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X F 5 700

FOEreg 227.1a: Except for use in review, the reproduction or utili-
zation of this documentation in any form by any electronic, mechanical,
or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without
the prior written consent of F.O.E. Command, c/o Paragon Software,
Berkshire Center, Suite 402, Greensburg, PA 15601.
Assigned to:
Pilot ______________________________ __
(Your Name)
Game Program Copyri ght 1992 Paragon Software.
Certain Design Elements Copyri ght 1990 Gl yn Willi ams.
Manual Copyright 1992 Paragon Software Corporation.
X F 5 700
FOE Command
c/o Paragon Software Corporation
Berkshire Center
Suite 402
Greensburg, PA 15601
Technical Support: (412) 838-1173
Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm
Eastern Standard Time
1992 Paragon Software Corporation
All Rights Reserved
IBM is a registered trademark of Internali onal Business Machines, Inc.
AdLib is a registered trademark of AdLib Incorporated
Roland MT-32 is a registered trademark of Roland Corp, USA
Sound Bl aster is a registered trademark of Creati ve Labs, Inc.
Sound Master is a registered trademark of Co vox Inc.
The Beginning ..... ..... .. ......... .. ... ...... .. ... ........... ... . 06 Keyboard .. ........ .. .... ... ... ..... ..... ... .... .. ......... ... ... ... . 28
The Enemy .... ... .... ................. ....... .. ........ .... ...... .. 06 Mouse ............. .. ............ .. .. .... ... ............. .... ... ...... . 28
The War ... .... ....... ........... .. .... ... ....... .... ..... ....... .. .. 07 Joystick .. .. ...... ............. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .............. ...... . 28
F.O.E. (Fist-Of-Earth) ... ...... ........ ..... .. .... ........ .... . 07
Sol base ....... ...... .... ...... .. .... .. ... .. .......... .. ........ ....... 09
ProbeNet .... .......... .. ... .. ............. .. ...... .. ... ...... .... .. . 09 Mission Re-creation Video Controls ...... ...... .. .. ... 30
XF5700 Manti s .. ........ .. .......... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .... .... ... 10
Quad-Jump ...... .. ........ .. ..... .. .. .. ...... ......... .. ....... .... 10
Ribbons and Medals .... .... .. ... .. ...... .. .. .. .. ...... .. ...... 34
COMPUTER TERMINAL MENU F.O.E. Ranks .... .. .... .. ...... .. .......... .. .... .. ... .. .. .. .... ... 34
Copy Protection .... .. .. .. .. ........ ........ .. .. .. .... .......... .. 12
Enter New Pilot .... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. ...... .. ............... 12
Pil ot Roster .... .. .. ...... .... .. ...... .. .... .. .......... .. ........ .. . 12
Viper .. .. ................ .. ..... .. ........ .. ..... .. ......... .. .. .... .. . 36
Delete Pilot ...... .. .. ...... .. .. .. ..... ...... ... .. .... .. ...... .... .. . 13
Heidi R. Marti n .. .. .. .. ............ .. .......... ... .. ........ .... .. 37
View Database .... ...... ...... .. .. .. .. .... .... .................. .. 13
Commander Mrutin R. Statler ................ ........ .. .. . 38
Load Game .. .... .. .......... .. ...... .. ...... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ....... 13
Colonel Mario B. Feretti .. .. .. .. .................. .. ........ . 39
Save Game ... .. ..... .... .................. .. .. .. .... .. .. ... ...... .. 13
Colonel Vincent T. Seremet .... ...... .............. .... ... .40
Quit Game ...... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... ...... ........... .. .... 14
Credits ... .. ..... ... .. .. ...... .... .... ....... ... ..... ............. ... .. 14
Tigereye .............. ... ....... ...... ... ... ..... ......... .... .. ..... 4 1
Joker ..... ...... ..... ........... .. ..... .. ..... ........... ... ........ .... 42
Options ..... .... ... .. .. ............ ..... ..... .. ............... ...... .. 14
Fli ght Simulator .. .... .. .......... .. ...... .. .......... .. .. .. .... .. 14
Warrior ..... ........ ....... ........ ...... ...... ... .......... ... .. .... . 43
A.R.M.S ... .... .. .. ... ... ....... .. ............... .. .... ..... .. .. .. .. . 44
Spacecraft Statistics .... .... .. .... ........ .. ................ .... 15
Manti s Weapons Statistics .................. ...... .. .. ...... 20
CREDITS ....... .... ... ...... ..... .... .. .... ... ...... .... ... .. ... 46
GLOSSARY .. ............ .. ...... ... .............. .. .. ........ ... ... 48
Keyboard .. ... ..... ..... ..... ... ... ..... ... .......... ........ ..... ... 24
Mouse .. ... .... ........ .. ........ .... ... .... .. ...... .. ..... .. .. .. .... .. 24
Joystick ............. .. .... .. ...... ... .......... .. ............. ..... .. 24
HUD (Heads Up Display) ........ .. .... .. ........ .... .... .. . 25
Views Controls ...................... .... ......................... 26
It is with a sense of uncertainty and concern that I compose this letter to you. The Sirian attack, while ravaging
much of the planet Earth, has also had the greater impact of terrorizing mankind to its core. We all live with a sense of
trepidation when we ponder the future of our world. Like most men, I worry about the safety and security of my family
and friends. Yet, I am optimistic, for I realize the situation is not hopeless when we have brave heroes like you defending
our cause. The caliber of men and women that EO.E. has called to preserve and defend the great nations of the world
is extraordinary. It is with a strong sense of pride, hope, and anticipation that I congratulate you on your acceptance into
the MANTIS program.
Your ultimate objective is to destroy the planet Sirius, forever eliminating the possibility of the Sirians ever
returning to attack Earth. First, however, F.O.E. must take a strong defensive posture and scatter the Sirians from
locations where they are strengthening their forces. We will be able to mount an effective offensive into the Sirius region
only after we weaken their position.
You will undoubtedly be called upon to complete many missions before our goal is ultimately achieved. Along
the way, you may possibly encounter new life forms and unexpected problems that you will be asked to investigate.
I ask you to set aside your doubts and call upon all your skills to help win this war. Every mission you successfully
complete will bring us one step closer to destroying the Sirians forever. Never has our world faced such a momentous
hour. Good Luck and God be with you.
Base Commander
X F 5 7 0 0 MAN TIS
One million years ago, on the planet Siria in the Sirius star system, the Wruokiors - a friendly race - were the dominant species
that ruled the world. Though they strongly resembled humans, they were clearly differentiated by their large heads, which were nearly
two times the size of an adult human's. The Wruokiors used the entire mental capacity of their large brains, thus giving them extremely
advanced technological skills and an innate telepathic ability.
Over the course of the last century, a secondary life form challenged and crushed the Wruokior's dominance. From the shores of
Siria' s oceans and lakes, the Sirian roaches emerged in superior strength and number. The world of Siria steadily decayed, the average
life span of the Wruokior rapidly decreased (40 years or less), and the Sirian roaches won the battle for world dominance. The entire
Wruokior race was totally annihilated ...
Over the course of the last million years, the inhabitants of Sirius evolved to become a powerful enemy to the Wruokior. These
creatures, known as the Sirians, are similar in form to "roaches" on Earth, yet they are much larger; a fully developed Sirian grows to a
height of nearly 1.4 meters and weighs an average of 58 kilograms.
