loan, or second
mortgage. This law includes loans with interest rates of at least 10 points more than that of the
Treasury index with the same expiration time.


The Federal Trade Commission accepts consumer complaints that it utilizes on investigations of illegal
practices and offers a variety of publications on credit, home improvement, and consumer rights.
(They do not deal with individual complaints.) For more information call 877-FTC-HELP (382-4357), or
go to:
Predatory Lending 11

Stop mortgage fraud ( is a web page sponsored by the Mortgage Bankers
Association. It has information on how to know when you have been a victim of abusive lending and
gives advice as to where you can present a complaint if this has happened to you.


Offices of the National Association of Attorneys General
Look up the state government offices section of your phone book, or visit the National Association of
Attorneys General web page at, there you can get a list of the state attorneys general.

State Officials on Mortgages

Look up the state government offices section of your phone book, or visit the Mortgage Bankers
Association web site at: to obtain a list of state officials.

Currency Comptroller
(For federal law violations on loans and processes and real estate agreements) consumer assistance line
800-613-6743, can also be reached at

Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Department of Consumer Claims and Regulations, interstate land sale, division RESPA 202-708-4560,

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

Division of consumer claims 877-ASK-FDIC (925-4618), web page:

Federal Trade Commission

(For federal law violation on consumer mortgage companies and financial institutions loans) call
877-FTC-HELP (382-4357); or visit their web site:; TTY 202-326-2502.

©2005 Springboard
Federal Reserve Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, consumer claims
202-452-3693; web page:


The best way to protect yourself is by not signing any loan that is not to your advantage. If you fall
victim, it will be difficult to get your money back and, in many cases, victims of predatory mortgage or
auto loans will lose their car or house.
If your lender has taken advantage of you, immediately call the bank loan commissioner and the
attorney general of your state; also contact the Currency Comptroller for advice on how to file a claim.
You can also file a claim with the Federal Trade Commission and with counseling and defense groups
(see previous section entitled How to File a Claim). When contacting the proper authorities, document
your claim to assist the regulating agencies to identify abusive lenders.

In most cases, victims of abusive and deceptive lending will have to hire a lawyer to sue the lender.


Compare loans with various lenders, including banks and loan companies. Never let anyone pressure
you into signing, a tactic many lending companies use to take advantage of you.
Before signing, talk it over with a friend, family member, or someone at work who understands about
loans, or call local community consumer organizations for advice. Read completely all contracts before
signing; don’t sign them if you don’t understand them. Ask for general information on the terms of the
loan as it is being explained to you. You have a legal right to know your monthly payment, interest rate
and length of the loan as well as the total amount you will pay (including interest and charges) until
you finish paying the loan.


Predatory Lending 11
For many people, few things would be more devastating to their financial security than losing their
home or being taken in a real estate scam. Yet every year, many people fall victim to the schemes of
clever con men who are out to do just that.
Perhaps the most dangerous part of this type of fraud is that many people are unaware that their
property is in any danger until it’s too late. To protect yourself, it’s important to become familiar with
some common examples of real property fraud.
Foreclosure Scams: If your home goes into foreclosure, chances are good that you’ll receive dozens of
letters from foreclosure consultants and equity purchasers who promise to stop the foreclosure by
purchasing your home, or by getting you a new home loan. Beware of these offers! In some cases, if
your home is worth more than you owe on it, they may have you sign your home over to them on the
promise that they will get you a loan. Once your home is in their name, they take out loans and keep
the proceeds. Some have you "rent" your own home from them, promising they will sell the house back
to you later. This never happens. Instead, they keep your rent payments until your home is lost in
Undeveloped Land Fraud: In this type of real estate fraud, unscrupulous sellers unload property that
does not comply with subdivision laws and/or cannot be used as you intended. For example, a seller of
land may represent that the property has access to water, roads and utilities, and is ready to build on.
Later, when you apply for building permits, you learn that the seller’s promises were false. Another
common practice in undeveloped land fraud is for the seller to show you one property, then sell you a
different property. This is accomplished by falsifying the land sale contract or deed (a deed is a signed
and usually sealed instrument containing some legal transfer, bargain, or contract).
Home Equity Fraud: This type of fraud occurs when your signature is forged on a deed and the equity
in your home is stolen through loans taken against your property. A missing property tax bill is often
the first sign of home equity fraud. Receiving mortgage documents or payment books for loans you
never applied for is another common sign.

