CMH - Pub - 100-11 - Plus-Maps Omaha Beachhead, 6 - 13 June 1944

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(6 June-13 June 1944)
American Forces in Action Series
Historical Division
Facsimile Reprint, 1984, 1989, 1994
CMH Pub 100-11
Center of Military History
United States Army
Washington. D.C.
For sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office
Superintendent of Documents. Mail Stop: ssoP, W8.!Ihington, DC 20402-9328
In the thick of battle, the soldier is bttsy doing his job. He has the knowledge
and confidence that his job is part of a unified plan to defeat the enemy, but
he does not have time to survey a campaign from a fox hole. If he should
be wounded and removed behind the lines, he may have even less opportunity
to learn what place he and his unit had in the larger fight .
AMERICAN FORCES IN ACTION is a series prepared by the War
Department especially for the information of wounded men. It will show
these soldiers, who have served their country so well, the part they and their
comrades played in achievements which do honor to the record of the United
States Army.
Chief of Staff
Historical Division
Washington 25, D. C.
20 September 1945
Omaha Beachhead, seventh of a series called American Forces In Action, is the
first of a number of narratives dealing with U. S. military operations in
France. Utah Beach to Cherbourg, planned for later publication, will round
out the account of the invasion at corps level and below. Larger phases of
the NEPTUNE operation, including high-level planning, naval operations,
and the action of British units, are treated here only in outline.
Omaha Beachhead was prepared in the field by the 2d Information and
Historical Service, attached to First Army, and by the Historical Section,
European Theater of Operations . Although as published this book con-
tains no documentation, the original manuscript, fully documented, is on
file in the War Department . It is based on complete unit reports and
records, on interviews, and on available enemy records. Some unit records
for the period concerned are inadequate, and despite all care used in re-
search and assembly of the materials, it i$ recognized that the information
is not complete in all details and may involve minor errors of fact . Before
a final official history of the campaign in France is prepared, the gaps
should be filled and the errors corrected. This can be done only if indi-
viduals who possess additional information will furnish it to the War
Department. Readers are therefore urged to send directly to the Histori-
cal Division, War Department, Washington 25, D. c., all comments, criti-
cisms, and additional data which may help in the preparation of a complete
and definitive history of this operation.
PHOTOGRAPHS. Sources of photographs are as follows: Acme Newspictures, Inc. ( pp. 26, 45, 51, 55, 68,118,
137.152); Associated Press (pp_ 107 and 108); Life (p. 109); the U. S. Navy (pp. 12, 13, 36, 39, 90. 94, 105, 131,
131); the U. S. Coast Guard (pp. 15, 24,37,40,44); the U. S. Army Air Forces (pp. 11, 15, 27, 59, 64, 66, 72, 84,
86,102,124)' All other photographs acc by the U. S. Army Signal Corps, except eight from official War Depart-
ment sources (pp_ 23. 67. 69. 104, 105. 142, 146, 160). Photographs from Acme Newspictures, Inc., Associated
Press, and Life may Dot be reproduced without the approval of Ihe War Deparrment.
OPERA nON NEPTUNE ....... . .......... , ........ , . , .... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Navy and Air Forces . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
21 Army Group."" .................... ........ .. . ............ 3
V Corps Planning . . , . ... . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 6
ASSAULT PLAN . " ....... ...... .
Terrain. . . . . . . . . . . . ......... .
E'lemy DejmseJ. . .......... .
Pre-Assault Bombardmmt Plans .
Plan of Assat"t Landings . ........ .
Plan for Movement to Inland Objectives .
D DAY: THE LANDINGS .................. . ......... . ... .... ... ..... . .. ..
Approach to the Beach . . ..................... . ... . .. .... .. . .
The Initial Assault Wave . ......................... . , .... . .... . .. . .... ... .
Th, Later Assault Waves: 116th RCT . ...................... ,., ............ ,
Th, Lat" Assault Waves: 16th RCT .. ................. , ............... .. . ,'
Conditions on th, B,ach: 0730-(}800 . .. . ........................ . ..... . ,
Th, Advance from Dog Whit, . ............ .
Th, Advanc< b,tween D-3 and E-l Draws ..
Th, Adva1lce from Easy Red . ..
The Adva'lce from Fox Grem .
Other Assault Actions . ........... .
The B,ach: 0800-1200 . . ....... .. , .
Landing oj RtinJorcemmts on Easy Red . ...... . ... .. .. .
The Rangers at Poillte du Hoe . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .... . ..... .
ADV ANCE INLAND ..................................... .. .... ..... . ..... .
Vierville Area . .. . .... . .. . ..... . .. .... .. . . . . ..... .. .. .. .. .... . . .. .
St-Laurent Area . ............ . ..... ... . ...... . .. .. . .. . . .. .... . ....... . ... .
Col/,vil/, Ar'a ....................... . . ......... . ... . ............ .. .. . . .
Afternoon on the Beach . ........ . . .. ... . .... .
At th, End of D Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. .
Th, En,my Sid, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .
ATTAINMENT OF D-DAY OBJECTIVES (7-8 Juno). ......... .
Trlvieres-Tour-en-Beuin (lst Division) . .................. .
Grandcamy--lsigny Ar,a (29th Division). . . . . . ........... .
Improvement at the Beach . ........... .
Th, Enemy Sid, . ...... ........................................... .
THE ATTACK OF 9--11 JUNE ............ .
Adva11ce to Cerisy Forest (lst and 2d Divisions).
Acro.I! the Lower Aure ( 29th Division) . .. .
The Elltm] Sid,. . . . . . .. .. ...... .
THE ATTACK OF 12-13 JUNE ........... . .. . ... . .. , . ...... . ... .. ......... .
Advance to Caumont. . ................ .
Crouing the EUe River. . . ....... . ............. .
Action West of the Vire . . . . . . . . . ...... .
Th, Enemy Sid, . .. . ....... .
CONCLUSION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 163
ANNEX NO. 1: Unit Citations ......... . ... .. ... . .. .. .. . ..... .. .... .... 164
ANNEX NO. 2: Abbreviations. ....................... . .. . .. .... .... .. " 165
U. S. Commanders . ......... . ...... ... ..... .... .. ...................... .
Unit Comtnanders . .................. . ... . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . . ... .
Th, Cwetnt Curv, of Omaha B,ach . . ... . ............... . . .
Th, Gent!. Sloping Tidal Flat . .................... .. . . .
Th, Shingle Embankment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. .. .. . ....
Th, B,ach Flat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . . . . . . . . .
Atth, Westtm End of Omaha . . ....... . . . . . . .. .
Marshes th, B,ach Flat . . ...... .
Along Easy R,d Sector. .... ...... .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . ..... .. ........ . . . ... .
E-1 Draw..... . .... . .. . . . . . .. . . . . ... .. . . . . . .. .. ... .. . ... . . .. . . ... . .. . . .
Hedgerows . ... .
Sunkm Roads . ......... .
T,tvieres .
Underwater ObstacLes . . . . ... ..... .. .. .. ...... . .. . .. . .... . ... . . . .. . . . ... .
Pillbox near Vier.iII, Draw CD-1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . ... .
GU,J Emplacement Ovtrlooking Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. .
Trwches Along th, Bluff Edg'. . ..... .. ........ ... ....... .. . .. . .. ..
Emmy Short De/enses . . . ............ .. . .... .. .. . ... .. . . ... . . .. . ...... . .
German Mortar Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . .... .
Landing Diagram, Omaha Beach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. .
Loading LST' J for the Invasion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .
Th, Lane of Ships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................
Landillg Craft. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . ....... .... ....... ..... .. .
Mist and Smok, Obscured Landmarks . . ........ ... . .... .. .......... .
Assault lAnding . .... . .
Smoke From Grass Fires .
Men From Wreck,d lAllding Craft .
Th, Obstacles Wer, Used as Shelter . . . ..... . ..... . .. . . . . ... ..
Artillery Fire Cotlcentrated on Larger Craft . ............ . ....... .
Noon of D Day, Dog White . . . .................. . .......... . ....
Penetration Area, 116th Infantry . .... .. ..... . . . . .. . . . . ..... . . .
Profile Vi,w of Bluffs, Dog Whitt . ........ . ............... . . .
Easy Green. ......... . ..... ... ....... .
Easy R,d. . . . ....... . . . . ........... .
E-1 StrongpOitlt . . . . . . .......... . . ... . . . . .
Path Through Mimfields . . ................. .
Ad.allet from Easy R,d . .... .. ................. .
L,dges . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .... .. .. . . . ..
Beach Sector Charlie .
The !lFortified" House.
Th, Bluffs on Dog Gmll .
Vehicles are Held on the Tidal Flat . .... . .. . .. . . . . .. . .
High-Tid, Landings .
A Crowd,d B,ach .
Th, Tip of Point, du Ho, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Th, Cliffs at Point, du Hot . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
The Viert!ille Draw Under Fire . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . ' . . . .. . 94
H,ad of D-J Draw . . . .. ............................. . ........ .. .. ..... .. .. ... 96
Entrance Colleville from West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Landings Were Delay,d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Breaches itt the Shingle Emhankment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
The E-1 Exit Road. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Roadblocks Were Demolished. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Wreckage on Easy R,d . ......... . . .......... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
D,btis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 108
Wreckage Littered the Beaches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 109
A Pillbox Used as H,adquarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Tanks Roll Through Coli, viII,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Observation Was Difficult . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
T.,pical Norman Orchard. . . . . . .. . . . . ... . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . ... . 125
Damag' in Isigny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Organizing th, B,ach .. ......... .. ... . . .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .......... ... 131
Landing Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
The 2d Division Starts Inland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 137
The Approach to Trtvieres . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
The Aure Rivrr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 142
eerisy Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . 146
Caumont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
A German 88-MM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
I,1Jignia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. ... . . . . . . .. . . . . 162
LCI 91. . . . . .. . .... . . .. .. . . . . . .... .. . .... . .. ... . .. .. .. . . ... . . .. . . . . ... 167
N .
1 Disposition of German Forces in the West, 6 JlIne 1944 .. ... . ..... . ....... .... .. .
2 Emmy D'fenses at D-3 Draw (Its Moulins) . ................. .. ... .... ....
3 The Advance hetwem D-3 and E-1 Draws . .......... . . ......... . . . .......... .
Advance from Easy Red . ................... . ....... ...... . ...... . . ....
The Penetration at Fox Green . ........ ......... ............... . . ..... .. ... .
The 2d Ranger Battalion at Pointe du Hoe, 6 June . ............ .... . ........ .. .
Th, Relief of Pointe d" Hoe, 7-8 fum. . .............................
8 Action a! Gralldcamp, 8 June . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ . ........ .
Caret/lan- Isigny Area, 12-13 June . . ........................... .. . .. ... .. .
Maps I - XVI are in attached envelope
I Invasion Area
II Omaha Beach Te"ain
III Terraill IlIlalld from Omaha B,ach
W D-Day Obj,ctives, V Corps
V First Wave Lalldings (Illfantry)
VI Later Auault Landings ( Infalllry)
VII Vierville-St-Laurent Area ( To Noon 6 fum)
VIIf St-Laurtllt-Col/,vi/l, Ar,a ( To Noon 6 fum)
IX Evening of D Day
X The D-Day B,achh,ads
XI 1st Division, 7-8 June
XII 29th Division, 7-8 june
XIII Enem,'Y Rein/orcemmts, 6-8 June
XW V Corps Attack, 9-11 j um
XV V Corps Attack, 12-13 jun,
XV I Development 0/ the Beachheads
Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley, Maj. Gen. Leonard T. Gerow, General Dwight
D. Eisenhower (Ranks as of June 1944; Photograph taken July 1944)
wo YEARS of planning and prepara-
tion led up to the Allied landings in Nor-
mandy on 6 June 1944. British and Ameri-
can staffs had to work out every foreseeable
detail for an undertaking that would involve
the major military resources of the two
Allied powers; immense stocks of shipping,
aircraft, and supplies were assembled in the
British Isles in an effort that taxed the war
industries of both countries; before D Day
the Allied air forces had carried out several
months of bombing operations which were
an integral part of the invasion itself.
The first decisions were strategic in the
broadest sense, since the opening of a front
in Western Europe had to be considered in
reference to over-all Allied plans for offen-
sive operations against Germany, as well as
the developments of the war in Russia and
of the war against Japan. In May 1943 the
Anglo-American conference in Washington
concluded this stage of strategiC planning;
Prime Minister Churchill and President
Roosevelt together with their highest mili-
tary advisers decided to launch an offensive
in 1944 against Hitler's Atlantic Wall.
Allied planners, after weighing all the
possibilities, finally selected SO miles of
coast in western Normandy, from the Vire
Estuary to the Orne, as the assault area for
securing a lodgement. This area was near
good, relatively undamaged ports in south-
ern and southwestern England, and was in
range of fighter planes operating from Eng-
lish bases; the major French ports of Cher-
bourg and Ie Havre were within striking
distance; and air attacks on railways and
river bridges might be able to isolate the
region behind the assault area from the main
enemy centers of supply and reinforcement
to the east, In comparison with the stretch
of coast northeast of the Seine (Pas-de-
Calais), along the narrowest part of the
English Channel, western Normandy was
somewhat further from English bases but
was not as heavily fortified. At the Quebec
Conference in August 1943 Allied leaders
approved the choice of -chis battleground
for invasion.
The staffs of ground forces, air forces, and
navies had now entered the second stage of
planning for the largest amphibious opera-
tion in military history. The tactical diffi-
culties to be faced were only one part of a
problem that required complete coordina-
tion and teamwork, not merely between the
military forces of two nations but also be-
tween all arms of those forces . Planning
necessarily included preparation for opera-
tions over an extended period of time, and
had to cover far more than the initial task
of securing beachheads. In some respects
the critical factor was the Allies' ability to
reinforce and supply the assault rapidly
enough both to meet enemy counterattacks
and to prepare for a larger Allied offensive
beyond the landing area. The Allied navies
and services of supply had to solve logistical
problems on which would depend the fate
of the whole undertaking.
In this phase of planning, as main policies
were worked out in ever more complex de-
tail by staffs of subordinate commands, the
work was coordinated under the Chief of
Staff, Supreme Allied Command, Lt. Gen. Sir
Frederick E. Morgan. In his organization,
Bri tish and American officers of all the serv-
ices worked side by side in shaping their
joint enterprise. The fusion of Allied plan-
ning staffs under a single command involved
a principle which was carried into the com-
mand organization for the operation itself.
On 21 January 1944 Gen . Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, called from the North African Theater
of Operations, had his first meeting with the
high Allied planning staff in England . He
took formal command at Supreme Head-
quarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces, on
13 February.
Planning now approached the final stage.
The approximate target date (Y Day) had
been set as 31 May, after earlier designation
as 1 May; the postponement was made in
order to obtain a larger supply of assault
craft and to give more time for the prelimi-
nary air operations to produce their desired
effect. By February, the staffs of higher
commands had finished their plans, which
would determine the major outline of the
assault, and the plans of lower echelons
were nearing completion . What remained
was the difficult task of shaping last
detail s, with due regard to ever increasing
intelligence of enemy defenses and to the
experience gained in training exercises.
Final loading plans, among the mosr com-
plex features of the whole operation, were
subject to change as' late as May because
of uncertainti es as to the number of ships
and craft available.
Services of Supply, commanded by Lt.
Gen. John C. H. Lee, was completing its
program of mounting the supplies for an
operation which has been described as "an
assault of materiel, operated by man."
Planning for this aspect of the invasion had
begun in April 1942, and along with it went
the work of preparing facilities and as-
sembling stores, work which was interrupted
by the need to furnish 50,000 tons of cargo
for the invasion of North Africa in Novem-
ber 1942. By June 1944 the number of
United States troops in the United Kingdom
had risen to 1,526,965, half of them arriving
after the end of 1943. The stock pile for
invasion-over and above basic loads and
equipment-was 2,500,000 tons. In the
process of mounting the assaults, 1,200
troop concentration camps and 100 mar-
shalling camps had to be set up and op-
erated, and 144,000 tons of supplies were
preloaded, waiting for D Day.
Navy and Air Forces
Allied na val forces in the NEPTUNE
operation, commanded by Admiral Sir Ber-
tram H. Ramsay, faced a task of primary
importance. They had to convey the ground
forces to the area for assault on a hostile
and defended shore, assist their landings by
gunfire support, protect their lines of com-
munication against en em y surface and under-
water attack, and insure the flow of supplies
for an indefinite period of future operations.
Some 4,100 ships and craft of all types were
involved in the assault, including major
units of both British and American fleets .
The Allied air forces , under command of
Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford L. Leigh-
Mallory, were assigned a complex role both
defensi ve and offensive in character. They
would protect the huge assault convoy at
every stage on its approach to Normandy
and throughout the battle for the beaches.
Offensively, they had the mission of assisting
the operation by landings of airborne troops,
by air born bardment of coastal defenses, and
by attacks on enemy lines of reinforcement
and supply.
In a very real sense, the invasion began
with air force operations that had commenced
long before D Day. From the summer of
1943 to the following spring, the U. S.
Eighth Air Force had concentrated its
atracks on German aircraft industries and
airfields, with the primary purpose of pre-
venting the enemy from increasing his
strength in the air. Both by destruction of
factories and of enemy planes met in combat
this program was successful, and its success
counted in the invasion. In addition to
losing between 5,000 and 6,000 planes in the
period, the enemy was unable to enlarge his
first-line force in preparation for the ex-
pected assault.
In April and May 1944, while continuing
atracks on Germany often enough to force
concentration of enemy air strength in that
area, the heavy bombers entered on a phase
of operations directly related to the impend-
ing assault . This was a series of heavy
attacks on marshalling yards and airfields
in France, the Low Countries, and western
Germany, over an area large enough to
preclude any indication of the precise in-
vasion area. The attack on marshalling
yards was designed to paralyze repair and
maintenance facilities, thus wearing down
the capacity of railways for movement of
troops and supplies and forcing the enemy to
maximum use of road transport. During
May the range of air attacks was gradually
narrowed, coming to a climax in the three
days preceding D Day. However, even in
this period of final blows against rail junc-
tions and airfields a majority of the targets
were along the Channel coast east of the
Ninth Air Force medium bombers and
fighter-bombers had also shared in the pre-
paratory phases of the campaign. Beginning
in April and continuing with increased vigor
in May, they delivered attacks on enemy
airfields in northern France, with the aim
of ultimately neutralizing all fields within
130 miles of the assault beaches. During
May, 36 airfields from Brittany to Holland
received one or more attacks. Marshalling
yards were also a target of medium bombers;
between 1 March and 5 June, 36 yards in
Belgium and northern France were hit in a
total of 139 atracks . Results were excellent.
The important yard at Creil, near Paris, was
estimated as 60 percent out of commission
on 24 May. Late in that month, rail bridges
on the Seine and the Meuse Rivers were given
first priority. By 4 June, all rail bridges (10)
between Rouen and Conflans, inclusi ve, were
knocked out, and all but 1 of the 14 road
bridges. Fighter-bomber attacks on enemy
rolling stock during May inflicted consider-
able damage. On 21 May, in the most ac-
tive day for this type of work, 500 aircraft
claimed results of 46 locomotives destroyed
and 32 damaged, and damage to 30 trains.
The Ninth Air Force was also busy on re-
connaissance missions, which included heavy
acti vi ty north of the Somme River as well
as in the invasion area.
Bomber Command of the Royal Air Force
switched the main effort of its attacks dur-
ing May from Germany to France and the
Low Countries. Of 37,250 tons dropped
during the month, 28,703 were directed at
targets which were chosen as part of the
"softening-up" program leading to the in-
21 Army Grollp
The ground forces in the Normandy opera-
tion were led by Gen. Sir Bernard L. Mont-
gomery, commanding 21 Army Group. His
troops would assault in three main areas
(Map No.1), ' with initial strength of six
reinforced infantry divisions landing from
the sea and of three airborne divisions.
I Map. numbered in roman are bound in Icqucnce on the inside of the back
6 JUNE 1944
..... 0 011..... OIVISION
o UfD UTfIllAT( OF l .......... "
, ..
, ,

L 1;rt;
A r
o F
s c A r
N o
r H
<1 P . '"


.. __
On the left the Second British Army
would attack with three divisions ( two of I
Corps, one of XXX Corps) on three landing
beaches. A brigade of the 6 British Air-
borne Division was to be dropped behind
the beach defenses to secure vital bridges
over the Orne River, between Caen and the
sea. The objectives for D Day of the Second
British Army included Bayeux, Caen, and
The First U. S. Army, commanded by
Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradlev, was responsible
for the other two assault areas. VII Corps
(Maj. Gen. J. Lawton Collins, commanding)
would land one division just north of the
Vire Estuary ( Beach "Utah"). In the early
morning hours of 0 Day, four to five hours
before the assault from sea, the S2d and
101st Airborne Divisions were scheduled to
be dropped in the area southeast and west
of Ste-Mere-Eglise, where their mission was
to capture the crossings of the Merderet
River, secure the line of the Douve River as
a barrier to the south, and assist the landings
at Utah Beach. At the end of D Day, VII
Corps should control the area east of the
Merderet from just south of Montebourg to
the Douve.
Between the other assault areas, V Corps,
commanded by Maj. Gen. Leonard T. Gerow
planned its attack on a 7,OOO-yard stretch of
beach to be known as "Omaha. '" The
scheme and objectives of this assault will be
described later in detail.
General Montgomery' s intention after the
initial beachheads were secured, was to hold
in the area south and east of Caen while-the
First U. S. Army meantime maneuvered to
cut off the Cotentin peninsula and capture
Cherbourg. This port , to be opened as a
major supply channel for further operations,
was to be taken by D+ 15. The First Army,
reinforced to a strength of three corps, was
then to attack south toward Coutances and
J From "0" Force, ;luigllcd to the area.
the base of the Brittany peninsula. Tenta-
ti ve phase lines allowed for capture of the
Cerisy Forest area by D+5 or 6; St-L6 and
Caumont by D+9. These phase lines were
set with the most favorable possible de-
velopment of the operation in mind. They
insured readiness for maximum progress but
represented neither a hard-and-fast schedule
nor an optimistic forecast.
Enemy strength in France and the Low
Countries (Map No.1) was estimated at
60 divisions, having been built up from 53
since February 1944. Of these, 17 were in-
fantry divisions, 26 were characterized as
"limited employment" units (coastal de-
fense units of limited mobility), 7 were
training units, and 10 were panzer or panzer
grenadier divisions . The armored divisions
were located at inland points whence they
could be moved as striking forces into a
threatened coastal area. As a possible in-
dication of where the German high com-
mand expected the assault, no fewer than
22 divisions guarded the region from the
Seine to Holland.
The sector in which the blow was actually
to fall came under the German Seventh Army,
commanded by Col. Gen. Friedrich Dall-
mann with headquarters at Ie Mans in
Normandy. LXXXIV Corps was responsible
for the defense of the French coast from the
Orne River to the northeast corner of Brit-
tany. At the end of the winter the enemy
force in or very near the assault area was
estimated at only five infantry divisions,
plus minor ground force elements . During
Ma y, Allied intelligence found evidence of
reinforcement by two infantry divisions and
(just south of Caen) the 21st Panzer Division.
As a mobile reserve, two panzer divisions
had come into the region,
from which they could reach the assault
area quickly. A number of the enemy units
in Brittany would also be available as rein-
forcement within a few days, and (depend-
ing on the success of Allied air attacks) divi-
sions from north of the Seine and south of
the Loire could be brought to Normandy.
Allied estimates of enemy build-up, assum-
ing no interference to his road and rail
movement, fixed his maximum possible
strength in the assault area at 18 to 20
divisions, including 8 armored, by D+3.
At this same date, Allied forces ashore
were scheduled to number 13 divisions, in-
cluding elements of 2 armored divisions .'
The success of the invasion would depend in
considera ble measure on the au tcome of a
race between Allied build-up and enemy
reinforcement, in which it was hoped that
the operations of the Allied air forces against
rail and road communications would impose
a decisive handicap on the Germans .
v Corps Planning
As the highest U. S. Army field-force
headquarters then in Britain, V Corps Head-
quarters began in July 1943 to share in the
early planning for employment of American
forces in assault on the continent . On 12
September, by directive of the Chief of Staff,
Supreme Allied Headquarters, V Corps' work
was focused on the specific problem of an
assault landing in Normandy. By October
the headquarters of First U. S. Army and
U. S. 1st Army Group were established in
Britain. Since the decisions taken at higher
levels determined the mission and objectives
of subordinate units, the work had to be
done concurrently and with constant inter:.-
change of views between the different levels
of command and between the different serv-
ices. The final plans for ground forces were
produced in a series from January to May,
beginning with 21 Army Group. First
Army NEPTUNE Plan was issued on 25
February, V Corps' plan on 26 March, and
that of the 1st Infantry Division on 16 April.
I AI IO leveral Briti.h and U. S. tank unitt attached to infantry divi,iou. or em-
ployed oil corp. troop .
No final decisions on troop lists and loading
were possible until even later dates, and
revisions of detail in many parts of the plans
were necessary as late as the end of May.
A special planning group, headed by Col.
Benjamin B. Talley, had been put in charge
of shaping the V Corps NEPTUNE Plan.
As the First Army and V Corps planning
groups proceeded in their work, they felt
the necessity of practical experiment with
the problems involved in an amphibious
operation on the scale proposed, particularly
those of mounting and loading assault
troops. A training center at I1fracombe,
northwest Devonshire, for study of assault
techniques had been in use since 1942, and
experiments on methods of loading and
landing had been conducted near Dartmouth
since September 1943 with cooperation of
the British Navy. In December a stretch of
coast at Slapton Sands (South Devonshire)
was provided by the British Government as
an assault training area for American forces .
Here the conditions of tide, beach, and ter-
rain were roughly similar to those on the
Normandy coast, and the area was large
enough to permit large-scale exercises and
the use of live fire including naval and air
bombardment . From January On, this train-
ing ground was used for every type of experi-
ment and for exercises involving naval , air
force, and service force units as well as the
assault infantry and tanks.
In addition to its training value, the work
done here was of direct influence on the
planning, particularly in the case of exer-
cises conducted on a scale large enough to
embrace major units. Exercise "Duck,"
held in January, involved a division plus
corps troops and took in all the stages of
assault from concentration and marshalling
to a landing after air born bardmen t and
naval fire. From this exerci se it was learned
that three divisions could be mounted from
the Plymouth - Portland - Falmouth - Dart-
mouth port areas, instead of one as previ-
ously supposed. In March, Exercise "Fox"
was staged at corps level and involved two
divisions . From 3 to 8 May, "Fabius I"
concluded the series of larger exercises with
what amounted to a dress rehearsal for the
NEPTUNE operation. The troops used a
scheme of maneuver closely similar to that
of the NEPTUNE plans, and the concentra-
tion and embarkation took place in areas
soon to be used for NEPTUNE mounting.
Throughout these months, training and
planning went hand in hand, and the Plan-
ning Group used lessons learned at Slapton
Sands in its final adjustments and revision
of details. V Corps NEPTUNE Plan, con-
sisting of an operations plan proper and 22
annexes ( practically all of these completed
by revisions in April or May) , totalled 326
legal-size pages with 23 maps and charts.
(Ranks as of June 1944)
CommQnding Ctntra/, J Jt DioiJion
cure a beachhead in the area between POrt-
en-Bessin and the Vire River, from which
they would push southward toward Cau-
mont and St-L6, conforming with the ad-
vance of the British Second Army. The
Corps would arrive at the beachhead in four
stages. The initial assault force (Force
"0") consisted of the 1st Division, rein-
forced to include four infantry regiments
with strong attachments of artillery, armor,
and engineers, as well as attachments of
engineer and service units for movement to
the beach . Chief components of the 1st
Division were its own 16th and 18th Regi-
mental Combat Teams, the 116th Regi-
mental Combat Team and the 115th Infantry
attached from the 29th Division, and the
Provisional Ranger Force of twO battalions
( 2d and 5th). Force "0" numbered 34,142
men and 3,306 vehicles.
The follow-up force (Force "B") was
scheduled to arrive off the assault beach after
nOOll on D Day and numbered 25,117 men
and 4,429 vehicles. It included the 29th
Division, consisting of the 175th Infantry
and (attached from the 1st Division) the
26th RCT. Scheduled to arrive on D+ l
and D+ 2, the preloaded build-up contingent
had as main component the 2d Division and
Commanding CLural, 291h DiviJion
totalled some 17,500 men and 2,300 vehicles.
Schedules for the later build-up complet-
ing the transfer of V Corps to Normandy,
called for the arrival between D+ 2 and
D+15 of 27 residual groups involving
32,000 troops and 9,446 All of
these totals i ncI uded a large n urn ber of
units attached to V Corps for movement
The loading plans of Force "0" and Force
"B" were designed to fit an operation which
would develop from an assault by one re-
inforced division into attack by two divi-
sions abreast. Unity of command in the
critical first stages would thus be assured.
Maj. Gen. Clarence R. Huebner, command-
ing the 1st Division, would conduct the
initial assault with a force that included
twO units of the 29th Division, and plans
for the landings and for movement inland
Commanding Genual, 2d Di:liJio'l
Commanding Ceneral. Proouionaf EPI,inur Spuial Brigade Croup
the high ground at the F-1 Jtrongpoint above the eastern end of Omaha .
Right foreground, Germa11 75-mm gun emplacement; far background,
the cliffs near Pointe de la Percee. (Photo takelt February 1945.)
were made so as to permit the early assign-
ment of divisional zones to the 1st and
29th Divisions . These zones would go into
effect on corps order, when Maj. Gen.
Charles H. Gerhardt would assume com-
mand of the 29th Division with its normal
components. In the meantime, in order to
pave the way for this step, Brig. Gen.
Norman D. Cota, assistant divisional com-
mander of the 29th, was to land with the
116th RCT and assist General Hllebner in
handling the 29th Division units until they
reverted .
The 1st Division was a veteran unit which
had served through the campaigns of North
Africa and Sicily. The 29th and 2d Divisions
would experience their first action in Nor-
The coast of Normandy offers only a few
areas favorable for large-scale landing opera-
tions in the zone assigned to V Corps
(Maps Nos. II and III) . Cliffs, reefs, and
the wide tidal ranges combine to present
natural difficulties. The estuary at the
mouth of the Vire River is marked by ex-
tensive shallows, exposed at low tide, and
flanked on the east by reefs that extend to
Grandcamp. Beyond that seaside village
cliffs averaging 100 feet in height tower
above a narrow beach as far as Pointe de la
Percee. Five miles further east, cliffs
reappear at the shore line, and the beach is
spoiled by rock ledges which continue as
far as Port-en-Bessin .
It was on this five-mile, cliffless interval
that V Corps planned its assault landings,
designating the sector as "Omaha" Beach.
That part of the stretch regarded as suitable
for landing operations was about 7,000
yards long, on a shore which curves land-
ward in a very slight crescent and is backed
with bluffs which merge into the cliffs at
ei ther end of the sector.
The beach slopes very gently below high-
water mark. With a tidal range of 18 feet
expected at the period of the assault, low
tide would expose a stretch of firm sand
averaging about 300 yards in distance from
low-water ma"rk to high. The enemy had
placed' 'underwater" obstacles on this tidal
flat. At high tide, men and vehicles wading
THE GENTLY SLOPING TIDAL FLAT offmd no cover for the
attacking forus. This reconllaissanu photograph taken 19 May
1944 shows the sands at low tide in front of E- I draw. A pillbox
is sun just to the right of the house, and a strongpoint on the bluff
shoulder ltft of tht draw. Work is in prog1'us on obstacieJ, in-
cluding hedgehogs and Jome mined posu. French labor was uud.
THE SHINGLE EMBANKMENT was charact"istic of tht wholt
lmgth of Omaha Btach. It was impassablt at most placn for Vt-
hida, but aifordrd some cover for the assault troopI. This Itction
is in front of D- 3 draw, by tht houIt which Maj. Bingham occupid
early in tht GUQuit. German trenches war JUIt beyond the wirt
on tht top of tht shinglt. Tht ernt lint of tht bluff bartly shows.
up the beach could expect trouble with
irregular runnels parallel to the shore,
scoured out by the tidal current and two and
one-half to four feet deep.
At the high-water mark, the tidal flat
terminated' in a bank of coarse shingle,
sloping up rather steeply to a height of some
8 feet. In places it was as much as 15 yards
4 A. a re.ult of dden.ivl: preparation by the Germans, the effects of the uuuh
bombardment, 1Ind (above 1.11) the work don .. by engineer. to clen the b.!.Ich for
. upply opera tion. after the upull. many future. of the ~ a c h at the time of
the uuuh were b rgdy dClitm}'cd. The IU wan and shi ngle embankment ""crc
completely removed. and many o f the beach villill were razed or reduced to
rubble. The road .y.u:m ...... entirely changed.
wide, and the stones averaged 3 inches in
diameter. On the eastern two-thirds of the
beach, the shingle lay against a low sand
embankment or dune line and constiruted a
barrier which was impassable for vehicles.
On the western part of the beach the shingle
piled against a sea wall , first ( near the Vier-
ville exit, D-l) of stone masonry sloping
seaward, then of wood. The wall varied in
height from 4 to 12 feet and was broken by
a gap several hundred yards wide where the
tidal flat ended in shingle and embankment.
Immediately behind the sea wall a paved,
promenade beach road ran from Exic D-l co
Exic D-3, chen became a rough crack going
as far as Exic E-3.
Becween che dune line (or sea wall) and
che bluffs lay che beach flac. Very narrow
ac either end of the main landing zone, this
level shelf of sand widened co more chan 200
yards near the cencer of che screcch. Excepc
ac the Vierville end, the flac had large
pacches of marsh and high grass, usually
near the edge of che bluffs. Toward Exic
D-l, a number of summer villas lined che
shelf behind the promenade road, and ac
Exit D-3 lay a small village, les Monlins,
wich buildings cluscered on che road running
back inland from che beach. Many of these
had been razed by the Germans to improve
fields of defensive fires. East of les Moulins
there were only a few scactered houses.
Bluffs 100 co 170feec in heighc rise sharply
from che flac and dominace che whole beach
area. The slopes are generally sceep, but
in varying degree. They are mosc abrupc
becween Exit D-l and Exic D-3; farcher easc,
the rise is easier but reaches higher eleva-
tions (150 co 165 feec) fairly close co che
beach fiac. The grass-covered slopes are
more uneven than chey appear when viewed
from only a shorc distance. Many small
folds or irregularities provide opporcunity
for cover from flanking fires, and from Exit
E-l eastward the bluff sides are pardy
covered with low scrub and brush. Along
most of the screcch, the bluff ends in a clear-
cut crest line as it reaches the edge of the
inland plateau; coward the eastern end,
where the slopes are longer and more
gradual, the edge is not sharply defined.
THE BEACH FLAT, looking east from western shoulder of E-1
draw. Taken a few days afur the invasion, the photograph shows
the antitank ditch proucting the draw. Trucks are already using
a new exit road leading straight up the bluff off Easy Red (right).
AT THE WESTERN END OF OMAHA the bluffs merge into a
cliff line. Takm from a point 150 yards west of D-l draw, this
view shows tht cliffs toward Pointt de La PUC;t and the narrowing
beach flat along sector Charlie. A pillbox sited to fire east along
beach is on the sand (right). Othtr gun tmplau11unts wert built
into cliff sides ,,,ar th, Point. (Photograph takm j une 1945.)
MARSHES ALONG THE BEACH FLAT wer, fo und at the foot
of the bluff and were oftm mined. This photograph, taken j une
1945, shows the beach from Easy Gran, looking west past D- 3 draw.
The (xit Toad over tht bluff (unleT) was con.strucud by beach engillurs.
ALONG EASY RED SECfOR th, bluff has mOT( gradual slop",
markrd by patch" of brush. This brach is b,twun E- J and E-3
draws, facing a main aua oj tht 16th Infantry. Taktn
just afur D Day, th, photograph shows wf(ckag' ntar shinglt tm-
bankmtnt, including a bulldour and LeI 553. Obstacl" have bun
cleartd, and gaps optnrd through tht tmbankmmt to tht blOch flat.
E- I DRAW !tads off th, blOch to tht flat plain bthind tht bluff.
To tht right, tht [ulds toward St-Laurtnt havt unusually ftw
hrdgtrows. This atrial obliqut was takm in June 1943, whtn
littlt work had bun done on fortifications along Omaha Blach.
At four points along Omaha Beach small
wooded valleys slope back inland and pro-
vide natural corridors for exit from the
beach flat. A paved road led off the coast
at Exit D-l; the other draws had unimproved
roads. These corridors were, inevitably,
key areas both in the plan of attack and in
the arrangement of defenses. The advance
inland of assaulting units would depend on
opening exit roads for traffic and supply from
the beach, and armor used in the attack could
only get up to the high ground through the
draws. Near the eastern end of the beach
a very shallow and fairly steep draw, fol-
lowed by a rough trail leading inland, was
marked for development as a fifth exit
route ( F-l).
Once up the steep slopes bordering the
beach, attacking troops would get the im-
pression of coming out on a gently rolling
plain. Actually, there is a gradual rise to
a height of land which parallels the coast
about 2,000 yards inland and reaches over
250 feet in altitude south of Colleville.
There is no marked "ridge" line whatever,
and except for unusually open fields near the
bluff between Exits D-l and E-l, observa-
tion in the whole area is severely limited by
the numerous hedgerows, orchards, and
patches of trees. Three villages, Vierville,
St-Laurent, and Colleville,' 500 to 1,000
yards inland, were so situated near the heads
of draws and along the coastal highway as
ro figure inevitably in the defense of main
exit routes. These were farming villages,
with a certain amount of activity in summer
as modest beach resorts. Their stone houses
were clustered on or near the coastal high-
way that connected them with Grandcamp
and Bayeux.
South of the tableland lies the valley of
the Aure River, running from east to west,
All three have compound namn, wi th the ending ..... ur-Mer... For con-
venience. and . ;nce then: i. no danger o f confulion lI'ilh other local itiel , thue
ending. arc omitted.
about two miles behind the beach at Port-
en-Bess in and five miles south of it at Pointe
de la Percee (Map No. III) . West of
Trevieres the valley plain had been flooded
to form a barrier over a mile wide. Above
Trevieres the Aure was fordable by infantry.
Onl y on the northern side of the valley are
the slopes at all pronounced; at twO points
(just north of Trevieres and at Mount
Cauvin) the ground close to the river on the
north is 150 to 200 feet above the stream,
giving good observation into the valley
and its main approaches from the south.
South of the Aure the ground rises again,
at first very gradually, toward the height of
land crowned by Cerisy Forest , 12 miles
south of the coast and nearly 400 feet above
sea level. Several small streams flowing
north toward the Aure divide this ri sing
ground into a seri es of low north- south
ridges. In V Corps ' estimates for the opera-
tion the Cerisy Forest figured as an important
tactical objective, necessary to hold if the
beachhead was to be secure. It not only
included commanding ground, within me-
dium artillery range of the coast, but
offered cover for assembly of enemy forces.
The region west and southwest of Omaha
Beach figured prominently in D-Day plans,
for early junction with VII Corps depended
on progress in that direction. The flooding
of the lower Aure Valley had nearly made a
peninsula, 10 miles long and 5 miles wide,
comprising the low tableland stretching from
Formigny- Trevieres west to the Vire Estu-
ary. In it lay some of the strongest German
fortifications, controlling the sea approaches
to Carentan, and through it from east to
west ran the principal highway from Paris
( Caen) to Cherbourg and the Cotentin.
The town of Isigny, where the highway
crossed the Aure, would be a key point in
any effort to link the beachheads of V and
VII Corps; all east- west communications
near the coast funneled through Isigny, and
from it V Corps could debouch on the low-
lands near Carent,an,
The road net south and west of Omaha is
characterized by the absence of main north-
south routes; the few major highways in the
corps zone would be laterals rather than
axials. The most important artery is the
Carentan- Isigny- Bayeux road just noted.
Another highway, well paved for two-way
traffic, links Bayeux with the junction point
of St-L6, crossing the Cerisy Forest. From
Port-en-Bessin to Grandcamp runs a 15-foot,
hard-surface road paralleling the coast about
a mile inland. North- south roads in the
region, at best secondary, are winding and
usuall y narrow; they were expected to
present difficulties in the form of steep
shoulders and narrow bridges. Local com-
munications are served by many smail lanes
and tracks, designed for the needs of farmers,
but regarded as unsuitable for military use
except by infantry. Any advance inland
would require, for the supporting vehicular
craffic, a great deal of engineering work to
develop small roads into suitable north-
south axials. Deployment from any of the
roads was estimated as likely to be difficult
because of the ever present hedges, often
combined with embankments. The double-
track railroad from Paris CCaen) to Cher-
bourg runs from east to west across the
high ground a few miles south of the Aure.
Cutting this line at Bayeux and Caen, and
denying its use to the enemy, was a primary
objective in the D-Day attack of the British
Second Arm y.
HEDGEROWS mark,d th l bOllndar y of most fields in Normandy.
This OIU r o ~ v s out of a low embankmcnt and in the background is
double, ':.()ith a dup ditch hetU'u1l. the embankments . The field shown
was part of the po.sitioll occupied by unilJ of the 2d Ranga Battalion
on the 1l1'ghl of 6 june, whe1/. they weT( attacked by a 11l pen:or Ger-
man fo ra llear Pointe du Hoe. ( Photograph taknt J UIU, 19-15. )
SUN KEN ROADS were oJun Jormed by the high hedgerow em-
bankments, which had occasional openings into adjaunt fields. This
road, leading up E-3 draw toward Colleville, indicaus the diffi-
cultin Jor heavy traffic Jrom the beaches. (Photo taken june, 19+5.)
TREVIERES, an important road anUr behind Omaha, is the
largest village clost to the beach. This view looks across it to tk(
north, Ihowing bluffs that overlook the small AUTe River . Dam-
age to the tow I! is ruult of naval alld artillery fire before 10 June.
American troops who fought in Normandy
will always connect the name with hedge-
row fighting. They were to begin it as soon
as they left the bluffs above Omaha Beach.
Stock raising and fruit growing are the main
rural acti vi ties in this part of Normand y, and
the field system is characterized by a patch-
work layout of irregular fields varying from
narrow ribbon-like strips to shapes more
nearly square. These range in size from 10
or 15 to a 100 acres or more, with the greater
number probably averaging between 50 and
7'5 acres. Some contain orchards of low-
growing apple trees, more are used for pas-
ture, and there are occasional patches of
grain, though the main wheat-growing area
of western Normandy is in the Orne Valley.
Boundaries between fields tend to follow
NNE-SSW and WNW-ESE axes in the Omaha
region, but local variations are numerous,
and the boundaries could never be counted
on ro provide a safe direction-line for keeping
to an axis of advance. Hedgerows form the
universal substitute for fences in this country
and vary in character almost as much as do
the shapes of the fields . Some are low
bushes, five to six feet high, growing ftom
the ground level of the field and not hard
to break through. Others are thick, densely
matted walls of tough and briery hedge,
running up to 10 feet in height and inter-
spersed with large and small trees . In many
regions (not so often in the area just behind
Omaha Beach) the hedges grow out of banks
or dikes of earth, forming natural ramparts
sometimes six feet high and adding im-
mensel y to the strength of the barrier.
Many hedge embankments are not passable
for tanks. Drainage ditches are often found
skirting the hedge or its embankment, and
provide good sites for shelters and fox holes .
Communication between fields is usually
limited to small openings at the corners.
Occasional narrow trails or sunken roads,
running between parallel hedgerows (and
not always shown on maps) give access to
fields far off the regular road net.
Fighting in country of this sort presents
serious difficulties to attacking forces. Each
hedgerow across the axis of advance might
conceal a nest of enemy resistance, in which
good positions for flat-trajectory weapons
could be quickly organized, with short but
usually excellent fields of fire across the
nearest fields. Axial hedgerows could be
utilized by defenders for delivering flanking
fire. Observation would be extremely diffi-
cult for the attackers (see illustration, p.
120), and this might hinder the quick use of
supporting heavy weapons and artillery fire.
In contrast, a defending force could use pre-
arranged fires of mortars and automatic
weapons sited to cover the hedgerows lead-
ing toward any prepared positions. Split up
by hedgerow walls, attacking forces were
often to find difficulty in maintaining com-
munications on their flanks and in coordi-
nating the attack of units larger than a com-
pany. Fighting in this country would put
a premium on initiative and aggrefsive
leadership in small units, and armor could
have only limited use.
Trevieres, largest village in the area close
to Omaha Beach, had a prewar population
of about SOO, and the total population of
the region shown on Map No. III (exclud-
ing Bayeux) was probably under 10,000.
Following practices that go back to Celtic
settlement of the land, farmers in this part
of Normandy tend to group in small strag-
gling villages and hamlets, with houses of
stone and rubble-mortar construction. If
located on important roads or high ground,
these villages were often destined to become
centers of local resistance and to suffer ac-
cordingly. In terrain so lacking in hills,
church towers were inevitably regarded as
possible observation posts, and their ruins
testify to the results of neutralizing artillery
fire. The occasional isolated farms usually
consisted of fairly substantial buildings
grouped around a court yard; many farms of
this type became strongpoints in the battles
through hedgerow country.
Enemy Defenses
In the years which followed the fall of
France, the Germans publicized the building
of an "Atlantic Wall"' against any invasion
attempts on the part of the Allies . In his
speech announcing declaration of war on the
United States, Hitler said (11 December
1941): "A belt of strongpoints and gigantic
fortifications runs from Kirkenes (Norway)
to the Pyrenees .... It is my unshakable
decision ro make this front impregnable
against every enemy. " Commando forays
on the coast of France, aerial reconnaissance,
and reports from the French Resistance and
secret agents helped Allied Headquarters to
amass detailed information on the enemy's
progress in strengthening his fortifications
in the west. On the basis of this intelligence
Allied plans were checked and revised up to
the middle of May. The estimates were
later found to be substantially correct regard-
ing enemy fire power, the underwater and
beach obstacles, the plans for use of terrain
in defense, and the strength of defensive
German coastal defenses in the V Corps
zone were distributed in accordance with
the degree of opportunity offered by different
sectors for a landing assault (Maps Nos. II
and IV) Thirty-two fortified areas or
strongpoints were located between the Vire
River and Port-en-Bessin. The Vire Estu-
ary, Grandcamp, and Port-en-Bessin were
strongly defended. On the long stretches
of coast enjoying natural protection by
reefs and cliffs, the strongpoints were widely
spaced. The enemy had recognized that
the Omaha sector was more favorable for
attack from the sea, and 12 strongpoints
were so placed as to be able to bring direct
fire on the beach.
The enemy's tactical plan for meeting
assault was suggested by the disposition of
his coastal defenses, which were concen-
trated at the beaches and were not developed
in any depth. Every evidence pointed to the
conclusion that the Germans intended a
maximum effort on the coast, seeking either
to smash the attack at the water's edge or,
at worst, ro hold the assaulting forces near
the beach until mobile reserves could arrive
to finish them off. The beach defenses were
designed to stop the attacking force by
obstacles and mines, both on the tidal flat
and the beach shelf, while it was annihilated
with concentrated fires from every type of
defensive weapon.
In 1944, at all main beaches practicable
for massive landings, the Germans had
begun to construct an elaborate system of
obstacles along the tidal flat between the
high- and low-water marks. These ob-
stacles, designed to wreck or block off
landing craft, had begun to appear in the
Omaha sector early in April, and work on
them was still in progress by D Day.
The first band of obstructions consisted
of a series of Element' 'C," gate-like struc-
tures of reinforced iron frames with iron
supports, on rollers , about 250 yards out
from the high-water line. The main support
girders were 10 feet high, and waterproofed
Teller mines were lashed to the uprights.
The second band, 20 to 25 yards landward ,
was composed of heavy logs dri yen into the
sand at such an angle that the mine-tipped
ends pointed seaward, or of log ramps, rein-
forced and mined. This belt was found to be
more formidable than had been anticipated.
One hundred and thirty yards from shore,
the final row of obstructions included hedge-
hogs, about five and one-half feet high and
made of three or more steel rails or angles,
crossed at the centers and so strongly set
'- ....
UNDERWATER OBSTACLES: Upper /tfl, a mined pOll; upper
right, hedgehog; below, Element lie" (with (xpiosiv(J attached for
demolition by U . S. engineers who cleared the beaches). A fourth
type found on Omaha, the log ramp, is sun in other illustrations.
n n
n n
n n n
n n n
n n
n n n
n n
n n n n
n n n n
n n n
MAP NO.2 E,zemy D,/enses at D-J Draw (les Moulins)
n x x x x
.. n
n n n n n MINEFIELD
________ ______
that the ends would stave in the bottoms
of landi ng craft. None of these bands were
continuous, the elements being staggered at
irregular intervals . There were no mines in
the tidal sands. Shortly after work began
on these obstacles, Allied intelligence learned
of the new development, and Allied planning
staffs were preparing measures to meet this
new and serious complication in the assault
If the attacking ttoOpS reached the bank
of shingle at the edge of the tidal sands,
they would still have to cross the narrow
shelf of beach flat to reach the bluffs. The
Germans made liberal use of wire and mines
to slow up movement beyond the shingle.
Along most of the beach, a row of con-
certina wire was placed just to landward of
the shingle; at the western end, the wire was
on top of the sea wall. Irregularly placed
minefields, usually posted with warning
signs, lay in the flat ground behind the wire
and on the bluff slope. In addi tion to the
ordinary types, there were rock fougasses
(charges of TNT covered by rock and set off
by trip wire, sometimes in the concertina),
ordinary trip-wire mines, French "butter-
cup" mines, and mustard POts . Some dum-
my minefields consisted of scrap iron planted
below the ground surface, but most of the
fields were real.
Enemy firing positions were laid out to
cover the tidal flat and beach shelf with
direct fire, both plunging and grazing, from
all types of weapons. Observation on [he
whole Omaha area, and flanking fire from
cliff positions a[ either end, were aided by
[he crescent curve of [he shore line. The
emplacements between VierviIJe and Pointe
de la Petcee were particularly dangerous be-
cause of [heir ability to deliver enfilade fire
on a large stretch of the landing area. Each
s[rongpoint was a complex system made up
of elements including pillboxes, gun case-
mates, open positions for light guns, and
firing trenches, surrounded by minefields and
wire (Map No.2)' The elements were con-
nec[ed with each other and with under-
beach flat, this gun was able to deliCt! fire eastward acrOSl the mouth
of the draw and down the length of Dog Gran toward iu Jl1oulillI. A
sidewall Jcruned the gun's muzzle blast from obstTvatioll from uaward.
g.round quarters and magazines by deep
trenches or by tunnels. Most of the strong-
points protecting Omaha were situated near
the entrance to the draws , which were
further protected by anti tank di tches and
road blocks. In some cases the elements of
a strongpoint were echeloned from the north
edge of the beach flat to the top of the bluff,
wi th weapons si ted for both grazing and
plunging fire on every yard of approach to
the draw. In June the Germans were still
in process of completing or strengthening
several strongpoints, including those guard-
ing E- I draw.
While machine guns were the basic weap-
ons in all emplacements, there were over 60
light artillery pieces of various types. Eight
concrete casemates and four open field posi-
tions were designed for guns of caliber from
75-mm to 88-mm; 35 pill boxes were occupied
by li ghter guns ; and there were about 18
antitank guns (37-mm to 75-mm) . The
heavier guns were sited to give lateral fire
along the beach, with traverse limited by
thick concrete wing-walls which concealed
the fla sh of these guns and made them hard
to spOt from the sea. Mortar positions were
sometimes included in the strongpoints but
were more frequently placed behind the
bluffs. About 40 rocket pits were later
found , located several hundred yards inland
on the high ground and each fitted to fire
four 32-cm rockets.
The considerable areas between the strong-
points were supposed to be protected by their
flanking fires, by minefields scattered on the
beach flat and the slopes of the bluff, and by
occasional trenches , rifle pits, and machine-
gun emplacements along the crest. While
the line of defense was not continuous, no
areas of beach were left uncovered in the
pattern of defensive fires. Nearly aJl weap-
ons, mach ine guns as well as artillery pieces,
were sited primarily to give lateral fires
down the length of the beach , and the
defense of a given sector usuall y depended as
much on the flanking fire from neighboring
posi tions as on the emplacements in the
sector itself.
The Omaha sector was not strongly de-
fended by coastal batteri es of heavier guns .
Bur at Pointe du Hoe, some 5,000 yards to
the west, there was a battery believed to
consist of six 155-mm howitzers ( French
make), mounted partly in casemates. This
posi tion was regarded as the most danger-
ous in the American zone, for guns of that
cali ber could cover nOt only the V and VII
Corps landing beaches but also both trans-
port areas. Further west , at Maisy, was a
battery estimat ed at four I5S-mm howitzers
and near Geosse-Fontenay were four 105-mm
field gun-howitzers. Both of these batteries
were later found to consist of mobile field
guns. Just beyond the First Army boundary,
in the British zone, the strong defenses of
Port-en-Bessin included guns that might be
used against the landing area at Omaha.
All main enemy defenses in the Omaha
sector were on the beach or just behind it;
there was no evidence that the Germans had
prepared positions inland for a defense in
depth. There were known to be a few mine-
fields in the fields just south of the bluffs,
and some scattered emplacements at bivouac
areas and assembly points. Defense beyond
the beach would depend largely on the use
of local reserves in counterattack.
76-mm howitUT (Runion) was in the strongpoint JUJt east of E- l
draw, a1ld was Jiud jar jlmtki'1lg fire on the approachn. Open tmplau-
menU WUf fJui1urable to naval gunfire . (Photograph taknl j 1I11t, / 9.J4. )

