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Published by The International Meditation Centres In the Tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin Dhamma Texts Series 1

What Buddhism Is 1st printing, 1951 (6,000 copies) 2nd printing, 1953 (2,000 copies) 3rd printing, 1954 (5,000 copies) 4th printing, 1958 (5,000 copies) 5th printing, 1971 (5,000 copies) 6th printing, 1980 (5,000 copies) The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation (A Paper Read by Thray Sithu U Ba Khin) 1st edition, 3 Aug. 1962 (3,000 copies) 2nd edition, 1966 (1,000 copies) The Essentials of Buddha-Dhamma in Practice The Wheel, n 231 (1976)

Revised edition 1991 The Sayagyi U Ba Khin Memorial Trust, U.K.

Dedicated to Mother Sayamagyi (Mah-Saddhamma-Jotika-Dhaja Sayamagyi Daw Mya Thwin)

Published on the occasion of the centennial of the birth of Thray Sithu Sayagyi U Ba Khin

This gift of the Dhamma is made possible through dna given by meditation students.

Yo ca pubbe pamajjitv pacch so na-ppamajjati, So ma loka pabhseti, abbh mutto va candim. Whoever was previously negligent, if he is diligent afterwards, He illumines the world, like the moon freed from a cloud. Dhammapada, verse 172

Contents Dhamma Texts by Sayagyi U Ba Khin

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . English Texts by Sayagyi U Ba Khin . . . . . Sayagyis Approach to Teaching Western Students and Their Reactions . . . . . . . xi xiii xvi xix

What Buddhism Is
Lecture No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 The Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Preparation to Become a Buddha . . . . . . 6 The Great Renunciation . . . . . . . . . . 9 The Search for Truth . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Attainment of Buddhahood . . . . . . . 11 Lecture No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Teachings of the Buddha . . . . . . . . The Path Leading to the Extinction of Suffering . . A. Sla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. Samdhi . . . . . . . . . . . . C. Pa . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lecture No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Law of Dependent Origination . . . . . . The Law of Cause and Effect . . . . . . . . Moral Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 17 21 21 23 25 29 29 32 34


Preface Immoral Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Neutral Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 (1) Arpa- and Rpa-Brahm Planes . . . . . . 34 (2) The Sensuous Planes . . . . . . . . . . 35 The Planes of Celestial Beings . . . . . . 35 The Planes of the Lower Forms of Existence . . 35 The Human World . . . . . . . . . . 36

Appendices A Comparative Study in the Field of Samdhi . . . 42 IMC, Rangoon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Buddhist Meditation in Burma, by Dr Elizabeth K. Nottingham . . . . . . 51

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foreward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. The Foundation of a Buddhist . . . . . . II. The Essence of the Buddha-Dhamma . . . . III. On the Path (Training at the Centre) . . . . Sla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samdhi . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV. The Fruits of Meditation . . . . . . . . V. Human Relations . . . . . . . . . . . VI. By-Products . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix Statement A: Posts Held by Thray Sithu U Ba Khin Special Assignments . . . . . . . . . . Annex A: State Agricultural Marketing Board . . 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Shipments and Foreign Exchange . . . .

The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

64 66 67 70 72 73 73 75 76 79 83 88 91 92 92 93

Sayagyi U Ba Khinvii Statement B: Shipment of Rice and Rice Products . . 94 Statement C: Foreign Exchange Earnings . . . . 95 3. Rice Stocks . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Statement D: Stock of Rice and Rice Products . . . 96 4a. Demurrages: Foreign Shipping . . . . . . 96 Statement E: Demurrage Incurred and Despatch Money Earned on Foreign Shipment of Rice & Rice Products . . . . . . . . . 97 4b. Demurrages: Railways . . . . . . . . 97 Statement F: Burma Railways Demurrage Charges. . 98 5. Survey Cuts. . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Statement G: Survey Cuts. . . . . . . . . . 99 6. Outstandings on Foreign Sales. . . . . . 99 Statement H: Outstanding Collections. . . . . . 99 7. Accounts. . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Annex B: Directorate of Commercial Audit. . . . . 101 Annex C: Government Institute for Training in Accounts and Audit . . . . . . . . . . . 104

The Essentials of Buddha-Dhamma in Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109



Dgh jgarato ratti, dgha santassa yojana Dgho blna sasro saddhamma avijnata. The night is long for one who is awake. The distance (to go) is long for one who is tired. Journeying-on is longer for the ignorant who do not know the True Doctrine. Dhammapada, verse 60

PREFACE We have gathered here in one booklet all the public talks given by our teacher Sayagyi U Ba Khin. As we pointed out in The Anecdotes of Sayagyi U Ba Khin (Dhammadna Series 1), his principal goal in life was practising and teaching others the practice of the Buddha-Dhamma. This did not leave much time for scholarly endeavours, such as writing books. In Burmese, for example, we have only two small tracts: The Revolutionary Aspect of the Buddha-Dhamma: The Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta and Theoretical Learning and the Actual Fruits Gained Through Practice. But when he was invited to speak on the Buddha-Dhamma, Sayagyi showed that his grasp of the theory was up to the level of his practice. This does not mean, however, that Sayagyi did not appreciate the importance of the texts. He constantly referred back to the Buddha's Teachings as preserved in the Pi canon and commentaries to verify the results obtained in his own meditation and the progress made by his students. And he was always pleased to encourage those who were doing research in a sincere effort to understand the Dhamma. There is no limit on the time necessary for [acquiring] the theory and practice of Buddhism, Sayagyi wrote to an American student in 1963. Understanding Buddhism will not be complete unless you know also the rudimentary principles in the theory of Buddhism. Sayagyi always insisted that he was a practical man. Often, when approached by people who wanted to know about Buddhist meditation, he would give a brief explanation and ix


then say, But that's enough talking. Now let's try it. The brief explanations that make up this book are an excellent introduction to the theory of Buddhism. May they inspire those who read them to give true Buddhist meditation a fair trial. Sayagyi U Chit Tin International Meditation Centre Heddington, Wiltshire January 19, 1985

Myanmar regained her independence from the British on January 4, 1948. It was a memorable day for the people of Myanmar when the actual ceremony for the transfer of power took place in the grounds of Government House (previously the Governors Residence and then the Residence of the President of the Union of Burma). It was in the early hours of a pleasant morning, at 4.20 A.M., when the rst rays of the sun ashed forth above the horizon at dawn. The time must have been chosen according to the Myanmar tradition of timing important events to coincide with the most favourable moment, one which occurs when the signs of the Zodiac in the sky are those for Peace, Prosperity and Stability and when those of the three traditional destroyerswar, famine and pestilenceare not encountered. The people of Myanmar wished to time this event so that there would be timely rains and bumper crops each year after independence, and they made the resolve to promote the Buddha-Ssana, for they felt that the Buddhas Teachings had been on the wane during the period they had been dominated by aliensa period ranging from 62 years for Upper Burma to 122 years for the Arakan and Tenasserim Divisions. The most exciting event that took place was the lowering of the British agthe Union Jackand the raising of the xi



Union of Burma ag while the Burmese National Anthem was being played. This marked the end of British colonial rule in Myanmar. Patriotic people of Myanmar have always remembered the dates on which the British annexed Myanmar to the colonial Indian Empire. This happened in three stages: (i) in 1826 Arakan and Tenasserim, both coastal regions; (ii) in 1852 the whole region of Lower Burma; and (iii) in 1885 the entire country, including Upper Burma. Everyone in Myanmar felt that with Independence regained, not only were the people freed, but Buddhism in Myanmar, the Buddha-Ssana, was freed, like the moon free from the grasp of Rhu after an eclipse. Sayagyi U Ba Khin, the rst Accountant General of Burma, was perfectly right when he declared to his disciples that this Burmese Independence Day was the Buddha Ssana Independence Day and we observed it as one of the special days of the tradition beginning in 1951 when the Vipassan Association was formed in the ofce of the Accountant General. One of the rst actions of the Burmese government after independence was to plan the Sixth Buddhist Council. The rst three councils were held in India, the fourth in Sri Lanka, and the fth in Myanmar. They were all held in order to purify the Buddhas Teachings of any deforming inuences which might have crept in. Following this tradition, one of the main aims of the Sixth Buddhist Council was to prepare editions of the Pi canon and commentaries. The texts that were used as the basis for these editions were those inscribed on 729 marble slabs in Mandalay. These were erected by King Mindon when the Fifth Buddhist Council (or Synod) was held in Myanmar in 1871. The Sixth Great Buddhist Conference (Chaha Sagyan) was held in Yangon on the Kaba Aye Sri Magalar Hill,

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


where the Mah Psnagh (a large, man-made cave) was especially constructed for this purpose. The Council lasted from 2498 Buddhist Era (A.D. 1954) to 2500 B.E. (A.D. 1956) and was timed to coincide with the Buddha Sagti (the 2500th anniversary or Buddha Jayant). During these two years, an assembly of eminent scholarly bhikkhus from the ve Theravda countries of Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos, working in groups, prepared the texts of the Pi canon for publication. They worked at the Kaba Aye Sri Magalar Hill in Yangon, comparing and correcting the texts through reference to the Singhalese and Cambodian editions and the Roman-script edition of the Pali Text Society. The Pi texts were published there by the Buddha Ssana Council and were recited in the Mah Psnagh, all this being brought to conclusion on the full-moon day of Kason (May 24, 1956Buddha Jayant Day). The Commentaries and Sub-commentaries were also prepared in the same manner, though this took place later, immediately after the canonical texts had been prepared. Sayagyi U Ba Khin was very active in planning for that momentous occasion as he was an Executive Committee Member of the Buddha Ssana Council from its inception in August 1950. He was not only the Chairman of the Subcommittee for Practical Buddhist Meditation, but was also the Honorary Auditor of the Council, responsible for supervising and maintaining the accounts of the Sixth Buddhist Council. It was in this connection that I came to be directly involved. I was posted on loan from the Accountant Generals ofce on July 1, 1952, to the Buddha Ssana Council as Chief Accountant, working under Sayagyis guidance. Sayagyi had been given the title of Sithu when Myanmar gained independence on Jan. 4, 1948. Now he was given the title of Thray Sithu on Jan. 4, 1956, and several of us who were directly



involved in helping with the planning and organizing of the Council were also given titles when the honours list came out on Buddha Jayant Day. A group of ofcers of the Buddha Ssana Council were given the title of Wunna Kyaw Htin (WKH) for services rendered. I felt very privileged to be included in this group. Several foreigners who were invited to the Great Council came to Yangon and visited the International Meditation Centre, 31-A Inya Myaing Road, Yangon. A good number of the delegates and observers who attended the Conference took advantage of the opportunity to take a ten-day meditation course under Sayagyis guidance and greatly beneted thereby. After that, there was a steady ow of visiting foreigners who came to the Centre, became interested in Buddhist Meditation and spent several weeks meditating with Sayagyi as their teacher. English Texts by Sayagyi U Ba Khin. The Dhamma texts collected in the present volume all came to be written as a result of Sayagyis contact with the various foreigners who visited the Centre to work under his guidance and who frequently called upon him to explain certain aspects of the Buddhas Teachings and the practice of meditation. After independence, Sayagyi U Ba Khin was a very busy person as Head of the Burmese Treasury, responsible for proper maintenance of the accounts and also as nancial adviser to the Government. He was appointed to serve on various ad hoc Committees of the Prime Minister including those of the National Planning Projects to be run by Boards, Corporations and Councils of the new Independent State. In his capacity as a member of these committees he came into contact with many high-ranking ofcials of many foreign missions, such as the Ford Foundation, the Asia Foundation,

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


the Special Technical and Economic Mission (STEM) to Myanmar from the United States, and missions from West Germany, etc. This was how he met Mr Gerald F. Wineld and Mr Roger C. Thorpe, who invited him to give the talks published under the title What Buddhism Is. What Buddhism Is contains three lectures given by Sayagyi to the Religion in Life Forum, headed by two Americans of the Special Technical & Economic Mission (STEM) to Myanmar: Mr Gerald F. Wineld, Information Ofcer, and Roger C. Thorpe, Economic & Finance Ofcer. The talks were given in the English Methodist Church of Signal Pagoda Road, Yangon, on September 23rd, 30th, and October 14th in 1951. Mr Thorpe was a meditation student of Sayagyis who made every effort to t in as many hours as possible in his busy schedule, in order to benet to the maximum from his opportunity to work under our teachers guidance. These talks were actually the second occasion for Sayagyi to talk in public on Buddhist Meditation, as he pointed out in a letter to Mr Thorpe, dated September 22, 1951: As you know, the rst address written and made by me to a semipublic body was when I met Dr Malasekera. This is going to be my second address and I have to do so to such high personalities as those belonging to STEM. I am not sure whether I will be quite successful in my attempt. But I am making preparations to give you the best I can. An extract from the rst talk mentioned is given as an addendum to What Buddhism Is. In all these talks, Sayagyi encourages people to make as much effort as possible, without insisting that they go against their own beliefs. The rst steps in Buddhist Meditation, as he points out, are compatible with other religions, and anyone who makes a sincere effort can develop concentration. It is far better, of course, to aim for the



highest goal, which is release from all forms of suffering, and Sayagyi would always make sure that people knew this goal exists and that developing in concentration was only one step in that direction. At the time of these talks, Sayagyi was the Accountant General of Burma and we had them printed at the Baptist Mission Press near his ofces, where he had a meditation room in which he taught. This, of course, was before the founding of the International Meditation Centre, Yangon. The Burmese Information Authority was also close by for sending copies abroad. What Buddhism Is was widely circulated throughout the world. Many people wrote asking for copies, and translations of extracts were published in French by Les Amis du Bouddhisme and in German in Indische Welt. Many Westerners became interested in coming to Myanmar to meditate under Sayagyis guidance through reading this book or through hearing about the experiences of others. Many people were able to come to Myanmar and make progress in Buddhist Meditation. The Israeli Ambassador (Mr Ben-Horin) did a ten-day meditation course and was very impressed. On Dec. 3, 1961, Mr Pundik, a journalist from Tel Aviv, started meditating under Sayagyis guidance. He had arrived in advance of the Israeli Prime Minister, Mr Ben-Gurion, who was coming to Myanmar. Mr Pundik had become very interested when he visited the Centre, but unfortunately a telegram came on the third day saying his father had died suddenly and he had to go back to his country. Sayagyi taught him Vipassan before he left and gave him instructions for future reference and guidance. This has been described in detail in Anecdote 2 of The Anecdotes of Sayagyi U Ba Khin, published by the Sayagyi U Ba Khin Memorial Trust, UK, as Dhammadna

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


Series 1. Sayagyi prepared the text of The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation for the group from Israel to show them the advantages in everyday life of practising the Buddhas Teachings. The Essentials of Buddha-Dhamma in Practice was written by Sayagyi in February, 1968. He wrote this text in answer to several questions put forth by Dr John Hislop while he was with Sayagyi at the International Meditation Centre in Yangon on Feb. 17, 1968. Later, in December 1970, just a month before his death, Sayagyi recorded the text on tape. He addresses himself to all his foreign students who were unable to return to Myanmar for further instruction. This short work has also been widely read and was published in Sri Lanka in the Wheel series. Sayagyis Approach to Teaching Western Students and Their Reactions. One of Sayagyis Western students who was a scholar wrote a short text about her experience at the Centre, and Sayagyi included it in a booklet which served as an introduction for those wishing to come to meditate in Yangon at the Centre. We are pleased to be able to include her text along with Sayagyis Introduction to IMC, Yangon. Not all who wrote were able to come or even encouraged to do so if Sayagyi felt that they were already rmly on a path that would make it difcult for them to work properly, or if it was clear that it would mean unreasonable sacrice. Sayagyi sent the following answer to an enquiry from America in October, 1960, in which a prospective student asked Sayagyi, Can you lead me to God-consciousness here and now, in this very life?: I presume you have read the pamphlets containing my lectures on What Buddhism Is and the paper of Dr Elizabeth K. Nottingham on Buddhist Meditation in Burma. You will



note from the contents of these pamphlets and the appreciations of many people who have taken courses of meditation at my Centre that the training given at the Centre will normally lead one to inner peace in this very life. But there can be also exception to the rule, as in the case where a person cannot be properly adapted to the techniques of meditation for some reason or another. As you will nd in the pamphlet What Buddhism Is, the problem of God-consciousness does not arise in the Teachings of the Buddha. To gain inner peace and insight through Buddhist meditation, you need a Teacher. The rst essential for a successful course of Buddhist meditation is the complete faith the disciple should have in the Teacher. If he is sceptical about the Teacher, he had better wait till he becomes convinced of the qualities of the Teacher and has an implicit faith in him. The prospective student answered that he had made a certain amount of progress in another meditation technique, and made it clear that he had a strong belief in a supreme being. But he also showed that through what he had learned concerning Sayagyi, he already had great condence in him. Since you are a man of undoubted spiritual power, he wrote, I shall rely on your answer to me as the very best answer possible for meif you say yes, I shall come to you in faith and anticipation; if you say no, then I will realize that it is the best with the same faith. In his reply, Sayagyi apologised for a late reply due to preoccupations and said he was happy that the student was able to consult Dr John Hislop who had already meditated with Sayagyi. I am glad that you appreciate the technique of meditation which is applied to students at our Centre, Sayagyi wrote. If you embark upon a journey to Burma for the course of meditation, I can very well understand that you are taking a great risk and that you must be sure of your achievements.

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


This last remark refers to the fact that the prospective student was contemplating giving up his job in order to come to Myanmar. While Sayagyi always encouraged people to practise the Buddha-Dhamma, his approach was a reasonable and practical one. So he continues in his letter: While I can guarantee that I will spare no pains to give you the best out of me, it is rather difcult for me to say whether the level to which you can be raised will be such that you will accept it as worth the trouble. In this connection it must be admitted that the Buddha-Dhamma is very subtle, deep and difcult to understand. To Prince Bodhi, the Buddha said: I cannot say what exactly should be the time for the complete realization of the Truth. Even assuming that you renounce the world and join the Order of my Saghas, it might take you seven years or six years or five years or four years or three years or two years or one year as the case may be. Nay it can be six months or three months or two months or one month. On the other hand, I do not discount the possibility of the attaining of Arahatship in a fortnight or seven days or in one day, or even in a fraction of a day. It depends on so many factors. Bodhirjakumra Sutta Middle Length Sayings, II, 279-284. There can therefore be no assurance as to the degree or the extent of understanding of the Buddha-Dhamma which is likely to be achieved in practice during any meditation course. What really counts for good progress in the realization of the Truth are: (a) the ability of the Teacher to diagnose the case of the student and give him the necessary help with proper instructions, and



(b) the pram of the student and his compliance, without reservation, with the instructions given by the Teacher. This is particularly so when the student is developing well and is well set to make an entry into the realm of Peace. At this stage it is essential for the student having regard for the very fruitful personal experiences gained, to take refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sagha as a prelude to the goal of meditation. It is here that the setback comes for not a few. A strong determination is therefore necessary to discard the religious elements which are rooted in him, if he means to go the whole way in Buddhist Meditation and you should be prepared for this. My suggestion therefore is that you do not take such a risk in coming to Burma at this time. It would be more advisable for you to approach Dr Hislop and get lessons from him on Buddhist Meditation, which I hope he will be kind enough to give. When you are quite sure of the ground and become more and more convinced of the quality of the Buddha-Dhamma in practice as a result of the training you receive under Dr Hislop, you may then think of your future programme. In 1961, Sayagyi had the Secretary of the Vipassan Association, Saya U Ba Pho, write to another prospective student. The following extracts from that letter will help to give a more complete picture of the training given at the Centre. I am desired by Thray Sithu U Ba Khin, President of the International Meditation Centre, to acknowledge receipt of your letter of Oct. 20, 1961, and to inform you that if you are really interested in Buddhist Meditation you will be welcome at the Centre. He goes on to suggest that the prospective student should discuss the matter thoroughly with two former students of Sayagyi who lived near her, because it will be necessary for you to completely forget what you are doing for

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


the present under the guidance of [your present teacher]. This woman had written of her nancial difculties, so Saya U Ba Pho tells her, When you are in Rangoon, you will be the guest of the Centre and you need not worry about expenses for lodging and food. Native Burmans paid for their food and lodgings at the Centre in Yangon. The Teachings, of course, were free. Foreigners and people in Myanmar who had their meals brought in for dietary reasons were not charged. He concluded his letter by saying, For progress in meditation, the following are the essential requirements: (a) condence in the Teacher, (b) strict adherence to the instructions and the rules of discipline, (c) the ability to work hard, and (d) the capacity to appreciate and understand the BuddhaDhamma in practice. As the accommodation available is limited, I would like you to let us know before when you intend to come over to Burma for a course of meditation which should in no case be less than one month. Concerning this last remark, Sayagyi gave more details in a letter written to another prospective student on July 14, 1962: The initial course is for a period of 10 days, but this is too short a period for those who want to understand the technique of meditation more thoroughly. I hope you will be able to arrange for a longer period of stay at the Centre, if possible, for a month or so. Sayagyi did not insist that a student stay longer than the normal ten days, however. One person who was only able to do one course at the Centre was Mr Mauno Nordberg from Finland. Before going to the World Buddhist Conference in Myanmar he wrote to the editor of The Light of the Dhamma, It goes without saying that I would highly appreciate it if I



could get the tuition of U Ba Khin for a few days. That would be more useful than travelling about, as interesting as that might be. He was able to meditate from Dec. 7 to 16, 1954, and Sayagyi said of him, In spite of his age [70] and poor health, he was able to obtain a state of Samdhi and was well advanced in the Vipassan course. Eliashiv Ben-Horin wrote on Oct. 19, 1960: I doubt whether any ordinary being can point to many periods in his lifetime that further his inner development as much as these ten brief days under your guidance. No doubt due to my insufcient Pram my achievement here may have fallen somewhat short of what it could have been. By perseverance, I hope, however, to improve. And I already take back with me considerable added strength and composure. You yourself are the nest example of what you set out to obtain in your pupils. Your wisdom, your tolerance and patience and your deep loving devotion leave a profound impact on the personality of those who come and sit at your feet. To yourself and to your dedicated helpers goes my true gratefulness. Even students who did not wish to continue meditating had high praise for Sayagyi. Here are a few quotes from a student who wrote to Sayagyi in 1962: I was deeply impressed by what I learnt about Buddhism from you and though I could not accept all that you told me, it seemed the most satisfying religion (or philosophy) that I have encountered. Were I to adopt any belief it would certainly be Buddhism. . I am convinced, too, that the fruits of meditation can be very worthwhileif you have the right mentality. I confess that I have not. My mind was made for motion, not immobility. Nevertheless, I know I have beneted from the course: my concentration has become acuter, and I can regard the world with a greater detachment than before. I thank you again for the unique experience.