©2005 Springboard
To protect yourself from real property fraud, obtain title insurance before you buy any property and
consider having purchase documents recorded with the County Registrar-Recorder. To protect the
public, the Registrar-Recorder mails property owners copies of recorded documents that impact
ownership of their property. If you receive notice that a property document has been recorded and you
have no knowledge of the transaction, it may be a sign of real property fraud. For more information or
to report a fraud, contact:

California Department of Consumer Affairs

400 R Street
Sacramento, CA 95814


If you receive a letter or phone call touting a prize offer that sounds too good to be true, it probably
is! So don’t waste your time. However, if you wish to file a complaint about a fraudulent prize offer
contact your state Attorney General, local consumer protection office, and the Better Business Bureau.

You also may contact the National Fraud Information Center (NFIC). NFIC is a non-profit organization
that operates a consumer hotline to provide assistance in filing complaints. Contact information is
listed below:

National Fraud Information Center

Phone: 800-876-7060
Internet address:
Predatory Lending 11

In addition, you may want to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission by writing to:

Correspondence Branch
Federal Trade Commission
Washington, DC 20580

Although the FTC generally does not intervene in individual disputes, the information you provide may
indicate a pattern of possible law violations requiring action by the Commission. If you received the
fraudulent offer through the mail, the U.S. Postal Service wants to know. Contact information for
California is listed below:

Postal Inspector Los Angeles

P.O. Box 2000
Pasadena, CA 91102-2000
Phone: 626-4051200
Fax: 626-405-1207

To locate a post office near you, you can go to and click on Postal Inspectors.

Thousand of Americans have lost millions of dollars participating in illegal scams known as pyramid

Pyramid schemes come in many forms, but they all require large numbers of people (at the bottom of
the pyramid) to pay up-front money to a much smaller group of people (who have been in the
organization longer and are therefore at or near the top of the pyramid). Each new participant pays for
the chance to advance and profit from payments of other who might join later.

©2005 Springboard
If you suspect that a company may be an illegal pyramid scheme, contact your local law enforcement
office or the district attorney of the county in which the pyramid is operating.


For many consumers, pre-paid phone cards provide a convenient and economical alternative to cell
phones or coin calls. But as the pre-paid phone card industry mushrooms, and as more people buy and
use the cards, some problems are coming to light.

If you’ve purchased a calling card that doesn’t work even after you’ve called the customer service
number, call or write to your local Consumer Affairs Department, state Attorney General, or Better
Business Bureau to file a complaint. You may also contact:

The Federal Trade Commission

Division of Service Industry Practices
Washington, DC 20580
Phone: 202-326-2222

To find a Better Business Bureau office nearest you, go to their web site:

Predatory Lending 11

©2005 Springboard
12 Special Problems of Previously Married Individuals
If you have recently become divorced, separated or widowed, then you have entered a new phase in
your life that can have a dramatic effect on your credit. Making wise decisions today can help you
establish a favorable credit history independent of your former or deceased spouse. The following
recommendations regarding credit can help you make wise decisions regarding your situation.

1. Obtain a Copy Of Your Credit Report

• This will allow you to clearly see your actual credit history and will facilitate your ability to
pursue the following recommendations.

2. Protect Your Good Credit

• During the negotiations of divorce, continue to send a minimum payment to all joint accounts.
If you stop making even just one payment, it will appear and remain on your credit report for
seven years. This will make it very difficult for you to open new credit lines in your own name.
Beware of well-meaning friends and relatives who may tell you to ignore making payments or
to run up debts. In the long run, this will only hurt you.

• Close and separate joint accounts. If it is possible, review and analyze with your former
spouse all your debts and decide who will be responsible to pay each account. Once this has
been decided, call the creditors and ask that they transfer your joint accounts to the person
who is now going to be responsible for them. Be aware that the creditors have no obligation to
comply with your request. In some cases, the sole cardholder may have to apply and qualify
Previously Married Individuals 12

for a new account before the debt can be transferred. Until this happens you are still legally
required to make the payments on this account.

• If you have any mortgages, in most cases you will need to refinance the mortgage in order to
take one of the names off the mortgage. If it is not possible for one person to qualify for the
mortgage, it may be necessary to sell and split the profit.

3. Establish Your OWN Good Credit.

• Start small and increase slowly. Apply for a credit card, on your own, with a low credit limit.
You can find these at department store credit cards or from your bank. Once this credit line is
opened, make sure to make payments on time in order to maintain a good credit rating. At
about six months, apply for another card with a higher limit and keep making your regular
payments. Of course, you want to be careful not to fall into any debt problems. Don’t charge
what you can’t afford. Also, don’t obtain too many new cards. Three or four should be your

• Ask a friend or family member to co-sign. If you can’t qualify for a line of credit on your own,
then you should ask a friend or family member with established credit to co-sign with you.
Again, make sure to keep the account current by making all your payments on time.
Remember that any negative history created in your credit file on this account will also appear
on the credit file of the person who was kind enough to co-sign with you. After six months, try
again to qualify for an account on your own.

