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The buildingSMART Glossary of Terms

International Alliance for Interoperability Model Support Group January 2007

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The scope of this document is to provide guidance on the meaning of terms used in association with the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) model and related activities.

This document is not intended to be a general glossary of terms for Information and Communications Technology

All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright holder (IAI). Copyright 1996-2007 - International Alliance of Interoperability (IAI)
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Project Reference Document Reference Version Date Status Primary Editors IAI Committee Responsible Distribution MSG Glossary The buildingSMART Glossary of Terms 0.5 2nd January 2007 DRAFT Jeffrey Wix, Kari Karstila Model Support Group MSG

Version 1.0 02/01/2007 - Public release of The buildingSMART Glossary of Terms.

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The purpose of this glossary is to define a list of the terms used when talking about information and communication technology in construction and facilities management. Special emphasis is on the terms related to the buildingSMART idea including those dealing with information modeling, data exchange, IFC and related activities. Many sources have been consulted in compiling this Glossary. Significant amongst these are the glossaries published by the ProIT project in Finland, the Avanti programme in the United Kingdom and the EU funded ICCI project. However, a number of other sources were used and those that are of primary interest are listed in the References section. Some of the terms in the glossary are better known by their abbreviated form (or acronym). For such terms, the Abbreviation is provided is a separate column in addition to the meaning. Terms given in the glossary may be related to other terms. This may be either because the related term adds to the definition or because there is some other linkage. Where relationships exist, these are given in the Related column.

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4D = 3D + time, i.e. the linking of time aspect to the building element and space objects of the 3Dmodel. The time aspect may describe e.g. the installation date and time of building elements. Then 4Dsimulation can be used to visualize the progress of construction in time. 5D = 3D + time + cost i.e. the linking of both time and cost aspects to the building element and space objects of the 3D-model. The 5D aspect may be used to describe the occurrence of cost parameters at particular times during the development of a project and may be used to visualize the expenditure, income return, life cycle cost or other developing cost pattern for a project. An entity type that cannot be instantiated; only non-abstract subtypes of an abstract entity type may be instantiated. A piece of work to accomplish a result. Describes a generalized piece of doing that is not scheduled in time. This is distinct from a task that typically has a time context. A model that describes an application in terms of the sequence of its activities and information flows. A person, an organization or an organizational unit (such as a department, team etc.) involved in a project during its life cycle. A phrase that may be used as an alternative to describe the building construction industry. Prevalent in US and related practice. A phrase that may be used as an alternative to describe the building construction industry and subsequent building operations. Prevalent in US and related practice. An alternative usage to AEC/FM. More recent definition.

5D nD 4D nD



Abstract Entity Type

Entity type Subtype Task

Activity Activity Model Actor AEC AEC / FM Architecture, Engineering and Construction Architecture, Engineering and Construction / Facilities Management. Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operation



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A collection of elements. In the EXPRESS language the types of aggregates are array, bag, list and set.

Array Bag List Set Unique List


A special form of association, between a whole and its parts, in which the whole is composed of the parts. In IFC, aggregation is a subtype of composition in which the composite element may be composed of elements of different entity types.

Application API Application Programming Interface Application Interpreted Construct Application Interpreted Model

An information system specific to the satisfaction of a set of user requirements. An interface definition that permits invoking services from application programs without knowing details of their internal implementation. Specifies the interpretation of the STEP integrated resources to satisfy requirements for a tightly defined functional area. The process, mechanism, or manner by which meaning is assigned to an abstract representation of an event, object, or concept. Within an Application Interpreted Model or AIM, the abstract representation is specified by an EXPRESS construct. Interpretation results in the creation of a new construct in an AIM that may restrict, narrow, or constrain the semantic scope of an original construct, thereby specializing it. Common building blocks used to create modular Application Protocols (AP) within STEP. Higherlevel modules are built up from lower-level modules. A mechanism of the STEP standard for defining well-defined subsets of the total resource classes in STEP to be used in conceptual models supporting the data transfer needs of particular application areas. A conceptual model in STEP that describes the information requirements and constraints of a specific application context. Description of the basic arrangement and connectivity of parts of a system. STEP EXPRESS



Application Module

Application Protocol STEP Conceptual Model STEP Conceptual Model STEP


Application Protocol


Application Reference Model Architecture

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A type of EXPRESS aggregate that is fixed by size and the elements of which are indexed by order. A standard code for representing English characters as numbers, with each letter assigned a number from 0 to 127. A process as it is currently.



American Standard Code for Information Interchange As-Is Process

Process To-Be Process


In general, attributes represent the characteristics of objects. E.g. Attributes defined by a building element class may be Name, Length, Weight, Price, etc. The attribute values of a specific building element of a specific building may be Name = 'Wall-123', Length=6500.0, Weight=7300, etc. In EXPRESS, an attribute of an entity type has a name and data type, and they represent characteristics of an entity type and relationships between entity types.

Attribute Value Backward Compatibility Bag BIM Building Information Model.

Attributes defined by an entity type get their specific values in the instances of the entity type. See Downward Compatibility A type of EXPRESS aggregate that can vary in size, the elements are not indexed by order and the elements are not required to be unique. A shared digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility founded on open standards for interoperability. A shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life-cycle from inception onward. A basic premise is collaboration by different stakeholders at different phases of the life cycle of a facility to insert, extract, update or modify information in the process to support and reflect the roles of that stakeholder. Downward Compatibility Aggregate Building Product Model Knowledge

Boundary Representation Bounding Box

A modeling strategy where objects are modeled using their boundary description. A minimum bounding volume in the form of a rectangular box such that it completely contains an object.

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Building Product Model

The totality of building information and digital product data, throughout the life cycle of a building. Note: Recently, also the term Building Information Model (BIM) has been used as a synonym for building product model.

