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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.

3, May-June 2012 pp-906-916 ISSN: 2249-6645

VHDL Implementation of a Low Power Fault Tolerant System

D. Sridhar 1, K. Avinash Kumar 2 P. Krishna Rao 3
*(Dept. of ECE, SVIET, Nandamuru,Pedana,Krishna (A.P), INDIA) ** (Dept. of ECE, SSCE, Chilakapalem, Srikakulam (A.P), INDIA *** (Dept. of ECE, SSCE, Chilakapalem, Srikakulam (A.P), INDIA

Testing of digital VLSI circuits entails many challenges as a consequence of rapid growth of semiconductor manufacturing technology and the unprecedented levels of design complexity and the gigahertz range of operating frequencies. These challenges include keeping the average and peak power dissipation and test application time within acceptable limits. This dissertation proposes techniques to addresses these challenges during test. The first proposed technique, called bit-swapping LFSR (BS-LFSR), uses new observations concerning the output sequence of an LFSR to design a low-transition test-patterngenerator (TPG) for test-per-clock built-in self-test (BIST) to achieve reduction in the overall switching activity in the circuit-under-test (CUT). The obtained results show up to 28% power reduction for the proposed design, and up-to 63% when it is combined with another established technique. The proposed BS-LFSR is then extended for use in test-per-scantest vectors show up to 60%reduction in average power consumption. The BS-LFSR is then extended further to act as a multi-degree smoother for test patterns generated by conventional LFSRs before applying them to the CUT. Experimental results show up to 55% reduction in average power. Another technique that aims to reduce peak power in scan-based BIST is presented. The new technique uses a two-phase scan-chain ordering algorithm to reduce average and peak power in scan and capture cycles. Experimental results show up to 65% and 55% reduction in average and peak power, respectively. Finally, a technique that aims to significantly increase the fault coverage in test-Per scan BIST, while keeping the testapplication time short, is proposed. The results obtained show a significant improvement in fault coverage and test application time compared with other techniques.

Keywords: Built-in self-test (BIST), linear feedback shift register (LFSR), low-power test, pseudorandom pattern
generator, scan-chain ordering, weighted switching activity (WSA).

In recent years, the design for low power has become one of the greatest challenges in high-performance very large scale integration (VLSI) design. As a consequence, many techniques have been introduced to minimize the power consumption of new VLSI systems. However, most of these methods focus on the power consumption during normal mode operation, while test mode operation has not normally been a predominant concern. However, it has been found that the power consumed during test mode operation is often much higher than during normal mode operation [1]. This is because most of the consumed power results from the switching activity in the nodes of the circuit under test (CUT), which is much higher during test mode than during normal mode operation [1]-[3].Several techniques that have been developed to reduce the peak and average power dissipated during scan-based tests can be found in [4] and [5]. A direct technique to reduce power consumption is by running the test at a slower frequency than that in normal mode. This technique of reducing power consumption, while easy to implement, significantly increases the test application time [6]. Furthermore, it fails in reducing peak-power consumption since it is independent of clock frequency. Another category of techniques used to reduce the power consumption in scanbased built-in self-tests (BISTs) is by using scan-chain-ordering techniques [7]-[13]. These techniques aim to reduce the average-power consumption when scanning in test vectors and scanning out captured responses. Although these algorithms aim to reduce average-power consumption, they can reduce the peak power that may occur in the CUT during the scanning cycles, but not the capture power that may result during the test cycle (i.e., between launch and capture). The design of low-transition test-pattern generators (TPGs) is one of the most common and efficient techniques for low-power tests [14]-[20]. These algorithms modify the test vectors generated by the LFSR to get test vectors with a low number of transitions. The main drawback of these algorithms is that they aim only to reduce the average-power consumption while loading a new test vector, and they ignore the power consumption that results while scanning out the captured response or during the test cycle. Furthermore, some of these techniques may result in lower fault coverage and higher test- application time. Other techniques to reduce average-power consumption during scan-based tests include scan segmentation into multiple scan chains [6], [21], test-scheduling techniques [22], [23], static-compaction techniques [24], and multiple scan chains with many scan enable inputs to activate one scan chain at a time [25]. The latter technique also reduces the peak power in the CUT. On the other hand, in addition to the techniques mentioned earlier, there are some new approaches that aim to reduce peak-power conconsumption during tests, particularly the capture power in the test cycle. One of the common techniques for this purpose is to modify patterns using an X-filling technique to assign values to the