• Consider getting a secured credit card. Many financial institutions will give you a secured
credit card by just opening a savings account. These funds are put into a reserve and remain
in the account at the bank as a guarantee of credit. If you make your payments on time for
about a year, the institution might release the reserve funds and allow you to maintain the
account as an unsecured credit card.

©2005 Springboard
4. Pay Your Accounts On Time!

• The best way to prove that you are a good credit risk is by paying your accounts on time. Your
payment habits during the first two years after a death of a spouse or a divorce are most
important. It is during this time that creditors look to see if you will fulfill your financial
obligations. So make sure you make it a priority to pay your accounts on time.

5. If You Are Sinking Financially, Get Help!

• If it seems like you can’t cover your expenses on your own, Springboard can help you create a
budget and design a debt management plan to pay your bills. Don’t wait until your bills have
piled up and creditors come knocking on your door. At the first sign of problems, give
Springboard a call.

• Remember that declaring bankruptcy is not an easy way out. First of all, just presenting a
bankruptcy request doesn’t guarantee that it will be accepted. But whether or not you are
allowed to declare bankruptcy, the fact that you filed will be noted on your credit report and
will be viewed negatively. Even if your filing is accepted, there is no guarantee that all debts
will be discharged. For example, you can’t get rid of student loans, alimony, child support and
taxes secured by liens through a bankruptcy filing.

• By far the worse part of bankruptcy is that it will remain on your credit report for up to 10
years. While declaring bankruptcy can eliminate some debts, filling Chapter 13 bankruptcy will
remain for seven years and a Chapter 7 will remain for 10 years. During this time it will be
difficult, if not impossible, to get a mortgage, personal loan or a credit card.

Previously Married Individuals 12

Question: I recently lost my spouse and I have found out that all the accounts that were just in his/her
name were closed. Can creditors do this even though I have a substantial income from my spouse’s

Answer: Yes. If the accounts were only in your spouse’s name, upon his or her death, they can
discontinue your right to use them. But you can apply for credit in your own name.

Question: Before my spouse and I were separated, he/she ran up sizable bills on my credit card. Am I
responsible for these bills?

Answer: Yes. If the accounts are in your name, then you are responsible for paying the debts. You
should advise the creditors in writing that your spouse is no longer authorized to use the card. You can
have the credit card company close that account and issue you a new card. Be aware that if your
spouse has been assigned to pay for the account by the court and he/she fails to make payments on it,
it will affect your credit report. Let the creditor know of the arrangement, make sure they have your
new address and phone number in order to let you know if the account becomes past due.

Question: My spouse left me and now I get calls from creditors for things that he/she bought for
his/her own use. Am I responsible for these bills?

Answer: If the accounts were in both names, then yes, you are also responsible for the debts. If the
accounts were solely in your spouse’s name then you are not responsible for the debts. Should you and
your spouse separate or divorce, the matter of these debts should be part of your legal settlement.

©2005 Springboard
Question: My spouse and I recently separated. Can I keep my spouse from using our joint credit cards?

Answer: If either party of a joint account notifies the creditor that he/she wants to close the account,
the creditor will close it. Neither party will then be able to use it. Both spouses can then apply for
credit in their own names, based on their own credit worthiness. If the account was a joint account,
both spouses are liable for all charges made up to the time the account was closed.

Question: My spouse and I recently separated. Can I keep my spouse from using our joint credit cards?

Answer: If either party of a joint account notifies the creditor that he/she wants to close the account,
the creditor will close it. Neither party will then be able to use it. Both spouses can then apply for
credit in their own names, based on their own credit worthiness. If the account was a joint account,
both spouses are liable for all charges made up to the time the account was closed.

Question: My spouse and I recently divorced. I just found out he/she is continuing to charge on my
credit accounts. Am I responsible for paying these bills?

Answer: Yes, if you did not give notice to the creditors that you no longer allow your ex-spouse to
charge on your account. Once you notify a creditor (in writing) that you no longer authorize him/her to
use your account, you are not responsible for the charges he/she makes.

Question: I am separated from my husband and receive monthly child-support payments from him.
Must I disclose these payments when I apply for credit in my own name?

Answer: No, you don’t have to disclose monthly child-support payments received from your ex-spouse.
If you decide to disclose them, a creditor must consider child-support payments as part of your
income, assuming the stability of these payments can be verified (usually by canceled checks or bank

Question: Must credit bureaus maintain separate files on me now that I am divorced from my spouse?
Previously Married Individuals 12

Answer: Yes, credit bureaus must report information about you separately. However, that information
may include your credit history on accounts that you held jointly with your spouse prior to your
divorce, or information on accounts that were in your spouse’s name but authorized for your use.

