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Life Membership fee : Rs.3000/Mode of Payment : DD only, in favour of I.S.T.E.

payable at New Delhi

Phone Fax E-mail Website

: 26963431 , 26513542 : 011-26852421 : [email protected] :


Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi-110016
(Registered Under Societies Registration Act XII of 1860)

Paste your Colour Unattested photograph here


Note: 1. 2. 3. 4. Please type or write legibly in CAPITAL LETTERS IN English only Please get the application recommended by a member of ISTE/ Head of institution. Leave one column BLANK between words/initials. WRITE YOUR NAME THE WAY YOU WANT IT ON THE CERTIFICATE. Use initials and limit name to only 20 characters.


Status Date of Birth Area of Specialisation Designation Institute City/State Mailing Address (if different from above) Pin Code Name Qualifications Sex

Pin Code E-mail id Membership Category Landline Tel. Details of Remittance : STD Code Amount:________________________DD Number :_______________________ Date :__________________________Bank & Branch :____________________ CERTIFICATE I Wish to join the ISTE as an Life Member. I hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations of ISTE regarding membership. I certify that I am Eligible for membership as per the eligibility given overleaf, Signature of Applicant Place Date Signature of Recommending officer. Name : Designation: Date : Mobile No.


Membership fee received on______________ Membership Number L M

INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING UP APPLICATION FORM For status write : MR, MRS, MISS, SHRI, SMT, DR, PROF, etc Date of Birth Write Highest Qualification only Sex Specialisation Designation Address (Institute, State, Pin) (Example) P.S. : : : : : : : : (18 September, 1963) 18-09-63 PH.D, M.TECH, M.SC, BE, B.TECH, B.SC, B.A, DIPLO. etc M or F CIVIL ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, PHYSICS, MATHEMATICS, etc. PRINCIPAL, DIRECTOR, PROFESSOR OF M.TECH, ENGG, PROF AND HOD OF COMPUTER SCIENCE MALAND COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, HASSAN, KARNATAKA-573201 IF THERE ARE MORE THEN ONE MEMBER, A COMBINED DD AS PER THE FEE APPLICABLE MAY BE DRAWN PLEASE COLLECTIVELY. Life Member (L.M.) ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP By- Laws 2 (ii) and (iii) of the Society read as under: (ii) (a) Life Membership A person who satisfies the eligibility criteria as mentioned in clause 2 (iii) may become a Life Member of ISTE by paying the admissible Life Membership fee as decided from time to time, by the Executive Council. Membership : Eligibility Criteria :Any person of Indian origin or a foreign National holding a University Degree/Diploma or an equivalent qualification and who is/had been employed on the teaching faculty of a recognised technical institution; or a person having a technical academic qualification working in a Technical/Research Institute is ELIGIBLE for membership. Application for membership shall be made on the prescribed form of the Society. Application for membership shall be recommended by a Life Member of the Society. Such application shall be approved by the Executive Council or by an Office Bearer of the Society authorized by the Executive Council for this purpose before the membership is approved. The Executive Council shall have the power to refuse admission to any applicant without assigning any reason.

Membership Category :

(iii) (a)

(b) (c) (d)


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