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Preamble We, the members of the National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants Region III Council, in recognition of our thirst for unending development and endless pursuit of our aspirations, realizing the dire need for an organization to uphold our interests and serve as a medium of expression, to promote and protect the welfare of accountancy students in the region in particular and the accountancy profession in general, to nurture a dynamic and a responsible student body, to imbibe a sense of excellence in our given profession and to strengthen the common tie that binds us altogether, do hereby obtain and promulgate this Constitution and By-Laws. Article I Section 1 Section 2 Name and Principal Office This Organization shall be known as the National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants Region III Council herein referred to as NFJPIA-R3. The official principal office of the Council is the same with the address of the school of the incumbent Regional President of the current federation year, or wherever the Regional Executive Officers wishes to designate as the official address of the Council. General Provisions and Definition of Terms NFJPIA-R3 is a regional council in Central Luzon of the NFJPIA, the organization of accountancy students in the Philippines. NFJPIA-R3 is a democratic, non-partisan, non-political and non-profit student organization. NFJPIA-R3 is the only legitimate student-counterpart of PICPA in Central Luzon. Council shall mean NFJPIA-R3. Federation year shall means one school year and shall start on May 1 and shall end on April 30 of each federation year. Assembly shall mean meetings of Regional Executive Board. OIC shall mean Officer-in-Charge. RSTANCOM shall mean Regional Standing Committees.
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Article II Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8

Section 9 Section 10 Section 11 Section 12 Section 13 Section 14 Section 15 Section 16 Section 17 Section 18

Federation shall mean the National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (NFJPIA). Regional Executive Officers shall mean the elected and appointed officers of the Regional Council. NFJPIAn means member of the Federation, whereas JPIAn means member of the Local Chapter. An NFJPIA-R3 representative shall mean the Local Chapter president or any duly authorized substitute or proxy. Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (JPIA) means the Local Chapter of NFJPIAR3. Major position in an organization shall mean any executive office whether elective, honorary or appointive position. Majority shall mean more than 50% of the present members in the assembly. Quorum shall mean 2/3 of the members of the Regional Executive Board. COMELEC shall mean Commission on Elections. A major activity of the Regional Council shall mean: a. An activity that is in line with and pursuant to the objectives of the Federation as approved by the Regional Executive Officers. b. An activity that must require the participation of the Local Chapters comprising the Regional Council. Incompetency means failure to comply with the own set of plan of action and/or activities instigated during the current federation year. Incapacity means any lack of requirements set forth by the Regional Council approved in a specific undertaking. Regional Council Seal The colors and definition of the Regional Council seal shall be as follows: a. Orange for the wheel and the map signifies the essence and unending passion to commit to excellence of each Local Chapter of the Council. b. Royal blue for the background color signifies affinity, integrity, dignity and professionalism. c. Yellow for the sun and its rays which signify development. d. White for the ledger signifies fairness and accuracy e. Green for the laurel leaves signifies excellence. The figures of the Regional Council Seal and their definitions are as follows: a. The six (6) spokes represent the six (6) founding schools of NFJPIA, the national organization, namely: De La Salle University Manila, Philippine Christian
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Section 2

b. c. d. e. Section 3

University, Philippine School of Business Administration Manila, St. Scholasticas College Manila, College of the Holy Spirit, University of the Philippines Diliman. The wheel represents the Regional Councils continuing efforts to develop JPIAns into well-balanced individuals. The laurel leaves (18 on each side) symbolize intelligence, growing knowledge, and academic excellence. The ledger and the map represent the accountancy students who are members of the Regional Council of central Luzon. The sun represents the Councils aspiration towards unending development of the accountancy profession.

The Local Chapters of the Organization may provide their own Local Chapter seal to represent their specific aspirations.

Article IV Objectives of the Regional Council The Regional Council aims for: Section 1 Fellowship and solidarity to establish unity and harmonious relationship among JPIAns and other students and multi-sectoral organization for the advancement of a worldclass nationalist-oriented student organization. Academic excellence to adopt measures necessary to foster educational advancement in accountancy and its related fields through: a. Seminars, symposia, workshops, conferences, congress and convention. b. Inter-scholastic functions. c. Other academic services to the members. Socio-civic and cultural consciousness among JPIAns through social, economic, environmental and cultural development projects. Moral-integrity to promote and uphold moral values beneficial to the interest of the accounting profession, the NFJPIA, and its members through various activities that fortify the moral fibers of each subordinate. Critical, analytical and constructive thinking to uplift to the higher standard and quality of education through programs enhancing literacy and other co-curricular activities. Organizational Culture to acquaint the members with the practical environment and activities of the accountancy profession. Membership Membership into the Federation and Regional Council is mandatory to all JPIA Local Chapters of tertiary school duly recognized by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and only Local Chapters duly recognized by the Federation and the Council can use the name of JPIA. Members of the Local Chapters are automatically members of the Federation and Regional Council. Members must pay a membership fee set by the National and Regional Executive
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Section 3 Section 4