Question: My former spouse was a poor credit risk and had an unfavorable credit history. Can I be
denied credit after we divorce based on information creditors receive about accounts I shared with my

Answer: According to the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), if you have been denied credit simply
because an ex-spouse was a poor credit risk, a creditor must consider any information that you can
offer to show that the unfavorable credit history on a former joint account does not accurately reflect
your own credit history. In addition, the Fair Credit Reporting Act allows you to include a statement of
dispute concerning inaccurate information on your credit report.

Question: After our divorce, my ex-spouse declared bankruptcy. Will that affect my credit rating?

Answer: Not if the bankruptcy occurred after the divorce. Once you are divorced, the credit history of
your ex-spouse would have no effect on your credit standing. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act
requires creditors to consider applicants on the basis of their own credit worthiness and not that of
their spouses or ex-spouses.

©2005 Springboard
13 Non-traditional Credit Reporting for People with Little
or No Credit History: The New Frontier
An estimated 50 million Americans have little or no credit history and therefore can’t access
mainstream credit, falling prey to payday lenders, rent-to-own financing, and other high cost fringe
banking services. Some choose to stay confined in the cash economy, limiting their wealth building
capacity. Many businesses are scrambling to develop databases on these millions of "unscoreables" or
potential loan prospects who represent an unclaimed frontier for credit reporting. Landlords are
fragmented across the nation and do not have the means to report monthly rent payments. There are
many other businesses such as child care, private mortgages, payday lenders, gas, electric, water and
telephone utilities and cable TV that create regular monthly payment flows that are not aggregated to
a credit history. There are issues with utilities and state laws, many of which are unclear on the
question of sharing payment history. Fair Isaac, all three major bureaus and several smaller entities are
rushing to fill this space in order to incorporate this activity into primary credit bureaus. Bringing this
payment activity into the realm of the credit bureaus is a different concept from specialty data
aggregators, such as tenant screening companies, which is a well established, stand-alone niche used
by property managers and landlords.

Payment Reporting Builds Credit (PRBC) – (started out as

This private company is a web-based self-help service that enables consumers and small business owners to
build their credit scores through timely rent, mortgage, and other recurring bill payments. The consumer
provides data directly. – This is an example of one of many private companies whose
business model is to have the renter pay to get their rent payments verified with their landlord, and then this
company sends their history along to the bureaus.
Fair Isaac "Expanded" Score – a score based on non-traditional (meaning non-credit bureau) data such as
payday loans, purchase payment plans, or deposit accounts. The Expansion score does not use rent

Non-traditional Credit Reporting 13

Anthem Report and Anthem Score – owned by First American Corporation’s Credco division, The Anthem Report is a type of tri-merge report that is supplemented with alternative
payment history data for borrowers with little or no credit history. Their Anthem Score is likewise based on
non-traditional payment history that evaluates the borrower’s payment history, the length of the history, and
the type of payments (e.g. rent, gas bill, phone bill, etc.).

©2005 Springboard
14 Your Credit Life After Bankruptcy
The Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005 enacted the most sweeping changes in bankruptcy laws since 1978.
These changes include:

• "Means Testing" for prospective filers, meaning you will have to qualify for bankruptcy relief as
you do for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid and other social safety net services.

• A prospective filer must have credit counseling with an approved non-profit credit counseling
agency prior to filing. Agencies are approved by the Executive Office of the U.S. Trustees – the
Justice department that oversees the bankruptcy system.

• A filer must complete a financial instruction course before final discharge.

• Attorneys have significantly more documentation duties and liabilities. They are referred to as
"Debt Relief Agencies" under the law.

The vast majority of bankruptcy filings in the U.S. are consumer filings, rather than business filings.
Chapter 7 is the full discharge of one’s debts; Chapter 13 allows you to retain assets, but you agree to
a repayment plan.

The bankruptcy system is designed to help overburdened consumers resolve their debt problems and
gain a financial fresh start. Over 1.5 million consumers declare bankruptcy each year.

There are two primary types of personal bankruptcy:

Bankruptcy 14

• Chapter 7, known as straight bankruptcy, which may involve liquidating all assets that are not

• Chapter 13, also known as a Wager Earner Plan, is a court approved repayment plan that allows a
consumer to pay off debt(s) during a period of three to five years.


Chapter 7 - 10 years from the date of filing (same for Chapters 11 & 12).
Chapter 13 - 7 years from the date of filing if discharged. However, if case is dismissed for non-
payment and the Chapter 13 plan was not completed, the derogatory tradeline item could then stay on
for seven years from the date it became delinquent. For example, if three years into the Chapter 13
plan your bankruptcy is dismissed for non-payment, the account then becomes delinquent and may stay
on for seven years from that date, which means 10 years after all.


