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Psycho Motor Skills Exercises

Circuit of Dexterity-Agility-Speed for U14 & Over

1st Ex.) Combine 2 Moves & Rhythm Start side to side over hurdle, somersault (no showing in this animation) skipping to cones (Rhythm) then pick up ball and keep skipping while with ball in the hands 360 around the waist (combine 2 moves) keep doing same 2 movements over hurdles . NOTE: This animation no capability to show summersault &player doing with ball. 2nd Ex.) Rhythm-Speed Dynamic Balance. Side to side very quick & short steps over hurdle(rhythmspeed), sprint to high hurdle and jump feet together (dynamic bal.) 3rd Ex.) Reaction (audio visual)-Rhythm-Sprint. High knees over ladder, at coach command (audio or visual) player react & sprint over hurdles jump in to each ring zig-zag around cones. 4th Ex.) T/S Orientation, Differentiation, Rhythm (later move) Adapt & Transform. Player pass (front ) or throw ball in the air ball, somersault , find the ball (T/S orient.) kick ball to closer possible to ring (differentiation), side over hurdle only 1 leg (rhythm-open hip later move), teammate either throw ball for heading over hurdle or pass for zig-zag around poles (adapt & transf.) 5th Ex.) Rhythm, Combine 2 Moves, T/S Orient. Kick straight knee to cones, dribble ball around cone, pass ball under hurdle jump same time over it find ball dribble & do same to opposite hurdle, juggle or lift ball over low hurdle and find ball before hit the ground.

Circuit of Dexterity-Agility-Speed for U14 & Over


#1 #5


Circuit Training Psycho-Motor

Age: 9-11 (no ball)

EX. #

EXERCISES EXPLANATION ( AGE 9-11)Note: high intenstity.

Run Circle around pole (center) with medicine ball (2Kg.) hold above the head. Near cones (opposite side front other player) throw the ball to teammate.
One way summersault forward, opposite way summersault backward.

Psycho-Motor Objective

2 3 4 5 6

Throw Catch Strength


One way Skip above each hurdle. Opposite way jump over each hurdles with feet together. One way jump one foot (rx. lft.) at each cone opposite way jump with feet together at each cone. One way run-crawl under obstacle, opposite way run-jump over obstacle. One way zig-zag and clap thru each cone, opposite way zig-zag backward thru each cone.




Running change direction

Ex. # 1
Run Circle around pole (center) with medicine ball (2Kg.) hold above the head. Near cones (opposite side front other player) throw the ball to teammate. Objective: Throw Catch Strength

One way summersault forward, opposite way summersault backward. Objective: Rolling

One way Skip above each hurdle. Opposite way jump over each hurdles with feet together. Objective: Jumping

One way jump one foot (rx. lft.) at each cone opposite way jump with feet together at each cone. Objective: Jumping

One way run-crawl under obstacle, opposite way run-jump over obstacle. Objective: Jumping & Crawling

One way zig-zag and clap thru each cone, opposite way zig-zag backward thru each cone. Objective: Running change direction

Adapt & Transform

Adapt & Transform (1v.1 to goal)

Organization: 3 GK or Def. 3 lines Attackers 10-15 yd. from def.
1 goal & 2 goals made by cones.

Objective: Adjust to new situation (adapt&transform) making

correct decisions.

Progression: One of attacker (alternate lines) goes at the goal.

Coach call (when A. near top of box) number from 1-4: 1) 1v.1 with GK1 2) 1v.1 with GK2 3) 1 v.1 with GK3 4) From top of box take a shot NOTE: GK2 & GK3 can defend only front not behind white line. When coach calls #2-3 GK1 stays to block shot.

Variation: Coach use colors (cones) as a signal. In this case he must

stay at the back of the A.

Coaching Tips: A. goes to goal with urgency. A. starts with a

touch in to space and toward the middle keeping a neutral line of attack. He doesn t know who is going to have 1v.1 with. A. must find right angle & space with GK and Gk who number is called need to step up toward A. .Recommended: Guiding-Dribbling theme session.

Adapt & Transform (1v.1 dribbling)

Organization: grid 15x15, 4 balls 6 payers with 4 A. teams & 2 D.
(alternating). Objective: Adjust to new situation (adapt&transform) making correct decision.

Progression: The 4 A. dribble to space freely, while the 2 D.

(white) run-jog around for 8-12 sec. Suddenly each defender goes and challenge 1v.1 A. must beat the D. ( ex. D in front A. must be able to go behind D. with control of ball) to score a point. NOTE: All players must run-jogging at all time. D. comes from frontbehind-side

Variation: None Coaching Tips: Awareness of defender at all time, awareness of

space, shield ball when necessary (D.angle-behind), making proper moves according situation.

Recommended: Guiding-Dribbling theme session.

Adapt & Transform (2 v.1 passing)

Organization: grid 15x15, 2 balls 6 players (3teams) with 2 A.

teams & 1 D. team (alternating). Objective: Adjust to new situation (adapt&transform) making correct decision.

Progression: The 2 A. teams (black & red) pass-move to space

freely, while the D. team (white) run-jog around for 8-12 sec. Suddenly D. team split and each defender go and challenge one of A. team (2v.1). A. team must complete 3-5 passes to score a point. NOTE: All players must run-jogging at all time Variation: None

Coaching Tips: Awareness of defender at all time, using all space

of the grid, proper angle with defender to avoid D. intercept the pass. move to support teammate.

Recommended: Passing-Receiving theme session.