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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.3, May-June 2012 pp-906-916 ISSN: 2249-6645
dont care bits of a deterministic set of test vectors in such a way as to reduce the peak power in the test vectors that have a peak-power violation [26]-[29].This paper presents a new TPG, called the bit-swapping linear feedback shift register (BS-LFSR), that is based on a simple bit-swapping technique applied to the output sequence of a conventional LFSR and designed using a conventional LFSR and a 2 1 multiplexer. The proposed BS-LFSR reduces the average and instantaneous weighted switching activity (WSA) during test operation by reducing the number of transitions in the scan input of the CUT. The BS-LFSR is combined with a scan-chain-ordering algorithm that reduces the switching activity in both the test cycle (capture power) and the scanning cycles (scanning power).


The proposed BS-LFSR for test-per-scan BISTs is based upon some new observations concerning the number of transitions produced at the output of an LFSR. Definition: Two cells in an n-bit LFSR are considered to be adja- cent if the output of one cell feeds the input of the second directly (i.e., without an intervening XOR gate). Lemma 1: Each cell in a maximal-length n-stage LFSR (internal or external) will produce a number of transitions equal to 2n1 after going through a sequence of 2n clock cycles. Proof: The sequence of 1s and 0s that is followed by one bit position of a maximal-length LFSR is commonly referred to as an m-sequence. Each bit within the LFSR will follow the same m-sequence with a one-time-step delay. The m-sequence generated by an LFSR of length n has a periodicity of 2n 1. It is a well-known standard property of an m-sequence of length n that the total number of runs of consecutive occurrences of the same binary digit is 2n1 [3], [30]. The beginning of each run is marked by a transition between 0 and 1; therefore, the total number of transitions for each stage of the LFSR

2n1. This lemma can be proved by using the toggle property of the XOR gates used in the feedback of the LFSR [32].Lemma 2: Consider a maximal-length n-stage internal or external LFSR (n > 2). We choose one of the cells and swap its value with its adjacent cell if the current value of a third cell in the LFSR is 0 (or 1) and leave the cells unswapped if the third cell has a value of 1 (or 0). Fig. 1 shows this arrangement for an external LFSR (the same is valid for an internal LFSR). In this arrangement, the output of the two cells will have its transition count reduced by Tsaved = 2(n2) transitions. Since the two cells originally produce 2 2n1 transitions, then the resulting percentage saving is Tsaved% = 25% [32]. In Lemma 2, the total percentage of transition savings after swap-ping is 25% [31]. In the case where cell x is not directly linked to cell m or cell m + 1 through an XOR gate, each of the cells has the same share of savings (i.e., 25%). Lemmas 3-10 show the special cases where the cell that drives the selection line is linked to one of the swapped cells through an XOR gate. In these configurations, a single cell can save 50% transitions that were originally produced by an LFSR cell. Lemma 3 and its proof are given; other lemmas can be proved in the same way. Lemma 3: For an external n-bit

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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.3, May-June 2012 pp-906-916 ISSN: 2249-6645
maximal-length LFSR that implements the prime polynomial xn + x + 1 as shown in Fig. 2, if the first two cells (c1 and c2) have been chosen for swapping and cell n as a selection line, then o2 (the output of MUX2) will produce a total transition savings of 2n2 compared to the number of transitions produced by each LFSR cell, while o1 has no savings (i.e., the savings in transitions is concentrated in one multiplexer output, which means that o2 will save 50% of the original transitions produced by each LFSR cell).Proof: There are eight possible combinations for the initial state of the cells c1, c2, and cn. If we then consider all possible values of the following state, we have two possible combinations (not eight, because the value of c2 in the next state is determined by the value of c1 in the present state; also, the value of c1 in the next state is determined by c1xor cn in the present state). Table I shows all possible and subsequent states.