TRENCHES ALONG THE BLUFF EDGE were the mail! Germal!
defensn bttWU11 .strongpoint.s guarding draws. These tunches, lead-
ing from dugouts to firing positions , overlooked Easy Red Beach Wtst
oj ~ J draw. Such systems usually included machine-gun positions.
Omaha Beach lay in the 53-mile sector
reportedly held by the 716th Infantry Divi-
sion, extending from the Orne River to the
Vire Estuary ( Map No. I). This was a
defensive division, estimated at twO regi-
ments, two or three artillery battalions, and
other small divisional units. Non-German
elements in the division were estimated to
be as high as 50 percent, mostly Poles or
Russians, and morale was thought to be
poor. The 726th Infantry Regime1lt was re-
sponsible for the coast defenses ftom west
of Grandcamp to a point three miles east
of Pon-en-Bessin . According to the in-
telligence available, defending troops in
the Omaha Beach strongpoints amounted to
about a reinforced battalion, some 800 to
1,000 troops, most of them needed to man
the beach defenses. Local reserves of the
716th Divisi"" were estimated at three bat-
talions, twO of these near enough to the
Omaha assault area to reach it in twO or
three hours. Counterattacks by these units
were not regarded as likely to be effective
against penetrations of the beach defenses,
and major counterattacks would depend on
the arrival of mobile reserves . The nearest
of these to the Omaha area, and the most
likely to be committed there was the J52d
InfalZtry Division, reponed as stationed in
the St-L6-Caumont area some 20 miles in-
land. Commanded by Lt. Gen. Heinz Hell-
mich, this was an offensive division of good
quality, with a core of veterans experienced
in fighting on the Russian front, and was
expected to furnish most of the opposition
to V Corps. It was at full strength, with
three infantry regiments and normal artillery
of three battalions of lOS-mm and one
battalion of IS0-mm howitzers. By com-
mandeering loeal transportation, the enemy
was believed able to get one regimental
combat team of this division into the
Omaha area by afternoon of D Day. In
addition, the three small battalions of the
30th Mobile Brigade, headquarters at Cou-
tanees, might be used for early counter-
attack. These battalions, consisting of
three companies each, were provided with
adequate transport for quick movement.
Other enemy mobile reserves, including his
available armored divisions, were located
nearer the Caen- Bayeux area in the British
zone. V Corps units were warned to guard
against possible armored counterattack on
this flank by late on D Day. The three
German divisions in the Cotentin peninsula
were expected to be completely occupied by
VII Corps' attack 6 and by the need for de-
fending the Cherbourg area against possible
further landings.
It was thought that the German air force
would make a supreme effort against the
Allied convoy and landing operations. De-
spite his heavy air losses during the winter,
the enemy was believed capable of making
1,500 sorties on D Day, mainly of fighters
and fighter-bombers. In view of the over-
whelming Allied naval strength, there was
little fear of enemy surface action against the
assault convoy. Enemy capabilities would
The 2451" l .. jart.fry Dillin'on_ believed to bcguarding the coast from Coutancu
to Avranchu (ICC Map No. I). WaJ found in July to have been in the Dicppc
region at the time of the invasion.
ENEMY SHORE DEFENSES wer, bring strtngthtn,d and tn-
larged in the months preading the invasion. Compare this picture of
Easy R,d sector (E-1 strongpoint at /'ft, E-3 at right), tak", On 31
May 1944 with the photograph used for Map No.4, taken in February.
GERMAN MORTAR POSITION, in tht Itrongpoint on tht bluff
jUJt wut of f?ierville draw, looking inland. The gunner.! had oil-
painted panoramic skttchu of ground jeaturn neaT the position,
with Tangn and deflations for hitting mOTe important taTget areas.
be limited to harassing raids by E-Boats on
the flanks of the convoy lane, and under-
water attack by U-Boats from bases in
western France.
Pre-Assault Bombardment Plans
The assault landings on Omaha Beach
were to be preceded by intensive air and
naval bombardment in the half-hour before
touchdown, designed to neutralize all known
gun positions and to demoralize enemy
troops in the beach defenses. For the period
just previous to D Day air attacks were
planned against coastal batteries in the
NEPTUNE area, but only as part of a wide-
spread program which put its heaviest at-
tacks on the French coast north of the Seine.
The Pointe du Hoe position, one of the
priority targets in this pre-D-Day bombing
had been hit on 15 April, 22 May, and 4
June. The RAF was to conclude the effort
against coastal batteries with a concen-
trated attack between midnight and dawn
of D Day; the coastal batteries from the
mouth of the Seine to Cherbourg were the
target of 1,333 heavy bombers dropping
5,316 tons of bombs.
From H- 30 to H-5 minutes heavy bombers
of the Eighth Air Force would strike enemy
beach defenses in the assault area between
the Vire and the Orne. In the V Corps'
zone 480 B-24' s were to attack 13 target
areas with 1,285 tons of bombs. Of these
targets, 11 were between Pointe de la Percee
and the eastern end of the Omaha landing
zone, including every strongpoint in the
system of beach defenses. The loading con-
sisted for the most part of l00-pound frag-
mentation and high-explosive bombs, with
some 500-pound high-explosive bombs for
certain strongpoints. All loads were fitted
wi th instantaneous fuze in order to prevent
cratering of the beach and consequent delay
in movement of traffic across it. West of
Omaha, the battery positions at Pointe du
Hoe would receive a final attack by 18
medium bombers of the Ninth Air Force,
delivered between H-20 and H- 5 minutes.
In the same period, mediums would deliver
a blow of equal weight at Maisy, aad the
gun positions there and at Gefosse-Fontenay
were the targets of two squadrons of fighter-
Naval gunfire would commence at H- 40
minutes and continue to H-3 minutes. The
battleships Texas and Arkansas (mounting a
total of ten 14-inch, twelve 12-inch, and
twelve 5-inch guns) would fire from 18,000
yards off shore, About 600 rounds of their
hea viest shells would be aimed at the enemy
coastal battery at Pointe du Hoe and at the
enemy strongpoints defending Exit 0-3.
Three cruisers, with 6-inch or 152-mm guns,
had as targets for 950 rounds the enemy
defenses near Port-en-Bessin and the strong-
points near 0-3 and E-l draws. Firing at
1,800 yards from swept lanes on the flanks
of the landing-craft approach area, eight
destroyers ( 4- and 5-inch guns) were to put
2,000 rounds on the beach strongpoints.
In addition to the ships, a large number of
fire-support craft were to place area fire on
the beach defenses, and point fire on Certain
other targets. Five LCG ( L)'s with two
47-mm guns each, accompanying the leading
assault wave, were scheduled to fire 630
rounds on selected strongpoints beginning
at H- 20 minutes . Sixteen LCT ( A and
HE)'s, carrying tanks to land in the first
wave, were each fitted so that two M-4' s
could fire over the ramp, beginning from a
range of3,OOO yards at about H-15 minutes;
each gun had an allowance of 150 rounds.
Ten LCT (5)'s carried the 36 105-mm howit-
zers (self-propelled) of the 58th and 62d
Armored Field Artillery Battalions, due to
land in the third hour of the assault.
These howitzers were mounted to fire from
the LCT's, opening at a range of 8,000
yards about H - 30 and closing at a range of
3,700 yards by H-5 minutes. Their allow-
ance was 100 rounds per gun. Finally, 9
LCT (R)'s stationed in positions 3,000 yards
off shore were to fire 1,000 HE rockets each
when the leading assault wave was 300 yards
from the beach.
Analysis of the combined plans shows that
the great weight of air and naval bombard-
ment would fall on the immediate beach
defenses in the Omaha area , including posi-
tions which could put flanking fire on the
beach. All the main enemy strongpoints,
and the Pointe du Hoe coastal battery, were
targets for attack both from air and sea.
Beginning at H Hour naval fires would
shift to inland targets such as possible
assembly areas, or wait for direction by
naval shore fire control parties. There were
24 of these, permitting an allotment of one
to each battalion ( including the Ranger
Battalions) in the two assault divisions, ex-
cepting the regiment in corps reserve. High-
performance spotting aircraft would be avail-
able up to H+5 hours. For purposes of
supporting the attack inland, Fire Support
Group I, consisting of a battleship, cruiser,
and four destroyers, would be on call for the
29th Division units and Fire Support Group
II, a battleship, two cruisers, and four de-
stroyers, for the 1st Division.
Plan of Assault La1Jdings
Air and naval bombardment was designed
to soften up the beach defenses; the main job
of red ucing them and breaking through
inland would have to be done by the assault
landing teams. These had been built up to
include every type of specialized technique
and weapon needed in the fight at the beach.
Every unit, down to the smallest, had been
trained to carry out a particular task in a
definite area ( Maps Nos. II, IV, V, VI).
For purposes of the landing operations,
the whole Omaha area had been di vided into
beach sectors and subsectors, with six sub-
sectors falling in the main zone of landings.
The 1st Division planned an attack by two
regiments abreast. On the two easterly
subsectors (Easy Red and Fox Green),
totalling about 3,000 yards, the 16th RCT
would assault with twO battalion landing
teams abreast, one on each subsector; the
support BL T would touchdown on Easy Red
at H+ 70 minutes. On the four western
subsectors ( Dog Green, Dog White, Dog
Red, and Easy Green), totalling about 3,000
yards, the 116th RCT wonld likewise assault
with twO BLTs abreast, the suppOrt bat-
talion coming in on the three eastern sub-
The Provisional Ranger Force of twO bat-
talions (six companies each), attached to
the 116th RCT, had special missions on the
right flank. Three companies of the 2d
Ranger Battalion were to scale the cliffs at
Pointe du Hoe, three miles west of the main
landings, and take the fortified battery posi-
tions. One company of the same unit would
land just west of the 116th near Exit D-1
and assault the enemy positions at Pointe
de la Percee. If the assault at Pointe du
Hoe was successful by H+ 30 minutes, the
5th Ranger Battalion and the remaining
companies of the 2d Battalion would land
there; if not, they would come in on Dog
Green at H+ 70 and proceed overland for
attack on Pointe du Hoe.
Further break-down of the assault tactics
can best be followed in terms of the landing
schedule, which brought the BLTs and
their specialized supporting attachments
ashore in a pattern to conform to the ex-
pected needs and development of the battle.
The schedule for the 116th RCT may be
taken as representative. (See Landing Dia-
gram, 116th RCT, and Maps Nos. V, VI. )
H Hour would be fixed so as to bring in
the first landing waves as soon after dawn
as possible, and under conditions of tide
low enough to expose fully the underwater
beach obstacles . This timing was an essen-
tial feature of the assault plans . It meant
that the first waves would have to cross
several hundred yards of open ground on the
tidal flat , but it would allow an engineer
task force to clear lanes through the ob-
stacles before the arrival of larger forces and
supplies at high water.
At H- 5 minutes Companies Band C (DD
tanks) of the 743d Tank Battalion would
make the first touchdown on Dog White
and Dog Green. These tanks, fitted to
navigate on water or land, were to be
launched from 6,000 yards out, swim ashore,
and take up firing positions at the water's
edge to cover the first phase of the assault.
Their fire was to be placed on the main
enemy fortifications, particularly those west
of Exit D-1 which could bring flanking fire
on Dog Beach. Moving up through the
obstacles as the tide rose, the tanks would
suppOrt the main assault and then clear the
beach through Exit D-3. At H Hour eight
LCTs would land Company A of the 743d
8 8 8 8
Co A 143 Tk 8n
0 0 0 0 0 0
Co E 116 Inf
6 EnO' CT
o 0 0 0 0
AAAW8tr, L-1I6Inl -----l MAy/Birr
112 En9' 8n
o 0 0 000 0
Co L 116 Inf
149 Enll' eeoen 8n

nl FA 8n !) 811Y'1 In DUI\WS)
G) G) G)
r AT Co 116'nl 1
AAAW 8n 467 AAAW Bn
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
Co ... 143 Tk 8n
Co F 116 Inl
g g g
146 Enllf <:T o.l'I'IoI;l io'"
Control 8001
00 0 0 0 00 0
2d 8n CoH Cof CoH 2d 8n I
1", -----' AAAW81ry
000 0
Co 0 81 Cml WI'''' 8n
000 @@ @@
Co I 116 Inl
HDCo3dBn Leo M 1l61n' :::::.....J
o 8 888
112 En9'
112 Enll' Bn

AT PhU2.dBn ATPIO"dBn '
2.9SIg 8n
G) 8 8 G) G)
I 467 AAAW Bn Engr
AT Co!l6 Inl B,o(h 8n
Co C tOOl 143 n 8ft
Co G 116 Inl
146 EnO' CT
(.1 0 0 0 0
T COtt HOCoG CqH r
AMY/aIr)' L-1I6Inl ---.J MAW airy
@ @ @ @ @ @
Co K 116 Inf
HQ HQ Co 118 ,,,,
All HO 8 140 Co 116 Inl
FA 8n A'n'ld
Sih Eng. Sp 8rlg
G) G)
461 AAAW 8n
Co 8 (001 743 Tk 8n
Co A U6 Inl
g g g
o 0
2d 8n
000 0 0000 0
I., Bn 116 I
149 a ... chlh
g 000000
, Co 0 116,",
121 Eng.
g @@@@@@@
121 Etlo. Co C 116 Inf
o 0 0 0
Co 8 81 CIII' 'liP'" 8n
8-8 8 0 0 0 0 0
Itlhora" GoA. a
2d Ron"". 8n
o 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rono" 8n
g 8 G 00000000
121 En9' 8n Rang" 8n

AT Piol Cn Co 116 !nf
lsi 8n
G) G)
461 AAAW 8n
,..----DD HO Co 116 1M


461 Amph Trk Co

461 Amph!bioll' T'"tk Co
Gl LeA
o DO Tank

PIon tIS of II Moy
Battalion on Easy Green and Dog Red.
This unit had a mission similar to that of
the other tank companies. With Company
A were landed eight tank dozers, towing
trailers of explosive and scheduled for use
by engineers in demolition work on ob-
stacles . All three companies were attached
to the battalion landing teams to insure
closest coordination with the infantry as-
sault .
At H + 1 minute the first infantry assault
wave would touch down: four companies,
each loaded in six LCVP's and correspond-
ingly organized in boat sections rather than
platoons. Company A would land on Dog
Green, spearheading the 1st BLT's attack
on the important Exit D-l. Companies E,
F, and G were on the three su bsectors to the
east. This primary assault force was to
cross the tidal flat through the obstacles
and make its attack immediately on the
German defenses. The boat sections were
to operate as tactical units, each carrying
out a carefully planned assault mission in
a well-defi ned sector. The sections would
assist each other in the work of reducing
the beach defenses, but no attempt was to
be made to organize for action as companies
until an inland assembly point had been
reached. The infantry attack, together with
the fire of the tanks, would occupy the
attention of the German strongpoints and
cover the work on demolition of beach
obstacles by the Special Engineer Task
That Force was ro come in at H+ 3 ro H+8
minutes in 13 LCMs. Army personnel (for
this section of the beach) was composed of
the 146th Engineer Combat Battalion, or-
ganized in eight assault and four support
teams, and a control section.' Averaging
41 men each, 11 of the teams included a
Naval Combat Demolition Unit of an officer
; In the 16th RCT' s seClOr. the 299th Engineer Comb31 Battali on furnished
the Army contingen l for this force.
and l2 men. They had a vital mISSIOn to
perform: landing when the tide was below
the obstacles, to clear and mark lanes
through the beach obstacles so that craft
could reach the upper sands at flood stage of
the tide. In the 116th's half of the beach,
they were to prepare eight 50-yard gaps
through all obstacles (two gaps per subsec-
ror). The eight tank dozers would be used
to push, break, and tow off obstacles at the
lower edge of the beach. Demolitions would
be used on other obstacles, and mine crews
would take care of the mines on obstacles
and (if found) in the sand.
A 3O-minute interval would be allowed
for the work of the Engineer Special Task
Force. Beginning at H+ 30 minutes, the
second and larger group of assault waves
would come to shore in a sequence of 5 land-
ings, spaced over 30 minutes. These would
bring in the remaining units of the two as-
sault BLT's and ( behind the 2d BLl) the
supporting 3d BLT. Also included were
battalion and regimental headquarters, two
companies of the 81st Chemical Weapons
Battalion, and elements of the ll2th and
l21st Engineer Combat Battalions. This
second contingent of engineers had the
mission of assisting the assault infantry
through minefields and obstacles on their
route of advance, and of opening the beach
exits for passage of vehicles by H+ 3 hours.
They would then move inland wi th the 116th
RCT, one of their first tasks being to open
the transit vehicle areas.
Advance elements of still a third engineer
force were due in with the second series of
landings. This force comprised the Pro-
visional Engineer Special Brigade Group,
commanded by Brig. Gen. William M. Hoge
and organized in two brigades of three bat-
talions each. They would aid in clearing
the beach area of mines and obstacles and in
opening exits; then, when the engineers at-
tached to 116th ReT went inland, the
Brigade Group engineers would take over
organization, operation, and maintenance ot
the beach installations up to the beachhead
maintenance line.
Between H+ 90 and H+ 120 minutes the
first artillery units would come in, led by the
58th Armored Field Artillery Battalion,
which had taken part in the preparatory
bombardment by fire from LCT's. Dukws
would bring in the Illth Field Artillery
Battalion, the 467th AAA A W Battalion,
and the antitank and cannon companies of
the ll6th RCT. Some vehicles had been
included in the second wave; however, the
real influx of vehicles and supply would
come from H+180 minutes on, in steadily
mounting proportion. By H+240 minutes
there would be cranes, tank-recovery vehi-
cles, half tracks , and trucks of all types on
shore. From that time on, rhino-ferries and
dukws were to playa large part in transport
of vehicles and supply.
On Easy Red and Fox Green , the 16th
RCT ( with attachments) was to land by a
very similar plan. The differences in respect
to infantry landings can be seen on Maps
Nos. V and VI. Of the three companies of
the 741st Tank Battalion, B and C ( DD's)
were to land on Easy Red and Fox Green
respectively, with Company A astride the
boundary of these sectors. The employ-
ment of engineer units was similar for both
parts of Omaha Beach,' and artillery and
supply elements would come in at about the
same rhythm.
The larger suppOrt elements of the assault
force were to Start landings on Omaha at
H+ 195 minutes, when the 18th RCT would
reach Easy Red. The infantry elements of
the ll5th RCT were to touch down behind
the ll6th on orders of the commanding
general, V Corps, and to operate initially
under 1st Di vision COntrol.
' Tht demc1ition (earnS had the: minion of d ~ a r i n lix gap. on ElIIY Red and
I wo on f"ox Green.
Plan for Movement to [uland Objectives
As the landing schedule clearly shows, the
two assault regimental combat teams were
expected to break through the beach de-
fenses within the first twO hours after
touchdown. The enemy strongpoints pro-
tecting the exit draws were to be neutralized
early enough to permit their opening for
traffic off the beach by H+ 3 hours. After
reducing beach defenses in their allotted
zones, the companies in the assault battalion
landing teams were to make their way to
battalion assembly areas, ordinarily about
a thousand yards inland. From there on, the
battalions would operate toward assigned
missions inland ( Map No. IV).
In the 16th RCT zone, the 2d BLT had the
mission of seizing Colleville, then fanning
out beyond and holding the high ground
just south of that village so as to cover later
landings against possible enemy counter-
attack from Trevieres or Bayeux. The 3d
BL T, once on the plateau, was to turn east
and reduce the enemy defenses along the
bluff as far as Ste-Honorine-des-Pertes; then,
to cover the eastern flank of the division,
along the army boundary, by occupying the
high ground as far as Mount Cauvin . The
1st BLT, in suppOrt during the beach assault,
would move through the 2d Battalion,
capture Formigny on the main highway,
occupy the high ground overlooking Tre-
vieres and the Aure Valley near that village,
and secure the river bridges near Trevieres.
Positions for all-around defense against pos-
sible enemy counterattack were ro be secured
and organized by all battalions.
Of the other 1st Division units , the 18th
RCT, assembling under cover of the advance
made by the 16th RCT, would move across
the Aure southeast of Colleville and occupy
the high ground east of Trevieres, patrolling
ro the D-Day phase line. The 26th RCT,
loaded in Force "B" and landing when
ordered by corps, would revert on landing
to the 1st Division . Its mission was to
seize and organize for defense the area south
and southeast of Tour-en-Bessin, in contact
toward Bayeux with 50 ( British) Division.
On the western flank of the beachhead,
29th Division units had the mission of
occupying the important area between the
flooded Aure Valley and the sea. After
capturing Vierviile the 1st BLT would move
west along the coastal highway, and to-
gether with the Rangers clear out enemy
defenses from the beachhead to the Vire
Estuary. It would be teady to seize Isigny
and the important bridge there and ro rna ke
COntaCt with VII Corps to the west. The 2d
BLT had St-Laurent as its first objective and
then the higher ground southwest of that
point . The 3d BLT landing in support was
to move through Longueville, occupy the
high ground 2,500 yards to the west, and
prepare for ad vance toward Isigny. The
115th Infantry, landing in attachment to the
1st Division, would assist if necessary in
mopping up the beach defenses in the zone
of either of the assault regimental combat
teams. It would be prepared to move
through Longueville to the la Cambe area,
Outpost the high ground south of the Aure,
and patrol considerably to the south of the
Outposts. The 175th Infantry, in Force 'B"
and designated as corps reserve, was sched-
uled to land on D+ l.
Artillery suppOrt would be given by five
battalions of 105-mm howitzers landing in
attachment to the regiments of the 1st Divi-
sion, two each to the assault RCT's. These
battalions were to move inland with the
advance. Additional fire suppOrt would be
rendered by the heavier guns of the Navy,
directed by the fire control parties with the
infantry battalions.
If successful , thi s plan put V Corps in
position to advance on D+ l south beyond
the Aure toward the key high ground in rhe
Cerisy Forest area, and west through Isigny
toward a junction with VII Corps. Corps
plans did not contemplate movement in
force beyond the Vire, as it was hoped that
the southward advance would compel an
early enemy retreat from the area between the
Vire and Carentan.
erned by several factors, complicated by the
need of satisfying Allied requirements in
five different landing areas, each with its
own problems. It was desirable that D Day
fall during a period when the days were
long, for maximum use of Allied air power;
when the moon was near the full, for better
maneuver of ships and for easier night land-
ings of airborne troops; and when tides were
strong, so that beach obstacles would be
fully exposed at low water and the landing
craft could be f10a ted far up the beach
for convenient unloading at high water.
Further, D Day must be selected with refer-
ence to certain requirements for H Hour,
the moment when the first assault units
touched down on the beaches. These were:
that there be an hour of daylight before
H Hour so that the preliminary bombard-
ment would be as accurate as possible, and
landing craft could be more easily organized
into formation for the assault; that the tide
should be near half-flood, so that obstacles
would still be exposed, but rock ledges near
the shore in the British zone would not be
dangerous; and that the tide be rising at
H Hour, insuring two high tides during
daylight to facilitate maximum unloading
of supplies. Certain groups of days carne
nearest to satisfying all these requirements:
21-22-23 May, 5-6-7 June, and 19-20-21 June
were closest to the target date of 1 June.
On 8 May, D Day was fixed at 5 June.
V Corps units had been alerted on 23
March to be ready for movement to marshal-
ling areas on short notice. Actually, move-
ment began 7 May and was completed by 11
May for elements of the assault and follow-
up forces ("0" and "B"). The pre-em-
barkment handling of 65,000 men and 7,600
vehicles was accomplished by the XVIII
and XIX Districts of the Southern Base Sec-
tion, Services of Supply. Once in the mar-
shalling areas, troops were "sealed" in their
camps, given final items of equipment, and
thoroughly briefed on all phases of their
assignments. During the last few days of
May, they were moved from the marshalling
points to the ports and "hards" for em-
barkation, their places being immediately
taken by units designated to follow across
the Channel in build-up schedules . By 3
June all troops of Force "0" had been
loaded, and some of them had been aboard
several days . Portland , Weymouth, and
Poole were the embarkation areas. On the
night of 27 May, a small enemy air attack
on the Weymouth area caused some losses
of a few smaller craft by mines. Aside from
this raid, the loadings suffered no inter-
ference from enemy action, and German air
reconnaissance up to D Day was on a routine
The story of the Navy's share in operation
NEPTUNE must be told elsewhere. West-
ern Task Force, commanded by Rear Adm.
Alan G. Kirk, was responsible for the em-
barkation and landing of First U. S. Army
'Beach areu given a hard surface by wire mau. concrete blocb, or other
treatment 110 aI to permit direct loading of vchicles from land to ,hip',
forces. Rear Adm. J. L. Hall, Jr., com-
manded Force "0," which would carry the
assault against Omaha Beach. The mag-
nitude and complexity of the movement
may be suggested by figures. To lift and
land this initial assault force of 34,CXlO men
and 3,300 vehicles required 7 transports, 8
LSI's, 24 LST's, 33 LCI ( L}s, 36 LCM (3)'s,
147 LCT's, and 33 other craft, while the
escort, gunfire support, and bombardment
missions employed 2 battleships , 3 cruisers,
12 destroyers , and 105 other ships. Force
"0" also included 33 mine-sweepers and 585
vessels used in service work.
The 16th RCT, including 3,502 men and
295 vehicles attached only for movement to
the beach, numbered 9,828 personnel, 919
vehicles, and 48 tanks. To handle this one
unit required 2 transports, 6 LST's, 53
LCT's (of various types), and 5 LCI ( L)'s;
small craft, to be launched from the larger
ships in the transport area, included 81
LCVP's, 18 LCA's ( British), 13 other land-
ing craft, and about 64 dukws.
The assault of this armada was dependent
on the weather, which could so easily in-
fluence both naval and air operations. At
the last minute, with all assault forces
loaded and waiting for the signal to start,
Operation NEPTUNE was threatened with
checkmate. On 3 June, his meteorological
staff gave General Eisenhower an unfa vor-
able forecast for D Day, predicting overcast
skies and strong winds. At 0415 on 4 June
he decided to postpone D Day 24 hours.
One of the divisions of the assault convoy
had already started out to sea, according to
schedule, and had to be recalled .
England were cTowdfd with ships and craft in the wuks pTatding D
Day; the vehicles shown art "Weasels" (cargo carrier M-29) towing
loaded trailers. Enemy air was unable to inttrJu( with this activity.
THE LANE OF SH I PS from sOllthem Ell gland to the assail It area
was protected by a screen of naval unsels aud c01l1illuOUS air cover.
fIere, a number oj LeI's (manned by personnel of the U. S. Coast
Guard) each with its ba'rrage balloon are under way toward France .
Weather forecasts on 4 June held out hopes
for a slight bur temporary improvement.
Beginning on 5 June and lasting about 24
hours, there would be an interval of better
sky conditions, with broken clouds at a
ceiling not lower than 3,000 feet. Seas
were expected to moderate. Following this
break, the prospects were for renewed cloud
and stronger winds. Postponement to 7
June would therefore risk a deterioration of
weather conditions, as well as fueling diffi-
culties for some of the ships in convoys
already at sea; further postponement would
mean a delay until 19 June before tide and
moon conditions were again suitable. Gen-
eral Eisenhower decided at 0415 on 5 June to
accept the risks involved in making the
assault under the conditions of sea and sky
expected for the next day. H Hour for
Omaha Beach was set at 0630
Low tide
would occur at 0525 and the first high water
llOO. Sunrise was at 0558 and sunset 2207.
The main convoy of Force "0" cleared
Portland Harbor on the afternoon of 5 June;
movement across 100 miles of channel to
the assault area was uneventful. The oper-
ation met no interference from act ion by
enemy naval or air forces. Continuous air
cover was provided for the shipping lane
and for the Allied assault beaches. Spit-
fires protected the convoys at low altitudes;
patrols of four squadrons of P-47's from the
Ninth and Eighth Air Forces were over the
shipping lane and its flanks at all times.
10 Th., Allied assault forces u ~ four different 1-lllour', to meet the dii'fer;nfl;
condition. vf tide ~ n d b.;,tI,'111 on the m;l;n unuh buchu. The hour wu 0630
at Omaha ~ n l 'hh, while the Britilh bnding. urn., hetween 0700 .. nd 0730.
The assa ult beach zones were to receive con-
tinuous cover by fighters, the Ninth Air
Force detailing five groups for high cover,
with the task of maintaining three squad-
rons over the Allied beaches at all times
during daylight. Low cover was a British
commitment. One of the most important
contributions to the whole operation was
performed by the sweepers of Western Task
Force, which made possible the passage of
the convoys to the assault beaches without
loss from mines. The Ancon, headquarters
shi p for Admiral Hall and General Gerow,
anchored at 0251 on D Day in the transport
area, 23,000 yards off Omaha Beach.
In spite of some improvement over th'e
previous period, weather conditions were
far from ideal for the assault operations.
Visibility was 10 miles, but there was a
partial overcast to hamper bombing. The
wind was still strong, coming from the
northwest and therefore producing its full
effects on the coastal waters off the Omaha
sector. A wind force of 10 to 18 knots
caused waves averaging 3 to 4 feet high in
the transport area, with occasional waves
up to 6 feet. On the beach, breakers were
3 to 4 feet. This condition of the sea per-
sisted well into D+ 1 before the wind mod-
erated. The effect on the landing plans
was to be felt throughout D Day.
Approach to the Beach
The movement from transport area to
shore proceeded according to a complex
schedule, involving hundreds of craft and
requiring the nicest timing to get the assault
elements to the shore in their appointed
order. One of the first steps was the loading
of tile assault infantry units from their
transports into the small LCVP's and LCA's,
which were launched from the larger mother
ships. The process began three to four
hours before H Hour and was rendered
difficult by the choppy seas, which caused
some minor delays. Carrying the early
wa ves of 116th assaul t troops, the transport
Thomas Jefferson was able to unload alJ its
craft in 66 minutes , aided by the fact that
25 of the 33 craft could be "rail-loaded"
and then swung overside. The Thomas
Jefferson's craft left the rendezvous area at
0430, 25 minutes ahead of schedule, since
control officers feared the condi tions of sea
would delay the approach run.
More serious effects of the rough seas were
fel t as the smaller craft moved in through
the rendezvous area to the line of departure,
The LCVP's and LCA's were drenched with
spra y from the start, and most of them be-
gan to ship enough water to demand full
use of the pumps, In a good many craft
the pumps would not carry the load, and the
assault troops had to bail with their helmets.
Craft having pump troubles were likely to
be slowed down, and any attempt to raise
the speed and catch up resulted in shipping
more water than before. Only a small
minority of the craft were in serious diffi-
culties. Out of 180 to 200 craft used for the
two assault RCT's, 10 carrying infantry
are definitely known to have swamped,
some almost at the start and others near the
beach, Nearly all personnel from the
swamped craft were rescued by naval craft
or passIng ships, often after hours in the
In most of the craft the soldiers were
drenched from the outset by the cold spray,
and seasickness overcame a great majority,
Boat teams in the same formations, carrying
men who had eaten the same breakfast and
had the same training, were very unevenly
affected, the "casualty" rates ranging all the
way from zero to 100 percent. Men who
had been chilled by their wetting, cramped
by immobility in the small and fully loaded
craft , and weakened by seasickness were not
in the best condition for strenuous action on
LANDING CRAFT we" launched from transports 10 miles from
tht beaches. ThtS( craft, bucking rough uas, art passing by tht
cruiser Augusta, flagship of Western Task Force. The LCYP's in
foreground would carry something mort than a company of infantry .
landing. Similar handicaps, however, had
been met and overcome at training exercises,
and many men, even among the seasick,
were keyed up by the occasion . One officer
remembered his trOOps chatting about' 'What
a shambles the beach would be from the
bombs and ships' guns," although his own
impression was: "It looked like another big
tactical scheme off Slapton Sands, and I
couldn't get the feeling out of my head that
it was going to be another miserable two-day
job with a hot shower at the end."
As the landing craft carrying the 16th
RCT units came within a few miles of shore
they passed men struggling in life preservers
and on rafts. These were personnel from
foundered DO tanks, the first casualties of
the rough seas. According to plan, Com-
panies Band C of the 741st Tank Battalion
were launched at H- 50 minutes, 6,000
yards off shore, to lead in the first assault
wa ve on the eastern beach sectors. In very
short order the O s began to suffer crippling
damage in broken struts, torn canvas, and
engine trouble from water flooding the
englOe compartment. Of the 32 tanks, 2
swam in and 3 others were beached from an
LCT which could not launch its DO's
because of a damaged ramp. In the 116th
RCT zone, the officers in charge of the tank-
loaded LCT's had decided not to risk the
conditions of sea, and the 32 ~ O s of the
743d Tank Battalion were carried in to the
In terms of ultimate effects, all these dif-
ficulties were minor by comparison with
those of navigation. The plan called for
landing each assault unit in a relatively
small, defined area where it had a specific
task to perform in reducing enemy defenses,
opening gaps in obstacles, or clearing a sec-
tion of the flat. Quick success on the beach
was dependent on carrying out a large num-
ber of such small tasks, which were often
correlated to lead to some major result such
as the opening of an exit.
0730, when tht support BL T's wert landing . This Coast Guard photo-
graph shows LC f/ P's,jrom the transport Samuel Chase, landing troops
of the 1st BLT, 16th I nfantry on their aSJigned beach sector, Easy Red.
Des pite all the intensive study put on con-
ditions cf current and wind for this part of
the coast, all the visual aids for spotting
beach marks by panoramic photographs, and
all the experience wi th similar difficulties in
training exercises, a great many landing
craft of the first waves came in away from
their target sectors. Smoke and dust along
the beach from naval fire and a slight early
morning mist made it hard to recognize land-
marks as the shore was neared. One of the
control vessels for Dog Beach drifted off its
station, which may explain some of the later
troubles of approach in that sector. The
fact that practically all the mislanded craft
were east of their targets points to the tidal
current as a contributing factor. It was
known that with a rising tide (low tide on 6
June was at 0525), a strong current ran later-
ally eastward along Omaha Beach, reaching
maximum velocity of nearly 2.7 knots at 5
miles off shore; strong winds might increase
its average velocity. That the current was
very strong on 0 Day is indicated by the
report of the destroyer Satterlee, which
found it necessary to steer 20 to 30 degrees
. 'up current" in order to maintain position
in the firing lane.
Whatever the cause, a majority of landing
craft during the first hour came in east of
their appointed beach sector, and this ma-
jority included craft bearing engineers as well
as infantry ( Maps Nos. V, VI). Sometimes
the margin of error was as much as a thou-
sand yards or more; one company ( E) of the
116th, destined for Easy Green, came in,
boat sections scattered, on the 16th beaches
as far east as Fox Green . More often, the
error was in the order of a few hundred
yards, but this could be enough to undo the
assignments for taking Out a key strong-
point or opening an exit. It mi ght also be
enough to completely "Iose" units which
landed below an unfam iliar stretch of bl uff,
were consequently unable to identify the
terrain, and so could not make a proper
estimate of the enemy defenses with which
they must deal. The res ulting difficulti es
of the boa t t eams were heigh tened by the
frequent separation of secti ons of the same
company. Whether because of delays suf-
fered by individual craft , straggling on the
way in, or disagreement between coxswains
in recognition of landmarks, some unit for-
mati ons of landing craft were broken up
enough to result in widely scattered landings.
Under conditions prevailing at the beach,
separation of craft by as little as 200 yards
could easily bring about the complete isola-
tion of a section . Thi s would deny elements
of a mislanded company the advantages of
combining in order to improvi se their assault
if they came to shore in strange territory.
Sections which suffered heavy casualties in
leaders migh t be par ticularly affected by
separa [[on.
The landing craft came in under the com-
forting thunder of the t"remendous fire sup-
port from na val guns, as well as the tan k
and artillery pieces firing from LCT's.u Up
to within a few hundred yards of the water's
edge, there was every reason to hope that
the enemy shore defenses mi ght have been
neutralized . Then, many of the leading
craft began to come under fire from auto-
matic weapons and artillery, which increased
in volume as they approached touchdown.
It was evident at H Hour that the enemy
forti fica tions had not been knocked out.
Just how much had been accomplished by
the preliminary bombardment can only be
li The onl> ruction from enem)' batteries c:'irnt tarlier. and from nlt-
.. ard; at gun. near ron -,m-Busin put 10 rounds do.", to the destroyer
l:mmonJ brackCH:d the Ari""Hu. .o\n5wcring including 20 rounda of
12 inch and 110 rou nds of 5-inch shells, promptly si lenced the enemy gunl , but
mc><" countcrbatt u), work had to he done on this area latcr in the morning.
determined later from enemy sources. Many
gun positions and strongpoints certainly sur-
vi ved the early fire. The well-concealed
emplacements were hard enough to locate
later in the day, with better visibility and
chances for observation. The tanks and
artillery operating from LCT's in rough
water were handicapped by conditions mak-
ing accurate fire difficult. The rockets,
according to most reports from the assault
troops, made a heartening display but tailed
to hit defensive positions-an opinion which
cannot be accepted as final and which runs
counter to naval reports . The total bom-
bardment had certainly had effect , and it
may have been more considerable than the
infantry could realize. Enemy guns had
been sited to cover every part of the beach ;
nevertheless, there were sectors where units
landed without meeting any artillery fire
whatever. Furthermore, of the nearly 200
craft carrying the assault infantry to shore
in the first 2 hours, only about 10 are known
to have been hit by artillery before debark-
ing their troops, none was sunk by thi s
fire, and in only a few cases were the casual-
ties serious. Larger craft, particularl y LCI' s,
may have been a favored target for both
shore and inland guns, and may have suffered
relatively more .
The assault troops experi enced their worst
disappointment of the day when they found
the beach unscarred by air bombardment ;
they were correct in concluding that the air
bombardment had had little effect on the
beach defenses. Overcas t conditions forced
the use of Pathfinder instruments by the
Eighth Air Force Liberators. With that
technique, the range of possible error in the
drop would be so increased as to endanger
the approaching waves of landing craft. A
bombing plan had already been made to
cover this eventual i ty, by delaying the time
of bomb release enough to push the center
of the estimated drop patterns well inland,
thus ensuring the safety of the craft. Vary-
ing inversely with the distance in time from
H Hour, the delay ranged to as much as 30
seconds. The decision to use this alternate
plan had to be made on the night preceding
D Day and was apptoved by Supreme Head-
quarters. It meant that the impact of the
bomb weight fell from a few hundred yards
to three miles inland, and the main effect,
difficult to evaluate without enemy records,
was probably to disrupt enemy communica-
tions and rear assembly areas. Of 446 Lib-
erators dispatched, 329 attacked, dropping
over 13,000 bombs . Their attack had taken
place between 0555 and 0614.
The ll1itial Assault IV ave
Ninety-six tanks, the Special Engineer
Task Force, and eight companies of assault
infantry (1,450 men), landing just before and
after 0630, were to carry out the first assault
missions ( Map No. V).
On the right, the 743d Tank Battalion
brought in all its tanks on LCT's . Com-
pany B, coming in directly in face of the
Vierville draw, suffered from enemy artillery
fire. The LCT carrying the company com-
mander was sunk just off shore, and four
other officers were killed or wounded, leav-
ing one lieutenant in Company B. Eight of
that company's 16 tanks landed and started
to fire from the water's edge on enemy posi-
tions . The tanks of Companies C and A
touched down to the east at well-spaced
intervals and without initial losses. In the
16th RCT zone, only 5 of the 32 DD tanks
( 741st Tank Battalion) made shore; of Com-
pany A's 16 standard tanks, 2 were lost far
off shore by an explosion of undetermined
cause, and 3 were hit and put out of action
very shortly after beaching. The surviving
third of the battalion landed between E-l
and E-3 draws and went into action at once
against enemy emplacements .
The Army-Navy Special Engineer Task
Force had one of the most important and
difficult missions of the landing. Their
chances of clearing gaps through the ob-
stacles in the half-hour allotted were lessened
by accidents on the approach to the beach.
Delays in loading from LCT's to LCM' s and
in finding their way to the beaches resulted
in half of the 16 assault teams reaching shore
10 minutes or more late. Only five teams
hit their appointed sector, most of them
being carried eastward with the result that
Dog Beach ( the 116th RCT zone) received
much less than the effort scheduled. As a
further effect of mislandings, at least three
teams came in where no infantry or tanks
were presen t ro gi ve protecti ve fire .
Men burdened with equipment and ex-
plosives were excellent targets for enemy
fire as they unloaded in water often several
feet deep. Of 16 dozers only 6 got to the
beach in working condition, and 3 of these
were immediately disabled by artillery hits.
Much equipment, including nearly all buoys
and poles for marking lanes, was lost or
destroyed before it could be used. Eight
navy personnel of Team 11 were dragging the
preloaded rubber boat off their LCM when
an artillery shell burst just above the load of
explosives and set off the primacord. One
of the eight survived. Another shell hit
the LCM of Team 14, detonating explosives
on the deck and killing all navy personnel.
Team 15 was pulling in its rubber boat
through the surf when a mortar scored a
direct hit and touched off the explosives,
killing three men and wounding four. Sup-
port Team F came in about 0700. A first
shell hit the ramp, throwing three men into
the water. As the vessel drifted off out of
control, another hit squarely on the bow,
killing 15 of the team. Only five army
personnel from this craft reached shore.
Despite such disasters and under continued
incense fire, the engineers gOt to work on
obstacles wherever they landed and with
whatever equipment and explosives they
could salvage. Some of the teams arriving
a few minutes late found the rapidly advanc-
ing tide already into the lower obstacles .
Infantry units landing behind schedule or
dela yed in starting up the beach carne
through the demolition parties as they
worked, and thereby impeded their progress.
One of the three dozers left in operation was
prevented from maneuvering freely by rifle-
men who tried to find shelter behind it from
the intense fire. As a final handicap, there
were instances where teams had fixed their
charges, were ready to blow their lane, and
were prevented by the fact that infantry
were passing through or were taking cover
in the obstacles. When Team 7 was set to
fire, an LCVP carne crashing into the ob-
stacles, smashed through the timbers, and
set off seven mines; the charge could not be
blown. In another case, vehicles passed
through the prepared area and caused mis-
fire by cutting the primacord fuze linking
the charges. A naval officer, about to pull
the twin-junction igniters to explode his
charge, was hit by a piece of shrapnel that
cu t off his finger and the two fuzes. The
charge laid by Team 12 went off but at heavy
cost. Their preparations completed for a
30-yard gap, the team was just leaving the
area to take cover when a mortar shell struck
the primacord. The premature explosion
killed and wounded 19 engineers and some
infantry nearby.
In net result, the demolition task force
blew six complete gaps through all bands of
obstacles, and three partial gaps . Of the
six, only two were in the 116th's half of the
beach, and four were on Easy Red (Map
No. V), a fact which may have influenced
later landing chances . Owing to the loss of
equipment, only one of the gaps could be
marked, and this diminished their value un-
der high-water conditions. Their first effort
made, the demolition teams joined the other
assault forces on the shingle or sea wall and
waited for the next low tide to resume their
work. Casualties for the Special Engineer
Task Force, including navy personnel, ran
to 41 percent for D Day, most of them suf-
fered in the first halI-hour.
The infantry companies in the first wave
carne in by boat sections, six to a company,
with a headquarters section due in the next
wave (0700). Each LCVP carried an aver-
age of 31 men and an officer. The 116th
assault craft were loaded so that the first to
land would be a section leader and 5 rifle-
men armed with M-l's and carrying 96 rounds
of ammunition. Following was a wire-
cutting team of 4 men, armed with rifles; 2
carried large "search-nose" cutters, and 2 a
smaller type. Behind these in tbe craft,
loaded so as to land in proper order were :
2 BAR teams of 2 men each, carrying 900
rounds per gun; 2 bazooka teams, totalling
4 men, the assistants armed with carbines; a
mortar team of 4 men, with a 60-mm mortar
and IS to 20 rounds; a flamethrower crew of
2 men; and, finally,S demolition men with
pole and pack charges of TNT. A medic
and the assistant section leader sat at the
stern. Everybody wore assault jackets, with
large pockets and built-in packs on the back;
each man carried, in addition to personal
weapons and special equipment, a gas mask,
5 grenades (the riflemen and wirecutters
also had 4 smoke grenades), a half-pound
block of TNT with primacord fuze, and 6
one-third ra tions (3 K' sand 3 D's). All
clothing was impregnated against gas . The
men wore life preservers (2 per man in 16th
Infantry units), and equipment and weapons
of the 16th were fastened to life preservers so
that they could be floated in.
As expected, few of the LCVP's and LCA's
carrying assault infantry were able to make
dry landings. Most of them grounded on
sandbars SO to 100 yards out, and in some
cases the water was neck deep. Under fire
as they came within a quarter-mile of the
shore, the infantry met their worst expe-
riences of the day and suffered their heaviest
casualties just after touchdown. Small-
arms fire, mortars, and artillery concentrated
on the landing area, but the worst hazard
was produced by converging fires from auto-
matic weapons . Survivors from some craft
report hearing the fire bea t on the ramps
before they were lowered, and then seeing
the hail of bullets whip the surf just in front
of the lowered ramps. Some men dove under
wa ter or went over the sides to escape the
beaten zone of the machine guns. Stiff,
wea kened from seasickness, and often hea v-
il y loaded, the debarking troops had little
chance of moving fast in water that was
knee deep or higher, and their progress was
made more difficult by uneven footing in
the runnels crossing the tidal flat . Many
men were exhausted before they reached
shore, where they faced 200 yards or more
of open sand to cross before reaching cover
at the sea wall or shingle bank. Most men
who reached that cover made it by walking,
and under increasing enemy fire . Troops
who stopped to organize, rest, or take shelter
behind obstacles or tanks merely prolonged
their difficulties and suffered heavier losses .
ASSAULT LANDING. This LCPP has groulIded some distan"
out, and the men are wading toward the long stretch oj open sands.
A tank (No.9, Jrom Company A, 741st Tallk Battalion) is on the
edge oj the tidal jlat just ahead, on beach sector Easy Red. These
troops are believed to be me11lbuJ of the J st Battalion, 16th Infantry,
landing about 0730, when the tide was through the lower obItac/n.
SMOKE FROM GRASS FIRES obJcurd tht bluffJ on Itotral
uclars, notably Dog Red, shown hut. Tht smoke is still visible
when thiJ picturt waJ taktn, about J 600. LeT 207, carrying tht
ItIJ-proptlltd gunJ oj 58th Armored Fitld Artillery Battalion, waJ
finally ablt to makt Jhore aJter an atttmpt at 0800 had Jailed.
Obstaries on this part of Omaha wert still intact that afttrnoon.
There were fortunate exceptions to this
general picture. Several hundred yards of
bluff west of les Moulins draw were obscured
in heavy smoke from grass fires, apparently
started by naval shells or rockets. Blank-
eted by this smoke, enemy guns and emplace-
ments were unable to deliver effective fire
on that end of Dog Beach, and units landing
there were comparatively unscathed. At
other places, what would seem to be an
occasional .. blind spot" in the enemy fire
pattern let a craft get men ashore with few
losses. In the main, the first wave was hard
Perhaps the worst area on the beach was
Dog Green, directly in front of strongpoints
guarding the VierviIJe draw and under
heavy flanking fire from emplacements to the
west, near Pointe de la Perc<!e. Company A
of the 116th was due to land on this sectOr
with Company C of the 2d Rangers on Its
right flank, and both units came in on their
targets. One of the six LCAs carrying
Company A foundered about a thousand
yards off shore, and passing Rangers saw men
jumping overboard and being dragged down
by their loads. At H+6 minutes the re-
maining craft grounded in water 4 to 6 feet
deep, about 30 yards short of the outward
band of obstacles. Starting off the craft in
three files, center file first and the /lank files
peeling right and left, the men were en-
veloped in accurate and intense fire from
automatic weapons. Order was quickly
lost as the troops attempted to dive under
water or dropped over the sides intO surf over
their heads . Mortar fire scored four direct
hi ts on one LCA, which "disintegrated."
Casualties were suffered all the way to the
sand, but when the survivors gOt there, some
found they could not hold and came back
into the water for cover, while others rook