Building Information Model

Business Object BPEL BPMN Business Process Execution Language Business Process Modeling Notation

An identifiable business concept such as customer or order. An XML-based language designed to enable task-sharing for a distributed computing or grid computing environment. A notation for use in the development of business process diagrams that is readily understandable by all business users, from the business analysts that create the initial drafts of the processes, to the technical developers responsible for implementing the technology that will perform those processes, and finally, to the business people who will manage and monitor those processes. Enables XML languages designed for the execution of business processes, such as BPEL (Business Process Execution Language), to be visualized with a business-oriented notation.

Concept Task Activity Business Process Execution Language Task


Business Process Reengineering) Business Rule

An organizational process that helps to identify fundamental business objectives, formulate a detailed strategy to achieve those objectives, determine measures for success, redesign business processes, and implement new policies and procedures. A statement that defines or constrains some aspect of the business. A rule under which an organization operates. A policy or decision that influences the process step. Constraint

CAD-Layer Cardinality

A mechanism within CAD-applications for grouping data. In a CAD-model a graphical entity is assigned to a layer to which may be applied operations, like visibility, filtering etc. Definition of how many instances can participate into a relationship in both sides of it. Describes the number of participants in a reference between objects/classes in a data model. For instance the link between a father and his sons is a zero-to-many reference as one father may have 0 or more sons. The link from a son to his father is a one-to-one link as a son may have one and only one (biological) father. Instance

Cartesian Coordinates

A planar coordinate system that enables a point in 2D space to be represented by two measurements, and a point in 3D space by three measurements, relative to some defined origin and system of orthogonal axes.

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In the context of IFC, a procedure by which software that implements IFC is tested and certified for conformance with IFC specification and for capability of high quality IFC data exchange. Certification of software is done against an IFC View definition.


Certification Workshop

An open workshop which is part of the IFC software certification procedures. In the workshop, the certification candidates have to demonstrate the capability of their software for high quality IFC data exchange. The certification workshop is preceded by testing of software using test cases, and with exchanges between the candidate software.

Change Log Chapter

In the context of IFC, documentation of the changes made to the IFC Object Model. The change log is maintained by the IAI Model Support Group. A geographical or language based organizational unit within the IAI organization. Chapters are the next organizational level below IAI International. The current IAI Chapters are: Australasia, Benelux, China, French speaking, German speaking, Iberia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Nordic, North American, Singapore and UK Chapters.

Model Support Group IAI International


CIMSteel Integration Standards

The product model and electronic data exchange file format for structural steel project information
intended to create a seamless and integrated flow of information among all parties of the steel supply chain involved in the construction of steel framed structures. A mapping specification between CIS/2 and IFC is defined.

Mapping Specification


An information model for the representation of 3D urban objects. It defines the classes and relations for the most relevant topographic objects in cities and regional models with respect to their geometrical, topological, semantic and appearance properties. Included are generalization hierarchies between thematic classes, aggregations, relations between objects, and spatial properties. It is implemented as an application schema for the Geographic Markup Language (GML).

Geographic Markup Language

Class Class Hierarchy Class Library

A Class describes the characteristics of similar objects. The Inheritance hierarchy (Is-a relationships) between the classes. A collection of classes, or a set of pre-built and pre-tested software components that can be used as building blocks to develop applications. Class libraries are often provided by development tool vendors and may also be purchased from third-party vendors. A grouping of things according to common characteristics or some other principle.

Entity Type Inheritance Class


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Code Checking View Compatibility

A view of the IFC Object Model that is designed to support the exchange of information to check for conformance with local building codes/regulations. In general, capability of systems' interfaces to work with each other. Note: With regard to data exchange files, there may be upward compatibility and downward compatibility.


Complex Instance

An instance that is an instantiation of a number of entity types at the same time. A complex instance collects together component instances from multiple classes into a single instance. Note: Complex instance is not the same as a composition. Note: Especially EXPRESS related concept.



In general, a relationship between a composite object and its parts. In IFC, a type of composition where the composite element can be a composition of elements of varying types. The generic composition relationship in IFC is further subtyped into aggregation and nesting. Note: Some times also called whole-part relationship.

Relationship Subtype


Computational Fluid Dynamics Computer Aided Design Computer Aided Design and Draughting Computer Aided Facilities Management Computer Aided Maintenance Management

The science of determining a numerical solution to the governing equations of fluid flow whilst advancing the solution through space or time to obtain a numerical description of the complete flow field of interest A class of software application that performs a design function. A computer aided design software application with additional features such as annotation etc. that enable the production of drawings as output. A class of software application that assists with the planning, execution and recording of facilities management operations. A class of software application that assists with the planning, execution and recording of engineering maintenance management operations. Application Application Application Application


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Computer Aided System Engineering

Computer Aided System Engineering. (CASE) tools are more or less complete sets of software to aid the process of making software. They typically support the creation of graphical schemas, keep track of dictionaries (repositories) of all entity classes, their attributes and relations and at last generate code in a chosen language.

Attribute Class Relationship Repository Schema

Computer Interpretable Data Concept Conceptual Model

Representation of data in a form that can be directly interpreted by computer applications without human intervention. Human perception of objects of reality. A formal definition of a bounded set of facts, concepts or instructions and relationships to meet a specified requirement. Synonym of information model


Concept Information Model Relationship

Conformance Consistency Constraint

In the context of standards, means that the implementation of the standard (e.g. applications data exchange interface) is done according to the definitions of the standard. A characteristic of a data set that the values that are dependent or derived from each other dont have values violating these dependency rules. In EXPRESS or data modeling, defines restrictions to the allowable value space of instances and their attribute values. A limiting value or boundary condition that may be applied to the value of a property of an object. Data EXPRESS Data Model EXPRESS

Constructed Data Types Construction Type

Constructed data types of EXPRESS are enumeration and select data types. Defines the decomposition structure of a building element and properties of the building element parts. Type information defines some properties of building elements that may be shared by multiple building elements. E.g. The construction type of a wall defines the material layers of its cross section.