It is important to note that the overall savings of 25% is not equally distributed between the outputs of the multiplexers as in Lemma 2. This is because the value of c1 in the present state will affect the value of c2 and its own value in the next state (c2(Next) = c1 and c1(Next) = c1 xor cn). To see the effect of each cell in transition savings, Table I shows that o1 will save one transition when moving from state (0,0,1) to (1,0,0), from (0,1,1) to (1,0,0), from (1,0,1) to (0,1,0), or from (1,1,1) to (0,1,0). In the same time, o1 will increase one transition when moving from (0,1,0) to (0,0,0), from (0,1,0) to (0,0,1), from (1,0,0) to (1,1,0), or from (1,0,0) to (1,1,1). Since o1 increases the transitions in four possible scenarios and save transitions in other four scenarios, then it has a neutral overall effect because all the scenarios have the same probabilities. For o2, one transition is saved when moving from (0,1,0) to (0,0,0), from (0,1,0) to (0,0,1), from (0,1,1) to (1,0,0), from (1,0,0) to(1,1,0), from (1,0,0) to (1,1,1), or from (1,0,1) to (0,1,0). At the same time, one additional transition is incurred when moving from state (0,0,1) to (1,0,0) or from (1,1,1) to (0,1,0). This gives o2 an overall saving of one transition in four possible scenarios where the initial states has a probability of 1/8 and the final states of probability 1/2; hence, Psave is given by Psave = 1/8 1/2 + 1/8 1/2 + 1/8 1/2 + 1/8 1/2 = 1/4. (1) If the LFSR is allowed to move through a complete cycle of 2 nstates, then Lemma 1 shows that the number of transitions expected to occur in the cell under consideration is 2n1. Using the swapping approach, in 1/4 of the cases, a saving of one transition will occur, giving a total saving of 1/4 2n = 2n2. Dividing one figure by the other, we see that the total number of transitions saved at o2 is 50%.In the special configurations shown in Table II (i.e. Lemmas 3-10), if the cell that saves 50% of the transitions is connected to feed the scan-chain input, then it saves 50% of the transitions inside the scan-chain cells, which directly reduces the average power and also the peak power that may result while scanning in a new test vector. Table III shows that there are 104 LFSRs (internal and external) whose sizes lie in the range of 3-168 stages that can be configured to satisfy one or more of the special cases in Table II to concentrate the transition savings in one multiplexer output.

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There are some important features of the proposed BS-LFSR that make it equivalent to a conventional LFSR. The most important properties of the BS-LFSR are the following. 1) The proposed BS-LFSR generates the same number of 1s and 0s at the output of multiplexers after swapping of two adjacent cells; hence, the probabilities of having a 0 or 1 at a certain cell of the scan chain before applying the test vectors are equal. Hence, the proposed design retains an important feature of any random TPG. Furthermore, the output of the multiplexer depends on three different cells of the LFSR, each of which contains a pseudorandom value. Hence, the expected value at the output can also be considered to be a pseudorandom value. 2) If the BS-LFSR is used to generate test patterns for either test-per-clock BIST or for the primary inputs of a scan-based sequen tial circuit (assuming that they are directly accessible) as shown in Fig. 3, then consider the case that c1 will be swapped with c2 and c3 with c4, . . . , cn2 with cn1 according to the value of cn which is connected to the selection line of the multiplexers (see Fig. 3). In this case, we have the same exhaustive set of test vectors as would be generated by the conventional LFSR,but their order will be different and the overall transitions in the primary inputs of the CUT will be reduced by 25% [32].


Although the proposed BS-LFSR can achieve good results in reducing the consumption of average power during test and also in minimizing the peak power that may result while scanning a new test vector, it cannot reduce the overall peak power because there are some components that occur while scanning out the captured response or while applying a test vector and capturing a response in the test cycle. To solve these problems, first, the proposed BS-LFSR has been combined with a cell-ordering algorithm presented in [11] that reduces the number of transitions in the scan chain while scanning out the captured response.

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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.3, May-June 2012 pp-906-916 ISSN: 2249-6645