Section 5 Section 6 Article V Section 1

Section 2 Section 3

Board. Section 4 Procedure for application and admission. a. All Local Chapters shall submit the following to the Regional Council: 1. For first time applicants: Local Chapters Constitution and By-laws. 2. For renewing members: Amendments to or revision of the Local Chapters Constitution and By-laws and the Annual Report of previous federation year. Annual report includes: i. Year-end Financial Statements. ii. Accomplishment Report of the Previous Plan of Action. iii. Narrative report of the Accomplishment Report. iv. Photocopy of the Liquidation Reports of all the events transpired during the year. 3. Certification from the school official declaring that the school duly recognizes the organization. 4. Directory of officers, dean, advisers/moderators and official lists of members. 5. Calendar of activities and comprehensive plan of action containing: i. Academic events/projects ii. Socio-cultural events/projects iii. Community extension and service events/projects iv. Environmental awareness events/projects 6. Budget Plan. b. The membership application of any JPIA Local Chapter in the Regional Council shall be acted upon through decision of the Regional Executive Officers within thirty (30) days upon receipt of application. Membership in the Federation and Council shall be classified as: a. Regular members Those who have fully complied with all the requirements set forth under this article and actively performed the objectives of the organization. b. Probationary members those who have fully complied with all the requirements set forth under this article but have committed an act discreditable to the Regional Council as deemed by the Regional Executive Officers. Probationary members shall have their right curtailed as regular members and shall be disqualified from the activities of the Organization, unless provided otherwise under meritorious cases by the Regional Executive Officers. Membership in the Federation and Regional Council shall be in accordance with the status of the Local Chapter to which the individual belong. Term of Membership. Membership in the Federation and Regional Council is for a period of one federation year and is renewable annually. Termination of Membership a. Graduation any member who is duly recommended by their schools Office of the Registrar for graduation in Bachelor of Science in Accountancy degree ceases to become a member. b. Shiftees any member who disqualified to enroll in the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy of his member school ceases to become a member. c. Others any member who, in one way or another, has failed to uphold the purposes, for which this Federation and Regional Council was established, upon the
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discretion of the Regional Executive Officers and Adviser, ceases to become a member. Article VI Section 1 Rights, Duties and Responsibilities of Members The regular members of the Regional Council shall individually or collectively have the right to be informed of any project and/or activity of the Federation and Regional Council and shall have the responsibility to participate in such undertaking. Neglect of responsibility shall authorize the Regional Executive Officers, to call the attention of the Local Chapter. If after such notice, the Local Chapter failed to comply, it shall be subjected to remedies and sanctions under the prerogative of the Regional Executive Officers, set forth in section 5 of this article. The regular Local Chapter members of this Regional Council shall have the following expressed rights: a. The right to participate in the discussion in all assemblies of the Federation and Regional Council. b. The right to inspect the records and financial reports of the Council within a reasonable time and place. c. The right to vote in all of the major activities of the Council. d. The right to participate in all of the activities of the Council aimed towards their development and improvement. The regular Local Chapter members of this Council through their representatives shall have the following expressed duties and obligations: a. The duty to comply with the provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws and other rules that may be promulgated by the Regional Executive Board or may be agreed upon by the Council. b. The duty to attend meetings whether general or special. c. The duty to pay the membership fee and such other fees that may be deemed appropriate by the Regional Executive Board in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws. d. The duty to comply with any other requirements of the Council set by the Regional Executive Board. e. The duty to defend the honor, prestige and integrity of the Federation and Regional Council. f. The duty to respect the other members of the Federation and Regional Council. g. The duty to support all the undertakings of the organization and participate actively in all the activities and functions of the Council. h. The duty to deepen their understanding of the concept of the Federation and Regional Council. i. The duty to engender academic excellence in the Federation. The act of a Local Chapter representative or his proxy shall mean act of the Local Chapter as a whole. Violations of Members a. Culpable Violations on any provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws. b. Gross misconduct, dishonesty, discourtesy and disloyalty to the Federation. c. Inefficiency and incompetence in the performance of official duties.
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Section 4 Section 5