The Sirians use vertebrates to breed their young. Originally, the main host body was a mammal similar to Earth's seals. The female
Sirian places a microscopic egg on the body of the host; the egg bun'ows deep inside the host ' s body and attaches itself to its spine. During
its incubation period, the growing Sirian mimics the host' s nervous system and ingests small portions of surrounding tissue. After
approximately six weeks, the newborn Sirian emerges, splitting out from the host's torso. Immediately, the newborn Sirian ingests the
remains of the dead host's body.
As time passed, the planet Siria suffered cataclysmic natural disasters that began destroying the world. Massive quakes, blistering
winds, and vast tidal waves made the planet virtually uninhabitable. Eventually, all forms of animal life faced extinction. Because of the
tidal waves, the seal-like creatures, which the Sirians used as hosts, were wiped out.
The Sirians moved inl and to search for new host bodies. But the search was difficult because most of the planet 'S life was destroyed.
As their quest for survival grew bleaker, the Sirians leamed to communicate. Individually, the creatures were non-intelligent, but by using
a non-organic trace substance found in their bodies, they were able to transmit messages telepathically. Sirians in number formed a highly
intelligent collective group mind. They used what was left of all vertebrates to incubate their young, includng the entire Wruokior race.
When the Sirians real ized their world faced impending doom, they used the advanced interstellar technology of the Wruokior and
took to the stars to search for a new planet where they could preserve their race.
After observing Earth, the Sirians prepared an attack. The fight for Eruth began ...
On March 16, 2094, the Sirians launched a limited-scale
nuclear attack on Earth from space. Scientists theorized that by
destroying all life in major population centers, the Sirians hoped to
severely impair the collective strength and intelligence of mankind.
The Sirians believed that the human race acted as a group mind, just
as they did. The attack lasted for approximately 16 hours, and Earth
was left devastated. Several nations, including the United States,
launched a counteroffensive that proved futile against superior
enemy vessels. Over 3 billion humans were killed in the attack. The
deadly effects of radiation poisoning continued to snuff out thou-
sands of lives each day. With the exception of small , underground
radio broadcasts, all forms of communication were destroyed.
After the attack, the Sirians, able to withstand the effects of
nuclear radiation, landed on Earth and banded together in the areas Sirians
they had bombarded. Female Sirians began implanting their eggs
inside the dead bodies of humans in these radiated areas. In addition, certain fertile females were sent away from the contaminated regions
to seek suitable mammals for host bodies. The infestation of a significant percentage of the Earth' s remaining population, coupled with
the anticipated return of the Sirian forces , were the two factors that could have led to the demise of the human race. However, the Sirians,
expecting an imminent victory, underestimated the tenacity of EaIth' s masses.
The temporary governments of the remaining countries, with a genuine need to unify their military and scientific abilities, organ-
ized a conference in Brisbane, Australia on November 4, 2094. Within three days, the foundation was laid for a unified world government
- F.O.E. (The Fist-Of-Earth). It was decided, for tactical reasons, that F.O.E.'s main power base would be headquartered in Ft. George,
Canada. E. Michael Hatch, the appointed President of the United States, was elected to chair the new world government.
F.O.E.'s main purpose was to unite the various factions into one common defensive organization. The strategic decision making
was a function of the Chairman and his elected cabinet.
F.O.E. ' s three major goals are: a) to destroy the remaining
Sirians on Earth; b) to restore order to devastated areas and to
repopulate the regions; c) to defend the planet from future attacks
from space.
During its first session, the delegates ofF.O.E. devised a three
point plan to eliminate the Sirians and restore order to Earth:
The fust step in eliminating the Sirians was to develop a
vaccine that would kill gestating creatures and make it impossible
for implanted eggs to grow inside human bodies. Leading biologists
and chemists were sent to a top-secret location to develop the
vaccine. The vaccine, which was compl eted nearly a year ago, is
being administered to the remaining population on Earth, but the
inoculation process is slow.
The second step is use of military force - air strikes and ground troop invasions - to drive the Sirians from devastated cities.
Military strategists from around the world are planning and executing these military campaigns. Thus far, the humans are steadily de-
stroying the Sirians with a chemical call ed Podomus. Nearly the entire Sirian population on Earth has been destroyed.
The third point caJi s for the defense ofEarth from an attack by hostile forces. Publicl y, FO.E.'s defense plans consist of an orbiting
space station and a fl eet of ships, notabl y the Mantis. Confidentially, FO.E. has also constructed a hidden, underground base on Luna.
The Lunar base conducts scientific research. As well, mining is conducted for materials to construct more advanced spacecraft. The base
continually expands as new mining tunnels open. The structure has a far more advanced hospital than Sol base, so some of the more serious
medical cases may be transferred there. In addition, a large hangar contains a number of Mantis fighters on constant alert.
The base is counting on security, camouflage, and the moon's crust for protection. A factory for the production of spacecraft in a
protected vacuum environment is being constructed. This infOlmation is strictl y classified. You are not to divulge the existence of this
installation to anyone. You are being alerted to the presence of this base should your duties require you to travel there.
Solbase was constructed to be an anned defense station. It is
expected to bear the brunt of the next Sirian attack. Solbase was
constructed in one of the Earth-Moon Lagrange points, and thus
maintains a constant di tance from both the Earth and the Moon.
The station is mass ive, weighing over 400,000,000 kilo-
grams. The hexagonal-shaped main body of the structure measures
500 meters wide by nearly 500 meters in height. The four anns that
extend from the main body are each 800 meters in length, with the
pods extending another 150 meters from the ends of the anns. The
probe bays extending from the bottom of the main body are 400
meters in length and can hold up to 900 probes. The entire structure
measures 2400 meters in width and 900 meters in height.
The main body of the station is the nerve center of the entire
base. The station's computers are located here, along with space- So/base
craft hangers, fuel storage, weapons storage, research and devel-
opment labs, and the bridge.
The hangar is capable of storing a maximum of 80 Mantis spacecraft. There is also room to dock six Behemoths, which keep the
base stocked with parts and supplies on a weekly basis. The main body of the base is connected to the pods by girder-reinforced vacuum
tubes, which contain pressurized transport shuttles to carry personnel throughout different areas of the base.
Each of the four pods at the ends of the anns serve a different purpose. Two are used to house the 1,200 officers, scientists, and
researchers stationed on the base. These quarters resemble small apartments. The third pod is used as a garden and food preparation area
(all vegetables, grain, etc. are grown on the base) . The fourth pod is used as a medical and recreation facility, which can house 30 patients
at one time. The base physicians and surgeons use advanced health care equipment. The recreation facilities are excellent; all types of
sporting activities and gaines of chance are accessible in this area.
ProbeNet is the name for the network of robot probes scattered throughout the solar system and nearby star systems. These probes
sit dormant until some event triggers their response (usuall y the detection of an enemy ship). After recording pertinent data about the event,
the probes jump back to the vicinity of Sol base and relay the information to the station. The probes are retrieved, serviced, refueled, and
sent back into space. Each probe weighs 250kg and contains a small , self-destruct explosive should it be captured or disabled. Currently,
the probes are only being used to monitor Sirian activity in neighboring systems, but we expect to have an estimate on the capabilities
of long range Sirian vessels shortly.
Designed as a space fighter, the Mantis resembles an aircraft
because it must be aerodynamic enough to survive the trip from the
manufacturing plant, through the atmosphere, into space. After
being constructed, a Mantis ship is fitted to a shuttle craft and launched
into orbit. From there, the unmanned Mantis is attached to a towing
unit and taken to Solbase.
