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Louie Pea 11/13/12 Period 1 Prejudice, a Disease Throughout societies, prejudice assumes a negative role in many forms. causing groups to label and hate each other. This indicates that prejudice factors as one of the main reasons why mankind cannot get along with each other; this relationship can be compared to that of the Indian Removal Project in the 1800s. The project started in 1830 as President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act into law. This gave whites permission to seize the land of many Indians. Explaining this further, the whites perceived the Native Americans as inferior races due to their darker skin color, convince them to take their lands by force. Within this process, 4,000 Cherokees died. To sum it up, the Indian Removal Project exemplifies prejudice, as white settlers labeled the Native Americans as lesser beings, During the fall and winter of 1838 and 1839, the Cherokees were forcibly moved west by the United States government. Approximately 4,000 Cherokees died on this forced march, which became known as the "Trail of Tears" (Indian Removal Act). To emphasize, the Indian Removal Project exemplifies how prejudice plays a negative role throughout societies. Going in depth, racism factors as one of the types of prejudice, causing people to label and hate each other. Explaining this further, Harper Lees novel, To Kill a Mockingbird exemplifies how racism causes hate as Mrs. Dubose voices the neighborhoods disapproval of Atticus defending a black man, Yes indeed, what has the world come to when a Finch goes against his raisings? Ill tell you! Your fathers no better than the niggers and trash he works

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for! (Lee 117). Mrs. Duboses aggressive comment sums up the harshness of racism and how it causes hatred among races. Furthermore, she accuses Atticus as a betrayer of his own race as she states, what has the world come to when a Finch goes against his raisings?. Her accusation proves that racism plays a negative role throughout society because it causes bias against other races. Furthermore, the apartheid in South Africa started as Americans enforced their supremacy as segregated Africans and exploited them for work, "Whites in South Africa were determined that they were going to maintain their way of life, which to them meant maintaining power, in other words, the whites would continue to deny power to the majority Africans" (South Africa and Apartheid). To emphasize, the apartheid reveals exemplifies the negative effects of racism. Explaining this further, the Americans think they have supremacy over African land because they view Africans as inferior people. The apartheid proves how racism causes societies to label and hate each other. To add on, racism proves to play a negative role throughout mankind as Elie Wiesel shares his experience of discrimination as a Jew, New edicts were already being issued. We no longer had the right to frequent restaurants or cafs, to travel by rail, to attend synagogue, to be on the streets after six oclock in the evening. Then came the ghettos (Wiesel). Pursuing this further, the fact that the S.S. issued edicts toward the Jews prove how prejudice causes people to hate another group. Furthermore, they treat the Jews as inferior as they force them into the ghettos. For this reason, prejudice causes people to label others and leads people into doing hateful actions. In a similar manner, sexual orientation factors as one of the main types of prejudice that causes people violence and hatred against homosexuals in schools and politics. Explaining this further, Larry Kings death at E.O. Green High School proves how prejudice causes violence, King's death illustrates the difficulty schools have balancing a gay student's civil rights with

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teaching tolerance to those who feel threatened by or uncomfortable about someone who's different (Zhao). To begin with, Larry King openly revealed his gay personality around his school. His classmate - whom he had a crush on - killed him because of his hatred towards gays. Therefore, Larry Kings death reveals how prejudice against sexual orientation can lead to hate and violence. In a similar manner, an article reporting three killings due to sexual orientation explains how prejudice can cause evil, An 18-year-old gay man from Texas allegedly slain by a classmate who feared a sexual advance. A 31-year-old transgender woman from Pennsylvania found dead with a pillowcase around her head. A 24-year-old lesbian from Florida purportedly killed by her girlfriend's father, who disapproved of the relationship (Romney). Explaining this further, these people died only because of their sexual orientation. Explaining this further, the reasons for their deaths prove the horror of prejudice. It causes people to project unnecessary hatred toward innocent people. Adding on, sexual orientation against prejudice proves to cause hate in society as a boy shares his experience dealing with anti-gay discrimination, When I asked my geography teacher why she didnt do anything when I was being subject to verbal aggression she said the classroom is a democracy. Ive been being bullied since I came out gay. Some students imitated oral and anal sex with a teddy-bear, calling me queer, poofter, faggot, cock-sucker, arse bandit and all other possible insults (C.T.). Going in depth, the fact that he gets bullied just because of his sexual preference proves how prejudice creates boundaries between groups. Also, the immature actions of the students reveal how prejudice can cause hate and intolerance among particular people. Furthermore, the teacher not doing anything shows that prejudice dehumanizes people, causing people to reveal their dark intentions. Subsequently, social status factors as one of the main types of prejudice that causes people to judge each other. To emphasize, the movie Pride and Prejudice exemplifies how prejudice can cause people to