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


The most outstanding characteristic of Sayagyi U Ba Khin, the one that made a deep impression on us all, was his great effort, Viriya. He put forth great effort in all his undertakings, whether in worldly affairs or in his endeavours to develop his control over his mind (Bhvan) and his understanding (Pa). This is described to a fair extent, though not in full, in his biography, written by one of his eminent disciples, U Ko Lay, former Vice-Chancellor of Mandalay University. Sayagyi U Chit Tin International Meditation Centre, U. K. Heddington, Wiltshire January 19, 1985 Note concerning the revised edition: I wish to thank Dr Robert Ilson, Mr Buz Hargraves, and Dr William Pruitt for their help in preparing this new edition of Sayagyi U Ba Khins Dhamma Texts. Sayagyi U Chit Tin International Meditation Centre, Perth Mahogany Creek, Australia January 19, 1991

Sra ca srato atva asra ca asrato te sra adhigacchanti samm-sakappa-gocar. Knowing the essential to be essential, the unessential to be unessential, They attain the essential, living with right intention. Dhammapada, verse 12


Lecture No. 1 (September 23, 1951) I consider it a great privilege to be in your midst today and to have this opportunity of addressing you on the subject of What Buddhism Is. At the outset, I must be very frank with you. I have not been to a university, and I have no knowledge of science except as a man in the street. Nor am I a scholar in the theory of Buddhism with any knowledge of Pi, the language in which the Tipiakas (literally, the Three Baskets of Buddha-Dhamma) are maintained. I may say, however, that I have read in Burmese to some extent the treatises on Buddhism by well-known and learned Buddhist monks. As my approach to Buddhism is more by practical than by theoretical means, I hope to be able to give you something of Buddhism which is not easily available elsewhere. I must admit, however, that for the time being I am just a student of practical Buddhism, an experimentalist trying to learn through Buddhism the truth of the nature of forces. As this has to be done as a householder and within a limited time available in between the multifarious duties of a responsible ofcer of Government, the progress is rather slow, and I do not claim for a moment that what I am going to say is absolutely correct. I may be right or wrong. But when I say a thing, I assure you that it is with a sincerity of purpose, with the best of intentions and with conviction. 1

What Buddhism Is The Lord Buddha said in the Kma Sutta:1

Do not believe in what you have heard; do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations; do not believe in anything because it is rumoured and spoken by many; do not believe merely because a written statement of some old sage is produced; do not believe in conjectures; do not believe in that as truth to which you have become attached from habit; do not believe merely the authority of your teachers and elders. After observation and analysis, when it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and gain of one and all, then accept it and live up to it. Pray do not, therefore, believe me when I come to the philosophical issues until and unless you are convinced of what I say, either as a sequel to proper reasoning or by means of a practical approach. To abstain from evil, To do good, To purify the mind, These are the teachings of all the Buddhas. Dhammapada, verse 183 This extract taken from the Dhammapada gives in brief the essence of Buddhism. It sounds simple, but is so difcult to practise. One cannot be a true Buddhist unless one puts the doctrine of the Buddha into practice. The Buddha said: 2 You, to whom the truths I have perceived have been made known by me, make them truly your own, practise them,
1Gradual Sayings, I, pp. 171f. References, unless otherwise specied, are 2 See the Buddhas instructions to his rst disciples in the Book of the

to the publications of the Pali Text Society.

Discipline, IV, p. 28.

Sayagyi U Ba Khin

meditate upon them, spread them abroad: in order that the pure religion may last long and be perpetuated for the good and the gain and the well-being of gods and men. Before I take up the teachings of the Buddha, which form the basic foundation of Buddhism, I propose to acquaint you, rst of all, with the life story of Gotama Buddha. For this purpose, I feel it is my duty to give you a background of certain Buddhist concepts which may be foreign to most of you. I propose, therefore, to give you a short descriptive explanation of such concepts in Buddhism as the universe, the worldsystem, the planes of existence, etc. These will, no doubt, give you some food for thought. I would, however, appeal to you to give a patient hearing and to pass over these matters for the time being, i.e., until we come to the question time for discussion. The Universe The Buddhist concept of the universe may be summed up as follows: there is the Oksa-loka (the universe of space) which accommodates nma and rpa (mind and matter). In this mundane world, it is nma and rpa (mind and matter) which predominate under the inuence of the law of cause and effect. Next is the Sakhra-loka (the universe of mental forces), creative or created. This is a mental plane arising out of the creative energies of mind through the medium of bodily actions, words and thoughts. The third and last is the Sattaloka (the universe of sentient beings), visible or invisible, beings that are the products of these mental forces; we may rather call these three the three-in-one universe, because each is inseparable from the others. They are, so to speak, interwoven and interpenetrating. What will interest you most are the Cakkavas or worldsystems, each with its thirty-one planes of existence. Each world-system corresponds to the human world with its solar

What Buddhism Is

system and other planes of existence. There are millions and millions of such world-systems; they are simply innumerable. The ten thousand world-systems closest to us are within the Jti-khetta (or the eld of origin) of a Buddha. In fact, when the renowned sutta (or discourse), the Mah-Samaya (meaning the Great Occasion) was preached by the Buddha in the Mahvana (forest) near the town of Kapilavatthu, not only the brahms and devas of our world-system but of all the ten thousand world-systems were present to listen to the teachings of the Buddha.1 The Lord Buddha can also send his thought-waves charged with boundless love and compassion to the sentient beings of a billion such world-systems within the -khetta (the eld of inuence). The remainder of the world-systems are in the Visaya-khetta (innite space), beyond the reach of the Buddhas effective thought waves. You can very well imagine from these concepts of Buddhism the size of the universe as a whole. The material insignicance of our world in the Oksa-loka (the universe of space) is simply terrifying. The human world, as a whole, must be just a speck in space. Now I will give you an idea of the thirty-one planes of existence in our world-system, which, of course, is the same as in any of the other world-systems. Broadly speaking, they are: (i) Arpa-loka The immaterial worlds of the brahms (ii) Rpa-loka The ne-material worlds of the brahms (iii) Kma-loka The sensuous worlds of devas, mankind, and lower beings

1This sutta is found in Dialogues of the Buddha, II, pp. 284-293.

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The Arpa-loka is composed of four brahm worlds of immaterial state, i.e., without rpa or matter. The Rpa-loka is composed of sixteen brahm worlds of ne-material state. The Kma-loka is composed of: (a) Six Deva-lokas (or celestial worlds): (i) Catumahrjika (the world of the Four Guardian Kings) (ii) Tvatisa (the world of the Thirty-three) (iii) Yma (iv) Tusita (v) Nimmnarat (those who enjoy their own creations) (vi) Paranimmita-vasavati (those who enjoy others creations) (b) The Human World (c) The four Lower Worlds (apya): (i) Niraya (hell) (ii) Tiracchna (the animal world) (iii) Peta (the ghost world) (iv) Asura (the demon world) These planes of existence are pure or impure, cool or hot, luminous or dark, light or heavy, pleasant or wretched according to the character of the mental forces generated by the mind through the volition (cetan) associated with a series of actions, words, and thoughts. For example, take the case of a religious man who suffuses the whole universe of beings with boundless love and compassion. He must be generating such mental forces as are pure, cooling, luminous, light and pleasant, forces which normally settle down in the brahm worlds. Let us now take the reverse case of a man who is dissatised or angry. As the saying goes, The face reects the mind. The impurity, heat, darkness, heaviness and wretchedness of his mind are immediately reected in the personvisible even to

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the naked eye. This is due, I may say, to the generation of the evil mental forces of dosa (anger) which go down to the lower worlds of existence. This is also the case for the mental forces arising out of lobha (greed) or moha (delusion). In the case of meritorious deeds such as devotion, morality, and charity, which have at their base attachment to future well-being, the mental forces generated are such as will normally be located in the sensuous planes of devas (celestial beings) and of mankind. These, ladies and gentlemen, are some of the concepts in Buddhism relevant to the life story of Gotama Buddha. The Preparation to Become a Buddha1 Gotama Buddha is the fourth of the ve Buddhas to arise in the world-cycle which is known as a Bhadda-kappa (an auspicious world-cycle). His predecessors were the Buddhas Kakusanda, Kogamana, and Kassapa. There were also innumerable Buddhas who arose in earlier world-cycles and who preached the very same Dhamma that gives deliverance from suffering and death to all matured beings. Buddhas are all compassionate, glorious, and enlightened. A hermit by the name of Sumedha was inspired by Buddha Dpakaraso much so, that he took the vow to make all the necessary preparations to become a Buddha in the course of time. Buddha Dpakara gave him his blessings and prophesied that he would become a Buddha by the name of Gotama after a lapse of four incalculable periods2 of worldcycles plus one hundred thousand world-cycles (kappas). From then onwards, existence after existence, the Bodhisatta (future Buddha) conserved mental energies of the highest
1For more details concerning past Buddhas, the ascetic Sumedhas vow

to become a Buddha, and Buddha Gotamas life, see the Clarier of the Sweet Meaning (the commentary on the Chronicle of Buddhas). 2An incalculable (asakheyya) is equal to a number equivalent to a 1 followed by 140 ciphers.

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order through the practice of the ten pramits (or prams, virtues leading toward perfection): (i) Dna-pram Virtue in alms-giving (or generosity) (ii) Sla-pram Morality (iii) Nekkhamma-pram Renunciation (iv) Pa-pram Wisdom (v) Viriya-pram Great effort (or perseverance) (vi) Khanti-pram Forbearance (or patience) (vii) Sacca-pram Truthfulness (viii) Adihna-pram Determination (ix) Mett-pram All-embracing love (x) Upekkh-pram Equanimity It is, therefore, a most arduous task to become a Buddha. Utmost strength of will-power is necessary even to think of it. The Bodhisattas preparatory period came to an end with the life of King Vessantara1 who excelled any living being in alms-giving. He gave away his kingdom, his wife and children, and all his worldly possessions, for the consummation of his solemn vow taken before the Buddha Dpakara. The next existence was in the Tusita (celestial plane) as the glorious deva Setaketu, until he got his release from that plane of existence and took conception in the womb of My-Dev, the queen of King Suddhodana of Kapilavatthu, a place near modern Nepal. When time was drawing near for her connement, the queen expressed her desire to go to the place of her own parents for the event. King Suddhodana accordingly sent her there with a betting retinue and guards. On the way, a halt was made at the Lumbin Grove. She descended from her palanquin and enjoyed the cool breeze and fragrance of sal owers. While holding out her right hand to a branch of a
1See Jtaka Stories, n 547.

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nearby sal tree for a ower, all of a sudden and unexpectedly, she gave birth to a son who was to become the AllEnlightened Buddha. Simultaneously, the natural order of things in the cosmos was revolutionized in many respects and thirty-two wonderful phenomena were vivied. All material worlds were shaken from their foundations up. There were unusual illuminations in the solar system. All the beings of the material planes could see each other. The deaf and dumb were cured. Celestial music was heard everywhere, and so on. At that moment, Kladevala, the hermit teacher of King Suddhodana, was discoursing with the celestial beings of the Tvatisa deva world. He was a hermit of fame who had mastered the eight attainments (sampattis) which gave him super-normal powers. Learning of the birth of a son to the king in the midst of the rejoicing in all the rpa and kma worlds, he hurried back to the palace and desired the baby to be brought before him for his blessings. As the king was about to place the baby before his teacher for the occasion, a marvel took place. The baby rose into the air and rested his tiny feet on the head of Kladevala who at once understood that the baby was no other than the Embryo Buddha. He smiled at this knowledge, but cried almost immediately thereafter, because he foresaw that he would not live to hear his teachings, and that after his death, he would be in the arpabrahm-loka (the immaterial planes of the brahms) whence he would have no relationship with any of the material planes. He regretted bitterly that he would miss the Buddha and his teachings. On the fth day, the child was named Siddhattha in the presence of renowned astrologers who agreed that the child had all the characteristics of a Buddha-to-be. His mother, the queen, however, died a week after her connement, and the child was taken care of by his maternal aunt, Pajpat-Gotam.

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Siddhattha spent his early years in ease, luxury, and culture. He was acclaimed to be a prodigy in both intellect and strength. The king spared no pains to make the course of his life smooth. Three separate palaces were built to suit the three seasons (hot, cold, and rainy) with all the necessities that would make the prince sink in sensuality. That was because the king, out of paternal affection, desired his son to remain in worldly life as a king rather than become an Enlightened Buddha. King Suddhodana was ever watchful that his son should be in an environment that would give him no chance for higher philosophical ideas. In order to make sure that the thoughts of the prince would never turn in this direction, he ordered that nobody serving him or in his association was ever to speak a single word about such things as old age, sickness, or death. They were to act as if there were no unpleasant things in this world. Servants and attendants who showed the least sign of growing old, weak, or sickly were replaced. On the other hand, there was dancing, music, and enjoyable parties right through, to keep him under a complete shade of sensuality. The Great Renunciation As days, months, and years passed, however, the monotony of the sensual surroundings gradually lost their hold over the mind of Prince Siddhatta. The mental energies of virtue conserved in all his earlier innumerable lives for the great goal of Buddhahood were automatically aroused. At times, when the world of sensuality lost control over his mind, his inner self worked its way up and raised his mind to a state of purity and tranquillity with the strength of samdhi (concentration) such as had raised his baby form into space and onto the head of Kladevala. The war of nerves began. An escape from sensuality and passion was his rst consideration. He wanted to know what existed outside the walls of the palace, for he had


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not gone out even once. He wished to see Nature as it is and not as man has made it. Accordingly, he decided to see the royal park, outside the palace walls. On the way to the park, in spite of the precautions taken by the king to get the roads clear of unpleasant sights, he saw an old man bent with age on the very rst visit. Next he saw a sick person in the agony of a fatal malady. Thereafter he met with a human corpse. On the last trip he came across a monk. All these predisposed his mind to serious thinking. His mental attitude was changed. His mind became clear of impurities and tuned up with the forces of his own virtues conserved in the sakhra-loka (the plane of mental forces). By then his mind had become freed from hindrances, was tranquil, pure, and strong. It all happened on the night when a son was born to his wife, a new fetter to bind him down. He was, however, immune to anything which would tend to upset the equilibrium of his mind. The virtues of determination worked their way for a strong resolve, and he made up his mind to seek the way of escape from birth, old age, suffering, and death. It was midnight when the solemn determination was made. He asked his attendant Channa to keep his stallion Khanthaka ready. After a parting look at his wife and the newly born babe, Prince Siddhattha broke away from all the ties of family and of the world and made the Great Renunciation. He rode across the town to the river Anom, which he crossed, never to return until his mission had been achieved. The Search for Truth After this Great Renunciation, Prince Siddhattha went around in search of possible teachers in the garb of a wandering ascetic with a begging bowl in his hand. He placed himself under the spiritual guidance of two renowned Brahman teachers, ra and Uddaka. ra laid stress on the belief in the atman (soul) and taught that the soul attained per-

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fect release when freed from material limitations. This did not satisfy the prince. He next went to Uddaka, who emphasized too much the effect of kamma (volitional actions) and the transmigration of the soul. Both could not get out of the conception of soul, and the prince ascetic felt that there was something else to learn. He, therefore, left both of them to work out the way to emancipation on his own. By that time, of course, he had learned the eight attainments (sampattis) and had become adept in the exercise of all the supernormal powers including the ability to read events of many worldcycles to come and a similar period of the past. These were all in the mundane eld, and they did not much concern the prince ascetic, whose ambition had been an escape from this mundane eld of birth, suffering, and death. He was joined later by ve ascetics, one of whom, Koaa by name, was the astrologer-palmist who denitely foretold on the fth day after his birth that he would surely become a Buddha. These ascetics served him well throughout the six years during which he was engaged in fastings and meditation, subjecting himself to various forms of rigorous austerities and discipline till he was reduced to almost a skeleton. In fact, one day, he fell down in a swoon through exhaustion. When he survived this condition, he changed his method, followed a middle course, and found the way to his Enlightenment was clearer. The Attainment of Buddhahood It was on the eve of the full-moon day of Veskha,1 just 2,540 years ago,2 that Prince Siddhattha, a wandering ascetic, sat cross-legged beneath a Bodhi tree on the bank of the river
1 Or Wesak, the full-moon day of the month of Kason in the Burmese 2That is 2,540 years before 1951.



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Nerajar in the Forest of Uruvel (near present day Buddhagay)with the strongest of determinationsnot to rise from that posture on any account until he gained the Truth and Enlightenment, Buddhahoodeven if the attempt might mean the loss of his very life. The great event was approaching. The prince ascetic mustered up all his strength of mind to secure that one-pointedness of mind which is so essential for the discovery of Truth. The balancing of the mind, the prince found on this occasion, was not so easy as hitherto. There was not only the combination of the mental forces of the lower planes with those of the higher planes all around him, but also interferences strong enough to upset, off and on, the equilibrium of his mind. The resistance of the impenetrable masses of forces against the radiation of the light normally secured by him was unusual, perhaps because it was a nal bid for Buddhahood, and Mra, the supreme controller of evil forces, was behind the scene. The prince, however, worked his way through slowly but surely, backed up by the mental forces of virtues which must inevitably come back to him at the right moment. He made a vow and called upon all the brahms and devas who had witnessed the fullment of his ten great perfections to join hands with him in the struggle for supremacy. This done, the association with the transcendingly pure mental forces of the brahms and devas had a salutary effect. The thick masses of forces, which seemed impenetrable for a time, broke away, and with steady improvement in the control over the mind, they were wiped out once and for all. All the hindrances having been overcome, the prince was able to raise his power of concentration and put the mind in a state of complete purity, tranquillity and equanimity. Gradually, the consciousness of true insight possessed him. The solution to the vital problems which confronted him made its

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appearance in his consciousness as an inspiration. By introspective meditation on the realities of nature in his own self, it came vividly to him that there is no substantiality, as there seems to be, in the human body and that it is nothing but the sum total of innumerable millions of kalpas, each about the size of 1/46,656th part of a particle of dust raised by the wheel of a chariot in summer. On further investigation, he realized that this kalpa also is matter in constant change or ux. So also with the mind, which is a representation of the mental forces (creative) going out and the mental forces (created) coming into the system of an individual continually and throughout eternity. The Buddha then proclaimed that the Eye of Wisdom (pa-cakkhu) arose when he overcame all false perception of substantiality within his own self. He saw by means of the lens of samdhi (concentration) the kalpas on which he next applied the law of anicca (impermanence) and reduced them to nonentity or behaviour, doing away with what we, in Buddhism, call paatti (concept) and coming to a state of paramattha, understanding the nature of forces or, in other words, Ultimate Reality. Accordingly, he came to a realization of the perpetual change of mind and matter in himself (anicca) and as a sequel thereto the Truth of Suffering (dukkha). It was then that the ego-centralism in him broke down into the void, and he got over to a stage beyond suffering (dukkha-nirodha) with no more traces of att, or attachment to self, left behind. Mindand-matter were to him but empty phenomena which roll on forever, within the range of the Law of Cause and Effect and the Law of Dependent Origination. The Truth was realized. The inherent qualities of an Embryo Buddha then developed, and complete Enlightenment came to him by the dawn of Veskha. Verily, Prince Siddhattha attained Samm-sambodhi


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(Supreme Enlightenment) and became the Buddha, the Awakened One, the Enlightened One, the All-Knowing One. He was awake in a way compared with which all others were asleep and dreaming. He was enlightened in a way compared with which all other men were stumbling and groping in the dark. He knew with a knowledge compared with which all that other men knew was but a kind of ignorance. Ladies and gentlemen, I have taken so much of your time today. I thank you all for your patient listening. I must also thank the clergy of the church for their kind permission given to me for this address.

Lecture No. 2 (September 30, 1951) Last Sunday I gave you a brief outlinea very brief one tooof the life of our Lord Buddha, up to the moment of his attainment of Buddhahood. I am going to tell you today what his teachings are. Buddhist teachings are preserved in what we call the Tipiakas, consisting of the Suttas (Discourses), the Vinaya (the rules of discipline for Saghas, or monks and nuns), and the Abhidhamma (the philosophical Teachings). We have the Tipiakas in Pi in several volumes which will require an intelligent Pi scholar some months just to read through. I propose, therefore, to conne myself today only to essentials, that is to say, the fundamental Truths of Buddhism. Before Lord Buddha took upon himself the task of spreading his Dhamma (Teachings), he remained in silent meditation for a continuous period of forty-nine days, that is, seven days under the Bodhi tree and seven days each in six other spots nearby, enjoying at times the peace of Supreme Nibbna and at other times going deeper in investigation into the most delicate problems of paramattha-dhamm (Ultimate Realities). On his complete mastery of the Law of Pahna (the Law of Relations), in which the innite modes of relations between thought moments are dealt with, there emerged from his body brilliant rays of six colours, which eventually settled down as a halo of six-coloured rays around his head. He passed through this seven-times-seven-days meditation without food. It is beyond us all to be without food for forty-nine days. The fact remains that he was throughout the period on a mental plane as distinct from a physical plane, in which mankind normally is. It is not material food that maintains the ne-material existence 15


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and life-continuum of beings in the ne-material worlds of the brahms, but rather the Jhnic pti, which in itself is a nutriment. So also was the case with the Buddha, whose existence during this long period was on a mental rather than physical plane. Our experiments in this line of research have rmly convinced us that for a man of such high intellectual and mental development as the Buddha, this is a possibility. It was the dawn of the ftieth day of his Buddhahood when he arose from this long spell of meditation. Not that he was tired or exhausted, but, as he was no longer in the mental plane, he felt a longing for food. At that time, two traders of a foreign land were travelling in several carts loaded with merchandise through the Uruvel forest. A deva of the forest who had been their relative in one of their previous existences advised them to take the opportunity of paying homage to the All-Enlightened Buddha who had just risen from his meditation. They accordingly went to the place where the Buddha was seated, illumined by the halo of six-coloured rays. They could not resist their feelings. They lay prostrate in worship and adoration before the Buddha and later offered preserved rice cakes with honey for the rst meal of the Buddha. They were accepted as his lay disciples. On their request that they might be given some tokens for their worship, the Buddha presented them with eight strands of hair from his head. You will be surprised to know that these two traders were Tapassu and Bhallika from Ukkal,1 which today is known as Yangon, where you are at this moment. And the renowned Shwedagon, which you all probably have visited, is the pagoda in which were enshrined all the eight hair-relics of the Buddha under the personal direction of the then ruler of Ukkal, 2,540 years ago. It has been preserved and renovated till now by successive
1In Burma, usually spelled Okkala.