This will reduce the overall average power and also the peak power that may arise while scanning out a captured response. The problem of the capture power (peak power in the test cycle) will be solved by using a novel algorithm that will reorder some cells in the scan chain in such a way that minimizes the Hamming distance between the applied test vector and the captured response in the test cycle, hence reducing the test cycle peak power (capture power).In this scan-chain-ordering algorithm, some cells of the ordered scan chain using the algorithm in [11] will be reordered again in order to reduce the peak power which may result during the test cycle. This phase mainly depends on an important property of the BS-LFSR. This property states that, if two cells are connected with each other, then the probability that they have the same value at any clock cycle is 0.75. (In a conventional LFSR where the transition probability is 0.5, two adjacent cells will have the same value in 50% of the clocks and different values in 50% of the clocks; for a BS-LFSR that reduces the number of transition of an LFSR by 50%, the transition probability is0.25, and hence, two adjacent cells will have the same value in 75% of the clock cycles.) Thus, for two connected cells (cells j and k), if we apply a sufficient number of test vectors to the CUT, then the values of cells j and k are similar in 75% of the applied vectors. Hence, assume that we have cell x which is a function of cells y and z. If the value that cell x will have in the captured response is the same as its value in the applied test vector (i.e., no transition will happen for this cell in the test cycle) in the majority of cases where cells y and z have the same value, then we connect cells y and z together on the scan chain, since they will have the same value in 75% of the cases. This reduces the possibility that cell x will undergo a transition in the test cycle. The steps in this algorithm are as follows. 1) Simulate the CUT for the test patterns generated by the BS-LFSR. 2) Identify the group of vectors and responses that violate the peak power. 3) In these vectors, identify the cells that mostly change their values in the test cycle and cause the peakpower violation. 4) For each cell found in step 3), identify the cells that play the key role in the value of this cell in the test cycle. 5) If it is found that, when two cells have a similar value in the applied test vector, the concerned cell will most probably have no transition in the test cycle, then connect these cells together. If it is found that, when two cells have a different value, the cell under consideration will most probably have no transitions in the test cycle, then connect these cells together through an inverter. It is important to note that this phase of ordering is done when necessary only, as stated in step 2 of the algorithm description that the group of test vectors that violates the peak power should be identified first. Hence, if no vector violates the peak power, then this phase will not be done. In the worst case, this phase is performed in few subsets of the cells. This is because, if this phase of ordering is done in all cells of the scan chain, then it will destroy the effect of algorithm found in [11] and will substantially increase the computation time.

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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.3, May-June 2012 pp-906-916 ISSN: 2249-6645 V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
A group of experiments was performed on full-scan ISCAS89 benchmark circuits. In the first set of experiments, the BS-LFSR is evaluated regarding the length of the test sequence needed to achieve a certain fault coverage with and without the scan-chain-ordering algorithm. Table IV shows the results for a set of ten benchmark circuits. The columns labeled n, m, and PI refer to the sizes of the LFSR, the number of flip-flops in the scan chain, and the number of primary inputs of the CUT, respectively. The column labeled RF indicates the percentage of redundant faults in the CUT, and fault coverage (FC) indicates the target fault coverage where redundant faults are included. The last four columns show the test length needed by a deterministic test (i.e., the optimal test vector set is stored in a ROM), a conventional LFSR, a BS-LFSR with no scan-chain ordering, and the BS-LFSR with scan-chain ordering, respectively. The results in Table IV show that the BS-LFSR needs a shorter test length than a conventional LFSR for many circuits even without using the scan-chain-ordering algorithm. It also shows that using the scan-chain-ordering algorithm with BS-LFSR will shorten the required test length. The second set of experiments is used to evaluate the BS-LFSR together with the proposed scan-chain-ordering algorithm in reducing average and peak power. For each benchmark circuit, the same numbers of conventional LFSR and BS-LFSR patterns are applied to the full scan configuration. Table V shows the obtained results for the same benchmark circuits as in Table IV. The column labeled test length (TL) refers to the number of test vectors applied to the CUT. The next three columns show the FC, average WSA per clock cycle

(WSAavg ), and the maximum WSA in a clock cycle (WSApeak) for patterns applied using the conventional LFSR. The next three columns show FC, WSAavg , and WSApeak for the BS-LFSR with ordered scan chain. Finally, the last two columns show the savings in average and peak power by using the BS-LFSR with the scan-chain-ordering algorithm. In order to provide a comparison with the techniques published previously by other authors, Table VI compares the results obtained by the proposed technique with those obtained in [15]. Table VI com-pares the TL, FC, and averagepower reduction (WSAavg ). It is clear that the proposed method is much better for most of the circuits, not only in average-power reduction but also in the test length needed to obtain good fault coverage. Finally, Table VII compares the results obtained by the proposed technique for peak-power reduction with those obtained in [25]. It is clear from the table that the proposed method has better results for most of the benchmark circuits.