The Mantis is a one man fighter craft. Individual computers
control each part of the ship. The main computer systems are: the
navigation system computer (used to plot courses), the targeting
system computer (used to lock weapons onto an enemy target), the
weapons system computer (used to launch or fire weapons at a
target), the data-retrieval system computer (processes data obtained
by probes), the engine systems computer (monitors engines, fuel ,
and ship damage), and the flight systems computer (operates The Monlis
several different auto-pilot modes).
The pilot of the Mantis is situated in a Pilot Recovery Module (PRM) within the fighter. If the computer senses that the ship is about
to be destroyed, it will attempt to activate the Quad Jump motor in the PRM to return the pilot to the safety of Solbase . The module can
also be activated manually.
The Mantis is equipped with a Heads-Up-Display (HUD), which shows various kinds of information, including fuel , weapons,
engine performance, damage, thrust level, enemy positions, etc. Also, an indicator flashes on the HUD whenever data is received from
a Data Gathering Probe.
The Mantis has a standard fuel load of seven and a half minutes, but the pilot can elect to carry less fuel if he needs the performance
or Quad Jump range.
The weapon load of the Mantis can be chosen by the pilot. Usually a full complement of missiles is notcanied, because the increased
weight reduces the acceleration of the ship.
The Quad Jump drive carries a Mantis ship tremendous distances in an instant of time. Each jump uses up a portion of the ship' s
mass to fuel the jump (termed "jump mass"). An analogy has been made that the expenditure of jump mass is similar to the burning of
the filament in a light bulb. This is the reason the ship is incapable of jumping over and over again; the Mantis would soon run out of jump
mass. Most ships have a limit of two jumps, but the Mantis was constructed in such a way that it is capable of four jumps. The Mantis
is easily restorable to its full jump capacity after the completion of a mission.
X F 5 7 0 0 MAN TIS
After you have installed the game and viewed the introduction, the copy protection question appears on your pilot terminal screen.
After the correct answer has been entered, the terminal displays a screen grid with a picture of an eye in the center. A retina scan proceeds
to verify the code you entered. If you entered the correct statistic, the main menu terminal screen is clisplayed , and you can proceed with the ganle.
After the copy protection has been verified, the main menu screen appears. There are a total of ten options displayed. Options that
are not avaiJable do not appear. The ten options, along with the input device movements and button presses, are explained below.
Keyboard Applications: When selecting a main menu option, use the UP and DOWN arrow keys on the numeric or arrow keypad
to scroll through the selections. As you scroll through the I ist, the highlighter moves from option to option. Highlight the option you want
to select and press the ENTER key.
NOTE: The ftrst letter of each option may also be used to select. Press the ESCAPE key to return to the classroom scene.
Mouse Application: When selecting a choice from the main menu opt ions, place the mouse cursor on the option you want to select
and press the LEFT mouse button. To return to the classroom scene, press the RIGHT mouse button.
Joystick Applications: When selecting a choice from the main menu options, move the joystick in an UP and DOWN motion to
scroll the highlighter through the selections. Highlight the option you want to choose and press joystick FIRE BUTTON # I. To return
to the classroom scene, press joystick FIRE BUTTON #2.
This option allows you to enter a new pilot. When selected, you are presented with an area to type in a name. Once you have entered
the name, press the ENTER key. Your cal l sign is also displayed here. FOE has assigned you the cal l sign "Viper".
NOTE: If there are a total of eight pilots saved under the pilot roster, this option will not be displayed until a pilot' s name has been
deleted from the roster.
This option allows you to view the record of any pilot currently saved on the pilot roster. A new pi lot is placed on the roster each
time a new game is staIted. When selected, you are presented with the current pilot roster. Place the highlighter or mouse cursor on the
pilot you wish to view and press the ENTER key, LEFT mouse button or joystick FIRE BUTTON #1. The information included on the
data sheet includes the pilot ' s nanle, rartk, missions completed, kills, and decorations awarded. Each pilot ' s data sheet is updated as he
progresses through the game.
To return to the pilot roster, press any key. To return to the main menu, press the ESCAPE key, RIGHT mouse button, or joystick
This option allows you to delete any pilot on the current pilot roster. When selected, you are shown a list of names on the pilot roster.
Place the highlighter or mouse cursor on the pilot you wish to delete and press the ENTER key, LEFT mouse button or joystick FIRE
BUTTON #1. You are asked to verify that you want to delete the pilot from the roster. To return to the main menu, press the ESCAPE
key, RIGHT mouse button, or joystick FIRE BUTTON #2.
This option allows you to view data sheets on known spacecraft or weaponry. As you complete missions and encounter new
spacecraft, this database expands. Names of newly discovered objects appear in red, while items that have previously been viewed appear
in green. This helps you identify objects you have already studied.
When this option is selected, you are shown a two column list. One list is labeled SPACECRAFT and the other WEAPONS. All
of the objects you obtain data on fall into one of these two categories. To view an item, use the arrow keys on the numeric or arrow
keypad or move the joystick to position the highlighter on the name of the object you want to view. Press the ENTER key or joystick
FIRE BUTTON #1. If you are using a mouse, place the mouse cursor on the name and press the LEFT mouse button. After an item has
been selected, the data sheet is displayed. This sheet contains the technical specifications of each object along with a small 3-D computer
model of them.
To return to the database list, press any key. To return to the main menu, press the ESCAPE key, RIGHT mouse button , or joystick
This option allows you to load a previously saved game. When selected, a list of your previously saved games is displayed. To load
a game, place the highlighter or mouse cursor on the saved game title and press the ENTER key, LEFT mouse button, or joystick FIRE
NOTE: You can also use the keyboard to type in the fIrst letter of the ftle you want to load.
To return to the main menu, press the ESCAPE key, RIGHT mouse button, or joystick FIRE BUTTON #2.
This option allows you to save your current game. When selected, you are shown a box and asked to enter the file name for the saved
game. After the name is typed in, press the ENTER key to save the game. To return to the main menu, press the ESCAPE key, RIGHT
mouse button, or joystick FIRE BUTTON #2.
This option allows you to quit the game. When selected, you are asked if you want to quit. Answering YES returns you to DOS.
To return to the main menu, press the ESCAPE key, RIGHT mouse button, or joystick FIRE BUTTON #2.
This option allows you to view the credits of the Mantis development team. To return to the main menu, press the ESCAPE key,
RIGHT mouse button, or joystick FIRE BUTTON #2.
This option allows you to toggle certain features of the game on and off. When selected, a list of these features is displayed. Among
these features are music and sound effects. To return to the main menu, press the ESCAPE key, RIGHT mouse button, or joystick FIRE
This option allows you to return to the flight simulator bay to practice flight and combat scenarios. When selected, two options
appear. One of these options is the type of ship you want to fly against. Before beginning the simulation, you have the choice of selecting
the type of vessel you want to encounter, or you can choose to battle several different enemy spacecraft at once. The other option asks
you to select the number of ships you wish to match your skills against. Once you have fmished a simulation you have the option of selecting
another scenario or returning to the main menu.
To return to the main menu, press the ESCAPE key, RIGHT mouse button, or joystick FIRE BUTTON #2.