MEN FROM \\"RECKED LANDING CRAFT art bti"g rescued
b)' hJe lintI carried out to them from tilt beach. Medical corps pn-
sonne/ pnfor11led many acts of heroiJ1n, working under fire to bring
up the wounded 11Inl left on the tidal flat mId threatnud by riling tide.
refuge behind the nearest obstacles. Rem-
nants of one boat team on the right flank
organized a small firing line on the first
yards of sand, in full exposure to the enemy.
In short order every officer of the company,
incl uding Capt. Taylor N. Fellers, was a
casualty, and most of the sergeants were
killed or wounded . The leaderless men gave
up any attempt to move forward and con-
fined their efforts to saving the wounded,
many of whom drowned in the rising tide.
Some troops were later able to make the sea
wall by staying in the edge of the water and
going up the beach with the tide. Fifteen
minutes after landing, Company A was out
of action for the day. Estimates of its
casualties range as high as two-thirds .
The smaller Ranger company (64 men),
carried in twO LCA's, came in at H+ 15
minutes to the right of Vier ville draw.
Shells from an antitank gun bracketed Capt.
Ralph E. Goranson's craft, killing a dozen
men and shaking up others. An enemy
machine gun ranged in on the ramps of the
second LCA and hit 15 Rangers as they de-
barked. Without waiting ro organize, sur-
vivors of the boat sections set Out immedi-
a tel y across 250 yards of sand toward the
base of the cliff. Too tired to run, the men
tOok three or four minutes to get there, and
more casual ties resulted from machine guns
and mortars . Wounded men crawled be-
hind them, and a few made it. When the
Rangers got to shelter at the base of the
cliff, they had lost 35 men.
An unscheduled gap of more than a thou-
sand yards separated Company A from the
next unit of the 116th RCT. Instead of
coming in on Dog White, Company G
landed in scareered groups eastward from
the edges of Dog Red. The three or four
boat sections nearest Dog Red, where smoke
from grass fires shrouded the bluff, had an
easy passage across the tidal flat. Most of
the men were halfway up the flat before
they became aware of sporadic and inaccu-
rate fire, and only a few losses were suffered.
In 10 to 15 minutes after touchdown this
part of the company was behind the shingle
bank, in good condition. Officers, knowing
they were left of their landing area, were
uncertain as to their course of action, and
this hesitation prevented any chance of im-
mediate assault action. Further east on
Easy Green, the other sections of Company
G met much heavier fire as they landed, one
boat team losing 14 men before it reached
the embankment .
Company F came into the beach almost
on its scheduled target, touching down in
front of the strongly fortified les Moulins
draw (D-3). The 3 sections to the east,
unprotected by the smoke, came under con-
centrated fire and took 45 minutes to get
across the exposed stretch of sand. By this
time half their number were casualties; the
remnants reached cover in no state for assault
action. The other sections had better for-
rune, but had lost their officers when they
reached the shingle bank and were more or
less disorganized.
This completes the story of the first
assault wave on half of Omaha Beach, for
the fourth company (E) of the 116th, sup-
posed to land on Easy Green, veered a mile
eastward from that sector. The three com-
panies in the 116th' s zone were in poor con-
dition for carrying out their assault missions.
By 0700 Company A had been cut to pieces
at the water's edge, Company F was dis-
organized by heavy losses, and of the scat-
tered sections of Company G, those in best
shape were preparing to move west along
the beach to find their assigned sector.
To the east, in the 16th RCT's area, the
picture differed only in detail. Easy Red
Beach, over a mile long and fronting E-1
draw, was assigned to the 2d BLT, with
Companies E and F landing in the first wave.
The bulk of both companIes landed far to
the east. The only infantry to come in on
Easy Red in the first wave were twO lost
boat sections of Company E, 116th RCT,
and one section each of Companies E and F,
16th RCT. All of them were between E-1
and E-3 draws. Men from two of the craft
were put out in waist-deep water, but hit a
deep runnel as they waded in and had to
swim through surf and a strong tidal cur-
rent pulling them eastward. Flamethrow-
ers, mortars, bazookas, and many personal
weapons were dropped in the struggle. The
twO 116th sections lost only two men from
enemy fire up to the shingle--an experience
suggesting the ill-fortune of the first wave
in that so few landings were made on Easy
Red. A little to their left, the 1st Section
of Company F came into the belt of heavy
enemy fire that apparently extended from
there on eastward to E-3 draw; of the 31
men unloading in neck-deep water, only 14
reached the shingle. Except for these four
sections-about a hundred men- the only
assault elements on Easy Red Beach for the
first half hour were four DD tanks, one
already disabled.
Very different was the record of the land-
ings on Fox Beach. Whereas four scattered
sections of infantry came into Easy Red
without many casualties, the bulk of four
companies ( three of them scheduled for more
westerly beaches) landed on Fox against
every possible handicap of mislandings, de-
lays, and enemy opposition.
Less the one section already accounted for
( on Easy Red), Company E of the 16th RCT
touched down on the western part of Fox
Green, the craft badly scattered over a front
of nearly 800 yards. The final run-in was
not costly, but crossing bands of automatic
fire caught most of the craft as the ramps
were lowered, and from there on losses were
heavy. Most of them were incurred in the
water, and among men who stopped to drag
the wounded ashore. So exhausted and
shaken were the assault troops that when
they reached the sand, 300 yards from the
shingle bank, most of them stopped there
and crawled in just ahead of the tide. The
greater number of the company's 105 casual-
ties for D Day were suffered on the beach, in
the first stage of assault.
Four boat sections of Company E, 116th
RCT, came in on the same beach sector and
had much the same experience. From 3 of
the sections, a total of 60 men reached the
shingle bank. The company commander,
Capt. Laurence A. Madill, already wounded
crossing the beach, was hit twice by ma-
chine-gun bullets as he returned to salvage
mortar ammumtion. His last words were,
"Senior non-com, take the men off the
beach." The company's sections were sepa-
rated, and it was some time before any con-
tact was made between them.
Five sections of Company F, 16th RCT,
landed on Fox Green scattered all the way
from E-3 draw to a point a thousand yards
further east. Two sections landed close
together in front of the strongpoints defend-
ing E-3 draw. Mortars as well as machine-
gun fire got about one-third of the personnel
before they made the shingle. Further east,
the other three parties fared as badly, only
seven men from one craft getting through
the fire to the shingle. Two officers sur-
vived among Company F's widely separated
The two units scheduled to land on Fox
Green, Companies I and L of the 16th RCT,
were so delayed in the approach that they
hardly figured in the first assault wave.
Both, moreover , suffered from the eastward
trend of all landings. Company 1's craft,
less two that swamped, headed almost as
far east as Port-en-Bessin before the error
was realized. An hour and a half was lost
by this mishap. Company L touched down
about 30 minutes late; supposed to land in
front of E-3, it came intO the beach beyond
the eastern end of Fox Green. One craft
had foundered two miles off shore, losing
eight men. Artillery fire came close as the
remaining craft touched down, causing some
casualties and destroying one craft just after
the troops had debarked. Machine-gun fire
caused heavier losses as the sections crossed
200 yards of beach to get to the shingle.
The 3d Section, keeping extremely well
spread out in movement, lost not a single
man; the other sections had a total of 34
casualties. As a result of landing at the
edge of Fox Green, the company was in a
sector where the tidal flat almost reaches
the bluff, and where the first rise of the bluff
is cliff-like in steepness. In the defilade
this afforded, the sections organized and
started to move to the right where they
could assault the bluff. Company L, re-
duced to 125 men, was the only one of the
8 companies in the first assault infantry
which was ready to operate as a unit after
crossing the lower beach.
The misfortunes of the first wave were
bound to condi tion the further course of the
assault. Landing schedules on many sectors
would be affected by the failure to clear
obstacl es . Fire support ftom the tanks
would be much less than planned on the
eastern part of the beach. Mislandings of
the infantry units had produced bad gaps
in the assault line along the sea wall and
shingle, leaving certain areas, notably Dog
White and Easy Red, almost bare of assault
troops. Above all, stiff enemy resistance
and the disorganization caused by misland-
ings and heavy casualties had combined to
prevent infantry units in this wave from
carrying our their mission of immediate as-
sault. All the more credit is due those ele-
ments, most of them facing unfamiliar ter-
rain and enemy defenses, which surmounted
the shock of the worst period on the beach
and shared in the first advances inland.
The Later Assault Waves: 116th ReT
Beginning at 0700, the second group of
assault waves touched down in a series of
landings that lasted for 40 minutes, ending
with the support battalions of the twO regi-
mental combat teams (Map No. VI). The
later waves did not come in under the condi-
tions planned for their arrival. The tide,
flowing into the obstacle belt by 0700, was
through it an hour later, rising eight feet
in that period; but the obstacles were gapped
at only a few places. The enemy fire which
had decimated the first waves was nOt neu-
tralized when the larger landings commenced.
No advances had been made beyond the
shingle, and neither the tanks nor the scat-
tered pockets of infantry already ashore
were able to give much covering fire. Con-
sequently, much of the record of this period
is a repetition of what had happened earlier.
Casualties continued to be heavy on some
sectOrs of the narrowing tidal flat , though
unit experiences differed widely and enemy
fire, diverted or neutralized by the troops
and tanks already along the embankment,
was not often as concentrated as earlier in
the assault. Mislandings continued to be a
disrupting factor, not merely in scattering
the infantry units but also in preventing
engineers from carrying out special assign-
ments and in separating headquarters ele-
ments from their units, thus hindering
Rifle companies in the later assault waves
of the 116th Infantry were organized some-
what differently from those in the first
landings. Two sections in each company
were designated as "assault" units and car-
ried the special weapons and equipment
characteristic of the first wave. The as-
sault sections had the mission of mopping
up enemy emplacements bypassed by the
first wave. The other four boat sections
had the ordinary equipment of rifle units.
On the assumption that the first penetra-
tions would already be made, support units
were under orders CO proceed as quickly as
possible inland, by boat sections, coward
battalion assembly areas. In the 16th In-
fantry, the support battalion (lst) was or-
ganized in assault sections exactly like those
of the first wave; this arrangement may
have reflected the experience of that regi-
ment in its previous landings in Africa and
Sicily, where plans had never worked out
according to schedule.
In the 116th zone three companies of the
1st BLT were scheduled to land in reinforce-
ment of Company A on Dog Green, facing
the Vierville exit. In all, only two or three
boat sections from these units landed on Dog
Company B was due in at 0700. Its
craft failed to pick up landmarks, scattered
badl y, and beached on a front of nearly a
mile to both sides of the target area. Only
three scattered sections on the flanks were
co play much part in the l ater battle. The
craft which touched down on or near Dog
Green came under the same destructive fire
which had wrecked Company A, and the
remnants of the boat sections mingled with
those of Company A in an effort for survival
at the water's edge.
Company C came in at 0710 a thousand
yards east of the Vierville exit, on Dog
White, in a mislanding that was to work
out to ultimate advantage. One of its 6
craft ran into a mined obstacle, and was
delayed 20 minutes in maneuvers to get
free without setting off the mines. The
others came in fairly close together, suffer-
ing only one mishap when a craft thrown
by the surf against a ramp turned over on
its side, spilling men and equipment into
water four to five feet deep. This boat
section had been equipped for mopping-up
work at the Vierville draw, and all its
flamethrowers, demolition charges, banga-
lores, and mortars were lost. Enemy fire
was surprisingly light, possibly because
Company C was near the western end of the
belt of smoke coming from grass fires on
the bluff slopes. Only five or six casualties
were suffered in disembarking and getting
across the open sand. No other troops
were near them; only four or five tanks
were in sight . Bunched together on a front
of about a hundred yards, Company C's
men took shelter behind the four-foot tim-
ber sea wall and reorganized . Most of their
equipment was intact, their sections were
well together, and they were in relatively
better shape for action than any unit so far
landed in the 116th' s zone.
Company D was nOt so fortunate. Three
of its craft were in serious trouble as a result
of shi pping water; one of these was aban-
doned far out, and the section got in after
noon. Another craft was sunk by a mine
or an artillery hit 400 yards from shore,
forcing the men to swim in under a barrage
of mortar shells and machine-gun bullets.
Half the personnel reached the sands. A
third section was debarked 150 yards from
the water's edge, saw riflemen ahead of them
staying in the water, and followed their ex-
ample, hiding behind obstacles. It was
nearly two hours before the scattered sur-
vivors got to shore, with one mortar and no
ammUnItion. The second platoon arrived
on the beach with only two machine guns,
one mortar and a small amount of ammuni-
tion. The first platoon got one machine gun
and one mortar ashore during the morning.
The heavy weapons of the 1st BL T were to
take little part in the beach assault.
To complete the picture of misfortune for
the 1st BL T, the three craft carrying the
Headquarters Company, the command
group, and the Beachmaster's party for Dog
Green were brought in several hundred yards
west of that sector and under the cliffs.
Headquarters Company lost heavily among
troops facing the task of crossing the tidal jiat U11dtr full exposure to
enemy fire, but the dday oJten !nulted in heQVUT IOHn . Landing
craft in the background art having trouble in the DuitT obliae/n.
officers and noncommissioned officers, in-
cluding the commanding officer of the 58th
Armored Field Artillery Battalion. The
crossing of the tidal flat to the cliff against
concentrated small-arms fire cost one-half
to two-thirds of the group. The survivors,
reaching the base of the cliffs, took refuge in
niches in the rock. Not only was the com-
mand group separated from all other battal-
ion units, but the members of the group were
so scattered that they had to use radio for
inter-communication. Sniper fire from the
cliffs was to pin the group here for most of
the day.
Three companies of the 2d BLT had landed
in the first wave. Completing the BLT,
Company H gOt in at 0700, but in condition
to furnish very little supporting fire for the
rifle units. The 1st Machine-Gun Platoon
and two mortar sections beached on Easy
Red, where they helped the 18th RCT later
in the morning. Other elements, landing
on Dog Red and Easy Green, suffered heavy
losses, one boat section getting only six men
to the shingle. Battalion Headquarters and
Headquarters Company came in on Dog Red
at 0700. When the ramps went down, fire
was so heavy that many men took refuge
behind some tanks at the water's edge, only
to find them favorite targets for artillery fire.
Maj. Sidney V. Bingham, Jr., Battalion
Commander, was among the first to reach
the shingle, where he set to work trying to
revive leaderless sections of Company F.
For nearly an hour he had no radio working
to contact the widely scattered elements of
his battalion. During this period, the only
part of the 2d BLT which had arrived at the
embankment in good condition, four sections
of Company G, set out to reach their planned
assault sector on Dog White. To do so
meant a lateral movement of several hundred
yards behind the now crowded shingle bank
and under small-arms fire . Starting out to-
gether and working slowly west, the four
sectIOns gradually lost all cohesion. One
after another, individuals or small groups
stopped to take cover, and sections became
mixed or separated. Only remnants were to
reach Dog White, about 0830, after the main
action on that sector was over.
Major Bingham's attempts to organize an
assault at les Moulins were unsuccessful. He
managed to get about 50 men of Company F
across the shingle near the prominent three-
story house at the mouth of the draw (see
illustra tion, p. 12); a good system of trenches
had been dug near the house and gave cover
for the group. But their rifles, clogged with
sand, failed to function well enough to build
up any volume of fire. Although Bingham
led a group of 10 men nearly to the top of the
bluff just east of D-3 draw, they were unable
to knock out an enemy machine-gun nest and
had to return to the house.
The 3d BL T of the 116th was scheduled
to land at 0720-0730 behind the 2d BLT, on
Dog White, Dog Red, and Easy Green.
Five to ten minutes late, the entire battalion
came in to the east of les Moulins, with
some elements on the edge of Easy Red.
Only a handful of assault troops from the
first wave had come in between D-3 and E-l
draws: two or three scattered sections of G
and the headquarters boat of Company E,
which touched down at 0700 right on the
target to find no trace of the E assault sec-
tions. Now, in COntrast, this thousand-
yard stretch was comparatively crowded ,
although there were gaps enough to give
many boat teams the impression of being
isolated . The craft of Companies K and I
came in well bunched on the right wing.
Enemy small-arms fire was light; K had no
losses crossing the tidal flat to the shingle,
and I took only a few casualties. Neverthe-
less, the men tended to become immobilized
after reaching shelter, and reorganization
IIln t ~ casc of one company. ac>rding to Navy reporu, the company com-
mander save order. which were relpon,ible for the landing eanward.
of the boat teams was delayed by the fact
that sections of different units had landed on
top of each other.
Company L came in midway between the
draws, its craft rather scattered, and enemy
fire was so light and ineffective that some of
the troops had been several minutes on the
open sand before they became aware of
machine-gun fire. Company M's boat sec-
tions were still further east, on Easy Red,
one craft arriving in sinking condition from
a mine explosion which wounded three
men. The troops were tired and cramped
by the trip in, and found their loads of
weapons and ammunition heavy to get
across the sand. As one of them put it:
"The burdens we ordinarily carried, we had
to drag. " Enemy fire was more intense on
this stretch of beach, near the E-1 strong-
points, and the sections hesitated near the
water's edge, taking shelter behind ob-
stacles. Machine-gun bullets were kicking
up the sand ahead; some of the men, after
studying the beaten zones, decided that the
enemy guns were delivering fixed fire and
figured Out routes for avoiding the zones.
When the tide began to push them forward,
the company made the move to the embank-
ment as a body. Only a few were hit; said
one survivor, "The company learned with
surprise how much small-arms fire a man
can run through without getting hit."
Eighteen LCA's, carrying the 5th Ranger
Battalion and Companies A and B of the 2d
Rangers , had been waiting in the assembly
area for word of the assault on Pointe du
Hoe. One LCA had already been swamped
further OUt, its men transferring to a passing
LCT. After delaying 15 minutes beyond
the time limit ( 0700), the Rangers still had
no word and were forced to conclude tha t
the assault had not succeeded. According
to plan, they started in toward Dog Green to
land behind the 1st Battalion of the 116th
and go inland through the Vierville exit.
Approaching shore, Lt. Col. Max F. Schnei-
der got a clear impression of the conditions
on Dog Green and ordered the flotilla to
swing east. Even so, Companies A and B of
the 2d Rangers, on the right flank, came in
on the edge of Dog Green and experienced
what the 1st BLT of the 116th had already
been through. One of their 5 craft was
sunk by a mine in the outer obstacles, and
the 34 men had to swim in under fire. Small-
arms and mortar fire caught the other craft
as they touched down. The small Ranger
companies numbered about 65 officers and
men each; some 35 in Company A and 27 in
Company B got to the sea wall. Only a few
hundred yards further east, on the favored
section of Dog White, 13 out of the 14
craft carrying the 5th Battalion touched
down close together, in two waves. LCI
91 was struck and set afire while the Rangers
were passing through the obstacles beside
it, but none of their craft was hit. The 450
men of the battalion got across the beach
and up to the sea wall with a loss of only 5
or 6 men to scattered small-arms fire. They
found the sea-wall shelter already fully oc-
cupied by 116th troops, and crowded in be-
hind them.
By and large, the later waves of assault
infantry on the western beaches had fared
much better than in the first landings. Five
of the eight companies of the 116th RCT had
landed with sections well together and losses
relatively light. Some had been shielded
by the smoke of burning grass, but the bet-
ter fortune was probably due also to the fact
that, as landings increased in volume, enemy
positions still in action were not able to con-
centrate on the many targets offered. By
0730, in contrast to the earlier situation, as-
sault units were lined along the whole beach
front in the 116th's zone. The weakest
area was in front of Exit D-1; Dog Green,
the zone of the 1st BL T, had almost no as-
sault elements on it capable of further action.
Beginning at 0730, regimental command
parties began to arrive. The main com-
mand group of the 116th RCT included Col.
Charles D. W. Canham and General Cota.
LCVP 71 came in on Dog White, bumping
an obstacle and nudging the Teller mine until
it dropped off, without exploding. Land-
ing in three feet of water, the party lost one
officer in getting across the exposed area.
From the standpoint of influencing further
operations, they could not have hit a better
point in the 116th zone. To their right
and left, Company C and some 2d Battalion
elements were crowded against the embank-
ment on a front of a few hundred yards, the
main Ranger force was about to come into
the same area, and enemy fire from the
bluffs just ahead was masked by smoke and
ineffective. The command group was well
located to playa major role in the next phase
of action.
The Later Assault Waves: 16th ReT
The first-wave landings of this combat
team had veered so consistently eastward
that Easy Red, longest of the beach sectors,
had only a handful of assa ul t infan tryon it
at 0700. The situation was largely cor-
rected in the next 45 minutes by landings
that concentrated between exit draws E-l
and E-3 (Map No. VI), where most of the
surviving 741st tanks were available for
Compa.lY G beached on its target area
at 0700, all craft together except for one
delayed by shipping water. Some artillery
shells hit near as they came close to touch-
down, but there were no casualties before
debarking. The craft were handled well;
one of them hit a sandbar several hundred
yards out, but the coxswain bumped his
way through and made shallow water.
Engineers were still at work on the obstacles
as Company G passed through, and three
DD tanks on the sand were already disabled
by enemy fire. The short passage from ramps
to shingle bank was costly for the company;
most of its 63 casualties for D Day came
here, from small-arms and mortar fire.
There was no way to avoid these losses ;
the men were cramped by the trip in, were
heavily loaded, and had to make the distance
at a walking pace. Nevertheless, the sec-
tions were well together and reached the
shingle without being disorganized. In 15
minutes the supporting weapons were set up
and were engaging enemy emplacements as
soon as these could be spotted by their fire
on later landings. Company G's men had
come in almost on top of three sections left
on the beach by the first wave, one from
Company E and two from Company E of
the 116th RCT.
Company H, due in on the same beach at
0710, was delayed in contacting the Navy
control boat. Landing 20 minutes late a
few hundred yards left of Company G, it
lost a good deal of equipment including all
radios in getting to the embankment, There,
on a stretch facing E-3 draw where few
troops had landed and enemy fire was heavy,
the company was immobilized for the next
few hours.
The 1st BLT, scheduled to reinforce and
support the first assault units, came in on
time about 0740 to 0800, between E-l
and E-3 draws, with Companies A and B
on the right. Company D was boated so
that its machine-gun sections came in at-
tached to the rifle companies, and the heavy
mortars with battalion headquarters. As
far as incomplete evidence shows, casualties
were much less heavy than in earlier
Fox Green Beach already had elements
of five companies, sections separated and
scrambled (except for Company L) as a resnlt
of first-wave landings. Company K, ar-
riving at 0700, added further to the mixture
with sections bunching in two main groups
that were not in contact until some hours
later. That company took most of its 53
casualties for the day on the beach, including
4 officers. Company M's craft came in
scattered, from 0730 to 0800. One capsized
some distance from shore; the others, un-
loading in deep water and under fire, never-
theless got enough of their equipment
ashore in time to be ready for effective sup-
port to the rifle units.
Company I, scheduled in the first assault
wave, had gone off course to the east, lost
two boats swamped, and finally came in to
Fox Green about 0800. The four craft suf-
fered heavily in the last yards of their ap-
proach. The command party craft struck a
mine and was set afire by machine-gun bul-
lets, two others received artillery hits ( or
struck mines), and the fourth was hung up
on an obstacle, under machine-gun fire.
Casualties were heavy. Captain Richmond,
on landing safely, found himself senior
officer on Fox Green and in charge of the
intermingled elements of the 3d BLT on
that beach. The command party of the
battalion had been mislanded, this time to
the west, and was unable to rejoin for hours.
ConditiollS 011 the Beach: 0730-0800
Infantry units were not the only assault
elements to corne ashore in the period from
0700 to 0800. The 81st Chemical Weapons
Battalion, combat engineer battalions, ad-
vance elements of the Provisional Engineer
Special Brigade Group, naval shore fire
control parties, advance elements of artillery
units, medical detachments, and antiaircraft
units were included in the landings before
0800, and -artillery was due to start landing
during the next hour. Mislandings of these
elements operated, as they had with the
infantry, to snarl the assault plans. Engi-
neer units with special assignments to carry
out in clearing exits or marking beaches
found themselves hundreds or even thousands
of yards away from the targets, sometimes
separated from their equipment or losing it
in the debarkment. An engineer unit with
panels for marking Dog Red Beach landed on
Easy Red, over a mile away; they set up their
panels anyway. About 0830 an officer on
Dog White noticed two engineers making
slow progress as they lugged a heavy box of
explosives along the open beach behind the
sea wall. As they stopped to rest, one of
them wiped the sweat off his face and asked,
"Where are we? We are supposed to blow
something up down toward Vierville."
They picked up the box and moved along
toward the hottest section of the beach.
Navigational difficulties in landing in-
creased as the tide advanced into and past
the obstacles. On most of the beaches no
gaps had been cleared . Landing craft, in-
cluding now the larger LCI's and LST's, had
to find a way through and a void the mines
affixed to the timbers. Some craft bumped
on sandbars in the middle of obstacles and
hurried to drop their ramps in deep water;
others maneuvered somehow through the
surf and got all the way in . There are not
many recorded instances of craft sunk by the
obstacles before getting their troops off,
though on LeA 853 half of the 116th's boat
team was killed by a mine explosion. How-
ever, crippling damage was inflicted on many
craft, often in their efforts to retract after
touchdown, or as a result of enemy artillery
and mortar hits while the craft were delayed
in the obstacles . Only a few were destroyed
by this fire, but enough to make a vivid and
discouraging impression on the men watch-
ing from the shelter of the embankment,
One of the spectacular disasters of the day
was suffered by LeI 91, approaching Dog
White about 0740 and carrying the alternate
headquarters of the 116th ReT. Handled
Smoke is Jrom burnillg LeI's (91 and 92) 011 Dog Red and Dog Whit(.
lIit about 0800, they were still burning at 1600 whm LST 80 came in,
a(ter a dr/ay oj seven hours, with elemmts oj 467th A A A AW Bn.
by a veteran crew with experience at Sicily
and Salerno, the LCI was struck by artillery
fire as it made a first attempt to get through
the obstacles. Backing Out, the craft came
in again for a second try. Element "C" was
barely showing above the rising tide, and
the LCI could nOt get past. The ramps were
dropped in six feet of water. As some officers
led the way off, an artillery shell (or rocket)
hit the crowded forward deck and sent up a
sheet of flame. Clothes burning, men jumped
or fell off into the sea and tried ro swim in
under continued artillery fire . It is es-
timated that no personnel escaped from No.1
compartment of the craft out of the 25
carried there
' A few minutes later LCI
92 carne inro the same sector and suffered
almost the same fate, an underwater explo-
sion setting off the fuel tanks. The two
craft burned for hours. Much of the artil-
lery fire at this end of the beach was coming
from the enemy gun positions toward Pointe
de la Percee. The tan ks had been gi ven
those flank positions as a priority target, but
they found themselves fully occupied by
enemy strongpoints in front of the landings.
At the other end of the beach, LCI 85 came
in to Fox Green with Company A of the 1st
Medical Battalion, attached to the 16th
RCT. The craft slid over the pilings of
Element "C," then stuck, and was . at once
hi t forward by artillery fire. The crew de-
cided the water was too deep for unloading,
backed the craft off the piling, and pulled
out for another try. Number 3 hold was
burning, and the craft was listing from a hit
below the water line. On the second at-
tempt only a few men had got off when the
ramps were shot away, and fire broke out in
the two forward holds. Practically ren-
dered a hospital ship for medical personnel,
LCI 85 backed off again, put out the fires,
11 The report of LeI 91 auribute. the explO1lon and damage to mine. on the
obnaclea. The evidence I UggCl tI that there may have been both mine upio.
.ion. and artillery (or' rocket) hiu..
and managed to transfer its many casualties
to another ship.
Conditions could hardly have been worse
for the landing of vehicles, now beginning
to arrive. If the half tracks, jeeps, and
trucks survived the difficulties of getting
close e!)ollgh in to avoid deep water, and of
unloading in surf under artillery fire, they
found themselves on a narrowing strip of
sand without any exits opened through the
impassable shingle embankment. Wherever
vehicles landed close together, a few were
liable to be immobilized by engine trouble
or artillery hits, and the others were then
caught in a hopeless traffic jam. Enemy
artillery and mOrtars had easy targets.
Losses in equipment ran high during the
first landings, affecting all types of materiel.
Engineer supplies, necessary for clearing the
beaches, were seriously reduced. The 397th
AAA A W Battalion lost 28 of its 36 machine
guns disembarking, and infantry units ex-
perienced great difficulty in getting their
heavy weapons ashore. All weapons were
likely to be temporarily put Out of action
by the effects of wa ter and sand; the first
thing some units did on reaching cover was
to strip and clean their rifles. Though much
special equipment, such as bangalore torpe-
does, ammunition, and heavy weapons, had
been jettisoned when men were debarked in
deep water, much more was saved at the
cost of casualties to the men who were
slowed down in carrying it. Losses in radio
equipment were particularly heavy, and
water damaged many sets that reached the
beach. Colonel Canham reported that three-
fourths of the 116th RCT's radios were
destroyed or rendered useless in the landings.
This loss was to hamper control of the assault
infantry, both on the beach and throughout
the day.
As headquarters groups arrived from 0730
on, they found much the same picture at
whatever sector they landed. Along 6,000
yards of beach, behind sea wall or shingle
embankment, elements of the assault force
were immobilized in what might well appear
to be hopeless confusion. As a result of
mislandings, many companies were so scat-
tered that they could not be organized as
tactical units. At some places, notably in
ftont of the German strongpoints guarding
dra ws, losses in officers and noncommissioned
officers were so high that remnants of units
were practically leaderless. Bunching of
landings had intermingled sections of sev-
eral companies on crowded sectors like Dog
White, Easy Green, and Fox Green. En-
gineers, navy personnel from wrecked craft,
naval shore [1fe control parties, and elements
of other support units were mixed in with
the infantry. In some areas, later arrivals
found it impossible to find room behind the
shingle and had to lie on the open sands be-
hind. Disorganization was inevitable, and
dealing with it was rendered difficult by the
lack of communications and the mislanding
of command groups. However, even land-
ing at the best point, a command party could
only influence a narrow sector of beach. It
was a situation which put it up to small
units, sometimes only a remnant of single
boat sections, to solve their own problems
of organization and morale.
There was, definitely, a problem of morale.
The survivors of the beach crossing, many of
whom were experiencing their first enemy
fire, had seen heavy losses among their com-
rades or in neighboring units. No action
could be fought in circumstances more cal-
culated to heighten the moral effects of such
losses. Behind them, the tide was drown-
ing wounded men who had been cut down
on the sands and was carrying bodies ashore
just below the shingle. Disasters to the
later landing waves were still occurring, to
remind of the potency of enemy fire. Stunned
and shaken by what they had experienced,
men could easily find the sea wall and shingle
bank all too welcome a cover. It was not
much protection from artillery or mortar
shells, but it did give defilade from sniper
and machine-gun fire. Ahead of them, with
wire and minefields to get through, was the
beach flat, fully exposed to enemy fire; be-
yond that the bare and steep bluffs, with
enemy strongpoints still in action. That the
enemy fire was probably weakening and in
many sectors was light would be hard for the
troops behind the shingle to appreciate.
What they could see was what they had
suffered already and what they had to cross
to get at the German emplacements. Except
for supporting fire of tanks on some sectors,
they could count on little but their own
weapons. Naval gunfire had practically
ceased when the infantry reached the beach;
the ships were under orders not to fire, unless
exceptionally definite targets offered, until
liaison was established with fire control
parties. Lacking this liaison, the destroyers
did not dare bring fire on the strongpoints
through which infantry might be advancing
on the smoke-obscured bluffs.
At 0800, German observers on the bluff
sizing up the grim picture below them might
well have felt that the invasion was stopped
at the edge of the water" Actually, at
three or four places on the four-mile beach-
front, U. S. troops were already breaking
through the shallow cruSt of enemy defenses.
II Sec the '''port lhal JClUaHy carne to the Gennan ~ ~ t n l h A',,")I "ven later in
Ihe mo rninx; p. 113.
first two hours of action is that despite heavy
casualties, loss of equipment, disorganiza-
tion, and all the other discouraging fea-
tures of the landings, the assault troops did
nOt stay pinned down behind the sea wall
and embankment. At half-a-dozen or more
points on the long stretch, they found the
necessary drive to leave rheir cover and move
outoverthe open beach flar toward the bluffs.
Prevented by circumsrance of mislandings
from using carefully rehearsed tactics, they
improvi sed assault methods to deal with
what defenses they found before them. In
nearly every case where advance was at-
tempted, it carried through rhe enemy beach
defenses. Some penetrations were made by
units of company srrengrh; some were made
by intermingled secrions of different com-
panies; some were accomplished by groups
of 20 or 30 men, unaware rhat any orher
assaults were under way. Even on such
rerrain as Omaha Beach, the phenomenon of
bartlefield "isolation" was a common oc-
currence, and units ofren failed to see what
was going on 200 yards to their flanks on rhe
open beach.
Various factors, some of them difficulr to
eva luate, played a parr in rhe success of
these advances. Chance was certainly one;
some units happened to be at points where
rhe enemy defenses were weak, where smoke
from grass fires gave concealment, or where
dangerous strongpoints had been partly neu-
rralized by naval fire or by rhe tanks. Ar one
or two areas of penetration, notably Fox
Green, destroyers' guns and tanks were
called on for support during the assault and
rendered good service. Combat engineers
blew many of rhe gaps through enemy wire,
helped ger across minefields, and took parr
as infantry in some of the fighting on and
past the bluffs.
But rhe decisive factor was leadership.
Wherever an advance was made, it depended
on the presence of some few individuals,
officers and noncommissioned officers, who
inspired, encouraged, or bullied their men
forward, often by making the first forward
moves. On Easy Red a lieutenant and a
wounded sergeant of divisional engineers
stood up under fire and walked over to in-
spect the wire obstacles JUSt beyond the
embankment. The lieutenant came back
and, hands on hips , looked down disgustedly
at the men lying behind the shingle bank.
"Are you going to lay there and get killed,
or get up and do somerhing about it?" No-
body stirred, so the sergeant and the officer
got the materials and blew the wire. On
the same sector, where a group advancing
across rhe flat was held up by a marshy area
suspected of being mined, it was a li eutenant
of engineers who crawled ahead through the
mud on his belly, probing for mines with a
hunting knife in the absence of other equip-
ment. When remnants of an isolated boat
section of Company B, 116th Infantry, were
stopped by fire from a well-concealed em-
placement, the lieutenant in charge went
afrer ir single-handed. In rrying ro grenade
rhe rifle pit he was hir by three rifle bullets
and eight grenade fragments, including some
from his own grenade. He turned his map
and compass over ro a sergeant and ordered
his group ro press on inland.
One characteristic of these early penetra-
tions was ro influence the rest of the acrion
on D Day at Omaha: the penetrations were
made not at the draws bur in areas berween
them, by advances up the bluffs. Misland-
ings may have had something ro do with
rhis, but the chief facror seems ro have been
the survival of the enemy strongpoints pro-
tecting the draws , for units which landed
directly in front of them, especially ar D-l,
D-3, and E-3, had suffered crippling losses
and were unable ro press the assault. The
first advances were effected in the intervals
between strongpoints, where the enemy
defenses were thin. The routes planned as
exits for movement of tanks and vehicles
from the beach were not cleared.
The Adva/lce From Dog White
The most important penetration on the
western beaches (Map No. VII) was made
by Company C, 116th Infantry, and by the
5th Ranger Battalion, which had landed
partly on rop of Company C. Both units
were in relatively good condition after the
landings and had suffered only minor losses,
but the men were crowded shoulder ro
shoulder, sometimes several rows deep, along
the shingle at the base of the timber sea wall.
NOON OF D DAY, DOG WHITE. This aerilll, at 3,000 fut,
snows the penetration area of Company C, 116th Infantry, and the
5th Ranger Battalion (/eft half of picture). The bluff is flattened
out in this view, but the top edge can be followed along the euds
of the fields, pocked with the craters of many shells and rockets.
A wrecked craft (LeI 92) and the edge of les MOll lins at right.
A nother view, facing the bluff, near the edge of Dog White. Th is
photograph, taken 25 J une 1944, shows the bluff slope denuded by
grass fires that occurred on D Day. A military cemetery givu a
background for religious servias. The small building at top is near
the left hand edge of the last illustration, .showing the same area
Intermingled with these troops were one or
twO boat sections from other units of the
116th, and some engineer elements. Reor-
ganization for assault was spurred by the
presence of General Cota and the command
group of the 116th Infantry, who had landed
in this area about 0730. Exposed to enemy
fire, which wounded Colonel Canham in .the
wrist , they walked up and down behind the
crowded sea wall, urging officers and non-
coms to "jar men loose" and get moving.
The sector was relatively favorable for an
advance across the beach flat and up the
blufF. The nearest enemy strongpoints were
several hundred yards off to either flank, and
no concentrated fire was hitting the area con-
gested with assault troops. In front of
them, heavy smoke from grass fires on the
bluff was drifting eastward along the face of
the slope. From sea wall to the foot of the
rise was only 150 yards, but the flat ground,
with patches of marsh near the hill, was
nearly devoid of cover. Along the whole
stretch between D-l and D-3 draws the bluff
is steep and bare, but men climbing the slope
would find small folds and depressions for
defilade against small-arms fire. German de-
fenses at this part of Dog White consisted of
lightly manned rifle pits connected by deep
trenches and placed just at the crest of the
bluff, with a few machine-gun emplacements
sited for flanking fires on other stretches of
beach rather than for dealing with troops
coming directly from below.
Company C's movement began about
0750. Across the promenade road that
edged the sea wall was a double-apron wire
entanglement . Pvt. Ingram E. Lambert
jumped over the wall, crossed the road, and
set a bangalore torpedo. When he pulled
the friction igniter, it failed to act and
Lambert was killed by a machine-gun bullet.
The platoon leader, 2d Lt . Stanley M.
Schwartz, went over and fixed the igniter.
The explosive blew a large gap. The first
man to try it was shot down; others fol-
lowed and took shelter in some empty
trenches just beyond the road, where they
were joined by another group that had got
through the barrier by cutting the wire.
After a delay of 5 to 10 minutes, while more
troops crossed the road to the trenches, they
started again toward the bluff, finding minor
concealment from light enemy fire in the tall
grass and occasional bushes. Once they
were on the hillside, the defilade and smoke
gave good protection, but progress was
slowed by fear of mines. The men went up
where Company C, 116th, and the 5th Ranger Battalion assaulted
the bluff. The pictuTe was taken in june 1945 when vegetation had
grown up heavily. Fiew is toward east; beach flat shOWJ in left rear.
in a narrow column, searching the ground
before them as they climbed and angling west
to take advantage of a faint path. No
enemy were found in trenches along the
crest. The column went a couple of hundred
yards into flat, open fields and stopped as it
met scattered fire from machine guns at some
distance to the flanks. This was the only
sign of enemy resistance, and Company C
had taken only half-a-dozen casualties after
leaving the sea wall. Capt. Berthier B.
Hawks, who had suffered a crushed foot in
debarking, got to the top with his men.
The 5th Ranger Battalion joined the ad-
vance very soon after it started, and some of
the Rangers were intermingled with Com-
pany C as they went forward. The battalion
had reached the sea wall just before 0800,
in platoon formations. Hasty preparations
were made for assault, and Colonel Schneider
passed the word . Tallyho" to his officers,
this being the order for each platoon to make
its own way beyond the bluffs to the assem-
bly area south of Vierville. About 0810 the
Rangers began to cross the road; what with
the confusion at the beach and the smoke
ahead, few of them realized that Company C
was already on the move in the same zone.
Four gaps were blown in the wire with
bangalores and the men went across the
beach flat at the double, then slowed to a
crawl on the steep hillside. Heavy smoke
covered them on the c1im b, forcing some men
to put on gas masks. By the time the crest
was reached, platoon formations were dis-
organized and contacts lost. Just over the
bluff top, German warning signs enabled the
Rangers to avoid a minefield from which
engineers later took 150 mines. The first
groups up, a platoon of Company A and some
men of Company E, went straight on inland
and disappeared. The other platoons were
on top by 0830 and stopped to reorganize.
On the left flank of the battalion, Company
Ds platoons had to clean out a few Germans
from a trench system along the bluff edge,
knocking out a machine gun sited just below
the crest and firing along the beach. The
battalion had lost only eight men, to small-
arms fire that became more ineffective as the
movement progressed across the beach flat.
The advance from Dog White Beach had
ta ken place on a narrow front of less than
300 yards. By 0830 the last groups were
lea ving the sea wall, and the command party
established itself temporarily halfway up the
bluff. Unsuccessful efforts were made to
reach 1st Division units by SCR 300. Fire
from enemy mortars began to range in on the
slope for the first time, killing two men
standing near General Cota and knocking
down the General and his aide. The head-
quarters party moved on up to the top,
joined by some elements of Company G and
a machine-gun platoon of Company H, which
had reached Dog White after moving later-
ally along the sea wall from D-3 draw. The
command party found work to do on the
high ground. Company C, the 5th Ranger
Battalion, and small elements of other units
were intermingled in the fields just beyond
the bluff, disordered by the advance and not
sure of the next move. Scattered small-
arms fire was keeping men down, and some
shells began to hit in the vicinity.
Just east of Dog White, the penetration
area was widened before 0900 by the action
of small parties from Companies F and B.
Remnants of three boat sections of Company
F crossed the beach flat and got up the bluff;
a short distance behind them came an iso-
lated section of B. Neither group had to
contend with enemy resistance at the crest.
The Company F sections drifted right and
eventually joined the 5th Rangers. The
Company B party of a dozen men started left,
toward les Moulins, and was stopped by a
machine gun. 1st Lt. William B. Williams
assaulted it single-handed, was wounded,
and ordered his men to move to Vierville.
The Advauce Between D-3 and E-1 Draws
The 3d BL T of the 116th had come in on
a half-mile stretch of beach including most
of Easy Green and the western end of Easy
Red. All units were facing unfamiliar
ground, east of their appointed landing
sectors, in some cases as much as 1,200 yards.
Losses had not been heavy in crossing the
tidal flat. The boat sections of Companies
K and I were fairly well rogether on Easy
Green; Land M, more scattered, were to the
east ( Map No . VI). Since each boat team
was supposed to make its own way past the
bluffs to a battalion assembly area about a
mile inland , no attempt was made to organ-
ize the companies for assault, and forward
movement was undertaken by many small
groups starting at different times, acting in-
dependently, and only gradually coming
together as they got inland by different
routes and with different rates of progress.
By 0900, elements of all three rifle companies
were past the bluff ( Map No. 3, page 64).
Company I was nearest the strongpoints
defending les Moulins draw, but was receiv-
ing little fire from that direction. Each of
the twO assault sections made breaches in
the wire along the embankment, needing
four sections of a bangalore in one case but
only wire cutters in the other. The assault
sections moved out onto the flat, followed
a little later by the other sections as they
found their way to the gaps. Not all of the
men who had landed moved out from the
embankment; control was difficult. One
section leader of Company I moved a hundred
yards west, found a gap in the wire, and
came back for his men. Under the impres-
sion that they were following, he went
through the gap and was OUt on the flat
before he realized that he had only 10 sol-
diers with him. A sergeant who went back
could not find the others, and the section
Ieadet did not see them again for two days.
EASY GREEN, rnnvd from just tast of Its Moulins, was tht
penttration aTta of tht 3d Battalion, 116th.lnfantry. The bluff on
this sector was bare and had a "double" slope, with a terraa or
bench halfway liP (lIpptr right). (Photograph tak", in J unt, 1945. )
MAP NO.3 The Advllnce hetween D-3 dud -1 Draws
The beach flat was open, with some
swamp and brush near the foot of the bluff,
and there was little cover on the sharp slopes
of the bluff. Fortunately, enemy small-
arms fire was light and sca ttering, and there
was no shelling. Minefields, encountered
on the flat and on the bluffs, caused delays
while the troops found a safe way around.
Here as elsewhere on D Day, movement off
the beach was not made by 'charges.
Each section of 20 to 30 men tended to ad-
vance in an irregular column, sometimes a
single file, and was often checked by a burst
of enemy fire or the discovery of mines . It
took half an hour for leading elements to
reach the bluff top, and much longer for some
of the sections which started later. No
enemy resistance was met at the edge of the
high ground, where the troops came out in
the open fields stretching toward St-Laurent.
Elements of three or four sections came to-
gether soon after reaching the top, and took
shelter behind an east- west hedgerow about
200 yards from the bluff. Few of the men
knew where they were (afterwards, some
described their position as being west ofD-3),
and there was no sign of enemy or friendly
Company K' s seCtions, close by I on the
beach, were slow in getting started and had
more trouble getting ro the top. Sporadic
machine-gun fire hit a few men on the beach,
and mines, thickly sown, caused difficulty
on the bluff slope. Although naval gunfire
and rockets had torn up the slopes so much
as to expose many mines, guides had to be
placed ro mark safe routes. K had lost IS
to 20 men when the sections got to the top,
shortly after 0900. A stray group of Com-
pany G was JUSt ahead of them. K's sections
had begun to bunch rogether as they met on
the climb or at the top, though there was
no intention of organizing as a company.
This was characteristic of the fighting that
day; as one soldier described It , any small
party seeing a bigger one "wanted company"
and joined up, sometimes with units of a
different company or battalion. K's sections
made a couple of hundred yards beyond the
bluff, then were pinned to the ground in
open fields by scattered machine-gun fire and
some shelling.
Company L's boat teams were somewhat
more separated and so rook longer in draw-
ing together; otherwise, their story is much
like K and 1. Each boat team made its own
way from the embankment to the high
ground against ineffective enemy fire and
with very few losses. Once on top the sec-
tions began ro work to the southwest, know-
ing they had come in to the left of their
target area. As they pushed inland, the
teams began to meet resistance from small
enemy pockets in prepared positions.
Company M's sections, most of them
landed together, were near enough the E-l
strongpoints to be met by heavy fire as soon
as they attempted to cross the beach flat.
They managed to reach a gully which gave
some defilade, and here they set up four
machine guns and twO heavy mortars . With
these, they engaged the enemy emplacements
near E-l, and snipers along the bluff. Six
men were shot in attempts to find a route
beyond the gully to reach the hill. The
larger part of Company M was held here
until later in the morning, when the arrival
of massive reinforcements in front of E-l
broke the stalemate.
The Advance From Easy Red
Elements of three companies shared in the
assault on the bluffs between E-l and E-3
draws (Maps Nos . 4 and VIII). At this part
of Easy Red, the beach shelf above the shingle
embankment is more than a hundred yards
wide, with areas of swamp along the inland
edge of the flat. One hundred and thirty
feet high on this sector, the bluff is reached
MAP NO.4 Advance frolll Easy Red of 15 February 1944)