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Buddhist kings and devout laymen. Unfortunately, however, these two traders of Ukkal, who had the privilege of becoming the rst lay disciples of the Buddha, were disciples only by faith, without a taste of the Buddha-Dhamma in actual practice, which alone would give them deliverance from suffering and death. Faith is, no doubt, a preliminary requisite, but it is the practice of the Teachings which really counts. The Buddha therefore said, The path must be trod by each individual; Buddhas do but point the Way.1 The Teachings of the Buddha Buddhism is not a religion according to the dictionary meaning of the word religion2 because it has no centre in god, as is the case in all other religions. Strictly speaking, Buddhism is a system of philosophy co-ordinated with a code of moralityphysical and mental. The goal in view is the extinction of suffering and death. The Four Noble Truths taught by the Buddha in his rst sermon, known as the Dhamma-cakka-ppavattana-sutta (The Discourse to Set in Motion the Wheel of Dhamma) form the basis on which is founded this system of philosophy. In fact,
1See Dhammapada, verse 276. 2The Oxford English Dictionary gives among its denitions of religion:

Action or conduct indicating a belief in, reverence for, and desire to please, a divine ruling power; the exercise or practice of rites or observances implying this. Recognition on the part of man of some higher unseen power as having control of his destiny, and as being entitled to obedience, reverence, and worship The transferred usage given is closer to the way the word may be correctly applied to Buddhism: Devotion to some principle But even so, it is important to exclude any idea of a creative and controlling god or principle behind the existence of the universe. Buddhism only recognizes that the functioning of mind and matter can be understood as it follows the xed law of cause and effect. The Dhamma in its highest sense is this Truth, which is rediscovered by each Buddha and taught by him.


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the rst three of the Four Noble Truths expound the philosophy of the Buddha, while the fourth (the Eightfold Noble Path which is a code of morality-cum-philosophy) serves as a means to the end. This rst sermon was given to the ve ascetics led by Koaa, who were his early companions in search of the Truth. Koaa was the rst disciple of the Buddha in practice to become an Arahat (a Noble One who has gone beyond the limitations of all fetters). Now we come to the Four Noble Truths. They are: (i) Dukkha-sacca The Truth of Suffering (ii) Samudaya-sacca The Truth of the Origin of Suffering (iii) Nirodha-sacca The Truth of the Extinction of Suffering (iv) Magga-sacca The Truth of the Path leading to the Extinction of Suffering To come to a complete understanding of the fundamental concepts in the philosophy of the Buddha, emphasis is laid on the need for the realization of the Truth of Suffering. To bring home this point, Lord Buddha tackled the problem from two different angles. Firstly, by a process of reasoning: He made his disciples feel that life is a struggle, life is suffering; birth is suffering; old age is suffering; illness is suffering; death is suffering. The inuence of sensuality is, however, so strong in mankind that people are normally apt to forget this themselves, to forget the price they have to pay. Just think for a moment how life exists in the pre-natal period; how from the moment of birth the child has to struggle for existence; what preparations he has to make to face life; how, as a man, he has to struggle till he breathes his last. You can very well imagine what life is. Life is indeed suffering. The more one is attached to self, the greater is the suffering. In fact, the pains and sufferings a man has to undergo are suppressed in favour of momentary sensual

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pleasures which are but occasional spotlights in the darkness. Were it not for the moha (delusion) which keeps him away from the Truth, he would surely have worked out his way to emancipation from the rounds of life, suffering, and death. Secondly, the Buddha made it known to his disciples that the human body is composed of kalpas (subatomic units), each dying out simultaneously as it comes into being. Each kalpa is a mass formed of the following nature elements: (i) Pahav Extension (literally, earth) (ii) po Cohesion (lit., water) (iii) Tejo Radiation (lit., heat and cold) (iv) Vyo Motion (lit., air) (v) Vaa Colour (vi) Gandha Smell (vii) Rasa Taste (viii) Oj Nutritive essence The rst four are called mah-bhtas, i.e., essential material qualities which are predominant in a kalpa. The other four are merely subsidiaries which are dependent upon and born out of the former. A kalpa is the minutest particle noticeable in the physical plane. It is only when the eight nature elements (which have merely the characteristic of behaviour) are together that the entity of a kalpa is formed. In other words, the coexistence of these eight nature elements of behaviour makes a mass which, in Buddhism, is known as a kalpa. These kalpas, according to the Buddha, are in a state of perpetual change or ux. They are nothing but a stream of energies, just like the light of a candle or an electric bulb. The body, as we call it, is not an entity as it seems to be, but a continuum of matter with the life-force coexisting. To a casual observer, a piece of iron is motionless. The scientist knows that it is composed of electrons, all in a state of perpetual change or ux. If it is so with a piece of iron, what


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will be the case for a living organism, say a human being? The changes that are taking place inside the human body must be more violent. Does man feel the rocking vibrations within himself? Does the scientist who knows that all is in a state of change or ux ever feel that his own body is but energy and vibration? What will be the repercussion on the mental attitude of the man who introspectively sees that his own body is mere energy and vibration? To quench thirst one may just easily drink a glass of water from a village well. Supposing his eyes are as powerful as microscopes, he would surely hesitate to drink the very same water in which he must see the magnied microbes. So also, when one comes to a realization of the perpetual change within oneself (i.e., anicca or impermanence), one must necessarily come to the understanding as a sequel thereto of the Truth of Suffering as the consequence of the sharp sense of feeling of the radiation, vibration, and friction of the subatomic units within. Indeed, life is suffering, both within and without, to all appearances and in ultimate reality. When I say, life is suffering, as the Buddha taught, please be so good as not to run away with the idea that, if that is so, life is miserable, life is not worth living, and that the Buddhist concept of suffering is a terrible concept which will give you no chance of a reasonably happy life. What is happiness? For all that science has achieved in the eld of materialism, are the peoples of the world happy? They may nd sensual pleasure off and on, but in their heart of hearts they are not happy concerning what has happened, what is happening and what may happen next. Why? This is because, while man has mastery over matter, he is still lacking in mastery over his mind. Pleasure born of sensuality is nothing compared with the pti (or rapture) born of the inner peace of mind which can be secured through a process of Buddhist meditation. Sense pleasures are preceded and followed by troubles and pains, as in

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the case of a rustic who nds pleasure in cautiously scratching the itches over his body, whereas pti is free from such troubles and pains, either before or after. It will be difcult for you, looking from a sensuous eld, to appreciate what that pti is like. But I know you can enjoy it and have a taste of it for comparative evaluation. There is, therefore, nothing to the supposition that Buddhism teaches something that will make you feel miserable with the nightmare of suffering. But please take it from me that it will give you an escape from the normal conditions of life, a lotus as it were in a pond of crystal water immune from its ery surroundings. It will give you that Peace Within which will satisfy you that you are getting not only beyond the day-to-day troubles of life, but slowly and surely beyond the limitation of life, suffering, and death. What then is the Origin of Suffering? The origin of it, the Buddha said, is tah or craving. Once the seed of desire is sown, it grows into greed and multiplies into craving or lust, either for power or for material gains. The man in whom this seed is sown becomes a slave to these cravings, and he is automatically driven to strenuous labours of mind and body to keep pace with them till the end comes. The nal result must surely be the accumulation of the evil mental forces generated by his own actions, words, and thoughts which are motivated by lobha (desire) and dosa (anger) inherent in him. Philosophically again, it is the mental forces of actions (sakhra) which react in the course of time on the person originating them and which are responsible for this stream of mind and matter, the origin of suffering within. The Path Leading to the Extinction of Suffering What then is the Path Leading to the Extinction of Suffering? The Path is none other than the Noble Eightfold Path taught by the Buddha in his rst sermon. This Eightfold Path


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is divided into three main stages, namely, sla, samdhi, and pa. Sla (The Precepts) 1. Right Speech 2. Right Action 3. Right Livelihood Samdhi (Tranquillity of Mind) 4. Right Exertion 5. Right Attentiveness 6. Right Concentration Pa (Wisdom, Insight) 7. Right Aspiration 8. Right Understanding A. Sla. The three characteristic aspects of sla are: 1. Samm-vc: Right Speech 2. Samm-kammanta: Right Action 3. Samm-jiva: Right Livelihood By Right Speech is meant: speech which must be true, benecial, and neither foul nor malicious. By Right Action is meant: the fundamentals of morality, which are opposed to killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, and drunkenness. By Right Livelihood is meant: a way of living by trades other than those which increase the suffering of all beings such as slave trading, the manufacture of weapons, and trafc in intoxicating drugs. These represent generally the Code of Morality as initially pronounced by the Buddha in his very rst sermon. Later, however, he amplied it and introduced separate codes for the monks and lay disciples. I need not worry you with what has been prescribed for monks. I will just let you know what the code of morality, or

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the precepts, for a Buddhist lay disciple is. This is called paca-sla, or the Five Precepts, which are: (i) Ptipata: Abstaining from killing any sentient being. (Life is the most precious thing for all beings, and in prescribing this precept, the Buddhas compassion extends to all beings.) (ii) Adinn dna: Abstaining from taking what is not given. (This serves as a check against improper desires for possessions.) (iii) Kmesu-micch-cra: Abstaining from sexual misconduct. (Sexual desire is latent in man. This is irresistible to almost all. Unlawful sexual indulgence is therefore something which the Buddha prohibited.) (iv) Musvda: Abstaining from telling lies. (This precept is included to full by way of speech the essence of Truth.) (v) Sur-meraya: Abstaining from intoxication. (Intoxication causes a man to lose his steadfastness of mind and the reasoning power so essential for the realization of Truth.) The paca-sla, therefore, is intended to control actions and words and to serve as a foundation for samdhi (Equanimity of Mind). B. Samdhi. Ladies and gentlemen, we now come to the mental aspect of Buddhism, which I am sure will greatly interest you. In the second stage of the Eightfold Noble Path (samdhi) are included: 1. Samm-vyma: Right Exertion 2. Samm-sati: Right Attentiveness 3. Samm-samdhi: Right Concentration Right Exertion is, of course, a prerequisite for Right Attentiveness. Unless one makes a determined effort to narrow


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down the range of thoughts of ones wavering and unsteady mind, one cannot expect to secure that attentiveness of mind which in turn helps one to bring the mind by Right Concentration to a state of one-pointedness and equanimity (or samdhi). It is here that the mind becomes freed from hindrancespure and tranquil, illumined within and without. The mind in such a state becomes powerful and bright. Outside, it is represented by light which is just a mental reex, with the light varying in degrees from that of a star to that of the sun. To be plain, this light which is reected before the minds eye in complete darkness is a manifestation of the purity, tranquillity, and serenity of the mind. The Hindus work for it. To go from light into the void and to come back to light is truly Brahmanic. The New Testament, in Matthew, speaks of a body full of light. We hear also of Roman Catholic priests meditating regularly for this very miraculous light. The Koran, too, gives prominence to the manifestation of Divine Light. This mental reex of light denotes the purity of mind within, and the purity of mind forms the essence of a religious life, whether one be Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, or Muslim. Indeed, purity of mind is the greatest common denominator of all religions. Love, which alone is a means for the unity of mankind, must be supreme, and it cannot be so unless the mind is transcendentally pure. A balanced mind is necessary to balance the unbalanced minds of others. As a etcher makes straight his arrow, a wise man makes straight his trembling and unsteady thought, which is difcult to guard, difcult to hold back.1 So said the Buddha. Exercise of the mind is just as necessary as exercise of the physical body. Why not, then, give
1Dhammapada, verse 33.

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exercise to the mind and make it pure and strong so that you may enjoy the Jhnic Peace Within? When Inner Peace begins to permeate the mind, you will surely progress in the knowledge of Truth. Believe it or not, it is our experience that under a proper guide, this Inner Peace and Purity of Mind with light can be secured by one and all irrespective of their religion or creed, provided they have sincerity of purpose and are prepared to submit to the guide for the period of trial. When by continued practice one has complete mastery over ones mind, one can enter into Jhnic states (absorption states) and gradually develop oneself to acquire the attainments (sampattis) which will give one supernormal powers like those exercised by Kladevala, the hermit teacher of King Suddhodana. This, of course, must be tried with very strict morality and away from human habitations, but it is rather dangerous for those who still have traces of passion in them. Anyway, such a practice, which gives supernormal powers in this mundane eld, was not encouraged by the Buddha, whose sole object of developing samdhi was to have the purity and strength of mind essential for the realization of Truth. We have in Buddhism forty methods of concentration, of which the most outstanding is npna, that is, concentration on the incoming and outgoing breath, the method followed by all the Buddhas. C. Pa. Ladies and gentlemen, I will now take up the philosophical aspect of Buddhism in the third stage of the Noble Eightfold Path, pa or Insight. The two characteristic aspects of pa are: 1. Samm-sakappa: Right Aspiration (or Right Thought) 2. Samm-dihi: Right Understanding


What Buddhism Is

Right Understanding of the Truth is the aim and object of Buddhism, and Right Aspiration (or Right Thought) is the analytical study of mind and matter, both within and without, in order to come to a realization of Truth. You have heard of nma and rpa (mind and matter) so many times. I owe you a further explanation. Nma is so called because of its tendency to incline towards an object of sense. Rpa is so called because of its impermanence due to perpetual change. The nearest terms in English to nma and rpa, therefore, are mind and matter. I say nearest because the meaning is not exact. Nma, strictly speaking, is the term applied to the following: (i) Consciousness (via) (ii) Feeling (vedan) (iii) Perception (sa) (iv) Volitional Energies (or Mental Forces) (sakhra) These, together with rpa in the material state, make what we call the paca-kkhand or ve aggregates. It is in these ve aggregates that the Buddha has summed up all the mental and physical phenomena of existence, which in reality is a continuum of mind and matter coexisting, but which to a layman is his personality or ego. In samm-sakappa (Right Aspiration), the disciple, who by then has developed the powerful lens of samdhi, focuses his attention into his own self and, by introspective meditation, makes an analytical study of the naturerst of rpa (matter) and then of nma (mind and the mental properties). He feels and at times he also seesthe kalpas in their true state. He begins to realize that both rpa and nma are in constant changeimpermanent and eeting. As his power of concentration increases, the nature of the forces in him

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becomes more and more vivid. He can no longer get out of the impression that the paca-kkhandh, or ve aggregates, are suffering, within the Law of Cause and Effect. He is now convinced that, in reality, all is suffering within and without, and there is no such thing as an ego. He longs for a state beyond suffering. So eventually going beyond the bounds of suffering, he moves from the mundane to the supramundane state and enters the stream of sotpanna, the rst of the four stages of the ariyas (Noble Ones). Then he becomes free from (i) ego, (ii) doubts, and (iii) attachment to rules and rituals. The second stage is sakadgm (Once-Returner), on coming to which sensuous craving and ill-will become attenuated. He ceases to have any passion or anger when he attains the third stage of angm (Non-Returner). Arahatship is the nal goal. Each of the ariyas can feel what Nibbna is like, even as a man, as often as he may choose by going into the fruition stage of sotpanna, etc., which gives him the Nibbnic Peace Within. This Peace Within, which is identied with Nibbna, has no parallel because it is supramundane. Compared with this, the Jhnic Peace Within, which I mentioned earlier in dealing with samdhi, is negligible because while the Nibbnic Peace Within takes one beyond the limits of the thirty-one planes of existence, the Jhnic Peace Within will still keep one within these planesthat is to say, in the ne-material world of the brahms. Ladies and gentlemen, just a word more. What I have said includes only some of the fundamental aspects of Buddhism. With the time at my disposal, I hope I have given you my best: To come to a state of Purity of Mind with a light before you; To go into a Jhnic state at will; To experience for yourselves Nibbnic Peace Within.


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These are all within your reach. Why not, then, try for the rst two at least, which are within the connes of your own religion? I am prepared to give you any help that you may require. May I again express my gratitude to you all for your patient listening. My thanks are also due to the clergy of the church for their kind permission.

Lecture No. 3 (October 14, 1951) My talks on What Buddhism Is will not be complete without a reference, though in brief, to the Law of Paiccasamuppda (the Law of Dependent Origination) and the Law of Pahna (the Law of Relations, or Cause and Effect). The Law of Dependent Origination It will be recalled that in summing up my rst lecture, I mentioned how Prince Siddhattha, the wandering ascetic, realized the truth and became a Buddha. Lest you forget, I will repeat that portion again. Verily, Prince Siddhattha attained Samm-sambodhi and became the Buddha, the Awakened One, the Enlightened One, the All-Knowing One. He was awake in a way compared with which all others were asleep and dreaming. He was enlightened in a way compared with which all other men were stumbling and groping in the dark. He knew with a knowledge compared with which all that other men knew was but a kind of ignorance. All religions, no doubt, claim to show the way to Truth. In Buddhism, for so long as one has not realized the truth (i.e., the Four Noble Truths), one is in ignorance. It is this ignorance (avijj) that is responsible for the generation of mental forces (sakhra) which regulate the life continuum (or consciousness) (via) in all sentient beings. Just as the life continuum is established in a new existence, mind and matter (nma and rpa) appear automatically and correlatively. These, in turn, are developed into a vehicle or body with sense centres (sayatana). These sense centres give rise to contact 29


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(phassa), and contact of these sense centres with sense objects gives rise to sense impressions (vedan), which have the effect of arousing desire (tah) followed closely by attachment or clinging to desire (updna). It is this attachment, or clinging to desire, which is the cause of becoming (bhava) or of existence with the attendant birth (jti), old age, illness, death, anxiety, agony, pains, etc. (jar-maraa, etc.), all of which denote suffering. In this way the Buddha traced the origin of suffering to ignorance. So the Buddha said:1 Ignorance is the origin of mental forces Mental forces, the origin of the life continuum The life continuum, the origin of mind and matter; Mind and matter, the origin of the sense centres The sense centres, the origin of contact Contact, the origin of impression Impression, the origin of desire Desire, the origin of attachment Attachment, the origin of becoming (existence) Becoming (existence), the origin of birth Birth, the origin of old age, illness, death, anxiety, agony, pains, etc. (which are all suffering) This chain of origination is called the Law of Dependent Origination, and the root cause of all these is therefore avijj, ignorancethat is, ignorance of the Truth. It is true that, supercially, desire is the origin of suffering. This is so simple. When you want a thing, desire is aroused. You have to work for it, or you suffer for it. But this is not enough. The Buddha said, The ve aggregates, which are nothing but mind and matter, also are suffering. The Truth of suffering in Buddhism is complete only when one realizes by seeing mind
1See Kindred Sayings, II, pp. 23f.

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and matter as they really are (both within and without) and not as they seem to be. The Truth of Suffering is therefore something which must be experienced before it can be understood. For example, we all know from science that everything that exists is nothing but vibration caused by the whirling movement of innite numbers of sub-atomic particles, but how many of us can persuade ourselves to believe that our own bodies are subject to the same Law? Why not then try to feel things as they really are in so far as they relate to yourself? One must be above physical conditions for this purpose. One must develop mental energy powerful enough to see things in their true state. With developed mental power, one can see through and through; one can see more than what one can see with the help of the latest scientic instruments. If that be so, why should one not see what exactly is happening in ones own selfthe atoms, the electrons and what not, all changing fast and yet never ending. It is, of course, by no means easy. Here is an extract from a diary of one of my disciples which will give you an idea of what Suffering Within is: 21/8/51. As soon as I began to meditate I felt as if someone were boring a hole through my head, and I felt the sensation of crawling ants all over my head. I wanted to scratch, but my Guru forbade me from doing it. Within an hour I saw the sparkling radium of blue light tinged with violet colour entering inside my body gradually. When I lay in my room continuously for three hours I became almost senseless, and I felt a terrible shock in my body. I was about to be frightened but my Guru encouraged me to proceed on. I felt my whole body heated up, and I also felt the induction of the electronic needle at every part of my body.


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22/8/51. Today also I lay down meditating for nearly three hours. I had the sensation that my whole body was in ames, and I also saw sparkles of blue and violet rays of light moving from top to bottom aimlessly. Then my Guru told me that the changing in the body is anicca (impermanence), and the pain and suffering following it is dukkha. and that one must get to a state beyond dukkha or suffering. 23/8/51. My Guru asked me to concentrate on my breast without the radiation of light and added that we are reaching the stage of philosophy of our body. I did accordingly and came to the conclusion that our body is full of sufferings. In reality, this suffering within is a sequel to the keen sense of feeling of the vibration, radiation and friction of the atomic units experienced through a process of introspective meditation called vipassan with the aid of the powerful lens of samdhi. Not knowing this truth is indeed ignorance. Knowing this truth in its ultimate reality means destruction of the root cause of suffering, that is, ignorance with all the links in the chain of causation ending with what we call life with its characteristics of old age, illness, anxiety, agony, pains, etc. So much for the Law of Dependent Origination and the root cause of suffering. The Law of Cause and Effect Let us now turn our attention to the Causal Law of Relations as expounded by the Buddha in the Law of Pahna in the Abhidhamma Piaka. This is the Law in the course of the analytical study of which six coloured rays emerged from the person of the Buddha during his non-stop meditation for fortynine days soon after the attainment of Buddhahood. We have ve volumes of about 500 pages each of Pi text on this very

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delicate subject. I will just give here only an idea of the Law. There are twenty-four types of relations on which the fundamental principles of cause and effect in Buddhism are based. They are: 1. Condition Hetu 2. Object rammaa 3. Dominance Adhipati 4. Contiguity Anantara 5. Immediate Contiguity Samanantara 6. Coexistence Sahajta 7. Reciprocity Annamanna 8. Dependence Nissaya 9. Sufcing Condition Upanissaya 10. Antecedence Purejta 11. Consequence Pacchjta 12. Succession sevana 13. Action Kamma 14. Effect Vipka 15. Support hra 16. Control Indriya 17. Ecstasy Jhna 18. Means Magga 19. Association Sampayutta 20. Dissociation Vippayutta 21. Presence Atthi 22. Absence Natthi 23. Abeyance Vigata 24. Continuance Avigata I will explain to you now about the correlation of hetu (condition) and kamma (action) and the effect produced by their causes, as I understand them.