Name: Sol base 1 ("Solbase")
Classification: Star Base
Crew: 1,200
Role: Orbiting fighter platform. Primary mission is the defense of
Earth. Secondary mission is to attack and destroy the Sirian threat.
Armament: Assorted Mass Driver Cannons (turreted) and missile
launchers. Large complement of "Mantis" fighters.
Mass: 437,252,000kg empty
Engines: Station keeping thrusters only. No Quad Jump drive.
Name: XF5700 "Mantis"
Classification: Tactical Space Fighter
Crew: 1 (pilot)
Role: Primary offensive and defensive craft of FOE. Charged with
carrying out the Primary and Secondary missions of Sol base.
Armament: 1 Mass Driver Cannon (spinal mount), 2 Point Defense
Cannons (turreted), 12 small hardpoints, 6 medium hardpoints, and
2 large hardpoints.
Thrust: 2.1 million Newtons.
Mass: 8,672kg empty; 50,OO7kg fully loaded.
Performance: 24.7g empty; 4.2g fully loaded.
Quad Jump Range: 36 Iy empty; Illy fuUy loaded.
Quad Jumps: 4
---- ID 15m
.' --
Name: Palomino
Classification: General purpose technical and survey craft.
Crew: 2 (pilot, copilot) and 2 passengers (tech or science crews).
Can optionally carry 200kg cargo in place of passengers.
Role: Small utility vehicle for shuttling 1 or 2 passengers. Also
used on science mi ssions and for laying out and maintaining
Armament: \ Point Defense Cannon (turreted)
Thrust: 352,000 Newtons
Mass: 2,480kg empty; 9,540kg fully loaded
Performance: 14.4g empty; 3.7g full y loaded.
Quad Jump Range: 25 Iy empty; 10 Iy fully loaded
QuadJumps: 2
Name: Kangaroo
Classification: Cargo ship
Crew: 2 (pilot, copilot)
Role: Cargo ship or bus. Used for ferrying parts and crew to and
from Sol base.
Armament: I Point Defense Cannon (turreted)
Thrust: 284,760 Newtons
Mass: 3,522kg empty; 17,981kg fully loaded
Quad Jump Range: \8.1 Iy full y loaded
QuadJumps: 2
. . , . , = ; . - , . : : - ~ ~
Name: Behemoth
Classification: Superfreighter
Crew: 3 (pilot, copilot, and engineer) and up to 3 passengers or
cargo speciali sts. 50,OOOkg bulk cargo
Role: Cargo ship. Used to carry large cargo items to and from
Armament: 2 Point Defense Cannons (turreted).
Thrust: 815,476 Newtons
Mass: 14, I 80kg empty; 76,862kg fully loaded
Performance: 5.86g empty; 1.08g fully loaded
Quad Jump Range: 20 Iy fully loaded
Quad Jumps: 2
Name: Sirian Attack Vessel (SA V)
Classification: Primary craft used by the Sirians when they at-
tacked Earth.
Role: Space carrier
Armament: Assorted Missile Launchers, Point Defense, and Fighter
Thrust: > 8 mi1hon Newtons (estimated)
Mass: > 500,OOOkg (estimated)
Performance: > 1.73g (observed)
Quad Jump Range: minimum 9 ly
Quad Jumps: minimum 2, probably more
S M A L L C L A S S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i
Name: Dragonfly
Classification: Small attack craft
Armament: Missiles, Point Defense
Thrust: 2.9 million Newtons (estimated)
Mass: 50,OOOkg (estimated)
Performance: > 6g (observed)
Quad Jump Range: Unknown (appears to carried by SA V)
Quad Jumps: Unknown
Name: Wasp
Classification: Large attack craft
Armament: Missi les, Mass Driver Cannon, Point Defense
Thrust: > 3 million Newtons (estimated)
Mass: 80,OOOkg (estimated)
Performance: > 4.2g (observed)
Quad Jump Range: > 9 ly
QuadJumps: minimum 2
Name: Hornet
Classification: Large assault craft
Role: Attack vessel
Armament: Missiles, Mass Driver Cannon, Point Defense
Thrust: > 4 million Newtons (estimated)
Mass: 120,OOOkg (estimated)
Performance: > 3.8g (observed)
Quad Jump Range: minimum 9 Iy
Quad Jumps: minimum 2
Name: Drone
Classification: Small scout craft
Crew: < 12 (estimated)
Role: Unknown
Armament: Missiles
Thrust: 392,000 Newtons (estimated)
Mass: 4,OOOkg (estimated)
Performance: > 109 (observed)
Quad Jump Range: Unknown
QuadJumps: Unknown (appears to be carried by SAY)
A hardpoint is a place to attach a weapon aboard the Mantis. There are three types of hardpoints:
Small - Can hold either Stinger Missiles or Proximity Mines.
Medium - Can hold anything except the PseudoSteliar Missile.
Large - Can hold anything.
The Mass Driver Cannon (MDC) is an advanced version of the tried-and-true machine gun. Instead of using gunpowder to propel
a bullet out of the barrel, the MDC uses electromagnetic fields to propel a small shell, achieving tremendous velocity, and with it, awesome
destructive force. The main MDC of the Mantis is ten meters long, and the turreted Point Defense Cannons are two meters long. Both
have an acceleration of approximately 1O,OOOg, achieving exit velocities of 1400m/s and 626m/s respectively. The MDC is capable of
a large rate of fLfe. The amount of damage inflicted by a MDC shot is controll ed by how fast it hits the target. One hit by the MDC will
do little damage to most vessels, but a large number of hits can effectively destroy a target.
A smaller version of the MDC, it is designed as an anti-missile weapon. It is controlled by the computer on the Mantis and is approx-
imately two meters long.
The Stinger missile was the first missile developed by FOE for use in space. Though its logic is considered simple, it has consistently
achieved above-average hit rates during tests. It doesn't pack tremendous force and power, but it can destroy a Drone.
More powerful missiles are currently under development. The Stinger contains a IOOkg warhead, and has a total weight of lSI kg.
It has only 10 seconds worth offuel, but with a performance of around 20g, it is estimated that it should be able to intercept all Sirian vessels.
The engine of this missile does not fire constantly; the on-board computer controls the engine to conselve fuel. The best time to fire to
maximize the chance of a hit is when the target doesn' t have much lateral motion. The Stinger uses a small hardpoint.
Related to the Stinger, the nuclear missile features a 200kg nuclear warhead; it weighs 295kg. It has a similar performance and fuel
range as the Stinger, but carries more explosive force. The nuclear missiles will be best used against medium sized Sirian craft, the Wasp
and the Hornet. Be wary when using this missile, however, because a large burst of radiation is released when it detonates. It is theorized
that the radiation bursts affect the Sirians' weapons and propulsion systems. Nonetheless, nuclear missiles will undoubtedly cause surface
damage, but only trial by fIre will tell us if nuclear missiles can seriously damage the Sirians . Nuclear missiles use medium hardpoints.
This missile is currently under development. Plans call for a 1 ,000kg warhead, and an overall weight of around 1 ,600kg. The Mantis
ship is already outfItted with a large hardpoint capable of carrying this missile. It should normally be [!fed at large Sirian craft such as the
SA V and the Homet. Its fmal design will be influenced by the success of the Stinger and nuclear missiles.
This is a small pod, about the size of a Stinger missile, that contains a sophisticated sensor package for detailed analysis of a target.
By placing the package in a probe instead of on the Mantis itself, data can be gathered from a hazardous area without risking a fIghter.
