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Examples of Hunt Clues


- Regular hunters this is not challenging for you, please join Diamond Hunt.
(01) Observation Clue I'm V-Good! Where? Ans: I'm V-Good@Brothers Signboard Remarks: Easy because you just have to find the exact words in the sectors. Look out for small sign when the question is so direct. (02) Knowledge General Knowledge Harbour target in "Tora, Tora, Tora". Ans: Kafe Pearl Remarks: Easy because this is common general knowledge, and Pearl Harbour is historically significant. (03) Knowledge Entertainment A Brokeback Mountain lad. Ans: Cowboy Remarks: Easy because this is a recent movie and was quite controversial. (04) Knowledge Sport 24th May 2009 will signify this BPL event. Ans: Butik End of Season Remarks: Easy because the sign is very suggestive of the clue, and a simple Google search of 24th May 2009 will confirm the answer. (05) Knowledge Book Part of Robert Kiyosaki's famous creation seen here. Ans: Pappa Rich Remarks: Easy because Robert Kiyosaki's famous book is Rich Dad, Poor Dad. (06) Knowledge Science & Mathematics Ag Mg Fe Au H Ans: Velements Remarks: Easy because all are symbols of elements in the Periodic Table. Answer is 5 elements = V elements. (07) Language Vocabulary When one is past their prime they say he is over _____ ______. Ans: The Hill Remarks: Not so easy unless you are familiar with the idiom. (08) Language Palindrome The extremes of Madam, Im Adam for example provide a lesson. Ans: PE Remarks: Easy because "Madam, I'm Adam" is a famous palindrome, and the extremes of it is PE,short for Physical Education- a lesson in schools. (09) Homomyn Sounds Like Sounds like this is non-profiting business. Ans: Kedai Ubat Tuck Onn Tong Remarks: Easy because the answer sounds like TAK UNTUNG - non profiting business..

(10) Anagram

Had ran astray to be treated. Ans: Klinik Dharan Remarks: Easy because after the anagram indicator "astray" the letters of "had ran"need to be rearranged. Also,"treated" confirms "klinik" - a place to get treatment.

(11) Acrostic - Initial / Last Letter

The first Malaysian ever to ride on trains. Ans: Metro Remarks: Easy because after initial indicator "first", Metro is directly displayed.

(12) Acrostic - Odd / Even Letter(s)

Evenly spread in this food outlet. Ans: P.E.D Restoran Remarks: Easy because "even" indicator applied on "spread", spells out PED.

(13) Reversal

Arab at a back view seen here. Ans: Atabara Remarks: Easy because beside reverse indicator "back" applied on "Arab at a" directly yields the answer.

(14) Container

Found inside some open Guinness products. Ans: Penguin Remarks: Not so easy as you need to identify oPEN GUINness as a contained clue as indicated by "some" portion of open Guinness products. Sara is hiding in this fortress. Ans: Pasar Awam Kota Remarks: Easy because given word Sara is hiding inside Pasar Awam.

(15) Holder

(16) Replacement

Go out and bring in the lake and you get the "I'm lovin it" guy. Ans: Timbergo Remarks: Easy because go is replaced by lake and we get Timberlake who is associated with "I'm lovin it" 1000 1 10 Ans: MIX Remarks: Easy because it is just a direct numeral conversion.

(17) Numeral Conversion

(18) Acronym

Orang Kurang Upaya, pendek kata. Ans: OKU Remarks: Easy because it is direct acronym.

(19) Expansion

Ag Rd Ans: Perak Road Remarks: Easy because you need to expand Ag = Perak and Rd = Road.

(20) Charade

Jangan Encik cuba. Ans: No entry Remarks: Not so easy even though you just have to translate each word as follows- Jangan = No, Encik = En, cuba = try.

(21) Phantom

EMALEF? Ans: xes Remarks: Not so easy since reverse "female" can be quite a few things, including names.In this case it refers to gender and in some forms you will tick either Male or Female under the category of "sex". Masin atau Manis? Ans: Sinma Remarks: Not so easy as the clue give two version of masin or manis, and need another version from it, indicator not clear, but the pattern is clear.

(22) Double Definition

(23) Creative Translation

Odin and young boxers? Ans: Hush Puppies Remarks: Not so easy because you need some creativity to translate, O din = No din = hush. young boxers = puppies. Cryptic crossword puzzle vocabulary. I'm inside ma. Ans: Mima Remarks: Easy because it is direct insertion of im to ma.

(24) Insertion

(25) Deletion

Loveless marsupial? Ans: Kangaro Remarks: Easy because Kangaro = KANGAROO (Marsupial) - O (Loveless). Quite direct.

(26) Invincible Comma

Legends? Ans: LG Remarks: Not so easy because the invincible comma is in between legends, "LEG,ENDS". Ends of Leg is L, G.

(27) Ampersand (&)

Sweet sound when spelled out. Ans: K & Y Remarks: Not so easy as you have to expand "&" into "and". Spelt out, it becomes K AND Y which sounds like CANDY , a sweet.