Adapt & Transform (3 v.3 using rugby ball)

Organization: grid 20x10, 1 rugby ball 6-8 players (3v.3 or 4 v.4) Objective: Proper adjustment to ball (adapt&transform). Progression: Normal small sided game. Keeping score.
NOTE: Play rugby ball with feet Variation: None

Coaching Tips: Patience kids need to get use to the ball. Use lot
of passes (most short passes). Player ready always ready to receive by moving feet-behind line of the ball. Guise & dribble the ball whenever is the right situation.

Recommended: Passing-Receiving theme session.

Adapt & Transform (avoid passing ball)

Organization: grid 15x5-8, 7 balls for 10 players. Objective: Proper adjustment to find open line to cross
the path of the pass (adapt & transform).

Progression: A set of players pair to pass to each other

(1-2 touch) while the rest of the players try to guide the ball thru avoiding to get hit by the passing ball. NOTE: Players guiding the ball cant stop in front

of the passing path. Variation: Run thru no ball. Coaching Tips: Guide ball on the side of the passing
path that is ready to be crossed (Adapt & Transform), use different speed never come to a complete stop, have passer with rhythm and different # of touches and distance (far = less difficult).

Recommended: Guiding-Dribbling-Fake theme session.

Adapt & Transform (avoid guiding ball)

Organization: grid 15x5-8, 7 balls for 10 players. Objective: Proper adjustment to find open passing line
(adapt & transform).

Progression: A set of players pair to pass to each other

and try to avoid to hit the player-s who are guiding the ball thru. NOTE: Keep the grid busy with players guiding the ball.

Variation: Use angle on passing. Coaching Tips: passer use peripheral vision, best
intensity possible on passing (adapt & transform), receiver may move to support passer, unlimited touches, at least 2 players same time from opposite end guiding the ball.

Recommended: Passing & Receiving theme session.

Adapt & Transform (mirror teammate)

Organization: grid 10x10, 2-4 players. Objective: Mimic teammate to be at the same timeplace, mimic same moves (adapt & transform).

Progression: 2-4 players start diagonally across cones

with an assigned #. The # that is called by the coach is the leader and the other-s mirror image the moves and space of the leader. NOTE:

Variation: Star simple run, add variation of speed no ball, add motor-skills (2 ideally per obstacle) around obstacles, add the ball. Coaching Tips: use turn the head to monitor leader, try
to anticipate which one of the 2 moves, change leader.

Recommended: Passing & Receiving theme session.

Prisoner Game (Defender tries to hit Attacker Ball)

Organization: Limited grid 6 players (4A. 2D.) 4 balls

plus 2 small ball (for D. holding in their hands).

Objective: Aware of defenders, free the prisoner (adapt

& transform).

Progression: 4 attackers (A) guide & dribble and try to

avoid to get their balls hit by the defenders D) ball. If A ball gets hit, then a. must stand with open legs and ball above his head. He may get free and restart to guide & dribble only if an other A. guide the ball thru his legs. NOTE: None

Variation: None Coaching Tips: A. must find space, protect the ball
(ball near foot and right body angle) when d. is near. Prisoner when gets free restarts in to space away from D.

Recommended: Guide-Dribble theme session.

Three different sizes of hurdles (Jump-over & Crawl-under)

Organization: 3 different size (height) of hurdles, 4 tall

Objective: Adjust the jump and the crawl to the height

of the hurdle (adapt & transform).

Progression: Player starts with a run around the center

cone (90*) then jump-over hurdle and run around (180*) cone, back crawl-under and run center cone. Repeat same with the other 2 hurdles. NOTE: None

Variation: Add ball. Coaching Tips: Player must jump-crawl appropriate to

the hurdle that he has in front. If he is doing with the ball try to find the ball before the cone in front.

Recommended: Guide-Dribble theme session.

Passing-Throwing (chest high)-Throwing (one bounce on the ground)

Organization: 3 different pair of players with 1 ball each pair. Objective: Change exercises according to the other pairs (adapt & transform). Progression: Pair #1 start by passing to each other while pair #2 throw chest high & pair #3 throw with 1 bounce on the ground. At any time any of three pair change their exercise to one of the other two pair. The other two pair must change their accordingly. Ex. pair #1 change pass to throw 1 bounce-pair #2 from throw chest high to pass-pair #3 from throw 1 bounce to throw chest high. NOTE: No signal, but total freedom when to change exercises. Coaching Tips: Each pair must be aware of changes and what to change to. Only 3 different types of exercises are available to them. Recommended: Passing & Receiving.


Anticipation 4 exercises (head, juggle, p.& r.)

Recommended: Heading , Dribbling, Tackle theme session Organization: Cones, ball, net or similar. Objective: Anticipate player or ball where is going to be or coming from. Progression: 1st.ex) 4 players in line, pass and back player receive ball in front other player. Variation: feet, heading, chest-thigh 2nd ex.) Player stop ball before cross cones line. Variation: with head, feet. 3rd ex.) 2 players behind throw the ball above front player at the same time. The 2 P. in front need to head it before the other one. Variation: 4th ex.) juggle then kick ball (angle) behind & above a net turn & find ball before bounce. Variation: Throw ball behind with hands. Coaching Tips: Think ahead, read earliest possible ball path.



2nd ex.

3rd ex.

4th ex.