Open charge-offs often remain on the credit report – this is illegal and inaccurate.
Bankruptcy filers are natural prospects for high-interest loans. The bankruptcy alone will cast the filer
into an undesirable rate tier. So who needs their credit report and credit score damaged even further
due to both the public record and the open charge-offs (balances owing) remaining on the credit

©2005 Springboard
Statistics show that three out of four people struggle with serious financial problems for up to three
years before filing. Most are regular citizens who, unfortunately and for whatever reason, find
themselves with more debt than they can repay. They are embarrassed, depressed, scared, and angry
about what is happening to them. While there are those that abuse the system, they tend to be the
exception rather than the rule. As consumers emerge from bankruptcy, many find numerous tradelines
on their credit reports indicating bad debts or charge-offs with balances still owing. In reality, these
same accounts were liquidated via administrative relief and should be updated to zero balances and
shown as discharged in bankruptcy.

Recent studies on data integrity issues in credit reporting touch on this issue, but just barely. The
occurrence of bankruptcy public record items and open charge-offs "double-dinging" credit scores is a
widespread problem; this can be a deliberate servicing practice on the part of data furnishers that is
predatory. Junk debt buyers are purchasing these "accounts" and subjecting past filers to unwarranted
collection activity, so it’s important to get these corrected.

Credit bureaus are supposed to receive updates from their subscribers (the creditors) confirming the
creditor’s account was included in bankruptcy exhibits. Consumers may have accounts appearing on
their credit report(s) with balances long after these accounts were discharged in bankruptcy. Some
accounts may not have been updated on the credit reports and may indicate open balances and/or
additional derogatory ratings. This misrepresentation of information may further negatively impact
those reviewing the consumer’s credit report as well as affecting the consumer’s FICO score. Accounts
that are not updated have the potential to re-punish the score beyond the damage already inflicted by
the public record notice of the bankruptcy itself.


"Relisting" is a credit correction practice that updates the tradelines to reflect a zero balance and as
"discharged in bankruptcy." This will accurately update the credit report and almost always raises the
credit score. Factors that primarily influence the credit scoring algorithm are payment history,

Bankruptcy 14
utilization, length of time credit has been established, and inquiries. There may be some other
dynamics within these primary influencing factors that lower a credit score when there has been
inaccurate reporting of accounts discharged in bankruptcy:

• Additional tradelines appearing as seriously delinquent or in collections.

• Number of accounts delinquent.

• High amounts owed on accounts (that were discharged).

• Proportion of "balances" to credit limits on revolving accounts are high. (Another possible factor
and inadvertent impact that needs further study is how much the "open charge-off with balance"
raises the utilization factor. Under the FICO model, higher utilization makes a score go down.)

When institutions do not update the charge-off balance as discharged, it's twice as devastating to the
consumer's credit rating. Many consumers are unaware their credit score is being damaged even more
by misrepresentation of bad debt discharged in bankruptcy. Note: "twice" is just an estimate - none of
us are able to predict the exact mathematical impact in the FICO model.

Since so much in our lives depends upon our credit history, everyone has a big stake in making sure our
credit reports are accurate. This inaccurate reporting situation can be common with creditors who stop
working an account when a bankruptcy is filed, but fail to update the tradeline when the bankruptcy is
actually discharged by the court. Without this update/relisting, the charge-off ("9") and/or high
balances owing will hurt a credit score that is already damaged from the public record entry item
bankruptcy places on the credit report. Without the update/relist on the creditor tradeline portion of
the credit report, it appears that the debt was not included in the bankruptcy and/or that there is new
bad credit after the bankruptcy (a real score killer).

©2005 Springboard
A debt discharged in bankruptcy would require a charge-off by the creditor, since they have to write
the debt off their books as uncollectible. To report the tradeline with a balance owing is misleading.
The "charge-off with balances owing" part of the notation has to be deleted since the debt was
discharged in bankruptcy. When a debt is discharged in bankruptcy, the updated credit reports display
a narrative indicating the creditor's name, account number, and "discharged in bankruptcy," with no "9"
or balance owing. When this update/relist does not happen it may be due not to a credit bureau error
but rather to inaccurate reporting by the data furnisher.

Some creditors deliberately do not do this updating because: (1) they can still wrangle payments out of
consumers who don't know better; or (2) they deliberately want to cause as much damage as possible
on the filer’s credit report. A third reason is undoubtedly just plain negligence on the part of data
furnishers. For example, a consumer may get collection calls because filers have not been scrubbed
from the lists of debtors that are sold all over the place to junk debt buyers. No matter what the
reason, it's illegal and the public is largely unaware of what's happening.