(28) Similarity

Solomon Guggenheim and Ryan Giggs have this common uniqueness in them. What and where? Ans: 3G Remarks: Not so easy as you have to discover what is unique in both the names.

(29) Double Jeopardy Toba. - Indicator in Answer Ans: Rock Boat Remarks: Not so easy as you have to determine this is DJ clue, answer is question and question is answer. DJ normally can be determined when the clue is short one like Toba. (30) Long Anagram Madras IC done wrongly. Ans: Diamond Cares Sales & Services Remarks: Not so easy asyou have to rearrange quite a number of letters. (31) Cryptogram (32) Rebus Give you a picture, you solve it. Give you pictogram puzzle, you solve it. Visit (33) Exclusive Not Applicable. (34) Double Jeopardy Not Applicable. - Two Level (35) Caesar's Not Applicable. Cipher (36) Conversation Not Applicable. (37) Two Signboards (38) Within Limits (39) Daisy Chain (40) Pairs Not Applicable. Not Applicable. Not Applicable. Not Applicable.

THS DIAMOND HUNT SAMPLE CLUES - Non-regulars that think THS Gold Hunt isn't challenging, please join Diamond Hunt.
(01) Observation Clue Then you may find what you are looking for and say _____. Ans: Got it Remarks: Average because you do not have the exact words to find and need to fill in the blank. (02) Knowledge General Knowledge Laura atau Jacqueline atau Nancy contohnya. Ans: First Lady Remarks: Average because not all will know who they are, so a little bit of Googling is needed to discover that they are wives of US Presidents. (03) Knowledge Entertainment Remember Paul's band .... Ans: On The Run Remarks: Average because it is not so obvious what the question wants, and you need some Googling to find out the oldie song, Band on The Run is Paul's song.

(04) Knowledge Sport

India's F1 dream made possible by this airline partnership. What & where? Ans: King Fisher Remarks: Average because this is the sports sponsor clue. Googling is possible.

(05) Knowledge Book

One in Scarlet introduced Hudson's tenant to the world. Ans: STUDY Remarks: Tough because there isn't a clue what to google for unless you know the character in this book Mrs Hudson of Baker Street where tenant is Great English detective, Sherlock Holmes. Even then, you need to know the sequence of the books, and of course A STUDY IN SCARLET is the first book.

(06) Knowledge Science & Mathematics

Ideally , VP doesnt change when son takes over joint. Ans: COLESLAW Remarks: Very tough because you need to identify VP as related to a science formula, in this case, Boyle's Law. From Boyle's law, and replace boy with co (joint).

(07) Language Vocabulary

Permulaan segala-galanya ... Ans: Genesis Remarks: Average because this is not so common vocabulary, might need a dictionary.

(08) Language Palindrome

Incessant talk from its centre to both sides! Ans: KAYAK Remarks: Tough because you need to figure out that the answer is a palindrome. Once you get this angle, its a matter of identifying that "yak" is incessant talking.

(09) Homomyn Sounds Like

Sounds like Dark Knight's sidekick is naked. Ans: Baskin Robbins Remarks: Average because need to convert Dark Knight's sidekick = Batman's friend = Robins, and naked = bare skin, so sounds like the answer.

(10) Anagram

Could be a victim. Ans: Wisma Sangam Remarks: Average because need to translate victim = mangsa, then anagram it with "could be" as an indicator.

(11) Acrostic - Initial / Last Letter

Firstly always suspicious of local illegal immigrant initially. Ans: Aspati Remarks: Average because after initial indicator firstly, AS is clear but need to translate local illegal immigrant to Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin, which initially means PATI.

(12) Acrostic - Odd / Even Letter(s)

Selit emas berselang maka terselah gelaran di tempat makan ini. Ans: DTK Restoran Remarks: Tough because you need to convert emas = au, and insert it evenly, to the answer to get gelaran Datuk. Looking back a sweet brand appears. Ans: Robert Tailor Remarks: Average beacuse you need to translate sweet brand = Trebor, before looking back to get Robert.

(13) Reversal

(14) Container

From a starlet today and then blind, such may fall if the answer you don't find. Ans: Letto Curtain Remarks: Tough because you need to identify to star LET TO day, and also "blind" equal to curtain. More hints are given too to strengthen the answer in the second part of the clue.

(15) Holder

It would appear that a gem does a twist in the centre. Ans: New Mega Optics Remarks: Tough because after getting New Meg a, Meg still need a twist to become GEM.

(16) Replacement

36 inches replacing and thus making a track event. Ans: R & Y Remarks: Tough because need to translate 36 inches = ela, and = &, before you get R ELA Y, the track event. 99 inside to get rich. Ans: RH Remarks: Average as you have to convert 99 to IC. 99 is not exactly IC, but is commonly used in hunt.