What Buddhism Is

Hetu is the condition of the mind at one conscious moment of each kamma (action) whether physical, vocal or mental. Each kamma therefore produces a condition of mind which is either moral, immoral or neutral. This is what in Buddhism we call kusala-dhamma, akusala-dhamma, and abykatadhamma. These Dhammas are mere forcesi.e., mental forceswhich collectively create the universe of mental forces as explained in my rst lecture. Moral (kusala) Forces are positive forces generated from kammas (actions, words, and thoughts) motivated by such good deeds as alms-giving, welfare work, devotion, purication of mind, etc. Immoral (akusala) Forces are negative forces generated from kammas (actions, words, and thoughts) motivated by desire, greed, lust, anger, hatred, dissatisfaction, delusion, etc. Neutral (abykata) Forces are neither moral nor immoral. This is the case, for example, of an Arahat who has got rid of all traces of ignorance (avijj). In the case of an Arahat, contact (phassa) of sense objects with the sense centres produces no reaction to sense impressions (vedan) whatsoever, just as no impression is possible on owing water which is ever changing. To him, the whole framework of the body is but an everchanging mass, and any impression thereon automatically breaks away with the mass. Let us now adjust the moral and immoral forces generated by conditioned actions with the planes of existence. For this purpose, I will classify the planes of existence roughly as follows: (1) Arpa- and Rpa-Brahm Planes. These are beyond the range of sensuality. Supreme love, supreme compassion, supreme joy at others success or greatness and supreme equanimity of mind are the four qualities of mind which generate transcendentally pure, brilliant, and extremely pleasing,

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cool, and light mental forces which nd their location in the highest of the planes of existence. This is the reason that in these planes matter is superne, and there is nothing but radiance, and the vehicles or bodies of the brahms cannot be identied with matter but with radiation or light. (2) The Sensuous Planes which are composed of: (i) the Planes of Celestial Beings (ii) the Human World (iii) the Planes of the Lower Forms of Existence The Planes of Celestial Beings. All good or meritorious deeds, words or thoughts which have a taint of desire for future well-being create moral mental forces which are very pure, luminous, pleasant, and light. These nd their location in the higher planes of celestial beings where matter is ne, luminous, pleasant, and light. These celestial beings therefore have astral bodies varying in neness, luminosity, and colour according to the planes to which they belong. Ordinarily they live in heavenly bliss till their own moral mental forces are consumed, when they revert to the lower planes of existence. I will now pass on to (iii) the planes of the lower forms of existence. I will come to our human world last. The Planes of the Lower Forms of Existence. All malicious, evil, demeritorious actions, words, and thoughts create mental forces which by nature are impure, dark, ery, heavy, and hard. The most impure, dark, ery, heavy, and hard mental forces should therefore nd their place in hell, the lowest of the four planes of existence. The matter in all these planes must, therefore, be hard, crude, unpleasant, and hot. The human world is just above the concentration of these forces, which are meant for consumption by those beings destined for these lower forms of existence. These beings, with the exception of those in the animal world, are invisible to the ordinary human eye but visible to those only who have


What Buddhism Is

developed the higher powers of samdhi and secured the Divine Eye. Here, suffering, both physical and mental, predominates. This is just the reverse of what happens in the planes of celestial beings. The Human World. Now I come to the human world. This is a half-way house between heaven and hell. We experience pleasure and pain mixed together, in degrees as determined by our own past kamma. From here, we can, by developing our mental attitude, draw in our own mental forces that are in the higher planes. It is also from here that we can go down to the depths of depravity and tune up with the forces of the lower order. There is no such constancy as in other planes of existence. One may be a saint today but one can be a rogue thereafter. One may be rich today but one may soon become poor. The vicissitudes of life here are very conspicuous. There is no man who is stable, no family which is stable, no community which is stable, no nation which is stable. All are subject to the Law of Kamma. As this kamma comes out of mind, which is ever-changing, the effects of kamma must necessarily also be changing. It is the condition of the evil mental forces submerged in the Earth just under our feet which gives rise to the Law of Gravitation. For as long as man has inherent impurities in him which, prima facie, exist, he is subject to this gravitational pull, and if he dies with the mental attitude tuned up with mental forces of a plane of lower existence at the last moment of his life, at the moment of death, the next existence is automatically in that plane, in order to clear, in a manner of speaking, his debit account of mental forces there. On the other hand, if at the moment of death his mental attitude is associated with forces in the human world, the next existence can be in the human world again. If, however, his mental attitude at the last moment of death is associated with the reminiscence of his

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good deeds, etc., the next existence will normally be in the celestial world, in order to enjoy the credit balance of his own mental forces there. One goes to the brahm world if, at the moment of death, ones mind is not sensual, but is pure and tranquil. This is how kamma plays its role in Buddhism, with mathematical precision. These, ladies and gentlemen, are the essential teachings of the Buddha. The way in which these teachings will affect the individual depends on how one takes it. The same applies to the family, the community, or people in general. We have Buddhists in Faith and Buddhists in Practice. Yet there is another class of Buddhists who are just labelled Buddhists by Birth. Only Buddhists in actual practice can secure the change in mental attitude and outlook. Let them only observe the ve precepts. They are the followers of the teachings of the Buddha. If this were followed by all the Buddhists in Burma, there would be no internecine strife such as we have here in Burma. But there is another disturbing factor: bodily requirements. One must have the bare necessities of life. Life is more precious to a person than anything else. The tendency, therefore, is for a person to break laws of discipline, whether religious or governmental, for his self-preservation and for others depending on him. What is most essential is the generation of pure and good mental forces to combat the evil mental forces which dominate mankind. This is by no means easy. One cannot rise to a level of pure mental attitude without the help of a Teacher. If we want effective power to combat these forces, we must work for it Dhammically, i.e., according to the Dhamma. Modern science has given us, for what it is worth, the atomic bomb the most wonderful and, at the same time, the most dreadful product of mans intelligence. Is man using his intelligence in the right way? Is he creating good or bad mental forces,


What Buddhism Is

according to the spirit of Buddhism? It is our will that decides how and upon what subject we shall use intelligence. Instead of using intelligence only for the conquest of atomic energy in matter without, why not use it also for the conquest of atomic energy within? This will give us the Peace Within and will enable us to share it with all others. We will then radiate such powerful and puried mental forces as will successfully counteract the evil forces which are all around us. Just as the light of a single candle has the power to dispel darkness in a room, so also the light developed in one man can help dispel darkness in several others. To imagine that good can be done by means of an evil is an illusion, a nightmare. The case in point is that of Korea. For all the loss of lives on both sides, now over a million, are we nearer to or further away from peace? These are the lessons which we have learnt. A change of the mental attitude of mankind through religion alone is the solution. What is necessary at the moment is mastery over mind and not only mastery over matter. In Buddhism we differentiate loka-dhtu from dhammadhtu. By dhtu is meant the nature elements or forces. Lokadhtu is therefore matter (with its nature elements) within the range of the physical plane. Dhamma-dhtu, however, comprises mind, mental properties, and some aspects of the nature elements which are not in the physical but in the mental plane. Modern science deals with what we call loka-dhtu. It is just a base for dhamma-dhtu in the mental plane. A step further and we come to the mental plane; not with the knowledge of modern science but with the knowledge of Buddha-Dhamma in practice. At least Mr H.A. Overstreet, author of The Mature Mind (New York: W.W. Norton) is optimistic about what is in store for mature minds. He said:

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The characteristic knowledge of our century is psychological. Even the most dramatic advances in physics and chemistry are chiey the application of known methods of research. But the attitude toward human nature and human experience that has come in our time is new. This attitude could not have come earlier. Before it came, there had to be long preparation. Physiology had to be a developed science; for the psychological person is also physiological. His mind, among other things, is a matter of brain tissue, of nerves, of glands, or organs of touch, smell and sight. It was not until about seventy years ago that physiology was sufciently developed to make psycho-physical research possible, as in the laboratories of the distinguished German psychologist, William Wundt. But before physiology there had to be a developed science of biology. Since brain, nerves, glands and the rest all depend upon processes, the science of the living cell had to have its maturing before a competent physiology could emerge. But before biology there had to be chemistry; and before chemistry, physics; and before physics, mathematics. So the long preparation goes back into the centuries. There is, in short, a time clock of science. Each science has to wait until its hour strikes. Today, at least, the time clock of science strikes the hour of psychology, and a new enlightenment begins. To be sure, the interests explored by this latest of the sciences are themselves old; but the accuracy of research is new. There is, in brief, a kind of iron logic that is in control. Each science has to wait for its peculiar accuracy until its predecessor has supplied the data and tools out of which its accuracy can be made. The time clock of science has struck a new hour: a new insight begins to be at our service.


What Buddhism Is

May I say that it is the Buddha-Dhamma which should be studied by one and all for a new insight into the realities of human nature. In Buddhism we have the cure for all the mental ills that affect mankind. It is the evil forces of the mind (past and present) that are responsible for the present state of affairs all over the world. By inspiring a strong sense of Buddhism in the minds of the people during the most critical days of Burma some two years ago, we have been able to get over the crisis. Nowadays, there is dissatisfaction almost everywhere. Dissatisfaction creates ill-feeling. Ill-feeling creates hatred. Hatred creates enmity. Enmity creates war. War creates enemies. Enemies create war. War creates enemies, and so on. It is now becoming a vicious circle. Why? Certainly because there is lack of proper control over the mind. What is man? Man is after all mental forces personied. What is matter? Matter is nothing but mental forces materialized, a result of the reaction of moral (positive) and immoral (negative) forces. The Buddha said: Cittena niyyati loko, The world is mind-made.1 Mind, therefore, predominates over everything. Let us then study the mind and its peculiar characteristics and solve the problem that is now facing the world. There is a great eld for practical research in Buddhism. Buddhists in Burma will always welcome whoever is anxious to have the benet of their experience. Ladies and gentlemen, I have made an attempt to give you the best of what I know about Buddhism. I shall be glad to give any interested person such further explanation on any point that he may wish to discuss. I am grateful to you for your kind attendance and the interest taken in my lectures. May

1Kindred Sayings, I, p. 55; Gradual Sayings, II, p. 185.

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I again thank the clergy of the church for the permission so kindly given for this series of lectures on their premises. Peace to all beings.


A Comparative Study in the Field of Samdhi

Extract from a speech delivered on May 9, 1952, by Sayagyi U Ba Khin on the occasion of the anniversary of the day of the birth of Lord Buddha at the Ramakrishna Society Hall in Rangoon.

_________________________ Samdhi, as I see it, is the common ground on which all religionists work for their respective goal. It is, in other words, the essence of the religious life for all. The Hindus work for it. In the last three verses of a Tantric Text we nd the following: When the Yogi closes the house which hangs without support, the knowledge whereof he has gained by the service of Parama-guru, and when the Chetas by repeated practice become dissolved in the place which is the abode of uninterrupted bliss, he then sees within the middle of and in the space above [the triangle] sparks of r e distinctly shining. He then also sees the Light which is in the form of a aming lamp. It is lustrous like the clearly shining morning sun, and glows between the sky and the earth. It is here that the Bhagavan manifests himself in the fullness of his might. He knows no decay, and witnesseth all, and is here as he is in the region of Fire, Moon and Sun. This is the incomparable and delightful abode of Vishnu. The 42

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excellent Yogi at the time of death joyfully places his vital breath [prana] here and enters [after death] that supreme, eternal, birthless, primeval deva, the Purusha, who was before the three worlds and who is known by the Vedanta. So, for Hindus, to be in tune with the Divine Light is a great achievement. In the Koran (Section 5: Manifestation of the Divine Light) we nd the following God is the light Of the heavens and the earth. The parable of his light Is as if there were a niche And within it a lamp, The lamp enclosed in glass, The glass as it were A brilliant star, Lit from a blessed tree, An olive, neither of the east Nor of the west, Whose oil is well-nigh Luminous. Though re scarce touched it, Light upon light? God doth guide Whom he will To his light; God doth set forth parables For men, and God Doth know all things. (Light is such a light) In houses, which God Hath permitted to be raised


A Comparative Study

To honour for the celebration, In them, of his name; In them is he gloried In the mornings and In the evenings, (again and again). There is no doubt that the followers of Prophet Mohammed also work quietly in secluded spots for this very Divine Light. When Guru Nanak was about to breathe his last he ordered the crowd which assembled around him to pray that he might meet the Lord. He then drew a sheet over himself, made obeisance to God and blended his Light with that of Guru Angad his successor. No doubt Guru Nanak also has worked for that Divine Light. What about the Christians? Do they also meditate? I should say Yes from what I learn of the Roman Catholic monks. I will just read out an extract from an article in La Nazione published in Florence: Sit down in a corner, shut your door and raise your spirit above everything vain and temporary; then bend your beard forward on your breast, and with all your soul open and with the perceiving eye which is in the middle of your body, restrict the exits of the air so that you should not breathe too easily. Force yourself to nd the exact site of your heart, where all the forces of your soul are destined to live. First you will encounter darkness, and the resistance of impenetrable masses; but if you persevere and continue with this work day and night, you will nish by feeling an inexpressible joy; because as soon as you have found the site of the heart, the spirit sees that which it could never realize previously. It then sees the air between it and the heart glowing, clearly and perceptibly with a miraculous light.

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


Here also the aim and object of meditation is to secure the Divine Light. The common belief, however, is that it is an extremely difcult affair even to get a glimpse of the Light in meditation and that courses of meditation are meant only for men who have renounced the world. Our experiments, however, show that under the proper guide, the inner peace and purity of Mind with Light can be secured by one and all irrespective of their religion or creed. As President of the Vipassan Research Association, I should like to dispel that common belief and say denitely that we have developed a technique whereby we are able to help a sincere worker to experience a state of purity of mind in the course of a few days. We do not claim, however, that this is possible for everyone. While for a normal type of student there should be no difculty whatsoever, provided he is sincere, we are somewhat concerned with those of the abnormal type, such as persons: (1) who are associated with the spiritual forces of the lower order either on their own initiative or through the inuence of others; (2) who are in the tight grip of tah (craving), mna (conceit, pride) or dihi (wrong beliefs [though they themselves consider their beliefs to be right]). Even in their case, there is a possibility of success, if there is sincerity of purpose, complete submission to the Guru (teacher) and strong determination and effort to get the desired result. For ourselves, we have set the ball rolling. I wish to make it known to you all that we have just acquired a piece of land near University Avenue and that we are developing it into a


A Comparative Study

Meditation Centre which will also be open to non-Buddhists who are interested in our work and who aspire to secure that Divine Light and go into states of Jhnic Peace Within. We will be all too glad to give them the necessary help without interfering with their own religious faith. We should also be prepared to help any such person who cares to have a taste of the Nibbnic Peace Within. The success of our endeavours will depend, however, on the encouragement given by people interested in our work. We hope, with the grace of the Buddha, Dhamma and Sagha, that such encouragement will be forthcoming and that we will shortly be able to conduct our meditation classes for the benet of all concerned. [True extract, (signed:) S. Venkataraman, Secretary, Vipassan Research Association, Ofce of the Accountant General, Burma.]

International Meditation Centre Rangoon, Burma Founded by The Vipassan Association Ofce of the Accountant General, Burma. ________________________________________ 1. The International Meditation Centre is founded with the sole object of promoting the practice of Buddhist Meditation according to the teachings of the Lord Buddha. 2. It is open to members of the Association and also to foreigners who are really anxious to experience the Nibbnic Peace Within. 3. Courses of training in practical Buddhist Meditation will be given in English and each candidate for the course must be prepared: (a) to submit himself wholly to the Teacher and to pay the respects normally due from a disciple to a Teacher; (b) to observe strictly the eight Precepts (uposathasla); (c) to remain within the precincts of the Centre for the entire period of the course. 4. The initial course will be for a period of 10 days, which may be extended according to individual needs. 5. Individual development depends on one's own pramit and one's capability to full the ve Elements of Effort



International Meditation Centre

(padhniyaga), viz, Faith, Health, Sincerity, Energy and Wisdom. 6. In practical work, every candidate will be required to follow strictly and diligently the three indisputable steps of sla, samdhi, and pa of the Eightfold Noble Path or the Seven Stages of Purity (satta-visuddhi). 7. It is the responsibility of the candidate to restrain himself properly to ensure that the Eight Precepts (uposatha-sla) are duly observed. With a view to promoting sla, he should further restrain the sense-centres (indriyasavara) by keeping himself alone, as far as practicable, in a cave or a secluded spot. 8. The Teacher will arrange for the development of the candidate's power of concentration to one-pointedness (cittass ekaggat). For this purpose, the training to be given will be in accordance with such principles enunciated in the npna-sati Sutta or the Visuddhi-magga as may be found suitable to the candidate. (In this respect, the Teacher is merely a guide. The success in the development of the power of concentration to perfection (samm-samdhi) depends entirely on the right exertion (samm-vyma) and the right mindfulness (or right attentiveness) (Samm-sati) of the candidate concerned. The achievement of appansamdhi (Attainment-concentration) or upacra-samdhi (Neighbourhood-concentration) is a reward which goes only to highly developed candidates. 9. When the candidates have developed sufciently well in the power of concentration, they will be acquainted with the fundamental principles of Buddha-Dhamma closely connected with the practical lessons in Vipassan which are to follow. 10. The course of training will then be changed to Vipassan or Insight. This involves an examination of the inherent

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


tendencies of all that exists within ones own self. The candidate learns in due course of time, by personal experience: the nature of anicca, dukkha and anatt as taught by the Buddha. Maybe, following a realization of the Four Noble Truths, he will break through to a state beyond Suffering (dukkha-nirodha), enter the rst stream of Sotpanna and enjoy the fruit (phala) of his endeavours in the Nibbanic Peace Within. 11. He who can enjoy this Nibbanic Peace Within is an Ariya. He may enjoy it as and when he may wish to do so, when in that state of Peace Within called phala, but for the supramundane consciousness in relation to the Peace of Nibbna, no feeling can be aroused through any of the sense centres. At the same time, his body posture becomes tightened. In other words, he is in a state of perfect physical and mental calm, as in the case referred to by the Buddha in his dialogue with Pukkusa of Malla while halting at a place on his way to Kusinara for the Mah-Parinibbna. Sithu U Ba Khin Accountant General, Burma (Retd.) President, Vipassan Association, Ofce of the Accountant General Burma Dated, Rangoon, 17 May 1954 [Note: In 1956, Sayagyi was awarded the title of Thray Sithu in addition to Sithu, which he gained in 1948, when Burma attained independence.]

Aneka-jti-sasra sandhvissa anibbisa Gaha-kra gavesanto; dukkh jti punappuna. Gahakraka diho si; puna geha na khasi; Sabb te phsuk bhagg; gaha-ka visakhata; Visakhra-gata citta; tahna khayam ajjhag. I have run through countless births in journeying-on, seeking, but not nding the builder of the house. Being born again and again is suffering. You are seen, housebuilder. You will not build a house again. All your rafters are broken. Your ridge-pole is torn asunder. The mind has arrived at the extinction of conditioned phenomena. The complete destruction of cravings has been experienced. Dhammapada, verses 153, 154


Buddhist Meditation in Burma

by Dr Elizabeth K. Nottingham* On a little knoll, in the heart of Rangoons Golden Valley district stands a small modern pagoda. Its golden spire and umbrella-hti sparkle in the sunlight, while at night its electric lights twinkle against the darkened sky. Unlike most Burmese pagodas, this is not a solid structure; its central chamber is a shrine room, while eight smaller pie-shaped rooms, each topped with its own little hti, surround this central shrine. These small separate rooms or caves are for the practice of Buddhist meditation. Over the archway which gives entrance to the property a sign reads International Meditation Centre, founded 1952, while inside there stands a notice board with the further information that this Centre is the property of the Vipassan Association whose headquarters are in the Ofce of the Accountant General. To an American the idea of a centre for religious meditation being the property of a voluntary association with its central focus in a government department may perhaps seem surprising. Even in Burma, the fact that the Teacher, or saya, of this Centre is a prominent government ofcial rather than a monk, is regarded as somewhat unusual.

* From a paper contributed by the writer in 1958.