Article VII Section 1

Proceedings and Sanctions Individually and collectively filing of complaints. a. Only regular members of the Federation shall have the right to file a complaint against any member of the Federation who commit violations. b. Written complaints. All complaints should be in writing properly signed by an identified member. Complaints received through electronic mail shall be construed as originating from the identified owner of the e-mail address used. c. Addressee. Complaint should be addressed to the Regional Council President and copy furnished to the National President of the Federation. Proceedings. No member shall be subject to remedies and sanctions without just cause and due process. a. The Regional Executive Officers shall summon the offender through a letter to appear before the Regional Executive Officers. The member shall be given thirty (30) days to appear after such notification was received. In case appearance is improbable, the offender may otherwise express the defense through a letter. It must be addressed to the Regional Council President and must be received within thirty (30) days. b. Ten (10) days after the appearance of the offender or the receipt of the defense letter, the Regional Executive Officers shall render its decision accordingly with the remedies and sanctions set forth in this article. c. The decision of the Regional Executive Officers shall take effect in reference of Paragraph D. A letter notifying the offender the decision shall be sent to him. d. The decision of the Regional Executive Officers shall be final and executory within fifteen (15) days from the date of decision, unless appealed to the National Executive Board. e. The National Executive Board shall decide on the appeal within thirty (30) days. The decision of the National Executive Board, after due notice, shall be final and executory. Remedies and Sanctions. Violations of the duties by a Local Chapter shall mean the enforcement of any of the following: a. Full compliance of the duty. b. Probationary membership. c. Suspension. d. Other such remedies and sanctions deemed appropriate by the Regional Executive Officers and/or by the National Executive Board in accordance with this Constitution.

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Section 3

Article VIII Organizational Structure Section 1 The Organizational Structure of the Regional Council, deemed to be jurisdictional in form, shall be:

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Article IX Section 1 Section 2 Article X Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4

Regional Assembly There shall be an assembly at least once in a federation year. The time and date of which shall be fixed by the Regional Executive Officers. Notice of the assembly shall be made known to the members of the Regional Executive Board at least two months before such assembly. The Regional Executive Board The Regional Executive Board shall be the principal governing body of the Council. The general management of the Council and its business transactions shall be exercised by the Regional Executive Board. The Regional Executive Board shall hold office for one federation year or until their successors have been duly elected. The Regional Executive Board shall be composed of the following: a. Regional Executive Officers b. Local Chapter Presidents The Regional Executive Officers shall, within thirty (30) days from their date of proclamation, have to develop their Regional Council Plan of Action which shall serve as a guide to Local Chapters in mapping out their respective activities. The Regional Council Plan of Action shall not be in any way subordinated to Local Chapter activities. Regular meeting. The Regional Executive Board shall hold regular meetings at least
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twice in a Federation year on such time, place and date as may be agreed upon. Section 7 Special meeting. Special meeting of the Regional Executive Board shall be called at any time by the Regional President or by a written request of majority of the Regional Executive Board and shall be held at such a place, time as may agreed upon. Transition meeting. There shall be a transition meeting of the previous and incumbent Regional Executive Officers 15 days before the termination of the federation year, for final accounting and turnover of records, reports and financial matters. Notice of the meeting. Whenever Regional President shall direct the Regional Executive Board. A notice thereof and the purpose/s for which a regular or special meeting is to be held, the Secretary-General to notify the members of the of special meeting shall state the time and place it is called.

Section 8

Section 9

Section 10

Quorum. Whenever there is no quorum, no business may be transacted. A majority of quorum shall decide in every question of matters submitted to the regional executive board at any such meeting. Presiding Officer. The Regional President or in his absence or incapacity, the Regional Vice President for Academics, shall preside over all meetings of the Regional Executive Board, or whomever the Regional Executive Officers deem to fairly preside the succeeding meetings. Authority. In general, the Regional Executive Board shall safeguard all properties, interests, businesses and responsibility which include, but is not limited to the following: a. To create adhoc committees, to choose the chairperson and to prescribe from time to time their duties and authorities. b. To study, devise and adopt policies, criteria and guidelines as maybe necessary and convenient to carry out, effectuate and implement in the most effective and economical manner, the purposes and objective of the Council, as manifested by a Board Resolution. c. The authority to suspend or impeach any officer while sitting en banc by a majority vote of the Regional Executive Board d. The authority to impose sanctions under each grounds and proceedings this Constitution and By-Laws provides. The Regional Executive Officers Composition. The following shall be the Regional Executive Officers of the Council a. Regional President b. Regional Vice President for Academics c. Regional Vice President for Non-Academics d. Regional Vice President for Membership e. Regional Vice President for Finance f. Regional Vice President for Communications g. Regional Vice President for Audit h. Regional Secretary General Term of Office. All officers shall hold office for a term of one federation year starting
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Article XI Section 1

