Review and Read ENT MCQ

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ENT MCQs- A2 -426 1. Sensory innervations of the nose : a- Trigeminal 2. Case of angiofibroma : a- More in Female b- Old c- Epistaxis 3.

Acute rhinitis of frontal sinus , all exept : a- Orbital celullitis b- Loss of vision c- Meningitis d- Polyps 4. Evaluation of laryngomalacia by : a- MRI b- X-Ray c- Rigid laryngoscopy d- Flexible laryngoscopy 5. All the following regarding laryngomalacia true , exept : a- Need tracheostomy 6. Witch of the following need chest investigation : a- Rt recurrent laryngeal nerve b- Lt recrerrent laryngeal nerve c- Singer nodule d- Laryngomalcia 7- 3y\o child with laryngeal + lower tracheal : 1- CROUP 8- adenoid face , all the following except : a-Pinched nose b- Open mouth c- Low arch d- Crowded incisors

e- Rhiolaryaclusa 9abcdeinhald foreign body , ; Cotton Vegetable Plastic Metallic Paper sheet

10- quinsy : a- Open neck drainage 11- Vincent angina name : a- kissing b- Glandular 12- quinsy : a- .. 13- rosenmuller fossa : a- Site for nasopharyngeal ca 14- best mx of ch. Tonsillitis : a- Tonsillectomy 15- 2rty bleeding : a- 24 hrs b- 5 days 16- facial nerve , supplying al the following except : a- Stapedius b- Orbital ocullarius c- 17- fistula sign : a- Semicircular canal 18- prespycosis is :

a- SNHL 18- minner's disease . is tried of vertigo + deafens + : a- Tinnitus 19- all the following conductive deafens except: a- Minner's disease 20- unilateral foul smell ,pus discharge from the nose , 5 y\o : a- Foreign body. 21- cholesteatoma : a- Marginal perforation b- Attic perforation c- Central perforation d- A+B 22- all the following are cranial complication except : a- lateral sinus thrombophilibitis 23- all the following are true regarding acute mastioditis except: A -Neck rigidity 24-F.B x-ray: a- emphysema b- Normal c- Collapse d- All of the above 25- Nasal trauma : a- Complete obstruction hematoma b- Must wire the nose 26- bell's palsy : a- By exclusion

27- acuestic neuroma : a- MRI 28- all the following are , unpaired cartilage except : a- Aryteroid 29- complication of trachstomy except: a- Tracheoesophegeal fistula b- Emphysema c- Intubation graneluma d- .. 30- cleft palate cause : a- hyper nasality b-hypo nasality 31- nasal polyps : a- Multiple and bilateral 32- singer nodule : a- Voice abuse 33- sinus ttt : a- Appropriate ab ttt with anti histamine 34- symptoms of sialadnitis , except: a- pain b- Fever c- Induration d- Facial paralysis 35- good prognostic ca : a- Focal cord 36- rinnen test in normal pt. is :

a- +ve Done by : Khalid Jubran Al-Qahtani & Khalid Saad Al-Shahrani & Khalid Ali Naji Al-Qahtani

1- Syringtomy water Temp A -30 b- 37 c- 44 d-54 2-All are true about thyroglossal cysts EXCEPT : it can be bilateraly 3- All are true about Bell's plasy EXCEPT : have slow course 4- Unilater discharge most commonly Forign body 5-Normal tympanogram Type A 6- which is true about trachistomy airway anurysm formation NOT SURE 7123all of the following are post trachistomy support except O2 voice rest clean secertions

8- otoscelroisis most commonly in A- Tympanic membrane B- Millus C- Incus D- oval window E -round window

9-Endolymph hydrops Minner's diasease 10 -Minne's diasease charatcerized by Vertigo , fluctuating SNHL , tinnitus 11- BPPV Affected by head position 12- Rennie's test negative in CHL 13-Keratinger's syndrome all true EXCEPT Gastritis 14 FESS all true EXCEPT : Fix nasal deformity 15- contraindiecation in cleft palate Tonsillectomy 16- all of the following are associated with rhlilia clausa EXCEPT Cleft palate 17- Diabetec elderly can get Necrotizing OE 18- treatmen of Tubotympanic OM Tympanoplasty 19- Laryngial CA A- occure more in woman B- glottic have best prognosis C- adenocarcinoma D- AWO is the presintation 20- injury to pars falccida Head injury 21 - all of the following can cause Laryngiyal CA EXCEPT