Anticipation Dribble (2 exercises)

Recommended: Dribbling theme session Organization: Cones, ball, small goal. Objective: Anticipate player where he is going or coming from. Progression: 1st.ex) 2 players zig-zag thru cones starting same time. At the end they turn and pass back, and the first one run to the ball and play 1 v.1 to goal. Variation: play 1 v.1 basketball but score with feet. 2nd ex.) Players in the middle tag only players trying to cross middle line with the ball. Variation: players trying to cross playing basketball. Coaching Tips: Think ahead, read earliest possible player-s.

2nd ex.

1st ex.

Anticipation (no ball 2 exercises)

Recommended: Heading, Dribbling theme session Organization: Cones, rings,. Objective: Anticipate teammate moves, situation. Progression: 1st.ex) 5 players 4 rings, jog, zig zag near around rings, coach give a signal and players try to go in to one of the rings. Player who is not inside ring leave, restart with one fewer cone. Variation: use balls 2nd ex.) 2 players have 2 predetermine moves to make (high knee or side to side cones) P1. is the leader and P2 must copy P1. Variation: add ball Coaching Tips: 1st ex. Try to read situation and player near rings with equal # players. 2nd ex. Try to read body position of the leader to anticipate what is going to do.

1st ex. 2nd ex.


Static & Dynamic Balance

EX. #

Objective: Static & Dynamic Balance proper


Guiding the Ball Dribbling - Fake

Descriptions: 1
Player places and keeps contact with the sole on 1 foot on the top of a ball & rolls around cone pole ring forward & backward. Change foot (see extra video). CP: Posture trunk over knees-bent chin up arms away forward from body. Player guides ball stop-step on top ball with both feet and stays for several seconds (see extra video).

2 3 4

Guiding the Ball Dribbling - Fake

Player guides ball and suddenly stop at the cone keeping 1 foot top of ball Guiding the Ball Dribbling - Fake and the other side of ball & stays still. CP: Posture trunk over knees-bent chin up arms away forward from body and firm position of good balance. Player jumps (zig-zag) inside rings alternating one direction with 1 foot Guiding the Ball Dribbling - Fake opposite direction both feet. Dynamic Balance: Inside ring less 2 Static Balance: Inside the ring over 2 Variation: Execute with eyes close hold position 5-6 CP: landing inside of ring with good balance for quick-reaction jump. When hold position body should be inside ring in firmed position.

Player guides ball stop-step on top ball

Player places and keeps contact with the sole on 1 foot

EX. #

Objective: Static & Dynamic Balance proper


Guiding the Ball



Player runs steps 1 foot front the other launched rx & lft flexes keen in front 90 extends leg rx & lft - side to side jump 1 foot land same or opposite foot over a line or beam. Variation: Execute with eyes closed. Player holds & stays in the hands, between waist-keen high a ball. Teammate standing in front in a juggling position touch repeatedly the ball with 1 foot then change to opposite foot. CP: Posture trunk over knees-bent arms away forward from body.


Player inside ring stands with moving feet, alternate jump (rx-lft) on 1 foot, Juggling lands and keep position for several sec. with the other leg flex front (juggling position) side outside of ring. Variation: Angel position stands on 1 straight leg trunk bend forward, opposite leg same level of trunk backward. Execute eyes close. CP: Posture trunk over knees-bent arms away forward from body.

Player stands & holds position on 1 leg (use pillow if you have it) while the other leg rotate-go over back & forth cone (see arrow). Then jump 1 foot (keep same foot) over a pole (change foot next pole). Variation: Execute with eyes close.

Juggling & Guiding-Dribbling-Fake

5 6

Combine 2 Moves

Combine 2 Moves (guide, pass & receive, rhythm combine 2 moves)

Recommended: Passing & Receiving, Guide Ball. Organization: 1stex.) 2 Balls, hurdles, cones. 2nd ex.) 2 balls, cones. 3rd.ex) 2 balls, hurdles, cones. Objective: making two moves at the same time. 1st. and 3rd. exercises have rhythm as well. Progression: 1st.ex) Player starts by kicking with straight knees , before guiding the ball around middle cone and under-jump over 2 hurdles (Rrx. Lft). At the 3rd. hurdle (front) juggle kick ball over hurdles jump over find ball. 2nd ex.) 2 players pass & receive ball at the same time. Each ball stays on the same side-foot. 3rd ex.) Player starts by skipping (rhythm) before picking up ball. He keeps skipping with ball doing 360 in his hands around his waist. Same over hurdles.

Recommended: Passing & Receiving & Guide Ball Organization: 1stex.) Different size balls, cones. 2nd ex.) 2 hurdles, 2 balls 3rd.ex) 1 hurdles, cones, 1 ball. 4th ex.) 1 soccer ball 1 bouncing ball, cones. Objective: making two moves at the same time. Progression: 1st.ex) Player running (no stop at all time) receive & pass back. Variation: Catch & Throw with hands 2nd ex.) 2 players throw ball jump over catch ball. Variation: Use feet 3rd ex.) Player jump over hurdle go front flat on the ground, get up- catch ball throw from teammate. Variation: use feet. 4th ex.) player guide ball & bounce a 2nd. ball with hand. Variation: inside-inside with feet-ball. Bouncing 2 balls (very difficult).

Combine 2 Move (passing & receiving 3 exercises , guide ball 1 exercise)




Combine 2 Moves (3 progressions same exercise)

Recommended: Long passing, guide ball. Organization: 4 types of target (small goal hurdle, ring, limited area) Objective: hit the target while running- guidingfaking ball. Progression: 1st.ex) Player starts running to standing ball and place it to each the 4 target. 2nd ex.) Same as previous one now player run to receive ball from coach. 3rd ex.) Now player go get the ball and guide-fake before place it to target.