One might ask: "Why focus on this issue since having just the bankruptcy on one’s record will prevent
you from getting any sort of loan?" This is no longer true. There are mortgage loan programs out there
for people one year out of bankruptcy, so inaccurate post-bankruptcy reporting can make a difference.
It is against the law (bankruptcy code) for creditors to collect on debts discharged in bankruptcy.
Creditors need to update their internal records, recall accounts that have been sent to collection, and
report correctly to credit bureaus. If this does not happen, there are situations where consumers have
unknowingly had their credit scores punished further, and where they have even paid a debt that was
already discharged in bankruptcy just to clear up a balance so they can get a mortgage loan. In
addition, consumers undergoing an employer’s background check should not have it appear as though
they have experienced new problems or new bad credit after their bankruptcy. Having an accurate
credit report after bankruptcy can go a long way toward reestablishing good credit, and can mean
better access to necessary loans for housing, education and other necessities of life.

Bankruptcy 14

• Check your credit report 90 to 120 days after your bankruptcy has been discharged and at least
once a year afterwards. Make sure that the debts that were discharged are showing a zero

• Always keep your bankruptcy documents, court filing paperwork and confirmation of the
bankruptcy discharge.

• If you find mis-reporting, provide documentation to the bureaus and insist that any inaccuracies
are cleared, or call Springboard Non-Profit Consumer Credit Management for help in relisting your
bankruptcy discharge with the credit bureaus. Our Bankruptcy Relist® service was developed for
this purpose.

©2005 Springboard
There’s obviously too much information to be covered in just one booklet. That’s why we would like to
give you other resources for more information. Please continue to visit Springboard’s web site for the
latest on updates and resources:

Identity Theft Resource Center – A national, Credit Report Reviewer Certification Program
non-profit organization dedicated to helping Paul Richard, RFC, President
people who are victims of identity theft and to Institute of Consumer Financial Education
advising government and corporations about ID PO Box 34070, San Diego, CA 92163-4070
theft. (619) 239-1401
858-693-7935 (PST)
Consumers’ Union and Consumer Action
Advocates for the Taxpayer,
Consumer Federation of America
California Department of Motor Vehicles fraud
866-658-5758 National Consumer Law Center
State of California Office of Privacy Protection
866-785-9663; e-mail at: American Bankruptcy Institute
[email protected]
Security Freeze – Federal Trade Commission
Jeff Michael’s Credit Blog United States Organizations for Bankruptcy
Alternatives (USOBA) – Debt Settlement
Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC)
Opt out of prescreened credit offers
888-5OPTOUT (888-567-8688) The Association of Independent Consumer Credit
Counseling Agencies (AICCCA)
Fair Isaac Corporation,

Consumer Resources 15
American Association of Debt Management
National Credit Reporting Association Organizations (AADMO)
125 East Lake Street, Suite 200
Bloomingdale, IL 60108 Bankruptcy Portal for Consumers, Agencies and
630-539-1525 Fax: 630-539-1526 Attorneys
Consumer Data Industry Association Anti-Phishing Working Group
1090 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Suite 200 Information on Internet scams and fraud
Washington, D.C. 20005-4905
Fax: (202) 371-0134
Better Business Bureau,

©2005 Springboard
There’s obviously too much information to be covered in just one booklet. That’s why we would like to
give you other resources for more information. Please continue to visit Springboard’s web site for the
latest on updates and resources:

Credit Report Request

Sample Dispute Letter

Sample Settlement Letter for Collection Agency

Sample Settlement Letter for Original Creditor

Sample Ceasing Communication Letter

Sample Consumer Dispute Statements

Sample Debt Validation Letter

SCAN Report Order Form

Sample Letters 16

©2005 Springboard

Date: __________________________________
Of Credit Bureau: __________________________________

Attention: Consumer Relations

Please send me a copy of my credit report. Enclosed is a copy of my driver’s license, and the fee
requested for a copy of my credit report.

My full name is:____________________________________________________________________________

My Social Security # is: _____________________________________________________________________
My date of birth is:_________________________________________________________________________
My home phone number is:____________________________________________
My address is:____________________________________________(Ave., St., etc.) Apt.:_______________

Previous address(es), (last five years):


Any former names credit may be listed under:


Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter.

Sample Letters 16


Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________

©2005 Springboard

Date: __________________________________
Of Credit Bureau: __________________________________

Attention: Consumer Relations

I recently obtained a copy of my credit report from your service, and have found the following items to
be in error.

Item #1 – I dispute ABC National Bank account #12345. I have never been late on this account.
Item #2 – I dispute ABC Financial Services account #4545. This account was not a charge-off, please
According to Section 611 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, I am requesting that you re-investigate those
items indicated, and promptly delete any unverifiable, inaccurate, or outdated information from my
credit report.

In addition, I am requesting a description of how the investigation was conducted along with the name,
address and telephone number of anyone contacted for information. Furthermore, if there is a change
in my credit history resulting from your investigation, I am requesting that an updated report be sent
to those who received my report, within the last two years for employment purposes, or within the last
one year for any other purposes.