by 200 yards of moderate slope, patched with
heavy bush. Five hundred yards west ofE-3,
a small draw led up at a slight angle to the
west, forming a possible corridor for advance
to the bluff crest. Bel ow the draw on the
flat was a ruined house.
The 1st Section of Company E, 16th In-
fantry, and two of the sca ttered sections of
E, 116th, had come to shore here in the first
wave. The 16th's unit, led by 2d Lt. John M.
Spalding, blew a gap in the wire above the
shingle, made its way past the house, and
then was held up by mincfields in the marshy
ground at the foot of the slopes. Intense
small-arms fire carne from an emplacement
to the left, in the E-3 strongpoint. Spald-
ing's men found a way past the mines and
were beginning to work up the slope, using
the defi lade afforded by the small draw. To
the west, and out of contact, the two sec-
tions from the 116th had cut the wire and
dashed across the flat, but mines stopped
them near the start of the hillside and they
took shelter in a ditch . A soldier who went
ahead to clear a path by use of a bangalore
was killed by an antipersonnel mine.
Meanwhil e Company G of the 16th RCT
had landed (0700) and had reached the em-
bankment in good order. The company's
machine guns, set up behind the shingle,
found no targets until LCVP's of the 1st
Battali on, coming toward the beach ( about
0730), drew enemy fire from 8 or 10 small
emplacements along the half mile of bluff.
While the hea vy weapons built up a volume
of supporting fire, a few men from each sec-
tion blew gaps in the extensive double-apron
and concertina wire beyond the shingle.
Their work was made more difficult by anti-
personnel mines set to detonate by trip wires .
EASY RED, between E- 1 and E- 3 draws, was the area where the
2d Battalion, 16th I nfantry "ached the bl"./Js. Company G made


, .
the penetration hert, from ruins in foreground. Photo takn, shortly
afur D Day shows beach road already improved by U. S. Engin"rs.
E-l STRONGPOINT, to the west of the draw, was neutralized by
a boat team of Company E, 16th I nfantry, which came on it from
the woods to the rear. The photograph above, taken a day later,
shows beach obstacles and wreckage along the top of the tidal flat.
Four bangalores were required to cut one
lane. Engineers of Company A, 1st Engi-
neer Combat Battalion and Company C,
37th Engineer Combat Battalion helped in
gapping and marking the lanes. When G's
men reached the slopes they came in contact
with Lieutenant Spalding's section of E and
the twO sections of the 116th. In an effort
to coordinate the advance, an arrangement
was made with these units to operate on
Company G's right.
The mined areas, in which a part of the
mines were faked, slowed up every unit
that crossed the beach, then and for some
time. Company G found one route through
the mines by going over the dead bodies of
two soldiers who had been caught there
earlier. While the company was making
its way across the fiat, bothered more by
the minefields than enemy fire, Capt. Joseph
T. Dawson and one man went on ahead.
When they were halfway up the hill, an
enemy machine gun at the head of the small
draw forced Dawson into cover. He sent
his companion back to bring up the company
and crawled on from one patch of brush to
another. By the time he was 7S yards from
the gun, the enemy lost sight of him.
Circling to his left, he came to the military
crest a little beyond the machine gun, and
got within 30 feet before the Germans
spotted him and swung their weapon around.
Dawson threw a fragmentation grenade
which killed the crew. This action opened
the way up the little draw, but it took some
tIme to get the company up as a result of
disorganization suffered in crossing the beach
lIat. The 5th Section, first to arrive,
knocked our two more machine guns and
took a prisoner. On the whole, enemy
opposition had not been heavy, and cover
on the slopes allowed Company G to make
the crest with few casualties. Their move-
ment forward, from embankment to the
bluff top, had taken place between 0730
and 0830. Enemy fire died away as the
troops emerged on the fields of the upland,
reorganized, and started south in column
of sections. Their principal concern was
with the frequent indications of mined
areas iust beyond the bluff top.
To their right Lieutenant Spalding's sec-
tion of Company E, 16th RCT, was getting
up about the same time, helped by covering
fire from Company G, and effecting a useful
extension of the front of penetration. The
section now numbered 23 men, having lost
3 at the beach and 3 more getting past an
enemy machine gun on the bluff side.
The gun was operated by a lone soldier
PATH THROUGH MINEFIELDS, marked by engin"rJ alld
followed by the aHaulting units of the 16th Infantry from Easy Red.
r ~ w taken from the foot of the slopes, looks directly up route taken
D Day morning by "nits of the i6th infantry (2d alld 1st Battalions).

ADVANCE FROM EASY RED is under way up the slopes in
background, aJ 1st Division reinjoruments (probably 18th I nfantry)
lmld late in the morning. Note the shingle, which confined vekiclts to
a narrow ,sand Jtrip just ahove high tide. Two dukws have made Jhore.
who was captured and found to be Polish.
He informed Spalding that there were 16
enemy in trenches to his rear . The Com-
pany E section got to the trenches, sprayed
them with fire and found the Germans had
withdrawn. Spalding tlirned west along
the bluff crest, losing contact with Company
G as that unit headed south . Moving
through hedgerowed fields and wooded
areas, the Company E group came up on the
rear of the strongpoint guarding E-1 draw.
The Germans were manning trenches over-
looking the beach, and attack from the
high ground caught them by surprise.
In two hours of confused fighting, Spalding's
men got through the outworks of this

