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Page rmmbers in parentheses indicate where in the text the answers may be found. , CHAPTEg 1. ARRIVAL Rview-^Questions
1. In day-to-dayworK; the most usefu'unit bf msureiiient for estimating turning circles an"d other distiics is the sup's own length. (Page 10) ' ' a . true ' , ' . - ' ' . ' . ' ;: .;..-: <- -.--....,;..-.-i < - -.. -.;. . b. false "'.";;...... . .r.'" v ' -- '_.-. 2. In shallow watr, a ship's turning circle is (Pages 10 and 17^18) a. larger b. smaller , . .--........ ,.,. .. .. c. the same ''.'". 3. An average-size ship's turning circle is usuallv slightly ship turns to the right than when she turns left. (Pages 1011) a. larger b. smaller c. the same 4. A VLCC's turning circle to the right is usually the left. (Page 11) a. larger than b. smaller than c. nearly the same as when the

her turning circle to

5. When revolutions are increased during a turn, the tactical diameter becomes (or stays) (Page 11) a. larger b. smaller c. the same 6. For a given rudder angle and engine speed, the rate of turn depth of water decreases. (Pages 10 and 18) a. increases b. decreases c. does not change as the




7. A ship can be backed and filled in the smallest rea when turned to the left. (Pages 11-13) a. true b. false 8. You are aboard an average-size, loaded, house-aft tanker proceeding through an open roadstead. The wind is blowing hard enough to overcome the normal twisting effect when your ship's engine goes astern. When you back your ship you would expect her to (Page 14) I. head into the wind while she hs headway and back into the wind when she hs sternway. .:. . -: II. head away from the wind while she hs headway and back away from the wind when she hs,sternway. " . - . - . : " ..." : ._ a. I only .. ' . ^ _c,,.. . . b. II only c. both I and II d. neither Inor II _--'-=;-9. Assuming there are no extraordnary wind, current, or bank effects,- ship should be swinging moderately to ^ before her engine is put astern.' (Pages-14-15) ::: , , , . . , , . . - - . . : - : - , - - - : ,- -' a. starboard ; ; . .:;^ / b. port 10. A bow thruster is somtimes preferable to tugs becuse (Pages "1516)^ I. it is located at the extreme end of the vesselr -;-- : II. it is always available. : III. it is equally effective at slow and fast speeds. a. I and II b. II and III .* c. ali of the above d. none of the above 11. Using a bow thruster hs its disadvantages: (Pages 1516) I. it usually provides less power than a tug. II. it hs no effect on headway to slow or hold a ship. III. it can only be used at very light drafts. a. I and II b. II and III c. ali of the above d. none of the above 12. A bow thruster is usually quite effective t speeds of up to 5 knots. (Pages 15-16) a. true b. false



13. The concspt of using the "most effective maneuver" is importani because (Page 17) " I. the ship is maneuvered using the minimum number of engine and rudder orders. II. several tasks are accomplished simultaneously. III. it simplifies maneuvering because only one task is completed at a time. a. I and II b. I and III c. III only d. none of the above 14. How would you expect the following shiphandling characteristics to change as your ship moves from deep to shallow water?1(Pages 1720) , ; A. tactical diameter. . a . increase B. twisting effect when backed. b. decrease C. rate of turn. c. no significant change D. speed loss duriag large eourse changes. ' E. speed loss when engine stopped. , .; ' . ::: " ;; :. . F. directional stability. . ..-;- . , ;-.i" ;15. How would you expect the following to affect directional stability? (Pages 18-20) ' _ . . . . . A. increased length. a. more positive (or less negative) B. increased beam. b. less positive (or more negative) C. increased drag. c. no significant change D. decreased underkeel clearance. E. increasedblock coefficient. ..-..-,.-.-....,.-... F. more full sections forward. G. increased rudder angle. H. ship trimmed by the head. I. increased squat by the head.. 16. Ships with large block coefficients are more likely to trim by the head in shallow water. (Page 19) a. true b. false 17. Which of the following statements is/are true for ships with negative directional stability? (Pages 18-20) I. a larger rudder angle is needed for a longer period of time to start a turn. II. a larger rudder angle is needed for a longer period of time to steady up after a turn. III. the ship's rate of turn increases when the rudder is put amidships during a turn. a. I only b. I and III c. ali of the above d. none of the above



18. The only effective way to slow a ship is to stop the engine and, if necessary, go astern. (Pages 24-26) a. trtie b. false 19. A VLCC makes a hard-over turn. You would expect her to lose nearly percent of her headway when her heading changes by 90 degrees. (Page 25) a. 10 b. 20 c- 25 . . . .............
. 50 - . .

20. A ship is on your port bow in a crossing situation and her bearing is steady. You reach the point where you doubt that collision can be avoided by her actions alone. Usually, it would be better to (Pages 25-26) I. backdown II. make a rpund turn ..... ; . . . . . . . . . . a. I only b . I I only: . . . _ _ . . . . ; . - . c. both and II . . ' d. neither I nor II 21. A combination pilot ladder/accomrnodation ladder is required^whn the distance frorn the water to the top of the ladder exceeds feet. (Page 29) a. 10 .....--.-.. T .. ..- ..:_? b. 20 e. 30 .......... d. 50 22. A modern containership hs more sail rea than a full rigged sailing ship. (Page 34) a. true b. false 23. The ship's call letters should be transmitted frequently when communicating by VHF and, in any case, at intervals of (Pages 36-37) I. before and after every transmission during a series of transmissions with another ship. II. at ten minute intervals. III. before the first transmission and after the last transmission of a VHF conversation regardless oflength. a. I only b. II and III above c. III only 24. Mariners have several means for communicating ship's actions and intentions including (Pages 36-39) I. verbal cornmunicaions such as VHF radio



II. graphc corrimunications such as CTAS and Interactive DGirS presenations. III. radar and ARPA

IV. whistle signals a. I and IV above b. I and III above c. Ali of the above Practice Maneuvers
1. Make a hard-over turn in deep water and use the wake to measure the ship's - tctica! diameter. A brightly painted oil drum can be used as a reference or the diameter can b measured by radar using the display f the sea return generated by the ship's wake. Hw^bea the diameter of the turning circle compare with the ship's length? Make the same^turn in shallow water a depth less,than 1.25 times draft) and measure the turning circle. How does the.diam.eterof the turning circle in shallow water compare with that observed in.deep water? 2. Your ship is dead in the water. Put the rudder hard-oyer and put the engine progressively from slw, to half, and then to full ahed s the ship executes a complete circle with the revolutions increasing through. the entire 360 degrees. Use the wake as in maneuver l above, to measure the diameter of this turn. Now, leave the engine on full ahead and again measure the turning circle diameter while making another complete 360-degree turn with the engine speed unchanged (a steady state turn). How does the diameter of the accelerating turn compare with that of the steady state turn? 3. Perform the master's described in chapter l while one of the ship's mates collects data on your ship's characteristics using a data sheet similar to figure 1-2 on page 9. Analyze these data and compare the rate of turn, time to stop, change of heading when stopping and backing, and other important characteristics with the data collected aboard other ships you have maneuvered. Study ali the pertinent information s you have some feel for your ship and can predict her behavior with reasonable accuracy. 4. This exercise will give you a feel for, and appreciation of, using hard-over rudder to reduce speed. First, measure your ship's speed approaching an open anchorage or pilot station. This can be done with a Doppler log, or the ship's ARPA (plotting a fixed point while the ship's speed is manually input to O knots s the "computed speed" of the fixed object is then your ship's speed), or by any other method you might choose. A series of simple fixes at frequent intervals can be used to at least get a rough measure of speed and changes in speed. Obviously, you can't accurately determine absolute speed with the latter method, but changes in speed will be quite apparent to the experienced mariner and this exercise can still be very useful even if your ship isn't fitted with equipment to measure speed accurately.



Put the rudder hard over and change the ship's heading by at least 45 degrees. Measure the ship's speed again and calculate the reduction in speed. Repeatedly shift the rudder from hard over to hard over while continuing to measure or estimate speed through the water and changes in speed until the ship's headway is significantly reduced. 5. When searoom permits, make a practice of putting the rudder hard over toward the lee side (toward the side on which a pilot is boarding) a short time before the pilot begins boarding. Observe how this sweeps a smooth lee for the pilot and makes boarding quicker and safer. CHAPTER 2. SHIPHANDLING IN A CHANNEL Review Questiona 1. To break a sheer in narrow channels a pilot should (Page 47) " a. reduce engine revolutions b. increase engine revolutions .- ; .'-..'."-.,..'. ic. turn away from the bank and inerease distance d. increase rudder toward the bank e. both a and c f. both b and d 2. Your vessel is steaming parallel to a shoal or bank. How does she behave? A. her bow moves away from the bank or shoal. (Pages 47-48) a. true b. false B. her stern moves toward the bank or shoal. (Pages 47-48) a. true b. false , C. her midbody moves laterally away from the bank. (Pages 4748) a. true 'f b. false D. competent shiphandlers don't just react to the ship's behavior and decide on a course of action after a situation develops; they think ahead, anticipate situations,and plan alternativo maneuvers. (Page 49) a. true b. false E. ships with variable-pitch propellers steer best if speed is reduced quickly. (Page 52) a. true b. false 3. Advantages of omnidirectional propulsion systems over conventional systems include (Page 53) I. greater safety II. increased maneuverability III. reduced reliance on traditional shiphandling skills

REVTEW QUESTIONS AND FRACTICE MAN3UVERS a. ali of the above b. I and II only c. I and III only


4. Shiphandlers should reevaluate any maneuver requiring the repeated use of the or thrusters at half and full power. (Page 55) a. true b. false 5. When steering using Azipods in the At Sea mode, the pod is turned to port to turn the ship to starboard. (Page 61) -- - a. true b. false *-! .,--1 6. Although Azipods may be placed in virtually any position, there are three positions that have been found to be most effective in practical use. They are (Pages 61-63) * a. mode, which is used in open waters ... . b.. mode, which is useful in narrow channels , c. mode, which is used as.the ship approaches the berth 7. When operating in Harbor mode, the pods are placed at 45 degrees in opposition to each other. The vessel is turned to port by moving the control ahead and pulling back on the control. (Page 62) a. port, starboard b. starboard, port 8. When in Docking mode and going port side to the berth, the pod is placed parallel to the centerline, and the pod is placed in the 3 o'clock position with the propeller . (Pages 62-63) a. port, starboard, inboard b. port, starboard, outboard c. starboard, port, inboard d. starboard, port, outboard 9. When researching various methods for standardizing Azipod commands, some pilot groups found it worked well to use (Pages 63-64) I. standard steering and engine commands in the At Sea mode. II. standard steering and engine commands in the Harbor and Docking modes. III. clock positions and percentage of full power for ali modes IV. clock positions and percentage of full power for Harbor and Docking modes a. I and II above b. III above c. I and II above d. I and IV above



10. When operating under computer control, the shiphandler is controlling (Page 65) a. revolutions per minute of the pod and thruster and direction of the thruster and pods forces. b. resultant power, speed, and vessel movement. 11. Experienced mariners limit the use of computer control when maneuvering . near docks and fixed objects, A good rule-of-thumb is to change from automatic to manual control when within of a hazard. (Page 66) a. three ship lengths b. lOOfeet c. one ship length ".''. ~ 12. Standardized comniands for maneuvering Azipod vessels are important because (Pages 67-70) I. lack of standard commands makes it impossible to fllw recommended. Bridge Kesource Management practices. II. lack of standard commands makes it neeessary to have a single person both conning and controlling engine and thruster movements. III. pilots ancLdeck officers lose situatiqnal awareness_whenl:standard com-, mands and conning practices are not used. ._...__:-....,.' _ IV. the pilot cannot fulfrll requirements under law to ontrol-the vesseLor pr-vide sufficient controls to be held responsible for maneuvermg ii many situations without standardized commands. a. I above b. I and II above " ~ " : c. ali of above 13. The tactical diameter and turning rate can be precisely adjusted during a turn by visually aligning an externai fixed object, such as a buy or point of land, with a reference point aboard ship. A. the tactical diameter is when the object mo^es ahead relative to the shipboard reference point. (Pages 7577) a. increasing b. decreasing . B. the rate of turn is if the object moves ahead more rapidly. (Page 56) a. increasing b. decreasing 14. It is best to overtake and pass close by another ship in a narrow channel at a very slow speed, while the overtaken ship should increase her speed before being passed. (Page 80) a. true b. false 15. The clicking sound made by the gyrocompass should be eliminated as it distracts the pilot. (Page 81) a. true b. false

REVEW OUSST1ONS AND PRCTICE MANEUVER3 16. A rae-of-turn ndicator usually indicates turning rate in per minute. (Page 83) a. meters/feet b. tenths of a degree/degrees c. degrees/degrees d. feet/feet per second or

17. A ship changes draffc when moving into shallow water. The change in mean draft is known as . The hull rotation about the transverse axis and resulting change in draft forward or aft is known as . The increase in deep draft, forward or aft, is called . (Page 85) a. squat, trim and sinkage b. sinkage, trim and squat . --..- ' -v-c. sinkage squat and trim 18. The increasing pressure drop tinder a~htill and th corresponding increase in squat caused by water flowing under the hull at increased velocity as ship's speed incrases, follows a basic: principie of physics known as the _: Principie. (Page 85) 19. Ships always trim by the sterii in shllw::waterr(Pages 9091)" a. true -.-'. . "..;-. b. false :. 20. The pilot or ship's officer can reduce sinkage and squat by reducingthe (Pages
96-97) . : . . : . : .

I. block coefficient .. ... I I . speed . III. blockage factor IV. the rate and period of acceleration a. ali of the above b. none of the above c. II and IV only d. II only

.....;.. .,...:....,...