Please send me an updated copy of my report, and notification that items have been deleted. I will
consider 30 days a reasonable time for your re-verification of these items.

Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter.


Signature: __________________________________
Name (print): __________________________________
Address: __________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________
Sample Letters 16

Social Security #: __________________________________

©2005 Springboard

Date: __________________________________
Name/address of __________________________________
Collection Agency: __________________________________
Attention: __________________________________
RE: Account #: __________________________________

Confirming our previous telephone conversation on ________________________________(date)
regarding the settlement of the above account, I will pay your company $_______________as full
settlement of this account.
However, upon receipt of the above consideration, your company has agreed to completely delete this
tradeline information from my Experian, TransUnion and Equifax credit reports. Furthermore, any
references to late payment, charge-off/paid charge-off, collection account/paid collection account or
settlement will be deleted from my Experian, TransUnion and Equifax credit reports.
Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated, and if this settlement agreement is acceptable to your
company, please so acknowledge with your signature and title in the space provided below and return a
copy to me. Additionally, I will send a copy of this settlement offer to______________________(original
Upon receipt of this signed acknowledgement, I will immediately forward you a cashier’s check in the
amount stated above.
After receipt of payment please provide me with verification that any reference to this item has been
deleted from my Experian, TransUnion and Equifax credit reports.
Thank you for your immediate attention and cooperation


Signature: __________________________________
Name (print): __________________________________
Address: __________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________
Social Security #: __________________________________
Signature of
Sample Letters 16

authorized officer: __________________________________

Date: __________________________________
Print name: __________________________________
Title: __________________________________

©2005 Springboard
Date: __________________________________
Name/address __________________________________
of Creditor: __________________________________

Attention: Consumer Relations

Confirming our previous telephone conversation on ________________________(date) regarding the
settlement of the above account, I will pay your company $_________________as full settlement of
this account.
However, upon receipt of the above consideration, your company has agreed to completely delete this
tradeline information from my Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax credit reports. Furthermore, any
references to late payment, charge-off/paid charge-off, collection account/paid collection account or
settlement will be deleted from my Experian, TransUnion and Equifax credit reports.
Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated, and if this settlement agreement is acceptable to your
company, please so acknowledge with your signature and title in the space provided below and return a
copy to me.
Upon receipt of this signed acknowledgement, I will immediately forward you a cashier’s check in the
amount stated above.
After receipt of payment please provide me with verification that any reference to this item has been
deleted from my Experian, TransUnion and Equifax credit reports.
Thank you for your immediate attention and cooperation.

Signature: __________________________________
Name (print): __________________________________
Address: __________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________
Social Security #: __________________________________
Signature of
authorized officer: __________________________________
Date: __________________________________
Print Name: __________________________________
Title: __________________________________
Sample Letters 16

©2005 Springboard
(Send via certified mail, return receipt requested)

Date: __________________________________
of Collection Party: __________________________________
Attention: __________________________________
Re: Account #: __________________________________

As per our telephone conversation on_______________________(date) regarding the above referenced
account in accordance with the Fair Debt Collections Practice Act (FDCPA) Section 805(c), this letter
serves as notification to Cease and Desist any further communication activity regarding the above debt.
If you fail to comply with my request, it will result in charges being filed against your company, along
with any employee attempting to collect the above debt, with the state and federal regulatory
agencies empowered with enforcement.
Thank you for your immediate attention and cooperation.

Signature: __________________________________
Name (print): __________________________________
Address: __________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________
Social Security #: __________________________________

Sample Letters 16

©2005 Springboard
There are several thousand credit bureaus collecting credit information about consumers. Many of
these credit bureaus are connected to centralized computer files which contain data on millions of
individuals. From these files, a credit bureau can produce almost instantaneously a revealing report
about your past and present credit activity for a subscribing creditor. All credit reporting bureaus are
for-profit businesses and not public agencies, although they are subject to increasing regulation.
Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act you have the right to add to your credit report a statement of up
to one hundred words regarding any item(s) you wish to clarify. This statement will then appear on all
subsequent reports.


"This is not my account. I have never owed money to this creditor. Apparently, a mistake was made in
the reporting."

"On ______________(date), I moved to another address. I notified all creditors, including

________________ (mane of creditor) promptly. ___________________(name of creditor) was slow in
changing my address in their file. Subsequently, I did not receive my billing statement for
___________________(how long). Once I received the statement at my new address, I paid this

"On ______________(date), I was hospitalized at _________________(facility). The medical bills were

forwarded to my insurance company for payment. My insurance company delayed in paying the medical
bills and the hospital turned my account over for collection. Afterwards my insurance company paid
the hospital bill in full. The hospital’s collection agency refused to change the negative rating on my

"This account belongs to my former spouse. My name was deleted from the account at the time of the
divorce, and I am not responsible for any debts incurred on the account since that time."

