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Enrico C.

Aguila July 6, 2009

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Define common terminology related to the practice of OT.

Occupation Occupational therapy Occupational Science

Describe the International Classification of Health, Disability and Functioning Describe the OT Practice Framework
Describe the domain of OT Describe the OT process
This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Occupation is intentional human performance organized in number and kind to meet the demands of self maintenance and identity in the family and community (Crabtree, 1998).

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Occupation is composed of daily tasks and purposeful activities in which we engage, coupled with the meaning or personal, subjective value these tasks and activities provide.

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Occupational Therapy (WFOT, 2005)

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Occupational Science is the study of human activity, of everyday living. An academic discipline, it focuses on the benefits of productive, social and physical activity (called occupation in the discipline) in peoples everyday lives.
This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Occupational Science was founded at USC in 1989, largely through the efforts of Dr. Elizabeth J. Yerxa Its purpose was to provide the Occupational Therapy profession with its own scientific base for practice Academic discipline that generates knowledge about the impact of daily activities on the health of individuals, communities, nations and the world.

What gives human activities meaning? How is meaning experienced? What are the health promoting benefits of occupation? What happens to people when their occupations must change? What are the cultural influences on the nature and meaning of occupation? How do gender, class, or other social factors influence occupational pursuits?
This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

What are the biological bases for our daily orchestration of occupations? How do neurobiological structures and processes effect human engagement in the world? How do different types of engagement in the world alter neurobiological structures and processes?

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

WHOs framework for health and disability Conceptual basis for the definition, measurement and policy formulations for health and disability Universal classification of disability and health for use in health and health related sectors Most important purpose: planning and policy tool for decision makers
This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Medical Model

Social Model

Synthesizes things that are true in the medical and social models, without making the mistakes each makes in reducing the complex notion of disability to one of its aspects

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Health Condition (disorder/disease)

Body function&structure (Impairment) (Impairment) Activities (Limitation) Participation (Restriction)

Environmental Factors

Personal Factors

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Health conditions

Contextual factors
This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Mental functions Sensory functions and pain Voice and speech functions Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems Functions of the digestive, metabolic and endocrine systemsGenitourinary and reproductive functions Neuromusculoskeletal and movementmovement-related functions Functions of the skin and related structures

Structures of the nervous system Structures involved in voice and speech Structures of the cardiovascular, immunological and respiratory systems Structures related to the digestive, metabolic and endocrine systems Structures related to the genitourinary and reproductive systems Structures related to movement Skin and related structures

Body functions

Body structures

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

The execution of a task or action by an individual

Difficulties an individual may have in executing activities

Involvement in a life situation

Problems an individual may experience in involvement in life situations

Health Condition


Activity Limitation

Participation Restriction

Panic Disorder


Not capable of going out alone Incapable of using public transportation

Peoples reactions lead to no social relationships Lack of accommodations in public transportation leads to no participation in religious activities Denied employment because of employers prejudice

Spinal Injury


Person who formerly suffered from a psychotic disorder



This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

A professions domain of concern consists of those areas of human experience in which practitioners of the profession offer assistance to others (Mosey, 1981)

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

OT assists people to engage in daily life activities that they find meaningful and purposeful Domain stems from the professions interest in human beings ability to engage in everyday life activities

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Focus and targeted end objective of occupational therapy intervention. Subjective (emotional or psychological) aspects of performance and the objective (physically observable) aspects of performance

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Occupational Therapists:

Take into account all of the many types of occupations in which any individual, group, or population might engage Use their expertise to address performance issues in any or all areas that are affecting the persons ability to engage in occupations and in activities

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Activities of Daily Living (ADL Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) Education Work Play Leisure Social Participation

oriented toward taking care of ones own body

oriented toward interacting with the environment and that are often complex generally optional in nature needed for being a student and participating in a learning environment

remunerative employment or volunteer activities

any spontaneous or organized activity that provides enjoyment, entertainment, amusement or diversion a nonobligatory activity, intrinsically motivated, engaged in during discretionary time

activities associated with individual or an individual interacting with use of students of OT100: Perspectives This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila forothers within a social group system in
Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Small units of performance Features of what one does

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Motor Skills
observed as the client moves and interacts with task objects and environments

Process skills
observed as the client manages and modifies actions while completing a task

Communication Skills
observed as the client conveys his or her intentions and needs and coordinates social behavior to act together with people
This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Motor Posture Mobility Coordination Strength and Effort Energy

Process Energy Knowledge Temporal organization Organizing space and objects Adaptation

Communication Physicality Information exchange Relations

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

automatic behavior that is integrated into more complex patterns that enable people to function on a day-to-day basis useful habits, impoverished habits, dominating habits

occupations with established sequences

a set of behaviors that have some socially agreed upon function and for which there is an accepted code of norms
This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Aspects of an activity Affects skills and success of performance

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Body Structures Anatomical parts of the body

Body Functions Physiological functions of the body system

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

understanding of the clients occupational history and experiences patterns of daily living, interests, values, and needs problems and concerns about performing occupations and daily life activities are identified clients priorities are determined.

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

assets, problems, or potential problems are more specifically identified Actual performance is often observed in context identify what supports performance and what hinders performance Targeted outcomes are identified

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

A plan that will guide actions taken and that is developed in collaboration with the client. It is based on selected theories, frames of reference, and evidence. Outcomes to be targeted are confirmed.

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Ongoing actions taken to influence and support improved client performance Interventions are directed at identified outcomes Clients response is monitored and documented

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

review of the implementation plan and process as well as its progress toward targeted outcomes

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Determination of success in reaching desired targeted outcomes Outcome assessment information is used to plan future actions with the client and to evaluate the service program (i.e., program evaluation).

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

Engagement in occupations to support participation

Collaborative Process

Occupational Profile Analysis of occupational performance

Plan Implementation Review

This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

The process outlined is dynamic and interactive in nature. Context is an overarching, underlying, embedded influence on the process of service delivery. The term client is used to name the entity that receives occupational therapy services. A client-centered approach is used throughout the Framework Engagement in occupation is viewed as the overarching outcome of the occupational therapy process.
This material was developed by Enrico C. Aguila for use of students of OT100: Perspectives in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, AY 2009-2010, of the College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines, Manila. Please obtain permission before use.

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