21. Squat for a given speed and hull condition in confined water is open water. (Pages 87-88) a. half b. twice

that in

22. A useful formula for calculating approximate sinkage in open water is (Pages 87-88) Squat (feet) = block coefficient x (speed in knots)2/30 A. calculate squat for a ship having a block coefficient of 0.8 proceeding at 6 knots in open water. B. calculate squat for the same ship proceeding at the same speed in a restricted channel. C. calculate squat for the same ship proceeding at 12 knots in a restricted channel.



23. Underkeel clearance is influenced by several factors including (Page 95) I. vessel speed II. channel dimensions III. changes in engine revolutions IV. vessel interaction a. I, II and IV only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. ali of the above 24. Underkeel clearance is reduced significantly when two ships pass in a narrow channel because squat incrses " % to % or even more depending on ship speed and distance of separation. (Pages 95 and 98) a. 10%/25% ' - "" ; b . 25%/25% -. . c. 50% to 100% d. none of the above 25. Underkeel clearance is reduced significantly as a ship aceelerates and squat increases as much as ' %'. (Pages 95 and 97) ->-'---^-~*-,"'"."- 26. Wide-beam ships increase draft significant when they roll, s have a greater impact on underkeel clearance than draft. (Page 95) a. true b. false 27. Changes in the shape of a channel have no ffect oh squat s lorig s the blockage factor does not change. (Pages 95 and 98) a. true b. false Practice Maneuvers


1. Closely observe the rudder angle indicator as a ship passes near banks and points of land. Compare the amount of rudder needed to hold a ship steady on her course as the bow passes each point of land with that needed when the stern reaches the same point. 2. Compare the amount of rudder and duration of time it is applied when starting a turn with the amount and time needed to check a ship's swing at the completion of the turn. Do this when your ship is trimmed by the head, and when she is trimmed by the stern. Is she directionally stable or unstable in each case? 3. Observe the change in rate of turn after the rudder hs been put amidships for each case described in maneuver 2. Does the rate increase or decrease? Is your ship directionally stable or unstable? 4. Selec a buoy or point that lies on the inside of a turn while rnaking routine maneuvers at the pilo station or in an anchorage. Stand in a location that



puts this buoy or point in line with the edge of a window, and turii your ship around this reference point withoui changing the radder angle. Closely watch the object's relative motion as the ship turns. Did it move forward or aft relative to the reference point as the ship turned? How did the ship's distance from the reference object change in each case? How did the change in your ship's rate of turn affect the rate of relative motion of the reference object? 5. Make the same type of turn around the same or similar reference point and adjust the amount of rudder being used to keep the buoy fixed in position relative to your shipboard reference point. Did the ship then maintain the same approximate distance o ff the reference object? You are now mking controlled turns. . "'. . . . . : ' . ' . , 6. Carefully note the location of buoys and points, relative to your ship's pivot point, as a pilot begins each turn in a narrow cB.aiih.eI. Develop a feel for the time at which turns should be started. (Note:; Most .inexperienced shiphandlers begin a turn too soon.) . ' . .. '.'"""' J ".." : ; . . ; . 7. Closely watch the rudder-angle indicator as your ship meets and passes other - ships in a narrw channel. Was more or less rudder used as the bows passed, or when the ships were abeam, or.,when.their sterns were passing? Was.the rudder toward or away from the other ship? , 8. Watch the rudder-angle indicator each time your ship overtakes and passes other vessels in a narrw channel. Note also any changes in engine speed made by the pilot while the other ships are being passed. Were the rudder and engine used in the manner described in shiphandling texts? '" s9. Make a habit of listening to the clicking sound of your gyrocompass while turning. It will soon become second nature and you will immediately know when your rate of turn is increasing or decreasing and to what degree. 10. Have the forward and afber tugs read your draft as closely as possible while your ship is moving at 6 to 10 knots and again when they have made up and your ship is proceeding at bare steerageway. Note both sinkage (change in mean draft) and squat. Does your ship squat by the head or by the stern? How did this compare with your computed sinkage using Barrass's formula? CHAPTER 3. USE OF TUGS Review Questions . Prepare a sketch showing how a tug is typically made fast alongside in a U.S. port, using two lines. Label the backing line (head line) and the come ahead line (spring line). (Page 104) 2. Make a similar sketch showing the tug made up with three lines, labeling the come ahead and backing lines as well as the additional stern line. (Page 104)



3. A tug being used for ship work can only be used to move a ship's bow or stern laterally. (Page 106) a. true b. false 4. You are docking a ship using two tugs. You have the quarter tug stand off until just before the ship enters the slip. Give two reasns for this. (Page 108) 5. Match the following signals with one or more tug responses. (Page 105) A. increase to full power. a. one blast B. tug is dismissed. Let go. b. two blasts C. if working, stop. c. three blasts D. if pushing, increase power. d. series of short blasts E. come ahead dead slow. e. one long, two short blasts F. back the tug, normal power. f. one long blast G. if stopped, come ahead. : H. not a tug signal. I. if stopped. come ahead. J. ifbacking, increase power.. 6. A bow thrusterused correctly will hv.e the same effects on the ship as a tug made fast on the ship's bow. (Page 106) a. true b. false 7. A tug's lines don't have to be heaved up tightly, when she is lashed up alongside to work, if she hs good leads for both spring and head-lines. (Pages 111-12) a. true \, .,-..:-..:- ::: -: --: -.-:-... - -'.. ;-. - b. false CHAPTER 4. APPROACHING THE BERTH .* Review Questions 1. It is important that the pilot keep moving about the wheelhouse s as to always have a good view of every part of the ship while docking or doing other work. (Pages 115-16) a. true b. false 2. There are several techniques a shiphandler can use to hold a ship in position in a channel or other confined rea, including (Page 118) I. steam on the anchor at slow engine speeds. II. anchor to a short scope of chain with the current from ahead. III. simply back and fill in the channel. a. I only b. II only c. III only d. ali of the above



3. Generally, the less experience shiphandlers have, the 118) a. fasier b. slower

they work. (Page

4. Quickwater (propeller wash when backing) inoves ahead at about the same speed as the ship when the ship is making about knots. (Pages 11920) a. l b. 2 c. 3 5. Quickwater begins to move forward, up the ship's side, when the ship is making a speed of approximately knots, and the quickwater reaches the ship's midships section when the ship is moving at a speed of knots. (Pages119-20) , r b. 2/1 c. 3/2
a. 1/0 '''" '"

;/ :

- . : . , . , , . ------


6. An experienced shiphandler always looks at objects ahead of the ship when estimating speed during a maneuver because it's diffdcult to detect movement by looking abeam or abaft the beam. (Pages 12021) ^ a. true .-... . ' . - - . ' . - ; - - - - - - -.,-.---;--.-:-,--. b. false 7. Why is it better to approach the berth with less angle when docking a ship with a right-hand propeller starbord side to the dock? (Page 122) 8. Sketch two alternative methods for making tugs fast when backing into a slip starbord side to the pier. (Pages 124-25) 9. Ships docking at a wharf in strong current can expect to be set off the berth just as they come alongside because of the and the , especially when there is a bank or solid face below the wharf. (Pages 126-27) a. hydraulic cushion/Bernoulli effect b. Bernoulli effect/eddy current c. hydraulic cushion/eddy current 10. It is best to think of a ship as being docked stern first when she is docking with the current from astern. The docking is done as if the ship were moving relative to the . (Pages 126-27) a. ahead/water b. ahead/bottom c. astern/water d. astern/bottom 11. When docking at a wharf with the cmrent from astern, the is used to move her laterally the last few feet to the berth. (Page 111) a. current b. engine



12. Your ship is docking port side to a wharf parallel to the channel. There is a strong ebb current running as you come alongside, and tugs are made fast at the bow and stern. (Page 127) I. the tugs should come full ahead at a 90-degree angle to the ship to pin the ship tight alongside and prevent movement while lines are run. II. the tugs should work at an angle toward the ship, into the current, to hold the ship both alongside and in position. III. the tugs should come ahead parallel to the ship's side, against the current, to hold the ship in position while lines are run to keep the ship alongside. a. I only b. II only c. III only d. either I or III

Practic Maneuvers

. . . . . : .

1. Try to handle your ship without moving around the wheelhouse more than is absohitely necessary. Notice hpw your feel fpr:the ship'B:mpvements (and especially lateral movement when turning, beking, working in currents, or-us^ ing tugs) is significantly imprpved when you aren't constantly movjag around the wheelhouse. ; " - - : . -.-.-- . _-.,.-,..... . _-, 2. Make use of every opportunity to practic hndling your ship at minimum speed. Stop the engine and keep her on course while approaching an anchorage or pilot station, using hard-over rudder as headway is lost. Be patient, watch the stem or jackstaff closly to detect movement s sn as possible, and learn how slowly your ship can be handled. When she no longer answers to rudder alone, use short kicks on the engine to start and check swing, and practic until you can handle your ship at less than l knot in ali but the worst conditions with a minimum of engine maneuvers. Anyone can handle a ship at sea speed! .* 3. Look over the side and check the position of the quickwater every time you back the engine to slow or stop your vessel. Use the location of the quickwater to estimate headway when approaching an anchorage, berth, or pilot station. (Read pages 119120 for approximate speeds vs. quickwater position.) 4. If your ship is fitted with a Doppler log, check your speed through the water when the quickwater is moving forward at the same speed as your ship, when the quickwater starts moving forward along the ship's hull, and when the quickwater reaches amidships. CHAPTEE 5. DOCKING Review Questions 1. A competent shiphandler plans a job s that wind and current can be used as aids to maneuvering rather than forces to be overcome. (Page 129) a. true b. false



2. A 1-knot curren exerts the same force on a given surface rea as of wind. (Page 130) a. 1. b. 10 c. 20 d. 30 3. A ship moving at 2 knots moves approximately 132) a. SOfeet b . lOOfeet c. 200feet d. 200yards . ". "


in one minute. (Page -.-.- '77-'-" ........

4. Lateral motion can be caused by (Pages 132-33) I. wind and current II. turning the ship .. ; III. extended u s e of tugs . . . . . . ; a. I and II ......-....;,.' . ':"7.-"V: b. I and III c. ali of the above - - - : : - v / , . ; : :^ ;-,;;..-y- .--..; ; -:../;. ..: - . . . , - - , d. ships do not move laterally -/ .. ,..'.:,:: -..... 5. You are docking a ship with a right-hand propeller and she is about to come alongside and be stopped, in position, at the berth. The ship should be set up for backing to allow for, and use to advantage, the normal twisting effect s the ship goes astern. This is most commonly done (Pages 133-34) I. when docking starboard side to, by "kicking" the engine ahead with hard port rudder before going astern. II. when docking port side to, by "kicking" the engine ahead with hard starboard rudder before going astern. III. when docking port side to, by going astern to take off headway and bring the ship alongside. a. both I and II b. both I and III c. III only d. none of the above 6. It's important to always put the rudder amidships before the engine starts turning astern. (Page 134) a. true b. false 7. Quickwater can have a signiicant effect, forcing the ship away from the berth when docking starboard side to. (Pages 134-35) a. true b. false



8. Ships must usually be forced into a berth and maneuvered using full revolutions ahead and astern, because shiphandling is not a subtle art. (Page 136) a. true b. false 9. Wbich of the following statements about landing a ship alongside a berth is/are true? (Pages 136-37) I. a ship should be parallel to the pier when she lands alongside s ali frames along the parallel midbody can absorb equally the force of landing. II. a ship should be at an angle to the pier when she lands alongside the wharf or pier to minimize the effects of quickwater as she stops. a. I only b. II only c. both I and II d. nither I nor II



1. Measure the time .requird for your bridge to move between bollards on the1 pier. Estimate the distance between bollards by comparing that distanc with your ship's beam. What ws your ship's speed of approach? 2. Work to become more aware of lateral movement. Make a practice of standing on the centerline when approaching a berth and watching natural ranges (corners of buildihgs, stacks, fiagpoles; rofiiris, tc.) for changes that itidicate lateral movement. " CHAPTER 6. UNDOCKING Review Questions 1. Undocking is, by its very nature, a simple maneuver that requires less planning than a docking. (Pages 139-40) a. true b. false 2. In a ballasted condition, it's usually better to have too much drag than not enough, if such trim is necessary to get the propeller and rudder well submerged. (Pages 140-41) a. true b. false 3. It is best to approach a potential hazard such as a pier or a shoal stern first because you can always put the engine ahead to reduce sternway. (Page 150) a. true b. false

REYIEW QUESTIONS AND PEACTICS MANEUVEES 4. Y ou are about o undock a ship berthed port side to at a wharf. Ships are berthed close ahead and astern, s the ship snust b moved lateraily to starboard, away from the berth, io clear those ships. Only one tug is available. Describe one way to accomplsh this. (Pages 142-44) A. the tug could be made fast with at least one backing line from the tug's bow. a. forward b. aft B. the tug at a 45-degree angle toward the stern, while the ship's engine turns ahead and her rudder is put hard to . a . comes ahead/starboard ' ' ' " ' ' . . b. backs/starboard c. comes ahead/port d. backs/port 5. Your ship is docked starboard side to her berth. A tug is made fast on the port bow and the last Ijne hs been let go. The ship hs a right-hand turning propeller. There is no ship berthed astern. The ship's engine is put astern. (Pages . 144-46)- , -.,;,,_,__ ; , ; , . , . - . : - : .-v., -V....-.. . A. the stern will move the berth unless there is a strong current or wind countering the propeller's effect. a. toward b. away from B. the bow moves the berth as the ship's speed increases. a. toward b. away from C. the tug will to steady the ship as she moves astern out of the berth. a. back b. come ahead 6. Your ship is berthed port side to her berth. One tug is available and is made up on the starboard bow. There is no ship berthed astern, but you will need to back approximately 300 feet to get clear of the ship. Describe one way to do this job. (Page 145) A. the tug comes . a. ahead b. astern B. this moves the ship's ______ toward the berth. a. bow b. stern C. the tug continues until the ship is at a significant angle to the pier. a. pushing b. pulling D. this is necessary because the stern will move the pier when the engine goes astern and the ship backs from the berth. a. toward b. away from