Combine 2 Moves (head, receive 3 exercises)

Recommended: Heading, Pass & Receive Organization: Jumping rope, hurdles, ring, balls Objective: Combine 2 moves in the air, over hurdle. Progression: 1st.ex) Player jump the rope and catch the ball. Teammate time to throw the ball to him. Variation: Head the ball 2nd ex.) Player jump over hurdle & catch ball in the air throw by teammate and land inside ring. Variation: Head ball 3rd ex.) Player time the pass from teammate and receive ball alternating rxlft. foot. Coaching point: to receive rx foot, lft foot over hurdle first (opposite for lft. Foot receiving). Make sure player time the ball coming to him. Variation: Receive in the air.




Combine 2 Moves (6 different exercises)

1st Ex.) Recommended: Guiding Dribble Ball. Start to cones with skipping (Rhythm) then pick up ball and keep skipping while with ball in the hands 360 around the waist keep doing same 2 movements over hurdles . NOTE: This animation no capability to show player doing with ball. 2nd Ex.) Recommended Pass & Receive. 2 players pass & receive (ball from partner) at the same time. When player receive ball to one foot (either rx. lft.) pass same ball with that foot to opposite partner foot. Ex. Right foot pass, receive partner left foot same ball pass back with left foot to right partner foot. 3rd Ex.) Recommended Pass & Receive, Heading. 2 players throw-catch (partner ball) over the opposite side of the hurdle. 4th Ex.) Recommended Guiding Dribble Ball. Player guide (run) ball at the same time bounce a 2nd ball with the hand. NOTE: This animation no capability to show 2nd ball

5th Ex.) Recommended Guiding-Dribble Heading ball. Player jump rope with different variation: running (rx-lft foot) front, skipping, jumping both feet, 1 foot only. NOTE: This animation no capability to show rope. 6th ex.) Recommended Heading ball. Player go over or jump over hurdle and jump to head ball. Variation: receive ball pass back (ground or mid air ball).



Throw-Catch & Pass-Receive 2 Balls

Combine 2 Moves:
ORGANIZATION: Limited area, 56 players (10x10yd.) 2 balls. OBJECTIVE: Throw & Catch ( same ball) Pass & Receive (other ball) both at the same time. PROGRESSION: Players must continuously moving (jogging) and randomly Pass or Receive to feet, 1 of the 2 ball, while the other ball is thrown or caught. A player must be ready to deal with both balls at the same time (combine 2 moves). Variation: each player has a ball & 360 around waist-jogging. 2nd ball is passed- dribbled at the same time. Note: > # of players to make it easier, or > # of balls to make it more difficult. Good exercise for warm up older age group.


Differentiate 3 exercises ( guide < > size ball, < > space, zig-zag)
Recommended: Guide Ball theme session Organization: 1stex.) Line of cones, different size ball. 2nd ex.) line of cones at different distance. 3rd.ex) 2 line of cones 2 different size of balls. Objective: Improve the sensibility foot-ball (Differentiate). Progression: 1st.ex) guide ball to each cone 360 then change ball to different size. 2nd ex.) Each cone mark a touch to the ball 3rd ex.) 2 players zig-zag different size ball thru the cones at the other end they change ball and line of zig-zag. Variation: 3rd. Exercise can use hurdles to push-under flick-over the ball, use ring for 360 around. Coaching Tips: According to level of players increase intensity-speed.

Differentiate Soccer Golf

Recommended: Shooting, Passing & Receiving Organization: 9 rings, 9 cones 3 players at the time. Objective: Improve sensibility of different part of the foot (Differentiate). Progression: Try to hit the ball inside of the ring of as close as possible. Variation: different foot, different part of foot. Coaching Tips: Player should kick ball in movement.

Differentiate Circuit zig-zag (guide different size ball)

Recommended: Guide Ball theme session Organization: cones, poles, rings, different size ball, 2 > players Objective: Improve zig zag sensibility on the ball and run (Differentiate). Progression: Player starts zig zag thru cones & poles, then with ball zig zag around ring, change ball and backward with 1 foot on top ball roll ball to the end . Variation: 360 around rings. Coaching Tips: first zig zag quick short step around cone, next zig zag square body around pole.

Differentiate Shooting 2 exercises (different size ball, zig zag)

Recommended: Shooting theme session. Organization: 1stex.) 1 goal with 4-6 zone area, different size balls. 2nd ex.) zig zag cone and 3 tall cones, different size ball Objective: Improve sensibility and accuracy on shooting different part of the feet (Differentiate). Progression: 1st ex.)Coach command shoot at the zone call (upper rx-lft. Lower rx-lft.) 2nd ex.) out of zig zag hit a cone standing on goal line. Variation: 1st. Ex.) use hands to score. Coaching Tips:


Reaction 2 exercises with the ball

Recommended: Fake-1vs.1 session. Organization: 1stex.) 2 or more players 1 ball 1 goal. 2nd ex.) 3 or more players, cones, rings, hurdle, balls. Objective: At the signal or command immediate reaction. Progression: 1st ex. Defender has ball shout a signal first and then pass the ball. Attacker needs to turn and collect the ball, then play 1 v 1 to goal. NOTE: Important balls start after the signal. Variation: ball on the ground, in the air. 2nd ex) 3 players start same time & zigzag thru cones. At the coach command (colors, #s or visual signal) player in the middle lane goes to the obstacle lane that the coach has called and the player in that lane goes to the middle obstacle. Variation: hearing-visual signal, player in the middle call the signal. Coaching Tips: 2nd exercise no ball first for younger player. Train both audio & visual receptors. Make sure the reaction is as sudden as possible.

