Measutal-Digital Deflection Gauge PDF

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Digital Type Deflection Gauge for Crankshaft HEAD OFFICE
69-3, Sinchon-Dong, Changwon-City, Gyeongnam, Korea. 641-370 Phone. +82-55-260-6923 / +82-55-260-6250 Fax. +82-55-260-6783

Heidenkampsweg 100,8.OG 20097 Hamburg, Germany Phone. +49-40-2533-5656 / Fax. +49-40-2533-5661

78, Shenton Way, #16-04, Singapore 079120 Phone. +65-6222-5515 / Fax. +65-6222-5525

Instructions in Using the Measutal Measuring Unit

Keypad Description Icons Display Main Functions Basic Components

6 7 7 8 10

Instructions in Using the Measutal Software Program

1) When use the display unit under sunlight, texts on LCD can be seen unclearly. 2) Please insert the batteries (to measuring and display unit) correctly.

1. Measutal Software Installation 1.1 Minimum System Requirements 1.2 Bluetooth Installation 1.3 Measutal Software Installation 2. Measutal Software User Guide 2.1 Project Management 2.2 Engine Management 2.3 Report 2.4 Com Port Setting 2.5 Communication Link 2.6 Management function 2.7 General Date 2.8 Deflection Data 2.9 Deflection Curve

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Use extreme caution in the use of this device. Improper use of this device can result in injury or harmful demage. Follow all safeguards suggested in this manual, in addition to the normal safety precautions used in working with mechanical device. Do not service, if you are not qualified to do so.

This Measutal is designed to provide years of dependable service, if the following care introductions are performed. 1. Keep the Meter dry, if it gets wet, wipe it out. 2. Handle the Meter gently and carefully. Dropping it can damage the electronic parts or the case. 3. Keep the Meter clean, wipe the case with a damp cloth, do not use chemicals. 4. Use only a fresh battery of the recommended size and type. Remove an old or weak battery so it does not leak and damage the unit. 5. If the Meter is to be stored for a long time, the battery should be removed to prevent damage to the unit. 6. Save these instructions for later use.

Instructions in Using the Measutal Measuring Unit

Keypad Description Icons Display Main Functions Basic Components


WARNING : To avoid mechanical demage, separate the Measuring Unit from the device before opening the back cover or the battery case. 1. When the battery become exhausted or drops below the operating voltage, will appear in the upper corner of the display. The battery should be replaced. 2. Do not operate your Meter until the back cover and battery case are in place and fastened securely.


Display Unit
DISPLAY Deflection data Battery status icon Function Mode Menu Communication status DATA SET BUTTON Stores the displayed data Turning function mode

Shows the battery status (Display Unit) Shows battery status (Measuring Unit) Measured data


ZERO SET BUTTON Resets readings to zero Has searching function in function mode BACK LIGHT BUTTON Turn the back light on/off Has searching function in function mode


Battery indicator of the display unit

POWER BUTTON Turns the display unit on/off

NO DEVICE message is flickering.

- It means the measuring unit is off. Turn on the measuring unit by pressing the power button.

Measuring Unit

Battery indicator of measuring unit After the measuring unit is turned on, 0.00 appears on the display.
- This means the measuring unit is on and ready to use. - Adjustments can be made using the zero set, data set, and the back light buttons.

Measutal Contact tip

POWER BUTTON Turns the measuring unit on/off

Function mode menu The items in the function mode menu are as displayed in this picture.
- Selecting 1. SHOW ALL DATA displays the saved data. - Selecting 2. DELETE ALL DATA deletes the saved data. - 3. EXIT turns the function mode off.



Power ON/OFF
Measuring Unit POWER Button ON( Display Unit POWER Button ON(



Press ZERO SET Button(

Press this button once the display unit is turned on.

Initial display

Data display

LCD display


Initial view

Data view

Press LIGHT Button(

LCD display


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Press and hold DATA SET Button more than one sec ( )


Go to Function Mode Select 1. SHOW ALL DATA Press DATA SET Button Change The Current Data of Each Cylinder by pressing ( )&( ) Button Select 3 to exit.

LCD display

Press DATA SET Button Select The Cylinder To Save by pressing ( Select The Point To Save by pressing (
Select Cylinder

LCD display

Saved data view

)&( )&(

) Buttons ) Buttons

Select Measuring Point

Go to Function Mode Select 2. DELETE ALL DATA Press DATA SET Button

Data view mode

Data save mode (1)

Data save mode (2)

Select 3 to exit.