7. A ship's bow can be moved or canted toward a per before tmdocking by (Page 145) I. pushing with a bow tug. II. letting go the forward spring and then heaving on the headline. III. coming ahead dead slow against the spring line with the rudder hard over toward the dock. a. I only b. I and II c. I and III d. ali of the above 8. Face when moving a ship stern first. (Page 152) a. ahead b. astern 9. When turning in a tidal basin, it's usually best to (Pages 15253) I. turn the ship with sorrie headway to complete the maneuver in the least time and to minimize effects of currrits. II. turn the ship in the up current side of the bsin to avoid being set out of the basin bfor completing the maneuver. ;^:.. . III. have as much way off the ship as possible before starting to turn in a basin. ' - ;"" '.".; . : -' ; ..." ' . ' - ..y . , . - . : . ~ ''" a. I only : ... : - : , ' -

b. I and II c. II and III d. none of the above

10. Ships fitted with variable-pitch propellers respond in a _____ manner than ships fitted with conventional propellers when the engine goes astern. (Pages 150-51) a. more predictable b. less predictable 11. Variable-pitch ships should be fitted with a. right-hand b. left-hand propellers. (Page 151)

12. Always dismiss the forward tug as soon as possible to reduce tug charges. (Page 155) a. true b. false CHAPTER 7. DEPARTURE Review Questiona l. The pilofs duties include clarifying the intentions of other ships and making safe meeting arrangements with those ships, and the master should not release the pilot at departure until this is done. (Page 157)



a. true b. false 2. Safe speed at departure is to a large extent determined by (Pages 15759) I. the shiphandler's experience and conidence in his shiphandling ability. II. the depth of water, the speed of departing traffic, and the weather conditions. a. I only b. II only c. ali of the above d. norte of the above 3. By increasing snip speed and moving faster than other departing traffic, the shiphandler significantly reduces the potential for collision, (Pages 15859) a. true b. false : .- ' '- ' ; .' * - - :- .'W -- i.,... : 4. Modern bridge equipment hs made it possible for the ship's master to conn a ship to sea with little or no assistance frorn th othr ship'sofficers. (Pages 159-60) a. true ., . . . .. . b. false 5. Passage planning that stresses a pocket course card, formal pilot/master exchange of Information, and charts with preplanned courges, turning bearings, distances, operating notes, and other navigation information noted in ink is preferable to pages of written instructions. (Pages 16162) ;: . a. true b. false CHAPTER 8. ANCHORING AND SHIPHANDLING WITH ANCHORS Review Questiona 1. A competent shiphandler can anchor safely in any anchorage and never hs to lay off for conditions to improve. (Page 165) a. true b. false 2. Anchoring is one continuous evolution and considering it in parts makes it unnecessarily complicated. (Pages 16667) a. true b. false 3. Allowance should be made one degree at a time for set and leeway when maneuvering at slow speeds in an anchorage. (Page 168) a. true b. false



4. A ship moving at 3 knots moves about 169) a. 50 b. 100

c. 200

feet ahead in one minute. (Page

d. 300 5. A ship 600-feet-long, moving at 3 knots, would require about for her entire hull, bow to stern, to pass a fixed point. (Page 169) a. one . b. two c . thfee ..-._. d. bur , , , -.-;..-, minutes

6. A 1-knot current on the beam sets a 600-foot ship about _' feet in that arnount of time. (Page 169) a. 100 b. 200 ."" ': '-'.' / ; " c. 300 ' " ! . . '" .' - .' . , . - '..,'.,..,.,.,_,. _.:,'...

d. 600 -,^.\ >-'..',..':.;".;::.;';,':.' ". : - \, >:ftf- .- .,;-:!7. A ship can turn and maneuver to depart from-a crowded anchorage by heavirig short and maneuvering on her nchor. (Page 171) a. true . b. false 8. Ships lie at nchor on their finaiheading (Pages 173-74) I. lying to the strong force, current, affecting the ship.. II. lying to the resultant of ali forces acting on the ship. III. lying into the current. a. I only b. II only ,* .. . . c. bothllandlll d. ali of the above e. none of the above -: :

9. List three reasons why it is preferable to have the ship on her final heading before letting go. (Page 174) 10. The difference between the apparent motion of closer ships or objects and farther objects or the shoreline can be used to accurately detect lateral motion and motion ahead and astern. (Pages 176-77) a. true b. false 11. Go astern to estimate ship's speed through the water choring location, when anchoring . (Page 179) a. when at/at nigh b. before reaching/at night the final an-

EEVIEW QUSSTTONS AND PRCTICE MANBUVEES c. wheii at/at al times d. before reaching/at ali times


12. Always place the anchor halfway between ships anchored ahead and astern s your ship will lie at an equal distance from ali ships when your anchor fetches up. (Page 180) a. true b. false 13. Ships at anchor always appear (Page 183) se. closer to b. farther from your ship than they are actually lying. -

14. There is signiicant risk of damaging a ship's rudder and propeller with a stern anchor. Make sure the ship is :' .'"'.- before letting go a stern anchor and that sternway is when heaving the stern anchor. (Page 189) a. moving astern/increased b . stopped/minimized . . . . . . ' ' . c. moving astern/minimized d. stopped/increased 15. It's iniportant to use the proper arnount of chain when hridling a ship with her anchor. Used correctly, the anchor will drag along with considerable resistance, but it won't dig in and hold. (Page 194) a. true . v " .. ; b. false 16. It is uiiusual for anchors to be used in day-to-day shiphandling because anchors are ineffective with today's larger ships. (Page 191) a. true b. false 17. An anchor is only used for shiphandling in emergeneies when maneuvering today's larger ships. (Page 191) a. true b. false 18. A ship sheers immediately and violently to the side on which an anchor is dropped. (Page 191) a. true b. false 19. The offshore anchor is recommended when docking a ship because (Pages 192-93) I. there is more chance of the anchor digging in and holding. II. there is less chance of damaging the hull and chain. III. the offshore anchor may be used later to heave off the berth and undock with minimum damage to hull and chain.



a. b. c. d. e.

I only II only both II and III ali of the above none of the above

20. Static friction (when the wildcat is not turning) between the asbestos brake band and the windlass's brake drum is approximately times as great as dynamic friction (when the wildcat is turning). (Page 194) a. two b. three c. five . . ,....d. ten 21. When docking with the anchor, using the correct amount of anchor chain (Page 195) I. the bow is steadied. II. the ship loses headway whn the engine is stopped. ; : .,: III. the ship responds to her rudder without gaining headway-at low RPMs. IV. the ship can be movd ahd by further increasing revolutions. a. I only b. II and III only c. ali of the above d. none of the above 22. A ship can be turned in a considerably smaller rea using an anchor. (Page 198) a . true ....-..-.... b. false 23. In an emergency, let go at least one anchor with enough chain to be certain the anchor will dig in and hold, and not drag, as the ship iroves ahead. (Page 194) a. true b. false

Practice Maneuvers
I. Select a pilot station or anchorage with a fairly uniform sand or mud bottom and a depth 10 to 20 feet greater than your ship's draft. Arrive an hour or more before the ship's pilot time and practice using the anchor. a. Head across the wind and stop the engine. Try to steer using the rudder alone as the ship loses headway. Note the wind's effects on the ship. b. Come ahead, if necessary, and increase the ship's speed to approximately 2 knots. Stop the engine and let go the windward anchor and one shot of chain well in the water. Slack more chain, as necessary, until the drag of the anchor begins reducing the ship's headway (a length of chain equal to approximately twice the depth of water). Note how the ship is steadied by the anchor as compared to maneuver Ia above

REVIEW QUESTIONS AND PRACTICE MANEUVSRS and thai there is no immediate or violent change in the ship's heading when the ancfaor is used. c. Come dead slow or slow ahead and use the ship's rudder to maintain the ship's heading across the wind. Slack out more chain if necessary s the ship remains dead in the water at low RPM and note how the ship's heading and position can be maintained, even when lying across the wind. d. Increase revolutions until the ship begins moving ahead again and use the rudder to maintain the selected heading aeross the wind. Increase and reduce revolutions to increase and dcrease the ship's headway. Observe the ship's behavior under control of the anchor, including the change of headway when engine EPM is changed; the time required for the ship to lose ali headway when the engine is stopped; and speed through the water at a giyen RPM with the anchor on the bottom, as compared to the speed at the same RPM without the anchor. e. Reduce to dead slow ahead, and when the ship is dead in the water, use the rudder'to change heading to port and starboard. Note the effect of rudder on rate of turn and how quickly the ship steadies up with the rudder amidships. Also pay attention to the forwrd shift of the pivot point toward the bow; the reduced diamtr f the ship's turning circe; and leeway, or, more accurtely, the lack of leeway as the ship is held on a particular heading. f. Increase and dcrease RPM and again alter the ship's heading, this time with headway. Note that it's possible to make very controlled maneuvers by coming ahead on a fixed heading to move the bow toward a desired point, and by reducing RPMs until headway is lost and then usingthe rudder to move the stern to one side or the other, s might be done to come alongside a berth. Ali this should help you develop an understanding of, and a feel for, shiphandling under the control of an anchor. Think how useful maneuver Ic would be while holding a ship awaiting tugs or improved weather conditions. Ship behavior demonstrated in Id would be useful in very narrow channels or in reducing speed without backing (or when youVe lost the engine) while the practice in l becomes important when you have to maneuver in a narrow channel or into a narrow berth without a tug (by choice or circumstances), or need the anchor to break a sudden sheer while proceeding up the channel from sea. Maneuver If puts it ali together and shows how a ship can make controlled maneuvers or come alongside a berth or another vessel under perfect control, using an anchor even when conditions are less than ideal. 2. Hold your ship in position using the anchor and a short scope of chain while waiting for the pilot to board. This maneuver is most advantageous with a light ship in bad weather and you should try it at every opportunity to gain experience in ali conditions of wind, tide, and ship's draft. a. Reduce speed to bare steerageway and put down one or two shots of chain (depending on the depth of water). Steam on the anchor, adjusting


REVIEW QUESTIONS AND PRACTICE MAJSTEUVERS the rudder angle and engine revolutions to head the ship into the prevailing wind and sea. b. Adjust RPM and slack a bit more chain, if necessary, and continue coming ahead against the anchor. Hold the ship stationary relative to the bottom on the same heading into the prevaling wind and sea. c. Put the rudder hard over as the pilot boat approaches and increase engine RPM to change heading across the wind and sea/swell and make a lee for the pilot. Depending on cireumstances, you could begin heaving the anchor after the pilot boards or steam on the anchor to bring the ship around to the initial course toward the channel while awaiting the pilofs arrival on the bridge. This is certainly a lot safer and easier than backing and filling for half an hour in a crowded anchorage while awaiting the pilot launch!

CHAPTER 9. SPECIAL MANEUVERS Review Questions 1. Currents at the entrance to locfcs can be caused by (Pages 205-6) I. spilling of water from the chamber. II. difference betwn the dnsity of the water in the chamber and the water outside the chamber." . : . . ,, a . I only :.--' b. II only c. both I and II ...... . d. neither Inor II ..-.: . 2. The best heading for approachng a single-point mooring is indicated by the heading of anchored ships and the reciprocai of the direction in which the floating hoses trail from the buoy. (Page 212) a. true b. false 4, 3. The wind hs little effect on VLCCs, s these ships apprach single-point moorings directly into the current. (Page 212) a. true b. false 4. The safest, most expedient apprach to a single-point mooring is made by (Pages 213-14) I. heading directly at the mooring, keeping the buoy dead ahead as ship's engine goes astern and stopping near the pickup buoy. II. making a significant course change, preferably to port, to come to the final apprach heading, and then keeping the buoy fine on the port bow as the ship approaches the SPM. a. I only b. II only c. either I or II d. neither I nor II



5. During sliip-o-ship lightering operations, there is less chance of damage if the Yokohama fenders are rigged on the VLCC raiher than the oftaker. (Page 217) a. true b. false 6. It is important that mooring wires used by ships engaged in shp-to-ship lightering have synthetic tails or pendants. (Page 219) I. even though they make the wires more difficult to handle. II. because they make it possible for ships to break apart more quickly in an emergency. III. because they absorb some of the surge that might otherwise part the wires. a. I only b. II and III c. III only d. Synthetic tails should not be used for this purpose. 7. When approaching the offtaker, the VLCC proceeds at (Page 219) , .... a. maximum b. least possible speed. ..':' , '


8. During this part of the operation, the VLCC should head . the prevailing wind and swell. (Page 219) , . . . . . . .. . a. into . : b. across 9. At the same time, the offtaker (Page 219) a. stays close to b. keeps clear of the VLCC's quarter and comes alongside.

10. Anchors can be used to steer a ship backing to a berth or mooring, because the ship's stern will move to port if the starboard anchor is held, and to starboard if the port anchor is held. (Page 227) a. true b. false 11. When making a Mediterranean moor, the ship should back with her engines until in position, close up to the berth, before running any lines. (Page 230) a. true b. false 12. Departing a multiple-buoy mooring or Mediterranean moor, it's usually best to (Pages 228 and 230-31)
I. heave the weather anchor short. II. steam on the weather anchor as required while heaving nome the lee anchor.