Constructive Solid Geometry Converter

A geometric modeling methodology where an object is built using the boolean operators: union, subtraction and difference. A computer application that converts data from one form to another.

Object Application

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Coordination View Data

A basic view of the IFC Object Model designed to exchange primarily shape data about the building, spaces and building elements Representation of information in a formal manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human beings or computer applications. Recorded, ordered symbols that carry information.

Shape Data Information Knowledge Relationship Application Data Concept Data Sharing Data Exchange Format Data Conceptual Model Information Model

Database Data Access Interface

A group of related data sets comprising data that is independent of applications, involves complex data relationships, and is protected by data security A programming interface that allows for access to data such that the using application is separated from how the data actually is stored and managed. A formal method for the definition of concepts and their data structures. The exchange of data between computer applications; typically using a data exchange file. A file of data in data exchange format that is exported by the sending application for the purpose of transferring and importing the file into the receiving application. A computer interpretable format used for storing, accessing, transferring, and archiving data. An abstraction of the real world which incorporates only those properties thought to be relevant to the application at hand. The data model would normally define specific groups of entities, and their attributes and the relationships between these entities. Usually used as a synonym for the terms conceptual or information model. Note: Sometimes a distinction is made between the implementation technology independent conceptual model, and the data model which is planned for a specific implementation technology (e.g. the data structures of a database). Note: An Information model for Product data is called a Product data model.


Data Definition Language Data Exchange Data Exchange File Data Exchange Format Data Model

Data Quality

Indications of the degree to which data satisfies stated or implied needs. This may include information about lineage, completeness, currency, logical consistency and accuracy of the data


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Data Sharing

Common access to data in a database by a number of applications that create, use and update the data.

Application Data Database Data Exchange

Data Type Database Datum Decomposition De-Facto Standard Defined Type Definition Derived Attribute DTM Digital Terrain Model Document Document Data

The definition of the domain of values of an attribute. An organized and managed set of data that one or more applications can use and update. A point that defines an origin and orientation of a coordinate system. In general, a relationship between parts of a composite object and the composite object that is the inverse to composition A method or similar which has achieved a position of being the "standard" practice, without being standardized by an official standardization body. In EXPRESS, defined type is a named type that can be by underlying data type be a simple type, other defined types or a Constructed data type. A concise explanation of meaning of an item of interest. An attribute the value of which can be derived from the values of other attributes of the object. The derivation rule can also be seen as a consistency rule between the attribute values. A method of transforming elevation data into a contoured surface of a three-dimensional display. A collection of document data that is managed as a single unit. Document data gives a textual or graphical description (presentation) of the thing, such that humans can interpret information about the thing. For example, a person who understands the notations of construction drawings can interpret the design for the building. However, even if the drawing would be e.g. in digital DXF-format, a computer application could automatically interpret the meaning of the graphics (lines, circles, text, ...) of the drawing.

Attribute Data Cartesian Coordinates Composition



Product Data


Document Type Definition.

A definition of information content using the XML language.

eXtensible Markup Language

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Document Based

A paradigm in which information is represented using documents (presentations), text documents, schedules, drawings, etc., from the content of which the computer applications cannot interpret actual product data. Interpretation is done by humans using the documents. The body of knowledge defining the range and scope of an area of interest in terms of elements, rules and behaviors. With regard to data exchange, a type of compatibility in which the data files based on a later specification release are compatible with data files based on an earlier release. With regard to an application, an application is downward compatible is it can read, write and handle data created by an earlier release of the application.

Model Based


Rule Behavior Application Data Exchange

Downward Compatibility


The process of conducting business (buying and selling of goods and services) on the Internet, especially the World Wide Web. In practice, this term and a new term, "e-business," are often used interchangeably. The process of conducting government business on the Internet. One or more organizations sharing a definitive mission, goals, and objectives to offer an output such as a product or service. This includes related concepts such as extended enterprise or virtual enterprise. A large organization whose many offices, agencies, workers and partners must be able to communicate and share information effectively and efficiently.

e-Government Enterprise


Enterprise Resource Planning

The broad set of activities supported by multi-module application software that help a manufacturer or other business manage the important parts of its business, including product planning, parts purchasing, maintaining inventories, interacting with suppliers, providing customer service, and tracking orders. ERP can also include application modules for the finance and human resources aspects of a business. Typically, an ERP system uses or is integrated with a relational database system. The deployment of an ERP system can involve considerable business process analysis, employee retraining, and new work procedures. Defines the attributes and constraints for objects (i.e. the instances of the entity type) with similar characteristics. Note: Synonym for more generic term Class. In the definitions the term entity type is used in most cases. Attribute Class Constraint Data Type

Entity type

Enumeration Type

A data type that defines a list of possible named enumeration values. I.e. an attribute of an enumeration type can have a value of one of the predefined enumeration values.

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Event Exchange Format

The cause of a state change of an object. A structure and syntax for encoding data for the purpose of its exchange. The set of information that needs to be exchanged to support a particular business requirement at a particular project stage (or stages). The purpose of an exchange requirement is to describe the information that must be passed from one business process to enable another business process to happen.

Object Data Exchange Format Information


Exchange Requirement

Explicit Attribute EXPRESS

An attribute of an entity type that is not a derived or inverse attribute. A data definition language defined by ISO 10303-11 EXPRESS language reference manual. EXPRESS is a formal language that can be used to define product data models. Note: IFC Object Model is defined using the EXPRESS language.