A - Radiation B- Viral cause C- Singer's nodule 22- child with AOM and facial paralysis , first line of treatmen A- Maryingtomy B- Decompression of facial nerve C- Steroids 23- best investigation for vocal cord movement : Strobescopy 24 - All of the following in Infecous mononucliasis EXCEPT A- EBV is the cause B- +VE Pual test C- luckpnia 25- which of the following come from supierior tubrinate Postiror Ethmodial 26- All of the following are features of Nasopharyngial CA EXCEPT : nasal crusting 27- Quinsy all are true EXCEPT OME ??? 28- firgn body commonly found in RT . main brounchus 29 - best imaging for Forign body A- ANT - POST B - ANT - POST LAT C - LAT D - CT E - MRI 30- Which of the following is true about slivary glands small glands in the buccal mucosa 31- which of the following is true about nasal polyps

come from osteomeatla complex 32- Retropharyngial abcess A- children B- adulte C- TB adenitis 33- Obstruction sleep apnea will cause CVS complication in long term 34- plemorphic adenoma most commonly in Parotid 35- baby suspecteed to have SNHL a- hearing aid b- hearing evaluation 36- Congential deafness Rubella 37- complication of large adenoid OME 38- which of the following muscles ABDUCT vocal folds postirior coricoartynoid 39- Halitosis bad breath all of these are intracranial complications of otitis media except - meningitis - brain abscess - hydrocephalus - extradural abscess - facial paralysis

Syringtomy water Temp A -30 b- 37 c- 44 d-54 2-All are true about thyroglossal cysts EXCEPT : it can be bilateraly 3- All are true about Bell's plasy EXCEPT : have slow course 4- Unilater discharge most commonly Forign body 5-Normal tympanogram Type A Type B Type C Type As 6- which is true about trachistomy airway anurysm formation NOT SURE indication can be suction of bronchotracheal tree 7- all of the following are post trachistomy support except 1- O2 2- voice rest 3- clean secertions 8- otosclerosis most commonly in A- Tympanic membrane B- Millus C- Incus D- oval window E -round window 9-Endolymph hydrops Minner's diasease 10 -Minne's diasease charatcerized by

Vertigo , fluctuating SNHL , tinnitus 11- BPPV Affected by head position 12- Rennie's test negative in CHL 13-Kartagener's Syndrome all true EXCEPT Gastritis otitis media sinusitis situs inversus bronchiectasis 14 FESS all true EXCEPT : Fix nasal deformity 15- contraindiecation in cleft palate Tonsillectomy 16- all of the following are associated with rhlilia clausa EXCEPT Cleft palate bilateral nasal obstruction M & N will be affected there is decreased nasal tone-hyponasality 17- Diabetec elderly can get Necrotizing OE cholesteatoma 18- treatment of Tubotympanic OM Tympanoplasty myringotomy 19- Laryngial CA A- occure more in woman B- glottic have best prognosis C- adenocarcinoma

D- AWO is the presintation 20- perforated pars falccida Head injury cholesteaoma 21 - all of the following can cause head & neck CA EXCEPT A - Radiation B- Viral cause C- Singer's nodule D- shamma chewing E- smoking 22- child with AOM and facial paralysis , first line of treatmen A- Maryingtomy B- Decompression of facial nerve C- Steroids 23- best investigation for vocal cord movement : Strobescopy 24 - All of the following in Infecous mononucliasis EXCEPT A- EBV is the cause B- +VE Pual test C- leuckopenia 25- which of the following come from supierior tubrinate Postiror Ethmodial 26- All of the following are features of Nasopharyngial CA EXCEPT : nasal crusting epistaxis unilateral OME 27- Quinsy all are true EXCEPT OME fever trismus

earache 28- firgn body commonly found in RT . main brounchus 29 - best imaging for Forign body A- ANT - POST B - ANT - POST LAT C - LAT D - CT E - MRI 30- Which of the following is true about slivary glands small glands in the buccal mucosa 31- which of the following is true about nasal polyps come from osteomeatla complex 32- Retropharyngial abcess A- children B- adult-male C- TB adenitis D-adult female E- elderly 33- Obstruction sleep apnea will cause CVS complication in long term 34- plemorphic adenoma most commonly in Parotid 35- baby suspecteed to have SNHL a- hearing aid b- hearing evaluation 36- Congential deafness Rubella kernicterus-hyperbilirubinema causing CNS complications and among these complications SNHL can happen rh incombatibility ..

consanguinity all of the above 37- complication of large adenoid OME 38- which of the following muscles ABDUCT vocal folds postirior coricoartynoid 39- Halitosis bad breath

: 25 04 all of these are intracranial complications of otitis media except - meningitis - brain abscess - hydrocephalus - extradural abscess - facial paralysis

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