III. steam away from the mooring as soon as the lee anchor breaks free, heaving on and dragging both anchors until well clear of the buoys or berth. a. I only b. II and III only c. ali of the above d. none of the above 13. Williamson Turns are less effective with a VLCC because she maintains her speed longer and the vesseFs path of travei is less predictable. (Page 213) a. true b. false 14. When making a Williamson Turn, a ship should always be steadied up 60 de: grees from her initial heading before startirig a hard-ver turn in the opposite direction. (Pages 231-32) a . true -.'.,.. . * . . . b. false 15. Twin-screw ships fitted with single rudders are generally more responsve at slow speeds through the water when the eiigines are stoppd. (Page 235) a . true . " ' ' " ' . ..-<-. b. false .-..._.-.. .- - 16. Twin-screw ships can be moved laterally toward a berth by pushing the bow with a tug or bow thruster and backing the engine while coming ahead on the other engine. (Pages 235-36) a . inshore ...... b. offshore .. . 17. VLCCs generally steer well at very slow speeds. (Page 244) a. true b. false Q 18. VLCCs usually go astern to avoid close quarters situations. (Page 244) a. true b. false 19. "Safe speed" is the same for ali sizes of ships. (Page 244) a. true b. false 20. Shallow water effects are felt at greater depth-to-draft ratios by loaded VLCCs than by smaller ships. (Page 246) a. true b. false 21. The term "constrained by draft" should take into consideration both shallow water effects and danger of grounding. (Page 246) a. true b. false


22. Hydrodynamic effects are diferent for VLCCs. (Page 247) a. true b. false 23. VLCCs are less easily damaged when coming alongside a berth. (Page 247) a. true b. false 24. VLCCs should be closer to a berth than smaller ships before mooring lines are sent ashore. (Page 247) a. true b. false . -: 25. Longer ships are more difficult to bring flat alongside because perspective makes the farther end appear much closer to the berth than the closer end (the "railroad track" effect). (Pages 247-48) a. true b. false * --.:.. . Practice Maneuvers

The Williamson Turn is used for man-overboard emergncias and for routine vessel maneuvers, both to bring a ship back to a desired point with a minimum of maneuvering and to help mates and masters appreciate a ship's handling characteristics at full speed at sea. Turning circles, the time and amount pf rudder needed to make and check tums, and the amount of speed a ship loss making large course changes can ali be demonstrated during a Williamson Turn. :-. 1. Paint an oil drum or other object bright orange s it can be easily seen and used as a reference during the Williamson Turn. Puncture both ends of a 5-gallon paint pail and attach it to the drum with small diameter line. The pail serves as a drogue to minimize wind drift during the exercise. Also, prepare a data sheet, like the one described in ehapter l for the master's maneuvers, to collect data during the maneuvers. The information will be useful when studying the ship's performance and comparing handling characteristics under different conditions of loading. 2. Muster the crew prior to starting the Williamson Turn, and explain the maneuver and its purpose as both a man-overboard drill and a shiphandling exercise. The details of the man-overboard procedure are outside the scope of this book, s only the shiphandling aspecs of the maneuver will be discussed here. 3. Throw the drum or reference object over the side, note the ship's base course, put the rudder hard over, and start the turn as described on page 232. Measure the time required for the ship to begin turning after the rudder is put hard over and compare the advance and tactical diameter with the ship's length, as the ship turns, using the drum as a reference. This information will be helpful both for maneuvering in close quarters situations at sea and in any



future emergency situation that might arise. The time to turn, the tactical diameter, and the advance will probably be significantly less than you expected. 4. Continue the maneuver, shifting the helm from hard over to hard over when the heading hs changed 55 degrees from the base course (point "A" in figure 9-15). Note the heading when the ship steadies up and begins swinging in the opposite direction. Calculate the number of degrees that the ship swings before she checks up and you'll know the are of swing required to steady up from a hard-oyer turn. 5. Keep the rudder hard over as the ship turns through a cirle toward the reciprocai of her initial heading. Apply the are required to check her swing, as calculated in maneuver 2 above, and when the ship's heading is that number of degrees from the desired final heading (the reciprocai of the initial heading), reverse the rudder hard over again. The ship should check up on, or near, the final heading as" the ship returns to her starting point alongsid the reference oil drum. Example: Object overboard on the starboard side, rudder hard right to turn the ship to starboard. ' Original course Initial change of heading Heading to shift helm ("A"): Ship steadies up Are to check swing (difference) Final (reciprocai) heading Are to check swing V Heading to shift helm ("B") 030 degrees

220 degrees

The ship will have completed the Williamson Turn in a predictable manner with the least possible helm movements (three) and thus thi minimum of variables. Note the total time to complete the maneuver, the speed through the water at the end of the maneuver, and the distance and bearing from the starting point. If desired, back down and stop the ship as close to the starting point as possible. 6. Perform the maneuver again using an initial change of heading at point "A" of 35 degrees. Did your ship return closer to or farther from her starting point using this smaller initial course change? The required initial change of heading is, to a large extent, determined by the ship's directional stability, and the more positive the directional stability, the farther the ship should be allowed to swing before shifting the helm at "A." Practice this maneuver at light and loaded drafts, in various conditions of trim, and let ali the ship's officers perform Williamson Turns s everyone learns the procedure. A great deal can be learned about shiphandling parameters and the effects of various loading and trim conditions by eomparing the turning rate, most effective change of heading at point "A," tactical diameter, advance, etc.



CHAPTER 10. TRAINING Revisw Questions

1. Onboard training and experience is important becausetPages 253-54) I. it is impossible to teach some marine skills in a classroom. II. priorities needed to apply theory to real-world situations can only be learned onboard the sbip. III. masters and snior officers can transfer the lessons gained from experience through shipboard training. IV. it's pssible to learn most skills, such s shiphandling, simply by watching snior officers and pilots at work. a. I only b. bothlandlll :....-. c. both II and III J .' d. IV.only - 2. Deck officers can't become effective waich officers and shiphandlers untl (Pages 255-56) . ^.^V..--. / . ' - " . , , ' . " " I. they have twenty years' experience at sea. II. they have "hands-on" drills and feel comfortable using quipment. III. they learn not to touch equipment unless absolutely necessary. a. I only . . b . I I only . . . c. III only d. I and III : : ": ' v. - ; : ;: .;: ;-- . . Simulators are innovative training aids because they make t pssible to (Pages 261-62) I. learn to prioritize tasks and perform several tasks concurrently. II. watch experts work. III. transfer classroom theory to real-time situations. IV. learn most shipboard work without spending a great deal of time aboard ship. a. I only b. II only c. II and IV d. I and III 4. Simulator type is more important than instructor experience when judging potential benefits of a training facility. (Pages 27475) a. true b. false 5. Professional instructors are preferable to professional mariners at simulator training facilities. (Pages 274-75) a. true b. false



6. The following mariner's skills could be improved with simulator training: (Pags 277-78) A. shiphandling. a. true b. false B. rules of the road applications and maneuvering with other ships. a. true b. false C. bridge organization. a. true b . false . . - . , . , ; D. watchkeeping practices. a. true b. false E. restricted visibility navigation. a. true b. false F. emergency procedures. a. true : ..........-. ...:.-.-...,_-.-. b. false ''.-" G. ship-to-ship communication procedures. a. true b. false 7. The computer-based simulator is n advancement that is replcing the ship-model type simulator at mst training facilities. (Pages 27172) a. true b. false 8. The most important component of the simulator eoijrse is the (Page 274) a. simulator b. instructor c. the curriculum d. ali of the above 9. Performance-based testing on simulators should overload the student with scenarios that are more difficult than real-world situations. (Page 276) a. true b. false 10. Time should be divided between the briefing, simulator session, and debriefing approximately (Page 282)
a- K, K K b-/3,K%
' /4./4.K

d. he debriefmg is only necessary if students make many errors.



1. It isn't particulaliy important that pilots possess traditional seagoing skills, because their main task is advising shipmasters of courses and speeds from point to point. (Page 289) a. true b. false 2. A pilot whose services are required by law is a a. compulsory b. voluntary ., 3. A pilot taken at the master's option is a a. compulsory b. voluntary pilot. (Pages 290-91) ......;,.' . , . , . , . ,

pilot. (Page 289)

4. A compulsory pilot is aboard in a purely advisory capacity and as such hs no responsibility or liability for his actions. (Page 291) - ----" a. true b. false 5. There are no significant differences between the responsibilities of the compulsory and the voluntary pilot. (Page 289) a. true "'; .;" b. false 6. Should the shipmaster immediately relieve the pilot in the following situations? (Pages 292-93) A. the pilot is intoxicated. a. yes b. no B. the pilot demonstrates gross incompetence. a. yes b. no C. the master knows a more expedient way to complete the maneuver at hand. a. yes b. no D. the vessel is standing into danger that is not obvious to the pilot. a. yes b. no E. the pilofs actions are in error due to circumstances or the limitations of the ship being handled. a. yes b. no F. the master recommends a change that the pilot rejects. a. yes b. no



G. A master must wait until the ship is "in extremis" before relieving a compulsory pilot. a. true b. false . . 7. It is essential that the master be a competent shiphandler because, under certain circumstances, he hs a responsibility to relieve a pilot in a timely and effective manner. (Page 293) a. true b. false 8. The traditional overlapping of resppnsibility between the master and pilot prevenis many accidents. (Page 294) a. true b. false . 9. Irreconcilable differences between-master and pilot occur often in the course ofmoving sMps in pitotwaters; (Page 294) a. true ' ._....-.'.-....... ....:._._. _ . _ , . b. false ~ .-' '"'_'~" 10. Penalties and liabilities for accidents that could occur should be foremost on the mariner's mind when deciding on a course of action. (Page 301) a. true b. false . . . . . .11. Bridge Resource Management is designed to reduce errors and omissions through a system of checks, the delegation of duties^and joint decision-making by a group of vessel personnel referred to as the bridge team. (Page 295) a. true b. false 12. The bridge team shares the workload, obtains and communicates relevant information early, and monitors the vesseFs progress by crosschecking the decisions and actions of ali members of the team within the context of the master/pilot relationship. (Page 296) a. true b. false 13. BRM hs changed traditional pilot responsibility for overall vessel control and protection of the public interest and the local environment by integrating the pilot into the joint decision-making bridge team. (Pages 29697) a. true b. false

REVIEW QUESTIONS AND PRAGTlCE MANEUVERS CHAPTER 12. VESSEL OPERATIONS Review Questiona 1. Formal plans are only needed if the master and mates have not recently made a passage in a particular rea. (Page 302) a. true b. false 2. Passages can be overplanned. An inflexible passage plan, without alternativas based on professional planning and judgment, is as dangerous as no plan at ali. (Pages 303-4) a. true b. false ." - - - ; _ = 3. Review the types pf information that should be included in proper inland waters passage plaril. (Pages 304-5)" ' " 4. Passage plans and routes should never be put on charts in ink because that would make the chart less useful for future voyages. (Page 305) a. true : - ; ; - . - - . - '.-: i-'-.-:. :-.:b. false . .: : : r---. 5. Competent masters don't prepare and carry pocket course cards because they memorize charts and passage plans from sea to the dock. (Pages 3056) a. true . .. b. false . ; 6. Ali bridges should be standardized with identical layouts and equipment. (Page 307) a. true b. false 7. There should be a clear view forward from large, unobstructed centerline windows. (Page 307) a. true b. false 8. The quartermaster's station should be as close to the forward wheelhouse windows as possible. (Pages 308-9) a. true b. false 9. Instruments should be clustered by use and placed where the user (mate, master, pilot, quartermaster) can use theni without being diverted from other work. (Page 307) a. true b. false



10. A conning station should be organized with equipment mounted on a bulkhead, console, or to keep windows clear. (Pages 30910) a. true b. false 11. Instruments and equipment should be kept off bridge wings. (Page 310) a. true b. false

12. Which of the following statements are true regarding the effect of bridge location on shiphandling?-(Pges 322-24) I. points of reference appear clser s bridge height is increased. II. your ship appears to be moving more slowly as height of eye increases. III. turning rate is more difficult to detect when looking ahead from a bridge located close to the bow. IV. visibility is improved when the bridge is higher and clser to the bow. a. landllonly ~ b. landlVonry - " ' " ' '-''"'- ""'' ; c. ali of the above .-.;?<; -.....*. ..;- -- .,--..-. d. none of the abqve ... ; \. Any laptop system using DGPS .and off-the-shelf software and c used to navigate in ice, fog, rain, and other conditions that would have closed ports in the past. (Pages 312 and 316) a . true .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b. false . . . - :.. 14. DGPS laptop pilot navigation systems have the same line of sight limitations as radar s traffic cannot be seen beyond obstructions or beyond the radar horizon. (Page 319 and 322) a. true b. false * 15. DGPS pilot systems are limited by (Page 315) I. line of sight target detection II. chart accuracy III. communication with other vessels IV. ability to present accurate information on "other ship" course, speed and location a. I above b. II above c. ali of the above d. none of the above 16. Modern laptop-based DGPS navigation systems are extremely accurate and reliable, allowing pilots to navigate safely in any condition regardless of the accuracy or reliability of the ship's navigation equipment. (Pages 314-15) a. true b. false



17. There are severa! distinct advantages to having active traffic management using two-way DGPS-based systems versus information from a shore-based passive traffic management system. These advantages include (Pages 32022) a. information is real time. b. information is unfiltered and uninterrupted. c. information is not line of sight. d. ali of the above. 18. There are signiicant differences between shiphandling in daylight and at night. Which of the following are true? (Pages 324-25) L loss of depth percepton at night makes it more difficult to estimate distance. II. speed cannot be determined at night by looking ahead. III. speed cannot be determined at night by looking abeam or abaft the beam. IV. lights and aids appear farther-away on clear nights. a. I and II only b. III and IV*nly c. ali of the above d. none of the above 19. Which of the following is/are true regarding record keeping? (Pages 32627) I. logs and records are important aspects of proper vessel operation. II. logs and record keeping often conflict with shiphandling, and redundant paperwork must be eliminated. a. I only b. II only c. both I and. II d. neither I nor II


American. Petroleum Institute. Guidelines for Developing Bridge Management Teams, 1991. Armstrong, Malcolm C. Pilot Ladder Safety. Woollahra, N.S.W., Austrlia: International Maritime Press, 1979. Barrass, C. B. "Ship Squat and Its Calculation." Safety at Sea magazine, February 1978. Brady, Edward M. Tugs, Towboats, and Towing. Centreville, Md..: Cornell Maritime Press,1967. Cahill, R. A. "The Avoidance of Glose Quarters in Clear Weather." Journal of the Royal Institute of Navigation, 1982. Cameron, lan. The Impossible Dram, the Building ofthe Panam Canal.: New York: William Morrow & Company, Inc., 1972. Crenshaw, R. S., Jr. Naval Shiphandling. Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1975. Daggett, Larry and Christopher Hewlett, et ai. Dynamic Squat and Under Keel Clearance ofShips in ConfinedChannels. Vicksburg, Miss., 2003. Daggett, Larry and Christopher Hewlett. Study ofShip Squat in the Panam Canal. Waterway Simulation Technology, Inc. for the Panam Canal Commission, Vicksburg, Miss., 1998. Department of Transportation. Investigation of Effects of Ship's Speed and Directional Stability on Vessel Control in Restricted Waters. Maritime Administration, Washington, D.C., 1982. EMRI, Steering Control Systems and Azipod Operations. Herlev, Denmark, 1998. Gray, W. O. ESSO OSAKA Maneuvering TrialsShallow Water Maneuvering ofVLCC's. Tarpon Springs, Fia.: American Petroleum Institute, 1978. Hayler, William B., ed. Merchant Marins Offtcer's Handbook, Sth ed. Centreville, Md.: Cornell Maritime Press, 1989. Hope, Brian H. El Paso Consolidated Maneuvering Trials. Cove Point, Md.: El Paso Marine Company, 1978.