Reaction 2 exercises no ball

Organization: 1stex.) 1 or more players, ladder, rings, cones, hurdles. 2nd ex.) same with 3 players. Objective: At the signal or command immediate reaction. Progression: 1st ex. Go thru ladder (high knees, skipping or side to side) at the end coach command spring or jump to one of the 3 options. Variation: hearing (use #s or shout a color)visual signal (use different color cones). 2nd ex) 3 players jog freely with one of them been the leader. Once the leader goes to one of the three stations to execute the exercise, the other two players must react and go to the remaining two stations. Coaching Tips: Train both audio & visual receptors. Make sure the reaction is as sudden as possible.


EX. #

Objective: Contraction-De-Contraction of the

muscles (rhythm)


Descriptions: 1
Player jog forward & backward with ONLY 1 leg-foot going over & back over the hurdle . CP: Open hip, have 2 different rhythm 1 for leaning foot & 1 for the foot going over the hurdle. Keeping the same rhythm player either jog-skipping-mimic juggling (bent knee kick) forward-backward left-right side over the hurdles. 3 variations of ladder: 1st.) 2 feet inside each square 1 foot out (rx.-lft) 2nd.) 2 square forward with 1 foot each square (rx-lft) then 1 foot out (rx or lft). 3rd.) Starting from the side of the ladder keep 1 foot in front and in-out of each square. Jump for 10-20 (older age group) alternating sequence of 2 feet 1 foot starting #4-1-2-3-4 Guiding the Ball Dribbling - Fake

2 3


Guiding the Ball Dribbling - Fake

5 6

Descriptions: Jump for 10-20 (older age group) alternating sequence 2ble jump & single jump in each section following odd #s & even #s. Variation: Jump 2 feet 1 foot. Place ball in each section and player 2ble tap single tap on top of ball.

EX. #

Objective: Contraction-De-Contraction of the Recommended

muscles (rhythm)

Descriptions: 1 2
Player one way zig-zag thru cones with rx-lft foot front and claps hands between cones (rhythm). Way back will Jump-Jack at each cone. Variation: add ball end of cones inside-inside to the end of station. 1st. Exercise) Player Juggle alternating rx-lft foot 1st. touch between cones 2nd touch at the cone (cones are equally apart). Variation: 1 touch at each cone (slower rhythm). 2nd exercise) 2 Players juggle same time with a player follow the rhythm of the partner (leader). Variation: 1 Player juggle at the clap of a partner (coach). Player at the clap of a partner (coach) tap on top of the ball alternating rx-lft foot. Variation: inside-inside 4 players follow a pattern of passing 1-2-3-4-1 alternating a sequence of 2 touch-1touch pass. Guiding the Ball


3 4 5

Guiding the Ball

Passing & Receiving

Space & Time Orientation

Recommended: Guide-Dribble-Fake Organization: 2 players , 2 balls, 10 cones 5-10 yd apart. Objective: Be aware of each other, space & time. Progression: 2 players leader (red) follower (blue) start same time & guide ball to each cone-360 Variation: Leader has freedom to 360 different direction, change speed, add other tech. ability (fake-feint, stop & go, reverse) Coaching Tips: Peripheral vision, chin up, proper moment follower looks at leader (ex. coming out 360 correct angle)

Recommended: Passing-Receiving theme session Organization: 1stex.) 6 players (4 P. stand out side square 2 P. rotate around) 4 balls. Objective: execute exercise same time with players be at the right place (S/T. orientation). Progression: 4 players at the edge of square have pre-assigned # (1-4) & tech. ability (P1.inside or shoelaces in the air, P2. passing, P3. chest, P4. throw-in). 2 players leader-follower in the middle start & move (clock wise) doing opposite tech. ability (1-3 or 2-4). At any time coach call # the leader goes tech. ability & follower opposite. Example: coach call #2 Leader go to P2 other players go to P4. Variation: Coach call tech. ability, no leader middle players 2 different color (red-blue) coach call color & Tech. Ability. Coaching Tips: Players must be aware space to go, same time, ball starts same time.





Recommended: Passing-Receiving theme session Organization: 4 players , 2 balls, 6 cones. Objective: execute exercise same time with players be at the right place (S/T. orientation). Progression: 4 players line up in a grid of 15x5 with 2 players on the outside-P1.pass-feet P2. throw ball to players in the middle- players in the middle alternate feet-hands ex. NOTE: Important balls start same time-2 players in the middle turn-ready to receive. Switch players outside to middle Variation: Change technical ability for P1 & P2 Coaching Tips: Players must be aware space to go, same time, ball starts same time.



Space-Time Orientation (Shooting 3 exercises )

Recommended: Shooting theme session Organization: 1-4 goals lot of balls Objective: find the ball (S/T. orientation). Progression: 1st ) Player throw-s-sault catch ball with hands in the air and then shoot at the goal. Variation: 360 turn finish with no catch, finish on the ground. 2nd.) Player with back to the goal, turn and find ball throw over the goal by coach and finish it at the goal. Variation: s-sault 360 around cone before go to ball, finish with hands-ground 3rd.) Player jog-run zigzag in the middle and find ball served from corner finish to goal in front. Variation: finish with hands, grab ball & finish with back to the goal (motor imagination) Coaching Tips: Players must be aware time of ball coming and from where its coming.