Data is sent back to the probe' s launching craft, and each ship has its own assigned broadcast frequency so that several ships can have
active probes at the same time. The Mantis ship can only launch one active probe at a time. Probes contain a small self-destruct charge
that activates after data is gathered and retumed. The probe fits on a medium hardpoint.
These two types of mines are deployed in a fIeld surrounding Solbase, as well as in other key places in the Solar System. The
Proximity mine explodes if any ship without a valid IFF code travels within 100 meters of the mine. In contrast, the X-Ray Laser mine
fIres a high energy X-Ray laser at a target. X-Ray mines can fIre three shots before they need replacement, whereas proximity mines can
only be used once. Research is currently underway to develop more sophisticated mines that can get closer to targets by using cables or
small rocket engines.
The Mantis follows the actual physics of real space flight. You'll notice that your Mantis ship does not respond in the same manner
as ground flight simulators. In Earth' s atmosphere, air keeps an aircraft airborne and helps it tum and maneuver.
In space, however, spacecraft have no air currents to help them maneuver; they rely entirely on their engines. If a spacecraft thrusts
in a certain direction in space, and then turns its engines off, it will continue to travel in the same direction at the same velocity - even if
the ship is rotated - until the engines are turned on again.
Normal ground flight dogfighting tactics do not apply in space. For instance, a loop, which is fairly easy to perform in a ground
craft, is very difficult to execute in a spacecraft. Pursuing a target has similar difficulties. Keep in mind that the direction you're facing
and the direction you're moving don't necessarily have to be the same. Just because you're pointed at an enemy and thrusting with your
engines, doesn' t mean you' ll intercept him. Pursuing a target is very difficult, because in order to pursue, the direction of motion as well
as the speed have to be nearly identical. Doing so is like rendezvousing with the target, which is a relatively long process to do safely.
The physics of space flight are not simple to explain. The best way to learn on your own is to practice in the simulator. With practice, you'll
catch on quickly.
The basic concepts of roll , pitch and yaw still apply in space, but performing a pitch or yaw will not change the direction of travel
as it does with ground aircraft (unless the engine is on).
Here is a li st of the peripheral keystrokes and movements used to control the flight of the XF5700 Mantis:
Keyboard Applications: To control the Mantis from the keyboard, use the numeric keypad. The keypad controls the ship much
as you expect it would (the up arrow pitches the ship up, the right arrow yaws right, etc.). Use the Insert key to apply forward thrust,
and the space bar to fire the Mass Driver Cannon.
Mouse Applications: If you're using a mouse, a blue dot will appear on the screen and follow the mouse around. It controls the
ship in a natural way, i.e. , moving the mouse up pitches the ship up, moving it right yaws right, etc. The closer the mouse cursor
is to the edge of the screen, the faster the ship will move in that direction. Use the Left mouse button to apply forward thrust, and
the right mouse button to fife the Mass Driver Cannon.
Joystick Applications: The joystick controls the Mantis like you would expect it to. Moving the stick forward pitches down,
moving it right yaws right, etc. Use button 2 to apply forward thrust, and button 1 to fife the Mass Driver cannon.
Here is a list of the rest of the controls used to operate the Mantis ship:
"+" = Increases throttle. Each time the key is pressed, the throttle is increased by 10%. The throttle controls how much thrust is
applied when the engine is activated.
"-" = Decreases throttle setting by 10% each time the key is pressed.
"Q" = Activates the Quad-Jump engine.
" L" = Activates the auto-landing sequence. You must be within 300 meters of Solbase to activate the auto-lander. Once it is
activated, your ship is guided automatically into Solbase.
"P" = Allows you to pause the game. Press "P" a second time to resume gameplay.
CTRL+E = Activates the Pilot Recovery Module.
LEFT SHIFT = The Mantis will roll instead of yaw.
AL T +Q = Allows you to quit the game and return to DOS.
The Mantis is also equipped with nine different auto-pilot modes. The 1 - 9 keys (above the letters) are used to activate them. They are:
1. When this mode is selected, you manually control the Mantis.
2. When this mode is selected, the navigation computer points the Mantis ship at a designated target, but will not control the engine.
3. When this mode is selected, the Mantis is on full autopilot, and will attempt to pursue the target.
4. When this mode is selected, the Mantis is in "creep" mode. This lets you fme tune the position of the ship.
5. When this mode is selected, this will adjust what the computer considers "stopped" to be. This isn' t really a mode, just a way
to tell the autopilot to keep adjusting "stopped" to the current target (so the current target is always "stopped"). This can be
confusing at times, but can be useful when chasing a target. The autopilot is left in whatever mode it was in before hitting the
' 5' key.
6. This mode is similar to mode 5, but does not cons.tantly update the zero point. It takes a current reading and uses that as the basis
for "stopped".
7. When this mode is selected, the Mantis will face in the direction of motion forward, then return to mode 1.
8. When this mode is selected, the Mantis will tum and face backwards (opposite the direction of motion), then return to mode 1.
9. When this mode is selected, the navigation computer stops the ship and returns to control mode #1.
All information needed to fly the Mantis is located on the HUD display. The HUD controls are:
"H" = Turns the HUD display on and off. The HUD only appears in the forward (Fl) view.
"w" = Turns the weapons display on and off. The weapons display is located in the lower right comer of the HUD. An outline of
the Mantis ship is displayed with the weapons outlined in red.
"?" (or "f') = Replaces the outline of the Mantis with a weapons list.
"R" = Turns the radar display on and off. The radar display is located in the lower left comer of the HUD. A grid pattern appears
on the display. Enemy targets appear as red dots, while friend I y vessels appear as blue dots. The top and bottom of the display
represents the front and rear of your ship, while the left and right positions on the display correspond to the same positions on
your ship.
"D" = turns the damage display indicator on and off. The damage display is seen in the lower left corner of the HUD, where the
radar screen is located. When it is selected, the names of several parts of the ship will appear with a damage assessment for each
section listed to the right of it.
"M" = Activates communication system. For details, consult the Sol base database.
"e" = Turns the solar chart on. When you activate the solarchru1, a small computer terminal is di splayed with the names of the planets
and moons in our star system. To select one of the planets or moons, use the following keystrokes and movements:
Keyboard Applications: To select one of the planets or moons from the list, use the arrow keys on the numeric or arrow key
pad to place the highlighter on the name of the world or moon and press the ENTER key. To return to the forward view of the
HUD display, press the "F" key.
Mouse Applications: To select one of the planets or moons from the list, pl ace the mouse cursor on the name of the world or
moon and press the LEFT mouse button. Press the "F" key to return to the forward view of the HUD display.
Joystick Appli cations: To select one of the planets or moons from the list, move the joystick to pl ace the hi ghlighter on the name
of the world or moon and press joystick FIRE B UTION # 1. Press the "F" key to return to the forward view of the HUD di spl ay.
"N" = Turns the navigation chart on. When it's selected, a small computer terminal is di splayed with the names of several
sunounding star systems. The same peripheral keystrokes and movements for selecting planets or moons from the solru chart
are used from the above section. There is also a number li sted beside the name of the star system. The number represents the
number of light years away the star system is from your current position. Select "Mission Locale" to automatically set the
autopilot to the destination required for the current mission.
"F" = Returns you to the nonnal HUD display after viewing the solar or navigation charts.