strongpoint and overcame opposItIon by
close-in work with grenades and rifles.
Naval fire, hitting in the parts of the strong-
point below the bluff top, helped to de-
moralize the resistance. Twenty-one pris-
oners were taken, and several enemy killed,
without loss to the attackers. Although
the fortified area was too extensi ve to be
thoroughly cleaned out by Spalding' s small
force, the strongpoint east of E-l had been
effectively neutralized by midmorning, just
when important reinforcements for the as-
sault were beginning to land in front of the
draw, About llOO Spalding's section was
joined by some other elements of Company
E, which had come up from further east.
They brought word from battalion to head
south for Colleville.
The area opened up by Company G be-
came a funnel for movement off the beach
during the rest of the morning, The
command group of the 16th RCT had landed
in two sections; the first, coming in at 0720,
lost the executive officer and 35 men on the
tidal flat. Col. George A. Taylor arrived
in the second section at 0815 and found
plenty to do on the beach. Men were
still hugging the embankment, disorgan-
ized, and suffering casualties from mortar
and artillery fire. Colonel Taylor summed
up the situation in terse phrase: "Two kinds
of people are staying on this beach, the dead
and those who are going to die-now let's
get the hell out of here." Small groups of
men were collected without regard to units,
put under charge of the nearest noncom-
missioned officer, and sent on through the
wire and across the flat, while engineers
worked hard to widen gaps in the wire and
to mark lanes through the minefields. Con-
fusion prevailed all the way along the route
to the bluff top, with enough scattered
enemy fire from the flanks and mortar fire
falling on the bluff slope to cause more
delay and to give late-comers the im-
pression that they were leading the assault.
A traffic jam threatened to clog the
trail through the little draw, as leader-
less groups stopped to rest just below the
shelter of the crest; one such group was
picked up by an engineer platoon going
inland as a security patrol and went on
with them. Colonel Taylor's command
MAP NO. 5{
( Be/ow) The Pmetration at Fox Green. Aerial photo (above ),
taken 31 May 1944, shows approximately sa11UJ area as the map.
~ n l m ~ ,Ironl/points
Stnp ri ... Rocky
tI'mTI Shingl'
Secondory rood.
Troctl Dnd poths
post was set up just below the bluff crest,
and regimental and battalion officers con-
centrated on getting men forward. Despite
all difficulties, troops were brought up
from both flanks of the penetration area
and sent inland. During the morning a
few scattered sections of Companies E, F,
and H moved laterally along the beach from
the east and took Company G's route;
the 1st Battalion, 16th RCT, came over
from the west.
The 1st BL T of the 16th landed between
0730-0800, with Company A just east of
E-1, and Band C near the area where 2d
BLT troops were then starting up the bluff.
Company A moved across the flat and had
serious difficulties after passing the antitank
ditch below the E-1 strongpoint; mines
and small-arms fire inflicted 48 casualties,
including 3 officers. Reaching the bluff
slope, Company A found more mines and
to avoid them took a path that led eaSt-
ward along the lower slope. Movement
was slow, as the men went along the path
in single file and had to cross areas exposed
to enemy fire, and further difficulty was
caused by meeting a party of 116th men
going in the opposite direction. The other
units of the 1st BLT gOt to the bluff crest
about 0930, in the area where Company G
had already passed inland .
The Advance From Fox Green
Fox Green fronted two exi t rou tes: the
fairly large valley ( E-3) winding a mile
inland toward Colleville and, 600 yards to
the east, an area ( F-1) where the bluff
front was only slightly interrupted by a
shallow and steep draw. Two main enemy
strongpoints, one just east of F-1 and the
other near the Colleville draw, commanded
the narrowing beach flat ( Map No.5).
As a result of the eastward trend of land-
ing approaches, elements of seven assault
companies had come in on Fox Green by
0800. Behind the shingle embankment
scattered sections from Company E, 116th
RCT, and Companies E and F, 16th RCT,
were intermingled with units of the 3d
BLT of the 16th. The 3d Battalion com-
mand group had come in west at another
sector. Most of the landings had been
costly, and nowhere would discouragi11g con-
ditions seem to have had better opportunity
for checking assault . Nevertheless, by 0800,
an assault was under way. Its main power
came from Company L, which landed fairly
well together, kept its organization, and
led off the attack. But elements of Com-
panies I, K, and E (1l6th) shared in the
advance; the heavy weapons of Company
M were used ro support it; and both tanks
and destroyers gave noteworthy assistance.
Under most difficult circumstances, enough
coordination was somehow achieved to
make possible a successful advance.
Four sections of Company L had landed
and reorganized on the western end of Fox
Red sector, where the bluff, merging here
into a partial cliff just beyond the high-
water shingle, afforded good cover. The
company commander was killed as he ex-
posed himself to direct the fire of some nearby
tanks, and 1st Lt. Robert R. Cutler, Jr.,
took command. The sections were moved
west, out of the shelter of the cliff and to a
position where they were JUSt below the
strongpoint commanding F-1 draw. Two
tanks were called on for fire support. As a
scheme of maneuver, Lieutenant Cutler sent
three sections and headquarters, 2d and 3d
Sections leading, up the draw a little to the
west of the strongpoint. There were no
hostile prepared positions at the head or the
west side of the draw. The heavy brush gave
good cover from enemy small-arms fire,
and the 2d and 3d Sections worked ro the
top in squad columns without serious losses,
despite crossing enemy minefields. Here the
ROCK Y LEDGES' outcrop on the beach at Fox Red, where the foot
of the bluff is cliff-like. Troops, carrying heavy weapons equip-
ment, are coming in at the sector where Com.pany L, 16th I nfan-
try, found shdter before moving right to aHmdt the F- / st rongpoint.
2d Section moved left and gOt in position to
take the strongpoint from behind; a little
to the right, the 3d and 5th Sections moved
a short distance inland and organized a
hasty defensive position. The three sections
kept in contact with each other and with
the beach .
Other units were meantime starting up the
slopes to assist Company L. The 1st Section
of Company L, reduced to 12 men by early
losses and separated from the rest of the
company, had landed nearer E-3 and at-
tempted to engage the enemy strongpoint
on tha t side of the assault area, which had
been Company L's original objective. Find-
ing the fire tOO heavy, 1st. Lt. Kenneth J.
Klenk moved his handful of men east along
the beach , picked up some sections of Com-
pany E, 116th, and prepared to assault the
F-l strongpoint . Capt. Kimball R. Rich-
mond of Company I, who had just reached
Fox Green to find himself the senior officer
present of the battalion, started to organize
the follow-up of Company L's advance.
Two sections of Company K, a handful from
Company I, and Lieutenant Klenk's mixed
detachment were involved in this second
assault wave, which went straight up to-
ward the strongpoint . Machine guns and
mortars of Company M, the tanks, and naval
guns combined to cover the advance, and
enemy fire was light. The Company L
sections already on the hill sprayed the
strongpoint with BAR fire and helped to
keep the Germans down.
A destroyer's fire, helpful in the first
stages of the assault, now caused a halt.
The 2d Section of Company L, from on top of
the hill, telephoned the beach that it was
ready to close on the strongpoint if naval
fire could be lifted; the second assault wave
was stopped short of the enemy positions by
the same fire. When it lifted, the strongpoint
was immediately stormed by the troops
coming at it from below. Enemy resistance
was broken; grenades and satchel charges
cleaned out the trenches and emplacements,
and 31 prisoners were taken, 15 of them
wounded. About 0900 the battalion was
informed that the strongpoint had been
subdued, the action having required little
more than ari hour. Led by Company L,
the 3d BLT at once started south for inland
Other Assault Actions
The penetrations described thus far opened
the way for progress inland on an important
scale, but they do not tell the whole story
of the assault. At several parts of the beach
lesser groups fought their way off the flat in
isolated battles, often without knowing
what was happening elsewhere. Stray boat
sections of assault infantry, scratch parties
of engineers, advance elements of artillery
units, stranded Navy men, and other per-
sonnel took part in small actions which
helped in weakening and disorganizing
enemy resistance along the beaches. Few
of these actions got into the records, and
some cannot be located accurately in place
and time. Two, involving Ranger units,
can be taken as exam pies.
Company C, 2d Ranger Battalion, was
probably the first assault unit to reach the
high ground (beach sector Charlie) and did
so in an area where cliffs begin to border the
western beach ( Map No. VII). Landing in
the opening assault wave, about 30 men
survived the ordeal of crossing the sands
and found shelter at the base of a 9O-foot
cliff, impossi ble to climb except at a few
points. Three men went off immediately
to the west, looking for a spot to go up.
Three hundred yards away they tried a
crevice in the slope and made it by using
bayonets for successive hand holds, pulling
each other along. 1st Lt . William D.
Moody, in charge of the party, brought along
4 roggle ropes and attached them ro stakes
in a minefield 15 feet below the crest.
Enemy small-arms fire opened up from the
left, near a supposedly fortified house.
Moody and one Ranger went along the cliff
edge roward the house, reached a point
above Company C, and shouted down
directions. The unit displaced ro the ropes
and monkey-walked them ro the rop; all
men were up by 0730. While the movement
was in progress, Capt. Ralph E. Goranson
saw an LCVP landing troops (a section of
Company B, 116th RCT) just below on the
beach and sent a man back ro guide them
ro the ropes.
Captain Goranson decided ro go left ro-
ward the fortified house and knock out any
enemy positions there which would cause
trouble on Dog Beach; then, ro proceed on
his mission roward Pointe de la Percee.
When the house was reached, the Rangers
found that just beyond it lay a German
strongpoint consisting of a maze of dugouts
and trenches, including machine-gun em-
placements and a mortar position. Captain
Goranson put men in an abandoned trench
just west of the house and started ro
feel out the enemy positions on the other
side. This began a series of small attacks
which continued for hours without any
decisive result. The boat section of Com-
pany B, 116th RCT, came up early and
joined in, but even with this reinforcement
Captain Goranson's party was roo small
ro knock out the enemy position. Three
of four times, attacking parties got around
the house and inro the German positions,
destroying the mortar post and inflicting
hea vy losses. Enemy reinforcements kept
coming up along communication trenches
from the Vierville draw, and the Ranger
parties were nOt quite able ro clean out the
system of trenches and dugouts. Finally,
roward the end of the afternoon, the Rangers
and the Company B section succeeded in
occupying the strongpoint and ending re-
sistance. They had suffered onl y 2 casualties;
a Quartermaster burial party later reported
69 enemy dead in the position. This action
had tied up one of the main German firing
positions protecting the Vierville draw.
Small elements of the 2d Ranger Battalion
also fought their own way off Dog White,
just west of the main penetration area.
Less than half of Companies A and B had
reached the shelter of the sea wall, about
0740. Some tanks, firing at enemy em-
placements, were scattered along the beach,
but the Rangers saw no other troops and
had the impression of being alone on the
beach; less than a quarter mile ro their left,
the 5th Ranger Battalion was rouching down
on a beach already crowded with assault
infantry. Within a few minutes of reaching
the wall, the survivors of Companies A and
B dashed over the promenade road beyond
BEACH SECfOR CHARLIE, west of Viervillt draw, Iaw the
aJJault by Company C, 2d RangerI. They 10It ntarly half of their
?nen wktn landing in tAt middle of the stretch shown here; then
moved west, Jcaling the cliff to reach the Ufortified" house on the top.
THE "FORTIFIED" HOUSE, above Charlit Btach, although
not actually fortified, was on the edge of a strongpoint (foreground)
overlooking Viertille draw and connected with the draw by a mau
of communications tr(neAn. (Photograph taken in February, 1945.)
THE BLUFFS ON DOG GREEN, east of the Vieroill, draw,
what Compan'/:u A and B, 2d Ranger Battalion, made their assault.
The beach villas WfTC wTuked by naval fire. Le Hamel strongpoint
was on the bluff above the villas. (Photo takm in j une, / 9./5.)
rhe sea wall and gar into the cover of
shrubbery surrounding the wrecked villas
that line this sttetch of rhe beach flat.
Eighteen Rangers of Company B rurned
right and, hugging rhe foot of rhe slope,
went several hundred yards toward the
Vierville draw, intending to go up rhat
exir in accordance with original plans.
Nearing the draw and facing heavy fire on
an open srrerch of rhe flat, the group re-
rraced its steps. Meantime, Company A's
men and a f ew from B, afrer crossing the
road in several scarrered groups led by non-
commissioned officers, had worked rhrough
the villas and were rrying rhe bluff at differ-
ent points. They were joined by a machine-
gun secrion of Company D, 116rh RCT, and
three DD t anks helped by silencing enemy
posirions on rhe flanks which had been
giving troubl e. Two Rangers of Company A
reached rhe top above and found enemy
rrenches, can raining rwo or three machine-
gun emplacements, in plain sight jusr beyond
rhe military crest. In a few minutes another
group of six Rangers joined up, and they
started out to investigate the apparently
empty trenches. Machine-gun fire opened
from two points as Germans came out of
dugouts and manned their positions. They
had waited too long. The leading Rangers
were within 20 yards, and more small
parties were coming up behind them.
Working in twos and threes, they mopped
up the enemy emplacements, taking six
pri soners and killing as many more. Only
three of the arracking force were casualties.
Company B now came up, having gOt back
from its try toward the Vier ville exit, and
the 5th Ranger Battalion was in sight on
the bluff top to the left . The 2d Battalion
men joined them for the move inland. Thi s
action took place between 0800 and 0830,
widened the area of penetration on Dog
White, and probably aided in the success of
the larger advance to the easr by covering
its right flank.
The Beach: 0800-1200
The assault had gone forward, but not
according to plan ( Maps Nos. VII and VIII).
Penetrations had been made where enemy
defenses were thin and lightly held, on the
long stretches of bluff between the draws
scheduled for use as exits. The F-1 strong-
point was knocked out, but the exit route
here was so steep that no plans had been
made for its early use, and there were no
engineer parties at hand. In the case of the
main draws, only at E-l was a strongpoint
(on the east side) being reduced by flanking
action of a force which turned aside for this
purpose after getting up the bluff; else-
where, the small and often scattered assault
groups were fighting inland toward their
assembly areas. As a result, nearly all the
eneiny strongpoints defending the vital draws
were still in action, especially at E-3 and
D-3 which were sched uled for use by the
first movement of traffic off the beach. On
large stretches of the beach there was still
enough fire to make landings costly and to
stop all movement in front of the draws.
The engineers, hampered by landing on
wrong beaches and by loss of equipment,
were unable to start on their main job of
opening the beach for traffic. At 0800, there
were no gaps anywhere in the shingle em-
bankment to permit movement OntO the
beach flat .
As a result, the penetrations made in the
next twO hours could not be followed up
proper! y . Vehicles were beginning to ar-
rive, but they found only a narrow strip of
sand to occupy and nowhere to move even
for shelter from enemy fire. This fire and
the difficulties with obstacles in the higher
water led many craft to come in on Easy
Green and Easy Red instead of other sectors,
thereby threatening to clog that beach with
vehicles under destructi ve artillery fire from
the flanks. Consequently, the commander
of the 7th Naval Beach Battalion radioed an
order (a bout 0830) suspending all landings of
vehicles. During the next few hours scores
of craft, including dukws and rhino-ferries,
were milling about off the Easy Green and
Easy Red sectors, waiting for a chance to
come in. The dukws had particular diffi-
culty in the rough seas, in which they had
to run at least at half throttle to maintain
steerage way. The consum ption this en-
tailed would exhaust a fuel tank in 10 to
12 hours, leaving the craft in danger of
The tie-up affected the heavier weapons
scheduled to support the attack off the
beach and inland. The Antitank Company
of the 116th RCT landed one gun platoon of
three 57-mm' s, but they had to remain under
fire for hours before they could move off the
sand. Only two antiaircraft guns of the
16th RCT were landed out of two batteries,
the others being sunk in the effort to unload.
The Cannon Company of the 16th RCT got
its half tracks ashore at 0830 after two at-
tempts, but they could not move more than
50 yards through the litter of disabled
vehicles. Its 6 howitzers were loaded on
dukws, which were swamped one by one in
the heavy seas with a loss of 20 personnel.
Artillery uni ts of the regimental com bat
teams were having a hard time getting to-
ward shore, where they were scheduled to
land between 0800 and 0900. The ll1th Field
Artillery Battalion of the 116th RCT suffered
complete disaster. The forward parties, in-
cluding observers, liaison and reconnaissance
sections, and the command group, landed be-
tween 0730 and 0830 in front of les Moulins.
Remnants of the 2d BLT were immobilized
there in front of the draw, and the artillery
personnel suffered as hea viI y as had the
infantry in getting from their craft to the
shingle. They quickly decided that the
guns could not land there, but their radio
had been disabled by sea water and no radio
on the beach was working. Lt. Col. Thorn-
ton L. Mullins, commander of the battalion,
said, "To hell with our artillery mission.
We've got to be infantrymen now." Al-
though already wounded twice, Colonel
Mullins went to work organizing little
groups of infantry. Leading a tank forward,
he directed its fire against an emplacement
and as he started toward another tank across
an open stretch, was killed by a sniper.
The howitzers of the battalion were corn-
ing in on 13 dukws, each carrying 14 men,
50 rounds of 105-mm ammunition, sandbags,
and all essential equipment for set-up and
maIntenance. This load made the dukws
hard to maneuver from the start, especially
for inexperienced crews. Five dukws were
swamped within half a mile after lea ving the
LCT's. Four more were lost while circling
in the rendezvous area. One turned turtle
as they started for the beach; another got
within 500 yards of shore, stopped because
of engine trouble, and was sunk by machine-
gun bullets. The last two dukws went on
and about 0900 were close enough to see that
there was no place to land on the beach.
When they drew together and stopped to
talk things over, one was disabled by
machine-gun fire and then set ablaze by an
artillery hit. Eight men swam ashore or
to another craft. The surviving dukw had
some near misses from artillery shells, turned
away from the shore, and tried to find OUt
from both shore and Navy where to go in.
Shore gave contradictory advice; Navy had
no ideas at all. The dukw pulled alongside
a rhino-ferry to wait, but in a short time the
crew realized the craft was in a sinking con-
dition. Determined to save. the howitzer,
twO or three men stayed on. They managed
to move the dukw as far as another rhino
with a crane aboard, and unloaded the how-
i tzer on this craft. The one gun of the III th
got ashore that afternoon in charge of the
7th Field Artillery Battalion.
Several other artillery units fared almost
as badly. The 7th Field Artillery Battalion
(l6th RCT) lost six of its lOS's on dukws that
swamped en route to shore; the others
could not land. The 58th Armored Field
Artillery Battalion had taken part in the
fire support of the first landings, firing
from LCT's. The commanding officer and
reconnaissance officer were casualties soon
after landing at 0730. At 1030, three of its
LCT's attempted to land and struck mines;
one capsized, one sank in seven feet of water,
and a howitzer on the third was jettisoned
to keep the craft afloat. The 62d Armored
Field Artillery Battalion, likewise involved
in the preliminary bombardment, attempted
no landings in the morning. Elements of
two self-propelled antiaircraft battalions
( the 197th and 467th) began to land after
0830. Losses in personnel and half tracks
were considerable, but the guns were used
in close support of infantry for fire on Ger-
man emplacements.
Conditions on the beach improved in the
later morning. Fire from the main enemy
strongpoints was gradually reduced, as one
gun emplacement after another was knocked
out , often by tanks . Fighting both the
enemy and the tide, the tanks were leading a
hard life, caught on the sand between high
water and the embankment, unable to get
past the shingle to the beach flat , and an
open target for enemy guns. Unit control was
almost impossible, with tanks scattered
over long stretches of beach and hampered
in maneuver. The commander of the 741st
Tank Battalion came ashore at 0820 with a
509 radio, but the radio was damaged by
salt water and failed to function. The small
command group had to contact individual
tanks up and down the beach in an effort to
control operations, losing three of its five
members in the process. At the other end
of the beach, Lr. Col. John S. Upham, Jr. ,
commanding the 743d, was shot down as he
walked over to a tank for better direction of
its fire. Nevertheless, the tanks kept on
firing: one of them, disabled, until the rising
tide drowned out the guns, others while the
crew worked on dismounted tracks . Their
achievement cannot be summed up in statis-
tics; the best testimony in their favor is the
casual mention in the records of many units,
from all parts of the beach, of emplacements
neutralized by the supporting fire of tanks.
In an interview shortly after the battle, the
commander of the 2d Battalion, 116th In-
fantry, who saw some of the worst fighting
on the beach at les Moulins, expressed as his
opinion that the tanks "saved the day.
They shot the hell out of the Germans, and
got the hell shot out of them. "
The destroyer Carmick, by what was de-
scribed as "silent cooperation," did her
best to help some tanks on Dog Green which
had managed to get up on the promenade
road and were trying to fight west toward
the Vierville draw. The destroyer's ob-
servers watched for the tanks' fire to show
targets on the bluff edge, and then used the
bursts as a point of aim for the Carmick' s
Support from naval units, necessarily
limited during the first landings, began to
count heavily later on. Some of the landing
craft had tried to support the debarking
troops with the fire from their light guns.
When Company G was landing near les
Moulins, the infantry saw a patrol craft
stand off directly in front of the enemy
strongpoint to the east of the draw and
pump shell after shell into it. German
artillery gOt the craft's range and forced it
beyond the shingle, which was reached by high tide abo"t J 100, D
Day. This sector is on Easy Red, and E-3 draw, still strongly de-
fended by the German forces, is about a q"arter mile to the east (left).
ashore, still firing; it continued in action
until a shell made a direct hit, setting the
craft ablaze. Later in the morning, two
landing craft made a conspicuous, fighting
arrival in front of E-3 draw. LCT 30 drove
at full speed through the obstacles, all
weapons firing, and continued the fire on an
enemy emplacement after touchdown. At
the same time LCI ( L) 544 rammed through
the obstacles, firing on machine-gun nests in
a fortified house. These exploits also helped
demonstrate that the obstacles could be
breached by larger craft, which had been
hesitating at the approaches.
Naval gunfire became a major factor as
communications improved between shore
and ships. At first, targets were still hard
to find ; Gunfire Support Craft Group re-
ported at 0915 that danger to friendly troops
hampered fire on targets of opportunity;
an NSFCP in contact with ships was told by
General Cota ( about 08(0) that it was
"unwi se to designate a target." Between
1000 and 1100 two destroyers closed to
within a thousand yards to put the strong-
points from les Moulins eastward under
heavy, effective fire. All along the beach,
infantry pinned at the sea wall and engineers
trying to get at the draws to carry out their
mission were heartened by this interven-
tion. One result may have beeo the decision
to try to get some tanks through E-3 draw.
At 1100, Colonel Taylor ordered all tanks
available to go into action at that exit
route. Of the several tanks that were
able to move along the beach to the rallying
point , only three arrived, and two of these
were knocked out as they tried to go up
the draw.
One of the participants in this effort was
Capt. W. M. King, who had been ordered
to round up all the tanks and get them to
E-3 draw. Captain King ran along the beach
to the west, notifying each tank as he came
to It. When he reached the last tank, he
found the commander wounded and took
over. Backing away from the shingle,
King drove east, weaving in and out of the
wreckage along the beach. He made 200
yards, then circled toward the water to
avoid a tangle of vehicles and wounded men.
A Teller mine, probably washed off a beach
obstacle, blew the center bogie assembly off
and broke the track . King and the crew
proceeded on foot to E-3
The decisive improvement along the beach
came at E-1 draw. The strongpoint on the
east side had been neutralized by flanking
action of the platoon from Company E,
16th Infantry, after it reached the bluff top.
The unfinished strongpoint on the other
side was still partly in action, but was being
contained by fire from Company M, 116th
Infantry. Engineers of the 37th Engineer
Combat Battalion were able to bulldoze their
first gap through the dune line, just east of
this draw, about 1000. Company C of the
149th Engineer Combat Battalion made
another gap to the west. The destroyers'
intervention speeded up the progress; in
the next two hours the antitank ditch was
filled , mines were cleared, and the approach
to the draw was made ready for vehicles .
During the same period major infantry re-
inforcements were landing in front of E-1,
and the last remnants of enemy resistance
at that draw were about to be overpowered.
Landing of Reinforcements 01/ Easy Red
The 18th RCT had been scheduled to land
on Easy Red in column of battalions, be-
ginning about 0930. Mter passing the line
of departure, the first wa ve ( LCVP' sand
LCM's) ran into difficulties in maintaining
formation and steering a straight course;
there was much congestion of traffic toward
I) In the ilIultruion on p. 107. K;n11'5 tank. No. 90' Company A. 74 1st Tank
Battalion. can be lecn at Ihr spot where it was left. diu.bled. It is bdic\ed
that this lame u nk. No.9, ;. the one shown in the .... aull lanJing on p. 44.
HIGH-TIDE LANDINGS wae hindaed by Ihe btach obstaclu.
LCI (L) 83, carrying combal enginars, approached Fox Green al
0830, was unable 10 gel in, and debarked 72 m(1l on LCYP's. An
r t i l l ~ r y hit on the port bulwarks caused 16 cQsualtin. Finally
beaching at 1 J 16, the craft was further damaged on one side by a mine
bill all personnel debarked and Ihe LCI was floated off ,hal nighl.
shore, with craft of all descriptions maneu-
vering in every direction . The 2d Bat-
talion began landing just west of E-1 shortly
after 1000. As they neared shore, troops of
the 18th had no impression that any progress
had been made from the beach: "The beach
shingle was full of tractors, tanks, vehicles,
bulldozers, and troops- the high ground was
still held by Germans who had all troops
on the beach pinned down- the beach was
still under heavy fire from enemy small arms,
mortars, and artillery." The underwater
obstacles caused great difficulties, even
though a narrow gap had been cleared near
E-1; the Navy report for the transport group
carrying the 18th Infantry lists 22 LCVP's,
2 LCI eLY sand 4 LCT" s as lost a t the beach,
nearly all from being staved in by log ramps
or hitting mines. Nevertheless, personnel
losses in the 18th Infantry were light.
On the right of E-1, the 2d Battalion
found an enemy pillbox still in action.
Fire from a tank supported the infantry in a
first attempt, but the attack was stalled
until naval fire was laid on. The NSFCP
contacted a destroyer about 1,000 yards off
shore and coordinated its action with the
infantry assault. The affair was very nicely
timed; the destroyers' guns, firing only a
few yards over the crowded beach, got on
the target at about the fourth round and the
pillbox surrendered. Twenty Germans were
taken prisoners. Thus, at about 1130, the
last enemy defenses in front of E-1 draw
A CROWDED BEACH remlted from landing of two infantry regi-
ments (18th and 115th) in front of E-1 draw. This picture, taken
at noon from 3,000 jut, .fhows the swarm of men, vehicles, and craft
along 510 yards of shingle. The antitank ditch protects E-1 draw.
were reduced. Within half an hour, en-
gineers of the 16th RCT were clearing mines
in the draw, and the Engineer Special
Brigade Group units were working dozers
on the western slope to push through an
eXit . E-1 became the main funnel for move-
ment off the beach, beginning with troops.
The troop movement inland, however,
was slowed up by congested landings at this
one area . Shortly after the first units of the
18th RCT had landed, the LCI (L)"s of the
1I5th Infantry began to touch down on top
of them. The 1I5th, in reserve in Force
"0," was scheduled by last-minute plans
of V Corps to land at 1030 on Dog Red and
Easy Green beaches. The LCI's were unable
to find the control vessel for these seCtors
and came in very much to the east, on Easy
Red , where the 18th Infantry had started
landing." The result was further congestion
and confusion off that sector, and consider-
able delays for both regiments, both in mak-
ing shore and in getting off the beach.
Instead of getting in between 1030 and 1130,
the 3d and 1st Battalions of the 18th Infan-
.t Le i M3 beached almost as faf east as the E-3 draw, where It was db
ahled by mines. (See illustration, p. IS).
try did not land until about 1300. Mean-
time, all the battalions of the 115th had
come in together instead of at intervals,
and the result was a partial scrambling of
units on the beach. The 2d Battalion of the
18th got off before noon; it was nearly 1400
before the 115th had started inland, along
with tne remainder of the 18th. Reorgani-
zation and movement were complicated by
enemy fire on the beach area and by the
difficlllties of getting through minefields on
the narrow cleared paths. Fortunately,
enemy mortar fire was apparently unobserved
and ineffective, and artillery file, now com-
ing from inland, was directed at the landing
craft . These suffered some hits, but casual-
ties among the troops were light . Movement
off the crowded beach took place on both
sides of the draw rather than through it,
since there were minefields and enemy em-
placements up the draw inland. As the 2d
Battalion of the 18th Infantry moved out,
orders were received from Brig. Gen. Willard
G. Wyman, assistant division commander of
the 1st Division, to take over the mission of
the 2d Battalion, 16th Infantry. The 18th
Infantry unit therefore moved left down Easy
Red to the penetration route of the 16th
and followed it toward Colleville. The
battalions of the 115th pushed off toward
assembly points southeast of St-Laurent,
where they planned to reorganize; Col.
Eugene N. Slappey, commanding, found
General Wyman on the beach and received
orders to carry out his primary mission in
the Longueville area. However, before
Colonel Slappey left to follow his battalions,
General Cota arrived with news from the
116th zone. On consultation with General
Wyman, it was decided that one battalion
of the 115th would be used to clean up
St-Laurent. Radios were not working, and
Colonel Slappey had heard nothing from
his battalions when he started inland about
1600 to find them.
MAP NO. 6 The 2d Rallger BatlaliOIl at Poillte dll Hoe. 6 jlllle ( Photograph 15 jum 1944)
News of the movement inland from Easy
Red reached the higher command, and was
doubly welcome because V Corps Head-
quarters had been sweating through the
first hours of the assault with very little
information on what was really happening
ashore. Back on the Ancon direct messages
from the beach were almost entirely lack-
ing, and Headquarters depended on what
it picked up from reports of the Navy and
from its Forward Information Detachment
under Colonel Talley. This detachment
tried to get to shore early on two dukws,
but decided that radio equipment would
probably be lost under the conditions of
landing. Therefore, the dukws were kept
cruising up and down the beach a few
hundred yards off shore. Unfortunately,
information both from this source and the
Navy were limited by the difficulties of
observation, and delays in transmittal;
early news at V Corps Headquarters was
fragmentary and not encouraging. Mes-
sages brought word of craft sunk, of heavy
enemy artillery fire, of dukws swamping,
and of troops pinned down. The first
penetrations were made by small units on
slopes often obscured by smoke or brush,
and apparenrly escaped all notice from sea-
ward observers. Main attention was narur-
ally focused on the exits, where no progress
was being made. At 0945, V Corps made
its first report to First Army: "Obstacles
mined, progress slow. 1st Battalion, 116th,
reported 0748 being held up by machine-gun
fire- two LCTs knocked our by artillery
fire. DD tanks for Fox Green swamped."
At 1155 Corps was still so far behind the
situation that its next report to Army reads
"situation beach exits Easy Fox and Dog
still critical at 1100. 352d Infantry Divi-
sion ( German) identified- 115th Infantry
directed to cl ear high ground southwest of
Easy Red at 1131- 16th and 116th ashore,
fighting continuous on beaches , vehicles
coming ashore slowly. Reported that some
Germans surrendering Easy Green." From
1055 on, Colonel Talley had sent in 50me
scraps of better news: "infiltration approxi-
mately platoon up draw midway between
exits E-1 and Easy 3"; and "Men ad-
vancing up slope behind Easy Red, men
believed ours on skyline." But these mes-
sages did not corne into Corps Headquarters
until 1225- 1243. Not until 1309 could V
Corps make its fust favorable report to
Army: "Troops formerly pinned down on
beaches Easy Red, Easy Green, Fox Red
advancing up heights behind beaches."
From that time on the Headquarters begins
to catch up more closely with the situation,
and the further information becomes more
Another example of the difficulties of ship-
to-shore communications, and of the limited
observation from seaward, is furnished by
the report of a naval officer in the fire-support
group. Shortly after noon, he came in
close to shore, under fire from enemy guns.
"Troops were plainly visible on the beach
lying in the sand. So were the dead.
Heavy machine-gun fire was coming from
enemy positions halfway up the hill. Troops
were unable to advance." Anxious to aid
in breaking what seemed to be a stalemate,
the officer requested permission from higher
headquarters to lay down a rocket barrage.
The request was denied because of the danger
to assaulting troops "who may have filtered
through. "
The Rangers at Pointe du Hoe
While the main assault was proceeding on
Omaha beaches, three companies ( D, E, and
F) of the 2d Ranger Battalion were engaged
in an isolated action three miles to the west
(Map No.6). Led by Lt. Col. James E.
Rudder, commander of the Provisional Ran-
ger Force, about 200 men came in at Pointe
du Hoe. Their primary mission was to seize
that fortified position and neutralize its
battery of six ISS-mm howitzers, which
could put fire on the whole Omaha ap-
proaches, from the craft assembly area in to
the beaches.
The mission presented special difficulties.
The beach at the Point was a 25-yard strip,
surmounted by sheer cliff 85 to 100 feet high.
The Rangers had been training for several
months on English cliffs of similar character,
and, as a result of experiment aided by the
experiences of Bri tish Commandos, they had
developed special equipment for their task.
Each of the 10 LCA's was fitted with 3 pairs
of rocket guns, firing grapnels which pulled
up (by pairs) %-inch plain ropes, toggle
ropes, and rope ladders. In addition, each
craft carried a pair of small hand-projector-
type rockets, which could be easily carried
ashore and fired small ropes. Each craft
also carried tu bular-steel extension ladders
made up of light, four-foot sections suitable
for quick assembly. Four dukws mounted
a l00-foot extension ladder, fire-department
type. Personnel of the assault parties carried
minimum loads, with heavier weapons
amounting to four BAR's and two 60-mm
mortars per company. Two supply craft
brought in packs, rations, demolitions, and
extra ammunition for the three companies.
Their assault plan provided for landing at
H Hour, Companies E and F on the east side
of the Point, Company D to the west. Un-
fortunately, one of the accidents of mis-
direction befell the Rangers; they headed
eastward so far that, when the mistake was
corrected, they had to approach the Point
from that quarter on a course close to and
almost paralleling the shore. Under fire
from strongpoints along the cliffs, the
flotilla came in 40 minutes late. This delay
meant that the eight other companies of
Rangers (A and B of the 2d Battalion, and
the entire 5th Battalion), waiting off shore
for word of the assault, did not follow in to
Pointe du Hoe but went toward Vierville.
One LCA had been swamped, going down
soon after lea ving the transport area; one of
the supply boats sank IS minutes after the
start, and the other jettisoned all packs
aboard in order to stay afloat; one dukw was
hit and sunk by 20-mm fire from a cliff
position near the Point. The 9 surviving
LCA's came in on a 400-yard front on the
east side of the Point. Naval fire had been
lifted since H Hour, and the enemy had been
given time to recover and to man the trenches
above the cliff. The destroyer Satterlee
observed their movement and swept the
cliff top with fire from all guns; nevertheless,
scattered small-arms fire and automatic fire
from a flanking machine-gun position beat
around the LCA's , causing about IS casualties
as the Rangers debarked on the heavily
cratered strip of beach. The rockets had
been fired immediately on touchdown. Some
of the water-soaked ropes failed to carry
over the cliff, but only one craft failed to get
at least one grapnel to the edge. In one or
twO cases, the demountable extension lad-
ders were used. The dukws came in but
could not get across the cratered beach,
and from the water's edge their extension
ladders would not reach the top of the cliff.
Germans appeared on the cliff edge and
started to harass the Rangers directly below
them wi th rifle fire and grenades. This
show of enemy resistance was promptly dis-
couraged; BAR men picked off the riflemen
as they exposed themselves, and the des-
troyer Satterlee, corning in at close range,
swept the cliff top with a few minutes of
concentra ted fires from all her guns. The
escalade was not delayed. In less than five
minutes from time of touchdown, the first
Rangers, by one type of rope or another,
were getting to the cliff tOp. Some, covered
with mud from having fallen into deep
crater-pools on the beach, had trouble in
THE TIP Of POI NTE DU HOE was ra,'aged by bombs and
1Iaf'al firt . LCA 861 oj Company E, 2d Rallgers landed just below.
o,u of iu rope ladders, attached to a grapnel carried ova the cliff
by a TOCkf!, was Itill in piau wllell photo was taken in j une, / 9./.5.
climbing. A few ropes had been cut by the
enemy or had slipped from the anchorage.
The first men up waited no longer than it
too k for three or four to assemble, then
moved out on prearranged mi ssions toward
the gun positi ons. They found themselves
in a no-man's land of incredible des tructi on,
all landmarks gone, and the ground so
cratered that if men got 15 feet apart they
were immediately Out of contact. Onl y a
few enemy were seen, and these were quickly
driven to cover in a network of ruined
trenches connecting deep dugouts and em-
placements. One after another, the small
ad vance parti es reached their appointed gun
emplacements, only to find them empty.
THE CLIFFS AT POINTE DU HOE were assaulted undeT diffi-
cult conditions. Hert, a section of cliff smashed off by bombard-
ment made a mound from which Rangas worked to the top by TOPts.
Photo was taken afur the first assault partin had captured the Point.
The gun positions , three of them casemated,
were partly wrecked; the guns had been
removed . Without hesitation, the Ranger
parties started inl and on their next mission:
to reach the coastal highway, set up a
defensive position cutting that main route
between Vierville and Grandcamp, and
await the arrival of the 116th Infantry from
Omaha Beach.
They were still proceeding by small parties
which joined up gradually as they moved
inland. Three hundred yards from the forti-
fied area they came under small-arms fire and
artillery fire from the south. Fifteen men
were killed or wounded as they pushed
straight on, wiping out two small nests of
resistance. About 36 men from Companies
D and E reached the highway shortly after
0800; farther west, a dozen or so from Com-
pany F came out on the blacktop at the
same time and joined up. The force took
up a defensive position in fields juSt beyond
the road, putting one group in position to
block the highway toward Grandcamp.
A few enemy parties had been met and driven
off with losses during the speedy advance.
Patrolling was started at once. About
0900, two Rangers went down a lane 200
yards off the main road and found the
missing ba ttery of 5 guns. Cleverly cam-
ouflaged, they were sited for fire on either
Omaha or Utah Beach and large ammunition
stocks were ready at hand, but there were
no enemy in or near the position. The
patrol put two guns out of commission with
incendiary grenades and went back for more
grenades. While they were gone, a second
patrol finished the job of disabling the guns
and set fire to the powder. Word was sent
back to the Point that the main objective
had thus been accomplished.
There was mounting evidence that the
enemy on or near the Point was recovering
from his confusion. East of the fortified
area a machine-gun emplacement which had
caused most of the losses on the beach was
assaulted by some men of Company F. They
were unable to reach it, and the position
remained in action until the whole cliff
edge was blown into the sea by naval fire
late in the morning. Just west of the Point
an antiaircraft emplacement near the cliff
edge began to sweep the Point with fire.
By 0740 all the Ranger boat teams were up,
and a dozen men of the late-comers were
di verted from going inland and sent to
attack this antiaircraft position. As they
worked toward it through craters, artillery
and mortar fire stopped them and the party
scattered. A few minutes later a German
counterattack, emerging from tunnels or
nearby trenches, overwhelmed and captured
all but one man. So torn up was the ground
that the command post group, in a crater
only a hundred yards away, was unaware of
what had happened until the survivor
returned. Another assault was hastily im-
provised, consisting of a dozen riflemen and
a mortar section. They got halfway to the
strongpoint and were caught by artillery fire,
which killed or wounded nearly every man
in the party.
For the rest of the day the small force on
the Point was in a state approaching siege.
Enemy snipers appeared in the fortified area,
and despite several attempts, the Rangers
could never clean out the maze of wrecked
pOSltlOns. Three or four Germans still held
out on the tip of the Point in an undamaged
concrete observation post. During the
afternoon two enemy counterattacks coming
from the direction of St-Pierre-du-Mont were
stopped, the most dangerous one by accurate
and rapid fire from the Rangers' only re-
malfl1ng mortar. The antiaircraft position
was still very much in action, and destroyer
fire could not quite reach it. Communica-
tion with the advance party on the highway
was intermittent, depending chiefly on
patrols that occasionally .had to fight their
way through.
The command post on the Point was out
of communication with the assault forces
on the main beaches, but was able to
contact naval support ships with blinker
and (later) radio. Naval Shore Fire Con-
trol Party No.1 waS able to establish com-
munications as early as 0728 with the
Satterlee, which stayed on hand for the
rest of D Day and gave extremely useful fire
support. In the afternoon a message from
the Point came through to V Corps via the
Navy, "Located Pointe du Hoe-mission
accomplished-need ammunition and rein-
forcement-many casualties." This, the
only word received on D Day from Colonel
Rudder's force, left considerable doubt and
anxiety at headquarters.
THE PENETRA TrONS of the beach de-
fenses made between 0800-0900 represen ted a
definite success, achieved by determined ac-
tion in the face of great difficulties. Never-
theless, the success was limited in certain
respects that handicapped all later efforts
to exploit the breakthroughs and attain
D-Day objectives. Only fractions of the
assault BL T's got up the bluffs in the morn-
ing, at first in scattered groups that were
rarely of more than company strength and
were sometimes only one or two boat sec-
tions. They had few heavy weapons, no
tanks, and no supporting artillery, and it
took time to establish communications well
enough to make effective use of naval fire
support beyond the bluffs . As a result of
the loss of equipment, communications with-
in and between units were to be very limited
all through the day. Intermingling of units
was common in the larger groups that
reached the high ground, and the time
spent in overcoming this difficulty was in-
creased by the loss of officers, the scattering
of headquarters groups, and the lack of
commUnlcatlons . The fact that all the exits
were still blocked and that the beach was
still under fire prevented early reinforcement
of the advance groups. Some elements of
the assault waves were still behind the sea
wall, mentally' 'pinned down," and it took
time and effort to get them forward, often
after lateral movement to reach the penetra-
tion areas. The reserve regiments, delayed
by confusion that resulted from landing in-
termingled on a narrow sector, did not play
much part until midafternoon. Even then,
their strength was not fully used.
Enemy opposition was aided by these
weaknesses in the assault and by terrain
favorable for delaying action. Again and
again, the advancing groups ran into small
pockets of resistance in prepared positions,
usually built around machine guns dug in
along hedgerows and having good fields of
fire. Locating these positions was difficult
because of the confusion caused by many
snipers in the area, and it took time to reduce
the resistance with weapons available. By-
passing often resulted in the splitting up of
assault groups and in progressive loss of
control as movement proceeded inland. The
difficulties of fighting in hedgerow country
were not easy to solve under any circum-
stances, much less those of their first ex-
perience. Though the Germans were con-
centrated in as much as company strength
at only one or two points, such as Colleville,
they were able to stop the V Corps ad vance
far short of D-Day objectives .
The battle inland can best be followed in
terms of three areas, centering around the
three villages on the coastal highway which
were preliminary objectives in the advance.
In two of these, Colleville and St-Laurent,
main points of enemy resistance were en-
countered. In all three areas, the story is
that of a number of assault units, usually in
less than battalion strength, fighting more
or less uncoordinated and separate actions
(Maps Nos. VII and VIII for the morning
period; Map No. IX for afternoon)'
Vierville Area
In the period OB()()-{)900, upwards of 600
men went off Dog White Beach ( Map No.
VII) . Besides Company C, which led the
way, the advance included most of the main
Ranger force ( eight companies), 116th Head-
quarters, some engineer troops of the 121st
Engineer Combat Battalion, and fragments
of Companies B, F, G, and H. Reaching
the top in small groups, the troops tended
to stop and bunch in the first fields near the
edge of the bluff. What little order they
had was lost as they became intermingled
with units arriving later, and reorganiza-
tion was a slow process . Though there
were no enemy positions in action near by,
snipers, harassing long-range fire from a
few machine guns, and a brief period of
shelling from BB-mm guns contributed to the
confusion, and it was two hours before much
progress was made. One small group had
long since gone inland by itself. A platoon
of 5th Battalion Rangers, 1st Lt . Charles
H. Parker, Jr ., commanding, on reaching
the bluff crest had seen no other troops, and
immediately started southwest to get around
Vierville and reach the battalion assembly
area. After making a half-mile without
meeting opposition, the platoon was stopped
by enemy fire from hedgerows near the
Chateau de Vaumicel, just south of Vier ville.
They spent the rest of the morning working
past this fire toward the chateau grounds.
When the CP group of the 116th RCT
came over the bluff after 0900 they found
Rangers and 116th elements scattered all
through the fields ahead, with leading
elements near the coastal highway. The
communications section of headquarters had
landed on another beach; the only working
radio belonged to the liaison officer of the
743d Tank Battalion. Completely out of
touch with division, Colonel Canham had
no contacts with any of his battalion head-
quarters, did not know what was happening
at the exits in the 116th zone, and could
onl y assume that the rest of the assault
battalions were on their way to assembly
areas .
Movement finally began between 1000-
1100, with General Cota assisting in getting
units started . The 5th Ranger Battalion
planned to push across the coastal highway
and go around Vierville to the south, while
the 116th elements went toward the village.
The Rangers' advance in column was stopped
when the first elements reached the highway
and an enemy machine gun opened up from
the hedgerow one field to the south. The
column halted while a platoon went after
the machine gun by working down an axial
hedgerow. In the course of this action,
another enemy machine gun opened up to
the left of the first. Another Ranger platoon
attacked this gun, and once again uncovered
new enemy fire positions along the hedge-
rows still farther east. A third outflanking
attack was started, ran into additional
machine-gun fire, and was called back pend-
ing an attempt to get artillery support.
The 5Bth Armored Field Artillery Battalion
had just put some guns ashore, but the
forward observer reported that their fire at
this range was impossible because of the
mask presented by the bluff. About four
hours had been consumed in these efforts.
At 1400 the Rangers gave up the attempt to
move south from the highway and instead,
followed the coastal highway into Vierville.
Tha t rou te had al read y been taken several
hours before. Company C and small ele-
ments of other 116th companies, some of
them moving in isolated groups, had gone
that way; so had Company B of the 5th
Rangers, which headed down the Vierville
highway under the mistaken impression
that the Ranger battalion column was fol-
lowing just behind. With General Cota close
behind the leading elements, Vierville was
action pictured abovt i s U11urtain, hut this may hav( bu n thf bombard-
mmt be/wan 1200 and 1300 that knockrd out th, Jlrongpoi7lts. Th,
Yitrville 1luple, in the background, was lattr dtmolishtd by naval firt .
entered before llOO. Except for scattered
fire from the outskirts when the advance
. .
was starting, no enemy resistance was en-
countered. A platoon of Company B, 116th
Infantry, went through Vierville out of
contact with the rest and turned south to-
ward the chateau. On the way, they en-
countered a German resistance nest, assaulted
it, and took 14 A licrle beyond
the chateau, the platoon was attacked by
Germans who had just deployed from three
trucks coming up from the south . The
Company B unit, reduced to 25 men and
lacking automatic weapons, withdrew to
the chateau and stopped the enemy acrack
with well-aimed rifle fire. Here they were
joined about noon by Parker's platoon from
Company A, 5th Rangers, which had been
coming toward the chateau across country.
N ei ther party knew there were any other
friendly forces near Vierville.
Company B of the 5th Rangers and Com-
pany C, 116th Infantry, passed through
Vierville before noon ancl started west on
the coastal highway toward Pointe du Hoe.
About 500 yards out of Vierville they were
stopped by fire from prepared emplacements
along hedgerows which ran at right angles
to the highway. During the next few
hours, the Rangers and Company C worked
together in efforts to outflank or neutralize
this position. Enemy machine-gun posi-
tions were well camouflaged and hard to
locate; every time a move was started across
open fields, it was checked by fire from
German rifles and automatic weapons at
ranges of two to three hundred yards. At
1700 the main Ranger force came up and
plans for an acrack were started, then called
off later in the evening. Colonel Canham
decided nOt to press the effort along the
coastal highway toward Pointe du Hoe,
since the 5th Rangers constituted the larger
part of his forces for defense of Vierville.
The: command group of the 116th RCT
had come through Vierville about noon on
its way to the prearranged CP location, a
little southwest of the village. When the
small party reached that spot, sniped at all
the way, they found themselves out of
contact with any friendly units and un-
comfortably isolated. A platoon of Com-
pany B, 5th Rangers, came by on a flanking
maneuver and was impressed as a guard for
the CPo Patrols sent towards Louvieres to
find the 2d Battalion fought their way for
a thousand yards south through scattered
opposition and returned without having
seen any friendly forces. Small skirmishes
took place near the CP all afternoon, and 15
Germans were killed in the immediate vicin-
i ty. At 1830, the commander of the 1st
Battalion reported in, having got up from
Charlie Beach, and Colonel Canham found
out for the first time what had happened on
the beaches in front of Vierville exit .
Toward midnigh t , he learned that the 2d
and 3d Battalions were near St-Laurent.
At nightfall the Vierville area was the
weakest part of the beachhead. The 5th
Ranger Battalion, remnants of the 1st Battal-
ion, 116th, and a few small elements of
engineer units and of the 2d and 3d Battal-
ions (a group from Company K arrived in
the evening and was used for headquarters
security) were holding defensive positions
west and southwest of the village. Sepa-
rated during the day, these units were
finally brought into contact, but no other
friendly forces in any strength were nearer
than St-Laurent. No reinforcements had
landed in the Vierville sector, and the exit
from the beach was only beginning to open
for traffic by dark.
Yet, had there been any force on hand to
use for the purpose, the Vier ville draw
could have been cleaned up any time during
the afternoon. Between 1200 and 1300,
heavy naval fire, directed by shore observers
with the 116th and including the main
batteries of the Texas, was put on the strong-
point guarding D-l dra w. After the first four
salvos of four rounds each, the destroyer
McCook radioed shore that Germans were
leaving concrete emplacements to surrender,
30 prisoners being taken by engineers on the
beach. Further fire completed the neutrali-
zation of the heavily fortified area. Shortly
after the naval guns stopped firing, General
Cota went down the exit road to the beach
to find out why no traffic had yet come
through. Accompanied by four or five men,
he got all the way down, past the strong-
points and the antitank wall and out onto
the beach flat, without drawing more than
scattered small-arms fire. Five Germans,
taken prisoner from holes in the cliff-side
along the way, led the party through a
minefield at the entrance. The general saw
little activity on the beach flat at D-l. The
onl y infantry nearby were the exhausted
remnants of Company A, 116th, and the
tanks were further east along the flat .
General Cota walked along the promenade
road to investigate conditions at les Moulins,
after finding that engineer troops were
about to start work on the obstacles in the
Vierville draw.
The 121st Engineer Combat Battalion,
responsible for the D-l exit, had experienced
the usual troubles in landing; its units were
scattered as far as les Moulins, 75 percent of
its equipment had been lost in landing, and
personnel losses had run high. The bat-
talion officers had spent several hours col-
lecting their men, and salvaging explosives
and equipment along the beach. The work
of reorganization was made difficult by
scattered fire from snipers along the bluff,
and small combat patrols were used in an
attempt to clean out bluff positions. One
of the patrols entered the Hamel-an-Pretre
HEAD OF D-3 DRAW, on the edge oj St-Lallrent. The GermanI
held prepared positions on tke high ground to the right, and the 3d
Battahon, 116th lnja'tliry, was unable to make much progroJ beyond
here on the aJternoon oj D Day. (Photograph taken June, 1945.)
strongpoint and found it wrecked by naval
lire and almost abandoned. However, here
and at the Vierville draw, long connecting
tunnels, some of them going as far inland
as the village, afforded a shelter for the
enemy and made a quick clean-up of the
fortilications impossible.
One 5th Ranger platoon (Company A)
managed to get all the way to Pointe du
Hoe, four miles through enemy-infested
country. At 1430, Lieutenant Parker left
the chateau south of Vierville and started
for the 5th Rangers' assembly area. On
the wa.y, they a small enemy
strongpoint and overwhelmed it, killing 2
Germans and capturing 12. The 24 Rangers
reached their assembly area, found no one
there, concluded the 5th Battalion had gone
on toward Pointe du Hoe, and decided to
follow. Taking the prisoners with them
and moving on secondary roads south of the
coastal highway, the platoon gOt through
Engles'lueville and on to a point almost
south of their goal before they were stopped
by lire from prepared enemy positions.
Trying again to "bull through" the opposi-
tion, the Rangers found themselves out-
flanked and near! y surrounded; they had to
light their way out and make a short with-
drawal. They then left the roads, struck
north across country, and about 2100 joined
the inland group of 2d Battalion Rangers,
in their defensive positions just south of the
Grandcamp-Vierville highway. The Com-
pany A platoon had not seen the 5th Bat-
talion since leaving the beach, but still
believed it must be close behind and so
informed Colonel Rudder at the Point.
SI-Laurent Area
Except for Company M, pinned 0!1 the
beach flat near E-1 draw, most of the 3d
Battalion, 116th Infantry, had reached high
ground by 1000 and were starting to push
south. As a result of enemy resistance in
and near St-Laurent, they were to make only
a half mile of progress during the rest of
the day.
No clear picture can be drawn of the con-
fused fighting that took place during the
morning, as a dozen or more groups, vary-
ing from one to four or five boat teams in
size, worked south from the bluff tOward
St-Laurent, with the aim of reaching a bat-
talion assembly area west of the village
( Maps Nos. 3 and VII). The fields between
St-Laurent and the bluffs are cut by unusu-
ally few hedgerows, and the open ground
made the ad vancing troops more conscious
of hostile fire, even when it was wild. Here
and there, small enemy detachments with
machine guns offered resistance from pre-
pared and well dug-in positions, and a num-
ber of skirmishes were fought by sections of
Company Land 1. By noon most of Com-
pany L and several sections of I were at the
edge of St-Laurene, on the northwest , where
the road from les Moulins comes into the
village at the head of the draw. An enemy
rocket battery in this area had been dis-
posed of by Company 1"s mortar fire and a
naval shell. Company K was nearby, and
the battalion command group was endeav-
oring to bring the units together and effect
a preliminary reorganization . Major Bing-
ham had worked east on the beach from les
Moulins with a handful of men from F, H,
and Headquarters of the 2d Battalion, and
this group had now come inland.
Enemy resistance was stiffening. Snipers
were in the straggling village, but the main
trouble came from the western end of St-
Laurent . Here, dug in on the high ground
commanding the upper end of the draw,
Germans estimated at a company in strength
controlled the approaches to the main cross-
road, and their machine guns had good fields
of fire on all the upper draw. Two boat
teams of K and a few men of I, trying to
bypass the enemy resistance to the north,
cut across the draw about halfway down
toward les Moulins. Making their way
across country, this group found its way to
the coastal highway, sighted the 5th Ran-
gers ahead, and tailed them into Vierville.
On the way, the Company K group was
attacked by a small enemy party from the
flank and lost several men to surprise ma-
chine-gun fire. Eventually, the K group
reached regimental headquarte.s and was
used as its security detachment for that
The rest of the ba ttalion was held at the
crossroad all afternoon. Several attempts to
advance were stopped by machine-gun fire ,
from positions which the men were unable
to locate. Company L suffered most of it s
casualties for the day in these actions . At
dark, the greater part of the 3d Battalion
was still at the head of the draw, Company
M having come up during the afternoon
from E-l. Nearby, the command group of
the 2d Battalion had a handful of men from
G and F; the rest of that battalion was
scattered all the way from Colleville to
Vierville, and a few troops were sti ll held
on the beach at les Moulins.
St-Laurent had also proved a sturn bling
block for the 115th Infanery , com ing at it
from the northeast. That regimene, landing
in frone of E-1 draw just before noon, took
three or four hours to clear the beach, going
up mostly to the east of the draw. Some-
what disorganized by ineermingling with
the 18th RCT, the battalions were attempt-
ing to reach assembly poines a thousand
yards inland, and southwest of St-Laurent.
The 115th's transportation was not due in
on D Day, so the men were carrying as
heavy loads as possible; the heavy weapons
sections were particularly burdened, with
guns, mortars, and extra ammunition to
hand-carry. Scattered harassing fire from
snipers and occasional machine guns also
slowed down the movement. The 2d Bat-
talion reached St-Laurent, met opposition
in the village, and spent tbe afternoon trying
to clean out a small enemy force , estimated
at not more than a company in strength.
Once again, the main difficulty for the inex-
perienced troops was to locate enemy fire
positions in terrain affording so much cover.
Toward dusk when the attack was finally
well started, naval gunfire hit in the village,
caused a number of casualties in the 2d
Battalion, and stopped the effort. The bat-
talion was drawn south of St-Laurent for
the night, where it joined the 1st Battalion.
This unit had reached a position near the
Formigny road a few hundred yards sourh
of St-Laurent, making slow progress against
snipers and some mortar fire. The 3d Bat-
talion had not reached the St-Laurent-
Colleville road by dark.
Elements of five battalions had spent the
afternoon and evening of D Day fighting
through an area of about a square mile
which contained only scattered pockets of
enemy resistance. The effectiveness of the
attacking forces had been reduced by a
number of factors , including lack of commu-
nications, difficulties of control, and the
absence of artillery and armored suppOrt.
Collevitle Area
When Company G got past the bluff and
started inland, about 0900, they were
bothered only by light sniping and occasional
signs of minefields and made rapid progress
for a thousand yards to the south. They
were advancing in their designated zone
and according to plan (Maps Nos . 4, p. 66,
and VIll). The first objective was a German
bivouac area a quarter-mile west of Colle-
ville; from there the company would turn
into Colleville. Company G approached
the bivouac area a bou t 0930 and received
heavy fire from automatic weapons and
mortars on both flanks of its advance. A
two-hour action followed, with house-to-
house fighting before the enemy was driven
out of the area. The company suffered 12
casualties. Remnants of a Company F sec-
tion and small elements of H, and two sec-
tions of Company E, 116th, had followed
G's route from the beach and joined up
during the morning, giving a strength of
about 150 men for the attack on Colleville.
A little after noon, a section of G started
into the western edge of the village, but
was unable to progress against strong re-
sistance after seizing the first few buildings.
The rest of the company was extended to
the west, and the section farthest out on
that wing lost contact. By some misunder-
standing, the two 116th sections withdrew
toward the bivouac area. Small groups of
enemy filtered through the gaps, a pillbox
near the head of E-3 draw was still in
action, and fire came from flanks and rear,
giving the impression of encirclement. For the
next two hours, Company G fought on thede-
fensive, inflicting 18 casualties on the enemy.
This action marked the nearest approach on
D Day to a German counterattack made
in any strength. At about 1500, the situ-
ation was relieved by the arrival of the 2d
Battalion, 18th Infantry, which came up
from E-l draw with orders to take over the
2d Battalion, 16th Infantry's mission. But
Company G was unable to get farther into
Colleville, and suffered eight casualties when
supporting naval fire hit the houses in the
village. Enemy resistance was unshaken
by the bombardment.
Company G had felt itself isolated during
this period, an impression which was char-
from EaJY Rd Blach, Company G, 16th Infantry, fought into thiJ
village just afur noon, then was held the r(Jt of the day by bittu enemy
fnistance in hOUJtJ JUJt bryond chuTch. (Photo taken j une, 1945.)
acteristic of most of the inland fighting on
D Day. Actually, the advance from Easy
Red had been followed up by a number of
other units which by noon were not far from
Colleville. Between Colleville and Easy
Red Beach, battalion and regimental com-
mand groups were working hard to organize
the scattered assault forces and build up
support . However, contacts were irregular,
the hedgerows cut off observation, and small
enemy groups held on tenaciously in by-
passed positions, from which they opened
with harassing fire on the flanks or rear of
advancing units and drew them into a mop-
ping-up action that might consume two or
three hours. Other enemy groups, trying
to get back from the bluff positions , added to
the confusion by appearing in areas suppo-
sedly cleared up. In this fashion, small
separate battles were developing throughout
the day almost anywhere between E-l and
E-3 draws and south beyond the highway.
Advance under these conditions was more or
less blind, and coordinated action by the
assault forces became almost impossible.
Lt. Col. Herbert C. Hicks , Jr ., command-
ing the 2d Battalion of the 16th RCT, had
followed Company G toward Colleville and
was endeavoring to get other units of his
battalion toward that area. The only siz-
able group he could find during the morning
was made up of about SO men of Company E,
including Lieutenant Spalding' s section from
the E-l strongpoint. This party reached the
coastal highway about noon and pushed
several hundred yards beyond to cover the
right flank of G. Moving with a section of
G, the group came under sniper fire from the
rear and lost contact with fri endly units .
Later in the afternoon, deciding that they
were in danger of being Cut off, the Company
E detachment withdrew toward Colleville.
Meantime, elements of the 1st Battalion
were reaching the same general area. Com-
panies Band C reached the highway by 1300,
near the bivouac area through which G had
already fought . They spent several hours
cleaning snipers Out of the woods in the
vicinity, and made about 300 yards progress
southward by dark. Company A, slowed in
getting up the bluff, spent the morning and
early afternoon fighting a machine-gun nest
in the woods at the edge of E-l draw, half-
way to the highway. It rejoined the battal-
ion late in the day.
The 18th Infantry had landed in front of
E-l draw from 1100 to 1400. One after
another, as the battalions started inland,
General Wyman turned them from their
original missions to take over those of the
16th Infantry. The 2d Battalion of the 18th
pushed toward Colle ville to he! P the 2d
Battalion of the 16th. Enemy groups were
still scattered along the route of advance,
inflicting casualties by rifle and machine-gun
fire that seemed to be sited for covering the
gates and hedgerow openings. By 1500, the
battalion was passing west of Company G,
16th Infantry; at dark it was on the edge of
the high ground 500 yards south and south-
east of Colleville, with nOt much resistance
to its front but a good deal of fire coming
from the rear. The 1st Battalion ran into
two platoons of Germans holding trenches
near the head of E-1 draw, and was busy
until late in the afternoon cleaning out that
area and dealing with enemy parties who
attempted to escape up the draw from by-
passed positions. The 3d Battalion, moving
in reserve, received orders at 1615 to take
over the objectives of the 1st Battalion, 16th
Infantry: capture of Formigny and Surrain.
At 1800, the 3d Battalion, bothered by
snipers , was still north of the coastal high-
wa y and received the more modest mission
of reaching the high ground south of the
highway and filling the gap between the 1st
and 29th Division units. At midnight the
3d Battali on was still short of the highway.
The 1st Battalion, having finished enemy
resistance near the head of the draw, was
ordered to attack toward Surrain. By mid-
night, it was reportedly near the St-Laurent-
Colleville highway.
A mile to the east of Colleville, the 3d
Battalion of the 16th Infantry had been
fighting all day on its own, out of contact
with the rest of the regiment. Mter taking
the bluff strongpoint at F-l draw, the inter-
mingled units of the battalion were re-
organized on the high ground behind the
bluffs. The advance off the beach had been
made by elements of six companies (includ-
ing Company F of the 16th and Company E
of the 116th), but the force that now moved
inland numbered little over 100 men . Patrols
were sent ahead, but the three men sent to
Cabourg ran into a German strongpoint and
were captured. Enemy groups were still
to the rear near the bluffs and even attempted
a counterattack in platoon strength. In
the afternoon, the battalion moved lflto Ie
Grand-Hameau. With the enemy holding
Cabourg in some strength, there could be no
question of further advance. During the
evening, other elements got off the beach,
some 17 tanks came up, and the 3d Battalion
occupied defensive positions blocking the
coastal highway at Ie Grand-Hameau.
The 26rh Infantry, loaded in Force "B,"
arrived in the transport area at 1300 and was
ordered to land at 1800 near E-3 exit. The
regiment was ashore by 2100 and received
orders to put the 3d Battalion in a defensive
position on the road south from St-Laurent
to Formigny, with the 2d Battalion close
behind it ready to attack through the 3d
Battalion in the morning. The battalions
were moving toward their objectives during
the night. The 1st Battalion went up
east ofE-3 exit to protect the left flank of the
16th Infantry.
General Huebner and the command group,
1st Division, landed on Easy Red at 1900
and joined General Wyman at the division
command post, located in the entrance of
E-l draw. General Gerow and the advance
headquarters of V Corps left the Ancon for
shore at 2030.
Afternoon on the Beach
In the early afternoon, destroyers con-
tinued their work of knocking out enemy
gun emplacements along the beach front.
The strongpoint guarding the Vierville draw
was silenced by 1300; somewhat later, the
dangerous flanking positions near Pointe de
la Percee were literally blown off the face
of the cliff. These actions greatly helped
the situation on the beach, but by no means
ended all enemy opposition. Though the
most dangerous enemy guns were now neu-
tralized and some emplacements were sur-
rendered without a fight, there was still
enough resistance to block three of the main
exits. The Vierville draw, as General
Cota's trip through it showed, was ready
for opening, but there was not enough force
at hand for systematic mopping-up of the
weakened positions. Resistance at the D-3
and E-3 draws was still strong enough to
block any movement through those exit
routes. There and elsewhere, Germans made
use of the maze of communications trenches
and tunnels by emerging from dugouts to
reoccupy emplacements believed neutralized.
Snipers reappeared along the bluffs in areas
where penetrations had been made. Above
all, artillery from inland positions kept up
sporadic harassing fire on the beach flat.
Directed by observers in the remaining
strongpoints, this shelling was most severe
from Easy 'Green eastward and reached its
height in the late afternoon. Hits were
still occasionally made on landing craft,
sinking or setting them afire; vehicles were
struck as they jammed the approaches to
the exits or tried to move laterally along
the beach. Not heavy enough to inflict
rna jar losses or [0 s[OP progress, this fire
could still hamper and delay the effort [0
bring order into the confusion on the beach
flat. Neither inland observers nor recon-
naissance planes located the enemy batteries,
and Navy guns could not intervene effec-
tively. Throughout D Day, naval fire on
inland targets relied mainly on observation