International Maritime Organization (IMO). Standards for Training and Watchkeeping. London, 1978. Ives, Captain PeLul.Azipod Operations Course. RTM STAR Center, Dania Beach, Fia., 2002. La Dage, John H. Modern Ships. Cambridge, Md.: Cornell Maritime Press, 1965. MacElrevey, Daniel H. El Paso Arzew Maneuvering Trials. Cove Point, Md.: El Paso Marine Company, 1978. . Master's Guide to Shiphandling. Cove Point, Md.: El Paso Marine Company, 1978. MarineSafety International. Ship Performance Data for VLCC's. New York, 1978. Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies and American President Lines. -Bridge Team Management Course, 1992. Marton, G. S. Tanker Operations, 3d ed. Centreville^ Md.: Gornell Maritime Press, 1992. -v :-:: McCullough, David. The Path Between the Seas. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1977. . , Meurn, Robert J. Watchstanding Guide for the Merchant Officer. Centreville, Md.: Cornell Maritime Press, 1990. '..._. :_..'.,_ ;;"_. : National Research Council Marine Board. Minding the Helin: Marine Navigation and Piloting. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences, 1994. . Proceedings: Symposium on Piloting and VTS Systems. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences, 1980. Ship Bridge Simulator Training. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences, 1995. Oil Companies International Marine Frum. "Proceedings of the Safe Navigation Symposium." Washington, D.C., 1978. . Ship to Ship Transfer Guide (Petroleum). London: Witherby & Co., 1978. -. Standards forEquipment Employed in Mooring of Ships at Single Point Moorings. London: Witherby & Co., 1978. Panam Canal Commission. Panam Canal Pilofs Handbook. Balboa, Panam, 1980. Parks, Alex L. and Edward V. Cattell, Jr. Law ofTug, Tow, and Pilotage, 3d ed. Centreville, Md.: Cornell Maritime Press, 1994. Professional Mariner. Piloting and VTS, Vessel Tracking System by Delaware Pilots. March 1996.



Quick, George A. "Pilotage." ProceedingsMaritime Transportation Research Board. Washington, D. C.: National Academy of Sciences, 1980. Reid, George H. Shiphandling ivith Tugs. Centreville, Md.: Cornell Maritime Press, 1986. Resolution of the American Pilots' Association. Role of the Pilot and the Master-Pilot Information Exchange. American Pilots' Association, 1997. RTM STAR Center. Alaska State Marine Pilot Training and Evaluation Manual. Dania Beach, Fia., 2000. Ship Performance Data for VLCCs [Training Manual]. La Guardi, N.Y.: MarineSafety International, 1981. Swift, A. H. Bridge Team Management, A Practical Guide, The Nautical Institute, 1993. United Kingdom Board of Trade. "Navigation Safety/Guide to Planning & Conduct of Passages," MN854, :,r;. _ . -Vantine, Wilbur H. "GoodBridgeJDesign from a Mster Mariner's Point of:...: View." Ship Operation Automiion, d. by Pitkin, Roche, and Wil- ' ; liams. New York: North-Hollnd Publishing Company, 1976; -; '-.-'-"--'/-'- Werner, Norman . "A View from the Bridge." The Panam Canal Review, spring, 1976.


Accelerating turn, 11, 178 Acceleration, underkeel clearance, 87,95, 97-98 Access: bridge windows, 308, 310; importance of, 310 Accuracy, simulator model, 235 Acquiescence, of master to pilot, 294 Advance, 44, 74, 75, 7%, 178-79 Advising pilot, master's duties, 40-43, 39-40, 300 "A" frame, 249 Aids to navigation: uses, 75-77, 172; simulating, 269 Alaskan Pilots, evaluation and licensing, 286 American flag, pilot requirements, 291 Anchor chain, 162; amount of, 176 Anchoring: mentioned, 16; in steps, 166; plaiining, 16677; in deep water, 170-71; final heading, 173-75; wind/current abeam, 168, 175-76, 177; wind/current astern, 175-76, 177; basic, 176; approach to, 176-77; determining speed, 179; mooring and anchoring, 18589; with stern anchor, 187-90; alongside bank, 201-2; lightering, 221-22; model-based simulators, 263, 271 Anchors: standing by, 7; preparing, 23; pilot information for, 40; to hold ship, 118, 197; to steer, 198, 227; at wharf, 126; in wind, 132,

168-69; undocking, 139; to turn, 148; to turn short, 154, 170, 171, 176, 198; walking out, 171; easing .-.. chain, 176; placing, 179-81; digging in, 182-83; swinging room, 183-85; laying out, 181-82; amount of chain, 194-96; brake, 176, 194; for shiphandling, 191, 194; stadying faow, 198; selecting, 172, 192-93; stopping ship, 194; holding ship, 118, 197; restricted visibility, 197;. stadying effect, 198-99; strong wind, 169; fetching up, 194, 198; meeting ships, 198; stopping sheer, 199; in a bend, 199; narrow channel,. 198; in canais, 208; approaching mooring, 22425; 5-point moorings, 224-28; backing, 202-3, 226-27; Mediterranean moor, 228-31; simulating, 263-64, 269; shiphandling simulated, 263, 269-71 Anchor underfoot, backing, 202-3 Angle, to berth, 239 Angle of approach: port side to, 122-23, 133; starboard side to, 122-23, 133; discussed, 122-24; affected by wind, 130-32; twin-screw ship, 239 Answer back system, 311
Approach: speed, 118-21; port side to, 122-23; starboard side to, 122-23; bow in slip, 123; stern in



Approach (continued) slip, 124-25; lightering, 221-22; 5-point moorings, 225; at sea replenishment, 249-50 Approaching berth, discussed, 122 Approaching wharf: current ahead, 126; current astern, 127 reas of immersed sections curve, 73 AEPA: training, simulator, 267; for pilots, 279; mentioned, 39, 81, 92, 258, 284 Arrival: preparation for, 7, 2223; timing, 118 Arriving early, importance, 118 Assistant mooring master, qualincations, 215 - - Astern: movement with anhor,. v j . 2023; simulated maneuvers, 277 Audible gyro, importance, 8-1 Auto-logging, 326-27 Automatic Identification System, 38 Azipod, 8, 239; commands, 6364; : . .;-.discussed, 5270; bridge resource management, 67-69. Se-also Directional propulsion systems Backing and filling: described, 11-13; tests, 11-13; to make lee, 28; to anchor, 170, 171, 179 Backing: discussed, 13-15; setting up for backing, 14, 133; from slip, 144-48; hazards, 150; to anchor, 180-81, 182; strong wind, 35-36 Backing engine, effects simulated, 268, 277 Backing "into the wind," 15, 35-36, 168,169 Backing line, 103 Backing tug, effects, 106 Ballast condition, 140 Ballasting: forward, 140; lightering, 222

Bank cushion, 21, 47; simulated, 269; as feature, 270; training, 277 Bank effects: backing, 14; twin-screw, 238; sheering, 47-48; simulating, 270; as feature, 270; training, 277 Bank suction: vs. bank cushion, 21-22; discussed, 21-22, 4748; passing and meeting, 48; simulated, 270; as feature, 270; training, 277 Barrass, PhD, C. B., 87, 88, 89, 94 Base course, at sea replenishment, 249 Basin, turningin, 15153 Beam limit, meeting in channels,. 78 Bell book, 40, 327 Bell lpgger,_326-27 .-'/, V Bend, turn in using anchor, 199 _: Bernoulli effect: 47, 85; discussed r
85-86 - ; . " ':.

' Berthing, twin-screw, 236-38; land; Jng twin-screw, 238; exppsedpropeller, 238; excess angle, 238 Bight, use undocking, 141 Blockage factor: defined, 85; effects, 85-87, 94; formula, 86; handling characteristics, 90 Block coefficient: directional stability, 20, 71; squat, 88, 94-95; effect on steering, 71, 90; trim, 90-91; discussed 85-87 Bottom contours: affecting backing, 15; discussed, 20-21, 47-48 Bow, in mud turning, 154 Bow stresses, VLCC, 245 Bow thruster: advantages, 15; discussed, 15, 144; compared to tug, 15; table for, 15; vs. ship's speed, 16; in anchoring, 165; Mediterranean moor, 230; twin-screw ships, 235-36; moving ships laterally, 235-36



Bow tug: stern in approach, 124, 125; undocking, 143, 145; substituting anchor, 191, 195-97 Brake, anchor, 176, 194 Brake band, 194 Break up, lightering, 224 Breast lines, 127, 138; lightering, 222 Bridge: manning, 160; team, 16, 295-300; work, 159-60; simulated, 270; as feature, 270, 272; importance, 272; organization, 278; procedures, 278; supporting master/pilot, 295, 297; aft visibility, 323 Bridge console, 308-9* Bridge control, single person, 6768 Bridge design: VMax, 242; discussed, 306-11; visibility, 307-8, 311; affcting bridge work, 306; consultationfor, 311 Bridge equipment, 81, 160, 306-11 Bridge forward, 323 Bridge height, 322-24 Bridge markers, 135 Bridge procedures, 261, 275, 282-84; for pilots, 279-81 Bridge Resource Management: and Azipods, 67-69, 295-300; for shiphandlers, 295-300; shipmaster, 298-300; watch conditions, 298300. Common terrns: shared mental model, 300; error chain, 296; perceived world, 296. Error recognition, bridge team: duties, 298-99; members, 298; team size, 298-99; purpose, 296, 297; training for pilots, 295; affect on master/pilot relationship, 296-97; team vs. committee, 295, 296; pilot aboard, 300 Bridge team: and Azipods, 68; vs. committees, 296; piloiing, 68,

296300; watch conditions, 298-300 Bridge wings, 308, 310 Briefing, simulator instruction, 261, 275, 282-84 Bulbous bow, 23, 174, 193 Buoys: use of in shiphandling, 7577; turning on, 7577; strong currents, 77 "By the head": affecting steering, 71-73rvs. directional stability, 19,71-73 Gameis, 123, 131 Canais, crew duties, 207 CAORF, simulator facility, 261, 279 Centerline markers, 323 ;'" Chain: hahdling, 176; laying out, 181-82; claring tuins, 186-87 Chain stoppers at SPM, 214-16 Changing fuel to maneuver, 162 Channel: holding position in, 118; using buoys, 7577; configuration affecting squat, 85-86, 92, 94-95; configuration, affecting underkeel clearance, 95; width, meeting ships, 77, 98-99 Charts: discussed, 162; as passage plan, 162, 305 Checking swing, 18, 73 Chief mate training, 160, 254 Chocks, for use at SPM, 216 Clear view, at work rea, 307-8, 310 Clear water, backing towards, 150 Clearance, underkeel: discussed, 92100; summarized test findings, 95; safe speed for, 95-96; effects of stability on, 95, 96-97; and acceleration, 95, 97; when meeting and passing, 95, 9899; when overtaking, 95, 100 "Clicking" gyro, use of, 81