Scan Cell Re ordering Algorithm : In this Fig .4, FF1 FF3-FF2 represents the flip flops which are used to reordering itself defined in the coding by using this technique only to reduce the number of transitions ( when we give four inputs to the test vector, it reduces the number of transitions by using Scan Cell Re order module. In this way we are reducing some amount of wastage of power.

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Fig .4. Scan Cell Re ordering Algorithm BS LFSR Algorithm: When inputs are clk= clk ,rst=1 and lfsr init=0001 ,Once it is run ,the reset value should be changed to RST=0 . Then output waveform is shown in the Fig.5, By using this method, the remaining wastage of power can be eliminated.

Fig.5. BS LFSR Algorithm S27 Module: Especially this S27_F is practical circuit because by only using this circuit we can insert fault in the sequentional circuit.S27 is the fault free circuit and the results shown in Fig.6.

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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.3, May-June 2012 pp-906-916 ISSN: 2249-6645

Fig.6.S27 Module Final Module: When inputs are clk =clk and rst=1 initial values= 1010, then once it is run , reset value must be changed to zero, In this we insert fault in the practical circuit(s27_f) circuit that is a6=b6(code). Then outputs are z=1(S27 ckt) output of the sequentional circuit and(S27_f ckt out put) z_f=1 means in s27_f circuit fault is there thats why it represents it as =1 is shown in Fig.8. Now Fig.7. Screen shot represents fault less that is in practical circuit (s27_f) a6=a6 (fault free) only when there is no fault we have save that and run and we get OUTPUT z_f=0 . It represents No fault.

Fig.7. Fault free Final Module

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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.3, May-June 2012 pp-906-916 ISSN: 2249-6645

Fig.8. Faulty Final Module


The increasing demand for portable electronic devices with long lifetime battery and reliable functionality has led to increased interest in low power design. However, many faults may arise in digital circuits either during fabrication or during operational lifetime. If these faults remain undetected, then there is no way to distinguish good chips from faulty chips. Hence, test is a necessary part of the manufacturing process. However, it is found that the power consumption during test is higher than during normal operation. Thus, it is very important to develop techniques for low power testing. On the other hand, in order for testing to be a reliable and cost-efficient process, it should detect all or most of the faults (stuck-at-faults on this thesis) that may occur in digital circuits within an acceptable test length (and, therefore, test application time) and acceptable storage space. Hence, deterministic tests (which store test vectors in memory) are not the optimal solution since they need a huge storage space for large circuits. However, random TPGs are not good since there are some faults (known as random pattern resistant faults) that need a very long sequence of test vectors (i.e. an extremely long test application time). Thus, it is very important to produce techniques that compromise between hardware overhead, test application time, and the obtained fault coverage. 1. Average Power Minimization in Test-per-Clock BIST using Low Transition LFSR 2. Average Power Minimization in Test-per-Scan BIST using Low Transition LFSR 3 Scan and Capture Peak Power Minimization in Scan-Based BIST using BS-LFSR, and 2-Phase Scan- Chain Ordering Algorithm 4. Increasing Fault Coverage in Scan-Based BIST using a Multi- Output LFSR

1. Investigation of LFSRS Properties 2. Random memory access test 3. System on-a- chip (soc) memory test 4. Low power delay test

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D. Sridhar Received the M.Tech degree in VLSI SYSTEM DESIGN from Avanthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Narsipatnam, B.Tech degree in Electronics and communication Engineering at Gudlavalleru. He has total Teaching Experience (UG and PG) of 5 years. He has guided and co-guided 4 P.G and U.G students .His research areas included VLSI system Design, Digital signal processing, Embedded systems.

K.Avinash kumar pursuing the M.Tech degree in DECS from Sri sivani college of Engineering Chilakapalem, B.Tech degree in Electronics and communication Engineering from Avanthi institute of engineering and Technology. He has total Teaching Experience of 1 year. His research areas included VLSI, Digital Signal Processing.

P.Krishna Rao received the M.Tech degree in VLSI SYSTEM DESIGN from Aditya institute of Technology and Management,Tekkali B.Tech degree in Electronics and communication Engineering from Narasaraopet Engg College,Narasaraopet,Guntur. He has total Teaching Experience (UG and PG ) of 6 years.He has guided and co-guided 4 P.G students .His research areas included VLSI system Design

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