by spotter planes . The destroyer Carmick,
in contact with an NSFCP at 1720, made
several attempts [0 locate the enemy battery
firing on E-l draw, but the observers'
party finally gave up, admitting it was
guessing as [0 location of the German guns.
Nevertheless, the engineers were able [0
make steady progress in their vital task of
clearing and organizing the beach for move-
ment inland. As the tide lowered, the rem-
nants of the demolition teams went [0 work
again on the exposed obstacles, although
four parties had [0 interrupt their work [0
deal with harassing fire from enemy snipers
on the bluff. They completed three gaps
partially opened in the morning, made four
new ones, and widened some of the others.
By evening, 13 gaps were fully opened and
LANDINGS WERE DELAYED and in tht afttrnoon the approach
to was with craft wat"ting to come in as the reuding
tide uncofJt'red obstada. A rhino-ferry, with crant's aboard, hal
come in near some drowned-out trucks. Ln Moulin! (D-3) at right.
marked, and an est imated 35 percent of the
obstacles on the beach had been cleared.
Along the beach flat, units of the Engineer
Special Brigade Group were making gaps in
the embankment , clearing minefields, and
doing what they could to get at the exits.
More of their units and equipment were
getting ashore, though mislandings still oc-
curred to upset assignments. Fox Beach
was ready for development, but the 336th
Battalion, scheduled to land there, was
brought in at the opposite end of Omaha
Beach, 4,()()() yards away. About 1500 the
unit began a difficult journey to reach F-1
exit. Enemy artillery fire harassed it all the
way, especially in front of D-3 and E-3
draws. At E-3 shelling was so heavy that
men were sent across the exposed area in pairs.
When about half had crossed, a dozer at
work near the shingle was hit and burned,
sending up clouds of smoke which covered
the remainder of the movement. The 336th
Engineers reached F-1 exit at 1700, with a
loss of six men. A trailer loaded with ex-
plosi ves and towed by a tractor had made
the tri p unsca thed.
The primary condition for improvement
on the beach was to get vehicles started
inland, thus relieving congestion and per-
mitting further landings . This became pos-
si ble after the fire of destroyers and the
advance of the 18th Infantry had cleared up
the last enemy resistance at E-l draw. Gaps
had already been cut through rhe embank-
ment, and the engineers of the 1st, 37rh, and
149rh Battalions were ready to exploir rhe
advantage. Between l200 and 1300, dozers
under fire from snipers cut a road up the
western slope of rhe draw toward St-Laurenr,
and the movement of vehicles began almost
at once. Landings were resumed on Easy
Red and Easy Green, the first group of pre-
loaded dukws coming in by 1400. Enemy
artillery lacked observation on the E-l draw,
fortunately for the heavy traffic now start-
ing. By 1500 new trouble loomed; the vehi-
cles coming up on the plateau found them-
selves unable to get far toward St-Laurent
because of continued enemy resistance in
that village. For a time all movement
was stopped. Vehicles jammed bumper to
bumper all the way up the exit road, but by
1600, engineers had pushed a branch road
south off the planned roure toward the
coastal highway. Vehicles were hastily
shunted off this track into the adjoining
fields, and movement continued for rhe rest
of the day. Ar l700, all remaining tanks of
the 741sr Tank Battalion were ordered inland
via rhis exir, and four of them later took
part in the unsuccessful attempr to clean our
St-Laurent before dark.
by bulldourJ in aJurnoon, to jiat.
This SCtnt (Easy Rtd) takm somt days lattT, shows ships unloading
at tht high-wattT lint, wheT( they Wtrt floattd off at ntxt high tidt.
THE E-l EXIT ROAD was opmed on D 'Day by 1300, th, mgi-
nUTS working under fire from JniperJ. This photo, looking down E-l
draw, was take?! laur in the wuk. A tape to mark mint-cleared
areas was Jtill nuded, sinu this draw had bun heavily mined.
draw by tnginurs of the 121.51 Enginur Combat Battalion. Afur the
draw was open for traffic to Vieroille by 1700, fire from 'h, artilltry
i1!/and demolished hOUJU along the road, impeding its UJe until dark.
Efforts co get other exits working were
not successful until late in the day. At the
Vierville draw, 0-1 exit was cleared during
the afternoon by the 121st Engineer Combat
Battalion, but movement was impeded by
artillery fire which blocked the road with
fresh debris. By nightfall traffic was going
up inco the village, the 121st had partly
opened a transit area, and the 743d Tank
Battalion bivouacked near Vierville. Les
Moulins draw (0-3) was still barred by
enemy resistance in the weakening strong-
points. Work at E-3 exit was carried on in
the intervals of considerable artillery and
mortar fire. When this slackened at dark,
the engineers developed the exit sufficiently
for tanks co go up after midnight. After
traversing the beach from the Vierville
draw, the 336ch Engineers went co work at
F-1 exit, clearing mines and pushing a new
road, 12 feet wide and one-third of a mile
long, up the moderate slope of the bluff.
Landing schedules were revised co take ad-
vantage of this exit . Company B of the
745th Tank Battalion landed on Fox Green
at 1630 and was up on the high ground by
2000, losing three tanks disa bled by mines.
In most of their work during the afternoon,
the engineers were harassed by small-arms
lire and had to make full use of their security
detachments for mopping up snipers and
small bypassed emplacements.
Artillery, held off shore by the unfa vorable
condi tions of the morning, began co land
after noon in the E-1 area. Hea vy losses
had been sustained by some units before they
were able to debark. The one remaining
howitzer of the 11lth Field Artillery Battal-
ion came ashore attached co the 7th Field
Artillery Battalion, which itself had lost
six pieces on dukws that swamped in the
rough seas. Landing after 1300, the other
six howitzers of the battalion were tied in
cogether CO facilitate control, and fired their
first mission from the beach at 1615 on an
enemy machine-gun nest near Colleville.
Because of difficult observation inland, this
was their only mission of the day. The
62d Armored Field Artillery Battalion (self-
propelled), firing from LCT's in support of
the assault, was unable co unload its guns
in the morning. From 1500 co 1830, six
M-7 howitzers got ashore, two others hav-
ing been lost. They were moved co firing
positions 200 yards inland but lired no
mISSIOns. The rest of the battalion (eight
howitzers) landed on Fox Green at dark and
moved coward Colleville. The 58th Ar-
mored Field Artillery Battalion (self-pro-
pelled) had lost five howitzers as a result of
mishaps co the LCT's trying co land in the
mornlllg. The remainder of the battalion
gOt ashore from noon onward, and one
battery moved inland at 1800 to support the
115th Infantry near St-Laurent. The 32d
Field Artillery Battalion landed in the
evening and cook positions northeast of
St-Laurent. This unit lost 2 guns in the
surf and 25 vehicles during the landing (some
were later recovered), and had 28 casualties.
By night there were elements of 5 artillery
battalions ashore, but their combined losses
had been 26 guns and a grea t deal of eq ui p-
ment. Except for the one mission fired by
the 7th Battalion, they had played no part in
the inland lighting. As for the two anti-
aircraft gun battalions scheduled to land,
these uni ts were forced co wai t for the nex t
In general, only a start had been made in
clearing and organizing the beaches. The
main transit area in use, northeast of St-
Laurent, was jammed with vehicles and
equipment of all types. The beach flat near
E-1 exit was crowded as a result of heavy
landings late in the day; there and elsewhere,
much of the disorder produced in the morn-
ing remained co be straightened out. Medi-
cal units had been unable to set up stations
inland, supplies were waiting for the or
ganization of dumps, and "lost" elements of
assault infantry, reinforcements, and service
troops were trying to find their units. Men
dug in for the night wherever they could,
some in the sand or on the bluff slopes. All
through the shallow beachhead, along the
bluffs, in the transit area, and around com-
mand posts, sniper fire caused alarms and
started outbursts of firing. There were no
"rear areas" on the night of D Day.
At the E11d of D Day
The assault on Omaha Beach had suc-
ceeded, but the going had been harder than
expected. Penetrations made in the morning
by relatively weak assault groups had lacked
the force to carry far inland. Delay in re-
ducing the strongpoints at the draws had
slowed landings of reinforcements, artillery,
and supplies . Stubborn enemy reSIstance,
WRECKAGE ON EASY RED includn landing craft (right),
trucks, and tank No.9, Company A, 741 st Tank Battalion, which had
bun in the morning. Much was salvaged du,.-
ing the clean-up of the beach by the Engineer Special Brigade Group.
borh ar srrongpoinrs and inland , had held
rhe advance [0 a srrip of ground hardly more
rhan a mile-and-a-half deep in rhe Colleville
area, and considerably less rhan rhar wesr
of Sr-Laurenr. Barely large enough [0 be
called a foorhold, rhis srrip was well inside
rhe planned beachhead mainrenance area.
Behind U. S. forward posirions, cur-olf enemy
groups were srill resisring. The whole land-
i ng area conrinued under enemy artillery fire
from inland.
Infanrry assaulr rroops had been landed,
despire all difficulries, on rhe scale inrended;
mosr of rhe e1emenrs of five regimenrs were
ashore by dark. Wirh respecr [0 artillery,
vehicles, and supplies of all sores, schedules
were far behind. Lirrle more rhan 100 [Ons
had been gor ashore insread of rhe 2,400
[Ons planned for D Day. The ammunirion
supply siruarion was crirical and would
ha ve been even worse excepr for rhe facr
rhar 90 of rhe no pre-loaded dukws in
Force "0" had made rhe shore successfully.
Only rhe firsr sreps had been raken [0 or-
ganize rhe beach for handling rhe expecred
volume of rraffic, and ir was obvious rhar
further delay in un loadings would be in-
Unir records for D Day are necessarily in-
complere or fragmenrary, and losses in men
and mareriel cannor be esrablished in ac-
curare derail. Firsr esrimares of casualries
DEBRIS of tht landing assault on Dog Btach, with discardtd lift
prUtTVtrS most prominent. Boxu of demolitions in foregrou.nd.
0 11 Dog Gra n Beach. On the right, a tank. The LCA carried ill a boat
team of Company B, 116th Infant ry. Element "G" obstacles (left )
show i 1l waltr. Ships off tke beach are ready 10 POUT in materials.
were high, with an inflated percentage of
"missing" as a result of the number of as-
sault sections which were separated from
their companies, sometimes for two or
three days. On the basis of later, corrected
rerurns, casualties for V Corps were in the
neighborhood of 3,000 killed, wounded , and
mlsslllg. The two assaulting regimental
combat teams (l6th and 116th) lost about
1,000 men each. The highest proportionate
losses were taken by units which landed in
the first few hours, including eng1l1eers,
tank troops, and artillery.
Whether by swamping at sea or by action
a t the beach , ma terie! losses were consider-
able, including 26 artillery pieces and over
SO tanks. No satisfactory over-all figures
are available for vehicl es and suppli es ; one
unit, the 4042d Quartermaster Truck Com-
pany, got ashore only 13 out of 35 trucks
2 ) ~ ton) , but this loss was much higher
than the average. On the Navy side, a
tentative estimate gives a total of about SO
landing craft and 10 larger vessels lost, with
a much larger number of all types damaged.
The principal cause for the difficulti es of
V Corps on D Day was the unexpected
strength of the enemy at the assault beaches.
By the middle of the morning prisoners had
been taken not only from the 726th Regimmt
but from all three regiments of the 352d
Division ( the 914th, 915th, and 916th Regi-
nents)' During May, when the 91st Division
was brought into the Cotentin peninsula
and the 21st Panzer Division to the Caen area,
the German Seventh Army had also strength-
ened the beach garrisons between the Vire
and Orne rivers. The 352d Division, moving
from the St-L/) area, had taken over the
sector from Isigny to a point several miles
east of Bayeux. Apparently units of the
726th Regiment already holding the coastal
strongpoints remained there but were re-
inforced by 352d units. This meant that all
strongpoints were completely manned, that
reserve teams were available for some of the
weapons positions, and also that there were
uni ts close behind Omaha Beach in support
of the main defenses. How much of the
352d Division was actually at Omaha is not
yet known; certainly not the whole unit, for
elements of it were encountered in the
Bayeux area by the British, and the 915th
Regiment was ordered on D Day to guard the
Caren tan area. Nevertheless, the Omaha
sector had been so strengthened as to account
for the tough opposition both on the beaches
and inland. Much of the heavy artillery
fire during the afternoon was probably due
co the 352d Divisional Artillery, which in-
cluded four battalions, one of medium guns .
In view of the German strength near the
beaches, a surprising feature of the D-Day
battle was the enemy's failure to stage any
effecti ve countera ttack. The reason may
have been that the 352d Division units were
coo scattered; it may also reflect disorgani-
zation of the division and loss of control as
a result of the inland air bombardment and
the naval gunfire. Whatever the answer,
not a single enemy attack in real strength
had been met by the assaulting forces as
they pushed south from the beach. Particu-
larly in the morning, when the first penetra-
tions were being made by small units with-
out support of armor or artillery, determined
counterblows of battalion strength in the
Colleville or Vierville areas might have
pushed the battle back to the beach. Enemy
power had been frittered away in stubborn
defensive action by small groups, which
were nowhere able to do more than delay
our advances. There is enough evidence to
suggest that the 352d units were committed
piecemeal, in battalion strength or less, and
that companies and battalions of different
regiments were intermingled. Elements of
the 915th Regiment, for example, were iden-
tified east of Ba yeux, in the Omaha sector,
and near Isigny. Such disposition would
not lend itself to coordinated attack in siz-
able force.
In any event,. there were few indications
of the aggressive defense called for by Ger-
man tactical doctrine. All this was the
more significant since the 352d Division rep-
resented an offensive unit which the enemy
had been expected to use for counterattack
by the second day. Employed instead in
close-up defense of the beach, it had made
the initial assault phase harder but had not
achieved a defensive success. In that respect,
V Corps had surmounted a severe crisis, and
the success of its hard fight should be meas-
ured in other terms than the size of the
beachhead. To the extent that the 352d
Division had been used up on D Day, the
enemy had lost in a vaila ble strength for
effective early countermeasures. If his local
striking force, committed at the start of the
invasion, had not been able to gain a deci-
sive advantage, it was by that very commit-
ment less likely to be as dangerous later on.
The next few days would show whether the
352d Division had been wisely used. It had
delayed the whole assaul t sched ule at Omaha,
but unless enemy reserves were available in
time, this delay might mean Ii ttle for the
eventual outcome.
The Omaha assault was only one of several
Allied landings, and the fortunes of each
were important to the others. On the
whole, the Allied operation had achieved
a good measure of success in each main area
CMap No. X). In the Cotentin, VII Corps'
landing from the sea had been relatively
easy, and part of the 4th Division was six
miles inland near the Carentan-Cherbourg
highway. The airborne divisions, however,
had been hampered by scattered drops, and
some of their vital objectives had not
been attained, notably at the Merderet
River crossings. Ste-Mere-Eglise was held,
but only partial contacts had been made by
the airborne units with each other and with
the 4th Division. Losses had been severe
in a score of separate battles waged by small
units, and control had nOt yet been estab-
lished over the large area involved in the
air and sea landings.
To the east, British Second Army land-
ings had scored impressive early succe$ses.
The airborne units had seized the Orne
crossings north of Caen, and a wide break-
through was made in coastal defenses by
the assault troops landed from sea. Never-
theless, the 716th Division, perhaps strength-
ened by the shortening of its sector, had
held out tenaciously in some of the bypassed
strongpoints. In the later afternoon, ele-
ments of the 21st Division counter-
attacked in the Caen area and were checked
after some initial success. Stopped short of
their main objectives, Caen and Bayeux,
the British Second Army was nevertheless
inland at some points as far as six m.iles and
had cut the Bayeux--Caen highway. Four
of its divisions were in action and another
was scheduled to start landing on D+ l.
The complete absence of enemy air from
the assault area of V Corps was an outstand-
ing feature of the days action. It is easy
to imagine what the intervention of enemy
figh ters and fighter-born bers would have
meant in the critical morning hours, when the
assault forces were crowded on the narrow
beach flat. Allied air supremacy on D Day
had been absolute. Only three FW-190's
had been sighted and chased off by the U. S.
patrols covering the shipping area, and
enemy air efforts to get near the battle zone
had been negligible. Not until nightfall
was there any German air activity near
Omaha; then 22 enemy planes attacked
shipping without causing any serious dam-
age, though one bomb from a JU-88 landed
only 35 yards from the battleship Arkansas.
Intense antiaircraft fire shot down three
planes .
In contrast, Allied air forces had carried
through a day of heavy and far-ranging
offensive activity, initiating the program,
ro be carried on for days to come, of isolating
the battle area and hampering the movement
of enemy troops and supplies in or near it.
Eighth Air Force bombers carried out three
major missions after the opening assault
bombing. On two of these, involving 1,264
hea vies, choke points for traffic behind the
assault area were hit from Brittany. to the
Seine; among them were St-La, Vire, and
Coutances. On similar missions, the
Bomber Command of the Ninth Air Force
dispatched 1,Oll aircraft on D Day, many
crews flying 2 missions. Two thousand and
sixty-five fighter-bombers of the Ninth
attacked, including among their missions II
flown on request for air-ground cooperation
by ground forces. Their efforts included
attempts to deal with enemy batteries be-
tween Isigny and Bayeux, and with the guns
near Maisy and Gefosse-Fontenay. British
planes in the tactical air force CA. E. A. F.)
flew 2,489 sorties on D Day.
The ElIemy Side 17
The enemy had been aware of impmdi1lg Allied
invtlsio1l sillce the late wi"ter. The Germa"
High Comma"d believed that the most likely
area for the blow was the Pas-de-Calais coast.
Hitler, on the other hand, regarded Brittany
and the Cotentin area of Norma1ldy as more
likely t argets. As a result of his views, re-
inforcements were brought to that area in May.
The 91st Division was placed in the Cotmtin.
The 2d Paratroop Division was ordered from the
erutern fro1lt, but o1lly the 6th Regimmt had
arrived by June , to he stationed tlear Carel1ta11.
By May, intelligel1ce had revealed the movem."t
of troops i1lto southern E1lgla1ld, a1ld other
preparations for the assault . Rommel's Army
Group "B" was put in a state of readiness by
the ."d of May, and Rommel himself expressed
his complete satisfaction with the preparations
for defmse . The arrival of reinforcemmts had
permitted him to plan for tactics which he had
long advocated: that of ma.king a "more tactical
defense" of the coast, with reserves as close as
possible to t he more vult/erahle areas. The
keynote of his defmsive plans was stmck in a
letter of 22 April 1944 to commanders of coastal
""its: "We must stop the assaulting forces in
the water, not only delaying, but destroying all
enemy equipment while still ajlMt. On 6
June Rommel was absent from Fra1lce on a visit
to Hitler's headquarters, alld had stopped ill
Stuttgart 011 his wery back, t o celebrate his wife's
Plalls f or tue of the Germem air force in the
event of an invasion had been embarrassed by a
number of ffJCtors. Goering wetS afraid of shifting
fighters to France before the last mommt, since
this move would expose them to attack by mperior
I" Capo" td 1.I)(II,"'II,r alld PIr inlrroil"U' f p/Uo.riy yirfd mlldl i,,/o,mtJli<J 1I 011
fAt CUmtl n ,nut,,,,, , 10 ,10, Alli,tI auawll. !Jar/ie,,"I,ly 0.1 Army IlTtl. WIr Ol
;1 II ''' ,"mary "I III( 1Ie/;olt/ram /Iu lrIN11y poi", 0/ (Jino tHld of oil imporlllni
,",p,u,,, loltno by tlu utmy ,0,""'<I"d a/ Irirlr. a Tlu u r,"mory mlul i"cilld,
flrl !I'a, manor ,ulQu/, II ' UJ. for fro m '''1 $ltlndpoiltl 0/ bo," Sn"",1! Army
<mJ L X X X /I ' Cor p. tI., "'0.- o .. fy 0 ... parI /)j a co mpfnr
From D Day 0,.. uaaio ... '" II., sutor jaclII( P Corpr .. 0 .. 1)1
bt li"dtrslOOd '" " /,, t"(( 10 lIlt lafl tr pfohl"" jaad hy Ilu Ci ,ma,. ((I mma,.d.
Allied air power. Furthermore , Allied attacks
on airfields in France had wrecked so ma,'Y in-
stallations that the Luftwaffe would have great
trouble in finding bases for operatio" close to the
coast. Fillally, it was difficult to plall on weak-
ming the fighter defense of Germany against
Allied airblows. As a remIt of these considera-
tions, German air strength in France ill early
Jttne was weak.
According to a statemmt made in 1945 by a
high German staff officer, radio intercepts had
yielded the German High Command information
on the afternoon of 5 June that led them to expect
an invasion the next morning. Col . Gen. Alfred
JodI, Chief of the Armed Forces Operatims Staff,
did not deem it necessary to inform the local com-
mallders in France, since their state of readiness
was regarded as Jufficient without further notice;
furthermore, there had been several false alarms
At 0130 on 6 J,me the German Seventh Army
received word from LXXXIV Corps that la/,dings
from the air were u"deY way from Cam to the
1lorthem Cotentin. Despite many eelTly reports of
an erromous nature, and despite the wide distri-
bution of the la1ldings, by 0230 Army felt able to
designate the focal areas as the Orne River mouth,
and the Ste-Mere-Eglise sector. In contrast t o
Seventh Army's views thelt the Allies were fJtttlck-
ing to Cftt off the Cotentin peni'ISltla, Army Group
and Westem Command ( Field MClTshal Gerd VOII
Rtmdstedt ) were of the opinioll that a major
enemy action was flOt in progress. By 0250
coelstal stations were reporting movement at sea
east of Cherbourg a/zd north of Caen, but no de-
tailed appreczations reelChed Corps then or later.
Despite further reports of parachute landings
at inland points all through western Normandy ,
at 0400 Gen. Erich Marcks ( LXXXIV Corps)
cOl1firmed the first impression that the focal points
were the Cam sector and around Ste-Mere-Eg-
lise. He reported that the 915th Inf,mtry, corps
reserve, had been ordered to occupy the Carelltan
area with the mission of maintaining communi-
cations through that point. Army Group alerted
the 21st Panzer Division, attached it to Seventh
Army, and ordered it to attack in the Caen area
with maill e ftort east of the Orne. Measures
were taken to deal with the air landings in the
CotUltin by cormterattack, and the 30th Mobile
Brigade waS set in march toward Periers. At
0515, Seventh Army reaffirmed its earlier view to
Army Group: a major 0 ftensive was in progress
with landings by sea expected. The 21st Pan-
zer Division had begun movemUlt northward for
immediate counterattack east of the Orne River.
At 0600 Corps reported heavy naval gunfire from
Grandcamp to the Orne,' at 0645 Army told
Army Group that the Allied intentions were still
not clear and expressed an opinion that the naval
gunfire might be part of it diversionary attack,
to be followed hy the main eftort in some other
area. German air and sea reconnaissance, ac-
tive since daylight, had furnished no new infor-
mation. Not until 0900 did Army hear from
LXXXIV Corps that heavy landings from the
sea had taken place from 0715 on,' the sectors
reported were from the Orne to IlOrtheast of Bay-
ettX and at Grandcamp. The number of ships
involved was uncertain,' some 60 were indicated
at Grandcamp. At 0925, Corps reported the
situation as very threatening north of Caen, with
Allied armor reaching artillery positions, and
asked for a mohile reserve to he constituted at
once west of Caen. Penetrations in the forward
positions of the 352d Infantry Division were
reported at this time hut were not regarded as
dangerous. At 1040 the naval command re-
ported enemy ship movements at the mouth of the
Vire Estuary.
Corps reported at 1145 an Allied hridgehead 16
miles wide and over 3 miles deep north and north-
west of Caen,' no information was on hand from
the 352d Division, and communicatiolls were out
with the eastern Cotentin area. Both Army and
Corps were convillced that the Caen landillgs
presetlted the main threat,' the 21st Panzer Divi-
sion was headed fol' the beachhead hoth east alld
west of the OrlZe, and the 30th Mobile Brigade
was ordered to come up to support the 716th
Division. Army endeavored to get Army Group' s
approval of a plan whereby the 711 th Divisioll
would take care of the east batik of the Orne and the
nth S5 Panzer Division would he committed ill
the Caell sector. At noon, Corps stated that at-
tempted sea landings from the Vire to the coast
northea.rt of Bayeux had been completely smashed
and the only critical area was that near Caen .
The 352d Division advised Army at 1335 that
the Allied assault had heell hurled back illtO the
sea,' ollly at Colleville was fighting still under
way, with the Germans cou'lterattacking. This
reassuring view was sent on to Army Group.
At 1500 Army Group decided to put I 55
Panzer Corps ill charge of the Caen area"8 It
would include the 716th Divisioll, the 21st
P allzer Division, alld the 12th 5 5 Panzer Divi-
SiOIl, to which would be added the Panzer Lehr
Division. Its missioll was to attack and wipe
out the Allied beachhead on both sides of the Orne.
The 12th 55 Pallzer would move at once f rom the
AletlfOIl area toward Caen,' P allzer Lehr was to
come behilld it. The 21st Pallzer Divisioll had
elements Ilorth of Caen by 1600 and was expected
to enter the battle at any moment.
At 1620 Army gave Army Group a general
estimate of the situation: the situation in the
Cotentill was Iloted as reassuring, and German
forces Oil hand there were regarded as adequate;
Army expressed its surprise that 110 lalldings by
sea had supported the airborne troops, and
hazarded the view that the Allied operation in
this sector was diversio'lary . Twenty mi,lutes
later, this conclusioll was upset hy word from
Corps that sea landings had takm place ill t he
Madeleine area, just llOrth of the Vire mouth. 19
At 1800 more bad news came from the 352d Divi-
sion: Allied forces had illfiltrated through the
stroflgpoints, and advance elemUlts with armor had
reached the line Colleville- Louvieres-AJ1Iieres,' 2.
the objective of this attack was believed to be
\I For ''I''''' rri"/orttm,"' 1'1""1, Jt( Mpp XI/I.
II I. t" U,ah bltuUrad.
JII rilla" OIU' mil, "'III gf Lcwflitr".
Bayeux. At the same time the right wing of the
352d Division waJ threatened by advance of
Allied troops toward Bayeux from the northeast.
Ryes had been taken, and the 352d was mounting
a. counterattack to recover it. This effort came
to nought, at 2100 Corps reported a heavy Allied
penetration toward the Bayeux-Caen highway at
the expense of the 915th Regiment. As for the
",ening attack of the 21st Panzer Division, that
unit had at first made progress and nearly reached
the coast,' it then met heavy resistance and was
forced to yield ground.
Army Group at 1700 had transmitted von
Rundstedt' s demand that the Allied bridgehead
be wiped out that evenint,-' also, the order of
General j odl that all available forces be thrown
into the battle. Army replied' that it was im-
possible to clean up the penetration area on 6
june, but that all measures were set for a counter-
attack at the earliest moment.
By midnight Seventh Army and Army Group
had made plans for a heavy armored counter-
attack on 7 june against the British landing
area by I SS Panzer Corps, with the 716th
Division attached. The 21st Panzer Division
would attack east of Caen; 12th SS Pan:{er and
Patlzer Lehr west of Caen. Steps had been
taken during the day for setting in motion other
units to reinforce the battle area (Map No.
XIII). Battle groups ( Kampfgruppen ")
from the 266th and 77th Divisions were pttt in
a state of readiness, and those from the 275th
and 265th Divisiotls were started by r(lil trans-
port as reinforcemmt for LXXXIV Corps. All
these ttllits were in Britrmny, (lnd some hesitation
was felt by Army Grottp in taking too mttch
strmgth from that (lrea before Allied intentions
were fttlly clarified.
Corps (lnd Army had already received prelimi-
1!ary explanations from the 716th Division on
reasons for the sttccess of the Allied assattlt.
IJ U"iu of irutu/ar w mpos;/ion and Umpo,ary in r/wracUr. (rtalnJ f or Q s puial
miss ion or in oiroJ of an (muc,ney. [ .. rAis caH. ,h, bat/It l rOW!JI probably ..011 _
, ;Ir,d of a" mor, mobil, ,hmrnlS of (A, dif1iJionJ conuTlud. and Iht but firM;",
troopJ. A "ballit , rowp" lUll no prJ siu, and Iht", U no i"dull/Wn as 10 W},I>I
l>'OpOrl;O" 0/ flit dioisiQns n'l(lIliontd Mrt WaJ i n u ~
(This report may have related only to the British
zone.) P articttlar stress was laid on the deva-
stating effects of the naval gtttljire; in addition,
it was claimed that "special bombs" had set
off German minejields, and that the assattlt
troops had used new tactics in bypassing strong-
points with strong armored ttnits and then at-
tacking the coastal defenses from the rear. Ger-
man efforts to cottnterattack had been stopped
with high losses, mainly by the action of Allied
air and the naval jire. In a fttrther report,
made abottt a week later for sttbmission to Hitler
himself, the same ttnit went into more detail .
It was fully alert,d on 6 jttne, and there was no
qttestion of being cattght unprepared or by Sttr-
prise. German reconnaissance by sea and air
failed completely to prodttce any information.
Defensive obstacles, not yet completed, were not
effective, and the mine fields had been partly
detonated by gtttljire and air bombardment.
Smoke screens hindered the coastal gttns from
aimed fire on the ships, and German artillery
was put out of action at an early stage by bomb-
ing and na.val gunfire. The loss of two anti-
tank companies as a resttlt of the air bombard-
ment was keenly felt when it came to meeting
armored attack. According to this report, the
Allies obviously knew every weak point in the
German defensive positions and had made good
use of this intelligettce in the assault. Becattse
of the lack of a second defettsive line, fortified in
depth, penetrations were extended rapidly to the
proportions of a breakthrough, and air and naval
gunfire had greatly hindered the bringing up of
operative reserves for cottnterattack.
At the end of D Day the German Seventh Army
had decided that the landings near the Orne con-
stitttted the main threat, and had taken steps to
commit its strongest and most readily available
reserves in that sector. The situation in the
Cotentin was not cattsing particular worry. In-
formation as to the Omaha Beach sector had been
scanty throttghout the day, and both Corps and
Army tettded to pay little attention to develop-
ments thm, even after th, evening news of Allied
penetrations. The evidence suggests that both
Corps and Army regarded the auault in this area
as a mere adjunct of the main effort directed at
Caen and Bayettx. Communications were evi-
dently poor in the 352d Division's sector, and no
inkJillg had come back to Corps of the scale of
lalldillgs in progreu at Omaha.
When Hitler, on 6 June, received word of the
invasion he was about to appear at a reception
near Salzburg of the new Hungarian prime min-
ister. Hitler came in to the meeting with a radi-
ant face and announced "It's begun at last."
He was confident that all measures were being
taken to meet the crisis, and that by 13 June
counterattacks would wipe out any beachheads.
(now a which protected E-l draw (wut Jidt), was
rmploytd umporarily as CP for thr Engin"r Sprcial Brigadr Group.
This unit opcraud Omaha Beach as a port of supply until Drctmbrr.
THE OUTCOME of the assault on Omaha
Beach was not clear at the end of D Day.
A shallow lodgement had been secured, 1,500
to 2,000 yards deep in the area of furthest
advance near Colleville. Weak enemy forces
were still holding out in remnants of the
beach defenses, and artillery fire could still
harass any section of the landing area. Un-
loadings of vehicles and supplies had fallen
far short of the D-Day schedule. Artillery
and tank support for the infantry ashore was
reduced by severe losses of materiel. Enemy
troops had shown plenty of determination
and fighting spirit; if the Germans could
muster sufficient force to counterattack this
beginning of a beachhead, they might im-
peril its existence.
Therefore, the action of the next few days
would be decisive. For success, two things
were essential: advance inland far enough to
put the beach area out of artillery range and
to secure maneuver room for further progress;
and organization of the beach for maximum
landings of supply and reinforcement. The
first phase of the effort was to carry forward
the original plan and reach D-Day objectives.
Certain readjustments had to be made in
the 1st Division's plan for attaining its
objectives (Map No. XI). The 16th Infantry
had been badly used up in the assault and
needed time to get its scattered units re-
assembled; therefore, its assignments were
turned over in part to units of the 26th
RCT. The 1st Battalion of the 26th was
attached to the 16th, and at 1100 on 7 June
received the mission of taking the high
ground west and southwest of Port-en-
Bessin, including Mount Cauvin, and link-
ing up with British XXX Corps. The 3d
Battalion of the 26th had moved during the
night to a position south of St-Laurent on
the flank of the 18th Infantry, Attached
to the 18th, the battalion was ordered to
take Formigny and cover the right flank of
the 18th's attack south, This attack, the
main effort of the day, was aimed at the
original objectives of the 18th RCT: the
high ground just north of Trevieres, and
the Mandeville-Mosles area south of the
Aure, Elements of the 7th, 32d, and 62d
Field Artillery Battalions were ashore and
available for support, and the 5th Field
Artillery Battalion landed during the day
and went into action. Only five tanks of
the 741st Tank Battalion were ready for
action on 7 June, but the 745th. had landed
during the night and was attached to units
of the attacking infantry, mainly the 18th.
Mopping up of the ground occupied on D
Day was a time-consuming process. All
during the night, small enemy groups had
been trying to escape from the area north of
the Colleville-St-Laurent highway, filtering
through the 16th Infantry's scattered units
and starting sporadic fire fights. In the
early morning, as drivers of the 1st Battalion
Headquarters were getting ready to move
toward a new motor park, they found and
ca ptured 30 Germans in the field next to
their night position. Back at the beach,
enemy snipers were so troublesome to the
gunners of the 7th Field Artillery Battalion
that they were forced to organize an attack
on the bluff with artillery personnel. These
were typical of many small incidents that
prolonged the confusion in rear areas. The
major job was the pocket of resistance at
Colleville, which was dealt with during the
morning of the 7th by the 2d Battalion of
the 16th. Company G was through the
village by 1000, and found enemy resistance
weak. Some 52 Germans of the 726th Infantry
gave up without a fight; the Company L
patrol , captured at Cabourg the day before,
had talked the enemy into a receptive mood
for surrendering. The main damage to Ger-
man forces in Colleville was inflicted by the
2d Battalion of the 18th Infantry, posted
south and southeast on the escape route from
the village. During the night and morning,
160 Germans were captured and 50 killed in
this area. The 1st and 2d Battalions of the
16th Infantry spent all of the da yin mopping-
up work, moving short distances south and
southeast from Colleville behind the ad-
vancing 18th Infantry. At dark, they were
still encountering scattered machine-gun and
sni per fire.
The ad vance eastward toward Port-en-
Bessin was accomplished without meeting
enemy resistance in any strength. The 3d
Battalion of the 16th, supported by Com-
pany B of the 745th Tank Battalion, went
straight down the coastal highway and
occupied Huppain for the night. Support-
ing this advance, the 62d Armored Field
Artillery Battalion fired five missions, ex-
pending 683 rounds, and reported the de-
structlon of an enemy battery of medium
artillery. The 1st Battalion of the 26th
went south to Russy ( reached at 1705), and
then east to a position about 1,000 yards
from Mount Cauvin. British commando
units were reported on the edge of Port-en-
Bessin, and by evening a juncture between
V Corps and the British 50 Division was
in sight.
The attack of the 18th Infantry was slow
in getting started but made good progress
during the afternoon. The 1st Battalion met
only small and isolated groups of enemy
resistance and was effectively aided in dealing
with these by the five tanks of the 741st Tank
Battalion. The battalion crossed the Bay-
eux- Isigny high wa y shortly after noon and
ambushed some cyclists from reconnaissance
units of the 352d Division. The tanks
reached the vicinity of Engranville at 1400
and shelled the village. Enemy resistance
lasted until evening, when Company C at-
tacked and forced an enemy platOon across
the river . The Germans had 15 casualties.
The battalion then occupied a defensive
position on ground which dominated the ap-
proaches to the Aure. The situation on its
right flank was somewhat unsatisfactory, as
the enemy still held Formigny. The 3d
Battalion of the 26th Infantry, advancing
down the St-Laurent road, had been stopped
a half-mile short of Formigny by strong
resistance from machine-gun nests and made
no progress for the rest of the day. This left
the 18th at Engranville exposed to attack
from its rear.
The 3d Battalion of the 18th Infantry kept
pace with the 1st Battalion, going through
Surra in at 1215 and reaching the Bayeux
highway just north of the Aure at 1700. The
river crossing was made without meeting
effective resistance, and by 2400 the bat-
talion was in defensive positions southeast
of Mandeville, on the flank of the important
enemy base at Trevieres. Casualties of the
yond t ~ chuTch shown in an ear/itr photograph, is the coastal highway
leading toward Cabourg. Enemy ruistance was cleared up in this
part of Coll,ville on the morning of D+I by troops of the 16th Infantry.
battalion in the day's advance were 4 killed
and 27 wounded.
Still further east, a second crossing of the
Aure was effected by the 2d Battalion of the
18th Infantry. Supported by a platoon of
tanks ftom Company C, 745th Tank Bat-
talion, the battalion left the Colleville area
at 1000 in two columns and reached the Aure
at 1440. No resistance was met until Com-
pany G in the western column reached
Houtteville, where enemy mortar and ma-
chine-gun fire from across the river forced
deployment. The second column, however,
reaching the river south of Bellefontaine,
rushed a pia toon across the 300 yards of
causeway and bridge before meeting enemy
fire. Tanks went across to support the
platoon, the rest of the company followed,
and Company G side-slipped east to take the
same route. Driving the enemy out of their
defensive posltlons, Companies F and G
moved on promptly toward Mosles, leaving
Company E to clean up bypassed pockets of
resistance. Mosles, the objective, was en-
tered at 1700. Thirty enemy dead were
found after the sharp action at the crossing,
which cost the 2d Battalion only a few men
and one tank. A patrol sent down the
Bayeux road reported enemy in Tour-en-
By nightfall on 7 June, a part of the D-Day
objectives had been reached. Even more
encouraging were the indications of badly
disorganized enemy resistance. Not only
had the Germans failed to develop any
counterattack, but they had shown little
strength in opposing an advance made on a
broad front by widely separated battalions.
This advance had cut the main highway for
lateral communications near the beachhead
and had accomplished two crossings of the
Aure. Only in the Formigny- Trevieres area
was the enemy in force sufficient to check
the 1st Division's progress. Intelligence
estimates put the 1st Battalion of the 726th
Infantry south of Port-en-Bessin, elements of
the 916th south of the Aure from Tour-en-
Bessin to Trevieres, and elements of the
915th at Formigny. Enemy artillery fire
had been light, though the beaches were still
under harassing fire .
In response to a request by V Corps, the
Ninth Air Force flew 35 missions of squad-
ron strength on 7 June in the zone from
Bayeux west along the Aure valley, with
one squadron always over the target area.
Enemy gun positions were priority targets
in these missions, but were difficult to locate.
Highway and rail targets, as well as enemy
concentration areas in Cerisy Forest, re-
ceived most of the weight of attacks by 467
planes, using I,OOO-pound general-purpose
bombs and fragmentation clusters .
The situation at Formigny was cleared up
during the early morning hours of 8 June.
About midnight Company B of the 18th,
helped by tanks of Company B, 745th Tank
Battalion, attacked from the southeast and
drove out a small enemy force, which lost
10 killed and 15 prisoners. North of the
village. enemy machine-gun positIOns con-
tinued to block the 3d Battalion, 26th In-
fantry, until late in the morning. In part,
the delay at Formigny was due to lack of
contact between the two battalions attack-
ing from different sides of the village.
A counterattack "scare" developed early
in the morning of 8 June at Mandeville. At
0200 a large combat patrol infiltrated the
defensive positions of the 3d Battalion, 18th
Infantry. Some personnel in the rear com-
mand post and motor park were temporarily
captured, but after daylight the patrol was
overpowered and driven out with enemy
losses of 25, killed and prisoners . In the
confusion, the 18th Infantry Command Post
near Surrain received reports of German
tanks in "severe attack." With every staff
briefed to expect counterattacks, this news
caused a severe flurry back through corps
headquarters; between 0600 and 0800, V
Corps Headquarters was taking acti ve meas-
ures to assemble tanks, antitank guns, and
tank destroyer units for meeting a possible
emergency south of the Aure. By 0850, the
situation was cleared up and orders were
issued to resume normal missions. For the
rest of 8 June, the 1st and 3d Battalions held
their positions north and east of Trevieres,
patrolling to the outskirts of that town.
Trevieres was shelled by naval guns in the
afternoon, and there were indications that
only minor enemy forces remained there.
On D+2, main action in the 1st Division
zone shifted to the left flank, where the 26th
RCT went after its D-Day objectives in the
Tour-en-Bessin area. The movement had
begun late on 7 June, when the 2d Battalion
of the 26th Infantry, released at 1745 from
division reserve, was ordered to seize the
high ground at the crossroads between
Mosles and Tour-en-Bessin. The battalion
moved sourheast along the front of the 16th
Infantry, crossed the Aure at midnight a
little west of Erreham, and reached its ob-
jective abour 0530 on 8 June.
Enem y artillery and infan try were reported
in some strength at Tour-en-Bessin, and the
26th Infantry at 0800 requested an air mis-
sion. Division notified the regiment that
adequate fire support from artillery and naval
guns would be available if the air mission
failed. The air attack was made by fighter-
bombers shortly before 0900; an armored
patrol gOt into Tour-en-Bessin by 1140,
reporting the town "empty and flat." The
2d Battalion, reinforced by a company of
the 635th Tank Destroyer Battalion and
Company C of the 745th Tank Battalion,
waited on the advance of the rest of the
regiment before moving into the town.
The other two ba ttalions of the 26th were
slow in reaching the scene. The 1st Bat-
talion, its objective the ground northeast of
Tour-en-Bessin, pushed patrols through
Etreham about noon, encountering only
snipers; then, determined resistance from
prepared positions stopped the battalion at
the river crossing. The rest of the day was
spent in efforts to get across, wi th artillery
support made difficult by the presence of 2d
Battalion units not far to the southwest .
By evening only one company of the 1st
Battalion was across the Aure. The 3d
Battalion was held up north of Formigny
all morning, pending arrival of a battalion
of the 115th Infantry which was counter-
marching from Louvieres to Formigny for
OBSERVATION WAS DIFFI CULT i n a country of hedgerows and
orchards. This picture is t k ~ n 1uar Etreham, looking south acrOH
the A UT! River. The 1st Battalt"on, 26th Infantry, encountered heavy
enemy rnistance here in its effort to reach Tour-en- BeHin on 8 June.
the purpose of strengthening the sector
north of Trevieres. Released to the 26th
Regiment at 1340, the 3d Battalion started
down the Bayeux highway toward its
objective, Ste-Auue, just beyond Tour-eu-
Bessin. Ie reached the 2d Battalion position
at 1800 and was ordered to jump off at 2040
for attack straight through Tour-en-Bessin,
supported by Company C of the 745th Tank
Battalion. The force went through the
town abour midnight , the infantry moving
in two files on either side of the road, with
six tanks betweeu the files at the head of
the column. Directed by the battalion
commander, the tanks sprayed sniper posi-
tions and suspected strongpoints. Light
enemy resistance was brushed aside, and the
column reached Ste-Anne about 0130, 10
Contact with enemy patrols retreating to
the east.
The enemy-held corridor north of Tour-
en-Bessin was now in great danger of being
cut. At the end of 7 June the Germans still
held Port-en-Bessin and souch of it the high
ground along the Drame Valley. During 8
June this salient was steadily reduced. The
British 47 Commandos entered Port-en-Bes-
sin about 0800 and fought through the day
to clear the area south from the port to the
Aure River, while the 3d Battalion, 16th
Infantry, blocked enemy escape to the west.
Further south the British had entered Bayeux
on 7 June, and were approaching the Drame
crossings at Vaucelles and Sully by late
afternoon of the 8th. The narrowing enemy
pocket was held by remnants of the 1st
Battalion, 726th Infantry, reinforced on 7- 8
June by some elements of the 517th Battalion,
30th Mobile Brigade, rushed up from reserve
positions near Coucances and St-La. By
evening of the 8th there was a chance that
much of this force might be trapped by an
ad vance of the 26th Infantry. The plan
was checkmated. Very determined enemy
resistance held off the 26th at Etreham and
stopped the British efforts to get past the
Drame. A violent action at Ste-Anne, in the
early hours of 9 June, kept the base of the
corridor open.
The 3d Battalion of the 26th Infantry had
dug in hastily at Ste-Anne to meet an
expected counterattack, with Company L
just north of the village, Company I facing
east, and Company K to the south. A light
rain began to fall and visibility was bad.
About 0300 Company L's position was over-
run by a strong German column including
ammunition trucks, bicycles, and other vehi-
cles, the presence of which suggested that
the enemy was withdrawing from the north
and had blundered into the American lines.
What followed was a wild fire-fight, at
close range, with both sides hampered by
surprise and confusion . The 2d Battalion
held on in the village; tanks were of little use
in the darkness, but effective aid was ren-
dered by area fire from six battalions of
artillery and naval guns, directed northeast
and east of the village. Casualties in Com-
pany L were severe, due mainly to shells
hitting two trucks loaded with men tem-
porarily captured by the Germans. By
0630, the 3d Battalion had restored its
positions, taking 125 prisoners who testified
to the effectiveness of the artillery fire.
Although the enemy had lost heavily in
men and vehicles in this action, the corridor
stayed open, and Vaucelles, a mile east of
Ste-Anne, was retaken from the British in
the same period. During the night and
early morning, the enemy managed to with-
draw most of his force from the salient, at
the cost of considera ble losses and further
disorganization. When the 1st Battalion of
the 26th resumed its attack souch of Etre-
ham on the morning of 9 June, only light
resistance was met from the remnants of
enemy forces north of the highway.
With the 26th Infantry beyond Tour-en-
Bessin, the 1st Division had reached its
D-Day objectives. This mission had been
largely accomplished by two regiments , with
all battalions committed and moving on a
front so wide that intervals between bat-
ta'lions were as much as 3,000 yards. No
enemy counterattack had developed, though
it was known from intercepted messages
that attack was ordered for 8 June. There
was further evidence of disorganization
among the regiments of the 352d D;viJion,
strung out on a front of some 25 miles be-
tween Isigny and Bayeux. Elements of the
915th, 916th, and 726th Infantry were in the
sector Trevieres-Bayeux. On 7 June they
received their first reinforcement in the 517th
Belttalion of the 30th Mobile Brigade, rushed
north from Courances in time to be badly
mauled in the Port-en-Bessin salient. The
other twO battalions of this brigade were
identified the next day in the Tour-en-Bessin
and Bayeux areas, where they were unable
to restore the situation.
Intelligence reports by 9 June warned of
possible concentration of reinforcements, in-
cluding armor, in Cerisy Forest. However,
barring arrival of reinforcements, all evi-
dence indicated that the Germans had now
lost wha tever chance they once had of pass-
ing to the offensive on the 1st Division front.
They had continued their policy of the first
day in offering dogged resistance at tactically
important points, often from prepared posi-
ti ons. In hedgerow country, this had slowed
down the 1st Division's progress, and the
delay was increased by the willingness of
small enemy groups and individuals to fight
on in bypassed positions. Nevertheless,
these tactics could not stop the advance, and
they steadily wore down enemy strength .
Most troops of the bypassed groups never
got back; a major proportion were killed,
and by 9 June the 1st Division had taken over
600 prisoners. Enemy artillery, so effective
on D Day, was less and less in evidence there-
after. In contrast, by 8 June five battalions
of artillery were in support of the 1st Divi-
sion and adding to the powerful fire of the
naval guns.
Grandca1llp-Isigny Area
General Gerhardt , the 29th
Division, had landed on the evening of D
Day and set up his command post near the
Vierville exit, waiting for orders to take
over command of the 29th Division. Gen-
eral Cota made several tri ps from his head-
quarters in St-Laurent to 1st Division and
V Corps Headquarters during the night and
early morning and saw General Gerhardt
twice to keep him informed of plans. These
could be formed only gradually, in view of
the uncertain situation around Vierville and
St-Laurent and of continued difficulties in
communications . When Co!. Canham carne
to St-Laurent at 0930 to see General Cota and
find his 2d and 3d Battalions, the road be-
tween Vierville and St-Laurent was still
under enemy fire and he was forced to make
the trip along the beach to D-3 exit .
Plans for D+ 1 had to be adj usted to meet
a number of limiting circumstances (Map
No. XII). Of the twO regiments ashore,
the 116th had been severely used and most
of its units were still badly scattered; the
1st Battalion started the day with about
250 men. Two artillery battalions (58t h
and l1lth) were ashore, but with less than
half their guns. The 175th Infantry was
still afloat, scheduled to begin landing at
1030. A number of pressing tasks faced
these units as a preliminary to moving
against D-Day objectives. The enemy still
held a strongpoint at the western edge of
St-Laurent. Small parties of riflemen, with
occasional support from machine guns and
mortars, were reappearing at points along
the bluffs to harass the beaches. D-3 exit
was nOt yet fully opened. That the enemy
was still close to Vierville, on the south,
was proved early (0530) on 7 June when an
attack forced Company B of the l21st Engi-
neers out of the Chateau de Vaumicel and
back into the village. At Pointe du Hoe,
three companies of the 2d Rangers were
known to be isolated, weakened by heavy
casualties and in need of ammunition.
Measures to deal with these initial prob-
lems were taken by early morning. The
1st Battalion of the 116th, the 5th Ranger
Battalion, and Companies A, B, and C of
the 2d Rangers, supported by tanks, were
ordered to drive west on the highway toward
Pointe du Hoe. The 2d and 3d Battalions
of the 116th were to mop up remnants of
enemy resistance along the bluffs, while the
3d Battalion, 115th Infantry, cleaned out
St-Laurent and then moved to Vierville for
any similar work needed there. The rest of
the 115th would push on toward Longue-
ville, its objective on the Isigny highway.
The mopping-up work consumed most of
the day. After a heavy naval bombard-
ment, the 3d Battalion of the 115th moved
on the enemy strongpoint blocking the
St-Laurent crossroad and encountered opposi-
tion only from snipers. By 0900 St-Laurent
was cleared and the 3d Ba ttalion moved
toward Vierville, followed by the 1st.
Nearing Vierville and receiving word that
they were not needed there, they turned
south toward Longueville. The enemy
counterattack at Vierville had not been in
strength, and the situation had been restored
by keeping four companies of Rangers and
some tanks to protect the village. The 3d
Battalion of the 116th, only partly as-
sembled, went after the remnants of enemy
resistance along the bluff west from D-3,
finding a few machine-gun positions still in
action and taking some prisoners. The 2d
Battalion went into Vierville and then
started south with the 3d toward Louvieres.
Enemy resistance was encountered, and at
1700 the 2d and 3d Battalions were pulled
back for the night to form a perimeter
defense at ViervilJe. After 2000, Vierville
was heavily shelled by medium artillery
from the Trevieres area, and considerable
d<tmage was inflicted on the heavy traffic
moving up through the exit road. Some
ammunition trucks were exploded and three
antiaircraft guns destroyed. In the HOth
Field Artillery Battalion, which had just
landed to support the 115th Infantry, Bat-
tery B lost 2 howitzers and 17 men from the
enemy shelling. Immediately following the
shelling the Germans made a final attack in
company strength from the south. It
carried past the chateau before being stopped
by mortar and rifle fire.
South of Vier ville the 115th Infantry was
able to make only slow progress toward
Longueville. Communications worked badly,
and the battalions were out of contact with
each other most of the day. The 2d Bat-
talion moved cross-country on a broad front,
hoping that this would prove an effective
way of brushing off light opposition. At
Vacqueville a small enemy force used the
stone farm buildings as strongpoints and
held up the battalion with small-arms fire
until late afternoon. One battery (C) of the
HOth Field Artillery Battalion was a va ila ble
for support; firing two unobserved missions
from positions near St-Laurent, it aided the
2d Battalion to clear the hamlet. At 1930
the battalion resumed its advance, which
was continued through the night to reach
Montigny at 0300. This had been a strongly
prepared defensive area, including wired-in
trench systems, but the enemy had with-
drawn. The 1st and 3d Battalions had been
stopped east of Louvieres by small-scale
enemy opposition and were Out of contact
with the 2d Battalion until the morning of
8 June. Still without transport, and hand-
carrying ammunition and heavy weapons,
the 115th had been chiefly handicapped by
difficulties of communication and control.
MAP NO.7 The Relief of Pointe du Hoe. 7-8 June
The force which starred west on the
Grandcamr road ro relieve Pointe du Hoe
was stopped just shorr of its goal on 7 June.
As a result of the enemy's early morning
thrust at Vierville, four companies of the
5th Ranger Battalion had been left to guard
the village, where they spent the day in
mopping-up operations. The remainder of
the relief force, amounting to about 500 men,
began its march about 0800, headed by
Companies A, B, and C of the 2d Rangers
moving in a dou ble file on each side of the
highway. Ten tanks of Company B, 743d
Tank Battalion, followed close behind the
point, ready to move up or down the column
as needed. Many small enemy posItions
were passed, some almost at the edge of the
road, but they were not allowed to hold up
the advance. The tanks sprayed them with
heavy fire to cover the infantry, which was
never forced to deploy and did not Stop to
clean up bypassed enemy groups. Good
progress was made with this system, and at
1100 the column reached St-Pierre-du-Mont,
only a thousand yards from Pointe du Hoe.
Conditions at the Point had become more
critical over night ( Map No.7). When the
platoon of Company A, 5th Rangers, reached
the Point at dusk of D Day, they believed
the rest of the 5th Rangers were just behind.
TYPICAL NORMAN ORCHARD. This on, was on Ih, south
tdgt oj tht 2d Rangtr'l pOJition, thi night of 6 Junt, ntar thi coaJtal
highway. GtrmanJ approaching thi position through thi orchard wtre
abl, to g,t clOI< b<jor< th,y wu, spo"d. (Photo takm jun" 1945.)
Colonel Rudder therefore decided to leave
his ad vance party where it was for the night,
south of the coastal highway and reinforced
by the 5th Ranger platoon. Amounting to
about 85 men, this force was hit by a coun-
terattack after dark. The Rangers were dug
in on an L-shaped position, sides about 300
yards long, behind hedgerows overlooking
slopes toward the southwest. The Germans
made two preliminary probing attacks,
beginning at 2330, to draw the Rangers' fire
and locate their positions. Despite partial
moonlight, the enemy were able to crawl up
in the orchard grass to within 25 yards of
the Ranger lines before being observed. At
about 0300 a final assault was made at the
angle of the Rangers' position. The enemy
force, more than a company in strength,
used at least six machine guns and some
mortar fire, but the action was largelyelose-
in fighting with much use of grenades.
The angle was overrun and 25 Rangers were
killed or captured . In the confusion of a
night action, coordinated defense was diffi-
cuI t; the rest of the line crum bled and less
than 50 men found their way back to the
Point in small groups. Fourteen Rangers
sta yed in their original fox holes under a
dense hedge, where they were able to avoid
enemy notice. They were to spend the
next 36 hours in these hide-outs.
At morning of 7 June, the force on the
Point numbered 90 to 100 men available for
action, many of them with light wounds .
They had no food, their ammunition supply
was short, they had brought no machiHe
guns in their landings, and only two mortars
were left. They were pinned on a strip
about 200 yards deep and 500 yards wide,
ineluding in it the wrecked enemy fortifi-
cations. Snipers were still appearing inside
this area, and enemy movements indicating
preparation for attack could be seen close
by. Naval fire support, rendered at differ-
ent times by the destroyers Barton, Thompson,
Harding, and O'Brien, was the Rangers' main
defense and was called on heavily to shell
suspected assembly areas . With this aid
and maximum use of their two mortars,
which fired 300 rounds during the day,
enemy attack was held off.
Their communications still limited to
occasional contact with passing naval ves-
sels, the Rangers on the Point were unaware
through most of the day that a relief force
was very near and was battling to reach
them. After reaching St-Pierre-du-Mont be-
fore noon, the relief column planned to push
along the coastal highway to the junction
of the exit road from Pointe du Hoe. Com-
pany A of the 2d Rangers, forming the
column's point , got to a hamlet within 200
yards of the exit road, when heavy inter-
dictory fire from medium howitzers fell on
the highway behind them, forcing the tanks
to withdraw. Reforming at St-Pierre, the
column tried again . This time the tanks
got past the exit road, but the 1st Battalion
of the 116th was caught by well-directed
artillery fire which blanketed a quarter-mile
stretch of the highway, and lost 30 or 40
men. This forced another withdrawal. The
58th Armored Field Artillery Battalion and
na val guns endeavored to loca te the en em y
batteries, somewhere to the southwest. Ef-
forts were made to organize a third attack,
again along the highway, but the afternoon
ended with the relieving force still in St-
Pierre-du-Mont . Its advance had undoubt-
edly taken some of the pressure off the Point,
and patrols made COntact that night with
the beleaguered force. During the after-
noon, two LCVP's landed at the Point with
food, water, ammunition, and about 30 re-
inforcements picked up at Omaha Beach.
The worst of the situation was over.
The 175th Infantry landed east of D-3 be-
tween 1230 and 1630, losing several craft
to mines and encountering occasional ma-
chine-gun fire at the beach and on the march
inland through Vierville to Gruchy, which
was reached at 2000. Elements of the 224th
and 227th 'Field Artillery Battalions also
landed during the afternoon, giving the
29th Divisio'n a total of 29 howitzers from
5 battalions ashore and ready for fire.
Anticipating these reinforcements , V
Corps issued Field Order No.1, at 2100,
7 June, covering the next phase of operations
for the 29th Division. The division's chief
objective was Isigny, an important road
center for enemy communications and the
key to eventual junction with VII Corps .
Released from corps reserve to the 29th
Division, the 175th Infantry, with two
companies of the 747th Tank Battalion
attached, was ordered to move via Engles-
queville-Ia Cambe and capture the town.
The 115th Infantry had the mission of pro-
tecting the flank of this advance by seizing
the high ground north of the Aure from
Longueville to Normanville. The 116th
and Rangers were ordered to continue west-
ward on the axis of the coastal highway,
clearing out enemy resistance from Grand-
camp to Isigny. The 9th Infantry of the 2d
Division, just starting t6 land, was given
the mission of further mopping-up in the
Vierville-St-Laurent area.
General Gerhardt, assuming command of
the 29th Division at 1700, implemented the
corps order wi th 29th Di vision Field Order
No.3, issued at 2330. In this, the 115th
Infantry was directed to move one battalion
north of Formigny for protection of the
the division flank near the boundary with
the 1st Division. Enemy forces in the 29th
Division zone were estimated as including
elements of the 914th, 916th, and 726th
Infantry. An important aspect of the next
day's operation was the prospect of clearing
out enemy artillery positions in the Grand-
camp-Maisy area, for despite all efforts of
naval fire, enemy batteries in this "rea were
still active on 7 June.
The 175th Infantry and the attached tanks
started their march from Gruchy at 2130 and
reached their objective within 36 hours, an
advance of some 12 miles. Turning off the
cOi!-stal highway beyond Gruchy, the regi-
ment reached Englesqueville at 0200 on 8
June, brushing aside light resistance. Stay-
ing on the roads, with tanks leading the
column of battalions, the force pushed south
to hit the Isigny- Bayeux highway west of
Longueville. The advance echelon of tanks
reached la Cambe at 0300, but an attempt to
enter the village at 0530 was held up by
antitank guns. The 747th Tank Battalion
knocked out five of these for the loss of one
tank, and during the morning the infantry-
tank team succeeded in capturing la Cam be.
Aircraft bearing friendly insignia strafed
the column as it passed through the village
and inflicted 20 casualties.
Enemy resistance stiffened west of la
Cam be, and artillery fire from 88-mm guns
disabled six tanks of Company C of the 747th
Tank Battalion. A small enemy force sup-
ported by a few mobile 88's held the St-
Germain-du-Pert area. On the other flank
an enemy strongpoint protected the radar
station at Cardon ville. At Osman ville, ene-
my strength estimated at a company and
disposing of antitank guns blocked the main
highway. Too separated to give each other
support, none of these enemy positions was
able to cause more than temporary delay.
The 3d Ba ttalion of the 175th drove the
enemy from St-Germain across the Aure by
1600. Aided by naval fire from the British
cruiser Glasgow, the 2d Battalion captured
Cardon ville late in the evening. Resuming
its advance after nightfall and encountering
only weak enemy parties, at 0200 the 3d
Battalion was within half a mile of Isigny,
and leading tanks entered the town during
the next hour. As a result of hea vy naval
bombardment, Isigny was in flames. The
bridge over the Aure was intact, and no
DAMAGE IN ISIGNY inflicted by a naval bombardmmt jUJt b.-
fo" th. 175th I l1fantry wmt through th. town in th arly morning
of 9 june, Though they offered little orgalliud ruistatlu here,
German rijle11ltn wert ftill sniping from ho'Usu later in the day.
organized resistance was met in the tOwn.
By 0500, infantry and tanks were cleaning
the houses of snipers; a weak enemy counter-
attack about 0800 was stOpped by rifle fire.
Some 200 pri soners taken in the tOwn
included naval, marine, and air force per-
sonnel. While the tanks starred south to-
ward Lison, Com pan y K of the 17Sth pushed
on a mile to the Vire River crossing and
found that the bridge had been burned.
To strengthen the drive of the 116th
Infantry along the coastal highway, the
2d and 3d Battalions, the remainder of the
5th Rangers, and twO com panies of the
743d Tank Battalion moved up from Vier-
ville early in the morning of 8 June. At
about 1CXXl a coordinated attack was starred
toward Pointe du Hoe; the 5th Rangers and
the 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry, struck
across country from St-Pierre-du-Mont; the
3d Battalion and five tanks attacked from
south and southwest of the Point; and the
destroyer Ellyson put 140 rounds on the
German cliff positions. The right wing of
the maneuver reached the Point without
opposition; unfortunately, the tanks and the
3d Battalion in their outflanking approach
became confused as to the location of friendly
positions and started firing on the Point as
well as on the enemy emplacements just
west of it. The fact that the 2d Rangers
were firing captured German machine guns
at the enemy west of the Point may have
contributed to the mix-up. Communica-
tions failed to function well, and some
casualties were suffered before the situation
was cleared up. Three tanks were disabled
by mines in the effort to reach the Point.
Enemy resistance had faded quickly and
Pointe du Hoe was cleared by noon.
' .
Movement toward Grandcamp started at
once. Taking that small resort town prom-
ised to be difficult, since the approach by
the coastal highway led across a small valley
with flooded areas on both sides of the road,
and the enemy strongpoints west of the
valley had extensive fields of fire from higher
ground (Map No.8). The enemy had
failed to destroy the bridge, but the 5th
Rangers were checked at this crossing by
machine-gun and mortar fire, and lacked
heavy weapons to deal with the enemy
resistance. The British cruiser Glasgow ren-
dered assistance by fire on the German
strongpoints near Grandcamp, expending 113
rounds between 1455 and 1600. Late in the
afternoon the 3d Battalion of the 116th
took over the job. Tanks of Company C,
743d Tank Battalion, led across the bridge,
losing one vehicle to a mine; then Companies
0) M&III '"'11, IIUIUAIIG'
A,," IIUtlllD n I Co
(j) Nit'" '0'1'1011 3110 ell. U6U1 1",,..lIu,
o 100 100 )00 400 100
K and L of the 3d Battalion worked over to
the west bank and attacked abreast on
either side of the road, under covering fire
by machine guns and BAR's which dis-
placed rapidly, Enemy emplacements north
of the highway had to be taken by close-in
fighting, and snipers in the tOwn continued
to resist . Company I came up after the
others had entered the tOwn; one platOon of
I, led by 2d Lt. Norvin Nathan, drove all
the way through to the west end of Grand-
camp and forced the surrender of a pill box
at the edge of the beach. Organized re-
sistance was over by dark. In the action,
which some soldiers of the 5th Rangers and
3d Battalion, 116th, described as more se-
vere than their D-Day fighting, tbe Germans
had lost one of their strongest coastal posi-
tions in the V Corps zone.
During this attack along the coastal high-
way, the 1st Battalion of the 116th was
making a wide sweep to the south, not only
outflanking Grandcamp but aiming at
Maisy. Paced by Company A of the 743d
Tank Battalion, they moved south to Juco-
ville and then swung west through an area
wbich was practically undefended. Heavy
na val guns had tOrn Maisy to pieces, and
the tanks were able to deal easily with
resistance from enemy machine guns. Just
west of the village an en em y strongpoint
blocked the Isigny road and was supported
by mortar and 88-mm fire, including inter-
dictOry fire behind Maisy which prevented
reinforcement of the leading infantry ele-
ments. Since the tanks were running short
of fuel, advance was halted for the night.
Supporting the 116th on 8 June, tbe 58th
Armored Field Artillery Battalion fired 123
rounds from positions north of Longueville.
On 9 June, the 116th and Rangers cleaned up
the last enelPy resistance around Grand-
camp, Maisy, and Gefosse-Fontenay.
The 115th accomplished its mi ssion on 8
June without much difficulty. Longueville,
a bandoned by the enemy, was reached at
1100 by the 2d Battalion which tOok up
defensive positions west of the village.
The 1st Battalion followed to the same area,
approached the Aure Valley at Ecramme-
ville, and began to patrol in preparation for
crossing the flooded lowlands. The 3d
Battalion, ordered tOward Formigny in the
morning to guard against possible enemy
attack from Trevieres, reached Formigny
at noon and at 1630 was moved west again
to Deux-Jumeaux. It arrived there at 1900,
only to be sent south to Canchy, with orders
to reconnoi ter the inundated area for cross-
ings that night. The tired battalion, which
had received no rations that day, got to
Canchy at midnight . Regimental transport
for the 115th was reaching the battalions
that evening. The 110th Field Artillery
Battalion fired 178 rounds in support of the
regiment on 8 June.
A document captured by the 175th Infan-
try laid down a German defensive policy
which had been illustrated by enemy action
against the advance of the 29th Division:
"Do not," it advised, "become engaged in a
positioned defense." The Germans had
tried to stOp the U. S. columns by use of
small parties, well equipped with autOmatic
weapons, supported by a few self-propelled
guns, and ready to retire under strong pres-
sure. These tactics, intended to delay by
forcing repeated deployments , worked well
enough up to 8 June, but then failed against
the gathering momentum of the 29th Divi-
sion 's attack . On that day, enemy defenses
in the whole area north of the inundated
Aure Valley, from Isigny to Trevieres, were
collapsed by the rapid 12-mile advance of
the 175th Infantry on a route which may
have taken the Germans by surprise. At
nightfall, the enemy forces still in this area
were scattered and disorganized , and in one
case prisoners accused their officers of lea ving
the men to shift for themselves in an effort
to get south and west of the Aure. Several
hundred enemy were captured north of the
Aure in mopping-up operations during the
next twO days. Elements of the 914th, 915th,
and 726th Regiments had been involved in the
vain effort to check the 29th Division.
Enemy losses in artillery had been consider-
able, including two horse-drawn batteries
of lOS-mm guns found deserted near Osman-
ville on 9 June. One of the most important
results of the advance was to deprive the
enemy of the coastal defenses and artillery
positions between Grandcamp and lsigny,
from which tire had been harassing both
Omaha and Utah beachheads.
In contrast to the loss of enemy fire power,
the artillery support of the 29th Division
continued to build up on 8 June. By night-
fall, six barcalions of artillery, including
three of ISS-mm howitzers ( twO attached
from Corps Artillery), were available. Use
of artillery on 8 June had still been relati vely
light, but the difficulties in getting observed
fire were being overcome as communications
improved. The first aircraft used for artil-
lery observation was flown that afternoon,
and several more planes were ready by 9
Improvement at the Beach
Tactical advance and the arrival of sup-
plies were mutually dependent conditions
of success for the operation. Until the
ad vance pushed far enough to free the beaches
for normal operation, the supply and rein-
forcement necessary for sustained attack
could not be unloaded. Deepening of the
beachhead on 7-8 June was reflected in the
progress made at the landing beaches.
ORGANIZING THE BEACH involved ci<aring mines and debris,
salvage jobs, and building roads. Supplies had to be kept moving
w i l ~ all the other work was being carried on. Sun! in front of E- J
draw, an exit much photographed in the early days of tht illvaJion.
On D+l, the Engineer Special Brigade
Group was still operating under great diffi-
culties, and all beach work was far behind
schedule. The engineer units were short of
equipment, were handicapped by the wreck-
age and the congestion on the beach, and
had to improvise new methods of dealing
with the complex problems of unloading
and routing men and materi el. Carefully
arranged priority schedules for discharging
cargo broke down under the difficulties of
communicating information as to arrival of
ships and contents of cargoes. Enemyartil-
lery kept up harassing fire, and snipers along
the bluffs were not entirely cleaned out for
two or three days. With the larger part of
the beach-maintenance area still held by the
enemy, emergency dumps were opened on
the beach and in nearby fields. Neverthe-
less, all exit roads were opened and working
LANDING SUPPLIES from ships at tht tdgt of tht blach flat .
Ammunition was particularly L u d ~ d in t h ~ first days. Remnants
of the shingle stiLL show; laur the embankment was entirely removed
by beach engineers organizing Omaha as a port of entry for suppliu .
, .