Attribute Data Definition Language Product Data Model EXPRESS EXPRESS EXPRESS Mapping Specification Domain Model Development Project


An information model described using the EXPRESS language. An EXPRESS model may comprise a number of interrelated schemas. A graphical notation for the EXPRESS language. EXPRESS-G defines graphical symbols for a subset of the elements of the EXPRESS language. A mapping specification language for defining a mapping between data sets based on different EXPRESS-models. EXPRESS-X is defined by ISO 10303-14 within the EXPRESS language family.


In the step-wise development approach of the IFC, an extension extends the IFC Object Model to cover a new domain. An extension is defined by IFC model development projects.

Facility Feature

A physical structure or installation including related site works, serving one or more main purpose A region of interest on the surface of a part. Features may form a hierarchy with, on the highest level, pattern features. Pattern Features may be placed in a hierarchy of sub-patterns, but end with compound features. Compound features may also be placed in a hierarchy of sub-compound features, which end with so-called primitive features. The latter type of features cannot be decomposed further. Data exchange that happens using files between the sending application and the receiving application. Data Exchange

File Based Data Exchange

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Formal Format Full Model Exchange

Described in an unambiguous, systematic way. A structure and syntax in which data is encoded. A form of data exchange where the whole product model is exported into an exchange file. Note: See also Partial model exchange.


Data Data Exchange

Function FP Functional Part Generalization

In general, the behavior of a thing. A unit of information within an exchange requirement that may be fully described and modeled in its own right. In information modeling, creation of a more generic class that captures the common characteristics of the more specific classes. Creation of a supertype for a number of entity types (subtypes) such that the supertype captures the common attributes and constraints of the subtypes, which then do not need to be defined individually in the subtypes because they are inherited from the supertype.




Geographic Markup Language Global Rule

XML-based language for describing and encoding geospatial information. An application of XML, a specification developed by members of the Open GIS Consortium. An EXPRESS constraint defined outside of entity types, and which may define constraints applicable to a number of entity types and their instances.

eXtensible Markup Language Constraint Entity Type Instance


Globally Unique Identifier

A pseudo-random number used in software and database applications. While each generated GUID is not guaranteed to be unique, the total number of unique keys (2128 or 3.402823661038) is so large that the probability of the same number being generated twice is very small. The term GUID usually references Microsoft's implementation of the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) standard, however, many other software developments and standards including IFC use the term GUID.


A ranking or ordering of abstractions. The two most common hierarchies in a complex system include its class structure (the "kind of" hierarchy) and its object structure (the "part of" hierarchy), hierarchies may also be found in the module and process architectures of a complex system. Hierarchy is one of the fundamental elements of the object model.

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Human Interpretable

Data representation without well defined semantics (meaning, interpretation rules) and therefore not computer interpretable. Example: interpretation of traditional or computer generated documents e.g. drawings are based on human intuition and experience. A legal entity registered as a company limited by guarantee (i.e. not profit distributing) within the United Kingdom and owned by the various IAI Chapters and that acts as the focus for matters of ownership, copyright and intellectual property rights in respect of materials produced by or assigned to an IAI entity for global distribution.


IAI International


Information and Communication Technology ICAM Definition Language 0 A modeling method for process (or function) modeling in which the processes are describes as hierarchical subprocesses which are composed of activities (or functions) and material and information flows between the activities. These can be inputs or outputs for the activities. The activities may also have control and mechanism, e.g. an actor or tool, that performs the activity. Data modeling method that has a close relationship to the relational model of relational databases. An attribute with a unique value. An unambiguous reference to a resource within a given context. Recommended best practice is to identify the resource by means of a string or number conforming to a formal identification system. Formal identification systems include but are not limited to the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) (including the Uniform Resource Locator (URL)), the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and the International Standard Book Number (ISBN). Identity IFC Exchange Format The nature of an object that distinguishes it from all other objects. An exchange format for IFC product data. There are two alternative exchange formats for IFC product data, the one is based on ISO the 10303-21 standard (so-called IFC Part-21 format), and the other on XML (ifcXML). IFC Object Model A conceptual model for AEC/FM interoperability. The IFC Object Model is primarily represented by the IFC EXPRESS schema from which and ifcXML schema representation is also defined. IFC Platform The central subset of IFC Object Model that is frozen for a number of years, and on the top of which new extensions will be defined. eXtensible Markup Language ISO 10303-21 format EXPRESS eXtensible Markup Language Attribute Activity Actor Process



ICAM Definition Language 1X Identifier

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IFC Specification

The whole of IFC Release documentation that includes IFC Object Model in EXPRESS/EXPRESS-G, the semantic definitions and explanations, and IFC Property Set definitions.

EXPRESS EXPRESS-G Property Set Semantics

IFC Toolkit

A software library or component that provides software developers for the functionality of reading and writing IFC product models together with a data access interface for accessing the IFC product data. IFC Toolkits are used in implementing IFC interfaces or pre- and post-processors for applications.

Application Data Access Interface

IFC-Model IfcXML

Note: See IFC Object Model. Definition of IFC Object Model using XML schema language. IfcXML enables exchange of IFC product data in XML format. ifcXML data specification defines (using XML schema language) the same data content as the IFC EXPRESS schema, only the specification language is different. ifcXML specification enables exchange of IFC product data in XML format. EXPRESS eXtensible Markup Language

Implementation ISG IFC Implementers Support Group Industry Foundation Classes. Information

In the IFC context, an IFC implementation means applications capability to create and use, and import and export IFC Project data. A group within IAI that provides a forum for co-operation and support in implementing IFCs. An international specification for product data exchange and sharing for AEC/FM. IFC enables interoperability between the computer applications for AEC/FM. A subset of IFC is approved as ISO/PAS 16739. Data that has been interpreted, translated, or transformed to reveal the underlying meaning. Note: See also data, knowledge


Interoperability ISO/PAS 16739 Data Knowledge


Information Delivery Manual Information Flow In process modeling, exchange of information between activities such that output information from one activity acts as an input information form another activity. Activity Process

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Information Framework for Dictionaries

An international development of an object library for the AEC/FM industry that is compatible with IFC and can be used to get more detailed information in and out of your construction design. An alternative identity for the conceptual model within ISO 12006 Part 3

Conceptual Model ISO 12006 Part 3

Information Management

Integrating information standards, processes, systems, and technology to enable the exchange of information among providers and users in order to support the management objectives of an organization. Formal definition of information, which defines the elements of information and their relationships. A formal model of a bounded set of facts, concepts or instructions to meet a specified requirement. Synonym for conceptual model Concept Conceptual Model Relationship Entity Type Subtype Supertype Constraint

Information Model


A specialization / generalization relationship between entity types, the supertype and subtype(s), by which the subtype inherits all the attributes and constraints from the supertype. Additionally subtype may have more specific attributes and constraints.