Section 2

from May 1 of the present year to April 30 of the following year or until such time the successors have been duly qualified and elected. Section 3 The outgoing regional executive officers shall have the duty to efficiently turnover all pertinent records of the Council within fifteen days before the termination of the federation year. The Regional Executive Officers, together with the Regional Executive Board may form committees, which they deem necessary. The Regional Executive Officers shall hold office co-terminus with the Executive Board. Qualifications. No member shall be allowed to run for any regional office unless he possesses the following qualifications; a. He must be a bona fide member of and JPIA Local Chapter duly recognized and accredited by the Federation at least one (1) year; b. He must be an accounting major student with good moral character; c. He must not have any failing grade in any semester d. He must not hold any major position in any organization after elected. e. He must submit the following requirements; 1. Duly accomplished certificate of candidacy given by the COMELEC; 2. Endorsement of the incumbent JPIA President and/or adviser; 3. Certificate of good moral character from the Office of the Registrar and/or Office of the Prefect of Discipline; 4. Certificate of grades or temporary transcript of record; 5. Two (2) wallet size pictures (colored); and 6. Certification from the Office of the Student Affairs that the student is not holding any major position in the candidates respective school. f. He must have attended at least one (1) major activity of the Regional Council and/or the Federation Authorities and Duties of the Regional Executive Officers The Regional President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Regional Executive Board and a representative of the Regional Executive Board of the Federation. Aside from those, which have been assigned by the Regional Executive Board, his authorities and duties shall include the following: a. To take active supervision and control over properties, interests, businesses and affairs of the Council. b. To preside in all meetings of the Regional Executive Officers, Regional Executive Board and a regional assembly. c. To supervise, direct and control subordinate officers in the discharge of their duties and authorities. d. To lead the members in carrying out the activities and objectives of the council and enforce the provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws, and all the rules and regulations enacted in the assembly. e. To delegate to any officers any of his authorities and duties whenever in his judgment such as delegation is expedient and practicable. f. To authorize expenditures necessary in carrying out the Councils activities and programs. g. Act as one of the signatories in all cash disbursement from the bank account of the
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Article XII Section 1

h. i. j. Section 2

Regional Council. Supervise collections and authorize expenditures on all financial transactions of their respective regions. To ensure that a bequeathal ceremony be conducted and all pertinent documents and regional properties be endorsed within fifteen (15) days after the end of the federation year. Perform other duties inherent to the position.