Space-Time Orientation (Heading)

Recommended: Heading theme session Organization: limited area, 2 players, 6 rings 3 different colors Objective: both players must find -jump same color ring same time (S/T. orientation). Progression: 1st ) 2 players jog-run inside the grid making 360-s.sualt (same time) at the coach command. Then when the coach call a color, both P. must find the ring of same color called by the coach go inside both feet and make a jump. Coaching Tips: Players must be aware of each other to be able to have same time on the exercise.

Space-Time Orientation (Heading soccer-tennis 2 exercises)

Recommended: Heading theme session Organization: 4 players, ball, any equipment (cones, poles-string, low net, bench) to make a tennis net. Objective: find the ball (S/T. orientation). Progression: 1st ) Alternating 1 team throw the ball to partner to head over, while other team perform a s-sault and catch ball coming over the net. Variation: 360 turn, juggle and serve ball for heading. 2nd.) 2 players on each side of the net circle around and one side throw ball over the other side head it over. NOTE: keep circling around no stop throwingcatching or heading. Variation: switch direction of circling. Coaching Tips: find the ball, aware of teammate for timing, aware of ball for time/space.

Tactical U11-U12 (Space/Time Orientation)

Tactical: Basic geometric shapes(triangle-rhombus)

Cognitive process Perceptive speed Cooperation with teammates Space Distance Time Shape

Description: 3 players form an equilateral triangle and move from goal line to half line
& back keeping the same shape. At the signal (coach or one of three players): Vary speed (walk jog run sprint) Vary distance (5-10yd expand 15-20yd. back 5-10 yd.) Combine various motor skills (jump push up 360) Vary type of signal (audio-visual)

Organization: 5-10yd. (expand to

15-20yd.) distance, 3 players, cones.

Coaching points: Players A & B

control distance between them & player C (goal line to half line). Player C. controls distance (half line to goal line). Peripheral vision player A-B. Communication

Note: Start with a string connecting all 3 players to easy the understanding of shape &
distance. Use more cones in the path for reference of shape & distance.


Description: 3 players form an equilateral triangle and keep same distance going forward,
must change position at the top of the triangle at every change of direction (corner of grid) At the signal (coach or one of three players): Vary speed (walk jog run sprint)

Organization: 5-10yd.
distance, 3 players, cones.

Coaching points: 2 lower

point of triangle players (A & B) control distance between them & player C. Peripheral vision player A-B. Communication Same time & space at the change of direction

Add ball for each player Vary type of signal (audio-visual) Add technical ability (fake)




Description: Overlapping (vertical) A. player passes to C. player & overlap to receive a pass from B. player. who has just received the pass from C. Repeat starting from C. player. Players must maintain same shape & distance. Players change their starting position to train different visual angle . The exercise must be done both side of the overlap (rx. side & lft. side).

Organization: 10yd. 3 players, cones. Coaching points: C. Player holds the reference of triangle as far as shape and distance. Using 1 touch, more touches to proper time passplayer (receiving).


Description: Overlapping (diagonal) A. player passes to C. player & overlap to receive a pass from B. player. who has just received the pass from C. Repeat starting from C. player. Players must maintain same shape & distance of equilateral triangle. Players change their starting position to train different visual angle . The exercise must be done both side right-left & left-right of the diagonal. Players are provided with a lot of visual angle to become aware of their orientation in their zone of the field during the game.

Organization: 10yd. 3 players, cones. Coaching points: C. Player holds the reference of triangle as far as shape and distance. Using 1 touch, more touches to proper time pass-player (receiving).


Description: Overlapping-Cut inside-Support (vertical direction) C. player passes to B. player & move backward to stay the tip of triangle (target) B. player passes & overlap A. player who passes to C. player and runs inside to the other lower side of the equilateral triangle. Players must maintain same shape & distance of triangle. Players change their starting position to train different visual angle . The exercise must be done both side rightleft & left-right of the overlap. Players are provided with a lot of visual angle & soccer movements.

Organization: 10yd. 3 players, cones. Coaching points: C. Player holds the reference of triangle as far as shape and distance. Using 1 touch, more touches to proper time pass-player (receiving). Variation: finish with a shot in goal.


Description: Overlapping-side movement (vertical direction) A. player passes to C. player & overlap to becomes the tip of triangle (target) C. player passes to B. player & moves horizontal to widen the base of triangle B. player passes to A. & moves in line with C player. Players must maintain same shape & distance of equilateral triangle. Players change their starting position to train different visual angle . The exercise must be done both side right-left & left-right of the overlap. Players are provided with a lot of visual angle & soccer movements.

Organization: 10yd. 3 players, cones. Coaching points: C. Player holds the reference of triangle as far as shape and distance. Using 1 touch, more touches to proper time pass-player (receiving). Variation: finish with a shot in goal.

Summary of Triangle Shape with the ball.

Description: 4 players form an Diamond-Rhombus keep same

distance going forward, & backward. At the signal (coach or one of four players): Vary speed (walk jog run sprint) Expand or contract the diamond (10-20 yd.)

Organization: 10-20yd.
distance, 4 players, cones.

Coaching points: A & C

players are reference for vertical distance B & D for horizontal distance. Peripheral vision player B-D. Communication

Note: Start with a string connecting all 4 players to easy the

understanding of shape & distance. Add ball for each player Vary type of signal (audio-visual) Add technical ability (fake)

Description: 4 players form an Diamond-Rhombus keep same

distance 3 players (B-C-D) move sideway (right side-left side) with A player not moving. At the signal (coach or one of four players): Vary speed (walk jog run sprint)

Organization: 10-20yd.
distance, 4 players, cones.