by noon, and vitally needed materiel, par-
ticularly artillery and ammunition, was
landed in sufficient quantity for immediate
needs. A great deal of effective work was
done to salvage materiel left on the beach
from D-Day landings. Priority of unload-
ing was given throughont these first days to
ammunition, in which the supply situation
was serious until 10 June. Only on 8 June
did ammunition begin to reach shore on
craft other than the pre-loaded dukws.
The reserves of rations and gasoline, which
had been provided to the uni ts making the
landings, had helped tide over the critical
initial stages in these classes . Each organ-
ization had brought in five days' rations and
extra gas supplies on each vehicle.
On 8 June, as a result of the ad vance in-
land , of the engineers' work, and of a
moderating sea, conditions were measurably
better. . Enemy batteries were no longer
firing on the landing area; the beach was nearly
clear of debris and mines; a lateral road,
running the length of the beach, was being
rapidly constructed for two-way traffic; and
many access roads had been built from the
tidal flat to the lateral for facilitating dis-
charge of craft . Transit areas were begin-
ning to function as planned. An emergency
landing strip, prepared on the high ground
near E-1 exit, was operational by 1800 on
8 June, and wounded were evacuated by air
from this field as early as 10 June.. Com-
munication facilities, essential for managing
flow of traffic on the beach, were partly in-
stalled. Tonnage moved for the day was
only 1,429, a small figure in view of needs
but the start of rapid expansion to a level of
7,OCXJ tons by D+S. The situation was
under control, and a major supply channel
for the coming months of operations began
to take organized shape.
During these twO days, Allied air forces
continued their offensi ve against enemy com-
munications. The Eighth Air Force and
RAF began to work on the Loire River
bridges, while the Ninth Air Force went
after the railroad bridges between the Seine
and the Loire (Map No. XIlI). Marshalling
yards and traffic centers from Brittany to
Paris received attacks, and choke points
were bombed up to points as near the beach-
head as St-L6, Lison,Carentan, and Ie Molay.
Fighter-bombers carried on the task of inter-
dieting rail and road movement west of the
Seine and north of the Loire. Taking 8
June as a sample of the range and intensi ty
of Allied air effort in the period following
D Day, 262 B-26's and A-20's engaged in
close cooperation with ground forces, drop-.
ping 442 tons on tactical targets in the battle
zone; 735 Eighth Air Force heavies hit
bridges and traffic centers from Brittany to
Orleans with 2,000 tons; 129 Ninth Air
Force mediums put 245 tons on railway yards
and bridges near the invasion area and along
the Seine; 492 RAF heavies dropped 1,851
tons in a night attack on communications
centers such as Rennes and Alen<;on; 1,335
fighters and fighter-bombers of the Eighth
and Ninth Air Forces and 1,797 planes of the
Second Tactical Air Force (British) made
sorties against communications near the
battle line and against tactical targets.
Seven bridges in the Carentan area were
attacked by fighter-bombers of the Ninth Air
Force on 7-8 June, with three reported
gapped. Two groups of Ninth Air Force
medium bombers attacked Isigny on 8 June
with the aim of blocking the highway; on
the same day, the marshalling yard at St-L6
was destroyed and all rail connections cut
at that junction. Fighter-bombers stopped
all rail movement through Lison on 7- 8
June. Enemy air activity showed only
slight increase, the Eighth Air Force re-
porting 130 German sorties on 8 June in the
vicinity of the beachheads.
The Ene"!y Side
On 7 - 8 June, the Germall command was still
chie jly concerned about the Caen and Cotentin
sectors, and lIeither Army nor Army Group
showed much interest in the area between Bayeux
and Isigny. Comparatively few references were
made in Seventh Army estimates and situation
reports as to what was happening near the Omaha
sector. In part, this may have been due to scanty
iriformation from lower units, but it may also
be a result of conc/usions which Seventh Army
had drawn on D Day as to the relative strength
of the Allied beachheads.
The counterattack planned for 7 June in the
Caen sector did not come off. By that morning
forward .elements of the 12th SS Panzer Division
were between Villers-Bocage and Caen, while
Panzer Lehr was beginning to reach Thury-
Harcourt. But the columns were delayed by
air attacks both on the march alld in the assembly
area, and the counteroffensive was postponed to
8 J U1l8. Meantime, the 711 th Division east of
the Orne, and 21st Panzer <llld 12th SS Panzer
(elements) north of Caen, stopped further British
advance. On 8 June, there was little change in
the Caen area, and, with Panzer Leh, still
ullable to get into the battle ZOlle, there was again
no start of the expected counterattack. . Allied
pressure northeast of Bayeux increased, and,
despite all efforts of the 352d Division, that town
fell to the British by the night of 7- 8 June.
In the Cotenlin, information of 7 June indi-
cated Allied reinforcement by air and by sea. On
the next day, he,Jvy Allied pressure was exerted
from the Ste-Mere-Eglise area in attacks north
toward Valognes and south toward Carentan.
German units which had been attempting to
organize counterattacks against the Utah beach-
head were thrown on the defensive and began to
lose ground. Growing concern was felt at Army
over this situation, particularly after studying a
(U. S.) VII Corps operations order, washed in
on the beach on 8 June, which made it clear that
Cherbourg was a main Allied objective.
Seventh Army had little news on 7 June from
the Colleville-Vierville area, though it W(IS aware
that Allied landings had strengthened the forces
ashore there. A good deal of misinformation
came from this sector; at 1740 Army informed von
Rundstedt that Grandcamp had been recaptured.
In the situation report to Army Group at 0810 on
8 June, Seventh Army reported that Allied para-
troopers had been landing in the Colleville-
Russy-Surrain area, and were pushing westward.
Meantime, Seventh AmO' had decided from the
captured operations order of VII Corps that the
landings east of the Vire were by the British V
Corps, including five British and two United
States divisions, and that one of their objectives
was to reach contact with VII Corps at Carentan.
The Allied push south from Colleville was in-
terpreted as an effort toward Carentan, designed to
roll up Germa" coastal defenses by passing to
rearward of them. It was recogllized that a
, ' wide hole had bem torn between Bayeux and
St-Lo." Although no particular anxiety about
that sector was yet expressed, plans for commit-
ment of the reinforcements under way from Brit-
tany were somewhat modified ( Map No. XIII).
Part of thue reinforcements were under II
Paratroop Corps: the 3d Paratroop Division, the
77th Division , and the 17th SS Panzer Grenadier
Division. Rommel decided on the morning of
7 june that Brittany was not in danger of early
attack and started these offensive units on the way
to Normandy, the 17th SS to come from positions
south of the Loire River. Plans for use of II
Paratroop Corps were reshaped during the next few
days i" view of changing appreciation of the
battle. At first, because of reported paratroop
landings in the Coutances area, the corps was
to that regidn to guard against any Allied
attempt to cut off the Cotentin peninsula. Such
an attempt was feared by Rommel himself.
On 8 june Seventh Army notified Army Group
of its intentiolls as follows: to annihilate the
Allied beachhead north of Caen mId then turn
Bayeux; to hold the VII (U. S .) Corps
attack toward Cherbourg by means of the units
already in the Cotenti,,; and to bring II Para-
troop Corps up to the St-Lo regioll, where it could
help I SS Panzer Corps in the attack on Bayeux,
or if "ot ""ded there, smash the Allied bridge-
head "orth of Carentan. Rommel approved this
plan, but by eveni"g of 8 june the i"creasing
Allied preJmre toward Motlfebourg was already
causing Arm..y to think in terms of usi,lg II
Paratroop Corps to protect the Cotentin.
Seventh Army plans were i'lcreasingly affected
7- 8 june by difficulties encountered in moving
its reinforcmmlts toward the battle fronts. In
part this was due to shortage of transportation
facilities, particularly for the troops coming from
Brittany. In even grulter measure, however,
Allied air power was hindering movement by
attacks on columns, on bridges and railroads,
and on important communications Ctnters. As t1
result, I SS Pmlzer Corps had so far failed to
mou"t its counterattack. Movement of II Para-
troop Corps was " greatly delayed by air bombing
and sabotage of communications." Army Chief
of Staff urgently requested Army Group for
strong air protection of moving columns, but was
told that all available air strength was already
being used. The Luftwaffe was in process of
trans/erring units from east to west) to assist the
battle, but was having its own delays.
One result of the Allied air effort on 8 j U/le
was so bad a breakdown of communications as
to hinder all command functions . For hours
Army had "0 contact with I SS Panzer Corps or
with II Paratroop Corps, and was unable to
de((rmine their positions. Particular trouble was
caused by bombing attacks at Avranches, bottle-
neck on main routes leading from Britta"y to
Normandy. By attacks 0" the evening of 7 ju"e,
Allied air had severed communications across the
lower Loire River, where the 17th SS Panzer
Grenadier had just brought forward elemmts
across at Angers. By evening of 8 JUIle, appar-
ently none of the reinforcements coming from
Brittany had yet reached the Avranches area. 22
Last-mi"ute reports of that night brought dis-
turbing news from the Bayeux- Tr<v;eres sector.
Allied units pressing southwest from Bayeux,
and also south of the Bayeux--Isig,'Y highway,
were making "rapid progress westward toward
Trevieres and to the northwest of Trevieres . "
Parts of the 916th and 726th Infantry had been
cut off and received orders to fight their way back.
Seventh Army's attention was about to be drawn
more thall before to the Omaha area.
" Tht tOOl/W" of 11., 27511, Balli, Group il 11 <>1 I",> f,om Iltl ,teQrd, . (J"d .. , .... i,
may 110.11 ti,u.,d A""u,rlUJ.
AT 1700 ON 8 JUNE, warning orders were
issued by V Corps; the second phase of the
beachhead operations was to begin the next
day. The delay of two days in reaching the
initial objectives gave urgency to the situa-
tion. German resistance was weakening,
but reinforcements could change the whole
picture. The beachhead was still far short
of its desired depth, and the landing area
could still be reached by enemy artillery fire
from the Trevieres positions. V Corps had
reckoned with enemy capabilities of attack
by three divisions, including armor, by eve-
ning of8June. So far previsions of counter-
attack had not been realized, a tribute to
the effective work of the Allied air forces
on enemy communications. . However, V
Corps intelligence noted enemy troop move-
ments 70 miles south of the battle front, and
the 12th SS Panzer and the SS Hitler Jugend
Divisions were believed moving from the
east, with possibility of reaching the battle
front on 9 June. In the corps zone, Cerisy
Forest was suspected of being an area of
assembly for enemy forces, including armor.
The 30th Mobile Brigade, which had just
begun to make an appearance in the fighting,
represented the last known local reserves at
the enemy's disposal.
There was, of course, no assurance that
reinforcements coming from a distance would
be used against V Corps, for the Germans had
a much wider front to consider in commit-
ting their available strength ( Map No.
XVI). To the east, British Second Army
was six to eight miles inland on a consider-
able front, had crossed the Caen- Ba yeux
highway, and was within two miles ofCaen.
That city was of vital importance to the
enemy, and north of it the Germans were
offering strong resistance based on the 21st
Panzer Division, with evidence of other
armored reinforcement coming up. To the
west, VII Corps was still fighting to con-
solidate the assigned beachhead area, was
short of its original objectives, and was
opposed by elements of a t least three di vi-
sions. Carentan was still in enemy hands.
Although build-up had been affected by
the delay in all landing schedules during
the first days, V Corps disposed of considera-
ble increase in strength for attack beyond
D-Day objectives. Four battalions of 155-
mm howitzers (corps artillery) were getting
ashore on 8 June. The 2d Division, origi-
nally due by D+2, was estimated far enough
along in landing to be operational by the
next day. The 9th Infantry had landed the
evening of 7 June, and used two battalions
on 8 June in clearing Out snipers behind the
beach between St-Laurent and Vierville. The
38th Infantry had two battalions ashore by
evening of the 8th, and the 23d had started
landing. Two batteries of divisional artil-
lery were arriving. Behind the 2d Division,
the 2d Armored was ready to bring in its first
elements on 9 June.
In V Corps Field Order No.2, issued at
2115 on 8 June, General Gerow directed an
attack at noon the next day by three divi-
sions abreast (Map No. XIV). The 2d
Division, taking over a 5,OOO-yard front
THE 2D DIVISION STARTS INLAND frolll ,h. beach infra", of
E- / draw. At the curt't' of the column, the troops arr paJJi'1lg pillbox
uud OJ headquarters by the enginurs. The 2d Division, landing 7- 8
J II li e, had to be used in ?1l0ppil1g up enemy resistance near the beach.
north of Trevieres, was to capture the key
high ground at Cerisy Forest. The 1st
Division was to put its main effort on the
right, thus assisting the 2d Division, and to
protect the east f1an k of V Corps along the
Drame River. The 1st Di vision's objec-
tives lay along the high gtound west of the
Drame River between Cerisy Forest and the
Army boundary. On the right wing, cover-
ing the drive south to Cerisy Forest, the
29th Division would cross the Aure and
reach the edge of the Elle River valley; at the
same time, it was to capture Isigny and
establish COntaCt with VII Corps toward
Carentan. Enemy counterattack was still
regarded as highly possible, and each attack-
ing division was ordered to be ready for
defense of D- Day positions in its sector with
one to three battalions ( one in the 2d Divi-
sion sector)' these units to remain in D-Day
positions until relieved by Corps order.
This attack plan was designed to continue
forward movements already under way, with
a minimum of delay. In twO cases, verbal
orders of the Corps Commander had antici-
pated Field Order No.2; the 29th Division
had been ordered to cross the Aure on the
night of 8- 9 June, and the 1st Division to
seize high ground southwest of Tour-en-
Bessin as a preliminary to the jump-off on 9
June. There was thus no sharp dividing
line, in time, between the completion of the
operation toward D- Day objectives and the
start of the new phase.
Adva1lce 10 Ceris)! Forest
Mter receiving warning orders at 1700 on
8 June, the 1st Division units had a con-
siderable task of preparation in order to
attack at noon next day. They were some-
what short of the assigned line of departure:
Moulagny- Courtela y- Grivilly- Cussy. On
the afternoon of the 8th, the 2d Battalion
received orders to occupy high ground a mile
southwest of Mosles, in what would be the
assembly area for the 18th Infantry. The
battalion met determined resistance near
Moulagny and dug in for the night a little
north of its objective. The other battalions
of the 18th had to wait for relief by the 2d
Division. This took place on the morning
of the 9th, delayed by the fact that the 3d
Battalion was engaged in a fire fight at the
time of relief; furthermore, both 1st and 3d
Battalions then had to cover some distance
co reach their assembly area. As for the 26th
Infantry, D-Day objectives were just being
reached on the morning of 9 June; the 3d
Ba ttalion had been in a severe action wi th
the enemy at Ste-Anne early that day, while
the 1st Battalion was still slowed by light
enemy resistance north of Tour-en-Bessin
during the morning. As a result, the jump-
off on the 1st Di vision front was delayed one
to two hours. By Field Order No. 36, the
1st Division planned its attack with twO
regiments abreast. The 18th RCT, with
Company C, 745th Tank Battalion, Battery
A of the 62d Armored Field Artillery Battal-
ion, and Company B, 635th Tank Destroyer
Battahon, attached, and the 32d Field Artil-
lery Battalion in direct support , was to
advance on a front of about 4,000 yards, with
Vaubadon and la Commune as objectives, on
the Bayeux- St-L6 highway The 26th RCT,
with equivalent attachments and the 33d
Field Artillery Battalion in direct support,
was aimed at Dodigny and Agy, on the same
highway. Two battalions of the 16th, with
the 7th Field Artillery Battalion in direct
suppOrt, had the mission of clearing enemy
resistance up to the Arm)' boundary from
Port-en-Bessin to Vaucelles, maintaining
contacts with the British on that Hank, and
organizing defensive positions in the Tour-
en-Bessin area . The 2d Battalion of the 16th
was held in division reserve. Four battalions
of artillery (three of them 155-mm howitzers
or guns) were in general suppOrt, two of
them reinforcing the fires of the 32d and 33d
Due co make the main effort with Cerisy
Forest as its objective, the 2d Division was
hampered by lack of weapons and equipment
as the hour of jump-off approached. The
9th and 38th Infantry, scheduled to attack
abreast in the Trevieres area, had no trans-
portation by the morning of 9 June and most
of the battalions lacked heavier automatic
weapons, mortars, and communications
equIpment. Only two battalions (l5th and
38th) of the divisional artillery were ready
and in position: medical, signal, engineer,
and reconnaissance units were only partially
ashore. The 23d Infantry, designated as
division reserve, had just landed the evening
before and was assembling near St-Laurent
by noon. Attachments to the 2d Division
for the attack included a company each from
the 747th Tank Battalion and the 635th
Tank Destroyer Battalion.
Delayed in starting, the attack made slow
progress during the afternoon of 9 June;
then ga thered momentum as it was pressed
during the short night (twilight lasted
until 2300). The enemy at first offered
stubborn resistance from a number of organ-
ized positions, but these were widely sep-
arated, not held in strength, and given only
weak artillery suppOrt. Once they were
bypassed or overwhelmed, little further
opposition was encountered. Enemy weak-
ness was indicated by identification of the
replacement battalion of the 915th Regimmt,
the reserve battalion of the 916th, and the
reconnaissance battalion of the 352d Divi-
sion, as well as remnants of the 517th Mobile
Battalio". Evidently, with no fresh troops
at hand, the Germans were throwing in
their last resources in a fashion that spelled
Along the front of four regiments, ad-
vance was progressively slower from the left
to the right flank. By the end of the after-
noon, resistance began to fold in front of the
26th Infantry, attacking with the 2d and 3d
Battalions abreast. At 2140 the 3d Battal-
ion had reached its objective, Agy; the 2d
gOt to Dodigny at 0150. The 18th In-
fantry was held up by a strongpoint near the
line of departure; this had to be bypassed
and cleaned up by the reserve battalion
(2d), which took 30 prisoners and counted
20 enemy dead. By 2100 the 1st and 3d
Battal ions of the 18th were two miles behind
the 26th Infantry units on their left, and
Corps gave permission for the 16th RCT to
move from reserve to a position where it
could guard the open flank and help the
18th Infantry if necessary. The 18th, how-
ever, made better progress as night fell, and
kept on pressing against diminishing opposi-
tion. By daylight it was abreast of the
26th. Its objectives on the St-L6- Bayeux
highway were reached at 1000 and 16000n
10 June. The 3d Battalion, on the edge of
Cerisy Forest, met signs of increased resist-
ance near its objectives. In an advance of
6 miles, losses had been slight; the 18th
Infantry reported 50 casualties for 9 June.
Enemy prisoners stressed the effecti veness of
artillery suppOrt given the advance; fires had
been concentrated on strongpoints, assembly
areas, and road movements. The 7th, 32d,
and 33d Field Artillery Battalions fired 22
missions on 9 June for a total of 976 rounds.
The batteries of the 62d Armored Field
Artillery Battalion (self-propelled 105-mm
howitzers) had been divided between the 1st
Di vision regiments, to be used for direct
fire in close support against enemy strong-
points. As a result of the character of the
opposition, however, these batteries w r ~
nOt needed. The three artillery battalions
used in general support still found observa-
tion a problem and delivered for the most
part unobserved fires. Naval fire, using 6-
inch guns of the cruisers, was again very
helpful, one of the targets being a battery
south of the 26th Infantry's objective. Ac-
cording to enemy prisoners, many field
pieces of the 352d Division's artillery had
been destroyed and all their gun positions
had been abandoned. Enemy artillery ac-
tion on the corps front was limi ted to
occasional fire by single guns.
The 2d Division, led by Maj. Gen. Walter
M. Robertson, went into its first action of
the war under serious handicaps. Its initial
objective was Trevieres, a key position if the
enemy planned to hold along his present line.
While the 38th Infantry attacked from the
north and west, the 9th Infantry would Out-
flank Trevieres by seizing Rubercy, to the
The 9th Infantry had relieved the 18th at
Engranville and Mandeville that morning
and had planned an attack by the 2d and 3d
Battalions abreast, 2d to the west. The
attack order did nOt reach the 2d Batralion
at Engranville until 1100, and that unit was
far short of its line of departure, the Trev-
ieres- Mandeville road. When the battalion
THE APPROACH TO TREVIERES from th. high ground just
north of t h ~ u r ~ Rirur was strongly defended by the Gnmans until
10 JUJle, wht1L the 2d Division outflanked and captured the town.
This marked collapst oj the lnlmy resistance north of Ctrisy Forest.
crossed the Aure, it came under heavy flank-
ing fire of automatic weapons from the
strong German defenses east of Trevieres.
Supporting tanks, held up by the steep banks
of the Aure, were unable ro get into position
to help, and the 2d Battalion immediately
felt the lack of its mortars and machine guns.
The right wing of the advance was pinned
down for most of the afternoon but managed
to disengage and reach the line of departure
about dark. Company E had suffered 20
casualties in the fight. When the battalion
was ordered to resume the attack at 2200,
preliminary artillery fire was misdirected,
the first rounds falling into the CP area and
inflicting 17 casualties. Recovering from
this incident, the battalion pushed on and
reached the Rubercy-Trevieres road at mid-
night. Heavy weapons were now beginning
to arrive, but the unit was still without
communications and out of contact with the
3d Battalion on its left.
The 3d Baccalion, starting its accack from
the area Mandeville-Moulagny, was for-
tunate in having most of its heavy weapons
and equipment. Companies K and L at-
tacked abreast on the Mandeville-Rubercy
road, but K lost its direction and side-
slipped to the east, forcing the use of I to fill
a wide gap in the front. At the village of
Haut-Hameau, enemy small-arms fire stopped
Company L for several hours. When four
tanks came up to deal with the resistance,
the Germans put in an unusually heavy con-
centration of artillery fire, with eight guns
reported as firing from the south and south-
west. A tank was knocked out; Company L
lost 20 men and was disorganized. Con-
tacts with K and I were made and a coordi-
nated attack by Companies I and L was pre-
pared for 1900, preceded by support fires from
a 4.2-inch mortar platoon, the Cannon
Company, a baccery of the 15th Field Artil-
lery Baccalion, and several destroyers. When
L advanced after this fire, German resistance
was slight. Fifteen enemy dead were found,
and two machine guns and a few prisoners
taken. The baccalion was near Rubercy by
dark, out of contact with the 1st Division
on its left. The 9th Infantry lost 10 killed
and 80 wounded for the day's action.
To the west of this advance, the 38th
Infantry had made slow progress against
Trevieres, where the enemy resisted stub-
bornly from well dug-in positions. The 2d
Battalion, attacking from the north, was
fighting into the village by nightfall. Two
machine guns and some bazookas borrowed
from an engineer unit were put to use, and
the heavy mortars of Company C, 81st
Chemical Weapons Battalion, helped to
neutralize enemy strong points at the edge of
the village. The 3d Battalion crossed the
Aure southwest of Trevieres, accempting to
outflank the village on that side. During
the day, the 15th and 38th Field Artillery
Battalions had been called on very heavily
for supporting fires, mostly against Trevieres,
and had used 3,652 tounds up to midnight.
By 10 June the 2d Division had received
much of its missing equipment and transpor-
tation, and the attack was renewed in greater
strength. A prisoner captured on the eve-
ning before had stated that the 916th Regimmt
was withdrawing ftom the Trevieres area
to the Cerisy Forest, and the lack of enemy
resistance on 10 June confirmed this state-
ment. The advances east and west of
Trevieres had left the enemy there in an
untenable salient. After a heavy artillery
concentration fired before 0700, the village
was cleared out by 0845, and the 2d Divi-
sion went forward with no opposition except
from isolated snipers and an occasional
machine gun holding a delaying position.
The result was the most extensive advance
of the operation. The 9th Infantry got
through Cerisy Forest after skirmishes with
enemy scout cars, and bivouacked south-
west of Balleroy with losses for the day of
six wounded. The 38th Infantry reached
the village of Cerisy-Ia-Foret, and at 2100
the 1st Battalion was pushing on with
orders to seize Haute-Litee at the southwest
corner of the woods. Only in this area
was there any sign of organized enemy
opposition, offered by the Engineer Battalion,
352d Division. Prisoners for the day num-
bered 90, and their reports indicated con-
siderable disintegration of enemy means of
resistance: remnants of units were inter-
mingled, supplies were lacking, and some
prisoners had no know ledge of the where-
abouts of their units and commanders .
German artillery delivered no fires on front-
line troops and engaged in no counter-
battery on 10 June. Only enemy weakness
could explain the fact that Cerisy Forest
had been practically undefended. Posses-
sion of the area by U. S. forces denied the
enemy commanding ground from which to
mount counteraccack against the beach-
head; furthermore, it lay athwart the best
direct route between St-L6 and the German
forces defending south of Bayeux.
On 11 June, the 1st and 2d Divisions
organized the ground won in their rapid
advance. On most parts of the front there
was no contact with the enemy, and patrols
which pushed several miles southward found
no opposition in any force. Despite the
reports on previous days of the approach
of armored units, these were still not in
evidence. Enemy artillery fire was almost
nonexistent, being reported only twice on
the 2d Division front .
The only serious fighting of the day took
place on the right flank, where the 1st Bat-
talion of the 38th Infantry was completing
its attempt to secure the crossroads at Haute-
Litee. This area was stoutly defended all
day by Germans holding prepared positions.
When the crossroads were passed at noon,
the enemy still resisted in the forest fringes
to south and west, holding up further ad-
vance by mortar fire. Heavy con centra tions
by the 38th and 12th Field Artillery Bat-
talions neutralized the mortars and allowed
the 1st Battalion to reach objectives west
and south of the ctossroads. The 38th
THE AURE RIVER though small was enough of an obstacle to hold
up tQ1tks in the attack on Trevihu. North oj the town, ajurwards,
the 246th Enginur Combat Battalion put OVtr this double-single
Bailey bridge, important in a major supply chaund.
./ .
. / -