There are several optional view controls from the ship. The
keystrokes to obtain these views are li sted below:
F1 = Displays a view from inside the Mantis ship looking
directly out in front of it. (front view)
F2 = Displays a view from inside the Mantis ship looking
directly to your left. (left view)
F3 = Displays a view from inside the Mantis ship looking
directly to your light. (ri ght view)
F4 = Displays a view from inside the Mantis cockpit looking
directl y to your rear. This is done by a crunera in the rear
of the ship. (rear view)
FS = Displays an exterior view of the Mantis from behind.
F6 = Displ ays the pe rspective from over the shoulder of a
targeted enemy
Keyboard Applications: The following keystrokes are used to ftre weapons:
SPACE BAR = Fires Mass-Driver Cannon
ENTER = Fires selected Missi le or Mine
Mouse Applications: The following mouse buttons are used to manipul ate weapons ' controls
(NOTE: The keyboard must be used to fLfe mi ssiles or mines):
RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON = Fires Mass-Driver Cannons
Joystick Applications: The following joystick buttons are used to manipulate weapons' controls
(NOTE: The keyboard must be used to ftre missiles or mines):
JOYSTICK FIRE BUTTON #1 = Fires Mass-Driver Cannons
These are the remaining Mantis weapons controls:
TAB = This key allows you to scroll through your weapons selections. As you scroll through the selections, the currently selected
missile, mine, or probe is displayed at the bottom of the screen in the weapons' di splay box.
NOTE: The Mass-Driver cannon is always active.
"T" = This key allows you to scroll through enemy ships in order to target the one you want to fLfe upon. When this key is pressed,
the closest enemy ship is targeted and locked on. To scroll through multiple enemy targets, continue to press this key until the
desired vessel is targeted. The enemy vessel that is targeted will have its name displayed on the HUD in red, while the other
ship names are di splayed in yellow.
X F 5 7 0 0 MAN TIS
After you have completed a mission and returned to Sol base, you will find yourself seated in front of a computer terminal in the
debriefing room. Here, the computer, using your flight log, re-creates and pl ays back the mission you've just completed or a previously
saved mission. When the computer is displayed, there are several headings and VCR (Video Computer Recorder) buttons on the screen.
The headings include:
Mission # - The mission number you have just completed.
Mission Elapsed Time - The amount of time it took you to complete the mission. Displayed in hours: minutes: seconds.
Missions to Date - Missions completed successfully to date.
Kills - The number of enemy spacecraft you destroyed during a mission.
Missiles Fired - The number of mi ssiles you flfed during a mission.
Mines Fired - The number of mines you fired during a mission.
Data Recorded - A YES or NO is displayed to indicate if any new data was retrieved during the course of your mission from a
Data-Gathering probe.
In the debriefmg room, all of the data from the mission you just completed is displayed under these headings. There are several VCR
buttons displayed on the screen. These buttons are labeled.
Keyboard Applications: When you select a choice from the VCR button options, use the an'ow keys on the numeric or arrow key
pad to place the highli ght box around the button you want to select and press the ENTER key (or you can use the following keystrokes
to select a function:).
" L"= Load
"ESC" = End
" p" = Play or Pause
"F" = Forward
" R" = Rewind "M" = Save
"8" = Stop
Pressing the ESCAPE key returns you to the mai n menu.
Mouse Applications: When you select a choice from the VCR button options, place the mouse cursor on the function you want
to select and press the LEFf mouse button. To return to the main menu, select the End function.
Joystick Applications: When you select a choice from the VCR button options, move the joystick to place the highlight box around
the function you want to select and press joystick FIRE BUTTON # I. To return to the main menu, select the End function.
Load - This function lets you load a previously saved mi ssion. When it is selected, a menu appears displaying a list of the mission
numbers saved. To select a saved mission, place the highlighter- using the keyboard, mouse or joystick -on the saved mission
you want to re-create and press the ENTER key, LEFT mouse button, or joystick FIRE BUTTON #1.
To return to the Computer Re-Creation Terminal screen, press the ESCAPE key, RIGHT mouse button, or joystick FIRE
End - This function returns you to the main menu. After it is selected, you'll leave the Computer Re-Creation screen. Before
returning to the main menu, you' ll sometimes receive a Letter of Commendation or a reprimand. To scroll through the letter,
use the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys. After you finish reading the letter, press the ESCAPE key, RIGHT mouse bunon,
or joystick FIRE BUlTON #2 to return to the main menu.
Pause - This function allows you to pause the replay of the mission. When it is selected, the action on the screen freezes. To resume
play, select the Play function again.
Save - This function allows you to save the previously completed mission. When selected, the computer will automatically save
the mission under the mission number.
Play - This function allows you to begin the replay of a mission.
Forward - This function allows you to fast forward through a mission while viewing it. When selected, the replay will speed up
and continue to play at this speed until the Play function is selected again.
Rewind - This function lets you rewind a mission while you're viewing it. When it's selected, the replay rewinds through the mission
until the Play function is selected again.
Stop - This function stops the replay of a mission.
The majority of the Computer Re-Creation Terminal screen is occupied by the replay window. While the mission is paused, you
have the option to move the camera viewpoint to any position. Here is a list of the button presses and movements used to reposition the
camera. When replay begins, the camera is looking forward from the rear of your ship. There are three different camera mode options to select:
I. By pressing the 1 key on the alpha keypad, you are placed in camera mode 1. This mode stations the camera in a stationary
position, but allows you to pitch, yaw, and roll it.
2. By pressing the 2 key on the alpha keypad, you are placed in camera mode 2. This mode allows you to point the camera at any
target, including your ship. To scroll through all of the targets on screen, repeatedly press the "T" key until you have the camera
positioned on the ship you want. You can then rotate the camera around the entire ship, over it, or under it.
3. By pressing the 3 key on the alpha keypad, you are placed in camera mode 3. This mode allows you to alter the position of the
camera, but not the orientation of it.
The positioning of the camera is operated in the same manner as that of the Mantis.
During a mission replay, you can attach the camera to a ship from anyone of the three modes. This allows you to ride along with
the ship instead of watching it go by. To do this, simply press the "A" key on the keyboard. The camera attaches to the ship that is currently
being targeted.
MANTi S 32
Throughout the game, you are rewarded after attaining major milestones. Each time you are rewarded, you receive a medal and
a ribbon. Ribbons are worn on the duty uniform, while medals are displayed on the dress uniform. Here are the awards you can obtain
(Graphic representations of these awards are shown on the inside rear cover of this manual):
FOE Training - Awarded to a pilot who completes the XF5700 Mantis training program.
Combat Readiness - Awarded to a pilot who completes the tactical combat readiness program. This award signifies that a pilot
is certified for combat.
Pilot's Medal- Awarded to a Mantis pilot who achives his first combat kill.
Purple Heart - A warded to a pilot who has been injured in the line of duty.
Venus Star - Awarded to a Mantis pilot after he achieves his 25th combat kill.
Saturn Star - A warded to a Mantis pilot following his 50th combat kill.
Earth Star - Awarded to a Mantis pilot after he obtains his 75th combat kill.
Sun Star - Awarded to a Mantis pilot following his lOOth combat kill.
Nova Silver Cross - Awarded to a Mantis pilot who successfully completes 50 missions without losing a single Mantis spacecraft.
Nova Gold Cross - Awarded to a Mantis pilot who successfully completes 90 missions without losing a single Mantis spacecraft.