Inheritance Hierarchy

The (hierarchical) relationship structure between entity types formed through their inheritance relationships (Is-a). Note: Synonym for the term Class hierarchy.

Inheritance Class Hierarchy Computer Aided Design Attribute Constraint Entity Type Identity


Initial Graphics Exchange Specification Instance

A neutral file format for the exchange of geometry data between CAD systems. The first versions of IGES were standardized as ANSI Y14.26M in 1979. A unique instantiation of an entity type. I.e. creation of a unique instance of an entity type such that the attributes of and constraints on the instance are defined by the entity type, and each instance has its own identity and values for their attributes.

Instantiation IAI ICIS International Alliance for Interoperability International Construction Information Society

Creation of instances of an entity type. An open consortium to develop, promote and for implementation support of IFC. An association of organizations that provides national master specification systems and/or cost information systems for the construction industry.

Entity Type Industry Foundation Classes

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International Council International Organization for Standardization

The highest decision making body within the IAI. Each IAI Chapter has representatives in IC. A network of the national standards institutes of 157 countries. ISO is a non-governmental organization: its members are not delegations of national governments. Many of its member institutes are part of the governmental structure of their countries, or are mandated by their government. Other members have their roots uniquely in the private sector, having been set up by national partnerships of industry associations. Therefore, ISO is able to act as a bridging organization in which a consensus can be reached on solutions that meet both the requirements of business and the broader needs of society, such as the needs of stakeholder groups like consumers and users. Whatever the country, whatever the language, the short form of the organization's name is always ISO

International Alliance for Interoperability


International Technical Management Interoperability

The technical decision making and coordination body within the IAI. Each IAI Chapter has representatives in ITM. In general, the ability of systems to work together. Ability of computer applications to exchange, share and utilize digital product / project data within e.g. AEC/FM projects and over the life cycle of buildings and building information.

International Alliance for Interoperability Application Product Data Relationship International Organization for Standardization International Organization for Standardization EXPRESS

Inverse Relationship ISO 10303 Standard

A definition of a relationship in an inverse direction. The inverse relationship defines a name and cardinality for a relationship in the inverse direction. ISO 10303 Product data representation and exchange standard. An international standard that has defined the basis for product data technologies, and product data exchange standards for a number of industry sectors.

ISO 10303-11 Language

Formal specification of the EXPRESS data definition language

ISO 10303-21 Format

A data exchange format defined by ISO 10303-21 for the exchange of data encoded according to the EXPRESS data definition standard. Also termed Part 21 format.

International Organization for Standardization Data Exchange Format

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ISO 12006-2

A standard that defines a Framework for classification of information. ISO 12006-2:2001 is defined by Working Group 2 of ISO TC59/SC13

International Organization for Standardization Classification

ISO 12006-3

A standard that specifies a language-independent information model which can be used for the development of dictionaries used to store or provide information about construction works. It enables classification systems, information models, object models and process models to be referenced from within a common framework. ISO 12006-3:2007 is defined by Working Group 3 of ISO TC59/SC13

International Organization for Standardization Information Framework for Dictionaries International Organization for Standardization International Organization for Standardization STEP


The ISO Technical Committee/Sub-Committee concerned with the Organization of information about construction works The ISO Technical Committee/Sub-Committee concerned with Industrial Data. An international standardization subcommittee that works on a family of standards for representation and exchange of industrial data. Among other things ISO 10303 standard is developed within this subcommittee. Note: IFC uses base technologies (e.g. EXPRESS and ISO 10303-21 format) from the ISO 103030 standards developed by ISO TC184/SC4 and adapt concepts from a number of standards particularly within the generic resources set (ISO 10303-4x series).


ISO/PAS 16739

A subset of IFC 2x specification that has an ISO Publicly Accessible Standard status.

International Organization for Standardization Industry Foundation Classes


Issues and Resolutions Database Key Attribute

A database of IFC Object Model issues resulting from reviews and IAI Model Support Group resolutions against the issues. One attribute or several attributes which provide a unique identification of an entity in a relational database.

Model Support Group Identifier

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Information from multiple domains that has been synthesized, into meaning or understanding that was not previously known. Promoting, coordinating, and facilitating knowledge synthesis, preservation, processes, production and exchange in order to support the strategic goals of the organization. All of the different phases an object goes through from the first stages in the programming of a building to the demolition. A type of EXPRESS aggregate that can vary in size and in which the elements are indexed by order. In EXPRESS modeling, a form of a single schema which is a result from resolving the interfaces of multiple modular interrelated schemas. The process of converting a data set from one form (source) to another form (target). Both source and target may be defined by different schemas. Synonym for term Converter. Description of the mapping between the source form and the target form. Model that describes other models. Information about data, including the format of the data element, which application system owns it, where it is located, how it should be used. Metadata is the global information about what data exists across the enterprise and the standards that apply to that data. Message from another object triggers execution of a method by the receiving object in an objectoriented system. A study of scientific methods. Software and application program interfaces that serve as intermediaries among application programs and services, Middleware insulates programmers from the complexities of the communication architecture, such as network protocols.