Coaching points: A. player

is pivot of the diamond flags are reference points for C-B-D players. Keep same distance. Peripheral vision Communication

Vary type of signal (audio-visual) Player change position in diamond to have different visual angle

Description: Movement of diamond is a soccer situation. 4 players form

an Diamond-Rhombus. B. player (nearest the flag) moves to the flag(1st Def.) C. player drops left side of diamond (2nd Def inside) A. player moves up-across to right side of diamond. D. player takes low pivot point of diamond. At the signal (coach or one of four players): Vary speed (walk jog run sprint)

Organization: 1020yd. distance, 4 players, cones.

Coaching points: A.
player is pivot of the diamond flags are reference points for CB-D players. Keep same distance. Peripheral vision Communication

Note: (repeat right-side & left-side D. player is 1st Def. left-side)

Vary type of signal (audio-visual) Player change position in diamond to have different visual angle


Technical Tactical (Individual Tactical)

Technical Guiding the Ball

Objective: Moving in to space with the EX. control of the ball using all part of the feet #


Organization & Coaching Points

3-4 lines of cones 1-1.5 yd. CP: every step a touch, leaning leg bent well balance , moment of ball contact knee over the ball (guiding leg), trunk over knees, arms away from body balance-protection, guiding ankle-foot relax, inside-outside-sole contact ball right place.

Side to side: Player start (yellow cone) and guide the ball to right left side thru cones (similar a channel). Use outside-inside-outside both feet. Only one foot out-inside. Inside-Inside both feet Outside-outside both feet. Inside-roll both feet. Pass cone vertical pullback-push (rx-lft) making L move & Square in-out: player guide ball straight line cone to cone (yellow) counter-clock & clock wise, guide the ball around cones alternating corner cone (yellow) with center cone (red). Use only 1 foot inside-outside, 2 feet inside-inside or outside-outside, shoe laces straight line.

4 cones: 2x2 / 3x3 yd. 1 center cone CP: same as above + straight line longer touches (ball push in to space) short touches around cone.

Technical Guiding the Ball

EX the ball using all part of the feet .#

Objective: Moving in to space with the control of Organization & Coaching Descriptions:

4-6 gates (8-12 cones) just little wide of balls width. 1 yd gate to gate. CP: same as #1

Small gates: Player starts (yellow cone) and guide ball between 2 cones for accuracy. Use outside-inside-outside both feet. Only one foot out-inside. Inside-Inside both feet Outside-outside both feet. Roll both feet.

Tight zig-zag: Player guides thru each cone with 2 touch 6-9 cones: line of cones 1foot apart < (push-cut) with rhythm. Use: outside-inside both feet. Only CP: same #1. one foot out-inside. Inside-Inside both feet Outside-outside both feet. Roll-Trap both feet, Backward Pull-Trap both feet. Making Moves (fake): Player starts and make different moves in front-side of each cone (blue). Moves: insideoutside, -full scissor (Ronaldo), step-over (Rivelino), Helicopter 180 (Maradona) Change direction with out-side foot cut or inside foot cut (Beckenbauer) 4-6 gates 5 yd apart sharp angle. CP: same as #1 + short touches (slowing down) near cone longer touches after fake (acceleration) movements of trunk & legs.

Technical-Tactical Dribbling(1v.1) - Fake

Objective: Beat the opponent through rapid Organization & Coaching
EX and alternating movements, feints and counter . # feints to unbalance the opponent & react
accordingly. Descriptions:
Making Moves: (no defender) Front Side to Side (V. move) Reverse - Shielding. Progression: 2 players start same time meet middle of grid (cones) and perform a move (feints-fakes). 6 cones 2 > Players 1Player 1 Ball. CP: Important to keep the ball moving, dont look at the ball, legs bent well balance, rapid move of leg trunk, change speed (slow when approaching player accelerate pass player) proper touch angle coming out of move 6 cones 2 > Players 1Player 1 Ball. CP: Concentrate on the movement of defenders legs & trunk lead the ball in the direction where they are unbalanced. Correct differentiation (Def. near-far & push behind).


Front Moves: 1st exe) Player (red) run no ball to Def. (blue) making feints-fakes accelerate to 1 of 2 balls try to score by dribbling thru blue cones (goal) 2nd exe) Player starts with ball 1v.1 Variation: Defender passive - active

Objective: Beat the opponent through rapid Organization & Coaching

EX and alternating movements, feints and counter # feints to unbalance the opponent & react accordingly. Descriptions:
Def. on the back: Player (red) start with the ball & dribble to cross last set of cones to score (goal) with a def. (blue)1-2 step back. Def. on the side-stop-reversego Variation: Defender passive active
Def. coming with an angle: Def. (blue) starts by passing diagonally the ball & run to touch near cone before challenge (1v.1). Att. (red) receive and try to dribble to score thru blue cones (goal). Variation: Defender passive active

6 cones 2 > Players 1 Ball a pair. CP: Important to keep the ball on foot away from def. use body size arms shoulder to protect and unbalance def. read def. change speed (slow bump def. accelerate) proper touch (def. near-far) &angle.
6 cones 2 > Players 1 Ball a pair CP: 1st touch in space-accelerate 9def. far), read def. anticipate pass by def. or protect ball, dribble foot away form def.