Nebula Cross - A warded to a Mantis pilot who distinguishes himself by assisting or rescuing a disabled spacecraft from a perilous
or threatening situation.
FOE Distinguished Service - Awarded to a Mantis pilot who displays bravery above and beyond the call of duty.
Several of these awards can be obtained more than once during the adventure. After you receive a ribbon or medal for the first time,
the same awards eamed again are represented by gold triangles displayed on the ribbon and medal.
Throughout the game, you are promoted after accompl ishing major milestones. Rank insignias are worn on both the flight and dress
uniforms. The following is a list of the ranks in ascending order (Graphic representations of these ranks are shown on the insidefront
cover of this manual):
1. Pilot 6. FOE Colonel
2. Stellar Pilot 7. Base Commander
3. Star Blade 8. Commander 2nd Cluster
4. Star Centurion 9. Commander 1st Cluster
5. Star Colonel 10. Galaxy Commander
X F 5 7 0 0 MAN TIS
Call Sign: Viper
Date of Birth: April 11, 2069
Birthplace: Pittsburgh, Pa.
Current Age: 27
Height: l.80 meters
Weight: 81 kilograms
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
You are Viper, born on Aprilll , 2069 at Magee Women' s Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. All through your formative years,
your parents encouraged you to pursue a medical career. However, you were enthralled with the idea of flight, so, for a high school
graduation gift, your parents paid your way through flight school.
You attended The Pennsylvania State University on an Air Force R.O.T.C scholarship and graduated with a degree in Aerospace
Engineering. While there, you met Heidi Martin. She stole your heart, and was smitten with the idea of spending her life with you. But
your military commitment came ftrst, and unfortunately you were stationed overseas to ftght in the Eurasian War.
Some say it was luck, others say skill, but you were a young hotshot who became an ace after just five missions. Your unprecedented
knack for original and unorthodox combat maneuvers left the purists bewildered. However, no one could argue the results, and you were
quickly promoted to captain.
You returned from the war and began to make preparations to marry Heidi. Everything was running smoothly until the Sirians
invaded. The devastation caused widespread chaos and you were immediately assigned to Solbase as a pilot in the experimental Mantis
program. For over six months, Heidi was unsure of your whereabouts, until she too was transferred to Sol base as part of the PseudoSteller
Missile guidance system development team. Her arrival boosted your morale, but all wedding plans were put on hold until the Sirian threat
was eliminated.
Name: Heidi R. Martin
Date of Birth: September 17, 2070
Born In: Miami, FL
Current Age: 26
Height: 1.65 meters
Weight: 52 kilograms
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Heidi was bom on September 17,2070 in Miami, Florida. Though her parents enjoyed success and vast wealth, Heidi had a normal
childhood. She was noted for her intell igence at an early age and was al ways a top academic performer. She too attended The Pennsy I vania
State University, graduating with highest honors in the Computer Systems Design and Analysis program.
It was then that she fell in love with a young R.O.T.c. cadet. However, when he completed his degree, he was sent overseas to fight
in the Eurasian War. Heidi wasn't content to sit at home and wait, and was accepted into the Master's program for Computer Engineering
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
After completing the Master's program, Heidi accepted an offer from SysTech Inc., one of the military's leading sub-contractors
for computer hardware. The good fortune of her placement with SysTech coincided with the end of the Eurasian war, and the retum of her love.
With only a few weeks until the long awaited wedding day, Earth was nearly destroyed by a vicious aJjen attack. For more than
six months, Heidi could not locate her fiancee. Unfortunately, due to Heidi 's unique qualifications, she was unwillingly sent to Solbase
to assist in the design of the computer guidance system for the PseudoSteliar Missile. Once there, she was overjoyed to fmd that she was
reunited with "Viper". However, she reluctantly agreed to postpone the wedding until the crisis was resolved.
Name: Commander Martin R. Statler
Date of Birth: Augu t 7, 2046
Birthplace: Boston, MA
Current Age: 50
Height: 1.75 meters
Weight: 86 kilograms
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Gray
Base Commander Martin R. Statler may well be the most vital component of the Solbase defense program. Although most of the
people who knew him as a child could never have guessed it then, the introverted young bookworm they used to call "The Machine" would
eventually go on to assume command of the planet's mightiest defenses.
As a student in the prestigious Naval Academy, Cadet Statler was virtually without peer. His fIrst assignment was aboard the aircraft
canier CVN Conquest. Within 10 years, he was offered the position of Ship's Captain. He held this position for three years until the
opportunity arose for him to command the experimental orbital carrier XCL Challenge. Under Captain Statler's guidance, the program
was a resounding success.
When the experimental program was terminated, Captain Statler decided to return to civilian life and enjoy himself. Shrewd
investments supplemented his pension to provide him with a comfortable living until the Sirians devastated Earth.
The world leaders realized that an orbiting fortress , similar to the XCL Challenge project, was humanity's only hope for survival.
Captain Statler was the obvious choice to assemble the manpower and materials needed to undertake the monumental task. He accepted
without question, and completed the project beyond all expectations. Solbase was larger, more efficient, and far more powerful than its
Mario B. Feretti was born into a wealthy, industrialist family. After
receiving the finest education money could buy, Mario was determined to
follow in his father' s footsteps. He acquired a pilot' s license and enjoyed flying
his father' s private jet back and forth to business engagements.
When war broke out in Asia and the Middle East, NATO forces were
called upon to halt the advancing Chinese armies. Mario felt compelled to
defend the land that had given him so much, and enlisted as a fighter pilot in
the Italian Air Force.
By the time NATO forces fmally drove the invaders back, Mario was a
colonel and a seasoned veteran. Only two months before he was scheduled to
be discharged, the Sirian warships attacked. Colonel Feretti ' s family was killed, and
Milan was so badly contaminated with radiation that his return was impossible.
With no family or fortune remaining, Colonel Feretti volunteered for an
assignment as a no-nonsense flight instructor for the Mantis program. He was
quickly transferred to the newly constructed Sol base, and has proved a valu-
able asset ever since.
Name: Mario B. Feretti
Date of Birth: January 16, 2059
Birthplace: Milan, Italy
Current Age: 38
Height: 1.70 meters
Weight: 85 kilograms
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Name: Vincent T. Seremet
Date of Birth: May 20, 2050
Birthplace: Nice, France
Current Age: 46
Height: 1.7 meters
Weight: 76 kilograms
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Colonel Seremetacquired hi s reputat ion for strategic brilliance by devising the counter offensive which crushed the Chinese, ending
the Eurasian War. After the war, Colonel Seremet was appointed by the United at ions to lead in the formation of a plan for world peace.
These plans were shattered by the Sirians.
The new world coalition, cal ling itself the Fist Of Earth (F.O.E.) , turned to Colonel Seremet to spearhead Earth's resistance. He
insisted on the fOlmation of an orbiting defense mechanism. Seremet knew there was only one man who could meet the challenge ...
Colonel Martin R. Statler. Together, they form the intell ectual heart of the Fist Of Earth.
Name: Joshua ben-Solomon
Call Sign: Tigereye
Date of Birth: December 13, 2064
Birthplace: Heifa, Israel
Current Age: 32
Height: 1.95 meters
Weight: 78 kilograms
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Major Joshua ben-Solomon is arguably the most talented combat pilot in the Mantis program. He enlisted in the Israeli Air Force
at the age of twenty, and had barely two years of training before his homeland was plunged into war with Syria and Jordan. Facing
overwhelming odds, military leaders found it necessary to activate all available pilots, regardless of their level of experience, and assign
them directly into active combat. The war dragged on over a period offour years, but eventually the invaders withdrew.