Data Information

Knowledge Management Lifecycle List Long Form Mapping Mapping Processor Mapping Specification Meta Model Metadata

Aggregate Schema Schema Converter Mapping Model Data

Method Methodology Middleware

Object Oriented



An abstraction and representation of the relevant characteristics of the target system for a purpose.


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Model Development Project

A project within IAI the purpose of which is to capture information requirements and results into an extension model to extend IFC into a new domain.

Industry Foundation Classes International Alliance for Interoperability

Model Server

A computer application that provides a shared model repository, model management functionality and a data access interface to product/project models for multiple, concurrent client applications over the net. An approach, e.g. for AEC/FM computer applications, where the target system (e.g. building) is represented by a model which then is used as a basis for analysis, creation of presentations, reports, and exchange of data. A group, within IAI, of technical experts that are responsible for the IFC Object Model and Specification integration, development and maintenance.

Application Data Access Interface Repository


Document Based


Modeling Support Group

Industry Foundation Classes International Alliance for Interoperability

Multiple Inheritance

A form of inheritance where an entity type (class) inherits from more than one direct supertypes.

Inheritance Supertype



A term used to describe an arbitrary number of dimensions of model visualization beyond the 5 dimensions represented by space, time and cost. In IFC, a type of composition where the composite element is a composition of elements of the same type. A form of data that is independent of individual computer applications. Typically, neutral forms are defined by standards or other open specifications.

4D 5D Composition Data Open Standard

Nesting Neutral Form

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A collection of data that is handled in applications as a single unit. In object or product modeling things are modeled as objects, that have attributes (or properties) and relationships to other objects. E.g. the building elements of a building may be modeled as objects that have properties and relationships to other building elements. Note: Sometimes generally speaking the term object may mean either a class or an instance of a class. If it is necessary to explicitly make the distinction between the two, the latter terms should be used.

Attribute Class Data Entity Type Property Relationship Object Oriented Unified Modeling Language Paradigm Type object


Object Management Group

A consortium originally aimed at setting standards for distributed object-oriented systems, and now focused on modeling (programs, systems and business processes) and model-based standards. Responsible for the Unified Modeling Language (UML)


Object Oriented Occurrence Object

A modeling / programming paradigm in which things are modeled / implemented as objects, their relationships (and messaging between the objects). A unique occurrence of an object that shares the common characteristics of a type object with other similar occurrence objects, but all the occurrence objects have their own existence and possible other characteristics, such as location. See also Type object for comparison. Enable communication between computer systems. The key ingredients of an ontology are a vocabulary of basic terms and a precise specification of what those terms mean.



Open Geospatial Consortium

A non-profit, international, voluntary consensus standards organization that is leading the development of standards for geospatial and location based services. The GML standard is particularly important in this regard. OGC and IAI have a liaison agreement

Geographic Markup Language Open Standard

Open Standard

A standard that is: created in an open, international, participatory industry process freely distributed and openly accessible technology neutral: i.e. its use must not be predicated on any proprietary technology or style of interface.

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Open System

A system with standardized interfaces between its components, and the internal structure of the components are independent of other components. A system that interoperates through open interfaces, protocols etc. developed and maintained in an inclusive, open consensus process. Open systems promote application portability, scalability, interoperability, diversity, manageability, extensibility, compatibility with legacy components, and user portability.

Interoperability System

Optional Attribute

In EXPRESS, an attribute the value of which may be missing. Note: If the attribute is not optional the value has to be always provided.


Paradigm Parameter Parser

A pattern or model. A variable used for controlling the value of a mathematical function. A tool used to interpret a text according to a specific language that is described by a set of syntactic rules. The parser finds the language elements in the text and signals any syntactic error. Parsers are usually part of interpreters and compilers. Exchange or export / import of a product model which is only a subset of the total model. Partial model exchange brings about a set of issues, like change and version management, and referencing objects that are not part of the exchange, to be addressed as comparison to full model exchange. Rule

Partial Model Exchange

Full Model Exchange Product Model


A software module that make a conversion from a neutral form to the software's internal representation form. Note: Here, pre/post processing is defined from the viewpoint of the data exchange file.

Application Data Exchange File Application Data Exchange File Object Activity Activity Process


A software module that make a conversion from the software's internal representation form to an external form, which may be defined by an data exchange standard. Note: Here, pre/post processing is defined from the viewpoint of the data exchange file.

Presentation Process Process Breakdown

Defines how the characteristics of an object are presented on a computer screen or in documents. A system of activities, the material and information flows between the activities, activity resources, and process control to produce a result. The decomposition of the process into subprocesses and activities.

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Process Chart-Method

A process modeling method in which a process is described as activities and material and information flows between the activities. Characteristic for the method is that each participating actor has its own "swim lane" for its activities. A model that represents the relevant characteristics of a process for a defined purpose.

Activity Process Information Flow

Process Model

Model Process

Product Data

A representation of information about a product in a formal manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human beings or by computer applications. Computer interpretable data about product and related things. For example, information about a building and the construction project stored into an exchange file in IFC format.


Product Data Definition

A formal definition of product data. Product data model is an example of product data definition.

Product Data

Product Data Model

An information model for product data. A formal specification of product data. For example, IFC Object model is a product data model defined for AEC/FM product data.

Information Model

Product Data Technology

A set of IT methods, models, standards, toolkits and applications that to support the Information processes throughout the life cycle of a product.

Application IFC Toolkit Lifecycle

Product information Product Library / Part Library

Facts, concepts or instructions about a product. A digital library of product information that computer applications can utilize in product modeling. For example, furniture manufacturer's product information library for furniture, that the designers can access via Internet, and use the product information as part of the building model created using a CADapplication.