Buddhist Meditation in Burma

U Ba Khin, the sayaor, if one prefers the Indian term, the guruof the International Meditation Centre is indeed an unusual person. In addition to his purely voluntary and quite time-consuming activities as teacher of meditation at the Centre, he is also a highly responsible government ofcial. As Chairman of Burmas State Agricultural Marketing Board, which handles the rice crop, the export and sale of which is crucial to the countrys economic existence, U Ba Khins responsibility to the government is outstanding and his competence and absolute integrity a matter of public satisfaction. In his former capacity as Accountant General, as well as in his present ofce as Chairman of the S.A.M.B., he has good reason to know how vital are the honesty and efciency of Burmas civil servants if she is to consolidate and maintain her existence as an independent state. The Centre sponsors each month meditation courses of ten days duration under the personal direction of the saya. The courses are geared to the needs and the capacities of the individual, whether he be from the East or from the West. They are engaged in by a wide variety of people, ranging from an ex- president of the Burmese Republic to an attendant at a gas station. Senior and junior ofcials of the government services, mainly from the ofces of the Accountant General and the S.A.M.B., furnish the majority of the candidates, with a sprinkling of university professors, foreign visitors, including one member of the American Foreign Service, and other Burmese householders and housewives. At the beginning of every course, each trainee takes a vow of loyalty to the Buddha and his teachinga vow which is modied in the case of non-Buddhistsand promises not to leave the Centre during the training period and in other ways to be obedient to the direction of the Teacher. He also promises to obey eight of the ten Buddhist Precepts, three more than the

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


usual ve precepts that are considered to be binding on all devout Buddhist laity. The Five Precepts require that the individual refrain from taking the life of a sentient being, from taking what is not given, from fornication, from speaking falsely and from intoxicating liquor. Those who abide by eight precepts are also required, as are all monks, to refrain from eating after twelve noon each day. Trainees at the Centre are also required to hold a strict vegetarian diet for the period of the course. During the training period foreigners are provided with sleeping quarters, as well as all meals, free of charge. The routine may seem exacting to those unacquainted with the schedule of meditation hours that are common in the East. The hours allotted to relaxation and sleep are more generous at the International Centre than at some other meditation centres in Burma. U Ba Khin believes that a prerequisite for all successful practice in meditation is good health. Trainees get up each morning a little after four, and are in meditation from 4.30 to 6.00 A .M . Breakfast at 6.00 A .M . is followed by a second period of meditation from 7.30 to 10.30 A .M . after which lunch, the last meal of the day, is taken. 12.30 to 5.00 is the afternoon meditation period, and at 5.00 P.M . there is a period for rest and relaxation, followed by an informal talk from the Teacher from 6.00 to 7.00 P . M . The evening meditation period from 7.00 to 9.00 P .M . ends the day and most of the trainees are ready to take to their bedsor rather their matsat 9.00 P.M. The training the student undergoes is though essentially a process of purication or renement of the moral, mental and spiritual perceptions. The Buddha admonished his followers, Cease to do evil, learn to do good, purify the mind. The training at the Centre is directed towards the fullment of this injunction. In line with the classic Buddhist tradition the requirements for such training fall into three parts, sla,


Buddhist Meditation in Burma

samdhi, and pa. These three Pi words might be regarded as the watchwords of the Centre. Sla signies morality, the purication of conduct; hence at least formal or temporary adherence to the Five Precepts are a minimum essential for all who would proceed to further mental and spiritual training. Samdhi is concentration, a mental discipline that has much in common with yoga. Though training in samdhi may take place in a Buddhist context, it is not in itself necessarily Buddhistic. It is merely a means, though an exacting and essential one, whereby the student learns, in the words of the Teacher, to put a ring through the nose of the bull of consciousness, and so harness that wayward will-othe-wisp, the faculty of attention. Pa, wisdom or insight, is the product of Vipassan, or Buddhist meditation properly so called. Sla, samdhi, and pa are thus stages in the achievement of spiritual prociency and, according to Buddhists, in the process of detachment from the craving that binds all living things to the wheel of existence and rebirth. They constitute a grouping into three parts of the eight requirements of the Buddhas Noble Eightfold Path for the realization of the Cessation of suffering. About the practice of sla, little needs to be said. It is taken for granted as a basic requirement for all trainees. The Westerner may have to exercise conscious control in refraining from swatting mosquitoes, but he soon learns to regulate his hunger and otherwise fairly readily adapts himself to the routine. Samdhi, howeverthe practice of concentration demands patience and persistent endurance, just how much only those who have attempted to practise it can know. There are a number of techniques used by a Buddhist in the practice of concentration. The beginner at the Centre is taught to concentrate on the breath as it enters and leaves the nostrils. In

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


doing this he must be tireless in excluding all other thoughts and at the same time learn to relax his body and gradually to narrow the focus of his attention until he is eventually aware only of a tiny spot at the base of the nose. Little by little all conscious awareness of breathing stops and he is mindful only of a minute point of light and warmth. It may take four or ve days of practice to achieve this result, though some students succeed within a much shorter period. Other systems of Buddhist concentration may adopt slightly different means some begin the practice by concentration on an external object, such, for example, as a neutral-coloured disc. But no matter what the precise means employed the aim is the same, namely the attainment of one-pointednessthe power to gather up the attention into a single powerful lens and to focus it at will upon any object, material or ideational. Samdhi, then, is a technique that can be practised by members of anyor of noreligious faith. A developed power of concentration is, needless to say, of inestimable value in the ordinary, everyday business of life. It may well make the difference between an efcient or an inefcient public servant or professional worker. Of this fact the saya is well aware. Samdhi, however, is essential for the practice of meditation, and without the strong lens of concentration the student can never hope to attain pa; that is, wisdom or insight. The practice of Vipassan, the heart of meditation, the means by which pa or insight is attained, is something to be experienced rather than described. A non-Buddhist, and a non-adept, can say but little and should perhaps be content to say nothing at all. Nevertheless, an attempt will be made to describe its underlying principles. Vipassan is grounded in the Four Noble Truths, the outstanding contribution of the Buddha to the worlds religious thought. The First Noble Truth, that suffering is basic to all


Buddhist Meditation in Burma

existence, is not regarded as requiring merely a cool intellectual assent from the devotee. The reality of this First Noble Truth must be faced and experienced subjectively before the other Truths, which locate the cause and point out the method of release from suffering, can be realized. Suffering, in the Buddhist sense, is not simply something to be accepted as a preferably temporary condition of ones own being or as a more permanent state for the worlds unfortunates. Rather it is to be viewed as an integral part of matter and mind (rpa and nma), the very stuff of existence itself. The Pi words anicca, dukkha, and anatt, which may be translated as impermanence, suffering and the non-selfor perhaps as the illusion of the separate selfare the key themes in this meditation. These themes are to be experienced introspectivelyin accordance with his capacityby the meditator as on-going processes of his own organism. He must endeavour to become aware of his mental and bodily components in the process of change, to experience impermanence as suffering, and to perceive with his inward eye the illusory nature of the separate self. Only when suffering is thus faced and realized can the way to release be opened. In meditation the student should develop a sharpened consciousness of the imperious nature of his desires and of his attachment to them. This is what the Buddha meant by tah, or craving, which he saw as the cause of all suffering, and so enunciated in his Second Noble Truth. If the trainee longs with an intense desire for release from this condition of craving and for the calm of Nirvna, or the Great Peace, he may then gain some insight into the Third of the Noble Truths, namely, that to free oneself from craving is the way to be released from suffering. In so far as his desire to detach himself from craving is sincere and deep he will act upon the Fourth Noble Truth and follow more closely in the

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


Eightfold Noble Path. By so doing he should experience, even in his present life, some measure of the great Peace. It is a challenging experience for a Westerner to undergo a course in meditation at the International Centre. He not only may explore new realms of consciousness, but he can scarcely avoid the attempt to re-phrase his experiences, where possible, in terms of his traditional religious beliefs. Furthermore, certain incidents, certain expressions in both the Old and the New Testaments spring to life, so to say, and take on new and vivid meaning. For instance, the Biblical verse If thine eye be single thy whole body will be full of light may be experienced subjectively as almost literal truth by one who in practising samdhi is able to approach one-pointedness in his concentration. Indeed, many biblical phrases that to a Westerner may have seemed vague or merely allegorical take on specic meaning, thus recalling the fact that Judeo-Christianity is a faith of eastern rather than western origin. Even a Westerner who does not accept the major premises of the Buddhist faith will, if he follows instructions given at the Centre faithfully, experience a deep and invigorating calm, a calm possibly deeper than anything he has previously known. He may or may not enter into the more rareed forms of consciousnessjhnic states in Buddhist termsfor individuals vary very much both in their capacity and in their willingness to do this. Nevertheless he will almost certainly learn to tighten his control of his mental processes to experience a feeling of cleansing, strengthening and relaxed peace. He may also learn something of the technique for inducing such peaceful states at will, an accomplishment not to be despised in these days of hurry and of strain. To do so, as it seems to the writer, what is required is not a willingness to renounce ones traditional religious faithor even ones agnosticismbut an open-minded determination to experience


Buddhist Meditation in Burma

something new. There is no compulsion exercised at the Centre to make Buddhists out of Christians or Jews. The saya invites his students freely to take and use what appears to them to be good and, should they so wish, to leave the rest. The atmosphere of tolerance and of active loving-kindness that surrounds the western visitor to the Centre does much to strengthen the appeal of the mental and spiritual discipline. Apart from any possible meaning that the meditation Centre might have for Westerners is the question of its actual present meaning for those Burmans who make up the bulk of its membership. Most of those who come to receive training, or who, having received it, frequent the Centre are, broadly speaking, middle class people in active middle and young adult life. Almost without exception they are old enough to remember the war years and the Japanese occupation, the tragic murder of General Aung San and the stormy years of the birth of the new republic. They remember, too, the period of post-independence insurrection, when at the height of the Karen rebellion the government was in effective control only of Rangoon. If it is true that stress and suffering are generating forces in religious revival, there is no doubt that Burmas responsible middle classes have had their ll of both. Few Americans appreciate the suffering and destruction that the war and postwar periods have witnessed in Burma, or the amount of dislocation of communications and of economic life that still prevail. The leading members of the International Centre, therefore, have been led by many vicissitudes of fortune to learn how to live in good times and in bad, in safety and in peril. In the quest for that calm of spirit that would enable them not merely to exist with the unawareness of mere animals, but to turn their experiences to positive account, some have been discovering anew the ancient truths of their Buddhist faith.

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


Furthermore, most of those who attend the Centre are occupied in business and in the professions, and the program at the Centre is geared to their needs. It is a fellowship of laity, under lay leadership, and Buddhist meditation is presented to them not as something that may be practised only in the seclusion of the monastery but rather as an activity for Buddhist householders, those who are immersed in family cares and public responsibilities. For these people the Centre affords a Fellowship of the like-minded. For Buddhists are not organized in congregations as are most Western religious groupsindeed, the need for such organized gatherings is hardly felt in the country districts where a whole village may, in effect, compose the community of faithful laity which supports and frequents a particular monastery. In a big city, however, where territorial bonds are less strong, there would seem to be a growing need for voluntary religious associations with some congregational features. Each Sunday, for instance, the Centre is open from seven in the morning until late in the afternoon to all who wish to take advantage of a quiet time for meditation, of informal instruction and advice from the Teacher, of a communal lunch and the companionship of friends. The degree of devotion which the Centre, in turn, inspires in some of its supporters may be judged from the number of volunteer workers always on hand to supervise the kitchen and the housekeeping, to initiate new students and take care of foreign visitors and to keep watch over the premises during the night. The increasing numbers of those who come for instruction, and the spontaneous manner in which funds are supplied for new building, seem to show that the Centre fulls a growing need. To what extent are such meditation centres typical developments in the Buddhist practice of Burma today? Granted that the individualistic tendencies within Buddhism are very strong,


Buddhist Meditation in Burma

so that in important respects the International Meditation Centre must be considered as unique, nevertheless, there seems to be a denite tendency in the contemporary emphasis on Buddhism in Burma to place especial stress on the practice of meditation. Meditation occupies a central place in orthodox Buddhist practice, and, though in popular Buddhist observance it has at times played a minor role, it has always been a main activity of those monks who do not specialize in scholarly pursuits. Today, however, the government, acting through the intermediary of the Buddha-Ssan Councila body drawn from monks and laymen which is responsible for the wellbeing of Buddhism in Burma and its extension both within the Union and also in foreign landsclaims, in a report issued on the Situation of Buddhism in Burma since 1955, that there exist at present some 216 meditation centres within the Union as of November, 1956. Of these centres, some under monastic and others under lay leadership, a total of 142 were recognized by the Ssan Council and received government subsidies. Other Centres, like the International, depend entirely on voluntary support. The Council also sponsors a central meditation centre in Rangoon, where those who wish to undergo training as teachers of meditation and who are approved by the Council will receive a small monthly stipend to defray their maintenance expenses while receiving such training in Rangoon. In addition, a certain number of students from overseas who have expressed a wish to receive training in meditation in Burma have also been subsidized by the Council. During the period covered by the report, eleven foreigners from nine different countries received such subsidies. Though the numbers of those actually practising meditation systematically in Burma today may well be small indeed in proportion to its total population of Buddhists, nevertheless

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


meditation enjoys the prestige of government support and more particularly the interested support of Prime Minister U Nu himselfso that to a degree it has become almost fashionable. Shrines for meditation are sometimes to be found in government ofces, and ofcial leave may be granted for the practice of Vipassan. While a number of Westerners would probably admit that the extension of relaxation and mental controlperhaps even of meditation itselfmight furnish a needed corrective to the frenetic activity and hypertension attendant on living in their own countries, what shall be said as to the social value of todays emphasis on the practice of meditation in a country such as Burma? Does this overt attempt to foster it by governmental and other agencies merely accentuate an existing over-strong tendency to withdraw from social responsibilities either for religious reasons or out of downright idleness? Or, on the other hand, may it not possibly help to create a reservoir of calm and balanced energy to be used for the building of a welfare state and as a bulwark against corruption in public life? Such questions are far easier to ask than to answer. Both possible alternatives would appear to exist, and any accurate assessment must necessarily depend on the situationor even the individual under consideration. Undoubtedly U Nu and U Ba Khin combine the practice of meditation with the exercise of exacting public responsibilities. If it is actually true that meditation keeps them going, then the promotion of the means whereby other such individuals may be produced could be important for Burmas national existence. Can meditation, then, be viewed not only as a means of self-developmenta development that must be regarded by Buddhists not in terms of one short lifetime but against the almost timeless background of thousands of rebirthsbut also as this worldly task? Do there exist elements in the broad


Buddhist Meditation in Burma

tradition of Buddhism itself, which, if now emphasized, might furnish the moral motive power that Burma needs? Perhaps there is this much that may be said: if one of the effects of meditation on its practitioners is to strengthen and deepen their adherence to the Five Precepts here and now, both public and private life would be beneted. And there is also the positive example of the Buddha himself, who for forty-ve years after his Enlightenment, instead of withdrawing from the world to enjoy in peace and solitude the liberation he had won, laboured on as a Teacher of a struggling humanity. ____________________ APPRECIATION Dr Nottingham was quite modest when she wrote in the Guest Book that she had learnt from the Centre how to nd a deep pool of quiet in the midst of the activities of a busy life, although she might not have been able to learn very deeply about the Dhamma. It was an agreeable surprise when I read her paper on Buddhist Meditation in Burma to nd that she understands Buddhism very deeply indeed. Her expressions (1) of one-pointedness of Mind with a minute point of light and warmth at the base of the nose (cittavissudhi), (2) of the awareness of mental and bodily components in the process of change (anicca), (3) of the experiencing of impermanence as suffering (dukkha), and (4) of perceiving with the inward eye the illusory nature of the separate self (anatt) are really very commendable. I congratulate Dr Nottingham very warmly for the paper, which deserves worldwide attention and interest. Ba Khin, President International Meditation Centre Inya Myaing, Rangoon

Yo sahassa sahassena sagme mnuse jine, eka ca jeyya m attna sa ve sagma-j-uttamo. A man may conquer a thousand times a thousand men in battle, But if one conquers oneself, one indeed is victorious in battle. Dhammapada, verse 103


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

Preface Man needs rest and peace of mind, which means and includes living a full life. The best means of attaining real peace of mind is meditation. The main object of Buddhist meditation is the realization of the ultimate goal of life leading to Nirvna; experience, however, proves that the process of meditation inevitably involves two important aspects of present-day life, namely, acquisition of mental equilibrium and of physical tness. A man who has undergone courses of Buddhist meditation is able to make quick decisions, correct and sound judgments and a concerted effortmental capabilities which denitely contribute to success in life. And at the same time, by the same process of purication of mind, the physical body becomes automatically cleansed and physical tness is ensured. To attain these objectives the correct method or technique of meditation is essential. Herein lies the secret of the simple and yet efcient technique of U Ba Khin, who is the founder of the International Meditation Centre, which is, so far as experience goes, one of the best of all meditation centres.


Sayagyi U Ba Khin


Those who wish to enjoy a full life involving the mental bliss of peace and physical well-being, without, of course, dedicating themselves to self, are well advised to visit the centre and take a course under his guidance. Lun Baw, Chairman Public Service Commission of the Union of Burma Rangoon, 6 July 1962


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

Foreword The accompanying paper was read to the press representatives of Israel who were entertained to tea on the 12t h December 1961, at the International Meditation Centre, by arrangement with the Directorate of Information, on the occasion of the visit of their Prime Minister Mr Ben Gurion to Burma. The press representatives, led by Mr Joseph Laip of the Maariv newspaper, Tel Aviv, were already acquainted with the contents of What Buddhism Is and Introduction to the International Meditation Centre which were published by our Association. They were preceded by Mr Pundik, a journalist from Tel Aviv, who arrived earlier in Rangoon and paid a visit to the Centre on the 3rd December 1961. Our President, Thray Sithu U Ba Khin, was able to gather from his discussions with Mr Pundik that the Israelis were materialistic in outlook and were more interested in the present values of Buddhist Meditation than in what one would gain in the after-life. Accordingly, the paper was prepared in time for the visit of Mr Ben Gurion and his entourage, to bring home the real values of True Buddhist Meditation, both in regard to ones own well-being and mankinds, even in this lifetime. In doing so, U Ba Khin has been forced to draw from the wealth of his own personal experiences the necessary materials which, being supported by facts and gures, will appeal to Western minds. Ba Pho Secretary, Vipassan Association 31-A Inya Myaing Road, Rangoon

The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

I. The Foundation of a Buddhist A Buddhist is a person who takes refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sagha. We have four categories of Buddhists, namely: 1. Bhaya: A Buddhist because of danger 2. Lbha: A Buddhist because of the need for gratication 3. Kula: A Buddhist because of birth 4. Saddh: A Buddhist because of faith. Buddhists may be further divided into two classes, namely: 1. Those who intend to make a bid for release in this very life; 2. Those who are just accumulating virtues (pram) with a view of becoming: (a) a Buddha (b) a Pacceka Buddha (i.e., a non-teaching Buddha) (c) one of the Agga-svakas (chief disciples) (d) one of the 80 Mah-svakas (leading disciples) (e) an Arahat For the consummation of the vow to become a Buddha, a Pacceka Buddha, etc., the length of time that is required for the accumulation of the virtues is roughly:



The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

1. For teaching Buddhas: (a) a Viriydhika Buddha (with effort as the pre dominating factor): 16 incalculable World-cycles (asakheyya, a unit followed by 140 ciphers) plus 100,000 World-cycles (kappa) (b) a Saddhdhika Buddha (with faith as the predominating factor): 8 incalculable World-cycles plus 100,000 World-cycles (c) a Padhika Buddha (with wisdom as the predominating factor): 4 incalculable World-cycles plus 100,000 World-cycles. 2. For a Pacceka Buddha: 2 incalculable World-cycles plus 100,000 World-cycles 3. For an Agga-svaka: 1 incalculable World-cycle plus 100,000 World-cycles 4. For a Mah-svaka: 100,000 World-cycles 5. For an Arahat: 100 to 1,000 World-cycles approximately. Once a person becomes a Buddhist, he acquires the seed of the Buddha-Dhamma which he is to develop according to his capacity. Every Buddhist is expected to walk on the Noble Eightfold Path in order to attain the goal of Nibbna in his capacity as a Buddha, a Pacceka Buddha, or an Agga-svaka, etc., as he may choose. He must work for the consummation of his goal himself. Among those who intend to make a bid for release in the same lifetime, there are four types of individuals: 1. Ugghaita (of quick understanding) 2. Vipancita (understanding in detail) 3. Neyya (needing to be led) 4. Padaparama (one whose highest attainment is the text)

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


An ugghaita is an individual who encounters a Buddha in person and who is capable of attaining the Noble Path and Noble Truth (Dhamma) through the mere hearing of a short discourse. A vipancita is an individual who can attain the Paths and the Fruition states only when a discourse is expounded to him at some considerable length. A neyya is an individual who does not have the capability of attaining the Paths and the Fruition states through the hearing of either a short or a long discourse but who must make a study of the teachings and practise the provisions contained therein for days, months or years in order that he may attain the Paths and the Fruition states. In answer to a question raised by Bodhirjakumra, the Buddha said,1 I cannot say what exactly should be the time for the complete realization of the Truth. Even assuming that you renounce the world and join the Order of my Sagha, it might take you seven years or six years or ve years or two years or one year as the case may be. Nay, it can be six months or three months or two months or one month. On the other hand, I do not discount the possibility of attaining Arahatship in a fortnight or seven days or in one day or even in a fraction of a day. It depends on so many factors. A padaparama is an individual who, though he encounters a Buddha-Ssana,2 and puts forth the utmost possible effort in both the study and practice of the Dhamma, cannot attain the Paths and the Fruition states within this lifetime. All that he can do is accumulate habits and potential. Such a person cannot obtain release from sasra (continued rebirth) within his lifetime. If he dies while practising samatha (calm)
1See the Middle Length Sayings, II, pp. 279-284. 2The period during which the Teachings of a Buddha are available.


