Decision Making Swallow-Hard Decisions

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DECISION MAKING Decision making is choosing options that are directed toward the resolution of organizational problems and

d the achievement of organizational goals. The nurse manager is a decision maker and therefore plays a vital role in achieving the goals and objectives of the organization.

SWALLOW- HARD DECISIONS Are those that are often personally uncomfortable to make because they may result in discomfort or uneasiness for subordinates or others These can be generally classified as decisions impacting interpersonal relationship that is, decisions affecting relationships among people in an organization. It is the kind of decision that is necessarythe kind that managers are paid to make.

ATTRIBUTES OF A DECISION MAKER The freedom to make decision in questin The capacity and ability to make a wise decision (Doing so requires sound judgment, deliberation, objectivity, and experience) The will, motivation and commitment to choose. (This attribute requires volition, a conscious activity of the will to make a decision.)

TEN-SECOND DECISIONS Are those we make during daily operation, They are the decisions that bring operation together, keep it ready, alive, and running well. The overriding factor in a ten-second decision is the pressure to make it quickly.

Types of Decisions Steps in ten-second decisions Considered Decisions are usually those of great magnitude that is, they tend to be completed and call for considerable reflection. They requires interaction with others, because the perceptions and ideas of other people often provide multiple alternatives that help in approaching the problem situation Determine first whether the situation really requires one. Determine the major objective of that decision. Before leaping in and solving the problem determine first what you are trying to accomplish. Determine what alternatives are available. Once you have considered alternatives, the last question concerns implications. That is, what could go wrong in the future if you pursue A given course of action?

A CONSIDERED DECISION REQUIRES TIME Time to find alternatives To seek other opinions

To get dissent

DECISION MAKING PROCESS To determine implementation problems. Incorporating these elements in a decisionmaking situation leads to appropriate decisions that can be implemented with minimum probability of success Analyze and Identify the situation . Clarify first the situation youre trying to resolve. Before making a decision, take into consideration the circumstances. Find out whats wrong and why its wrong before you proceed. 2. Develop alternatives. In every decision-making circumstance, there are at least two possible actions, e.g. either taking action or not. In most cases ,there are more. 3. Compare alternatives. There are few cases where you are lucky enough to have one alternative that

OPERATIONAL DECISIONS Are those we make practically everyday. Some of these decisions, in fact, may be made at approximately the same time each day, and they may prevent problems as well as solve them.

represents the likelihood of 100 % satisfaction. Usually each alternative has the advantages and disadvantages. When decision. If js crucial, take time to write out the advasntages and of each alternatives. 4. Rate the risk. One of the differences between decision making and problem solving is that a proper solution to a problem is sure fire. If it is indeed the right solution, youve practically sure of getting the results desired STEPS Select the best alternative. If the previous steps have been done carefully, it is possible that the most likely alternative becomes self-evident. No alternative is desirable. The risk involved in all alternatives, for example, may properly persuade you not take any action, because no move you think of at time promises to be successful. Merge two or more alternatives The resources factor may swing your decision. Alternative A may have more advantages than alternative B Get into gear. After you have made a decision, make it operative.


TIPS FOR PROBLEM SOLVIING SOLVING AND DECISION MAKING Seek additional information from other sources even if it doesnt support the preferred action. Learn how other people approach problem situations. Talk to colleagues and superiors who you believe are effective problem solvers and decision makers. Observe these positive role models in action. Read journal articles and relevant sections of textbooks to increase your knowledge base. Risk using new approaches through problem resolution through experimentation.


PRIMARY STEPS OF DECISION MAKING Define the Problem, issue, or situation ( problem identification is influenced by information available, by the values, attitudes and experiences of the decision makers and by time.) Assessment is done continuously throughout dynamic process. Information gathered should be valid. Accurate relevant to the issue and timely.

1. Decision makers physical and emotional state 2. Personal characteristics 3. Cultural, social, and philosophical background, 4. Interest, knowledge, and attitudes External factors Environmental conditions and values Values are determined by ones cultural, social, and philosophical background. Certain personality factors such as self esteem and self confidence affect whether one is willing to take risks in solving problems or making decisions.

ANALYZE DATA Data are analyzed to further refine the problem statement and identify possible solutions or options. It is important to differentiate a problem from a symptoms of a problem.