The Regional Vice President for Academics shall have the authorities and duties, which include the following aside from those assigned by the Regional Executive Board: a. Perform and discharge the powers and duties of the Regional President in the latters absence or inability. b. Supervise the implementation of academic projects of the Regional Council. c. To act as the OIC of the Education and Research and Literacy and Employment Regional Committees. d. To perform other duties inherent to the position. The Regional Vice President for Non Academics shall have the authorities and duties, which include the following side from those assigned by the Regional Executive Board: a. To supervise and execute the complementary role curricular and extracurricular by integrating and coordinating cultural, spiritual and sports activities and incorporate these in the general activities of the Council. b. To coordinate with other institutions, agencies or organizations necessary for the non-academic programs of the Council. c. To act as the OIC of the Culture and Sports and Events Management Regional Committee. d. To perform other duties inherent to the position The Regional Vice President for Finance shall have the authorities and duties, which include the following aside from those assigned by the Regional Executive Board: a. To authorize together with the Regional President the use of funds and properties of the Council. b. To handle and safeguard all funds and properties. c. To keep all original documents pertaining to cash receipts and disbursements. d. To prepare the semi-annual financial statements within fifteen (15) days from the end of October. e. To act as the OIC of the Sponsorship and Merchandise Committee. f. To perform other duties inherent to the position. The Regional Vice President for Membership shall have the authorities and duties which include the following aside from those assigned by the Regional Executive Board: a. To keep a complete and up-to-date list of names of all accredited members of the council and their directories. b. To recruit the JPIA organization of schools which are not yet members of the Federation that is duly recognized by CHED. c. To monitor the attendance, performance and degree of participation of member schools in the Regional Councils meeting and functions. d. The act as the OIC of the Membership Support Committee. e. To perform other duties inherent to the position. The Regional Vice President for Communications shall have the following authorities
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and duties, which include the following aside from those assigned by the Regional Executive Board: a. Disseminate information within the Regional Council and to serve as the Liaison Officer of the Regional Council. b. Keep track of the degree of participation of Local Chapters in the Regional Councils activities for evaluation purposes. c. To act as the OIC of the Public Relations and Communications and Graphics and Publication Regional Committees. d. To perform other duties inherent to the position. Section 7 The Regional Vice President for Audit shall have the following authorities and duties, which include the following aside from those assigned by the Regional Executive Board: a. Monitor all receipts and disbursements of the Federation every month. b. Audit the financial statements prepared by the Regional Vice President for Finance monthly within ten (10) days from the date of the report. c. Render a reasonable assurance as to the fairness of the financial statements under audit. In any case the Regional Vice President for Audit cannot attest to the fair presentation, the reasons shall be stated in the Auditors Report. d. Prepare all the necessary evaluations of all activities and/or projects of the current federation year of the Council. e. Monitor performance of Local Chapters by reviewing accomplishment reports and financial statements of Local Chapters. f. Perform other duties inherent to the position. The Regional Secretary General shall be appointed by the Regional President. He or she may come from the same school as the Regional President. The Regional Secretary General by virtue of being part of the Regional Executive Board shall have voting powers despite of being appointed in the position. He or she shall have the authorities and duties, which include the following aside from those assigned by the Regional Executive Board: a. Keep accurate minutes of all the meetings of the Regional Council. b. Disseminate all notices required to be given by this Constitution and By-Laws. c. Be the custodian of all records, documents and papers of the Regional Council and to certify all records of the Federation noted by the President. d. Submit to the Federation the Progress Report of the Regional Council. e. To coordinate with the RSTANCOMs for record keeping purposes. f. Perform other duties inherent to the position.

Section 8

Article XIII Local Chapter Section 1 Local Chapters shall be the local administrative bodies of the Federation and Regional Council. Section 2 Section 3 Local Chapters shall be vested with the power to create their own charter provided it will not violate this Constitution and By-Laws. Authorities and Duties. The Local Chapter heads shall have the following authorities and duties: a. To initiate and supervise projects and activities in accordance with the Council. b. To facilitate the implementation of all projects and activities initiated by the Council.
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c. d. e.

To serve as a link of communication between the Council and the general members. To comply with the provisions and perform such other duties as expressed in this Constitution and By-Laws. To create its own charter, its context and amendments shall be forwarded to the council and to the Federation provided further that it shall not contradict this Constitution and By-Laws.

Article XIV Section 1

Committees The following shall be the Regional Standing Committees referred to as RSTANCOMs headed by the Regional Executive Officers as OIC. a. Regional Vice President for Academics 1. Education and Research 2. Literacy and Employment Regional Vice President for Non Academics 1. Culture and Sports 2. Events Management Regional Vice President for Membership 1. Membership Support Regional Vice President for Finance 1. Sponsorship and Merchandise Regional Vice President for Communications 1. Communications and Public Relations 2. Graphics and Publications Regional Vice President for Audit 1. Audit and Evaluation Regional Secretary General 1. Secretariat and Documentation


c. d. e.

f. g. Section 2 Section 3

The RSTANCOM shall make committee suggestions and recommendations to the Regional Executive Board for deliberation and shall implement the latters final decision. Authorities and duties of a committee chairperson are: a. To ensure the proper implementation of their respective activities. b. To preside over all meetings of their respective committees. c. To conduct elections or appoint persons as may be designated to discharge functions of their respective committees after consultation with the Regional Executive Board. d. To report to their respective OICs for proper coordination. Executive officers of any Local Chapter are not allowed to be appointed as a member of any Regional Standing Committee.
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Section 5