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

for samdhi (concentration) or vipassan (insight) for pa (wisdom), and secures rebirth either as a human being or a Deva in his next existence, he can attain the Paths and Fruition states in that existence within the present Buddha-Ssana which is to last for ve thousand years from the date of the passing away of the Buddha into Mah-parinibbna. It is therefore to be assumed that only those quite matured in the accumulation of virtues (pram), such as those of the four types of individuals referred to above, will be inclined to make that bid for release and take seriously to courses of Buddhist Meditation. As a corollary, we have no doubt that whoever is determined to follow strictly and diligently the Noble Eightfold Path through a course in Buddhist Meditation under the guidance of a qualied Teacher, is an individual either of the neyya or padaparama type. II. The Essence of the Buddha-Dhamma The Buddha-Dhamma is subtle, deep and difcult to understand. It is by strictly and diligently following the Noble Eightfold Path that one can 1. come to the realization of the truth of suffering or ill, 2. annihilate the cause of suffering, and then 3. come to the end of it. Only the accomplished saint, only the Arahat, can fully understand the truth of suffering or ill. As the truth of suffering is realized, the causes of suffering become automatically destroyed, and so, one eventually comes to the end of suffering or ill. What is most important in the understanding of the Buddha-Dhamma is the realization of the truth of suffering or ill through a process of meditation in accordance with the three steps of sla, samdhi and pa of the Noble Eightfold Path. As the Buddha put it, It is difcult to shoot from a distance

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


arrow after arrow through a narrow key-hole and not miss once. It is more difcult to shoot and penetrate with a tip of a hair split a hundred times a piece of hair similarly split. It is more difcult to penetrate to the fact that All this is suffering or ill. He who has, by the practice of the Buddha-Dhamma, passed into the four streams of sanctity and enjoyed the four Fruition states, can appreciate the six attributes of the Dhamma: 1. The Dhamma is not the result of conjecture or speculation, but the result of personal attainments, and it is precise in every respect. 2. The Dhamma produces benecial results here and now for those who practise it in accordance with the techniques evolved by the Buddha. 3. The effect of the Dhamma on the person practising it is immediate in that it has the quality of simultaneously removing the causes of suffering with the understanding of the truth of suffering. 4. The Dhamma can stand the test of those who are anxious to try it. They can know for themselves what the benets are. 5. The Dhamma is part of ones own self, and is therefore susceptible to ready investigation. 6. The Fruits of the Dhamma can be fully experienced by the eight types of Noble Disciples: (a) one who has attained the rst Noble Path, called Sotpatti-magga, the Path of Stream-winning, (b) one who has attained the rst Noble Fruition State, called Sotpatti-phala, the Fruition of Stream-winning, (c) one who has attained the second Noble Path, called Sakadgmi-magga, the Path of Oncereturning,


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation (d) one who has attained the second Noble Fruition State, called Sakadgmi-phala, the Fruition of Once-returning, (e) one who has attained the third Noble Path, called Angmi-magga, the Path of Non-returning, (f) one who has attained the third Noble Fruition State, called Angmi-phala, the Fruition of Non-returning, (g) one who has attained the fourth Noble Path, called Arahatta-magga, the Path of Final Emancipation, (h) one who has attained the fourth Noble Fruition State, called Arahatta-phala, the Fruition of Final Emancipation.

III. On the Path (Training at the Centre) Whoever is desirous of undergoing a course of training in Buddhist Meditation must go along the Noble Eightfold Path. This Noble Eightfold Path was laid down by the Buddha in his rst sermon to the ve ascetics (Paca-vaggiy) as the means to the end, and all the student has to do is to follow strictly and diligently the three steps of sla, samdhi and pa, which form the essence of the Noble Eightfold Path. Sla (The Precepts) 1. Right Speech 2. Right Action 3. Right Livelihood Samdhi (Tranquillity of Mind) 4. Right Exertion 5. Right Attentiveness 6. Right Concentration

Sayagyi U Ba Khin Pa (Wisdom, Insight) 7. Right Aspiration 8. Right Understanding


Sla For the rst step, sla, the student will have to maintain a minimum standard of morality by way of a promise to refrain from killing sentient beings, stealing others property, committing sexual misconduct, telling lies and taking intoxicating drinks. This promise is not, I believe, detrimental to any religious faith. As a matter of fact, we have noticed good moral qualities in the foreigners who have come to the centre for the course of meditation and a promise of this kind was of no moment to them. Samdhi This is the second step, the development of the power of concentration to the degree of one-pointedness of mind. It is a way of training the mind to become tranquil, pure, and strong, and therefore forms the essence of religious life, whether one be a Buddhist, a Jew, a Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim or a Sikh. It is, in fact, the greatest common denominator of all religions. Unless one can get the mind freed from impurities (Nvaraa) and develop it to a state of purity, he can hardly identify himself with Brahm or God. Although different methods are used by people of different religions, the goal for the development of mind is the same, that is to say, a perfect state of physical and mental calm. The student at the Centre is helped to develop the power of concentration to one-pointedness by encouraging him to focus his attention on a spot on the upper lip at the base of the nose, synchronizing the inward and outward motion of respiration with the silent awareness of in-breath and out-breath. Whether the energy of life is from mental forces (sakhra) resulting from ones own actions, as in Buddhism, or from God, as in


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

Christianity, the symbol of life is the same. It is the rhythm, pulsation, or vibration dormant in man. Respiration is, in fact, a reection of this symbol of life. In the npna meditation technique (i.e., respiration mindfulness) which is followed at the Centre, one great advantage is that the respiration is not only natural, but is also available at all times for the purpose of anchoring ones attention to it, to the exclusion of all other thoughts. With a determined effort to narrow down the range of thought waves, rst to the area around the nose with respiration mindfulness and gradually, with the wave-length of respiration becoming shorter and shorter, to a spot on the upper lip with just the warmth of the breath, there is no reason why a good student in meditation should not be able to secure one-pointedness of mind in a few days of training. There are always pointers to the progress of this meditation when steered in the right direction, by way of symbols which take the form of something white as opposed to anything black. They are in the form of clouds or of cotton wool, and sometimes in shapes of white such as smoke or cobwebs or a ower or disc. But when the attention becomes more concentrated, they appear as ashes or points of light or as a tiny star or moon or sun. If these pointers appear in meditation (with the eyes closed, of course), then it should be taken for granted that samdhi is being established. What is essential, then, is for the student to try after each short spell of relaxation to get back to samdhi with the pointer of light as quickly as possible. If he can do this, he is quite ready to be switched on to Vipassan meditation to gain insight into the Ultimate Truth and enjoy the Great Peace of Nibbna. If he is able to focus his attention on one point at the base of the nose with a minute point remaining stationary for some time, it is all the better, because at that time he reaches upacra-samdhi or Neighbourhood Concentration.

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


Mind is intrinsically pure, the Buddha said. It becomes polluted however, by the absorption of impurities [akusala forces]. In the same way that salt water can be distilled into pure water, so too a student in npna meditation can eventually get his mind distilled of impurities and brought to a perfect state of purity. Pa Pa means insight into what is true of nature which is realized only when one has attained the Noble Paths (magga) and enjoyed the Fruits (phala) of ones endeavours in Buddhist Meditation. Meditation is inseparable from the development of the power of mind towards samdhi and the intimate study of what is true of nature towards the realization of the Truth. When the student has reached a certain level of samdhi, preferably upacra-samdhi, the course of training is changed to Vipassan or Insight. This requires the use of the powerful lens of samdhi already developed and involves an examination of the inherent tendencies of all that exists within ones own self. He is taught to become sensitive to the on-going processes of his own organism which, in other words, are sub-atomic reactions ever taking place in all living beings. When the student becomes engrossed in such sensations, which are the products of nature, he comes to the realization, physically and mentally, of the Truth that his whole physical being is after all a changing mass. This is the fundamental concept of anicca in Buddhismthe nature of the change that is ever taking place in everything, whether animate or inanimate, that exists in this universe. The corollary is the concept of dukkhathe innate nature of suffering or illwhich becomes identied with life. This is true because of the fact that the whole structure of a being is made up of sub-atomic particles (kalpas in Buddhism), all in a state of perpetual combustion. The last concept is that of anatt. You call a


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

substance whatever appears to you to be a substance. In reality there is no substance as such. As the course of meditation progresses, the student comes to the realization that there is no substantiality in his so-called self, and there is no such thing as the core of a being. Eventually he breaks down the egocentralism in himself in respect to both mind and body. He then emerges out of meditation with a new outlookego-less and selessalive to the fact that whatever happens in this Universe is subject to the fundamental laws of cause and effect. He knows with his inward eye the illusory nature of the separate self. IV. The Fruits of Meditation The Fruits of Meditation are innumerable. They are embodied in the discourse on the advantages of a samaas life, the Smaa-phala Sutta.1 The very object of becoming a samaa or monk is to follow strictly and diligently the Noble Eightfold Path and not only to enjoy the Fruition (phala) of Sotpatti and Sakadgm and Angm and Arahatta, but also to develop many kinds of faculties. A layman who takes to meditation to gain insight into the Ultimate Truth also has to work in the same way, and if his potentials are good, he may also enjoy a share of those fruits and faculties. Only those who take to meditation with good intentions can be assured of success. With the development of the purity and power of the mind, backed by insight into the Ultimate Truth of nature, one might be able to do a lot of things in the right direction for the benet of mankind. The Buddha said, O monks, develop the power of concentration. He who is developed in the power of concentration sees things in their true perspective.
1Dialogues of the Buddha, I, pp. 65-95.

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


This is true of a person who is developed in samdhi. It must be all the more so in the case of a person who is developed not only in samdhi but also in pa (wisdom). It is a common belief that a man whose power of concentration is good and who can secure a perfect balance of mind at will can achieve better results than a person who is not so developed. There are, therefore, denitely many advantages that accrue to a person who undergoes a successful course of training in meditation, whether he be a religious man, an administrator, a politician, a businessman or a student. My own case may be cited as an example. If I have to say something here about myself, it is with a sincere desire to illustrate just what practical benets can accrue to a person practising Buddhist meditation, and with no other motive whatsoever. The events are factual and, of course, one cannot deny the facts. I took up Buddhist meditation seriously in January 1937. My life sketch in Who is Who of the Guardian Magazine, December 1961, gives an account of the duties and responsibilities of government which I have been discharging from time to time. I retired from the service of the government on March 26, 1953, on attaining the age of 55, but was reemployed from that date till now in various capacities, most of the time holding two or more separate posts equivalent to those of Head of Department. At one time I was holding three separate sanctioned appointments of the status of Head of Department for nearly three years, and on another occasion, four such sanctioned posts simultaneously for about a year. In addition, there were also a good number of special assignments either as a member of Standing Committees in the Departments of the Prime Minister and National Planning or as chairman or member of ad hoc committees. (Please see statement A.)


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

Dr Elizabeth K. Nottingham, in her paper Buddhist Meditation in Burma, asked: May it [meditation] not possibly help to create a reservoir of calm and balanced energy to be used for the building of a welfare state and as a bulwark against corruption in public life? To this question, in view of statement A placed before you, my answer would denitely be Yes. I can say this with conviction because the achievements in all spheres of work happened to be most outstanding in spite of the fact that each of the posts (Director of Commercial Audit, Chairman of the State Agricultural Marketing Board, and Principal of the Government Institute for Accounts and Audit) is a challenge to any senior ofcer of government. I was appointed Director of Commercial Audit, that is, I was Head of the Directorate of Commercial Audit, starting on June 11, 1956, with the responsibility of reorganizing the Directorate, which was formed on Oct. 4, 1955, with a staff of just fty men, including only three qualied accountants. The problem was to reorganize the Directorate and raise the standard of its efciency to cope with the work of auditing the transactions of the developing Boards and Corporations of Burma, the annual receipts and payments of which were roughly fteen and eighteen hundred million kyats respectively in 1955 and 1956. Next, I was appointed as Chairman of the State Agricultural Marketing Board on June 21, 1956 (just ten days after the appointment as Director of Commercial Audit) to take charge of the affairs of the Board, which were found to be deteriorating; the accounts being in arrears for ve years, the surplus stock at the end of the preceding year was 1.7 million tons, and the market price of rice (S.M.S.) having fallen from 5/860 per ton in 1953 to 5/834 per ton in 1956. There was also the

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


problem of disunity between the ofcers and members of subordinate rank. In 1958, acting upon the recommendation of the Boards Enquiry Commission (headed by the Prime Minister) of which I was a member, the establishment of a Government Institute for Accounts and Audit was brought up. Burma was extremely short of accountants and account clerks. The result was that, with the exception of two organizations of pre-war origin, the accounts of the Boards and Corporations were badly in arrears (for two to four years), and in addition many irregularities came to light. I was accordingly charged, in addition to my own existing duties, with the responsibility of establishing a State Institute of Government Accounts and Audit which was to give training to the ofcers and staff of all Boards and Corporations in Burma. I assumed charge of the post of Principal of the Government Institute for Accounts and Audit on 1/4/58, to do spade work, and the Institute itself was formally opened by the Prime Minister on July 11, 1958. The results of these undertakings1 will surely illustrate what a reservoir of calm and energy one can create with Buddhist meditation to be used for the building of a welfare state. V. Human Relations The attitude towards life of a Buddhist who makes a bid for release during this lifetime differs from that of one who is in the process of accumulating virtues in order to consummate his
1Please see:

(i) Annex AState Agricultural Marketing Board (ii) Annex BDirectorate of Commercial Audit (iii) Annex CGovernment Institute for Training in Accounts and Audit


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

vow to become a Buddha. For example, Rjagaha and Svatthi were the chief seats of the Buddha during his lifetime. Rjagaha was the capital of the kingdom of King Bimbisra, who had made a bid for release during that very lifetime and who attained the rst Noble Path and became an ariya (Noble One). He was very devoted to the Lord Buddha and had built a stupendous monastery, known as the Veuvana Monastery, for the Buddha and his disciples. He accorded pardon to all the citizens who had committed crimes if they joined the order of the Buddhas Sagha. He was known as King Abhaya, the Harmless King. He would not harm anybody himself and would avoid encouraging others to harm anybody. His power in administration was his love for humanity. On the other hand, Svatthi was the capital of Kosala where Pasenadi was king. He too was very devoted to the Buddha. In fact, the Buddha stayed in Svatthi longer than elsewhere. This king was in the process of accumulating virtues in order to become a Buddha, and although he would try by all possible means to avoid doing harm to others, when occasion demanded it, he was prepared to suffer himself the consequences of saving those depending on him.1 Once he stopped at the Buddhas monastery on his way back to the palace after his conquest of the enemy in a battle which took place on the border of his kingdom. He led the army out to ght the enemy in order to save his country and his people from the invaders, failing which, his countrymen would have suffered maltreatment and torture. When he mentioned to the Buddha his conquest of the enemy, the Buddha smiled and told him, You have made more enemies than you had before the incident. It can therefore be understood that those who are
1 According to the Angatavasa (see the Journal of the Pali Text

Society, 1886, p. 37).

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


in the process of accumulating virtues cannot, at times, avoid committing an offence which would take them to the sub-human planes of existence, and in consequence are prepared to suffer themselves for the offence for the sake of humanity. As to how loving kindness reinforced with the power of Truth can do something tangible in the domain of human relations, let me cite a few of my own experiences. I was required by the Prime Minister to investigate the many irregularities suspected in the State Agricultural Marketing Board, and accordingly I was appointed on Aug. 15, 1955, to be Chairman of the S.A.M.B. Special Enquiry Committee. The reports made by me to the government led to further enquiries by the Bureau of Special Investigations, and their enquiries led to the arrest of four Ofcers of the Board, including the General Manager, during the time of the annual conference of the Boards Ofcers. This was so resented by the ofcers in conference that they submitted their resignations en masse from their appointments under the Board. This action by the ofcers created an impasse and the situation was aggravated when the Union of Employees of the Board gave support to their cause through their all-Burma annual conference being held at Pegu. The government decided to accept their resignations, and this decision upset most of the ofcers, who half-heartedly had taken that course of action. Eventually, after some negotiations by third parties, they withdrew their resignations and surrendered themselves to the government for a token penalty. It was in this atmosphere that I had to join the State Agricultural Marketing Board as its Chairman, before I could forget their slogans denouncing the Special Enquiry Committee and the Bureau of Special Investigations. I had no grudge, however, against anybody, because I had worked for the best interests of the country and was sure that I could prevail upon


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

them with my point of view that my acceptance of the offer of the post of Chairman of the Board was to save the situation of the Board and the country at that critical juncture, and to work for the efciency and welfare of the employees, as well as the other people connected with the business of the Board. In point of fact, after a few meetings with the representatives of these bodies, I should say I had really turned the tide. The ofcers and the staff were reunited and there was co-ordination between the Board and the millers and other traders. New plans were drawn up and improved techniques introduced. The results were better than what anyone could have dared imagine. These results have already been mentioned in the section The Fruits of Meditation. As a result of their whole-hearted co-operation and unrelenting effort which contributed to the success of the undertaking I had very strongly recommended, the government very kindly granted the title of Wunna Kyaw Htin to the two ofcers of the Board, one of whom was the Deputy General Manager (administration) and the other was the President of the State Agricultural Marketing Board Employees Union. Employees Unions normally run counter to the government, and I presume such a case of awarding a title to the President of an Employees Union must be rare. For the Directorate of Commercial Audit, the case is not at all difcult. There is a Buddhist Society, many of the members of which are my disciples in meditation, and there is also a Social Club, where there is a brotherly feeling among all the ofcers and staff of the Directorate. Religious functions are held annually where one and all join hands for the common objective, and twice a year they pay homage to the Director, both as a Teacher and as the Head of the Organization. The Social Club arranges annual trips in a chartered launch or other means of transportation to outstations for relaxation where members of the employees families also join them, and a pleasant atmo-

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


sphere is created for all. All this helps to promote understanding and pave the way for efciency in the Directorate. For the Institute of Accounts and Audit, where teachers with extraordinary patience and goodwill are required apart from their qualications and teaching experience, the VicePrincipal and the lecturers are mostly those who have taken courses of meditation at the Centre. For all types of students the good intentions of the teachers prevail on them and the response of the students in all the classes has been consistently excellent. From the date of the inception of the Institute, there has not been a single complaint from the students. On the other hand, at the close of each course of study there are parties held by the students in honour of the Principal and the teachers, where they invariably express their gratitude for the kindness shown to them and the pains taken to help them understand their lessons thoroughly. I have no doubt, therefore, that meditation plays a very important role in the development of the mind to enable one to have the best in human relations. VI. By-Products In the section The Fruits of Meditation, I have explained what the advantages of meditation can be. I would particularly refer to the advantages of meditation as mentioned in the Smaa-phala Sutta (the discourse on the Advantages of a Samaas Life) and the records of appreciation by foreigners in the Introduction to the International Meditation Centre. What I am going to state here concerns the very minor byproducts of meditation relating to physical and mental ills. This is not the age for showing miracles, such as rising into the air and walking on the surface of the water, which would be of no direct benet to people in general. But if the physical and


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

mental ills of men could be removed through meditation, it should be something for one to ponder. According to the Buddhist way of thinking, each action, whether by deed, word or thought, produces or leaves behind a force of action (Sakhra) which goes to the credit or debit account of the individual according to its good or bad objective. This invisible something, which we call Sakhra or forces of action, is the product of the mind, with which each action is related. It has no element of extension [i.e., it is not confined by space]. The whole universe is permeated with the forces of action of all living beings. The causal theory of life has its origin, we believe, in these forceseach individual absorbing continually the forces of his own actions and at the same time releasing new forces of actions by deeds, words and thoughts creating, so to speak, an unending cycle of life with pulsation, rhythm and vibration as its symbol. Let us take the forces of good actions as positive and the forces of bad actions as negative. Then we get what we may call the positive and negative reactions which are always taking place everywhere in the universe. They are taking place in all animate and inanimate objectsin my body, in your body and in the bodies of all living beings. When one can understand these concepts through a proper course of meditation, one knows nature as it truly is. With the awareness of the Truth of Anicca and/or Dukkha and/or Anatt, one develops in oneself what we may call the sparkling illumination of Nibbna Dhtu, a power that dispels all impurities or poisons, the products of bad actions which are the source of ones physical and mental ills. Just as fuel is burnt away on ignition, the negative forces (impurities or poisons) within are eliminated by the Nibbna Dhtu which one generates with the true awareness of Anicca in the course of meditation. This process of elimination should

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


go on until such time as both mind and body are completely cleansed of such impurities or poisons. Among those who have taken courses of meditation at the Centre, there were some who were suffering from complaints such as hypertension, T.B., migraine, thrombosis, etc. They became relieved of these even in the initial course of ten days. If they maintain the awareness of Anicca and take longer courses of meditation at this Centre, there is every likelihood of the diseases being rooted out in the course of time. Since anything which is the root cause of ones own physical and mental ills is Samudaya (the origin of suffering), and since this Samudaya can be removed by the Nibbna Dhtu which one generates in true Buddhist Meditation, we make no distinction between this or that disease. One aspect of meditation is Samudaya Pahtabba, which literally means, for the removal of the causes of suffering. A note of caution is necessary here. When one develops Nibbna Dhtu, the impact of this Nibbna Dhtu upon the impurities and poisons within ones own system will create a sort of upheaval which must be endured. This upheaval tends to increase the sensitivity to the radiation, friction, and vibration of the sub-atomic units within. This will grow in intensity, so much so that one might feel as though ones body were just electricity and a mass of suffering. In the case of those who have diseases, such as those mentioned above, the impact will be all the stronger and, at times, almost explosive. Nevertheless, enduring it, one becomes alive to the fact that a change is taking place within oneself for the better, and that the impurities are gradually diminishing, and that one is slowly but surely getting rid of the disease. Mankind today is facing the danger of radioactive poisons. If such poisons absorbed by a man exceed the maximum permissible concentration (m.p.c.), he enters the danger zone.


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

I have a rm belief that the Nibbna Dhtu which a person in true Buddhist Meditation develops is Power that will be strong enough to eradicate the radioactive poisons, if any, in him.