Glose quartis, 159; speed in situation, 158; with VLCC, 244; simulated, 267 Coastwise pilotage requirements, 291 COLREGS, affecting VLCCs, 246 Combined beam in narrow channels, 78 Come ahead Une, 103 Corning ahead from slip, 148 ; Commands: Azipod, 63-64; standardized, 54, 57, 63-64 Communications: discussed, 23, 36-39, 105, 215, 219, 251; steer-. ing gear flat, 23; with tug,-105; at .SPM, 215; lightering, 219;_with helicopter, 251; simulator training, 277, 278 Cornmunications Tracking and Navigation System, 38, 39, 312 Compulsory pilot: discussed, 28891; relationship to master, 29193 Computer-based simulator s : types discussed, 26667; model development, 268-70; advantages, 261-62, 271; disadvantages, 271; features, 267; compared, 271; preferences pilot vs. deck officer, 271; validation, 273-74; instructor, 27475; deck officer curriculum, 275-78; depth perception, 279; enhancing pilot training, 282, 287; testing with 285-87 Computer control: for Azipods, 66; discussed, 66-67 Concurrent tasks, 261, 267; testing, 285 Conn, 39, 45, 157, 254 Conning station: layout, 310; locating, 308-11 Console controls, Azipods: pilot-master relationship, 6970; bridge re-

source management, 6768; and standard bridge commands, 70, 308-11 Consoles: placement, 307-11; clear of windows, 307, 308-9, 310, 311 Containerships, 33-34, 82, 244, 322 Controlling emotions, 115-17 Cost, paying for pilot training, 271, 278,282 Council of American Master Mariners, 311 Course card, 7, 161-62, 172, 305-6 Course changes, 159, 254 Course material for simulators, 275-82 Gourses inked, 161-62, 304 Cross-sectional rea, 70, 86, 87, 89, : :90 Cross swell: making a lee in, 27; lightering, 219 Current: actual vs. predictd, 49; turningin, 77; mentioned, 117, 129-30, 142-43, 144, :154, ; 168-69; from astern, 126-27, 177, 201; as tool, 129-31, 168-69; compared to wind strength, 130, 168-69; undocking, 142-43, 144; final heading, 174; affecting maneuvering, 168-69; when moored, 137; planning for, 168-69, 171; simulating, 269; as criteria, 270; instruction, 277 Current tables, 117 Curriculum: simulators, 260; deck officers, 275-78; scenarios, 276, 277; pilots, 278-82 Curve of immersed sections, 73 Cushion effects, 21, 47, 78, 134, 221; twin-screw, 237, 238 Daggett, PhD, Larry L.: work of, 84

"Danger rea" during at sea replenishment, 24950. See also Ship-to-ship lightering Darkness affecting piloting, 324-25 Data: sheet, 9; model tests, 45; card, 139 Day vs. night, 324-25 Deaton, Captain William, 217 Debriefing: simulator instruction, 261, 272, 273, 282-84; importance, 261, 283 Deck log, 326-28 Demonstrating: proficiency, 257, 259, 262; pilots, 257, 259, 262, 281 Departing: from betwgen ships, 143, 149; from pqrt, 156-62; from moprings, 228; Mediterranean moor, 230-31; at sea replenishment, 251 Depth of water: effects, 8-9, 17-18, 20, 22, 170, 178; vs. speed, 158; affecting maneuvering, 17-18, 20-22, 85-100; and anchoring, . 170-71 Depth perception, 279 DGPS: to measure squat 81; underkeel clearance tests, 94-95 DGPS-based navigation systems: 312-15; accuracy, 315; capabilities, 317; for shiphandling, . 31820; for traffic management, 320-22. See also Laptop navigation systems Diameter of turning basin, 153-54 Diesel engine, handling twin-screw, 234 Diesel oil for maneuvering, 40, 162 Diesel propulsion: backing, 26; maneuvering, 40, 49; affecting steerng 49; dead slow ahead, 143, 145; mentioned, 143, 145 Digital fathometer, 81, 310

Dingler, Captam Cari R., 224 Direction of rotation: propeller, 51, 120, 122, 150; variable-pitch propeller, 51, 15051; directional control, stern anchor, 188 Directional propulsion systems: types, 52; advantages, 53; concerns, 5354; design, 5556; controls, 56-58, engine modes, 59-60; At Sea mode, 5_9; Hrbor (Maneuvering mode), 60; At-Sea pod configuration, 61; Hrbor pod configuration, 62; Docking pod configuration, 62^63; standardized commands, 6364, 70; computer control, 64; one shjp length rule, 66; and ERM, 67-69; and master/pilot reJationship, 69-70 Directional stability: defind, 18; shallow water effects, 18; mentioned, 19, 20, 140, 239-40; trim effects, 7072; instability used to advantage, 7273; instability discussed, 73, 83, 232; for VLCCs, 72, 239-41, 246; for VMax ships, 23941; twin-screw, 235; simulated, 268 Disagreement, master and plot, 294 Displacement, 86; affecting shiphandling, 244 Distance estimated at night, 32425 Distance line, 250 Docking: shaping up for, 14, 122; bow-in, 123; curfent from astern, 126-27; stemming tide, 126; piling clusters used port side to, 122, 123, 131, 133-34; piling clusters used starboard side to, 122, 123, 133, 134; stern n, 124-26; with anchor, 193, 195-97; twin-screw ship, 235-39; wind and current, 12932;



Docking (continued) landing twin-screw, 237-39; twin-screw cushion, 238; angle to berth, 122-23, 127, 239; simulated, 268, 269 Docking plans, 117-18 "Don't touch syndrome," 255, 278 Doppler speed log, 81, 82, 119, 120, 258,310,317 Draft: discussed, 19; affecting directional stability, 1920; vs. depth, 85 Drag: discussed, 20, 70-72, 140; affecting directional stability, 20, 70-72 , Drills for man overboard, 231-34 Dynamic friction, anchor brake,J94 Dynamic instruction, simulation, 261 Eddy currents: discussed, 49, 126, 127, 137, 202; in bend, 49; going alongside, 137 Effective maneuver defined, 17 Electronic, onboard pilot training, 258 Emergencies: discussed, 23, 194, 199-200; breaking up lightering, 224; evacuation by helicopter, 251-52; simulated, 269-70, 277, 279 Engine: overuse, 65; starting twin-screw, 238 Engine astern to stop, 13-14, 24 Engineer for steering gear, 23 Engine failure: discussed, 150, 199-200; use of stern anchor, 200 Engine opposing tug forces, 142-43, 144,149 Engine response, simulated, 268 Engine revolutions: uses, 44, 52, 132, 134; vs. ship's speed, 132; steering effects, 44, 52

Engines used, tug on hawser, 11011 Enrollment, pilot requirements, 291. See also Compulsory pilot Equipment: grouping, 308-9; simulator evaluating, 272, 273, 285-86; simulated failures, 278 Equivalency, 28687; simulation vs. sea time, 286 Error chain: and Azipods, 69; BRM for pilots, 296 Errors in judgment, 301 Eryuzlu and Hauser: squat formula, 90; mentioned, 88, 90 Esso Osaka tests, 22, 243 Evaluation, simulator, 270; by simulator, 272, 284-85; pilot perforr, mance,.281-82, 286; evaluator qualifications, 286-87 xcessive speed, 118 Externai effects, simulation, 267-70. See also Simulator Facing aft, 112, 152 Fair tide, 49-50 Fathometer, 81, 258, 310. See also Digital fathometer Feedback: and bridge resource management, 6; regarding Azipod control, 68 Fidelity, simulator model, 270 Final heading: discussed, 172-73; wind and currents, 174; advantages, 174; bulbous bow, 174; determining, 175; alternatives, 175; reciprocai, 175; anchoring off, 175-76 Finesse docking, 136 Fire and emergency drills, 256. See also Drills for man overboard Flare affecting tug's maneuvers, 104 Flashing light, 36 Flow over rudder, 47, 80, 199 Flow, rudder effect, 235, 238


Frum, 276, 279 Porward sections, directional sability, 18-20. See also Directional stability Forward tug dismissal, 155 Freeboard vs. wind, 31-32, 34-36, 129-30 Freshets, 49 Full sections: affecting directional stability, 19-20 Full tsk simulator, 267 Future of simulation, 284-85 Gaillard Cut, 48, 109, 211 Gear for 5-point moorings, 225 Going alongside, 136-37 Going astern, maintaining control,

'. 133-34

^rr: ~'"'^':

Grenoble, 263; model-based simulator, 263 . Grss negligence, 292, 301 : : "Gunsight effe"t," 323 Gyrocompass, 81, 309, 310; shiphandling tool, 81 ; Hand signals, 115, 116 "Hands-on" drills, 255, 256, 257; simulated, 260-61, 276, 286-87 Harmonic vibrations, 158 Hawser: uses, 111; for tugs, 110-11 Head currents, 49; docking, 126; undocking, 14244 Heading for helicopter operations, 251 Headway for steering, 51 Heaving off berth, 145, 193 Heavy oil vs. maneuvering, 40, 162 Height of eye effects, 322-24 "~ Helicopter maneuvering plot, 251; operations, 251-52 Helm orders, 115, 116 Helm station: discussed, 309; equipment, 309; location, 308

rielmsnian: training, 73; using rate of turn indicator, 83; duties, 309, 311 Hewlett, PE, J. Christopher: work of, 84 High power ships: response, 23637, 239; walking ship, 236-37 Holding: alongside per, 15, 137-38; . in channel, 100, 118; with tugs, 118; with anchor, 118, 188, 197-198 ; Horizontal bridge team, 295. See also Bridge Huuska and Tuck: squat formula, 89; mentioned, 88, 89 ~ Hydraulic cushion: discussed, 126, 137; lightering, 221 --Hydrodynamic effects: model-based 3^~ simulators, 264"; cmputr simulators, 267-70; pilot training, ^m--280 :-'-^

Hydrodynamicist, simulators, 267 ::--: Ice on pilot ladder, 29 Identification by VHF, 37-38. See also VHF Imminent danger: relieving pilot, 292-293; in extremis,293 Inboard anchor, 192-93 Inboard propeller, 237, 238; walking ship, 234-36, 237; checking lateral motion, 238 Information in pilot waters, 40-43, 302,305 ; ~--~ Inked courses for charts, 161-62, 305 Instructor: simulator, 261, 274-75; " ' 'as cmpnnt f simultibn, 274]" importance, 261, 274; team concept, 274; qualifications, 274; training, 274; accreditation, 274; involvement, 275; in debriefing, 283 . l :.l. r



Instrumentation: discussed, 8183; seaman's eye 81; gyro, 81; DGPS, 81; radar, 81; rate of turn indicator, 81-82; limiting bridge visibility, 81; for VLCCs, 246; in bridge design, 306-11. See also Bridge equipment International Maritime Organization (IMO), 28, 40, 275, 286, 307 International Maritime Pilots' Association, 307 Intership action: rneeting, 77-80, 98-99; simulated, 264, 268-70, 277 Intership effects: model simulators, 264, 268, 269; simulator training, 277 .... Irwin, Captain Marshall, 217 '-,."." Ives, Captain Paul, 52 Jackstaff as steering aid, 323 Keel clearance, affecting steering, 17-18 Kicking engine: to steer to wind, 35; to slow speed, 118; twin screw, 234 Ladder, for pilot, 28-30, 33 Landing alongside: discussed, 133-34, 136-37; landing flat, 136-37 Laptop navigation systems: discussed, 311-22; common features, 312; design requirements, 312, 313. For navigation: charts accuracy for, 31516; capabilities, 317; independent of ship's equipment, 317-18; CTANS, 312-14; for pilots, 311-15; real time, 317. For shiphandling: making turns, 318-19, meeting points, 319-20;

"Not line of sight," 319; for traffic management, 320-22. See also DGPS-based navigation systems Large ships, simulator pilot training, 81-82 Lash up: defined, 111-12; uses, 112-14; to reduce tug use, 112-13 Lateral motion: bank effect, 21, 47; narrow channels, 47; mentioned, 21, 47, 82, 125, 130; discussed, 21, 47, 125, 131, 132; causes, 132; detecting, 82, 132-33; twin-screw ships, 235-36; high-power ships, 237; checking, 78, 130, 134, 238 Late turns discussed, 74 Leback, Captam Warren G., 187 Lee anchor, 192-93 ..:.-. Lee for pilot, 26-28 Leeway during approach, 122, 123, 133 Left turn: discussed, 10-11; disadvantage when maneuvering; 11 Length affecting directionl stability, 20 Length/beam ratio, 20, 239, 240; and VMax ships, 240-42; directionl stability, 240; turning circle, 240; handling chracteristics, 24042; VMax vessels, 240-43 Letting go anchor for docking, 131-32, 192-93, 195-97 Liability: in Panam Canal locks, 291; outside Panam Canal locks, 291-92; pilot, 293, 301 Lifting quarter of twin-screw ship, 238_ Light ship departing moorings, 228 Lightering: discussed, 217-24; mooring lines, 221-22 Limits: for speed, 90; for mooring at SPM, 213-14; lightering, 219, 222 Lines, fouling twin-screws, 239, 243

NDEX Jjittle Creek, Virgnia, model-based simulator, 263 Local knowledge: importance, 117, 159, 302-3; defined, 289 Lock wall suction, 211 Lockage: density current, 2056; approach, 207-8; discussed, 209-10; techniques, 209-10; piston effect, 209; wall effects, 207-11; filling, 210; departing, 210-11; lush out, 210 . ' ' Lookout in pilotage waters, 292 LOOP terminal, 211, 212 Loss of engine: stopping ship, 25, 26, 199-201 -fLow length-to-beam ratio ships: and directional stability, 239, 240; handling, 240-42; VMax ships, 240-43 Making fast, 137-38 ... Making lee, simulator trainng, for pilot boarding 276, 278; for lifeboats, 277 Maneuvering: most effective, 17, 65; pilot station, 26-28; information, 38, 40-42;, 74-77, 100; Azipod, 5455, 59-63; excessive power, 55; computer-controlled, 64-67; fuel,162; simulated traffic, 277-78; night vs. daylight, 324-26 Maneuvering characteristics: importance of, 43-44, 165, 255-56; learning, 165; changes in, 13, 18-20, 170-71; wind effects, 31-36, 129-32; departing anchorage, 171 Maneuvering plot for helicopter operation, 251 Maneuvering ship, replenishment at sea, 247, 249-51