Tenure of Office. The RSTANCOMs are expected to deliver work and exercise of responsibility coexistent with the tenure of the Regional Executive Officers. It is deemed necessary that vacancy due to pertinent reasons shall be solved by the Regional Executive Officers by virtue of appointing another member of the Council. Functions of the RSTANCOMs are: a. Education and Research 1. To organize and coordinate academic activities and projects with regards to current events and issues on the accounting profession. 2. To perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Regional Executive Board. b. Literacy and Employment 1. To organize and coordinate activities that would provide venue for literacy enrichment in terms of reading, listening, speaking and comprehension skills for the general members of the Council. 2. To propose projects that would increase rate of employment and passing rate of the members of the Council. 3. To perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Regional Executive Board. Culture and Sports 1. To plan and coordinate activities for the development of social, physical, political, and cultural awareness of the members. 2. To perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Regional Executive Board. Events Management 1. To assist the Regional Executive Officer in mapping out major events master plan for an effective and efficient rendering out of activities and/or projects. 2. To perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Regional Executive Board. Membership Support 1. To keep a complete list of directories of the members of the Federation. 2. To maintain a query system among the Local Chapters to aid out in solving various issues that concerns them. 3. To recruit the JPIA organizations of schools which are not yet members of the Council. 4. To handle the application procedure of new members. 5. To perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Regional Executive Board. Sponsorship and Merchandise 1. To devise effective methods of generating funds for the Council. 2. To keep track of the sponsorship packages of the Council and of the merchandise scheme of the Council. 3. To perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Regional Executive Board.
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Publications and Communications 1. To inform the Local Chapter of the activities of the Council through a maintained newsletter and website. 2. To be responsible for the release of the Council Disclosure at least twice in a federation year. 3. To perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Regional Executive Board. Graphics and Public Relations 1. To handle all publicity, advertisements and such promotions of an activity and/or functions of the Council. 2. To draft all of the print materials and promotions of the Council. 3. To print hand-outs, minutes of the meetings, financial report and an Annual Report to be distributed to the Local Chapters. 4. To perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Regional Executive Board. Audit and Evaluation 1. To devise effective procedures on auditing the financial statements of the Organization. 2. To assist in monitoring the properties, equipment and inventories of the Council. 3. To help the Regional Vice President for Audit in monitoring the scores for the Year End Awards. 4. To perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Regional Executive Board. Secretariat and Documentation 1. To help the Regional Secretary General in keeping accurate minutes of all the meetings of the Regional Executive Board. 2. To assist in disseminating all notices required to be given by this Constitution and By-Laws. 3. To keep all records, documents and papers of the Regional Executive Board and to certify all records of the Organization noted by the Regional President. 4. To perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Regional Executive Board.




Section 7

Committees may be created by the Regional Executive Officers as may be deemed necessary, proper and convenient for the interest of the Council, defining the authorities and duties and delegating them such as may lawfully be delegated. Its duration shall be under the direction of the Regional Executive Officers. Vacancies Vacancies in the Regional Executive Officers by reason of incapacity, resignation, impeachment or death shall be filled upon by appointment by the Regional Executive Officers. Vacancies by resignation. Any Regional Executive Officer with valid reason or cause may resign from office in the Council by a written notice submitted to the Regional Executive Officers. If a fixed date for resignation is indicated, such shall not be
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Article XV Section 1

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effective until acted upon by the Regional Executive Officers seven (7) days from the receipt of the officers notice of resignation. Section 3 Vacancies by impeachment. a. Any elected officer shall be removed for a just cause and due process on any of the following grounds: 1. Gross violation of this Constitution and By-Laws, internal rules and regulations (IRR) of the Federation and Regional Council 2. Grave abuse of authority 3. Immoral acts 4. Gross negligence of duties and responsibilities 5. Gross insubordination 6. Guilt of acts involving moral turpitude 7. Failure to enroll in the semester during his term 8. Lack of independence b. The following procedures shall be observed for impeachment: 1. A letter of complaint should be filed by any Regional Executive Officer or Regional Adviser. 2. The Regional Executive Officers shall consider the complaint and notify the correspondent of the schedule of appearance before the Regional Executive Officers. 3. Within seven (7) days after the appearance, the Regional Executive Officers should issue its decision. 4. Within seven (7) days after the issuance of the decision, the defendant may file his/her appeal before the Regional Executive Officers. 5. The Regional Executive Officers shall calendar the appeal before its presence immediately after the reques. 6. Seven (7) days after the appeal, the Regional Executive Officers sitting en banc, by 2/3 vote of its members, excluding the officer/s under impeachment, as the case may be, shall decide on the impeachment. The decision shall be final and not subject for appeal.