Field Artillery Battalion fired 1,015 rounds
during this action. By nightfall, the 23d
Infantry had moved up to join the division;
its vehicles and equipment were expected to
arrive in a matter of hours.
On the 1st Division front, preparations
were made on the afternoon of 11 June for
the corps attack the next day. Balleroy,
found held by an enemy patrol in the morn-
ing, was occupied in the afternoon without
resistance. The division was strengthened
by the arrival of the 1st Reconnaissance
Troop and the 102d Cavalry Battalion,
which were immediately put into use for
reconnaissance mISSIOns. During the eve-
ning, the 18th and 26th Infantry Regiments
moved across the Dr6me to the line Plan-
queray- Ia Butte, without encountering op-
pOSlt1on. At 2030 some alarm was caused
by reports of a German countera ttack wi th
armor in the British area, headed west for
the left flank and rear of the 1st Division.
The report turned Out to be unfounded.
Bri tish ad vance south and southeast of
Bayeux was, however, being slowed by
heavy resistance. On 10 June, the main
effort, led by the 7 Armoured Division,
reached the area Tilly-sur-Seulles- Lingevres
and began to encounter enemy armor. On
the First Army's flank, elements of the
British 231 Brigade reached la Belle-Epine
on the 11th and were momentarily checked
there by the enemy counterattack which
occasioned concern for V Corps' flank.
British XXX Corps had been, so far, abreast
of V Corps' advance, but there were indica-
tions that further progress might be uneven
in the twO zones.
Across the Lower Aure (29th Divisio'l)
V Corps Field Order No.2, directing a
general attack at noon on 9 June, included
as preliminary to the attack certain move-
ments already under way by the 29th Divi-
Slon. One was the capture of Isigny; the
other was the crossing of the flooded part
of the Aure Valley by the 115th Infantry,
to be accomplished during the night of
8- 9 June.
According to advance intelligence, the
lowland between Isigny and Trevieres had
been inundated to a depth of two to three
feet, over a width varyin'g from a half mile
to twO miles. When the Aure Valley was
reached, conditions were found not as bad
as had been reported, since the wa ters had
receded. However, large patches of shallow
water remained, the mud was deep every-
where, and the close network of drainage
ditches between the twO main streams
(Esque and Aure) would hamper movement,
even though the ditches were not wide.
The four bridges along the causewa y between
la Cambe and Douet had been destroyed.
Patrols were sent out on the evening of the
8th to reconnoiter for crossings, and heavy
artillery and na val fire was laid on the south
bank of the flood plain, particularly near
Bricqueville, Colombieres, and Calette
Wood. This preparatOry fire included 150
rounds from destroyers' guns and 208 rounds
of the 110th Field Artillery Battalion.
2d Lt. Kermit C. Miller took a combat
patrol of platOon strength from Company
E, 115th Infantry, crossed the valley south
of Canchy after dark, and went into Colom-
bieres. Already hit hard by artillery con-
centrations, the enemy force there was dis-
organized; the patrol took it completely by
surprise, ambushed enemy reinforcements,
and inflicted more than 40 casualties before
withdrawing with 11 prisoners. The 3d
Battalion also sent out small reconnaissance
patrols of two or three men, who reported
getting across at several points but were
dubious about being able to guide the
About first light on 9 June, the 3d Bat-
talion started out over the flats south from
Canchy, with the Cannon Company of the
115th as near as possible to the valley for
close suppOrt. Visibility was good, and
enemy Opposltlon in any strength could
easily have made the advance very costly.
Halfway across, the battalion reached a
stream toO deep to ford, and stopped while
Company A of the 121st Engineer Combat
Battalion rigged 10 improvised foot bridges,
using assault-raft equipment, pneuma tic
floats, and bridge timbers. "Weasels"
(M-29)23 were used to get the materials for-
ward . These bridges gOt the troops over
the deeper streams and di tches, but the
smaller ones still caused plenty of delay, twO
hours being required to put the battalion
across the exposed flats. Fortunately, the
area was practically undefended. No artil-
lery fire was encountered and only scattered
rifle fire . The 2d Battalion followed the
3d, and both were over by 1100.
Further east, the 1st Battalion tried to
find a passage across the narrower part of
the Aure Valley, south of Ecrammeville,
but the enemy holding the Trevieres area
repulsed this effort with machine-gun and
rifle fire. The 1st Battalion then marched
to Canchy and followed the route taken by
the rest of the regiment. Along the cause-
wa y, four short tread wa y bridges were
started by the 254th Engineer Combat Bat-
talion and were ready for vehicles that night.
By Field Order No. 4 of the 29th Division,
initial objectives assigned to the 115th were
Bricqueville, Colombieres, and the Calette
Wood; these were supposed to be occupied
by noon as bases for the next phase of the
attack . The 1st Battalion marched to Bric-
queville, repulsed a weak enemy attack with
the aid of close-support fire by the regimental
cannon company, and organized defensive
posltlons. The 3d Battalion arrived at
Colombieres by 1020, encountering no oppo-
%$ If li,ht (ar,o carrur with I,ZOO-pound capacity.
sitton. The ba ttalion did not move out on
the attack until 1700 and reached its next
objective, la Folie, at 2300. Its position
that night was to be somewhat exposed,
since the enemy still held Trevieres, and on
the right the 2d Battalion had met disaster.
That battalion had a hard day's work.
After crossing the Aure Valley, it turned
west toward Calette Wood, from which
enemy harassing fire was holding up the
bridging work at the causeway. En route,
the battalion met considerable opposition
near Vouilly, from riflemen and bicycle
troops armed with machine pistols. Only
scattered resistance was met at Calette Wood,
which had received two concentrations of
fire from the division artillery. The bat-
talion spent th ree hours in beating the thick
brush for snipers, and cleared out the woods
enough so that the bridges could be com-
pleted. About 1900 the 2d Battalion re-
turned to Vouilly, where enemy snipers were
still active, and started south for its next
objective, Ie Carrefour, six miles south. A
wrong turn took the unit off the route and
added three miles to the march . It was 0230
before the exhausted troops reached their
objective and began to move off the road
for a brief rest .
The night was overcast and very dark,
making it difficult to reconnoiter the ground
for temporary defensive positions. The twO
leading companies were ordered to take
positions to the east and west sides of a large
orchard , and it was planned for Company E
and Headq uarters Company to complete a
perimeter defense. These units were still
haIred on the road, waiting to move intO
the field, when officers standing near the
rear of the column (where two quarter-ton
trucks had just brought up some rations
from Bricqueville) heard a sl ight noise of
traffic about 40 yards north. They believed
it was the 3d Battalion coming up. Almost
immediately a column of enemy infantry,
with some type of armored vehicles in it,
appeared around a bend in the road and a
machine-pisro! was fired. When U. S.
troops fired a few shots in return, they heard
an uproar of voices and the sound of many
vehicles shifting gears. The enemy im-
mediately swept the road with machine-gun
fire and then sent armored vehicles dowll it,
firing 88-mm guns inro the hedgerows and
adjacent fields. Company E scattered off
the road into the fields; the companies
already in the orchard were caught com-
pletely by surprise and had no chance ro
organize for effective defense. Most of the
men had thrown themselves on the ground
and had gone to sleep as they dtopped;
wakened by artillery and machine-gun fire
at point-blank range, they were confused
and stupelied. First efforts at resistance
only gave away their positions to the
German guns, and some groups were caught
in wild rifle fire from friendly units. Heavy
weapons were not in position to be used.
The battalion commander was killed, con-
trol was never established, and men began
to drift OUt of the orchard in all directions .
In a short time the battalion was dispersed
into scattered groups, making rheir way
back north and wesr rhrough rhe nighr.
Losses were 11 officers and 139 enlisted men.
It was afrerwards estimared rhar rhe 2d
Battalion had been hir by a German column
retrearing from rhe Aure Valley and bent on
escape ro rhe sourh. By all evidence, .rhe
encounter was a surprise for rhe Germans
as well, bur circumstances favored the enemy.
In march formation, wirh armored vehicles
leading (probably about eighr self-propelled
88-mm guns), rhey were able to use rhe
heavy and demoralizing fire of rhese guns
in the firsr, decisive minutes. The Germans
suffered casualties, and two armored vehicles
were knocked our by bazookas.
Fortunarely, rhe enemy had no resources
on this front to take advantage of his local
success. On 10 June, rhe 2d Battalion was
reorganized, received 110 replacements, and
moved back into line in rhe afrernoon. No
enemy resisrance was met, and rhe 115rh
Infantry reached its final objecrives during
the afternoon: rhe 2d Battalion near Sre-
Margueri re-d Elle; rhe 3d east of it along
rhe river; and rhe Isr ar Epinay-Tesson.
That nighr, the 2d Ba ttalion ourposts were
attacked by small German forces which
crossed the Elle River, and skirmishing
lasred all night.
To rhe west of rhe 115rh, the 175th Infan-
rry Regiment had secured rhe corps' flank
along rhe Vire River. Afrer Isigny was
taken on the morning of 9 June, rhe regi-
ment turned sourh toward the objective area,
Lison- la Fotdaie, moving in column of
barralions, with rhe 747rh Tank Barralion
arrached. Resisrance was mer sourh of la
Herennerie, where elements of rhe 352d
Divisiollo1 Artillery, acring as infantry, were
swept aside with an esrimared loss of 125
killed. Forward elements of rhe armored
unirs reached Lison ar noon bur were tempo-
rarily checked by artillery fire. Although
Lison was rhen bombed and srrafed by Allied
planes, an enemy force of abour company
srrengrh delayed rhe advance for a few hours.
Borh Lison and la Forelaie were occupied
by nighrfall.
Wesr of Isigny, Company K had been sent
toward rhe bridge over rhe Vire River ar
Auville-sur-le-Vey, wirh orders to seize rhe
crossing as a means for COntact with VII
Corps. The bridge had been burned, and
the enemy held machine-gun emplacements
on rhe other bank. On rhe morning of 10
June intense mortar and machine-gun fire
stopped rhe first effort to cross the srream.
Company K was reinforced by a platoon of
ranks, a platoon of Company E, and rhe
29rh Reconnaissance Squadron. Ar 1800,
under covering fire of rhe mortars and auto-
matIC weapons of rhe 29th Reconnaissance
Squadron, the reinforced company forded the
40-foot stream at low tide and ad vanced inro
Auville-sur-le-Vey, which it held that night
ro cover bridging operations by Company
C of the 254th Engineer Combat Barralion.
Company K suffered about a dozen casualries
in the crossing. Despite vigorous German
resistance 500 yards ro the west, a patrol of
the 29th Reconnaissance Squadron made
first conracr with patrols of the lOlst
Airborne Division that afternoon (1500)
near Catz. The lOlst was still fighting
roward Carenran from the north but had
put small forces across the Dou ve Estuary
east of Careman . On 11 June, the siruation
on this flank was strengthened by the arrival
of a battalion of armored infantry from
Combat Command A of the 2d Armored
Division, which rook over the bridgehead
west of the Vireo
The 116th Infantry, with the Ranger Force
attached, engaged in mopping-up operations
between Grandcamp and Isigny on 9 June,
overcoming final enemy opposition at Maisy
and Gefosse-Fonrenay; thereafter, it wenr
into division reserve, moving south of the
Aure on the afternoon of 11 June.
As on the rest of the corps from, enemy
resistance in the 29th Division's zone had
shown less and less strength as the arrack
progressed, Evidences of disorganization
mounted, particularly with respect ro inter-
mingling of units. Elemenrs of the 915th
Illfantry were idenrified west of the Vire as
well as on the 1st Division from; according
ro prisoners, the 915th and 916th Illfalltry
CERISY fOREST, lying on high ground within artillery range of
the beachhead, was a key objectir
( in ~ Corps operations. This
crossroad is 1ua, tke northeastern edge of the jorest. The l'1umy
failure to defend this important area was a surprise development .
were being merged. Enemy artillery was
little in evidence.
Except for harassing night raids against
Allied shipping off the beachheads, German
planes were still unable to intervene effec-
tively in the battle zone. All air activity
was restricted by weather on 9 June. On
10-11 June, Allied air forces resumed their
work of bombing airfields, cutting com-
munications, and carrying out tactical mis-
sions against supply dumps, road junctions,
and assembly areas close to the front . By
11 June, bombers of the Royal Air Force
had set a new record for weight of bombs
dropped in a week: 17,268 tOns, of which
only 1,444 tOns had been directed against
targets in Germany. The best testimony
on the effectiveness of the Allied air action,
and the major results it was beginning to
achieve, comes from the complaints of high
German commanders in Normandy on their
situation in respect to supply, transporta-
tion, and reinforcements.
The Euemy Side
These three days, 9- 11 June, marked a period
of disillttSionmmt for the German commatld.
On 8 June, they had still been looking forward to
the imminent coul1teroffensive which was to
destroy the Allied beachheads, beginning at
Cam. In the mcceedillg days, these hopes had
to be given up, and Sevellth Army cOllcentrated 011
eftorts to bring enough sttength into NormmJdy
to prevent further loss of vital ground. The
delays i" a"ival of German reinforcements were
a cause of increasing difficulty and anxiety
( Map No . XVI).
On the morning of 9 June the sector south of
Omaha Beach loomed i"to prominmce for the
first time at Swmth Army Headquarters. At
1035 General Marcks reported from LXXXIV
CorPJ: Isigny had been taken by a surprise
attack; tanks were reported on the Lison- St-La
road, so that the commanding general of Seventh
Army was advised ,Jot to make a trip to St- La as
plamud; Allied illtentions were probably to
cross the Vire and link up with the westem
bridgehead, and LXXXIV Corps had no avail-
able force to stop them, the 352d Division havillg
bem reduced to "small groups" and the 726th
Infa1ltry having practicalty disappeared. Gmeral
Marcks wanted to withdraw behind the Vire
and assemble 1I Paratroop Corps for later counter-
attack, with olle of its divisions (77th Infcl1Jtry)
to go to the Valogms area. He also asked that
LXXXIV Corps be freed of responsibility for
action east of the Cotmtin, mggestitlg that II
P arc/troop Corps be put under ISS P an'i(er Corps
and take over the sector east of Carentan. Arm)'
disagreed with all these proposals except that of
using the 77th Divisio" to meet the growing
press,.,. of Allied attack toward Montebourg.
Army was aware that the" hole between Isig"y mJd
Bayeux had "Ow been widened,' . but stilt
plamJed to assemble II Paratroop Corps at
Balleroy for a co,mteroftensive toward Bayeux.
It was beginning to doubt, however, whether this
would be practicc,ble, since the corps was so
stmtlg out on the road that its units would not
a"ive in fashion to permit concentration of
o ftmsive e ftort.
At 1730, Gmeral Marcks reported again. This
time he was more reassured about the Carmtall
area, for the Allies showed "0 tmdmcy to push
beyolld Isigny. The 352d Division believed it
might be able to hold the attack ill progress at
Trevieres, but a" Allied breakthrough threatmed
at Mo"tebourg.
This was the background for an appearance of
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel at Seventh Army
Headquarters. Briefed 011 the situatio", the
Army Group Commander stressed two points:
The Allies must not be allowed to get Cherbourg;
and every e ftort must be made to prevent their
linking up bridgeheads west of the Vire . He
agreed with the Sevmth Army viewpoint that
counterattack by II Paratroop Corps had better
be postponed until the corps was fully assembled
and its actio" could be coordinated with that of
I SS Panzer Corps. Rommel expresud his
C0l1victi01'l that this counteroffensive, when staged,
would be successful. Von Rundstedt, he re-
ported, believed the Allies were about to make a
",ajor assault 011 the Pas-de-Calais coast.
Following this conference, Army ordered II
Paratroop Corps to change its direction of advance
trom Balleroy toward the Isig1lY area, while the
77th Division was to go to Valog1les . Rommel
emphasized that the problem at the moment was
to prevent linking of the bridgeheads, however
serious the situation at Montebourg. That
eveni1lg, nevertheless, saw II Paratroop Corps
still far from the threatened area, despite urgent
orders to make all possible speed. The 77th
Division was .uar Avranches; one regiment of the
3d Paratroop Division was neari1lg St-Lo, but
the rest of the division was still in Brittany.
Advance elemmts of the 17th SS Panzer Grena-
dier Division were approaching Balleroy, with
main units near Avranches and Laval and loca-
tion of its half tracks and heavy equipment
(comi ng by rail) unknown. All theu movements
were hampered by shortage of fuel, as well as air
attacks and sabotage along the line of march.
In the Caen a,.a, I SS Panzer Corps was still
""able to start its attack, and the 21st Panzer
and part of the 12th SS Panzer lost some ground
north and west of Caen in defensive fighting.
The 346th Division had been ordered (8 June) to
move to the assistance of the 711th Divisioll east
of the Orne River, with the aim of freeing elements
of 21st Panzer in that sector.
General Marcks had expressed the conviction
that 10 Jlme would be the day of crisis in the
battle on the approaches to Cherbourg. Rommel
on that moming expressed a change of view with
regard to the mission of the oncoming II Para-
troop Corps; his main concern now was not so
much to prevent ti1Zking of the bridgeheads as to
forestall any Allied effort to cut off the Cotmti1Z
peninsula by pushing westward. Army ordered
the 17th SS Pa1Zzer Grerzadier Division to move to
a position just southwest of Care1Ztan, while the
3d Paratroop Division assembled on St-Lo.
At the end of the day, Seventh Army felt that
things had not gone as badly as had bem feared.
The German units had ma1Zaged to hold 01Z at
M01ltebottrg i1Z heavy fighting; the Allies had
crossed the Vire mar Isigny but were 1Zot pressing
ill that area. I SS Panzer Corps' attack in the
Caen area still failed to materialiZe,' Allied
pressure ;" that sector kept the German troops on
the defetZsive a1Zd mdicated preparations for a
majol attack on Caen. Reinforcemetlts were 1Z0W
in sight of the threatened areas. Advance ele-
ments of the 77th Division were nearing Vatognes,
though the rest was strung out all the way to
Avranches,' 3d Paratroop Division had some units
at Berigny and the main body had cleared the
Avranches corner, coming out of Brittany,' ele-
ments of the 17th SS Panzer Gretladier Division
were betweetl Balleroy and Coutances . In addi-
tion, the 2d Panzer Division (from northern
Fra1Zce) had been ordered to Seventh Army [when
the order had been issued is not stated], and its
half track elements were at Alm,on.
Army Command West was making further
efforts to rei1Zforce the Norma1Zdy battle. The
XXXXVII Panzer Corps Headquarters had bun
ordered to the Seventh Army, and the 353d Divi-
sion was now order<d from Brittany to join II
Paratroop Corps. A number of artillery and
antiaircraft tt1zits were also on their way.
With this strength coming up, Army's appre-
ciation of the situatio1Z showed moderate confi-
det/ce: the armored divisions, once ready, would
be able to wipe out tve Allied lodgemmt in the
Caen-Bayettx area,' tve f orces in the Cotentin,
though not strong wough for counterattack, would
sujJice to hold Cherbourg. Army indicated to
Army Group its need for mobile artillery, anti-
tank weapons, and antiaircraft. The over-
whelming importa1Zce of havi"g more fuel, both
for operation of armored units a1Zd for faster
movement of reinforcements, is stressed several
times during the day's commlmications from
Sevmth Army to higher headquarters. One of the
dijJiwlties underlined by Sevmth Army is that
reinforummts were havi11g so many delays that
units arrived in driblets and had to be committed
piecemeal. 011 10 Jrau, the advance elements of
the 17th SS Pa1lzer Grenadier Division bogt,ed
down at St-LO for lack of fuel, and a1l enginm
battalion had to be rushed to the Carentall area.
The 352d lIlfantry Division Oil this day (10
Jum) adviJed Army that it was "not probable
that much reJistallce was still being offered in
the coastal defenJes."
The Allied progress 011 10 June in the Cerisy
ForeJt- Balleroy area was not known to Seventh
Army until the moming of the 11th. Then
LXXXW Corps reported ( 0530-0630) that the
situation on its right flank was serious. The
fighting value of the 352d Division was now very
slight, and the hole between it and its right-hand
neighbor (I SS Panzer Corps) was larger. The
reaction at Seventh Army was that reinforcements
on the way would take care of this hole in time,
although Allied armored reconnaissatlce activity
itldicated their intention to exploit the gap. At
the end of 11 June, Army reported that Allied
forceJ were regrouping a1ld that they had made no
significant gains during the day, though Carentan
was threatened. Army's intentiotl was to hold
the Vire-Elle line atld Carentan. LXXXIV
Corps had the mission of blocking the road to
Cherbourg and, with II Paratroop Corps under its
commalld, of preventing any drive to sever the
Cotentin peninmla. Its right wing was to push
toward Balleroy and seek contact by reconnais-
sance elements with I SS Panzer Corps southeast
of Bayeux. By the cloJe of the day, main ele-
ments of the 3d Paratroop Division were northeast
of St-Lo, the 17th SS Panzer Grenadier Division
was reaching assembly areas so",hweJt of Caren-
ta1l, ready to attack to east or north, and battle
groups of the 265th and 275th Divisions 10m
arriving westward of St-LO. The 266th Division
( battle group) was released for ultimate commit-
ment in the St-Lo area. III the Caen area, the
plan of early attack against the Allied bridgehead
was finally abandomd, Army deciding that the
Allied strength in that area was too great. The
Panzer Lehr Division had arrived in the Tilly-
mr-SeulleJ area, but Army's itltmtion for the
time being was to assume the defensive itl this
sector. Mobile elements, particttlarly tanks, were
to be withdrawn as soon as possible from the
battle and assembled i1l preparation for a later
countera ffensive.
The Seventh Army War Diary for 11 J1me
devotes much space to a lengthy review of the
effects of enemy air attacks, particularly on lims
of commu1lication. By 9 June retil transport
anywhere near the battle zone had been rendered
impossible. Elements of the 265th and 275th
Divisions coming from Brittany had been forced
to unload from trains after gettitlg only a quarter
of the way to the front. The 17th SS Panzer
Grenadier Divisio1l had also been forced to 1",10ad
before it reached Seventh Army's rear boundary.
The remIt put a heavy strai1l Otl motor transport,
and this strain was increased by. Allied air
attacks which took heavy toll of vehicleJ. The
res1tits showed in delays and in loss of supplies,
itlcluding fuel, which in tum seriously crippled
the fightitlg ability of the armored units as they
arrived. All time scheduleJ for arrival of re-
inforcements had been thrown off, movement by
motor tratlsport was possible only at night, and
even marches conducted at night could be hhldered
~ bombitlg of communications centers. Allied
air observatio1l also preclude" movement by day
near the battle from a1ld led to attack 011 assembly
areas, sometimes from the air. Army cotlcluded
this review with the demand that the Germa1l air
forces intervene, by both day and night, to break
this "unbearable" mperiority of Allied air. 111
the meantime, Army was undertaki1lg drastic
measures to reorganiZe controt of roads (/nd trans-
port in its rear areas and was tryitlg to get Army
Group to take over respo1lsibility for a larger area
in bri1lgi1lg up supply, so that Seventh Army's
overtaxed tr(",sportation could be used only for
the immediate needs of the battle zom. The
fuel shortage was stressed, and Army stated the
"outcome of the battle for the coast" depended on
speedy supply of fuel to give arriving armored
units the mobility necessary for an offmsiv .
BY 11 JUNE, V Corps had won the ground
essential for security of its beachhead. The
advance had carried over 12 miles inland and
had conquered the dominating terrain at
Cerisy Forest, while the right wing rested
securely on the Vire-Elle river line and was
ready to link up with VII Corps. But the
attack was to continue without pause; on
11 June preparations for a new effort were
under way, directed by Field Order No.3
issued at 1700 (Map No. XV) .
The principal objective in this next phase
was the Caumont area, assigned to the 1st
Division with, in addition to previous
attachments, the 102d Cavalry Squadron
and three battalions of tanks .. To the right
of the main effort, the 2d and 29th Di visions
were ordered to take objectives south of
Cerisy Forest and the Elle River. In general
effect, the advance would be echeloned from
east to west, with Caumont at the apex of a
salient. The 2d Armored Division, as corps
reserve, would be held in readiness to use if
necessary as a counterattacking force.
V Corps' attack was closely related to
plans of the British XXX Corps for 12 June.
In hard fighting on the 11th, the British had
been unable to dislodge the Panzer Lehr
Division from positions between Lingevres
and Tilly-sur-Seulles. This effort was to be
renewed on the 12th, with the aim of flank-
ing the whole German defense of the Caen
area. V Corps' advance in the adjoining
zone would materially aid XXX Corps by
threatening the enemy flank southwest of
Furthermore, the attack of 12 June was
designed to assist in the development of VII
Corps' offensive toward Cherbourg. Enemy
attention and reinforcement might be di-
verted from that area if V Corps exploited
the enemy weakness now apparent in its
zone. The remnants of the 352d Division,
showing signs of increased disorgani zation
every day, were still the only .important
German force on a front of more than 25
miles. They were short of ammunition,
and they had almost no artillery suppOrt.
What small reinforcement they had re-
ceived, mainly the three battalions of the
30th Mobile Brigade, had been wholly insuffi-
cient to remedy the situation. Enemy
morale, according to evidence of prisoners,
was steadily declining. According to the
same source, to a certain extent supported
by reports of troop movement south of the
battle front, enemy armored units were on
their way toward this front. They were
believed to be the 17th SS Panzer Grenadier
Division; some prisoners had been taken
from its reconnaissance battalion in Cerisy
Apart from the wider considerations
governing this attack, the objectives of V
Corps represented valuable tactical goals.
A road junction of some importance, Cau-
mont lies on a hill mass more than 750 feet
above sea level, overlooking the Cerisy
Forest and controlling the upper Dr6me
Valley. Its capture would make V Corps'
hold on the beachhead doubly secure; as a
base for further offensive operations into
the hilly country to the south, possession
of Caumont would threaten the enemy's
main lateral communications from Caen to
the St-La- Vire-Avranches region. In the
zones of the 2d and 29th Divisions the most
important objecti ve was Hill 192. This
dominating height afforded observation over
the whole area between the Elle and Vire
Rivers , and was key terrain for any offensive
operations aimed at St-La.
Advtlllce to Cal/mont
By Field Order No. 37, issued at 2400 on
11 .J (lne, General Huebner planned the 1st
Division's attack in essentially the same
formation used before: the 18th and 26th
RCT's abreast on fronts of about 3,000 yards,
with the 16th RCT in reserve, ready to assist
either attacking regiment and to protect the
flanks. The left flank was to be guarded by
the 1st Reconnaissance Troop, and two
troops of the lO2d Cavalry Squadron were
to patrol in advance of the attacking units.
Each regimental combat team included a
tank battalion; the 18th and 26th had each
a company of tank destroyers from the 63Sth
Tank Destroyer Battalion. Six battalions
of artillery were in direct or general suppOrt.
Movement toward the line of departure
(Ie Planqueray- la Butte) had begun during
the evening of 11 June, but the 26th Infantry
experienced road difficulties which caused a
two-hour delay in the jump-off, scheduled
for 0600.
On the right, the 18th Infantry had a com-
paratively easy advance, led by rhe Isf and
2d Battalions abreast. No prepared enemy
defenses were encountered, and opposition
was offered only by light mobile screening
forces, operating in patrols supported by
armored cars and an occasional tank. This
opposi tion was handled in well-organized
fashion, pulling back on what appeared to
be a prearranged schedule. The 74Sth Tank
Battalion, attached to the 18th Infantry,
reported a minimum of contact with enemy
during the day. By evening, the 18th had
made a four-mile advance to the Caumont-
St-La highway and was ordered to stop there
and patrol, particularly on the right flank.
Here, the 18th was two miles farther south
than the objectives assigned co the 2d Divi-
sion. Troop B of the lO2d Cavalry Squadron
established a screen co protect this flank
along the Drame River and made cOntact
with the 2d Division.
On the left, the 26th Infantry met much
the same type of light , delaying resistance,
built around reconnaissance cars and a few
tanks. By dusk the 2d Battalion was on the
edge of Caumont. Patrols, probing into the
village. found it held by the enemy in small
force. During the night the battalion en-
deavored co capture the village but was held
off by determined resistance estimated at two
companies, supported by five or six tanks or
self-propelled guns. Company F penetrated
into Caumont but was then forced back.
With elements of the 743d Tank Battalion
leading, the infantry cleaned out the village
by 0900, in house-co-house fighting. The
enemy lost several vehicles and an 88-mm
gun in attempts to stop the tanks. Artil-
lery observers, entering Caumont with the
advance, reported that they had excellent
observation into enemy positions for the
first time since D Day.
The 18th and 26th Infantry spent 13 June
in organizing their positions for all-around
defense and in patrolling forward and to the
flanks of the salient created by their advance.
By afternoon, strong enemy patrols were
taking offensive action all along the 1st
Division front, probing vigorously to find
its positions and in some cases infiltrating
well beyond the outposts. Patrol activity
was so Ii vel y as to give the impression of
counterattacks, and supporting artillery was
called on much more frequently than during
CAUMONT lay 0" high ground, looking toward hilly count ry to the
south . Enemy artillery fire is hitling American forward positions
just below the viI/age. Cermml plans for recapturing this village
in a cDltllteroflnlSitc after 13 J un! were 1l(VtT put into operation.
the previous da y. The 33d Field Artillery
Battalion, attached to the 26th Infantry,
fired 895 rounds as against 39 on 12 June,
most of it about 1500 when a "counter-
attack" was signaled . Enemy artillery
showed signs of revival , putting some ac-
curate fire into Caumont . Although no real
counterattack developed, it was clea r that
the enemy was sensitive to the advance into
Caumont and that a new qualit y of resistance
was beginning to show. Elements believed
to be from the 3d and 4th Companies of the 2d
Rec01l11tlissclI1ce Battalion, 2d Panzer Division,
were identified. In fact , the bulk of that
division was moving across the 1st Division
front during the day, from west to east,
and was being committed ju;t east of Cau-
mont in an action that was criti cal for the
whole Alli ed front.
The Briti sh, on 12 June, had begun a
maneuver closely rel ated to the 1st Divi sion' s
attack on Caumont. Finding the Pa"Zer
Lehr Division holding strongly on the line
Tilly-sur-Seulles- Ia Senaudiere, XXX Corps
planned to slip the 7 Armoured Divi sion
south along the Army boundary, with
Villers-Docage as objective. This move
would put them on the A vranches- Caen
highway and threaten to outflank not merely
the Tilly positions but the enemy lines as
far as Caen . Protected on the west flank by
the 1st Division 's progress to Caumont, this
maneuver began on the afternoon of 12 June,
aided by arrangements for using one road
that lay in First Army's zone. By dark,
leading elements of the 7 Armoured Division
were two miles northeast of Caumont, and
prospects seemed good for a decisi ve en-
These hopes were dashed on 13 June. The
50 Division , renewing the attack from the
north, made no progress at Tilly-sur-Seulles.
The 2d Panzer Division, arriving at the last
minute on the highway from the southwest,
was thrown at Villers-Bocage just after the
advance elements of 7 Armoured Division
reached the village. The enemy attack was
repelled in heavy fighting, but the British
could not both hold this position and con-
tinue their thrust to envelop the Panzer Lehr
Divisi01l at Tilly-sur-Seulles . The 7 Armoured
Division was withdrawn and occupied
defensive positions twO miles northeast of
Caumont. The timely arrival of the 2d
Panzer enabled the enemy to retain an area
which they evidently regarded as having
major importance. Both Tilly-sur-Seulles
and Villers-Bocage remained, until the great
Allied offensive in late July, as the western
bastions for German defense of the Caen-
Orne Valley sector.
On the 2d Division front, the 9th Infantry
attacked south on an axis parallel to the
Caumont thrust. The 9th's objective was
the Littcau ridge, which was close to the
Cerisy Forest and detached from the hills to
the south and east. Nearly 500 feet above
sea level, its position made the ridge impor-
tant both for observation and for protecting
the flank of the Caumont salient. The 2d
and 3d Battalions of the 9th Infa<1try
advanced two miles to their obje'ctive by
0940, 12 June. Enemy opposition had been
very light, but by afternoon vigorous offen-
sive patrolling was initiated by elements
identified as belonging to the 3d Paratroop
Division. This activity continued through
13 June, especially against Company C,
which had moved to an advance position on
dominating ground at Montrabot Hill. Sup-
porting the 9th Infantry, the 15th Field
Artillery Battalion fired 828 rounds on the
12th and 1,320 the next day. Enemyartil-
lery action was light; no counterbattery
fire was reported.
Crossil1g the Elle River
As it worked out, the attack of V Corps
on 12-13 June shows marked contrast be-
tween developments on the right and left
wings. The main effort toward Caumont,
involving the 1st Division and the 9th
Infantry of the 2d Division, reached its
objectives with only slight difficulty. To
the west, the 29th Division and the 38th
Infantry of the 2d Di vision met a type of
enemy resistance which spelled the end of
the rapid advances made since 7 June. The
Germans defended the approaches to Hill
192 with a vigor proving the importance
they attached to St-L(I, committing in this
area the first considerable reinforcements to
be used against V Corps. Although the
Elle River was a small, fordable stream, its
crossing involved a number of bitterly
contested actions.
On the 2d Division's right, the 23d In-
fantry had the mission of passing throu/th
the positions of the 38th, attacking across
the Elle, and occupying the Berigny-Hill
192 area. As planned, the attack was to be
made in rather separated thrusts by two
battalions of the 23d: the 1st would cross
the Elle southwest of Cerisy-la-Foret and
move south toward the hill; nearly three
miles away, on the far side of Cerisy Forest,
the 2d Battalion was to strike west across
the Elle on the St-L6 highway, through
Berigny. The attack jumped off at 0600
after a 20-minute artillery preparation by
the 37th and 38th Field Artillery Battalions.
The 1st Battalion gOt across the small stream
but was not far past the line of departure
when it began to meet effective resistance.
Helped by patches of woodland which con-
cealed their movements, enemy infantry
counterattacked the 1st Battalion on its
western flank and threatened its rear. The
battalion fell back a mile, staying south of
the river. The 2d Battalion, coming out of
Cerisy Forest on the Berigny highway, was
stopped practically at the line of departure
by heavy machine-gun and mortar fire from
the west bank of the Elle. The 3d Battalion
was then moved through Cerisy Forest to
attack between the other twO; its advance
got as far as the Elle by early afternoon and
was stopped there on the east bank.
The enemy was benefiting greatly by ob-
servation from Hill 192, and an air mission
of fighter-bombers was directed against that
height before dark. Supporting artillery
was very active during the day, the 37th and
38th Field Artillery Battalions firing over
2,600 rounds. The artillery effort was in-
creased late in the day as a result of requests
for fire to stop local enemy counterattacks,
which amounted to aggressive thrusts by
small units. The enemy kept the initiative
through the night, alarming tile 2d Battalion
at 0151 with a heavy burst of small-arms
fire, and probing at other points along the
line. Enemy artillery, though light,
showed increased activity. Identifications
of prisoners revealed that elements of the
352d Division were north of Hill 192, but that
units of the 8th Paratroop Regiment , 3d Para-
troop Division, were in the Berigny area.
This division was regarded as a first-class
unit of very high fighting quality.
General Robertson planned to resume the
attack on 13 June, with two battalions of
the 38th Infantry moving on Hill 192 from
the north. Starting at 0800, these units
passed through the 1st Battalion of the 23d
Infantry and made good progress for two
miles south of the Elle. They were hitting
stronger opposition when the attack was
stopped in the afternoon by division order;
the 38th and 23d Infantry Regiments were to
prepare their present posi tions for defense
against possible enemy attack. Artillery
support of this action had been heavy and
effective; the 12th Field Artillery Battalion
(ISS-mm howitzers) fired 1,445 rounds, the
37th Field Artillery Battalion 4,400 rounds,
and the 38th Field Artillery Battalion 841
rounds . The 2d Division had made some
progress on 13 June, but was still two miles
north of Hill 192 and had not succeeded in
getting possession of the Berigny- St-
Georges-d 'Elle area. Losses reflected the
heavier fighting on these two days, the 23d
Infantry reporting 211 casualties and the 2d
Di vision totals being 540. In the same
period the 1st Division lost 92 men.
To the northwest of Berigny, the 29th
Division encountered similar difficulties in
crossing the Elle River. In the attack plan
for 12 June, the division's main effort was
to be made by the 11Sth Infantry, with the
17Sth in defensive positions on the west
flank of V Corps and the 116th in reserve.
The 747th Tank Battalion was held in
division reserve to be in readiness for counter-
attack. Three (plus) battalions of division
artillery were to render close support for
the 115th Infantry. That unit was ordered
to attack across the Elle at 0500, its objec-
tives St-Clair-sur-Elle and Couvains, in an
operation which would protect the right
flank of the 2d Division as it advanced on
Hill 192.
Because of the opposition offered by the
Germans, the Elle Ri ver crossing was to be
more difficult than those of the Aure and
Vire, much larger streams, The Elle itself
was only 10 feet wide, but the very steep and
wooded southern bank gave good ground
for well-concealed emplacements. During
the night, 29th Division artillery placed
interdictory fire once an hour on St-Clair-
sur-Elle, St-Jean-de-Savigny, and Couvains .
The 1I5th Infantry attacked with 2 battal-
ions abreast, after 20 minures of heavy
preparatory fires by 4 artillery battalions.
Company K, leading the 3d Battalion, was
disorganized and suffered 32 casualties from
shells which it believed to be "shorts"
from friendly guns; this belief was later dis-
proved, but by timing their own fire with
the U. S. artillery preparation the Germans
had affected the morale of the assault force.
Despite these difficulties, Company I and a
platoon of Company K got across the stream
east of the north- south road to St-Jean-de-
Savigny; the rest of the battalion followed
and by 0830 was 1,200 yards south of the
crossIng. However, to the right the 1st
Battalion was stopped at the stream by
heavy and accurate small-arms fire, with
some support from mortars and anti tank
guns. This situation left the 3d Battalion
advancing with open flanks south of St-
Jean-de-Savigny, where it was stopped by
machine-gun fire from hedgerow positions
that could not be located. An enemy
column, including some armored vehicles,
came north on the road from Couvains and
deployed in the hedgerows to east and west.
By the end of the morning the 3d Battalion
was fighting on the defensive to avoid being
cut off from the rest of the division, was
short of ammunition, and was suffering from
accurate mortar fire and close-up shelling
from antitank or self-propelled guns. In
the early afternoon, K and I Companies
withdrew to the starting positions; other
elements failed to receive the withdrawal
orders and came back two hours later in
some disorder . The battalion's losses had
been severe.
Division had begun by noon to take meas-
ures for rebuilding the attack. Two pla-
toons of the 747th Tank Battalion were sent
forward; attempting to spearhead the 1st
Battalion of the 1I5th, the tanks were
stopped by skillful use of antitank guns,
three vehicles being knocked out, with nine
casualties. Alerted at 1630, the 1I6th In-
fantry took over the attack in the evening.
At 2200 it had two battalions across the Elle,
and the 3d Battalion of the 1I5th (now
attached to the 1I6th) had recrossed the
rIver. By daylight of 13 June the attack
had neared its objectives. That morning,
coordinating its efforts with the 2d Divi-
sion's attack just to the east, the 1I6th
managed to fight into St-Clair-sur-Elle and
Couvains. Division artillery continued to
deliver heavy fires in support of the attack;
its 6 (plus) battalions ( of which one was
supporting the 175th Infantry) fired 125
missions during the 2 days, and rounds ex-
pended after 1000, 12 June, included 2,736
high explosive and 400 white phosphorus .
Of the units involved, the 58th Armored
Field Artillery Battalion fired 1,952 rounds
on 12 June, and the 1I0th Field Artillery
Battalion 1,053 founds in the same period.
No fresh endny forces had appeared in
this area despite continued reports on 12-13
June indicating the approach of armor, be-
lieved to be the 17th S S Panzer Grenadier
Division. Elements of several units of the
352d Division and of the 30th Mobile Brigade
had rallied after their earlier reverses and
were putting up determined resistance.
North of St-Clair-sur-Elle, the Germans had
made maximum use of prepared positions,
with well-placed fields for automatic fire.
In the St-Jean-de-Savigny area, the enemy
had employed mobile tactics, involving in-
filtration and counterattack by small units
on the flanks of advancing U. S. forces .
German artillery support was still weak,
with some self-propelled guns in use. It was
clear that the enemy was prepared to hold
Hill 192 with every means at his disposal.
The engagement at the Elle on 12-13 June
was, in fact, a foretaste of the bitter fighting
to come in this sector. Most of the 29th
Division's 547 casualties for the 2 days were
(12-13 JUNE)
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suffered in their first battle for the approaches
to St-L6. Five miles from that town on 13
June, the 29th Division entered it on 18
July, while Hill 192 was captured by the
2d Division on 11 July only after costly
fighting for every hedgerow on its slopes.
Action West of the Vire
The Allied invasion began with three
separate beachheads; these had to be welded
into one before the first phase of operations
could be considered accomplished. V Corps
and the British Second Army had met at
their boundary on 8 June in the Port-en-
Bessin area, but four days later, solid junc-
tion with VII Corps was still to be achieved.
The main obstacle was enemy resistance at
Carentan, defended by the 6th Paratroop
Regiment. From 10 to 12 June, the 101st
Airborne Division was attempting to capture
Carenran and reach the neck of land between
the Douve and Vire rivers. On 10 June the
327th Glider Infantry had crossed the Douve
between Carentan and the sea, contacting V
Corps' bridgehead at the Vire, but this link
was slender (Map No. XIV).
On the next two days the 327th was put-
ting its main effort west toward the town,
and V Corps units were called on for some
assistance in protecting its flank. The small
bridgehead at Auville-sur-Ie-Vey, estab-
lished by the 17Sth Infantry on 10 June, was
strengthened at 1700 the next day by arrival
of the 3d Battalion, 41st Armored Infantry
(2d Armored Division). On 11 June, the
29th Division was ordered to send a rifle
company over the Vire south of the railway
crossing, with missions of reconnoitering
the area near Moncmartin-en-Graignes and
capturing two highway bridges southwest of
it on the canal connecting the Vire and Taute
Rivers (Map No.9). By holding these two
bridges, First Army would be more secure
against the threat of an armored attack from
St-L6 into the thin area of link-up between
V Corps and VII Corps. This small opera-
tion, ordered to be carried out on 12 June,
turned out to be much more than a routine
reconnaissance in force.
The area of Montmartin had not been
adequately patrolled, so the 17Sth Infantry
decided to send a task force of two com-
panies, E and C, each reinforced by a section
of heavy mortars and one of heavy machine
guns; Company C of the 121st Engineer Com-
bat Battalion was to provide the equipment
for crossing the stream at two selected sites.
As a result of various delays in assembling
and getting started, the units did not reach
the river in time to make the crossing under
cover of darkness, as planned. Engineer
trucks, carrying assault boats, got to the
Vire about 0700. This tidal stream, about
ISO yards wide in the area, flows between
lO-foot dikes bordering flat expanses of
marshland on both sides. With four assault
boats to a company, each carrying about ten
riflemen, the crossing had to be effected in a
series of waves . Not until the first started
was there any sign of the enemy, who then
opened up with ineffective machine-gun fire
at long range. The enemy evidently had
outposts along the edges of the marsh flats
some SOO yards to the west, but their few
machine guns could not reach the level of
the river below the dikes. Company E,
accompanied by General Cota and by Col.
Paul R. Goode, commanding the 17Sth
Infantry, got across without losses. Enemy
rifle fire began to build up as the attacking
troops started across the marshes, making
short zigzag dashes and using cover afforded
by the many drainage ditches. The German
machine guns were not sited for grazing fire
on the flat, and casualties were only six or
seven men. The enemy fire died out as the
company reached the edge of the higher
ground. A quarter mile to the south, Com-
pany C crossed against similar resistance, but
radio communications were not working
between the units as they ad vanced to rna ke
a prearranged junction in Montmartin.
General Cota decided to continue with
Company E.
Company E got near Montmartin about
0800 and started to work around it to the
north. Enemy fire reopened from the west,
at about 300 yards range, and again stopped
as Company E pushed against it. It was
decided not to wait for Company C, but to
go after the objective at the canal bridge.
In approach-march formation, Company E
started south down a road banked with deep
hedgerows, planning to turn west just
beyond the village. Before they had gone
a hundred yards, heavy enemy fire from
machine-pistols and rifles came out of the
hedges on both sides of the sunken road.
Caught in an ambush of a type easily set in
hedgerow country, Company E was cut up
and bad I y sca nered. It wi thdrew to re-
organize, north of Montmartin, but some of
the troops went all the way back to the ri ver
and recrossed. The remnants of Company
E were joined at 1040 by a part of Company
C, which had experienced somewhat similar
opposition as it neared the village. At UOO
the group started south to try to get past
Montmartin on the river side. About 400
yards southeast of the village they were
brought under machine-gun fire from pre-
pared emplacements, ahead and to the west.
Several concentrations by the 224th Field
Artillery Battalion were called for, but
failed to neutralize the enemy positions.
The terrain lacked cover affording an
approach to the enemy position, so the task
force decided to withdraw and try once
again to pass the village on the north. At
1600 they were back where the morning
fight had taken place; once again enemy
machine guns and rifles stalled advance
westward. A brisk fire fight was heard to
the north, and word reached the task force
that units of the 327th Glider Infantry were
fighting south from the railroad. But no
contact was made other than by patrols,
and toward nightfall the 175th's task force
was reduced to about 150 men and was
running short of ammunition, water, and
food. General Cota ordered them into the
village. Light enemy resistance, of a type
which had often managed to impose con-
siderable delay, was quickly disposed of by
combining movement with the fire of every
available small-arms weapon. Later in the
evening General Cota decided the village
was undesirable for purposes of a night
defense and moved to a slight rise, covered by
an orchard, just southeast of Montmartin.
Considerable anxiety concerning the Vire-
Taute area was felt at higher headquarters
that night. Carentan had been entered
from the north, but German troops were
reported counterattacking into the town.
There were indications of a possible. enemy
counterattack by armor from south of Caren-
tan, and even reports of enemy patrols in-
filtrating into the Isigny area. At midnight
of the 12th, First Army telephoned General
Gerow of the possiblity that the enemy
might launch a strong counterattack between
Carentan and Isigny next morning, and di-
rected him to send a battalion of tanks and
one of armored infantry to that area from the
2d Armored Division. Their mission was to
assist the 327th Glider Infantry and the
175th Infantry in defense of the thinly held
corridor connecting V and VII Corps. This
order was carried Out by Combat Command
A, 2d Armored Division, which sent the 2d
Battalion of the 66th Armored Regiment to
join the armored infantry already west of
Isigny; by 0630 this force was ready to move
south to meet the presumed German armor.
Before Combat Command A could launch an
attack planned to strike south from Auville,
its mission was changed by orders from
First Army. Joined by a second battalion of
tanks, the combat command went to assist
the 100st Airborne Division in securing
Carentan. The 327th Glider Infantry, after
nearly reaching Montmartin on 12 June,
withdrew next day to its former line pro-
tecting the highway.
Meantime the 175th Infantry had made
an attempt to relieve the remnants of the
task force near Montmartin-en-Graignes.
Colonel Goode himself took Company G,
reinforced with heavy weapons, across the
river at midnight on the 12th. The com-
pany moved south close to the river and past
General Cota's night position. About a
mile south of Montmartin they ran into a
German bivouac and inflicted many casual-
ties in a surprise encounter. Rallying, the
Germans came back and surrounded Com-
pany G, which fought on until its ammuni-
tion ran low. Scattered groups made their
way back in the morning; Colonel Goode
was taken prisoner.
These developments left General Cota' s
group in dangerous isolation, nearly sur-
rounded and still short of ammunition and
food . Division ordered it to withdraw and
had supplies dropped from planes. Fighting
their way back to the Vire, 110 men rejoined
the 175th Regiment at midnight of 13 June.
In the action at Montmartin, the re-
connaissance force had been engaged with
elements of a mobile uni t ( estimated at a
company) which had operated according to
prearranged defensive plans. These involved
a thin screen of outposts along the river, to
observe and delay a crossing. Main defen-
sive forces, using bicycles, were then rushed
up from rear posts to the threatened area
and used for counterattack. Armed with a
high proportion of machine pistols and ma-
chine guns, the German units made maxi-
mum use of the defensive possibilities offered
by hedgerows, supplemented by prepared
emplacements, echeloned in depth, at points
offering good fields of fire along the roads.
While part of the defenders used these posi-
tions for delaying action, other groups would
make probing attacks on the flank and rear
of an advancing column, attempting to sur-
round and cut it off. Depending on aggres-
sive maneuver by very small units, these tac-
tics were particularly effective against a
force like the reconnaissance groups of the
I75th Infantry, which lacked the numerical
strength and fire power to "bull through"
and disorganize the enemy screen.
The check at Montmartin was not im-
portant in the perspective of the main action
on I3June. While the I75th Infantry's task
force was fighting for survival at Montmar-
tin, Combat Command A and the lOlst
Airborne Division had settled the main
issue: possession of Carentan. Their co-
ordinated attack had carried two miles
southwest of the town and insured its cap-
[Ure. No enemy counterattack from the
south had developed to split the link be-
tween the corps, and Army now had re-
sources sufficient to enlarge the corridor of
communication between Isigny and Caren-
tan. That mission was assigned on 13 June
to XIX Corps, which became operational at
noon the next day.
The Enemy Side
At the opening of the period, Seventh Army
learned that Carentan had fallen on 11 June and
that there were clear indications of Allied prep-
aration for attack in the Caen- Bayeux sector
( Map No. XVI).
During the morning of 12 June, Army received
word that weak Allied reconnaissance elements
had pushed close to Caumont. General Marcks,
commanding LXXXIV Corps, was killed in a
strajing attack. Army informed his successor
that the 2d Panzer Division was on the way to
jill the hole between the 352d and Panzer Lehr,
with reconnaissance elem",ts already 'tear Catt-
mont. According to Army's views at the ma-
A GERMAN 88-MM in a favoriu pOJi,ion, "(ar a bmd in road
and well hiddnt from oburvation. Prim( mavu and uTviu vthicllS
waf acrOJJ the road. Countubatury by U. S. arli/ltry of un farad
tntmy to shift the guns to new positions aJuT firing a JtW rounds.
mmt, the ilt/; SS Panzer Grenadier Division was
1101 likely to be used in a coullterattack to retake
Carentan; instead, it must be held in readiness to
keep open the corridor north of la Haye-du-Puits
in the western Cotentin. Army was apprehensive
of a new Allied landing operation in the Cher-
bourg area, in which air landings might be com-
bined with assault from sea west of the port .
Higher headquarters, on the other hand, showed
more concern over the Allied advance in the
Caumollt area, and Army Group sent orders that
all possible measures be taken to plug the gap on
the right of the 352d Division. Army informed
VOII Rundstedt that recomlaissance elementJ' of
the Panzer Lehr and 2d Panzer Divisions had
been put into that area, as well as some elements
of the 3d Paratroop Division. Half track ele-
ments of 2d Panzer were expected to a"ive by 14
June, and first elements of the 2d SS Panzer on
the 15th,' the latter unit was on its way from the
mountains of central Fra'ICe, where it had been
dealing with French Resista'ICe groups. In
Army's view, there was now 110 reason for alarm
with regard to the gap.
The principal fighting of 12 June took place
between the Elle and Tilly-sur-Seulles. As
Seventh Army viewed it, the Allies were makillg
a main effort to exploit the gap. They had
managed to reach Caumoll', and the flank of
Panzer Lehr was exposed. In the Elle sector,
local attacks were regarded as checked, although
LXXXW Corps warned that the Allies evi-
dently plantzed a drive to seiZe St-Lo.
Orders from Hitler came that evming to
Sevmth Army: the Allied hridgehead hetween the
Orne and Vire Rivers must he attacked and de-
stroyed piecemeal, heginning with the area east
of Cam. Hitler also stressed that in fMure any
Germall units cut off or sttrrounded must he
prept".d to fight where they stood, to the last
man tmd the last hullet. No orders for with-
drawal would he tolerated.
Seventh Army's intelltions for 13 JUlie were:
attack east of the Orne hy the 21st Panzer Divi-
sion; preparations Jar an attack hy 2e1 Panzer
Division in the Caumortt area,' and use oj parts
oj the 17th SS Pm,Zer Grelladier Division Jar
recapture of Carmtan.
From Sevmth Army' s viewpoint, 13 lulU was
characterized hy a deJensive sttccess which ended
its worries over the gap ill the Caumollt- Villers-
Bocage ema. Elemmts oj the 2d Panzer Division
had arriv<d to fill the hole,' admittedly jrut itl
time. With the 2d SS Panzer Divison coming up
to the same area emd expected shortly, Army
tlOW mvisaged atl attack northward toward
Balleroy to shorten the line_It, the Elle sector,
some penetrations had heen made hy Allied units
in what is descrihed as hitter fighting, hut the 3d
Paratroop Division was in position to deJend that
area. The German attempt to retake Carmtan
had Jailed. Allied gains had heen made west
and tlorth oj Ste-Mere-Eglise, and this area was
now Sevmth Army's maill concern.
A curious report Jrom LXXXW Corps -in-
Jormed Army that the U. S. 1 st Division was
"tlewly idttltified" ill the fightillg northeast of
St-La, and that the U. S. 29th Division,
exhausted, was reported to have left the litle.
all 13 June, the ttlemy forces ill the sector he-
twem the Vire and the Taute comprised a hattle-
group ("Heintz") made up of elements of hath
the 17th SS PatlZtr Grenadier Division and the
352d Division, attached to the 17th SS for opera-
tiolls hut rmder the 352d for administratiotl.
The hattle group included two illfantry he/ttalions
(one 1UWkJ' arrived) , elements of two tllghuer
hattalions , and some remllants of the 352d
Divisiollal Artillery ( 4th Battalion) . Their
mission was to hold the ground from Montmartitl-
en-Graignes to the westem md oj the Vire- Taute
Canal, against" contitluous" Allied attacks "itl
hattaliOiI strmgth," Sttpported hy tanks.
The status oj the reinforcing columns at the end
oj 13 lit'" WtlS as Jollows: wheeled vehicles of the
2d SS Panzer were at Tours; wheeled vehicles of
the 2d Panzer were at Caumont, hut tracked
vehicles still at Paris, whe/'e they had detrained
Jar march hy road; the hattie group oj the 265th
Divisiotl had reached Coutemcts,' that oj the
266th was still in the Brittany area; the 353d
Division was tlear Remus. All small mohile
units of the divisions and corps still itl Brittarry
were to he organized illto battali07u and made
re,dy Jar departure to the Normandy hattie.
all 14 lulU, Corps reported that the 352d Divi-
SiOiI was completely used up mid should he tak",
out of line. On accoutlt of delays in reaching the
hattl, area, the 2d Pallzer Division was still
lackillg its heavier alltitank gUtlS, armored artil-
lery, and heavy tanks. So far, it had hem
operating with its armored itlJatltry units, which
had takm heavy losses. In Army's opini01l, the
e ffectivmess of the other elemmts oj the division
was likely to he reduced hy the Jact that they were
heing Jorced to make a long overland nlarch to
reach the hattle area; ill particular, it was noted
that the average liJe oj the motor in Panther
tanks was estimated at 500 miles. Allied air
attacks were still causing major complicatiotls,
includillg command prohlems. Not only had
Gmeral Marcks (LXXXIV Corps) hem killed
hy strafitlg planes, hut homhitlg of a Panzer
Corps headqttarters (British zotle) had Jorced a
tra'lSfer oj commatld to a new headqttarters. As
for Germem air, Army was itlformed that it cottld
not interv",e in the hattie hecattse oj the distanCi
from its (usahle) hoses,
1st Division
2d Armored Division
*This SholllJ" palch is worn by all Army perJollne/ aJJigned 10 amphihian unil! .
2d Di vision
Provisional Engineer
Special Brigade Group
AT 0125 ON 13 JUNE, V Corps received
instructions from First Army, immediately
communicated to subordinate units, which
had the effect of marking the end of the
Omaha beachhead operation (Map No.
XVI). For the time being V Corps was
to hold in its present positions, employing
aggressive action by strong patrols to keep
the enemy uncertain of our intentions. The
First Army's offensive effort was concen-
trated on the right flank, where VII Corps
continued its drive toward Cherbourg. XIX
Corps was to become operational at noon,
14 June; consisting of the 30th and 29th
Divisions, its mission was to secure and en-
large the Carentan- Isigny corridor. First
Army' s instructions were confirmed by V
Corps Field Order No. 5, published at 2100
on 13 June. The operations already under
way on 13June, in the Caumont and Hill 192
sectors, had been allowed to proceed during
the day; the effect of Field Order No.5 was
to stop the effort toward Hill 192 at the
positions reached that evening.
Starting from the smallest of footholds on
D Day, V Corps had in one week driven in-
land 15 to 20 miles on a broad front. Junc-
tion had been firmly established with Allied
forces on both flanks. The crisis of the
whole operation had come at the very start,
when unexpected enemy strength was met
at the beach and the American troops had
been called on for their utmost effort. There-
after, the task of V Corps became progress-
ively easier; the German 352d Division was
pushed south at increasing speed and given
no time to organize a defense. V Corps'
advance was halted by decision of the
higher command in view of overall tactical
considerations . Its mission of capturing an
adequate beachhead had been achieved.
In the course of a week' s fighting casualties
had mounted to 5,846 of which 1,225 were
killed in action; more than half of these
casualties came in the first day. Heaviest
losses had fallen to the 29th Division, with
2,440 for the period; the 1st Division had
1,744 casualties, and the 2d Division 855.
Enemy prisoners amounted to about 2,500,
and casualties of the 352d Division had
reduced that offensive unit to a shadow of its
former strength.
Weeks of hard fighting were ahead, but
the foundation for the final success of the
Allied campaign in France had been firmly
set. Scene of one of the hardest assault
landings in military history, Omaha Beach
was now part of a solid base for offensive
operations which three months later reached
the borders of Germany.
Omaha Beachhead Unit Citations
( Published in War Department General Orders up co 15 1945)
1st Engineer Combat Battalion
1st Platoon, 30th Chemical Decontamination Company
1st Platoon, Company A, 203d Quartermaster Gas Supply Battalion
2d Ranger Infantry Battalion
5th Ranger Infantry Battalion
16th Infantry Regiment
18th Infantry Regiment
20th Engineer Combat Battalion
37th Engineer Combat Battalion
81st Chemical Battalion, Motorized
112th Engineer Combat Battalion
115th Infantry Regiment
116th Infantry Regiment
146th Engineer Combat Battalion
147th Engineer Combat Battalion
149th Engineer Combat Battalion
1st Battalion Team, 293d Joint Assault Signal Company
1st Platoon, 31st Chemical Decontamination Company
2d Platoon, 634th Medical Clearing Company
2d Squad, 1st Medical Depot Company
3d Battalion Team, 293d Joint Assault Signal Company
3d Platoon, 607th Quartermaster Graves Registration Company
27th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
88th Quartermaster Railhead Company
214th Military Police Company
293d Joint Assault Signal Company (3 Battalion Teams)
461st Amphibious Truck Company
500th Medical Collecting Company
618th Ordnance Ammunition Company
967th Quartermaster Service Company
3205th Quartermaster Service Company
3704th Quartermaster Truck Company
3820th Quartermaster Gas Supply Company
Company B, 7th Naval Beach Battalion
Company C, 7th Naval Beach Battalion
Headquarters & Headquarters Company, 6th Engineer Special Brigade
Headquarters & Headquarters Detachment, 95th Quartermaster Battalion
Reconnaissance Platoon, 3565th Ordnance MAM Company
Surgical Teams, 3d Auxiliary Surgical Group
299th Engineer Combat Battalion
397th Antiaircraft Artillery Provisional Machine Gun Battalion of the 49th Antiaircraft
Artillery Brigade
741st Tank Battalion
743d Tank Battalion, Medium
834th Engineer Aviation Battalion
A. E. A. F.
LCM (3)
LCT (5)
A bbreviatiotl s
Allied Expeditionary Air Force
Landing Craft, Assault
Landing Craft, Infantry
Landing Craft, Infantry (Large)
Landing Craft, Gun (Large)
Landing Craft, Mechanized
Landing Craft, Mechanized (Mark 3)
Landing Craft, Tank
Landing Craft, Tank (Armored)*
Landing Craft, Tank (Modified)*
Landing Craft, Tank (Mark 5)
Landing Craft, Tank (Rocket)
Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel
Landing Ship, Infantry
Landing Ship, Tank
Naval Shore Fire Control Party
Regimental Combat Team
Battalion Landing Team
-LCT (A) ;lnd LeT (HE) are modification. of the LCT ulCd for clow-in fire IUPport.
LeI 91, victim of a spectacular disaster about 0800 on D Day, as it
looked in February 1945 when supply landings at Omaha had ceased.
'tl u.s. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1994 360-565

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