LCD display


Instructions in Using the Measutal Software Program

Display Unit Measuring Unit Install CD

1. Measutal Software Installation 2. Measutal Software User Guide

Extansion Bars




Magnetic jig

1. Measutal Software Installation

1.1 Minimum System Requirements Hardware

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- Intel Pentium 4 or AMD AthlonTM - 512 MB of system memory; 1 GB or more for best performance - Optical drive for software installation (CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive) - USB Port

Bluetooth Dongle Setup Software

- Windows Vista - Windows 2000 - Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2) - Windows XP Professional x64 Edition - MS-Office 97 or later
1.2 Bluetooth Installation

Step 1. In the AUTORUN window, click on the Bluetooth Dongle Setup Software.

Bluetooth Driver should be installed on the computer in order to establish connection between the Measutal Hardware Device and the Measutal Software,
1.2.1 Measutal Software Installation using the driver CD

Insert the driver CD into your CD-ROM. An AUTORUN Window should pop up on your screen. If AUTORUN does not show up, run install.exe. Follow the following steps to proceed with the installation.

Step 2. Choose I accept the terms and license agreement and click on the Next button to proceed to the next window.

1. Measutal Software Installation

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Step 3. Click the Next button.

Installation may take several minutes.

Step 4. Click the Install button.

Step 5. When a Bluetooth not found dialogue box appears, plug the Bluetooth dongle into a USB port into your computer and Click OK.

1. Measutal Software Installation

1.2.2 Bluetooth Configuration

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The process will then proceed to the installation of the remaining components. This will take a few more minutes. Step 1. Click the Next button

Step 6. Click the Finish button to complete the Blue tooth dongle software setup.

1. Measutal Software Installation

Step 2. Enter computer name and type as shown above. The name you assign to this computer will be displayed to other Bluetooth devices when this computer is set to be discoverable. The default name is the name assigned by the operating system. The computer type setting determines the type of icon that is used to represent this computer to other Bluetooth devices.

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Note : Turn on Display Unit before step 3.

Step 4. Select the Measutal device icon (

) and then click the Next button.

Step 3. Check the Bluetooth Serial Port box. In the Bluetooth service selection, you can select other services by checking the box/es next to the service name, just make sure that the Bluetooth Serial Port box is checked. This is necessary so you can use the Measutal Bluetooth device.

Step 5. Click the Skip button.

1. Measutal Software Installation

In the above window, the Secure Connection box must be unchecked. Click OK to finish the process. The Measutal Device can then be used with the software once it is connected to the computer.

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disconnect You must check the checkbox next to Dev as shown in the above window and click configure. The Bluetooth Properties will appear.


When you cant access the Measutal device because of Security connection, follow this procedure. Step 1. Double click the Bluetooth icon in the Start menu or on My Computer.

Step 6. Uncheck Secure Connection box

1. Measutal Software Installation

Step 2. Click view devices in range. Step 4. Click Dev and then Select View or modify configuration

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Step 3. Double click the the Measutal Device icon.

Step 5. Select Local Service and Deactivate Secure Connection

1. Measutal Software Installation

Step 6. Select Client Applications and Deactivate Secure Connection
1.3 Measutal Software Installation

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Insert the Measutal Software CD into the CD-ROM. Find and run Measutal Data Management Software.exe in the CD. Install the file after conforming with the license terms and agreement. Enter your user name, company name, and serial number as shown in the following picture. Follow the following steps.

Data Management Software

Step 7. Double Click Dev and Confirm whether the device is connected

Step 1. Click the Data Management Software

450 Dev B

450 Dev B

Not Connected


An initializing window will show up in the screen.

1. Measutal Software Installation

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Step 2. Click the Yes button.

Step 4. Again, click Next. Choose a directory folder where you want to install the files. The default folder location is C:\Program Files\Measutal Data Management Software.

Step 3. Enter your User name and Serial Number and then click the Next button.

Step 5. Input the Program Folder.

1. Measutal Software Installation

2. Measutal Software User Guide

Open the Measutal Software. The software interface appears as shown below.

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Step 6. Click the Finish button to complete the Measutal Data Management Software setup.

For additional information or assistance please contact us at Doosanengine, Inc. 69-3, Sinchon-Dong, Changwon-city, Gyungnam, Korea 641-370 T. 82 -55- 260- 6670 F. 82 -55- 260- 6400 E. HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected]

The display is divided into 9 parts: Project Management, Engine Management, Report, Comm port setting, Communication Link, Management Function, General data, Deflection Data, and Deflection Curve.

2. Measutal Software User Guide

2.1 Project Management

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Measutal Software enables the user to manage deflection data and project files. This allows the user to create a project file that has engine deflection data.
2.1.1 New Project
Input the engine type and cylinder numer

When you click on New Project button, a pop-up window will show up. Measutal Software provides total deflection management system in all marine engines. The deflection value of various engines can be put into the Measutal Software. Measutal Software classifies deflection data according to engine type such as main engine and generator engine. Input the project or plant name and the number of engines. Using the Set button, you can activate the engine information window shown below. Enter the engine type and the number of engines and cylinders. Press OK. The project is generated in the path C:\Measutal. After entering the fist engine information, click next to input the next engine information.

