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Project Proposal

Group 1


In this group project, weve decided to use a Ferris Wheel as an object to represent Uniform Circular Motion. A Ferris is a non-building structure consisting of a rotating upright wheel with passenger cars attached to the rim in such a way that as the wheel turns, the cars are kept upright, usually by gravity. Some of the largest and most modern Ferris wheels have cars mounted on the outside of the rim, and electric motors to independently rotate each car to keep it upright. These wheels are sometimes referred to as observation wheels, and their cars referred to as capsules, however these alternative names are also sometimes used for wheels with conventional gravity-oriented cars. The original Ferris Wheel was designed and constructed by George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. as a landmark for the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The term Ferris wheel later came to be used generically for all such structures. Since the original 1893 Chicago Ferris Wheel, there have been eight subsequent world's tallest-ever Ferris wheels. The current record holder is the 165-metre (541 ft) Singapore Flyer, which opened to the public in March 2008. The Ferris wheel is an amusement park ride that is a lot like the carousel. It also resembles a bicycle wheel, with gears, as well as motors, running it. Gears and motors pull the cars connected to a hinge of a Ferris wheel up into air and gravity pulls it down. By the force of gears, motors, and gravity; the car doesn't flip over and dump you out of the car. Gears can do a few things that make it useful for us to use. They can transfer energy from place to place, as well as make the power of something increase immensely by a power ratio/gear ratio. On the top of a Ferris wheel, you feel a force pushing you outward, centripetal force, due to inertia and Newton's first law. Which basically says that an object has a tendency to stay in the same motion it was traveling. But you don't experience a great acceleration on the top because your weight pushes toward the center of rotation, canceling some of the force pushing you outward. These forces canceling out are explained with Newton's third law: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction".



This project aims to study and be able to simulate Uniform Circular Motion by means of graph that represents the motion between our chosen objects (which is Ferris Wheel) using pre-defined programming languages. The project should use numerical methods & formulas to come up with a certain data to be shown in the program.



We, the makers of the project, first discussed about what object will we use so that our project would be successful. Each of us suggested what method to use in Motion Simulation using Ferris Wheel as object/material. Weve come up with the method of centripetal forceand uniform circular motion. We will be using this method in making our group project.

Uniform Circular Motion

An object is said to be moving in uniform circular motion when it maintains a constant speed while traveling in a circle. Remember that since acceleration is a vector quantity comprised of both magnitude and direction, objects can accelerate in any of these three ways: 1. constant direction, changing speed (linear acceleration); 2. constant speed, changing direction (centripetal acceleration); 3. change in both speed and direction (angular acceleration). In this project, we will be investigating centripetal acceleration and uniform circular motion - that is, objects moving in circular paths at constant speeds. While moving in a circular path, an object is constantly being pulled "towards the center" of the circle away from its tangential path. Envision a stopper on the end of a string being twirled over your head in a horizontal circle. If the string were to break, the stopper would "fly off at a tangent." The tension in the string is forcing the stopper to constantly be pulled back towards the center to follow a circular, instead of a linear, path.

As shown in the diagram above, in a certain amount of time, t, an object traveling in a circular path would move from position A at time t1 where its velocity is labeled voto position B at time t2 where its velocity is labeled vf. Note that the magnitude of vf equals that of vo since we are only changing the direction of the velocity, not the object's speed. Remember that acceleration equals v/t. To diagram this acceleration, we must be able to diagram the resultant change in velocity, or v. Thus we must recognize the orientation of the vector -vo. Since the vector vo points to the right, the vector -vo would have the exact same magnitude but point in the opposite direction.

The direction of the acceleration that an object experiences during an interval of time, t, is illustrated in the next diagram by showing the direction of vf - vo. To diagram the vector resultant vf - vo, we will use the head-to-tail method of vector addition where v = vf - vo = vf + (- vo)

Notice that the resultant velocity, v, starts at the beginning of the vector vf and terminates at the end of the vector -vo. This relation can also be seen in the following diagram when we merely rearranged the vector equation v = vf - vo to read vo + v = vf .

Notice that vf is now the resultant vector since vf starts at the beginning of the vector vo and terminates at the end of the vector v. Note that in both cases, v points to the center of the circle reflecting that the acceleration is also directed towards the center of the circle.

We begin out derivation of the magnitude of this centripetal acceleration by comparing two similar triangles. The first triangle illustrates the relation s = r. In the time interval t, the object traveled from point A to point B, traversing through an angle of magnitude and along an arc of length s as shown in the following diagram. Note that as t 0, the length of the arc, s, would approach the length of the chord, c**.

Now let's look at the angles formed by vf and vo. Since vo and vf are both tangential velocities, they are perpendicular to their respective radii. Since OACB is a quadrilateral, the sum of its interior angles must equal 360.

Note the following relationships: mA = mB mACB + mACB + mBCD (supplementary angles) = = = 90 180 180

Therefore mBCD = .

Consequently, in our second triangle formed by v = vf - vo, vf and - vo will also meet each other at an angle .

A comparison of corresponding parts of these two similar isosceles triangles yields

velocity triangle

displacement triangle

where |-vo| = |vf| = v In a small time interval t, the arc length s c. And since we also know that distance = rate * time, we can replace the length of the chord, c,

with the expression s = vt which results in the next ratio

that algebraically simplifies to

Since a = v / t,

where we have added the subscript c to represent the term centripetal since this formula only applies to objects moving in uniform circular motion. For an object traveling with a constant speed we may use the relationship d = rt. For a circular path, d equals the circumference, C = 2r and t equals the time for one revolution, or the period, T

Substituting this expression for c into the equation for centripetal acceleration,


Uniform circular motion requires that the object MUST move at a constant speed; therefore it can only move in a horizontal circle - that is, one in which gravity is always perpendicular to the object's tangential velocity. When moving in vertical circles, the objects speed is always changing g and the object is not considered to be moving in uniform circular motion. All units in these formulas are standard SI units: m, m/sec, m/sec2, and seconds.

PROCEDURES First task is to prepare a proposal and let the professor check it so that we will be guided throughout the making of the project. Second task is to think of what method to use & how will we use that method in order for us to come up with a certain data to be shown in the program. Third task is we planned of what software should be used for us to show the graph & data accurately. We are able to use Flash Media for the graph. Were still thinking if we will use Java, VB.Net or C++.
TASK Researching for referrence of our project proposal Making of Final Proposal Submission of Project Proposal Revising of Project Proposal 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 3 0 31

TASK Discussion about Final proposal and making sketch Making of Final Proposal Finalize and printing of final proposal

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Submission of final proposal short meeting for project proper Meeting and assigning of delegation in project proper Sketch for project proper what we will do in experiments Performing experiments and gather data Compiling of result and Gathered data Sketching for paper Making final paper Revising final Paper Submission of final paper

Printing - 50 Transportation fare when project making 400 Snack 150 Folder 10

VI. Work Delegation

Project Outline All members Project Proposal making All Members Researchers All members Programmers All members Design of the program All Members Graph Presentation All members Computation All members


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