Concept Product Information

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Product Model

An instantiation of a product data model. A product model of a specific building represents product data about the building in a form that is defined by a product data model. For example, model of a building stored into an exchange file in IFC format.

Instantiation Product Data Model

Product Modeling Product Structure Project Project Data Project Database Property

An art and science that deals with modeling and representation and exchange of products and product information in computer interpretable form. Describes the decomposition of a product from its components. A unique set of work, with limited duration, which has a goal and resources to aim for the goal. Computer interpretable data about construction projects and the resulting products, the buildings. A database for project specific data. In general, properties represent qualities and characteristics of something. In IFC, properties are a generic mechanism and data-driven way of representing characteristics of objects. i.e. the properties have a name, a value, and may be related to objects.

Product Information

Data Database

Property Set

Within IFC, a grouping of properties that belong together based on some principle, like viewpoint or lifecycle stage. An XML based encoding for presentation of IFC property sets. The agreed-on rules that computers rely on to talk among themselves. Data that describes quantities like pieces, areas or volumes and is derived typically from the shape data of individual objects. Quantity data is often summarized per construction type. E.g. The area and volume of a wall derived from its basic dimensions, or the total area of walls of same construction type.

Property Lifecycle eXtensible Markup Language Rule


Property Set Definition Markup Language Protocol Quantity Data

Reference Model Referential Integrity

A model that is sufficiently generic and has enough degrees of freedom so that it applies to various, more specific purposes. A condition of a database according to which in references all the referred objects also exists. This means that there are no conflicts (e.g. missing records) in the reference structure of database content. Database

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Relationship Repository Representation

An association between objects. A storage of data. Defines how the characteristics of the object are represented. 2D, 3D, solids, wire frames etc. are examples of representations.

Object Data Object Presentation Process


Request For Information Request For Proposal Resource Description Framework

Request for information in connection with a process or product. Request to a vendor soliciting a proposal for materials, goods, software or services. A family of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specifications originally designed as a metadata model using XML but which has come to be used as a general method of modeling knowledge, through a variety of syntax formats (XML and non-XML). The RDF metadata model is based upon the idea of making statements about resources in the form of subject-predicate-object expressions, called triples in RDF terminology. The subject denotes the resource, and the predicate denotes traits or aspects of the resource and expresses a relationship between the subject and the object. For example, one way to represent the notion "The sky has the color blue" in RDF is as a triple of specially formatted strings: a subject denoting "the sky", a predicate denoting "has the color", and an object denoting "blue". This mechanism for describing resources is a major component in what is proposed by the W3C's Semantic Web activity: an evolutionary stage of the World Wide Web in which automated software can store, exchange, and use machine-readable information distributed throughout the web, in turn enabling users to deal with the information with greater efficiency and certainty. RDF's simple data model and ability to model disparate, abstract concepts has also led to its increasing use in knowledge management applications unrelated to Semantic Web activity.

eXtensible Markup Language Metadata Semantic Web


In EXPRESS, a way to represent constraints for information based on an EXPRESS model. The rules may be entity type specific (WHERE RULE) or address a group of entity types (GLOBAL RULE)

Business Rule


A model that defines representation of information. In EPXRESS, a schema is a unit or module within the whole EXPRESS model that addresses a specific subdomain of the model. Schemas of an EXPRESS model may be related to each other via schema interfaces.

Domain Information Schema Interface Schema

Schema Interface

Definition of relationships between interrelated schemas. Schema interface defines what types are used or referenced from one schema to another.

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Select Type Semantics Semantic Web Set Shape Data (dimensional data) Short Form

An EXPRESS data type that defines alternative data types as its select items. Definition of meaning. A project to create a universal medium for information exchange by putting documents with computerprocessable meaning (semantics) on the World Wide Web. A type of EXPRESS aggregate that can vary in size, in which the elements are not indexed by order, and the elements are unique (i.e. the same instance cannot occur twice in a set). Data that defines the shape of an object e.g. the length, width and height of a wall. A form of an EXPRESS model which is represented by multiple interrelated schemas. Each schema may address a specific subdomain of the model's total scope. A lightweight XML-based messaging protocol used to encode the information in Web service request and response messages before sending them over a network. SOAP messages are independent of any operating system or protocol and may be transported using a variety of Internet protocols, including SMTP, MIME, and HTTP.

Data Type Definition

Aggregate Data Domain Schema eXtensible Markup Language Web Services Data Type


Simple Object Access Protocol

Simple Type

Simple types are the in-built basic data types within the EXPRESS language. The EXPRESS Simple types are: generic, number, integer, real, string, boolean, logical and binary data types.

Single Inheritance

A form of inheritance where an entity type (class) may have only a single supertype.

Inheritance Supertype


All or part of the programs, procedures, rules, and associated documentation of a data processing system. Software is an intellectual creation that is independent of the medium on which it is recorded.


Creation of a subtype for an entity type (the supertype) such that the subtype inherits all the attributes and constraints from the supertype, but the subtype may define its own specific attribute and constraints. STEP Physical File Format.

Subtype Supertype ISO-10303-21 format



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The current set of values of the properties (or attributes) that define an object (i.e. an occurrence of an entity). State may also be considered as a memory that may be changed by sending messages to the object.



STEP Data Access Interface Standard for The Exchange of Product model Data. Subtype

A data access interface designed for repositories containing data configured according to an EXPRESS schema. A set of international standards under the designation ISO 10303.

Data Access Interface ISO 10303 standard

In the entity type inheritance relationship the more specific entity type that inherits properties from its supertype. Additionally the subtype may define its own specific properties. In the entity type inheritance relationship the more generic entity type that may have a number of more specific subtypes. Abstract graphical representations of objects, often used in CAD and CADD systems. A symbol is also a term in the language to represent a concept or an object in the object oriented world.