Section 4

Vacancies due to failure of elections: a. In case of any candidate who failed to get the required number of votes in order for him to be elected, a special election shall be called upon if deemed necessary by the majority of the Regional Executive Board. Otherwise, the Regional Executive Officers may appoint a corresponding individual. b. In case there are no candidates in a specified position, a special election is deemed necessary. However, in case no candidate applied for a special election, the Regional Executive Officers may appoint a corresponding individual. The resigned or impeached officer shall have the duty to efficiently turn over all pertinent records of the Regional Council within fifteen (15) days after the proclamation of his replacement. The Regional Council shall have the right to exhaust all legal and extra-legal means to recover documents, records and financial matters against erring officer. Regional Adviser
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Section 6 Article XVI

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3

Appointment. The incumbent Regional Executive Officers must appoint a Regional Adviser to facilitate and guide the Council in its courses of undertaking and so on. Qualifications. The Regional Adviser must be a Certified Public Accountant and must be a general member of the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA). Rights and Responsibilities. The Regional Adviser has the following rights and responsibilities: a. The right to take part and express concern over the activities of the Council. However the final decision must come from the Regional Executive Board. b. The right to attend the meetings and activities of the Regional Council. c. The duty to review all critical documents to be released to the Local Chapters by the Regional Executive Officers. d. The duty to guide all the Regional Executive Officers and Regional Executive Board upon all official matters and technicalities of a certain decision being rendered and promulgated. Tenure. The Regional Advisers term of office is coexistent with the Regional Executive Officers.

Section 4

Article XVII Funds Section 1 The funds shall emanate from the membership fee of the Local Chapters and inflows from all other fund raising activities not contrary to public laws, morals and customs. Section 2 The Council shall have and maintain a federation year budget only approved by the Regional Executive Board contained therein: a. General appropriation fund for non-recurring expenses of the Organization. b. Specific appropriations for recurring expenses to control of disbursement of funds. The collection of the fund shall be imposed during the yearly renewal of membership on or before the end of the first six (6) months of the federation year. The fund shall be deposited in a bank of good repute and wherein the signatories shall be the Regional President and Regional Vice President for Finance. The passbook must be under the safekeeping of the Regional Vice President for Finance. ATM (Automated Teller Machine) access to the funds is prohibited. Withdrawals shall only be allowed through the authorization and signatures of the Regional President and Regional Vice President for Finance and shall be appropriated for legitimate purposes only. Audited Financial reports shall be submitted: a. By the Regional Executive Officers to the Federation within twenty-five (25) days after the end of the federation year. b. By the Federation to the respective Regional Councils to facilitate the receipts and disbursements of the Federation fund. The Regional Council shall retain a minimum of P25,000 fund at the end of the federation year for the sole purpose of helping the succeeding Regional Executive Officers in the start of their term.
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Section 8

The Regional Executive Board may develop implementing rules and regulations (IRR) as per the agreement on rules on receipts, disbursements, and cash flows, provided that the rules must not be in contradiction with the provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws.

Article XVIII Elections Section 1 Commission on Elections. There shall be a Regional Commission on Elections referred to as the RCOMELEC. It shall supervise and conduct the electoral process of the officers for the Regional Executive Office. Section 2 The Regional Executive Officers shall appoint a Chairman, a Vice Chairman and Regional Commissioner of the RCOMELEC during the 3rd Regional Executive Board Meeting. The Regional Executive Board shall have the power to decide on matters concerning protests filed against any member of the RCOMELEC and their decisions are final and executory. Membership and Tenure a. The RCOMELEC shall be composed of three (3) commissioners, with only two (2) coming from the same province. b. The RCOMELEC function shall take effect after the appointment and shall end after the new RCOMELEC is appointed. c. Application for membership to the RCOMELEC shall be opened during the 2nd Regional Executive Board meeting and shall be subject to the following qualifications and requirements: 1. He must be a bona fide member of NFJPIA-R3 for the current federation year. 2. He must not be a graduating student. 3. He must submit the following requirements: i. Duly accomplished Application Form ii. Rsum iii. Certification of good moral character from the JPIA adviser of his Local Chapter or the Office of the Student Affairs iv. Two (2) 1X1 colored picture with white background and in corporate attire Powers and Duties of the RCOMELEC. The RCOMELEC shall have the following duties and powers: a. It shall organize a Meeting de Avanc at a specified date he/she deems necessary. Otherwise, during the Annual Regional Convention. b. It shall be the duty of the RCOMELEC to conduct election in an efficient and effective manner. c. Such election shall be based on established procedures duly promulgated by the RCOMELEC and for which the same shall be circulated by the RCOMELEC at least one (1) month prior to the date of the election day. d. Be the sole judge of all election protests that shall include objections to the qualification of the aspirants, protest on the conduct of election campaign, casting of votes, canvassing of votes, canvassing of election returns, and violation of rules and regulations. Any delegate shall have the right to question an aspirant and the RCOMELEC shall resolve and decide the case. e. Report the result of the election to the NFJPIAns. f. The RCOMELEC shall be given reasonable benefit for the purpose of discharging
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Section 3