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


Jighacch param rog, sakhra param dukh, eta atv yath-bhta, nibbna parama sukha. Hunger is the greatest disease. Conditioned existence is the greatest suffering. Experiencing this as it truly is (results in) Nibbna, the greatest happiness. Dhammapada, verse 203


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

Statement A: Posts Held by Thray Sithu U Ba Khin During the period August 15, 1955 to February 28, 1956
Name of Post Held Sanctioned Pay Ofcers O.S.D., Auditor-General's Ofce K 1600* 1 Chairman, S.A.M.B., Special Enquiry none 1 Sec'y Committee 3 Ofcrs Staff 10 19

During the period March 1, 1956 to June 10, 1956

Name of Post Held Sanctioned Pay Ofcers O.S.D., Ministry of Trade Development K 1600 2 Chairman, S.A.M.B., Special Enquiry none 1 Sec'y Committee 3 Ofcrs Staff 9 19

During the period June 11, 1956 to June 20, 1956

Name of Post Held Sanctioned Pay Ofcers Staff Director of Commercial Audit K 1600 9 151 O.S.D., Ministry of Trade Development K 1600 2 9 Chairman, S.A.M.B., Special Enquiry none 1 Sec'y 19 Committee 3 Ofcrs

During the period June 21, 1956 to September 18, 1956

Name of Post Held Sanctioned Pay Ofcers Staff Director of Commercial Audit K 1600 9 151 O.S.D., Ministry of Trade Development K 1600 2 9 Chairman, S.A.M.B., Special Enquiry none 1 Sec'y 19 Committee 3 Ofcrs Chairman, S.A.M.B. K 1600 141 3454

* K=kyats

Sayagyi U Ba Khin During the period September 19, 1956 to October 3, 1956
Name of Post Held Sanctioned Pay Ofcers Director of Commercial Audit K 1600 9 O.S.D., Ministry of Trade Development K 1600 2 Chairman, S.A.M.B. K 1600 141 Name of Post Held Sanctioned Pay Ofcers Director of Commercial Audit K 1600 9 O.S.D., Ministry of Trade Development K 1600 2 Chairman, S.A.M.B. K 1600 141 Deputy Chairman, S.A.M.B. K 1400 ... Name of Post Held Sanctioned Pay Ofcers Director of Commercial Audit K 1600 9 Additional Director of Commercial Audit K 1300 ... O.S.D., Ministry of Trade Development K 1600 2 Chairman, S.A.M.B. K 1600 141 Deputy Chairman, S.A.M.B. K 1400 ... Name of Post Held Sanctioned Pay Ofcers Director of Commercial Audit K 1600 11 O.S.D., Ministry of Trade Development K 1600 2 Chairman, S.A.M.B. K 1600 141 Deputy Chairman, S.A.M.B. K 1400 ... Name of Post Held Sanctioned Pay Ofcers Director of Commercial Audit K 1600 11 O.S.D., Ministry of Trade Development K 1600 2 Chairman, S.A.M.B. K 1600 141 Name of Post Held Sanctioned Pay Ofcers Director of Commercial Audit K 1600 11 O.S.D., Ministry of Trade Development K 1600 2 Chairman, S.A.M.B. K 1600 141 Deputy Chairman, S.A.M.B. K 1400 ... Staff 151 9 3454


During the period October 4, 1956 to October 7, 1956

Staff 151 9 3454 ... Staff 151 ... 9 3454 ... Staff 167 9 3454 ... Staff 167 9 3454

During the period October 8, 1956 to October 14, 1956

During the period October 15, 1956 to November 16, 1956

During the period November 17, 1956 to February 2, 1957

During the period February 2, 1957 to March 6, 1957

Staff 167 9 3454 ...


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

Staff 243 9 3454

During the period March 7, 1957 to December 31, 1957

Name of Post Held Sanctioned Pay Ofcers Director of Commercial Audit K 1600 16 O.S.D., Ministry of Trade Development K 1600 2 Chairman, S.A.M.B. K 1600 141 Name of Post Held Sanctioned Pay Ofcers Director of Commercial Audit K 1600 16 O.S.D., Ministry of Trade Development K 1600 2 Chairman, S.A.M.B. K 1600 141 Deputy Chief Executive (F & A) S.A.M.B. K 1600 13

During the period January 1, 1958 to March 31, 1958

Staff 243 9 3454 377

During the period April 1, 1958 to March 15, 1959

Name of Post Held Sanctioned Pay Ofcers Director of Commercial Audit K 1600 16 O.S.D., Ministry of Trade Development K 1600 2 Deputy Chief Executive (F.&A.) K 1600 13 S.A.M.B. Principal, Government Institute for K 1600 Training in Accounts and Audit Name of Post Held Sanctioned Pay Ofcers Director of Commercial Audit K 1600 16 O.S.D., Ministry of Trade K 1600 2 Development Principal, Government Institute for K 1600 Training in Accounts and Audit Staff 243 9 377

During the period March 17,1959 to August 31, 1959

Staff 243 9

During the period September 1, 1959 to 1962

Name of Post Held Director of Commercial Audit Principal, Government Institute for Training in Accounts and Audit Sanctioned Pay K 1600 K 1600

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


Special Assignments Under A.F.P.F.L. Government A. Standing Committees 1. Member, Committee of Advisers to the Planning Commission 2. Member, Standing Committee for Supervision and Coordination (Prime Minister's Department) 3. Member, Transport Coordination Committee 4. On the following assignments for three years: (a) Member, Executive Committee, Buddha Ssana Council (b) Chairman, Sub-Committee for practical Buddhist Meditation (c) Member, Chaha Sagyan Advisory Committee B. Adhoc Committees 1. Member, State Agricultural Marketing Board Commission 2. Member, Civil Supplies Enquiry Committee 3. Member, Imports Enquiry Committee 4. Member, Boards Enquiry Commission (Chairman Prime Minister) Under Care-Taker Government 1. Introduction of Commercial Budgeting Systems in all Boards and Corporations 2. Review of the nancial position of B.O.C. (1954) Ltd. 3. Review of the nancial position of Mawchi Mines (Burma) Ltd. 4. Review of the nancial position of Anglo Burma Tins Co. Ltd. 5. Investigation into affairs of Evans Medical Supplies Limited (London) and Burma Pharmaceutical Industry.


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

Under Union Government A. Standing Committees 1. Member, Committee of Advisers to the Planning Commission 2. Member, Development Projects and Operations Supervision Commission (ChairmanPrime Minister) 3. Member, Government Contracts Screening Committee in the Ministry of National Planning. B. Adhoc Committees 1. Chairman, Committee for Valuation of Assets of B.O.C. (B.T.) Ltd. 2. Chairman, Committee for Valuation of the Ships of the Union of Burma Shipping Board Annex A: State Agricultural Marketing Board* 1. Introduction: I assumed charge of the duties and responsibilities of the Chairman of the S.A.M.B. with effect from June 21, 1956, under orders of the Honourable Prime Minister. He gave it to me through the Secretary of the Ministry of Trade Development at about 10.45 P .M . on an earlier date in the third week of June (which I cannot now recollect exactly) at the close of a meeting of the Prime Minister with the representatives of the Trade and Commerce, held at his residence. I was present as a member of the Standing Committee for Co-ordination and Supervision. This order was received just a few days after my appointment as the Director of Commercial Audit, and the situation was such that I could not refuse these assignments. Although the assignment
* Note that in Burma, large numbers are often given, as here, in terms of

lakhs and crores. One lakh = 10,000. One crore = 10 lakhs (written 1,00,000). This is why the comma is placed differently than the way most Westerners are used to seeing it.

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


was intended to be a temporary measure, I could not be relieved of the Chairmanship of the Board for some considerable period, for reasons best known to the Government. In consideration of the need for paying greater attention to the Directorate of Commercial Audit, a request was made of the Prime Minister to relieve me of these duties. This resulted in the review of the constitution of the S.A.M.B. which was revised by an Act of Parliament. From January 1, 1958, the Minister for Trade Development became the Chairman of the Board with five Deputy Chairmen to assist him. As the Finance and Accounts Departments of the Board still required straightening out, I had to remain as Deputy Chairman (Finance and Accounts), in the new set-up. It was only after the Caretaker Government assumed office, that I was relieved of the duties of the Deputy Chairman (Finance and Accounts) on March 16, 1959. As soon as I assumed charge of the Board as its Chairman, my first consideration was to boost up the sales and increase the shipments so as to earn as much more foreign exchange for Burma as might be possible. Other matters for priority were to be decided in consultation with the Heads of Departments. There was co-ordination between the Departments and also between the officers and staff throughout the tenure of my office as Chairman, and the astounding achievements recorded herein were the result of the good team work of the officers and the whole-hearted co-operation of the entire staff, which I shall never forget. 2. Shipments and Foreign Exchange: The Monsoon was raging in Burma when I took charge of the Board as Chairman on June 21, 1956. The shipments for the last quarters (July, August, September) of the fiscal years 1952-53, 1953-54, and 1954-55, were 2,14,818; 3,09,516 and 2,75,255 tons respectively. The most optimistic estimate that could be made for


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

shipment during July to September 1956, was 3.5 lakhs tons. Therefore, we were able to include in the revised estimates a figure of Kyats 82.76 crores only in lieu of Kyats 79.72 crores in the original estimates for foreign shipments of rice. At the end of the year, however, the actuals showed that the shipment for the period July to September 1956, amounted to 5,17,705 tons (over 2,00,000 tons more than the record figure of 3,09,516 in 1954) and that the total earnings of foreign exchange for the year was raised to Kyats 89.06 crores (i.e., 9.34 crores more than the original estimate). In the following year of 1956-57, the shipment for the corresponding period rose further to 5,24,679 tons. In the following two years during which I was no longer Chairman, the shipments fell miserably and the foreign exchange earnings for those years, on account of rice shipments, also went down to Kyats 73.38 and 68.99 crores respectively. (Please see statements B and C.) Statement B: Shipment of Rice and Rice Products
Statement Showing Shipment of Rice and Rice Products in the Last Quarter of Each Financial Year All Columns: Rainfall/Quantity Shipped
1952-53 July Aug 15.60/57430 31.54/88720 1953-54 14.51/102874 20.69/101870 13.18/104772 ___________ 48.41/309516 1954-55 19.42/95664 18.61/74770 21.39/104821 _____________ 59.42/275255 1955-56 28.73/138014 14.88/211300 8.98/168391 ___________` 52.59/517705 1956-57 19.51/160869 26.21/182435 16.16/181325 ___________ 61.88/524679 1957-58 17.90/136770 12.55/136186 15.74/70077 __________ 46.19/343033

Sept. 12.69/69118 ___________ Total 59.83/214818

Chairman: Thray Sithu U Ba Khin from June 21, 1956 to December 31, 1957.

Sayagyi U Ba Khin Statement C: Foreign Exchange Earnings


Extract from the Review of the Financial and Operational Results of Boards and Corporations of the State Agricultural Marketing Board Foreign Exchange Earnings: Comparative Statement Showing the Estimates and Actual Sale Proceeds of Rice and Rice Produce in Foreign Currency for the Years 1955-56 to 1960-61. Increase (+) or decrease (-) from Orig. Estimates Estimates Actuals to Actuals 8,276.20 8,906.11 +934.11 8,486.32 8,726.14 +408.14 7,374.75 7,338.34 -676.30 7,182.85 6,899.17 -1,907.75 8,100.00 7,989.44 +30.87 7,507.48 7,019.62 -99.73

Original Financial Year 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61

Revised Estimates 7,972.00 8,318.00 8,014.64 8,806.92 7,958.57 7,119.35

Chairman: Thray Sithu U Ba Khin from June 21, 1956 to December 31, 1957.

3. Rice Stocks: According to the accounts of the Board, the carry-over stock of rice and rice produce on September 30, 1955, i.e., the end of the financial year 1954-1955, was 17,27,662 tons. This formidable surplus stock was reduced to 10,60,944 tons on November 30, 1956, and then to 4,54,000 tons on November 30, 1957. This shows that the sales drive of old stock had been excellent. It should be placed on record also that the surplus stock of rice which was one year old, was sold through trade channels at prices which were on the average 2 more than the contracted price for the new crop of the season. (Please see Statement D.)


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

Statement D: Stock of Rice and Rice Products

Extract from the Review of the Financial and Operational Results of Boards and Corporations of the State Agricultural Marketing Board Statement Showing Stock of Rice and Rice Produce at the End of the Financial Year Financial Year of the Board 30- 9-55 30-11-56 30-11-57 30-11-58 30-11-59 30-11-60 Stock of Rice and Rice Produce Tons 1,727,662 1,060,944 454,000 506,837 651,099 250,164

Remarks: The Board's financial year has been fixed as December 1st to November 30th instead of October 1st to September 30th, with effect from 1955-56. Chairman: Thray Sithu U Ba Khin from June 21, 1956 to December 31, 1957.

4a. Demurrages: Foreign Shipping. The Rangoon Port was notorious for the inordinate delay in the handling of cargoes of rice. For this reason the freight of cargo from Bangkok to London was said to be less than that from Rangoon to London. This was the subject meticulously discussed in the Board's Enquiry Commission. When I took charge as the Chairman of the S.A.M.B., there was a ship, S.S. Tomini, which was in port for nearly a month and could not move out, because the right type of cargo could not be made available. There was the difficulty of transport from the interior to port, because at that time the Burma Railways were wanting about one thousand seven hundred wagons and the Inland Water Transport Board forty barges of 200 tons. (They were made available from 1957 onwards). There was also difficulty of getting the specified quality of rice in time for the loading of ships which had come into port in bunches. The position was reviewed and necessary adjustments made. The result was that

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


even in the later part of 1956, Despatch Money was earned. The position was completely reversed from then onwards and the Despatch Money earned was Kyats 11.05 lakhs in 1957, and Kyats 10.78 lakhs in 1958, as against a Demurrage Money of Kyats 5.78 lakhs in 1957, and Kyats 0.8 lakhs in 1958. (Please see Statement E.) Statement E: Demurrage Incurred and Despatch Money Earned on Foreign Shipment of Rice & Rice Products
Extract from the Review of the Financial and Operational Results of Boards and Corporations of the State Agricultural Marketing Board Statement Showing the Demurrage Incurred and Despatch Money Earned on Foreign Shipments of Rice and Rice Produce
Calendar Year Demurrage Money Despatch Money Net Payable Net Receivable

1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 Total

All figures in Kyats 5,74,763 1,66,994 13,12,002 5,33,139 5,78,969 11,05,744 80,522 10,78,393 38,137 11,657 ... 47,609 25,84,393 29,43,536

4,07,769 7,78,863 ... ... 26,480 ... 12,13,112

... ... 5,26,775 9,97,871 ... 47,609 15,72,255

Chairman: Thray Sithu U Ba Khin from June 21, 1956 to December 31, 1957.

4b. Demurrages: Railways. Demurrage charges are payable after 24 hours at the unloading point if the goods are not discharged. Railway demurrage charges are normally high during the rainy season. For the period July to September 1955, the demurrage charges amounted to Kyats 2,29,804. For the three months of July to September 1956, soon after my assumption of charge of S.A.M.B., they fell to Kyats 62,678.


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

The charges were further reduced to Kyats 54,425 for the corresponding period in 1957. After relinquishement of my charge as Chairman of the Board, the demurrage charges for the corresponding period rose to K 1,75,672 in 1958, K 78,568 in 1959, and K 2,52,048 in 1960. (Please see Statement F.) Statement F: Burma Railways Demurrage Charges
Monthly S.A.M.B. Demurrage Charges 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 4523 16947 57981 67069 10000 17761 82564 26952 29193 28067 14426 11932 367415 1957-58 29527 15654 77411 56033 3700 17000 34269 9137 78012 42300 48854 84518 496415 1958-59 203609 20123 52850 2800 1790 16037 27450 26522 16467 11000 64737 2831 446216 1959-60 52524 254 40250 23440 34906 26836 71414 10362 97132 36705 96298 119045 608166 All Amounts in Kyats Oct. 4206 54487 Nov. 59530 25317 Dec. 173105 48551 Jan. 49144 20073 Feb. 56878 51967 Mar. 20196 38769 Apr. 63431 32523 May 41773 71879 June 53650 72445 July 92882 24499 Aug. 67563 17159 Sept. 69359 21020 Total 751717 478689

For the last quarters of 1954-55, 1955-56, 1956-57, 1957-58, 1958-59, and 1959-60

July Aug. Sept. Total

1954-55 92882 67563 69359 229804

1955-56 24499 17159 21020 62678

1956-57 28067 14426 11932 54425

1957-58 42300 48854 84518 175672

1958-59 11000 64737 2831 78568

1959-60 36705 96298 119045 252048

Chairman: Thray Sithu U Ba Khin from June 21, 1956 to December 31 1957.

5. Survey Cuts: These were the nightmare of the S.A.M.B. Just as the cargo was loaded into the ships, there were disputes as to the quality of the rice sold. If the rice loaded for shipment

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


was below specification, a survey cut was made on the advice of the Panel of Surveyors. The survey cut for the fiscal year 1955-56 was Kyats 288.17 lakhs, With better arrangements for internal checks and survey, storage and transport, the survey cut came down to Kyats 163.01 lakhs in 1956-57, paving the way for further reductions in the following years. (Please see Statement G.) Statement G: Survey Cuts
Extract from the Review of the Financial and Operational Results of Boards and Corporations of the State Agricultural Marketing Board Statement Showing Survey Cuts Sustained by the Board, in Lakhs
Government Financial Year Exported Tons Amount (K) Survey Cut (K) Percentage

1955-5619.30 1956-5720.05 1957-58 1958-5916.14 1959-6020.80

8763.51 8951.08 14.63 7164.93 8347.56

288.17 163.01 6630.46 62.59 83.17

3.29 1.82 108.89 .87 1.00


Chairman: Thray Sithu U Ba Khin from June 21, 1956 to December 31, 1957.

6. Outstandings on Foreign Sales: The outstandings on foreign sales were round about Kyats 7.5 crores. The cause of the running outstanding of such a heavy sum was investigated. As the Government of the Union of Burma had to take very heavy loans from foreign governments and organizations on payment of interest to finance its budget, the reduction of these outstandings would result in the saving of several lakhs of kyats as interest on loans. The causes of the heavy outstandings were traced to: (a) the very high percentage of retention money (ten percent) and (b) the undue delay in the preparation of invoices.


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

With the approval of the Planning Commission, the retention money was reduced to three percent, and the consent of the Buyer Governments was taken. Remedial measures were also taken to expedite the preparation of invoices. The arrangements worked well and the outstandings, which amounted to Kyats 7.45 crores on September 30,1956, were reduced to Kyats 5.79 crores in September 30, 1957, and Kyats 2.57 crores on September 30, 1958. This should give the Government an annual saving of something like Kyats twenty-five lakhs if the checks and controls can be meticulously maintained. (Please see Statement H.) Statement H: Outstanding Collections
Extract from the Review of the Financial and Operational Results of Boards and Corporations of the State Agricultural Marketing Board Statement Showing Outstanding Collections in Respect to Foreign Sales Date of the end of the Government Financial Year 30-9-56 (55-56) 30-9-57 (56-57) 30-9-58 (57-58) 30-9-59 (58-59) 30-9-60 (59-60) Kyats (In Lakhs) 745.77 579.29 257.51 521.10 801.88

Chairman: Thray Sithu U Ba Khin from June 21, 1956 to December 31, 1957. Deputy Chairman (Finance): Thray Sithu U Ba Khin from Jan. 1, 1958 to March 16, 1959,

7. Accounts: The Accounts Department of the Board was in chaos when I took charge of the Board. The Chief Accounts Officer was weak, and the officers and staff below the required standard of efficiency. The Accounts of the Board were closed up to the year 1949-50. It was a formidable task to reorganize the Department, to give training to both officers and their staff, and to get the accounts shaped into the required form. The Chief Accounts Officer was replaced and under

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


strict supervision over all the sections of the Department and proper co-ordination, it was possible to bring the accounts almost up-to-date before I left the S.A.M.B. on March 16, 1959. The accounts to end of May, 1959, were closed by the end of September, 1959. All these achievements in the S.A.M.B. are nothing short of a miracle and I attribute them to the purity of mind backed by the Truth of the Buddha Dhamma which I have been developing in accordance with the technique evolved by the Buddha. Annex B: Directorate of Commercial Audit Origin of the Commercial Audit Department: Before the second World War there existed only a few commercial undertakings sponsored by the Government of Burma, such as, the Boot Factory at Insein Jail, Dawbon Dockyard, P.W.D. Stores Division, Port Trust, etc., and their accounts were audited by the Commercial Audit Branch under the control of the Accountant General, Burma. Since the independence of Burma, many Boards and Corporations were formed in rapid succession in implementation of the policy envisaged in Sections 23 and 44 of the Constitution of the Union of Burma to operate public utility undertakings and other major economic activities by the State. As the investment of Capital by the Union Government in these Boards and Corporations runs into crores of Kyats, it is of vital importance to audit their accounts effectively, and for that purpose a separate Directorate was formed with effect from October 4, 1955, with a skeleton staff of 54 personnel transferred from the Accountant Generals Office. Of these personnel only 3 were fully qualified in commercial auditing.


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

Scope of work and its progress: There are now 38 Boards (25 major Boards and 13 sub-Boards), which are audited by this Directorate, and owing to the scarcity of personnel possessing the requisite standard of knowledge in auditing and accounting, it has been found difficult to recruit the minimum number required to conduct an effective audit of their accounts. Even when the required personnel have been recruited, it is still necessary for them to attain the requisite practical efficiency and quality. Arrangements have been made, therefore, to train the existing staff, as well as the available recruits at the Government Institute for Training in Accounts and Audit, which has been functioning since July, 1958. Practical training has also been given by Mr G. Ronson, who has been attached to this Directorate as United Nations Commercial Audit Adviser since March, 1959. As a result of such intensive training, this Directorate is now in a much better position to conduct an effective audit of the Boards and Corporations with its 272 audit staff who are now quite well qualified in commercial auditing. The progress of audit achieved can be seen in the following table, which shows the number of audit reports submitted to the Public Accounts Committee in increasing numbers year by year.
Number of Audit Reports Submitted to the Public Accounts Committee
Order of No. of Reports Pages Date of Submission Month the Report Was Examined No. of Boards No. of Accounts

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

135 82 163 123 209 629 ...

2-8-54 20-6-55 15-1-57 8-7-58 9-7-59 28-6-60 1961

August, 1954 January, 1956 August, 1957 January, 1959 June, 1960 December, 1960 January, 1961 ...