Inheritance Supertype Inheritance Subtype Computer Aided Design Computer Aided Design and Drafting Concept Object Oriented



Syntax System Task Taxonomy TAG Technical Advisory Group

Definition of elements of and a grammar for a format. An integrated whole that functions through the interrelationships between its components. A piece of work that typically is planned and scheduled as part of a project work and time schedule. The science of classification according to a pre-determined system, with the resulting catalogue used to provide a conceptual framework for discussion, analysis, or information retrieval. A group within IAI for advising IAI in IFC long term strategies and developments.


Classification Industry Foundation Classes International Alliance for Interoperability

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The name corresponding to a concept. Note: "Quadlet": Concept term - definition - referent


Test case

An IFC model Instantiation as an IFC exchange file for certification purposes. In the certification process the candidate applications are tested e.g. using the test cases.

Application Certification Instantiation

To-Be Process

The future (goal) state of a process. Note: In comparison, see As-is process.

As-Is Process Process Representation Data Type Entity Type

Topology Type

Connectivity of elements that make up the representation of an object. Generic term for simple types, defined types and entity types.

Type Object

An object that represents the common properties shared by a number of occurrence objects. Note: See also occurrence object.

Occurrence Object


Unified Modeling Language

A general-purpose modeling language that includes a standardized graphical notation used to create an abstract model of a system. It is extendable using profiles and stereotypes. Adopted as a de facto standard by the Object Management Group.

De Facto


Uniform Resource Locator Uniform Resource Name Unique List Uniqueness Rule

A type of identifier that is an address that specifies the location of a file on the Internet A type of identifier for a resource on the Internet that is a globally unique, location-independent, persistent name. An extension of the EXPRESS LIST aggregate that can vary in size, in which the elements are indexed by order, and the elements are unique (i.e. the same instance cannot occur twice in a set). A rule within EXPRESS language that defines that a value of an attribute or combined values of attributes have to be unique for each instance of an entity type.

Identifier Globally Unique Identifier List Attribute Entity Type Instance

Upward Compatibility

A type of compatibility in which the data files based on an earlier specification release are compatible with data files based on a later specification release.

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WHERE Rule View

In EXPRESS; a rule within the context of an entity type that defines constraints for all the instances of the entity type. In general, a subset of, or perspective to the totality from a specific viewpoint or specific purposes. In IFCs, a defined subset of IFC Object Model that a number of implementers have agreed to support in their implementations.


Virtual Environment Vocabulary

A data set describing an environment based upon real-world or abstract objects and data that can be used as a representation of the real world. A set of terms relevant for a certain domain Domain Term


Web Ontology Language

A language for defining Web ontologys and their associated knowledge bases

Knowledge Ontology

Web Services

Self-contained, self-describing, modular applications that can be published, located, and invoked across the Web. Web services perform functions that can be anything from simple requests to complicated business processes. Once a Web service is deployed, other applications (and other Web services) can discover and invoke the deployed service. An XML-formatted language used to describe a Web service's capabilities as collections of communication endpoints capable of exchanging messages. WSDL is an integral part of UDDI, an XML-based worldwide business registry. WSDL is the language that UDDI uses. The automation of a business process, in whole or part, during which documents., information or tasks are passed from one participant to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules.



Web Services Description Language Workflow

eXtensible Markup Language Information Process Rule Task

Workflow Management System XML Schema

A system that defines, creates and manages the execution of workflows through the use of software which is able to interpret the process definition, interact with participants and invoke IT tools. A definition of representation of information using XML schema language. XML schema defines representation of information for specific purpose, within specific domain.

Workflow Domain eXtensible Markup Language

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XML Support Group

A group that existed within IAI, to coordinate ifcXML work. This group is not currently operational. ifcXML development activities are now within the scope of the IAI Model Support Group.

eXtensible Markup Language Model Support Group


eXtensible Markup Language

A language for defining and exchanging structured, computer interpretable information. It provides a method for both the definition of information, and the encoding of data based on the definition into an exchange format. Note: XML schema language is an alternative method to EXPRESS data specification language to define product data models like the IFC model, and ifcXML is an alternative data exchange format to the IFC ISO 10303-21 exchange format.

EXPRESS ISO 10303-21 format


eXtensible Style Language Transformation

The language used in XSL style sheets to transform XML documents into other XML documents. An XSL processor reads the XML document and follows the instructions in the XSL style sheet, then it outputs a new XML document or XML-document fragment. This is extremely useful in e-commerce, where the same data need to be converted into different representations of XML. Not all companies use the exact same programs, applications and computer systems.

eXtensible Markup Language e-Commerce

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Association for Geographic Information: GIS Dictionary. Avanti. Glossary of Terms. British Standards Institution. BS6100 series. Glossary of building and civil engineering terms (multiple parts). BSI. London Canadian forest service. Glossary of knowledge management terms. IAI International Alliance for Interoperability. Welcome to the IAI International web site. IAI:n kotisivu, URL: ICCI ICT Glossary, European project IST-2001-33022. ** ISO 10303-1:1994. Industrial automation systems and integration Product data representation and exchange Part 1: Overview and fundamental principles. International Organization for Standardization ISO, Geneva. 17 s. ISO 10303-11:1994. Industrial automation systems and integration Product data representation and exchange Part 11: Description methods: The EXPRESS language reference manual. International Organization for Standardization ISO, Geneva. 208 s. Finnish building owner's association. Glossary for real estate business (in Finnish). 2001. 45 s. Finnish information technology association. EDP-glossary (in Finnish). Talentum. Helsinki 2003. 710 s. Karstila, Kari. IAI Modeling Support Group. Glossary for IFCs - Draft V0.4. Non-published. 2002. 28 s. NASA Explores:Glossaries:9-12. Open Geospatial Consortium Glossary of Terms. Wikipedia.

** site is no longer maintained and may contain spurious entries

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