Front Move & 2nd Def. Pressure: Player (red) dribble to 6 cones 1 goal 1 GK. 3 > Players 1 Ball 1st D. who defends line (only forward side to side). The CP: same as front moves & def. on back side moment the winner crosses line of middle cones 2nd D. coming with an angle. rapidly close in (1v.1) the player who crosses last line of cones with the ball takes the shot to goal.

Technical Passing (bio-mechanics)

Objective: To have the ball EX. cover short-medium distance # with accuracy & proper pace. Descriptions:
#1) Ball standing: A pair stands square behind ball and alternate rx-lft pass movement at the same time. #2) 2 touch pass: A pair pass ball thru cones & trap-stop ball completely before passing back. #3) 1 touch pass: A pair pass ball thru cones. Variation: > distance

Organization & Coaching Points

2 cones: 2 player , 1 ball 5-10 yd. apart (#2-3) CP: Run up to the ball - short quick & vertical steps for better coordination and balance with bigger last step. Supporting foot - place next to the ball with the toes pointing toward the target, knee is slightly bent. Kicking leg - large & fast back-swing hips rotation 90 followed by a forward-swing with foot impacts the ball center-point continuing to direct the ball seek a prompt support after the kick, in preparation for the next action. Arms: elements of balance and protection, opposite kick-foot projected forward, corresponding arm moves backwards. Contact surface: triangle big toe-ankle bone-heel. Moment of the impact the ankle is locked (toes pointing upwards) Trunk: Covers the ball, allowing protection-balance & harmonious development of the kicking motion.

Technical Receiving (bio-mechanics)

EX. # Objective: Control & possession of the ball. Trap on Spot (remains stationery)-Trap with Direction (follow by a technical gesture) Descriptions:
#1) Receiving: Player time the pass and go over low high hurdle with opposite foot of the indented receiving foot. Keep ball front pass back (2 touch). Use inside-sole of the foot. #2) Receive with direction: same as above but now 1st touch has lateral (rx-lft) direction. Use inside-outside foot. #3) Receive ball in the air: same as above with 1st touch front-lateral (rx-lft). Use sole-insideoutside foot, thigh (rx-lft), chest.

Organization & Coaching Points

2 cones: 2 player , 1 ball 5-10 yd. apart CP: Fundamental Principles of Receiving Assessment of trajectory, distance, speed, surface, place of contact (meet the ball) quickly anticipate opponent. Keep eyes to the ball until the impact. Receiving limb - starts to move-retreat the balls trajectoryimpact, surface relax, soft. Toes Point to the direction of the objective Body Balance with help of the arms, correct angle for next action-move to have broad vision of the field. Arms - slightly forward-wider balance-defense of the ball. Trap with direction - preceded by a fake-counter move (often)

Technical Types of Receiving

Trap with the sole of the foot
Low ground ball: Tip directed upwards, heel slightly off the ground. Ankle-knee-hip & thigh muscles relax. Support foot slight jump back. Ball with trajectory in the air: Ankle must be relax, to cushion the bounce of the ball off the foot, knees slightly bent no bodys weight for good balance.

Trap with inside of the foot

Ball incoming on the ground & front trajectory: Receiving leg must be behind leaning foot flexed, forward momentum first to meet ball, then starts return path at ball contact. Hip rotated outward 90 angle with the balls trajectory. Support leg flex, toes slightly outward, slight bounce before impact to amortize the ball. Ball incoming on the ground & lateral trajectory: Amortize with foot opposite of balls direction. Body slightly bent toward the balls direction muscles relax. Ball incoming with air trajectory: Receiving foot-hip rotate outward, relax, form 90 angle with leaning foot. Body moves back in to the path of the ball trajectory, low center of gravity & position in direction next move (off pressure). Knee must cover the ball. Opposite limb positions near point of ball touches ground for good balance.

Trap with the ouside of the foot

Ground ball incoming: Receiving leg must be in front move toward to meet the ball , but return back in to the trajectory path at moment of contact. Body bent toward balls direction to anticipate next action-move. Ball incoming with air & curve trajectory: Receiving leg crosses front supporting leg with foot turned slightly inward. Outside foot, at the moment of receiving, it accompanies the ball in the opposite direction by crossing back the leg in front of the body.

Trap with chest

Ball incoming with parabolic air trajectory: Legs slightly apart for good balance, trunk square towards trajectory of the ball, projecting chest forward & upward, arching the torso. Contact with the ball, the rib cage must be relaxed and empty, the chest facing the desired direction (next move) and retracts to amortize the trajectory. The ball must bounce back near the body & in front for immediate control for next directional move. The damping action of the ball is facilitated by bending the knees. Arms should be open position forward to promote the protection.

Pass 2 touch: Pass with rx. foot Receive with lft. foot. Pass & Receive with outside of the foot. 1st touch directional Change feet. Variation: Use 2 ball same time. Juggling( more touches) Pass 1 touch: 3 players pass-receive in the center & pass to player in front. Variation: different ball size.

5-10 yd. apart CP: see tech. bio-mechanics passing & receiving ground front inside-outside foot.
10-15 yd. CP: quickly meet ball, angle of body in direction of pass. See tech. bio-mechanics of passing inside foot.

Tech.-Tact. 1-2 touch Pass & Receive: Player with 2 touch (clock-wise or counter-clock wise) pass across to far player-pass to & receive back 1 touch from middle player. Then repeat (clock wise or counter-clock wise)across pass to far player. All passer have a defender behind (passive or active)

10-15 yd. CP: counter move before receiving ball, proper angle of body, 1st touch off pressure. See tech. biomechanics of passing inside foot & receiving inside outside foot.

Summary of all exercises

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