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Physics 110 Spring 2006 2-D Motion Problems: Projectile Motion

1. A place-kicker must kick a football from a point 36 m (about 40 yards) from the goal, and half the crowd hopes the ball will clear the crossbar, which is 3.1m high. When kicked the all leaves the ground with a speed of 20 m/s at an angle of 530 to the horizontal. a. Does the ball clear or fall short of the crossbar? b. Does the ball approach the crossbar while still rising or while falling? 2. A ball is tossed from an upper-story window of a building. The ball is given an initial velocity of 8m/s at an angle of 200 below the horizontal, where it strikes the ground 3 seconds later. a. How far horizontally from the base of the building does the ball strike the ground? b. At what height was the ball thrown? c. How long does it take the ball to reach a point 10m below the level of launching? 3. A firefighter 50m away from a burning building directs a stream of water from a fire hose at an angle of 300 above the horizontal as shown below. If the speed of the stream is 40m/s, at what height will the water strike the building?

4. As some molten metal splashes, one droplet flies off to the east with an initial speed vi at an angle i above the horizontal while the other drop flies off to the west with the same speed and at the same angle above the horizontal. In terms of vi and i, find the distance between the droplets as a function of time.

5. A projectile is fired up an incline (incline angle ) with an initial speed vi at an angle i with respect to the horizontal (i > ) as shown below.

a. Show that the projectile travels a distance d up the incline, where d is 2vi2 cos i sin ( i ) given as d = . g cos 2 b. For what value of i is d a maximum and what is that maximum value of d?

6. A student decides to measure the muzzle velocity of the pellets from his BB gun, which is pointed horizontally. The shots hit the target a vertical distance y below the gun. a. Show that the vertical displacement component of the pellets when traveling through the air is given by y = Ax 2 , where A is a constant. b. Express the constant A in terms of the initial velocity of the projectiles and the acceleration due to gravity. c. If x = 3.000m, and y = 0.210m, what is the initial speed of the pellets?

7. A basketball player who is 2m tall is standing on the floor 10m from the basket. If the ball is shot at a 40o angle with the horizontal, at what initial speed must the ball be thrown so it goes through the hoop without striking the backboard? Assume that the basket height is 3.05m

8. When baseball players throw the ball in from the outfield, they usually allow it to take one bounce before it reaches the infielder on the theory that the ball arrives sooner. Suppose that the angle at which the bounced ball leaves the ground is the same as the angle at which the outfielder launched it but that the balls speed after the bounce is one half of what it was before the bounce. a. Assuming the ball is thrown at the same initial speed, at what angle , should the ball be thrown in order to go the same distance D with one bounce (blue path) as the ball thrown upward at 45o with no bounce (green path)? b. Determine the ratio of the times for the one-bounce and no bounce throws.

9. A Northrop B-2 Stealth bomber is flying horizontally over level ground, with a speed of 275m/s at an altitude of 3000m. Neglect air resistance in the following problems. a. How far will a bomb travel horizontally between its release and its impact on the ground? b. If the plane maintains its original course and speed, where will it be when the bomb hits the ground? c. At what angle from the vertical should the bombsight be set so that the bomb will hit the target seen in the sight at the time of release?

10. A person standing at the top of a hemispherical rock of radius R kicks a ball (initially at rest) to give it a horizontal velocity vi. a. What must be the rocks minimum speed if the ball is never to hit the rock after it is kicked? b. With this initial speed, how far from the base of the rock does the ball hit the ground?

11. An enemy ship is on the western side of a mountain island. The enemy ship can maneuver to within 2500 m of the 1800 m high mountain peak and can shoot projectiles with an initial speed of 250m/s. If the eastern shore line is horizontally 300m from the peak, what are the distances from the eastern shore at which a shop can be save from the bombardment of the enemy ship?

12. The determined coyote is out once more to try to capture the elusive roadrunner. The coyote wears a pair of Acme jet-powered roller skates, which provide a constant horizontal acceleration of 15 m/s2. The coyote starts off at rest 70m from the edge of a cliff at the instant the roadrunner zips past him in the direction of the cliff. a. If the roadrunner moves with constant speed, determine the minimum speed he must have to reach the cliff before the coyote. b. At the brink of the cliff the roadrunner escapes by making a sudden turn, while the coyote continues straight off of the cliff. If the cliff is 100m above the floor of a canyon, where does the coyote land, assuming that his skates remain horizontal and continue to work while in flight? c. What are the components of the coyotes impact velocity?

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