14 8 13 14 16 28 33

14 8 15 16 25 58 66

With a view to removing the disparities in the rules adopted by the Boards and Corporations, regulating the Provi-

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


dent Fund, Gratuity, Travelling Allowance, Leave etc., this Directorate has prepared the following draft Model Bye-laws for the employees of the Boards, to bring the rules into uniformity: (a) Model Draft Provident Fund Bye-law (b) Model Draft Gratuity Bye-law (c) Model Draft Service Rules (d) Model Draft Leave Rules (e) Model Draft Travelling Allowance Rules (f) Regulations for Transport Facilities (g) Regulations for Entertainment Charges Increasing Scope of Duties: During the time of Bogyoke's Government, the Burma Companies (Amendment) Act, 1959, was enacted by the Parliament. Through this act this Directorate, on behalf of the Auditor General, Burma, became responsible for reviewing the workings of the Joint Venture Corporations and other Joint Venture enterprises, such as the B.O.C. (1954) Ltd., etc., in which the Union Government has shares, and submitting reports to the Union Government. Arrangements are in hand to give more emphasis in Management Audit in auditing the accounts of the Boards and Corporations with a view to providing assistance to the Managements for better and more effective control in their organizations. Annex C: Government Institute for Training in Accounts and Audit Aims and Objects of the Institute: The Government Institute for Training in Accounts and Audit was officially opened by the Honourable Prime Minister U Nu on July 11, 1958. Reasons leading to the opening of this Institute were that, at the time of attaining Independence, there was a dearth


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

of trained and qualified personnel in accountancy and yet, in pursuance of the objectives of the Union Constitution, there arose numerous Government sponsored Boards and Corporations with annual expenditures running into crores of Kyats, with the result that accurate accounts could not be rendered in time. As a remedial measure, therefore, this Institute was opened and charged with the duty of training the staff of the Directorate of Commercial Audit and the accounts staff of the various Government sponsored Boards and Corporations with a view to improving their knowledge in various aspects of Commercial Accountancy and Audit. Later, when defects in Budgetary and Financial Control by the various Government Departments were brought to the notice of the Public Accounts Committee, this Institute, at the Committee's request, provided additional and separate training classes for the accounts staff of all the Ministries and Government Departments. Training Classes: There are, in this Institute, two separate Courses; one for the Government sponsored Boards, Corporations and Banks which are run on Commercial Systems, and the other, for Ministries and purely Governmental Departments. In each course, there are different Grades or classes to cater for the trainees of different ranks, viz., Grade I for the Clerical Staff, Grade II for the Supervisory Staff, such as Superintendents and Branch Assistants, and Grade III which is meant for the Gazetted Officers. The Grade I class is run full time and lasts for six weeks, while in the case of Grade II and III classes, trainees attend only two days in a week, each course lasting for six and a half months. At present, the training of the twentieth batch of the Grade I class, and the fourth batch of the Grade II and III classes are in attendance.

Sayagyi U Ba Khin


In the classes meant for the staff of the Boards and Corporations, rules and regulations prescribed by Government, such as, Service Regulations and Financial Regulations are also taught, in addition to such commercial subjects as Commercial Accountancy and Auditing, thereby affording the trainees the opportunity to fully equip themselves for successful discharge of their duties. A knowledge of certain aspects of Accountancy and Financial Control is an essential equipment for the Managerial Staff, and accordingly, special classes for them were also conducted and, with the co-operation of the Ministry of National Planning, six Seminars were held, and the response was very enthusiastic. Chairmen, Chief Executive Officers, and Chief Accountants were amongst the many officers who participated in these Seminars. The number of staff who have completed courses in this Institute are as follows:
Serial No. Boards/Department Grade I Grade II 1 Boards and Corporations 1,192 138 2 Directorate of Commercial 202 109 Audit 3 Defense Services 127 20 4 Ministries & Government Departments 245 74 Total 1,766 321 Grade III Total 39 1,369 ... 311

4 63

470 2,150

Out of the above trainees, those who have passed the examinations held by the Institute are: Grade I 519 Grade II: either Part I or Part II 13 both Parts 11 Grade III: either Part I or Part II 1 both Parts 12


The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation

Encouragements for the Institute: The Asia Foundation has provided much needed help to this Institute. It has donated many valuable text books prescribed for the various courses in this Institute at a time when these were not available in the market, and more recently, it has donated a complete Public Address System to enable the Lecturers to overcome the considerable noise of the busy traffic around the vicinity of the Institute. The Public Accounts Committee, in ascribing the improvements achieved in the accounts of the Boards and Corporations to the training given by the Institute, has the following to say in their Report submitted to Parliament during September, 1961: This report deals with 56 Annual Accounts of 28 Boards and the Committee is glad to notice the improvement in accounts and audit as in some Boards, Annual Accounts for 5 years have been included. This improvement is the result of the opening of the Government Institute for Training in Accounts and Audit, and the training given there to the staff of the Boards and the Audit Department. It is hoped that the remaining Annual Accounts of the Boards will be submitted to the Committee in the near future. For the future, with a view to enabling the Senior Officials from the Accounts and the Managerial Staff of Boards and Corporations to acquire modern techniques in their respective spheres of duties, the Institute is in the process of acquiring the services of an expert with the help of either the U.N.T.A.B. or the Colombo Plan. When these experts become available, it is the intention to expand the activities of this Institute and to hold classes on Accountancy and Management activities, based on accounts for the benefit of the senior officials of Boards and Corporations.

Over great areas of the world it [Buddhism] still survives: it is possible that in contact with western science, and inspired by the spirit of history, the original teaching of Gautama, revived and purified, may yet play a large part in the direction of human destiny. H.G. Wells (The Outline of History)


The Essentials of Buddha-Dhamma in Practice

Anicca, dukkha and anatt are the three essential elements in the Buddhas teachings. If you know anicca (impermanence) truly, you know dukkha (unsatisfactoriness) also as a sequel and anatt (noself) as the ultimate truth. It takes time to understand the three together. Anicca is, of course, the essential factor which must rst be experienced and understood by practice. A mere reading of the books on Buddhism or book-knowledge of the Buddha-Dhamma will not be enough for the understanding of true anicca because the experiential aspect will be missing. It is only through experience and understanding of the nature of anicca as an ever-changing process within your very self that you can understand anicca in the way the Buddha would like you to understand it. This understanding of anicca can be developed, as in the days of the Buddha, by persons who have no book-knowledge whatsoever of Buddhism. To understand anicca, one must follow strictly and diligently the Eightfold Noble Path which is divided into the three steps of sla, samdhi, and pa. Sla or virtuous living is the base for samdhi, that is, control of the mind to one-pointedness. It is only when samdhi is good that one can develop pa (wisdom). So, sla and samdhi are the prerequisites for pa. By pa is meant the understanding of anicca, dukkha and anatt through the practice of Vipassan. Whether a Buddha has arisen or not, the practice of sla and samdhi is present in the world of mankind. In fact, they 108

are the common denominators of all religious faith. They are, however, not the means to the endthe end of suffering. In his search for this end of suffering, Prince Siddhattha found this out and he worked his way through to nd the Path which leads to the end of suffering. After solid work for six years, he found the way out, became completely enlightened and then taught men and gods to follow the Path which leads them to the end of suffering. In this connection I should like to explain that each action, either by deed, word or thought, leaves behind a force of action, sakhra (or kamma), for everyone, which becomes the source of the supply of energy to sustain life, which is inevitably followed by suffering and death. It is by the development of the power inherent in the understanding of anicca, dukkha and anatt that one is able to rid oneself of the sakhra which becomes accumulated in ones own personal account. This process begins with the true understanding of anicca while further accumulations of fresh actions and the reduction of the supply of energy to sustain life are taking place simultaneously from time to time and from day to day. It is, therefore, a matter of a lifetime or more to get rid of all of ones own sakhra or kamma. He who has got himself rid of all sakhra (or kamma) comes to the end of suffering, because by then, there is no remainder of his sakhra to give the necessary life energy to sustain him in any form of life. This end of suffering is reached by the Buddha and the Arahats on the termination of their lives, when they pass into Parinibbna. For us of today, who take to Vipassan meditation, it should sufce if we can understand anicca very well and reach the stage of an Ariya (Noble One): a Sotpattipuggala (the rst stage of Enlightenment), one who will not live more than seven lives to come to the end of suffering.

This anicca, which opens the door to the understanding of dukkha and anatt, and then leads to the end of suffering eventually, can be encountered only through a Buddha or, after he has passed away, through his teachings for as long as those aspects relating to the Eightfold Noble Path and the 37 Factors of Enlightenment (bodhi-pakkhiya) remain intact and are available to the aspirant. For progress in Vipassan meditation, a student must keep knowing anicca as continuously as possible. The Buddhas advice to monks is that they shall try to maintain the awareness of anicca or dukkha or anatt in all postures, whether sitting or standing or walking or lying down. The continuity of awareness of anicca and so of dukkha and anatt is the secret of success. The last words of the Buddha, just before he breathed his last and passed away into Mah-parinibbna were: Vaya-dhamma sakhra; Appamdena sampdetha. Decay or anicca is inherent in all compounded things. Work out your own salvation with diligence. Digha-nikya, Sutta 16 1 This is in fact the essence of all his teachings during the forty-ve years he taught. If you will keep up the awareness of anicca that is inherent in all compoounded things, you are sure to reach the goal in the course of time. In the meantime, as you develop in the understanding of anicca, your insight into what is true of nature will become greater and greater. So much so that eventually you will have no doubt whatsoever of the three characteristics of anicca,

1Dialogues of the Buddha, II, p. 173.

dukkha and anatt. It is only then that you are in a position to go ahead for the goal in view. Now that you know anicca as the rst essential factor, you should try to understand what anicca is with clarity and as extensively as possibleso as not to get confused in the course of practice or discussion. The real meaning of anicca is impermanence or decay that is, the inherent nature of impermanence or decay in everything that exists in the universe, whether animate or inanimate. To make my work of explanation easy for the present-day generation, I might draw attention to the opening sentences of the chapter Atomic Contents in the book Inside the Atom by Isaac Asimov and also to a portion of the contents on page 159 of the book about chemical reactions going on at the same time in all parts of the body of a living creature such as a human being. This should be sufcient to bring home the point of view that all things, different as they are, are made of tiny particles called atoms. These atoms have been proved by science to be in a state of arising and dissolution or change. We should accordingly accept the concept of the Buddha that all compounded things are subject to change, decay or anicca. But in expounding the theory of anicca, the Buddha started with the behaviour that makes matter, and matter as known to the Buddha is very much smaller than the atom that the science of today has discovered. The Buddha made it known to his disciples that everything that exists in the universe, whether animate or inanimate, is composed of kalpas (very much smaller than atoms), each dying out simultaneously as it comes into being. Each kalpa is a mass formed of the eight nature elements, namely, pahav, po, tejo, vyo, vaa, gandha, rasa, oj (solid, liquid, heat, motion, colour, odour, taste and nutriment). The rst four are called material qualities which are

predominant in a kalpa. The other four are merely subsidiaries which are dependent upon and born out of the former. A kalpa is the minutest particle in the physical planestill beyond the range of science of today. It is only when the eight nature elements (which have merely the characteristics of behaviour) are together that the entity of a kalpa (the tiniest particle of matter in the physical plane) is formed. In other words, the co-existence for a moment of these eight nature elements of behaviour makes a mass, just for that moment, which in Buddhism is known as a kalpa. The size of a kalpa is about 1/46,656th part of a particle of dust from the wheel of a chariot in summer in India. The life span of a kalpa is a moment, there being a trillion such moments in the wink of an eye of a human being. These kalpas are all in a state of perpetual change or ux. To a developed student in Vipassan meditation they can be felt as a stream of energy. The human body is not an entity as it seems to be, but a continuum of an aggregate of matter (rpa) with the life force (nma) co-existing. To know that our very body is composed of tiny kalpas, all in a state of change, is to know what is true of the nature of change or decay. This nature of change or decay (anicca) occasioned by the continual breakdown and replacement of kalpas, all in a state of combustion, must necessarily be identied with dukkha, the truth of suffering. It is only when you experience impermanence (anicca) as dukkha (suffering or ill) that you come to the realization of the Truth of Suffering of the Four Noble Truths, on which so much emphasis has been laid in the teachings of the Buddha. Why? Because when you realize the subtle nature of dukkha from which you cannot escape for a moment, you will become truly afraid of, disgusted with, and disinclined to continue your very existence of rpa and nma and look out for a way of escape to a state

beyondthat is, beyond dukkha, and so to the end of suffering. What that end of suffering would be like, you will be able to have a taste of, even as a human being, when you reach the level of a Sotpatti and are developed well enough by practice to go into the unconditioned state of the Peace of Nibbna within. Be that as it may, for everyday life, no sooner are you able to keep up the awareness of anicca in practice, than you will know for yourself that a change is taking place in you, both physically and mentally, for the better. Before entering into the practice of Vipassan meditation, that is, after samdhi has been developed to a proper level, a student should rst be acquainted with the theoretical knowledge of rpa (matter) and nma (mind and mental properties). If he has understood these well in theory and has come to the proper level of samdhi, there is every likelihood of his understanding anicca, dukkha and anatt in the true sense of the words of the Buddha. In Vipassan meditation, one contemplates not only the changing nature (anicca) of rpa or matter, but also the changing nature (anicca) of nma, thought-elements of attention projected towards the process of change of rpa or matter. At times the attention will be on the anicca of rpa or matter only. At times the attention may be on the anicca of thoughtelements (nma). When one is contemplating the anicca of rpa or matter, one realizes also that the thought-elements arising simultaneously with the awareness of the anicca of rpa or matter are also in a state of transition or change. In that case you are knowing the anicca of both rpa and nma together. All I have said so far relates to the understanding of anicca through the body-feelings, to the understanding of the process of change of rpa or matter, and also of the thought-elements depending upon such changing processes. You should know

also that anicca can be understood through other types of feeling as well. Anicca can be developed through feeling (i) by contact of visible form with the sense organ of the eye, (ii) by contact of sound with the sense organ of the ear, (iii) by contact of smell with the sense organ of the nose, (iv) by contact of taste with the sense organ of the tongue, (v) by contact of touch with the sense organ of the body, (vi) by contact of thought with the sense organ of the mind. In fact, one can develop the understanding of anicca through any of the six organs of sense. In practice, however, we have found that, of all types of feelings, the feelings of the contact of touch with the component parts of the body in a process of change covers a wide area for introspective meditation. Not only that, but the feeling by contact of touch (by way of the friction, radiation and vibrations of the kalpas within) with the component parts of the body is more tangible than other types of feeling, and therefore a beginner in Vipassan meditation can come to the understanding of anicca more easily through body feelings of the nature of change of rpa or matter. This is the main reason why we have chosen the body feeling as a medium for the quick understanding of anicca. It is open to anyone to try other means, but my suggestion is that one should have oneself well established in the understanding of anicca through body feelings before an attempt is made through other types of feeling. There are ten levels of knowledge of Vipassan, namely:

(i) Sammasana: the appreciation of anicca, dukkha and anatt by close observation and analysis, of course, theoretically. (ii) Udayabbaya: knowledge of the arising and dissolution of rpa and nma. (iii) Bhaga: knowledge of the fast-changing nature of rpa and nmaas a swift ow of current or a stream of energy. (iv) Bhaya: knowledge of the fact that this very existence is dreadful. (v) dnava: knowledge of the fact that this very existence is full of evils. (vi) Nibbid: knowledge of the fact that this very existence is disgusting. (vii) Muccitu-kamyat: knowledge of the urgent need to escape from this very existence. (viii) Paisakh: knowledge of the fact that the time has come to work with full realization for salvation with anicca as the base. (ix) Sakhrupekkh: knowledge of the fact that the stage is now set to get detached from sakhra and to break away from ego-centrism. (x) Anuloma: knowledge that would accelerate the attempt to reach the goal. These are the levels of attainment that one gets through during the course of Vipassan meditation, which in the case of those who reach the goal in a short time can be known only in retrospect. With progress in the understanding of anicca, one gets through these levels of attainment; subject, however, to adjustments or help at certain levels by a competent teacher. One should avoid looking forward to such attainments in anticipation, as this will distract one from the continuity of

awareness of anicca which alone can and will give one the desired reward. Now let me deal with Vipassan meditation from the point of view of a householder in everyday life and explain the benet one can derive from it, here and now, in this very lifetime. The initial object of Vipassan Meditation is to activate anicca in ones own self or to experience ones own inner self in anicca and to get eventually to a state of inner and outer calmness and balance. This is achieved when one becomes engrossed in the feeling of anicca within. The world is now facing serious problemsthreatening mankind. It is just the right time for everyone to take to Vipassan meditation and learn how to nd a deep pool of quiet in the midst of all that is happening today. Anicca is inside everybody. It is with everybody. It is within reach of everybody. Just a look into ones own self and there it is anicca to be experienced. When one can feel anicca, when one can experience anicca and when one can become engrossed in anicca, one can at will cut away from the world of ideation outside. Anicca is, for the householder, the gem of life which he will treasure to create a reservoir of calm and balanced energy for his own well-being and for the welfare of society. Anicca, when properly developed, strikes at the root of ones physical and mental ills and removes gradually whatever is bad in one, that is, the sources of such physical and mental ills. In the lifetime of the Buddha there were some 70 million people in Svatthi and places around, in the kingdom of Pasenadi Kosala. Of them, about 50 million were Ariyas who had passed into the stream of Sotpatti. The number of

householders who took to Vipassan meditation must therefore have been more.1 Anicca is not reserved for men who have renounced the world for the homeless life. It is for the householder as well. In spite of drawbacks that make a householder restless in these days, a competent teacher or guide can help a student to get anicca activated in a comparatively short time. Once he has got it activated, all that is necessary would be for him to try and preserve it, but he must make it a point, as soon as time or opportunity presents itself for further progress, to work for the stage of Bhagathe third level of knowledge in Vipassan. If he reaches this level, there will be little or no problem because he should then be able to experience anicca without much ado and almost automatically. In this case anicca shall become his base, for return thereto as soon as the domestic needs of daily life, all physical and mental activities, are over. There is likely, however, to be some difculty with one who has not as yet reached the stage of Bhaga. It will be just like a tug-of-war for him between anicca within and physical and mental activities outside the body. So, it would be wise for him to follow the motto of Work while you work; play while you play. There is no need for him to be activating anicca all the time. It should sufce if this could be conned to the regular period or periods set apart in the day or night for the purpose. During this time at least, an attempt must be made to keep the mind/attention inside the body with the awareness exclusively of anicca, that is to say, his awareness of anicca should be from moment to moment, or so continuous it does not allow for the interpolation of any discursive or distracting thoughts which are denitely detrimental to progress. In case this is not
1See the commentary on the Dhammapada (I, 4) [Buddhist Legends, I,

147]. The commentary says twenty million people did not attain the state of an Ariya.

possible, he would have to go back to respiration mindfulness, because samdhi is the key to anicca. To get good samdhi, sla has to be perfect, since samdhi is built upon sla. For good anicca, samdhi must be good. If samdhi is excellent, awareness of anicca will also become excellent. There is no special technique for activating anicca other than the use of the mind set to a perfect state of balance and attention projected to the object of meditation. In Vipassan the object of meditation is anicca and therefore in the case of those used to drawing back their attention to body feeling, they can feel anicca directly. In experiencing anicca on or in the body, it should rst be in the area where one can easily get his attention engrossed, changing the areas of attention from place to place, from head to feet and from feet to head, at times probing into the interior. At this stage, it must be clearly understood that no attention is to be paid to the anatomy of the body but right to the formation of matter (kalpas) and the nature of their constant change. If these instructions are observed, there will surely be progress, but the progress depends also on ones prams (Perfections) and the devotion of the individual to the work of meditation. If he attains high levels of knowledge, his power to understand the three characteristics of anicca, dukkha and anatt will increase and he will accordingly come nearer and nearer to the goal of Ariyawhich every householder should keep in view. This is the age of science. Men today have no utopia. They will not accept anything unless the results are good, concrete, vivid, personal and here-and-now. When the Buddha was alive, he said to the Kmas: Now look, you Kmas. Be not misled by report or tradition or hearsay. Be not misled by prociency in the collections, nor by reason or logic, nor after reection on and approval of some theory; nor because it conforms

with ones inclination nor out of respect for the prestige of a teacher. But Kmas, when you know for yourselves, these things are unwholesome, these things are blameworthy, these things are censured by the intelligent; these things, when practised and observed, conduce to loss and sorrow; then do you reject them. But if at any time you know for yourselves, these things are wholesome, these things are blameless, these things are praised by the intelligent; these things when practised and observed are conducive to welfare and happiness; then Kmas should you, having practised them, abide therein. The time clock of Vipassan is now struckthat is, for the revival of the Buddha-Dhamma, Vipassan in practice. We have no doubt whatsoever about denite results accruing to those who would with open mind sincerely undergo a course of training under a competent teacher. I mean results which will be accepted as good, concrete, vivid, personal, here-andnow, results which will keep them in good stead and in a state of well-being and happiness for the rest of their lives. MAY ALL BEINGS BE HAPPY, AND MAY PEACE PREVAIL IN THIS WORLD.

EXTRACT from Inside the Atom by Isaac Asimov Chapter 1: Atomic Contents, What All Things Are Made Of. There are so many things in the world that are so completely different from one another that the variety is bewildering. We cant look about us anywhere without realizing that. For instance, here I sit at a desk, made out of wood. I am using a typewriter made out of steel and other metals. The typewriter ribbon is made of silk and is coated with carbon. I am typing on a sheet of paper made of wood pulp and am wearing clothes made of cotton, wool, leather, and other materials. I myself am made up of skin, muscle, blood, bone, and other living tissues, each different from the others. Through a glass window I can see sidewalks made of crushed stone and roads made of a tarry substance called asphalt. It is raining, so there are puddles of water in sight. The wind is blowing, so I know there is an invisible something called air all about us. Yet all these substances, different as they seem, have one thing in common. All of themwood, silk, glass, esh and blood, all of themare made up of small, separate particles. The earth itself, the moon, the sun, and all the stars are made up of small particles. To be sure, you cant see these particles. In fact, if you look at a piece of paper or at some wooden or metallic object, it doesnt seem to be made of particles at all. It seems to be one solid piece. But suppose you were to look at an empty beach from an airplane. The beach would seem like a solid, yellowish stretch of ground. It would seem to be all one piece. It is only when you get down on your hands and knees on that beach and look

closely that you see it is really made up of small, separate grains of sand. Now the particles that make up everything about us are much smaller than grains of sand. They are so small, in fact, that the strongest microscope ever invented could not make them large enough to see, or anywhere near large enough. The particles are so small that there are more of them in a grain of sand than there are grains of sand on a large beach. There are more of them in a glass of water than there are glasses of water in all the oceans of the world. A hundred million of them laid down side by side would make a line only half an inch long. These tiny particles that all things are made of are called atoms. Extract from page 159: Chemists now have a new tool with which to explore the chemistry of living tissue. (This branch of science is called biochemistry.) In any living creature, such as a human being, thousands upon thousands of chemical reactions are all going on at the same time in all parts of the body. Naturally, chemists would like to know what these reactions are. If they knew and understood them all, a great many problems of health and disease, of life, ageing, and death, might be on the way to solution. But how are all those reactions to be unraveled? Not only are they all going on at the same time, but there are different reactions in different parts of the body and different reactions at different times in the same part of the body. It is like trying to watch a million television sets all at once, each one tuned to a different channel, and all the programs changing constantly.

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