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negatively judge each other, as Darcy criticizes Elizabeth at his first glance, She is tolerable, I suppose, but not handsome enough to tempt me (Wright). To sum it up, throughout the movie, Darcy and Elizabeth keep judging each other throughout the movie because of their social statuses. For this reason, they are blinded from seeing each others true values. Near the end, they finally admit to their prejudice judgments and see the true values in each other, leading them to marry each other. Therefore, prejudice assumes a negative role in society because it blinds people, causing them to judge and dislike others without acknowledging their personalities. Furthermore, the song of Black Eyed Peas, Where is the Love emphasizes social prejudice as its lyrics emphasize discrimination, "But if you only have love for your own race/Then you only leave space to discriminate/And to discriminate only generates hate/And when you hate then you're bound to get irate, yeah"(Adams). To point out, the lyrics emphasize prejudice as a reason why many people do not get along. They highlight an important fact, if you only have love for your own race/Then you only leave space to discriminate. To sum it up, many people discriminate because they label others and think of themselves as higher beings. In a similar, manner prejudice against social status also creates a boundary between workers in many businesses, Social class is a prejudice barrier between white-collar and blue-collar employees. With leaders prejudice as a role model, other, lesser-defined social prejudice barriers develop in the organization. Departments will limit communication with other departments; craftsmen will consider production workers of low intelligence to name two (Social Prejudice). Going in further detail, social class prejudice proves to assume a negative role throughout society as blue and white collar employees refuse to communicate or help each other. Also, as the article states that departments limit communication with other ones due to social status, it proves how

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prejudice creates a boundary of dislike between people. Because of social prejudice between white and blue collar workers today, businesses may not help each other. In a similar manner, sexism also factors as one of the types of prejudices that plays a negative role throughout society, creating a boundary between men and women. For example, an anonymous woman explains her experience of undergoing female discrimination from professor in her class, His lessons often included women being treated as slaves and lesser than men. He favored males over females. His discrimination showed when we got our grades. My boyfriend had 3 A's from him. I got all D's and one C. Dr.Standen was always talking to my boyfriend and saying how I should write like him. Sometimes my boyfriend talked for me and I felt like I wasn't a person. I felt so sad to be a woman. Then I noticed how males were treated way better than women in certain places. (It Hurts to Be Treated Badly Because Youre Not a Male). With this in mind, her experience proves how prejudice causes societies to label other races as inferior. Dr. Standens actions exemplify sexist prejudice as he emphasizes women as lesser beings than men. If sexist prejudice did not exist, women and men would be helping each other instead of putting each other down. Furthermore, sexism play a negative role throughout social media as Kanye Wests song, The Good Life portrays women as sex objects, Where we like the girls who ain't on TV/Cause they got more (Ass than the models)/The good life, so keep it coming' with the bottles (West). Going in depth, the lyrics of Kanyes song exemplifies prejudice as they emphasize women as materials only for pleasure. The fact that many people devalue women as inferior, prove how prejudice plays a negative role throughout society. It

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causes a boundary of hostility between the two genders. Similarly, sexism proves to assume a negative role throughout society as statistics show the disadvantages for females in co-ed schools, New studies show that girls are cheated from kindergarten to college. Girls are given less attention in the classroom. Both male and female teachers interact more with boys. Classroom scales tilt firmly in favor of boys; this hurts girls. Girls start school with higher test scores but, by high school graduation, boys are getting better scores (an average of 57 points) on standardized testing such as the SAT. As a result of lower test scores, girls are less likely to be accepted by prestigious colleges. Boys receive more scholarships (Conroy). Pursuing this further, as statistics show how schools favor boys more than girls, it proves how prejudice causes unequal treatment for many people. Going in further detail, any kind of sexism, whether against girls or boys, makes an unfair society. Prejudice between the two genders causes hatred and rivalry. Pursuing this further, weight factors as another type of prejudice that negatively impacts society. Going in depth, an article describes the harshness of discrimination against fat people A new study shows significant levels of discrimination towards fat people at work. No surprise, perhaps, when we live in a fat-phobic world. Today fat has become not a description of size but a moral category tainted with criticism and contempt (Orbach). Going in depth, the fact that many people in todays society devalue fat people proves how prejudice causes hate and people to judge each other. Furthermore, the article mentions an important fact as it states, Today fat has become not a description of size but a moral category tainted with criticism and contempt. To

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emphasize, the statement proves how prejudice causes people to instantly label a person and hate them. In a similar manner, a woman explains the grim reality of experiencing prejudice discrimination against fat people, Growing up and in school, kids made fun of me all the time. You are called names, pointed at and laughed at for being too big to sit in a swing, or ride a pony, or just any number of things you might do as a child. It doesnt get any easier as you get older(Farnsworth). Explaining this further, the woman dealing with bullying just because of her weight proves how prejudice affects innocent people. Her experience proves how prejudice blinds people, causing them to judge a person only by their appearance. Furthermore, her experience proves that prejudice plays a negative role throughout society, causing people to label other groups. In a similar, manner an article exemplifies the harshness of discrimination against weight as Tom Ferraro, a worker, gets fired for carrying 270 pounds, We are a nation of Tom Ferraros. Two-thirds of Americans age 20 and older have enough extra pounds to face health risks, according to the National Institutes of Health. But at the same time, we're overwhelmingly biased against overweight people, convinced they are lazy, weak-willed and unintelligent (Cadrain). Going in depth, Tom Ferraros reason for getting fired exemplifies how prejudice causes someone label another person only because of their appearance. Furthermore, the article stating that many people label fat people as lazy and unintelligent, proves how prejudice negatively affects society. For this reason, prejudice creates a boundary of hate and judgment between people. In final analysis, I originally defined the word prejudice as the judgment of person influenced only by rumors and stereotypes. I found my definition to be correct, fitting others in the dictionary. Moreover, my thoughts have changed ever since I researched more about the word. I used to think of it as just a small social flaw, but as I researched more about prejudice, I

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have learned that it has impacted society in a negative manner throughout history. To conclude, Ive learned that prejudice takes responsibility for millions of deaths and hatred in society.

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Works Cited Page

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