Click OK to create a project folder.

The location of the project you create is in the Measutal folder. The engines entered are also located in this directory.

Input the engine type and numer of main engine and sub engine Click set to activate engine information.

2. Measutal Software User Guide

2.1.2 Opening an Existing Project 2.2.1 New Measurement

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When you click on the Open Project button a pop-up window appears as shown below. The left side shows the project list and how many engines are in the project. The opposite side shows the engine type and the cylinder number. Click OK to open the selected project.

To download the crankshaft deflection data from the Measutal Device, click on New Measurement button and activate the lower Comm port setting, Communication Link, and Management Function menu.
2.2.2 Downloading Data

Click on the Load Data to download data into the Measutal software. The Measutal software will tabulate the data and calculate the deflection value.

Choose the main engine or sub engine. The selected engine type and cylinder number

2.1.3 Delete Project

From the menu, projects can be deleted together with all the engines data in it.
2.1.4 Current Project & Engine

This shows the current project and engine type.

2.2 Engine Management

You can choose whether Measutal Software get the deflection data from Measutal device or not and save or load it.

2. Measutal Software User Guide

2.2.3 Save Data 2.2.5 Current Data, Current Engine & Num

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Save data button stores the deflection data that is acquired from Measutal device. The save path is c:\Measutal and the file name consists of project name, engine name and date when the data was saved. A pop up window will appear to confirm whether the data has been saved or not, such as the one shown below.

This menu shows the current project and engine type.

2.3 Report

The Report button generates an excel sheet which include results from the table. Ms-office Excel should be installed in the computer to enable this function. Save the resulting Excel sheet as it is not automatically saved in the project folder. Below is an example of a report generated in Excel format.

2.2.4 Delete Data

Use this function when you want to delete the deflection data of an engine.

2. Measutal Software User Guide

2.4 Comm Port Setting 2.7 General Data 2.7.1 Date

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The Measutal device communicates with the Measutal Software through a Bluetooth communication module. It is therefore important that the Measutal Software is set with parameters such as Serial port, Baud-rate, Data-bit, Stop-bit, and Parity.
2.5 Communication Link

Save date can be set using the calendar. Engine deflection data is saved at the date set in the calendar.

The Bluetooth port can be opened after setting the Comm port up. When the Bluetooth port is not yet open, the display panel in the Measutal device shows a flicking NO DEVICE sign. The Measutal device and Measutal Software can be connected after the Bluetooth port is opened. The connection can be made using the connecting button. Before connecting the device and software, a Wait sign shows up in the Measutal device panel. The Close port button shuts down the port and disconnects the communication.
2.6 Management function

2.7.2 Engine information

Engine information shows the engine type and the cylinder number in the Project..

Data can be transferred from the Measutal Device to the Software when both are connected to each other. The Get Data button is used to execute this process. The Erase button is used to delete data from the device memory while the Turn Off Display Unit is used to turn the Measutal Device off.

2.7.3 Temperature

Enter the Crank Chamber temperature into the Engine condition, engine room temperature to Ambient, Lubrication oil temperature to Lubricating Oil, and the Cooling Water temperature to HT Cooling Water.

2. Measutal Software User Guide

2.7.4 Time 2.8 Deflection data

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Continuous running hours before measuring refers to how long the engine has been stopped before running while total running hours is the total operating time since it was manufactured.
2.7.5 Draft

The vertical and horizontal deflection are graphically shown together with the maximum allowable crankshaft deflection. The current graph can be compared with another graph in the project folder.

Input the draft of the ship in the foreside and afterside.

2.7.6 Crank position table

The table below shows a measurement result from a crankshaft. The information include BP, P, T, E, and BE. The calculated Vertical and Horizontal deflection value are also shown in the table. The unit used is 1/100mm.

2.8.1 Add deflection data

In order to compare recent deflection data with previous data, Click the Add Deflection Data button. And select date.

2. Measutal Software User Guide

2.9 Deflection curve

Crank throw gap dimension

(Unit : mm)

Medium Speed Diesel Engine

Model Gap 21/31 114 23/30 108 27/38 132 28/32 114 32/40 280 48/60 276

This curve graphically shows the extent of crankshaft deflection relative to the vertical and horizontal. The current graph can be compared with another graph by using the Add Deflection data button.

Low Speed Diesel Engine

Model Gap Model Gap Model Gap S50MC-C 162 K80MC-C 261 RTF60C 186 S50MC 183 S80MC 293 RTA84 260 S60MC-C 194 S80MC-C 300 RTA96C 404 S60MC 220 L80MC 299 S70MC-C 226 K90MC-C 309 S70MC 256 K90MC 336 L70MC 256 S90MC 337 K98MC-C 326


2.9.1 Add deflection curve

In order to compare recent deflection curve with previous data, Click the Add Deflection Data button. And select date.

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