By distinguishing the problem from the symptoms of the problem, a more appropriate solution can be identified and implemented.

coordination of services, communication, staff development, and making decision. Directing is the process that many people would most relate to managing. It is supervising, or leading workers to accomplish the goals of organizations. To effectively carry out this function, managers must have leadership skills in order to get workers to perform effectively. Some managers direct by empowering workers. This means that the manager doesnt stand like a taskmaster over the workers barking out orders and correcting mistakes . Empowered workers usually works in teams and are given the authority to make decisions about what plans will be carried out and how, Empowered workers have the support of managers who will assist them to make sure the goals of the organization are being met.

Develop solutions DIRECTING THE NURSING SERVICE Directing Directing is the issuance of orders, assignments and instructions that enable the nursing personnel to understand what are expected of them. Directing includes supervision and guidance so that in doing their job well, nurses can maximally contribute to the organizations foals in general and to the nursing service objectives in particular. Directing actuates efforts to accomplish goals, It is the connecting link between organizing for work and getting the job done. Directions must be complete, understandable and given in logical order. Too many directions given at one time often result in confusion and poor performance Written directions prevent misunderstandings. Workers can always refer back to these when needed. Allowing staff members to ask questions, clarify the aspects of the directions that are not completely understood. Legal suits or accidents often arise when workers performs procedures incompetently or when they commits mistakes resulting to injuries to patients. Clear directions, follow-up and supervision help maintain quality of work. The manner in which verbal orders are given also determines to a large extent their acceptability and the extend to which the workers will be challenged to exert effort to do the jobs. Directing includes delegation of work to be performed, utilization of policies and procedures, supervision of personnel,

EMPOWERMENT It is generally though the workers who are involved with decision-making process feel more of ownership in their work, take more pride in their work, and are better performers on the job. The managers should find a way to get workers to perform their jobs management theories and motivation are important to directing.

SUPERVISION Supervision involves overseeing the activities of others. It consists of inspecting the work of another, and either approving or correcting the adequacy of performance. Supervision ensures that the major goal of nursing, which is quality client care, is achieved, Supervision encourages the development of the potentials of the workers for effective and efficient performance. To supervise means to inspect, to guide, evaluate and improve work performance of employees through a criteria which the

quality and quantity of work production and utilization of time and resources Nurse manager provide guidance and direction to achieve goals and objectives of the institution, that of the nursing service and the nursing units. .

Looking into the general condition of the units Getting feedback from co-workers or other supervisors or relatives Asking question discretely to find out suggestions from the workers for improvement of their work or work situation The atmosphere created by the supervisor as she makes her rounds or talks to the staff will determine to a large extend the acceptability of the comments, criticisms and /or corrections she makes. Given in a soft, courteous manner, these will be taken willingly and accepted as a challenge to improve performance. Given harshly, especially in public, it builds up resentment, ill-will and poor quality of works.

PURPOSES OF SUPERVISION Supervision is concerned with people, the work area, working conditions and the work itself. Supervision is carried out to Inspect ,evaluate and improve worker performance Provide suitable working conditions for the staff

orient, train and guide the individual staff members Principles of Supervision Good supervision ; 1, Is focused on improvement of the work rather than on upgrading the workers. 2. Is based on the needs of individuals that have been cooperatively determined. 3. It employs techniques which provide for self-study by staff members, as a starting point in their growth and development. 4, Is cooperatively planned. Objectives, methods of supervision and criteria for judging success in the attainment of goals are jointly established. 5. Employs democratic methods.

What is conflict? It is the perceived incompatibility of goals, actions and /or interests within a person or between two or more persons. This is a conscious effort to control the individuals behavior of poor communication. It results from miscommunication or lack of information. It can occur at anytime and in any place, originating between two individuals or groups when there is a disagreement or difference in their values, attitudes , needs in expectations. Conflict is neither good or bad, it just is. Whenever youre in conflict with someone, there is one factor that make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it That factor is attitude. William James Discussion is an exchange of knowledge, argument an exchange of emotion. Robert Quillen

Supervisory Techniques Supervisory techniques include; Observation of the workers while making her rounds, Spot checking of charts through nursing audits Asking patients about the care they receive

The quality of our lives depends not on whether or not we have conflicts but on how we respond to them -Tom Crum

Types of Conflict COGNITIVE Due to disagreement on issues and to differences in ideas, principles and perspectives. AFFECTIVE rooted in personal friction, personality clashes, and ill feelings between individuals.

IMPORTANCE OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION It helps to deliver quality and productivity required of the organizational structure. It I an opportunity for growth and change in the work environment. It has great potential for a positive outcome. It helps an individual achieve his/her personal goals and succeed in her/his endeavors It helps an organization attain overall success. It is a strong predictor of the level of morale, job satisfaction, and the occurrence of burnout in the nursing profession.

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