Section 4

their function to the Regional Election. Section 5 Election Date, Time and Place. The RCOMELEC shall decide on the date, time and place of election of the officers for the Regional Executive Officers. Otherwise, it shall be done during the Annual Regional Convention. A maximum of two (2) representatives per Local Chapter is allowed to run for the Regional Election for regular and special elections subject to the provisions of this section. Aspirants for officership to the Regional Executive Office must conform to and shall be subject to the following qualifications and requirements set forth above at the Article XI, Section 6 of this Constitution and By-Laws. Only the representative or his duly authorized substitute present during the election shall have the capacity to vote. Regional Executive Officers present during the election have the capacity to vote. Special Elections. Special Elections shall be called upon in cases stated Article XV, mainly failure of elections and no candidacy in a position if agreed by the majority of the Regional Executive Board. The RCOMELEC shall be given the power to design procedures concerning the special elections but in case of vacancy because of failure of elections, the voters shall be the incoming representative. No officer of the Regional Executive Officers is allowed to occupy the same position for more than two (2) years successive terms. The aspirants in the election who garnered the highest number of votes canvassed by the RCOMELEC shall be declared winners. In case that the candidate has no opponent either in the regular or in the special election, the RCOMELEC shall declare him as elected if he garnered majority of the votes. Limitations. The implementing rules and regulations (IRR) to be drafted by the incumbent Commission on Elections must be under the approval of the Regional Executive Officers. Otherwise, such rules promulgated must not be deemed official in any form. Amendments or Revisions The Regional Executive Officers may create a special Committee on Chartered Amendments and Revisions who shall submit proposed changes on the Constitution and By-Laws within ninety (90) days before the Annual Regional Convention. The Committee on Chartered Amendments and Revisions shall be composed of a Chairman, a Vice Chairman and five (5) members appointed by the Regional Executive Officers. The Committee on Chartered Amendments and Revisions shall serve for one (1)
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Section 6

Section 7 Section 8 Section 9

Section 10

Section 11 Section 12 Section 13

Section 14

Article XIX Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

federation year. Section 4 Proposed amendments and revisions shall be valid and shall form an integral part of this Constitution and By-Laws and when presented and ratified by the majority of the Regional Executive Board present in the assembly called for such purpose. There shall be no amendments or revisions to this constitution within three (3) years from its last ratification. Effectivity This Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect fifteen (15) days from the date of ratification and after all Local Chapters have been duly notified.

Section 5 Article XX Section 1

This Constitution and BY-Laws of the National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants Region III Council was ratified on June 9, 2012 during the 1st Regional Executive Board Meeting of NFJPIA-R3 for the federation year 2012-2013 in Angeles City, Pampanga. Therefore, be it resolved that the above Constitution and By-Laws is ratified and shall be effective beginning the Federation Year 2012-2013. APPROVED BY:

________________________________________ Matthew U. Gopez Regional President

Angeles University Foundation

________________________________________ Nio Jerald M. Cruz Regional Vice President for Academics

Baliuag University

________________________________________ Jonavell B. Santiago Regional Vice President for Non Academics

Holy Angel University

________________________________________ Catherine Grace M. Matias Regional Vice President for Finance

Wesleyan University Philippines

________________________________________ Christian S. Garcia Regional Vice President for Membership

Wesleyan University Philippines

________________________________________ Pauline Yehn G. Sebastian Regional Vice President for Audit

Gordon College

________________________________________ Zheena E. Ocampo Regional Vice President for Communications

System Plus College Foundation

________________________________________ John Christopher V. Dela Cruz Regional Secretary General

Central Luzon State University

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________________________________________ Conrad Allan M. Alviz, CPA, CISA Regional Adviser

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