(17) Numeral Conversion

(18) Acronym

Lead Street, in brief. Ans: PBST Sdn. Bhd. Remarks: Average because the acronym of Lead = PB and the acronym of street = ST.

(19) Expansion

Bi Ans: Bone Remarks: Average because partial of the clue needs to perform expansion I to ONE.

(20) Charade

Small timepiece? Ans: Octopus Remarks: Tough because small time is not so obvious, Small time = Oct, piece = opus.

(21) Phantom

5010? Ans: LP Art Enterprise Remarks: Tough because NET = TRAP, thus TEN = PART. Thus, 50 10 = L Part = LP Art.

(22) Double Definition

Often Phantom clue, indicated by ? This could be a magician game perhaps? Ans: Mega Hardware Trading Remarks: Tough because it is not so clear that magician = Mage and "game" anagrams to Mega.

(23) Creative Translation

2140 Ans: MINX Remarks: Tough because 2140 = 21 40, two 1 four zeroes, 11 0000, 1000 = M, 10 = X, M IN X = 2140. Alot of creativity and assumption.

(24) Insertion

By the way, what's a day in a day? Peacefully you may find the way. Ans: Jalan Harmoni Remarks: Average because HARMONI = HARI + MON, need to translate. By the way, hint that it is Jalan.

(25) Deletion

I am in at the end for an Indian delicacy Ans: Poliklinik Muru Remarks: Average because MURU = MURUKU (Indian delicacy) - KU (I am). Need to translate a bit.

(26) Invincible Comma

Stuff of legends in an indigenous people. Ans: Coffee Trees Remarks: Tough because the invincible comma is in between legends, "LEG,ENDS". Indigeneous people = Cofrees. Leg ends = Feet.

(27) Ampersand (&)

An outlet owned by an Idol judge? Ans: R & Y Remarks: Average because you need to know American Idol judge equal Randy before convert "&" to "and".

(28) Similarity

What a dog and cow have in common? Ans: CENTRE CIRCLE Remarks: Average because dog and cow have a few thing in common, both animals, both are 3 letters, both have the letter O, and the letter O is in the centre.

(29) Double Jeopardy Bays? - Indicator in Answer Ans: Vocal Station Remarks: Tough because vocal is a "sounds like" indicator, not a common DJ indicator. "Bays" sounds like base which is a station. This could be an area against bold hen. Ans: Tenaga Nasional Berhad Remarks: Tough because of anagram of 20 letters. (31) Cryptogram Give you a picture, you solve it.

(30) Long Anagram

(32) Rebus

Give you pictogram puzzle, you solve it. Visit

(33) Exclusive

Friend took flight in the Middle East. Ans: IRAN

Remarks: Tough because Friend = Fri end = I (end = exclusive indicator). Took flight = Ran. (34) Double Jeopardy Michelle and Bo teams with Hilary as a start to form this business. - Two Level Ans: HLD Remarks: Tough because you need to identify Michelle = Michelle Obama = First Lady and Bo = Obama's dog = First Dog. The indicator First is not in the question nor the answer, but in a term First Lady or First Dog which you need to come up with. First Lady = L, First Dog = D and Hilary as a start = H. Literally, SNORE no more and this will become after thirteen steps of shifting around. Ans: FABER Remarks: Tough because according to Caesar's Cipher principle all characters in the given SNORE, must shift the same amount of characters, in this case 13 steps shifts. S N O R E -> F A B E R (after 13 steps of characters shifting. Literally, suggest it could be Caesar's Cipher. "For all to see?" "For most." Ans: UFO Remarks: Tough because from the conversation, you need to figure out the cryptic part of it. In this case, for all to see = U (classification of movie suitable for universal view) and for most = FO (most of FOR is FO). The outlook is clear though well apart. Only when the latter starts. Ans: IEW Sdn Bhd & Kafe After 5 Remarks: Tough because solvers might not see through the setters actually want 2 signboards that are about 20 shops in between them. IEW + After V = VIEW = OUTLOOK. Often, there is a hint in such clues to pick two or more signboards instead of one. In this case, the clue mention 'though well apart'. They're off the charts ...but just within limits. Ans: CARS Remarks: Tough because C h A R t S (h and t are those just within limits.) Limits of CHARTS are L,S. Within limits of CHARTS are H,T. A Daisy-chainned, it keeps you cool. Ans: CONAIR Remarks: Tough because daisy-chainned is indicator for stacking up the words repeatedly. It keeps you cool is an AIRCON. When we write AIRCON repeatedly we have AIRCONAIRCONAIRCON And inside we can recognise the answer CONAIR. Old local components remain after six pairs are erased from it. Ans: BB COMMUNICATION Remarks: Tough because you need to identify pairs in the answer signboard. In this case BB CC OO MM NN II are pairs. Once you erased the six pairs, the remainings are TUA = old local. T,U,A = old local components.

(35) Caesar's Cipher

(36) Conversation

(37) Two Signboards

(38) Within Limits

(39) Daisy Chain

(40) Pairs

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