"On__________________(date), I ordered merchandise from______________________(name of

company) on my account. The merchandise was defective and I returned it to the sender. The company
continued to send me a bill for the returned defective merchandise. The company went out of business
before I was able to have my account properly credited."
Sample Letters 16

©2005 Springboard
Date: «DATE»




To Whom It May Concern:

Be advised this is not a refusal to pay, but a notice that your claim is disputed and validation is

Under the Fair Debt collection Practices Act (FDCPA), I have the right to request validation of the debt
you say I owe you. I am requesting proof that I am indeed the party you are asking to pay this debt,
and there is some contractual obligation that is binding on me to pay this debt.

This is NOT a request for "verification" or proof of my mailing address, but a request for VALIDATION
made pursuant to 15 USC 1692g Sec. 809 (b) of the FDCPA. I respectfully request that your offices
provide me with competent evidence that I have any legal obligation to pay you.

At this time I will also inform you that if your offices have or continue to report invalidated
information to any of the 3 major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, Trans Union), this action might
constitute fraud under both federal and state laws. Due to this fact, if any negative mark is found or
continues to report on any of my credit reports by your company or the company you represent, I will
not hesitate in bringing legal action against you and your client for the following.

Violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

Defamation of Character

I am sure your legal staff will agree that non-compliance with this request could put your
company in serious legal trouble with the FTC and other state or federal agencies.

If your offices are able to provide the proper documentation as requested in the following declaration,
I will require 30 days to investigate this information and during such time all collection activity must
cease and desist. Also, during this validation period, if any action is taken which could be considered
detrimental to any of my credit reports, I will consult with legal counsel for suit. This includes any
listing of any information to a credit-reporting repository that could be inaccurate or invalidated. If
your offices fail to respond to this validation request within 30 days from the date of your receipt, all
references to this account must be deleted and completely removed from my credit file and a copy of
such deletion request shall be sent to me immediately.
Sample Letters 16

It would be advisable that you and your client assure that your records are in order before I am forced
to take legal action.


Please provide the following:

©2005 Springboard
• Agreement with your client that grants you the authority to collect on this alleged debt.

• Agreement that bears the signature of the alleged debtor wherein he/she agreed to pay the

• Any insurance claims been made by any creditor regarding this account

• Any Judgments obtained by any creditor regarding this account

• Name and address of alleged creditor

• Name on file of alleged debtor

• Alleged account number

• Address on file for alleged debtor

• Amount of alleged debt

• Date this alleged debt became payable

• Date of original charge off or delinquency

• Verification that this debt was assigned or sold to collector

• Complete accounting of alleged debt

• Commission for debt collector if collection efforts are successful

Please provide the name and address of the bonding agent for «COLLECTIONAGENCY» in case legal
action becomes necessary.

Your claim cannot and WILL NOT be considered if any portion of the above is not completed and
returned with copies of all requested documents. This is a request for validation made pursuant to the
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Please allow 30 days for processing after I receive this information

Best Regards


cc Federal Trade Commission

Sample Letters 16

©2005 Springboard
SCAN Consumer Report Order Form

Obtaining information under false pretenses is illegal. Obtaining a report on someone other than
yourself is punishable by law, and can result in fines and/or imprisonment.

To process your request for a SCAN report, we need the following information:

Last Name: ________________________________________________________________

First Name: ________________________________________________________________
Middle Name or Initial: ________________________________________________________________
Address*: ________________________________________________________________
(Street, P.O. Box, Apt#) ________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________State:________ Zip:____________

Daytime Phone*: (____) _______-___________

Evening Phone*: (____) _______-___________

Bank Routing Number (nine digits) _______________________________________________________

Checking Account Number: _______________________________________________________

If your check writing privileges were declined by a retailer please provide the following:

Retailer Name: ________________________________________________________________

City and State: ________________________________________________________________
Date Check was declined: ________________________________________________________________

Circle the type of ID(s) used and provide the necessary information for that ID.

U.S. Drivers License: Number: ____________________ State of issuance:____________________

State ID: Number: ____________________ State of issuance:____________________
Military ID: Number: ____________________
Resident Alien Card: Number: ____________________

Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date:____________________

*SCAN will correspond with you at the above address and phone numbers unless you request otherwise

Order by mail: DPPS / SCAN

Sample Letters 16

Attn: Consumer Referral Services

7805 Hudson Road, Suite 100
Woodbury, MN 55125

Order by FAX: Fax to: SCAN 1-800-358-4506

Attn: Consumer Referral Services Order Desk

©2005 Springboard

©2005 Springboard

©2005 Springboard

©2005 Springboard

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