Manniiig bridge, 159-60, 298-300; anchor, 173 Man overboard, 231-34; drill, 221 Manropes,' 30 Manual controls, use, 66 Master: trial maneuvers, 7-9; relationship to pilot, defined, 288, 291; relationship to pilot in practice, 69-70, 292, 294-95, 297; exercising responsibility, 292; disputing pilofs actions, 292-93 Master's trials: simulator, 276-77 Mate's duties: on watch, 159-60, 326-28; anchoring, 172, 181-82 Maximum submerged rea, 72-73 McMillin, Captain Earl R., 52, 228 Measuring: performance by simulation, 261-62, 272-73, 282-84; equipment, 272-73, 282-84; testing, 285-286 Mediterranean moor: discussed, 228-31; anchors, 229; mate's duties, 230; departing, 230-31 Meeting ships in channel: discussed 57-58, 59; 77-80; underkeel clearance, 98100; planning with pilot DGPS laptop, 319-20 Meeting, simulated in a channel, 264, 268-69, 270, 271, 276-77 Mental model: bridge resource management, 68; regarding Azipod control, 68 Messengers: at SPM, 214; for tug lines, 155 Midships section affecting shiphandling, 86, 87-88; and squat, 87-88 Model-based simulators: discussed, 262-66, 271-72; advantages, 263-64; hydrodynamic effects, 263-64; anchor work, 264;



Model-based simulators (continued) model accuracy, 266-70; limitations, 271-72; disadvantages, 270, 271-72; compared to computer simulation, 271-72; preferences, pilot vs. deck officer, 271 Modes: Azipod, 59-63 Mooring: discussed, 185-87; running moor, 185; flying moor,185; methods, 185-87; spread anchors, 186; standing moor, 186; clear hawse, 185-86; clearing chain, 187; fiveand seven-point, 224-28 Mooring bitts at SPM, 215-16 Mooring lines: discussed, 117, 136-37, 141; lightring, 219-22; 5-point mooring, 224-26; twin-screw ship, 239 Moring master's dutis, 212-17, " = 219-22; 5-point and 7-point moorings, 224-28 Most efficient maneuvers, 65 Motion: detecting general, 28, 82-83, 118-21, 32-33. See also Lateral motion Moving: astern, 15; laterally, 132-33, 144-48, 150; withtug, 144-48; ship sideways, twin-screw, 235-37 Mules in Panam, 207, 209-10 Narrow channel: backing in, 13-15, 133-34; discussed, 47-48, 74-77; meeting ships, 77-80; holding position, 118; using anchor, 197-99, 2013; simulated maneuvers, 270, 276-77; holding simulated, 277; twin-screw, 238 Navigation: anchoring, 172; by eye, 172-73; leading marks, 172, 17.6-78; simulation, 261-62; compared by simulator type, 271

Navigation training for pilots, 257-60 Navigational aids, simulating, 268-69 Negative directional stability. See Directional stability Neutral directional stability. See Di- rectional stability Night: estimating speed at,-28, _^ 118-21; vision, 42; passage, '-. 324-26 Notice to marineirs, 302 '-;Offshore anchor. See Anchors Offshore lightring: discussed, 217-24; offtaker, 219-22; departing from, 224 "One ship length" rule, 66 j ~ Open stern, 19 . u- :-. Outboard propeller, walking ship, --; 225-37. HH Overtaking, 80; vs. underkeel clear- _"_ ance, 100 Overuse of engines, 65 . : Panam Canal: squat tests, 92-100; underkeel clearance, 95100; discussed, 204, 20511; locomotives, 207, 209; locks entrance, 206-9, 2 208-10; locks departure, 210-11';"" master/pilot relationship, 29192 Part task simulators, discussed, 266-67 Passage planning: discussed, 17, " " 161-62; for anchoring, 165, 166, 167-69; for maneuvering, 169-71; " brifing officrs, 172," 180; need"""""" for, 302-3; excessive, 303; on charts, 305; affecting record keeping, 326-28 Peer review, 276, 279, 280-81, 282, 283 "" " :"'~::


Penalties: master's errors, 301; penalties counterproductive, 301 Performance-based testing, 28586; vs. written examinations, 286-87; criteria, 286 Permanent crws, 128-29 Perspective, docking and undocking, 247 Pilot-Master relationship: simulator training, 281; and Azipods, 69-70; bridge resource management, 297; exchange of information, 40-43 Pilot(s): maneuvering at pilot station, 26-28; embaking, 28-31; ladder, 29-30; hoist, 30; on-board training, 25760; federal licensing, 259; tailoring simultors, 267; simulated boarding, 276-77; curriculum, 278-82; onboard vs. simulated training, 279; simulator enhanced training, 279; simulator as frum, 279; duties, 251-52; responsibility, 289-92; relief by master, 292-94 Pilot laptop systems: general, 311-15; for navigation, 315-18; design requirements, 312, 313; features, 31415, 317; chart accuracy, 31516; system accuracy, 315; real time, 317; Communications, 317-18; vs. radar, 319; line of sight, 319; for shiphandling, 318-20; trafic management 320-22 Pilot responsibility: statutory, 69; and pilot master relationship 69-70; regarding terrorism, 69; and Azipods, 69-70; bridge resource management, 297 Pilot testing, 285

Piston effect, 85-87, 90 Pivoting point: discussed, 72, 92, 142, 148, 152, 198-99; turning in a channel, 74-75; anchor affecting, 191-92 Planning ahead for wind, 3536; discussed, 49, 129-32, 107-8, 170; Azipod systems, 65, 68; passage, 42, 161-62; docking, 123, 130-31; undocking, 139; anchoring, 166, 167-68; stern anchor, 187-89; Mediterranean moor, 229, 230; with VLCC, 243-44 Pocket card for pilot waters, 172, 305-6 ..--.- "Poor man's tug", 191, 224 Port studies, using simulator s, 281-82 -.-; -J:-': -..---..-. Positive directional stability. Se " Directioral stability Preplanning. See Passage planning Preprinted docking forms, 117 Pressure drop causing sinkage, 85 Priorities in shiphandling, 262, 276 Prioritizing: practice, 262; demonstrating ability to, 276 Procedures, watchkeeping, 261, 277 Professionalism: discussed, 46-47; defined, 46; learned trait, 46; teaching, 46-47, 253-57; on simulator, 277 Proficiency, demonstrating, 262 Profile design, 51 Propeller: wash, estimating speed, 28; direction of rotation, 56, 151, 236; design, 51-52; separation effects, 250; twin-screw, 234-40- variable-pitch, 51-52, 150-51; and lines, 227, 228, 230 Propulsion systems, 5070 "Pulling water," 90



Qualifications, 274-75; simulator instructor, 274 Quickwater: to determine speed, 119, 120; discussed, 134-35; position of, 119-20; cushioning effect, 137; lateral motion, 134; planning for, 134; when undocking, 141-42, 144; when docking, 133, 134; when anchoring, 180, 181, 182 Radar: 39, 80, 81, 119, 183; and bridge design, 310; simulator instruction, 261, 267; pilots, 257-58, 279 Radio use, 36-39, 105, 125, 249 Ranges used when turning, 154, 161,"


' T: "";;;; :

Rate of turn: changes in, 10, 18; indicator use, 61-64, 192, 267; bcking and filling, 12-13 Rate-of-turn indicator: 83, 84, 222, 309, 310; using gyro for, 81; steeringwith, 222 Realism, importance for simulation, 270 Real-time simulation, 262 Recording fathometer use, 81 Record keeping: 295, 299, 326-28; vs. shiphandling, 327; unnecessary, 327 Reducing headway: narrow channel, 118; discussed, 24-26; by change of heading, 17, 25; VLCC, 25; using tugs, 106-7, 109, 118, 126; using anchors, 185, 190, 195-97; using Williamson turns, 231-32; rudder, 12; maintaining control, 14; methods, 24; round turn maneuver, 25-26 Relative bearings: turning, 75, 326; changes in, 326 Selative motion, 119, 257, 324, 328

Relative wind for helicopter operation. See Helicopter maneuvering plot Release from liability: discussed, 293; signing, 293 Releasing pilot, 157 Relieving pilot: compulsory, 294; voluntary, 289-90 Responsibility: compulsory pilot, 69-70; master/pilot, 288, 291-92 Restricted visibility, 82, 197, 315 R/R ship mooring, 228-31 Rolling: 92; in narrow chanils, 95; rudder-induced, 97; lightering, 222 ~:" ''."''!:''"' Rotation, twin-screw propellers, 236 Round turn: slowing ship, 2526; mking le, 26-28; discussed, 26; _ys. Williamson turn, 231; simulator instfuction, 277. See also SPM RM STAR Center: VMax ship; 242; testing criteria, 285, 286 Rdder, effectiveness, 11, 47, 50-51, 198-99,'201, 234-35; turning, 74; overuse, 134; failure, 188; twin-screw vessels, 23440; stopping engine, 235; flow, 235; types of, 50-52; VMax rudder configuration, 241-42; split rudders, 242 Rudder angle indicator, 309, 310, 327. See also Bridge equipment Rules of threes: simulation, 26061; simulation components, 261; instruction steps, 261; instructor as component, 274-75; curriculum, 275-82; steps of training, 261-62; briefing and debriefing, 282-84 Rules of the Road, 80, 289, 292; simulation, 267, 271, 277, 278, 284, 285 "Safe speed," 95; VLCC, 244, 246 Sail rea, 31-32, 169, 198

NBBX Sail training, 36

Scale, importance for model simulators, 264 Scale model simulators: discussed, 262-64, 271-73; advantages, 264; anchor work, 264; limitations, 264; iraportance of scale, 264; capabilities, 264; compared to computer simulators 271-72; disadvantages, 264, 271; preference of pilots, 271; preference of deck officers, 271-72 Scenarios, simulator, 276, 277-78; for pilot training, 272, 278-82 Scratch lg: use, 327,4827-28;' elimi-' nating scrap paper 327; reducing paprwork, 328 Seamanship, 54, 59, 187, 310 Searoom: requirements, 168; allowance, 168-69, 178; restricted 171; at anchor, 179-81; determining at anchor, 183-85; swinging room, 183-85; swinging clear, 184-85 "Sea sense," 163, 175, 246, 253 Sequential, testing, 262; skill application, 262 Set: approaching berth, 91, 130-31; at wharf, 126; vs. drift and leeway, 130; unlocking, 142; in turning basin, 152-54; computer-controlled systems, 65 Shallow channel, twin-screw, 238 Shallow water: discussed, 7; affecting backing, 11; effects general, 17-18, 21; data, 44; VLCC, 22, 246; effects simulated, 267; as feature, 270 Shed doors affecting wind, 147 Sheer, 191-92, 199 Sheering, twin-screw, 238 Ship as training aid: for ship's officers, 254-57; for pilots, 257-60

Shipboard management, 128-29 Shipboard training, 254-60 Ship characteristics, 4345 Shiphandling: as art, 3, 136; anchor as tool, 191-94; skills vs. tug use, 1056; importance of traditional skills, 102; simulator instruction, 261-62; simulation, 264-71, 277; simulated anchor, 269; instructional curriculum, 27582; for deck officers, 275-78; for pilots, 278-82; skills vs. pilot/master relationship, 292-93; using instrumentation, 80-83; laptop systems and DGPS, 318-20; simulators, 260 : : :: Ship length rule: 66-67 ; r : Ship-to-ship lightering: discussed, 217-24; preparations, 217; equipment, 219; fendera, 217-18, 220; mooring lines, 219, 221, 222 Ship trial data, 43-45 Shoaling: affecting shiphandling, 42, 81; and quickwater, 134-35, 142; turning basin.,153; twiri-ships, 238 Shottel tug, 110 Signals. See Hand signals; Whistle signals Simulator: practicing turns, 75; innovative training aid, 26162; computer-generated, 257, 26470; comparison of model and computer, 271-72; tools of instruction, 272-73; briefing and debriefing sessions, 282-41; validation, 273-74; vs. hands-on, 286-87; advantages of, 260, 261; components of instruction, 225, 226, 238, 239, 240-43; general discussion of, 225-36; rule of threes, 260-61, 282; vs. classroom, 261-62;



Simulator (continued) as a frum, 276, 279, 281, 282; limitations, 261, 270; model-based, 271-72; types discussed, 262; computer-based, 264-70; field of view, 266; disadvantages, 261, 270, 279; importance of realism, 270; playback capability, 272, 281; instructor qualifications, 274-75; validation, 27374; instructor involvement, 275; for deck officers, 275-78; for pilot training, 278-82; for testing, 28586; Alaskan pilot program, 286; future of, 284-85 .,-,-... Simultaneous tasks, 267 ._; _. Single point moorings: discussed, ., 211-17; riding up, 216, See also SPM '..7,.. .- Single rudder, twin-screw, 234 Singling up, 141 ........ . . . . . . . Sinkage: defined, 83; discussed, . -. 8385, 89; component of squat, 85; calculatng, 88-89 ; Situational awareness: bridge resource management, 68; and Azipods, 62 Slewing to reduce headway, 25 "Smelling" bottom, 21 Solid-face wharf, twin-screw ships, 238 Southampton Instituto, model-based simulator, 263, 272 Spade rudders, 51 Speed: measuring slow rates of, 132; affecting bow thruster, 16; reducing, 121; steerageway, 3536; narrow channels, 47-48; meeting, 78-80; overtaking, 80; shallow water, 85-88, 158; vs. blockage factor, 86, 88; tug on hawser, 111; vs, ability, 118;

approaching berth, 118-19; determining, 119-21, 132; over ground, 119, 121; through water, 119-21; and squat, 86-87; wind effects, 130, 168; at departure, 157-59; instructor, 274; curriculum for deck officers, 275-78; curriculum for pilots, 278-82; anchoring, 264; measuring slow rates of, 132 SPM: current meters, 212-13; wind effects, 212^ 216; current effects, 212-13; externai forces, 212; approach, 212; reducing speed, 213, . 214..217; chafing chain, 214; pick up line, 214; chain stoppers, 214; iSmit brackets, 214, 216; mooring equipment, 216 Spring line, 111, 123, 145, 147,148, ..274.'.-. Squat: discussed 18; basics, 83-87; defined, 83, 85; calculatingr 87-90; vs. sinkage, 83, 84; commpn useage, 85; cause, 85;;illustrated, 87; open water, 87-88; shallow water, 88; vs. speed, 86-87, 90, 95-96; by the head, 85, 90; by the stern, 85, 90; vs. cargo capacity, 91; blockage factor, 85, 87,90 Stability: directional discussed, 18-20; impact on underkeel clearance, 96-97; simulating directional, 268 Stability and trim booklet, 73 Standardized commands, 63-64 Starting engine: twin-screw, 238 Static friction of anchor brake, 194 Steaming: on anchor, 118; lightering, 222 Steam turbine: steering characteristics, 51