Within three months of the Israeli victory, a second war broke out, this time in Asia, and NATO requested Israel 's assistance. Joshua,
a captain by this time, volunteered for combat again. He was shot down twice, but managed to survive and return home.
Each time, he insisted on immediate return to active combat. Before the war's end, Joshua was promoted to the rank of Major, and
was recognized as Israel's only double ace.
After ten straight years of combat sorties, Major ben-Solomon was ready to return to civilian life. However, the Sirian attack left
so few survivors, that he was forced to accept the fact that mankind would need to muster every combat-trained pilot it could fmd just
to survive. He volunteered for duty at Sol base even as it was being constructed.
Name: Charles D. Emmett
Call Sign: Joker
Date of Birth: September 23, 2068
Birthplace: Jacksonville, FL.
Current Age: 28
Height: 1.80 meters
Weight: 95 kilograms
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
When 21 year old Charlie Emmett graduated a year early from college with a degree in Applied Physics, there were high hopes
for him. As a member of the Air Force R.O.T.c. program, he had excelled in both his academic and military training. It was expected
that he would go on to become one of the top graduates to emerge from fli ght training school.
Unfortunately, the rigid structure of a full-time military career didn' t seem to agree with Charlie. He developed into a rather devious
prankster, and onl y his tremendous potential as a fighter pilot kept him from being removed from the flight training program altogether.
He graduated with high marks, but hi s instructors saw little hope for advancement in "The Joker's" military career.
After the Sirian invasion, Base Commander Statler began assembling a core of ski lled personnel to man the newly constructed
Solbase. He decided to take a chance on Charli e, and hasn't been let down yet. Captain Emmett has become a highly respected fi ghter
pilot, though he still has a wicked sense of humor that rankles many of his superiors.
Name: Piotr Karpov
Call Sign: Warrior
Date of Birth: May 8, 2064
Birthplace: Vladivostok, Russia
Current Age: 32
Height: 1. 85 meters
Weight: 80 kilograms
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Piotr Karpov was orphaned at the age of eight. A brilliant child, he was fortunate enough to qualify for the elite Russian Military
Academy of Science and Mathematics. This school was used to produce the Motherland' s foremost military research and development
scientists. Although involved with the design of Russian combat aircraft, Piotr's real talent lay in his uncanny abi li ty to successfull y test
the prototypes others could not fly.
Piotr's stellar performance as a pilot led to hi s selecti on in the technological exchange between NATO forces in the effort to win
the Eurasian War. When the Sirians invaded, Commander Statler personally recruited Major Karpov as a test pilot for the XF5700 Mantis
fighter. As one of the few surviving test pilots, Karpov trained most of the new Mantis pilot recruits. His combat and flight experience
made hjm the ideal candidate for the position of Blue Squad leader.
The A.RM.S. (Advanced Robotic Maintenance System) unit was designed in conjunction with the development of the XF5700
Mantis prototype. The A.R.M.S. unit was essential to the Mantis program because it was impossible for human technical crews to keep
pace with the extensive amount of repairs required after missions and the stringent time constraints involved in servicing the fighters.
The A.R.M.S. unit never leaves its ship unattended. If a missing part is required for maintenance, the unit transmits the order directly
to the Command Service Center, and the part is delivered on-site at once.
A.RM.S. are reliable high-tech mechanics, equipped with the latest in high-tech tools so they can provide on-the-spot mecha nical,
structural and electrical repairs to Mantis fighters. A single unit can repair a badly damaged ship in less than 24 hours.
The A.R.M.S. units are also equipped with the latest computer hardware. Each unit contains the entire structural engineering
blueprint and layout of the Mantis ship, a detailed history of it's pilot, and all records of known enemy spacecraft.
The technologically advanced A.RM.S units are credited for the early success of the Mantis program.
X F 5 7 0 0 MAN TIS
Based on Warhead by Glyn Williams
Mark E. Seremet
Paul M. Conklin
Glenn Dill
Glenn Dill
Chris Short
Glenn DiLl
Quinno Martin
Wendy Jobe
Kelly Vadas
Kelly Trout
Jeff Schaid
Paul M. Conklin
F.J. Lennon
Mark E. Seremet
Glenn Dill
Paragon Studios - Paul M. Conklin
Paragon Studios - Michael Bross
Heidi R. Martin
Commander Statler
Vincent Seremet
Newscaster # I
Newscaster #2
Newscaster #3
Jim Fuhlman
Virginja Tomasko
Richard Greaves
Vince Berruti
Chris Short
Jeff Jobe
Bill Petras
Wendy Jobe
Kelly Vadas
Laura Kampo
Jeff Schaid
... to Bob for help with the spacecraft.
X F 5 7 0 0 MAN TIS
g - a urnt of acceleration, I g is the force of gravity on the surface of the Earth, about 9.8 meters per second squared. This means
that an object with an acceleration of 19 applied for I second will have a velocity of 9.8 meters per second.
IFF - Identification, Friend or Foe. Any ship without a valid IFF code is assumed to be hostile. Many weapons systems use this
to determine who to blow up.
kg - kilogram. A unit of weight in the metric system; I kilogram is about 2.2 pounds.
km - kilometer. A unit of measurement in the metric system, 1 kilometer is about 6 tenths of a mile (0.6 miles). There are 1.609344
km per mile.
Lagrange - A Lagrange point is a stable point in a gravitational system. A Lagrange point does not move with respect to the two
bodies it's defmed for. As an example, by putting Sol base at one of the Earth-Moon Lagrange points (there are 5), it will maintain
a constant distance from both the Earth and moon. Lagrange points are named after Joseph Lagrange, the 18th Century
Mathematician and Astronomer who predicted the existance of these points.
Iy - Light Year. 1 light year is the distance light travels in 1 year, approximately 9.4 trillion kilometers. (5.88 trillion miles.)
Newton - a urnt of force. If a force of9.8 Newtons is applied to an object weighing 1 kg, it will accelerate at a rate of 1 g. It is named
after Isaac Newton, who came up with the Theory of Gravity.
Pitch - moving the front of a ship up or down is called pitch.
Yaw - moving the front of a ship left or right is called yaw.
Compatibles VGAIMCGA Version.
First, make a copy of your original diskettes using DOS's DISKCOPY command (see
your DOS manual if you have any questions).
MANTIS Speech Pack must be installed onto a hard drive, and requires up to 4 ME
of disk space. Insert the copy of Disk 1 into your floppy drive and type A:INSTALL (or
B:INSTALL) from the DOS prompt, then follow the on-screen prompts. You will be able
to choose the hard drive and directory where you want the game installed (Note: you must
install the Speech Pack in the same directory that the Mantis game is in). If you want to
abort the installation, hit ctrl-Break (ctrl-C) at any time during the installation.
Sound Blaster or Sound Master II required
to use digitized speech. If you need to change the
setup, change into the game directory and type
SETIJP from the DOS prompt.
Expanded or extended memory is required
to use the Speech Pack.
This Official Proof-of-Purchase
can earn you a free backup disk!
Details on Backup Order Form.
Official Proof-of-Purchase
Please check game format here.
o IBM 3.5
o IBM 5.25
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