Steering: anchors assist in, 198-99; astern, 151-52; bow thruster, 15-17; shallow water, 17, 158; . VLCCs, 22, 244; standing by gear, 22-23, 249; from steering gear flat, 22, 23, 249; engine stopped, 22, 26; steerageway, 25, 80, 118, 189, 201, 213, 214, 217, 219; trimmed by the head, 71, 73; lightering, 219; at sea replenishment, 249; simulated, 315; wind effects on, 31-36 Stemming current: at wharf, 126; ' docking, 121; stern anchor, 191; anchor, 185 '* Stern: bank effect, 47; tug, 108, 125, 154; motion to port, 133-34; towards danger, 150; n approaching pier, 124-26 Stern anchor: emergency use, 199201; danger to rudder and propeller, 189; heaving up, 189; use, 18891; open roadstead, 189-90 Stern tug: uses, 108; standing off, 108, 125; dismissing, 154-55 Sternway: steering with, 12, 200; handling 15; digging in, 182-83; wnd effects, 35, 36, 168; with stern anchor, 189, 190; with anchor, 176; simulated maneuvers, 277; reduce, 151, 152; laying out the chain, 181-82 Stoppers at moorings, 215, 216 Stopping ship: shallow water, 13-14; distances, 244; lashed up tug, 112; maneuvering in channel, 100; maintaining heading, 14-15; with anchor, 179, 182, 200; on simulator, 277; reducing headway, 2426; as safety measure, 159; moorings, 226-27

Suction: discussed, 47-48, 219, 238; meeting in channel, 48, 78 Surging at dock, 137-38 "Sweeping a lee," 27-28 Swing room at anchor, 183-85 Synthetic tails/pendants, 219 Tailoring, simulator models, 267 Teaching techniques, simulation, 274-75, 281; curriculum, 291-95 Team: crws, 4, 37, 42, 54, 57, 65, 109-10, 171; bridge, 296-300; concept, 295; multicultural, 281 Termmlogy: standard for Azipod, 57; for conning; 63-64; and BRM, 67-69 Terrorisn: pilot-mstr reltionship,


"-. -.:-. ;--' : v.-

Testing, with simulation, 262," 272, 285-86; validated, 238; performance based, 286; criteria, 286; methodology, 286; pilot, 285; deck officers, 286; simulator, 285-86 Thinking ahead: 49 Tide and current, 49-50 Tonnage/horsepower ratio, 244 Torque, 140, 144-46 Traditional skills: importance, 54, 70; vs. equivalency, 287 Traffic management: pilot navigation equipment, 312, 31617; simulated maneuvers, 32022; laptop systems and DGPS, 320-22; passive vs. active, 320-21; filtered information, 320 Training: onboard for ship's officer, 254-57; helmsman, 73; for non-traditional systems, 70; unit crew, 128-29; anchors, 191, 200-1; Williamson turn, 231-34; discussed, 25354; formal vs. informal, 253-54; sources, 253-54;



Training (continued) onboard for pilots, 257-60; by over navigation, 258; stmetured environment, 260, 261, 270, 279; pilot training in structured environment, 279, 287; pilot training surcharge, 282; for VMax, 242 Transfer, skiU, 282, 285 Trial data: collecting, 9; maneuvers, 11, 14, 17, 71, 74, 80, 97, 165, 179 Trim: shallow water, 18; affecting directional stability, 19, 71; tctica! . diameter affected, 70; general effects, 70-73; by the head, 71; wind effects, 71; as componnt of squat, 85; defined, 83; effect of " block coefficient, 9091; simulated, 268 Triple-screw propulsion, 239 , :v Tugs: making up a, 103-5; docking or undocking, 103; alongside, 103, 106; stern line, 103-4; on hawser,, 104,109, 110-11; patented/drive, 104, 105; comnmnicating with, 105, 111; use discussed, 105-7; bow, 107; stern (after tug), 108; two bows, 108-9; astern, 109; safety, 109-10; lashing up, 111-13; helm orders,-112; twin screw, 104; compared to bow thruster, 15; lines, 105; at stem, 107; effects on ship, 106, 107, 108, 109; minimize use, 105-6; in current, 107, 126; stem to stem, 107; docking stern in, 124-26; at wharf, 127; pivoting ship, 144; dismissing, 154-55; to anchor, 171; with twin-screw ships, 235-36; simulating, 268, 277 Turbine: steering, 51; sea speed, 162; going astern, 51; engine, handling twin-screw, 234

Turning couples, 211 Turning diameter: right turn, 9; left turn, 1011; backing and filling, 11-13; shallow water, 8, 10,17-18, 25, 246; discussed, 18, 51, 70-71, 74, 152,192; in anchorage, 198-99; VLCC, 72, 214, 231, 232, 234 Turning rate: at equilibrium, 12-13; buoy as indicator, 75 Turning to sea, 151-54 Turning, twin-screw, 235-40 "Twih-rudder, 235, 236 Twin-screw: tugs, 72, 73, 104; disadvantages, 234-35; turning, 235-40; ships discussed, 234-40; compared t-single-screw, 234;diesel vs. turbine; 234; single-rudder, 234; twisting, 235, : ;236; rudder flpw, 235; inbo.ard turning vs. outboard turning, 236 Twisting, effect: backing, 14; dis. . cussed, 94, 133, 146, 175; VLCC, 246; simulated, 268; backing from a slip, 146; turn to starboard, 178; twin screw, 235, 236 ULCC: single-point moorings, 211-12; handling, 214, 244. See also SPM Undocking: tug lashed up, 112-13; planning, 139-40; current astern, 142; turning to sea, 15154; "one ship length rule," 66; skills, 70, 140, 239, 327; berthed port side to, 145-46; slack water 144; simulated, 268; draft and trim in ballast, 140-41; singling up, 141; using quickwater, 14142; from wharf, 142-44; backing from slip, 14448; coming ahead from slip, 148; coming off parallel to berth, 149



Underkeel clearance: discussed, 92-100; measuring, 92-93; analyzing, 92-95; components of, 95; safe speed, 9596; and stability, 96-97; acceleration and, 97-98; meeting and passing, 98100; overtaking 100 Unit crews, 129 Unmooring: stern anchor, 19091 Unstable, simulated directional, 268-69 Unstable ship. See Directional stability Valentine, Cptin Rqiert D., 306 Validation, simulator model, 27374 Vantine, Captin Wilbur H., 306 Variable pitch: discussed, 5152, 112; : steering, 52; astern, 51; docking, 51; flow to rudder, 51-52; vs. fixed propellers, 15051; vs. turbine, 51; left-hand"turning, 150-51 VHF: use of, 27, 36-39; at arrival, 25, 37; at departure, 159-60; in traffc, 36; call identification, 38; with helicopter, 251; avoiding bad situations, 36, 138, 228; relaying intentions, 39, 159; as backup, 215; as conning station equipment, 310; practices, 36-37 Vibration in shallow water, 17, 90, 158 Video: simulator tool, 272, 276, 281; training material, 254; recorder, 256; debriefing, 283-84 Visibility, simulating, 267; are of, 267; bridge height, 322-24; diagram, 289 Visibility: VMax, 87-88; bridge design, 306-11 VLCCs: diameter of turn, 10, 246; shallow water, 22; reducing head-

way, 25; low speeds, 214; steering, 62; SPM, 215-17; sail rea, 212, 216; ship-to-ship lightering, 217-24; Williamson turn, 231-34; handlng, 22, 193-94, 243-47; stresses, 245-46; helicopter operations, 251-52; storing, 251; bridge design, 307; calculated total squat, 87-88. See also ULCC VMax: 240-43; carry capacity/240;description, 240-42; handling, 239; breakthrough design, 241; rdder/skeg design, 240 Voith-Schneider, 52, 104, 110 Voyage planning, simulator training, 278 y . ,:.,';.,.-.'. - : . - . Walking: at berth 142; moor, 185; stern, 202; twin-screw ships, 235-36 "Walking the stern": twin-screw, 144 Watchkeeping experience: simula-, tion, 261, 277; instruction, 261 Watchkeeping: training, 2758; pilot waters, 278-82 Waterway Simulation Technology, Inc.: work of, 92-100; measurements speed vs. squat, 95; vs. block coefficint, 94; measurements of ships meeting, 98-99 Weather conditions: SPM, 217; lightering, 221-22; 5-point moorings 227-28; using anchor, 197-98 Wharf: importance of solid face, 238; approaching with current astern, 126-27 Wheelhouse windows, 307-11, 322 Whistle signals: communication, 105; in simulator training, 256, 274; importance of, 38, 39, 159, 208 Williamson turn: defined, 232; variables, 231-32; simulator, 277



Winches, 105, 110, 141, 207, 209, 250 Wind: moving ship astern, 15; anchoring, 168-70; effects discussed, 31-36, 117,122,129-32, 197-98, 200; "feeling," 129; "taking charge," 130; vs. current, 130-31; as tool, 129-32; docking, 123, 130-31; undocking, 139; leaving berth, 146-48; lightering, 221, 224; indicators, 310; simulating, 269; as feature, 270 Wind effects: discussed, 14, 31-36; affecting handlirig, 31-63, 165; at

reduced speeds, 35; using to advantage, 129-32, 168-70; affecting final heading, 168; backing from a slip, 14648; simulated, 242 Windlass to stop ship, 171, 195 Wires at 5-point moorings, 225 Work habits: correcting, 247, 262, 282; importance of, 306, 327; shiphandling,--284, 307 - - - - ' X-Y plottr, for simulator, 272 "Zero pitch" steering, 52


Daniel H. MacElrevey was raised near the Delaware River where he developed an interest in the sea watching the ships come and go from the port of Philadelphia. He graduated from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in 1963 and went to sea as a deck officer with Moore-McCormack Lines aboard cargo and passenger ships trading to South and East frica, South America, and northern Europe. He also worked with the same company in marine ope*ations and stevedoring in New York. ... He and his family moved to Panam in 1970 where he worked as a Panam Canal pilot for eight years. Living in Panam provided the opportunity for him to pursue another strong interestocean sailingand later he and his family lived aboard and cruised before he returned to sea. He subsequently spent four years as master of LNG vessels with El Paso Marine Company and served as mooring master for VLCCs at the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port. : .J/-.:'::.;..-;-.: Captain MacElrevey resumed a career in Panam and spent more than 24 years piloting ships in the Canal and the ports of Balboa hd Cristobal. He hs also become very involved in the use of simulation for shiphandling training and evaluation including service as a member of the Committee on Ship Bridge Simulation Training sponsored by the National Academy of Science's Marine Board in 199395. He was chairman of the Panam Canal Pilot Association's technical committee while working on studies of ship behavior and squat in narrow channels with Waterway Simulation Technology, Inc. and developing a real-time vessel traffic and Communications system for pilots (CTANS) with the Department of Transportation's Volpe Center. Captain MacElrevey retired from his position as pilot and port captain at the Panam Canal in 1998. MacElrevey provides consulting, training, technical writing, and shiphandling services to the marine industry through Offshore Services Company, which he formed in 1980. Current work includes services as consultant and expert witness for various maritime law firms and simulator-based training for pilots and ship's officers including a contract at the


;. ,.


RTM STAR Centr in Dania, Florida, for training and performance evaluation ofAlaska state pilots. Daniel E. MacElrevey celebrated his second birthday aboard the S.S. Cristobal, while enroute to Panam. His early childhood was spent living near the locks of the Panam Canal and it was there that he developed his fondness for ships and appreciation for the mariners who guide them. He made his first transit of the Panam Canal with his father at age eight. Following this trip he declared his intention to one day be a pilot. Dan's family left Panam in 1977, living aboard their boat for a yearbefore settling in Cape May, New Jersey. Dan developed his love of life on the water during subsequent summers spent saiHng on the waters of the Delaware and Chesapeake Bays, and racing small boats in New Jersey. He graduated from the U. S. Merchant Marine cademy in 1990 and went to sea with Mormac Marine Transport as a deck officer aboard tankers engaged in the charter trade. During his time as deck officer with Mormac, he traveled to many ports on both coasts of the United States, to Canada, to South and Central America, the Caribbean, Europe, northernAfrica, partsof sia, and the Mediterranean. In 1994, Mr. MacElrevey began a three-year apprentice program with the Pilot's Association for the Bay and River Delaware. In addition to niaking trips with experienced pilots, his training included simulator^htsed classes at MITAGS in Maryland and at the STAR Cnter in Florida, and manned-model instruction at the Suthampton Institute in England. He is now a first-class pilot handling ships in the Deljiware Bay and River, guiding ships through the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, and docking ships at bsfths"in Salem, New Jersey. Dan was first involved with Shiphandling for the Mariner as a teenager, checking- for spelling mistakes by reading sentences from the text backwards, and he is tremendously honored to have worked with his father on this fourth edition. Ships and equipment evolved during the past twenty years, but the text remains current because shiphandlers share their specialized skills with their peers. Dan hopes.those whp read this latest edition will continue that tradition. Daniel E. MacElrevey lives in one of the oldest pilot towns in the United StatesLewes, Delawarewith his wife, Dana, and their two children, Austin and Madison. Their home is a short distance from the pilot station at the entrance to the Delaware Bay. A love of the sea and the practice of shiphandling have passed to the nsst generation.

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